
Think about a major milestone that happened with your family this past year. How has this affected you?

Parents moved after 37 years in same house. I am happy to seem them have a new lease on life -- make new friends and take on new interests.

My moms death. but we were all there , together and we shared amazing moments with her until the end with my siblings and my kids and i have no regrets....all was said and done and i am at peace with her death...

My brother finally "got it" that he must take responsibility for his own life. It affects me in that he no longer relies on me to do the things he should be doing for himself.

We bought our new house. So far, we're still just reeling from the whole idea of having bought it, but we seem happier to have done it. We're looking forward to the many things we will do with it over time.

My grandmother died in June. As her body, and eventually her mind, deteriorated, so did her quality of life, and it got harder and harder for her and for us. I am so glad that I never let it get too hard for me. I am glad that I had moved back to the area and was there visiting every few weeks. I am glad that I was there with her, even when it was hard.

Oldest child started high school. Makes me realize life is moving much too quickly.

Introducing my family to Josh and Elijah was really major for all of us. I don't think they ever expected me to marry a divorcee who has a son. I underestimated them completely. Their love and open hearts astound me. I should really give them the benefit of the doubt more often.

My nephew and his partner had a baby and my niece and her husband had a baby all within 3 months of each other. It is amazing how uplifting new babies can be. New hope for the future.

The loss of my mother's youngest brother was painful, unexpected and seems to sheared off that entire part of my family. I mourn the loss of the maternal side of my family, and it made me treasure the partial reunion of the paternal side of my family this last weekend all the more.