
What is a fear that you have and how has it limited you? How do you plan on letting it go or overcoming it in the coming year?

my answer

My fear that I am not good enough has limited me a lot this year by increasing my anxiety surrounding even simple tasks, decreasing my self-esteem, caused me to procrastinate too much because of my perfectionism/fear of failure, and even caused me to engage in self-sabotaging behaviors. I plan on letting it go/overcoming this fear in the coming year by being more aware of when this thought is limiting me, giving myself more grace, celebrating the small victories, focusing on my accomplishments rather than the times I fell short, and recognizing that I am only human and I can love myself for just trying my best (even though my best looks different day to day and even though my best still might not be enough sometimes).

I am afraid I married the wrong person for me. I need to stop ruminating every time we fight. I’m thinking I need to try cognitive behavioral therapy. I still feel deeply committed to making it work.

I fear having nothing to do. I want to stop working, but not sure how I will fill my time. I want to travel and read .... I want to run more and would love to socialize more and learn how to do some cool type of ethnic cooking. I'd love to find an "age appropriate" ensemble to play flute in. I think I'd be ok with exploring options, but my husband sees me not being "busy with work" and tends to want/expect my help. I end up feeling like I have to have it all figured out before I stop working to avoid getting sucked into things he wants me to do. I need to define my space more clearly and learn to set better boundaries and articulate them clearly so that I can guard (defend?) my time and space graciously.

I am shy and am fearful of initiating contacts with others (vs waiting for them to talk to me first). I have improved some, but have a long way to go.

My fear with global stuff is challenging. i feel like I made some progress by phonebanking. I'd like to find some more ways I can engage with things that sicken/overwhelm me. I want to find a way to get some footing with climate change where I don't feel so frozen and resigned.

I fear everything, especially the climate catastrophe we are experiencing and will continue to experience in my lifetime. There is nothing I alone can do to prevent or overcome these events, but in order to overcome the anxiety I feel about them, I will my life ethically and in the best way I can, while prioritizing my time with my family, friends, and loved ones. I will continue to make radical art, and support radical artists who aim to pressure those in positions of power to do more to prevent further catastrophe.

I think at work I might be afraid of having significant responsibility and making decisions. I want to work on trusting my instincts and having confidence in my own abilities. While there are certainly some things that require consultation and approval from others, I am working on truly understanding that there are decisions that fall fully within my purview, and I do not always need to check in before moving forward. So often feels like I don't have the authority or the knowledge or the experience. I am happy an comfortable doing things that feel like they fall within my comfort zone, but my stretch zone feels so small that the danger zone is too often overtaking it.

I'm afraid of being seen in a bad light. Despite loving teasing others (and feeling like it's okay to do that) I react pretty sensitively to teasing. I want to correct misconceptions, correct the record, correct the person teasing me. I am defensive... scared to be seen in a bad light and I want to really let it go. I think knowing about it is a huge head start on overcoming it.

My greatest fear is that my life has ended. I'm a prisoner of marriage and I won't be free until I'm old and unfuckable (and even then I will never be able to work.) Best case scenario, I'll be a miserable and hated mother, sacrificing everything for a child that will love the man that intentionally put me in this position. I wish I was so privileged that I thought that any fear could be "overcome" or "let go".

I’m afraid of people being mad or disappointed at/in me. In the coming year I plan to better advocate for myself and my needs and my goals even if it may come at the cost of not being someone else’s #1 ideal choice of my course of action.

I'm still working on worrying about people judging me for being bad at things so we shall continue on with that one.

Fear of being vulnerable Fear of being seen, trying in public Fear of relying on people who will disappoint me Fear of being a disappointment Fear of being alone with my thoughts Fear I am a fake and a poison -meditate -share feelings/needs as they come up -do things that challenge me and make new connections though I am scared -accept and care for myself -keep working on being able to be disappointed without feeling i am drowning in deep ocean

I am scared my family will embrace me less fully if I am fully myself with them. I think I need to push through the awkwardness of writing about pride in my family email and having a different voice on the family Zoom call and not changing into clothes that cover my shoulders for a video call and that kind of thing.

I've gotten more clarity over the past year about my core fears: - Brain is broken / I am broken - I will break again - A and I will reach an impasse [writing this at this moment actually feels so far-fetched, which I think feels really good] These fears pop up in almost everything I do and it's really challenging/limiting. I wish perhaps I would have thought more about this over the Yamin Noraim so I could have tried to tashlich away some of these. I tried therapy this past year and that therapist wasn't a fit so I don't know what now. Probably a newer core fear is that I'll stray away from my "authentic" self, which raises all kinds of existential questions about what is an authentic self anyway, but I do worry -- for example, if I change my career, is it for Me or for something else I'd later regret? What if my life turns out differently than I anticipated/planned/always wanted? What if I orient myself around different values than I traditionally have? Is that a strength? It *feels* like a weakness, but I don't think it has to be. These raise a fear about closing a door on academia. I don't think I'm leaving it in the next year, but I worry that if I pursued a different option that would be stepping out for good and that's a big decision to make that's too scary for now.

The main thing I am working on in therapy this year is how I make peace with the parts of myself that I have a hard time with - how I might be angry, or cruel, or selfish. My desire to extract them often means that they end up driving the bus, or at least creating such a conflict with how I think I should be that I spiral out and let that drive the bus. This is all about fear. And the way to let go of that is to accept and embrace and allow and maybe even enjoy that those parts of me are there, and they can be passengers on the bus without being the driver. It is also so true that what I wrote last year is something I have made meaningful progress on and still want to hold in the forefront: I am afraid of letting go of control - I am so attached to how I think things should go, how others should behave. I can get rigid in my efforts to control myself as well, in the name of improvement and growth. This has limited me a lot - it is harmful to other people if I am expressing to them how I think they should be or act, and it is often tinged with a message that this is a character flaw of theirs. And, most (all?) people chafe under control - I know I do! The counter balance to this is radical acceptance, and compassion. To accept that this is what is happening, even if it's not what I think should happen, even if I so badly want to control it into something else. And compassion for others and myself (even for when I am unable to let go of control!) - compassion is never not the answer.

A fear I have is abandonment or being excluded. I will try and take a step back when feelings like this pop up, and see where they come from. I’ve talked about this before with my therapist. Therapy can help, but I also want to gain more self confidence and trust, because if I believe more in myself, it’s easier to believe other people as well.

Fear of not being an imposter, being bad, being wrong, having let down and upset other, going to hell. Letting go with love, overcoming it with belief in values of compassion, empathy & peace.

I have feared being alone, and change. It meant I stayed in a relationship that wasn't always healthy for me. I will continue to work in therapy, to build a happier, healthier relationship, to spend time on my own, and to allow change to happen and embrace the positives that can come from it.

that i am too disorganised, lazy and not good enough. i plan to address organisation in the coming year and to encourage myself to overcome bad habits.

Again - sad enough - driving. I need to just get out there and do it. I want to make my future self happy this time next year that I've finally got my licence.

That I may not end up doing right by my son. Probably my biggest responsibility in this world! I need to have more faith that he will find his own path and figure out how best to help him do that.

I have been fearful of my partner not investing in the marriage we have committed to. This fear has limited me by dictating a strong focus on the relationship and pouring into him and us. I know I need to let it go because my efforts are hurting, not helping. I know that I cannot control his beliefs and behaviors. If he chooses to continue to be absent, then I need to choose to move on as well. A marriage cannot thrive with only one committed party, sad as I am to acknowledge that, I cannot do it alone. I plan on letting this go by leaning on my spiritual practices, self-coaching and affirmations, and my supportive friends.

On past occasions I have shared with Charlotte my desire to live and work abroad for a time. For me it is about broadening our life experience and pushing outside of the comfort zone, not to mention the career and pay opportunities. I am scared of approaching the subject further with my wife because of the adverse reaction and resistance that I have been met with when raising it in the past. It felt like I was not listened to properly and I was outright dismissed, in what seemed a confrontational dialogue where I was really challenged on the validity and morality of something that is so important to me. The result is that I am feeling pent up. I have a burning desire inside of me that is going unfulfilled. On this matter specifically there are steps I can take to research opportunities and to enquire about solid opportunities with work, to then form the basis of future more discussions that are hopefully more productive. I can continue to raise how I feel about this in a tactful way and to explain that I am looking for a compromise. It would be unjust for me to leave alone. But I could also reason that it is unjust to insist that we stay, with no compromise to be had. The broader theme here is that I need to be having the difficult conversations and addressing matters head on. To get over the fear of short term discomfort and locking horns, having in mind that getting the issues onto the table and working through them will be much better in the long run. 'The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together'. There has been some discomfort in our relationship this year where I have taken this line of thought and have spoken about things that do not sit right with me. For example, forming a friendship with the opposite sex caused turbulence. Discussing this was the right thing to do and I need to make sure I continue. I'm scared that this time next year I could still have reservations about the quality of our relationship. I want it to be all out on the table and to be addressed between us. There can be nothing unsaid.

I don't feel like I can get into a political conversation or debate with people who don't believe as I do because it generally becomes snippy and argumentative. Also, I don't have a firm handle on the facts so that I can respond to arguments other people make. I will either learn more (and practice articulating the facts so I don't forget them) or just avoid those kinds of discussions.

Honestly, I think even if it sounds cliche: my answer is FOMO. I do think I've gotten better at it, but being in a new neighborhood (and particularly one with a very long pool waitlist) it's hard not to feel like everyone is doing things without me or a part of things that I'm not a part of. To deal with it in the future, I think the answer is keep working on making the social plans I need and modulating my expectations about what reality is like for everyone else.

I’m scared of feeling too much. I’m actually scared of the breadth and depth of my feelings. My fear is that my feelings are so big and so unwieldy that they render me non-functional in moments when I really need and want to be present—like when my dad went to the hospital, for example. I couldn’t breathe and couldn’t eat and I couldn’t sleep because I was feeling too much, I was too upset. How can I show up for my family when I’m falling apart like that? How can I be present for my life when my emotional and physiological reactions are so strong they render me helpless? I think this is what makes it difficult for me to grieve for all the innocent people who are suffering as a result of the war in the Middle East; and in the world at large—how big and painful my feelings are about it all. It’s overwhelming. It makes me feel helpless. I don’t want my heart to harden. I don’t want to be indifferent to the suffering of others. And I also feel like people are so cruel and brutal and unkind toward one another. It's unbearable. And I see this brutality and cruelty stretching throughout human history. It makes me feel hopeless. And I don’t want to feel that way. I don’t want to become cynical. But that’s how part of me feels right now. How can I sit with the pain of the world if I can hardly sit with the pain of my own life? Marilyn has taught me how to sit with my feelings, to locate them in my body and to breathe and to be present with them. And I know that tapping works well for me too. I'm going to continue to work with these tools. I hope it will be enough. I'm scared it wont be--part of me says it's not enough and that I need more resources and support, but it's a good start. And I'll continue to go to therapy and to work through the feelings that are stuck in my body. And I'll do all of this with the intention of softening rather than hardening. I'll do my best to keep my heart soft and to listen. To listen and to stay present. And to find new tools and resources if necessary to help me do so.

I feel like I've done a good job with this over the past year. I feel much less anxiety when stating my needs. A fear I have now is a double-sided one - I'm both afraid of risking what I have and value and of settling for less than what I really want. This year, I want to focus on some consistent exploration and practice around this, probably through a combination of therapy, journaling, art, and divination. This feels like it's going to be a pivotal year for me.

My fear continues to be that I”m not enough, that my past experiences/results will repeat. I’m learning to relook at them as lessons so that I can try again in a different way that improves my chances to get the result(s) I’m looking for. It’s a reminder to me that we’re not suppose to go it alone. It gives me hope. My plan on letting it go… keep writing to get clearer and take actionable steps toward my vision.

I am afraid of a life that never feels right or good enough, of doing the absolute best I'm able and still falling far short. I'm not sure how this has limited me or even how it has shaped me. I do still work at trying and I do still feel unsatisfied. Nearly all of my days are "good enough" and I'm still left with the feeling that ten thousand of them isn't sufficient to make my idea of a good enough life. Or perhaps I don't believe good enough is good enough. I cannot say for certain. I would like to find a way to let go of the belief that I only know how to want impossible things.

My body stops me but I am more than just my size I have achieved so much and I can continue to succeed but I can’t keep being mad at myself I need to give myself rest, love, care.

Fear of being tired, or overwhelmed. I avoid often….

I am afraid that I've been doing my life wrong. Last year I was burnt out from one job and happy to be moving to another. But the new job was worse and I got fired! I've been taking some mental health time for the last several months afraid that I will have to resign myself to another stressful and unfulfilling job in my industry (nonprofits). The plan for overcoming that fear is learning to be okay with having stricter criteria for picking that next job. It feels like many people are in this boat, and I want to over come the burnout fear. There are good jobs out there somewhere, right?

I think my fear of public speaking has limited me. I have joined Toastmasters, and I am taking a short class on speaking. I am going to keep working on this a putting myself out there in the hope of improving.

I need to lose weight to reduce the risk of adverse effects of blood pressure and arthritis, or early dementia. I want to organize my new condo for the next 10-year phase of my life.

A couple things come to mind - 1. a fear of friendships ending in a way that feels out my control, in other words, I guess, friendship break-ups. 2. fear of rejection in the job application process. I think its hard for me to have a perspective of "it was meant to be" when I don't get something that I want. I think the way that both of these fears have limited me, is that I send out fewer hopeful efforts. I am friendly, but I limit my opportunities of meeting new people, stick to my home base, isolate. And in terms of job searching, last year I avoided it by going back to my school-age-care job, and then going back to camp. How to let go or overcome? Maybe set some goals, along the line of make 3 new connections, apply to 20 jobs/volunteer opportunities. Try to shift my perspective to embrace "putting myself out there" and trying new things, have a year of high exposure, embrace the effort of it. This is making me realize another fear of doing too much at once, of exhausting myself, of running out of steam when I'm far away from home, of getting my pacing wrong. Honestly this seems like a good, survival-oriented, safety-conscious goal -- the way I think it limits me though, is that I think I over-correct sometimes, I set my pace too slow, and as a result I don't get as far as I could have, and I don't get to see what I really had in me. I think a way I could safely explore my limits would be having a training mindset - keeping track of how much I'm doing and ratcheting it up a notch at a time, with consistency. So yeah in the coming year, maybe a combination of embracing highly saturated experiences, spontaneity, taking experiences as they come, and using rigorous consistency to push myself. A push and pull.

I know, deep in my bones, that everyone always leaves me. I would like to leave this behind in 5785. It makes me have one foot out of every relationship, and it makes me feel like every fight is the end. I would like to stop questioning this relationship and just be here for it.

I have stopped fearing things like I used to, but to say that I have no fear would be a lie to myself! I am afraid to make new meaningful connections. I am happy to have little conversations with new people, whether passing by on the street or with colleagues/classmates in school. I am afraid they might like me. I am afraid I don't have the energy to cultivate another meaningful relationship, on top of the many meaningful relationships I already cherish with friends. I am afraid if we do advance our relationship, and I find myself drained and less invested than them, that I might hurt them. It's easier to keep them at arms distance, than allowing them to get close. I do not yet have any feeling if this is even something I want to change. I am aware of it though, and can do a better job of being aware of it in the midst of those small interactions... and that's all I want to do for now :)

I'm so worried about Trump winning this election and all that will come from him in power again. I think the best path forward is to continue to figure out how to be a part of fighting back against the MAGA agenda.

I'm more and more afraid the kids aren't going to launch well or properly. Neither is anywhere close to achieving their academic/professional potential, and neither really cares about it at all. There's not much I can do about it, either, so I guess my only plan is to try to let it bother me less and hope things will work out in the end. They are KIND children, which is more important anyway. Everything else can be learned later, but kindness is difficult to instill in adults.

I have fears about how the world is viewing Israel, Jews, and the aftermath of October 7th. The media, intellectuals, and large swaths of the population (especially young people) are irrationally critical of Israel, even wanting it dismantled. They hide their frothing antisemitism behind Zionism, and push misinformation while calling it virtue. I worry about what all of this leads to.

I am still grappling with close connection...but have made great progress with my partner and by doing my own work.

"I am afraid that my body and mind will become more debilitated due to MS." This was my answer last year. That fear remains, especially after my additional bouts of sickness and injury this past year. But I think that my resilience has strengthened my belief and my hope that I will get through these things and survive. And go on. What's interesting to me is that an old fear of mine has re-emerged this past year, the fear of death. My greatest fear is this; there is nothing after the body dies. It's partly because my mind cannot conceive of nothingness. It's also because I'm left with the question, what does it all mean? While I am not religious, I have always felt spiritual. Which means, to me, connected. Connected with people, nature, and feelings. If death means that my physical body dies, but some part of me returns to spirit, god/dess, energy even, I can be at peace with that. Perhaps if I get serious about starting a consistent meditation practice....you know, that one I've been meaning to for many years, that will help.

That I am getting too old to start and have a satisfying romantic relationship. I need to let go of that fear and just be myself, looking for the opportunities that come my way and putting myself out there to connect, connect, connect.

Maybe a fear that my daughter will be a bum. A fear she won't like me. (She already doesn't) A fear that I won't have enough money for things or that one day my debt will catch up to me with dreadful consequences. Fear I will die and leave my family. Fear I will die a horrible death. No need to do anything since I don't really live in fear. First one yes. Don't konow what to do. Ideas?

A lot of my fears this year have felt very valid: Hurricanes. Elections. Diagnoses. Hostages. I've been doing a lot better about not letting these things make me too anxious (thanks Lexapro), but I do fear that ignoring these fears for my own self care diminishes how important they are objectively.

A lot of old wounds have re-opened over the last few years. I've been hurt and scapegoated by both people and communities. This year has revealed how much pain I am still in and how much shielding I am still doing from CPTSD that occurred decades ago. I want to heal those wounds and have fear that I will never know true healing. I also want to feel liked and loved for who I am without having to mask so much. I've gotten so many messages especially during Covid that I am not liked by individuals and communities I thought I was a valuable part of. My world has become very small.

My fear of my husband's anger has limited me. I am going to have to work on overcoming it so that I am more able to have a voice in our life choices and my own choices.

I'm afraid that humanity is too far gone and we will wipe ourselves out in the relatively near future. That our species hurtled over the edge with all our rampant misinformation, extremism, isolation, and distrust of everyone and everything. I'm scared there's too much momentum now to stop us from falling into the abyss forever. I plan to overcome this fear by working to make change (fostering connection, dialogue, curiosity, compassion) in the spheres I inhabit, starting with the ones closest to me: my home, my family, my workplace, my communal spaces, my interpersonal relationships, and random interactions with strangers. Action is an antidote to despair. I can be the change I wish to see and model that everywhere I go while having faith that small changes, close to home can actually change the world.

Fear of faith in myself holding me back all these years. I know that I have just been building the confidence and skills I need to go out on my own, but I think back to all the years that that fear has held me back and I can't help but wonder what if? What could I have achieved if I wasn't so scared? I will find out this year :-)

I fear getting cancer again. It hasn't really limited me, but it feels like sharks circling sometimes. I'm not sure if I want to do the additional testing that my oncologist mentioned or not. I think I need to better understand the accuracy of the test, what they are looking for when I do regular bloodwork, and then decide how much I trust each option.

Even though I feel comfortable in my age, I do fear growing up. I constantly talk about feeling old or being old, and that is a coping mechanism I need to stop. I will not be able to move on in life without shedding that insecurity.

Afraid of not being loved. Kept me from seeing love when it was right in front of me. Afraid of failure. Kept me from success when it was within reach.

My fears are mostly for others, especially my dearly loved grandchildren. Personal fears for my health are much less significant or troubling. I plan to continue depending on God and resting on His promises.

I think I do a decent job of not letting fear limit me. It does burn me out, but I often pursue things that scare me. I'm grateful that I don't have to work as hard to overcome anxiety now that I have medication. Still, anxiety, worrying about the future, and obsessing over the past are things I’d like to improve on rather than completely overcome since I know it will always be a work in progress.

It seems like I'm more anxious in general about things not working out. I used to think everything would work out, now I get worried more often. Maybe it's just age, knowing that everything doesn't always work out, but I want to try to re-groove my brain. Just keep saying "What if everything works out?" "What if you get what you want?"

I think it's the same fear as last year: planning events large and small - even planning ahead small trips or weekend plans. So many random things come up, especially with the kids, or I find myself in a pickle because of over-scheduling and I feel sick or haven't slept. I'm afraid if I plan I will have made the wrong plan. Planning William's bar mitzvah was hell because of that. And thank goodness Kenny did a lot of it. I'm still struggling to get a little email out with a link to the video and asking for pictures. It's just hard for me to risk communication with so many people for some reason. What if I say something wrong? What if it encourages them to reach out to me when I don't want more communication? We lead a very active life full of social interaction. But most of the time we are reactive and much less so do we do the initiation of the plan. What to do about it? Therapy? Make time to create priorities of things I/we want in our lives and get them on the calendar? I am also deeply afraid that my children will become addicted to substances - particularly pot. It keeps me up at night. Could I let it go? What would it be like if I wasn't at all afraid of pot or addiction? What would happen if I just assumed everything will work out okay?

How will I find a new job? It is limiting me. But I will continue to strive. I push every day. Some days I am successful; others not. I know I am good at what I do. I can accomplish so much. I will land on my feet, because I have family and friends who support me.

I have always had a fear of not having enough money to make ends meet. It's why I'm so good at writing about frugal living... it is how I have always lived to get by. My husband says to not worry, so I try not to. I'll be letting it go by starting a new job next week that pays less. I need to "let go and let God."

In the last year I've feared change in relationships, and grasped on tight to some friendships that haven't felt like priorities b/c of this fear. In the coming year, I'm moving into more acceptance with the hopes of narrowing my circles (especially from Boston) in order to be present with where I am and the communities I'm investing in here.

I fear I will never take my own writing seriously enough to finish another book.

I have the fear of not knowing enough, having the right answer, what others will think of me. This has limited me - continues to - causes me to hesitate to speak up, even when I sometimes have something to share or contribute. It prevents me from putting myself and my accomplishments out for others to see and know (ie. LinkedIn). It also causes me to second-guess that I have something worthy to contribute. I think naming the fear and inviting it into whatever I am doing.... It won't fully disappear and yet it should not stop me from... I will also keep asking for help.

A fear I have now is weight gain, failure, abandonment. It's limited me by keeping me stuck in the cycle of bingeing and purging. It also keeps my thinking and my world small. I am coming out of it i think by enrolling in school. I would like to continue to work on it through therapy, to find ways of self-love and compassion that aren't through food or exercise. I need to be more cognizant of it and challenge it more than I do now. Thought stopping, reframing, slowing down, meditating.

I've realized over the years that I have lots of fears. I actually am coming into the awareness that my default lens for looking at life is a fear based lens. It sounds different depending on the situation but it is the same thing..... "Something bad is going to happen"; "I am going to be hurt"; "I am making the wrong choice"; "What if I made the wrong choice"; "What if the other one is better". Frankly it is exhausting and the insidious part is that I don't realize I am doing it most of the time. Mediation helps alot. Limiting my news intake is good too. Being outside in nature also helps. I think overcoming this will be a very slow, patient practice. But I have had times in my life where I didn't feel as afraid so I know I can get back to it.

Even thought I am dating again (long-distance/online) I have doubts about my appeal as a life partner. I fear losing connection though I try to remember that there is an elasticity to it--connections shrink, grow, fade away, return, or make room for new ones.

That I won't be accepted by people. Trying to be ever more my full self around everyone

My biggest fear was that my partner would die, and it's quite probably that it will happen this or next year. It didn't limit me, it came true. I don't plan on overcoming it this year because you cannot overcome death, and you cannot easily let go of someone you love. Others fear being left alone, I fear watching my partner die and in pain, and in psychological distress knowing his life was short and that he will never grow into middle age. This can't be overcome, but it can be helped by acceptance and trying to make the most of the small moments in each day that he is awake, alive and well enough to smile or eat.

I have a fear that I don't have what it takes to serve the world in a bigger way. I plan to let go of that by simply taking actions, being willing to get rejected, and opening my heart.

I think I do have quite a fear of failure, which is rooted in my perfectionism. It always takes me ages to send a big email, like an introduction to a major donor or an ask email. I agonise for ages over these kind of emails and spend ages writing and rewriting, then I set a delay for sending so that it doesn't go until I've left for the day (why does that make a difference, I hear you ask? Great question, if I ever figure it out I'll let you know). And I know, I KNOW that the initial email I wrote is fine. I know that actually, most people don't read their emails in any great detail so as long as you're more or less warm and friendly, you'll be fine. And yet, here we are, overthinking every last comma placement as if THAT'S what's going to change someone's mind about donating. How do I let this go... ach, I don't know. Chris mentioned a meditation technique which is around reframing anxiety around something (an event or similar) by telling yourself that you're not anxious about the outcome, you're excited. So I probably need to work a little bit on internalising that message, and my self-talk, and just reminding myself that I have never, actually, sent an email that was poorly received. (Well, once, but there are all kinds of reasons why people might react badly to something. Whether or not I use the Oxford comma probably doesn't have anything to do with it.) But also, reminding myself that failure is - fine! People make mistakes all the time. People fail, or fail to live up to expectations, all the time. The world doesn't stop turning. No one dies. You pick yourself up and dust yourself off and on you go with your life. I always think of sports managers whose failures are so very public, or people who stand as an MP and don't get voted in. If everyone let their fear of failure hold them back, we'd never get anything done!

I still have a fear of going out on my own, but it is getting easier to do some things, so I hope this just continues!

I have a fear of financial instability, and it’s limited me by causing me to avoid dealing with important aspects of my life, like closing down my freelance company. After the economy faltered and my income dried up, I avoided pursuing new opportunities vigorously, and when my savings ran out, I had to borrow from my mother. She passed away shortly after, leaving me enough money to sustain myself for a while, but I’m terrified that it will eventually run out if I don’t find a source of income. One major area I’ve been avoiding is handling the closure of my freelance company. I’ve been too scared to open letters or emails about it because I’m afraid it will cost more than I can handle. However, I have about $18K set aside, which is probably more than enough to take care of it. I know the real fear here is not having enough money to pay bills in the future, and financial instability—especially if it’s self-caused—definitely affects my sense of self-worth. Compassion alone won’t solve that, but I recognize that by taking practical steps now, I can start to reduce the weight of this fear. Overcoming this fear is important because it ties into the larger changes I want to make in my life. By putting the financial and professional issues behind me, I’ll be freeing up mental and emotional space to focus on things that really matter to me—like family, creativity, learning Finnish, and living in a more aesthetically pleasing and peaceful environment. This year, I plan to tackle this fear step by step, knowing that each step will help move me closer to the life I envision for myself.

Right now I'm trying to figure out more about my lack of self-worth, whether or not I matter, and why I think I have no value. This, combined with a fear of visibility, has kept me as someone who has tons of ideas but cannot bring any of them to fruition. A lot of times I feel like I'm shouting into the void and no one is listening to me. I'm working on confronting this and getting to the bottom of it with an intuitive healer I've met this year. Right now this is my priority, as I feel like I'm pregnant and about two weeks due to give birth. The world needs what I'm working on, and while I hate that I'm the person tasked with this mission, I will be trying to get through this hump so I can move forward.

Fear of being alone. Of aging alone and not having anyone there to love me or be a respite when life gets hard or share in the beauty and joy of this human experience. Fear of becoming jaded or bitter. Fear that I'm not doing enough to meet my person. Fear that while everyone else is living life I'm standing still. Fear that I'm making the wrong choices and not allowing my radiance to shine. Meditation practice and the remembering process (through psychedelics, plant allies, getting quiet, nature, festivals, music, dance, and loved ones) will continue to support me. To see through the illusion of this idea of a limited self, that what I am at this very moment isn't enough, isn't a miracle, isn't the most incredibly exquisite experience. That I have had so many rainbows. Gratitude practice.

The main fear right now is the United States being taken over and my freedom and life being in danger. I plan to have an escape plan.

Trump being elected President. I’ve done what I can do to prevent it.

A fear I have is making a mistake or not doing the right thing. I know mistakes are normal and inevitable and I have to give up this narrative that u need to be perfect and know what I can make mistakes and will receive the forgiveness and understanding that I give to others and all the people I love

I’m afraid that my next chapter in life isn’t starting because I’m always financially limited by what I can do, but this year I just want to keep pushing forward as best I can, I don’t want my hurdles to stop me from my goals or define my life as much as they did this year.

Being a fraud. By being honest with myself and others. Practicing self compassion and seeing perfectionism for the impossible standards it presents.

This year it's become particularly obvious that I have some issues with being authentic, or "sparkly" as my therapist likes to say. I think I've repressed a lot over the years with the goal of being likable or more palatable and really risk-averse. Some of it is wanting to be liked, some of it is probably a fear of making mistakes or being bad at something. I think this has limited me as an adult in my capacity to build new relationships (not necessarily romantically). But I'm trying to remember that in most cases of growth you are going to be have to suck at something before you can be good at it. In the coming year, I want to continue to push myself: to continue training creatively and embrace the learning experience. I'm hoping the practice of it will be the way forward.

Fear I will not efficiently apply my time and resources. Explore frivolity.

Very good answer last year. But what is FEAR? Is it danger to your self or can it be a decision between two choices? I struggle with personal choices all the time, the things that effect me are; purchases, eating, traveling, etc.) I associate fear with making the wrong choice. Whether its a birthday card, eating the right food, traveling or not, buying clothes, even dating. I try to do the RIGHT thing but doing what is Right is not always easy. That's why I'm taking Philosophy courses (haha). Its choices that I would like to work on. I want the answer before I make the choice, but that is never going to happen. Need to accept personal risk more. Will continue to work on that this year. Need to be willing to take more chances, accept failure and still feel good. Saying Yes is good, but so is No sometimes. See what I mean! (see ya next year)

Being afraid of my new (heavier) body. I'm hoping to feel better about being in shape but being ok also that I don't look as thin as I did 10 years ago.... but ironically, with more exercise, probably healthier than I was 10 years ago?

My 22-month-old is still sleeping in a portable crib in my room every night despite her having her own lovely nursery with a regular crib that she has never spent the night in. For some reason I don't want to move her or rely on the baby monitor and I fear she will wake up and need me and I won't hear her to be able to comfort her during the night. Each time we've talked about it I end up in tears and hubby gives in to her staying in our room despite issues like her getting woken up by his snoring and having no privacy. In the coming year I hope we will get over this as she will eventually need to transition to a toddler bed once we start potty training for sure! Plus it would be a shame not to use the beautiful crib my mom bought for her and it would be nice not to have to tiptoe into my own room at night or worry about a cough or stubbed toe waking everybody up...

I have a terrible fear of vomiting. It's called emetophobia, a thing I learned only six or so years ago. It was incredible when I found out there was a word for it... I felt so weird and alone before I realized I was not the only person who experiences this. However, it is very limiting. It makes me nervous to eat at restaurants, go to large public gatherings (especially things like concerts where people are drinking, or amusement parks where people are more likely to feel ill), and generally prevents me from ever fully enjoying anything because my brain and anxiety are always at least slightly pre-occupied with the fear that I or someone around me will get sick. I don't think it's something I will let go or overcome in the next year. I don't say that to demean myself or be negative, but simply because it's something I've dealt with for my entire life and it's unrealistic to expect that I'll "get over it" in the next calendar year. However, there are things that I have been doing in the past year via therapy that I hope to continue doing. Small progress is still progress.

I have a fear of not being "enough" and this carries through in several areas of my life - whether it is parenting, dating, career decisions. One of the ways I plan on stepping through it is by launching my divorce coaching business. I am terrified that I won't have what it takes to make a positive impact on people; that i won't have what is necessary to even have people find me worthwhile and want to hire me.

Not exactly a fear, but feeling panic and being overwhelmed by life and work. I'm afraid of getting my cataracts done, even though I'm sure it will be fine. Having a therapist last year helped, but I ended that in January. I'm looking for a new therapist. Maybe someone who understand autistic adult women. I hope to plan cataract surgery by April 2025.

Fear of what others think. Fear of failure. Fear that letting go of someone leads to abondonment. Letting the chips fall where they may. Allowing people to be like water. Just allowing things to unfold, flow, and happen. Not grasping onto things too tightly.

Ohhhh...I'm so scared for our world right now, it's hard to even verbalize. The upcoming election, the anger, the lies. I don't have any idea how to let it go, because the ups & downs of our news cycle and the "every day it's another big story!" thing feels like we're on a roller coaster ride we have very little control of.

I'm afraid of getting into another romantic relationship. The fear has left me old and alone. It's even worse after having had a bilateral mastectomy this year. I feel terribly unattractive. I don't know how to let go of this fear.

My fear is about Israel, whether it can survive this war, what state it will be in. Can’t easily let it go or overcome it.

My hearing problems have limited me, and I could say my fear of not understanding a conversation limits my participation in social activities. I am working on getting some technology to improve my ability to function in crowds. If that happens, then I will need to decide how engaged I want to be in social situations. I think some of my concerns are based on it being cognitively straining to try and understand what people say in crowded situations. The other day, I had this insight: I don't mind being alone but feel more alone in social situations where I am supposed to talk with people. I am unsure what to do with this, but I recognize the issue. This insight will allow me to not participate in social events instead of feeling isolated.

I worry I won’t have grand-children and then when I do that they won’t know me I worry that I will lose my ability to be active and do the things I want to. I mostly worry about finances I try always to keep an open mind and to forge forward always so are to not let my fears hobble me

That I will run out of cortisone shots and knee replacement chances and my knees will keep me unable to walk or stand easily. So many things beyond my control and within my control but maybe not........... We'll see.

I am afraid of illness and poverty. I don't know that it limits me in any way, but I have a fair amount of anxiety about it. My husband has not gotten a paycheck for 3 years. We have no health insurance. I work in an industry that is not well compensated, nor does it provide benefits. Casually asking how I plan to "let that go" or "overcome" it feels so easy; and yet, there is honestly no answer that I can see. This is more of an existential problem than one of limiting beliefs. For me, the answer will probably revolve around being comfortable with uncertainty, and trusting that I will know what to do when and if I cross those bridges.

I am afraid of being ostracized and misunderstood because that has happened in the past. I need to find acceptance with not being liked and with being a black sheep in community because of my autism. It's always been that way but I need to stop thinking about it so much.

I have more and more general anxious days, finding things to worry about. I need an attitude adjustment which probably can from a much Higher Power.

I’m afraid I’ll have no options if Ron dies and I have to leave Marshall, and I will have a nervous breakdown and be hospitalized. I’m afraid my friends can’t or won’t help me, same with family. I feel like I have nobody I can rely on. I will work on the fear with positive self-messaging, telling myself I will figure it out. I will also try to make an emergency plan, and learn about what my options really are. Feels incredibly scary. Abandonment trigger

Wasting my time. It's limited me by making me not enjoy situations where I think my time's being wasted. I can overcome this by using giraffe mindset to be engaged in something within every situation. As Mama said, how can you ever be bored if you have your mind.

I fear failure and judgement in the eyes of others, being unloved. It has kept me from so much, from relationships to chances at school and work. This year, even as friends, colleagues, strangers on the street turned their backs on us and made us an enemy, was the first time since I can remember that I didn’t woke up wondering if I was loved, or could be loved. Every morning, as I prayed Modeh Ani right at waking up, I could feel HaShem’s love pouring over me, and the same from every Jew I came in contact with, from strangers on the internet, to people I once knew. And I felt all of that love in so many small everyday moments. I will wrap myself up in that love, that it becomes like a tallit and a shield, surrounding me at all times. And I will measure myself by the love of HaShem and not by what lives in the eyes and mouths of the gentiles who cross my life.

My fear of new things and people - the fear of going places alone. Because of this fear I don't attend synagogue without a sidekick. In fact, while trying to complete "The Artist's Way" - I couldn't even commit to taking an hour a day to go someplace alone to work on art, or observe, or just go and sit.

I have to learn to get sling with those fears, that is important to me.

Being rejected.

I have been afraid of setting boundaries with my remaining family for fear of abandonment, despite knowing that our current dynamic isn't good for me. It's so hard to come from a toxic and unhealthy family system and not have a family of origin you can rely on. I've already worked on setting firmer boundaries with my mother, and that will continue, especially in the next few months. I have made myself aware of the patterns I have of continuing to reach out to family members for closeness when they do not reciprocate, and I will be matching their energy in kind. Instead, I'll take back my energy and focus on the relationships in my life with the chosen family who has been there for me. I'll work on connecting more with people in my current community, and meeting new people.

I fear my city, Asheville, will have many challenges as we rebuild from Hurricane Helene. I don’t know how I can help beyond buying things from people I support (Mona, Emily, Akira, etc…). How can I help? I hope when I read this next year I’ll see that I have played a part in our rebuilding. I look forward to seeing the new/old balance that’s taken & taking place. How does it limit me, this fear for Asheville & my ability/inability to participate? I’m so frightened of being outside my comfort level that I’m a bit immobilized. This year may I mobilize myself!

I have a fear of rejection. It has kept me from putting myself out there and experiencing the wonderful things that can only come when risks are taken. I plan on overcoming it/letting go of it by working on my self confidence through discipline - so I'm not so at the whim of others' response to me. I'm going to be a little more serious and deliberate. I'm going to take time to think about what I want and how to get it. And view rejection as a rerouting. And I'm going to get therapy!

Watching so many relationships fall apart around us, I fear for my own relationship. I want to invest in nurturing and strengthening our relationship and keep it resilient as we lean into our elder years.

Two fears: The fear of risking myself in new areas. The other is fear of committing myself totally to some issue or idea or goal and giving my all to achieve or pursue things to their ultimate end! I think the answer to #8 addresses the second question.

I am now afraid that Scott will be more deeply impacted by his health issues than he knows. I have seen how his fear is impacting his decisions which also impacts ME and what we can do. I am worried that he will not be able to change his perception of himself as a frail old man. I'm not ready to be married to a frail old man! I fear he won't get the help he actually NEEDS beyond putting out these health fires. I'm afraid I won't be able to get him into therapy to deal with all this shit and we're going to be making, then cancelling plans the rest of our lives!

I fear I am selfish for asking for what I want and taking it. It limits me by convincing me everyone will see my generosity and return it, when what usually happens is everyone sees my generosity and does not return it. They appreciate it, but don't then give me of the same that I have given. I think I need to reframe my approach not as generosity (which should need no return) and instead see it as me setting boundaries for what I need rather than always giving away what I need and therefore never getting it.

I am afraid of getting older and being overweight. I’m afraid of becoming invisible and that scares me more than I previously thought it would. I need to change my focus and work on being healthy and not worry about the rest of it as much. Self-care maybe isn’t quite right, but it’s part of it. I need to love myself fully and take care of my body and mind from a place of love and not of fear.

I fear I will never get out of this consumer debt that I currently have, including medical debt from breast cancer. I am working on overcoming it through a course recommended to me by a friend. I need to remind myself to keep working on it one step at a time and to breathe to prevent feeling overwhelmed. I am considering taking a part-time job on top of my full-time one to add to my net worth.

I am scared of change. Scared of leaving my job of nearly 7 years that no longer serves me the way it once did. A little scared of moving to a new apartment with Alex. Scared to look into hobbies and things to do in my free time that will fill my cup more often. I wish I was more fearless like Joey. Or maybe he has fear but he doesn't let it control him. I want to learn to trust myself and my own thoughts this year, perhaps that will help. I feel the need to seek outside validation often, which is normal, but I have to know that in my gut, I also know what is right and what is not. Remaining retrospective is also important, spending time in reflection. It is there you will see that all of the great challenges you never saw yourself getting over were handled and you survived, maybe even thrived.

I am fearful that inflation is going to hit hard and we won't have enough in savings to live comfortably in our home. It's limited my spending, always considering costs. I am glad this hasn't extended to my charitable giving. I will let it go by budgeting so I know I am staying in my safe range during the coming year.

By biggest fear right now is wondering what will become of the United States after the presidential election. This at times, consumes me. When one of the candidates says "the notion of free speech" in reference to the First Amendment to the Constitution, we as a nation have plenty to fear. I don't know that I can let it go... but I am strong and will continue to live my life as a free individual until someone or something attempts to stop me.

I have the same fear I described last year that things will be difficult when I'm really old, because my wife and I don't have kids of our own, she doesn't take care of herself, and I don't trust the hospital industrial complex. My wife is a physician - the kind who cares about patients, so I have been witnessing first hand how hospitals consider patients as business clients and a way to continue making money, rather than keeping people healthy and promoting a sense of community and compassion.

I want to let go of the fear of losing people I love. I need to just walk away from situations that aren't working for me, even if most things are working. I need to compromise less. Even if someone I love and I are connected and work great in many ways, I need to be able to walk away from someone if there is a dealbreaker, no matter how much I love them or want them in my life. I want to stop feeling inferior to others who seem smarter or have bigger egos and just need to "win." I hate that shit.

Cancer. It is such bullshit. Nobody in my family is currently dealing with it - I'm sure that will change some day - but our dear friends and neighbors sure are. So we are doing everything we can to help them in the midst of our own busy-ness because, well, it's the kind of thing that really matters. My own mom went through her own "cancer journey" from 1997-2004, and amazingly, our neighbor has been living quite fully with advanced cancer since 2019. May this new round of treatment buy him many more fulfilling years, and may we and the rest of their network rise to the occasion to help them out whenever and however their need is greatest. That's the only way out, supporting and being present even when the journey is shit.

The general idea of not being enough is something that has held me back. Some will say it’s propelled me into success and that’s not untrue but it’s been fueled by anxiety. I’m working on self-esteem and my idea of perfection. I’d really like to take it down a notch, achieve some peace and balance. I bet I’d still be equally successful and all the more happier.

I've held a fear that I'm not reaching my potential career wise and that I'm such a noob in what I do. It's a bit of imposter syndrome. A bit of a hang up of never having become expert in anything in particular. Though I don't think I let it show generally, I do feel it affects my level of comfort and authenticity at work. I think this is something I can explore the coaching I plan on doing. And also by leaning in to the benefits of a portfolio career and the vast breadth of my experience.

Life has been dominated this year by a fear that is hard to name or explain, but which has kept me hiding indoors, kept from engaging with people, going out, doing things, having experiences… Part of the reason has been the menopause and the anxiety that’s caused, but that’s not all of it. I’ve been constantly afraid that experiences won’t be what I hope they’ll be - that they’ll less fun, more fraught with barriers, more difficult, more challenging, less enjoyable, and generally just not worth the effort. The fear of things being ‘too hard’ is probably a cumulative thing, with all the stress I’ve had over the past multiple years when access is hard and social anxiety is high and nothing feels worth the effort. But being stuck inside doing nothing is making me depressed, or at least contributing to my depression. I’d like to ‘just try’ more things this year. From small things like going on lunchtime walks around my (lovely) area, to maybe going to gigs, seeing more people, saying ‘yes’ to more invitations, going out to pubs in the evening if I’m just reading alone, going swimming more… Just Do More Things In 2025!

I am afraid of losing myself and all the repercussions that come with that. It means that I am getting angry more often. It means that I am pushing people away. It means that I just feel down and without energy. I don't know what I will do, maybe it goes to Question 8, where I want to learn more about myself and that would then lead me somewhere. Maybe with a job coach or a coach, not sure therapy is right for this time around

I’m terrified of failing. That may be why I get in my own way. I’m not sure I can overcome it, or fully let it go. But I don’t have to complete the task, I just need to work on it.

sometimes I need to be honest. i am allowed to have needs and take up space. i am going to be scared to tell my lovex ones what i need but i have to do it anyway or all of my relationships will be superficial and distant.

I am afraid of aging in isolation. I work on cultivating friendships with nice people younger then myself. i am afraid of bring injured by either a missile or a terrorist. I pray to G'd to protect me at all times from those hazards.

Fear of being judged has totally kept me from living authentically, so I want to work on this in this next year

I used to be happy/go-lucky and thought the world was a beautiful place.. Not anymore 😢 I want to love life (MY life) again. I want enjoy life, live in the moment, and be happy again ❤️

Fear of running out of money or appearing poor. Study the fear, pull from the roots

I'm always held back by self-doubt and inertia. But I also embrace an ethos of "Say yes as often as possible." So, I aim to say yes to myself.

I fear Trump winning the next election. Or not having enough democrats in power to effect change. I’m going to vote, and I’m going to continue to talk to everyone, and spread the truth

Finances are still a fear. We're still not touching retirement money, which is important to me. I still miss the life we had before I got sick. It's been over 20 years - I should be used to it by now.

Biggest fear is about catastrophes: kids or husband dying, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, etc. Having an anxiety disorder means you can’t just “let it go“ or “overcome it.” You learn to acknowledge it and live with it while it makes noise in the background. Exposure after exposure, I guess. The biggest upcoming one will be when our oldest goes off to college. I know it will be hard for me, but I’m not going to let my anxiety interfere with his life. I won’t be surprised by it, I’ll respond to it with the tools at my disposal, and if those don’t work, I will look for a good therapist.

My fear is that it's not safe to be myself in public anymore. I may need to enroll in Krav Maga and/or other martial arts to feel stronger in my body. I'd like to become mentally stronger to stand up authentically and advocate for Jewish folks rather than hiding so much, frozen. That said, I can't and won't force this on myself if I'm not ready or don't feel ready. My nervous system has already gone through the wringer.

I fear not being good enough to be fully loved. I want to believe that I am lovable without reference to achievement. I plan to begin to see the not enough thought from a distance, separate from who I am.

1. I fear an increasingly grim old age and that I will fail to rise to the occasion in taking the steps and making the changes that are needed to make the most of my remaining time on earth. 2. I don’t know what this means yet but what comes to mind is “Throw away the operating manual”.

Fear of being limited in what I can do- falling affects my whole body, not just the part that was hurt. fear because it is so unexpected- just happens seemingly out of the blue, it has limited me because I am afraid to go anywhere, do things like walking without watching every step. Fear of becoming dependant, unable to do things for myself. That simply can't happen so I try and find anything that will help me to overcome this.

I have a fear of not getting the so-called important things done, and so I don't prioritize the things that fulfill me, like going to art museums or making my own art. I am hoping WA work will show me how to prioritize appropriately.

I am afraid that we will slip into a Christian white nationalist Fascist state. I am not planning to let it go. I am planning to fight back against it with all that I have.

I have a fear of not accomplishing anything, not growing, and just living a static life. It’s hard to make changes and it’s hard to stop the every day to look to the long term. I’ve come to grips with the fact that life is different now and that I’ve got two young children and work full time and have very little time for other things. At some point in my life I think I’ll have more time for side projects and life dreams (make video game music some day?), but in the meantime I can keep taking baby steps forward. There’s no reason to feel like I’m not accomplishing anything as I’m about to finish my GA Tech masters. Still when I look back at some of these answers sometimes I surprised by how much things are the same.

I always plan on it. I need to act on it. Both letting go AND overcoming. These are great challenges ahead.

I don't think I'm afraid of anything. Nothing really comes to mind. There are things I don't want to do, but I don't think that's out of fear and it doesn't feel limiting. I've just reached a stage in life where I know what I like and what I don't like, and I try not to do the things that I don't like. Am I afraid of hard work, of more discpline and longer working hours? No, but I don't really want to do them. What does actually made me afraid? I'm sometimes socially nervous but in the right context I can be sociable. Argh. I don't like this question. I don't know what to write about. Maybe it's just not a problem for me at the moment.

Fear I won’t sustain good health habits - 4th stroke. I need a firm commitment to do this, and to find some exercise I like. Fear of letting things go/need to hold on. I don’t fully understand where this tendency comes from and why it is so overwhelmingly hard for me. I’m really trying to overcome it by keeping the joy and comfort of a decluttered home clearly in my sight. Fear for USA and the world. Pray for understand and peace

Fear of losing security or being uncomfortable. I just blew up my life in getting divorced so it is safe to say I am letting go of that fear and replacing it with self-trust.

I think I talked about this in a previous question. My biggest fear is how I will be perceived when I show up. There’s the physical aspect of this - I’m very fat - and I fear people will either dismiss or devalue me because of it. The flip side of that is that I treasure people who either look past it or don’t let it affect their image of me and see me for who I am. There’s the intellectual aspect - I’ve been taught my whole life that the worst thing that can happen is that someone thinks I’m not the smartest person in the room. But there is an old adage, “if you’re the smartest person in the room, you need to find a different room” meaning that you’ll never learn or grow if there’s no one to learn from. There’s the emotional aspect. What if someone doesn’t like me? Or doesn’t agree with me? Or doesn’t show respect for me? Will I feel like I am not worthy? Will I feel ostracized? All of these prevent me from showing up as myself. But as is usually the case with fear, it’s there for a reason, trying to tell us something. 
So, I am making friends with my fear, learning to work with it and learning to listen to it. I’m also learning to make it a partner on my journey instead of an obstacle. This is work that takes time, but I hope to see it through the year.

I am fearful of making a wrong decision about my purchase of a new (to me) vehicle. I have done a lot of research, but I still have a lot of doubts. I am afraid that I will not be happy with my choice, and that I will regret my decision.

I fear losing my eyesight and my hair and some days I don't know which would bother me more. What a way to worry about things!

I fear judgement, I think. I have allowed that fear to prevent me from doing what little I can about the awfulness in Gaza. As the rabbi said, "I am in the wobble" and I am afraid to speak from it, because I fear being wrong. Somehow I have to let go of that particular form of paralysis.

I fear becoming increasingly physically disabled. I work at staying as active as possible and am now avoiding alcohol many days a week as alcohol often increases my joint pain. I guess people with many more physical challenges than I have stay active and positive, so I shall work at keeping them in mind.

Fascism and another round of the Holocaust. fortunately we made good on Plan B and bought a cottage in a safe place.

I always have a fear of being called a bitch. It’s a lifelong thing and it’s the curse of the professional woman. I’ve managed to let go of some of the fear but every time it rears its head it strikes so deep.

Fear of declining physical health (increasing pain and numbness in legs) See neurologist and go from there. Adapt mindset to whatever it turns out to be.

I'm still afraid it's all pretend - that I'm not actually successful, that somehow I'm not actually worth it, that I'm just being tolerated. I only know how to stride forward despite the fear. What I want is a clarity of vision so I can *know* my fears are but shadows.

I worry about the state of the world. With the election coming up, I am worried that we will make the wrong decision as a country or it will be made for us as the Republicans go even more to fascism.

Last year my answer to this was about my social anxiety. Well, I was able to tell a friend about my social anxiety and that I would rather be tortured than attend her 60th birthday party (I would only know her, her husband, and son). She was fine about it. Instead I took her to her favourite (expensive) restaurant for lunch. Now I just need to be assertive to the next person to invite me to a party!

I have forever been afraid of what will happen if I get in trouble. I mean...every kid gets in trouble, but I get this feeling thats like...sand falling all over me...and then my face feels numb... and then I go home to upset parents. This coming year I plan on relaxing, and thinking about it from the techers point of veiw... I'm just another anoying kid and the teacher is just tierd after a long...long day.

Failure is a fear I have, also loneliness. I am ready to move forward though. Bug changes are coming for me this year.

Fear of illness, fear of my son overextending himself financially, fear of the country’s future. I don’t seem to have a specific plan but hope I can be calmer in my life, to let go of worries over things I cannot control and focus on positives in my life. I know they are there.

I have a fear of being broke. Like to the point that my bills take over my income. I also have a fear of losing my income. I feel like I don't have a backup plan if I was to lose my income right now. I plan on developing a backup plan and finding alternatives if something happens.

While I’m always looking for change, I’m also a bit cautious about the big ones. A new job, for example—I am on the hunt, but won’t make a move until I’ve found something that seems excellent on a number of dimensions including impact, personal growth potential, comp. You could see this as fear of change… or high expectations… who knows. I hope to overcome this by finding something really excellent :)

For a long time, I have feared missing out on something, or not living to my full potential. I would like to get better about being in the moment, and letting go of the concept for "doing everything" or even mourning the fact that I can't. It's just not possible to learn everything or do everything or see everything. So how do you decide what's really important?

I often fear that I'm not enough: not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, fast/athletic enough and it's easy to say "let it go" but the HOW is crucial. It's difficult to unlearn and deprogram myself but the older I get, the more I realize that time on this plane is finite and I want to live my life as best I can while I'm here. This coming year, I will continue to practice boundary-setting so I can spend my time doing things that bring me joy, make me feel fulfilled, alive, valued, loved -- that's how I want to feel.

That's a good question. Ask me again next yar.

I am afraid of being alone, abandoned, having to carry the hard parts on my own.

I have a fear of being with the wrong person, but also being alone. I hope to have a better handle on who I am so I can be a better match, and potentially wife.

Anxiety is an ongoing thing, but I’m managing it much better than I have in the past. It helps to have a great but not too big support system. And working with how I feel instead of trying to overcome it.

Lately I have a fear that I will be judged as old or old-looking. It's what I see in the mirror, and I am having a really hard time with the way I look as I edge toward 70. I'm disappointed with myself for not taking it gracefully. It is a negative feeling I'm not enjoying carrying around. How do I let that go? I have no idea.

You have the fear of embarrassment. It's limited you to stay inside the box and take less risks than what your mind dreams up. How will you overcome it!

I fear writing reports. I know that's ridiculous because I've determined in the past that the procrastination is the worst part. But it's been so long since I've done it, because I always seem to be so busy in the lab. I'll let go of it in the way I know I must - by just getting on and doing it; shaving practical work off my agenda, maybe even moving to using an electronic system of recording in the lab so I am forced to get used to typing again, having completely forgotten how since I mind-melded with my mobile phone

I hope that, with a new hip, Art's decline will be slowed. It would be nice to be able to make more definite plans.

I'm afraid that I will fail. At work, at being a friend, at everything. This is tied to not feeling like I'm enough. What's interesting is that I decide what failure looks like. I'm the one putting pressure on myself, being competitive with myself. I'm starting to realize that it is all self-manufactured. I can control this, I have control over this, and I can choose to feel differently. The fact that I am struggling with similar fears nine years later is hard.

I’m afraid of vegetating in place if I don’t continue to challenge myself, but I’m afraid of failing spectacularly if I do. Maybe convince myself that nobody really cares…?

I am so afraid of instability and groundlessness. Of being a drifter with no real home to go back to. I've been living a nomadic lifestyle for 6 months now and it has been lots of fun, but I could be more intentional about utilizing the opportunity to relax into the fear, to recognize that its all actually ok, that I am safe and have made lovely friends that i will be in touch with for a long time, that sometimes community gets built while you aren't looking

I'm cutting and pasting here; last year's answer is still the one: My fear is that I won't make the best use of the rest of my time on earth. That could be 20+ years, but of course my health and mobility and options will decline. There's no overcoming aging, there's no letting go; there's only doing the best you can, where you are, with what you've got, while you're able. That's a very different way of being in the world. -- Or is it?

Fear of drowning. I want to learn to swim this year to alleviate this fear.

I have a fear that I will not live up to my life’s potential, or that I will waste the good luck handed to me in the form of good health and good self esteem and good friends and good job opportunities and enough money and lots of interests. Which is why I think fear about my relationship not being “good enough” has been a trigger point for me. Maybe it’s why I read so many advice columns, that I don’t want to make the same mistakes others have made. But I plan to focus more internally on actual things instead of hypothetical things, and accept that I cannot “optimize” my life in this way. What are specific things that I want and specific barriers to those things that I can actually address? I think this will allow me to be more in tune with myself and identify if I actually want something to change or if I am just fighting this vague notion or anxiety that things aren’t going “the way they should.”

I continue to be afraid that I am completely misunderstood by others, and have spent a life building myriad bridges, or burning them, in order to achieve a sense of belonging. Do I know this thinking is a glum starting point? Of course. But it has its charms. It has cultivated some skills I never would have developed if acceptance had come easily to me. I don't think I can let it go or overcome it, but I can live with and through it. Some fears are familiars.

I sometimes don't put myself out there for fear of rejection and then when I do get rejected which doesn't help me continue to push. I have to work on realizing it's not me some of the time and figure out if it is something I'm doing other times to prevent it from recurring. Remembering if it doesn't work out there is always the next opportunity, but you won't find it if you don't look for it.

I made some limited progress on my fear of being left out of The Room Where It Happens. However, I discovered a paradox. Leaving a role in which I was structurally locked out of being in the room, to leap into the creation of something that Makes It Happen, replaced managing this insecurity with centering it: If I'm effective enough at building the plane while it's in the air, as I was able to overwork and busy my way to takeoff, I'm not really getting better...I'm just moving the goalposts. And they will continue to dance away from me, as I continue to chase them to my own and my family's exhaustion.

My fear is that nothing will change. That after this genocide ends (& I have to believe it will end), we will return to supporting the same destructive patterns destroying the earth. I plan to keep working towards the life that I know we can achieve as a society rather than despair.

I've been afraid that I won't live my creative life to it's fullest potential. That I've ignored it, let other things take priority, or just plain have been in survival, parent, wife, employee, mode. I feel that it's been about three years since my divorce and I've gone through some health challenges that have slowed me way down. I also tend to be very critical of myself about lack of creative productivity. I have overcome some of this, but it lingers. Tied up with this is the fast approaching need to care for (in whatever form it takes - unknown) my parents in their 80s. I know that I need to lean into my dreams of being part of a creative community and having more time to devote to art. If I don't allow myself to dream and hope, I won't begin to make steps toward making dreams reality. I am going to more actively pursue this vision of what I want in my life.

Driving, of course, but also, real talk: abandonment. At some level I still worry every fight or disappointment will be the last straw.

I can’t come up with a fear I want to overcome. The things I fear are things I wouldn’t do anyway and I don’t feel limited by my attempts at self-preservation!

I try and live with gratitude.

I have noticed I have a fear of making men feel bad or uncomfortable, and I tend to over-please them. I basically abandon myself in order to not push any buttons. It's weird, but I see it now. I would like to stop that. I started today! A man asked when we're gonna hang out and I said I don't know about hanging out but I'm ready to go on a date. I was nervous to send it because it's taking a stand and setting the tone, but he replied and said great idea! It was fascinating to see it work. So I would like to use that momentum to continue staying strong in my own personality and with my own values and morals while interacting with men like I would anyone else, rather than feeling like I need to change in order to make them want to stay.

Fear of many things, but mostly of failure. Maybe I can get past it with mindfulness? I hope so!

I fear that I'll become irrelevant when I stop working.

I am afraid my husband will die. He smokes, he has a heart condition, and while he did recently quit drinking again but he did drink heavily previously for basically his whole life from teenagerhood on. He takes benzos. He's been severely depressed for a long time. And he provides the lion's share of our income and our health insurance. He does most of the physical stuff with our son, like playing frisbee and biking. I can't imagine a life without him in it that isn't gray and diminished. We've been together 20 years. I don't think this fear limits me too greatly at this moment. I worry when he rides mopeds and scooters, but overwise I stay pretty zen about it. Just now I wondered why I didn't write about antisemitism. About how scary and lonely it is to be a Jew right now. I guess maybe because that has become so habitual it doesn't even register as a fear. It's just life. To be a Jew is to have some fear about being a Jew. To be a Jew is to worry about all Jews.

Again it’s all about the fear of the harassment I faced in my past job/line of work and how it completely knocked my confidence. All of it began in December 2020 and didn’t end until I removed myself in 2023, but I’m still suffering from shaking confidence and hope I can move on and be confident in my own knowledge.

Fear of being my best, great self. Every time I went for it as a kid (without any kind of thought behind it - just who I was) I felt blindsided and stopped. I want to shine, I want to make money because I help people. I want to be a brilliant star.

I am afraid of being seen as too vulnerable around people who mean me harm. I get angry, aggressive, and almost violent to avoid that. I do not plan on letting that go, because some people DO mean to harm me. I suppose I could get to the point where I care less about my physical or emotional "safety" and have more compassion for the harm-doers.

A fear. I fear letting people down in some way. I fear other people's anger. It has limited me because I leave my body and I jump to take care of them. I would like to overcome this by a) staying in my body, my temple, my space. b) allowing others to have their feelings. c) listening with curiosity and letting them have their experience. d) checking in with myself, listening to myself to have my own experience. e) staying in my body, my temple, my space.

I fear the loss of our Democracy. I have been upset for a number of years watching the US fall into such disrepair that it's almost unrecognizable to me. I fear the downsides of technology and the chaos and divisions it is causing to people all over the world. I will try to pay less attention it and find a way to do without it.

That I am more numb, frozen and asleep that I realize. I am fooling myself about presence and wakefulness. I hope to feel more fully even the shitty stuff that I am so good at hiding from.

I've always been aware of time... and how fast it goes and "fitting it in" and aware of it becoming a bit of a strss and therefore "stealing" the joy. I plan to be less aware of the days, weeks, months going by and just ensuring I fit the meaningful things in.

Sometimes I feel as if I can’t change. Feel in g as if I’m not in control is a little freeing, but with a slightly negative connotation. I also feel—sometimes—that I am fundamentally unwanted. That’s why I’m staying in therapy. I know it’s b.s., however, that’s been my thought press for decades. I’m dismantling that thought process now.

I fear for my grandson’s future. I can’t let it go. The world seems to be on a bad path. We can only overcome it by teaching him to be a wise person who true to prevent evil.

My biggest worry - that Trump will win the election - is out of my control. Though we tried to sell our condo so as to not be tied down, that didn’t occur. Now, 3 weeks and a few days before the election, I am still afraid but mostly trust that I and my loved ones will remain safe. On a personal level, I fear the effects of MS on my walk ability and consequent fall risk. How I will combat that possibility is to continue my PT exercises that work on my balance and leg strength.

Afraid of choosing a career path to commit to because I’m afraid that deciding will close the doors on the other paths. No idea how to overcome this other than to just do it and pick something.

I live in constant fear, I think it is because of childhood trauma where I never knew who was coming through my bedroom door - the devil or the angel. I fear being kicked out of my flat, I fear losing my job, I fear not having enough money to pay the bills, I fear losing friends and family, I fear wars, global wars, I fear not choosing the right decision, I fear illness, I fear death. I plan to discuss these fears with friends, family, and my therapist.

I've always feared being inadequate and letting people down. It's snuck up on me in the past and convinced me it was better to be terrified of making mistakes than actually make a mistake, learn from it and keep going. Screw that. I learn best by doing. I'll only miss 100% of the headshots that I don't take.

This one has been playing on my mind lately. I would like to let go of the fear of moving. I know I am not happy in the city. I crave a quiet, peaceful life with a garden, with trees for birds and animals. I hope to soon find a place that allows me to slow down and enjoy serenity.

Although it’s not a fear, I have come to realize that I am limited; limited by my body, limited by my age. These limitations will continue. I need to come to grips with the effects of aging and the fact that so many possibilities are no longer within my grasp. It’s time to become content with life as it is instead of fretting about life as it was.

I fear the closing off of potential paths. I see with clarity the amount of futures that are becoming shut off from me. That scares me because I feel like the world is falling away from me as opposed to being excited about all the futures that have yet to reveal themselves before me. I have been asking myself recently why I cling so hard to the past. I am not sure how I will overcome it yet.

I am STILL afraid of failure. I probably will be for my whole life. I think it’s part of my very core. I don’t start things unless I’m pretty pretty sure I can finish them sometimes even in the same day. And if I feel like I have already failed in some way it is very very very difficult to even start a task especially if I feel like someone will find out about it. I wish I could change, but I really don’t see it happening, it’s like one of the fibers of my being.

In my new love relationship I fear I am not enough, and that I am too much. This limits me from being completely truly myself, which is where love grows best. And of course sometimes I will be not enough or too much. I need to stay mindful, be aware when I am trying to be not-me, and just take a deep breath and be willing to be vulnerable and lovely just-me.

I am so scared that life is essentialized. I know it is not true, I know my black and white thinking is speaking there. I am just scared my soul is tainted, that it is 'too late' for societal change, that the spirit of our life moves in the shape of a crowd. That isn't the case. I plan on letting it go by taking deep breaths and writing, and performing the Artists Way.

The ongoing, underlying fear of not being good enough, which, over this past year, has manifested in the fear of not being good enough at motherhood. I think it has probably limited me by taking up lots of mental and emotional bandwidth, which consequently makes me even more tired and even less able to deal with routine stress. To continue to overcome this in the coming year, I want to make more connections with other parents and do a better job of sharing more openly what I'm going through. That strips the fear of its power.

I fear feeling uncomfortable and making other people feel uncomfortable, so I don't reach out and try new things, or reach out to connect. I hope to try some new things, even if they don't work out, so I don't just contract and stay in my "comfort zone" in the upcoming year.

I don't know that I have an actual fear, but when something does come up for me, something that I might be anxious about, I have to figure out what part of it I have/not control over it. I'll either do something about it or recognize it is out of my control.

I am not " afraid ". I want to help folks and society.

I'm often afraid to leave my house, to travel, etc because of COVID and because of the impact of COVID on me. I really want to make plans that build in regular activities this year so that it becomes second nature again. I like to be home, but I don't want to be stuck home out of fear.

The question implies a personal fear that I can overcome. I suppose that would be the inevitable increasing frailty of my body. It is certainly true that I am working to keep both my mind and body healthy. And succeeding at it. Yet, age is age is age. So it is a balancing act between doing what I can to stay strong and accepting aging with good grace, even joy. And I do feel that joy. The more general fear is real: the encroaching delegitimization of Israel and returning Jews to their historically familiar place as the stateless and suspect other. That is one outcome of where we are. But overcoming--or mitigating--that outcome is where I am putting my effort. And, I suppose, always will.

I’ve made some good progress befriending my internal protectors and I want to continue working on that this year. I’m really scared about the aftermath of the election and whether I can live happily and safely in the US. I’m unsure if that’s a fear I can overcome or let go of; it may be one I have to live with.

Still working on all the 3 previous fears (rejection, failing, disappointment) but I've added a new one: being seen. Being seen risks being misunderstood, which I'm learning is something I try to avoid at all costs. Like how for three decades I intentionally mispronounced my name when meeting new people so that they'd be more likely to get it 'right' - if they were inevitably going to call me my name in the wrong language, at least they'd be pronouncing it the way that I'd selected. What would it be like to divest from what other people think, if they 'get me' or get me wrong, if they see me or see their own projection? What if I truly didn't care?

I have been feeling bad that we still haven't met our new neighbors across the street and they've been here for a year. I feel like shyness and fear of being awkward have been holding me back. They've been outside recently on a few Fridays when I've gotten home from work, but I've always made an excuse why I can't talk to them at that moment. I feel weird just randomly walking up their driveway. But I need to get over my fear and at least introduce myself before it reaches the two year mark.

I am afraid that D will fall in love or into a relationship as soon as I move to Seattle and that it will create such a deepening of the betrayal that I already feel. I am afraid that before there will be healing or rebuilding of trust that he will just hurt me more. I have fears about A and I believe so strongly that he will be okay and that he will recover from this but there is always going to be this fear for me right now that his THC psychosis or mental health issues will disrupt his ability to return to college and thrive or that living with him in Seattle will be challenging. I have hope though with A as he is doing the work but I have less and less hope with D who seems pretty content just being a THC user even if it means he ends up staying where he is. I have a fear of disliking hims so strongly if we aren’t in a relationship with each other and this causing my kids harm or adding discomfort for me being around D. I plan on continuing therapy and focusing on what brings me joy and how I can be a rock for E and A. I realize that I need to be willing to let D go because if he isn’t going to do the radical change and healing then he is just going to continue to cause me pain and I don’t want that.

I still carry some shame of inadequacy, but I am coping better with it. I believe that I am making progress in social situations, but still need to push through the anxiety.

Same as last year: I have a fear of lack or not having enough. It limits me in that I am afraid to try something that may take away what "little" I have and fear will never get again. My intention is to give it to God and let Him handle it. My intention for the coming year is to Let Go and Let God for the coming year.

Our finances, getting older, and my health sometime scare me….or really I would say worry me. I try to make wise decisions in these areas, but of course I’m not always perfect and some of it feels very out of my control. Life is so busy, full, and stressful. The best way I know to both let go and overcome my concerns is to release them to God and then daily walk with Jesus, in trust, hope, and peace. It really does work. Those concerns may not always change. No prosperity gospel here. But I am filled with peace and joy in His Presence and that is priceless.

Not sure?

I have a fear of saying no, turning down opportunities and disappointing people. It has caused me to rush into situations that aren’t a good fit, rather than taking my time to find the best option. My plan to overcome it is to prioritize myself and my family this year and let go of things (and people) that don’t feed me/us.

The $64,000 question. Fear keeps me from doing a lot of things, and it always has. It may be too late too change who I am and I may just have to figure out how to live with that. I don't seem capable of letting things go. I hold on to hurt feelings. I do, however, hope to do things that make me happy, even if I have to do them alone. Feeling joy is really important, especially as you get older.

I’m afraid for either / both of my parents to die. I wasn’t sure how to answer this last night, but then I dreamt that my dad’s speech was slurred and, waking up in a nightmare, realized it’s absolutely my fear. I don’t plan on letting it go! lol. But I will work to maximize every day they’re here and will also commit to talking about this in therapy this year. Also I need to record their stories and medicate more as per usual ;)

At this moment death, but there's not much to do about it. Guess I'd like to be accepting of it and that it will happen to me and everyone at one point or another.

My fear of upsetting my wife. Sometimes her reactions and words are effective at dictating my behavior, despite my convictions. We're going to continue working on talking to each other as equals, and hopefully I can overcome this

Scared of mistakes, regrets and loss of my own community of Lesbians. I plan on continuing the work of belonging to myself.

I'm afraid the war in Israel will go on a lot longer, and that no more hostages will come home alive, and that there will be much more death and destruction. It's too much. I don't know how to let it go other than try to distract myself from the horrible news cycle. Also scared of whoever gets elected next month- I feel that one president will be better for Israel but worse for America, and the other vice versa. I feel like there is no perfect choice this year for the election, and I've never felt that way before since turning 18. On a micro note, baby is getting tubes next week and I'm a little nervous about the procedure. I hope it goes as planned and that it solves the problem and that she tolerates everything ok.

Not being enough. Not able to do enough. Making the wrong choices /decisions. Asking and trusting my gut AND asking for help.

I think I'm afraid of lacking professional experience. I plan on overcoming this fear by hiring myself and making my own professional experience.

I feel like the fears are coming at me fast and furious these days. A year ago I stated “fear of the unknown.” That is still true, and I think that is a lifelong thing, but these days I wonder if the “fear of the known” might not be worse. LOL Fear of stepping outside of my comfort zone so that I can grow to become good at my job. Fear of losing long-term friendships. Fear that I’ll fail at this marriage. Fear of moving to a new town, a new home and fitting in. So many things to be afraid of, sometimes my brain feels as though it’s on overload. It spins and spins, thinking about all of these things and I don’t know how to make it stop. So I pick up my phone and find some mindless game to play, focusing on moving candies or popping balloons or figuring out words, so that my brain is occupied and not overthinking. I’m spending so much time avoiding reality that I am only amplifying the fears. I know that I need to grab the bull by the horns, tackle projects and be open in communicating with others.

I am becoming so aware of how I dissociate whenever my thinking takes me outside the realm of thinkable thoughts within this culture. I think that must be fear. I am going to work on somatic practices to stay connected to myself in this moments. I'm also doing ancestral work around staying connected to my intuition. Finally, I'm experimenting (very imperfectly) with a practice of praying before every conversation, meeting, gathering, that I can be a blessing to the group and that the gathering overall is a blessing to everyone who attends. I think that might, over time, inspire me to bring my unique contributions to the group even if I am not sure how they will be received.

Am I enough, talented enough, good enough, smart enough, you name it? I know that I am and I need to read my own words more often and get them published.

Fear of drowning. It's meant that I didn't make rafting a priority this year, so I didn't get better at it. Early this fall, I was pitched out of my boat because I didn't have the skill to navigate around a water feature. I clung to the side of the boat as the river took it down a rapid. I was terrified. Two weeks later, I still had nightmares about it. There are two ways to deal with the fear. The more positive way is to make boating a priority and practice often. The less positive way is to give it up, disappointing my wife.

Instantly, the fear that comes to mind is my own biological clock. Here I am, 31 years old, and I already feel like it's too late for me to ever find my person and have kids. I don't want to settle. I'm with a good guy right now but there are some glaring red flags and I think I'd be resentful if I went on to marry him and have kids with him. I feel stuck. And confused. The more I see how our world is changing, the more I question if I should even have kids. I don't have a plan on letting this go because it's not something I know how to do. I suppose I should find a therapist to talk this through with. Sometimes it feels like I have everything I want in life already, except for a marriage and kids. What if I get that though and I'm not happy, or worse, I regret it?

I’m pondering the prospect of living too long without enough quality of life to be worth it. The media is giving more coverage to the aging population, including stories of dementia, biological deterioration, loneliness and the sorry state of long term care facilities. My father had Parkinson’s, Mom lived to be 95. I’ve seen the effects of disabilities from disease and aging. Letting go of this fear? Perhaps that’s part of considering how I want to be in this world now.

I have let the fear of boredom control me. I struggle to just sit still with my thoughts. I’m going to let it go by taking walks and times without conversation or distraction.

I am afraid of not being able to fulfilled my dreams and family’s wants. In the coming year, I will live on the moment more and realize that I have all that I need and will love the life I want no matter what

I’m always afraid of sharing myself. I always assume if people knew me they wouldn’t like me or wouldn’t want to be around me. I hope I can learn to be more open and hide less. If someone doesn’t like me the question should be do I like them?

So many fears. I work on eliminating triggers. Fears kind of take care of themselves after that.

I am fearful of what is happening to Israel, to the global climate change, and to my very own country.

Same answer - I limited by my fear of financial failure. I want to be secure enough to not think about bills or expenses (and how to pay for them) every night before I go to sleep.

I fear for the safety of me and my family should Donald Trump become president of the USA again. I can't identify how it has limited me as I have gone on with my life per usual while encouraging those in my circle to vote him into political oblivion.

The election. All I came up with is donating money and driving people to the polls in Nevada.

I have recently come to realize that my perfectionism is/has been holding me back in many areas of my life– which I think is more limiting that any fear that I currently have. The perfectionism is the true source of many of the fears– fear of not being taken seriously, fear of failure, fear of not being liked– so if I make headway on becoming an Imperfectionist, I will get a handle on much of my fear.

I fear rejection. I mean, who doesn't, really? But I fight against it most often by taking a deep breath and putting myself out there as often as I can without losing my self-respect and by accepting that sometimes I will get rejected. And I've learned to live with that--not everyone's gonna like ya, right? Also, I try to manage my expectations, but I also need to be aware of what my expectations are. That's trickier and it is definitely a work in progress. That said, there's still times I don't ask for what I want or do things that I'd like to because I fear I will be rejected. So that, too, is a work in progress.

i am afraid of alienating acquaintances and friends due to my increasingly squirrely unfiltered social graces. i think it would help to meditate more, deep breathing can be calming. more occasions to be social would be nice as well.

I am afraid of being abandoned and replaced. This fear results in jealousy and has also affected my relationship. I feel insecure and get jealous very quickly. I would like to overcome this fear and become more self-confident. I would like to trust my partner again, but also build a strong social environment independent of my relationship so that I’m not dependent on him. I want to give myself enough security so I’ll know my worth and don’t need to be scared anymore.

I’m starting to become a bit more fearful of my husband hanging himself out in some situation where I can’t physically help him. What will I do? Call 911? Call a friend? Try to help him myself? I trust his capabilities, and I also trust his judgement, but I now know from experience that these things are not always enough to protect him. I also don’t want to be a nag, or inhibit his spirit. I’ve been thinking that we need to have more conversations about our plan B is something goes wrong and I can’t take care of it myself.

Fear of not being liked by others. This has limited me because I use my energy, time trying to liked or accepted by people. I can use my energy, effort and time with focus and clarity on what matters most to me and the world. Fear of being alone. Living in the moment and letting go of the fantasy that everyone has to like me. Practicing Gratitude. Living according to values with with Courage and Kindness.

I fear speaking up publicly. I go to protests and do my thing - but I do fear losing relationships, being hated and an outlier. Which is weird as I think people already think I am. I never feared these things before - but this year - both communities associated with Israel/Palestine on either side will tear you apart. I have been torn apart my friends - even lost one just based on different perspectives. Why should that terrify me??? I guess how do I let it go - by maybe building more skills of communication. of mediation, or systems convos? I'm not sure. I can't hid how I feel and I think people feel very judged. But the truth is. - I am sickened by the people around me

Failing. A lot of the time, I find myself afraid to even start, because what if I fail? Well hopefully I’ll be able to take a class at heartland this year. Hopefully that will be the start of something wonderful and new. Whether that be graduate school or rabbinical school or just learning constantly in general.

I still have a fear of saying certain things when certain people are present. Sadly, this hasn't really changed from last year, so I will continue to work on it.

I'm a bit "germ-phobic" which resulted in me being among the more cautious group in the context of Covid-19. As society has significantly loosened up with Covid precautions, I have also done so to some degree (and got Covid this past year), but still have some anxiety about the virus.

I have a fear of not being seen as my authentic self. I am trying to be present as my true self but I'm so used to high-masking that sometimes I fall into that pattern without thinking. Being true to how I feel, how I navigate this world, and who I am. I'm getting better at it but it still is a fear I hold since I've come out from nearly 40 years of continued trauma responses to abusive relationships I found myself in.

I'm afraid of losing friends and spaces by being a loud and proud Jew and Zionist. It's so important to me to be true to myself and to advocate for the things I care about. But I also have a lot of fear about the backlash. I hope that I can keep doing what I'm doing even if it's scary.

Well, in the back of my thoughts is longevity. How I’d love to see my grandchildren grow into their teens. So, continuing my healthy ways is a priority. I don’t think it stops me from doing anything, just mindful of choices.

Thats a big question.. Do I speak to climate collapse or social anxiety (or decision anxiety). Lets say climate collapse (we just had the hurricanes.. its so relevant.. it really comes up this time of year). It has limited me from being sure if I want babies (although Im warming back up).. I have felt limited in knowing how to get involved maybe is a better way to frame this.. I fear committing to the wrong thing / too many things so sometimes I just don't commit.. but I want to lean in 10% more! To how can I do my part to stop this horrible reality.

My dad is not a Trump supporter, but he has bought in to Republican rhetoric about Democrats. I am so afraid of talking to him about it. When I tried to talk to them about how I was hurt that they had voted Republican in the midterms, even knowing the Republicans involved supported specific anti-trans laws, they shut me down completely and thoroughly. I'm just afraid that he won't even talk about it, won't discuss it at all. I think that would be worse than talking about it but keeping the same opinions. I don't know how to handle a refusal to even have the conversation, and at the same time I know that him doing that would make me think less of him. And I love him. He's my dad. I don't want my image of him that I hold in my heart to be ruined by that.

A fear I have is being unlikable and I think it limits my friendships and my ability to be creative and joyful and free. I don’t know how to let it go yet but I’d like to work with God on that this year.

I'm getting older. My disease is not going away. I see myself "shrinking" in abilities. I know part of that is the aging process, and I'm beginning to see 70 on the horizon. But I fear losing my independence at some point. My aunt Elaine, 10 years older than me, is in a memory care home. It's like seeing myself (I've always resembled her)... yet I work hard to keep my mind sharp. I do mind puzzles. I read. I keep up with a lot of my hobbies (though I've "retired" from a few that require more strength and energy than I now have). This is not going away, so I'll continue to try to do all I can to remain as healthy as I can be; I'll write my stories, I'll keep myself well-read.

My fears are generally based around finances -- and now that I am 78, some fears about health and aging. I am attempting to invest wisely so my children have some money when I cross; and that I can care for myself should I need medical care that is not covered. I have "angels" who are helping me with staying focused and not obsessing on becoming a bag lady. lol.

I get terrible fear when flying. But I want to travel to far places! I want to visit Scotland, and I want to do it this year. I want to figure out a way to mitigate my fear so that I can visit places I dream of.

I have a fear that my husband is experiencing some form of dementia because of the many concussions he has had. It seems to really be impacting me and therefore is limiting me in my healing from traumas. I need to learn whether my fear is a feeling or a fact. Then I can know how to approach and handle it.

A fear I have is that I will not find a romantic partner. I am scared of being alone and being left as the only single friend. I have worked to overcome this fear this year by focusing on me, and my life and not hyper fixating on dating but still being open and intentional about it. It is hard when you want something so bad but you don't have control over it. I want someone to share my life with and someone to support me. I know I have been picky in the past so I am trying to give the benefit of the doubt and come from a secure place. I do really think you get what you put out, so I hope from this I will find my right person even though it feels like an endless search and impossible some days. I think maybe I have even accepted if I am single in 5-10 years I won't let that impact and ruin my life. I want to have a happy and fulfilling life either way.

I’m scared to leave the classroom. I started teaching when I was 31. I’ve been teaching for 16 years now. At the end of this year, I’ll have my degree in administration and my wife wants me to make the move. I want to do it but am scared about a new job and responsibilities and worrying I won’t be able to have the positive impact I’ve had. I shouldn’t be. I should be excited, and I am. I’m just nervous.

I fear that without deadlines and external pressures, I putter around with various creative projects but miss the opportunity to create something long term that requires planning. I fear that as I grow older, the executive functioning will become even harder. One small step is eliminating distractions which are mostly on the internet. I also do want to embrace my future senile self and know that a little disorganization is ok. In this world, it's very hard to know what to focus on next.

The fear of failure has prevented me from trying new things and following through on bringing new things into my life that I really want for myself. I have had success pushing myself to start and then realizing that it's not so bad, and that the stakes are actually much lower than I had previously thought. Continuing to do so will enrich my life and allow for the continuing growth that I'm looking for.

Fear for my kids- trying to protect them from things that will harm them. I need to let them have their independence and trust that they can do things before I might be ready to let them.

Maybe I let go of the fear of heights - do the scary ride in Las Vegas. Not afraid of not having $$ during retirement, just need to learn to spend wisely.

All year I have feared true feelings or intentions of non-Jews. I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to let it go, but moving to a friendlier area may help.

I have had a deep fear that humanity won't rise to the occasion of neutralising evil. I am terrified of the spread of jihad in the world and also of all the beings who are openly demonstrating anti-semitism around the globe. i did not think that I was going to have to deal with this issue in my lifetime but like generations past I too am tasked with this endeavour. I pray every day that these energies will self-implode and leave those who want peace truly a better world. I am afraid for my children. I intend to let these fears go by lifting myself and my tribe which INCLUDES anyone anywhere who believes in love.

I'm afraid of failure. And just generally not succeeding. I'm terrified of shame. I don't apply for jobs because I'm sure I will get rejected. I don't try to do stand-up cause I'm afraid I'll suck. The plan for 2025 is to make shame my bitch :D

Fear of taking risks. Fear of speaking up. I'm going to combat this with the choice-point mentality: This *is* worth the mental energy I need to put into it because it's going to positively reshape reality, my life, my next 20 minutes, the family. Also, still trying to be in control of everything. If I am allowed to make mistakes (which I am), then everyone else is allowed, too. I don't need to try and control them to stop them from making mistakes. If I don't have to be perfect (and I don't), then they don't either.

I don't want to think about fear right now. I just have to continue to take one day at a time and continue to have faith in God each day as I face whatever the day brings.

I'm considering whether letting go of fear or overcoming it is really the path. Maybe it's acknowledging it, seeing what's there to be learned and using it to calm and focus myself. I dunno. I still have body pain. I still have driving anxiety. I fear climate change and disasters and I fear the outcome of our national election, whatever it is. People are losing their good sense in all of this. I really thought disasters my bring people together, but I guess we have to get through the fear and panic and see a lot of people die first.

A fear that I have is not finding love. I am attached to someone that does not want me and I cannot let go. I fear that I will not find someone who checks off all the boxed I want in a boyfriend and then husband. I plan on letting time heal and focusing on myself and school. Maybe go on some dates this coming year.

I struggle with this one every year as I am not run by fear. This is not to say that I am all optimism and bubbles…just that I manage fear well. The only fears I can come up with are base level parenting stuff- that my son or my animals will do something and become badly hurt. This feels primal and I know I cannot control every component of their worlds and that freedom and exploration are essential. This is really a God thing - turning it over and not projecting the future.

I fear the erosion of civil values, democracy, and tolerance, the soil in which the Jewish people and those I love have flourished. However imperfect they have been, I fear that what is coming is far worse. Stay and fight, or run away? And is there even an away? Or are we entering into a new era of democratic retreat?

The fear of death that arose intensely after Joe's death has eased, but the mystery of death has always propelled my spiritual inquiry. I don't think that will ever change, but it is worthwhile to continue and deepen my spiritual practices. Other fears are the usual aspects of facing the unknown: of making a mistake as I forge ahead into moving, making house decisions. Fear of financial security, will I be able to afford a house I love if/when I decide to stop renting Amy and Greg's. But you know, this year, I really gave into letting life show me the way, and that surrender has very much eased a fear mentality. It will all be fine. I suppose another fear is in relationship. I would like another intimate partner and wonder if way down deep there is fear around that.

Oh, gosh. so many. But the big ones: I have debt, because I lost my job and I'm facing agism. I fear being unable to get out of it, unable to find work, and the reality of having been turned down from countless positions I'm incredibly well qualified for stops me in my tracks from applying for more. I'm terrified that my photography won't be taken seriously. This flies in the face of juried, national shows, and public accolades. I'm both terrified and horrified that this election is even close. The number of my fellow citizens who are either so stupid or gullible as to vote republican up or down the ticket keeps me up at night. The tremendous existential threat that another Trump presidency presents similarly keeps me up at night. I can't let go of any of these things. For the first, augmenting my income is not optional and for the second, too much of my self-worth is tied up in positive reception of my artistic vision. For the first and second, I'll just keep putting one foot in front of the other and take it as an article of faith that doing something is better than doing nothing. For the third, I will vote, as I always do.

I think my fear is always the same: losing connections that are important, bc of distance & time zones. Have lived with this for many years, but will be trickier to manage while living in Israel

I still have anxiety, so that hasn't changed, but I think my biggest fear is that I do not like to feel vulnerable. I generally feel good about myself, but it is easy to compare myself to others, which gets in my way. I also need to be more fearless physically!

I'm afraid of a lot. The ones that have the highest priority is not having money because I can't find a job;Dad having to sell the house as Project 2025 steals his income;dying at 49. There's a lot here I have no control over. But I am working on learning new skills to attain a new job that pays well. I'll help Dad sell the house and he'll have to move in with me. Hopefully that cash will find us a decent spot to live and by then I'll have a great job that pays well. I'm doing my best to take care of my health now, and I hope that helps me live longer. Also trying to learn how to not stress out so much... we'll see how that goes.

I'm afraid of taking the leap to have children. I'm also afraid of a scenario where we don't have children. I'm also afraid that we're going to have children before we feel that we've traveled enough. I'd like to evaluate whether these questions are coming internally or externally.

Death. Lost 5 people in close succession. Went to memorials and funerals. Saw their life in review on my life review. Maybe it is limited me because I think there’s always gonna be more time and I know it’s later than I think. I need to start letting go of stuff. I have little things like socks that I only have one of a pair. Socks, Old Aloe vera that I’ve had for 25 years, keys with out doors, shoes, books, life…

I fear I will be nothing to no one. And I fear I will accept that as how it is. Is that selfish? Maybe so. How do I overcome that? I don't know.

I think fear of being judged, although I do push my boundaries a lot with that fear, I still do care about other people's opinions, no matter how much I try to say I don't. I really want that to change, I'm not here to be pleasing someone else, I'm here to enjoy my life, and I can't do that if I keep worrying about what others think of me. I want to keep pushing that boundary, even if it's uncomfortable cause then when I keep doing, it will become second nature. I want to be fully and entirely proud of who I am, because I am, but I want to show it too.

I’m afraid of getting life wrong, and at the end I was a waste. It has limited me in so many ways. From being controlled by fear, and manipulated. It has left me paralyzed, completely unable to make a decision. I don’t know exactly how I will be able to overcome it, but I am going to start with counseling.

Unfortunately my fear is the same as the last 2 years: I fear that Trump, along with the MAGA and GQP, will take over and turn the US government into an authoritarian regime. It makes me feel helpless and hopeless. The amount of time and money I can put towards preventing this won't make a difference, but I shouldn't give up.

Perfectionism has left me restrained. I hold myself back too much. I'm afraid of being disliked, of making mistakes, of hurting people. I need to breath, center myself, and trust my gut.

Pretty much the same answer as last year. I don't really have fears to speak of except a growing phobia about riding in cars on highways where everyone is going so fast and, being so close together, a small error could lead to tragedy.I'm much more ware of my age and declining flexibility and stamina but taking that as a natural effect of aging rather than fear.

The Great fear of rejection seems to prevent me from asking out women. Letting go of that fear or overcoming that fear might get me caught on a relationship that jeopardizes merry times with Lori so I'm not sure I plan on l letting it go.

I am constantly fearful of changing my business model/offerings as I am scared of coming across "inauthentic" when in fact some of those changes are holding me back from more money and more freedom.

I’m afraid that I’ll never have another romantic or intimate relationship because nobody will love or desire me as I am. I’m planning on trying to overcome that fear by seeking those relationships.

I am hesitant about letting down my guard and allowing in others. I’m afraid that I’m not interesting enough and don't want to be be fully open about who I am and what I really want. I have started making strides by talking more honestly about myself to my acupuncturist and want to continue on that path with other people who I trust.

The fear of the world ending. Of Kamala not winning, and of the Civil War which may start if she does. For my Trans Kid out in the world being their beautiful, multi-gendered self. I can't let these fears go ~ they are real. But I can hope to continue to breathe, learn how to feel my feelings, and grieve. I need to grieve and cry.

The deepest fear for me is my death, that it may be very painful but even more scary that I leave my family before I finish my tasks of helping them. I am working on setting up funds for the grandkids. I am working on having as much quality time with my family as possible, but I think I may need to look into therapy to help me overcome this fear.

Afraid of failure - sometimes afraid to pursue new opportunities

I have a fear of saying what I really think at work or to strangers. I prefer to blend in a bit. I think this self silencing makes me feel mute. With God's help I can overcome this self silencing.

Unfortunately, my answer here is much the same as last year. I am working on my self esteem and have adjusted my medications a lot over the past year to get to a good place. I cannot seem to secure a job, so I feel I am living a nightmare. However, this continues to be out of my control. Unfortunately, my most recent iron in the fire turned out to be a dud, which is further hurting my self esteem. It feels like I have so many skills and yet cannot convince anyone that I have any relevant skills. I am trying to overcome this by being more present for my kids and my family. I am having trouble letting that be "enough". I have to let go the notion that I can solve this problem quickly, and while I need to keep actively trying for a job I must appreciate that the right job may still be a ways off from now, so I have to be patient.

I sometimes don't believe that God wants the best for me. I think I fear that if I don't take control, my life will spiral into something that isn't good, or I won't get what I want. I'm definitely learning to trust Him and his character more and more, but I do pray for breakthrough in this coming year. He has shown me how much greater his plans and thoughts are than mine, and breakthrough is already here.

My fear is of living in a fascist, Nazi-esque America. I plan to overcome it by moving out.

The fear of being alone has really been setting in recently. I made the choice to move away from most of my friends, and while I have a support system here now, I feel very separate from them now, and it's definitely affecting my emotions and my mood. I will try to get out more and spend more time with friends I know I have here, and also make it a point to see my friends from NYC whenever I can. It's not so far, and I know they love me.

I still have remnants of a fear of being criticized or not liked. Continue to focus on appreciation of my gifts and those of everyone I meet. Let go of the rest.

My biggest fear: a blatantly racist and hateful self consumed LIAR gets somehow elected President. He in no way at all deserves any political office, and could put us into WWIII, treat peacefully working immigrants in this country in terrified fear, even remove the earned legal citizenship of our son-in-law from Kenya. This country would go to hell. I plan on letting it go through prayer and support of our friends.

I think my big fear was losing my parents and now that its happened, I feel like I can survive just about anything. I guess my new fear is losing my dog, affording my life, what happens to me when I'm old, who will take care of me, if I breakup with my boyfriend will I be lonely or single forever because I don't care to make an effort to find a partner and I wonder if there is a good partner out there for me. Knowing what real whole unconditional love is raised the bar. I don't know how to let go or overcome what I imagine are just normal life fears. I can only hope I guess to feel that G-d and my guardian angels have me.

Fear : Anti-semitism. The HATE on the planet. Letting it go? focus on LOVE. Asking for help to see the Love and light. Any suggestions?

I haven't been doing well lately, so I haven't been feeling much of anything, let alone fear. Maybe the fear of running out of money has stunted the exploration and excitement that I've let myself experience. I hope that I get access to help with that over the next year. I'd like to feel more things.

Impostor syndrome... and I'm starting to wonder if all adults just are in a "fake it until you make it" mode all the time? I think in overcoming it, having to listen to people when they tell them how well I did something rather then brush it off, because obviously I'm not objective about myself.

I'm worried about being able to recharge my career and get myself back to where I was when we left Alaska, professionally speaking. I thought of myself as an expert educator--not in all areas, of course, but solid enough in the areas I've been working in to be continuously learning, evolving, and developing new things. Currently, I feel more like I'm treading water--weary of learning about new things with nowhere in which to apply them. My focus has been on finding or starting a program that is something I can put my heart into. False starts so far. However, I still have a couple in the works. So this year, I'm going to continue to focus on developing those. I do move rather slowly. So patience may be in order.

I fear retiring broke. Or worse, never being able to retire. Maybe this year I finally get a handle on my retirement accounts.

I have a deep fear of abandonment. I assume friends and loved ones will abandon me if I do anything they don't like. I've gotten better about this, but it's something where I continue to have to practice noticing all of the ways people don't abandon me, all of the ways people in my life show me they like me as I am

Being alone as I get older. To reach out more and be open to being alone or to a different kind of sharing life.

As I get older and experience more body pain and limitations, I’ve started the unhealthy practice of counting how many remaining summers there are for me. I wonder if I’m aging out of being a server, since I can barely walk when I get home from my shift. It’s the most lucrative line of work I’m qualified for. Can I switch careers this late? What have I done to prepare for retirement or end of life care? Will be I be a homeless senior? Not sure how to fix this insecurity. As soon as I can snag a permanent job with benefits, I’ll focus on my 401k and IRA. A lot of people out there don’t have a safety net, and I’m one of them.

I am afraid of writing my mind. It has held me back in preventing me from trusting my intuition when working on assignments and tasks, forcing me to work harder rather than smarter. I have allowed my fear of settling for inferior quality to run rampant, and I found myself perpetually behind with extensions that only further enabled my anxiety about producing satisfactory work. After seeing my dad recently get let go because of his failure to complete a set of tasks that was asked of him, I must learn from his (and my own) mistakes and stick to deadlines... for my own sake, if nothing else. I owe it to myself and the professors/bosses/peers supporting me to put something on the page and into the universe.

Talking to clients about a monetary investment. I am not making what I'm worth. Becoming more knowledgeable about asking for adequate payment.

Right now I have terrifying fear about being Jewish. The war in Gaza has erupted in a whirlwind of antisemitism. It’s a scary time to be a Jew.

I am afraid of not having enough time, but I have also realized that even if I don't have all the time I want, I need to really want, appreciate, and enjoy the time I do have! It's a magic solution!

Fucking terrorists and anti-Semites.

A fear I've had for a lot of my life is that I would die alone. I feel I've let it go but, sometimes, I feel remnants of that fear present as I dive into hard projects. I am surrounded by love and have never been alone, I am blessed by love, family, and community ; B"H.

Driving especially on freeways. It is limiting my independence, my ability to do things I want to do and my ability to do anything in the evening. I can only overcome it if I keep my distance vision optimal, get used to checking around for lights, signs etc. and possibly taking a lesson or two. I am also afraid fo catching covid which is restricting me from many things I would like to do, from quilting classes downwards. Fear of not being good enough or making mistakes holds me back from quilting and stitching. Fear of criticism keeps me in my office instead of sewing or doing creative endeavours.

Fear of being alone - no happy family. I grew up with an only child, a single mom and a conservative family. Despite having all I needed, I didn't have examples of good relationships and support. I stayed in abusive relationships for fear of being alone - and now that I'm in a healthy one, I fear I won't have kids. I want kids soon as I'm 35 already, but my partner is not ready. I'm afraid time will slip away and I might not have the family I dreamed about. This limits me as I will often feel fear that time will run out. I am in a rush as I want 2 kids (so they aren't lonely). I'm not sure I can let it go as a woman's biological clock is something real and unfortunate- but I have learned to enjoy more the now and not suffer over what I can't control. It's a process, not sure 1 year will change it.

The selfsame stone in my heart. At 70, I remain terrified of not being able to take care of myself, of being a burden to my daughter, of losing my faculties. I try not to let this fear overwhelm me, and do my damnedest to live every day fully and joyously.

Trading last year answer I see it's the same unresolved issues and it's getting worse do I hope reading this once again will force me to do something about it.

Oh my gosh, what am I not afraid of? There are so many things I'm afraid of that I can't even count them. I've tried therapy, but some of my fears are so much a part of me that I can't let them go. Then there are the fears that have come true. There is one fear, though, that I have (I hope) maybe learned how to cope with thanks to my therapist. I can step outside myself and see my reaction to my fear, acknowledge it, and realize I can still go ahead and do what I have to do in spite of it. Believe it or not, I was actually able to use it today and it worked! I didn't let it go or overcome it, but I was able to cope with it. So hurrah!

I still fear the loss of democracy. It is the same as having my religion taken from me. My touchstone is an idea, not a god or God. It is the idea of democracy as laid out in the mission statement of the US Constitution, The Preamble; "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. I will let go of that fear if Kamala Harris is elected President and no civil war starts.

Professionally, this is a BIPOC MOMENT. The Visual arts pendulum which was swinging towards underrepresented older women in art has firmly my swung to represent young bipoc artists of various indeterminate genders. Seeing this trend has kept me from applying to fellowships, exhibition possibilities and other artistic opportunites. I’ll try a bit harder but there’s no real point.

Fear limiting me: widower is never (well, practically in love marriages at least) desired as a life-change status. Letting it go is impossible; the 9-13 month "normal grief" cycle I filed away in my mental Rolodex during Kevin O'Neill's seminar notwithstanding, overcoming is also as Juniper Robertson counsels, there's no "normal way to react to grief." So I with equanimity, as people here in Ecuador accept Sister Death, so as a Franciscan and whatever Jewish affinity I possess both however much in contradiction or coexistence, I persist.

A fear of failure. I let a lot of it go since leaving that racist and sexist memorial sloan kettering, but it still lingers. I plan on continued healing and interrogation of the past so I can have a better tomorrow

Fear of failure. It has limited my risk-taking and hindered my belief in my ability to succeed. I plan to take more chances and put myself out there.

Now that I'm a new widow, my greatest fear is running out of money, even for just the essentials. I am pragmatic and frugal but the reduced income is a little daunting. I still have a mortgage so the plan is to sell in a year or 2 and get an apartment. So, at this time, I'm trying to make the necessary improvements, and my focus is simply to do my best.

Public speaking and presentations. Beta blockers have been a game changer. Wish I discovered it many years earlier in my career.

I have the fear of isolation and no one loving me. It’s limited me because I get hurt when I feel rejection. This has caused me immense pain and inner turmoil. I keep trying yo meditate to work through my hurt and I try to keep busy and active with volunteering. Not sure all that works actually.

My fears are 3: Marty’s health, Israel, & US election. How are they limited to me? We have no family near us so Marty’s care is me responsibility- cooking, cleaning, laundry, monitoring his diabetes, Shopping, answering repetitive questions as to date, calendar, vision. Israel fear is limited to me in that I’m afraid I’m developing a strong dislike for everything Israel all because of the devastation Netanyahu’s government is inflicting on Palestinians & Lebanon! I can not find it in me to accept or understand the need for this kind of vindictive violence - how is this Judaism? How is this social Justice?IS election - I fear for Jews if Trump wins & if he chooses not to accept results if he loses. How can I keep my husband daughter & grandson safe? Trump has threatened the Jewish population if he loses. If he wins he has threatened all who oppose him - we all vocally oppose him! Plans to overcome/let go? I have no idea - pray a lot. Try to remember I can’t change anything overnight but it’s the process of trying to be patient & understanding with Marty. Israel - keep writing in opinions as to the unacceptable behavior of Netanyahu’s government & far right Israelis. Pray that Netanyahu will be replaced by a democratic leader & that Israel will work with the Arab States, EU, IK, & US to create a Palestinian state. Prepare one of 2 paths in the wake of US elections. Become a committed activist like Jane Fonda opposing Trump & his white nationalist policies Or. Move out of the US!

I fear I will never get ahead of my "procrastinative" tendencies and that I will continue to deny the kind of exercise I and my dog need on a daily basis. I can overcome this by committing to these things that I put off.

I am afraid of looking incompetent. I fear my own mediocrity. I can only overcome these by continuing to make art. Make art so I can learn to make better art.

I am afraid to say or do the wrong thing – I'm afraid that if I am not for myself, who will be? And that has made me defensive. I am afraid that if I am only for myself, what am I? And that has made me self-effacing. I am afraid if not now, when? And that has made me despair when change did not come. In the coming year I want to hold these questions out of mutual love and hope for self and others and not out of fear and despair. I want to express bravery, compassion, and a demand for the dignity of all human beings, all the time.

I have a fear of birds, especially pigeons. It doesn’t really limit me living in California. I have no plans to overcome this fear.

Lately I’ve been noticing how my anxiety from Zahava’s birth and first year are impacting how I experience Nomi’s first months. She is healthy and thriving and yet I am expecting something to go wrong. Last year I wrote about potentially going back to therapy and I didn’t do it. Well this year maybe I will? I think I’m afraid of what I might find if I set aside the time to really work on myself. But at the same time, perhaps that is the work that needs doing.

A fear I have is what people think. It stops me from initiating ideas at work, from speaking up to friends and family, from giving feedback at work, from being stricter with students…. I don’t have a plan of overcoming but I am very aware of this problem. I got therapy this year. I find myself attracted to videos and podcasts about self-betterment which often have lessons about not worrying what others think. Life is short and I want to be myself. I want to keep pushing myself.

I am afraid of the world and of how bad politicians may ruin everything.

Like my answer last year, I am still scared of being an unhealthy elderly person. I fear being alone and left with no one to care for me. I fear being immobile and unable to take care of myself. I fear being in pain.

I am so embarrassed by my appearance that I find it hard to leave the house very often. I fear what someone else might think about me. Instead of working harder to improve myself, I withdraw. I need to take steps to overcome this.

I have a few fears, some I can’t let go and some that have gone, I am not sure I will ever overcome the thought of not meeting anyone, but I think I need to rally myself together and put myself out there more often. Getting a job is another issue, but I need to be strong and able. I can do it, I will do it, just need to courageous. I also need to put my mind to it.

I am in a long-term difficult marriage. This year we made plans to sell our house and move to a different state. I saw this as a gift: a chance to step away. I didn't want to move, but was afraid to change these plans. But this upheaval provides a chance for me to outline what I do, and do not want in our relationship going forward. In the coming year, I will assess the improvements in my relationship, and will return to my home and community if I need to. Live my best life going forward.

My fear is that I am losing my short term memory. It affects my work in that there are conversations I don't remember accurately so I can't hold people to something I may or may not have discussed with them. Taking copious notes is exhausting and not always helpful. After the two projects I'm working on now, I will stop managing people and choose work I am confident in. This may be my subconscious helping me focus on what really matters and stick with my values while I can.

My fear is being in a manager of some kind but I want to be a manager to get higher pay. It think like learning experience.

I’m terrified of heights. I’ve tried to get over it in the last few years but it doesn’t get better. I just need to keep exposing myself to it and hope it gets better.

I am afraid that I don't have the talent to write the kind of novel I would like to write. This keeps me from writing at all. But I have already started to just chip away at it, telling myself that I will finish a first draft and see how it feels. If I can do that, I will be well on the way to at least telling the story I want to tell.

Since mid-June, lymphedema has sapped me of physical and emotional energy. I fear loosing ability and independence (I have Cerebral Palsy). Yes, there is necessary to accept the conditions with which are beset. But, simply, I don’t want to. I am determined to do what I have to limit the effects of lymphedema on my life. I hope I don’t have to ‘give in’ to the changes that have happened- many are uncomfortable and or painful, and difficult with which to cope.

I've been afraid of who I am, and that people will find out. I'm learning to let this go in favor of just being who I am, and knowing that it will be ok.

A fear I have right now is the loss of my husband. I am afraid of being alone for the rest of my life and what that will look like I will also miss him incredibly.He is my best friend. I also worry about losing my children. I honestly don’t know if I could handle that grief maybe I could, but I don’t want to find out the best way for me to overcome this is by recognizing that I have absolutely no control over theirlive lives. I need to spend more time Enjoying them while they’re alive rather than worry about when and if they’re going to die. We have had so much loss in our family. I think I’m just afraid of what’s to come next. This too I have no control over.

My fear is that I won't be able to make enough income to keep us in our home and that we'd have to move. I plan on finishing my degree and getting a better paying job with lots of benefits!

I’ve come around recently to accepting that I have a fear of abandonment, and have for some time. It’s at the core of my FOMO, and also plays into a lot of the pain and hurt I feel in my romantic and sex lives. Unlike a lot of irrational fears, this one often makes a lot of sense because it is fed by the very real abandonment I experience in my pursuits of intimacy. That is for sure valid, no doubt, but that kind of abandonment differs in degree from childhood abandonment, which I think is ultimately where the adult feelings stem from. Because a stranger you went on one date with doesn’t owe you in the way your parent owes you, and so can’t wrong you in the way a parent can by abandoning their child. Now, I won’t say I was abandoned as a child, because I generally had very attentive parents, but I think this fear of mine comes from somewhere, and I have to believe that it originated in my relationship with mom, in the way she would turn on me when I didn’t go along with what she wanted. I’m pretty sure of this actually. It kind of explains my whole people pleasing tendency. So this fear is related and definitely still affects me to this day. The thing is though, I wouldn’t say that the fear prevents me from being vulnerable with people. I think I can be if anything too vulnerable with people I just meet. I think the problem is more the inner monologue I cultivate when I am seeing someone. I hyper analyze their reactions towards me and am always bracing myself for what I see as an inevitable rejection. I honestly really don’t blame myself for this, because how else is my body supposed to react to being rejected over and over and over and over again? I would like to say I have a lot of compassion for myself and this fear. So I think that’s part of the solution in combatting this fear; to not invalidate it and to recognize that it comes from a real place of hurt, and then hopefully from there, convince myself that I am okay, that I have survived rejection many times before, and I will survive it again, because in the end, it’s just me myself and I.

Always--writing and letting my work be seen. I can only overcome it one way: writing and letting my work be seen.

I have a massive fear of Borgi dying which has now extended to Bramble and Bruce. I plan to get counselling as it's not normal to have daily thoughts like this.

Looking at last year's... I never read that article on having a positive attitude about aging. I've done pretty well this past year, including another 5-day bike trek in the summer, another short one planned for early November. But I've been feeling slower and as indicated by other answers, wondering if I can continue to contribute in a meaningful way at work. The best I can think to do is to keep on ad best I can each day and look for the opportunities to make a difference. And to have fun, because that's the ultimate foil to aging. I'm going to keep getting older but if I can enjoy the time then it's just more, good life.

same as last year: On a personal level I really am not fearful about very much. I am fearful for the United States: it is becoming more divided; the very wealthy are wealthier and the poor are poorer; I am a afraid for women I am afraid for Jews and other minorities in the US and other countries; I am afraid for the homeless. I fear for the planet. Mostly I am afraid for the young people and the earth they are inheriting

I still have thoughts of being unlovable & no good. However, I have been strongly working on this this year. Also, my daughter and I have made a lot of progress in our relationship and we feel a lot closer & appreciate each other a lot more. I know it is important for Viola (and Michelle) that I can model self love for them, so that they can love themselves & all our human imperfections. I am motivated & continuing to work on this in therapy & by myself.

I have a fear of getting stuck in the bathtub-not being able to get out. I bought a grab bar and it’s being installed next week. Also, I plan to get into better physical shape.

I am afraid of running out of money as we age. We have saved scrupulosy, but we did many alternative things from ages 20-40 including staying home to raise children, and we have always worked jobs, not careers. The next 20-30 years look like a long time stretching ahead without substantial income, and everything, especially housing, is so much more expensive than anything that we have ever considered before. This fear makes me want to trade my lovely but impractical home for a convenient and very basic little house. I wonder if iI could dare to choose a home that I found lovely, even if out of my price range? And not worry so much about the future. I guess that if the house is nice enough, I could always sell it in the future. I need to talk to a realtor soon and get some realistic ideas about the market.

A lack of daily structure in my life. Honestly, I will probably solve with alternative structure. Pure relaxation is always a possiblity.

I am afraid of dying before my daughter gets on her feet. I am afraid of losing my mobility before I have a chance to put things in place to cover myself. I guess I will just keep plugging along, trying to do a bit every day to make progress.

I can't really think of any fears that held me back in the past year. I plan to keep overcoming obstacles in the coming year

It's my age. I'm lonely. My body is aging and I feel less attractive. Two days ago, I woke up and discovered I couldn't breathe through my nostrils, they were plugged up. I couldn't blow my nose, air is too dry. (this was one day after I received the Covid and flu vaccines). I used a remedy I've done for years, I threw a towel over my head and bent over a bathroom sink full of hot steamy water to unclog my nose. I noticed that the steam greatly diminished wrinkles that are forming on my forehead. I didn't start to wrinkle on my forehead until two years ago. Now I want to buy a facial steamer! Apparently, moisturizer and sunscreen alone are not enough. I use tinted mineral sunscreen. I can't afford foundation even from the Dollar Tree, as if that came in a color that matched me or had ingredients I trusted. I was only married briefly--that was maybe a four year relationship from beginning to end out of my 58 entirely. I blame my health condition and/or poverty on not finding a partner. I've tried FB Dating, no dice there. Not active enough or too active, can't listen to music. I never had children but am distrustful of men who've never had children who are in my age range (which is what? I don't want a man with a beard or a mustache. But I think when men start to lose hair on their heads, they want to have it on their face to feel youthful.) Can't find eligible Jews in my area and I don't travel. I feel that I am never going to meet anyone, impossible, and I don't find any male tenants here who interest me at all. I think this fear is that I am old, unattractive, too disabled to enjoy common life pleasures, and I am just going to shrivel up to nothing with no one. Die bitter, alone, and of course, old. How to let that go? I just have to be more active in doing things that I find interesting, already have discussed that in other answers. Stay busy. Do what I can. Don't worry. Don't think about it. What time have I got left? I don't know.

I fear that I will run out of money. That fear keeps me isolated and contracted. I want to throw myself more into serving others

I am afraid of upsetting some people in my professional circles if I say what is on my mind because there is a very strong thought police and strange, subjective norms that pass for objectively self-evident criteria. I want more and more to stop caring about external validation and be true to my thoughts. But I also don’t necessarily need to go rub my thoughts on the faces of those who I am afraid of upsetting. I simply need to deal with this fear by not caring either way.

My fear this year is how to deal with Israel and its situation. I also don’t know how to express my desire to see the violence end without sounding anti-Israel. I am passionately pro-Israel, but I do inject to many of the decisions made by its government. How do I balance being both sorrowful for Israel and also for the people used as pawns by Hezbollah and Hamas?

I have a fear of leaving my current place of employment and stepping into my fullness and a leadership coach and all that accompanies it--retreats, workshops, a flourishing coaching business. To be the entrepreneur I dream to be with a following build on humility, transformation, clarity, and hope. I will overcome it by stepping into it one day at a time, one workshop at a time, one coaching session at a time, one revelation at a time.

I have many fears that limit my life. I don’t know how to get rid of them but I want to c because they prevent me from living fully.

I'm afraid of being needy, and I'm starting to really really want to learn how to let myself need things from people... it makes me isolated. I think I just need to walk through the glass door without glass in it. It's not gonna be easy.

I’ve had fear of owning my power, value and self-worth. This has limited me in experiencing the wholeness of who I am. I am allowing myself to look at the fear for what it is and deciding to surrender the story line. Just surrender.

Fear of rejection is the biggest obstacle for me. I’ve been working on it and getting better about letting it go. Jill and Jeremy and MCF were big lessons. Speaking my truth is good. Doing it graciously and with patience is better.

Wow. That's big. I have a fear of jumping into dark water, but I don't have any plans to try and overcome it. It's not a big deal and it doesn't negatively affect my life. I do have a fear of disappointing my family and close friends. Again, I don't have any plans to overcome it.

I have a fear of vulnerability. It has limited me from showing up as my full self in relationships. I want to explore that more in therapy this year and hopefully become more comfortable with vulnerability.

Fear of something is wrong with me. The chest pains that I’ve been having I’ve been told might be heartburn or something stomach related. I do have a doctor appointment next week to hopefully find out what’s wrong

One fear I have is putting myself out there, whether in relationships or new experiences. This fear has limited me by holding me back from opportunities that could be truly amazing. I often find myself hesitating to engage fully, worried about vulnerability or rejection. To overcome this in the coming year, I plan to make small, intentional changes. I’ll start by setting manageable goals, like initiating conversations or trying new activities with friends. By gradually stepping out of my comfort zone, I hope to build my confidence and discover the joys that come with embracing life more openly. I believe that taking these small steps will help me shift my perspective and allow me to experience the richness that comes from connecting with others and seizing opportunities.

I am deeply afraid of failure. I feel intensely stressed by constantly having to be on top of everything. I think for me, letting go of this fear would be the most helpful but hardest method. Taking a pause and trying to reframe my thinking to embrace failure as a part of life rather than something to be avoided at all costs would be my method of letting go.

I am always afraid of loosing my job. But that hasn't stopped me.

I seem to have developed a scarcity mentality during the pandemic that is associated with a fear of not getting what I need/want if I don’t act quickly - i.e., right away, even when that’s not even possible. (In all honesty, I probably had the foundation for this pre-pandemic, but it’s only gotten worse.) This has led to a lot of anxiety and moving too quickly, occasionally causing more problems than it solves. I will try to overcome this through a combination of mindful breathing/awareness and intentional delays, to reinforce that the fear is more in my mind than in reality.

Since I’ve been having huge neck and shoulder issues for a few months, I’ve essentially stopped working out. I tried a few times, and I always ended up in pain the next day. So I’ve been afraid to do anything, but my issues are still unresolved. I know I’ve gained weight and maybe lost muscle and it sucks, but I can’t stop the anxiety about it. I’m hoping that in the new year, I can finally be free of the pain that’s been plaguing me for a while.

I am afraid my health will never get better. One could argue that it is limiting me because I'm unwilling to make any serious plans for the future. But on the other hand, that is keeping me from letting anyone down. I am trying to improve my health in order to overcome this, but I do not know if I will succeed.

As my body ages, I fear shrinking my focus and energy to aches and ailments to the exclusion of beauty, new ideas, laughter, learning. For next year: First, I want to think of ways to find and explore new ideas and viewpoints. Reading. Interacting with new people, new art, new places, new music. Second, a personal rule limiting talk about health problems. Third, find places - virtual or in person - where people are passionate about things I know nothing about.

My biggest fear is that something will happen to Kaylee and Blake. I have a paralyzing fear when they are driving, especially long distances. I worry about their physical health and mental well being. I worry about suicide and making bad choices. I want them to be happy and reach their potential in life. I only want the best for them. My prayer box works well. I can journal or sit with my feelings more. These fears will not go away, but I haven't to learn to live with them. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can , and the wisdom to know the difference.

I fear I’m not the genius I wanted to be. It has kept me from finishing projects because I’d have to live with that they are not masterpieces.

Probably not a fear so much as a deep concern for the future success of the Jewish population around the globe with rampant antisemitism on the rise. Reporting incidents when I come across them and advocacy.

My fears are the same: retirement and losing Chris. The fear of retirement keeps me tethered to my Stanford job. If I trusted I could feel active and engaged in retirement, what would I do differently? Knowing I am likely to live longer than Chris does help me in turning my attention to savoring what we have. That is a good thing.

I think my biggest fear right now is that my relationship with Matt is in trouble. And ironically the fear of our relationship getting worse in the future has made our relationship in the present harder than it actually is. We are taking the steps to work on it - we started couples therapy this month and will continue, and we're taking steps to make our home life work better for us. I'm wondering how much to overcome and how much to just let go? I want to model a healthy partnership for Jules

I am afraid of getting sick. It has stopped me from seeing friends and doing fun things from time to time. It has made me cancel lots of social plans. I'm not sure how I will overcome this fear which is a result of the trauma experienced during Covid. I think it is a matter of constantly reminding myself that there is so much out of our control and we just have to keep living life to the fullest.

Terror over antisemitism has made me afraid of friends, colleagues, everyone. Idk how to let it go or overcome it honestly.

Is it a fear? That I'll never love an intimate partner again? Or is it a foregone conclusion. Of course I have fears of hurting myself, or getting sick with something, maybe mentally. I plan to hold these thoughts without being limited by them, or even better, replace them with positive images and intentions.

Huh! no fears allowed! Israelis aren't allowed to fear given the existential need for resilience, and I'm making Aliyah after chag. challenges to overcome, but no fears allowed!

My evergreen answer: Let me repeat last year's answer: There is a difference between being fearful and being risk-aware. The fear that limits and freezes is the fear of the unknown. The way to overcome that is becoming informed enough to exercise reasonable amounts of caution. Knowledge can be the way through, as is preparation for the "known unknowns". There will always be existential threats, and we cannot always protect ourselves from every one of them. We can, however, be aware in our daily situations without being frozen into inaction.

Once again, we are on the precipice of a country defining election. I am hopeful that democracy will be saved but anxious that it won't. If Trump wins, I don't know how I will overcome the depression, both economically and emotionally, that will ensue. Probably by focusing on my granddaughters.

My biggest fear is for the future of our country if Trump is reelected and for the world if we don’t address climate change effectively and soon (the two are sadly related). I don’t think I can or should let it go, but I’d like to spend less time doom-scrolling on my phone and more time reading books. For now I will continue to encourage people to vote. And I will try to do more on an individual level to live more sustainably.

Fear of flying is high on the list. It does limit on where I'm prepared to go and I'm ok with that.

Again, as Cindy says I am a catastrophizer. I need to settle down. Everything related to my body is a worst case scenario. And it isn't. It really isn't.

I'm afraid that either nobody will hire me as a paralegal, or I'll get hired and it won't work out. It hasn't stopped me from going ahead with my plans and hasn't made me limit my plans, but it does create anxiety. The one thing that will make me let it go is getting hired by a good firm with a good culture and strong ethics.

I have feared being wrong with clients. Turns out, it's not about me. It's more about asking them the challenging questions that allows them to step into uncertainty. I'm working on language that demonstrates my experience in an advisory capacity, and lets them make decisions, rather than relying on me for decisions. I'll continue to assert my opinions, driven by data and experience, and ask challenging questions when I don't know.

My greatest fear right now is that Trump will regain the Presidency and, that Israel and Palestine will not be able or capable of seeking a negotiated settlement. I don’t think either worry can be overcome. My beloved nephew has Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and although I know that he is receiving the best possible care and that people survive, it is a huge concern, as he is only fifty one years old. My older brother, his uncle, died of this almost fifty years ago. It is so hard to know that he is experiencing all of the side effects of chemo and immunotherapy. I can and do choose to be optimistic and pray that he conquers it and never has a recurrence. It is tough to watch his dad, my brother, and his wife, whom I adore. suffer and bear witness.

I'm afraid to make a terrible mistake, and screw up my health or my life. Because my health is fragile, there's reason to be afraid. I think the best I can do is dip my toe into the stream of activities and responsibilities available to me and see how it goes.

I am so afraid of losing my disability payments, I’ve let it keep me from engaging in too much of the outside world. I plan on pushing myself not to focus on it, and to get out as much as I can.

Not so much a fear but my imposter syndrome has gotten quite severe in the past few months. It makes me seriously doubt myself. I think in the weeks to come, there will be some serious "mirror talks", and much reading of words of encouragement to convince myself I CAN and I AM good enough

The fear that my trans son is not safe out in the world, especially if I don’t care for him. IDK how to let it go but I know I need more distance.

Fear of regrets - I'm thinking that living my life with the primary goal of avoiding regrets is not how I want to do it anymore. Regrets are part of the price of admission. I'm gonna try to do more living toward something, rather than away from something.

As my love for Miro has grown, so too has the fear of losing them. It's a normal part of love, the clutching of the beloved to your heart, digging in your nails against the idea of not having them with you. I know this fear from my other loves, and expected it, and am able (for the most part) to acknowledge and respect the fear while not letting it spiral. The millions of possible terrible futures are a gentle background roar, some rearing their head for a few minutes until I can return to my beautiful present. It's not a fear to be overcome, as any parent will tell you it never leaves. But I think it's a fear I can live with, accompanied as it is with the overwhelming love.

Oh, the same old one -- making an irreversible, horrible mistake. I guess I feel like if something truly awful ever happened, I'd rather it be due to a cruelly random universe, not my own shortcomings. I've made my peace with the idea that things, good and terrible, happen for no reason. People seek meaning where there is none. *Especially* where there is none. That isn't to say meaning can't be derived from whatever happens -- many of my friends say I always find a bright side. I say I always learn a lesson. Related, I fear being judged. Even in small ways -- I don't like driving with other drivers in the car or talking in the phone if from of other people. I over-share my flaws with new friends because of you don't accept them right away, I don't want to be judged for them later. And it's why I tend to want people, real and fictional!, to be forgiven for their mistakes -- because I can always imagine making a terrible mistake.

I still feel paralyzed by fear of political instability in this country. I fear the instability in my marriage. Both stem from knowing how little control I have over their impact on me should they go bad. I have so little agency over my own life, and when life writ large and small is so unstable it is utterly terrifying. I am starting to take a few steps toward gaining some personal independence, but the pushback is significant, and I fear it will all be for nothing if the worst happens in November.

That I'm wrong. That I'm just wrong because I exist. It has controlled my whole life. No need to overcome or let go, but need to give it voice so it no longer controls.

I have a fear of being seen because it was unsafe to be seen/vulnerable in my home of origin. I plan on getting in front of more folks and sharing my gifts and my values. I'm actually already doing it by speaking at professional events. I'm making more plans to share my opinions in casual social settings to meet more like-minded folks.

I fear starting new things - projects, businesses, relationships - because I am so overwhelmed with life that I existentially dread the addition of anything new on top of my responsibilities. I honestly have no idea what to do about it or how I intend to let go of it. I trust the answer to this question will reveal itself to me in time.

Fearing of falling and breaking something that will end me in hospital Keep exercising and doing balance exercises

I have a fear of rejection and I plan on being vulnerable and putting myself out there even if there is possibilities I will feel rejection.

Being old and poor and homeless. Not being able to take care of myself or spouse. Being a burden to my children. I have to let it go a bit and overcome it. We all age but i can be healthier now to make it easier.

Unkind and people who do not take responsibility expect me to manage their needs. I’m weeding those l leeches Out of my life. However, it’s really difficult every time I have to do it.

I'm always afraid of what others think and sometimes it keeps me from doing what is right for me or from owning when something is going wrong. I don't think this is ever going to go away for me and I don't think I do a good job trying to conquer it, even though I often say I want to. Maybe instead this year I can move towards accepting it and being a little more selfish when I make decisions about my life. Other people do matter, but I can't always please everyone.

I feel like in this past year I’ve worried a lot about feeling like I can’t focus or think in depth, losing my ability to use words, and I don’t want to worry about this anymore. Idk how I will improve this

Fear of being rejected or ridiculed. Fear of looking stupid.

A specific fear of getting my blood pressure checked. I don't have high blood pressure (when I've given up it's very good!) but I don't want to trick myself into taking medication. White coat effect. I think this issue relates to my fears in general and I think rationally thinking the issue through, being positive regarding outcomes, and being confident knowing that I'm good at managing and responding to situations will help turn the corner on this issue and other fears.

A fear that I'm not doing enough to help, that I am contributing to harms & oppression unless I'm constantly working against them. But this is the way to burnout. I intend to remind myself that I'm most effective when I'm well-rested & hopeful and what I need to do to maintain that rest and hope.

After 78 years, I am still afraid of getting water in my nose and lungs in the pool. I am going to use a waistbelt to exercise and increase my leg and arm strength and overcome my fear of water.

I have a fear of producing work no one will want to read. I need to let go of the idea that publication is how I "earn" my right to create. I need to separate the desire (to share my work) from the idea that publication is the measure of my writings' (or my) worth. How do I overcome? I keep writing... or more honestly, I begin again... and I develop a routine... and I stick to it. Hoping I can put those together.

I've been working on a lot of my many fears. One of them is a fear of not being good enough/making mistakes. I think the root of this fear is being afraid of humiliation and ridicule. But I know this is irrational, like most (all!) of my fears. I heard that when you are afraid of something, you should just head towards it and prove yourself wrong! So, this is my plan for the year. Besides, we all make mistakes, it's how we learn and grow.

I’ve been afraid of blindness due to progressive glaucoma for more than 10 years now? 20? No doubt, I’ve lost some vision but I can still read on my iPad and sew (barely, and increasingly by touch). I don’t expect to overcome the fear, but you can live with it and develop some compensatory tricks. I’m thinking of weaving on a small loom when sewing becomes too hard.

I fear loving someone so much that I might need them. I have let it go by doing what feels right, beautiful, and nourishing, and by accepting that it may be part of an entire journey involving joy, loss, change, and transformation. I have committed to the right values and I pray that God will be in charge. I have decided to surrender to His will, trusting that He sees what is in my heart, and He has the best plan for my life, even though it is not always easy to relinquish the control I sometimes feel I need.

Fear that I can no longer write as an older person. When I was young, I was wise for my years, gifted and talented, smart, etc. now I haven’t been writing out of fear, so I’m out of practice, and then I don’t write, so I don’t improve. I guess I can just start writing lol

I still have fears around my age though I've tried to accept the inevitable (I've stopped dyeing my hair) and embrace some of the benefits, like free time and freedom from others' expectations. But sometimes the aches and pains get to me, and at times I ruminate about what could happen in the future, like loss of independence.

Leaving my partner for good. My mother progresses and no longer has a quality life that she deems worthy of living.

I'm definitely worried about getting stuck in a job that I hate or a routine that restricts me and makes me hate it. It defintely feels like I can mess up, or I can make a decision about my career that I will regret. There's just so much riding on it- where to go to school, what degree to get, what to do in the interim. At least once a day I wake up and wonder what it would be like if I just said fuck it and was a photographer or artist for the rest of my life. I don't wanna get sucked into corporate hell, but i want to make money and be comfortable. I guess I'll overcome it by figuring it out and certianly knowing that if a job sucks, I can quit. At the end of the day, I trust the overwhelming desire I have to be in jobs and do things that are good for me and rewarding in the ways I want them to be. Definitely a lot of trust in myself and the work I've done in the past few years to feel confident about what I want.

My biggest fear is someone suddenly dying or honestlly even worse getting really sick it terrified me to the core. I hope that in the up coming year I learn to focus on the present and not the future because I can't control it. I hope to appreciate everyone around me.

My fear is about the constant need to scenario plan. It is the reality that the ground on which we stand seems to be shaking so violently all the time, that planning often feels fruitless. It has limited me by curtailing dreams and visions because so much energy is put into pivoting all the time. Planning to let it go will be possible only when I improve my skills at narrating the process of co-creation, of consensus building, and truly creating covenantal community.

I am afraid to present. I sell a product online and have a Facebook group. I can't send to run a "party" to sell more and get more customers. It's like to say I'll push thru it but I'm not sure I will.

I'm anxious about everything but I rarely feel scared/afraid. I want to continue and grow on that trend . . . being more comfortable.

fear of not being relevant readjust my expectations

Last year's answer still stands the test of time. Imposter syndrome hits me every time I speak publicly, lead a meeting or present to my Board of Directors. I need constant signs of approval from friends or family to feel like I've done a good job. I'm hoping that after more than a year in my board chair position, I'll have the confidence going forward to embrace the role and not get as nervous before every appearance. I'd also like to be better about prepping in advance rather than at the last minute.

Not being able to raise enough money and having to let staff go. Not being able to grow because of this and reach our potential which could be so much greater than now.

Driving on the freeway.

So like last year it’s still my ex. I probably care less now…if I can keep doing that…I guess all will be well

Last year's answer hold's with one edit. It is someone's surprise bad health rather than a catastrophic car accident that moves me to tears this year. My fears over the years have been both geo-political and personal. Worldwide the rise of the Right is terrifying and completely out of my control and personally the annoyance of this aging body leads to the fear of life changing limitations. But as I sit here writing this I can't think of having fear - of course the fierceness of storms and my friend's horrible diagnosis of a glioblastoma lead to worries but I am not crippled by them."

I worry about letting time go by without awareness - I want to use every moment as best I can and feel a sense of meaning & happiness at the end of each cay.

Claustrophobic. I need to do EMDR, so i need to make the money for it.

Since my Dad passed away I have had this fear that I would lose my job and not be able to support my mom anymore. It is completely irrational, but it has kept me from applying to new jobs.

Dying from cancer and reminding myself that everyone dies from something. I just have to take care of myself in every way possible. Eating better, mentally, physically, emotionally.

Professionally, I worry about not being enough, or getting a promotion and failing in spectacular fashion. I worry about doing everything "right" and then not having the skills or ability to continue to succeed, and being stuck in my current role forever.

Public Speaking and feeling confident in front of my peers. I am the chairperson of a group and will need to present in person. I will slow down and breath while presenting!

Dying alone so I never go anywhere

My greatest fear is my own thoughts and actions. I will keep trying to think positively, find gratitude and check in on myself. My second greatest fear is for my children , their general health and well-being and feeling impotent in being able to help them. More work to be done on myself!

Still pretty afraid of death. I am hoping Buddhism will help me to let that go.

I fear letting people down and/or people having a negative opinion of me. This causes me to sometimes minimize my own opinions or desires to please others or keep the peace. I would like to try to stand up for myself more without being confrontational.

I mentioned earlier that I've actively taken a step to address this through a special therapy group. It's working.

Even with the changes during the last year, the song remains the same - That I won't do a good enough job helping my family. Keep showing up. Do I have other fears, yes, but they don't limit me.

I have a fear that when I am laid off from my primary job (likely - even hopefully - next year), that I will not be able to realize my dream of turning my second job into a primary career. I like to think that I am good enough to do it but have just not had the chance to give it a go full-time. However, it's another thing to perform if/when that time comes. I have been working methodically to make connections, get facetime with industry movers/shakers, work with SCORE (volunteer retired executives) to help shape a solid business plan, etc. I'm "chunking" the process down to its component parts, which will help alleviate the enormity of the process.

Mostly I only fear physical harm. I'll try most anything and surprise myself if I'm successful. I don't plan on changing my attitude toward fear.

I am afraid of running out of money. As a result, I feel guilty that I am spending my money and not doing more to look for a job.

My disability and not knowing what my true limitations are. Pushing myself more

I have an intense fear of social ostracization. I must have always felt this way, and can think of experiences from my early life that imprinted this fear in me. But the fear has become increasingly pathological over the last 5 years. I think this must be influenced by how public shaming and bad faith have infiltrated both our wider cultural discourse and my own smaller affinity groups. Paired with the social isolation and subsequent agoraphobia that set in during the pandemic, it’s enough! I have gotten really weird and cagey! I find myself terrified to use my voice, terrified of what will happen if/when I inevitably don’t hit the note exactly right. Because I know I can get carried away when I’m on a roll, or sometimes I just don’t quite stick the landing on a thought. It feels like nothing short of a tragedy for me. It is my greatest gift, and I am letting it atrophy because I don’t know where to put it anymore. And I am afraid, because of its power, it could land me into serious trouble. First, I have to recognize that this fear has set in for a reason. That it indicates I am not in a healthy environment, or surrounded by peers who feel safe and supportive. First step is finding spaces where I feel safe to be myself in all my messiness, internal contradictions, and ideological impurity. The key to overcoming the fear from there will be self-compassion. I have to diffuse the feedback loop of perfectionism that has taken hold of my brain. I have to truly embrace the notion that it’s okay that I’m making mistakes. And that, yes, in the current climate, some people might take me in bad faith and attempt to publicly shame me. But, I am realizing that shame is a reflexive verb – it can’t be done to you, it’s only something you can feel unto yourself. If I take up a mandate of always taking myself in good faith, and knowing that I have nothing to be ashamed of, then the weaponry of public shaming is disarmed completely. And, if I have people in my life who understand and see me, and who I know will still hang out with me even if I become “unpopular”, then I really don’t have to care what other people think. The meanness of others is really their problem, not mine. But the only way I can truly embrace this understanding is to find a space where I belong.

Fear of failure. This year has been about trying new things and being open to the world. As such, it also has to create the possibility that not every thing will go right. That’s a big challenge

I am afraid that the people I used to roll my eyes at, the right wing people I thought were quite extreme and exaggerating about how easy it is for the world to hate Jews…..I am afraid that they’re right and we are being scapegoated on a global scale socially and also politically by organisations such as the UN. I am afraid they were right and I don’t know my place in the world. My way of overcoming it is to always be true to myself, to represent myself as well as I can and try to remember I am only responsible for my voice, my actions, what I put out into the world. I can make little ripples of change in one to one interactions. That’s all I can hope for.

Numerous fears about getting older (76 in April). Children abandoning us, health, letting go of the grief we feel for Jared. Right now everything in a good place but we see this happening all around us. At some point we need to think about senior living arrangements for more activities especially if one of us isn’t around anymore. Staying in this house has a lot of positives but if/when one of us passes it could be a very lonely place. Like I said, right now everything is in a good place.

I have had this fear growing, and I don’t like it. I have a fear of driving to unfamiliar places. I think I just need to push past my comfort zone and deal with it, to beat it back. Sigh. I will. :)

I've been scared to be myself. Now I'm me and I am amazing.

I'm so afraid of people not believing me or invalidating what I'm feeling. I desperately want others to agree with me and affirm me. It limits me because it forces me into an anxious state in which I rehearse how I'll persuade other people, and then get really upset or angry when in real life they disagree with me. I want to let go by reminding my inner child that it's ok to not be believed, because I'm here to protect him from people who want to harm him.

I have a fear of making the wrong decision. I overthink about choosing something that is ultimately the "best" choice. Sometimes there isn't a best choice and I just have to live with it. I always try to anticipate everything that can go wrong and I stress and worry even when there is nothing to do. I want to learn to let go and take life as it comes. I will deal with the problems I have ahead of me when they happen. I will try to make decisions that are right for me, but on a bigger note, live with my choices and not linger on the problems that arise. I will just continue to do the best I can.

From my earliest, I was afraid of my mother, and she conditioned me to also be afraid of others, and of constantly being judged negatively. I have improved slightly, but not at all enough. How do I plan on letting go of it in the coming year? I have no idea, and I am now 74 years old going on 75.

The fear I have is seeing my husband through to the end of Parkinson's, of surviving that myself and the fear of living alone. Will I be able to do it? Maybe I plan on living with that fear one day at a time, by leaning on my support group(s).

That I’m not good enough. Or smart/ interesting/ pretty / experienced / enough. I tend to not believe in myself. Or not to trust my own capabilities. I have a deeply rooted insecurity which has limited me in a lot of different ways. When I sit down and think about it, I can counter it. I am capable of a lot, have lots of talents, am pretty and funny and smart. And yet when a situation occurs I fall back into this pattern of self doubt, insecurity and limiting behaviour. I felt it today, when I was in a meeting with people who have accomplished more than me and it makes me feel small and insecure. And that’s not the persons fault but my own inner critic. I try to counter this with doing things out of my comfortzone. This has helped me in the past so I don’t get as nervous as I used to and it helps me feel more accomplished and feel like I’m growing. So I want to do more of that the coming year. And I want to let go of my inhibitions and my brakes to truly live life to the fullest. I just need to remind myself of it constantly.

I fear being alone. It’s limited me as I don’t feel comfortable doing things on my own. The sense is that I’ll get lost, literally and metaphorically. I need to feel more secure in myself and my abilities.

I fear Israel won't survive and that my friends and family there will be hurt. I fear losing so many friends because of the schism over Israel. I plan on speaking up calmly and not to be afraid of not being liked.

I still have great restraint when stepping out of my comfort zone. I have made very little progress with this issue. Fear of judgement. I will just keep trying, maybe this year will be better. ( the more I judge myself, the more I reinforce this behavior or practice.

I'm afraid of falling and the physical damage that can result. It limits some of the activities I participate in because I don't want to be at risk. I use a cane for assistance in balance. I'm taking a balance class three days a week to increase my confidence. Not sure I can overcome it entirely but it may be less of a concern as I get stronger.

Fear of heights continues to plague me. I will look into a therapeutic approach to reducing my fear. I am less worried about rejection - i.e. When my grand daughter seems to reject me, I now realize that she may simply need personal space, or even that she is playing.

My biggest fear is that I’m not doing the best for my kids. Sometimes I lose my temper and yell, and I worry that they’ll grow up remembering those moments more than the good ones. I need to work on taking deep breaths and focusing on the good times myself, so I can be more patient and present for them.

I fear that I've become (or always been!) socially awkward or otherwise unlikable. I felt very friendless at work, but I've been stretching myself to just say hi and sit with people on in-service days, and it goes fine. People like me well enough. I'd like to keep trying to be friendly to everyone as much as possible.

Ha! Yesterday I wrote about my fears of our democracy dissolving and today I'm asked what my fears are and how I'm going to deal with them. Honestly, I don't know. I do not pray- but if I did it would be for the right wing extremists to not take power and collapse our country and possibly the planet. If VP Harris wins the election, and dems manage to hold the Senate and take the House, we have a fighting chance. Then, I'll have the luxury of plowing ahead and putting myself out there to make the business a success. Ego and fears be damned!

I generally try not to live in a fearful state. Having said that, with my brother's ill health, I'm nervous about if I get sick to the point that I can't live in my own home. The cost, the lack of autonomy....I realize even more now that I must work on my own health!

My fear is that I will have tremendous difficulty finding a new job given my age. I haven’t made much progress in terms of getting my financial life in shape. We’ve been too much “make it, spend it.” I know I don’t really have that luxury. But back to work and ageing. Ageism is real. I’m female, over 35 - over 40, which is when it starts. My years of experience are counted against me as I’m too old to learn new things. Not true. I worry that I’ll have to take something anything that is for less pay just to get a job with benefits. I don’t know how long this process will take and I’m concerned that the longer it goes, the worse position I will be in. I’m not sure how to let this go in the coming year. Realistically I can’t see letting it go until I have a new job.

My fear is to reach out for support when it would be helpful. Thankfully I did so this year with lovely results, encouraging me to continue on this journey.

At this moment, it's fear of Octobers past. I am afraid to venture out too far or let things slide. I hope to let it go by just thinking about today. And today is looking pretty good.

Unscheduled time. Committing to not starting or joining anything new for the year, and letting go of some current commitments.

Oooo... Investing in myself. I plan on just going for it, there's ALWAYS a reason NOT TO. Justification of a no is probably the easiest thing a human can do. No one likes feeling like a failure... But wouldn't it be worse to fail at failure because you didn't even try?

I'm concerned that Americans/Humans aren't ready to live without violence. Will we continue to elect tyrants? Why? We'll see....

I've been afraid of overstretching myself and taking on too much. I always thought I wouldn't be able to handle more and needed a lot of down time by myself to recharge. I'm learning that I don't need nearly as much alone/down time as I thought, and I have capacity for a lot. This is especially true when I'm taking good care of myself, which I don't always do.

I think I work through feelings of being taken advantage of or taken for granted from time to time. Specifically my care and attentiveness, and I sometimes feel frustrated by not receiving the same in return. It limits me by having a finite view of others in my life and closing me off related to what my relationships may offer me. I plan to continue advocating for myself, having boundaries and more consciously consenting to what I extend to others. I'm not sure if it's something I can totally overcome, but I can probably be more gentle with myself and others around it.

If I can look back on my answer last year first; I had so many fears about leaving for Colombia and what I might find there. And while those fears were justified, somehow despite neurodivergence, I just plowed through them. I'd like to think I'm a better person for it. So I'm not sure what my fear is for the next year because I've grown when I've been put out of my comfort zone. Or at least, that's what people say. So I suppose my fear is that what looks like growth to others doesn't feel like growth to myself. And so I'm not sure what overcoming that fear looks like.

I have a lot of fears. I have a fear of people getting too close; I guess that's really a fear of trusting people. I have a fear of really using all my talents; I'm not sure what that's about - - I know it's connected to money. I've seen people abuse people and turn into awful people over money. But, you need it. I've been consistently underemployed for a good chunk of my life - - not all of it for sure, but parts of it. I don't want to be there anymore. And I'm not exactly sure how to get past that. How do I plan on letting it go? Ugh a lot of therapy. A lot of introspection. And a lot of telling myself, you just have to plow through the fear. The fear is false.

One fear would be to go and live my love financially independent. I’m. Working every day to be understand about finance and spot potential investment opportunities.

I fear that letting go of an identity that has served me in the past and may no longer serve - immersing my life in activist organizing - will leave me in emptiness. I will embrace emptiness

Losing my son to gun violence. I use my vote, charitable donations, and educating my son on safety to prevent this as much as I can. The fear itself will be difficult to let go of until we have laws in place to prioritize protection of our children over protections of gun manufacturers and owners.

The greatest fear I have has to do with Pam’s memory. I hope it is just natural aging phenomenon and not something more serious. I have discussed it with Meg and Amy as well as Frank VonMaluski. Can’t really let go or overcome. It’s a matter of paying attention and hoping for the best.

Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!

Major fear - this year and ALL others is financial. The rent in this place, and everthing else is going UP while I'm working my A-- off just to stay slightly above water. Constant "fear" of getting fired.. AGAIN, with all this company stress on getting leads in an environment that is not very condusive. Had I known about this part of the gig, I might not have taken the job... BUT I needed a job, which is a HORRIBLE place to be at 70 - thanks in no part to the man who quit working, and everything else, 25 years ago. Have no choice but to "let it go", not worry about what may or may not happen and live for TODAY - which is rather hard - always has been. The rest of my answer is the same as last years... TURN OFF THE NEWS!!!! oh, and GO METS!!

What if I didn’t have to prove myself? What if I had no obligation to let anyone know that I was using my time or talents in a way that justifies my existence? That is both scary and… shocking. For the first time, I am stepping, some days gingerly, in that direction. I think I overcome it by being my own spotter, creating guard rails intermittently, just in case there IS an abyss

Fear of my body changing looms large as ever. I sometimes feel I am making good in-roads on this topic -- if I was answering these questions two weeks ago around my birthday I would have been very sunny on that topic. But it swings back, as evidenced by how I feel now. I honestly don't know how to tackle this. But I should probably try to be more direct about it. There's got to be some good books and leadership out there, people who have gone through this and learned a lot about it and from it. I need to find those people and resources. So that's the plan of attack I guess. The other fear that is holding me back is fear of being too busy -- which is a valid fear, given that that's how I constantly seem to live. I don't want to say yes to things because I fear the overload. So I'm staying exactly where I am, just "getting things done" and treading water because I'm afraid of the overhaul and absolute apocalypse of any kind of free time that would come from trying to take on a "big dream." I need to do some real life re-organization I think. I need to figure out where the fuck I'm going. I'm tired of not knowing. I'm just tired, period. Actually more than anything I'm tired of feeling tired. So that's the contradiction. Can it make me less tired to take on more? I think it can -- provided that that "taking on" comes with a "giving over" that makes for BALANCE. That's what I'm looking for. Balance.

I was raised by depression era parents who feared scarcity, a fear I unconsciously took on. Even now that I am aware of this fear, I notice my behaviors (hanging onto material items I no longer need or use, buying items for ‘the apocalypse’ that I do not use, etc.) are often driven by the pattern. This has lead to disorganization in my home space. While being prepared for emergencies is a good thing, like getting ‘go bags’ assembled, I intend to be less impulsive and more strategic about it this year so I’m not in the grip of the fear, rather I’m using it as a fuel to create readiness plans and kits that are sensible and well organized.

I am afraid that my career life is over and all the college work I have done won't mean anything. It appears that the economy sucks so very bad, no one is hiring, but there has to be more than that going on. I want to live again, better than before my life was wrecked. I am continually rejected and rejected. I have completed my Master's and can post my new transcript soon. I want to make enough money to pay my bills, travel and take care of people important to me. I am going to continue to apply for everything and hope that it's finally time.

I am afraid of letting everyone down, to the point of not beginning projects due to fear of less than perfect outcomes. I have gotten better about just diving in, but I need to find a balance there.

Same as last year … Fear of isolation as we age —- physically and mentally. I also fear how our great nation is being destroyed from within from so-called “patriots” and complacency. If not now, then when? If not me, then who?

My greatest fear is the possible death of my beloved husband or daughter. Although Stan is 14 years my senior, I pray to die before him. And the death of Jen would be beyond devastating. It's almost unimaginable. I have no idea how to overcome that fear, other than living life and appreciating every moment our loved ones are with us.

No fear. Self-loathing and related repellence is the primary problem. Behind that is physical decline.

I fear that I want change but don't know how to go about it. I know I can do anything and am smart enough to learn anything, but I struggle to know where to put my energy because 1- the world is changing with AI and the overall political climate, 2- I am changing in terms of priorities and needs, 3- our plan is to leave Spain and move to Canada in less than 5 years, so I need to be wise about changing career, 4- I want money to be able to travel and live a good life, but I also crave a simple life with less responsibilities. There is so much uncertainty about so many things. Will there be another lockdown that will keep us from visiting family for years? Will we be forced to do things or live in ways we don't agree with? Will the system collapse? Should we prepare for the end of the world and learn to hunt and fish instead of how to use ChatGPT!? The fear of not knowing and waiting for the worst to happen is stopping me from making plans, digging into my mind to find what I truly want and taking action. I guess the best I could do is to take it day by day and do the best I can at this moment, chose optimism and prepare for the best life possible.

Being affraid to love and to be vulnerable. the plan is to play along

I have a fear of not knowing or not being clear but I need to let go of it. Sometimes the way to make sense of things is to let go of it making sense.

This isn’t hard because it continues to be the same. As each injury I sustain seems to cling to me so I start to feel like a collection of tiny pains, it’s hard for me to see it going well for me in the next, say, 30 years. I sat on my thumb, so it can’t screw thjngs, hurt my pinky forever, tennis elbow from pulling a suitcase, always with the shoulders and feet….add lower back binge and my lungs and ears inflaming. OY!! My fear is less death than incapacitation, lack of independence and ability to just be able to do shit. It’s real.

While the fear of not being loved remains steady, this year the fear of losing the person I love the most has taken center-stage. My 89-year-old husband is a juvenile diabetic who’s been insulin dependent for 75 years. He’s in great shape riding his bicycle daily; his doctors call him the ‘miracle man’ because he is the poster boy of diabetic management and very healthy overall. Yet, he is beginning to have age-appropriate physical issues (heart, kidney, prostate, etc.) This is accompanied by a bit of mental decline that’s been painful for me to experience. I just want to try to treasure every moment we have together.

This year I realized that I am a bit afraid of volunteering alone in India for my community, I'm not afraid of being "alone", which I am not, but I'm feeling performance anxiety and it's limiting me. I'm going to tackle it by just going to India and doing it! I've also become (somewhat) aware of my ageing process (I'm 68) and am trying to balance my emotions between accepting it and at the same time not being limited by it.

I’m afraid of losing Hannah. I’m afraid that she’ll die. I’m afraid that in the grand scheme of things, I will only have gotten to spend the precious final few years of her life with her, when I’m hoping that we’ll get to spend a lifetime together. I don’t have a plan. I’m just trying to figure out my way through the current crisis.

I’ve let fear of a Trump presidency alter my life to the extent that I’ve spent a mountain of treasure, and more hours than I would care to admit volunteering, organizing, and agonizing over the upcoming election.

Fear of speaking my mind and rocking the boat- particularly in relationship. I feel I need to be so careful...I need to ask for time for this as it is a soul sucking time waster.

I want to become more comfortable with international travel this year. Basically, I want to visit another country for the first time on my own and for the first time in over ten years. I've gotten very comfortable traveling around the United States this year, and I've now seen a lot of this country, but I've been intimidated by the idea of international travel for a while - the language barrier, the visas, the currency. I want to overcome this fear and see more of the world than my own (admittedly very large and diverse) country.

Failure. I'm afraid of failure. As a kid, if something didn’t come naturally to me, I wouldn’t pursue it. I didn’t want to take the LSAT (even though I took the GRE) because I didn’t want to face the Bar. I haven’t taken the FSOT either, even though failing it the first time is part of the process—and it’s literally the reason I went to grad school. But I’m learning. I adopted Luna, and even though huskies are a notoriously difficult breed to train, I’m going for it. I’m afraid of messing everything up, but I feel like I’ll learn a lot about myself through this process. I’m hoping that by this time next year, I’ll be a much more capable and daring person. I want to be someone who doesn’t let the fear of failure hold me back anymore.