
Is there something that you wish you had done differently this past year? Alternatively, is there something you're especially proud of from this past year?

I’m proud that during one of the toughest years of my life, I made space to process and move through my pain in ways that kept me going. I leaned on supports I have spent years building and reaped the harvest that I worked so hard to sow.

There are always things I wish I had done differently ... been more open, spontaneous, gracious and grateful. There are also times where I wish I had behaved differently or said "the right thing" instead of "the thing I said." But ... one thing I'm proud of is a trip I did to France for me. I tacked a few days in Paris on to a retreat in Provence. During that time, I fully embraced slowing down and letting go of expectations. I was able to just be in the moment (most of the time). One of the lessons I've hung on to more than others was about reminding myself each morning what's "me" and what's "not me" -- reminding myself not to own or take responsibility for things that are not mine -- like actions of others or their moods. I am trying to get back to a pattern of adding gratefulness and mindfulness to my day, but all of the logistics and travel around my husband's row during the summer got me out of my routine ... and I find it difficult to reclaim my space in the midst of him taking up a lot of room.

I wish that I was more disciplined & consistent with my healthy habits. I'm proud of my personal/professional development, growth, progress, evolution, and self-actualization. It's all part of this journey and it's my life, which I love.

I am proud that I have continued to work on my mindfulness and I hope to lead by example for my son. I am proud that I have begun to get back some self-care time and I am proud that I am recognizing some boundaries I need to work on.

I don't have any regrets from this year. But if there's something I wish I had done differently, I wish I had started re-prioritizing my relationship with my husband Matt sooner than I did. I think we're going to be OK; we're communicating again, we're having fun again, we're remembering why we love each other again. But we went through a really hard time where we weren't doing those things, and it made me realize that our relationship is not something we can take for granted. Having a child puts your marriage through a crucible. And I realized this year that if we are to grow stronger that is going to take active, intentional work, that I can't just neglect us and expect us to stay the same. I think that we can come out of this stronger, but it will be because we choose to. I'm also really proud of us--and I will always be proud of our son, Jules. While so much of parenthood lately feels like just surviving, and I'm struggling so much with him as a three-year-old (which so far feels so much more challenging than him as a two-year-old) even amid all the tantrums and meltdowns and hardness of it all, he's such a great kid, and while I can't take total credit for that (I'm not even sure I can take partial credit for that) I am so proud of him. He's handled the hugest transition of his little life --i.e. going to school for the first time -- incredibly well. He runs through the door without looking back, didn't cry at all when I first left him alone, and looks forward to going to school every day, even missing it and begging to go when he can't because he's sick. One of his teachers observed that means he's securely attached. Some part of him must feel deeply rooted and stable, even though I sometimes fear our lives are too chaotic, because otherwise he wouldn't feel so comfortable going forth out into the world by him himself - and he clearly does. That makes me think that I'm doing something right as a mother, something I can be proud of.

Differently: not stressed so much about money; wish I’d traveled to reconnect with friends and family Proud of: spending waaaay less money than I’d budgeted; health & exercise Also the Enneagram book was published in August and I got to read excerpts of my “companion voice” chapter at the launch at Malaprops. What an honor!

I would have talked more and differently with my friends. But I I’m also proud in just being able to survive in these dark times as well as dealing with chronic illness diagnose. It’s a process of learning. Just coping seems already an achievement.

I'm proud that I got back to working on me this year and started coming a little bit out of just being in survival mode. I wish I had done a little bit better on time management and not overbooking myself.

I wish I had a different relationship with my son, one of love and not fighting. Or alternatively I'm proud of the writing I've done!

I wish that I had pushed Enya to get help sooner. I wish that I had been able to help her myself. I wish that I'd asserted myself sooner. I wish that I had communicated better. I am proud of myself for getting out. I am proud of myself for being in therapy. I am proud of myself for building a new life in the shittest year I've had.

Managed to get the money from my Aunt and her families estate to where it rightly belongs (instead of giving it to me). Could have done more on the personal items list given I have taken time off to do that.

I wish I had invested less in my relationship. I feel taken for granted and that I burnt myself out without getting much in return. I would have preferred to have focused less on him and I.

I signed up for a ceramics class and then didn't continue when we realized we were moving. I don't think I made the wrong choice in quitting the class since we had so much to do to get ready for the move, but it does feel a little like I gave up on something that was hard, which isn't the model I want to set for my kids. I am proud of organizing a bi-weekly postcarding group leading up to the election this November. It was a good way to continue to solidify my community and also engage around the election.

I sort of wish. I had gotten a more complacent cat, but I accept and love Greta Fluffers and she's my cat and I love her. What am I proud of? Not pride but satisfaction that I did everything I could, for my mom, putting her on hospice getting her the care she needed, being there for her, trying to minimize her pain. She was my priority and I'm glad I put her first cause. I did not know when I was going to lose her. I just knew that she was declining, and since I've lost her I'm satisfied with the care I gave her. Also, I'm very happy with the way her graveside service turned out. Everybody complimented me on it and I feel weird about that. But I chose 3 songs: "I'll Fly Away" by Gillian Welch and Alison Krauss. No Hard Feelings" by The Avett Brothers and then finally, the last song was Amazing Grace by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. It was a beautiful day. It was a beautiful service and everybody complimented me on the songs and the beauty and the words that we're spoken about her. I have to give credit to Chaplain Michael for his words about my Mom. I have to give credit to Jeff Kleczka, for his advice as coordinator and I have to give credit to Jaci at Arlington Park for doing a fantastic job. I'm the one who got all the credit for it, but they did it all for my mom. I am very satisfied with all that they did. My focus was on her. It was all about her and between her being on hospice care and me caring for her and just making her comfortable, it was all for her. I followed her wishes and I played the kind of music that I knew she liked. She was beautiful and so was her service. So thank you all.

I wish I could more easily refuse some of the unrealistic expectations of my client. All in all I managed, but I feel the toll on a personal level. On the positive side of the year, I love how my kid is developing. It's not always easy, but I'm proud of the progress made in a year

I wish I had spent more time with family, took time off, reached out more and stayed connected

I joined the Samaritans as a listening volunteer. I am nervous, but very proud of myself for doing it.

Done differently: I wish I had gotten ahead of the taxes prep for my new second job - researched earlier what to do, when to do it, who to get help from, all of it. I understand many of the reasons why I hadn't, and am trying to have empathy for myself, but it still sucks.

I'm proud of how I carried and birthed a baby! I literally created a human being! And I did it all while being a teacher and juggling so much else. It was the best decision ever to take the summer off at camp and I'd do nothing differently. I feel like I started making decisions as a mom whereas previously I would have neglected my needs for work or family. I'm proud of myself and the decisions I've made as a new mother.

I always wish I can be just a little less hard on myself. Almost all of my mental struggle comes from within and the stories I tell about myself - which ultimately boil down to not being enough or being too much. Lately I’ve been especially hard on myself about feeling like I’m annoying and talk too much on social media. Everyone compliments me on my presence online and how I’m funny and informative, but still I berate myself for being too much and maybe too weird.

I'm proud that I started making choices. I chose to come out to everyone in the family and then I chose to set up appointments for testosterone and I chose to start and I usually make good decisions. These have been such good decisions. My life moves forward now, because I have agency and trusted myself with it. My life is richer and happier!!! I have futures to look forward to!! What will the future bring, I don't know! But I can make choices now. I can keep on making choices. My choices are usually good, as long as I keep on making them.

I’m so proud of Starting All Queer Shakespeare Thank you God for getting my heart though the death of Grandpa Thank you for his love and yours

I’m proud of pursuing the job at the farm. It’s been more life affirming than I think I even know yet.

I wish I had listened to my body sooner in regard to carpal tunnel syndrome. I wish I didn't let it get so bad before I decided to actually pay attention, take time off, and shut down my wrists. Although i may have had a similar journey over the summer I think I would've recovered faster if I had stopped contributing to it earlier. I want to take this lesson with me into the new year and really deeply listen to my body and back off when I need to back off.

I wish I had the courage to confront more people about how they hurt me and others.

Yes, I am so proud and amazed that I finally met my life-long goal to become a foster parent! I first realized this goal when I was only 16 or 17 years old - and I have consistenly wanted to do it my whole life - but finally now the timing was right to make it happen! Yes, I am now officially a licensed respite foster care provider! It was a ton of training, a home study, and tons of preparation and paperwork. In March, I finally had my first foster kid stay with me for a respite - giving him and his foster family a much needed break and welcoming him to my home. It felt so wonderful to finally be able to welcome a foster kiddo into my safe, cozy home with peace, love and respect - and fun! Since that first time, I hosted 16-year-old D. two more times for respite . . . and this past month I hosted another new kiddo, 15 year old J! Oh, it absolutely fuels my soul to be able to provide nurturing and love, spend time with these amazing kids . . . and to provide them with a happy, healthy home - even for a weekend. I know it only takes one person to make the difference in the life of a child, and if I can help it means the world to me. I can relate to not having a safe home as a child and teen . . . and I ended up being taken in by my best friend's family to live with them just before starting my senior year of high school - and it absolutely saved my life. And now to be able to help these kids . . . as a kind, consistent, and safe adult place feels so amazing and coming full circle in my life.

I'm proud that I spoke up against antisemitism & PACBI (cultural boycott of Israel) in several places, including two that are (WERE) very important to me. One I have cut myself off from completely & the other I almost have. It is worth it even at this bitter & sad cost. I have lost friendships. I didn't actually know that I would do this. It's cold comfort to do the right thing & lose so much, but I'm still glad I did. I wish it weren't necessary.

Something I wish I had done differently - I suppose I don't feel especially proud of my January through May. I feel that I was coasting, not doing much more than the bare minimum. Although I am proud of establishing a gym routine, and learning about lifting, and building some upper-body strength. I think I wish I had pushed myself more socially. I'm also proud of myself for going to visit Ayden in Peru, and going there early to acclimate on my own , and sucessfully doing the big hike and getting along well with Ayden's friends. Thirdly, I'm proud of completing a second summer as the Trips Unit Leader, and for supporting guides the way I did, despite not feeling especially supported from above and feeling a lot of discord amongst the full-time team, and not having the support of Lily and Nancy.

I wish I'd kept my peace at work instead of losing my cool. I wish I could take the second deep breath before seeing everything burning down. I wish I could see myself as a coherent person from day to day. I'm deeply proud of my summer of music and friends.

Wouldn’t change a thing, I’m so proud and humbled by all that Christ has blessed us with. Proud of taking control of my schedule for my own well being rather than letting my schedule control me. I’m at my heaviest weight but working hard to carve out time for myself to work out in a way that doesn’t aggravate pain in my knees and hips, taking nature walks in our new community or going to the gym. It’s important for my mental and physical health, to find balance in my work from home schedule where I hadn’t been taking lunch breaks and can easily have up to 12 mtgs in a single day. So I’ve also been vigorously blocking out my schedule to avoid having more than 8 mtgs in a day, which is ridiculous to be as difficult as it is. Still, I can see the light of retirement ahead at the end of a very short tunnel so am not complaining.

I allowed myself to get worn down as the year progressed. As I age and deal with the side effects of certain medications, I find it harder to maintain a strict exercise routine, while at the same time excelling at my job and trying to find the time and energy to socialize on the weekends. I need to guard against overextending myself while at the same time accomplishing goals and enjoying life. Not an easy trick!!

Well, I always wish that I - were nicer to my husband. I micromanage him a lot. - were nicer to my kids. Especially my teen daughter. We had a ROUGH time last year. It's much better now but we still have a while to go and I am still very frustrated at her teenage self. - I always wish I were more financially solvent. I am mad at myself that I was unemployed for so long. I could have used all or most of the surrogacy money for debt but instead I was unemployed for 6 months. And not applying for as many jobs as I could have. Proud of? Well, driving myself and both my kids to therapy every week at a pretty high work cost to myself. I did NOT like all the time I took out of work to do this but I did it anyway. And I tried really hard to pay compliments to my daughter even when I was disgusted and appalled.

I'm really proud of how much I've grown as a person this year, especially after several pandemic years where I felt like I regressed. This year I grew my communication skills, honed my ability to self-regulate, developed a deeper maturity at work and interpersonally, and put in so much work to reconnect with myself through old hobbies and intentional self care. I've been in a depressive slump for longer than I care to admit, but this year I took strides to help myself and I really want to continue that into this next year. I wish I could've been easier on myself this last year, especially for the things that are/were out of my control, but that is part of what I'm working on!

I wish I'd understood what discipline meant for me and tapped in earlier with water hydration and prayer and individual Bible study (and not just reading). I do not regret how I have arrived where I am. There are other things that I could have selected; however, I am learning to appreciate the process and my journey designed especially for me to get me where God desires. I am especially proud of my openness and commitment to therapy. I have been consistent and ready to apply what I learn. That has changed me to be more of myself through discovery and has balanced out my take on emotions and helped me be mentally fit.

I'm proud of the honesty in admitting my shortcomings, my powerlessness, and my flaws. It feels so deeply freeing. I'm proud of the ways I've been more authentic, even though it is uncomfrotable. I'm proud of the ways I've showed up for my friends. I'm proud of the ways I've taken care of myself so that I can fulfill my commitments. I'm proud of listening to God over and over again and staying in the vulnerable state of doing less.

Honestly, not really... Maybe handled the book club thing with Urvi, but now in hindsight that seems very minor... I will always wish that I was more fully present with Rishi. Childhood is (VERY SADLY) so fleeting, and I don't want to miss anything. I also very much want him to know that I love him, that I am invested in him and I hope that this provides long-lasting self-confidence.

I wish I had meditated more. I'm especially proud of how I've leveled up my health big time!

I wish that I had been better at losing weight. I have managed to maintain my weight so I suppose that is good but I really wanted to be much lighter and healthier than I currently am.

Worked harder. Been less stressed about neighbour matters and school parents. I should rise above all that. Focus on what matters. Exercise more. Love Steven, Sophie and Tom harder.

Getting Morning Minyan to do a great Purim costume

yes and no on all the things; and no - how sad for me.

This year was a long journey of finding myself and having the confidence to do things that are right for me. I am now realizing how important it was and still is to be true to myself and stick to what is best for me, and my growth

I'm unbelievably proud of the work I did this spring that lead to the decision to have a family of three. Complete with the last minute plot twist of a planned for but ultimately undesired pregnancy. Therapy was essential and I am proud of making the space for that support. Extremely grateful to live in a state where full reproductive choice is still possible.

I am proud to have co facilitated a second mindfulness course for trauma affected women.

I allowed myself to do what i really wanted to do most every day and that was to spend time in nature.

In the past two months, I started not one but two part-time jobs. It's my first time working since baby and I'm mostly only working on the days her dad is home with her so we can get the extra income without spending any of it on childcare. It's exhausting but so far I'm really proud of us for working so hard to start building up our savings and paying off debt so we can be better parents to our little miracle <3

I’m really proud that I pursued an ADHD diagnosis! Adderall helps me function, and I don’t feel particularly betrayed by my parents during my childhood, since I was mostly okay in school and socially. I’m just glad I have the diagnosis at all!

The aftermath of the strike has been absolutely brutal. The business has slowed down to a snail's pace. My only real professional accomplishment in 2023-2024 has been writing a Hallmark movie, which is going to premiere in December. Apart from that, every "job" I've had has been free development. NBC Universal bought the rights to Royal Spin but we have not pitched to streamers yet, so -- no paycheck. Reserves are severely depleted, and I'm pretty deep in debt. Savings are not gone yet, but it's a constant worry. So I guess I wish I'd worked more, or worked harder, or been more productive somehow, but it's not just me alone in a vacuum -- the business just feels crippled in every direction. Sometimes it feels like we're living in a land of zombies. Everyone seems shell-shocked and bewildered. I've been grappling with a lot of depression and anxiety which feels -- somewhat unbelievably, given that it's been four years -- like a carry-over from the pandemic. I'm still inside of it. I don't think there's anything I could have done to avoid it or stopped it from happening. My sense of well-being has always been connected to my ability to earn an income and be proud of my work. I have not felt especially proud of myself or my work this year. The sense of pride and satisfaction I felt during the strike seems like a distant memory and somewhat of a falsehood, given that I don't think we gained all that much in the end and we have not bounced back. The one thing I am always proud of is my family. My kids are terrific. My marriage is vibrant, fun, and solid. The other day my husband said to me, apropos of nothing really, "I feel like as long as we are together, we will never run out of things to talk about!" Isn't that so nice?

I wish I had gotten into a routine of waking up early. I wish I was exercising more.

Ha, I wouldn't have run for president of my club! But, seriously, I'm glad I did, it was necessary. Note that I didn't say that *I* was necessary, but since no one else would do it, I'm glad that I have. And I certainly wish I had handled some controversies better or with more finesse. But in general, I'm proud that I've come this far and things haven't blown up too badly under my watch. I do think there may be something I'm not thinking about to answer this question and, if I do remember it as the days go by, I'll come back and edit this answer.

As always, I wish I kept in better touch with my sister & my children.

This year I fired a client. As a self-employed realtor, this was a gutsy move. I decided that I am my own boss and won't work for people who don't respect me.

I wish I had been more diligent about keeping up with financial stuff like taxes and keeping my mom's accounts current. Same as last year. But this month I started making the changes! I am going to work with a money manager. I went to the dentist, got cavities filled, got a deep gum cleaning. I called my de-clutterer/personal organizer, who I hadn't since Jan. 2023. I still love my vacuum that I bought last year! I'm proud that I'm still working and healthy.

I wish I had practiced Sketch up and Vectorworks more.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a bilateral mastectomy. I feel like I did what I had to do. I'm proud that I found a strength within, and have done it all with grace. I'm proud that cancer has beaten me up but has not defeated me.

There are many actions that I am satisfied with that I have worked on over the last year. There is nothing that I seriously fret over that I should have done differently. There is, of course, the desire to accomplish more, and one never has done enough to complete the to-do list, but I accept that this is the human condition. We successfully prepared for our big trip, we were physically, mentally, and operationally ready to leave. My son, Nate, did a wonderful job of watching over our house. I am glad I can trust him, and he is so capable. The long trip freed up much of my time, especially the volunteer and household chores obligation. I stepped away from my main involvements: no Rotary, no MAP, no garden work, no residual agronomy work. Because it was mostly winter, there was not much outdoor work that I skipped. I have to admit that not having these obligations left one more in control of one's time. Maybe not to surprisingly, I did not spend too much time sitting with nothing to do. There was a lot going on during the sea days, and the land days were filled from morning to night. Our decision to take the trip shows we are transitioning to the retired life, we are able to pivot from our work life, to enjoy our money, and use our time in interesting ways.

Been kinder to myself. I'm proud of how much time I made for my friends. I'm proud of changing my job and taking more control of my life.

been a better communicator, made better choices, listened better, been more intuitive, been more independent and been better at feeling good about it, put up with less shit, not let people I loved make me feel crappy about myself, left relationships that weren't working no matter how much I wanted them, done more self-work, built my confidence more, believed in myself more, been better at seeing value in what others were saying they wanted and needed, been better at detaching from situations that didn't work for me, been less concerned with age, been better at connection, given more freedom and autonomy to those who valued it

I wish I had not taken the job at Cincinnati Works. I’m proud I built a strong relationship with EA at CSF and kept in touch which led me to a safer environment. I am pleased with the number is students I am starting to help getting jobs and going to college.

I wish I did save more money and never go to strip clubs. Also I wish I had started looking for another job when I transferred to Orlando. I’m still so proud I actually moved to Orlando

My daughter is off to college and I am immensely proud of her accomplishments and i am immensely proud that I could pay for her tuition in full with no loans. I pod mine off until I was well past 30, and I am glad that I have been able to save for her tuition.

Wish I could relax more with kids

I am incredibly proud of myself for finally doing the work to get my financial life in order. I do wish I had started sooner, but I'm glad that I started when I did. I have a healthy savings account, a plan to pay off the remainder of my debt, and my student loans. I've done a lot of work on setting boundaries, which is the ultimate form of love I can show for myself.

No, I don’t wish there is anything I could have done differently this year. I feel I did everything I could. It’s just that I had to prioritise my daughter’s rehabilitation quite urgently as her school was failing her and refusing to admit to this. Communications with them became unexpectedly hard when I discovered these shortcomings. It seems they had decided to defend themselves at some point two years ago, and at the expense of the relationships they had built up with parents over the years. I appreciate that money is scarce and they need the funds to invest in their commissioned outreach services and pay for an extortionate long lease on their premises. But it’s never a good reason to abandon the trust parents have placed in them for so long. It basically speeds up the decline, not slow it down. Like I said, I did everything I could.

Im really happy i put in the thought and effort and strategizing about how to talk with Mike about having a baby together. He did not want more kids other than O, who is now twelve. I wanted so badly to be with him that I think I convinced myself I was ok to not have any of my own. For a while, I truly believed I did not want kids. Then after talking with L about her desire to have children (her partner didnt want to) and the journey she went on to get her partner to come around, and to try IVF (her partner realized it wasnt that he didnt want kids, it was that he was nervous about being a biological father, because of some genetic history in his family). Hearing L's story made me realize that maybe I do want kids, or at least I wanted to talk with Mike about the pros and cons. Before, it had always just been "no" from him. Couldnt we discuss it from all angles, I wanted to know? He was open to it. And then he came around to the idea of trying. He said he would not do IVF, but he would try naturally and not try to prevent it. After this, I got low fertility in my AMH test and I convinced myself I was ok with that, that that was what Mother Nature intended and that a child was not in the cards. But then I got pregnant. Mike was not happy at first and I felt terrible. And alone. LIke I had somehow betrayed him, even though he'd agreed to trying. I was not ecstatic through my pregnancy, because I knew he was uneasy about being a dad again. I regret that Id didnt fully embrace the joy in being pregnant. I also kept thinking something was bound to happen to cause a miscarriage. I was 41. I didnt want to get my hopes up. So I kind of refused to believe I was having a baby right up until the midwives put him on my chest. Anyway, I am SO glad I had a baby, so glad I went through all the heartache and the hard discussions, and so glad I trusted myself that this was what I wanted. My goodness, like, beyond glad. Elliot is here, he's eight weeks old, and I already feel so relieved to have him in my life. I am utterly in love. I understand now why people love babies so much.

I wish things weren't so horrible at this place. I wish that Rylee & I will find peace & happiness in our own home asap... Because we both deserve better than this. We both deserve to be/feel safe, relaxed, proud & happy wherever we are living.

It's been a tough year, I learned so much. I'm proud Baikey Theatre had It's best year ever!

I regret how I handled the end of my relationship with Eva, my Little Sister for the prior two years. I know I left her hurt and feeling abandoned. I have comforted myself by believing she was in the wrong, but just because she was wrong doesn't excuse my not taking more care with her feelings. I'm proud for how much therapy I've allowed myself to have now that I feel my therapist is a good fit and super helpful. She is teaching me most of all self-compassion, but that spreads to how I treat others, so I'm developing compassion I need for my daughter and mother when I'm angry at them. I hope I'm also more close to always treating Renee with love and kindness. I could wish I'd submitted more but nah, I just hope I submit more in the year to come. Same for any writing I wish I'd done. I'm not dead yet, so maybe this is the year. I wish I flossed more and ground my teeth less. Again I can try to do better with that this year.

I wished that I would have budget better this year. I accumulated a mass amount of debt. I'm proud of the fact that i made a 4.0 spring semester. I am not sure about Fall 24 semester though.

I wish as I did last year to be calmer and more understanding instead of constantly angry and guilty. I’m proud of my grandchildren, of Sam who started college and of Simon who seems to be doing better with therapy for his autism spectrum diagnosis ( in my opinion 15 years too late but better late than never).

I wish I had worked harder to find a way to get in front of larger companies with larger budgets that could use our service. Also, I wish I had developed a system for more consistent routine follow up with prospects on the right time schedules.

Sport-wise, I wish I had learned how to taper properly for big races. I signed up for Swim to the Moon, a 15 km open water event in Pinckney Michigan, this past August. I trained with long swims in the pool, long training swims in the lake, and did not realize the importance of tapering to be fresh and ready to tackle long distances on long training days or actual race day. I wound up having my first DNF at the race and I was devastated. Thankfully, I had a wonderful friend (Claire) with me to help me recognize the big effort I'd put in (I even towed my nutrition behind me on my visibility buoy because their aid stations were few and far between and offered zero solid food). Two weeks later, I learned my lesson, tapered properly for the Welland 10k OWS and finished 2-3 minutes slower than last year's time, so I quit worrying about my swim capability because I was seriously wondering what had happened to me leading up to the Michigan race. I'd like to redeem myself at that same venue either next year or the year after -- it's a beautiful swim and well worth returning.

I'm really proud of my recent shifts in friendship. I realized I was living as the secondary character in my own life, for a long time, mostly because that is probably the value I put on my own life. But that has changed. I think having a safe place to live and really settling back into myself created a solid foundation for me to see what I need and how I can stand up for myself. It has been immensely helpful. I have a lot more time for and with myself, and it's leading to an influx of creativity. I'm finally starting to feel like the person I was growing up. The one who created unapologetically and without fear. The one who felt so safe in her own skin and mind. It's liberating and exhilarating and I am coming alive again, whether people like it or not.

I don't think there's much I would have done differently this past year. Maybe I'd tweak a few things, but overall, I think I did pretty well. I'm proud of how I've become better at setting boundaries, saying no, and working on my mental health. My boundaries aren't perfect yet, but they're improving a lot. I'm also getting better at being okay with doing less. I've really cut down on shaming myself, which is huge. I've been putting in solid work in therapy, with Richard, and a couple other practitioners too. So yeah, I'm pretty proud of how I prioritized my mental health this year, even when it wasn't easy to do.

This was a tough year. I let myself burn out. I wasn't very observant. I didn't balance my home and work life very well. I was completely overwhelmed all the time and let myself worry, to the detriment of myself and my family. I could never turn my brain off. I want to be more self-aware now. I want to feel confident in myself and also not compromise others' feelings because I am trying to prove something to myself. I wish I had been more positive and present. I wish I hadn't gone into hiding and avoidance but rather let the terrible circumstances fuel my Jewish passion and Jewish joy. Alternatively, I am SO proud of my work at the Federation. I feel so proud to have played a role in fighting for a stronger, more beautiful Jewish Atlanta and making an impact worldwide. This led me to find another passion and, ultimately, the opportunity to combine the arts and Judaism in my new role at the Breman Museum. I am beyond proud of my hard work, growth, the skills I’ve learned, and my accomplishments from this past year.

I feel proud of the work I did this year as a bereavement volunteer at Brattleboro Area Hospice, accompanying people from 6th graders to 60 year olds through their losses. I learned so much and it feels like one small way to offer some healing. I really wish my day didn't often begin with time on my phone. Somehow, that habit needs to change. I'm stealing time from myself. But it's a surprisingly hard habit to break.

still need to work on talk less, listen more. also to ignore distractions. proud of adopting and training our new dog - he is a happy guy and has brought a lot of joy into the house

Proud of cd. Proud of adhd mindfulness work

I wish I had been more productive & motivated this year. I did horrible at stirring myself up to go after my dreams & visions. I let my fears & insecurities win instead of the truth of who the Most High says I am! I am really proud of myself for starting my devotional. I may not be finished yet, but I will be!

I wished I had tackled my growing debt sooner. I'm proud of becoming more of my authentic self and inviting healing and humor back into my life.

I wish I did more things to take care of myself better in the past year -- physically, mentally and socially. While I'm better mentally and (I think) socially than a year ago I'm still struggling a bit in that area. It's always been a constant struggle. (Yay therapy)

Given my loved one certain, so he would become more independent. I'm proud that I got out of my comfort zone.

I wish I’d reached out to friends a bit more this year. I had a whole ‘I hate everyone, I’m not going to see anyone ever again’ thing going on for a while there this year, probably as a result of depression. But I really like it when I get to see friends, as long as I’ve got some control over the socialising (less of the big groups, more of the one-to-one or meeting up with a couple as a couple). I want to connect with more of my friends next year - if they’re still willing to see me, when I fall out of contact so often! In terms of what I’m proud of: I submitted the paper on religion and human rights that I’spent a long time writing this year. This year I committed to ‘finishing what I’ve started’. And if I don’t get any other papers out of my thesis, at least I published the most important stuff from it. I *sort of* finished what I started. Although I do have some plans for more (on power, leadership, possibly a lit review with a colleague) - but that’s all very dependent on what time I’ll have available next year! Also proud of: getting to know my cousin Alexis a bit, taking my grandmother out about once a month (she only has so long left), still being married to Shai (not in the bad way! just it’s quite an achievement to be with someone for going on 20 years), keeping one out of two cats alive (that’s a dark humour joke, hopefully it’s allowed), looking after my house and garden (as much as I can!), finding ways to go regularly to the city where I work despite disability barriers, *living* despite disability barriers… Staying alive is the greatest act of spite I can achieve. I’m proud that I keep on achieving it, despite everything.

I’m proud of a lot. I am doing well in my job. Not perfect, but well. There are a lot of people who really appreciate me. And I’ve worked hard to get there.

Im proud of the way that going to therapy has made me a better professor and given me a better sense of some of the content I teach.

Proud of our first client event - holiday celebration at De Vinos - since COVID shut us down. Last event was in December 2019. People were so glad to come out and have fun together again. Record attendance.

I wish I had spent less time on social media and more time reading books. I wish I spent less time online shopping and more time making art. I wish I'd done more acts of tzedakah.

I wish I'd kept up on physical therapy and aerobic exercise. I haven't given up, but it means always starting at the beginning again when I resume. I'm proud of successfully planning and executing the 30th anniversary of the Junior Klezmer Orchestra to a full house.

Yes—I wish I’d been more present for my loved ones.

There are many things you wish you have done differently. There are many things you're proud of. What's the point at looking at the things you have done and questioning it. Accept it and move forward. You're proud of your growth and resenicace. You're friends and family continue to make you proud.

I wish I had walked as often as my PT had recommended. I would have regained my strength and mobility more quickly.

I wish I had allowed myself to be okay with being uncertain about the future. I felt depressed because I was certain I was going to have an unhappy future. However, the reason I felt that way is because I wanted to be certain about something, and unhappiness seemed more likely than sadness. If I had less certainty, I think I would have been less depressed.

I'm happy that I took the time in July to be with family in South Dakota. No worries about how much time, just the fact that we were there. The ability to let go and say, screw it... it'll be great. Priorities have certainly shifted.

I wish I hadn’t given up on myself professionally completely. I feel very lost and want to change that.

I became more aware of the impact I am making by having an elementary science club one hour a week. I delayed doing this thinking it was going to be a problem planning organizing and setting in motion. It was not a problem at all! I have continued to volunteer and now have one hour 3 science clubs.

I love my life, I am grateful for all the wonderful growth, what I have learned, how I have changed. And what I wish I could have accomplished this year would be getting to RVP. I want 110% and I want it to be joyous and easy. And I wish I would have lost the weight so impeding me right now. This is a struggle. I know I can. I know I will. I want health, beauty, ease in moving, dancing, jumping!!! And I have awesome clothes in my closet waiting for me...

I wish I has been more dedicated to writing and less obsessed with things that I cannot change. I am proud that even though I'm living a meager existence in my old age I was still able to help people those who need help more.

I was really harsh with myself this year, holding myself to unrealistic standards and not always setting the boundaries I knew I needed. I am proud of how well my ex and I went about our break up. While its sad, I think in time we will end up best friends.

I actually can't think of what all I did this year. Aside from mastering the world of oncology and asking friends for help. Admitting I can't handle all of this myself.

I am proud of myself for being brave enough to face failure.

im proud that i took active part in supporting the families were were evacuated to TLV . i volunteered in seeing the needs of families in a few hotels. we held a few free clothes fare and sourced some goods that people were missing. I'm proud that immediately after the attach I decided to start offering yoga as much as possible through zoom or to the brave ones via zoom and be there for people. it kept me going and was my anchor.

I wish I had spent more time with Jews processing the genocide. I feel like I have had such a spiritual void this past year it makes me want to get witchier in response. I wish I had waited less. I am proud of my patience and honesty.

I seem to be on a better 'path' this year. True building blocks happening. So, no, wouldn't do anything differently, just maybe a bit more swiftly. Proud of beginning to 'stand' in my shoes and 'do' and 'be' a bit more for me.

I’m proud of how far I’ve come professionally and all the connections I’ve made.

I’m proud of my activism. I maybe wouldn’t have been so vocal from my business social media accounts as it has crippled my business. But as worried as I am, I’m probably 10x prouder that I spoke out publicly with my name and brand attached. I’m honestly conflicted.

Asked for help more often. Just having someone working alongside me helped me to feel a little more energetic and focus on tasks longer

I am proud that after working with a career coach last year, I was able to switch jobs at the same organization into a role that I am much better suited at and actually thriving.

I probably would have not done the ski trip with Ethan over the Xmas break. The timing was tough as it was with Maya’s mom being sick and having huge drives both to and from Florida. The skiing was not great, and while it was nice to see Charlie, it just didn’t make sense given how much time we had in Florida together with the family. It was also too expensive. It was also sad that we lost Slonik on this trip at that Hotel in Orlando at Universal. We also wish we hadn’t gotten Maya’s dad sick in Mexico. It was crazy when he started writing his “goodbye” notes when he got pretty sick. We probably should have been more careful with Covid. I’m proud that I rehearsed and played one last show with Back to Memphis at Clay’s house. It was a sad but bittersweet going away gig. It marked the end of a chapter of my life and our aging.

I wish I had focused on better eating and sleeping habits earlier in the year. I am especially proud of myself for being terrified and doing a bunch of scary fantastic things in rapid succession anyway.

I finally achieved a promotion at work. I was shocked that so much of my promotion was based on my social skills. Once I stopped being my normal acerbic self, the managers with all the power finally saw the value I provided the company.

I am proud that I beat diabetes by losing enough weight, a significant amount, over 55 lbs. At this point, I might even go so far as saying I've lost as much as 60 lbs, possibly more. I still need to maintain the special diet, however. My pancreas is at least 50% nonfunctional, according to specialists in diabetes, my medical team. I am realizing that the stress and strictness I am pursuing may be what is setting me up to be depressed. I am shocked by my appearance. I weighed 202 lbs last December and now, I know I weigh less than 155 lbs. I want to buy clothes that fit me well, and makeup etc. but I am also on a strict budget. I also believe I feel uncomfortable with my age, I am in my late 50s. I feel like I should have been this successful at weight loss when "it would have meant something". That's a negative, biased culture speaking, not me, but I am feeling it anyway. I can't wait until December when I see my medical professional again. I want to start baking again, and use diabetic-friendly flours and sweeteners. I love baking! At least I will be able to do so for special occasions. This year I learned I was diabetic two days before my birthday, and I threw out all the birthday cake baking stuff I had and went without. NEXT year, I am going to have a birthday cake!

I walked for five days in Galicia, from Santiago de Compostela to Muxia and on to Finisterre, a total of 136 kilometres. I didn't do any preparation for the walk, and I didn't even know I was that tough.

I’m proud of how well I’m holding down the fort on our first deployment with kids. I wish I was doing less yelling, but things are working just fine and I was a smidge worried about how I’d handle 24/7 kids with no break.

I wish I had more actively gotten help for postpartum depression and anxiety much sooner than I did. I wish I had been better prepared for the difficulties and uncertainties of breastfeeding. I wish my initial postpartum time had not been as difficult as it was. However, I'm proud of myself for eventually seeking help for postpartum mood stuff-- seeking out new/better therapists, finally getting on medication, navigating all of the insanely annoying administrative hurdles of doing these aforementioned things. I'm proud of myself for doing the best that I could with breastfeeding, even when it was hard and discouraging and ended sooner than I wanted, and for finally being able to make peace with that "journey." I'm proud of myself for getting through the rough patch, which admittedly is very rough for many, especially in modern day America where there really isn't the support there should be.

I would have liked to spend more energy on maintaining my most important relationships.

I wish I hadn't tried so hard and long with people who didn't want all of me.

I should have lost the weight I thought I was going to I just keep eating so much I’m proud that I tired new things

I would like fewer emotional triggers regarding my aunt with dementia. Reacting instead of responding is not optimal

I wish that my husband and I, with input from our kids had developed a plan for visiting, going to our cabin, taking our trailer on several journeys, inked out major flying trips and made a list of must do's - projects and maintenance, people we want to spend time with, vegetable gardening, volunteer efforts to help us both grasp our ideas for the year. I am proud of the work I have done as a volunteer for our neighborhood and special events we hosted as well as my ongoing writing for the eView

I am proud that I have deepened my commitment to work for climate change and justice issues. I am gaining in confidence and commitment and that feels right.

I’m proud of having immediately gone to Israel to help with Sar El.

I'm proud of surviving. Proud to have navigated some pretty significant health humps, pain and energy lows this year, and happy to be able to close off that chapter. I'm proud that I went into treatment fit and strong, which I think really helped with my recovery. I'm proud of the kiddos. They're turning out to be pretty sweet, well mannered, spunky, curious and kind people. I love that. T has her moments, but I'm hopeful that's just a toddler stage thing. Raf is the sweetest - so pure and cute. Proud to have made and reared these little people. Something I wish I'd done differently - though I'm not sure how - is to have worked with less intensity. I had numerous projects that had me up working til 11pm/midnight many consecutive nights, even when heavily pregnant. I think it's the perfectionist in me that labours over doing things well, which isn't all bad. But it led me to work too much, at the expense of sleep, reading more widely and taking on other interesting ventures. That's something I want to reign in when I head back to work soon.

I don't have any regrets this year. I'm proud of the growth I have been able to make. I'm stronger and more secure than I ever have been. I don't feel like I am solely responsible for this, and such can't be individually proud, but I feel grateful that I have been able to create the life I currently lead, leaning and weaving with the people who are here for me.

I wanted to finish my book and here I am in October, feeling it slip further and further away from my control. I could've structured my time way better and made different choices to not delay this manuscript another year - but that's what will be. As for pride - I am really proud of The Forties Formula podcast and what we've been able to develop/achieve in just one year of recording.

I’m really proud of how I’ve rocked as a mom. I have absolutely prioritized my kids and my relationship with them. They know I’m here for them, they know the real me, they are intuitive and connected and strong beyond measure. Through Oct 7, Nate being solo without Ella last year, Ella telling Eric she wanted to stay here full time for a while, through summer adventures and Brooke’s death and all kinds of intensity, we’ve gotten closer and stronger and also had FUN. I pray this continues to grow and grow.

Last year I had a skin cancer scare which required surgery and lots of restrictions because of the surgery site. I was scared and in a lot of pain and was very negative and short tempered with my friends and family. I think I was trying not to show my fear which resulted in my upsetting and hurting those closest to me. If I had a do-over I would have been much more candid about my fear as well as my pain level and more gentle with my people. I’m proud of how I have helped my grandchildren in their time of need. I was able to give money to meet their huge medical needs so they could receive the treatment they deserved. I also provided emotional support to their parents as well as my professional expertise so that they all had the best outcome possible.

I worked hard to ensure that my nonprofit was on the right footing. Unfortunately, forces continued to work hard to undue the good things that were done.

Maybe have made a bigger effort getting out to my family in the island. I would like to feel more connected to them, but I don't necessarily make the time. Also calling my siblings more often. I always say I'm going to do it but never make the time for it.

In 2023, I stated “In hindsight, I wish I’d applied for the internal sales position.” Oh, hindsight! I actually did start the internal sales position on April 1, 2024, and so far, it feels like an April Fool’s joke of sorts. This topic is one that makes me long for something different, but also something that I am slowly finding that I can take pride in. The frustration levels have been so high. I have had very little training, and I am constantly pushing myself outside of my comfort zone to do and learn new things. I’ve stepped up to the plate with traveling and with facing customers’ anger and frustrations. I was on a Midwest team for about 4 or 5 months, but then changed to a more “national level” team – and this changed my bonus structure. I can say that I wish I’d been more proactive in those few months, but I honestly am not sure that it would have made any difference at all. What will the next year look like? I don’t know what to expect. If this were a normal job, then I’d say that I will spend the next year getting to know my customers, earning their trust and growing the business. This company is anything but “normal” to work for. From the perspective of my personal life, there was significant upheaval in late June and early July. I can say that I wish I’d handled it differently, but in all honesty the things that happened just needed to happen. I do wish I’d not told certain people that I was getting married quite so soon. Who knows where those relationships will go? But friendships should be able to withstand these things. Time will tell. Most of all, I am so very proud that I took control of my own life and that I didn’t back down when others challenged my decisions.

There are a lot of things I wish I had done differently but it doesn’t matter because without these experiences I wouldn’t know what I know now and wouldn’t have learned so much about myself. So no, everything was good the way it was even though it was incredibly hard. But I can do hard things and I am proud of myself for fighting my way back.

What I wish I have done differently this year is be better at job hunting. I am very laid back in my approach.

i struggled a lot with priorities this year, as i always do, but exacerbated by being in school. i wanted to spend more time organizing against genocide, more time organizing in denver, more time with my friends. all more time, which i felt i was acutely lacking. i think a lot about how everything i do and don't have time for is a choice. and that the choice i often made in the last year was focusing on school, then focusing on the house, and focusing on my relationship. I also was somewhat involved in JVP (especially over the summer), and tried to maintain my family and friendships. i know it objectively a lot, but how do i prioritize what is most important? i think about how my life could look different: i could prioritize organizing over socializing, friends over family. i don't know if i regret any of it, but i try to be honest with myself that it is all a choice, even if it doesn't always feel like one. I'm proud of having pushed for and finding a date for a recht family reunion in july, 2023, for us all to be together before Boba died. I'm also proud of having raised money for people in Gaza and the West Bank through friends

This past year has been one of extreme challenge. The war between Israel and the Islamists has affected me deeply and painfully. I think it’s also affected my health and in a very negative way. I wish I could have done more for the state of Israel, amidst the anti-Semitism and misunderstandings About Israel in my community. I wish I had been less engaged because I think it really negatively affected my health.

Looking back, I feel like this has been a year of exhaustion and mental health challenges, just feeling too overwhelmed to get things done. I especially felt (and feel) this paralysis when it comes to my house. I truly want to declutter things, but I can’t seem to muster the mental energy it takes to overcome this need to keep vs. clear out space in my life. I wish I had talked to my doctor sooner about making a change in my anti-depression medication. Since adding the Bupropion I’ve seen a bit more ability to focus and plan a small part of a room or a project to focus on. My pharmacist niece thinks it may be because of adult ADHD, which could well be true. I love the cabin and am proud of myself for keeping it orderly and making it cozy and beautiful. This summer I had my church friends here, and later the Virginia cousins. I loved welcoming them, and having a beautiful home without embarrassment or shame . I really want that to be true for my house too. I am pleased (not quite proud) that I’ve finally dug out of some financial backlogs - taxes, roof repair. So the action is good, but the delay had a financial cost- the money from the insurer if they find additional damage and the penalties for late filing and payment. I’m making progress and hope to have a better report next year.

I am so proud of how our children have handled this past year. Hannah and David especially have had to deal with the reality that many of their friends and acquaintances are pro-Palestinian (which means a whole different thing to me post October 7 than it did pre) and have had to confront them regarding some of their social media posts. I’m so proud of how much they love being Jewish and how strongly they feel that Israel is our homeland and that we should not back down from a fight because we are on the side of truth.

Something I wish I had done differently is take better care of my body. I really need to get back into making it a priority. Having gained 25-ish pounds in the last year was definitely a move in the opposite direction. Something I am especially proud of is graduating with my undergrad degree summa cum laude

I wish I hadn't disconnected from the Jewish community quite so much this year. I felt so disillusioned with how things were being talked about, and I almost felt the opposite of how most people did -- instead of needing to be with my people, I felt like I needed to be alone. I am proud of myself for coming around, I suppose.

I wish I had gone back to visit again in May, but I'm also super proud of how much I was there for my dad, especially when he was in the hospital. I'm proud that we both knew how special we were to each other and even in the really really hard times we had many moments of laughter.

I wish I would have trusted my intuition more when it came to matters of love. The silver lining is that I learned many lessons byway of experience. I am especially proud of my Jewish community and peers in Los Angeles and all over the country doing work in the Latin Jewish communities, in the Israel education sphere, and in the rabbinical world, and in my role as a lay leader in supporting their work.

I'm proud of myself for taking that river cruise by myself. It was definitely an adventure. Not always fun, and did have some challenges, but I loved the views, and felt pretty good about myself. And my birthday in a Viennese chamber concert was the best!!

Saved more money and not overspent on credit cards and bullshit. I fucking despise the fact that this is the position I'm in right now.

I'm so proud of prioritizing my health and losing 30 pounds! I'm looking forward to honing in on the micro-moments of the day to support my mental and emotional well-being better. I wish I had done more meditation to break from the hecticness of it all.

I am especially proud of giving birth to my son at home after an emergency c section with my daughter. I am also proud of going back to my training 9 months after my son was born and juggling family life with 2 kids.

I have to say that I'm proud of how I've stayed the course over the past year, despite the many rogue waves that have attacked my ship. Even my therapist commented on how terrible things just seemed to keep happening to me on an abnormally frequent basis! Because of therapy, I've been able to handle it all with grace and patience. I'm proud of myself for stepping back from situations and conversations if I can tell that I'm not in the right mindset or energy to engage. I'm proud of being at least a little more cognizant of my participation in conversations: whether I'm actually adding to the conversation or if I just want to feel included and perhaps my comments are not necessary or maybe even unhelpful: that I don't have to be the responsible one to do something or say something. Another major biggie: A friend of a friend shared that she learned to stop using the word "just" in emails, and I have to say, I have taken it on, and it's incredible. It's very easy in emails for women to come across as apologetic and intimidated when we use that word "just", as in "I'm just wondering..." or "I just want to say..." If we remove that word, our emails instantly read as more assertive, without any added attitude. It amazes me how so many women, at least of my generation and older, automatically take on that voice at work, and how unnecessary it is. WOMEN: Stop using "just" in your emails! Give it a try - it will change your life! :D

I wish I had broken away sooner from my old friends who were bitches and made me feel so bad about myself because it would have saved me lots of hurt and I had other friends. I am proud that I was able to get myself to get away from them when given a very clear opportunity even if it was later than it should have been.

I am starting to reduce my dependence upon insurance company reimbursement and move closer to getting paid what I am worth.

I wish I had taken better care of my body. I haven't exercised regularly or eaten particularly healthily, and it impacts my mental health and my self-image negatively as well as making it harder to care for my family. I'm very proud of how I've taken care of myself and my family despite this. Max and Noah are thriving at Hillel, Zach and I continue to work through the ups and downs of marriage and family life, and I'm proud of the progress he's making.

Yes, i wished I would be more self aware and in control of what is going on in my mind. Im proud of myself for taking action oriented to my future and not only thinking about Today.

As always I feel I am not really in control of my daily habits and that I am eating way too much sugar and carbs, even if I do eat real food and home cooked meals a lot to "compensate". Not enough water, no sleep hygiene and irregular exercise phases are things I always say I want to improve and now that another year has passed I can see that I have not been doing great just by looking at the weight I put on. However I am giving myself some space to congratulate my body for all the healing, the blood tests getting better and better every quarter to the point my doctor is saying we don't need to meet as often are also signs that yes, I may be gaining a little fat, but I am also healing and am healthier anyway. I am very proud of this. I also took care of my dental health, spent a lot of money on interventions to bring my mouth to a good place (even if I cried every single time I went and hated every second of it) and am now back to having healthy gums and teeth, wearing my mouth guard at night to prevent grinding, using non-toxic toothpaste and being in maintenance mode. It feels great. I am also proud for deciding to dive into my finances and student debts instead of doing the ostrich. The decision to increase my monthly payments massively, put a huge chunk of my yearly bonus on my debt and tracking the progress of my investments, debts and accounts on a monthly basis make me feel so hopeful for the future and the amount of freedom I will get from getting rid of my debts faster makes me proud. I feel like I have been taking charge of my life in many ways in this past year and that it all builds up to a better life.

I can answer both of these questions. Is there something I wish I had done differently? Yes - I wish I had done something different for my 60th birthday. I didn't really plan on being sick in bed in Mexico. After that, my travel companion got sick, became sleep-deprived and sort of went off the rails. I ended up spending most of the week by myself, and spent way too much money. It was not at all what I had envisioned, and I will do it differently next year. What am I proud of? I have been sober since February 1. I decided that I would embark on a year of sobriety, something I haven't experienced since I was a teenager. I feel really good, and it hasn't been a struggle for me. I've been sleeping well, and have more energy and focus. I'm trying to decide what I'll do when January 31 rolls around next year - will I keep going with the sobriety, or will I find a set of rules that allows me to indulge without making it a daily habit. Alcohol I feel is well under control, but smoking pot? Not so much.

I have no regrets about this past year! I’m proud that I have started JXT at 5:30 am 3 days a week. I feel strong-I want to believe that I will get stronger and do a real pull up!

Continuing to be an adventurous traveler.

I wish I had made fewer excuses and made more of an effort--to get out of the house, to be more active, to be more engaged with my surroundings and the people in them.

I wish I had been stronger when I didn't get the job at Woodson. I let too many things get into my head. I am proud when I was finally at my breaking point I asked for help and I have been in therapy for four months.

I am proud of how well I am handling being by myself in Uni.

I wish I'd have kept in contact with more people. Especially Amelia. I let anger and anxiety cloud my judgment and instead of telling these people my thoughts or stepping down from my club position I ghosted. I wish I took more time for myself before I became so overwhelmed. I'm proud of my commitment to working out and my steps to scheduling top surgery in the coming months.

My relationship was consciously based on "growth", for each of us. However, this is much more difficult than six letters. The relationship was rocky and difficult and took us each to our growing edge. The pride comes from remaining committed to "growth" and suffering through dealing with our own personal, sometimes unskillful habit patterns which keep us stuck.

I have no huge regrets this year, but I do wish I would have put more time, attention and focus on to my physical health. Another year that I don't feel like I've lived to my fullest because of my weight and the self consciounsess around that. I fell out of some of my good habits as well, which contributes to low self esteem. What am I proud of? I've had to dissolve some relationships this year - both personally and professionally - and I handled this with more grace, respect for myself and the other persons involved, and more emotional control than I've had in the past.

I'm really proud of starting zepbound and taking control of something that had been controlling me since I could remember. It's hard not to feel like I'm cheating by taking "weight-loss" meds, and I'm definitely not great at the exercise portion of "diet and exercise," AND sometimes I look in the mirror and don't even see the change. However, I know it's there, and I know it'll be hard to maintain, but I also know that it's really freeing to feel this way. And, I know I didn't cheat. My body doesn't naturally process food and nutrients correctly, and made it so that even when I tried really hard, I couldn't lose weight. The food noise alone was overwhelming, and I didn't even know I had it. These meds made it so that my body worked the way it should, and all of a sudden, maintaining a healthy diet and the exercise I'm doing work. This is why some people can simply lose weight, their bodies aren't sabotaging them. It's crazy. On a completely separate note, I wish I hadn't let Scott mess with my head the way he did. It feels silly to even be thinking about him, we haven't seen each other in a year, but he keeps popping up places in my life and it gets me thinking every time, maybe I should give him another shot. But then I hear all my friends telling me that's dumb and he's had many shots and I deserve someone who cares A LOT.

I wish I hadn't hid so much. I wish I had stood up to more people spreading lies. I wish I had more gumption to cut out those people who are terrible. I wish I had thanked those who say things more.

nothing i'm proud of, no. differentlyobviously so many if i actually stop to think about it. but also not really because i don't care enough to have done things differently because i know to have actually doen things differently i would have had to change in huge personchanging ways which are too scary for me at the moment. like if i'd actually wanted to be upfront and confident in how i asked rosanna out? or if i actually wanted to connect to people are work more and be closer to them and open up to them and feel like a real person to them. i feel uncomfortable at the friendship center. like i don't belong there. like i'm in teh way of volunteers who know more because i don't even really feel like apart of hte organization. which i do on purpose.

I wish I maintained my money better so I could have been out of debt sooner and hopefully moved in with Chipmunk sooner. I'm happy to have more money but I should have been more responsible so I can start a life with Chipmunk. I've been taking care of my mom since I was young, my grandma since her major stroke in 2019, and mostly recently my new hyperfocus on plants. I'm ready to have a family to take care of.

Two separate things. I wish I hadn’t spent so much money on the remodel to make this house what I dreamed of and wished for. It turned out as I imagined and 10/7 happened. I’m thinking we should have been setting aside funds to buy a home in Israel. We should have been planning for the time where diaspora is not sustainable. Instead we made a showpiece and a special home in the wrong place. The second is how I left my job after being laid off. I’m proud of how I handled things. I can say that I walked out with my head held high. I shared information with my team about how to handle things in my absence. I passed on my files and shared information. I updated my network and was a mensch when I could have come across as angry. I did it right and I can look back at this with a sense of accomplishment.

I wish I had not spent so much money. I also give myself grace because I have to live and no one helps me. I have a lot of responsibility and no financial help. I've applied for so many jobs and no one will hire me

i wish i had had more calm with my MIL. that's been my biggest challenge. more than raising a baby, getting pregnant again, trying to find time with my husband, trying to take care of the house, more than taking over management at my company while mine was on leave... dealing with my MIL has been the hardest thing, and i did not handle it with any grace. and tbh i dont see any grace in my future actions either :(

I am really glad that I sought out all of the postpartum support that I did. I got counselors, medication, support groups, and friends on board. I was really prepared for another horrific PPD experience but it didn’t happen this time! The first few weeks were hard with the hormones, but after that, it was just pure bliss. I am still grateful that I got all of the support network set up and my therapist has proven to be instrumental in processing other issues besides postpartum depression.

I hope I don’t sound self-satisfied here, Future Self, but I have been really trying to do some things that are good, from the micro to the macro. Of course there’s still much that I haven’t done, there’s always the enormous to-do list in the sky that hovers over my leisure moments, but I’ve gotten a few things done: added Spanish and French to my daily language learning, made an initial pass at organizing photos that were just thrown into a number of boxes (still work to be done there), kept up with and made time for some (but alas, not all) friends, visited my older brother (but not my younger one); helped Kevin play and organized some toys; was roadie and volunteer for lots of adaptive events/rides/fun runs, etc., kept the dog happy.

I started relearning French in earnest. I have taken French in the past - 5 years in high school (7th & 8th grade counted as one year), one semester in college, and one class back in 1979 at the local community college. So now I'm using DuoLingo, not the best, but it's convenient and free. I'll keep investigating other avenues.

This was a really challenging year for me. I managed to do some interesting things with very little resources though, and I'm proud of that.

I wish I had established a better routine for work and walking my dog. I am proud that I finally attended to my deteriorating legs by going to physical therapy.

I actually feel pretty content about this past year. While I haven't made as much progress on my health as I was hoping for this time last year, I have made progress. As I age, I feel I am slowing down in a good way, appreciating so much more the daily pleasures and pastimes, the conversations, the friendships, etc. I actually love having stepped off the career track a few years ago, and am living into the joy of not striving quite so much (oh, I still strive to do a good job and probably still work way too hard, but the intent is different). I think slowing down, even a little, and savoring are the things that are making me even more content, and for a Type A personality like me, I'd say that makes me proud.

This is going to sound weird, but it’s the first thing that comes to mind. I am proud of myself for saying no to showing my work at Art Basel this year. I keep getting the same test these days, which asks me if I can turn down an “opportunity” that I know to be exploitative or not as shiny as it seems now that I know what I know and have seen what I’ve seen. In the past, I felt such intense scarcity as a working artist. It seemed to me like I couldn’t say no to opportunities that came along for fear of being seen as ungrateful, or not trying hard enough to make my career work. But, I had the unusual experience during the pandemic of seeing my work become highly sought after and commercially viable. And with that came a plethora of new opportunities. And so many of them ended up being absolutely soul crushing. I saw that there was no wizard behind the curtain. My illusions about art as a career were absolutely shattered. I have come out the other side both a little wounded, but also, so much stronger. And so much wiser! I know now that those who offer opportunities to “lift artists up” stand to gain so much from those artists. I have learned how to distinguish between the rare breed of those who wish to work symbiotically and collaboratively with artists to build their careers from the much more common performative grifters who are just looking for easy prestige and a quick buck they can siphon off of artists’ labor. If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be turning down the chance to present my work at Art Basel, I wouldn’t have believed you. But I am so proud of myself for learning my lessons well.

I wish I was more on top of a plan to get enough support to run my business while taking my masters. The winter/spring semester was rough and I had a lot of clients fall through the cracks because I was so overwhelmed with taking the classes I needed to take. I think that I did get a kick in the pants after awhile and hiring Jaime was key! She has been amazing and seriously life changing. I am proud of myself for stepping out and finally hiring her, as well as continuing to try and mentor my contractors.

Yes, I wish that I’d stuck to me diet and exercise so that I’d be at my ideal weight and body fat %.

I wish I could get a handle on the clutter in my house. It's awful and I need to get RID of so much! But I have no motivation to do so. It's really a problem, but I never face it. I have to sift through everything! So I can once again be PROUD of my home. And have people over for dinner. And visitors!

More music practice. More writing. Less time getting sucked into apps. (Same as last year. In some ways I did better, in some ways I did worse.) Also, less distractions/multi-tasking in general. However, I'm really proud that my goal here from last year (about how I engaged with my son) is something that I've been overall successful with.

I wish I'd been kinder to myself last year. I wish I could have been able to cut out the noise and negativity rather than adding to it myself - when I'm feeling under attack, why is my natural response to add to the attacks? However, I'm starting to accept that that's just the way I am, and beating myself up about the fact that I always beat myself up is just not helping anyone. Do I wish I'd taken the plunge and set up on my own? Yes and no. I have to be honest and say that I really like the security of having a regular pay cheque and, yes, I like the ego boost that comes from being the bigger earner in our relationship, like I'm a feminist trailblazer or something. I like not having to worry about money. I like that it means that Chris has the flexibility to work on his terms but we can still do nice things. Is this job what my soul desires? Nope. But is it good enough for now? Sure is. I'm really proud of having completed my patchwork quilt. It's genuinely the first time I have ever completed a craft project from start to finish, and it took me nearly three years, but I did it! Every day I look at it and it brings me job and a sense of accomplishment. I'm now knitting a shawl, and once I've finished that I want to complete my embroidery project which I've been working on for years, and when I've finished THAT, hopefully around Christmas time, it'll be time to start my next quilt!

When I consider the moments that I wish I had shown up differently, it’s the moments where I didn’t step into my full potential - or say the things that need to be said with the spirit of helping others to lead their lives better. The Maya Angelou quote that inspires me is “when you know better, do better” and my part is to help others know better from my perspective. The interrelate-ability of humans is a fascinating space for me and I can offer much for others to consider. I’m proud of the progress I have made in coming out of my bunker - to connect with others in a real way, to be me and share my perspective in the moment in a way that allows others to feel the love. Most importantly, my daughter is seeking me out for my perspective - to consider for herself ways to navigate her life. Is there better evidence that I’m rocking it as a mom?!

I wish I left the preschool sooner than I did, because where I am now is too much better!

I wish I were better at recognizing and walking away from things that aren't for me. I know I'll get better with practice and I still wish I wasn't getting so much practice.

I wish I had tuned in more to my body and my grief earlier in the post 10/7 world, though I have prioritized that in several moments this year. I'm proud of the ways I've built my new life in LA, prioritizing spiritual practice/ritual, going deep with a few people, and not casting my net too wide in terms of my work / organizing life.

I am proud that I have continued on the road I started on last year by working on myself inside and out, pursuing things that make me happy, and establishing more productive and time-efficient work habits. I am especially proud of the work that my wife and I have done as a couple to get through our relationship issues. Most couples would have divorced years ago, but we have gotten past things that have nothing to do with us to get to who we truly are as people, and therefore have become better partners for each other.

I'm proud of the way I have learned to take good care of myself. It started with meditation in the shower to get me through the grief when Gregory was dying. I think I maybe took a break from it when we were on holiday in Berlin. But, with Fran's encouragement and her own good example, I've made it part of my routine to use the Balance app to listen to a meditation each weekday morning when I have a shower. It's become a solid part of my routine. I also use the "Ease into Work" meditation when I'm feeling stuck and unproductive; and the pomodoro timer, to kick-start my work; and I listen to a meditation when I spend 20 minutes lying on my shakti mat after working out in the morning. It now feels like a special treat at the weekend to listen to a podcast or audiobook in the shower. And I'm definitely "reading" a bit less this year because of the time lost reading in the shower. But I'm happy to take the mental health benefits of meditation instead. That's definitely something that's different about me this year. I had the Balance app for free for a year. I didn't use it at first but suggested it to Fran when she was struggling with anxiety about work. It made a positive difference to her. So when I was in my time of need and she suggested it to me, I started doing it, too. Another part of my self-care was to give up the 5:2 diet, which just felt too hard this time last year when I was processing the waves of grief from Gregory's death. I allowed myself a holiday from that. And, yes, I did put on a bit of weight, but that's OK. I started the 5:2 again at the beginning of September and it definitely feels easier. Tuesday and Thursday are my fast days; and sometimes I could also do Monday because I get up later after a late night of NFL. I can't think of anything that I wish I had done differently. I guess that's a good sign. Perhaps as a result of my self-care routines, I've had better work habits this year. I'm still not perfect and work nowhere near full-time. But I don't need to. I earn enough to pay my way. I do feel more productive and the work continues to come my way. It's also been a bit more interesting this year. I like a bit of problem solving and making things incrementally better. I see that I have skills that fill a gap in the organizations I work with. I've also come to understand that what I do can be called Technical Marketing. I've never really had a proper, concise label for it before. I got that from a handbook written by Simo Ahava, the Google Tag Manager expert who I've been following for years.

In April, I promised myself I’d take four months through July to work on my book. I wrote a segment on 4/30 in which I described with more detail the severe child abuse I suffered than I’d ever done (other than in private journals). While knowing that it’s entirely my choice what actually will stay in a manuscript, I still was so frightened by what I’d put on paper that could be public that I ‘made myself busy’ (i.e.: I abandoned all the boundaries I’d established about not taking on anything beyond my vital personal and family responsibilities). On June 8, I got a debilitatingly painful pinched nerve in my hip that lasted for 3+ months. While getting medical treatments, I also did a spiritual practice that showed me that I am entering an even deeper stage of my healing journey. I pledge to pay attention to what my body teaches me and I hope I will not forget how vital this is.

I wish I spoke out more this year. I don't think I did enough - although I am not sure what doing more could have been or would've looked like. In terms of being proud - although it is recent, I am proud that I have been moving more. I hope to continue that, as it really does make my mind and body feel better.

I wish I had been more social my first 3 months after moving. I was so focused on work and family that I missed out on valuable connections for half the year. I am very proud of the last few months in my ability to schedule events with friends and create opportunities for social engagement.

Maybe be more professionally savvy. I was never really very focused on my professional life and I always preferred a job that I loved rather than making money and going up the ranks. Last year the startup I worked for was going bad, but I refused to leave or look for something else. Parts because I loved my job, parts because I was scared to quit and go back in the job market, parts because I was lazy. Well, it got too bad and I couldn't stay any longer (not getting paid for months). The job search had been brutal and if I had started looking when things started to go bad, I could have been better now. The bright side (need to have one) of not being as focused on the professional is that I held a lot of space for my personal adventures and endeavours. I led a great nomad life, met amazing people, found love, joy, myself. I'm proud of the woman I became and continue to invest in her.

I know there are things I might do differently if I were back at last year, but I did them. This has been a year of discovering myself and experimenting with what and who I am becoming. Not all those steps will be good ones. But they all will lead me to where I am going. That's enough. But I am very proud of myself. This year, I have done two things that I am very proud of. One, I have been experimenting with who I am and what I want to become. I am trying things - activities, interests, values communities, etc. Some work well. Some don't. But I am trying. I am not shying away. I am proverbially "putting myself out there" and letting the experiences happen. And I learn and adjust. And I grow. Two, I am traveling solo. I have made five (5!!!) trips on my own this year. I made the plans and arrangements. I chose to do things I wanted. I explored unknown places myself. I met people in all sorts of situations. I discovered things I might never have. I discovered things about myself. I gained confidence and expanded my horizons. I was scared. I didn't want to. I tried to chicken out of every one of those trips, but I created situations where I couldn't. So I went. And they were all the best experiences of my life. I can't wait to see where this year will take me.

If anything, I guess I am proud of surviving. Enough shit has hit the fan, and my constant fear of things becoming worse has kept me on a path to keep moving forward. I'm afraid I'll never get hired to work in the world of production accounting, so I'm taking classes. I'm afraid that my heart will give out like Rocky's did at 49, and I have been making appointments with docs to make sure I can get myself back to a healthier body and mind. Nothing is overnight, and progress is slow. I know if I want life to get better, I have to keep trying to make things better.

I was offered a hard job with a lot of support. I accepted it and the support left before I started. I've handled it well, but there's limits to what I can do. Some jobs are just tough. Would I not take it if I could start over? Of course. Then I'd have another problem. I'm proud of my political engagement, I've been a force for good. Given my time and energy effectively.

I am proud of myself for pulling the trigger and furthering my career. I was feeling really stagnant, so it feels good to be actively bettering myself. While the program has been challenging so far, I am proud of myself for working full-time, learning full-time, finding an apartment, and staying engaged with my friends.

I ran my 2nd half marathon earlier this year. I did better than my 1st one but not much different from my last. I definitely did not train properly. This year I am changing that and making sure I am better trained. I started training early and I'm mindful of my workouts by building strength to ensure I stay injury free. I'm already feeling better.

I would like to be more efficient with my time but I did get a lot done: published several issues of a disability history newsletter and sewed 3 wall hangings.

I should have canceled my 5th wedding anniversary trip to San Francisco and gone straight to Calgary to help my sister with our sick father. She kept insisting that she could handle it herself and I, understandably, wanted to celebrate my wedding and for once get Nathan out of the house. I'm proud that when I read back my 10Q answers from last year, I did everything I said I was going to do. I quit my toxic job, I launched my company, and I'm inching ever closer to the product launch finish line.

I am proud that I am standing up for myself more and enforcing boundaries. I wish I could get to the point where I genuinely care less about what other people think.

There isn’t really anything I wish I had done differently this year. I am proud of myself for surviving and enjoying my first year of teaching. I always wish I had gone to bed earlier, eaten healthier, and been a better wife, mom, friend, daughter, and Christ follower.

I'm so grateful to be working out again - even though it's just lifting weights with a trainer once a week in addition to my existing bike commute. Slowly but surely getting stronger again.

There have been some hard moments, but the big picture zoom-out is full and enriching. It feels like most aspects of my life - work and home and kids - are busier than ever, but nearly all of the things filling my hours are important and meaningful. Perhaps I spend a bit too much time scrolling social media and not quite enough time reading or going to bed earlier. But a good chunk of that scrolling is passively learning about what is happening in my neighborhood and communities (virtual and physical), or broadening my perspective, so it's not all bad.

I wish I had made better progress on the aspects of family history that I am working on. On the other hand, I am extremely proud of the progress I have made. The fact that all of the films Dad and Mom took have been digitalized is a major accomplishment. I am still working on consolidating the photo albums. This is progress, while continuing to travel, support family members and friends. I am also very proud of the decision to NOT go to Australia and New Zealand. Being around to support family and spend time with developing friendships has been a gift!

I don’t have any real regrets for this past year and maybe some subtle changes, but mostly think I am moving forward in a positive way. I do wish that Jeff and I have started sex counseling. I am proud of the way I finally changed my exercise routines and invested in myself. I’m feeling a difference in a positive way.

I am proud that I made the decision to give myself a proper maternity leave and that even though it was a financial risk, I stuck to my goal and did it. I didn't rush back, I didn't prioritize work over family. Over the past two years I have really reorganized my relationship to work, and elevated rest. I am learning to not be so hard on myself on days when I 'do nothing.' And trying to remember that one day, these days when I just spent time with my babies will be gone. I want to be glad I spent them at home.

Wish I had worked on "the weight thing." Seems that I still go to food for comfort. I know better. There's a wedding a year from now, and I am using it as a "dose of pride and vanity" to be in a better position before either hiding behind people in the photos, or to make myself scarce altogether. These people are not close to ME, but are connected to my husband. They do, however, remember me when I was thin and athletic - and MUCH younger. Their tongues and judgments are sharp. I don't really care about THEM, but it would be nice ( for myself) to look fabulous at this older age. Pilates, here I come! This last year has had me really focus on "the money thing, with significant progress. Balances are way down; credit score way up. Still need a year to put things closer to goal.

I wish I didn't let me troubles with my husband color the last 2 month of my job that I loved but was leaving. I am proud of the work I am doing on eating cleaner , getting physically and mentally stronger and respecting my limitations.

I still regret that I can't really get my brothers to engage with me. It has been almost six years. With the health of our parents and our kids getting older, etc. - it seems both overdue and no longer really important.

I'm not sure, really. This past year has been entirely novel, in that I was semi-retired, but still teaching, still sorting things out with my mother, and just trying to figure out what to do with the time remaining. I went to Sicily in March on a solo tour, which was really good, but I'd like to go back. I also just got back from 2 1/2 weeks in Spain, and I discovered that Spanish came back to me very, very quickly, and I received a number of compliments on my fluency.

I wish I had been more consistent with my 5-a-day decluttering. One thing that I am proud of is that my husband and I rarely forget to bless before eating. THIS coming year, we are attempting to remember to bless AFTER eating, as well.

My daughter and I entered our local quilt show this year. It was her first quilt, but I've been a quilter for years. We both won ribbons for our quilts and it was an exciting experience for us to share. I hope we are able to continue having this hobby together and it provides more opportunities to bond and celebrate.

I'm proud of working with Livestrong. It's so gratifying to see people get stronger again and feel better. And it's completely shifted how cancer impacts my life on a daily basis.

I am proud. that I grew in my relationships. I grew in getting a therapist I like. I grew in trusting that process. I have grown a ton by being in school and putting all my efforts in it. I am happy to be who I am and accept that more and more each day.

There are plenty of things I wish I'd done differently, but no one thing stands out as big as the one I talked about last year! Maybe the lack of one huge fuckup is something to be proud of?

I want to be better at figuring out how much food will feed how many people.

I wish that my answer wasn't really the same as it was last year. I've been easy to provoke and react, mainly to Juan and Naf, and I hate the discord I create when I'm feeling shitty in my head, about myself, or about work. I wish that I had spent more time talking with Juan about what it would mean for me to go back to work full time BEFORE I did it, bc I feel like I've paid mightily for that decision bc he didn't feel "included" or whatever. That I changed the terms of the marriage, but...the opportunity came and I siezed it, which I don't always do so in that way, fuck it, I'm glad I did. That conversation might have led to me not doing it, which would not have been a better outcome. I wish I'd gotten more help earlier and not suffered through last winter with Juan in Math class and Callaloo taking over my life. I wish I had gotten OUT OF MY HEAD and not spent so many nights sleepless worrying about things not working out with the journal or with us. I wish I'd spent less time second guessing myself in all ways. But I am INCREDIBLY proud of myself for taking this job, and this new phase of my life on, seriously, and KICKING ASS AT IT! I took an executive position, for the first fucking time. I stepped into my 50s with a huge, public gig, in a world where I get to be a player now, when I was always looking in the window wondering why I couldn't make it there. So no, I'm not a published novelist or essayist with a book out. I'm not an "artist", but I am a damn good leader and editor, and creative leader and I am practical and built for this job and I didn't talk myself out of it. I jumped into the (scary as hell) game and made SO many things happen, so fast, that I almost can't believe it. It feels good and important and like a realization of SO many things I've dreamed of for so long. I wish I had gotten more help earlier and not always put money concerns first. I also wish I'd taken on our money issues and goals more. That question and fear always lingers.

I have a hard time being proud, I feel like I don't know how to be. I developed a bad relationship with my close colleagues, and I regret that a lot. I think I could have been less reactive, and worked harder to understand their perspective. But I also got a job offer at a dream place, and I try to be proud of that. I never could have imagined I'd be in that position.

I think I have become more loving and forgiving towards all people. I get less angry and have more understanding. I think what might be upsetting someone instead of feeling they have failed me in some way. I am proud of being more accepting and loving in my life now.

Whole family is still alcohol free. I’m proud of everyone. It has continued to significantly improved everyone’s life.

I am proud of my personal growth from therapy and learning to manage my emotions in a much more even keel state I am proud that I had the courage to quit DTC to focus on my personal health and Wellness company

I wish I had expended a lot less negative energy when the local public utility left me without electricity in the last 3 weeks of the calendar year. I felt beat up by them and ignored. I abandoned my home during the holiday season. It was rough and the harsh and resentful feelings came easily and validly given the circumstances. But, I indulged them too much I came to realize. I am concurrently proud that I was open to that realization and moved on to accepting what happened, given that I could not change it without greater resources.

Hm, I’m back in therapy, so yeah!!!! As always, I wish I spent my money better. I had my second relationship (in life), yay! I’m currently in the midst of a breakup. My raw emotions swayed between wishing I never met him and wishing I left at the first sign of trouble. Still, I’m in therapy and will grow from that experience.

I wish I had saved more money. I am proud of my business and the rebranding

I let go of friendships that weren't working for me. I do not regret this but I do with I had the courage to face the people and explain why I no longer wanted to be connected with them instead of disappearing.

I'm proud of how we have been preparing our business to run without us.

I hope to be better with planning my time so that I'm happier with how I use it, and that I use it in accordance with my values. I hope to be more informed about what's going on in the world: it's a responsibility that I need to take on rather than shy away from, as the latter option is too dangerous. I hope to give to myself more so I can give to the others I care about in my life, particularly my incredibly patient and understanding husband. I'm proud that I learned how to be a very good mom to 2 children under 3.

I wish I was able to spend more quality time with my family and not be so dissociated from reality. I could have stayed off the internet to avoid being regularly bombarded with hateful and violent messaging from smug “antiracists” who don’t even understand the words they speak; people claiming to want peace while supporting a murder/suicide cult that openly calls for our extermination and actively subjugates the people they purport to want to “save”. I am proud that I survived this year living in an alternate reality, and I can only hope that the world gains some perspective, and QUICKLY.

This has been a stressful year with lots of change. But happy for all of it. Made it through.

I wish I had said 'no' to someone who was making my life a misery. I could see that she was a shameless bully, and instead of stop her in her tracks, I let her walk all over me. Opened the door. Life I now realise is far too short to be spending it with people who have zero compassion for your circumstance. People can only make you miserable if you a. let them and b. don't have the power (eg, you're a child) to move away from them. I'm both an adult and have control of who is in my life, and instead of exercising that power, I complained and let bad things happen as if I had no control.

I signed up for an exercise class, which is something I needed to do. I stepped down as the Moderator, and looking back, I should not have done that.

No, I am fine

I am very proud of all of the pro-Israel advocacy that I have done. As a college student, I am very proud of the courage I was able to have. I wish I put myself first more last year, but I'm working on that now.

I wish I had worked harder. I do the bare minimum and somehow scrap through (and get away with it) but it leaves me drained. I'm tired, and don't want to work any more, but I have let that consume my every thought. It's not time yet to stop work but I don't know how much longer I can go on as is.

I wish I said more or did more since Oct 7th. I just felt, and sometimes continue to feel paralyzed to speak my mind. How I feel changes all of the time, and I just feel helpless and stuck. I also wish I was better about my own boundaries, like with work, work/life balance, and personal (like prioritizing mental health instead of continuing to be consumed by doom scrolling). I am proud of making it happen in terms of moving into a one bedroom apartment to live by myself for the first time. I'm also proud for applying (and getting) my part time dietitian job and starting to work on a side hustle with my friend. I am also proud of myself for pursuing dating, even if things didn't work out.

I stepped into a really bad situation in my new job. The de facto leader of the team while the coffeeshop had no manager (for almost two years) was a terrible person. She was moody and capricious and openly stealing from the company and threatening the team if they spoke up about it. I stepped in and she became openly aggressive and told me frequently she disliked me and wanted me to leave, while putting on a show of being nice and understanding to my superiors. My own supervisor waffled on how to handle it and HR botched it by giving her a platform for airing made-up grievances. I weathered it. I stayed strong and composed and consistent and professional. It took six months but eventually her famously bad attendance led to her separation from the company. I wish someone had defended me and stood up for me, but I handled it all the same and came out the other side with a stronger, healthier team at work. In the six months since then, the remaining veteran team members who worked with us both have come forward to reveal her thefts and egregious wrongs. I feel validated and vindicated and proud that integrity won out, but it was really hard to get through it.

I’m not sure there is anything would have done differently THIS year, but I do wonder if I could have found a better way to brain healthcare. As a private therapist I am proud that I am thriving, and surviving on my own business. I have made more money than nah r ever before, but it is still not enough to live without financial worry. I do still live paycheck to paycheck, and struggle to pay all bills.

I'm really proud of my resilience over the past year. It's been really tough. I'm proud of myself for my leadership at work, for taking care of my health, and for surviving each day so far.

Nothing I particularly regret, and nothing about which I am particularly proud. Similar to past years, I am pretty satisfied with my life (including my own behaviors), and don't wish for much different.

I wish I had partied slightly less, made strong choice prioritizing my health, and actually saved some money. It took me several months to settle into a new job and I wish I had protected my energy better and not let people get to me - now that I know what I know, there was no reason to be stressed except that THEY were stressed. I wish I had more clarity in my relationship, but I'm proud that i stood up for myself and set really wise boundaries. Despite the financial wish, I'm proud that I was able to travel in some capacity almost every month, and that I managed my anxiety to the best of my ability during some pretty intense stresses, including moving. And I'm proud that the move was a complete upgrade.

I wish I'd been more careful walking onto the handicapped ramp on the way to the dentist. I somehow tripped and fell onto my knees and the rest of me followed. At least I didn't hit my head. It's been over a month, and my left leg is still troubling me. I've seen more doctors this past month than I have in the past five years combined, and I'm not done yet. I am scared, angry and frustrated.

No. This year was really hard, and I made it through. I'm proud of myself.

I completed my three-years as president of the International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society and am proud to have served this intimate international organization.

I am proud of the progress I've made in therapy this past year. I've been doing a lot of work, and it's finally paying off! I am much more comfortable going to events and generally leaving the house without anxiety. I feel like I'm starting to get to pre-pandemic levels of agoraphobia rather than the bottomless pit of agoraphobia I felt in, say, 2021. Rather than letting a random negative or anxious thought completely derail my day or mood, I simply acknowledge that I had the thought and then move on. I know that mental health, especially anxiety and depression, are a series of ebbs and flows. I know that I won't always feel good, but that also means I won't always feel bad. It's a series of strikes and gutters, ups and downs. And I'm happy to say that lately... there are more ups than downs. And I'm so proud and grateful for that.

Differently… I don’t know. Especially proud? I promised myself I would read more. If audiobooks count, and I believe they should, then I’m on track to meet or exceed my goal. Yay me!

I'm very happy to have, finally, sold some of the things that were cluttering my life. I'm grateful for the short notice of the community's garage sale. it spurred my husband and I to gather and price things, put them in bins and boxes and get them to the community center a day ahead of the sale. I was also inspired to, finally, get the word out that I was selling craft items. I sold a lot. It was wonderful. Now I need to continue the momentum. There's more to sell!

I wish I had not been so focused on the negative.

I am proud of working so hard in physical therapy and fitness training to strengthen the parts of me that need attention and, hopefully, reduce the pain in my hip(s). I'm also proud of having prevailed in opposing the demurrer and motion to strike in the JC v. PR matter. That was huge.

I wish I had controlled my eating and weight, but I am now on ADHD meds. I've gotten out more and learned to play Chinese "four winds". We've fixed our walkway and replaced our septic field and I've taken some short-term jobs to rebuild our savings.

Whoo hoo --- I wrote the whole first draft of my book!! And people are reading it --- it is REAL

No, I have no regrets this year. I think this year was so special in the way that I have grown. I know myself more than I ever have, I know how to do deal with my problems and I know how to deal with other people. I am proud of how I act in every situation and I do not want to change anything that has happened over this year. It has led me here and here is exactly where I want to be. I love who I've become and I love the way I've gotten there. And also reflecting on last year's answer I think I've figured my way out around dealing with guys and I've realised that it doesn't always have to be perfect, you can't find something amazing without trying, so I tried and it failed and I will try again, because I am always open for something new.

I am proud of being mom to 3 young kids even though it's really, really hard and I lose my patience often. No one is perfect but I feel like I am doing a pretty decent job most of the time.

I should have pushed harder for my spouse to spend time with my mother before she passed. Proud that I was there for her.

Selfishly speaking, I wish I was able to achieve more of my mental and physical health goals both in therapy and with my dietician. But I don't think I'd do anything different the past year because there was so much growth I managed to experience and trying to find the balance as I returned Stateside. I'm still trying to find that balance as I start this new year, my travels start to settle down, and I start to regain some consistency in my life.

I am extraordinarily proud of how I fostered my independence in my study abroad experience. I have been talking about cutting the umbilical cord for years, but being halfway across the world for several weeks forced me to do it. No, my trip was not perfect, but it was a defining chapter of my college experience. I wish I was less concerned with perfection in my assignments and research; I could have saved myself a lot of grief and anguish if I had stuck to the mantra "sometimes done is good enough". I ended up having to drop a class that I truly enjoyed called "What Really Matters in Life?" because I simply could not bring myself to finish the papers.

I wish I had held firm sooner. People showed me who they were and instead of believing them, I extended another opportunity for them to cause more harm.

I wish I could have been more supportive of my best friend for the last 26 years, but political discord has interfered dramatically as has my new romantic relationship.

My old dog is dying and I've made a lot of choices this year (over the last seven months in particular) to care for him and not so as many things in the world socially. I don't regret this at all. I wouldn't do it differently and I am proud of me/us for taking the time and energy to nurse him through this transition and not just make a decision that would have made our lives easier (but also still a hard decision to make).

I wish I had spent less of my personal time on work and I wish I had arranged for a car so I could jump in whenever I felt like it to go paddleboarding or hiking or out of the city. I did not gain anything by moving to the new job, other than the ability to say I work in a new industry.

I wished I would have taken better care of myself. Better self-care in the light of work stress (Colibri) and the darkness of the world. Besides I am proud that I have shown up as a voice for unity and peace.

Trust my knowledge in trading and trade emotionally. I'm proud I finished my Master degree in Analytics.

Pushed myself out the door more. Maybe. Not let the sadness overcome me so. Every night I wrestled with what would do them more justice--if I lived my life more filled with new experiences b/c they could have no more, or whether stayed inside and mourned. Mourning seems always to have won. I'm not sure which was the right choice and either way felt wrong. No matter what I would do, I didn't feel like I was doing the right thing by them.

I wish I had the fortitude to focus on my physical health, though I was very happy that I improved my intellectual health.

I am doing a significant amount of reflecting this year on how I have managed myself at work. I feel that I held an immense amount of anger this year that negatively affected my work and relationships at work.

I thought about seeing Mara, but then she died, but I would have been very unhappy to see her again because of her condition. I did the best I could with my family, relationships that are difficult for me. I am getting along well with my boys, a great happiness for me

I wish I had taken better care of myself by focusing on taking time off for mental health purposes following a full plate at work that kept going until August. Spending my full days thinking and producing work for a company that,yes pays me well and I enjoy the work and culture, doesn’t take priority over my emotional and mental health. I have grace for not doing better, and I take this note to do better today. I matter! I am important. I am my own priority. I have become aware that I do still tend to shrink and take a back seat in certain areas of life. Primarily when I can distract myself from planning solo dates and travel. My heart remains heavy about being single and it is hard for me to entertain myself and plan things for myself. But I am working to do better for me! I am my priority. Nobody is going to love ME the way I can love me!!! Others love is important, but I want to spend the rest of my life with me!!

It was a rough year with kind of a mental breakdown and me going into therapy and starting medication. But I don't think I could have done it differently. I'm not especially proud per se but I think I handled it as gracefully as I could considering the circumstances.

I wish I had taken more time off this summer. I have plenty of vacation time, and the summer just kind of slipped by me when I wasn’t paying attention. I did a lot of fun things, but the summer felt too choppy. I am proud of the way I’ve grown in my role as Federation chair. I’ve had to get out of my comfort zone a few times, speaking at public events and defending Israel at city council meetings to oppose anti-Israel resolutions. I’m not an activist, but I’ve had to learn a new skill since Oct. 7.

I truly believe that pride is a downfall. Pride got me a lot of trouble. I try to live for that. I have, the things that I don’t have, the things that I want, motivation to change or grow and get what I desire. I don’t regret anything because it read me to exactly where I am right now. They brought my future wife and my wife and everything up to this point has been to this moment. I know that I can do things and this weekend solitude reminds me just that. Just got, clean house, take care of business, face the things that you’re afraid of, then be of maximum service to God and the people in my life. I’m grateful that I do most of those pretty well. I’m grateful that I still have the opportunity to get better things. I’m not good at.

I started seeing a therapist again, for myself. Maybe that’s an odd thing to be proud of, but for me this was a huge step. I’ve been stuck for so long—even for 10Q I copy/pasted responses from the previous year to more than one question because NOTHING HAD CHANGED. So I’m patting myself on the back a little for having started the process of doing something for myself and myself alone, with the intent of figuring out things for my own benefit.

I wish that I had found a way to lose enough weight to be healthier and more energetic.

Spent this year working on being more intentional and less reactive with my partner. Reactivity is just a behavioral habit that can be changed. Yeah it’s some work, but feels really good when I get it right.

This past year, I wish I had been nicer to myself about my weed use, my involvement in my own life. Of course, I wish I smoked less, and I wish I was a bit more intentional regarding my choices, but that feels like I’m reaching for something that doesn’t really exist. Instead, I wish I had journaled a bit more, or spent more time curating a portfolio, a physical representation of what it meant to be me this last year, or just taking time in the morning to reset, guide my days with intention. I am proud of myself for untangling my relationship with sex and feeling more confident in myself as an individual, and I am also proud of my confrontation of my Jewish identity and my ties to Zionism, especially in May during the NYU encampments. I’m excited to continue this work, which is much bigger than “something I wish I had done differently”.

I wish I had quit my job at a charter school sooner. I was really worried about being able to keep up at a public school and was strongly considering just quitting education altogether. Turns out, it really was a good job to have. I'm proud of my current job, but part of me is nervous that I'm "stuck" here for the next 6 to 8 years while Brian is in graduate school. However, based on my experience so far, I think it was the right move.

My oldest grandson is a challenge. He tests his parents, insults, hits, ignores. He at times will not speak to me. I wish I had been able to accept this behavior and respond in a supportive way. I so far have been so emotionally saddened by this that I have not been able to get past it. Every visit leaves me spent and so very sad for both my son (his father) and my grandson, who obviously is wounded in some way.

I like the fact that I am relishing everyday life more. I was OK with traveling less this year and will up the travel next year, yet being in life in the moment here is more precious. Weight loss is still like climbing Everest.

I don’t know how I could have done anything differently under the circumstances of my husband’s cancer. My life this year was almost completely caregiving… physically, mentally, emotionally. Now that he’s achieved deep remission and starting to rebuild his health, I will hopefully have time to breathe and reflect on my/our life as it is now. Multiple myeloma is not curable; treatment can get you to remission. How long that lasts…3 months, 3 years…is an unknown.

I wish I knew that Hashem just wants me to be with him, that’s why He created me. He loves me, and even though I am not perfect or even close to it, I know he loves me. So I guess I wish that I was more confident, and realized that I am only given a certain amount of years on earth, so why I am letting opinions of people that I don’t even know very well stop me from wearing so thing that I love, or doing the thing that I enjoy doing. I want to enjoy every moment of my life, so I wish I would have danced in the middle of the street by myself, and I wish that I would have have worn that outfit, or I wish that I told that person that I love their energy, or I wish I wasn’t afraid to be tznius. Because EH, after 120, does it really matter if I did these things, just the same as it would matter if I would have done none of those things, or maybe it would. And I guess I am proud of a few things, though none that i really remember, so I guess they weren’t so big.

I wish I'd kept a better mindset. I focused on what people did that upset me, which lead to blame-based thinking. Instead, I would do better to put matters into my own hands with compassion. I could have made my work and home life better with this mind set.

I wish I had forced the issue of borrowing the money as offered ... it will happen in 2024!

I'm proud of my determination to heal well following my surgery. This doesn't mean I've been perfect in doing my P/T (though I absolutely got gold stars for each hip by the folks who saw me through the initial phase, the first two months following surgery). But I have been very aware that at my age it is crucial that I press towards greater physical wellness, or I will decline fast. My weight--which is certainly improved over the past three years (I've lost about 100 lbs) --is still not optimal, so that remains a challenge. But I am so grateful to have so much more mobility and to be pain-free. I have worked hard. It has paid off.

Something I wish I had done differently this year was to listen to myself and not take how I feel when something is abnormal for granted. When I got into a cycle of binge drinking water and using the bathroom, I should have noticed that I wasn't feeling right and taken action. I promise to never let that happen again and to listen to my body when it is telling me something important like that.

I just want to hug my daughter. Literally nothing else matters.

I wish I had been more vocal sooner about the genocide. I’m continually learning how to be more confident in sharing my perspective and trusting my voice.

I think i've gotten better at talking abt my feelings. I think it makes it easier for me to be closer with people when we can talk through disagreements instead of me holding my emotions in a little bit. I think as a teenager, I have gotten more emotional which helped me be able to talk through my feelings in a more effective way. I am very proud of this a lot.

This Summer, I have been remiss in following up with Karen about meals and making sure that we have entrees for dinner. I am especially proud of Karen. She has put together another amazing solo show called Generation(s), featuring her great grandmother ‘s doilies and hand work along with her own mandala pieces. She also completely refurbished the chaise from her grandmother’s house to fit in the show. She came in to play Fruma Sarah in Fiddler and stole the show every night! She’s also helped keep TAG running well, while noticing that it’s time for her to move on from the co-op gallery.

I am so proud of my growth this year. I think I've fallen into things that have been out of my comfort zone (I tend not to seek out those experiences) but nonetheless, those experiences have really helped me to become a better version of myself. On the flip side, in the future, I hope to do more to seek out those experiences that are out of my comfort zone because they really do help me grow (instead of avoiding them as I'm want to do) and I hope to do a better job of managing those experiences with waxing and waning mental health. For example, I'm really proud of my summer internship and at the same time, I wish I had done a better job at managing a work-life balance, especially virtually.

I have a lot of regrets but they all revolve around ghosting people or dropping the ball in regards to responsibilities I volunteered to take on. I think the connecting thread is anxiety and avoidance (and cognitive impairments I can't change). My biggest teshuva goal is to set up accountability systems so I have people helping me reach my goals and to be kinder to myself about these shortcomings.

I wish I had set boundaries around what I can and can't do better this year. I am proud of myself for growing in my ability to ask for help throughout the course of this year and for forgiving myself when I just collapsed and couldn't do certain things.

I wish I hadn't spoken out more for Israel, but like I am also glad I didn't? My friend who did basically lost all her friends and the group of moms she hung out with with her baby. I can't handle that loss of friendship. I speak up for Israel in person, sometimes. The media has demonized Israel so thoroughly and all the propaganda from Iran and Qatar is considered gospel truth. It's a weird time. The shit people say is so dehumanizing to Israelis and Jews. Palestinians are victims living under this terrible occupation and Jews are blood hungry settler colonists commiting a genocide. As if this could somehow be a one sided thing. People don't engage with the topic of Israel fairly, they act as if there is someway to return to 1948. I don't know how to get people to engage honestly, how to get people to just see Israel as a place where people live like anywhere else, an imperfect nation that deserves to not have its existence questioned. It doesn't happen to any other nation, no matter how egregious the crimes that nation commit. No one speaks of dismantling Russia or China. Only Israel. The only Jewish state. Of course.

I'm proud that I started to learn to take up space in my personal life, I've learned to disagree and ask people around me for things even when I'm scared they might reject me

Hm, something I wish I had done differently.... I wish I had spent less time on my phone, I feel like all those precious minutes add up and I would really have liked to have spent that time reading and learning. But that's. the main one I can think of. I don't have huge regrets. I guess I wish I had spent more time clarifying what I actually want to do – my passions, my curiosities, what feels important – and focused my energy more. I feel especially proud of showing up to my life with a perspective of inquiry and learning. I feel like I'm meeting the challenges and roughness of my life with a mind oriented towards learning and wanting to understand and relate with more compassion and skillfulness, which feels great.

I wish I had spent more time off of my phone this year. I feel that I spend a lot of time plugged in, and because of that I’m missing moments with my kids, my family, and in life.

I wish I would have taken more time to just enjoy the small moments. I feel like I am always waiting for the next big thing and never appreciate the time in between when I am just living life. I feel like that is extremely cliche but it is something that I wish I did more of. Next year I would like to try and be good with life just being life. With that being said, I am also super proud of myself for going back to therapy. I already feel like it’s helping me understand my emotions and connect to myself more. I look forward in this next year to continuing therapy and the practice of loving all parts of myself!

Overall, I wish I'd been able to set better boundaries, so that I didn't end up feeling like I had deprioritized myself. I'm still afraid to set those boundaries, especially with my husband. I don't want anyone to feel unloved or at all unsure of whether they matter. But I think my mental health needs more boundary-setting.

I recently completed participation in an Alzheimer’s medication study. Besides the infusions every 2 months, I was given an MRI and a PetScan every 2 months. It was time consuming and tiring. I took a solo trip down the Oregon coast and met a long time friend for a 3 day get away.

I wish I had called Pepper on her birthday!! I wish we had seen each other and been in touch. I am grieving her loss. I also wish I found ways to show up more for palestine. I am proud of my boundaries with my brother and ways I've come to rely less on my mother and supported her a little more. I am proud of how much I've learned about plants. I am proud of how I got through the hard situation with Harmony baby <3 Stacked with my back and my dad. I think I mostly had grace!

I'm proud that I am becoming a thought leader in my field. I don't think I would have quite believed this if I had known it a year ago, as I am still so new to this career. But last year, I knew this was my career, and I am able to share my passion and strategies with others now, and that is something to be proud of, regardless of where I go from here. I find it hard to celebrate wins (of any size), but I truly had some huge wins this year, and I want to acknowledge that.

I have historically written here something about finding it difficult to feel proud of anything. For maybe the first time in my life I feel pretty confident that I am very proud of carefully training and achieving a 50-km bike ride. I didn't end up doing it in the way I had intended, but I had the goal, I made careful plans to work toward it consistently and to make sure I don't injure myself. And even though it did take a lot out of me and it did hurt ultimately, I recovered easily and did not injure myself. Now I know that I can ride my bike 50 km and I achieved that, and it was hard, and I feel good about it and am proud of it. Having just re-read my answer from last year, I can see how two years ago, I waffled; last year I wrote something that sidled up to being proud, but I didn't use the word. This year I can use the word. Growth :)

No, nothing different. The things I'm not proud of I learned from. I guess if it's anything, it's that I've made more of an effort while I'm driving, and relooking at calming down with my mother. But that is unlearning habits--I can do it. Proud of? Building my friendships by being me; sharing and trying not to judge so fast; admitting when I'm wrong.

Proud of my job. Working hard and making it work. Even though it’s not a dream I am using & building skills and part of a great team.

I am still not exercising enough. I am very proud of a town-wide committee on housing that I have become the chair, which has required much reading and research, collaboration with other committees, and responding to the dire need in my town.

I’m not big on regret. Although I must admit that now that I’m 65 and I see various health issues developing, I can’t help but wish I’d been able to address them earlier and reduce my health risks. Nonetheless, I am pleased at the continuing progress toward transitioning to a new phase of life, and the steps I’ve taken so far to improve my health.

I am proud of the fact that I have been able to have more emotional intelligence and really listen to others and understand their way of communicating. This is especially true with work, and I have a consultant who is a linear thinker, and I am NOT!

Wish I was better at my clutter Wish I didn’t get triggered by breakup Wish I didn’t depend on external approval Wish I had played more music Proud that I am making progress with internal peace Proud to have found Women Circles

I will start with the second question: I am very proud that I finally completed my book 23 Pairs and my first poetry anthology. However, I wish I had managed to overcome my fear and inertia and sent each of them to publishers in the hope of having them published. I would love to be acknowledged for the quality of my writing, and I know that can only happen if I conquer my fear and put them both out there into the world.

I suppose there are a million little things that I wish I had done differently, and at the same time I am living a great life with no regrets. Life has been hard the past few years, but their have also been great moments of joy. one must judt do what they can in the moment.

I wish I would have handled things a bit differently that day in Kyoto, but I'm glad we figured out how to work around the issues that arose and continue to make the trip amazing.

I co-developed and led a massive training program at work last year. It took a lot out of me, but I am very proud of how it turned out. Now I just hope that the participants can actually utilize what they learned and apply it in their jobs.

I am proud of starting the Star Wars theme in my class last year. I am also very proud of my marriage. We have worked hard to have a great connection and became awesome physically.

I did really well at treasuring this year. I felt like I was totally on top of things, or very nearly. Oh, and I did a brilliant audition for The Grand Duke. And I felt for a while like I was flying at work, although now that all feels a bit too much. I wish I'd done my leyning differently, when I tried that out. Kind of wish I hadn't messed it up. Although that too was exhilarating. Oh! And leading Tea and Torah sessions has been wonderful, I felt like I did that well.

Proud of the emotional growth learning and Torah study I have worked on and participated in this year. Spiritual and emotional growth has also helped me overcome a physical hurdle to manage my weight again in a healthy way.

I am proud of the pickleball program we started and maintained in a no profit environment that enriched our community. I wish I had if recognized my over use of cell phone earlier

I was in my first ever dance performance. It was just a small one at my studio, but I'm so glad I got up the guts to try it!

The thing I wish I had done differently is to stop being a coward about the horrific acts that Israel is enacting in Gaza, in the West Bank, and now in Lebanon. I stayed silent because I was afraid of how my family would react. It's eating me up inside. I cannot stay silent any more.

Part of me wishes I had taken the plunge to change jobs as I'm still on a temporary contract and it's caused a lot of stress, but equally I do like my job and the team I work with.

I don't wish I had done anything differently. I tried really hard to change my situation which I guess would be something I wish I didn't try so hard for and just prayed for more patience. In the end though I think I needed to just have some stability with where I was and what i was doing. I am proud of myself for getting the help I needed and for taking strides in that direction. I'm proud of myself for riding the wave at work and not making any drastic changes there. I'm proud of the way I am able to show up to the changes now, knowing that they happened when they were supposed to happen.

We are doing some things to help Kamala's campaign. We've had a postcard writing party. We've canvassed. We're going to go register voters. And mostly, we've offered a room in our condo for one of the campaign staffers working here in Wilmington. She's grateful to not be in a hotel.

I am not sure what I could have done differently this year to be honest, but I am especially proud of my daughter for how much she has learned and grown over the past year. I am also extremely proud of myself for going through with my therapy and pushing myself to do things I find particularly hard!

There are several things I wish I'd done differently this year, and a few things I'm particularly proud of. Right now, I'm wishing I'd made more of an effort to settle into my job with Tetra Tech instead of treating it as a holdover until I can find the job I really want. I'm getting to a point in this job, now that I've had it for over half a year, where I'm feeling more settled anyway and debating whether I should stop trying to find a different job. But I'm also wondering if it would've been easier if I had just committed to this job lasting a year or two when I first started and made my plans accordingly. I don't know if it would've - I might not have done much differently either way - but I'm trying to rectify that now and settle in more to the job I have.

I don't know. It seems that nothing I do does any good. I'm still fat, I'm getting to where I can barely walk without being afraid I'm going to fall, and I'm still alone. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I wish I had reached out to Donette and Brenda Sistrunk more. However, my faith remains in God.

I’m immensely proud of the impact I’ve had on people’s lives this year and the boundaries I’ve learned to put up to say no, out not now m, creating more space for other aspects of myself to emerge. I’ve never worked harder or earned more in my life than this year past. I’m proud of myself.

I don't think that I'd have done anything differently this year. Perhaps drink less. I've been doing that gradually though. Also I'd like to wake up earlier - I've been making sure to sleep better/more consistently to 8-9hours a day. It's improved my perceptions of the day/work shifts. I feel best when I sleep better. It's a gradual thing..I'm proud to be making these small changes. Slow but steady. I'm really proud that I opted to go back to school for art.... I'm more forward with my chef about taking time off or being later than my assumed schedule for stuff.. booked off a day for mom's birthday. Also delayed my start time for the following month, because I'm attending open house at DC - I wanna enjoy it. I deserve it.

I wish I would have invested time in learning something new. I wish I would have finished the online course I signed up for. Something I am proud of is that I did begin to take care of myself with feeling less guilt.

I'm proud of making slow progress on my health goals, and simultaneously frustrated that I didn't make more progress than I did. I'm very aware of being frightened to push myself.

I don’t know. A big part of me wants to say that I wouldn’t change anything because I wouldn’t have gone on the journey I did. It was a difficult and encompassing journey, and I feel I barely made it out alive. With that being said, I am wildly proud of myself for really understanding how badly I needed help. I am proud that even when I thought I couldn’t, I was able to honor myself and my daughter. I was in a terrible headspace and I couldn’t grasp into reality. That is devastating, in any way, but I found it extra painful as a stay at home mom. It’s always hard when we don’t change something until it’s (almost) too late. Although, I think it’s worth posing the question of - if I had gotten a job and E in daycare sooner, would I have actually solved anything, or just put a band-aid on a gunshot wound? Would I have really gotten the help I needed?

Honestly I can't think of anything I wish I had done differently. Nothing leaps to mind. But I am so proud that I got up the courage to take a solo trip to China. I started thinking about China already when I was 17. I took Chinese language for a year my freshman year in college. But I kept dropping it, picking it up, dropping it. It was a dormant dream. Then when I decided to retire, I revived the dream, started refreshing the language, went deep into planning. I got help from people who have lived in China and who could help me with the practical side and with my itinerary. I ended up with an extraordinary itinerary and left my comfort zone behind. The benefits were huge. I was only there for three weeks, but I feel that my horizons expanded enormously. I am ready to do it again! Or something like it.

I don't know how to do things differently. I feel stuck in a loop not doing what I know I should and doing things that are not healthy for me. No progress was made, other than a good pay raise and an unexpected excellent from my boss. Even with that pay raise, I struggle due to high housing costs.

I want to become the person who doesn't dwell on things I could have done differently, because nothing good really comes out of these things. I think it's better to look to the past and see what could be improved and apply that to the future. That said, I've had a lot of learnings from this year, but my proudest moment would be having to finally tell my loved ones that I'm going on multiple dates with a single person now.

There are things I really think I could have been more proactive about. Be more forward about applying for jobs (that might have been more than a year ago). Planned finances out a little better. There were discussions I should have had with my partner before sharing information with friends or family. But I know I've learned from those moments and will do better in the future.

Because I’m developing more self compassion and a growth mindset, there is not much I would do differently. I recognized better the places where I stumbled. They were a chance to reflect, see my patterns, and in some cases adjust - or to urge myself toward another way in the future. Developing this self knowledge and compassion is what I am proud of. I tried to extend it to others like my children and colleagues and my mom. I didn’t always succeed, I stumbled and got frustrated and angry. More and more I let myself feel those negative feelings so I could work with them - to try to release them or move in another direction.

I did some things that I wouldn’t do the same way again but I don’t wish I had done them differently. I learned a lot from what I did wrong and will do things even better in the future than if I had done them right the first time.

I wish I had worn a mask at that indoor event, because then I might not have gotten Covid again.

So running is still on the table, but I did so much more for my health that I'm so proud of - I received an iron transfusion that helped me feel better. I started to eat less and move more. I started Pilates at a studio and love it. I've lost 30 pounds this year. I've started my secret garden.

I wish I had read more to my kids. I have more time available these days, and yet I still find myself distracted and not doing these basic things that I need to do with my kids to help them grow and be reasonable humans. I wish that I would stop leaning on their tablets to entertain them and take a more active role in their playtime. I have very little to be proud about from this past year, but I think I am proud of how I was able to be present by my mother's bedside. I wasn't pushy with questions, I wasn't oversharing about my kids, I was just present and comforting, both physically and emotionally. I was also able to be a stoic and practical presence in the face of various sibling coping and denial. I was proud of my maturity in the moment.

It is difficult to know if I am making the right decisions related to my husband. He seems contented to be at the nursing home. I feel that I must do more for making a separate life for myself. I visit him, yet want to have more in my life than that. I am trying to find my way in doing that.

We are still working to save money. I feel like we are making progress but not enough

I’m especially proud of how I show up & present myself in my work environment. I’ve taken ownership of my role & really advocated for myself. I feel challenged and fulfilled, if still burned out every so often. But the situation is so far better than any other I’ve ever had and I know it’s because I feel safe & appreciated in this position. I don’t hide from my expertise yet I show up with humility.

I’m proud of myself for having difficult conversations. For listening to my body and sitting with the discomfort of the contrast it has with my urge to push through. I’m proud of myself for trying to be open again.

There is something that was pretty horrible, but if I had it to do over, I don't think I would have skipped it because it was an experience, and even bad experiences are worth having becaise of not only what you learn but simply what you experience for the sake of experience. I was taking a crown chakra workshop, and at the end to test if we had control over our mind, we were invited to plunge into a bucket of ice! We had training for this specifically, but in spite of the training, I couldn't stop screaming and only manged 30 seconds when others were able to stay in for 2 minutes. I have always hated anything cold, but I have a FOMO (fear of missing out) obsession. So I jumped. Well, it did get me a lot of attention, and I do like attention LOL! And I learned not to do anything like that in the future.

Losing my job was a blow and I spent (and still spend) a lot of time grieving that. But it was a bad fit and I knew it. So I wish that I started to accept what a blessing it was to get fired before being there affected my health even more. I wish that I started to enjoy being free sooner.

I wish I had prioritized my mental and physical health more. My body and my mind haven't been rising to my expectations of them, and that decline is a real slippery slope.

I wish I had taken better care of my health, specifically my weight. I am going to tackle it this year, as my doctors have advised it would be helpful to me. And, I want to look better and fit into my clothes as well.

I am proud of not giving up entirely. I'm proud that I'm still alive and still trying. Sincerely. Overall I can't say there is one thing, but in general, I wish to operate in my life a little differently. Which I am still navigating and figuring.

What am I proud of from this past year? Showing up as a mom, a friend, a leader, a good human. I am proud that I listened to my intuition and made the hard, right choice. I am proud for being brave. I am proud of almost always being kind. I am proud for seeking support. I am proud that I can do what I'm about to do (create a life without a partner) and completely trust and like myself and know that I'm going to be ok, and probably better.

It's very fresh, but I wish I'd stayed home more with my kitty when I knew she was sick. I just thought we'd have longer. I won't make that mistake again.

I wish I had listened to my heart more. I wish I hadn’t hurt my wife so much. I wish I could have defeated my demons in a less painful way. Still, I’m very proud of the couple we have become. I’m very proud of the confidence and stability I have found.

I’m very proud of my balance of time over the summer. At the moment the stress and commitments of grad school does not allow the same flexibility. Over the past year I was very go go go and I wish I took more moments to reflect and breathe, understanding the importance of one day at a time

When I think of the things I wish I would have done differently, I am quick to remind myself that there were good reasons I didn't keep up with workouts, there are reasons I still engage in bad habits that I'm trying to shake. I'm especially proud of joining Weight Watchers and sticking to it. It really works, and I feel better in my body.

As always, I'm full of self-doubt and can imagine an infinite number of things I could have done better. I could have applied to more art shows, I could have photographed more, I could have been more aggressive about looking for work. I could go on. But I did a thing that I do feel good about. I submitted photographs for a nationally juried art show and two were accepted! While I am quick to deride my work as "finger painting," I submitted the work, got great feedback, and can see that the photographs are objectively good work. Go me!

Nothing singular or momentous, but just the myriad times I put myself first, in conversation or presence; or, the ways in which I was thoughtless about another person's situation or history, when I spoke or responded. These things keep me awake at night. I understand the power of words; things that were said to me 50 years ago still live in my head (along with every stupid remark I've ever made to someone else). I'm trying to be more careful with speech, more mindful of context; and more compassionate, when my reflex is irritation, impatience, or anger. I wish I had been a better listener to things said and unsaid.

For as disillusioned as this extensively long job search has been, I am proud of my persistence. Figuratively speaking, I could have thrown up my hands and started playing video games all day or start drinking heavily or all sorts of terrible alternatives…but I did not do that, nor will I. (Besides…booze is too expensive! No, no, no, no…I’m kidding. You know I wouldn’t do such a thing.) I only hope that my persistence does eventually pay off. Right now, I have been praying that the opportunity to serve as a new Program Manager for Trybal Gatherings comes through as I fervently believe that could be a fulfilling job to organize events for young Jewish professionals again, plus it would be remote, plus…yes, selfishly, maybe it would help me connect with the strong, independent, beautiful, and maybe even nerfy Jewish woman I have always dreamed of having as my partner in crime. In theory, having this job would allow me to travel for work to Boston, LA, NYC, and maybe also DC, Austin, Atlanta, and other places across the US that have larger young Jewish professionals…and in theory, if I didn’t have to move right away, I could stay here at least through Mom’s knee replacement surgery so I could help Dad and Michael take care of her. …we’ll see, though. If I read this in Fall 2024 and that didn’t end up being my job, I really hope I was able to find something else that was fulfilling, paid decently enough for me to live, and something not as stressful as the experiences at Calabasas and Coxsackie were. (And if I did actually decide to start my own business if I got completely fed up with the world not recognizing my value enough to hire me for any of the hundreds of other jobs I have applied to that could have been good fits, I pray that whatever I direction I decided to run with for that has ended up being fruitful.)

I wish I had been more sure of myself going to London; I worry I missed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because I was anxious. At the same time: Since this time last year, I moved away from home, I live alone, I have a mostly successful career. I never even saw this as a future possibility, so living it, and living it enthusiastically feels amazing.

I’m proud of the effort I put in trying to live my life mindfully.

I’m really proud of working while in graduate school, getting a good job after graduate school, getting all As and one B in graduate school, and developing relationships with my professors. I’m also proud of myself for attending therapy and dealing with patterns that have not been serving me - I feel like this year has been a year of doing the work, and although I’m exhausted, it feels good to clear out all of the BS and move forward on my goals with effort.

I wish I could say that I would have handled the "occupancy agreement" differently, but I don't know what I could have changed. It's frustrating, to say the least. I'm proud of the help I provided to Karen after Toby's death, and of writing and leading my first funeral service. Yes, there were just four people there. But, they were all very impressed, pleased and comforted by the service, and asked for copies of it after.

I do wish I had slowed down and enjoyed the moments that matter. I wish I had stayed true to myself and taken more time for me. I am changing that this year and getting out more and doing more me things, including health. I am proud of who I am evolving into at work. I am well respected and have become quite successful. This is all me. That’s pretty cool.

This is a challenging question for me as I believe that my mistakes are what help me grow and be a better person. So instead of what do I wish I had done differently, I am going to frame this as what do I want to do differently next year. This needs to be centered on my relationship with my son. I want to practice kind, loving detachment and give the things that are important to him a little more space. The main deterrent of this is time as be often brings things up when we are in a rush state. So first, we need to have as clear as possible expectations about what we need to do. Probably one at a time at this point. Then, I want to ask myself - is what he is bringing up related to the task at hand? If it is (even if it is slowing us down) I could give it space instead of shutting it down. If it is not, I can acknowledge and share when we can talk about it. Most days it feels like my son takes up so much space in our lives that there is little room for me and my husband, but I am not sure it feels that way to him. So, neither one of us is satisfied. I am looking for middle ground here.

I wish hadnt bought that Crash pad. I wish I’d been more cared with that box if Moms things, that is one box I should’ve prioritized and I feel guilty That I was so lazy about it. I’m keeping The Prophet, no matter how bad it smells! I feel pretty good about Augie’s academic journey. I do think he needs and will benefit greatly from a specialty school placement. It makes me nervous but I really think he can thrive, not just get by and that is worth everything, literally everything. Maybe I will regret not doing it for 3rd grade?

While there are things I could have done differently if I knew more, I've learned from them and none of my mistakes have been the kind I can regret. Yeah, I might be a tad salty on some of them, but it's small potatoes. My big moments of pride are small moments, things like managing photocard trades where everyone was super happy with what they got, trades where it all worked out like dominos and instead of only two people being happy three or more people wound up with the card they wanted. Managing to score tickets to the concerts I wanted to see that I knew would sell out fast. Picking up creative hobbies again. Actually finishing several projects at a level I'm happy with! Usually I'm dissatisfied with my art so that last one is huge!

At Joe's ceremonial casket burning November 2023, I drank too much. The event was beautiful, intimate and perfect, surrounded by friends at Far Reaches Farm. But I mixed my alcohol, with wine and bourbon together, really affecting me. Teresa drove me to her house and I spent the night, so so sick. I recall this regrettable moment because it was the event that changed my drinking habits forever. I have stopped daily drinking. I drink small amounts if I drink at all. I feel so good, listening to what my body needs. So, from a mistake, comes growth and well being.

I wish I hadn’t fallen for him. I was so sure he was into me, but it turned out I was wrong.

Every year I say I want to slow down, take more time, be more deliberate, have time to sit and think. It never happens. It feels wrong, somehow, to appear to be doing nothing. If I'm not up and running around, I feel like I should be. The other thing I always say I will do is make more time to do family things, hike, garden, projects, etc. And again, I don't. I know I'm not skipping them to do nothing (see above) but all the running around for laundry, clean house, shopping, etc. seems endless and still doesn't get me anywhere. It's hard to just be, to slow down and give time to myself, my interests, my family and friends. It's hard to let go of the idea that my house should be perfect before I have people over, or this should be done, or that. And then the time is past. I don't want my entire life to be that way, all the time is past and I'm just looking back and wondering where it all went. So yeah, I wish I spent time last year being more present in many ways.

I wish I hadn't been sucked into reading so much news over the last year, but I feel like I was able to get out of the post-Oct. 7 daze of fear and helplessness quicker by spending time on Twitter and engaging with positive people (there are still a few of those there!)

I’m really proud of the work I did with the wellness program. I’m proud that we could graduate all of our interns and that more sites wanted to be involved. I got no direct praise from my supervisors, but the partners sung our praises working with the students was very rewarding.

I am really proud of us for working with our 9 year old to get him anxiety supports. It was a very fraught process for his parents to enroll him in counseling and OT and explore medication, but it has made his life so much better.

I am very proud of two things: finally adopting a cat, she brings me so much joy every day! Even as I'm writing this :) And secondly, taking my first stand-up class. I've been dreaming about this for years, but I've always been too scared to do something about it. I'm so proud of finally conquering (partly) my fears. I wish I learned to let go of pain faster than I do now, but it's something I'll keep working on.

Pulling off the non-party, party at retirement which has allowed other people to leave without rotten speeches that people don’t really mean

I put myself through a coaching program and a coaching certification program, during which time I have found my life purpose. I have 10 paying clients, have completed two workshops, am building a retreat for a community organization. I make strides on my memoir in fits and starts. I have deepened my relationship with Michael, an incarcerated person I sponsor, and have met twice in person. My life and my purpose continues to unfold and manifest. I am proud of all the ways it is coming to fruition. On the daily, I practice patience around all of it, knowing that it will all work out one day at a time.

I wish I had lived more in the moment this past year and didn't dwell on things in the past or future that I cannot change. I am proud of myself for being able to say no to things that no longer serve me and putting myself and my work needs/ wants first.

As always, there’s the issue of not being dead yet and being unable to do anything to resolve said problem.

I struggled with my boss and some of her most challenging actions. But I'm so proud that I engaged with an HR person to support me to handle conflict, and that I brought it up to my boss' manager. I am proud of how I handled that. It was difficult, and no, it's didn't ultimately transform like my wildest dreams (with my boss becoming a better delegator, strategist, and advocate for the team); but what it did was boost my own capacity to live into my values and do hard things, to reinforce that I do believe people can change, especially if they are given feedback. And, I noticed later that she was listening to additional advice from other sources.

I am proud of myself for taking care of ME! I shed 15+ pounds over the past 7 months, which is the weight I gained during COVID. I’m walking at least 5 of 7 days each week and hitting my daily goal of steps (10,000) 3-4 days.

I wish I had been a better aunt, a better daughter and granddaughter, a better caretaker of my non-human companions, a better worker. I wish I hadn’t spent so long holding it all together and keeping my walls up. I wish I hadn’t focused so much on parenting my nieces just because their mother was slacking, and so I didn’t see them fully nor nurtured them as they needed. I am proud of holding fast to my Jewishness, of not falling apart facing the antisemitism that has permeated every space in my country. I am proud of taking more chances than I did in the past, and letting go enough to celebrate life when the opportunities came.

I wish I started moving my body earlier on. I wish I started subbing at the preschool sooner for more $$. I'm proud that I've kept my head high for my girls.

I wish I was more focused. I wish I explained earlier to my doctor how significant my fatigue has been. I am proud that I finally explained it so that she understood.

I wish I had done everything differently!! Everything covers a lot of ground! There is one thing for which I am proud/ grateful-- my sister and I are no longer feuding. She lives in a state too far away to see her, but we communicate in lots of other ways. We've wasted so many years when we could have been friends instead. I guess we just weren't ready.

I am particularly proud of evolving my gardening to preserving my harvest. I have been able to start stocking up on beautiful nutritious foods and share the abundance with friends and neighbors. ♥️

I am proud that I chose a major change in my life even though I knew it would be mean a year or more of transition which is hard and scary and left much out of my control.

I think the only thing I wish I had done differently this past year would be to make better food choices. I am really proud that the I was able to pay off my new car loan in less than 90 days.

I wish I was better at managing expectations (mine and others') this year. I need to learn to say "no," especially when I *want* to do something, but can't or won't actually do it.

I wish I had started working out… it’s been 4 years and I’m STILL paying a monthly membership! I’m proud that I quit drinking and smoking though, and that I’ve learned to set boundaries (but I’m still working on that one.)

Me hubiera gustado leer más, hacer más ejercicio, comer mejor y haber ido más a terapia.

I am proud to have firmly instilled the habits of letting go, turning “it” over, and going with the flow into my way of BEing.

Unfortunately my answer is the same as last year. I wish I would have better managed my time and what's different this year is that I wish I could've focused more on my work. I also wish I had kept up with my exercising this past year to ensure better health.

I am proud of my kids becoming independent young adults who have good self esteem and believe in themselves.

I’m proud of the fact that I’ve made the past year about me. I have ventured to start a business, slowly, taking steps to make it happen. I’ve taken time for myself, and am living alone for the first time ever. I do this as I’m still available for the kids, and am showing myself grace and patience.

For the first time in maybe forever, i cannot think of anything that i wish id done differently. I guess this answers the alternative quetion as well. No wonder i feel lighter in general. I want to hold onto this feeling

Glad I’m finally done with shitty cousins. Just mailed back art he gave me from his mom, my aunt. Cost a lot to mail but don’t want anything of theirs. Getting rid of crap. Not at a break neck speed, but buying less stuff and getting rid of junk. Like my cousins. I guess I’m most proud of that I realize that people can’t help what they are, just don’t bother with them.

I wish I would have lived without buying on credit, unless a true emergency. And likewise wish I would have paid down the debt I already had. I also wish I would have written something, however small, once per week. In one case I was consuming and in the other I might have been creating real creative wealth. There’s always this year.

Taken more time for my health and putting down the phone. Connect with Orson not with TikTok

I wish that I had been more focussed and used my time better. I am inspired by many who achieve so much for their communities and families. I’m sure that I could have been more active and found opportunities for more contributions. I am proud of the (albeit small) contribution that I did make to supporting those lobbying for a voice to parliament.

Quisiera ser más consiente con las clases de homeschool. También quiero dejar de gritar por cualquier cosa.

I guess I wish I'd started applying to jobs sooner, and taking it more seriously. I don't know if that's too much to ask for myself, but I feel like there are so many opportunities I'm missing out on right now because I'm at the same job I've been at for three years. I want to see new things. I want to learn new skills. There's a person that I want to be closer to in the next place I want to move to. I'm trying my best now, but I'm not sure if it's enough.

Done differently: there’s works I wish I hadn’t taken on, and I wish I’d raised things earlier so as not to be In this situation now. Pride - driving, work, sticking at things. Saying yes to things! I think eventually I’ll be proud for my future - right now that feels pretty impossible

Looking back on this year, I'm genuinely proud of how resilient I've become. It turns out I'm pretty good at handling a crisis, whether it's happening to me or someone around me. Take that crazy morning when Leah's car was stolen from our apartment and my car was smashed up. Despite the chaos, I managed to keep a cool head, dealing with both the practical mess and Leah's understandable emotional turmoil. Then there was the tough period after October 7th, when Leah and I broke up. Even through that emotional whirlwind, I held it together. And how could I forget about Lucia? That Monday morning in August was intense. She crashed into me and then had a complete breakdown, hurting herself with broken glass. I jumped into action – bandaged her up, calmed her down, and worked with the police. Somehow, it all turned out okay. Even when I was in Peru, violently ill and surrounded by nurses who couldn't speak English, I kept my cool. It's like, whether it's small annoyances piling up or these huge, life-shaking events, I've managed to stay level-headed and process everything pretty well. I'm realizing now that I'm stronger than I thought. I'm adaptable, highly capable, and can roll with the punches. Whatever life throws my way, I'm ready to handle it. It's been a challenging year, for sure, but I've proven to myself that I can not only survive the chaos but actually thrive through it. So yeah, I'm giving myself some credit here. I am strong, I am resilient, and I'm pretty damn proud of that.

I think there will always be things I will ruminate over. I try to distract myself when I notice I do it, because it's not helpful to me. In fact, it's incredibly harmful: I basically put myself through psychological torture over and over again. Whatever the mistake was, I'm sure the injured party won't want me to mentally beat myself up over and over again. I'm proud that my mental health over the last year has been the best it's been in the last 13 years or so.

This time last year, I was walking the Camino de Santiago. I’m so proud of myself for actually booking the trip and getting out there. I think I would go alone next time, but I wasn’t sure at that point if I could do it alone. Now I know I could. This year was incredibly hard, but knowing that I had such incredible strength inside of me became a source of power and hope.

I wish I had listened when my daughter told me she was in pain. I thought it was growing pains, and that she was willfully ignoring the doctor's suggestions of stretches. I thought she'd kill her liver in college, not in HS on ibuprofen as suggested by her doc. I got mad. She starts OT and PT next week.

I wish I had handled Asher’s THC use differently and that day he handed us that letter he wrote and we ended up in the ER. I wish I could have gotten curious and stayed calm with him more. I wish I had started going to Marijuana Alanon sooner so I would have had those tools and especially the letter from a Marijuana user/addict sooner. I wish that I could have seen how much Asher was hurting, struggling, and unraveling sooner and gotten on the same page with him sooner. And I am also proud of everything I did to get him to Montare, where he is right now, and the healing he is finally getting now. Maybe he had to get to this place in order to really be ready to do this work.

I'm especially proud of having gotten a promotion this past year as I worked very hard to bring about change and growth within our organization. I am happy to continue to work toward continued growth.

I'm proud of choosing myself and getting out of a tough situation. Sometimes I wish I had made that decision sooner, but I do think I can say that I really tried to the best of my ability so I don't have any regrets about not doing enough in that particular area. I'm also proud of myself for the growth that I have worked on this year in my new era of life. I definitely still have work to do, but I'm focusing on moving forward.

Supporting Abba through the decision to have surgery, joining him in his appointments, and supporting them in the transition from rehab to home something that I’m especially proud of. I felt really good to be there for them.

Another hard year. I wish I had gotten sober sooner. I had 58 days of white knuckling it, which I blew around this time or a bit earlier (after my dissertation proposal). Had I stayed sober and gotten into meetings and worked the program, I could have saved myself and those around me a lot of unnecessary suffering. Now, while I am so happy to be free of active addiction, I have a big mess to clean up and am struggling to do so. I'm not sure I can even do it. There's nothing else to regret, because my cannabis addiction is the destructive manifestation of the root of my suffering.

Ugh. I wish I would have just paused. So many times I wish I would have just paused before responding. That comes up over and over in my marriage, but I see it at work now, too. There is a reflexive defensiveness/protector part of me that leaps to respond before my pre-frontal cortex seems to be engaged. That said, I'm proud that I've hung with it all - job, marriage, status quo. Sometimes I wish I'd do a big, dramatic change that was book-worthy, but I think for me the challenge is staying. And finding the joy in the every day.

Sat less on the couch.

is there a point where people get so tired of giving the same answer year after year that they stop doing 10Q? It's embarrassing, even if I am literally the only person reading this. My confession to myself: I SUCK AT DOING THE THINGS THAT ARE BEST FOR ME. FUCK. it was unnerving to read something like this from ten years ago . . . almost verbatim to what I said LAST year . . . blah blah blah my body hurts blah blah blah I need to stretch/strengthen/walk, prioritize my own health, blah blah blah I deserve better blah blah blah. Yes, I am well aware that it only gets worse. I know the clock won't turn back, that my body won't get more pliable or strong. I know that when I hurt myself, it takes longer to heal. I think that is the paralyzing element. That CLOCK. I can't ignore it, but I also don't have a healthy reaction to it. OF COURSE I wish that I had kept up with that daily body workout, my walking regime, my bicycle. Of course. PROUD: I did make headway in losing some of the weight I gained the last two years. It is a very slow process, with many plateaus, and maybe I'm stuck, but I'm stuck in a different place than I was last year. That's something, and it is actually very difficult without starving myself. I have also, for the most part, taken this to heart: never turn down travel or a fuck. I keep getting those opportunities, and I keep taking them. Last year, Europe and Palm Springs, this year Sedona and NYC. Next year, Panama and Hawaii. It is very much a change from the first 40 - 50 years of my life!

I wish I'd committed more to ending my phone addiction and giving myself time to think, reflect, and be present in the world. It's currently like an endless fight, and I'm wondering when I'll break through. I'm really proud of my commitment to music this year. I've been doing a lot with it.

The answer is the same. I made some changes like shedding off my older brother and sister. Like talking to my son honestly. Those were hard. And I kind of messed it up. But I did it. And I’m proud that those challenges, though they hurt, did not derail me.

I'm proud that I finally got a sleep apena machine. Also proud of Williamson County Fair winners and Nashville Fair winners

It’s hard for me not to entertain all the “could have, should have, would have’s” in my life so I’m choosing to reflect on the accomplishments I’m proud of. I’m extremely proud of my wife for having the strength to move to Oakland California in pursuit of her career at Apple. Although neither of us wanted to leave the east coast, I’m proud of what we were able to create together on the west coast. Living in Oakland as newly weds presented tremendous challenges to our relationship but ultimately, the experience was another testament to the strength of our relationship. It was further proof that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to if we do it together.

It’s been a good year. A good life. With all the ups and downs, I’ve put in my best effort to do good. I’ve experienced a lot of personal growth and can see there is still more to learn. I can’t wish for anything different than what is, and right now is the perfect teacher.

I guess hindsight is 100% and hindsigh too. I am glad at least Layne didn't suffer long, and lapsed into rapid delirium rather than be subject to the 5 year dementia of her mother or the 20 year MS slide of her sister. That was what we and she feared. So while this was fated, it is not pride by any stretch, but ironic relief. I can't kick myself for being here with her 12 hours before she suddenly fell ill. She had her happiest moment at Leo's wedding last year, and her reunion at Redlands was her moment to bask, on her own, as she and I wanted for her so.

My wife and I went through therapy and we are having an amazing year. Even with the very difficult year, we have found peace and grown closer together. We love each other more deeply and healing old traumas.

I’m proud of standing up for myself at several critical points of the year. So-called friends taking advantage of me or making me feel badly for who so am. Colleagues who make it their habit to walk all over females in the workplace. My husband who has allowed me to carry a one-sided marriage for far too long. As a lifelong people pleaser, it’s taken a lot for me to get to this point. I’m proud that I’m speaking up for myself. In a couple cases, I’ve had to let go of a friendship but more often it’s been a positive impact. I plan to keep it up and hope the most important people in my life give me room to have a voice and are willing to evolve with me.

I wish I had spent less time thinking and caring about what other people think. It really got in the way of enjoying my life this year. Worrying about what people thought about my engagement and my body and my partner all took away from moments of peace and happiness.

I will start with the proud of . I taught Sec 1 for six weeks and helped these kids who had been damaged by an overcritical teacher. I got them to write, act, draw, discuss, behave and generally become more confident. I wish I had been more attentive to my friends and family. Sometimes I get completely into myself and forget the important social connections that can be critically important. Interestingly, I wrote the same thing in 2023, so obviously, I have work to do.

I'm really proud of how I left my job and took a risk on a totally different type of job. It was super scary to do but I trusted something that was saying to go for it, and it's been working out so well. I feel like I learned something about trusting myself and the value of taking a risk, and I want to remember that process as I work toward other decisions in my life. I wish something had been different between me and my best friend this year. I think it's gotten really bad and it's really painful and I'm not sure it had to get this bad. I wish we had talked about things sooner, though I'm not sure if that was actually feasible. I wish our conversation about bi-ness had gone differently. I think I need to listen more and talk less with her.

I wish I'd found more motivation to get physically active again and lose some weight for health reasons- my aching joints and over-all lack of energy. I'm proud of the challenges I've taken on at work, some of them small, but still successful. I've taken more control of my finances by converting my credit card debt to a personal loan and my credit score went up. I wasn't using a credit card for anything for a long time which helped too.

When we remodeled our house, I knew what I could afford, BUT, the contractors kept finding more and more. The negotiations were in a different language, so my partner was responsible, and I didn''t ask the right questions. There was some sloppy work and work that wasn't needed. That was both frustrating and somewhat costly. I wish I had paid attention more.

I wanted to travel more. But with semi-retirement part time job it has been difficult to schedule. I should have carved out more time. What I am proud of is I received a certification from the State Library of Iowa as I work for the Manchester Public Library as a 1/2 time circulation clerk.

Oh, well, I absolutely fumbled our summer trip this past year. It was perhaps the most elaborate and expensive one yet--northern Italy plus a 15-day train trip through Switzerland. Meticulously planned from Nice, France to Genoa to Florence to Milan to Switzerland and all the way back again. I was excited to finally make it to Venice, and excited to hike the Swiss Alps. But I failed to take into account my partner's back troubles, and the trip sort of collapsed on itself right after the international flight (a very stressful experience for bad backs). Turns out that trains were also really bad for his back, which really, really wrecked the trip. I basically had to reconfigure the trip on the fly, canceling accommodations and booking new ones. No eastern Switzerland, no Liechtenstein, no Verona, and no Venice. Instead, almost a week in Zurich (which was fine), and a week in Milan (not a good city for a full week). I'm still sort of sad about it, honestly. It makes me feel foolish, and I feel hopeless about future trips. That makes me feel as if I've lost a piece of myself, since travel is so important to me. It also feels very selfish, since my partner is the one experiencing the actual pain.

I can't think of any major regrets, but one thing I'm proud of is getting back into shape. At the beginning of 2024, I was the heaviest I'd ever weighed, none of my clothes fit, my wedding rings were stuck on my finger and I was snoring. I've never snored in my life! I decided to bite the bullet and join Noom and so far I've lost 30-40 pounds! (it's been a while since I've weighed myself so idk the exact number). Last September I also started a new weight lifting program and of all of the different ones I've tried, I feel like this one has made me the most toned and I've seen the best results from. I still have a ways to go with the weight loss, but I feel so much happier and more confident.

I wish that I had eaten better and eaten more vegetables last year to have better poops

I'm really proud of the fact that I went back to school. I don't know what I'm going to do with that. I don't know where I'm going to go from here. Things have been tough, very tough, the last few years. I need to come up with a way to make more money and I'm in my '60s. But, here I am back in school and I was unsure how I would be perceived by the other students who are largely a great deal younger than I am, lol. And I couldn't be more pleasantly surprised by how much they accept me and include me. That in and of itself has been such a gift. I have had some extremely unfunctional relationships in my life, and as I've disengaged with those and reached out to other people, I'm surprised, really astonished, to find that there are people who actually genuinely like me and think I'm an okay person.

I wish I had taken more time to quilt and exercise harder. I am proud of organizing my Mother's stone setting and going on my own to England. I wish that I had taken a trip somewhere rather than staying home and not getting away time.

I wish I felt enough confidence to charge more for my classes up front. I wish I videotaped my classes with better quality camera.

I'm proud of how I'm living my life - earnestly, deeply, lovingly and in delight. I'm proud of being a yes person more often than a no person. I'm proud that I try things, that I'm brave enough and true enough to follow unconventional paths. I'm proud of training up for half marathon distance again. I'm proud of the work I'm doing right now at avad3.

This year, being the second since my retirement, has been spent mostly unstructured but nevertheless very full. I intended to complete or at least begin some things on my “list” such as writing (towards a book), learning Arabic, practicing piano more…. But I’d say I’m proud that I’ve learned to be much more present in the moment and really appreciate how each day unfolds, even if it doesn’t correspond to something on my list.

I wonder if I will constantly question the choices I am making in trying to understand, and hopefully treat my vestibular disorder. I can’t believe I went to New York and participated in a clinical trial. My folks and Shawna were amazing. I’m very much enjoying getting to know Shawna better. The current path working with Glen and Pat in testing Pat’s new method seems like the right choice at the moment. I say that while it seems to be initially making me feel worse. We are about 3 weeks in to the experiment. Waiting to go into the Laugh Factory today, a wave from the left came through my head, almost pushed me over, and made me unable to speak for a moment. It was frightening and unpleasant and not the way my symptoms typically present. I hope we’re not bringing on the symptoms that persist. Emmy and a kind gentleman named Josh were very supportive.

One thing I am proud of is that starting on June 7, I upped my exercise habits from 5 days a week to 7 days a week and from ~30 minutes to about ~45 minutes per day. And, I set a goal of 10,000 steps per day. Most days, I have actually done closer to 12,000 steps. I really didn't think I would do this or keep this up for so long and I am really proud of this level of activity.

Done Different: A boat. Why haven't we gotten a boat yet. Or a Jeep. Or a house in Grand Forks. Let's not snooze on our dreams. Keep traveling. Spend the money. Make the memories. Be Proud: Las Vegas vacation and that amazing list we tackled. Dry January. I learned crochet and started my temperature blanket. Eline and Anton came for Blake's graduation. Trying hard not to resist a generous impulse.

I can't think of anything that I wish that I had done differently. I have been really content during the past 365 days. Alternatively, I can't think of anything that I am especially proud of either. I have recently started trying to improve my health by eating better and exercising and if I can be consistent and persistent, then I will be super proud of myself because I struggle with this.

Something I would have done differently this past year? This past year marked one year since getting married, this Saturday I will be 48, it has taken me that long to find someone who I love and who loves me just the same. In that regard everything we so well. Always reflecting and looking back I think there is something we all can find to improve on or wanting to have done better. With that being said I think I would have stayed a bit closer to my family and my children. I have always been one to really never know how to foster a good relationship. I've had my fair share of trauma to give me a bad taste in my mouth not only towards others but mainly towards myself, and I've never really knew how to be a dad or even conversate with my own dad. I see now it's viscous and cyclical. So, thinking back I would have lent myself a helping hand and tried a bit harder to foster a good loving relationship with my children and family. Instead of being comfortable by myself.

I wish I had allowed myself more grace in the healing process of the last year.

I am embracing retirement life and the freedom to prioritize what makes me happy. This year, I have worked on making my house the welcoming and art-filled space I want to occupy. I am proud of the effort I have put in, and of the results.

I wish I wouldn’t have begged someone to stay for so long. I am proud of all the hard work and dedication I have done to take control of my fitness journey 😊

No regrets this year either. I've put a lot of work into our community via the Religious Life committee, I've improved more as a clinician, and my parenting has extended to help my son's friend after her father tragically passed away during the year.

I wish always that I wrote more, took more pictures - did creative things with the free time I have. I tend to work when I should do more creatively.

more time talking with my family members

This was a year of having been under the influence of drugs of one sort of another, all of which took me out of my normal life and way of being. Diabetes was out of control, so lots of experimenting went on to stabilize that. Psychiatric meds by the fistful were prescribed and rejected again and again. I regret the year that was lost to that experimentation. I wish I had found a local doctor to get to the bottom of my problems and fixed them right up. But that didn't happen. Do I wish I had done things differently? Yes, but I don't know how that would have looked. I am comforting myself with the thought that it was meant for me to lie low this entire year, in preparation for something that I can't name but that feels important and inevitable in the future. I am especially proud of sticking to my guns and not allowing the insurance company to trash the car that they declared totaled. I persisted and found a mechanic who was willing to restore it and got to keep the car I love.

I don't really wish I had done anything differently. I did make an effort to hold my work more loosely and to savor life more. I didn't do more around relationships and I think I accept that while I am still full-time at work, I really need my downtime. I don't have much desire for more social life. I am proud of setting a goal around my blood sugar and staying consistent on that. I did good work with my students and I was a good colleague. That always feels good. Still find my work meaningful.

I continued to speak from my heart which often comes from a sense of gratitude. I have tried to express my opinion without rancor or hostility. I think it is possible to have a civil discussion and still wind up not agreeing. It seems generally to be a lost art.

I wish I had not taken the contract teaching position that was such an awful fit for me. I wish I had had the more solid concept of myself as an educator that I used to have and had not been flattered into accepting the position. There is a small reason for me to be proud of myself in that I was trying something new. And a very big reason for me to be proud of myself for taking steps very quickly to extricate myself.

I am proud of having stuck to my workout program even coming back to it after weeks off. It seems I am finally learning to trust myself and give myself grace for not being perfect.

I don't really have too many regrets thank goodness. I am proud that I can take the lessons from terrible last job and be a lot more levelheaded and good at my new job. And that I can take a 2 week vacation in Europe and not worry at all about my job. A blessing! Amazing!

My biggest mistake was pushing myself too hard on the Oakland Ski Club weekend. I could tell I was going on overdrive but I didn't stop and ended up sick for 6 weeks afterwards. That said, I was proud of how much work I got done. Hmm. I am proud of my contributions to the bar mitzvah - great clothes for all and well-written speeches and drash. But I also got sick after. Interesting - do I always get sick after I do something great?

I am thrilled to be able to teach students in the Camphill Academy. I've been teaching Occult Science and also Knowledge of Higher Worlds by Steiner. I am also thrilled to create and deepen my connection with the Kimberton Hills Community and other teachers in the program.

Supporting my mother in law as she left this world and supporting my spouse and his daughter are things I am proud of, as odd as it feels to say that. My mother in law always marvelled at my inner strength. I didn’t get that marvel. When I would try to understand the choices others made she would always tell me ‘But Sandy, you’re so strong’. It honestly bothered me sometimes. I would tell her I was strong because I did not have a choice. If I am strong it is because I have walked an exceedingly difficult path at times. From childhood to present I have climbed many mountains. I wear a bangle bracelet I had made after I saw the quote: You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have (true author unknown). I had this inscribed inside a plain silver bangle alongside 7 small hearts in memory of 7 pregnancies lost; 7 babies I loved and never got to hold. So to be told I was strong sometimes brought me to a painful place. But the days leading up to her death and following her death I rose to the challenge. The grief I was feeling. The grief of my spouse and his two single brothers. My beautiful step daughter and her partner. I held them. I carried them. I lifted them. I bore their pain along with my own. Once again I did something I was not sure I was capable of doing. And it was because I had already laid both of my parents and too many other beloved ones to rest, because I gave grieved fully, that I could be a guide for them on this path most of us inevitably walk. I thought of my mother in law’s words and smiled at how she really did see me. And know me. In some ways better than my own mother. And when my son in law and I parted he took me aside, hugged me and thanked me for teaching him so much over the last four days we were together. I won’t say the pain is ‘worth it’ but if it took the pain to get the strength I’m grateful for it. I ‘m grateful I have been through things and have learned and grown and become wiser so that I could be someone else’s rock when they needed. I can bear pain because of the love of my friends. Who hold me - sometimes literally - giving me comfort, breathing energy into me, reigniting my spark, tending the embers of my strength when I’m stretched thin. To my friend I hadn’t seen in years who showed up at the funeral and held my hand while her spouse carried my mother in law to the graveside. To another friend who came from out of town for the shiva and sat quietly beside me all night. These and others are the nurturers of my soul. I’m grateful I have the means to access therapy and have always seemed to find the right person for me for whatever I was working on. Who’ve helped me make sense of my life experiences. My current therapist is the biggest gift I’ve ever known. And right now, as I process all of this, she’s my rock. And worth her weight in gold.

I can't think of anything that I wish I had done differently this year, but I sure wish this year would have been completely different! I never would have believed how very much the world hates us (Jews)! I feel like I'm living in a different world than I was the rest of my life until now. What's even worse, is that I suspect it was always like this, but the blinders have been taken off. My grandparents knew... I am proud of having learned Torah and Haftarah troupe, and of chanting Haftarah regularly, including the 1st day of Rosh Hashanah.

Honestly, I can't complain too much about doing something differently this year. I adopted a sick dog with a heart problem after losing Corky. Then I kicked a lawyers butt in court (Talmudic scholar for the win). My book, Leaving Bacon Behind, was published, hit Amazon best seller and won a national book award. I can't complain too much, I'm proud of the work I have done so far.

I wish I had set my limits at work more clearly. I wish I had had the foresight to realize how my desire to improve something at work opened the door for me to be overloaded with extra labor at no extra pay. I also wish I had extricated myself from a milieu which I joined naively (believing that I would be heard and treated fairly) and which ended up making me feel discriminated against with no recourse to voice my opinions. I wish I could have foreseen these two bad situations in which I put myself and I wish I could have pushed back against them sooner.

I wish I'd broken up with L. sooner. I wish I hadn't sent that one text to my sister, although sending it did open up channels for healing communication.

Honestly, I don't have any regrets OR big sources of pride from this past year. I feel that I am living my best life for the most part. I am a good friend and a good spouse. I am getting better at focusing my time and energy onto the things that matter most to me. I do wish I spent more time with my sons, but I also understand that they are living their best lives and spending time with me might not be top of mind for them.

I wish I'd just generally been more on top of my stuff: paperwork in particular, but exercising, practicing, things that I really would have had time for if I'd handled them well.

As sad as it is to say, I wish I had ended my relationship sooner. I wish I had been a better brother. I'm proud of some of my work.

I have helped myself and others get through this traumatic year.

I'm pretty happy with what I've done this year. I wish I had reacted a bit better in some stressful situations, but on the whole I think I did well with what I had.

This year, I am proud of taking care of my mental health, my physical health, and my family. I wish I had prioritized myself earlier.

I’m proud of everything that I have accomplished this past year: helped Paige and Wes with their wedding; made some important decisions about finances; have continued with exploring in ACA and have started IFS therapy. The only thing I wish had been able to do differently is to get to bed earlier and get to sleep earlier. Oh, and read more.

I wish Joel and were able to talk with Sam when he wasn't completely stoned and angry. His leaving the country house this summer was a huge bummer and feels like an unfinished catastrophe.

I'm proud of how work things are progressing so that hopefully I can continue to work 2 or 2 more years in a better environment where I can also do things for myself

No, I definitely could have handled difficult situations better, but I am more aware of my reactions. Learning how to respond to situations in a positive way that benefits everyone. I am grateful for the personal growth, maturity and wisdom I have experienced. I am comfortable with who I am and firmly believe I will continue to grow, learn and thrive. Making the world and the people a better, safer, stronger place for everyone.

I wish I had been more patient and empathetic with my wife while trying to help her through her ordeal at work. Conversely, I am proud of how I’ve been there for her every step of the way, even when it meant late nights or taking days off from work.

Of course there's something I wish I'd done differently in the past year. Procrastinating paperwork, besides the driving minor driving mishaps, scrapes, etc; My return to communication with Mindy could have been more generous and understanding. My outbursts around Lori Grace had consequences and could have been more considerate. Alternatively, my learning curve for nvc improved now. LylaClayre's enlarged studio gallery, Zakaria's businesses and Jared's progress all make me especially proud.

I'm proud that I joined book clubs this year because not only did I increased the amount of books I'm reading (I already exceeded the amount that I was reading compared to when I was an undergrad) but I was also introduced to books that I won't usually pick myself but ended up liking or getting/learning something out of.

I’m proud of quitting weed. As of today, I’ve gone 6 months and 11 days without any. I’ve saved nearly $2,000. My head is clearer and my dreams have returned.

I wish I took myself on a personal retreat rather than go to Greece with Jon. I am really proud of asking for help, relinquishing some control and taking steps to be more free in my bussiness.

I wish I had put more effort into my job in ways that would positively affect my bottom line.

I joined a marathon training organization this summer and completed my first 5k. I was just walking, not running (ok, it was race walking, at a brisk pace), and I only lasted five weeks in which a mile was added each week. However, I am very proud that I tried this because I am not an athlete in any way, and it pushed me outside my comfort zone. I was also ok quitting when I did, because I was just not enjoying it. The important thing, though, is that I tried it and kept at it for five weeks; I didn’t give up right away.

I wish I hadn’t been so emotional. Dealing with the aftermath of 10/7 and a lot of relationships impacted me much more emotionally than it should’ve.

I wish I knew how to communicate with Jesse in a way that was helpful and healing for them. I don't have the right words and I wish I could have had words that were helpful to them. I didn't understand their actions and wanted to help them feel better about the whole situation, and show that I genuinely cared. I don't think my best was good enough. I wish things were different but I don't know what I should have done. I hope they aren't thinking about this anymore and I hope they are happier.

I wish I had been more direct in communicating with people. I still find it really hard and my relationships suffer. I think there is a way to be honest and also not unkind. I need to practice.

I wish I could have managed my emotions better in movement spaces, to try to build trust more. Or known when I needed to tap out earlier so that I could have lasted longer. Or sought more spiritual support. I don't know. I did show up for a long time, and in some big ways, at some risk to myself. It's hard because I usually would say one's best is enough, but it so clearly wasn't enough, when people are dying. I don't know how to sit with having made the choice to step back.

I wish I'd been gentler with and kinder to myself. There have indeed been personal struggles (as everyone has.) My learning curve at the store was steep, and I had a hard time giving myself permission to screw up and let it go; I'm still on a learning curve with audiobook narration, and want to up my game with pursuing work; and I'm really really really tired of breaking bones. REALLY tired.

There are so many I could point to - not staying connected to organizing in solidarity with Palestine, working harder to not get tunnel visioned particularly with my partner, spending more time with the puppy before she got sick. And - I am struck by how good this year has been for me personally, which is strange to say in the midst of a terrible genocide, personal heartbreak, and recovering from surgery. There's a lot I could say about what I am proud of - but mostly this means that I have more to do to go deeper in my honest self-judgement and accounting.

Last year was a year of travel. I wish I had traveled more this year. I successfully recovered (mostly) from surgery so that I could travel to Marshall’s graduation. It’s not my achievement but I am so proud if him. We are figuring out how to live together again, not easy when you’re 23 and 63. I need to rebuild my strength and am having trouble focusing on doing that.

I do. I wish I had been more focused about cleaning my apartment. Now it’s so bad and I feel so overwhelmed by work that it feels like clearing a beach of sand with a teaspoon. I am especially proud of hiking so much in Switzerland, including a very difficult path in Baden. I am now down 23 pounds from last year.

I wish I stayed consistent with the actions I said I would take (sticking with a diet, not playing computer games at night), reaching out to people. Proud- taking mussar classes for the year, guarding my tongue.

I wish I hadn't spent so much time dealing with my ex-husband and his nonsense. Part of me wishes I would have maintained the parameters of the PFA and had no communication with him at all. I feel like I wasted so much time and again, skipped out on things in my life by being stressed out by his drama. It's almost a catch 22 though, by communicating with him, as draining as it was, I was able to negotiate the terms of our divorce and wrap up the whole process of finalizing the divorce in the minimum amount of time. The lawyer I had hired wasn't very proactive or responsive and I became frustrated when I realized that for $1300.00 he had not done anything I couldn't have done myself. I was not interested in going broke trying to deal with my ex-husband through an attorney who didn't seem to really have my best interests in mind. I regret not finding someone who had experience in dealing with domestic abuse cases and was willing to really go to bat for me. I ended up firing my attorney and getting some of my retainer back. I then handled all the paper work, negotiating and filing from there on out. I am proud of myself for following through with all of that. So many times I doubted, as I as completely devastated by the circumstances of my life. I did not want to get divorced, but I knew its what I had to do. I was right, and I don't regret it at all. I am glad I stayed the course. Now, the last thing on the table is the selling the house which is supposed to be wrapped up by the end of the year. My goal is not to waste unnecessary time with any of that. I want to be free of drama and time wasted on someone who doesn't have my well being in mind. He destroyed our marriage and caused me a lot of deep psychological trauma in the process. I have maintained prioritizing myself, slowly but surely, I gain good ground every day. I will go into this new year confident and strong. I will return to who I truly am and leave this terrible chapter of my life behind me. I am going into this year a survivor of domestic abuse. Last year I was a victim. Now I am stronger and wiser.

I've been saying for some time - want to get back into doing more photography and hearing more jazz - these are my connections to the world of art - another year passed without getting reinvolved.

I wish I had done the IVF -PGD in Nigeria. My current doctor seems fearful and indecisive but I am confident that my embryo transfer planned on Monday, 7th Sept 2024 will be two hundred percent successful. I believe! I hope !! I trust!!!

I wish I’d been more consistent with the exercises I learned in physical therapy. I’m proud of the patience I have practiced with myself.

I’m proud that I sold the Fortunes Ridge townhouse - that I did something for ME, that would help me be more of who I am, less existing for Daniel’s needs and/or because we’d always lived there. The relief in not having to think about all the things that needed to be fixed - and to not be mad every time I walked out the door when I saw the grounds in such crappy shape - I just can’t say enough of how much this helped me. And the new townhouse! So. Much. Light. I love it! (And also planning all the money so the new place will be paid off the year I retire - so awesome & so relieving!) I think I should want to say something about parenting Daniel, and changing that if I had it to do over again; and. I don’t know what I’d do differently. If I could really go back in time, I’d learn how to use words that aren’t as shame-inducing, or judgy. That’s from the dawn of time, though, not just from this past year. Parenting is hard. Parenting teenagers is hard. Parenting Daniel is hard. I’m also pretty happy that I listened to myself & ended the relationship with Rick. In previous times, that might have have dragged on for a long time, but I ended it. That’s HUGE growth for me. Some of which, ironically, I credit Rick for helping me with. And. I’m so proud of myself for choosing a healthy relationship - nine is better than not healthy. What a concept!

I grew and birthed a baby. I am so proud of how I moved (literally and figuratively) through my pregnancy. I felt strong and able throughout it. I am proud of my family for growing and changing and adapting to a new baby a new career for my partner and a whole new life. We did it together and for all the challenges, things are better now :)

No. I am legitimately super proud of how I managed everything this year. There are many things I still want to work on and improve in myself, but I am proud of how I handled life this year. I am proud that I took some of the toughest situations and made them into success stories. I went from living in an apartment that I had shared with my abusive ex to finding my own apartment in a foreign country all on my own, with no community, got myself set up, created a home for myself and Maggie, and have truly begun to establish community for myself...for the first time possibly in my entire life. I am tenacious and strong and so fucking proud of myself.

This year, I spent more time with my siblings than I have recently. Not sure proud is the word - more glad. Combined with a bit of wishing we hadn’t missed so much time together. And awareness that time may be short for us after the death of two spouses in 2024, Nadene and Bob. We never had conflicts - just long periods of silence as we each sank into our own lives many miles apart. I saw up close this year how different our lives have been. We tell ourselves and each other very different stories - not only about our lives as adults, but also about our experiences growing up. I wonder if the distance we sometimes feel serves to protect us (me) from having those stories examined or challenged.

I don't think I could've gotten here any other way, so I wouldn't change anything I've done this past year. I don't think I should change a thing, because I'm bigger, badder, and better. I want to grow more, advocate more for myself, and love me more. I'm really proud of being honest with my husband, and my doctors, and myself while I am learning to turn my own light back on. I'm really proud of myself for finding a therapist and a psychiatrist for my daughter. I'm really proud of myself for peeking under the buschel to find my light again...Even if it was dark under there! I want MORE of this.

I wish I had procrastinated less, taken better care of myself and spoken more kindly to my husband. I am proud of the work I have done in my voluntary roles.

I let myself fall off of exercise and good eating habits - which is probably part of healing from years of obsessing about my appearance - but I do especially miss having running as part of my life. I am proud that I mostly kept up barre3 once per week! Love that and just wish I went a bit more often... I am also proud of my work building community in Hayhurst and advocating around school funding. And I am proud that I have an offramp for some of that work, because I need more rest and time for myself and my husband.

I wish I had done more to destress this past year. I feel like I spent most of it so tightly wound, worrying about work and letting that cloud times that should have been joyful. I’m proud that I found the reading bug in this past year after missing it for 7 years. I’m grateful to my friend’s YA novel for reigniting that bug.

I wish I hadn’t signed the NDA. I always wish I had spent more time outdoors, been more physically active and done more artwork. I loved our trip to South Africa. I am proud of getting a better understanding and management of my finances and becoming more focused and discerning about how I spend my time and with whom.

I’m particularly proud of the way in which I navigated the end of the relationship with a problematic employee. It took months of work — and emotional labor — and I still think I did and kept doing the right things. I do wish I’d been better about regularly attending yoga. I feel so good when I go often.

I miss attending [even a bit of] High Holiday services in a synagogue this year. For the Holidays, I always give priority to getting together with our kids and grandkids. and planning this year was a bit haphazard. But I do wish I had made some kind of arrangement. Maybe I’ll watch online. Maybe it will work out better next year.

Once again, I try not to have regrets in life so there is nothing that jumps out at me as "you should do that over" or "you should not have done it that way". These days, I have a more philosophical view that if something can be fixed with money and "it's no big deal". As far as what I am especially proud of - I am beginning to realize that my adult children have really turned out to be spectacularly impressive adults. And I am proud of my contribution to their development and success. Although, without a doubt, they did all the work to get to where they are today. I am mostly a bystander now, but I did have some influence when they were children and young adults.

Not "especially proud" but really glad I'm doing it - serving on the Children's Education Committee of my Quaker Friends Meeting. Enjoying getting to know the children and their families.

There is something that I am proud of -- getting through my wife's cancer treatment and diagnosis our marriage is stronger than it was before. And it wasn't bad before and I wish the cancer didn't happen, but at the end we found that our relationship is bigger and stronger.

I wish I had allowed more down time for myself and Borgi. I'm too much of a 'yes' person and nearly always put myself last.

I am being more intentional about what I say to others and about self care (e.g., exercise, diet, etc.). I feel proud of having taken these steps!

I’m proud that I got my art into an exhibition for the first time.

I made an effort to address my problems with sleeping. I bought a book which proposes non drug treatments which I found helpful, and I have been able to maintain better habits. I have made peace with the fact that there will be bad nights, and as long as they don’t overwhelm my ability to function, I am okay. I try not to worry about it and realize that I don’t need as much sleep to feel rested. issues. I bought a book about cognitive techniques to improve my sleep habits, and have been able to maintain the changes. Overall, I found it helpful and am

I think I'm incredibly proud, after the moving debacle of 2022, that we were organised and packed before moving day (30th August), and even more that we were completely unpacked and everything in place two weeks later

I’m proud that I have a consistent workout routine, that I volunteer almost daily for my kids’ elementary school, and that I’ve become more of an advocate for Israel and the Jewish people by sending letters to elected officials and donating.

I am spending a certain amount of time this year working on Democratic efforts to keep Trump from becoming president again. I guess I am proud of being part of this effort. I'm sure that I would regret it if the Democrats lost and it was due in part to my neglect! But more time outside, that is something that I still crave.

I think that I've been doing pretty well this past year. I made it a point to socialize much more, especially at work, so I made some friends. Once I was laid off from work I went back to Crossfit classes more religiously and I'm finally getting stronger again. I've decided to start going to therapy a few months ago, which prompted me to start meditating much more frequently (like every day) and I'm enjoying my time off and relaxing more. I've been working on my anxiety issues and I think it's working. So I'm very proud of getting myself into a higher level. I think that the only thing I'd done differently is watching my weight and keeping all of that in check. I'm working hard to get my body back into shape and I've also been drinking too much so I'm trying to curb that part too.

I’m especially proud of starting a regular exercise routine, and pursuing it hard when it got hard. I started a walking routine, and kept inching up my distance until now I’m just shy of 3 miles. I got new insoles and new sneakers to beat back and conquer shin splints, and I bring an inhaler with me for asthma. I feel so good about this exercise habit! As much as it’s good for my body, it’s even better for my mind and emotions. I now walk fast and do tiny bits of running, and when I collapse on the sofa afterward I’m a happy wet noodle and in the greatest mood! Yay. It took a while. But I persisted.

I’m proud I took on a leadership role at work and have succeeded so far and enjoyed it more than expected even

I wish I were tougher with Matt to get the storage unit done. I am proud that so far I have set my boundaries with her and have stuck to it. It’s not easy for me or Matt, but I have to.

I spent an unseemly, and unwise, amount of money on Uber and UberEats. I really wish that I had been able to exert some self-restraint at least half the times I used the Uber app... I am proud of how I was able to communicate and comprehend while in France this past spring. I have lost a lot of the 6 years of school French I had through disuse but, I was able to communicate to find our Uber in a difficult area and make small conversation with shop keepers. It was nice to know all the vocabulary stuck in my head isn't completely useless.

Proud of taking time off when I needed it.

I wish I didn't feel so frustrated and act out negatively. When I am feeling frustrated, I revert to blaming others and I don't mean it. My grown up self understands what is happening, my childish self takes over and only makes me more annoyed. I am especially proud of my work and how much fun I have had while creating strong partnerships at the office. Especially this year in the Jewish community and since 10/7, our work has taken an enormous toll and collaborating with my colleagues make the work even more meaningful.

I'm so happy that we adopted Bulmer in February 2024 from Noelle and Michael. He arrived from Australia via Spain. He just melted my heart the minute I met him. Mark supported me from the start and I'm so grateful to him because he did all the work with the dogs this year as i have had very limited mobility. I always felt bad that we hadn't rescued a dog , now I feel we have done that and we will probably do it again. It's a different relationship to the one with Betty, Tony and Feargal who we had with us from their beginnings in the world. Bulmer has had all kinds of experiences that we don't know about and we don't have those amazing moments of connection that one has with a puppy when you hold them in your arms for the first time. But that is compensated for by knowing that he feels safe here and we will be with him until the end.. whenever that maybe. He is my bonus baby - I never had to train him or get him through his puppy years . . He just came to us ready to go and full of love 🩷

Im proud of being able to enhance my literature skill compared to last year and being able to answer and learn math problems.

I would’ve made up my mind on Croatia sooner. As I sat going back and forth on my next destination. Croatia was on sale with a larger discount than Black Friday was. But I made the decision and I’m waiting for my flight today.

No, because I'm happy where I am. Every thing that happened lead to where I am now. I'm proud I made and survived and am able to appreciate my past so that I may allow myself to thrive

At the end of the day, I'm proud for staying me. I know school kind of made me silent and definitely lonely. But there were parts that kept me me. I guess I'm proud of myself for that. I wish this year didn't happen, so many terrible things I just wish almost evething was different.

Even though I ended my last answer stating that the last year was really hard, I'm not sure I would have done anything differently. I made my vision board on my birthday and one of the things on there was the statement "Slow progress is still progress." I often speed up and take on too many things at once, not able to really be 100% at anything. I referred to that often and did slow down my life and reduced the number of commitments I had going on. I suppose, if there is one thing I would do differently is to better appreciate my children and the time I spend with them.

I wish i had managed to priotitize taking care of others, but unfortunately i wad doing so poorly that i needed to priotitize myself getting better. I am proud of working hard at self-care. But i wish that left more time for my boyfriend.

I am proud for tackling this breast cancer with grace and that I kept working out and dancing as much as possible. I think it helped me get my energy back as quickly as I did. I don’t think there is anything I could have done differently. It would be better to be less in my head, but it s a hard habit to get rid off.

Proud of supporting my young adult children by listening well to them.

There’s so many things I wish I’d done differently, but I can only carry that for so long. Each day there’s something I wish I’d done differently. Now what I am proud of from this past year is taking more time for me, the things I love, and the people I love. I went to Riot Fest with Dan and Jeff, I went to Boston with Dad and Shanny, and I just did more things this year that made me happy instead of letting my wife dictate to me what I’m allowed to do.

I wish I had gone ahead and gotten my car fixed instead of taking the insurance money. It solved a short-term issue, but the car still needs fixing! I am proud that I got everything together, including new, applicable work experience, to get into graduate school. I've made a lot of sacrifices, but I am trying to keep my eyes on the prize!

I’m proud to be a member of the Appalachian Trail community. I regret not sailing this summer

As someone recently separated unwillingly I find I have a few regrets about how my husband and I worked on our relationship up to that point. I needed to be better at not immediately accusing or placing blame or a lot of other communication issues. That said I did my best as I could and I am so burned out on everything. I'm actually really proud of how I handled the whole situation though and still am. I havent hit a deep depression for more than a day or two and I have worked really hard to regulate my own emotions and to get the house ever closer to finishing cleaning to get ready to sell. I'm doing the things I need to do in spite of a super challenging emotional state and I'm really proud of how far I’ve come.

O wish I had been more deliberate in my words to notions and boobie. Less quick to jump to bad conclusions. I wish o would t explode in anger so often.

I wish I had been clearer and less emotional when resolving differences. But I was courteous and stuck to my principles.

I wish I had been slimmer for my son’s wedding .

Listened more, talked less. Reaching out to others, old friends and acquaintances; new friends and acquaintances. Clearing the air, resolving what's past. Building foundations, being authentic. Showing up!

I'm proud of asking for help in the early weeks postpartum. In terms of differently - I think we're still just struggling to survive. I don't know that different choices could have been made.

I wish I had been less emphatic and less emotional about my political views with my son, who supports the opposite party. I don't think this has brought us closer. While I feel we still have a good relationship, this has placed an unneeded strain on things. For me I see the direction we potentially could go as horrifying and that enters into my emotionality around the subject. I'm proud to have published two books this last month. One can give people the tools to reduce the cost of higher education. I concerns me that higher education is less and less in reach for many people

I quit my job. It was awful and I was suffocating. I signed up for feminine archetype art journey facilitator training and I am taking a book-writing course. I will lead retreats, write my book (s), do a bit of freelance editing, and live a joyful life. It feels brave and correct. And I also quit drinking. For real and for good. It’s glorious.

I wish I’d found ways to stress less. I’m proud that I did find ways to stress far less.

I'm pretty proud of completing 2 levels of the clinical ladder at work and being named a clinician who inspires. It seems like my hard work is finally being recognized, which hopefully pays off with a raise and training opportunities.

I wish I had spoken up for my own preferences as well as those of my wife when we are making family travel plans. I regret fixating on things that were not big deals, thereby missing out on connecting with friends and being present with family.

I finally published my first YouTube channel video on 30th September. It had been in my diary to do since 1st January. I wish I hadn't persistently put my foot on the brake for three quarters of the year.

I wish I had not thrown away most of my children’s stuffed animals. I was frustrated at the clutter and lack of space in our apartment but I should have been more patient and thought more about how special those stuffies were to them.

I have trusted too much in people and I think it smacked me in the face. I will never trust again, especially in the work place. I have to lean boundaries!!!

I wish that I spent more time with my mother this year. My work schedule is wonky which left my sister carrying a lot of the load. It made me not perform well at my job and look forward to retiring

This has been a year of chaos and resolution. My mother passed and the book I had hoped to publish before that event is still unfinished. I am much closer to having it ready and will be focused on having books in hand by March of 2025.

There's always things I wish I'd done differently, sometimes within minutes of having done or said a thing. I wish I spoke up louder, was more adventurous and didn't always feel like I have a bit of impostor syndrome. But there's much more that I'm proud of. I'm particularly proud of myself for joining the community chorus as I've learned that I really enjoy making music with others. I'm proud of my work at school and the projects we've recently completed.

I wish I had saved more money. I am proud of myself for living on my own independently for the first time, even if it was short lived.

I wish I had been more discerning in my commitments; I overcommited and underdelivered, and wore myself out in the process. I'm proud of many of the individual things I've done - the union work, the Sociocracy Academy, beginning the research into cohousing. But even those were negatively affected by the fact that I was spreading myself too thin.

In some ways I wish I would've started looking earlier or gotten a little job back in January. On the other side I'm glad I rested glad I moved slow and enjoyed my friends and family doing this time

i wish i had been more forgiving, in both small and large dealings with people. in partiular, there is one person i'm fining it hard 9even impossible!) to forgive, for something that happened decades ago. this is weighing on me more and more. as to things i am proud of, i have gained much from beginning to study in Judaism, and am proud of my progress in understanding and applying knowledge.

I'm especially proud that I have stayed true to my integrity and kindness despite having learned so much cruelty throughout my childhood. I wish I had come home early from my cruise that has caused me many physical problems.

I feel like I am overall very proud of myself this past year. I wish I had kept up physical activity for the sake of my mental health. I wish I'd meditated more. I think I could have seen my friends more and been a better friend. I have started working on my codependency and wish I started earlier. I made a lot of big adjustments this year and I feel good about it but there is a bit of...missing my life before and knowing I can't go back to that.

Difficult year for Israel and for Jewish people in general. Attacked on a day that will live in infamy - Oct 7 2023 with a war continuing a year later now including Lebanon. Almost worse was the antisemitism unleashed globally when Israel responded forcefully in response. United States has stood behind Israel but terror in Israel and rockets are unrelenting. At the same time there is a divisive election and global uncertainty however the economy is doing well. We’ve contributed to various Jewish causes. We are especially proud our 2 surviving children ARE observing Rosh Hashanah. So wonderful to be with grandchildren during high holiday services chanting ancient prayers as a family. We’ll also be with our extended Temple Emmanuel family during our annual after services lunch. The dark cloud of Jared’s passing is with us constantly-October will be a tough month with Yizkor and his birthday.

More persistent than proud - completed the project of running a race in each of the 39 cities and towns in Rhode Island. Making progress in Massachusetts. The other usual stuff got done and plenty of stuff did not get done.

I wish I didn’t let myself be walked over. I’m proud of myself for choosing better for myself. Proud of myself for seeing a psychiatrist therapist PCP and psychologist. Proud of myself for staying sober for one year.

I wish I hadn't spent so much energy in anxious downspirals and focused my energy in feeling better with myself and pursuing my true goals. I'm working on changing this moving forward.

I don't know. There are things that I wish I COULD have done differently, but I didn't have the wherewithal or energy. I wish I could have somehow untrapped myself from Pursuit. I wish I had been more successful in my executive function work but maybe what I should say is that I wish I had stopped it when I wasn't getting results. And yet I still won't do that now because maybe it is the thing that is keeping me above water.

I think whenever someone you love dies, you think about what you could have done differently. Sometimes it is the immediate - like could I have done something to help them live longer or at least more comfortably? After mulling this over in my brain for a time, I came to the conclusion that everything happened as it should. I lost my uncle, dad, and brother in the space of 2.5 months in 2023. My uncle was hard to communicate with and so I sent him periodic texts to let him know I was thinking of him. We were all a bit surprised when he ended up in the hospital, dying about two weeks later, because he never shared what was going on with his health. We had planned to visit him in the hospital but he died a few days before we were going to get there. For my dad, I think I did everything I could to make him comfortable in his final days and he was nearly 97 so he had had a long life. My brother is a bit more complex in that there may have been things I could have said or done differently that might have given him a bit more time or a bit more comfort. But in the end, we were there at his hosptial bed side in his final days. What I am most happy about was that earlier in 2023, I had co-written and produced a virtual feminist play that was done through my group Spoonie Theater which is inclusive of folks with disabilities. My brother did one of the off-camera character voices, the first and last time we got to do a creative project together. We were planning on more but...at least he enjoyed it and felt a connection with all the other actors. The show won TANYS (Theatre Association of NYS) awards and is up on the Spoonie Theater YouTube channel (as is all our shows). I was also in the show this time. It was a great experience.

I feel I waste time. I feel I can do more. Feel proud... I am proud that I am faithful to my feelings and the things I believe.

After the October 7th attack last year, our various departments at work ostensibly held small, open discussions about the issues surrounding the attack. While I had strong feelings about the attack, of course, I was (and always have been) quite uncomfortable sharing any intimate details of my life with people at work. So, when the discussion started, I just wanted to listen to what others said, rather than speaking up. However, after just one person (Jewish person) started the discussion, the group went silent and essentially looked at me, so I was all but forced to speak. I think I handled myself well. I said that in the case of unarmed blacks who were injured/killed by white police officers, there would appear to be clear right-and-wrong delineations, and that our place of business backing tne cause of the oppressed, as we have done very conspicuously, made sense. In the case of Israelis/Palestinians, though, you have not just one side claiming to be oppressed, but two. That is what makes the situation so complicated. I went through some details of the history of the conflict, well before 10/7/23, but I ended by saying that whichever side you back leads you to Isaiah chapter 2 verse 4 - “Nation shall not take up sword against nation. Nor should they know war anymore.” Kein y’hi ratzon - may it be God’s will.

I wish I knew what I could/should have done differently. I suspect I needed to hit every wall I hit. I wish I had known what to do with or for my 60th birthday. I tried my hardest to celebrate it and everything went to shit. I'm proud that I'm still trying. I'm proud that I lost some weight. I'm proud that I haven't hurt anyone particularly badly. But I feel dead inside, and I need to fix that.

My husband was laid off in February, 3 months before our 2nd daughter was due. But it’s been really good. Instead of stressing out about it and nagging him, I’ve stayed in my lane and wow am I proud of him. He needed to get out of that job/environment, where he constantly felt demoralized and cheated. He got 6m with a career Coach as part of his package, and has so much more confidence/self awareness. And we’ve been given the windfall of the first 6m of life s as a family of 4 home together.

I am PROUD of myself, I wouldn't change a thing that happened this past year. I'm especially proud of how I've rebounded, stayed true to myself, brought in new faces, taken advantage of the opportunities that have come my way, and not allowed the bumps to derail the momentum.

I wish I had worked harder on my surgery recoveries. I talked about it, but failed to deliver. The plan for the coming year is to be more diligent and stay healthy.

I'm very proud that at 60 years old, I released a record album of original songs, three of which got radio play! I don't think there's anything this past year I could have done differently.

I wish I had worked harder and studied more, because I ended up feeling the same academic shame that I felt at school and university. It shouldn't be that hard to do your homework! However, I am proud of how I have advocated for myself and my classmates this year, speaking up and requesting changes where they were needed.

I wish I had taken more time for myself and my health. But I am very proud that I have started another masters program and am keeping up with everything pretty well!

I wish I had taken more time off. I was not aware of how tired I was until I took a vacation in September. I need to be braver about leaving work behind on a regular basis. I am really proud of achieving my goal of obtaining my counseling license, a challenge I began while my son was spiraling into mental illness. I did not spend much time thinking about what a big deal this would be or how hard I worked to get it done in the midst of family crisis and Covid until I got the license. It feels like a really big deal now that I can look back at it and take a deep breath.

I wish I had been honest and open with my partner as things got harder and harder. Additionally, I wish I hadn't pushed myself so hard when the rest of life, work, etc. was getting harder as if working harder would have solved it, instead of digging me deeper.

Be more careful about construction worker who scammed me. I m proud that i realised my child dream.

I have got through cancer and now I am taking one step at a time. But I always wish that I can do better , maybe this year I can. I can only hope and pray.

I think, but I can't be sure, because you just never know, I would have preferred not to take the job with Robert Half and continued finding a position with a company where I was with the same employer rather than bouncing from client to client. Initially, I thought I would be good with the change of pace, but I'm realizing that I don't love having to dig out of the hole of learning how a client's systems work and barely making an impact; I'm probably making more of an impact than I realize, but I feel like if I had found something more stationary, I could see even more results than I do right now, which kind of matters to me even though I'm changing careers in a year or so. Causing positive change where it impacts others (also positively) matters so much to me.

I took a vacation with my family, which is stressful. I don't like the way they talk to me and treat me. So if they said something mean I bit back and called them out. I didn't bite my tongue like I usually do. I came back with way less regrets than I would normally have had I stayed silent and took the ugly comments.

I’ve had a good year work wise. I still am not great at the parenting thing though

I wish I put myself out there more. I was so focused on school and getting done with school I put a lot of things on the back burner. However I am proud of the person that I am, and I know I can't change anything in the past but going forward I want to be more bold.

no I don't think I would've done anything differently I did the best I could. As for something that I am especially proud of, I am proud that I have been able to keep going when I didn't feel like it. And by keep going, I mean making an effort to be present for those I love. And I mean working on behalf of my clients for their best outcome even when I'm exhausted.

I'm proud of the way I've stepped up for my sons when they were facing challenges. What I wish I'd done differently is being more focused and intentional about the things I wanted or needed to do. I know what I have to do but need to give myself more motivation instead of excuses.

I’m excited to see and hold the paperback of my YA cosmic horror novel Many Arms Enfold Us. It was a long journey to write and publish.

Proud: Healthy transition of Hannah to college. Different: work on my marriage. Do more together.

I am proud that we have moved an in less than six months feel like we are at home and feel somewhat centered. More recently, I am proud I brought my best sense to Danna's nephew's wedding. And have lost my temper less. And am trying to be better about sharing the less good parts of me with Danna. I wish I was better at this and always with I would slow down and think before answering.

Wish I had done differently: Hard not to say that I wish I had been less inflammatory at Jeremy's utter failures in the aftermath of Jan's death. I would have liked to have been more of a respite for Jonathan and less of "another thing to manage." I feel very badly about that. Especially proud of: I smashed it with the DDC choreography, did well with the Phantom choreography, and am boldly exploring forward with CATS and Snow. I'm proud of unlocking this skill within myself, it feels like it's been there but was somehow chained up, or not mature, it needed to gestate. But now it feels like it is being born. In general I felt very proud at the BA recital, it was clear that I had done quality work across the board. I felt a deep respect for myself.

I am incredibly proud of starting a business and making a decent wage from it in only my second year. I wish that I had spent more time with my friends and been less closed off. I wish that I hadn't jettisoned so many other things for work.

While I'm proud of so much in this past year, I feel ashamed that I didn't reach out to Cindy before she died and that I haven't been in closer touch with Linda. After losing my Dad, I've become more fearful of connecting with people who are older and perhaps demented.

I wish I hadn't lived at Synergy but I also am glad I did? Its such a weird dynamic. I wish I would have asked Rob Rakove to be my advisor for my thesis and built better relationships with Dinsha and my Scott Rozelle or someone so that I could get letters of rec. But damn I struggled to breathe last year between writing that thesis and everything else that was going on that its hard to say that I wish I would have done it differently. I couldn't see past how much work I had to do most of the time. I think about what it would have been like if I actually broke up with Hawk in May. I was so anxious and felt so bad that I couldn't really stay angry at him but I think if a break-up is in our future, that would have been the best time to do it while I still had my friends around. I know it'll be ok either way- and I'm certainly grateful for his presence in my life right now and the help he's giving me with not having to have a job, so maybe I don't know if I regret it yet.

I am proud to have embraced more challenges at work, and have a better sense of the kinds of things I want to do professionally.

On one hand, I wish I had been more proactive in helping my Mom– whom I suspected was more sick than she was letting on– but on the other, I'm not sure she would have accepted additional pestering. (At the core of it, there's what I wanted for my Mom's life, and there's what SHE wanted/did.) Proud: it's an odd thing, but maybe the success of the estate sale. It was such a herculean effort to put that on, even with Barb's help... it was incredibly exhausting, but I liquidated most of the stuff, and made enough money (plus the sale of Mom's truck) to pay my own rent for the rest of the year. It was the hardest thing I've done in quite a while, made harder by the cloud of grief I was swimming in.

I started a new career and did a lot of things that were outside of my comfort zone. It felt really good to grow and stretch in new ways.

I wish I'd stayed on top of my bookkeeping. And I'm incredibly proud of all the work I've done cleaning out Mom's house and getting it rented. Whew, big ass job! Love ya, Ma!

This is a tough one- does wishing you had done something differently imply regret? I have taught myself not to have any regrets, and the way all things unfold do so for a reason. This past year has been an important one, filled with profound moments, and profound growth. One aspect of life that has been particularly challenging for me is working on consistency, whether it is committing to being productive, or starting my day at a reasonable hour. Recently the latter has been particularly consistent, and I think this is a signifier of committing to doing things I know I want to achieve for myself but are challenging.

I wish I hadn’t become so sedentary. My current holiday has shown me how much activity I should be doing every day and I need to bring that into my normal life when I return home.

I am so proud that I’ve been working on making healthy habits. I’ve been involved in my community and making friends. I’ve helped organize and host events and am creating a non-profit. I’ve been having regular dinners with friends where I learn how to make new foods. I do wish I was better about sticking to exercise, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still proud of everything else I am doing.

I am proud if passing my exams and getting a first in my lit review considering the situation with grandma

I wish I had been more consistent when it came to respecting my needs and that I had dealt with the root of the problem in my relationship more quickly instead of seeking quick and easy validation from the outside.

I wish that I spent more time carving out a path for myself professionally. While being laid off sucks I could of taken the time and resources to pivot to copywriting or creative direction. I also wish I just bit the bullet and went to Japan when I had the resources to do so. Banking on getting a job in this market was in hindsight a bad call when I should of banked on myself. I am so proud of my creative habit producing fruit! I have finished almost 10 pieces between my digital and physical works and feel like I can call myself an artist for the first time in my life! Even when I was in design school I didn’t feel as confident in my ability to make creative work and experiment the way I do now, and I’m really proud of myself for that!

Last year wasted time on people such as dates that I knew weren’t right earlier. I’m proud last year of getting through and not losing hope with my health issues.

Reflecting on the past year, I wish I had prioritized my self-care more and managed my stress better, as it took a toll on my health. However, I am extremely proud of the work I did to become a stronger advocate and for standing tall in my identity. Balancing self-care with my advocacy efforts is something I aim to improve in the future.

In reverse order, I am so proud of my family. I am also so proud of creating the Tahoe Jewish Community...truly an amazing journey to create with amazing co-creators, something from which we can all benefit - co-created community - covenantal community. When I think of missed opportunities, though, I wish I had taken more time to be more intentional about so many details, yet, perhaps, that time was spent refreshing in other ways....so who knows...

Answered questions with rigorous honesty rather than what sounds good. I see the old answers to these questions and wonder who wrote them. I wish I hadn't gotten so fat. I wish I knew who I was now. I wish I hadn't lost my ability to be sexy. I wish people would leave me alone about wanting to be more sexually youthful. I'm especially proud of my role as a sponsor with eight chickens. They teach me so much and I like who I am with them.

Yes past year: I regret all the times I reacted with the anger/frustration and that my tone of voice and energy seemed condescending or shameful towards somebody else instead of having my feelings and sharing that I'm feeling a way, but not putting it on them.

Even though I’ve been very productive in my studio this year, it is a month away from a year since I’ve moved in. I still have boxes of scraps and my desk is a mess. I’m beginning to think it’s effecting the quality of my output. And I’ve lost a few things. Every day I say I ought to tidy up and reorganise and then I don’t. So to sum up, I wish I didn’t continue with my old habits of messiness. I’m realistic that I can’t change overnight but I’d like to make some goals to change somethings so that next year this time I can answer the especially proud question here instead.

I’m proud of letting things go with my board. There were a few moments (and more ahead) where I could feel vulnerable and like I am Being judged. Truthfully they are my bosses so it’s part of their job to do so. In the past I’ve tried so hard to prove myself and tap dance and try to make everyone happy. This year I took some conscious steps to set that down and trust the wisdom of the collective. Their input is good and needed. I’m not the only answer and it’s not about me often. Also to trust something bigger comes from all things so these moments are meant for future things.

I am proud that I took the time to go on the 10 day trip to move both girls in. Our bond strengthened, I got to see friends and family and it brought up feelings I need to understand better - melancholy, release, gratitude. I wish I had done a better job of holding on to my integrity - I did a little too much sly hanging out in my house rather than examining why I felt the need to hide my desire for solitude.

I wish that I had taken better care of myself over the past several years in regards to my eating habits, which have probably resulted in my health concerns now - ^BP, ^ cholesterol, possible TIA. But I am proud of the the fact that my weight is stable, my emotional state is much better and I am being far more selective in what I take on. I have reduced my involvement in certain activities and not going on a guilt trip for saying 'no'.

Currently, I have no stomach for regrets. Sure, there are some. It seems unreasonable to have a life or even a year without any regrets, large or small. That said, I've chosen to accept missed opportunities, or mis-steps, learn from them and move on. And more importantly, I have accomplished so much this year that I'm very proud of that any regrets are dwarfed. The mahjong business is growing, I've built a website (with help and guidance from my amazing sister), and am building a social media presence. Which by the way, for a person who has long suffered with insecurities about looks, is a huge step forward in personal acceptance. Yea, me!!

Proud of completing my masters, starting a new relationship, becoming more myself and more confident in who I am and what I want to be. Unapologetically me. Brave and fierce. A vision board dreamer who has manifested reality.

I wish I had figured out a way to get the congregation to a place where it would be possible to have open discussions about zionism, apartheid and genocide. To many are just living in denial and therefore not responding to moral demands. A year of this and I could not find a way to get that conversation going. Now perhaps URJ's own immoral attitudes make this impossible but I wish I had figured out how to try.

Moved. Strength

I am proud to have sold my house and found another. It was more expensive than I had planned, but it is exactly how I dreamed. I'm not good at doing financial business.

I’m proud of the fact with my walking I have visited more local parks Also had a day trip to Oxford. A city I haven’t visited for years; travelling by coach which was new for me and visited a shop for one of my favourite brands that I’ve only shopped with online before,

I'm really proud of the work I've done professionally. I'm a trusted, respected member of my team. I'm acknowledged by leadership as someone who can be trusted and is dependable and a high performer. I've worked hard to get here, and I'm hoping that moving into the next year, I'm able to demonstrate I am capable of more with a promotion or lateral move.

I am super proud of being able to turn my back on a job at Google and taking an opportunity with a small startup where I know a couple of the technical workers. It was a leap of faith, but I feel like it was absolutely the correct thing for me to do, especially based on my answer to question 1. :)

I'm very proud of sticking with my values. I am very proud that I was able to see what was happening in Israel, be critical, go against my community, stick to my guns, be empathetic to those who are scared (although I am getting annoyed with it) and very proud that I have been proven right every step of the way. Bibi never cared about the hostages. They are still there, if not dead, a year later, and the Palestinians reality and already strained life has been destroyed. And now possible war iwth Iran. I said our response to Oct 7th would lead Israel to its own destruction. That the lovers of Israel should call them out. I could see it on day one - I am proud of my skills. And sadly, I think I was right the entire time

I wish I had insisted we take a path that privileged the dignity of everyone involved.

I wish that I had had better boundaries where Jen‘s break up with Mike had been. I think that I gave too much of myself. I am proud that I did finish my yoga teacher training course even though I don’t plan on getting a job in the yoga industry. It was very nice to finish the course.

I wish I would've stuck to my savings plan. It's easier to maintain than work in reverse. I am proud of how I have organized and styled my living space at home. And I am proud of getting into grad school to pursue a Masters in Counseling at Northwestern University.

I wish I had kept my opinions to myself at work. I knew it was toxic and i was being setup but somehow I still lost my temper. That said, it was only a matter of time before I couldn't take it anymore. I just wish I had left on my own terms. I am proud that I left and didn't look back - no emails or texts to anyone there. Just disappeared.

I'm pretty proud of completing the coursework for sex therapy certification, especially in the quick timeline I had set out to do. I feel validated in my ability to complete the things I set my mind to effectively and hope this proves applicable to a spectrum of other goals moving forward.

I wish that I had spent more time in contact with my dad. I also wish that I had intervened earlier with my mom. I wish that I had spent more time enjoying time with my kids and less time getting swamped by work. I'm proud that I've worked to strengthen my relationship with my daughter. That we can come to conflict with open hearts and are learning to hear each other instead of react to each other. Im also proud of the work that I've done. How I've come to be a person that "knows things" at work and that my opinion and expertise is being recognized.

I'm taking a glassblowing class and it's really hard. Being a beginner again is challenging. I'm struggling with right hand issues and that's not helping

Cut off relationships that no longer serve me. I am proud I took chances on myself and continue to stretch.

Should have asked for more $ from the Lundberg for the anti-Semitism settlement, but I really just want the case to be over! Wish I'd not said a few things that got me fired from 2 jobs, but it also got me a much BETTER job not as great base pay, but commission and a MUCH, MUCH better environment! Not much to be especially proud of - just great family VERY proud of!!

I wish I was better about money this year. I wanted to do a no-spend year and failed spectacularly. I’ve had maybe a handful of no-spend days. And I don’t even know where the money went! Books? Snacking? Random stationery supplies?

Oh so many things! It's helped though that I have a coach now (so I'm glad I said yes to that) to help me break things down and so networking looks a bit less intimidating. Now to execute!

Yes. However, I know all that happens is happening for us, therefore, if it hadn’t happened the way it had then maybe I wouldn’t have been led here. I am proud to have made it 45 years on this planet. Grateful for the opportunity to be able choose to live and let go of all that has held me back from being my own true self. My canvas is blank and it’s time to paint 🎨

I wish I had quit my job earlier. I wish I had helped my wife find a job.

wish I had planned a move better

There has been a few times this year where I feel I could have been more of a listener less of a problem solver I’m proud of my self for reaching out and finding that lots of ppl believe in me and that I have so many possible this I can do

Investigate investments more thoroughly

I wish I had spent the last year building a relationship with my daughter vs being the do-er. It hurts me that she doesn't include me in her big life decisions. I wonder if this is the way Poppi/Nanna treated me? Or am I the complete opposite of how they handled me? --> how can I make this better? And even though she doesn't directly share with me, I am still proud of her life decisions that she is making!

Every damn day i made mistakes that hurt people and made things worse. I wish i had done a lot of things differently

I’m feel like we’ve had a really good year. I’m m proud of some deep decluttering I accomplished but I know there are two rooms left to go. I’m proud of some quilts I’ve made and other creative projects.

I don’t know if there’s anything I would have done differently last year. I’m making a change in my relationship with Bruce moving from a committed relationship to a friendship. And that feels so much better to me. Should I have done this earlier.? The relationship has been up and down from the beginning, but I really love and honor that we can care about each other and be friends. And I’m reaching out in the Jewish community for the right relationship for me and that’s something I feel very strongly about. I’m also very proud of the work I’m doing for the temple which is to create a video of clergy and their impressions of the temple as this is our centennial year. And I’m also very proud of my diligence and how hard I work with what I believe in my values. That was especially true with my new work with PowerSkills.

I'm proud of my life in general: of engaging in a program to help me with my thinking, of becoming a novice in my monastic order, of learning to listen to my true self more.

I wish I had handled conflict better. I wish I was slower to judge. I wish I held fimer to my values. I wish I were kinder to myself. It's so much easier in principle than in practice. I'm proud of the work I've done - even if I constantly find fault with it. I'm proud of the new things I've learnt, that I still try to learn new things. I'm proud of having put myself out there in a myriad of ways - some of which were successful, some of which were not.

I wish I had been better at LETTING GO. Both of expectations of myself, and expectations of my partner. I do not have to be in control. I do not, and should not hang on to resentments.

I wish I was nicer to myself. I have spent so much of my life comparing myself to others, and as of now, it is currently (probably) causing me anxiety and nausea when I wake up. I have done great things in my life, and I should be proud of those things. I am proud of making it through the intense rigors of being a tennis coach. It was a tough and physical job, but it was very rewarding. But the main thing is that I wish I wasn’t so hard on myself because it’s unhealthy. I hope I can get to a point where I am proud of my efforts of whatever it is that I’m doing.

Since I have no regrets, I'll say that I'm proud of stepping up to help with the clearing out of my brother's place after he died suddenly. Thankfully it was an apt not a house, but still lots of tasks, labour, and emotion that I took on (my siblings did not) even 'tho I could have just not helped.

I wish I spent more time with my family and generally wasted less time doing things that didn't really fulfill me.

I wish that I had spent less time complaining and being sad about getting old. I’m happy with a few new art pieces I made.

I really wish I had developed a movement routine, but things got in the way. But there is always today. I hope that once I get the boulder moving, I will get momentum. I am not young anymore, and I need to be serious about my health. I am very proud of how my son has handled transitions. He has shown grit without anxiety - makes me feel like we are developing the right emotional tools with him.

I did not show up for other people when I could have made the effort. A small effort on my part would have made a big difference to a lot of people, and I missed a lot of those opportunities.

I am proud of resolving to move to the US.

Sho. I think I have done well this year. Good time and energy for friends and exercise, good time for family. Work probably could have done with more energy but many things were out of my control. I don't think I regret anything from the past year.

I wish I had done more writing. I've wasted way too much time on nothing. I've made it a habit to go to my parents' place almost every day and take my 89 year old dad out in the wheelchair for a walk around the neighborhood.

Honestly, I made it through the year. That’s enough.