
Describe a significant experience that has happened in the past year. How did it affect you? Are you grateful? Relieved? Resentful? Inspired?

I transferred to a University. I am grateful for financial aid, but not for student loans. I so excited to be almost done with this whole schooling idea of mine. Hopefully, it is just two years. :)

I read a book from a woman who had been through the fertility journey and came out the other end with no child - biological or adopted. It really opened my eyes to the situation I find myself in and changed how I think about IVF as well as adoption. I don't know that I have the answers, but it was EXTREMELY powerful to read something from someone who has walked in my shoes and didn't get the "happy ending".

In the past year, I met my fiance and fell in love. He is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I'm so grateful to have him in my life.

I discovered that with lots of practice I can execute and even improve a legitimate golf swing, given my limitations of body shape, size and disability. In other words, I'm not dead ffrom MS yet.

My boys are growing up. This past summer they ha a few weeks of just hanging out at home and they loved it. They rode their bikes and spent time with their friends. Not hugely significant but it was a big milestone. It made me realize how quickly they are growing up.

I did a lot of traveling this year. Every month from May-September I went somewhere. NYC, Ft. Lauderdale, New Orleans, NC and San Juan. Each time I went, I felt a little more relaxed about traveling. Especially on my own.

A significant experience that occurred this year would have to be the lost of my job. I am actually content with the layoff because I was extremely unhappy at my job.

Something significant that happened in my life is that I moved with my wife and son into an apartment in my parents' basement in the community where I grew up. It am grateful to my parents for so generously opening their home to us and allowing us to save money while we're with them. But it's obviously (hopefully) a temporary move and we don't know what our ultimate destination is going to be so I'm a little nervous. Still, it's relaxing to be in Brooklyn and have two extra sets of eyes and arms to help with childcare and other things.

This was the year that I decided to get divorced after 15 years of marriage and 3 children. It was a huge decision, one that I'd been sitting with for nearly 7 years. But 2011 was the year that I decided enough waiting. Time to live. I felt relieved, but also incredibly scared.

I had to have surgery to have my gallbladder removed. The whole ordeal sucked away two to three months of my life... It was a terrible experience. I was so sick I could barely take care of myself, and there was no one to help me... But when I finally had surgery and needed to move out of my apartment, I had so many people helping me. It felt amazing to have that support.

I started my own business. I feel exhilarated, terrified and genuinely in amazement at myself for doing it...

I had to say goodbye to my Great Gramma Deck. She was 99 years and one month shy of being 100. It made me realize that sometimes you just have to say goodbye whether you like it or not. She showed me there is beauty even in sadness & grief. Our family pulled together and helped each other through it all. I will always want to be the woman she was and I will strive to live up to her.

I helped with the Student Volunteer Army in the aftermath of the February 22nd earthquake. I am grateful for the opportunity I was given to help those who were in need following the earthquake.