Describe an event in the world that has impacted you this year. How? Why?
I was most impacted by the death of Robin Williams. It was a bigger loss than expected. It made me think a lot about the state of our world, and how even the most beautifully self-expressed struggle to feel they must fit in among those less enlightened.
The violence in Chicago has really opened my eyes to how lucky I have been and how much harder our communities need to work to achieve peace.
The situation in Israel with Hamas really had me thinking about Israel. I miss being there and felt nervous when the battles were raging. I still miss my friends I met there. Most of them are in the States now. There is a special bond I still have with Israel.
I've been impacted by the widespread rulings in favor of marriage equality. I'm impacted because it's relevant to me and because I'm in love with someone I want to marry. <3
Corporatization of healthcare has caused me to give up the employment I had and seek a different position that would allow me to work near where I live and allow me to spend more time with my family.