
When September 2025 rolls around and you receive your answers to your 10Q questions, how do you think you'll feel? What do you think/hope might be different about your life and where you're at as a result of thinking about and answering these questions?

I hope that in 2025, I'm more mindful and more comfortable in my skin and with my life. I'm thinking my life will be about the same, but hopefully I'm doing more traveling -- both with my family and alone. I want to push myself both physically and spiritually, and I need to do that alone.

I think I will be on the tail end of a long journey and hopefully I will have gained some perspective and grit, and lost a lot of fear and be at a sort of zero fucks given type mindset.

Happy. I hope I’ll be happy again. Traveling, creating, connecting, meeting people I’m excited to meet, talking ideas, writing, meditating. I think I’ll feel compassion for the suck of the last 2-3 years. I think I’ll feel respect for this journey, for myself. I think I won’t be letting self-hatred hide in a lot of places it’s been hiding out. That is my deep hope.

I hope I'll be living my best trans life and feeling unembarrassed about people in my life in all aspects--studio, church, etc. seeing that about me. I think I really will be in such a different place with my transness (T will be doing its wildest stuff over the next few months, I think). I hope as myself and my sense of transness and all that grows and matures, the rest of my life comes with it--my relationships (in my family and in my love life), my design work, my art. I hope I will have felt centered enough in myself to go through a lot of gender experiences in Singapore, and I hope I'll leave that experience feeling more grounded in my own self-knowledge. I hope I'll be thinking about some new things in a year--perhaps more about art that I'll hypothetically be making then, or about new relationships that I've formed, perhaps new life goals or communities that I've found and want to support and uplift.

I hope that by September 2025, the United States and other global powers have stopped arming Israel, and have begun to hold Israel to account for its war crimes. I hope that Palestinians are able to take steps toward healing, rebuilding, and liberation. I hope Jews in Israel are able to follow the lead of their conscientious fellow citizens and recognize that their security is inextricably linked to that of Palestinians, and that an apartheid ethnostate is not a sustainable model for anyone. I hope Zionists are able to recover from the moral injury of supporting and defending the indefensible, and to see other ways of holding fast to their identities and communities. I hope more elected officials find the courage to speak up for what is obviously right.

I have no clue. This year will probably be quite a rollercoaster and almost definitely have some really difficult challenges, but I am sure there will be plenty of moments of sunshine and joy to reflect on as well. I hope I can look back on my answers with a smile and be proud of the progress I have made, in whatever form it takes.

I hope I can appreciate how everything that happened this year cleared the way and built resilience for whatever was coming next. Having done the questions all in one go, I doubt I’ll have many big life shifts because of answering them. But I hope I’ll find an appreciation for the things I will have undoubtedly forgotten until the question/answers arrive!

I am optimistic that I will remain happy and useful. I find things to keep me busy. Continue to travel both close and far and wide.

I think I’ll feel grateful that I took the time, late at night, tired and squeezed, to actually answer them (I did not achieve this last year). I think I probably won’t be at my current job, or I’ll be involved in a capacity.

I hope I will have gotten better about doing the things I need to do to improve my physical health which would also improve my ability to benefit from spiritual exploration and creative activities

I'm always excited for 10Q after that first year, even though none has really hit exactly the same/as hard as that year did. Anyway, I hope I'll have grown in some ways I wanted, feel lighter and have more clarity than I have now, especially around career and meaning in life.

It seems like a lot happens in only 1 year for me. This question brings me some fear - what if there’s tragedy around the corner? I hope that I feel similar to how I do this year but even more empowered and free within myself. Embracing and enjoying life and growing and learning and contributing to making it a better place for everyone. If I felt the same way I do today this time next year I’d be happy. I have no idea how my life could be different by next year.

Hope I will be a more thoughtful kinder person who is totally enjoying caring for violet, ilana and paul and we are all living in NJ with all our stuff around us!

I hope to be stronger as a family, content with each of us feeling supported internally and externally. I hope to have a more clear vision of how I am going to help others grieve and am actively on that path. I hope to be joyfully participating in community and growing it along with myself and my family. I hope each of us have facets of our lives that bring us great and deep joy. I hope we are still strongly living within our values. As stated previously: I really believe answering these questions, each year, ritualistically is magick. It's setting intention internally and externally. Reorienting myself to my values. It's a chance to remind myself that I am an active participant in my life.

I hope that I'll take what has been a strange and powerful couple of years and use it to become a better, stronger, more thoughtful man, father, friend, and husband. Things have been shaken up in my life these past couple years like never before, and I hope that I step out of that crucible able to appreciate the lessons I've learned and takeaways I've gleaned from it.

I hope I will feel more focused and relaxed and be having compassion for my September 2024 self! I expect to feel all the more confident in my own endeavors and my own inclinations, and feel all the more freed up from the ways in which I hold myself back. From answering these questions? It's such a touchpoint opportunity, to write looking back on each year and then looking ahead from this same place every time.

I am leaving the holidays feeling reflective, moved, changed, motivated, and inspired, and just in a generally good place in my personal life. I think that when I read my answers and tap back in to this feeling in this moment, I will be very aware of the hills and valleys, of all of the unanticipated change that comes along that we could never predict. I am so glad to have the practices I have, and the connection to Jewish tradition and ritual, to help guide me and make change and reflection more accessible and real.

I think that my 2024 answers were a little more positive than last year's, and I truly hope the coming year will affirm that optimism. It really helped that I could review where I was at last year, and see that I have undergone a lot of challenges, faced each one, and showed resilience and determination throughout. I don't really know what's to come in terms of my health; as someone with a chronic and progressive disease, it seems naive to think that I won't face some more bumps along the road. But I've come to really cherish 10Q, because it has given me the gifts of perspective over significant periods of time. I see the strength and resolved I've demonstrated through each challenge. And it helps me feel gratitude for all that I do have, and the people who support me.

I hope the world will be a bit of a better place, although I fear for it. I hope as well that I will have achieved a bit more balance and stability, that I will look back and be proud of how I dealt with my chronic illness, transition, friends and loved ones.

I hope I steer a steady ship, and I hope I will have achieved what I set out to do.

There's no way I could have predicted this year! I think I am stronger, though, as I predicted last year. I hope I will be in a better position financially, that the spate of bad luck will be over, and that I will be happy.

I don't know. Nervous that things in the Middle East won't be better at this time. I hope I'm wrong.

I hope I make more progress that I did in the last year. In some ways that's loaded - there are good things that have happened last year and I think I've made progress in some area. However, there's always the feeling that I could have done more.

I expect that I will look back at a time where I was going through a great journey of self discovery and personal growth, with some pride in myself over what has been achieved but with some melancholy around the more troubling times that have ensued. I'll be shaking my head at how I let another person shape my thoughts and my attitudes to such a huge degree. But I hope, that I will feel happy in the knowledge that I have made the necessary corrections. When September 2025 rolls around I hope that I am fulfilled in my home life. I don't want the undercurrent of feelings about the things that I want but seemingly can't have - chiefly, working and living abroad (or having a concrete plan to do this in the future). I don't want to feel trapped in the life that I have now and there should be plans to branch out, from a life that at times can feel confined and sheltered - I don't want to be in Lichfield forever. I don't want any concerns over our relationship, it should all be on the table and out in the open. I aspire to be in a more advanced place with my career, developing better experience and opening more doors. I hope that I will be working on something new and exciting. And I hope that I continue expanding on my hobbies, broadening my horizons, staying fit and healthy. That is ultimately important to me.

I worry that I will feel grief-stricken, alone and overwhelmed. I imagine I will be single, adjusting to life post-divorce. I hope that, despite that, I will feel connected and not too lonely. I hope I return to these questions with a tremendous amount of love and respect for 2024 me as well as feeling more hopeful about where I'm at and heading. I hope that I feel more free and respected.

This year two of my important hopes from last year have been achieved, at least in the main. I hope that by this time next year I will be able to say the same about some of this year's goals, and also that I will still be at least as healthy as I am now, and less dependent upon my kids for times and feelings of happiness.

I have no idea how I'll feel about my answers. I hope I am able to continue overcoming the effects of PTSD when I'm driving a car. I've made much progress this year, but still not comfortable driving long distances at night, especially on the freeway. Maybe the Dodgers will have won the World Series this year (maybe). I also hope that we have been able to get more of the necessary work done around the house.

I have no idea. Lots is going on in the world today ... the election will make a difference in my outlook. And the Middle East. It's a mess today, and Israel is responsible for much of it. That doesn't make things easy for the Jews here in the U.S. So, it's not only about the personal, the attitudinal changes we can make. The world out there makes a difference. Therefore I hope the election comes out well and the wars in Ukraine and Israel come to good conclusions. At least as good as possible. The world is worrisome right now. I do hope I write more and am proud of my writing. And that I take better photos. And that I find good outlets for them. That's a lot of work, but I want to do it ... and live life too. It's a tall order.

I hope I'll feel better next year than I did this year. I hope I will have better answers and projects moving around in my life. I hope I will feel slightly wiser, more mature, and yet somehow hotter, as I did this year.

I want to feel amazed at how far I have some in the year. I want to be working at something I enjoy, laughing at how silly I was for thinking no job would suit me. I want to be proud of my two students because of the year's worth of work they put into learning Japanese. And I want to be proud of all the yarn I've made from the sheep and alpaca wool I am washing right now!

The optimistic answer is that I'll feel accomplished and hopeful. I'd like my house and the world to be in better shape.

I think part of that depends on this upcoming election and how much chaos has happened. While I will be devastated and truly disheartened if this country elects Trump again, I also fear more violence if he loses. I hope that does not happen and at this time next year I have more hope and confidence in the human race.

I hope to feel even more relaxed and at ease with myself. I especially hope to have written a good portion of my book.

I'll read my answers and think "2024 was a hard year". There are many things in flux right now, so I hope some of them will be resolved or at least progress being made by September 2025.

I am hoping I will feel accomplished and proud of myself for the progress made towards my goals

I think I will feel like these answers are predictable. I hope my life will feel less chaotic and cluttered, and instead will feel more well-organized. I hope I'll be in love with a life partner, who is really in love with me and ready for partnership. I hope I'll feel truly seen by them, and feel like I'm more able to be my whole, true self then ever. I hope my kids will be thriving and my parents will be thriving. I hope I'll feel healthier physically, mentally and spiritually. I hope my life will be different as a result of answering these Qs because I will have referred back to them and maintained my focus on my goals and dreams.

I hope that I'm at peace with whatever happens and know that I've done all I could to make it better than it is now. That goes for home, family, work, politics and the world. I sense that I am entering a new phase of life and I want to be excited about it and know that it will bring out my best self. I have plenty to share with the world in a new capacity and am ready to begin.

I love having this record of a moment in time and the full spectrum of the years I've been growing up. I've done 10Q since 2011, the first year after I graduated from college. This is one really cool thing about technology that gives you a time capsule and a window into lives that I wouldn't have kept up with for so long on my own.

I think I will feel sad reading through my answers for 2024. It has been a year of profound grief both in my personal life and in the world. And being reminded of that so intimately will make me sad. It should. It should remind me to keep my heart soft and open and that grief and loss is something I should welcome rather than brace against, because it deepens my heart and it allows me to feel more empathy for others. And I hope that my father is still alive next year when I read these answers. And that the life he will have lived over the course of the next year has many good moments in it filled with joy. That my relationship with him continues to deepen as it did throughout 2023 when he received his initial diagnosis. And I hope that if he doesn’t live through the year that I’m able to make peace with the loss and to stay connected with him in my heart. I don’t know how I will do that. But I hope that I’m able to when the time comes—to feel connected to my father whether he is physically here with me or not. What I ultimately want in my life is greater connection with those around me. More connection. Not less. And I hope that that is my experience over the course of then next year—one of greater connection: to myself, to my friends, and to my family and to my communities, to nature, and to life generally. I want to be more present for it all. And to feel more connected. And I hope Dave and I have a physical space—a home that we own by next year—to help make that all possible as well. And I don’t want anyone I love to have to die in order for that to happen. I don’t want to have to lose my grandmother for me to be able to buy a house for example. I want her here with me so I can share the joy of it all with her. Just thinking about my grandmother right now makes me tear up. Imminent loss has been the theme this year. I hope the war in the Middle East is over when I read these answers next year and that we are on the road to peace. And I hope that I am in a place of greater peace and acceptance myself. My father said to me that he thought I needed to accept what’s happening. To loosen my grip, as Darren said to me. They’re right. I hope I’m able to do so in a way that makes me feel more free more human and more alive.

I hope the genocide in Gaza will be over. I hope that Palestinians will be free. I hope that the USA will reckon with our complicity in this genocide. I hope we will engage with efforts toward truth, healing, and reconciliation in this as well as other acts of harm we have done and been complicit in doing. I hope there will be less suffering.

I have been doing this 10q thing for a few years now. I am usually surprised at how insightful my ponderings are, when I read them a year later. Much of what (but not all) I set down comes to be so. I think the effect of writing down reflections, intentions, learnings is a intrinsically powerful force, that somehow guides without conscious action. Re-reading last year's answer just now, I will re-affirm that my intention, my deepest hope is to be my best self, to offer my particular gifts to the world. To appreciate this life. I don't want to be different, I want to deepen and relax into myself. What will be different is what house I am living in, neighborhood which will change everything... from where I walk, to where I paint, to where I have my morning coffee, everything. I am curious to see what is different but equally curious to see what remains the same after my home setting completely changes.

I'm so glad that I feel really good about where things are now, relative to what I wrote a year ago. It will be interesting to see how I feel one year from now about our house and new neighborhood. The world events (Israel/Gaza, U.S. President, climate change effects, etc.) will continue to unfold and may continue to be concerns, perhaps even at elevated levels, so I hope that we are continuing to find ways to cope and fight back. I am hopeful that our kids will continue to thrive and be a source of joy. I hope that I am continuing to find the work-life balance that feels good and is supportive of our family.

Hopefully this, along with therapy and other reading, will help me turn the health/fitness around. If I really make myself believe it is as important as it is, maybe I'll prioritize meal planning and exercise instead of just wishing I had energy for it at the end of the day.

The older I get, the less likely it seems that I can or will make any significant changes. I'm OK with myself as I am. A little work here & there but mostly sound.

I think I’ll feel good - that I stayed committed to bringing my vision to fruition - and I’m seeing progress. I’ll be talking with people more. I’ll be writing more (book) - always a good thing for me - and making progress.

I didn't read my 2023 answers this year. Mostly because I haven't had the bandwidth. All I ever want to feel when I look back at myself is that I did a good job, meaning I did the best I was able in that time, and to feel a sense of accomplishment and love toward myself. I do the 10Q because introspection and the evolution that comes from it are important to me. I don't always have goals in mind. Or at least not ones that feel inside my control. I wish to continually be falling in love (admiration and adoration) with myself and to share that person and wholistic way of being in the world with the people I love most.

I hope I will feel proud of all i'd have accomplished during the year! I hope i will reflect on the person i am today with kindness and softness, not feeling like i didnt make any progress, but on the contrary, being grateful that who i am today is making it possible to become who i'll be one year from now. I want to feel proud, serene, joyful, and loving towards myself and my life!

Hello my beautiful Monica! Oh you gorgeous diva! You did it! You made it around to another year, does it feel like fall yet? I think God for the year I experienced and the constant reminder of unconditional love. I hope in this next year, you have a body that is healthier. You have a sleep schedule that is healthier and you have a financial that is healthier. I pray for success in business and personal life A good work life balance And many many moments that make life worth smiling about You are wealthy, you are healthy!

I hope I’ll be having the full life experience “…for so many kill-joys, afraid to enjoy today because of what tomorrow might bring. Don’t let’s ever be afraid of things. Let’s be daring and adventurous and expectant. Let’s dance to meet life and all it can bring to us, even if it brings scads of trouble!” I hope from the spirit of reflection I can bring with me the understanding of enjoying today. To remember it’s a terrible mistake to cherish bitterness for years. Annoyances are only superficial after all and they can not poison the deep springs of life

I think I'll feel proud and happy. The progress I've been making in the past year but mostly the past month have been so dramatic, I can only imagine how it'll be in 1 year. Just with the better quality sleep and social life, I think I'll be out of my difficult season and back to my vibrant, happy self. I'll have had the time and energy to take care of my body, my career, my soul and made even more progress. I'll be making more money one way or another and feel my life full and dynamic in ways it hasn't been in a long time. I'm turning 36 soon and I think it will be the best year of my thirties so far.

Historically, I have read my own writings/thoughts/ideas after some time and often cringe. I hope this time is different. Especially because I like to write, and want to be proud of what I have to say. I think what I have to say is special, different, and worth battling with because I think other people can benefit from a lot of the thoughts that run through my head. I want to read back on my answers and feel proud of where I was when I wrote them, and if any of it is real, I know I will feel like I am in the right place 💗

Once I answer them here, I don't necessarily think about them throughout the year. But I am always trying to carpe diem. Trying to get in touch with what makes me happy and do more of it. Getting in touch with my happiness is a big challenge.

Hard to say, but looking at my answers from last year I’m gobsmacked and filled with gratitude by how many prayers Christ has answered in only a year! My cup runneth over.

I'll be two years out from my father's passing, and I want to see real evidence that I'm finding my footing and well on the way to creating a satisfying and fulfilling next chapter of my life.

This year, when I was home in Maryland for Yom Kippur, I remember sitting in shul itching to come home and do my 10Q all in one day on Yom Kippur, as has become my tradition. It was a weird feeling wishing I was in New York on a holiday that previously felt so family/home centric. I guess this means I'm growing into myself, my community here, and the way I want to practice my Judaism as an adult. I read back on my answers next year, I hope that October 7 won't be so raw. I also hope that I'll have had at least one meaningful date / relationship with a Nice Jewish Boy. I've been putting dating as something I want to investigate in the next year for the past few years, but I finally feel ready to prioritize it now.

I set my goals low and steady the way I live my life now so I don't think anything will be surprising.

As always, I'm hoping I've grown since this year. This is something I never feel like happens, so maybe I should be more specific and say that I'll have grown in my understanding of the world and of communities. The past year I've been struggling with that, with ups and downs as 10/7 happened, as I spent time in Colombia, as my family was at camp, and as I navigated loneliness with community. I learned a lot in the past year, yet the next year I have to use the "data" as nourishment for growth.

I hope I am as happy this time next year as I am now. I am glowing, I feel so confident, I have a true best friend, I love myself, my skin is great, my weight is down, my routine is consistent, my school motivation is high, my apartment is SO clean, I love my relationship with exercise, etc. etc. etc. It was hard for me to read 2023 and remember how bad things were. I hope things only get better. All of my hard work and research and inner work is paying off, and I can only hope that continues into the next 12 months.

I hope I am as happy next year as I am this year, even if I am still unpartnered. I find it useful to use language such as “solo” or a “soloist”, rather than “single”.

I was a homebody this year, which felt good after a lot of travel the year before. I hope we get to take a trip in this coming year, but more importantly, I hope I am able to focus on getting another book into the world. We're all terrified about the current political climate. Even if Kamala Harris wins, which I'm praying and working toward, it is heartsickening to know half our fellow countrymen support an incoherent fascist whose only value is to hate on their behalf. I pray he's gone by next year! I keep praying this, but he keeps turning up like a bad penny.

I think a lot from last year's answer is the same for this year: I hope I'm in a better "head space" mentally/emotionally. Everything seems so negative right now, and I worry it's only going to get worse ahead of the 2024 Presidential election. But someone of it is different: I do have a game plan post undergrad - as I'm not in grad school, and should be done before September 2025. My middle kidult is doing well, and has their first job - and I couldn't be prouder of them. Now to get the youngest moving in the right direction, but I'm honestly ok if he takes the next year slow post HS graduation; so he knows and is secure in what he wants to do next.

I look forward to reflecting every year, and I always feel like the new year and these questions come around so quickly. Another year has passed! However, I always want my answers to be different than previous years. So, I hope I feel hopeful, optimistic that things have changed and are going in the direction I wish for and planned. I hope that I have made positive forward exciting progress, personally and professionally, and feel good about going into the new year. and to copy from last year - I hope that I am no longer concentrating so much on my health and diet and that i am enjoying food, i am comfortable in my body and i am able to share my body and soul with someone very special who will light up my life.

I think I'll feel interested to be reminded of what was at the front of my mind now. I don't think answering these questions will have any impact on how the next year will go

I think this kind of "mental time traveling", is beneficial. I think I can put my head down and just keep trucking sometimes, and I think this sort of self-examination can be the beginning of me pushing myself to begin to shovel myself out of the lane I've created and start shoveling a new way forward. I hope that I can hold onto a practice of self-reflection, and (sincerely!) hope that I can move past just navel gazing into action inspired by the conclusions that my self-examination leads me toward. So I guess by this time next year I hope I'm feeling busier, and hopefully feeling more accomplished. Which I know can look a lot of different ways.

I love myself. I trust that everything is happening in perfect timing. So whatever I wrote here during the 10Q is just right. I will love the 2024 me. I will admire her for showing up. I will rejoice with her. I will be joyfully surprised by what came to pass, just as she described it. I will marvel at how much growth can happen in just one year. I will be grateful to her for having done the work of answering these questions. I will be fascinated by the changes that have taken place, leading to my answering the questions in a completely new way in 2025. What I see happening is that there is more love and less fear. What I see happening is that I the 2024 me is committed to growth. What I see happening is more magic, expansion, wonder, gratitude and joy.

i don't expect as much change in the coming year as in many others, so it may not be as much of a trip. but i don't know! if everything goes smoothly/according to plan i will finish up my second year, maybe go to texas over winter break, maybe r will come over spring break, maybe i will go to a different city for the summer. and i will continue to work on my relationships and balance and organizing while in school, and my family will continue to try to function. many unexpected things could happen, and it's hard not to think of the bad possibilities there.

When September 2025 rolls around and I receive my 10Q answers, I think I’ll feel a mix of emotions, as usual. It’ll probably be another year of seeing an ex’s name throughout my answers, knowing she didn’t make it to the next year. This time, it’ll be Cristina—since we broke up right after Yom Kippur. I’m not going to change my answers before the vault seals, because those were and are my truths in those moments. But when I look back, I know I’ll feel a little melancholy, a little hope, some pride, and maybe a bit of happiness. In a way, it’s like a microcosm of my life, wrapped up into these ten days—an annual reflection that captures how I grow and change over time.

I think I will be devastated looking back at how distressed and scared I am right now about the future, about the terminal decline of the love of my entire life. Life will likely be worse this time next year. I think I will look at my questions and feel sad and tired, and probably more alone than I've ever been as friends have wandered off into happier territory away from the dying and sadness that they don't want to deal with. I would hope for my partner to be alive this time next year and for him to have quality of life, even if he still has to have cancer. I want him to be able to eat a steak, I want him to be able to go on that hike and we unfold the tent and barely sleep because it's uncomfortable and cold, i want to watch him start a fire and cook some stew over it, I want him to be the happiest, I want him to work and enjoy time with his workmates, I want him to know good things and I want his body to cooperate with his unending positivity and comply to let him live into middle age. This is all I wish. I'd wish for this at the expense of my own life, I'd wish for this above anything, I'd be destitute to achieve this, because this time next year when I open this, he will either be dead, in the process of dying or one of the very few people who achieve a year or two of remission.

I hope I'm serving the world in a bigger way and spending more time each day doing things I love and that make a difference for others. I hope I feel more confident bc I've gotten clarity through my actions. I hope I'm traveling more with my kids and my love.

I want to feel more confident in myself. While this year was full of a lot of great moments, I feel like I didn't fully maximize them as I spent a lot of time doubting myself and feeling sorry for myself. I want to start 2025 feeling like I maximized my possibilities for joy.

I think by September 2025, I’ll be in a much better place emotionally and financially. My mother's legacy gives me the space to breathe and relax, though it's hard to fully let go of the terror, since it’s been part of my life for years. While I expect to feel calmer, more in control, and more settled, I also know that progress won’t be perfectly linear. There will likely still be moments of fear or doubt, but I hope to approach them with a better mindset. By then, I envision my daily life looking different. I see myself engaging in fun exercise regularly and using Finnish every day. My living space will be more aesthetically pleasing, and I'll feel more grounded and at peace. I'll have more calm, better sleep, and improved health overall. I also hope to be cooking more interesting meals, something I’ve missed. There will still be challenges, but I hope I’ll be able to face them with less anxiety and more clarity, knowing that setbacks are part of the process.

Yo siento que me voy a sentir con más confianza de mi mismo, más seguro, con una mejor relación con el dinero y con más certeza de lo que hago Me voy a dedicar a hacer más cosas que me gustan sin estar preocupado por el dinero

Peace. I hope for peace. and contentment. This will make success.

I hope I'll feel excited to see that I've accomplished more than I've ever dared to dream and that my life feels full of light, love, creativity, and people who mean the most to me. I'm hoping to look back and see that my hard work and dedication paid off and that my journey to the next year was filled with joy and adventure. This is one of my favorite Rosh Hashanah traditions, and I love that I can have these moments of introspection.

I think I'll feel gratitude for working hard to better my life and my circumstances. I don't think much will be different- I'll still be in school. Hopefully I will have found more balance and peace with where I'm at. I am hopeful that I will be free from b/p and in that sense my life will for sure be very different in that I will be more authentic and real, more trusting in the universe to guide me.

I hope I will feel that I tackled some of the important issues raised. But even if not, I hope I grant myself grace and forgiveness.

I will be proud of the steps I've taken to follow my wildest dreams. I will be living it, breathing it, taking it all in. I will undoubtedly fail, I will learn, I will grow and I will move things forward. Because this momentum is unstoppable I just have to not be my own block and allow it to happen with hard work and dedication like never before.

I hope that I will have moved forward and am not in the same place that I am in today.

It feels like this time period every year is so challenging for me. Like the worst part of my year end up around here. Who knows if that's actually true. I'm probably doing a recency bias type thing--largely because quite a lot of bad and challenging things have happened this year outside of this time period. I just feel like I'm struggling more now because I'm currently in the now. I hope that this time period next year is less, hmmm, non-specifically devastating, so I can engage in more meaningful reflection on the rest of the year. I wonder if the scattered grief will show through when I read these.

I just finished a "retreat" with my husband and honestly feel like my life overall is pretty good. I'm healthy. I'm able to spend time doing work I feel is satisfying and rewarding. I have good friends and lots of people around me. He's in a different place somewhat, but for me, I kind of just want to maintain this. My kids are getting older and it's a small number of years until they are both at college. I just want to stay present for them and give them plenty of experiences and support so that they make it through high school and into college happy and healthy.

I am hoping for a Democratic Administration in Washington DC and that a President Harris will orchestrate reining in nefarious forces in the world that are bringing chaos. I am hoping my daughters will continue to learn to create happiness & good health for themselves and Viola will happily & healthily grow & explore. For myself, I hope I will learn how to anchor myself in a spiritual base & how to create friendships.

I'm hoping that I will have made some serious internal progress, and that things will start to flow differently than they have been. Sometimes it's hard to feel like I'm just working and working and not making any progress. I know that my ego tends to erase my wins, and I don't give myself enough credit for what I am doing and what I have been working on. I still feel like there's a lot of stuff in my blind spot, though, and there's a few key ingredients I'm missing that will help clear the way for a more productive life where I'm able to actualize some of my plans.

I will live into my faith. I will find energy to do what I love to do...and tolerate the things I have to do, but maybe don't relish. Cat box cleaning, anyone? I think it will be a great year...especially if Kamala wins. If she doesn't, I'll just stop watching the political train wreck and opt out of the propaganda bullshit. I should do that anyway. Overall, reducing screen time would be a great goal for the one thing question!! Would definitely improve my life!!

Some of my concerns will be abated or answered. I will see how we either made good choices or learned how to survive the bad ones.

I hope I am feeling as positive as I do now and that our country hasn't been destroyed by election fraud and nazis. Please let Kamala win and let her win be accepted on a national level. I pray for our country's political divide to heal and move farther left.

I hope I can feel positively about my responses to the previous year situations and how I handled them. It would be nice to have improved and see growth.

As always curious to see what’s changed and what’s stayed the same. What’s come true and what has not.

I'm totally reading last year's answer and HELL YEAH I'm giving my past self a giant hug. Let's keep that tradition going: Sending hugs up and down the timeline. We made it through another year. I figured out some really important stuff about myself and I'm gonna keep unlocking potential. As for next year: I'm gonna be so proud of 5785's self (oops, got the decade wrong last year). I'm gonna be 40, ffs! I hope that this coming year will mark the time that we as a family started to work WITH our needs instead of wrestling them into expectation-shaped, disappointment-flavored boxes.

I hope that things are the same and slightly better. I hope I am more positive and proactive. That I look at what I hoped for, especially in how I act to others (patience and kindness) and I moved somewhat in that direction. But I hope I can look back at the year and be content with all the good in my life.

I hope I'm a few steps closer to feeling like I'm progressing in making a life for myself, rather than just floating around and reacting to things. I hope I've got something concrete going on the counseling/mentorship angle, even if it's just running an Artist's Way group. I hope I've got a better feeling for where I'm headed as a dancer -- how I'm fitting dancing and performing into my dreams. And I hope I do have some real dreams! I hope I've gotten to direct more and am finding more ways to choreograph and create shows and work with dancers and performers. I hope these questions light a fire under me and I unblock some major places that have been closed. I hope I feel the force of the Creator flowing through me, that geniuses are visiting and we're collaborating and making great things. I hope there are things that I can't see now that become huge wonderful parts of my life. I'm open to them, send them to me!

I hope so many things are different this time next year. I keep saying I miss people feeling shame: specifically about Anti-Semitism and other forms of hate. I want to feel optimism about the US and not anxiety or fear.

In September 2025, I think (and hope) I'll feel like I'm still headed the right direction. In the year to come, I want to have taken the things I wrote and reflected on during the Days of Awe and turned them into 1% improvements and changes I consistently make everyday. 10Q helps me reflect on my yearly growth and inspires me to keep going!

I think I will feel better than I do right now in September of 2025. After a job loss, looking for a job, finding a lower-paying job, and the stress of riding out 2 back-to-back hurricanes, I am ready to focus on something more positive and uplifting. I think I will be relieved that September/October of 2024 has been done and gone. My goals are to have a strong income from my website, a good work/life balance with my new job, and more time for family. After reflecting and writing on these past 10 days, I've come to the conclusion that I've been through a lot of stressful situations and need time to take care of myself... mentally, spiritually, and physically. Hopefully, my life will have more joy and more time to enjoy.


I can't think about that yet. I need to take my life one day at a time. I have some plans later this month but the future will worry about itself and if I don't focus on the present first then the future will be far worse.

Well, I certainly hope I don't feel as hopelessly naïve and misled as I did when reading my 2023 answers in 2024. I hope the knot of anxiety in my belly will have relaxed. I hope the presidential election goes smoothly, but I don't expect it to. I hope I have a real job. I'd like to be so busy I can't think straight, and I'd like to settle my debts like a proper Lannister. I hope my kid nails her SATs and comes out of junior year feeling ready and excited to tackle the college application process. I don't know if my dad will still be around on this earth this time next year. He will always be with me in my heart.

I always feel curious to see and remember what I wrote last year. I also look forward to adding to these new years. If I look at my progression since I started doing this, it's almost as if the things I write that I want for myself seem to come true. I hope that I am doing and being some of the things I said this year when I read these answers next September.

Hoepfully I will have be able to take a breath and review and reflect!

What I'd love to feel is LESS of this: "seriously, I could just copy/paste my answers from last year." I have so many new experiences and events in my life, lots and lots of accomplishments, but the focus of my self-reflection is always my lack of TRUE self care, manifest in every way it can: in making sure my body can successfully carry me into the next years, that I feel healthy and comfortable in my skin, that I am leaving beauty and art in my wake, that I'm using my only time on this earth to do the things that matter (art and service). I also hope that I'll have done some work in acceptance that I am not likely to drastically transform into someone who stretches every morning, eats vegan, and never watches another TV program. I'd love a balance of acceptance of my chaos and clutter, of mind/body/spirit, AND some progress in healing and strength. I'd love to know this time next year that my brother is cancer free (yeah: once again a big one goes down during 10Q: he had a testicle removed, and it is cancerous). Most importantly, I hope that I am feeling more hope and faith in/toward my fellow Americans, that my esteem of this country hasn't tanked.

I think I will feel excited to see my answers! I always love comparing perspectives and viewing the past with the new eyes of context. I hope that my life won't be too different, but that I will continue to grow in confidence in myself, in my goals, my desires, my capabilities, my priorities. Or if my life is different, that it will only be more aligned with my overarching life goals of exploring and adventuring in the places and things I love, bringing healing to the world through creativity, and loving everyone I can as much as I can.

I have no idea how I'll feel. It depends on what has happened to the county.

I think I will feel very grateful and relieved to see how much I have grown within the year and all the amazing things I’ve accomplished. I am excited to compare my mindset currently with where I will be in September of 2025.

I think I’ll be surprised by how I responded to these questions, I just don’t expect to be the same person I am right now, not in a bad way but in a more fulfilled way. I think and hope that I’m proud of how far I’ve come and that I’m closer to aligning my life with my values. Also I hope to have more thoughtful answers, I want to get better each time!

I hope I'll be happy - that I will look back and feel proud and grateful. That the struggles have turned into opportunities and I have a much clearer idea of my path. I want to be feeling secure in myself and my love (for myself and for my partner). Might be overwhelming to read my dreams and maybe not hage accomplished them all, but hopefully I'll be happy I tried.

I hope I’ve moved forward as a person and show more compassion to myself and others, both human and not.

I would like to feel more positive about things in my life, the political world and the wide world. I would like to feel that I have grown and evolved as a result of identifying areas to focus on in the coming year.

I expect to feel and think much the same.

I think I’ll be really, really sad that Hannah is no longer living at home. I know she’ll always be our daughter and this will always be her home, but the idea that she won’t be in her room when I walk by and that there is a slight possibility that she will never live at home again is truly heartbreaking. I am so proud of her and I know she will do so well in her life, but I hate this huge change that our family is about to go through. I know the boys will have a hard time too and Bri and I will have to learn to let go of a part of our heart in a way we’ve never done. I hope that we will finally see a miracle and the world will finally understand that hate will never win and that light will always prevail over darkness.

When September 2025 rolls around and I receive my answers to my 10Q questions, I imagine I’ll have a mix of feelings. Part of me hopes to feel proud of myself for achieving some of the goals I set. Reflecting on my aspirations, I really hope that by then, all hostages have been released from Gaza and that there’s a lasting peace in the region. The thought of ongoing conflict weighs heavily on my heart, and I long for a world where we can focus on healing rather than division. I also anticipate that there may be significant life changes for me, and while I hope for progress, what matters most is that I find happiness in whatever circumstances I find myself. I think the process of thinking through these questions will motivate me to make positive changes, leading to a more fulfilling life. Even if my situation remains similar, I hope to embrace it with gratitude and contentment. Ultimately, it’s about growth and the journey, and I’m eager to see how I evolve through this process.

I feel like I don't really change this answer much from year to year - it's always about being kinder to myself and more accepting. And it's probably okay that it's the same thing year after year, because it shows I'm serious about it. And let's face it, it's not exactly easy to just change your entire personality overnight. So maybe I need to have some smaller, more interstitial targets in mind towards this goal. Here's a thought - what if I focus on what gives me satisfaction and doing more on that, rather than fixing the things that make me dissatisfied? I talked in one of my answers about finishing things and the sense of satisfaction I get from that, so I'm going to really focus on getting my craft projects across the finishing line over the next few months. I also really like being in a tidy space, and I get cross with myself when I fail to keep my space tidy, but maybe if I reframe that as 'hey, finish the task, put the thing in it's proper place' then I'll be able to fool my mind into thinking it's a little mini-project that I have to do. I don't know if this makes any sense, or if it's even really answering the question, but it's setting off some kind of reaction in my mind, and maybe when I revisit this next year I'll be able to make a bit more sense of it!

I hope that I will have grown even more and maybe learnt some more valuable things about myself and feel much more secure! I hope I don’t feel like I haven’t gone anywhere like I did a bit this year even though those choices weren’t in my control

I'm honestly not sure! Last year, I was feeling emotionally much better after postpartum depression was treated and knew I would be proud of myself this year. I think I'm still in a good place and hope I will continue to be proud of myself next year.

By this time next year I will have an almost 3-year-old! I can't wait for her to start talking more and to learn more of what goes on in that adorable little head of hers <3 This year I hope we take one of the mommy and me classes offered by our local parks department like a dance class or swim class because that would be so much fun and great exercise and interaction with other kids for her! I hope I have figured out a balance between working part-time and being home for my kiddo because obviously she is my whole world and I can't even answer these questions about myself without my answers being mostly about her XD

I truly hope I will feel less apprehensive about my own life and age, and about the world in which we now live. I hope that I will have taken positive steps to find a significant other, and, on a more global scale, that the country and world in which will live will be less fractured, less at odds, less full of hate and more full of hope and togetherness. As I type this, though, I know that this can only happen through our own efforts, and so I believe that I must do my part to make the world the better place I wish it to become.

I hope that I look back and laugh at how hectic our first few months as homeowners were. I hope that I am finally letting myself feel happy without fear of the other shoe dropping. More than anything, I hope that I look back at these answers with love and admiration for the past versions of myself and excitement for the future versions I've yet to be.

I hope I feel like I've made progress on the things I wanted to move forward — or at least truly tried. Answering these 10Qs : • Breaks big life questions, problems, dreams, desires into parts that are easier to process and hopefully act on • Answering these questions creates a sort of "accountability to one's self" that feels both meaningful and necessary.

My hope is I’ll have news that I’ll be a grandma and Jeff and I are more settled and improving our sex life and are more intimate Hope that we have a president that is NOT TRUMP

I'm scared to think where we might be, depending on this election. Really really scared. We could be in a very dark place. I am praying that won't happen. If it does, all I can say is, when you light a candle in a dark place, it is easily seen and the warmth of it felt. I will continue working to spread love and unity of mankind. I will continue to work for a peaceful world. "Love thy neighbor as thyself," and "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you," is not MY advice but from another much more loving and forgiving than myself! LOVE IS more powerful than hate. I will do my best to spread it to those around me. We must all do so.

I think I'll feel pleased to see my growth over the past year and to read reminders of where I am today. I hope I will have progressed in areas of my life where I feel stuck, either by fear or inertia.

I'll be healthier and I'll be grateful for continued health. I'll be in the throes of renovation at least one of the two apartments. I'll have better financial management. I'll have had sex at least once.

I hope to feel excitement and relief that we have elected Kamala Harris President, and done well in Congress as well. I am looking to be grateful for a deepening relationship with Karen and with friends, and looking back on a deep playoff run for the Lakers!

I hope I’m still with the man I am with and continuing to deepen there. I hope I’ve been to retreat and am bringing what I’ve learned there to the classes I teach. I think these questions and answers, reading my answers, is so grounding. They connect me back to myself like — what I imagine is like — a tree growing roots and rings. I think that in September 2025, I’ll be grateful for another year. Yes, that’s what I’ll feel the most: grateful to be here sharing this life with all of you another year, whatever it brings.

I am hoping that I will either be engaged, married or pregnant. And that I hope this year will be one where I will take things as they come - and not succumb to the pressures of society on what order I need to do things. Although I might really want to do things in the more traditional order, I hope that I learn about patience, flexibility and letting things happen the way the universe intended.

For me, the answers provide an interesting perspective on habits--kind of a longitudinal personality study. Honestly, the questions have, so far, been much more useful to me in the moment; they require analysis and articulation of things that exist largely in my head, and no where else. For me, the questions support the kind of introspection that allows for honest evaluation, and creates potential for action.

I hope I will be happier I hope I will have moved past the interpersonal trauma from my old roommate situation. I'm getting treatment for PTSD. I hope I will heal from the PTSD fully. I hope the other parties will change and not gaslight people.

I hope to have made major progress in overcoming this depression, clearing out my house, building up my physical strength, and exploring my creative side. Maybe I'll be open to love. It would be nice to not die alone.

The years have been so full of change and difficulty I have no idea how I’ll feel or where I’ll be mentally. I will be curious to see my answers. I hope I will feel older, stronger, and more centered in myself next year. Working on becoming ok with just me, and loving myself through and through. I hope this process will awaken my real power and I will begin to explore it. More confidence showing through from the inside out.

I absolutely love looking back at my answers to these questions year after year. They're such a fascinating snapshot of where I was in my life. Sometimes they're prescient, sometimes they're completely different from where I am now. I actually do think that big things in my life are different because of the exercise of putting these fears and hopes into words. This may be the first place that I articulated some of my biggest and scariest desires. I hope that next year some of the things that feel fresh and raw right now will feel a little more comfortable and settled. I hope I'll be grappling with new challenges and perspectives.

I hope that Becca is far away from her cancer treatment, and doesn’t have to think about anymore. I hope that Sarah’s quilt is finished. I hope I continue to be healthy and happy and at peace with the world and myself

I hope to god I will have finally changed all of the things that have not worked for me in my life. <3 I love myself. I want to love myself and value my values and see my needs and wants as valid, even when people tell me they are not valid. I need to be stronger. I hope I can be. I don't need the approval of others to do what I want to do.

I don't anticipate any huge sea changes over the next year, but you never know. In 2025, the Jewish high holidays will fall during my oldest's 8th birthday, and at the start of the academic quarter. We will REALLY FOR REALS THIS TIME be beginning a big period of construction and transition at church. And the little one will be almost 3 and, presumably, newly starting the preschool that's closer to our home. Ever onward!

Honestly I don’t know! I hope that I can look back and feel content with my answers - knowing that things have gotten better, and if not, that’s okay too 🫶

I expect to feel proud of the growth I've achieved. I will have nourished relationships in my life - most importantly with myself. I will be more confident, calm, have more money, more experience, have traveled, have loved and will have handled loss/rejection/discomfort with grace, dignity and self love. I will be an inspiration with my grit, kindness, humor and style.

I hope that my worst fears have not come to pass, and that humanity near and far has risen to the occasion as I hope and dream that it will, and fear that it will not.

I hope I am at peace with all results.

My feelings will be some successes and some steps along the way and an appreciation for any new directions which may occur. I think the following will happen: 1) Broni and I will have had some wonderful trips both visiting family and friends and on our own. We will be getting along even better and understanding the differences in our styles and ways of doing things. 2) I will have added new friendships and worked at maintaining long-term ones. 3) Family time will have continued to be a priority for me when they are available. 4) I will have completed much of the family history. However, there will still be stories to write/tell about some family members. 5) I will have lost additional mentors and friends. I will have figured out ways to deal with these losses. And I will still be emotional and feel the losses. 6) People will be adjusting to the outcome of the election and the controversy following the results being know. 7) Peace in Ukraine and the Middle East will be possible as the US stabilizes around the election. results.

I think I will feel all the heartbreak, every crack in my heart from this past year. But in those cracks, hope bloomed inside me, a light that pushed much harder than the encroaching darkness ever did. I hope, by that time, that I have found love with a Jewish man. I hope our people are free from being hostage and attacked just because we are Jews. I hope to be finishing my PhD, with pride, in the room where once was declared that our ancestors were to be cast out. These questions forced me to acknowledge and speak some of the shadows and brokenness inside me. And it left an open door for the path I can take to be better in this coming year.

Unsure about this one. Last year was a hard year overall but my answered were very upbeat and optimistic because it hadn’t all unfolded yet. This year might be better, but my lens is colored by last year. I guess my answer is I hope I feel overall like I’m in a better place and making a positive contribution to my family, my future and my community.

I'm always on the up and up, so I'm sure I'll be overall ecstatic about what I'm up to, and in an even better place than I am now, which is already pretty damn good. Love you future Eli, enjoy 20!

I will feel sad remembering what a fucked year this was. I hope that we are in a place that we feel at home in

I hope I’ll feel proud of my accomplishments, my strengths, and my commitment to pursuing my goals. I’m less stuck than I was a year ago. I need to trust myself and my instincts and continue to push (myself) forward.

I hope that I am aware of some consistent patterns, and that my answers bring a smile or a twinkle to my eye

I hope our country and our teeny world are both in more stable places. I hope Scott has his health issues under control and has gotten some therapy to address his trauma and anxiety. I hope Trump is in jail, or on his way. I hope there is a cease-fire in Gaza and that Netenyahu is OUT. I hope we have traveled and have more travel plans. I hope my kids are settled and happy. Honestly, I hope Gene will have passed peacefully. I hope we will be at peace in all the ways.

I hope I will feel surrounded by love and feeling creatively fulfilled. My life is pretty sweet, truth be told, and I hope that any differences are improvements that I didn't even know I could be wanting.

I have found over the past ten years that I pretty much stay the same and my answers are basically the same each year. This isn't bad at all; this is a good thing to have stability and happiness in my life.

It was a pleasant surprise to see the answers from last year. I was in such a different place at that time and had no idea what this year would hold for me. I’m hoping that I will continue to heal both physically and mentally from this past year and when September 2025 gets here, I will be able to see how much I’ve grown. I hope that I will be further along on my journey of taking care of myself.

I'm a little nervous to think I may not have accomplished what I set out to do and reported in these questions. I'm going to look for the successes and feel joy about those. For others, I will tell myself that I've made a wonderful start and to keep at it--don't get discouraged. I think these questions will help me be my own accountability partner and to continue to reflect and grow into what is important for my life.

I hope I feel great about my health and eating habits. I hope I'll be less cluttered in my office area and have a good handle on my emails. I hope to resist "fluff" and stick to things that really matter.

I love answering these questions, but I don't know that doing so makes changes in my life, because I am asking myself questions like this all the time. I do hope that next year I will be either doing High Holy Days in Pittsburgh or somewhere else new, or else have a new pulpit somewhere interesting.

As with the beginning of each year, whether the Gregorian or Hebrew calendar marks the beginning of a new year, my resolution s are consistent- be healthy, kind, and strive to improve upon the previous year. It’s general enough to allow for improvement and success. I enjoy this invitation to reflect each year and see progress while acknowledging that there are still miles to travel in the year ahead.

I'm taking a lot of strength from looking back at last year's requests and worries and seeing that so many things are better. I'm hoping that I'll have the same experience when I sit down at Rosh Hashanah time next year. Nonetheless, I can see that many things are the same over time. It reminds me of a farmer: Hashem says they have to pray all the time for water and freedom from massive infestations and the like, and that's an invitation to maintain a relationship with Him. Maybe that's a better framing rather than thinking, "Oy, some things never change, never improve." I'm just a farmer, and if I remember I'm not in charge and pray consistently, that's good for me.

I’m going to feel good, even great! I’ll be smiling more, I’ll be enjoying ikebana ikenobo in a new location (since our location was flooded by Hurricane Helene), I’ll be playing qigong (maybe even teaching a few people), & my heart will be open to live life fully. Happy, happiness will rejoin my daily vocabulary! Which means that I’ll be able to take my fears for Israel, for our country, for Asheville, etc… in as a part of my reality & I’ll be able to face them when appropriate & set them gracefully aside when appropriate.

I'm hoping that my life will be on the track that it is now - that I am approaching all events and all situations that life presents with equanimity and a kind of love.

If I continue on my trajectory, I think I will be in a really good place and will be happy. I hope I will be more evolved and a better communicator.

Success spiritually, physically, financially. I will have more confidence and more adventures.

This time last year I never could have envisaged the health battles I'd have to face again. I hope to G-d this next year continues in good health, and that the anxiety of the cancer coming back doesn't cast too great a shadow over my life. I think it has helped me be so much more present and appreciative of the time I have, and so focused on making the most of it, knowing the future is not guaranteed. I think when I read these answers, I'll be in the throngs of busy, juggling work, kids, exercise, appointments, and the multitude of co-curricular things I do - board positions, Rosh Chodesh circle, the extra PD I do etc. It will feel busy, but hopefully in a good way - like each thing I do is enriching my life and my community. I hope I'm at peace with how the juggle is going, not being too hard on myself for not doing everything perfectly.

I hope to be in a better place. I hope to feel happier and more secure with life and myself. I hope that the world has changed for the better.

As usual, I think I'll be grateful that I did it. It has been a busy couple of weeks, so it's been hard to fit them in, but this time of year always seems to be busy and hectic. I'll probably notice that this year was a lot less eventful than last year (when my big brother Gregory died and that was pretty much all I wrote about). I'm grateful that life has returned to normal and there haven't been any major crises to overcome. I also don't really want much to be different about my life. I want to have finished my list of books to read after Finals, but I actually think I will have done that by this time next year. I'll be reading more freely and following my nose rather than a wishlist compiled 20 years ago. This has felt like a transition year. Things have changed in Fran's life (new job at the Dragon) but not really in mine. I'm coming up to the 4-year anniversary of going freelance full-time. This no longer feels novel; it's just how my life has become. I've adjusted to it. This hasn't felt like a momentous year and it'll probably feel a little boring to read about, a little repetitive, nothing much to say. But that's a blessing, in some ways. A quiet life.

Every year, I look back and it really does feel like a review. Some things are things I've overcome or achieved or internalized, and some things I'm still stuck in. All the things have the same weight it did then, even if I've come out the other side. It really drives home just how important and big these issues are for me, and how dedicated I am to working through them and resolving them.

I hope that Israel will be in a better place, whether it's against our enemies, or with a functional and competent gov't.

I think I’ll be better. I pray that there will be more peace and justice in the world. I set myself forth to be a better me. And I’m hope I am just where I am (except making a teeny bit more money, and feel more settled.

When I look at last year's answers, I can see how much I truly lived into what I wrote this year. That's so amazing to see and powerful. I'd love to feel the same way next year. And as always, it scares me a bit to commit to these intentions. And I trust that the annual process of writing my intentions down and aligning my actions with my deepest desires will encourage me to really live into and own the experience of this life I have. I can see my consistent evolution in my answers beginning in 2018. I have so much more awareness of myself now, SO MUCH MORE. And wow is it eye opening to think about what more there is to learn, too. So mostly, I hope that by doing this, I help keep myself honest and on my right path.

I think I'll be excited, because I am always excited for them, but I'm hoping I'll be just as excited about my answers. I want to be able to have some answers that will fulfill the things I've been writing these past few years. I hope I'll be where I want to be FINALLY! While I know things have changed & I have made progress or advancements in life. They're not in my desired/dream goals. I want to come back in 2025 & say I mad progression toward my dreams & personal desires for my life.

I hope I’ll still be in a loving relationship living a great life with him and my animals. I hope that I’ll be more confident in all areas of my life and less anxious.

I'll probably feel lazy & defeated 😔 But I want to feel proud, and that I've accomplished some things to make life better & happier for myself & Rylee 🌞❤️

Actually a lot happens over the year and I always forget I do this. But receiving it and anticipate reading it is always exciting. I wonder how I will feel next year. Things are changing for me.

I hope I’ll be a calmer, happier and more settled person. I hope I keep my strength and that I’m able to keep working and at the same time try to be kinder to my family.

I think I would be in a better headspace in 2025. Hopefully I would be closer to graduating, I will be in a better position financially. My household will be balanced and overall just feeling less stressed.

I hope I'll still be living in a democracy that values my life, on a planet that supports life. I hope we'll be well on our way to new frontiers in medicine that will make the lives of immunocompromised people easier. I imagine I'll have further explored financial collaborations with my life partner, and be enjoying the community we've worked so hard to create this year. I dearly hope to have learned new ways to improve my fragile health.

I hope my life has turned a corner on the business front so I can shift my worries to long term happiness plan, equally difficult.

I think I’ll reflect on the crisis we experienced and the effects on me and my family, as well as the absence of focus and direction in my life after so much heartache and stress. I hope my husband’s remission is long-lasting, that his quality of life will be rich and satisfying. If so, I’ll feel different, more hopeful, more at peace.

I hope that I’ll be in a next career chapter, family thriving, enjoying golden days as summer gives way to fall.

So many things! I hope I'll be able to say that I'm an Ironman; that my consistency paid off and I'll feel super proud of myself and then start to look at new challenges or maybe slow down for a bit and focus on more fun things than constant training and upping the ante. I hope I continue to find opportunities at work and elsewhere where I can grow and expand and feel like I'm moving forward -- not stagnating. I hope I meet the proverbial needle in the haystack and start to build something beautiful, real, and secure...a partnership; but if I don't, I hope I feel just as content with my life as it is because it's a pretty great one. In looking at last year's answer where I said, "I want to know I've made good choices (not "the right" choices, but sound ones), I've done my best, and I'm where I should be." -- I realize that I've learned multiple lessons I needed this year and I'm exactly where I should be.

I think I'll feel nostalgic, especially as I'll be one year out of school, things will be so different, I will be so different and I'll look at myself now with love. I hope I'll be travelling, seeing the world, experiencing new things and new cultures and I hope I've learnt new things that I can write about with these questions. I wonder who my friends will be, and where I'm heading next.

Hope can equal expectations and I try to avoid those. Rather, I am curious to see how the year transpires.

I think I’m going to feel…interested…and maybe unsurprised…because on some of these things I might be in the exact same emotional space I’m in now. I’m not aware of doing a whole lot of radical changing. Well, our oldest will be starting college (though my anxiety wants me to worry that he’ll be dead). And my husband will perhaps be doing something else instead of working for P. Maybe I’ll have had some more thoughts about who I’m going to be when I’m not needed to be Mom. Or maybe I still won’t know.

I hope I will look back and see myself as not a flaw, but a rough draft. Something that made it possible for myself to be in that moment. I hope that I will be a confident (mature) girl with a strong sense of self, orginization, fashion (heehee), and charecter.

I know that I'll be different. I hope that I'll have had the strength to bring the changes I need

I think I will be happy, just like I am now! I hope I keep and increase focus on specific goals for the future :)

I have no idea. I went into September 2023 with such hopes. First, October 7 and the horrors of what happened that day and the increased anti-Semitism was impossible to accept. Then, my body failed and I couldn't even serve. Do I have any agency in my own life?

Less anxiety with election past. Hopefully the country goes BLUE!!!! Thanks for giving me things to ponder. Helping me feel gratitude. One year older…. OY!!!!

Next year I will see this answer and be satisfied that I have figured out my new-found independence. This will have been my first year alone with no immediate family, no partner, no spouse, no person to share life with, except my cat. I've got to say I am a bit concerned, never having been on my own before. This is a long time coming. I need to make sure my finances are in order along with my physical well-being. I will travel with my cat. I will visit family. I will go to places I've never been before. So that when my life comes to an end, I can say that I have lived my best life. That's all I can do. One year from now should be the proof of that. God bless me please. Thank God.

As always, I am perennially torn between restlessness about the static nature of my life and a fear of change disrupting all we've built. The years keep slipping away, and I'd like to make them more memorable, but I fear what 'memorable' can mean. Perhaps better to be a safe little field mouse, not moving the grass.

I desperately hope that I am in New York reading this or I will feel like a major failure. Perhaps I will be sitting there regretting my choices and missing sitting on my couch in my wonderful apartment in Chicago and perhaps I will be thrilled with my choices but I hope that I at least have made the move and can look back on these questions with pride that I have fulfilled this long overdue promise to myself. I truly have no idea how my answers will be different as it feels like everything is going to be different but I am both terrified and nervous of this possibility.

You won't know how you'll feel because no one knows the future. You feel like it's risky to place hope or think about the future in this manner.

I'm going to be super glad and proud I've got the bathroom done and completely flipped my professional life around so that I can say I'm proud of my output. Not that these things have got anything to do with the 10Qs. But it's nice to have your goals recorded somewhere.

I hope I will have walked the recommended distance and frequency. That I'll be thinner because of it. It might be time not to have to answer this question the same way next year.

I intend to have more energy and hope in my life.

I think I’ll feel like the problems that loomed so large last year seem less relevant. That’s how I felt reading the answers from last year. I hope I make progress toward the goals I wrote down this year, so that I can feel proud of myself reading these answers next year knowing I did something to try to achieve these goals. 10Q is a great exercise in accountability for my life.

I hope that Josie will be in a wonderful high school and our president will be Kamala Harris. And major icing on the cake would be Donald Trump in jail.

As always I doubt much will be different because I’ve answered these questions but I’ll be glad that I took a moment in time to stop, evaluate, and think about what’s happened this year. It was cool reading back to last year’s answers in this way. 2023 was a tough year but 2024 has been much better. Going to Mexico was a big highlight and one of the goals I had from last year, getting back abroad. I’ll probably appreciate this and the other things from this year, the good, the bad, the hard, the amazing. Watching my children grow up and do more and more things has been fun. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens in the new year!

I think I'll feel reflective, and hope that the trepidation has been replaced with joy seeking. I hope to smile and say to myself - see? you can overcome, you DID overcome. I hope to have a reciprocal, unique, secure, trust and bond that's in a forward and comfortable momentum.

To be honest, last year's goals were very much within reach. If only I wouldn't have moved to the UK... I know that's an ' excuse' but at the same time, it really isn't. Because moving countries take time, effort, blood, sweat and tears. I'm still going through it, still processing all my grief, and my new life. I think the coming year will play out in my favour. I will accomplish a lot of the goals I set out for myself through these questions. They made me realize what is important to me and why I want to do it. I will feel proud, safe, and at home. In my house, my country, with new friends but above all in myself. I will also feel proud, safe and at home in/about my writing. I will feel like I've made it to the top of the mountain and will set new goals and ideas from there. This year will be about coming home (to myself), reinvention and starting to shine.

I hope I will be fully moved on, no longer angry and anxious about my divorce, and loving my new simple and beautiful life.

Unlike last year, I was disappointed reading my answers from last year. My ambitions were strong, but I did not achieve many of them. I made good progress, but some things happened. I lost discipline and focus to some extent. But I also acquired new directions and went with the flow of life. I hope when I read these next year, I will have met my goals and will be able to say that I’ve done the work and will be in a better inner place. Many of my goals and plans for this year are about inner work rather than external goals. I’d love to keep traveling and exploring, pursuing my interests in music, dance, judaism and more. I’d like to build a circle of friends that I can count on. And I’d like to find a way to make my community a stronger connection. That may be a lot for one year, but I hope I am satisfied next year at this time that I tried and made progress.

I wonder where I'll be, geographically and emotionally. I wonder if I'll be celebrating/observing more directly--taking my kids to services, instead of just to holiday-adjacent social events and apple-picking. For reference as to where my head is right now, and what my holidays have looked like this year, here's a poem I wrote today: NO ONE KNOWS IT'S YOM KIPPUR BUT ME No one knows it’s Yom Kippur but me. I’m the only Jewish person here other than my own children who know this is "the I’m-sorry-holiday" but that's it, and I’m not pushing it this year instead I let them ride bikes in the autumn sun it’s probably my fault they don’t understand what is asked of us on this day, but: do I really understand what is asked of us? Of me? I have never opted out like this before fasting but not attending services not hosting anyone to break this fast and no one cares—no one knows to care— it is not harming anyone, it seems, for me to fold laundry and do dishes and make my kids sandwiches and drag myself over the coals for complex guilts and identities that no one else around me carries aching and mourning for so many people while wondering who I number among questioning who and how I want to be and keeping this holiday hidden away for all this and more, o God forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement.

I think I’ll be pretty happy and have learned lots of new things.

I think I will feel relieved, but also stressed from whatever is going on at the time. When 2025 rolls around, I hope 🤞 that my financial situation is more stable and the health of my family is also improved. These questions have made me realize my priorities and areas I still need to work on.

I hope I've kept moving forward.

I think next year I will be much more at peace. Some stressors have been removed, some things I'll see with more detachment, and I will have a new outlook on the rest of my life. I'll turn 60 years next April, that is kind of liberating!

I think I will feel proud of how I have grown. I can really feel myself stepping into my potential and blossoming, and I'm really excited to see where that takes me. I think I will have a backyard garden, a safe and loving partner, and will be creating work and art that I'm proud of, that's vulnerable and authentic and completely me. I think I will have expanded my community, online and IRL, and I will have great relationships build on healthy boundaries. I hope I will be traveling! I want to go to Italy on someone else's dime.

I hope I'll be happier and more accepting of whatever comes my way...but I think I'll be pretty much the same. Still, I am very grateful for my wonderful husband and some good and caring friends.

I hope I will look back and think “wow, that was horrible and I’m so glad I came through it and I’m stronger now and happy.”

While answering this year, I've gone through fresh hells in caregiving, design thinking, human decision science, general election anxiety, automobile reliability, and what the what conjuctivitis. I think I'll be laughing in September 2025. This has been a special edition.

It is hard to think I will still be here, stuck in this house and afraid to go anywhere or do anything that will make me more physically incapable. If I am here, I hope I will be stronger, more capable and motivated.

This year when I read my answers from 2023 I was so proud to have dealt with my fear of leadership and made a decision not to pursue teaching 5Rhythms (at this time)! I am hopeful that my concerns expressed this year will be resolved next year. I am really good about actively working on the things that vex me! I hope I will have a path forward for less anxiety and less dependence on my to do list, with a more carefree and free spirited approach, engaging in more creative pursuits.

I can’t imagine what September 2025 will be like. There are so many unanswered questions right now about the future personally and societally. All I can hope is that my family remains safe and healthy and that the world is safer/happier in a year

I hope my child shows how independent and responsible they truly can be this year as we explore that more. That would let me do more as well. I am hoping this new program I just found will be the key to help me unlock my deficiencies and work on improving myself leading to finding that satisfying LTR.

Once again I expect to be disappointed in the gap between what I know I should do and what I actually did. But hope is the thing with feathers.

I think I’ll be living the life that I’m destined for. I think I’ll be satisfied knowing I’ve been doing what I can to oppose a genocide including raising awareness, making changes to media and policy and inspiring my children to look beyond their own circle to embrace people of all backgrounds.

I will find a new community of artists to join, make new friends and perhaps a new relationship. I will find a balance between caring for myself and my parents, and making artwork.

Maybe I'll have more good days like today, where at least the first half has been nice.

I hope I feel proud of myself! I hope I've seized opportunities to look for my chances to make things better, and to be grateful for my family. I hope being deliberate serves me well :)

I think I’ll be in a better spot after the last couple years are over. I’m praying for a quiet year and a time of positive change

I will be celebrating 9 months of marriage to my bride around this time. I will have tackled a lot of debt. Linden and I will have traveled to several different honeymoon places. We will have made some improvements to her home. I will have accomplished some amazing work, personal, and weightloss goals. We will have a been trying to see if children are in the cards or not. We will be members of the church!

I hope that I'll feel more of that connection to family that I have noticed in 2024 and a closer bond with them. Time is more precious that things.

I hope the war is over, that there is peace between Israel and Palestine and Lebanon. I hope this but I feel almost certain it will not happen. I guess we will see in a year. I am sad to report that Helyn Marshall died, I saw I wrote about that last year. I hope I feel the same-ish. I don't feel too bitter or anxious most days anymore. I don't know how long that will last. Either way, here's to getting older. To still being here.

In September 2025, I'm hoping I'll feel genuinely proud of myself. Proud of the connections I've built, the personal growth I've achieved, and the professional strides I've made. I want to look back and see how I've positively impacted others' lives through my work and interactions. But mostly, I just want to feel a deep sense of pride in who I am and what I've accomplished.

I will feel content, I will be able to accept the things about me that I know I should change. I will still be striving to be more, do more, have more than what is in front of me - but I will have the strength of mind to strike for it without letting it control me. A hard place to get to, but looking forward to the aspects of building that capability.

i hope that I will be more confident a year from now

I want to be - easier. Some of that depends on me, but some of it depends on the rest of the world, which frankly isn't a very positive and uplifting notion.

I've been doing this since 2009 and each year I read my answers. I realized over time the impact that journaling has had on me and when I read the my past answers, even the painful ones, it is important to me to continue to reflect on my growth, my moments, and the times of my life.

Literally no idea. Years feel so vast right now.

With the help of my friends and family, my husband, Mussar, and the Eternal, I think I will have forgiven myself more, learned to accept myself more, and thus be kinder to myself. As I am kinder to myself, I shall be kinder to those around me, friends and strangers alike.

very difficult to answer that this time. the state of the world is overwhelming - hard for me to get past surviving. I hope the world will come to its senses.

I think and hope that I will be in a different place mentally, and that hostages have been brought home. I wish everything will be better and that most things wouldn't be relevant anymore.

I wasn't far off with my predictions from last year, so I think I was able to see the future better than in years past. I think I felt optimistic in a way that I do not anymore. I am worried about the future of our democracy, the future of my family, and the future of the globe. I'm not really sure how I will feel next year, but I hope it is more optimistic than I feel now.

I hope next year I carve out the time to do this each day, to reflect and take stock in a way that is meaningful. I hope I feel more in-control of my time and my life.

Every year I notice the consistency of myself through the years. I hope to find that comforting, not disappointing. It's an election year again and my faith in our institutions around voting and political parties has been shattered. Right now I'm terrified; I hope this time next year I'm relieved, and not looking back rueful at how little I knew.

By this time next year I hope to have lost at least 25 lbs, be in a job at least GS 9 pay, that I am really good at and enjoy. I hope that I will have communication with Patience. I hope the hostages are home, that Israel is victorious. I like being able to see how far I come. And having success to be grateful for.

I hope I feel a sense of calm. I am happy with my life and want to keep it going. I want to be healthy and be able to be there for my family and friends.

I hope I'm compassionate and caring to myself if I don't see "progress." I hope I treat myself the way a friend would treat me. I hope that even if I don't see growth in my answers, I am kind to myself. Life is not always about growth; sometimes it's just about surviving. I think this is what I've been missing. It's okay to not always be trying to be better and better. It's okay to have difficult years. I want to love myself through it all.

This September, I feel proud of how I’ve used last year’s reflections to make choices that move me forward, both personally and professionally. In September 2025, I hope to see that I’m continuing on that journey and, most importantly, that I’m able to look back and think of even more special moments shared with the people I love.

The US presidential election is about 3 weeks away. It is sucking all the air out of the room. Looking ahead is ... murky ... given the immediate fork in the road. I enjoyed seeing Hillary Clinton and Sharon McMahon speak last week. Trying to focus on hope. That said, I relate more to Hillary; the incredulity that any modern citizen could believe the Orange despot is a credible human being for more than 1 minute is just mind boggling. So sad for our country, regardless of 2024 outcome. So, in Sept. 2025, we'll be a few months into youngest's senior year of high school. The beginning of the end of an era of public school that began in Aug 2007; phew! I suspect my husband and I will have inched closer to conversations about leaving the US for Australia, but that is still 5-10-15 (?!) years off. More of the same at work; I do need to Lean In for the next 90-120 days, after a summer of travel and being away/focused more on PTO and hiking group. Hopefully our hiking group will have completed at least 60-70 miles of the Denver Orbital Trail by Sept.! I will have seen 5-6 shows at the DCPA, including "I am not your perfect Mexican daughter." And The Avett Bros show in Pasadena! Should be fun.

I’m hoping I will feel stronger and less cluttered as a result of stripping away what no longer serves me.

I hope I feel proud of myself for the mindfulness and care that I go through life with. I hope I will have followed through on some of the things I aspire towards for my life.

I hope I’ve healed more from October 7th 2023. I hope I read these questions and my answers and I feel less pain. I hope it’s less dominated by that one huge event.

Same as last year: I will feel curious, and will probably find that I will answer the questions in much the same way.

I hope to be much closer to the best version of myself as I define it. I have much work to do and I welcome the challenge.

I think I will be feeling great. I have learned that I am where I am. I have let go/am letting go of guilt and shame - never helpful, always self dstructive. I love myself. Once upon a time I wanted to be exactly where I am today. Hugs.

Just a little bit more comfortable with myself. Just a little bit more connected to others. Having done a little bit more to make the lives of others better.

My forecast from last year of nostalgia and gratitude are fairly accurate. One year in, and I already see the merits of returning to the same prompts from new chapters in my life. I would've never expected to have gotten back together and broke up again with Lauren (this time for good) this time last year, let alone working an internship for the Sixers and traveling to five different European countries. This past year has been very good to me, and I'm using it as a springboard for an amazing senior year and beyond. Whether I find myself at Disney, hillel international, another higher education institution, or a place I have not discovered yet, I hope that I can hold through to my values and uphold my character as I transition to independent adult life. Even if I am not formally, taking classes, part of my identity will always be a student looking to learn from the people and experiences that enter my life. I've learned to embrace the uncertainty whether it comes to employment, academics, and social/romantic relationships... let me lean into that and continue to grow exponentially over the next year.

How I feel will depend on whether the country is at war with itself. If Harris wins, we can begin to heal from trump. If the other guy wins, I don't have any idea of what this world will be life. For me, it will depend on my security and the security of my children.

It’s possible I’ll have a second novel published, on my own or through an agent. I’ll still be promoting Many Arms Enfold Us on every platform. I’ll have a stable job with benefits and PTO. I’ve accomplished a lot this year, despite struggling for money. Next year, less struggle, more success.

I felt disappointed when I looked at last year’s answers for this question even though I did lose weight and finally got my mouth guard. I think I’ll feel a mix of disappointment and pride as well as pleasure in remembering beautiful experiences. I hope I’ll be healthier— no longer pre-diabetic, more authentic, have a clean home.

I expect the answers will feel overly familiar. I expect no improvement let alone significant improvement. The only solution is the non-solution: death. I’m so weary.

I'll probably feel like the challenges I'm currently going through (of parenting a one year old) are yesterday's news, and that the challenges of parenting a TWO year old and whatever else will be going on will be my new focus! I hope that I'll feel that much more "recovered," though I should accept that there are still more toddler years ahead of me during which I will not be the most well rested or in the best physical shape. I wonder where S and I will be with respect to our feelings about trying for a second baby. Is it possible I would be pregnant again this time next year??! Or, maybe I'll have made peace with our little family of three and be enjoying life.

Reading 2023 and previous answers this year encouraged me to be more patient with myself and showed me how slowly life really does move. I felt a sense of shame reading this year, for elusive goals and harbored blockades of fear. I hope those feelings teach me more self love and compassion and a ceasefire on my judgmentalism toward others.

No matter what the outcomes are, hope that I grow in wisdom and practice daily gratitude.

By September 2025, Conor and Brady will be in their first year of college and Hadley, in her work or grad school. I hope I adjust gracefully to this chapter in my life and am focused on meaningful reading and volunteering, not feeling sad about change. If Trump is the President, I'm sure I'll be having a difficult time. Of course, I hope my life with John continues to be as wonderful as it is now and even if significant challenges arise, I know we can work through them.

I hope I'll feel somewhat relieved that conflicts and divisions are healing themselves and technology is moving more into the background of life than it is now.

I hope to have more energy and more capacity this next year. 2024 was a rough one, and I don't know what 2025 will hold. I hope to have a better grasp over my needs and desires. I hope I'll feel kindly to this version of me who feels broken and trying very bravely to pick up the pieces.

I’m hoping I was brave enough to make the changes discussed here.

More deeply embedded in community-friends in person with whom we have a chavarah, More conversations about death and dying that help me stay embodied and healing Graves disease and what ever else arises. I am grateful for the changes in my financial understandings from last year. Having death to walk with this year feels exciting. I am more at peace with Lyme and ticks....

I want to look at my answers and go"YES GIRL"!! Better!!! Whooo hooo.. made the 12 months count. I hope to feel more content, more settled in soul. The sitting and thinking when you answer these questions makes you realize just how fast a year goes by. And how little can shift in the 12 months unless one is intentional about making it happen if there is something that you want to change and shift.

Hopefully pleasantly surprised, but more likely Irish somehow.

I will reflect on all my answers for the past years and see what keeps coming up. I think answering these question shows where perhaps my life is stuck and where I have made progress. They are very interesting over time.

I hope that we'll still have a world left. We look to be increasingly closer to an all-out war. I like to think that I'll have achieved my weight loss and fitness goals, improved my photography skills, and be happier than I've been in a long time.

I think this is a completely meaningless question, please take it off the list.

I think I'll feel the usual mix of amusement, joy, and disappointment around which of my predictions and goals became reality and which didn't. I'm mostly hoping I'll feel more settled and comfortable with where I'm at in life, which was definitely a theme in my answers this year. I think the questions have, in some way, helped me achieve that. They've made me realize how important the idea of being settled is to me and how I could achieve that by changing my mentality and not just my employment or living situation.

I hope I will have had twelve consecutive months of good physical health. I was so close this year (ten months). I hope I am feeling optimistic about my professional prospects and my relationship with Sarah. I hope I will take the time to reflect deeper on these questions as opposed to being so consumed with my own life. I hope I find greater peace in the increasing speed that my life may take.

Whew. I think I'll be a bit scared. I will be in a completely different point in my life, out of school, no longer a student. However, I left high school a phone addict, not knowing who I was or who I could be. I hope I will feel the growth, the backbone of myself. But I'll also be excited. So much can happen in a year, right? I know I am an adventurer. I might feel my heart, especially reading about my grandmother. I hope I am surrounded by people and community and daily practices that bring me meaning, that I have sought out, that help spread liberation from oppressive systems of seeing, being. Not sure how I will see these questions differently. I can't wait, and I also want it to never come.

This year's 10Q answers feel like a broken record. I hope I'll have a job. Or a job-related story. Or a community. Or a plan. I hope I won't be reading these answers and feeling dejected that no progress has been made. The secret I suppose is not to hang my happiness on this one fraught story when I have so much else - health, wealth, love, kids, friends for coffee, cozy bed - to be thankful for.

When Sept 2025 rolls around I know I will be better than I was last year. I am always growing and improving. Better able to handle the challenges before me.

I imagine so much will be different. I picture that I will be once again back in LA with Ikar but I will be flying in from Seattle where I will be established and it will be home. I hope this job conversation today with Shep truly turns into an incredible job and deepens our friendship and my learning from and with him. I hope Asher is transformed by his time at Montare and hopefully Newport too and that he is thriving in a new college. I hope that there is love and passion in my life and that I am thriving and that my beautiful children are thriving too and the love I feel for them both now and the closeness we have as I am their parent and am no longer parenting, brings stability in our lives. I hope that the uncertainty and unknown with Dennis is resolved and that we are able to be friends and that separating allows us to respect and appreciate each other and that I don’t dislike him. I hope that I feel more hope and joy and that more people tell me I am glowing like RBZ said to me today.

I hope we will feel like we have been put back together. In many ways Am Yisrael feels broken - our people our sad, held hostage, killed. But in many ways we are stronger than we have ever been. I hope we are healed, and I hope for safety and peace for all the citizens of Israel and the Jewish diaspora. I hope antisemitism will have gone back to lurk in the shadows and the world won’t be as brazen as if has been the last 12 months.

The 10q is feeling more and more like a chore every year because I keep procrastinating it. Maybe next year I’ll be in a place where I can be more creative about it and feel less like I’m just “getting through it.”

I hope to feel peace, to feel like I am in a space where I am living my life's purpose with deep meaning. I hope that I am working completely as a doula and serving as strength for women. I hope that I have found love so deep and so pure my heart bursts open. And I hope through these 10 questions I will feel like I have gotten to know myself even more than I already do.

By this time next year 70 will be in sight. Feelings of acceptance and accountability will probably make the most of what many manifestations were accomplished. Hopefully as a result of thinking, meditation, visualization, writing, doing stuff, letting go of stuff, my life will be even more fun.

I think life will be filled with simchas- new marriages, engagements, babies and joy- and perhaps unexpected sorrow.

I hope I will be able to look back at the answers and comfort the me of 2024, say "It is all going to be ok little girl, you are loved, you are cherished, you are safe." I also hope I will be able to notice the way I have grown in this year, and that some things that are frightening now, will not be so then. I am afraid the world could be worse off, but I can only hope and pray that it is better.

I’m interested to find out.

Well, i think that last year certainly provide approved. Who knows what will happen a year from now. Earlier this evening, as I was listening to coldnie, Dre. I realize this might be my last Colony, Dre. I certainly didn't predict this year as it is unfolded. Since november of twenty twenty three. I had completely forgotten, but I had said last year until a week ago. And it almost makes me laugh now to think of thee vaguely amorphous answers I gave, so maybe I'll just say I hope and have to have faith that there is something out there. That is guiding us in the right direction. I hope that our goal of living together instead of us being on the 'right' side of whatever we think we are battling can be heard over the noise of the wrong direction. That we can see beyond fighting over land....or retaliating body for body is acceptable. That having the most money or funds or followers is not what the future will look like. That everyone gets access to education, safe housing, health care, autonomy.... and we learn that we can both be right and still be able to be kind. And that these have become an important ritual of the time of year I crave it most.

It’s a mystery to me!

I loved reading my answers from last year, and I imagine there will be a combination of surprise at what I don't remember, pride and gratitude for what I brought to fruition, and maybe a twinge for things that still are hard or ache a little. I hope my mental health is in a better place than it is today, and certainly than it's been. I hope I feel more confident in myself and my choices and beliefs. I hope that I can say I'm doing all I can to bring about a more just world. I hope that I will have more tenderness for myself and more space for ease and joy. I hope I will really be able to say: I've been present for the goodness that exists, now and in each and every moment.

My answer for this question last year was pretty accurate. I am going to say much the same (see below) but the Norway piece should be true this time - I have just booked my flights! I hope I am feeling comfortable about my future, and just that little bit closer to retirement. I hope to have a plan in place to get me there. I suspect I will be more concern about the impacts of climate change. And I hope to have had what could be my last OS trip given climate change. And that trip will ideally be to Norway.

I've been reading a book called Stumbling on Happiness and a huge point is that it's almost impossible to predict how we will feel in the future. Besides my work stress and feeling that I have less and less to contribute there, I am anxious about the upcoming election and what it may mean for me as a federal employee. So, it's a bit hard to feel very positive about the future. But I really expect that my older son will gain Eagle rank in scouts, will be started in college, a likely source of mixed feelings, and we'll have some very good family times this year. Plus more good bike rides. I hope that I can keep a good attitude overall and get into a better professional groove. I am blessed in so many ways but forget that when I worry about the future. Answering these questions helps me aim towards better rather than feeling stuck and upset over things I can't control. It will be enough if I can feel good about what I have done a year from now.

I pray that this war in Israel will be over. I pray that the hostages will be returned alive or dead. I pray that the fractious world with Iran creating war moves will be a thing of the past. I pray we have Kamala as president giving us Stability in government. I pray that I am healthier next year. I pray that my son will continue in this positive direction.

My well being and that of all Americans will be affected by what happens in 25 days in this incredibly consequential election. A year from now, what will be the fate of our nation?

I wish and hope and pray that I will feel safer as a Jew. And I wish blessings for my daughter who started out on their own this year.

I hope I feel clear. I hope I will feel less caught up in nonsense and more capable of staying focused on what's important. I hope I'll feel confident in the choices I've made and excited about embarking on a new chapter in Atlanta.

I think I will feel about the same as I have in recent years. I am not looking for an major changes.

I hope I will have finally made progress on overcoming my fear of vulnerability, which has shown up in these answers so many times over the years

I'll probably shake my head. Hopefully, in admiration of how far I have come--rather than in disappointment in how little I achieved. I'd like to think of my life as being more fulfilled, and filled with family, activity and a larger circle of friends.

I’ve appreciated the chance to mark this year with my heart felt responses. It helped me to see some things that must be worked on more and those things that may be better removing myself from. In general I hope the world achieves peace and my fears are just a blip in expanse of time.

I hope I'll see that I've continued to grow and do better. I hope that I will have reconnected with my Judaism and spirituality. This year I'm not really observing Yom Kippur. I can't fast for health reasons, and I honestly just don't want to do all of the things. We haven't joined a new community since moving here last year, so we would just be streaming from our home synagogue. I don't feel like I have the physical or emotional energy right now to do it. I'm hoping to feel better and do better next year.

Hopefully I will have discerned my Franciscan status, my Biblical Hebrew will have advanced past aleph-bet, my Jewish gilgul will be in kahoot with my beshert beyond, and my psychological, financial, medical, and personal selves settled.

I think that I will again be surprised that another year has passed. I hope that I won't be surprised by anything, i.e. that it will be a quiet year, with no sorrows.

I will feel that I whined a lot in 2024; that I was neurotic.

Questions that would provide answers come September 2025: What happened with the presidential election? Were all the issues concerning my brother resolved? Did I actually get anything, for the long to-do list, done?

I usually intentionally skip this question. This year, I feel that I owe myself to answer it. By Rosh HaShana next year, I hope to be better. I need to be in a more positive frame of mind. I need to literally feel better. Chronic pain has had a negative effect on my emotional well being. Yet, as I (re) realized recently, I do have the ability and the have had in the past been able to recognize that life’s blessings typically outweigh the woes with which I am confronted and compelled to endure.

How I’ll feel in September 2025 depends on who wins the Presidential election. If VP Harris wins, I will feel more relaxed and more encouraged to succeed. If she loses, I don’t know how I will feel or even if I will be living in the US. I hope I feel emboldened, more confident about being myself and getting closer to people I love and much happier.

I’ll feel completely different. With the baby coming my entire life will be reorganized and I’ll have something new to live for. It will be nice to reflect on these questions and remember this time in my life.

For one, I think I'll feel pride that I stuck around and answered all of these questions, even when I was a few days behind and had to put in a good evening of reflection to get caught up. I think these questions serve as a nice checkpoint between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (which began this evening, actually). It's easy to lose track of time in the hustle and bustle of everyday activities, and much like the shofar, these emails help bring me to attention when I'm constantly being distracted by other things. Did I equate these emails to the shofar? You bet. Do I regret anything? Absolutely not. In terms of where I'm at in life, I hope I feel less aimless. The last year has been very difficult for Jews worldwide. I hope we all begin to have a moment to breathe, turn toward each other, and find a moment of respite from all the despair and chaos that has enveloped us.

I hope I feel more accomplished and steadier in my life.

What I keep saying is what I feel. I hope I am on a cancer treatment that doesn't slay me. I hope Marshall gets an amazing job or accepted into a terrific Masters program. I hope the world stops fighting. But nothing is changing and that makes me sad.

When I read my 2025 answers I can see I achieved a major goal which was a trip to Alaska and the rocky mountains. This was an exceptional trip where I thank god with all my heart for having us leave and arrived safely had the most amazing experiences. I hope I will continue to manage family which improved with my brother's relationship and a better and more peaceful work life. I'm so grateful to God for looking after my family so we can continue to enjoy life together.

I am very hopeful, if a little scared at the same time. I hope that Kamala Harris will be President. I hope that Trump will have been tried and incarcerated for his crimes along with all his enablers and co-conspirators. I hope that I will have fully recovered my health and will be making travel plans. I hope that my many house projects will have been completed and that I am fully enjoying my home. I hope I will be creating every single day. And I hope I continue to have even more to be grateful for. I feel blessed.

I'll be a year older and like my 10Q answers from last year, I'll probably care very little about these just because if age. But what I do care about is that my prayers and petitions will be granted.My hopes and dreams and hurts and disappointments have been the same every year and have changed very little. It is too late in my life for some things to come to pass. I just hope and pray things will change for the better and that this time next year I will have had restored to me the things the devil has stolen from me and that my son and his family and myself will all be in a good Godly place.

I think I’ll still be struggling with infertility and feeling like my life is in shambles. I do hope my mom is done with chemo treatments.

I hope I feel energized by new experiences, thoughts, ideas. Or at least reminded that new experiences are out there for me. So I don't sink into lethargy and boredom.

I hope to be happily retired, knowing that I have set up my work team for success and put into place a financial plan that will allow me to live comfortably in my retirement.

Doing this every year has helped me focus, and the best proof of that is how much I was able to accomplish this year on the tasks I set myself in last year's questions. But I can't answer about a year from now until I know how the U.S. election turned out. Will we crash & burn or start to rebuild? And I assume it will be like Covid: once I witnessed that so many of my fellow citizens were insistent on their 'right' to harm and kill other people, then even when vaccines and paxlovid meant it was getting safer to interact in public again I never regained the ability to feel fully safe around others. I now assume I cannot trust the people in my country. In this same way, even if sanity is restored and we can go back to being a functional country and a strong leader in the world again, I will not be able to forget that around 40% of the populace have actively worked to overthrow our government and almost none of them will ever answer for their crimes, which means (once again) I can't trust the people in my country.

I really hope the war is over. I hope it no longer feels like I'm living in a parallel universe with most of the world gaslighting us and denying reality. I hope everyone in my family is safe and healthy. I hope that I am still doing well, hopefully better health wise, but practicing acceptance and dealing with life as it comes.

Ugh. I don't know. Being so reflective of the past/looking at the things that have happened often makes me feel sad. This year I have really struggled with the feeling that our country is no longer worth living in. We are a dying empire. There are a few things to hope for. Alicia will be moving in with us in November, and I kind of hope she stays for a while. I am freaking out less about money. I really like my job, and I am addressing things in therapy that will help me heal. I realized my back pain needed to be addressed, and although I delayed some, I did actually do something about it, so I'm proud of myself for paying attention to my body and admitting that I would need medical care.

A year from now, I expect my kids will be one more step closer to independent, hubby and I will have slightly more intentional time to enjoy each other, I will continue on my healthy nutrition/activity/learning/financial/gratitude/sleep trajectory, and my career will be even more fulfilling. All of this contributes to my ability to be present, when it matters. And I expect to set new goals for the year to come!

I think when it first rolls around I’ll probably feel anxious and a little despairing because I usually feel that way at the start of teshuvah. but I hope that I feel the way I felt this year seeing last year’s answers: delighted at what unfolded, at how what I got made what I asked for pale in comparison. I hope next year I find I didn’t even dream big enough, even though right now I worry I am asking for too much.

My hope is that I have continued to grow and learn and will be able to reflect positively on these answers. I hope I have continued my journey in a healthy and positive manner, that I don't fall back into old painful/hurtful patterns, and that I have the strength to move forward. I hope I will once again be gainfully employed doing something that I love and that I have a true and forever partner by my side. And please God, let the world come to its senses! Am Yisrael Chai!

Hopefully I will have better job or a promotion within my current job. Or maybe even work at different store. I hope be happy with position and career.

I hope I will have continued to plod along paying off debt and keeping up with my health (all year new health conditions have popped up; playing whack-a-mole here) and be in a slightly better place physically and financially. Right now I don't have much hope for the world in the coming year.

Nervous about the future.

I hope I have stayed focused on what's most important to me in these elder years and not wasted time nor talents. I think I will feel scared about the future but centered on how I need to contribute.

I hope I have or at least tried some of the things I have mentioned in the other questions. What might be different: Hoping life gets a little more clearer. I will be older, hopefully wiser, and hopefully a smile on my face. I will feel better if I try. But life is always about uncertainty, which makes it challenging but also exciting. And wishing to see you next year, to say thank you.

Next year at this time, I hope I am content with how I'm living my life in the midst of all the messy, slippery issues around us. This does not mean I've retreated into my bubble of privilege or confirmation bias, but that I am enacting generosity, grace and consideration in whatever I, my family and community must deal with.

I’m not thinking anything will be different because this has been a year of much reflection.

I hope I'll be committed to someone and let myself be loved by that person.

I'm always interested in what I said the previous year and other past years. This is a great program, thanks so much for organizing! Sadly, I'm anticipating that my dad's health will continue to decline and we may not have him around at this time next year. But, I may be wrong. We'll have a new President, that will be interesting however it shapes out. I think that no matter what, I will continue to work on myself and improve, no matter what is happening around me. My husband and I will be stronger together, and I will be accomplishing many of my goals finally. I have so much hope!

I hope we’ll continue settling into our home life. Life offers so many twists and turns. I aim to approach these with grace and finesse. I aspire to have a positive impact on family and friends who mean so much to me.

I hope that my goals and wishes came true.

I hope I’ll feel like I made progress toward one or more of my goals—that I didn’t just let another year go by mindlessly.

I am hopeful that Israel will have completed operations in Lebanon and Gaza, and that Israel has made cold peace with their neighbors so that everyone in the region can prosper.

I think I'll feel good. I'll be in a good relationship, fit, with new friends, and more financially secure. I have realised after reading how positive my changes from last year have been, that I have the ability to change.

I believe I will feel grateful for all that has been given and transpired. I hope that I will feel validated in my belief that the universe is supporting me in my journey through the human experience. Answering these questions has helped me see the ongoing progress of my spiritual life.

I hope I've figured out my physical health and have lost about 20 -30 pounds. I will look and feel better if I do. I hope Claire, Dave, Mom, Luke, Dad and all my loved ones are healthy and happy--and that includes me! I hope I feel balanced and have yoga, dance, music, and friends abundantly and joyfully in my experience. I want to be able to look back with joy and gratitude on the end of 2024 and 2025. And I hope we have the first female president , Kamala Harris, in office!

I hope I’ll be able to feel like I achieved at least some of my goals, though I expect I’ll feel a little disappointed in myself for the things I failed to complete.

Above all, I hope that I can overcome my fears that are holding me back from becoming a happy and successful person. I hope that next year I will read through my answers and realize that many things have developed in the right direction. I hope that I am mentally at a better place and that I have achieved what I hoped for.

I need to have my hip fixed by then, and that will mean I've lost the 30ish pounds. Beyond that, I am hopeful we will have our first female president, and we're making progress in getting this country further stabilized.

I hope that by writing things down I will have realized some of my goals and dreams that I have had tucked away for so long. I will feel proud and still surprised but what life brings. My variation on manifesting while staying open and being the best version of myself I can be. Living up to obligations of why I am here.

if the past is any indication, i will feel slightly disappointed that i am struggling with many of the same things, that i made no progress on goals that were important to me. it seems a little sad instead of meeting goals, i just forget to care about them. i hope to stay focused, be more open, and appreciate the reminders of the slice of time.

I hope I will feel that I was a tad more thoughtful in my answers this year, for one thing. I am hoping that I will still be useful in some way, leading two different political groups and living in a democratic country. I am hopeful to have found ways to write, to have a cat, to live in a clean and comfortable apartment. We'll see.

Next year, Goddess willing, I’ll be in similar shape, in good health and playing the 10Q questions. They’re not taking me very deep. But I guess that’s me. And it took me until day eight to answer them. I appreciate the effort that went into this site, but I think it may need some tweaking.

I hope i feel happier, i hope i feel happy with me and with someone who cares for me and that i care for him too. In peace. In love. And my Mother is feeling fine, secure and motivated. In result of answering this questions, i hope i take action and get what i want.

My best hope is that I will feel proud that I finally had all the good things I’ve been waiting for a lifetime to occur. The worst outcome would be they happen with unexpectedly bad outcomes. I would like the best (or even better) version of my dreams to have become manifest.

I think I am missing the point entirely of 10Q. I have not once in my answers used The Name, HaShem, Adonai, He is Blessed, The Eternal Healer. I have not mentioned repentance, or forgiveness, or lovingkindness. I have not mentioned sincerity or prayer. The truth is, I have only mentioned a few of the many changes that have happened to me this year. It's been overwhelming and I have felt nearly crushed by all the changes, only mentioning a few that hurt the most. Some of it is exaggerated and self-absorbed, probably. I am still quite sure that I am not at fault for anything! This is a lie. Absolutely, I am fooling myself. I can think of two things right now that call for my admittance, even if I can see both sides point of view, I need to apologize and ask for forgiveness for the part of my action that wounded someone else, even if I did it to protect myself, if only in my heart. Next year, I hope to achieve all the goals I have outlined for myself here, but also I hope that I improve my way of interacting with other people. Listen more before I speak. Hear more, speak less.

I’ll either feel pleased with myself or disappointed with myself. I hope I have at least tried hard at what I’d like to be/accomplish. I hope that thinking about these questions will empower me to succeed.

I’ll remember my Become Euphoric Coach, Amy and how she shared 10Q with us. I hope I’m still alcohol free. I hope we have a Jeep. I hope we said yes in 2025 and had some fun new experiences. I hope I’m still learning and growing. I hope Blake is in an apartment in Grand Forks. I hope we had a healthy year and our loved ones did too. Is Kaylee still in Devils Lake? Everyday is a gift and I will treat it like one.

Every year, I've been disappointed at my lack of progress toward what I want in my life. Next year at this time, I only hope that things will be different, for the better.

In September 2025, I hope I feel less anxious about so many things - the world, this country, the safety of our children and my kid in particular, supporting my family. I hope that I have a stable income and my family continues to have health benefits. I hope that the day to day worries are soothed and my focus is on bigger picture worries like food insecurity.

I hope that this time next year there will be a resolution to the post October 7th desolation. I hope I will be feeling better prepared for the chagim than I was this year, I hope I won't have lost my voice (I just croaked my way through Kol Nidrei), I hope I will have passed 2nd year without needing to do any resits, and I hope that maybe I won't be single. But mostly I hope I'm feeling prepared for the chagim and confident as a 3rd year rabbinic student!

As far as the world goes, I pray more than anything that Kamala Harris is president and the conflict in Gaza is over. In my personal life, I pray all my loved ones are happy and healthy (including the pets). I pray I’m loving my third year of teaching and that Louis is loving 2nd grade and Cora is doing well in Kinder. I pray Cora is fully potty trained. My goodness. I pray we have something (anything) in savings. I think a year from now I will feel closer and more grateful for my relationship with God through Jesus, for my church, for my family. I pray that my husband would become a true believer in Jesus and walk that path with me. His peace and joy are intoxicating.

I think I may feel reflective. Hopefully I'll feel happy of the growth I've made. This was my first year completing it, so I'm interested to see how this goes as the years go on. I hope that in a year I am just as happy as I am now, if not happier. I hope that I'm able to look back fondly on who I was the year before when I wrote this. I also hope that I took a lot of this to heart and made some changes over the course of the year. See you next year, Rachel.

I think I'll be amazed at thinking back to this time and how much sleep I was getting and how actually unprepared I was for a whole new human to enter our lives.

I'll feel curious. I expect changes regardless of 10Q, but it will be fascinating to see if I sense a relationship between life changes and the answers/reflections prompted by these questions

I will be preparing to file for divorce, from some new apartment or house after almost a year living without my ex wife, and not having the kids half the days. I will look back at where I was mentally and hopefully feel like I am in a better place.

In a similar vein to last year, I hope I feel more comfortable with my body, my voice, and my life. In an area that I was not thinking about last year, because of the events of the past year, I hope that a year from now the world feels like a less scary and hopeless place. I hope I will feel like there is any clear way to live my humanistic values in my personal and political life in a way that creates meaningful positive change and doesn't simply mess up my own life.

I think when September 2025 rolls around that I will be amazed at the person I have become. I think that serendipity and concerted effort toward my goals will bear incredible fruit. I feel that I will intuitively know how to handle my wealth while maintaining an attitude of humility and gratitude. I think that I will know what it feels like to truly love myself and another being.

I hope I'll feel glad that I worked past my fears around finding a new job, and will be grateful for the steps I took to get myself into a better work situation. I don't think answering these questions will have made a difference in my life, but it's always interesting to look back and see what was top of mind in any particular year.

Same as before, surprised another year has flown past, depressed at how terrible humans are, hopefully some fun reminders of things that may have faded from mind. I don't often take the time to look back, so this at least encourages reflection annually which is nice.

I'll feel the same way I feel now, I guess. I've been thinking a lot about who I am, how I'm the same person I was when my mom took a picture of me in a red bathing suit when I was 3 or 4 years old. How I was born being the person who will die on a certain day in the future. It's not a bad thing. It's a vast thing, though. I still hope to be singing, and loving, and writing, and thinking, and trying.

I hope I’m happy. The last few years have been tough. I want to be excited again. I want to be around the people I love more often. Beyond that, I want to know I’m doing the right thing if I move into admin. I’m feeling uneasy and want to know it’s what I’m meant to do.

I always find them interesting to read but not particularly enlightening. The questions are enjoyable and reflect changes I would have made anyway even with out them. I should say last year I was concerned about a boyfriend I had broken up with who kept hanging on to me like glue. Happy to say year later, we are happily back together in spite of the challenges we face. Some unexpected changes are good!

Hopefully happy Nothing much, maybe a little more independent, and back at church/ group social activities

This is my 11th time answering these questions - since 2014! While it sometimes felt like a small insignificant thing to be doing, being able to look back at the accumulated progression of the last decade of my life, is actually quite impressive. I am certain that when September 2025 rolls around, I will be amazed once again at how my (by then) 11-year journey continues to unfold. Everything seems to be the way it is supposed to be and I'm exactly where and when I need to be - always! This is very comforting to me. I feel free! And I know I will continue to be free!

Hopefully the war will be over, and it will be only a reminder to mourn while looking forward to a happy future.

I hope I’ll feel grace towards my 2024 self and see in my answers that it’s been a challenging year. I’ve made progress in intangible ways so I struggle feeling accomplished but I know I am. The weight of everything at work and home has just tanked my motivation and energy. I hope this time next year that I’m feeling more like myself. I also hope Trump isn’t president.

I hope I'll feel proud of the progress I've made in the past year.

I think I will be excited because I have never done this before and I tend to answer things in the moment and then not remember what I said. It will be fun to review the questions and see what progress has been made. It's a fun way to measure growth or reflect on the big picture.

I think I’ll feel relieved. I hope to see myself in a different way. Making sense of things I’m not aware now. I think I am just so mentally drained that I really need to take some time for self introspection and renew my mind.

I love your site and my reflection of the past year. It brings clarity into my life and my longings and my experiences, my emotional states and my loves. Thank you for this experience!

I think it's the same as last year and the year before. It's still all a work in progress. I don't know. I hope I'll be healthy physically and emotionally. I hope this for my family and friends and for the world. I hope the assholes will get their due. And the one's traumatized by them will be healing. I hope I'm still dancing and as usual I hope my life is meaningfull. Maybe there will be something new and exciting and engaging to be involved with. And this year I am feeling unexcited by these questions. Maybe that's a transition to retirement. Maybe it's deeper. Maybe when I read this next year, G!d willing, I'll feel more connected and energized

The great thing to see this year is how far I've come from last year. I'm in a better mood, because I'm handling my stress and my circumstances better. So I'm finally in a better, non-freaked-out place. But I'm only just at that point. I'd love to be at a point next year where I have a greater capacity for joy: both giving and receiving it. I hope the world is, too.

I really hope that I will be more optimistic about the future. There is so much turmoil and uncertainty in the world right now - Israel and it's multiple war fronts, Ukraine, and our own political situation here in the U.S. The rise in anti-semitism. It's hard not to get depressed about it all. I hope next year there will be peace abroad and at home and optimism again.

I hope that over this next year, I wake up the way I've woken up so many days of this past year: With utter joy in the life that I live. I hope that this time next year I can again say, Despite everything, this past year has been good. God has been unreasonably good to me.

I really have no idea. So much is in flux in every possible way. My goal is to continue to ride the wave with as much grace as possible.

Copy/pasting YET AGAIN from last year, and the year before, and possibly even the year before that: I hope I will feel better about this year’s answers that I did about last years. Reading last year’s responses has been gutting because not much has changed. It all still feels so out of my control. So I hope fore the same as last year: relief that things are better kindness toward myself for having been in such a dark place, and regaining some sense of agency over my life.

One thing I noticed this year is a lot of things I wanted to change or I noticed about myself last year are still the same. Even things I said I would work on. So I hope that a year from now I'm not in the same place. I hope I internalize some of these things I've written and am making strides to improve.

I hope that October 7th 2025 will be better than Oct 2023. I hope there is peace in the country of Israel. I hope I will have achieved a few of my dreams. I hope I am living in a better flat. I hope I have met someone who is worthy of me. The list is endless.

I hope that I'll be more focused in the upcoming year on the things that really matter--learning, growing, developing new things--rather than allow myself to be blown about by ever present worrywinds of finances, world and national events, work irritations, etc.

Major changes are in the works for me. Next year at this time, I will be extremely aware of whether I stretched too far, and whether I should reverse course. Or on the other hand, my changes may invigorate and enliven my life. There may be no going back - in a wonderful way!

I am just interested to see what shakes out!

I'm afraid to answer this question right now in October of 2024. Not only our personal future but the future of the whole world rests upon what happens next month after the election. I can only pray that I look back on the anxiety of this time from a better, safer, more optimistic future.

I always have high hopes and I'm learning to take things as they are so I think I'll feel fine. I'm hoping I'll be closer to having my meds and therapy well sorted out. I also hope my husband's issues will be far more sorted out, too. Having written my answers to these 10 questions they become more real to me. They sink into my brain when they're thought of then written down. What a great program this is!

I am hoping to feel healthier following surgery, have pain better managed, and happier with where i am in my life. I think I'll look back on these questions and think that I was a bit stagnant

I hope I'll still be alive, that my children will be safe and healthy. Israel is trying to drag everyone into a nuclear war. Zionism is so scary

To be honest, I think I'll feel pretty similarly to how I feel now. I don't think a lot will have changed. I don't think I will have made many changes. I hope I will feel happy. I hope my children will be thriving. I hope my work situation will be thriving and prosperous. I have worried that maybe my company will be in a state of crisis. I hope I am wrong.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so grateful that . . . Next year my son Ilan will be earning good grades all on his own and will be free of his pot addiction, my son William will be loving BHS and in Advanced Math and theater there, I will be strong and healthy, my office and bedroom will be cleared of clutter and the living room will be beautifully decorated. Kenny will be well compensated for work in sustainable energy and he will continue to be working less than full time so that he can actively contribute to the household and his health and relationships. The two of us will be taking a weekly dance class! And we will be doing some regular traveling.

I am writing this from my child's home in Burlington, VT because my beloved community of Asheville, NC was decimated by Hurricane Helene. My central nervous system has experienced a trauma and I will live away from home indefinitely until water is restored to our homes. I believe I will reflect upon how I provided myself self-care, resourcefulness and resiliency in a time when it was tremendously difficult to make micro decisions beyond the most fundamental needs. I am proud how I cared for myself and my friends. I am already an appreciative and grateful person but I hope that my empathy expands to those who are experiencing something I have not and remain aware of a community's crises long after it is no longer in the news.

Excited, grateful, and hopeful. I have so much to look forward to in my life - both the big things and the small things that I could never even imagine - and I can’t wait to experience it all. I love these reflections and I look forward to them every year!

I will feel relief that I'm that much farther into my healing journey from my Mom's passing– and also that I have made adjustments to my life & career to: –get the VIP upgrade of self-employment –have time, location, & income freedom –have mailbox money –enjoy more travel, fun, & creativity –be an imperfectionist

I think, and hope much will be the same. Healthy family, mom doing well, a world not completely killing itself. Me working program and owning up to any and all actions. Grant me serenity.

It is always good to reflect on life. I hope that my answers this year will reflect the facts of my life, my existence, and all of those I love.

I’m hoping I’m feeling more settled. And in a place, financially and with my health, where I feel I could take a vacation without stressing out about work, or my family.

I think I’ll be delighted to see that, for once, I didn’t have any answers about my weight! I really hope that I am continuing on this journey in the same positive direction. These questions partner well with the questions I asked myself all the time in contributing to growth. Thank you universe, more please!

I might feel good - supported, more myself. I know that I am more on the path than I was before with these questions.

I hope that I will feel somewhat accomplished at my results over the past year. If not, I hope to feel that I've learned some things from the past year and that I have some positive news to take with me. I hope that I will have a better sense of direction of where I am with my art, as well as being able to find community, a chosen family, friendship, and love. And if not, I hope to be able to find these things within myself.

I love 10Q and am very grateful for it. This is the 14th year that I have participated. It's so interesting to look back at answers from the past. I see major patterns that are only going to change with targeted work. there are two things in particular that I want to heal from that have been plaguing me for a lifetime. Will this be the year that I yield them and overcome their hold on me? I don't know, but I do know that the 10Q practice has helped me to identify them in a way that I haven't before.

Again, no idea. I couldn't have predicted in September 2022 what September 2023 would look like. I couldn't have predicted in September 2023 what the coming year would look like. At least I was in a much more stable work/life situation, though there was still uncertainty about where my parents would be moving. I'm writing this a month before the election. Who could possibly know where I'll be in September 2025. That's not a real year! I'll be 25 years old! Maybe I'll be in NYC. Maybe I'll be in Boston. Maybe I'll be in Detroit. Maybe I'll be somewhere else. I just hope I won't have the same whiplash reading these 2024 answers that I had when reading my 2023 answers, right before having so many spectacularly difficult things happen in 5784. Yeehaw!

I think I'll think "these questions really didn't address my personal stuff but they seem good for a lot of people" I hope the world will be stable re AI and Middle Eastern peace (and Ukraine & Russia and every suffering population really) I don't know that these questions really focused me. I hope I'll be in a better place with my sister and my son but I was thinking about these things before the Qs. Still fun and looking forward to next year. It will be interesting to see how I've moved through my current situations and how I feel about them in a year.

Once again, I feel like I could replicate last year's answer here, although again I do feel like I have gotten incrementally better. I would like to be able to focus more, and I hope that next year at this time I have sufficient funds to have a good life, I have begun socializing again and that my health is improved.

I hope I'll really have at least some of my dream goal activities underway, and not keep putting things off. I'm out of valid excuses and it's now a matter of making the right priorities and setting boundaries -- something I hope to make some progress on learning. It's a relief to see last year's prediction and feel like I'm doing a little better than I had feared a year ago.

After being fortunate after two major huricane bursts at us, I feel fortunate, and want to pass "good ideas & things" to others... both family & friends, and folks we don't know but need...

I'm always excited to see my answers from last year. I always hope that I've followed through on some of the goals, too!

I honestly hope I'll feel the same - lucky and privileged and continuing to learn. Most important for me is appreciation in all senses of the word; after that, expanding my horizons. 10Q makes me realize how truly lucky I am in my family, friends, health, and situation in life. I'd add that I hope to go forward thinking of this moment in history as a beginning, rather than an end. Comparing 1924 to 2024 - imagine what our descendants will have achieved!

I only want war is over and Israel is safe.

I feel hopeful that there will be more peace and acceptance in the world.

Next year I will feel less fragmented. And yet, I will cherish this present moment of my life as one that allowed me to think of my trajectory and find purpose.

I hope I have some answers to the questions posed in my answers! Or more nuanced questions that indicate I’m on some kind of right path.

I think that I am aware of my fears right now and also aware of the blessings we've received, however the next year goes it will be an encouragement when I see the answers again next year

We’re in our 80s. My husband and I take nothing for granted. Fifty/fifty that in September 2025 both/either of us will be here, in whatever state of health we’re allotted. In the meantime, we will love each other and our dear ones and - tougher - our fellow humans every day as much as we can.

Well this year I feel pretty good about accomplishing last year’s goals, so hopefully that will be the case again.

I hope I will have grown and loved and learned and become more open.

I am hoping that I will not be so anxious about the world, and this country, especially, and I'll be able to sleep through the night because I'll see a path forward.

Not sure if I want grief of Jared’s passing to fade. Maybe it’ll never end, it will be interesting to see how we’re feeling next year. Love = Grief from what I hear, and our love for him was intense because the level of care we provided. Tomorrow will be our first Yizkor for him and later in the month is his birthday. Our life has changed dramatically with more travel and much more time on our hands. Should we downsize? Meanwhile we have a divisive election soon, Israel is at war - which could get worse before it gets better. Right now I’m blessed with a good marriage, lotsa friends, grandchildren, successful children and health.

I pray that there will be peace in Israel, no more Hamas, and that I will have a happy, healthy, thriving family and me (Ima).

It's so hard to predict! There will be unexpected life things that come up, of course. But mostly, I hope to be inhabiting even more confidence, self-love, and self-acceptance.

Nostalgic. I hope to be more helpful to my fellow Earthbound travelers

I am curious if I will have indeed let go of things that were weighing me down: -The strain of trying to constantly meet my brother's impossible and unfair standards rather than letting go - My own unrealistic expectations for my friendship with my sister-in-law, a person I love very much -Pressure on myself to participate and help with more than I can sometimes manage

I’ll feel a sense of hope. For the dark days can be met with plenty of light. I hope that I’ll be further along in the four Poetic Seasons at this time next year.

I think I will be surprised and maybe emotional as I am hoping next year I will be in a much better place emotionally 🫶 this exercise has helped me stop and live in the moment I struggle with that a lot.

I predict I will feel the same. Concern about parents, pets, and now Nicholas. Concern about the middle east. Yet, I feel deeply grateful for my relationship, my health, financial stability, and all that I have. So many things in my life are going well. Here is one hope. I hope Donald Trump will not be president when I re-read this a year from now.

I hope that by then I would have found the rhythm for what it means to be retired, I will feel more comfortable in my role in the world and spend time enjoying things instead of trying to do more things. I hope I will have spent more time with family and friends

More than anything I am hoping for a trump free government, because without that being the case so much of our energy and attention will need to be focused not on our burgeoning businesses, but on keeping ourselves, our families, and communities safe. His rhetoric has gone from bad to downright threatening. I am truly afraid of what crazy people like trump and musk will do with their power and wealth given the chance. They and their cronies have said the quiet part out loud. We *know* what they want to do, and I have no doubt they will follow through if they can.

I hope not to have to worry about democracy going down the tubes and women having the decision-making ability over their bodies, us continuing to address environmental concerns and integrity making a stand over the lies that seem to be the norm.

I expect to still be imperfect, but having made some progress on my goals.

I like to hope that I will see how silly I was to have so many worries and concerns about work, my marriage and my friendships. Ideally, my marriage will be as wonderful as I know it can be, I’ll be flourishing at work and my friends will all still love me. We will be working our way toward paying down debt and we will be able to begin thinking realistically about our future home. And I’ll have one or two new friends as well.

I hope that this time next year we will have found a way to restore world peace and an agreement upon basic moral values—and then I can play my own small part in achieving those goals—and if I can’t, I hope I’ll be able to laugh at my own audacity and be grateful that something changed the culture of hate and violence and replaced it with live and understanding.

I think that first I’ll feel grateful to be alive another year! And I think that I will have made at least a few changes in my life due to how I answered these questions. At least I hope so!

As I write this, many in my state are suffering a great loss from Hurricane Milton. My best friend is lingering, housed at his beau’s home, surely his days numbered Great sorrow envelopes my soul. When I read this next year, I pray all will be right for my state, my friend returned to our maker and my soul peaceful. May all forgive my transgressions, and may I do likewise. Shalom.

This has been a good year. We’ve been busy - sometimes seems too busy, but also fun - and we are entering the slow-down season. I really don’t feel any older than last year, so I envision feeling about the same, next year. I hope I”ll have made some personal progress in dealing with my own issues; I hope we’ll have figured out a few things as a couple; I hope my friends will stick around, both healthwise and physically (not sure if any are considering being snowbirds, etc.), but I hope I can stay in contact. I hope some of the world’s situations will have evened out, that even if the worst result of the elections comes to be it won’t be as catastrophic as seems possible from here.

I usually feel surprised. I can never remember my answers. Sometimes it's surprise at the state I was in whether similar or different; sometimes it's surprise that I could capture a thought so well. I feel happy that there is a record that I can eventually share with my children; sad for people lost. I suppose glad in a way that I was able to share some of their journey. I've come to accept that death is always around. I wish I knew my cousin David better; appreciated his humour; his loss seems so wrong. It's still close in time and I suppose it will sit with me for a while longer, one day, it might even make some sense. I know I'll forgot about these answers until next year, but in some way, I'm now always thinking of the questions.

I’m hoping that I will feel more confident and comfortable in myself and world. I also hope for more inner peace.

I am always grateful for the opportunity to reflect on a larger scale (vs my daily reflection practice). I hope I will look back at myself with love and compassion for the courage I had. Reflection is grounding and uplifting for me. First, I ground and move to a state of acceptance. Then I can dream and strive to be a better - or different version of myself.

I think I'll feel accomplished and proud of my progress. I hope that I will push myself through some uncomfortable thoughts and grow as a result. I think I will have solved some of my life woes, especially with my career.

I hope that we will be in a better place as a Jewish nation. That I won't feel like we're deeply in mourning. That we will have all 101 hostages home and all the displaced people in Israel will have returned home. Peace, comfort and healing to us all.

It transpired that I was not ambitious. I can’t really see anything changing in my life and in a sense there’s more that could go bad then can go good

I don't know- I don't have a plan, I'm mostly living day to day and trying to recover from burnout

I hope in September 2025 I am in a much better place and time in my life. I hope to have a job that sees my worth and that appreciates me in the workplace. I need a boost in my ego and my life. I would also like an important significant other in my life. That appreciates me and sees the good in me. Hopefully sees my faults but will also except them.

In 2025, I’m calm, I don’t have any regrets, I’m continuing to enjoy life and be grateful for every day, I’m happier about where my life is.

Justified. My life will still be abundant and joyful. Those around me experience the same. Making good choices. Keeping a positive perspective. Evolution is happening!

I will be astounded at the progress I have made as a coach, a leader, a speaker, a facilitator, a writer, a beacon, an inspiration. I will look back in amazement at my own transformation and the transformation of those I have impacted. I will look forward with conviction in my continued purpose. I will take a moment to rest and reflect and see what is next.

I hope I feel empowered. I hope my home feels like a support. I hope I have listened to myself and lived more fully. I hope I have spent more time outside and more time exploring locally and beyond.

I think I'll feel like nothing has changed and that I'm just as anxious and self-critical as I am now. But I'm going to take that question and my response as a challenge to take on!

I think that in the last couple years, I have been walking away from something. And right now I’m in this in between place getting through this transition. And following my 10 questions, and this year, I will be on the other side of my transition moving forward by the end of this year.

I hope that I will feel a lot less blasé about life next year. At the moment, even though I had the opportunities to go to Sicily and Spain, and have decided not to teach this year at all, I just can't feel very animated about anything. I think my Af Am art class last spring really dispirited me, and the constant dealing with my mother makes me feel like I will not be fully unburdened until after she dies, which also makes me feel a bit bad. I hope we can make some progress with Molly and her life, and just get sorted.

I'll have just completed my two-year term as Federation Chair, so I could feel some relief. Hopefully I won't feel any let down! I hope and pray for calm in the Middle East. I know better than to hope for peace. Calm would be a huge relief. Let's get Jews and Israel off the front page of the news, and I'll feel a lot better. I'll be 60, G-d willing, and will have been married for 30 years. It will be a milestone year, and hopefully we'll celebrate both in style.

I really hope I feel hopeful, like I am able to make a difference, and that I have clarity on what life I want and how to build it. I'm at a very low point right now, and I hope I'm able to look back at myself with compassion, and gratitude that I'm no longer there.

I just hope I’m as happy as I am now.

I hope I will be in an INTENDED place rather than evacuated! I will find my answers soporific. A bit of levity goes a long way and I definitely have first world issues.

I hope that by September 2025, I will feel a lot better than I did when I was answering the questions. 2024 has been a rough year. I look forward to moving past all the drama and living a happy, healthy life on my own.

I'm afraid I'll think I really didn't put much thought into the questions in 2024! I did, but it's crazy time, both in my brain and in my world. Change, change, change, and two hurricanes. I did my best.

To be honest, so many of my answers this year are so much like my answers from last year, so I don't have much hope that things will be any different next year.

In September 2025 I will have just completed my experiment of not teaching 374 and taking 6 months off. I hope this has helped me get clearer about what I want to do going forward. I have made progress since last year in finding a successor for my leadership role. By next year I'll know how things worked out with Leslie sitting in for me while I was on sabbatical. Fingers crossed she or someone else is ready to take over. Then my job will be to support that while relinquishing my need to control things. I am getting better about trusting I am enough and just enjoying my life; hope to see that trend continue. It has been a meaningful process to see my answers from the previous year. Reflect back and then look forward.

With God's help, I'll be proud of the impact I have made and the progress beyond my wildest dreams!!

I hope to be free of overcommitting, very present in my life and clear about my priorities without these being forced on me by circumstances. And I hope to be physically fit and well hydrated and able to appreciate and curate joy in my life and support same in others.

I hope to be taking better care of my mental health by going to a therapist, continuing to work hard at school, and get a raise from my efforts at work. I hope I feel like it has been a productive year and I have focused on myself and/or found love.

I think I’ll be surprised to see what I wrote. I imagine I’ll forget some of the events that led me to write these things and led me to feel so strongly about them. I don’t think this one mode of reflection has an impact on its own, but in general I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting lately and I imagine I will continue to do so this year. I think everything I’ve written down will continue to be relevant to me throughout this year.

I hope that I will be in a different place.

I think it will be an interesting snapshot of my life in this moment. I am hoping that I will be more settled (ha, a repeat of last year's answer) and have more control over my own schedule.

i hope I don't find a lost dream like I did this year - my trip to Israel was cancelled due to the war. I felt so sad about it, not only for my own disappointment but for the circumstances that caused it. I hope that my life will have been filled with conquering moments of triumph over the inner and outer battles I will have faced.

I hope to be far more optimistic about the world because Kamala is President and the country is united.

I feel like, every year about this time, shit that hit the fan earlier in the year is taking forever to resolve, and it all feels impossible and awful, even as I move constantly forward, doing my best. So what I HOPE is that, next year, I'm actually happy and content and secure. That I'll look back on these answers with a quiet sigh, knowing it all DID work out and for the best, and then I will peacefully return to my happy, healthy, stable life.

Things have settled and I am feeling more grounded and doing my art so I have the outlet I am craving in 2024.

same as last year I hope I will have been successful in retaining more of what I hear and read - by increasing my awareness, I hope I will have been more creative - doing something with my photography, and listen to more music - especially jazz

Continue to move and live outside my orbit. Have a real "Sabbatical Lite" during 4Q 2024.

I hope I feel hopeful - I want the hostages home and the war to end! I think that we will continue to grow our business, and I also think that the pull of our children will have us travelling to see family more. I love answering these questions, as it gives me a chance to really reflect on the past year, and things I can still do to change. I like that

It's weird because I feel like I did so much this year of what I hoped last year that I would do. I prioritized myself, I took the hard route knowing that it would be better for me in the long run. But right now I feel very lost, and very untethered. I feel anxious and confused and a bit scared a lot of the time. I know a lot of it is tied to the insecurity and unknown of being single. Which I hate to admit because I don't like that this is suddenly taking up so much of my identity and self worth. It's incredibly difficult for me to say where I'll be a year from now. I don't know where I'll be. I just hope I'm more kind to myself by then. That I feel more at peace. I feel like there has been so much change and upheaval in my life over the last 1-2 years and a lot of it has been uncomfortable. So I guess I just want to feel more calm and content without so much anxiety about my future.

I hope I don't feel worse than I do now. I hope that my main worries have disappeared, so that new ones took over. I hope Dad stays healthy enough that I'm not looking at three deaths in three years. I'm hoping my outlook isn't so sad.

I hope to be more calm and centered and present. I say that every year but . . . this time I'm really hopeful.

Probably a mixture of pleased and disappointed. Life has a habit of taking unexpected twists and turns.

Honestly, I have no idea. Everything hangs on the presidential election that's just a few weeks away. Even B, who is normally the calm, level-headed one, is paralyzed until then. The future might be dark regardless of who wins (I'm so fun at parties these days!), but will be so much worse with Trump at the helm. I probably sound super depressed. Please know this 2024 version of me can appreciate moments of beauty. I have love, support, and friendship in my life. I have a nice house, transportation, (increasingly plant-based) food in my belly, and other good things, but it feels like those scenes in the movie Inception where the ground is shaking and everything around us is crumbling. The end won't come in one fell swoop like in the movie, Don't Look Up. It end with decades of growing destruction and resource scarcity. I wish so many people weren't looking away.

I hope I will feel more confident and happy. I hope I will have been able shake this cancer shaped sadness and be happy again. And have had a bright, joyous year.

I hope that in a year's time, I have developed more insight and equanimity. I can work towards greater economic stability. I can expect to be a kinder and more empathetic person as a result of a daily practice of trying to be kind.

I think I will be grateful for all the good things in my life. You cannot borrow peace from what may or may not happen in the future. All that we have is the present.

not so different

I just hope to have more hope. Any kind of hope at all will be good.

I think I will feel more of an acceptance of where I am in my life than I have experienced previously. Less of a yearning for something other than what’s here. What I hope might be different is more new connections and greater depths in my current relationships.

I don’t know. Maybe I’ll be surprised? Anything can happen in a year…

When September 2025 rolls around, it'll be my fifteenth year in a row answering 10Q! Half of my life! How significant to have returned to these same questions year after year from age 15 through age 30. What a gift to get to track my life, my spiritual growth, in this way.

I have no ideas, preconceived notions. We’ll be living half way around the world, new culture, new language. I hope we are still feeling as hope-full as we do right this minute, heading into Kol Nidre. May we all be sealed for a good sweet year.

At the moment I have a big whitish luminous blank in front of me when I try to answer this question. It's as if I am standing on a new uncharted land that I must start to explore and get to know. I suppose next September I will have explored parts of it and through this process I will have also explored different parts of myself. I think that I will feel satisfied that I have furthered my discovery of life, and curious about what still awaits me.

I hope the world might be a safer, happier and more peaceful place, I hope but I don’t know that I believe it will be.

This will all depend on the result of the presidential election. If the orange menace wins and Congress and the courts don't disable him, we will have a country that bears no resemblance to the U.S. we have known and loved. I fear for minorities, immigrants, women, and poor people. My life as a Jewish female retiree will be miserable. If Kamala Harris wins, I anticipate violence in protest, but her respect for the Constitution and the rule of law may bring a calmer public life. Her success will depend on support from Congress and the courts. We are in a perilous time, but I think my life will be better with her as president.

I think I'll be curious as to where I was this time last year. I've been very pleasantly surprised and relieved to see that a lot of the worry, stuck-ness, or anxiety I had this time last year has been alleviated or has been transformed into something more generative. So this makes me more hopeful for next year!

Have a Stronger Sense of Inner Strength, Security and Peace. Make changes and remember I can do anything I want to do, if I fail it is Okay because I will learn from it and be open to new experiences and opportunities. Have a broader more accurate perspective on my life and my future. Recognize, Respect and Love myself and the unique talents and abilities I have to share with the world to create a more equitable, just and joyful place for all Beings.

I am planning and hoping to be clearly and unambiguously in a completely new era of my life. I think I will look back on these responses and be struck by all the efforts I have made to push through and emerge on the other side. I am hoping to have a child by then, or be toward the end of pregnancy. I know I don’t hold all the cards on this, I know it’s not in my power. But I am holding the vision of sitting at Rosh Hashanah services next year, listening to the parshah and hearing “And Sarah laughed!” and having a little laugh for myself. Feeling grateful and relieved and full of nerves and potential for the new beginnings unfolding. It’s certainly what I hope for, but of course, who knows how it will all play out. And I know that the next chapter will be rife with its own anxieties and challenges. But, I feel like I’m setting myself on a path to feel better about my life. This past year I have done everything in my power to set myself free. This coming year, I am ready to build anew.

well I feel great from last year's answers - but my goodness it all seemed easier then. There was no war - no genocide, no groups pitted against each other. I hope when I read my answers all will be over and we will moving more towards the healing, truth and reconciliation, people will be safe. we will be able to speak honestly about this. But I just don't think that is going to happen. I think I am going to feel worse potentially about the world than I do today. Let's not forget there is also an american election that impacts all of us especially on us Canadians

I hope I will feel stable and content. I hope I will finally attend services for high holy days at MMT. I hope I’m working at least part time and I hope I’m taking some sort of class. I hope that I am living my life with a bit more intention and routine or structure. I hope to be swimming in my Judaism. I hope to find joy and companionship in my marriage. I hope to find fulfillment in motherhood.

I am hoping that I will be able to feel less anxious about like in general. Right now I feel very afraid all the time about the state of the world, about antisemitism, about raising my daughter in a world like this. I hope that I can be more brave and more confident so that she will be more confident too.

I’m hoping that by this time next year I, and the world, will feel more settled. Gd willing Israel will be secure and the hostages will all be home. The US election will be in the past and hopefully the Democrats will prevail and more importantly the country won’t fracture. I will have a new job that provides benefits and a decent salary as well as professional satisfaction. The children will be on a path whether back at school or in Israel. I will have committed to sticking to a budget and that in turn helps solidify my finances. I will have rededicated myself to connecting with my spouse. I think if I manage to do these things — at least those in my control — and if there’s a deescalation of geopolitical tension, decrease in antisemitism, diminished political rancor, then perhaps I and we might feel a bit more settled. Not happy. Not thriving. But I’ll settle for settled. Calm.

I hope I'll be relieved that Harris/Walz won the election. I hope to be even more done with emotionally charged up feelings about K. I hope that J. either comes to appreciate me more or that I have a chance with yet another partner, because I really do want to have a relationship. I'd like to get married again, but first, just a nice partnership.

If I'm even able to see next September, I think I'll be overjoyed at how wrong I was or in despair at how right I was. I pray and I pray that 2025 will see a safe and joyful Israel living in peace with her neighbors. I pray 2025 will see a United States strengthened with a renewed devotion to the Constitution and to fulfilling the words of Emma Lazarus. I pray all children will be safe in school, safe from guns and safe from bigots. If I can live to see these things, I will be grateful beyond words.

Looking at my answer from last year, I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it. I feel like I’ve hit rock bottom and this year I am trying to bounce off the bottom and gain some momentum. I don’t want to define goals that will continue to make me disappointed in myself, but as long as I am always looking to better myself, I’ll feel more satisfied revisiting this answer next year.

How do I "think" I'll feel? I hope I will fell hope in new and profound ways. I hope that I will feel that I have done what is within my power to affect and effect change. I think I will be successful in my pursuits, but hard to imagine the affect (or effect) that will have on the hard realities of "this" time...this moment....

IDK. I sure hope I’ll feel better about BJ and Kim’s marriage. I hope Joss will mature a little and not have so many temper tantrums and so terribly sensitive. I hope Josephine will be OK. I hope Liz and Justus will continua to be happy. I hope I will continue. To be close to Paul. I hope Murray keeps his health. And I hope I feel better. I hope the pain of my grief from losing mom grows a little less.

I hope I'll feel good about myself and the things I managed to achieve during this year. I hope I'm happy in 2025. I hope I make stand-up into part-time job/hobby (not well-paid, but smth I can do). I want to be able to do five proper push ups and all three splits. I hope I find the strength to push myself and get a better-paying job in 2025. I'm tired of being this poor.

My hopes and dreams are all about physical mobility and mental acuity. I hope we both are participating in being present in life’s day to day activities. I would hope someone will remember us and say “we were here and we did some good”.

These questions for me address the outer conditions of my life, but doe not go deeper enough for these 10 days of penitence. Nevertheless, I am hoping that I may have renewed my efforts to live a more spiritually and practically oriented life. I am gratified that my work with Heenam has motivated her to follow her desire to teach at Beaver Run. I am hoping to live my life more in alignment with the essential rather than the inessential.

Where do I think I'll be? I hope that I' we'll have made some significant changes. I know just going back to school is going to make a huge impact on my life - - It already has - - and I'm wondering what that will look like a year for now. I'm genuinely curious. Life has been really really tough the last few years. And life goes by way too fast. I'm astounded to look at my life and think that I am where I am; often I wonder how I got to this place. It's not where I set out for. It's been a very confusing time for me, very tough painful sad. It does feel like it's on the upswing, and I truly hope a year from now that it's in a more solidly positive place.

I think that I may end up disappointed in myself because I haven't mad eat changes I had hoped to make. However, I think that I will have moved a little ahead with the cleaning out which I have promised myself to do.

I reread last years answer and I am happy to say that I followed through! so I hope that next year I am in a better place with my family and that some of the struggles that we have been having are behind us.

If in the past I aimed for joy, now I only aim for peace. This was what I aimed last year. How sad was to discover that the wold was so crazy, especialy Israel. To the next year I hope that common sense overcomes prejudice! And personally, I hope that I could have done a lot in this direction.

I hope that I’ve remembered the insights I shared and that I’ve incorporated into my daily life more of what I aspire to feel. Also, that I’d organized a 90th birthday party for my husband in or around May 2025 and that family members will celebrate it with us.

So much depends on the election. I fear for our country and how we view and treat each other. If Trump is elected, I suspect I’ll be in grief and/or depression, or feeling helpless much of the time. I hope my mental health will be improved and this process of reflection will show in improved health, home and commitment to my relationships.

This has been a stagnant year. Since Oct 7, 2023 time has stood still. I am hoping that by 2025 we can begin to feel momentum toward goodness and away from the evil that has a stranglehold on the world.

Oy. Well, I have to say first of all that reading the answers from 2023 did show me that I have made a LOT of changes for the better, even as I spent $$ somewhat recklessly to honor the upcoming 60th birthday, and now I find myself in a pinch. I hope that I will feel satisfied with my life and how I am doing; that I will feel that I have done good work in my practice and my teaching (this year did have a few fiascos as well as successes); that I continue to make new friends and make deeper connections. I love doing this yearly ritual, and I believe it has really helped me track my personal growth and evolution.

I have no clue. I hope I'll be happier and more secure. I hope the world will improve and I'll feel more confident. I hope we have our first female president.

I think I will feel relief because this time is so taxing and by then it will be over and we will be on the road to healing. I hope that the world will see the light and take actions to multiply it within themselves. i hope that all those who have erred this past year will find it in themselves to soften their stubbornness and come back to their humanity. I hope that in my own life I will be back in a space of being able to feel joy.

I wish I had taken more time this year. I was also surprised at how similar my answers were last year to this year. I hope that I will continue to bring this reflection time into my life as a habit and this will not be as unusual next year

I've been reviewing my responses since I started doing this exercise in 2012. There are a few things that still come up incomplete but also a # completed. It's important to think about ways to better yourself and give meaning to your existence. Regardless I fall down, I always get back up again.

I hope that I have achieved some of my intentions without shame. Actually, I will only be able to achieve them if I can get past the shame of failure. I am learning how hustle culture has affected me, how it has paralyzed me recently. I hope I am able to just live and let go of expectations.

I hope I have achieved some of what I set out to do. I hope the world is a better and safer place to live in. I hope my family are well, happy and successful. I hope I have better peace of mind.

I hope I will get to look back and see progress. Across all the years of these answers and this wonderful annual exercise in hindsight and foresight. I hope I can See the happiness I feel and how much more control I have in my every day and life in general this day. I hope I will be humble in my achievements, generous in my thoughts and resilient and positive through any challenges. I hope for peace in my soul and family and life and the world

I'll feel a year OLDER - for certain. Reading the past answers, nothing is any different since I started doing this exercise. I do write a LOT about my 4th novel, Vashti's Daughter, which got GREAT reviews and very little sales, as do all of the novels, but then again, I really wrote them for my own enjoyment, so that's still an accomplishment. I don't see anything being much different this time next year, however last year I didn't have a job, this year I do and it's not that bad, just exhausting working at Costco again, but at least the people are nice. I weigh 1.5 pounds LESS than I did a year ago, but I've not been under 140 since COVID, so if 144 is what my body is, then it's good enough. At this point in my life acceptance is better, easier and less stressful than the futile fight to force a change. Books are going nowhere, Bill still hasn't won anything in spite of his hours and hours and years and years of playing on-line PCH or whatever - I try not to blame him for all the financial losses and the fact I'll probably have to work until I drop because of him, but in truth , it IS all his fault, but damn it, for whatever reason I still LOVE the guy... 45 years and counting! My 70th d-day was FANTASTIC, even if it wasn't all the family getting together - nice to have this to read every year since I've NOT written much at all in my own diary. The time does go by faster and faster no matter what the date on the calendar says... time ONLY stops the last hour of WORK!!

I think I'll feel good, warm and excited to receive my answers--as I always do. I honestly don't hope my life is all that different from what it is given my present happiness and contentedness with the way things are balanced. Of course I want to see progress on some of the intentions I set, and I look forward to taking stock and setting more intentions next year!

My answer is the same as last year. Jeez. I hope to be less conflicted about my relationship and more at peace, with less anxiety. I want to understand myself more, so I can stop making the same mistakes.

I'm pretty pessimistic right now, so I was tempted to say that I do not expect a lot, and ... But please please please — let the world around me and my family and friends stay not worse than it is today.