
Is there something (a person, a cause, an idea) that you want to investigate more fully in the coming year?

I'd like to explore my relationship to exercise. I don't always hate it, and it doesn't have to be reps in a gym or riding a bike to nowhere. I would like to find a consistent source of exercise that I enjoy that makes me feel strong and healthy.

There are several causes I'm interested in and that I would like to investigate. I think I feel compelled to do something that really makes a difference that I refrain from just getting involved in a small way. I also tend to feel like I need to pick one vs. exploring multiple options and then choosing. Perhaps my goal for this year should be that exploration -- reaching out, trying a few organizaetions or causes -- and allowing myself to dabble rather than be all in on on idea or cause.

Nothing in particular, just continue to take advantage of a variety of learning opportunities

Revisit child/baby growth and development so I am prepared for what's to come with my son.

I feel like I need to get back to my prior level of cultural literacy/domestic and world news knowledge and things of that nature. I want to learn more about Israel Palestine and be more vocal in the movement for Palestinian liberation. I would also like to invest more consideration into finding a partner and better understanding my thought and behavioral patterns in the dating sphere.

SO MANY THINGS! I want to investigate Singapore I think! I want to learn so much about its history and architecture and Southeast Asian crafts. And I want to explore the city and know the best coffeeshops and where the punk parties are.

Travel--nature, temples, peace, joy.

I think I'm ready for us to investigate babymaking. I actually just wrote that in Q1, and it felt true, but writing it in these words feels both true and scary. I suppose that's what's ahead. I'm also thinking a lot about perhaps using medicine to help support me in my ADHD brain stuff. Like, why not have more dopamine/seratonin? Why keep working from a deficit? I think often about what that doctor in DC told me years ago when she asked me if I wanted her to write me an rx, "I get that you're fine but it seems like you're working so hard to be fine and you don't have to." I want to investigate consulting or industry work or how to do more there. This feels scary and like my perpetual White Whale? I don't believe in myself enough. I don't know how to find/make the time. I don't want to work that hard because what if. I don't want to give up financial security. Ideally I'd be able to take steps forward in my career without knowing *exactly* all the steps after -- just start and see what happens? It feels like I stop myself before I even take the first step because I'm worried about the second or third or eighth. I think writing with new co-authors is a good step in this direction, though I worry I just started like five new projects and that's what I was trying to avoid. But I didn't see another path -- needing two NASSMs, capitalizing on leads, needing to diversify away from N...but also what about all that work that's now sitting there not progressing?

Mom. She won’t be with us forever. Building community and rebuilding asheville after the hurricane.

I challenge myself to keep experimenting with ways to use AI.

I just want to go deeper into the principles of Brave Thinking and Joe Dispenza's work. Gratitude practice. German New Medicine, if I can do it without making myself crazy.

I’d like to be more involved in Trans Solidarity Fundraising Belgium. I’ve attended one event as volunteer and it did me very well to feel like a part of it. I’d also still like to investigate being a drag king. Lastly, and most importantly, I’d like to work on my voice . It’s crucial for me and I’m ready to take the next steps to find my own voice. In a literal and figuratively speaking way.

yes, I want to write a book, profiles in democracy.

I want to investigate supporting my queer community further. I've realised how important it is to me. I also want to find out more about my neurodiversity, and start the process of getting a diagnosis.

I want to focus on my daughter as she heads toward her sixteenth birthday and GCSEs and do all I can to steer her safely and happily through her teenage years as she starts to make choices that will impact her future.

I'm still struggling to find the mental expansiveness to even answer a question like this... so often lately I feel like I'm struggling just to survive the day that deeper investigations haven't even occurred to me. Maybe that's why I need them? There are many practical things I'd like to investigate this year - like how to make really good whole grain sourdough bread. But also, I would like to learn something just for its own sake - whether that's pole dancing or more Hebrew prayers.

Yes - need to investigate mhy own motivations to do things more!

Ease. Rest. Investing in myself. I have over-efforted and over-functioned for others most of my life. I look forward to exploring what it's like to redirect attention and care towards myself.

oh god no. I'm way too busy with other stuff. I'm adding nothing to the list of things I probably won't be able to accomplish.

My gallery/studio/art/design/inventions

Yes, I want to look into joining a men's group.

I want to get more engaged and committed to my church

Aging. I know that things will start to change for me as I enter the 'second half of life' and I want to honor that while still doing what I can to ensure the second half is as good, if not better, than the first. Taking care of myself, giving myself grace, challenging myself, and taking changes or limitations in stride.

I just finished reading Project UnLonely and it’s had a deep impact on me. I’m continuing to seek ways to expand my business and self in bigger ways. This is a cause I can get behind and with others, I believe we can make a big impact in the world.

I always want to be getting to know myself and my inner circle as we age and, hopefully, grow through time. I want to explore and practice making a home that isn't only for me and that isn't made entirely by me.

My relationship To have a healthy and confident relationship

The idea of taking care of myself and caring for community simultaneously

In the coming year I want to investigate farming as a livelihood more, to investigate working full-time at a camp more, to investigate guiding more, maybe. Maybe I want to investigate what I can learn from being in community and in partnership more, as opposed to learning on my own. A cause... the question this raises for me is camp or not camp. I feel that for the last couple of years my cause has been camp and the trips program, and I have given a lot of myself to that. So should I choose not to go back, not to give so much of myself to that, what instead can I give some of that thought and energy to? I'm feeling pulled towards learning more about co-ops and also about unions lately-- definitely this is in response to some of my frustrations coming out of this last season at Echo.

My husband just wrote his first screenplay! I want to work alongside him to investigate how to get this produced. We have some great contacts but this is entirely new territory, and the material is very precious and personal to him, we need to get it right.

I want to become a better boater, and really get more out of what is a substantial economic investment.

Tanach Wanted to foster care volunterr but hubby didn't want me to Keep volunteering bi-weekly with the kids and maybe add to it Keep the bi-weeky trips with the kids Add more nature exercise in my life More dates with hubby Tanach once again, Jewish development over time, how we became a nation, how our religion evolved, our textual evolution.

Lox Club / dating

I want to prioritize! I want to treat my writing career more like a job, spending hours each day writing and submitting. This shouldn't be that hard! And I want to spend less time scrolling!

I've been intrigued by Rachael Renae's seasonal "play" lists, where you make a list of different fun activities that are only available each season. I want to start making these lists, beginning with this Fall. I'm excited to see how my life ebbs and flows to include these intentionally joy-filled activities. I'm also glad that I committed to the being in the Well Circle for the next 6 months (and likely, the next 6 months beyond that) so that I can get to know all the women in that group more deeply and fully lean into the Rosh Chodesh wisdom of our tradition.

I want to keep going deeper with myself and my ability to go after my dreams. The world around is filled with noise, and by the day it seems that none of it is productive or helpful. I am choosing this year to focus inward and continue to grow while the world catches up.

I would like to delve back into theology and the paranormal. Or different ways of viewing the world from Seneca to Ernst Junger. I don't care who, I just need to understand. I want to understand how other cultures historically and civilisations have viewed death, the afterlife and sickness. I want to find out how I can understand the role of duty, obedience and faith and incorporate them into my life.

I want to investigate what its like to be a professional artist

I want to continue the idea from last year: teach others to overcome the overwhelm, and bring clarity to the confused regarding living a homesteading, back-to-the-land, permaculture-based lifestyle. This is what I want to "give back" to society at this time. I'll use my website and books to teach. I'm not quite ready to build a community. I need more time to be in the community and learn from my community first. It's a journey... a process.

I guess I'd like to maybe look at female figures in the realm of school counseling and create some alliances there, to help prepare me for the best success possible and to hear their experiences as well.

Some day, some day, I would like to get back to reading the Torah. And the book of Jonah.

What am I going to do in retirement? That means exploring volunteering opportunities in Tijuana - is it the arts, with the Cecut - the Tijuana Cultural Center. Or animal rescue or something I haven't even considered.

This year I would like to find more peace. In the past I achieved that through daily meditation; I'm not sure that I want to commit to that, but maybe I need to.

I would like to read more books this coming year. At least 8

Fostering community. Research shows that this is so important especially for males, and I want to teach my dudes how to engage. Continue working toward abolition and harm reduction. Know my neighbors.

Growing dahlias!

Yes.. all of it.. definitely want to spread my wings, and in a loving and harmonious and authentic manner.. seek more.. more answers, more questions, more peace, more love, more adventure... just embrace life.

Culture change and coaching

I want to visit some relatives before it is too late. Funny how time whizzes by and here you are… 72 x 365.

I had a lot of possible answers for this but decided that my answer does not have to be definitional and all-encompassing. I can just say one of the causes I want to investigate more fully, but I can pursue others as well. I want to continue my Finnish language acquisition. I would like to make daily learning a priority. There. Boom. Done. Given that this question is for me, I can break the rules and list another. I would like to read philosophy with an eye towards understanding thoughts on the limits of human perception and cognition. How can we even perceive our own limits? So, Wittgenstein, Kierkegaard, Kant, Heidegger. No slacker, I.

Probably Dutch culture and language. Having done lessons for a year now, and 3+ years of Duolingo I am keen to get immersed and feel more comfortable speaking, and living life in a new country. With the added out-of-comfort-zone challenge of making new friends etc I am keen for the challenge!

Saving the United States from fascism.

I want to explore more my new role in teaching of being by myself in the classroom. This is new to me in my 8 years of teaching and I’m excited to see what’s in store for me and all the things I accomplish when the school year is over

I love this question, and I think the idea of working to live is something I want to explore more, I want to prioritize my life above my job as much as I can.

Animal welfare and veganism.

Tackling climate change may require a more holistic view of ecological health and start with people identifying with and grieving for nature at the local level.

How to work with the Indigo plant

I think this goes along again with another answer about living with my girlfriend, Erin. I want to explore her and our relationship more. My hope is to start looking for a place together in January. I'm in pretty deep with her, not afraid to go deeper, and I want to see us go the distance.

I would like to learn a whole lot more about AI.

Zionism, anti-zionism, non-zionism and the ideas of being in exile vs. diaspora

I would like to be involved more actively in fighting anti-semitism in the U.S.A.

Honestly, I have always had a natural curiosity about people, places and things. I see this being the "cause," to propel me forward as I "investigate," my life journey. I am always lifting the hood on all the things. What is up under there anyway? :) Although this carries a caution, because there are some things you can't unknow or unsee once you've inquired. ;) So, that saying, "ignorance is bliss," - holds true. I know me by now - I'll always want to know more, and for that, I'm eternally grateful.

Wellness. I want to be the healthiest version of myself I can be - not only physically, but emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and creatively. I want to explore my vulnerability. Learn how to trust people. Learn how to love and let myself be loved. I want to explore how to grow my business. I'm looking at the music segment of the company I work for - and I really want it to be a major driver for the overall company - and really carve a path for myself to be a formidable and indispensable part of this company.

Stay open, stay curious, keep an invitation to magnetize that which will serve my higher good and the world in general.

I have struggled with depression my entire life. It is currently more severe than ever after having been diagnosed last fall with breast cancer and subsequently having had a bilateral mastectomy. I've been on countless medications, as well as therapy, all of which have been minimally effective, if at all. I'm turning 72 years old this week and I want to experience life without depression before I die. I am about to begin esketamine therapy. I'm hopeful this will be the answer I'm looking for. I'm ready to try anything. I'm so tired of being miserable. I want to feel like life is worth living.

Haha so hard to answer cause I have so many thoughts ideas things I want to know. I want to make sure I re-arrange our living space and make sure I keep opening my mind to possibilities

Always my daughter! I want to continue to learn about her and her interests as they develop and she becomes the little human she is meant to be!

I want to do some quantitative research on lack of touch. I'm trying to figure out how I can do research if I'm not an academic. I don't know if I can gather the data in a way that's not biased, but I would like to try. My cousin is a statistician and former academic, and I'd like to talk to him about this concept and get some advice. No one is doing this research, and I'm super curious to find out how people are getting their touch needs met.

I want to work on the church's music library. It's a huge project, but we have a good team who will work together. I see this as part of my legacy with Cedar Lane. I want a system that's easy to maintain and use. I want to leave something practical. Helpful.

Planning for my housing and living. This feels gigantic and so overwhelming. I also don’t want this at all, I feel I have to do it for my survival, and it is awful and dire. I need to investigate Ron’s attitude, my rights, talk to a real estate lawyer, and make both an offer and contingency plans around the Marshall property. Think broadly and consider my options outside here, outside west Marin. Plan for those. I am intimidated by it all, because I feel nobody is on my side. So much negative energy. Not Ron, his friend Michael, my dad, my family. Nobody is helping me figure it out - it has to be me. Hating this and strongly avoiding it. What do I want… I want to learn about shame and throwing off my inner critic.

In the coming year, I'm excited to investigate how I can grow by myself as opposed to living with other people. I'm excited to investigate being a working musician, if it's for me, and if that's the career I want.

me myself and I and how to be better at believing in myself and validating my thoughts and needs without caring what other people think, especially if they're just being judgy assholes --- not feeling bad for having needs and being less attached and fearful

This question always stumps me the most. I suppose one valid answer could be, potty training... haha. Maybe public schools is the "right" answer. I'm a huge proponent and so far our oldest has had a wonderful K and 1st grade experience. But funding is short state-wide, and the district and board keep threatening school closures and causing a lot of unnecessary anxiety for families city-wide. I want to do what I can to help with this big picture situation, but also smaller-scale things for my kid's own school, like making it safer and more joyful for kids to walk and bike to school.

A) I would like to develop 2 more local friends. B) To set up ways I deal with the loss of friends - Those who are close friends and those not so close. C) Politically, Learn more about either malpractice insurance or education in NM and then what is being done to fix the situation!!

Dancing, swimming, long distance walking, travel: movement in its many forms.

Transferring my daughter to a new high school.

I would like to understand the history of the state of Israel, the history of Jews in the Levant more. I cannot speak intelligently enough about the formation of the state of Israel - and in this world, I need to understand and be able to articulate and defend the existence of the state of Israel - without feeling like I have to be an apologist for its government.

I love learning so it's hard to select one thing. The cause is reform of the Supreme Court and how to create term limits. Constitutional amendments are difficult but current revelations suggest the need for this.

I have become a bit more politically active this year by writing letters and postcards to get out the vote, donations to politicians and causes I believe in, going to the VznC DRMs meeting, and keeping up on issues. Unfortunately I’ve burned out and no longer want to engage in the last few weeks of the election. For next year, I might explore the Death Doula possibility and see if it fits.

I’d like to do a bit more reading and thinking about anti-racism, now that it’s come up in the organisation I volunteer for. I know so little, and there’s so much more to learn.

1. Balancing family, work and self - those who do it well, how? 2. Write/launch my book on practically dealing with cancer...?!!?

Me -- I would love to come up with a new idea of who I am and who I want to be. I am not at all where I thought I would be, and not doing jobs I thought I would be doing. And as I need to be looking for a new job anyways, it seems like a good time to refocus and think forward.

My parents have been making noises about seeing Llys Madian, their bungalow in wales. I think as they get older they are spending less and less time there, and it’s becoming more and more of a slog to keep it going. Also it’s really expensive as Powys have instituted higher council taxes for second home owners (which I fully support by the way). They have suggested that maybe I might like to take it on, which I really would, but I’d only be able to justify/manage it if I ran it as a commercial property for most of the year. And I don’t think that’s reasonable for lots of reasons. It would take a lot of time and effort to refurbish it in order for it to be a viable holiday home. It would be a lot of work to manage it - promoting, cleaning, maintaining. It would be stressful, and I’m trying to REDUCE stress, not add to it. But I just don’t feel ready to give it up. Not only for the childhood memories but all the happy times that Chris and I have spent there. So I think I’d like to do suns proper research into whether it would actually be as hard as i think it would be to manage it, or if it’s a feasible notion.

Emunah into my everyday.

That is entirely dependent on who wins the presidential election.

Me. I want to investigate me as an individual. I want to know myself better.

How can I, as a psychotherapist, help change the planet's health? How can I facilitate people to think in a more inclusive way?

What spirituality means to me

Haha last year's answer made me laugh.. SR is totally ignoring me now, and I have no idea why. Oh well 🤷‍♀️ But my answer this year - Me 🥰

Organizations of American Jews who are critical of /concerned about Israel’s actions / treatment of Palestinians. It seems like there are a number of them, like Jewish Voices for Peace and If Not Now. Are there organizations like this in Israel too? Like שלום עכשיו?

No not really, but I am exited to see what waits ahead in terms of social "stuff" like drama friends, etc.

Again no. I don’t know whether I’ll have the energy for anything worthy ever again. I am enjoying doing art stuff though and want to keep doing that

As with #7 last years answer is good: Me! I’m the cave I’m digging into & I love finding little gems here & there.

I'm interested in garden plans, dreams. The idea of criminal living

I want to look into becoming more political. Find ways to become involved in my community so it can move forward and not backwards or staying stagnant. Our current “regime” is stagnant and not interested in progress.

God. I want to continue to form a connection that's more deep and frequent with God. I want to find him in the darkness as I do in the light. I want to continue to practice my grattitude.

I need to spend the next year getting to know myself again. So much of this last year has been about survival; I need to examine who I am on the other side.

I want to see if I can actually finish an Etsy course I'm taking and open my shop--and make passive income!

I want to know more about the world (whew, that's a big one). I feel like my views and knowledge is limited. Perhaps I didn't pay attention in school enough or travel much as a kid and now it's catching up to me. I feel like researching geography would be a great place to start. Pick a spot on the map and go from there,

I never did investigate the VA gig. I think I’m burning out. This year I want to focus on myself and what my future will look like. I’m feeling like my husband and I aren’t on the same page. He wants to continue working away from home and our children are close to starting their own lives. Our last is in grade 11 this year. Soon I will be a true empty nester - question is will it be with my husband or without?!

I would like to investigate my nephew. He is on the decline and his life just started (he's 18). I would like to see what is in his head and see how I can I assist him more so he won't end up dead or in jail.

Nothing that stands out.

I do keep thinking about the poetry chapbook that’s on hold and have ordered books on living, aging and dying. As I approach my 80s, I’m reflecting on what it means to age, what aging and dying tell me about living. From there I may write another chapbook to share my insights, a kind of bearing witness to end of life.

this is a poorly written question because it's a yes/no question and currently my brain is tired from school and externship process stress and my answer is no. how to maintain relationships with family friends people who still support israel :( it's not going well right now and it feels like it's tearing my family apart

Leyning. It has been in the back of my mind for a while, but I've needed a goal to kickstart the process. Only 4 months until my Bat Mitzvah! Guess I better get started.

Lets get weird with Clown.

I keep thinking in a distracted and guilty way about donating money on a regular schedule, and I think that I do need to work that out. I have $250 discretionary each month, and at least $20 if not $50 should be sent to others.

I want to spend more time talking to people from the Muslim community and understanding their perspective. And to keep reading books regularly.

You're investigating branding and how to create a brand to help the world and help your love of money.

No thanks, I'm maxed out.

I need to exercise more

Me :) as a single person.


I want to be part of something bigger than myself. A personal relationship, a team, a tribe of motorcycle warriors, a confident to friends. But to do this I have to make myself available to them and I am struggling with boundaries at work right now.

I'd like to write lyrics to the song "leaving". I'd like to learn more piano riffs.

Last year, I would have said to study more about Israel / Palestine, because it feels so critically important to understand how we got to where we are. That was before October 7th even happened. Now, I just feel exhausted. I don't know if I can study in the ruins. Maybe it is just to keep opening up my Judaism, to explore what this rural, divided, idiosyncratic community is ready for and what they need? Maybe.

the oceans and saving them - it is rather scary what is happening and how most people don't understand the impact on our entire ecosystem

I want to figure out how to have more of a wider impact in my field of work. Maybe through policy advocacy. Maybe a future job plan. Not sure.

Besides the exploration of myself and how my life will take shape, I want to figure out how to be closer to Israel. I am working on a project that is my first attempt (and a likely failure) to get US-based sponsorship for Israeli charities. If this doesn’t work out, I want to explore how I can personally deepen my ties to Israel and how I can help my community deepen or expand its ties

Implement the use of AI tools in business and personal life. ChatGPT, etc.

I can feel a difference with The Alexander Technique on my back...investigating more about how I can apply those principles to yoga (yin yoga) crossed with the strength work in dylans yoga classes to keep forging my own style. Also has to be more music...the idea of playing music with others more. Maybe get a second dog?? maybe a kitty to hunt the mice??!!

Mutual aid. I hope it isn't in an disastrous context, but, you know, if it is, let all Rebecca Solnit observations remain active.

Once again...LTR!!!

Id like to go both inward to find my inner flame and outwards to build and find new community. I would say this year I treaded water.

I would like to explore community in a new way this year. Just because I give of myself it doesn’t mean that the energy will be reciprocated at all. Also some values like accepting or opposing genocide are friendship breakers and that is ok.

If I hope to complete the work that is in front of me, I will have to learn more of theory. The credential I chose to validate my presence in the places I belong was a dip into warm shallow water. It got me wet, but did not teach me to swim. That's an opportunity.

Peace in Palestine and Israel

Writing a book about my experience with refugees.

How to write memoir style

A closer walk with God. Whether to stay where I live or move close to family. Continued faith for my family.

If Kamala wins and we then get Josie into high school, I want to get involved with Moms Demand Action.

Moving on. Getting unstuck. Doing good; risk taking. Branching out. Making the fear of RSD be secondary to the potential of the ask.

I am interested in learning more about gardening/farming on a very small scale. Achieving the rock garden certification was a first step.

More things with my daughter out of the house. Hopefully getting more involved with my synagogue.

I was recently given the title of a book: Postmodern Love in the Contemporary Jewish Imagination. That sounds pretty great to me. Also, Lou Reed.

2 things: 1. Continuing to increase my social interactions and expand them. Especially to try to increase the diversity of the people I am in contact with and spend time with. I think looking into options to volunteer at a place with a more diverse group might the next step. 2. I want to explore how to make my voice heard against the current government in Israel and the killings of civilians, while not condemning the whole state of Israel or abandoning all support for Israel.

I would like to find a friend that shares my interests and who I could converse with regularly; someone who wants to get into the weeds on a myriad of subjects.

Just myself. Figuring out who I am and who I want to be. Actually, yeah, focusing on myself and paying attention to who I am and what I want.

I would like to investigate exercise this year. I want to figure out a way it can fit in my life and routine.

How to stay friends with both sides of a divorce. This has been on our minds a lot lately and maintaining friendships has been tough in some very toxic environnements. Roman and Liza are in dark places these days and I suspect it will only get worse before it gets better. I’m guessing by this time next year it will still be tough. But I’m hoping that Roman is wrong and that there is a way to see both sides of the story. While facts are facts, they can be interrupted differently and that perspective and context also matter. I don’t know how much I learned about sibling relationships this year but things are going better generally speaking between Helena and Misha which has been a development.

I would like to continue to wrestle with the concept of Zionism, its logical and illogical assumptions, the harm it does to the world, the concept of safety.

Not really. I’m a curious person, so should, or rather when, something intriguing pops on my radar, it’ll have my full attention.

Nothing in particular

I want us to have a future to investigate. An inclusive non racist, nonymisogynistic non homophobic, not an antisematic future. It seems like we're all sort of stuck in this primordial sink right now until we get through the next thirty days. And ready to go, are we going to go back in time and have to fight the same damn fights over again. Or are we gonna be able to look at what's facing us? Add and how we deal with it inclusively, and proactively. I do want to continue to push myself and try to write and share what's in my brain out there, even if it's not worth it. I feel that now that I've sort of been given a expiration date. It's time to stop putting stuff off and seeing if I really do have what i've already led myself to think I do.

I am really hoping that I can really create a strong Jewish community in Seattle through the One Table 50+ group. I hope to host more dinners at the Owl’s Nest and also have been able to create a Kosher home that is welcoming to Emmit. I hope that tried out TimeLeft too. And always I want to lean more deeply into the people I love so much and my Ikar community.

I really can't think of a person, cause or idea that I want to investigate more fully in the coming year. I just want to live my life to its fullest. I am tired of getting into analysis paralysis

I really want to spend time in Israel. If that counts.

I would like to investigate more how best to ensure intersectionality in human rights movements.

Leadership. Build a team. Residual income. Studying Hebrew - I want to be conversational fluent. 10K steps/day, more exercise, varied exercise

Is there a cause "against unnatural death". There seems to be too much killing in this world right now, too much violence in the name of one cause or another, one country or another. I don't think it is justified, people should be allowed to live out their lives and not shot in public place or hit by missiles or drones. We need and deserve peace but we seem to be getting farther from a peaceful world.

I want to learn more about Kabbalah, the Zohar, and the Sefer Yetzirah. I am learning Hebrew at my shul, I want to continue that. I saw last year I said getting involved with the LWV and training my dogs. I thought of answering this about training the dogs this year actually. I would like to do that. I guess we'll see.

This is one of the instances where it is particularly insightful to look back at my answer from one year ago… Before October 7 and everything that has ensued. I did not, in fact, go to Israel on birthright given the changes in geopolitics and safety in the area. I let them keep my deposit and have deferred twice in the hope that it will someday be safe. For as disappointing as it is to give up the opportunity, I realize that this is bigger than a free trip to a place that I've already been. Many people are dying and lives are at stake, there are so many other places that I haven't been that I would rather go. That being said, The investigation of my Jewish heritage is still possible from the States. K'Bekah is offering a one credit reading class, so Jewish studies is finally returning to Ursinus in my last semester! Once I graduate, I would like to find ways to continue learning and growing in my Jewish identity. Maybe this is my opportunity to learn Hebrew or work for a Jewish organization like Hillel International.

Wildlife rescue? I have a WIRES course coming up soon. I wonder how that will go.

I wish to raise more awareness about cats and learn about them. I think my cats have really helped boost my mood and I love having them. Cats are misunderstood creatures that are compared to dogs a lot more than we think about it.

How to overcome my own inertia and sense of hopelessness, to act even if it feels pointless. I want to find a way to push back against the climate catastrophy. It's not a lack of knowledge or will, it is a deep cynicism having seen as much as I have. That will get us nowhere but damned.

Too many things come to mind to write about. I think that's a problem. I need to prune interests down to all and only those I really care about. I don't know what they are or how to stay focused on them.

In the coming year, I want to learn how to be financial responsible in order to decrease my anxiety. This means learning and becoming aware of my true expenses and income.

I hope I can look into or continue to be a part of Girls on the Run. It’s my favorite volunteer activity! I love the program and the girls! It’s really inspiring. I hope I can continue to run throughout the year too.

Nobody who comes to mind.

Death, I would like to hold an in person death cafe, meditation, workshop. Through contemplative care and hospice work I hope to lean into this process and explore it more fully.

I am starting to work much more on structural change for organizations, which is thrilling. And it's a HUGE growth edge. I want to explore "liberating structures" which is a facilitation structure to engage people effectively and creatively in tough conversations about our beloved organizations, and practice them in some of the work I already have, and the work I want to do.

Yes, I would like to add a different theme discipline to my studio that can enhance everyone's experience, but also aid from a destress perspective in this really stressful world. So will investigate sound bath, meditation etc. Sometimes simple is good.

HMMM I dunno. How do I stay open with a reasonable, non-exhausting amount of courage?

I’d like to search my ancestry and figure out where I fit in the world

I believe I have given the same response in previous years, but I intend to look deeply at the conflict in the middle east to make sure I am on the side of humanity.

Narcissism and trauma

I would love to learn how to DJ. I tried it out 2-3 times and it is so much fun. I’ve always been into making music but lost my interest in playing instruments over the years. But I really fell in love with techno and would love to connect deeper with the music than just clubbing. So maybe playing techno could be my new thing?

Understanding my own colonized mind and hopefully divesting from all ways of colonial thinking. In the same vein, I just read Bertrand Russell's "In Praise of Idleness" and it is rearranging my mind. I would like to investigate what I might center in my life, once I move work to the margin.

This year will be simply putting one foot in front of the other. Simply managing to go on with equanimity and gratitude in the face of what the universe has to offer. I never ever could have predicted this year's horrors and pain. Both for the Jews and Israel (and yeah, sure, Gaza as well, but I'm staying with my personal story here) and in my family. Such highs and lows. This is the fourth year in a row of the world as a snowglobe. So simply learning better how to manage in an era of utter unpredictability. Surely that is enough.

Well, lasts year I answered: I heard that there is a movement to plant gardens, and even microgardens (like a patio or balcony) with very local flowering plants that my hyperlocal bees will appreciate." This coming year, I will have a summer balcony, and an arid-climate plot of land. Both would be perfect for my own effort to plant a hyper-local flowering garden. Next: spread the word, and work with others!

My answer will be a little underwhelming but I wanna focus on myself and my family next year.

Religion/spirituality, mainly buddism and meditation, maybe judaism and christianity.

I really would like to lean more into the woo woo aspects in the coming year! Mind and body in alignment. Visions of the future in an ever changing world. To better understand the organization of the chaos.

Just keep learning about current affairs and what lead to them in Israel.

I want to hear more about women's experiences in perimenopause.

I want to investigate being able to sell bigger deals with lone-star roof systems & Brandon curbside construction. I want to do both in Houston.

I want to reclaim my sense of self/stop and think about what I want. Sounds vain compared to the question but I think that this will lead to a stronger self that gives more that I want to give.

I need to learn to be a better salesperson. In truth, this means being a good conversationalist, it means building relationships with customers, earning their trust and respect and networking. I don’t think that there will be books or podcasts that will teach me this. I believe that this is a “do or die” / “sink or swim” situation. I simply need to power through, push beyond the comfort zone, make calls and go on visits, and talk talk talk. This is the only way that I am going to be successful at my job. Certainly, observing others and accepting tips from outside influences can help. Keeping an open mind and learning all that I can will hopefully get me to where I need to be in this sales role.

Yes, I’d like to be come even more knowledgeable about all aspects of health maintained, including asking the best care of my body, exercise, etc. I would like to continue to investigate everything that my curiosity drives me to investigate, but that’s a low bar for me as that’s kind of how I just am.

Activism for Gaza, letter writing and petitions for $10 a day childcare. Activism for the queer community and trans youth. Community Community Community. I want to fix our building's lawn so it's climate appropriate plants.

I'd like to go deeper into the path that has begun for me in this year since Joe's death: teaching at art residencies, reaching out with my book and associated teaching/speaking, writing, do a self-directed or funded art residency somewhere. My health is good, and I realize if I want to be active in the wider world the time to do it is now. To reach and stretch and see what life has to offer. New things: I'd like to volunteer in some sort of citizen science way, to connect my caring to the environment. Return to: meditation retreat of some sort.

I love that I chose TIP last year. I did it! I'm on the TIP Board now and am working to improve the organization from the inside. I want to see that continue. I also need to learn more about leading hand bells. I think it's going to be great, but I'm new at it. :)

I want to read more - Liz Gilbert, Pema Chodron. Deep, thoughtful writers - I’d love to sit with their words and see how they might influence how I move through the world.

Teaching ELA. The Reformed Church. I finally started reading a book about the latter. I’ll become ESL certified this next year. I’m always wanting to learn more about anything and everything. Almost.

Nothing thats top of mind. My immediate thought was learning more about autoimmune health and how to better manage my symptoms. I still have a lot of learning there and to be able to advocate for myself in healthcare settings since so many doctors aren’t equipped to handle thyroid and autoimmune disorders. It’s frustrating that our system is so ill equipped and patients have to fight for good health care, but I’m fortune to have access and the ability to do so. So I guess that’s something!

I will be investigating music and spirituality for my masters thesis, and hopefully by next year I will be done my classes and have done hopefully the information gathering portion of my research. I'm really excited to dive in and to use the research methods and strategies that I'm learning! I often want to learn about a new idea or cause and this one will be more in depth and more long term.

I'm turning 50 this next year, and I finally understand the "bucket list" concept. Here is what I've come up with so far: I want to visit an alpaca farm where I can pet an alpaca and also buy its wool. I want to learn how to make my own sauerkraut. I want to do some kind of little graphic arts project using fonts that were made the year that I was born: 1974.

I want to know more about what all is involved in becoming a counsellor specializing in trauma treatments. I would hope that this would be something that would help me to serve others.

This answer sort of depends on who wins the presidential election... if Trump wins, I might have to be researching how to leave the country, as so many of my friends and family members would be negatively impacted. If Harris wins, I may have the luxury of delving more into my personal and spiritual growth. I do want to keep deepening my explorations of bodywork and how to help people heal themselves. This may happen informally or formally, but the right teacher will need space to come into my life. Right now, I feel that I am still integrating a lot of my learnings and need to allow all that to come into my own way of working and how I move through life.

I definitely want to start a new medical debt payoff campaign. And make a plan for Aliyah

I think this is a similar answer to last year: I want to go through Gregory's stuff. I held off a bit this time last year because I was in the middle of grieving and Moira told me to wait. Now I've lost some of that drive, urgency, momentum. But I don't think it would take such an emotional toll now. I'd like to read the two issues of his fanzine, "The Crypt", that he wrote. I'd like to scan the first issue and share it with Lapinas Pix (definitely wrote about this last year). Why is it, with 10Q (and life in general), that everything takes so long? You might set an intention but then it takes 2-3 years to get around to it. In my reading I also want to continue to investigate alternatives to capitalism. I find it both infuriating and fascinating. How does one break out of the paradigm one is living in to see alternative possibilities? And if I settled on something that I'd like to see the world become, how would you begin to introduce that idea to the world and make it happen? I've just finished Malcolm Gladwell's "The Revenge of the Tipping Point". I'm interested in how ideas (or overstories) go from a tiny idea in an isolated place, to becoming the new norm. When I was at a charity conference, I remember learning about the social change index (I think that's what it was called). There are quadrants that an idea can move between, created by two axes: informal (mess, unpredictable) at the top; formal (controlled, measured) at the bottom; individual on the left; societal on the right. The top left box is therefore community (informal and individual); the top right box is public sphere (informal and societal); the bottom right is institutional power (formal and societal); and the bottom left is service provision (formal and individual). This is the social change grid. In order to make change happen, you need to get an idea into the public sphere and then institutionalize it. So an idea like the living wage might start of at the community level and spread into the public sphere, where it gains public support, and is then institutionalized to become a formal law that businesses and organizations must follow. I don't know if I want to do the work to make that happen; but I'd certainly like to witness social change.

I feel like I'm getting repetitive, but I really want to spend the next year getting to know my future in-laws better. I'm already close with one of my brothers' partners, and it'll be nice to learn more about the other two.

I cannot think of an answer to this question, so I guess my answer is no... Well, rereading the question, maybe? I was very focused on the "person" aspect of it and not the generalized "something"... I am pretty sure my main interest of investigation will be the practical application of the Bible for myself and others, with an emphasis on true altruism where service and care is provided for others with no thought to the gain for oneself. No thoughts of character growth or increased understanding of God or ability to love, etc., etc.

I want to further my skills as a musician, I want to busk, increase my social media activity, do gigs, maybe join a band. I want to dive right into it.

Anti-Zionist Judaism

Journeys and spirit. Hope I can learn more. Connect more. Feel more. Trust my relationship to my unconscious.

Embarrassingly the same as previous years, I want to learn more about family ancestry. Period!

On a light note the cause I hope to witness is my teams chasing championship dreams. The Mets are one series away ..the Jets are struggling now but the seasons story is still out there for them to write a similar story that the Mets witnessed….The Knicks are on the threshold of another great season. 1969 all over again 3 championship season would be a great dreamy story.

I want to be more active in getting my art out into the world without judging it for value in the wider world. It is not good or bad, it simply is. There is someone out there to whom it will speak.

Narcissistic relationships Philosophy and practice of Tai Chi My art

Looking at my goal from last year, I did not accomplish it, although I made significant progress on the lecture over the past few weeks. I have a plan to finish that by the time my cousin Barb's class is on their space section, which gives me a concrete goal to work towards. I would like to explore creating and editing more content for the NSS website and in general improving my web capabilities. I have learned a bit of Javascript over the past few months, and I would like to incorporate it into ideas like auto-populating student names on participant certificates. This is a not so small goal, but one that would greatly improve the contest experience while saving me lots of time.

I want to learn more about Ladino. I am a fluent Spanish speaker and a beginner Hebrew speaker. I aspire to be a teacher in the revival of the Ladino language.

I want to figure out a platform for my teachings/writings. (Podcast, YouTube, social media, writing/publishing). I know I'm getting there and that it'll probably take a couple of more years but here I'm putting it out there that if i begin in earnest this year, it will still take time to build a significant audience/platform. I also would love to learn guitar and another language :-)

My son

This coming year, I’m eager to delve deeper into my family’s history and explore how it shapes my identity as a Jew in today’s world. Understanding my ancestors’ experiences, traditions, and struggles can provide invaluable context for my own beliefs and practices. I’m particularly interested in how their stories of resilience and adaptation inform my perspective on contemporary issues facing the Jewish community. By connecting with my heritage, I hope to gain insights that enrich my understanding of my place in the world and foster a stronger sense of belonging and responsibility.

I want to investigate what types of careers I can work in with my new Masters degree I'm getting in May. I want to see if there's a possibility that I can work in a Jewish summer came in summer of 2025.

I would just like to explore my ceramic creativity, putting more time, effort and fun into it.

I am interested in obseving the organization of our local Democratic organization and Indivisible organization, and how that pertains to my committed work with our Quaker meeting. Our small meeting owns a beautiful building, but we do not really have the resources to maintain it. Not sure how way will open.

Maybe expand my painting techniques

Climate change — I have some views and beliefs, but I think I really need to educate myself deeply on this. I see the effects of it in my garden on a micro level, and I see how hard it's hitting our earth on a macro level. I want to learn how to get people who believe it isn't real to accept it exists and work toward leaving a better future for our kids.

I want to work with orgs that help to heal here in toronto. Orgs that are oriented towards interfaith and inter cultures together. I can't fix israel - but here at home there is much to fix. I hope to help in that way. Maybe I take a course about bridging and having those conversations

I want to explore Jewish study more deeply this coming year. I've (re)committed to prayer and other spiritual practice, and think integrating learning could be powerful in a different way. I'm also interested in exploring what elder support and mentorship might offer.

I want to investigate the practice of accountability

Same as last year- quit chasing the big thing and find joy in the small moments. I read about the phrase "glimmers" which is just this- joy in small things. I want more glimmers!

Living simpler. I've been decluttering a couple of years. I've started to let go of some mental clutter as well. Living simply is the next step to serenity.

I want to internalise the perspective that 'loving people' is a skill that is impressive. I want leverage my competitive nature to motivate myself to love and forgive people more readily.

Nothing comes to mind, other than increasing my knowledge of Nichiren Buddhism.

At this moment, no. I want to find a treatment for my cancer that doesn't give me side effects. The Keytruda was seeming to work until I developed lung issues. I could do oral chemo. I am so tired of cancer being the center of my life.

I’m want to continue to work on my difficult conversation skills as both a participant and as a facilitator

More about intentional communities of shared land. Would love to find a spot to build an off grid tiny home from scraps.

Though the past is against me, returning to piano tutorials and taking voice lessons is still my ambition!

Ayurvedic Medicine

Me! I want to investigate who I really am & how I live the real me Mother Wife Woman of 77 years Assertive Imaginative Resilient Caring Determined Loving Activist for social Justice With those characteristics what can I realistically set as my goals? What are the steps I need to take to achieve those goals? How do I balance my roles to be the person I want to be

Continue to learn about/be involved with: reconciliation in Canada and reconciliation in Israel/Palestine. Investigate (more systematically): what does it mean to feel like one's life has meaning? What are the ways we create meaning (stories) in our lives? What are the joys we create when we do this, and what are the harms?

Maybe my family, like just really investing in the people that have shown me love and kindness and getting all the stories before I lose more people.

I'd like to learn more about meditation.

Living a more outwardly, joyous, authentic Jewish life

I’m investigating how to brighten my waning cognitive abilities. Seems I’m always foggy. Started using well-reviewed supplements: nootropics, CoQ10, NadH, green tea, fish oil. Some improvement, but no cure all. Hoping to find a way to wake my brain back up. Is it long Covid. Sometimes I’m dizzy as a stunned animal.

I think I mentioned somewhere else, but I want to learn oil painting because I love the texture of that medium.

I want to investigate my own potential to be a voice for eternal curiosity and self-discovery.

I would like to learn who I am, who are way people and who knows me because it feels like I don't know myself... I want to learn how to love myself and ti thing of me as a mistake to this world.

I’d like to read more. My brother and I are supposed to be learning a book by Rabbi sam Lebens. I’d like to do that.

I want to understand more about money

I'm pleased to see that I followed up on something from last year. I actually did write postcards encouraging registered voters in Florida to vote in the upcoming election. This coming year, I want to retire and devote some time to volunteering as an ESL instructor.

How can I engage in difficult discourse from a place of respect that does not come across as weakness?

Positivity, compassion, truth, kindness, less complacency, less narrowmindness.

God, no. Reality is overwhelming, no more needed.

I'm proud when I read last year's answer because I did take action and read books and keep a close look on my finances now. I didn't explore enough the possibility of a side hustle to have a second stream of income, so this is something I want to take time to do. This and taking more time to do art, just to express myself by drawing or painting. I love it when I do it, but I feel I don't have the space for it in my life, but in terms of time and physical space. Rearranging the office space, terrace and maybe our bedroom to have more areas to do things like journalling, introspection, meditating and art would be good.

In my parenting journey, I’m interested in supporting the sibling relationship. I also think Blake and I need to set aside some time for our relationship, to connect outside of parenthood. That’s a priority for me.

Continued from last year, and as yet, unfinished business: learning more about my parents' experiences in World War II.

Continue with end-of-life & death planning. I’ve gotten far in the last year. I’d like to have a completed working plan though.

Yes. The history and religion of my people.

I work in technology, and I really want to expand my understanding of the intersection between robotic spatial intelligence.

God as a concept, not a person. Love. My savings accounts. Art as a practice. Slowing down, maybe.

I am all about going deeper in understanding religion, specially how it impacts politics and organizations.

Georgism and the idea of a land value tax, among other things.

Motherhood. ❤️

I asked a question online about causes, what kind of causes are people interested in, how do people become interested in causes. I found lists of global causes. But I am a small person with limited access to the world and limited funding. I do care about things. I recently met someone who is starting a garden on their front lawn, to grow food and to block out neighbors who park their vehicles in front of her house. I told her to grow sunflowers! My grandfather was a big time gardener and he grew sunflowers along his property line. Another friend lives near me and she began doing raised bed gardening in her home's backyard. I have yet to visit her garden. I could theoretically garden in my small apartment, even with a cat and needing to spend electricity on a grow light, since i have light only from the west. It's very hot in my climate. I want to just grow house plants. I could start REALLY small and just grow sprouts in my apartment. In a jar. Plants clean the air, but the plants recommended as doing that job best are toxic to cats. I need to explore further. Research I can do, implementing would have to wait until February of next year.

I want to keep investigating the concept of motherhood. For myself. For my relationship with my own mother. For my relationship with my daughters. I want to deepen my exploration of picture books, which brings joy and depth and meaning into my life. And wellbeing practices like yoga, qigong, meditation, somatics.

Pregnancy and birth (training as a birth doula), and ECEL (empathic care of the end of life).

If the election goes well, I’d like to learn more about electioneering things that could be done not in the eight weeks before an election.

I'd like to watch more movies and shows. This is something I've never done much of, and I may continue to not do much of it, but I got to watch some good movies while unemployed last winter and it'd be nice to do more of that (without the unemployment part). Additionally, I'd like to continue to look for new music to listen to, new artists, and explore more in that respect.

I want to figure out how to have a bigger life that's more satisfying than my smaller life.


I am always going to investigate the human condition. Why do we do what we do?

I want to dig in where I’m already committed: equity, climate change. Other social impact too, but those two are really driving my passion.

Building resilience to climate change into my home and yard. I’ve found lots of good information and well-developed strategies for areas that are or expect to become warmer and DRIER. Where I live, though, is expected to stay mostly as miserably humid as it already is, just warmer and with more flash droughts, and concepts like earthships and passive houses don’t work well in the swampy Southeast US. Since I am probably stuck here and with no readymade patterns to follow, if I want to do this, I’ll have to figure it out on my own.

I became the board chair for a small theater nonprofit after being a regular board member for only a few months. Its a new experience to be a board leader, after spending so much time as a staff member trying to support a board. I don't want to repeat all of the mistakes that I constantly saw that other board making. However, there are already strong personalities in the room pushing us into shakey territory. I want to give my best effort this year to see if I can help get the organization into a better place.

I want to seriously investigate how we can become digital nomads.

I need to figure out a way to still make meaningful contributions in the area of modeling biological systems, that is both of benefit in my job and fulfilling for me, when I seem to have very little time for doing that. I'd like to do more fun and interesting work but I don't know what that can be.

I want to learn more about affordable housing and write a weekly blog about affordable housing.

More skilled at editing film on Kapwing. I want to have published my book and be promoting it.

I’m continually leaning more into nature and learning about it. Geology, animals, astronomy. Back to basics.

This morning I'm simply hoping that by this time next year I have the luxury of exploring new ideas for making the mahjong business better and more successful. But the political situation in this country is growing more and more dire and I have sincere fears that we are headed for a 1930s Germany situation.

I would like to find deep-pocket partners for my initiative to provide some daily essentials for the hungry and the unhoused.

My daughter is a high school freshman, and at breakfast today we had the most delightful conversation about Shakespeare's works. I'd like to learn more about the amazing young woman living in my house.

I said this last year, but after the past year of challenge(s), I think it needs to be raised again because it didn't happen: I need some sort of existential grounding and something to give optimism.

Want to continue to know more about humanitarian causes and crisis and how my voice and money can support these causes. Once I have a stable income again, find a new NGO to support. Want to continue to investigate me and my relationship, finding how we can be better, how I can improve as a human being. Would like to learn more about world history and continue to de-colonize my views, understanding the oppressing powers and agents and how to combat them. Want to be able to have stronger, better founded ideas - instead of only reproducing what others say.

The idea of using an orchard for meeting California state education guidelines to teach sex education among all the other subjects as well. Call it orchard education or OrchEd for short or maybe edible education Ed Ed. Also investigating how to make Hale Akua financially successful while creating happiness for Lori.

What is means to be a progressive American Jew after 10/7.

I will continue to do the work I am called to do which appears to be helping people move from unconsciousness to consciousness through their spiritual understandings --incorporating myths, and writings, and stories into making sense of life, creating wisdom through changing ideas and behaviors. Opening my own heart, being more aware of the patterns of behavior that create obstacles to my own growth so I can change, and continuing teaching what I learn every day!

I suppose I feel like in our current world where we are bombarded with lies, and in light of these lies' implications for peoples' health and safety, I want to work harder at combating this. I'm starting a short term mini podcast on media literacy. But I want to be more confident with this and make a difference to help change this landscape.

I might be interested in learning more about credit cards/points farming in order to maximize rewards for travel

This hasn't changed since last year. I am signed up for the first level of training to be an fetal alcohol spectrum disorder trainer.

Bass guitar!!! I've wanted music back in my life for decades, and finally I seem to have found my instrument. I was practicing by myself with an online course and it didn't grip me, but finally I found a teacher. I met with a friend who taught me a riff and I've been filled with joy ever since. The first time I got the riff down, when music was coming out of my hands, I felt it again. What music is and does, to my mind and my spirit. I've missed this so much. The meditative aspect of it, the absolute focus on doing something with my hands, no space for other thoughts. It's refreshing, energizing. I also hope it will be a way to make more friends, playing together. First of all, I want to learn, get skilled, get joy from that. I love how this big thing drones in my hands. I feel powerful, cool, young, creative, a human being in control. Mastering something profound, a human impulse since the dawn of time. Something that connects and transcends the noise of everyday.

I like the idea of exploring therapy work more, but I'm also scared of doing it. What if I'm terrible at it?

Perhaps a way to "give back" as I did in those few years of inner city teaching. How to balance helping others with needs in retirement? We still have not done significant work in the de-clutter field. We must, though, to downsize.

This is a tough one as I don't readily have anything in mind. As I sit with the question one concept comes to mind. The concept of enough. What is enough? Reaching enough seems to be a threshold afterwhich there is peace and freedom. Is enough an amount or a mindset shift? This is what I would like to investigate in the next year.

Haha, definitely still co-living just like I said last year. But I’m also starting to want to contribute more money toward personal investments like index funds and stuff. I really hate the idea of passive wealth because I think people should get money from their labor, not from their existing money, but everyone else is doing it so I feel like I need to as well to get ahead.

Hmmm... I would like to get my knee completely checked out and research the types of replacement options I have with my insurance.

Ha! Last year I wrote about retirement but it's still 'sort of.' And for this year it will depend on the outcome of the election. If the good guys lose then we will all have to learn how to live in oligarchic hate-ridden hell. And if the good guys win we will have to continue to build bridges and pray the bad guys behave anyway.

SEO and Marketing.

In the coming year, I think I want to investigate Atomic Habits. Cristina is really into it—she just revisited and reread it, and it’s one of her top books. Funny enough, just tonight my mom asked me if I’ve heard of it and said she wants to get me a copy. It feels like a sign, like the universe is telling me I should dive into this. I’ve heard a lot about the book, but I haven’t explored it myself. I think learning more about the concept of atomic habits and how to incorporate that mentality into my life could really help me. I’m curious to see what it’s all about and how it could positively influence my routines and habits moving forward.

On the job front: community experience and customer education On the personal front: our new neighborhood!


doing less. what is it like to do less?

Don't know. I have already been diving into a bunch of stuff because of whatever I have been forced into - ADHD, menopause, semi-glutides... social security... Aside from what I'm putting myself into school for, I think the things to be investigated will continue to be what pops up in my life.

Other career options. I don't actually fully want to leave teaching yet, but with how burnt out I am, I owe it to myself to at least investigate other options. Even if I stay in teaching, I should research other districts, or grade levels, or private schools, or something that is somehow different from the roles I've had over the last 6+ years. I love math and I love working with students, but this is not sustainable.

Working with Shawn Carter Foundation to build a more equitable, just and inclusive society and workplace. Helping people who have been impacted by being incarcerated and providing second chances, education, training and good jobs. Helping young children to learn, develop social/emotional skills to become successful and happy adults.

I am so involved in several causes already. Taking on more would not be good for my mental health.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As much as I feel like I know, I also feel like I know nothing at all.

The “real” Jesus Christ. The actual human being based on available evidence. Jesus as a Jewish rabbi.

I tend to be way too excited to start new things like this. What if I investigate contentment and moving slowly? It's not something I'm great at, I know.

I want to continue exploring history, literature and the arts However, depending on the outcome of this election, I may be more drawn to exploring ways to preserve our democracy.

I want to be at rest about the finitude of my life and the preparation for my funeral. I am 82 and, fortunately, in good health. Baruch ha Shem

I want to take every opportunity to spend time with my old friends (a vanishing breed) and each precious younger person in my life — children, grandchildren, nieces and grandnieces with - how wonderful! - shared interests.

I really just hope to travel more. My husband and I have a trip planned, starting in late December, and continuing through most of January. We are going to Thailand (and maybe Taiwan on the way there), Australia, Hawaii, and stopping in Los Angeles on the way home to spend some time with my younger son. We hope to plan other trips later in 2005.

As of today, Black Moon Lilith and Shadow Work. It came into my awareness in the past 24 hours to start doing shadow work. I created a Shadow Character today and listed out some of the attitudes and behaviors in myself that I don’t prefer to embody anymore. I’m looking forward to integrating my shadow and curious to see what will be revealed by next year. Forty-six and two just ahead of me. God just became bigger than anything I have ever known before.

I am going to get involved with the local women's shelter that it being built. I feel so grateful my life has not been touched by domestic violence.

Creative projects where I'm making just for the sake of making, not to advance my career or earn money, and where I'm collaborating with other artists

The chance to be own boss or consulting. It doesn't have to pay a salary as I do now I am just sick of meaningless tasks for my education and knowledge and sick of answering to people not as bright as I am . I feel wasted. I feel like I'm being paid a high salary for work that is menial. I despise when my co workers aren't even motivated to strive. it makes me sad I like the money and not the work.

I want to learn the language of music and find new, empowering musical collaborations. I want to be a better musician myself and also a better communicator with musicians.

I was supposed to have a baby.

Belly dancing! More French! And above all, more Buddhism 💜

I want to investigate more how I can be a volunteer for the elderly in Paris.

I want to continue my exploration of how important education is to us as individuals and a society. There are so many new things happening in the space and work is changing, etc. - I want to understand what comes "next".

I want to investigate and get to know my husband, my new furry friends, and Zen Buddhism in the coming year. If possible, I'd also like to investigate if motherhood is right for me.

I’d like to make more physical art.

Yes. I want to more fully investigate becoming a Divorce Coach. Figure out if there is a market for me. How best to market myself. Jumping through my huge fear of actually making it happen.

I’d like to investigate and invest in my marriage. I’d like to commit to date nights and reading together and doing some workbooks and such. We’ve become too often like housemates and less like friends and partners. I’d like to really delve into what we can do to strengthen becoming a tighter bond.

I'd like to find out all about autonomous vehicles, such as when they will become more commonplace.

I want to study further and feel more into “Hope.” I sense there can be Hope even when the worst has happened. On a global scale? On a personal scale? What do I desire and hope-against-hope, for?

I want to invest in myself and my health. To be mentally, emotionally, physically, emotionally healthy every day.

I'd like to get to know my mom better. Now that dad is gone, I feel a need to be around her even more strongly. I would like to get to know her the way I want my daughter to know me one day.

These past several months I have been thrust into navigating the cultural gaps between government administration and communities. IF I have any more to invest in bridging that gap when this intense period is done, I will. Otherwise I am thinking I might just ride out the final decades of life in the garden. If I can't make any other change in the world, I can definitely feed people.

This year I took on a fighting antisemitism at the University where I work. I had to read thousands of pages of Jewish and Israeli history and contemporary antisemitism in order to do this work. Now I just want to focus on writing my book

I have a little bit of a bug, a potential aspiration, to fix the sidewalk outside my home. This would involve pulling up bricks and relaying bricks (or maybe putting down mosaic), which is nothing I've ever done or attempted!

There is an infinite amount to investigate.. plants, countries, Spanish, myself… teaching… I do want to improve my Spanish. I also want to move closer to having a romantic relationship. How do I do all this? The cleaning, the finances, the exercise, work… I want to do yoga too. I’m not even doing my physical therapy exercises regularly.

my geneology and then my husbands

Mysticism! Staying grounded and connected to all that is, even when those around me are experiencing despair. Will humanity wake up? Consciousness. Presence.

Could the concept of Bright Line Eating work for me at this stage? 3 meals a day, no snacking, no flour, no sugar, while finding the "Nicky way" of doing what works for me long term, to lose this very excessive weight?

Not really mostly I want to continue the journey if working less, find a balance life that is fulfilling and enjoy every day . Reviewing my answers I can see that work is something that fulfills me but also it's my fault that I can't get passed on not getting aggravated for things that I can no longer control.

I just heard about sparkil.org, an organization that allows direct loans to individual small businesses in Israel that have been effected by the war. People can choose their passion - women owned businesses, cafes, agriculture, etc and make interest free loans of whatever amount they choose. Eventually the loan will be paid back, so you can invest and reinvest in a variety of businesses. This is a way to directly impact the sagging economy in Israel. Often when a soldier serves, especially a reservist, they leave their job behind, and if they own a small business it is at risk of closing down.

I know I want to start a team for the Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention and Awareness Walk. LRDHU team? Yin Yoga Certification? Look into Meetup.com and start an alcohol-free group in Devils Lake? Buy a house for Blake to rent in GF?


I want to hear more jazz & appreciate it more.I want to take more photos - and get better at it

WA. Slow living. Retirement.

Scott-let's keep getting to know my brother because we haven't known him for 25 years

Getting involved in the local Jewish community. Do Pilates

the history of local associations in Almada and their leaders and how they have resisted in recent times to keep working.

I would like to go beyond my typical charitable behavior of giving money and actually, physically reach out to those in need. I will have to refine and specify this to myself as the year proceeds, obviously.

*The history of Bread and Puppet Theater and other groups that compare/contrast with what they are doing, worldwide. *Visual Vocabularies in art. How do a collection of marks and colors come to represent an idea or era? *Manifestos. Declarations. Mission Statements. Signs and chants used in public protest. Words + Fonts + Colors. Sounds.

I will investigate identity and belonging through my writing, especially in my memoir and the motivational speeches I create and deliver publicly. When we know ourselves, we know the values that matter to us and the value we bring to the world, anything can happen.

I met one of last year’s goals. This year, I commit to improving my music. Why not!

Homeopathy for Pets

The idea of owning my own business

Yes. Sara Fistel and her life.

Cohousing! I began the process of building a community earlier this year but it has faltered somewhat given the upheaval in my life recently. I would like to pick it back up and start working toward it more consistently.

The possibility of being a kidney donor. I've toyed with it for a few years and my spouse didn't have any objections, so there's no reason I can't at least look into it.

Teachers are overworked and give up so much of their time, and so I want to investigate ways to help reduce extra demands on their time. If I’m going to move into administration, it’s one of my goals.

I want to find out about more juried photography exhibitions. I want to learn more about feminine archetypes in mythology. I want to learn how to be a more effective advocate for the issues I care about. I want to up my challah game.

Judaism, in general

I still want to read the book Queer Conception. I still want to explore in greater depth different options for housing and communal life.

Poetry, social justice issues, loving fiercely

I want to learn more about the human yearnings and explorations that give rise to religion. Is it yearning for answers to life's big questions? It is a petition for protection? Is it about power and dominion? What in our lived experience globally that leads the human mind to imagine concepts of religion, God, god concepts, etc.?

I want to get to know myself better. I’ve come to this quite late in life. While I have always been introspective, I haven’t taken it further to actually articulate my feelings and values. I’d like to do that in the time I have left, and share those thoughts with my daughter.

I want to explore ‘sexy Joke’. Something I’ve recently learned that others see in me, but I don’t feel it myself. I want to fully embrace my femininity again, my sensuality and sexuality , and the feeling of being seen. It s time to come out of the shadows and to be the sun.

I want to broaden my understand and acceptance of neurodiversity. This will really impact my work in positive ways as well as my personal relationships. I want to change scripts in my head that ding people for their non-normative behavior. I want to balance how we can hold accountability with acceptance, meaning we still need to create spaces that are safe where folks contribute but allow them to do that in ways that match who they are and not all by the same standard. I imagine this will be more challenging in personal relationships than in work.

I want to dive into learning about myself. I expect to learn about myself through my journey in NP school but I also want to figure out what really makes me happy, what I am good at, and maybe a new hobby.

So many. I will never narrow it down to the possible.

Not really, because I do that constantly as it comes up, thanks to the internet. I remember having to go to the library in town (we lived out in the country) to look up people, causes, ideas, etc. I kept a list, because I couldn't check out reference books. Recently we were camping where we didn't have internet signal, and I was at sea! I'm so used to having a thought, being curious about something, and just finding out all about it immediately!

I dedicate this year to sinking fully into marriage, learning its ebbs and flows, its delights and challenges, and surrendering myself to the mystery of relationship.

I’m not sure about the term “investigation” but I do continually aim to increase my knowledge of and support for Israeli and Jewish experiences. I also think finding opportunities to build bridges with those who have opposing views is important for understanding, long lasting peace, and prosperity.

I continue to be interested in my ancestry and my family tree. There has recently been a "mystery" person show up on our family tree due to DNA and I think I may have new relatives, which is exciting.

I want to learn more about lowering my cortisol. I need to lower my stress so I really want learn more about how to help myself. I'm struggling a lot with stress and how it is impacting my body.

I'd like to find out more about what makes political parties so different. Why don't they seem to focus on what's important to most people. It seems we are always compromising our morals or standards to struggle to make a choice between the two parties. How can we always be so far apart?

I want to get to know my second child! I've been well aware that we're bringing them into a household of oldest children and I'm sure they'll have a lot to teach us! I'm also realizing that this week is 6 months since group therapy ended (after 9 years) so it may be worth exploring going back into therapy.

I would like to recommit myself to the idea of building resilience. The nights aren't quite so short anymore, we've found a home, work is annoying but not horrible - I can take some time to work toward being the person I'd like to become. Someone who can set their phone aside, who has the willpower to resist Reddit during an evening shift, who takes care of her body and mind. I had that, for a while, and I've backslid mightily. It's all part of the journey, but I feel better when I'm not feeling so out of control.

I still want to start a Jewish Business Professionals Network in the area, both for personal and professional gain. The one development that occurred in that vein this past year was learning that two of our congregational officers are involved in a loose affiliation group with other synagogue officials. I have asked them to inquire about this. I need to push that.


I did one foraging walk and now I want to investigate and do it more, and I still want to do more native plants.

I need, and want, to investigate my faith. I need to begin attending mass regularly and I need to begin leading a life guided by faith not desire.

I’d like to investigate new venues for meeting people IRL and expanding my world.

I want to learn more about just about everything!! To name a few: -business ideas (maybe even specific therapy for finding my best fit career path) -historical societies and historic registries for architecture -I look forward to exploring my new suburb and the surrounding area -Thomas Jefferson and George Washington! As democracy is shifting in the USA (and Israel), I'm curious about our founding fathers and the vision they had for this country, and how we can retain or change it as needed

Before I read this question I sent a significant donation to a disability school in Ofra Israel. Hoping to spread contributions to Israel, Aleh, our Temple. Thank G/d are finances are great. Volunteering at a homeless shelter tonight. Hope to do more as my time and health allows.

How to improve my travel writing skills. As I want to use my memories for a possible travel memoir to be written somewhere down the line.

Writing. Painting. Filmmaking. Cooking. Appreciating wine. My children. My partner. My hopes and dreams. My life.

My Christian faith


My role in music. My Spirit has nudged me to take voice lessons again, and she nudged me to get a piano -- even after I decided no way did I want to be burdened with a piano if I will be moving to an apartment in a year or 2. 3 months ago, I would have not considered either one. So, I know she has something in the works and I'm following her lead -- after much discernment. Trying not to be concerned about the investment since I'm quite frugal.

I want to investigate the possibility of going back to school possibly for a Masters in Social Work. I want to investigate how I can incorporate my skills/training/expertise/success in youth engagement and drama-based education with social work/therapy/youth work more generally. What are the possibilities?


why am I having such a hard time answering these this year. I'm tired of myself. I guess I want to sort of repeat 7, in the sense of the ideas of equanimity, acceptance, presence. I'd love to stop having anxiety wake me up in the early hours, would love to "go with the flow" more often.

I would like to get back to playing my flute. When we did our "jam band" at the lake house, it was so much fun and it made me miss playing the flute. I have no desire to join a community band or anything like that, I just want to play for fun at home. I feel like it will be good for my brain and for my soul.

Dance, Pilates

Water in Judaism is my upcoming large project. I will create 18 prints about 18 facets of water. Also a cover for the book which will hold the woodblock prints. If all goes as planned I will be doing a collaboration with a young composer in this project as well. I will be researching which 1& facets of water I will include. It’s a massive undertaking.

investigating my deeper desires. I just had a lovely vacation in Maine and even though money is tight I made it work and enjoyed every minute. It was very inspiring and so so necessary for me. I have been thinking more deeply about my desires - where I'd like to live and how I can make my job schedule fit with making art. I haven't given them the attention and support I deserve. I am starting to feel that sense of being on the verge of a new adventure that I haven't felt in a long time. A sense of light hopefulness and the power to make my dreams reality, to push something new into being.

Braver Angels Liturgical innovations

I want to learn more about writing Forever Letters (ethical wills). I want to learn more about ACT and share it with Colin and Jesse. I want to learn more about the body/mind/trauma connection regarding health. I want to keep writing. I want to learn to incorporate breathwork into my life - hopefully retreat #2 will help! I STILL want to learn to meditate and figure out my life's path moving forward. Oh, is that all? I ask myself sarcastically?

Yes: myself, how to be an immediate past-president, research books and authors to read, and I'm sure I'll find more!


Franciscan + Jewish + Irish=diaspora reactions of exile, identity amidst diversity, ideologies + cultures, indigenous vs international, language, belief + roots

I did partially meet last year's goal of learning more about Judaism from an historical perspective, and I'd like to continue that. I'd also like to have a better understanding of anti-Semitism and of the conflict in the Middle East. A better understanding of world history would also be desirable.

Faith and effort, and the relationship between them. How much work and preparation can be put into things; it’s scary to make an effort, especially when it involves many tricky steps over a long period of time, but I think it’s the key to all achievements and sense of security. Especially currently regarding parenting and my work.

Ha - this one always makes me feel sort of lame but, no, not really.

I still hope to find a job in another part of the country. And I want to continue to learn more about Conservative Judaism as I prepare to apply for membership in the CA.

I would love to explore deeper spiritual and intellectual material. With people who have something to contribute to a deep conversation.

I feel like I'm on the end cusp of this period of uncertainty — I'm being pushed away from a lot of things I wanted and loved, and I don't know what's next yet. So I hope to investigate that and feel like I'm moving in a positive direction.

I want to learn more about spinning and weaving fiber.

Last year's answer is taunting me, because I have to think about me now. And who can help with that? Investigate. My blind spots and unknowns. It had been years since I thought about Shadow work, but I need desperately to do that (again?). "Desperate. I love that word." But now I'm not young. Desperately seeking something. Back to my old buddy Carl Gustave Jung.

The anti-Semitic neighborhood I live in

Looking at my last year's answer, I didn't know that my frozen shoulder that I had to go to PT for is related to menopause. Last year I went through hell for a few months because all my joints hurt terribly and I was hobbling around, where normally I am athletic. I found out that since I was going into menopause, my estrogen levels were low, and therefore my joints and nerve endings were having trouble. I honestly knew nothing about this at all! I begged my doctor to go on to HRT meds and she reluctantly did it. I'm now much much much better and back to the gym and regular life. Now I want to advocate for all the women that don't know about this. I'm not sure how, but it was terrible for me and I want to prevent anyone else going through what I did. Why don't doctors know this?

I would like to get more familiar with/comfortable with AI. I support its use at work but I have not done a lot of experimenting with it on my own. I want to better understand the advantages and limitations. So I should try it but also read more about it. I have been pretty willfully ignorant on its societal impact.


I want to spend more time on my watercolour painting. I started it a few years ago but then became involved in too many other activities. I need to schedule a few hours a week and stick to it.

I'm a pretty inquisitive person and feel that I do a lot already. I want to stay curious and continue to read - I'd like to read more non-fiction.

I want to continue to continue to go more in depth with my Judaism

I have always wanted to know more about Bill Christy. He hides things very well and there is so much going on with his daughter Alyssa that he never wants to talk about. She has an illness of some sort and I would love to know what it is and why is hides so much! There is so much I would love to know but he just hides. He hides and for what reason.


In the coming year, I’m excited to explore more AI tools and technologies more deeply, particularly in creative and professional spaces. The rapid advancements in AI are fascinating, and I’m eager to learn how I can leverage them to create unique content—whether it’s a short film, an engaging reel, or even a song. I’m also interested in integrating AI into my client work, helping them tell their stories in innovative ways that enhance their brand and user experience. AI has the potential to open up new possibilities for creativity and productivity, and I want to be on the forefront of discovering how to use these tools to blend storytelling with cutting-edge technology. The idea of combining AI’s capabilities with my content design expertise excites me, and I’m looking forward to experimenting with it in ways that push boundaries, both personally and professionally. * I used ChatGPT to help me write this response ;) *

Drawing, Writing i.e. Poetry, Learning Spanish, etc. Understand American Politics

How I can support and defend Palestine and make a space where that's a part of my life. Since moving from Synergy, I feel less actively involved and its important to me to feel like I'm contributing to something. Is Law school right for me?

Myself. Manifesting. Art.

I'd like to go back and re-read Heschel. I started my Jewish life with him. He really spoke to me. I've lost touch after so many years. I feel a need to reconnect with his work.

This has been an incredible year getting to know Miro, the many Miros that have already come to be. I can't wait to continue to fully invest in this family in the coming year. What does that mean? I think we can only begin to imagine. How do we balance both working with childcare? How do we meet Miro's needs? How often is this boy about to get sick? And equally as important, how do we keep planning for the future? We know we want another bambino and how does that fit with this new and developing reality? I can't wait to find out.

I want to further develop my friendships.

We live in an age where conspiracy theories and causes are around every corner. Something that I hold dearly is my education. I have spent most of my adult life in higher education. I have a Masters in education. So, now that I’m thinking of it a cause I would want to get more involved with is the education of our youth. I guess what I would need to do is to find out what are my options when it comes to this. What would be the necessary steps I should take to learn about this cause to actually get involved. I think this is a good question, I am Edgar to see where I stand regarding this cause by next year.

I finally got my chance to exercise my brain by starting with my new Masters in Sustainability. I hope that I will be very deliberate with the assignments I choose to write and the papers I spend my time reading. I’m drawn to circularity, as it feels like an impossible task except for increasing our recycling efforts. It reminds me of the operational improvement work we did in mining, and it feels very tangible. I’m also interested in learning how to measure the benefits of sustainability projects. The way I taught myself benefits when I fudged it to the high heavens at Suncorp Bank all those years ago. I’m currently feeling very intimidated about the whole undertaking- it feels much more serious, and yet much less “broad-practical-learning” that I loved about my MBA. I’m not sure yet where the stuff I can take to work with me every day is coming from. I’m sure Cambridge knows what it’s doing.

Yes! Battery storage, specifically long duration storage!

A way to turn young people on to the spiritual way of life. Some sort of regular meeting place.

Being "different" than everyone else and letting it just happen and not hiding it anymore. (Whether that is diagnosis or not.)

This is a great question and one that I’m struggling to answer. I think I ought to spend more time hearing stories from my parents while they are still around.

It may be civil disobedience, depending on the outcome of the upcoming presidential election.

World central kitchen;volunteer and teaching opportunities close by; improve and learn more about goldwork and hand embroidery techniques; creatures of the abyss for Cherrywood challenge; free motion quilting both domestic and long arm; creating my own quilting designs and quilts; organiations bringing Jews and Muslims together.

I want to see how I can best fit in with the Jewish community, understand it better both religiously and culturally. It's going to be a rich learning experience.

Maybe later I will be ready to study amulets and magic in the talmud, but to learn Hebrew, deeper Torah and romantic love

Sleep - a subject for my personal writing.

Maybe the whole notion of grief and how it manifests itself for different people at different times.

Yeah, me. I want to figure out why I do what I do, how to do things better even if I don't want to, and how to not do things that hurt me. I want to learn how to accept that I can't control my thoughts, I can only truly control my behavior...sometimes. I want to learn to focus more fully when I am praying, instead of fearing that I'll crumble into a weeping mess if I allow myself to feel the words of the prayer.

I recently read a memoire of a woman who did long distance walking with her sick husband. I would like to read more about her and her various hikes. Partly because I enjoyed my own two walking vacations in Great Britain so much. I want to investigate what options I have here in the States.

I want to investigate meditation. I have known, for years and years, that this is something that would benefit me and my anxiety issues. But, I have never found a way of maintaining a meaningful daily practice. I want to investigate meditation techniques, and am looking into taking a class. I am hoping if I can jumpstart the practice with a group, at a set time, it will help me maintain it for myself moving forward. I want to learn more approaches and ways in to the practice, which I know yields its greatest benefits only through long-term application. I want to get there. It feels imperative that I learn more techniques for soothing my mind, which can so easily spiral out into fractals webs of anxiety.

Decluttering sounds small but I want to shed everything! I want to have very few things and just have experiences.

Yes, MOMS Demand Action for gun sense in America, and Women of Faith, an interfaith group that meets regularly.


My daughter told me she thought I had ADHD last year. I would like to explore this and see if it offers solutions for things I find difficult. Occasionally I feel a lack of spirituallity. I think I would to explore this.

Everything from last year - guitar, broader types of exercise, board games, reading/speaking Hebrew and Spanish. Learn more about Providence and Rhode Island. Learn some new recipes (especially short prep time ones (although you'll probably need to shop ahead)) - remains on the list. Really need to delve into my cookie cookbooks.

I need a volunteer activity outside of a religious context. I'm thinking about Elder Care Services or the homeless shelter. But I feel I need more options so I'll have to look.

I notice I'm feeling resistant to the implicit goal setting in some of these questions. My overarching goal is to do less, not more! I also find that over the years I keep repeating my goal from the past year because I didn't make any progress. For another year I never got to the IDEAL Learning Journey. I did read "The Coddling of the American Mind" and enjoyed it. I think the idea I want to explore this year is where I find meaning in life when I am no longer in "striver" mode.

how i can better understand how to make friends with people

Writing the book surrounding my experiences. Coming up with the right title.

Arthur Waskow. I hang on his every word.

I'm going to need to investigate different areas of the law so I have a better idea of what kind of law firm I want to join.

Pickleball - skill building, community building, fitness building Talent advisory - performance management, learning & development, talent acquisition, employee value proposition, engagement/experience, and why aligning these matters

There is always something worth investigating. I think I do need to look into this person. I don’t think she is human.

Dance and strength training.

I’d like to learn more about history (European history, art history, culinary history, the history of NYC).

I want to investigate the practice of Swedish Death Clearing so I don’t leave a lot of junk for my family to sort through.

I want to read the book Sage Warrior. I want to read a book by Richard Rohr. I want to know more about directing. I want to know more about therapy and counseling. I've seen a few juicy looking podcasts pop up on Brene Brown's website. I want to get into those. I want to find out what I'm supposed to be doing with my dancing. I want to know more about my dreams.

I want to exercise more! And meditate more.

Air travel for adaptive people: how do they fly? What do they bring? What backups do they have? Who can help?

Whether I could afford to live somewhere else.

I want to unpack my eating habits...why do I seek more than I need? Also look at giving myself permission to not be constantly productive.

Not really. I follow whatever crosses my mind at any moment. I'm pretty burnt out on long-term goals, especially at my age. I just want to work on and in my house, maybe travel some...just putter.

I want to learn about volunteering with 4H again and finding a club that needs assistance and offer my help.

Perhaps canadian politics once i can vote? Get back into rescue ham radio training?

I want to investigate my own self more fully this year. Figure out if I can live with another person. I would also like to experiment with collage and paint more.

I would like to continue learning from the scholars, both spiritual and historical - so many jewels of wisdom to take in and learn from.

I'd like to really explore more travel and writing, and perhaps try producing a baby-sized podcast.

I want to continue exploring more Korean music and learn more about the artists whose work I enjoy

Yes! Restorative and transformative justice; my grandfather's labor organizing; ASL and Deaf culture; and Queer community.

I will try to follow more fitness programs like the walking video my specialist suggested, and chair & wall pilates to help me get healthier.

This past year, I did learn more about fundraising and higher education, and now I know where I want to hone in, and it is not where I would have anticipated--major gifts. I want to investigate the best practices and discover how I can transition into this type of work, as it is the part of my current role that lights me up the most.

I would like to be more involved with the League of Women Voters. Access to voting and awareness of issues may be what saves our democracy from those willing to hand over our rights to secure white supremacy.

Human behaviour studies

I feel very keenly that, having lived in the country for pretty much all of my adult life, I should now look at transitioning from a South African Permanent Resident to being a South African Citizen. I feel like I need to be a more responsible person, and actually take more of an active interest in the politics and processes of government of the country. How can I do that if I can't vote?

I'd still like to explore my connections to Judaism. I've enjoyed the last year and it's deepened my connection to my past.

My drawing .