
Describe an event in the world that has impacted you this year. How? Why?

I am still informed about what's happening in the world in bits and pieces but I have lately been closing most of those external sources of energy off, and have been self-tending. I feel like my resources get depleted and I become really SAD and then I can't do anything about how awful the world is becoming in my day to day life, and it's complicated but I don't feel like I can actually change very much on a larger scale, not at least the way things are right now. I feel like I can accomplish more by running a life and business that are very inherently anti-capitalist, by living in a way that is very true to me and is fulfilling and my needs are met, and living that life out loud to inspire other people to live closer to their truths too.

The GD Queen. Pardon me...Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passing. I had no idea this would affect me, and it hit me with a force that was surprising. I'm not British, I've never been to the UK, and I have only ever had a passing interest in the Royals. I knew who they were, I had followed a few stories here and there, but have not watched The Crown or any of the films purporting to be about them, have not read any books about them. I saw a news alert that the Queen had died and had the thought, well...she was pretty old. But then realized there is a part of me that thought she would always be there. I mean, not really, but, that young or irrational part of my brain knew she always had been before, why would that change? I guess I didn't think of the Queen as an actual person. I could not have predicted this, but I got sad, I got emotional...I watched a lot of the funeral. It felt like a moment that doesn't happen often, almost all the world hearing similar news about a person almost all the world knows. And for me personally, I realized I was reminded of my grandmother. They were born two years apart, and kinda had the same hairstyle that many women of their generation got by going to the beauty shop every week. Well, that's how my grandmother got it at least. My grandmother's life was very hard at the end; she had Alzheimer's and her body keep pushing for life far beyond what her mind may have wanted. I miss her so much. And the final passing of the 20th century. There is no getting around the fact that not only was I born last century, I am...not young. The Queen was a tangible link to that past that I also lived, and her death made me feel my own mortality.

The gutting of Roe v. Wade. Now that I live in the United States, it's worrying to see in black in white how my rights as a woman are tenuous and that the fight for equality must continue.

Covid. The Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade. Trump’s having his home searched—and lots of classified documents found. We are living through strange and interesting times.

war in Ukraine. Several earthquakes in California, Oregon, Mexico in September. Mauna Loa "stirring". Hurricanes, fires and floods. Feels like the planet is fighting back, coming apart at the seams.

Biden/Harris triumphed, I was so worried that it would go the other way. I guess I just don't trust the system.

again, politics and climate change. fostering weaponized ignorance to gain governmental power... sickening. florida's devastating hurricane - just a preview of more intense weather-related events to come; who knows how it will change everything?

The death of the Queen. I didn't anticipate how much I would care. That I would even shed a tear or two. I've now lived under two monarchs. Mum and dad under 3, albeit they don't remember the first. It's been a strange time to be alive.

COVID, the war in Ukraine, the end of Roe v. Wade, fires and Hurricane Ian, Trump, hate, Uvalde, crime. There is not just one event. I/women am/are being attacked as if I/we am/are to revert to bing barefoot and pregnant. I fear for my safety as a woman, a lesbian, and a Jew. My duty is to do what I can to repair the world. Mostly that is through donations. Partly it is through learning and patience. I don't know where to go.

It would have the be the queen's death. Of course it was going to happen at some point but it was still a shock when it did occur. I was surprised how sad it made me but hard to say why given I didn't know her

Probably one of the biggest world events that's impacted me has been the war in Ukraine. I didn't think European countries would even engage in a ground war ever again. And I've been so surprised that Ukraine has even been able to hold off Russia and is likely to win this conflict. Have I just believed the propaganda all along that Russia was some sort of superpower? Certainly that Putin has been a bully, but I've really been surprised that Russia wasn't able to just trounce such a small country. It makes me feel like perhaps bullies really can be stood up to.

The Covid pandemic is still significantly affecting everything that we do. Sadly, angrily, unfortunately, unsurprisingly, the vast majority of Americans (and others in the world), are behaving as though Covid is no longer a threat and that the pandemic has ended. This selfish, individual-centered lack of consideration for community has normalized the death and disregard for the immunocompromised, the disabled, and the marginalized.

Oh god. All of it. The world is burning, and I'm so fucking burnt out by it. I can't think about world events without it pushing me into severe depression, so it's made me try to be kinder to myself, others, and to spread some comfort and joy in the world... Hopefully its helped

I want to say Roe v Wade getting overturned, not because it impacts me directly, but it showed how our democracy fails when we enable a few people with power to enact their will against the will of the people.

The Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade was another reminder of how perilous our democracy is. I have at times been depressed and at times energized to get more involved in races that matter. I've donated money to Democrat candidates in key races across the country and have offered to help house or otherwise help girls and women in "red" states get to New Mexico (or other states that still permit abortions). Even paying as much attention as I do to politics, I'm a bit stunned that we are as close as we are to a christo-fascist autocracy. I'm hopeful that with the elections in November, Democrats will take the Senate.

Losing Roe made me so, so, so hopeless and then so, so, so angry. Women’s lives! People’s lives! Any choice at all. Safety. Health. Ability to claim our sexual selves. Moralizing bad faith science-denying stuffed-shirt buffoonery. Margaret Atwood/Cassandra in a coal mine called it early. It is enough to make me howl like a werewolf under a full moon, my nails grow long enough to scratch and I am hungry for a fight. Thank God for the green shirts in other countries who I used to celebrate in their struggle, who now give me inspiration and a color of stubborn growth to wear in protest. Dear RBG give us strength. Please ADHD gods can I stay committed each day to helping bring Sex education to the southern US and to stand up for those with less ability to pass than I have. May I not be deterred by grievous, serious efforts to gouge out the metaphorical eyes and ears of young people and burn the books we’ve worked so hard to write.

Monkeypox and polio have entered into the world which has made me even more worried to go out of my house. Then COVID is still prevalent which sadly effected my mom and grandmother (September 2022). I blame myself for getting them sick. My mom and me went to a big event like Cooper Young and to a place with tons of people like a casino with no masks. I got relaxed when number rates went down and ignored when the started to rise. Sadly I might bring wearing masks and staying in more. I want my family to be safe. I would hate to be the one that hurts them.

The queens death. I don't think Americans understand this. But she was a fixture of our society my entire life. And while monarchy might be a bad institution, as monarchs go EQII was a good one. She lead with duty and dignity. She was a strong woman and had a profound influence on the 20th century. Her passing is literally the end of an era. That said the more significant thing is clearly the war in Ukraine. The ultimate escalation in Putins evil ambition. I've been upset since the atrocities in Chechnya and Syria have gone un punished...and now this. Such senseless preventable suffering... and yet the leadership from Zelenski and the galvanized response from Ukrainians, and even the west at large has been incredibly heartening and inspirational. That said as a child of the cold war... I never thought we'd live again under the specter of nuclear annihilation. It horrifying

After two years of taking actions to limit the spread of covid, in March, the country just decided to give up and stop caring about it. Vaccine and mask mandates were lifted in response to "covid fatigue," whatever that is. People flocked to bars, restaurants, concerts, and parties, having forgotten their selves of just a year ago that tried so hard not to get infected. I didn't agree with the lifting of protocols, but it wasn't until I read more about the bigger picture that I realized what it all meant. A highly contagious virus, infecting millions across the country, that causes disability and death, and the government's plan is to just...let it happen?? How does that make sense at all? In the summer, I became obsessed with eliminating my risk of catching covid after reading about cumulative risk. Despair overwhelmed me when I realized what the government's "let it rip" strategy meant for the immunocompromised and people with disabilities (the answer: them being totally abandoned and forgotten). While I'm in a better place now emotionally and mentally, I'm still very upset. It's disheartening seeing everyone all around you abandon masks, tests, even care about the virus and acting like it's not even real anymore. While I will act to protect my health, it's a lonely reality to live in.

The war in Ukraine. It made me want to speak up and out about the treatment of others...to show solidarity with people who are not only in my local community, but a part of the human race(global community) overall. It impacted me because it made very clear how globally connected we really are...the cost of goods and services were greatly impacted as a result of this war.

Still COVID. I can't just blame the anti-vaxxers - this virus seems determined to evade vaccines. Many friends have gotten it. All mild cases, fortunately, but the fear that undergirds everything has really worn me down. Even though I'm pretty much doing things "normally," it still feels a long way from normal.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine. My family is originally from Odessa, and I spent my entire tenure of grad school learning about Ukrainian history and connecting to the Jewish community there. There were definitely a few weeks in February where I walked around in a haze - this was maybe the first global crisis where there are people I know in the heart of it. I felt a lot of guilt for going on with my life and complaining about the little annoyances I had when they were enduring seismic shifts to the world they knew.

For some reason, knowing Jupiter was visible, even though I didn’t personally see it, and seeing those beautiful NASA pictures of it made me feel comforted. Comforted because the world is so much bigger than me. No one is paying attention to me. I am not as important as my mind tells me. I’m invisible. And that comforts me because I can just focus on being myself.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade. When I think about my abortion, I think about how deeply cared for I felt in that horrible, dark moment where I didn't know which way was up and all I wanted was to STOP hurting. The doctors looked at me sobbing in the exam room and said, "We're going to help you." Waking up, all I felt was a deep and profound relief and it pains me and worries me knowing how far away we're moving from the possibility that other people will be able to experience the same level of care, respect for their autonomy, and ability to make the best decisions for their own lives.

Roe v wade was overturned. I got ANGRY. I’m so sad that my daughter may have less freedom than me. But I’m not convinced this is the end. We are emboldened! Hopefully we turn up for midterms. But perhaps I didn’t do enough in the aftermath. It did create the spark in me and recognition that my skills can eventually be put towards some meaningful social good, and my experience in my job today is training for being most effective at something that fills my heart more.

The Senate held January 6th hearings. They were professional, respectful, well-researched and appropriate, which is saying a lot for our country at this moment. I am daunted that there is still so much general sentiment supporting the interaction and the powers behind it. I hope we find a way forward that respects our institutions and create space for all of us.

I’m going to combine 2 events as examples of a greater trend here - specifically the overturning of Roe v. Wade earlier this year in the US and the current ongoing protests in Iran. I struggle to describe myself as anything other than shocked. On the abortion/health care side, I am privileged to live in a state that seems unlikely to issue an extreme ban as a number of other states have (for now), but the trend as a whole of controlling women, and expecting women to be controlled in such a blatant manner makes me sick. I am in awe of all the protestors in Iran and struggle to fathom their circumstances and their responses.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade affected me more than I thought it would. I really internalized what it means as far as how our society treats and thinks about women, and that got me really down. It makes me seriously question whether I want to bring children into a world like this.

There is no one event. Regularly functioning during catastrophic events has become the norm. Thankfully I work from home and can allow myself to feel it, but mostly I’m just numb.

That's a question. Uvalde had me pretty fucked up. Those kids didn't deserve that. I'd fistfight God himself in a Walmart parking lot over that. Right now, I haven't been able to go outside for about a week again because of the wildfire smoke. It's October. Iranians are fighting for a revolution and I wish them the best. Hurricanes ever more powerful. Ebola now? It's all so hard to keep track of. I don't think we're meant to experience this sort of acceleration of events, but here we are, dizzied and just trying to hold on for the ride. "Who shall perish by water and who by fire, Who by sword and who by wild beast, Who by famine and who by thirst, Who by earthquake and who by plague..."

Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed as the first Black woman supreme court justice! It was difficult to see/hear the types of questions/attacks that were targeted toward her during her confirmation and I hate that she had to handle it with such poise. But she did handle it with poise and endurance until she was confirmed. I'm both joyed and saddened at this historical event. Joyed because I'm so glad young Black girls have more public figures to look up to, more public figures to base their future lives and hopes off of, more variety and more proof they can be whatever versions of themselves they would like to be. Saddened because though the US has progressed, there are still plenty of 'firsts' for minority men and women (the first Native American in space happened within this past week!) and parts of this country will resist strongly. Nevertheless, I am so pleased as my grandmother would put it. I am honored to witness this history.

The US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs Wade. That spoke volumes about how badly men still want to regulate women’s bodies. Even though I live in the UK not the US, it hurt me. It reminded me that misogyny is still alive and that there is a lot more work for us to do if we want to see women properly protected.

I cop out of this one every year, but yikes I don't think I can answer this one. Oh wait, it was pretty cool that the queen died this year. I broke the news to a coworker, and he responded with something like "Your hate to see a girlboss go." And at the exact time I sent a message that said something like "End of the monarchy babeeeyyyyy." Because it's easier to overthrow a 2-year king than a 50-year queen, but that's not my people's problem. Anyway I thought that was extremely funny.

The rise of anti-trans legislation in the US. I know it's a knee-jerk political backlash, it's eventually going to be reversed, it's due to evil people being awful to try to stay in power, but it still hurts. It pains me to think of all the beautiful, incredible people who are going to suffer, physically, emotionally, and mentally, from not being able to be themselves. I was there.

The Queen died. She was a magical being. She brought the country together in an unstable world.

There are just so many... The war in Ukraine. The insanely inhumane antics of DeSantis and other governors re: migrants. ROE. But I'll say this: it took her 75 years, but my RINO mom is a feminist warrior. And I couldn't be more proud!

Hurricane in PEI. Brought me to mind of environmental impacts

School shootings. Roe v wade overturned. The war in the Ukraine. I mean where do we even begin?! Everything feels horrifying.

The execution of more humans on death row, how we do not see that the way we treat other beings is our own relationship with ourselves and God, how twisted this is, how badly I want us to open to love. Roe v. Wade, very personally difficult for me as I personally would break my own heart if I got an abortion, as far as I can feel at this point in my life, but knowing it is a complex issue, and seeing people unable to dialogue and see each other on it, and so many people facing horrible circumstances without access to abortion, is all very overwhelming, perplexing, saddening, feels divisive in a way it doesn't have to be if we are willing to really talk to each other and be honest and our truest selves... Ukraine, hurricanes, shootings, feeling horrible for my life of physical comfort when there is so much suffering across the globe.

No real event this year really created an impact for me. But, my relationship with Deborah has really been tested this year. Our communication and problem solving has been taking a huge hit and I feel largely responsible for the problems. The way I interpret things and the way Deborah receives has created a lot of unnecessary fights amongst. Deep down, my intention is continue our relationship and be serious about my actions.

I'm not into the news or politics and stupidly don't really look at the world much. The war btwn Russia and Ukraine I think reminds us that war is never just in the past, it is always on going, whether big or small. Covid is still a thing. Not as crazy. But it's still present.

- war in Ukraine - continued shift to right wing fascism of the U.S. Republican Party - Iran’s state-directed murder of women who refuse the continued violation of their bodily autonomy specifically in their right to dress as they wish - US overturning Roe vs Wade - continued impact of global warming It seems from scientific data and expert predictions that we are really going to see huge numbers (billions) of deaths due to climate change and even in the west we will be suffering really really badly . I am convinced we are not going to make it as a species

Not so much an event but the rising cost of living is scary and the fact that we’ve had to borrow money from family to cover costs upsets me.

The death of one of the best and my favorite basketball player of all time, Bill Russell, passed away. This impacted me because he meant so much to the basketball community and it made me realize that no one can live forever.

I'm probably overly involved in the news. I often tend to focus on the bad and scary points of what's going on in our country - and our world - at this time. The fact that the January 6th investigation is still ongoing and remains unsettled is extremely troublesome to me. There's worry and hate going at an extreme in this country. Are we headed towards Civil War? I worry about what's going on with Russia and Ukraine. Will that result in a World War? Am I the only person who feels like this is impacting me personally?

The death of RBG, and the striking down of roe v wade has really shaken me to my core. I really fear for my children, for all of this generation.

The covid pandemic generally but also - according to the news - the Russian invasion of and war in Ukraine has messed up the world economy. Everything is getting more expensive and inflation is a bitch. It makes me frustrated that the money I do make doesn't seem to be enough to do everything I want to do. It's frustrating to have things cost a dollar more than they used to, and I find myself needing to be much more mindful of what I am spending my money on.

Currently, and for the past year, there has been a war raging in Ukraine by the Russians. It has meant both heightened questions of security here, influx of refugees, misinformation and destruction of friend groups, families and communities as people end up believing different versions of events. Initially I remember Papa Bear calling and asking what Germany was doing to 'protect' us. And I was really confused. Of course Berlin could be a target for Russia but they might be just as likely to attack somewhere else. Susi and I then discussed where we would go if we needed to go. Luckily we both agree Canada would be the better option but we both equally hope it won't come to that. The war is on-going and people are still dying. Working for the embassy I can see the effort countries are putting in to support Ukraine in this fight. They are giving them weapons, money, shelter for the refugees. How does one beat a superpower like Russia? Recently Russia has required circumscription and it has meant a max influx of fighting-aged men into Europe. Some leaders question the change they could make if they stayed and opposed the war on their native soil. Some leaders have shut their doors. I don't know how this ends but I hope for the lives at stake, the end is in sight.

The monkeypox outbreak happened this past year. It really affected me on multiple levels. First, I was so angry and hurt (but not entirely surprised) by the slow mobilization efforts to curb the spread of the disease. It had so many echoes to early COVID and early HIV/AIDS pandemic where nobody cared because the people primarily being affected were gay men. Eventually we did get more vaccine access and everyone who wanted a vaccine could get one, and we crushed the curve. But it took a lot longer than it should have, and a lot more people got really sick and were in a lot of pain without help than neeeded to be.

Roe vs Wade Ukraine Russia Dad Drew I think the whys are obvious In case I forget: The overturn of Roe versus Wade opened the door to a wave of laws that have raped the rights of women to own their lives. It's a new slavery. Ukraine rising from Russian invasion has brought more power into NATO to stand against oligarchies, authoritarian rulers. A new nexus of powers is revealed. The world is going to dance differently. Dad Drew It's all about my sense of security. It's changed. I had to adult. I wish I could return to ignorance. But my kids need me to not. There is in this still a joy. I will ride it. I will find it. I will follow it. It is in gratitude. It is in kindness

The death of the Queen was something that hit me profoundly while watching her funeral procession. I felt such sadness for her family at having lost the matriarch of both their family and the Empire.

The overturning of Roe left me enraged, fearful, and sad. I'm angry that a minority of conservatives has the power to strip rights away from women and that it will mostly be poor women of color who will be impacted. I'm raising two girls and while we live in a state that currently protects abortion access, I fear that could be overturned at some point by conservatives who refuse to see women as deserving the right to make life-changing decisions about our bodies.

War in Ukraine, Roe v. Wade overturned and political stress, gun violence, ongoing climate crisis...all of us makes our lives anxious.

Covid has continued, and inflation has set in. People are enduring terrible hardships: every trip to the grocery store it’s higher, and gas is $5 a gallon and things seem unstable. I worry for people who are at the edge of what they can handle, and even as I see my own expenses go up, I am profoundly grateful to have more than enough in money and security.

Uvalde was a big fucking deal. That school was on the same school calendar as my 7-year-old's, and it happened two days before the last day of school. I'm so angry that more didn't happen in response. I feel furious with this country.

Roe vs. Wade was overthrown. Women in the US do not have a constitutional right to abortion. I feel my lowered status as a woman. I ache every day for the women all over the country who are struggling to get abortions that they need, that their children and families need them to have, who are made to feel ashamed of their sexuality.

Nothing specific, I've just become more and more aware of how we as humans are misusing the earth and WASTING. I was already a bit neurotic about that, but now I can't get rid of a scrap without thinking about how it's affecting us in the bigger picture. I just wish everyone would see it this way and work together for solutions. On a slightly different topic, it was SUPER exciting to see the DART Mission succeed in redirecting an asteroid! Glad to know we have the capability to save the earth from extinction (at least with regard to outside influences).

Election of Anthony Albanese. Felt like the end of a shit government

Russia invaded Ukrain. Rob’s wife is Ukrainian. Global warming seems to have arrived. I feel like I need to see the world before it blows up.

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and gave that authority back to states. It feels like a step backward in time and it feels like the Supreme Court might now strip other rights from us. As someone who once exercised my right to choose I am particularly distressed that many people in the country will now face significant hardship finding a way to make choices for themselves in this regard. I am hopeful we can turn this around but also realistic that this deep divide in the country will only continue to grow.

The repeal of Roe is utterly frightening and makes me really question the stability and integrity of our democracy. Is this a country that I feel represents my values, my freedoms, my interests, and my rights? I remember learning about "American cultural imperialism" in High School, and it was the first time I was introduced to the idea that America might not be the "best country in the world," that that's just the way I've been raised to think about it. With the direction of politics in our country, and the stripping away of fundamental human rights, it has become very clear to me now that the United States is not the best country in the world--it's just where I've been raised. It's definitely shaken my perception of this country.

The continuing impacts of global warming: more droughts, more flooding, more fires, more devastating hurricanes and mudslides and other natural disasters precipitated by humans. It fills me with despair and hopelessness. I wonder how younger generations can endure this, and am not at all surprised by the rise in depression in young people.

I was so upset when Russia invaded Ukraine. I almost couldn't consume the media. I couldn't bear to hear the pain and agony in Russian. It felt visceral since that language is so deeply associated with family of origin for me. I just kept making borscht.

The Covid pandemic continues to impact my life. I have not wanted to fly, to be with large groups of people especially in an enclosed setting, uncomfortable wearing my mask for long periods of time. Hoping that I will want to and be able to participate in events and to travel much more.

Mass shootings. Again. Always. This year, Buffalo, Uvalde, and Highland Park all happened in such quick succession, hitting so close to home in different and literal ways. A grocery store, an elementary school, a Chicago suburb. The places we go every day. I shudder dropping my daughter off at school. I know where every exit is when I go anywhere in public. And I still don't go out as much. But I feel like I also have to say the overturning of Roe vs. Wade. And the flooding in Pakistan. And the death of Mahsa Amini, and the uprising of women in the wake of that travesty. And the STILL-RAGING pandemic that we all just ignore now. And on and on and on. Such desperate, disparate but interconnected events. Because it all comes down to a lack of care. If we don't care about women's lives, about the safety of people in schools and grocery stores and at parades, about the planet... what are we even here for at all?

Feeling sad about the divisions in our country. Worried about our vanishing democracy.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been difficult to witness. I do not want to minimize the suffering of any people, including Ukrainian people. But as a mixed race woman whose family is from the global south, I’ve been truly horrified by white newscasters talking about how this human suffering is different bc “Ukrainians look like us!” Truly demoralizing. And how can you say to people genuinely wanting to help that their assistance feels conditional? Ukrainian refugees deserve help and safety AND so do other people, regardless of racial and cultural differences! I just… it has been so painful to have it confirmed that many who live in my neighborhoods and country will only help people in need if they are mostly white and mostly Christian. Because let us be clear: Ukrainians of colour have had vastly lower levels of welcome than white Ukrainians.

An event in the world that has hugely impacted me is the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and, specifically, the societal response—or lack thereof—to the fact that it isn't just going away. As the government has dropped masking mandates and the general public stops wearing masks, my world shrinks even smaller. It's incredibly isolating to feel society prioritising going back to an unachievable "Normal" rather than communal public health and adapting to and imagining new normals. To have people I once felt safe with and close to so easily toss aside protections that made all of our lives safer and Especially mine and the lives of my high-risk chosen family. It's scary how difficult it is to get people who say they care about me to care about Covid. To care about the impact on disabled and chronically ill people. To care about the impact on themselves. Trying to get them to understand that Long Covid can look like the ME/CFS and POTS that leave me bedbound. That Long Covid looks like countless 20-somethings dying of "unexplained" strokes. To get them to understand that it's not only high-risk people who are at great risk of serious impacts. The disability community has so much wisdom to share on how we Can move forward. Not going back to the old normal that left disabled and poor people behind even then and leaves us even further behind now. But to new and better normals where more people are supported to live their best selves. Where public health is prioritised. We can create a normal Better than the one before. I just. Get so discouraged and angry at how broader society isn't joining with disabled people to create that better future. There's so much grief of What Could Be, if only people would Listen.

The Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health decision overturned Roe vs. Wade, and paved the way for a possible federal ban on abortions. While this may never impact me directly, it feels like an assault on women, at a time when I'm already acutely aware of how much of the weight of society women carry simply by bearing and raising the children.

The whole Ukraine war, made me study a little more Eurasian history, and meta history, realizing it's the Russians that are pretenders to the bloodline, the bastards of the Kievan Rus'. Although the Russians do have a cultural terrane as it were, of precisely the opposite of the Brits. Glorified under-performers vs unearned, elevated self regard. There's some personal metonymy here to be analyzed later... As a personal metaphor, it's been a reminder not to believe my own bullshit.

The continuing rise of public antisemitism is very much freaking me out, and I hope that the American way of being respectful of differences continues to grow and change instead of fall back on old tropes.

There has been an attack on reproductive health care in the US and in Texas especially. This sickened me on so many levels and really forced me to think differently about continuing with IVF and ultimately informed our decision to stop.

None of these are directly impacting me, but all add to my sense of concern for the future of our country and the future of the planet. The continuation of Covid was and is a challenge. My live performing has been much better, though we had a few performances in the past year that were forced to cancel due to protocols not being met. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has no direct impact, but it's heart-wrenching knowing that this is nothing more than a badly-orchestrated power play by Putin. Needlessly displacing the Ukrainian people and destroying lives and property throughout the region. And last, but no less disheartening, the desire of a segment of the Republican party interested in wreaking havoc on the American form of democracy simply to satisfy a morally corrupt base of voters. These are 3 world events that increase my anxiety, frustration, and diminish my hope for the future.

Uvalde. Anytime there is a shooting, it’s upsetting. I get angry at the inaction of those with the power to stop it. Being a teacher, Uvalde really hit home. I’ve been teaching for 14 years and have had to process a lot of school shootings (Sandy Hook and Parkland were both so upsetting), but Uvalde hit home even more. For the first time, I had students asking me if we were really safe at school and what I would do to protect them. For the first time, my anger gave way to a feeling of helplessness, and I cried a few times just thinking about it. I’m tired of “arm the teachers” and all that nonsense. I want those in power to take action- real action- because no amount of protests or letter writing is making a dent.

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan in October 2021. I had no idea at the time that I would meet several Afghan refugee families who recently settled in Oakland, thanks to a Welcome Circle at our synagogue. I have become attached to one family of 5 who live in a modest apartment only 1.5 miles from our home. I do my best to help them navigate the county social services, complete the forms that are required to receive benefits, access medical services. The challenges are many, often heartbreaking (as when two family members have been mugged in the neighborhood), but they seem determined—the women (mom and two teen daughters) are especially resourceful and determined. We are a small team of dedicated volunteers, some of whom have become my friends as we problem solve together. The friendships and the work—yes, it is work!—are deeply rewarding.

Still COVID and the Queen just died.

The response of the Ukrainian people to the wanton invasion of the Russian army. Like David and Goliath, the little, but extraordinary, Ukrainian army and Ukrainian people have fought off the much bigger and much better-financed Russian forces to hold on to their country, their land, their way of life, their language and customs, and their democracy. Their commitment and bravery is unlike any other country on earth (save the Israelis) today.

The Ukraine War. The combination of the scenes of heartbreaking devastation, and heroic resilience were incredible. To watch Zelensky become a charismatic leader was inspiring, but also the realization that our economy is tied to the rest of the world; that one country's horrible problem can affect the entire world economy. And I cannot fathom what Putin is doing.

Increased checking and increased paperwork for postage and all things border control is frustrating and it impacts how quickly we can serve customers and probably adds a couple of hours to my working weeks

The supreme court overturning Roe really shook me. And I know that as a cis, white, middle class woman in a blue state, I am very likely to retain my personal access to abortion, but to have such a fundamental right taken away for all people who can give birth says so much about the state of the country and the impact of the past many years of the right's long game and it's very scary. And, it also gave me hope that more people will wake up to the threats at hand and come out to vote in the midterms and beyond.

The craziness of U.S. politics has created doubt,and shame for those that don't recognize the needs of the people in this country.

The COVID Pandemic has affected my life this year, extremely. The pandemic is still happening and in the span of six months I had COVID twice!!!! I have had a very hard time socializing with people because no one cares about COVID anymore it feels like. Making friends is hard when people think the pandemic has ended, and won't get tested, won't wear masks inside concert venues and on trains, only eat indoors in crowded spaces. And I can't ask a stranger to test themselves and mask in order to meet me (especially because tests are expensive! and like why would you do all of that if you dont even know if we will get along yet). My parents got COVID and I am stressed about the repercussions that could have for them. My brother who is allergic to the vaccine got COVID. I am so stressed about it. I wish messaging for COVID prevention had been better, even if everyone masked sometimes, it would be better than the world we are in now, where some of us mask all day and eat outdoors, and still catch COVID cause no one else wears a mask ever. I also wish we still had resources and they weren't defunded.

Well Queen Elizabeth died, Hurricane Ian destroyed Florida, and huge earthquakes hit Asia and other places... not to mention lots of political shifts towards the right... but to be honest I've been shielded from obvious effect from these things, for better or worse.

This sounds bad - but there is so much going on in the world that in a weird way I feel like none of it affected me. I kinda just go about my day as it always has been. I do feel scared about the rising cost of living, the wars, climate change....the list can go on. And, I just feel like it is all too much.

This is certainly a good few years to answer this question in! So many events in the world going on, all the time. I think Roe V Wade being overturned was the most impactful for me, even though I live in the UK. We were in Philadelphia when it was being discussed as a possibility, in May, and my American friends were worried and upset about it then. When the ruling came through it was at the end of June, when I was celebrating my birthday and we were at Glastonbury. There was such shock, such solidarity and fear, real fear that this was happening and our bodies were no longer our own. How can this be happening? How soon before it comes to the UK? I have never had to have an abortion, thankfully, but I want to have the choice and for my fellow people to have the choice too. Why should women carry the burden, figuratively and literally? Give all men vasectomies, which are easily reversible.

Russia invaded Ukraine, which has a Jewish president. As always, there’s antisemitism swirling about because of this, but I greatly appreciate that he often compares Ukraine to Israel in a positive way. Love our tribe 💜 It’s been horrible to watch this invasion happen.

The invasion of Ukraine. The utter depravity to once again experience the helplessness of not being able to do ANYTHING. This world can really break your heart.

Roe vs. Wade being overturned / Jan 6th Trials. losing faith in those that have political power. isn't aligned with the majority of americans...just those in office w/more political sway.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade, 100%. People are so focused on the piece about abortion, which is tremendously important, but don't understand how it affects all women's reproductive health, or how the term "abortion" is actually used for miscarriages and non-viable pregnancies. Two years ago I had an incomplete miscarriage and was given medication (and would have had surgery if it hadn't helped) which is no longer available to many women in this country. I was given care that people no longer have access to, and that makes me sick to my stomach, thinking about how I felt when it was happening and what I would have done if I was told at the hospital I had to go home and wait around for weeks, in pain, for nature to take it's course or worse, until I became so sick my life was at risk - and then it would be okay to get treatment. People also don't realize this decision is going to start affecting those doing IVF. I have 8 embryos frozen right now that we know are not genetically viable, they cannot in any way become a real pregnancy or a live baby, and so we will eventually be discarding them and donating them for research. If the "peoplehood" laws pass, saying that life begins at fertilization, I would be convicted of a felony for discarding my own embryos. Some people may agree with this and think discarding embryos, viable or not, is a terrible thing, and that's okay. But you should have the choice, no one should tell you what you can do. In the blink of an eye the country changed for the worse and it scares me. I'm still trying to get pregnant and I have to travel quite a bit this year, and I'm actually nervous to travel to a state with these antiquated laws. What happens if I have a problem with my pregnancy and I'm in a state without protected rights? Do I have to fly home in distress, just to make sure I get treatment? Do I risk it and try to get treatment in an unfriendly state? We shouldn't have to worry about these things. We're one country and our citizens should be able to travel without fear for their safety or health. This whole thing is so concerning.

The war between Russia and the Ukraine has been a horrible thing. It's affected my prayer life because we've been instructed by the bishop to pray regularly for the Ukraine. It hasn't had much impact on me otherwise, but it's a horrible situation and devastating for everyone involved.

The rollback of Roe v Wade was a major turning point. It makes me cringe when I think of the conservative majority on the SC and the backward slide of the US. I fear it will continue for quite some time.

Increasing instability has increased my stress levels, for sure--as I'm sure it has with everyone. Beyond that, higher cost of living has made us more financially precarious. This, however, is a relatively minor issue for us. My wife, our two kids, and I are content with our relationships, our careers, and the places we live. We all have our health. We have the emotional resources to care for Mom who is the one close family member who is ailing. Overall, we are far better off than so many others more directly impacted by world events.

Covid still keeps me guessing whether I'm out and about, sub-teaching, or on campus. But I have been careful and I haven't gotten it!

The January 6 attack on the Capital...so much evolving as facts surface through investigation etc...worn, exhausted, anxious, and hopeful democracy will be saved. I am pragmatic that the January 6 Committee's investigation may not change voters' minds, but it is important to let the truth be known, to hold people accountable.

I think the violence this year has been especially painful since having the baby. I don’t know that there was more but it felt so close to home. I also notice my heart just feels so vulnerable. Everyone feels like someone’s baby and it just breaks me. I have felt very overwhelmed by the pain the world.

The Russia/Ukraine war has made me realize how privileged I am to be living in peace, and gave me a sense of responsibility to use this space towards some good. I look out into the world and see so much violence and conflict. Why do humans have such a hard time living together peacefully? It seems attitudes of scarcity, patriarchal dynamics, and authoritarian political systems lead to seemingly gratuitous violence and struggle, as if war were a video game or a sport the world can only watch and can do little to prevent.

The ending of federal protection for abortion. While I would never have one, I don't think I should decide for others. This is a medical decision between a woman and her Dr. A WOMAN'S LIFE MATTERS. This year I learned that the "heartbeat" at 6 weeks is actually cardiac cells sending out an electrical signal, and they would do the same thing in a petri dish. I learned that pain receptors aren't functional until around 20 weeks. And I learned that every abortion has a sad story behind it. A woman's value is not lessened when she is pregnant. If mandatory organ donation is wrong, then so should be forcing a woman to keep another person alive at considerable risk to herself.

The continued abhorrent activity of Trump and other Republicans. Plus the SCOTUS reversal of Roe v Wade. In the past year I have worked hard at accepting other people's realities. But, I have a hard time accepting the realities of these people.

The War in Ukraine. It's really made me think about my heritage, about where, exactly, my family is from in Ukraine. Listening to the news, seeing somewhat familiar names of cities and towns bandied about--is there some ancestor whose grave has been desecrated by this new round of fighting? Or are the descendants of the people who tortured my great-grandparents and great-great-parents so much that they fled the country now refugees themselves? It makes my exploration of Ukrainian embroidery that much more special, since Russia is creating a new wave of diaspora.

One year ago the Covid-19 pandemic was still having a major impact on our lives. Masks, travel restrictions, social distancing requirements, and ongoing health and safety concerns were limiting all of us. One year later, that has changed dramatically to the point where life is just about back to normal. Work and school have returned to in person, without masks. We are once again going to restaurants, theaters, theme parks, and celebrations with minimal fear of getting sick or spreading disease. For me, the ability to make plans, travel, and see family, friends and colleagues is a huge deal for my mental and emotional health. As an extrovert this is how I get my energy and how I live my best life. The past two years of constraints taught me that I can still find happiness with much less human interaction than I’ve been accustomed to in the past. But it is a huge relief to feel like we have turned the corner to a new normal and that the worst of the pandemic is behind us.

Seeing Roe v. Wade overturned was something I never could have imagined. Especially for it to happen while I was pregnant, and expecting a daughter, felt like I understood the stakes much more clearly and personally than I ever had before.

COVID isolation, climate disasters and all the wars. It has been emotionally exhausting and our economic situation was frightening. We qualified for help and it saved us. Now we do not qualify and heading into winter is concerning and depressing.

On January 6 2021 (not sure what month and day of 5781 that was), a bunch of supporters of Donald Trump -- white supremacists, random white guys, even school teachers -- stormed the US capitol and tried to kill some legislators, as well as the vice president. They didn't succeed, but 5 people died. That didn't happen this year, but the knock on effects continue, and everyone in the US lives with the idea that the government could one day be overthrown by those forces. I personally fear this very much, because the fascists trying to do this hate me, and there are fewer and fewer safe places in the world for people like me.

The war in Ukraine has affected gas prices. I'm more aware now of how much things cost and what we are spending. I worry a little about nuclear war, in ways I haven't done since I was a kid in the early 80s. But locally, the election of a new mayor has brought wonderful changes to our lives in our schools, our streets, and just a general sense of hope that the right values will be guiding things.

Sigh...It always seems to come back to Trump doesn't it? He has really shown how fragile our democracy and how easily manipulated our citizen's are. I truly think it's the downfall of the USA and things will never go back to how they used to be. I have doubts that he will be held accountable for his many many crimes, and fear that a Republican minority will steal our future elections, remove women's rights, and steal our children's future. (Luckily we won't be in the US anymore!)

The war in Ukraine has been the most impactful world event to affect me. I identify as much as a European as an American, and feel as if the peace of the past almost 50 years has been shattered and still threatens the rest of the world. Ironically, it has brought me closer to my Russian-Jewish friends, most of whom tend to skew Republican, but who are on the same side as me on this issue.

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 and it has caught the attention of the world. It's certainly not the only invasion or humanitarian crisis happening internationally but it's really visible in US news media and pretty high-profile here. Lots of Americans are donating to Ukraine, flying Ukrainian flags as support, and using the colors blue and yellow in media, marketing, and decor.

ugh the war in Ukraine is shattering. I feel so fortunate and helpless. Other than donating, Im not sure what to do and truly dissociate much of the time

I never like this one. Covid is still there but not as prevalent. Politics become more and more drastically divided all the time. I try to take a middle road but have a hard time reading the news or engaging in conversations about the state of the world at all anymore. I don't like being labeled for my opinions, so it's easier not to say them at all.

The school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Children were massacred while police officers stood outside and did nothing to help. It was the first school shooting since I became a parent and I felt it in a different, more acutely horrific way. It makes me question why I live in the USA, why I'm raising a child here. It's hard not to feel hopeless when this keeps happening. I was a little kid during Columbine. Now I have a baby. Why is this still happening?

The overturn of Roe vs Wade was the most disturbing to me of many conservative moves this year. I am extremely concerned about women who live in the states that won’t uphold the right to abortion, and the disproportionate impact on women without wealth or privilege. Aside from donating money (which I should do more), I haven’t figured out how to make an impact or help folks out. It blows my mind they this has happened, and the challenge of conservative justices in the courts feels intractable.

The pandemic continues into this year. It's kind of a background worry at this point, but it definitely affects our lives still. I work from home, I know I might get it at large gatherings, my parents are still on edge, and I wonder if it'll ever be "over"

On the 4th of July, as I was returning home after a glorious week in Galena with my sisters, about 10 minutes from home, my phone started to blow up. Are you OK? Were you there? Oh my God! Are you safe? Are you all right? At the parade 3 blocks from my house, the parade I attended every year - not out of some sense of patriotism, but because we just all went. The whole community goes, you see people you haven't seen in a while. I used to go to see Bryan with the marching band. A couple of years I was in the parade - handing out merch for Mitch Hoffman's campaign, walking with the sign for Aitz Chayim, but usually, I was at the top of the ramp outside the post office watching. This year, I was on my way home when shots rang out and everyone ran for their lives - except for those who were killed, or wounded, or looking for their parents, or tending to the carnage. Suddenly, we were in the same club as Sandy Hook, Columbine, Uvalde, on and on and on. And I felt totally disconnected from my community. We were safe. My neighbors were safe. My neighbors. Who wasn't safe? 7 people - an abuelo, a toddler's parents, a Sunday School teacher, name, age fact. We're not special. Why us? Why not us? I want to leave this country. I want to move to Spain or Portugal. I REALLY want to. I'm determined to make that happen. I mean it.

Forest fires in California. Climate warming making living in Oregon seem like a good future bet, despite how much I am missing California now that I don't live there.

Ukraine War in the larger sense; inflation and economic turmoil on a smaller. The war almost speaks for itself in its attack both on Ukraine but also on the system of respect for borders that maintains stability in the world. Amid the horrific violence is the reality that the world has become less stable - at a time when we already face as a planet existential challenges. Economically, I have confidence in the long run, but it complicates our immediate plans to reduce work and change our financial lives.

Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade. The conservative member of the Supreme Court did it because they could, not because of any “rule of law” bullshit. I fear for women still of childbearing age who don’t have the right to privacy and agency over their own bodies.

So many… Ukraine, supreme courts, floods, Iran, Israel/Palestine. Makes me feel helpless, and guilty for not helping more.

Ongoing pandemic. Fucked everything for everybody everywhere.

The Pandemic, duh. The occupation of Palestine.

Roe v. Wade being overturned by a SCOTUS that was 1/3 appointed by a criminal president. I cried so hard I couldn't breathe. I'm privileged, I'm white, I'm middle class, but I'm still a woman. I am now less of an American. My country doesn't recognize my health needs. We are living in a dystopian nightmare predicted by Margaret Atwood the year I was born. I don't even know if I want to have kids now as a high risk pregnancy, and this occurred literally the week I found out WHY I haven't been able to get pregnant.

Another year of covid in the books--another year of being chronically ill while the world unmasks, forgets, and exposes. Another year of thinking about how many folks have long covid and dreading what feels inevitable. Another year of isolating and masking, being unable to safely be in community, another year of zoom fatigue, another year of grief not just for those lost, but for all of us who haven't been able to live.

It'd still COVID out. In the last year we've have vaccines (and felt hopeful this meant the end of the pandemic) and then mutations of the virus and still no end in sight. We've had fewer old people die, and more young children. We've still not had COVID yet. We are still masking, and this marks us as odd when increasingly it seems like many people have quit caring. I guess a mask has become a symbol, like a hijab or a kipah. My mask says I care about my health and yours, I care about people with disabilities.

The Highland Park and Uvalde shootings felt particularly devastating. Both were close to home (HP geographically and Uvalde in sense that it was young school children on the same day that my daughter was accepted to her preschool). After these events, I found myself avoiding crowded public spaces / events out of fear, and seriously contemplating leaving this country because of our insane gun laws (or lack thereof)

The war in Ukraine started a week after I left Krakow. I was working at the bar the night of the invasion, and it was really surreal to chat with people about it. The air was so still and the general mood was... grave. People looked worried and somber and they voiced to me behind the bar that they were scared of Russia. At that time, we didn't know if Putin would conquer Ukraine and continue marching West towards France, or threaten the West with missiles. Mom wanted me to come home, she was very adamant. There were food shortages, oil shortages, rationing. I went to a few protests with Alina and Sara at Bellecour and we stood in a sea of French and Ukrainians, listening to their speeches. In the US, it feels like another world, but it was so real in France, so close.

Roe v Wade was overturned. It's something I still have trouble thinking about. I have so much privilege with my family's financial means, the states we live in, and the emotional support I would have if I ever needed it - yet this was a devastating decision. I shudder to think about what reproductive rights will look like this time next year.

Not to be a downer, but the overturning of Roe v. Wade hit me hard. It was especially stunning news to receive while I was trying hard to conceive a baby of my own. It made me think hard about what I would do if I achieved a pregnancy but found out it was nonviable, or what I would do if we learned our baby had severe defects, and it filled me with anger and despair for parents already facing such situations and suddenly finding themselves with fewer options than they had before. And it made me think big, unpleasant thoughts about the future of our country.

I haven’t paid much attention to the world since my marriage went south. But the reversal of Roe made me despair and think about moving out of my state.

COVID broke and that changed my way I doctor and practice - thank G-D!

Of course it is the invasion of the Ukraine by Russian forces. The economy (of this country and many others) was already in a tailspin, due mostly to shutting down unnecessarily the entire country and the creation of fear and distress through propoganda. This in addition to unnecessary suffering through the use of injections apparently telling the body how to make the very spike protein that was considered a problem. Very questionable- what was this and what else was injected? Without rational and measured advice on how to keep well, people were pursuaded incorrectly that the injection would solve all the problems. People who died and had long term damage as a direct result of the injection, had been written off as 'collateral damage', highly trained people who questioned this quite rationally, were censored, pillored, ostracized. In addition to the usual problems of high prices arising from the invasion and the UK leaving the European Union, it has made me and many others intensly sad. I for one would never have predicted that govenments would behave so viciously toward their own citizens and that the effects would be world-wide.

Abortion/Roe v Wade and death of the Queen. Made me really meditate on what it means to be a woman

Climate change rolls on without much hope of stopping. I believe we have passed the tipping point. The war between Russia and Ukraine brought the threat of a Third World War to life for me. While it seems that Ukraine has rallied and has pushed the Russians back, peace all over the world is fragile and tenuous, and I am more aware of that now than ever. However, if Ukraine succeeds, I think that will be the end of the despicable Putin, although who knows what despot is waiting in the wings.

I predicted the end of Roe, I did not predict the form it would take, or the impact that it would have on my family and career. It's unsettling that something predictable and preventable, that is robbing so many people of their futures, has so much potential to create satisfying work for so many of the people I care about, including myself.

Global inflation has been tough on my pockets and ppl and businesses but also I feel the effects of climate change have been even more pronounced

Things that come to mind: the ongoing pandemic plus monkeypox and polio news has impacted my decisions to travel to conferences. SCOTUS overturning Roe feels like the biggest story of the year...but the elections haven't happened yet. I worry about the future of WI and whether this will be a safe place for me and my nieces to live. The November election looms.

War in Ukraine - didn’t really impact me personally but it is very scary for the status of the world order Climate crisis - horrible, scary, idk what to say Erosion of democracy around the world - very frightening, future feels very uncertain Vaccines becoming more available - great, increases our ability to interact safely

Covid has settled enough that our lives are mostly back to normal, though we're still wearing masks in certain situations, and we're getting regular vaccine updates. And we still would prefer to avoid getting it! So far, haven't (as far as we know) but most people we know have. The economy is at the beginning of a downturn, and it's hard to predict how bad it'll be or how long it will last, so there's a little sheen of societal anxiety about that. It also is shining a light on how precarious the global balance is -- how easily we can have a huge crisis if suddenly we couldn't import goods, oil, electronics. People are starting to talk about it, but nothing really seems to be being done about it, so it contributes to the anxiety. All we can do is just keep living our lives, hoping for the best, because what else can an individual do?

Well, shit, I don't know, everything? Probably the Ukrainian war. It's been a huge international concern, which as someone who moved internationally, did probably slow things down. It was a huge thing in my classrooms as well. It's still affecting my kids, of course it is. I worry about the students who have Ukrainian families. I worry about my Russian friends who were protesting the attacks and that I haven't heard from in a hot minute. I just. Worry. Gas prices too. But that's a separate issue.

War in Ukraine. It impacted me and also didn't. It felt like a reminder that life is fragile, peace is even more fragile, and we should hug our loved ones close. Life also just went on, aside from gas prices being higher and some items in the grocery store being harder to get. How do we take for granted each day, each moment - but how do we not? Can we live our lives with the knowledge and presence to understand that each moment is a gift? Or do we need to just stop once in a while - once a year, once a month, once a week, once a day? To reflect and give thanks. Of course COVID wave after wave; climate change - fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods; political unrest - women's rights under attack, voting rights under attack, feeling like the country is moving backwards; Uvalde school shooting. So much. So hard.

The first thing that comes to mind is the rollback the supreme court made on Roe v Wade. Even as a woman who doesn't have to worry every time I have sex that I may have an unwanted pregnancy, I know this decision will impact cases in the future and may one day impact whether or not I get to marry a woman. It feels way too much like a life in The Handmaids Tale and not what our every day reality should be. I fear for women around me and the decisions they'll have to make. I fear for those who don't have the resources for decision making that my friends and family do and for anyone who is pregnant against their will. They've criminalized health care and have taken away a woman's right to choose. It all just feels so disheartening and barbaric. If I think too much about it, I spiral into the future and what else they will take away. I'm sick of feeling like we're moving backward.

Russian invasion of Ukraine and the "Freedom Convoy" in Canada. Watching Canadians demand freedom from a perceived tyranny when it is only a slight of their preferences has highlighted how volatile men, mostly white privileged men, can reach rage and entitlement and destruction when they are no longer the top dog. Seeing Canadians behave so selfishly when families are being uprooted and legitimately losing the freedom to live due to war is really disheartening.

The Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization has shaken me to the core. The 6-justice right-wing majority on the Court is shaping up to be the greatest threat to democracy and individual liberty since the Civil War, and I fear the American electorate may not do in November what is necessary to arrest the country's slide toward theocratic fascism, as is happening in other liberal democracies across the world. Further empowering the modern Republican Party will not fix inflation (the fears of which are overblown by the media), but it will result in unprecedented depredations toward women and vulnerable minorities. Unchecked Republican power threatens my marriage, my freedom, my health and potentially my life. They must be stopped.

Roe v. Wade being overturned was a big one this year. Really fucked up to say the least. It's really scary. I feel very different living in New York than in Texas, but it's still really scary. Not that much of me is actually concerned with the "what if I need to get an abortion" concept (though that is of course always on my mind in these conversations) but it is really terrifying to understand your life through the lens of not having control over your own decisions and what happens to your body. And all the mumblings of the other cases that may be revisited just makes me feel so scared to live in a world where whether or not it directly affects me (though it's entirely possible that I'll choose to get an abortion or marry a woman at some point in my life), the world doesn't feel like I should have power over my own life.

Thankfully Trump lost the elections last year and Biden was named our president. However, the insurrection that occurred on January 6th was a horrifying reminder of the condition of our democracy. Over 2000 rioters attacked our capitol at the request of Donald Trump in response to his false claims of a stolen election. The capitol was looted, and vandalized. Capitol police officers, reporters and lawmakers were assaulted. A gallows was erected!!! People died. It was such a tragedy and terrifying. I felt ashamed to be an American, again! It was a disgusting display and reminder of just how divided our nation has become, or maybe has always been. Trump has not been held accountable, and may even run for re-election in 2023. How is this possible? How is a man that has called for violence against his own nation, is racist, misogynistic, dishonest, and a narcissist a presidential candidate?? The answer is because a huge portion of our nation shares his values and perspective which is tragic. How are we as a people still so narrow minded? Aren't we evolving???

The pandemic, still being careful. The war in Ukraine, how easy it is that someone could have that much power. Reading the book Jesus and John Wayne. Pray for our world

This is easy. SCOTUS overturning Roe V. Wade. Seriously. No, it doesn't have a direct impact on me; I'm past the ability to get pregnant. But after more than 30 years of being involved with women's rights, it's exhausting. Beyond depressing. Defeating. The highest court in the country has clearly said that women have less bodily autonomy than a corpse. As a woman, it's demoralizing, at best. The political is personal. Very personal.

The pandemic. I caught COVID in July, and then had rebound after taking Paxlovid, and infected my partner. The BA 5 variant of Omicron has hit me hard. The pandemic is also affecting where I feel safe working. Getting COVID has me a bit less risk adverse.

Roe v. Wade was overturned. Holy crap I can't believe I just wrote that. So many thoughts. So many feelings. Hatred. Anger. Disbelief. Determination. A great big FUCK YOU. The hatred is toward all of the a-holes who want to control my body but would NEVER allow anything even remotely like this to happen to a man's body. The anger is toward the Dems who won't fight harder, fight even just a little bit dirty, to get things done. Things that matter. I'm not saying we should stoop as low as they have. But how 'bout we stoop medium. Take one small step off your high horse and get things done. The disbelief just hovers over everything. Then the determination to fight. Because someone has to.

The war in Ukraine and the ongoing refugee crises all around the world leave me feeling heartbroken and guilty for the privileges and shelter I have.

My memory is extremely short, apparently. Again it is something that is happening right now that is impacting me. As if my brain couldn't take in more than the present. Basically, here we go again: violence against the ordinary people (in Iran, this time) and the West ignoring it.

Vladimer Putin and Covid between them, have TOTALLY ruined our plans for 35th anniversary trip to Eastern Europe. Blast it. That, and the drought in Europe, which has affected river travel. See you - sometime in the future - Viking long ships.

Yes another mass school shooting and Roe v Wade was overturned. It kills me the hypocrisy and the divisiveness in our country today that leads to such hatred. I am sad and angered that we are bringing our children up in a world that shows such little regard for the rights of women to make their own choices and for the rights of children to feel safe in their own schools. And yet we continue to do nothing.

What world event hasn't? Gas prices are ridiculous - almost $7.00/gal in CA! Good thing I only drive 7 miles/day round trip to work! WH says we're "not" in a recession... they also believe in Santa Claus - rent went up $200! The news is still sooo depressing, even worse than last year! (Should have kept my New Years "resolution" last year to NOT watch the news!) Russia's invasion/murder of Ukraine - rampant violent crime in every major city - can't understand why ANYONE would vote for any democrat at this point... but those idiots who did are getting exactly what they deserve!

Covid Trump ( getting away w it) Watching ukraine/ holocaust reminders Returning Lizzo Blm Economics ( we are so lucky and this is so much more than we even know) We are living in history

The climate era. Bolsanaro still in the running?! Jeez. British involvement in this outrageous regime - naked self interest, seemingly at all costs... Putin’s macho aggression, and the west’s duplicitous response. Playing people for fools (I don’t think we are, I think we’re busy, scared and uneducated but not fools) Liz Truss & the party behind her advocating for ruthless elitism & meritocracy, the governments total lack of creativity & compassion, their compete refusal/inability to see how we’re all in this together... power now, at all costs. Why do we continue to believe the ends justify the means? Why such hubris and myopia? How do you change a cultures entire (self-defeating) way of seeing? Clearly there is mistaken assumption and there is evil - so both of these must also be in me? How to countenance & heal? Shining outwards like a lighthouse. There is much sadness, lots of exhaustion, huge alienation and some (latent) grief. There is also a yearning for wise leadership. The response to Queen’s death underlined all this for me? Give her her due, she was good at reconciliation & togetherness (Liz Oldfield nailed this) At least at the minute, it feels like the whole Buddhist thing about the second arrow is very true - Covid was hard, we’re now making it even harder for ourselves. The ashes from which we can rise like Phoenixes? Ongoing decline? Both? Where is the WISDOM in our leaders and leadership? It feels hugely absent.

Tech market came down. This affected the value of my stocks that I thought I was going to cash out on. It also affected the hiring freeze and thus my return to Nubank….

The live reports from war in Ukraine have been very painful to watch…so much destruction. This year, I have sent donations to the International Rescue Committee, the Greater Boston Food Bank, and HIAS. I only hope that it makes a difference to improve people’s lives. And I pray that the war will end soon, without further devastation of lives and our planet.

The Australian Federal election result renewed my faith in the Australian public. I was so happy that the incumbent government was voted out.

What hasn't? Heatwave (got a condo in WA to escape SoCal summer). War in Ukraine (and contact with cousins there). Jan 6 insurrection (and realizing I know some people who still called it a peaceful protest). Continuing impact of pandemic. Seems like the whole world is upside down.

Roe vs. Wade being taken away. All that we know is fragile and can change. We have to keep fighting. It's made me sad, but also forced me to roll up my sleeves and get involved.

I felt deeply impacted by the shootings across our country happening almost as soon as the pandemic lightened. It is horrific to think that it could happen anywhere and anytime and that mental health is blamed when in my opinion masoginy and egotism are at the center of it.

Yikes, what a world! I'm trying more and more to only get the basic information I need from the news and not watch too much of it--it's all so heartbreaking. I'm just so saddened by the division and lack of trust in this country, I dont think it's repairable anytime soon.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been horrific. A couple of years ago, I wrote a fictionalized version of the story of my grandfather leaving Ukraine by myself as a ten year old. So, I have family ties to that country and weep for its suffering. As of this writing, a counteroffensive against Russia is being successful but who knows how/when this will end.

It's been deeply awful to see governments in the US restricting the freedom and acceptance of trans and gay kids, and women and others who can give birth. It reminds me of the capacity of people to do evil, but I also just feel so terrible for the people most affected.

The fall of Roe v. Wade, which my (conservative/libertarian) father swore up and down would never happen, was utterly devastating. The rage, the pain, the numbness and deep darkness that came after the realization sunk in. As a woman/human how could I not feel absolutely shaken by this? My rights were stripped away in real time by an illegitmate court installed by a corrupt man. It makes tangible the ongoing patriarchal oppression of women and demonstrates how illusory our government actually is.

The continued school shootings that occur in this country particularly the one that happened in Texas this year really impacted me. It made me feel scared it made me feel horrible and sad for the families of those impacted and the young ones who lost their lives. It made me question fairness in the world.

Just the overall climate in the world. There's a lot of negativity and divisiveness, and I want to be the exact opposite of that and be able to spread love and positivity where I can.

The reversal of Roe v. Wade. Women and children (especially those who are poor and POC) are not valued in this country. We are in the midst of a war of values in which we are polarized and trying to dominate each other. Women, LGBTQ, poor people, POC, and people with disabilities are on the losing end and our lives are at stake because power has been lined up against us. The war in Ukraine is also incredibly scary. There is a powerful and persistent dynamic of domination and oppression in the world right now. I don't know how this war is going to end and there are nuclear weapons involved so it is frightening. It makes me extremely sad, scared and worried--especially having a young daughter. I have to work hard to not think about it too much and summon hope that things will change.

I don't think anything in the world has had a major effect on me. Of course there are things to be concerned about like the war in Ukraine, the possibly that Trump might be reelected. Not to mention global warming. But viscerally ... no.

I think COVID has impacted me in that I haven't really been able to be as social as I want to be. And also since I now officially have an ex in DC, I am nervous about being social and running into him. I don't know. Ukraine was invaded by Russia and the kids now about it. They are impacted just by knowing that war happens. We listen to NPR and they hear about all the crap that happens in the world. They are fascinated by ammunition and I remind them that those are things that kill loads of people. Kids are stressed out and lonely and finding themselves online quite often. It impacts me because what I see with young adults is the precursor to the world that my kids will live in. This is why I don't want to live in the DC area because everyone here is about work and they're all stressed out and trying to make ends meet. I know that I don't have to live like that with my kids.

The further we descend into this current dark ages the more absurd this question seems. Roe being overturned. Russian invading Ukraine while Dima was still there with his parents. Trump being investigated and yet still not in jail. Books being banned. Trans people and gay people being banned. Voter rights being overturned. Yeah. It's all impacted me because we're now in and will continue to be in a very very dark time. I always felt that humans were the problem. I really never understood exactly how much of a pandemic we were until now. I think I knew that Americans today and American democracy today was no more advanced than in other countries or other times, but America is proving that and giving me a deeper understanding that I thought possible. I was more naive than I realized.

The gas prices going up. Negatively because it took away more money from us.

Overturning Roe vs. Wade. It is an attack on women, families, and independence. I feel the country becoming more extreme and people are less willing or able to see common ground And, of course, the Ukraine invasion. This kind of long, drawn-out war has not been as visible or occurred in our lifetime. I am in awe by the Ukranians' courage...and the courage of the Russians who protest this war.

The world has opened up a little bit, and the State of Israel has allowed Birthright groups into the country without mandatory quarantine. Which means... I got to go to Israel!!! I went on The Gayest Birthright Trip. In the words of one of our staffers, "we're gonna leave a trail of glitter everywhere we go." AND. WE. DID. The participants were all LGBTQ, the staff were all LGBTQ, and our tour guide was gay. It was beautiful!!!

No events in the world this year have impacted me this year. But that's because I live in the USA and not Ukraine.

The War… Sister was in Ukraine. She got out. The war continues.

Definitely the Roe vs Wade decision. It makes me sad but also feel attacked, as if it’s affecting me directly. While this might not have been the originating cause, I’ve also felt as if I have been sexually assaulted and that stuff. I feel just as unsafe, and just as much rage with people casually bring it up and joke about it. Roe vs Wade has been the snowball to cause the avalanche, both in my feelings and in woman’s rights.

Well, the Ukrainian invasion. I'm sure that's a biggie with everybody. It affects us mostly in the intangibles (like long-term, geopolitically, in ways we will not understand probably for years), but also just in terms of causing shortages of goods and service, and other supply chain issue, that exacerbated inflation, etc.

Russia's brutal and illegal invasion of Ukraine has caused more suffering than I've seen since Viet Nam. The depth of their inhumanity was a shock in the 21st century. I was also deeply moved by the resilience and the will to fight to the death of the Ukrainian people. Our military aid is finally going to the right people who know how to use it effectively. So much different than our fiasco investment in Afghanistan, which rolled over in a couple of weeks after the Taliban military campaign.

The queen's death, if we ever manage to get citizenship I'll have to swear an oath to the king.

Women are losing rights all over the country - specifically the right to choose and access to birth control. As a gay woman - it’s interesting cause I get to be somewhat outside of the panic but even if I was directly impacted , prob cause I’m in a liberal city, it’s really unfathomable The way things are moving I am deeply worried about my marriage rights - and really more about the implications losing rights has on being accepted in society, by my dad etc.. the less normal “” we’re made to feel the more difficult life gets

Russia invaded Ukraine. I wonder what percentage of people on this site will have listed this as their answer. I feel like it was a natural outcome of the Trump presidency - an emboldened Putin does something ridiculous. I fear North Korea will do something similar at some point. I am hopeful that the invasion will lead to a better world - a stronger NATO and EU, a (militarily) diminished China, and a more open Russia. Or it'll be WWIII and all our problems will be nothing.

The invasion of Ukraine and ensuing turmoil have completely uprooted the global economy, on top of COVID-19 and political unrest internationally and domestically. As a result, the stock market has plummeted, which has had a big impact on our finances and retirement horizon.

Again - copy and paste from last year... Although COVID is less of an issue - it is always lurking and hovering. Life feels more tenuous - like something could break at any moment. Add to the list from last year the war in Ukraine, China and Taiwan, Iran, huge storms wiping out places and people. Yes - all far away but one day it could all land here. So - what to do - keep on doing what I am doing. Focusing and refocusing on my personal purpose/mission. Focus on joy. Local solutions. Loving my family as hard as I can. Giving my children the space to live their lives fully as they define success - not the traditional definitions.

We went through 2 tornadoes. One decimated our state, but left us with only minor flooding and roof repair. The other passed one road over, like the Angel of Death itself, and again we were spared. We partnered with Chabad to deliver relief to people who lost everything. Even now I have no words to describe what I saw, and how it felt. May it always bring me to tears, so that I never stop being grateful. Of course there are more tears over the political goings-on in this country - the determination by a privileged few to strip rights from everyone else - and the war against Ukraine. May justice prevail for both.

Roe vs Wade was overturned. I fear that women's rights in general will disappear. I feel like the work of generations is being ripped out from under us.

This year has to be Russia and Ukraine (now that COVID has settled). Very few people thought that we'd have such a significant war in Europe and it's scary. With that and China the world seems to have gotten a lot more risky and scary for those of us that enjoy relative stability. Which of course many around the world don't.

Clearly covid, the pandemic was dying down by last christmas and early in the new year, but the impact on the mental lives and ability to live healthy lives was in no doubt in my mind when I saw my family for the first time in years. My family were mostly in one place, not where I am, but across the sea. Bar one. I wanted this for a long time, have felt bereft in the world without them near and know my ma felt guilty for moving away years ago when I was still young. I'm happy for it, it's taught me and my family a lot about different cultures, it's kept everyone interested and interesting. But when almost everyone coalesced into one space during the pandemic, it was hellish. Stressful, crossed wires, crossed expectations, controllingness in some respects, lack of willingness to understand different perspectives, needs and wants. Last Christmas were some of the worst days of my life. I saw my mum as a different person, having been held away from everyone during covid, which was an abject cruelty, having been forced into a total fear for her life, which was also a cruelty meted out by authorities who knew a terrified elderly population were a compliant one. Two years of nothing led to a cognitive decline and a very depressed mother who had never been like this before. And a family in denial. It affected me in that it made me realise how selfish I could be, at the same time as realising how I end up being peacemaking and absorbing everyone else's emotions that they can't deal with. I am used to being emotional and expressive, not in the healthiest ways, but in the least, not repressed. You become a container for all your family's frustration, sadness and grief. I felt it all, and found christmas unbearable. As an adult, after missing your family so much for years, going home and crying every night watching your family take frustrations out on each other and you. It changed the way I see the world irrovocably. Not least, I need to prepare and become a better person, more curious, less judgemental, able to listen, and more compassionate, and more steely, to deal with the clear trouble ahead when looking after elderly parents, and depressive mother who you wish you could shield from the affects of the pandemic and from the lonely life she's living where she feels misunderstood. The pandemic hurt my family, and it wasn't the virus itself that did it, it was the policy response which chose to throw older people under the bus, put them in constant fear for two years and bar them from community and society. It broke my heart, really.

Rise of fascism in USA, fear of authoritarian fascism around the globe. Fear for family moving to America with its violence, racism, anti-Semitism

The war in Ukraine has sent a lot of refugees around the world that have been readily accepted by the West and I look at how that compares to the migrants that have been moving from war-torn countries in the last few years and how unaccepted they have been. It makes me reflect on human nature; how we deal better with acute issues over chronic issues and how one can help us accept the other more easily

I think that the war in Ukraine has had an impact on nearly everyone. It's almost unbelievable that such tremendous suffering can be caused by just one man, and that, so far, no one has been able to stop him. Will humans never learn?

The supreme court decision that ended access to abortion for so many people in the US was devastating. My boss brought her infant daughter to our zoom support sessions, and seeing her made it so much more real. Thinking about the world we were going to leave to her, to my nieces, to every human whose autonomy and health are now going to be in danger was devastating. At the NYC Pride March, Planned Parenthood led the way, immediately followed by the Girl Scouts. It was so painful and motivating to look at those children, marching in support of me and my community, and know that we have failed them. I vow to keep working to get them the rights they deserve.

This is a good one because it makes me realize how isolated I feel from events happening "out there" in the world. My life is pretty darn cushy. Have I been emotionally impacted by events? Yes. Has my WORK been impacted by events? Certainly. But have I personally been personally impacted? Not the same way that folks in Puerto Rico or Ukraine have been. Not even the same as folks in Germany. The obvious answer is COVID. Because of COVID, I work permanently from home. My work life more than anything is entirely different than it would be otherwise. I also have friends and family who have gotten sick, but thankfully everyone is OK now.

Enduring another Covid lockdown and the Queen's death.

Row verse wade…. Why the religion of other people gets to effect my choices makes NO SENSE TO ME! To be able to choose what happens to my body is really important to me and women in general. I feel like we are doomed as a planet and this is just one step to the end of us.

The war in Ukraine has impacted us all. It has made everyone feel fragile and vulnerable and at the mercy of cracked and aging men clinging to power at any cost. It will gravely worsen climate change, even if it doesn't end up doing worse--as it may well do. De Santis's attention-getting ploys vis-a-vis the school curriculum, the teaching of history, talking about civil rights, discussing gay and trans issues openly in the classroom have affected my headspace around teaching. At first, I would say the word "lesbian" wherever I could fit it in in my Spanish classes. It felt like a challenge, like a really warped drinking game. Now, I can see myself being a bit more circumspect, but still teaching banned books and telling my students they are reading banned books, and coming out as many times as there is an opening to do so. I'm no hero, but I will do my part.

The Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade (The Dobbs decision). Shit!!!!!!!!!! We were doing so well at getting a level of equity for women. And the Republican packed Court has taken us back 50 years. I'm past child-bearing, but this offends me very, very much. So many states are passing some very oppressive antiabortion laws. It's disgraceful. Just disgraceful.

What I said last year. Covid is still a thing. Climate change. The war in Ukraine makes me feel sad and scared. Is this another Cold War? The country divided. I wish I had something to celebrate on this list this year. But what a dumpster fire.

Possibly the world event that has impacted almost everyone in the world is the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In addition to the death and destruction caused to the Ukrainians, the world is confronted by uncertainty over Putin's reaction to the almost certain defeat of his poorly performing army. The nuclear saber rattling, energy shock, and resulting inflation are something that is having an impact on almost everyone on the planet. To make matters worse, the war is adversely impacting the environment.

The tail end of the pandemic. As the restrictions were loosened, it was hard to adjust back to a life where masks and other mitigation measures were optional. Yet the world was much more opened up now than it was last year. It's as close to normal as we can get at this moment.

It finally happened - Queen Elizabeth died. Now, we thought she had died about five separate times throughout the year because she would miss an event and there would be vague, hand-wavey reasons given about "resting" and "remaining at Balmoral for her health" and we were all pretty sure they were pulling a Weekend at Bernie's. It's obviously the end of an era, but more specifically the reaction to it feels representative of what I've learned in the five years and change since grad school. Back then, I predicted no one would bend the knee to Charles; no one likes him enough, he's got no gravitas, he's rude to the staff in a public way, and most importantly, where Queen Elizabeth was a fixture of British life for many people, on the throne since before they were born, Charles would require actively opting in and all that anti-monarchy sentiment that was restrained because Elizabeth reminded everyone of their Gran would boil over and they simply wouldn't stand for it. Except - none of that happened. The biggest battle was over whether colonized people were allowed to note that her death was not universally upsetting for everyone, and truly I'm not sure we even managed to settle that one. It's a microcosm of everything - the clinging to the old ways even though there's no going back to before; the willingness to throw stupid amounts of money at a ceremony for a bunch of people who live on the public dime and provide little to no benefit to society on top of being privately wealthy and well able to support themselves, all while people starve and freeze to death because their benefits have been cut, inflation skyrockets, and the Tories have no interest in addressing any of it because they've got to get a new PM in because Boris fucked up so catastrophically even they had to admit he'd done a shit job as PM and send him on his way. I also felt this yearning to be back there, just for the experience of it. I remembered that that's home, too, and it's ok if you miss home sometimes. So Queen Elizabeth died, and no one rioted, and in fact people were arrested for holding up signs or loudly commenting disapproval in public, and like - what is this? an authoritarian police state? and none of it - none of it! - is on a trajectory to get better without the people interfering. And so I am not obligated to complete the work but I cannot desist from it, and I will not succumb to despair.

Two events in 2022 really made me want to leave the US & move to New Zealand. First, in June of this year Roe v. Wade was overturned, which was absolutely devastating. I couldn't believe that my sweet 2-year-old niece will have fewer rights than her grandmother did when she had my brother in 1978. It is pitiful. I am so sick of the direction things are going in this country and I can't keep sitting around and waiting for the next big conservative blitz on progressive values and human rights. I suspect that Obergefell v. Hodges will be next, and I'm not just saying that to be cynical. I'm saying it because Clarence Thomas told us that it'll be next. The second event was yet another shooting, but school shootings involving young children still manage to jolt us briefly out of our otherwise deadened sense of horror over these terrorist attacks. The shooting in May in Uvalde, TX made me more and more sure that I really need to get the f*ck out of the US. Who can imagine having a future and a family in a place like this?

Oy. Well I suppose the fact that me and mom, independent of each other, each starting wearing a Jewish Star every day is a recognition of things in the world affecting us (FU Nazis). So many things in the world but the scary slide away from US democracy, norms, and rule of law makes me most worried.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has allowed the fear of contracting Covid to finally be replaced with a fear of nuclear annihilation, so thanks for that, media elites!

I would not say any event (beyond the COVID pandemic) has directly impacted me, but the increasing climate emergency and the invasion of Ukraine have both raised my general anxiety level a little (although I do not tend to be an anxious person). I used to think I'd be leaving behind a legacy for folks who followed me. Now I'm not sure if that legacy will even last, if humankind is wiped out.

Uhhhhhhh. Fuck. The Supreme Court overturning Roe V. Wade. I try to believe that at people's core, they truly care about other people but the reversal of this supreme court decision shows that people are out for their own fucking motives. The feeling of grief that just washed over my whole body so intense. I couldn't get off of the couch for the weekend. I allowed myself to sit in the emotion which was needed. I had to feel the devastation and allow myself time to rest, so then I can fight. I will forever be an advocate for my daughters reproductive rights. I hope the November elections are the biggest FUCK YOU to all the Republican assholes who feel that they have any right whatsoever to even consider telling a women what she can and cannot do with her own body.

Russian invasion of Ukraine. The fear I felt, the team felt, my parents felt - was so real and immediate. It was paralysing during the first week, then numbed and quieted down, to then ebb and flow again dependent on what the news were saying. Today The Times reported about nuclear warheads on a train heading to the Ukrainian border - it’s been downplayed in the media and not that widely reported on. It’s tiring and sad. I don’t want for this war to escalate. I wonder what it’ll be like in a year when this vault opens? The same kind of situation with fighting on the border or a radical shift?

I've been closely following the war in Ukraine. I think it's important to support the people there and have countries unite against forces of authoritarian rule. I don't understand why people, especially Trump supporters, think authoritarian rule is something they want, but it's a huge threat around the world. Another event was the school massacre in Uvalde, Texas. The gun problem in America is so bad and getting worse.

Roe V Wade turn over--very scary to imagine what a world my children will grow up in. how do we once again dream that our children will live in a better world? I trust that my children are awesome--but what the heck is going on in this country!

The main thing I think about is the rapid climate changes that feel like they're unstoppable. The drought in California may get worse if Colorado stops allowing access to the extent it used to. We move to Texas after the HiHos next year, and so far, though there is a drought, the many rivers and lakes haven't gone dry. The wildfires here on the west coast have come way too close to us and I wonder if this is the future of the planet and if Earth will die , and I/we will die along with it before my/our time

I always have trouble answering this question. I find that most world events don’t impact me much personally, if at all. Maybe I should pay more attention to things outside my own world and that’s the lesson I should take into the next year.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade drastically altered my sense of safety as a queer woman with plans to start a family in the very near future. What's next for us?

Roe vs Wade made me disheartened in a community sense. Personally the stock market has effected me for the first time in a major way. Which is a funny turn I wouldn’t have foretold.

War in Ukraine, Fascist leader elected in Italy, Roe v. Wade overtutrned;all represent Rich and powerful people pushing around others to get their bully way. These events timulated me to be more involved in current events because I care about abuse of power.

Climate change, ugh. There were fires in France yards away from where we were travelling. The river was almost dry. It's becoming really obvious and may not be reversible.

Uhh still got to say Covid. It certainly isn't the only mass event that has me in a mess but truly watching the way the world has just given a big fuck you to disabled people is beyond painful. People are far too willing to let others die if it means they can have fun...

the supreme court overturn of Roe V Wade. I was 18 and living in Texas and going to college when this passed. Women were just ready to launch their independence and greatness. Now it seems like we are doomed to go back to the 50s/60s. We outnumber men in college/law school and medical school. We are truly the smarter sex. What has happened to us? I am in my 60s now and I have friends who say "who cares? I am not getting an abortion". What??? This is about our freedom and independence, not the actual procedure. So sad and frustrated!

The overturn of Roe v. Wade and the signals in the decision and the supporting brief Justice Thomas wrote signaling that Obergefell v. Hodges is next. I live in a state that my marriage is currently legal, but it's not enshrined in my state's constitution, and we're one bad election away from that being overturned. You can't let states have control over basic human rights, it ends poorly - history has shown us this. So feeling like my country has a target on my back is unpleasant at best.

The Ukrainian/Russia war has been terrible. It has hurt the economy around the world.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. A significant part of my family immigrated from Russia, but many of them were born in what is now Ukraine. I don’t know if we still have family in Ukraine. But this was a reminder that the choices made by my ancestors 115 or so years ago have an ongoing influence on my life. It also made me more aware of the fragility of our world as well as the interdependence we have on other nations. As I write this, there is talk about the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons. The world feels less safe - or perhaps, there has always been the risk of nations using dangerous weapons that would impact the greater world as well as making decisions that make us all less safe, but we were able to ignore that or pretend it didn’t exist. Right now the danger to our planet from all of our actions is very real and apparent.

The abortion ruling. I am SO furious over it, I cannot believe this is the world we live in. I feel alienated by the conservatives in the country that don't believe in a woman's right to choose. Why are we moving backwards in time? Regressing like this is depressing and is going to have horrible effects on SO many people. It is only going to make poor people more poor. It'll only make the broken foster care system more teaming with orphaned children who are going to be riddled with adverse childhood experiences.

I think the implications of the overturn of Roe v. Wade are very scary. I don't foresee good things for the US because of the conservative swing of the supreme court, and I think many people are going to die or have their lives made harder by decisions that will come out following similar logic to the overturn. I fear for what will rise from all of that.

The Supreme Court getting rid of abortion has rocked America! I hope women and wake men show up in November and rid the world of the pestilence of the Greedy Old Pigs once and for all. These monsters want to kill Democracy and have the orange con man be king.

War in the ukrain and killing a woman in Iran because She refused to wear an ijab. The world is a dangerous place where women have no freedom of speech, no equal rights, no voice that cant be silenced. Men have no boundaries when it comes to power, land and money, everything is possible and noone (children included) is important.

Russia invaded Ukraine, and once again we started the year with most of us wondering if we're on the brink of nuclear war. The conflict is still raging on, with so many people killed, displaced, injured...and I feel like it's our country's fault. Because of how the 45th president was ready to sell out this country to Putin, I wonder how much of things he did contributed to this. I don't know if I can say more about how this impacted me, but after seeing humanity come together to put together a vaccine in record time, seeing it once again fall apart has been so disheartening.

The invasion of Ukraine! Wow, I was so sad about it. I thought about what it would be like to be Ukrainian, or even Zelenskyy specifically. It was hard to sleep, or focus, or think. I still check twitter about it all the time. When Ukraine does well, it makes my mood higher. Why -- I think my foundational commitments are political. And my political commitments are international. This does have some downsides -- having your mood be affected by the outside world isn't great.

Most will say the War in Ukraine - but that really doesn't have much impact on me or my family. I think that the problem of inflation has had more impact on our family - how we think, make financial decisions and other issues like purchases/investments.

I mean, the pandemic has not gone away? And it continues to impact things, for sure. It still affects how I travel, and how we see people, and how we plan get-togethers and what events we attend. We're not as cautious as some folks are, but we're still very cautious, and it seems like most of the American world at least has just decided it doesn't care anymore, which then means the pandemic is going to *continue* to impact us...

The shooting at the Fourth of July parade in Highland Park. I do not have words to articulate the emotional scars this event left and continues to leave on me. I am currently in the process of organizing a fundraiser for my birthday next week. I want to get bikes for three kids whose family was severely impacted by this event. This day woke me up to a lot of tough truths, and in doing so it made me let go of postponing moments that bring me joy. This day gave me a higher sense of urgency on what I think is one of my greatest life purposes: to create joy. This was one of the most transformative days of my life for so many reasons — I will never forget this day.

Oh god. The overturning of Roe v Wade. Gut punch. Shocking. So horrible and unimaginable. We hate women so much in this country. It's terrifying. Was good to get out in the streets and protest with Jess, and I gave some money, but don't know what else to do and am feeling angry and pessimistic. This country is a nightmare! And then the war in Ukraine. Hideous. Was good to coach the NRC and Red Cross talks for Twilio - connect to people who are doing serious GOOD in the world. And who keep hopeful despite everything. Also working with Recycling CEO and ERGs and EID leads, makes me have some hope and feel like part of the solution. We ARE making some progress, but when they see it they lash out!! (Like racist response to Obama.) I am SO glad to still be doing my Do The Work book club and talking about real stuff with my friends on a regular basis.

Too many to choose from! I can't just name one. Honestly just the accumulation of so many tragic events, the climate crisis, constant school shootings, humanitarian crises around the world, women's rights being taken away... all of these things just build up and really give me a feeling of hopelessness. It's pretty sad but it's how it is. Not just hopelessness, also powerlessness... Just not being able to do anything about what's going on. Yes, there are causes that can be supported and I do this, but I can't just make fossil fuel emission stop on my own.. I can't make politicians not be misogynistic assholes... There is so much we don't have any control over and regular people are the ones that suffer the most.

The war in Ukraine has been a source of anxiety and sadness. I feel a connection their with past generations of our family having lived in that region. It is hard to believe in this day and age that one country can invade another and commit atrocities, killing and torturing innocent people, for no good reason. I am also concerned about the rise of antisemitism and what this may lead to in the future if it is not checked.

Russia invading Ukraine, I suppose. I mean, maybe I should think about my smaller, more personal world, but that's what comes to mind when we talk about "the world." It's impacted me mostly through Armstreet, which I want to support because (1) they have beautiful clothing and (2) because they are Ukrainian, and doing great things for Ukraine. But I guess it served as a reminder that I am bad about putting my money where my mouth is because I haven't sent them a cent since this started. Yes, money has been tighter for me, and that is related, but the issue of trying to decide whether I should donate that to Armstreet or whether I should save it in case of... whatever... (and many months the saving it probably was the better idea) has opened my eyes about how bad I am at truly living my values. And I want to do better about that.

I am gutted and heartbroken and quite frankly disgusted with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I had more access and protection when I was growing up than all the young women and girls in the US today. I cried, I screamed, I marched, I donated and I will escort young women that need the support and services, I will open my home to allow those that travel from outside the state to have a safe warm place to land and heal. And for all the states that have made it illegal under any circumstances shame on you. Right to Chose does not mean I am pro abortion it is simply that I have the right to make personal decisions about my body and my life without interference and for me Right to Chose also encompasses the fact that as an aging woman I get to chose how I end my life with dignity too! We have got to get over this white fragile idea that if we stop reproducing we will loose the majority - we already have my lily white friends and I hope we continue to loose that foothold!

Russia (Putin) invaded and laid waste to Ukraine. I had to learn so much about (what the heck) is going on with Russia that it is allowing its leader to commit these world-order-altering crimes. This has added to my fear that losing NATO and made me cringe at the knowledge that T almost succeeded in pulling my country out of NATO. Imact on me? increased fear of the loss of stability in the world. It has made me rethink my part in all this. Maybe a new approach is called for - even on the individual world citizen level.

The Queen passed. And it affected so many people on my block. I was stunned!

I feel as though COVID was just a long nightmare, but one from which I can never un-have. As in, I can never "go back". Too much has happened, personally, since the pandemic - finishing the remodel, the lawsuit, his walking out on couples counseling, my therapy journey. I am not the same person I was, and though I care for him dearly, it isn't my job to make him OK. I don't know if our marriage will last the year.

The queen of england died while we were on a honeymoon. That was pretty great.

The dystopian landscape that has offered plentiful options for answering this question for the past several years gained a new geographic feature in 2022—the dismantling of abortion rights. So many truly draconian abortion bans have gone into effect since, although in the few cases when it's been up to the voters in a state they've been rejected. It's a devastating blow, of course, and there are countless people whose lives have been negatively impacted by abortion bans where they live. And? There's a not-very-small part of me that hopes this issue will increase voter participation in the midterms to send the clear message that the vast majority of people want abortion rights.

Covid has directly impacted us in the ways it impacted everyone. I had Covid this Spring and recovered completely, from what I can tell. The myriad attitudes and behaviors that people have taken on related to Covid, how it has complicated relationships and politics. I have ridden the wave fairly well, but it has been trying for sure.

The Russian Ukrainian war has saddened me for both sides. Because one greedy man wants more than he has, people are suffering and dying. It breaks my heart. I pray that the war will be over soon. I also pray that sense will come to this man and that he will end this senseless war.

I haven't been as worldly-focused as I'd like to be. But a thing that has benefitted me as a sustainability consultant is the SEC seeking to make rules governing the disclosure of non-financial information, including environmental, social, and governance risk for public companies. This has made my skills more in-demand.

The normalization of COVID has impacted me. To those who still choose to take precautions, thank you for your part in keeping us all safer and healthier. You make a difference.

It’s hard to mail down just one. The war in Ukraine and the accompanying refugee crisis has immediate, real time implications for cost of living, utilities & housing. The Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade has made any permanent return to the US impossible, as well as significantly impacting my personal relationships with certain family members. These are ongoing issues & it still feels like being caught in an undertow.

Really? One event? There’s been war, famine, natural disasters, global climate change, political unrest, disease, economic crisis, government upheaval, human rights violations, a rise in antisemitism and racism and other prejudice, not to mention the Covid pandemic that just won’t end. it’s so disturbing to think this is the world we’re passing on to future generations. Obviously we were too idealistic as young people who thought we could achieve world peace, but does there need to be this much strife? It’s overwhelming, and I feel hopeless to make any impact, even in my small corner of the world. I vote. I recycle. I drive a highbred. And I work with AIPAC and ADA. I advocate with congressional representatives. Occasionally I write letters to the editor. I share my political opinions and views about the world. I even include some comments on it in my annual letter. I hear about friends and acquaintances who travel to areas of great difficulty, like the Ukraine and Africa. But it’s a drop in the bucket. It makes me depressed. I’m especially concerned about the situation in the Ukraine, which feels too much like the Holocaust. I know I should be equally worried about the wars in Africa, but this feels familiar to me. It feels personal. I am very upset about the reversal of Roe v. Wade. I demonstrated and wrote letters and was active in the fight for reproductive freedom, and now all my efforts feel like they are in vain. On a positive note, the Covid pandemic that was so central to life a year ago seems to be waning somewhat. It’s still raises the issue of what the next health crisis will be, and Covid itself is not over yet?!but I feel like there’s been progress. Our government and the governments globally need to develop a better plan to cope with health crises like this in the future.

So many awful things have happened this year, from climate change impacts on poor and rich countries alike, to political shifts hard right all over the world. As I have aged, I think more about the remainder of my life and the nearness of death. The question I ask myself is what do you want to do with your time. I feel powerless about changing these large world events and at times I can get down enough to wonder if I want to see anymore of it. Maybe it's time to bow out of life. It's a good question.

For me, overturning Roe vs Wade, and taking away a woman's right to choose, was shocking. The right for a woman to own her own body has been taken away by the Supreme Court! That, and the war in the Ukraine, which has now continued for many months, is overwhelming. The idea that Putin could just go into another country and try to take it over for no good reason, is just...UnAmerican ( for lack of a better word). Finally, the ongoing saga of Trump, and the Jan 6 hearings, leave me struggling to understand our country.

While it didn't directly impact me this year, it did affect me - Putin's violent attack on Ukraine. It makes me fear for the future of Europe and of our planet and anything that affects Europe affects me as I have so many family members who live there - yes, I still consider the UK as part of Europe. My heart goes out to the three million or so people who fled the country. While my husband and I were emptying a storage unit that we had in Washington, we were able to donate some furniture to two Ukrainian families who had settled there - that felt good. Since the young husbands were there with their wives (one pregnant) I do wonder about their stories. In my imagination I see their parents emptying their savings accounts to get them out of Ukraine and to safety, whether illegally or legally, and I imagine I would do the same to save my family from war.

COVID has been such a disappointment to see how little people care for one another.

The shooting in my hometown. It's hard to talk about where I come from now. And surreal that it happened.

The war in Ukraine just devestates. Understanding that worry is not a positive energy but how could we avoid worrying? Putin and nuclear weapons...missing high clearance security papers, the many many immoral and scary things Trump did that still reverberate. Mostly, to hear of victories and the terrible cost and how a nation can be shattered when all they're doing is living peacefully.

the war in Ukraine. Since it was the heart of the Pale of Settlement, I can't help but think about all the strife that people, particularly Jews have gone through in that place. And the fact that the President of that country is now a Jew is almost jarring. Putin and Russia are really scary and are throwing off the stability of the entire world.

The most personally impactful is the student loan forgiveness which effectively cuts my loan amount in half. Also, Russia invaded Ukraine which has expedited their application to NATO and WWIII could break out if NATO accepts their submission, which is good and bad. Lol. Last, but most importantly, Roe v. Wade was overturned and I am lucky to be a woman in New York, as I never have to question my rights as a human being. My heart goes out to women worldwide who do not have that privilege. It's a sad, sad day when the Taliban has looser abortion laws than the United States. My rights were stripped from me by a bunch of old, decrepit men who can't get laid anyway.

The war in Ukraine. It hasn't impacted me on a personal basis, but it's making me feel both scared and hopeful. Scared because I worry about nuclear war, but hopeful because it was beginning to feel like every bad thing was inevitable, and the awful people would always win, and thus far, in Ukraine, they haven't. The idea that sometimes being brave and tough and resourceful and lucky COULD be enough is encouraging.

Historically low interest rates caused many people to want to buy homes, and there weren't enough houses for all the buyers which caused crazy bidding wars. My buyers found it frustrating and it was challenging educating them on what we had to do to have their offers accepted. Now the rates have tripled and buyers are holding off. Balance is elusive.

The war in Ukraine has certainly marked a change in the understanding of how the 21st c. is going. Repeal of Roe v. Wade is horrific and must be fought.

the war in the Ukraine? Inflation in the US? my inability to purchase a house because of rising home prices and rising interest rates?

I was in an airport parking shuttle when World War III began. It was a crystallizing moment. Time to pick a side. Also time to get out of the business of advancing my religion (if that's even possible for a woman in a man's domain) and back to the holy work of feeding hungry people, mending broken bodies, transporting refugees, and fighting tyrants. War and death have a way of bringing everything into focus.

Two things: Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Trump's continued sway over the Republican party. Both are things I would never had imagined happening. With Russia, there is continued concern that WWIII will start or that Putin will use nuclear weapons. With the Republican party, it's becoming clear that they will do anything to maintain power including changing the ability to vote, or accepting the results of an election. Either way, I don't think I've been this concerned about the world during my lifetime. And that's not even considering climate change.

The current political climate has demoralized me and made me sad and feel powerless to really change the evil and greed within our governance. The war in Ukraine, response to Covid, Trump, just to name a few - it's all just depressing that our world really is unkind.

I am completely undone by the lasting presence of Donald trump as a political force. He feels like the Second Coming of Hitler and I fear the possibility of a civil war within the United States as a direct result of his speech, conduct and the self-justifying, violent monofocal mania of his followers.

War with Ukraine, ousting of Boris Johnson, death of the Queen, continued climate crisis and biodiversity loss and now cost of living crisis with energy bills rising and now interest rates on mortgages. They're all about power and the elite dominating and it's made me realise how hard it is to achieve systems change. It's made me realise the importance of local community relationships as that is something we do have control over.

When there were shootings in schools I was afraid because I was worried it would happen to my school.

War in Ukraine makes me feel sad for the world as a whole, as it looks to me more and more an unsafe place for my family.

I have to be honest here, for 5 months this year I was in a drunken stupor, for 6 months I was focused on rehab, I have been home for a month and focused on that. I know I should be paying attention to the world, tikkun olum and all that, but I was busy not dying....

My husband had his shoulder dislocated while walking the dog! It was so scary! While he recovered, we realized how much we had depended on his strength to get through the daily home chores. We haven't quite figured out what to do in the future.

The war between Russia and Ukraine. How the first few days are shock and then after a while you get used to it. It becomes horrendously common place, like a ghoul shrouded in the corner of the room. The rising prices and events linked to it, the ramifications of death and destruction that we are hidden from. Another event that affected me is the passing of the Queen. When I first heard about it, I cried at an indoor skydiving training session. All my tears fogged up my glasses. The days after that were strange, but again, once the 10 days of mourning had passed, somehow we strangely find a new normality.

The repeal of Roe V Wade made me heartsick, and spurred me to take greater action to protect our democracy. I can only hope that my efforts and that of others will be enough to maintain or even strengthen control of the House and Senate.

COVID 19 even 2 years in still affects me because it has had a profound impact on what I see as important in my eyes. It has also pushed me to really enjoy the moments in the present. And to be more present or at least a reminder of that !!

I continue to be appalled by the number of people that don't seem to understand that you can disagree and still be respectful of the person you disagree with. There continues to be extreme versions of this which is scary.

The pandemic rages on and it has made me more aware than ever of my own mortality and even less willing to suffer fools gladly than I normally am.

Major flooding War in Ukraine I feel sad about it. I would like peace and no disasters

Russia attacked Ukraine. The effects are political and economic, of course, but also there is a very real fear that WWIII with major nuclear warfare is imminent. Some people would react by 'living for today'. I'm finding it yet another reason to procrastinate about doing anything because who knows if it'll be worth the effort? We might have no atmosphere in the next few months.

The Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Oh, the stupidity of Putin and his asskissers.... Dude, thanks for uniting and energizing the EU and NATO, for bringing the Ukraine into their fold and showing everybody how much The Russian Federation is crumbling into nothing. You're a real hero, man. You can now retire to Syberia and never be heard of or seen again. Bye-bye

Chinese encroachments into Taiwan left me with a lot of thoughts. On the one hand, I felt like the world's reaction was useless and fearmongering and counterproductive, on the other I fear they're soon to be proven right. This lovely little island I've grown to know pretty well, whose streets I've memorised, whose buildings I've filled with memories; it would be a damn shame for all of that just to melt away. Here's hoping it doesn't - though either way that world lives on in me and all those people who are and have been living it.

That the world decided we are not in a pandemic anymore despite no changes. We've just decided we're moving on.

The war in the Ukraine has haunted me. I can't stop listening to the news, thinking about how these innocent people are having the lives, homes, families and world ravaged by war. How they have been abused, robbed and murdered for nothing. How can this happen in the modern world? How can this keep happening? History keeps repeating itself.

I’m not sure any one event comes to mind. It’s just the draying out of the past four years. Bad weather. Climate crisis. SCOTUS’s rightward lurch. Pearl clutching and back stabbing by the GOP. While I could say the official end to Roe, it’s not the end per se but rather driving it underground. Something that was already increasingly difficult to attain is only becoming more so. I don’t feel particularly impacted in that I have the resources to provide for my children should they need access to an abortion. I’m thankfully past childbearing. And I know this only speaks to my privilege. What has come from this is my desire and plan to get more involved by becoming an abortion doula. If I can help someone access a procedure and make a life choice that will improve the reminder of their live by opening up opportunities, that’s a win.

getting the news about first the climate change bill and then the student loan forgiveness, not that either of them have actually happened or are guaranteed to happen, just made me feel really more hopeful about politics in general and democrats not being completely useless and only having the advantage over republicans that they aren't doing actively terrible things. so maybe it gave me a second wind with the political volunteering? i don't know, this might be kind of a lame example.

Well gosh, overturning roe v wade has been a major part of deciding that i don’t want to stay in the US. Plus looking at the school shooting in Texas and realizing I don’t want my kids to grow up learning duck and cover from shooters.

The war in Ukraine is driving us crazy. It has caused the economy to go crazy. Energy prices have spiked, food distribution is limited. All because one person wants to take back a land that doesn't belong to them. We all suffer.

Inflation. Spending more money on basic things. Russian invasion of Ukraine. Just makes me sad, anxious, and makes me think about family history, and nuclear threats.

Hurricane Ian served as a sobering reminder of the power of the natural world to destroy and disrupt all that is man-made. We in Tampa were lucky, very lucky. There is a price to pay for living in paradise. This event causes me to second guess my dream of retiring on or near the water.

The aggression of Putin must be recognized as the move of am egotistical, demented being. I am sad that our President has been tardy and hesitant in response. The Supreme Court has become painfully political. In particular, virtually all medical decisions should be made by trained professionals in consultation with their patients. Extreme hatred is bubbling everywhere and engendering physical violence. My optimism is under assault—I am saddened by the close-mindedness that is more apparent than ever.

The world-wide rise in fascism. It concerns me for my grandchildren moreso than for myself. I wont be here many more years. I can fight it here with my votes, and try to instill good values in those I come in contact with.

Same answer as last year, regarding social violence, bigotry, pent up anger, and climate change. I would also add the reversal of Roe vs Wade, threatened challenges to same sex rights, political stupidity.

Mayor Adams. Mayor Eric Adams. You thought De Blasio was bad? Ha! He had good things about him, which I can list. But now we have Mayor Eric Adams. Do you know that we teachers are now working without a contract as are ALL city employees? He's claiming poverty when in fact he has billions of dollars. He made the biggest budget cuts to schools in decades causing the largest teacher excessing in decades during a crisis level teacher shortage! That was despite having enough money to fund public schools for 5 years in the budget because of emergency COVID funding from the federal government. What is he going to illegally do with all that money??? He is doing this because he is a charter school guy. It is DISGUSTING. On top of that, when de Blasio left office, he was set to make it so that NYC buildings had to do certain things within 2 years and other things within 5 years (or some such timing) in order to become more green by upping their ratings. I, for instance, live in a building with a D rating in which I must run my AC all winter or boil to death. However, it looks like Mayor Eric Adams is not going to follow through on this because it was the Real Estate lobby that got him into office. So, who cares about green issues? As long as he pleases the real estate folks.

The misinformation about the election and the Dobbs decision along with the Ukraine war have all had big impacts on me. The election disinformation is scaring me to think about leaving the U.S. It is dangerous. The Dobbs effect gives me a slight hope that the election with go as I want. The Ukraine war has made things more expensive but is important in the larger context.

Overturning Roe v. Wade made a bit impact on me. The loss of civil rights for one group suggests the possibility of loss of rights for others, especially LGBTQIA+. I am taking on a bigger role in LDEI and advocating more and more for my community.

There have been a couple. One is the slow ebbing of the pandemic and the unequal response to it in different places and with different people. Largely we are back to normal: face masks are worn by some people indoors, but many people choose to go without. The decision to wear one has become more a social function than a function of how I feel about the dangers of infection to myself or others. If someone else wears a mask, I will sometimes wear one, but often not. I think I have decided that I am ready to take the risk, especially since I have been boosted with the vaccine three times now. In Sweden there were almost no precautions, and in France as well. But in the Bay Area there are still quite a few people who mask indoors, and in Mexico City people wore masks on the street as well. Different cultures, different access to vaccines, etc. The other thing that has affected me are the accumulating weather disasters. I think about the changing climate with concern as I watch fires, flooding, and heat waves, even in Sweden and England. It is sobering. And then the war in Ukraine and its potential for spreading. This is low-grade anxiety, more than anything else.

Jehovah's Witnesses are being persecuted in Russia. It has caused me to research it some more, to find out why. It has strengthened my faith.

So many things are happening around the world. It feels like chaos and fear have run the world for a while.

The war in Ukraine. When Russia first invaded and I saw pictures of innocent citizens fleeing, dying, fighting, I couldn't help but think of my ancestors. Three of my great-grandparents were from Ukraine. We know very little about their history, but I had always imagined a future where I would travel there and maybe find some distant relatives, or find places where my ancestors might have lived. And now there's destruction everywhere. Just thinking of the sheer loss of so many families makes me sick.

Well like so many, the invasion of Ukraine has been devastating to watch and be able to do so little to help. That along with the increase in the cost of living has required a lot of rethinking and planning.

War in Ukraine. We could see the little ones arriving alone in Karmiel

Yeah. The Dobbs decision and all that implies about the coming avalanche of fascism. Nuff said.

The war in Ukraine feels terrifying. People are forgetting about it, and I feel like Putin could do something insane. What on earth will happen?!

The Roe decision certainly galvanized me to step up for reproductive rights but more (or as much) to think about how to talk to people with different views in a way that can be fruitful & respectful. It is easier to see others' shortcomings & ignorances than my own, that's for sure.

I suffered breathing problems caused by wildfire smoke from the West Coast and northwestern Canada that twice landed me in the emergency room at the hospital. The second time, adding in the ragweed allergy, I spent three days on oxygen in hospital. I have had to make a lot of changes and embrace an almost total remove from physical contact with people outside my home and yard. I find myself retreating from people online and via telephone also. I don't think that is good.

The continued mass shootings here in the US. I feel flabbergasted, puzzled, ashamed, aghast...when I travelled in South America, fellow travellers I met from other parts of the world made comments about the United States and its gun violence. Why do we do this?! I feel so perplexed. I don't understand. It seems that we don't know how to handle anger. There also seems to be a crisis of a lack of civic mindedness.

No doubt the Covid timeframe has impacted everyone. It was March 2020 through July 2021. We had never seen something of this magnitude affect everyone. Public Health is exactly that... Public Health. You get vaccinated! there is no opt-out. It is also interesting to see Trump take ideas from Putin's play-book to overthrow and to ensure his agenda.

Interestingly, the Queen passing away really impacted me. I mean, you couldn't miss it as someone living in London, but I really appreciated learning more about her life, her sense of humor and her ability to be neutral yet be a leader. I think that often leadership is pinned as being at the front, pushing things forward and fighting battles - but there is another form of leadership, the kind that helps others thrive. The kind that is stable and secure and respectful. I would like to be that kind of a leader for my career (while also changing things of course). This kind of leadership is often missing these days of being popular and outspoken. I also think it's interesting to think about working until your dying day, even if that's very late. I like that.

In the world... well, I guess the Ukraine war caused inflation everywhere. I don't watch news... But from what I knew, now the fuel price is quite much higher than before. Now the gov also created new regulations to make sure only certain vehicles used subsidized fuel. And imagining how bad inflation could impact your wealth, I feel the need to learn about investing and managing my income. And it also makes me quite restless thinking about what I should do to quickly grow another income streams... Ah, well... I need to calm down and take baby steps instead of being paralyzed by analysis.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has defined the year. The balance of power between the authoritarian regimes in China and Russia and the liberal states has been upset. The peace that we'd taken for granted looks in doubt. The fragile economy has been tipped into a recession. When we come out of it, it seems unlikely that it will be to the same state that existed previously.

covid - i finally got it. wake up call. sept. fire level 2 evacuation... pack your things and be ready to flee and loose all your possessions. wake up call. living at lost valley. and nothing and everything changing once "accepted."

The death of Queen Elizabeth feels like the end of an era and makes me very sad. She epitomised so much about what is/was good about England. She was very upright, elegant, well behaved, proper, a peace maker, a conciliator, tactful yet family oriented, and relatable. She was at the same hotel as our wedding supper and the family came up to our room to watch her leave a State dinner. Family and extended family were important to her, and she reputedly liked Liberty Cotton sleepwear. I will miss her steadying influence on the world and her classiness. Her ability to make everyone feel noticed and to add stability to the country and its traditions.

I don't think the rest of the world has really factored into my life this year. I've been very insular and focused on my own situation. If I can think of anything, it's just the continuing state of the world with the pandemic and climate change and Republicans just absolutely being the worst. I guess I could say the overturning of Roe. If not for that, I don't think I would have moved here or moved at all. What the fuck is this country coming to? Seriously. It's scary to feel like there's nothing that can be done to stop the slide towards awfulness.

Persistent antisemitism agitates what it is to be a Jew. Netanyahu potential return to power creates worry about democracy and ISRAEL. Ukraine's takeover creates angst about world war again.

The Ukraine war. Putin is a madman and the war is affecting the world economy, the planet and the Ukrainians that have died or been displaced. Sheer madness!

There are too many and they are coming too quickly. Invastion of Ukraine by Russia/effing Putin. Uvale school shooting in Texas. Last week Hurricaine Fiona decimated the power in Puerto Rico, followed by what seemed only days later by Hurricane Ian that demolished parts of Florida, including Sanibel Island. Trump and his followers continue to wreak havoc (we got to ignore the FBI raid at Mar-a-lago from France) but I can barely read the paper. Mostly, I glance then comfort myself w the NY Times cooking site.

So many things going on - Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. School shooting in Uvalde, TX, hurricane in the Atlantic that destroyed parts of Florida, fires, supply chain issues, global economic crisis, gas prices skyrocketing to nearly $5 here in MN. It makes me feel grateful for my safe and peaceful life and horrified at Man’s inhumanity to man and our carelessness with our environment.

The war in Ukraine rattled me. I was in Quito when it happened, while a friend was recovering post his surgery. I do not see Ukrainians as more valuable than other countries that have been wrongly invaded. A person on a major news network commented "this isn't Iraq. This isn't Syria. This is Ukraine," implying that somehow Ukraine is better than those other places or their people are better than people in other countries. No, what rattled me was that the highest level of agreements that emerged from WW2 no longer stood. It showed me that yes, anything can happen. Yes, humans have a remarkably short-term memory. My experiences as a Black man in the US in 2022 remind me of that domestically, and what I saw Russia do was another reminder of it on the world stage

The ongoing bubbling of a second US Civil War is a constant weight on my mind. I don't want to be correct about this one, but I'm worried that the Republican Party's embrace of the MAGA-fascists to retain enough power is marching toward a terrible outcome. Then there are the Democrats who are so focused on "purity tests" that we can't keep a coalition together to resist the fall of our democratic republic. Also, our country's failure to learn from the COVID-19 pandemic has left us even more vulnerable to the next one. Even the most well-meaning people are tired of trying. I'm worried about the next three years.

I don't know that it counts as a world event but the new Our Bodies Ourselves website (the print book has been discontinued) was launched a few weeks ago and it's unbelievably cool that I am part of making that happen. I was recruited to be on the content team for sexuality vertical and I'm so excited to have contributed to this resource that is a huge part of sex ed and feminist health history. And to have a byline in it because I edited an old article? Amazing.

As I’m sure many will include, the uncalled for invasion of Ukraine has deeply upset me. The various wars against peoples such as in Syria, Pakistan are also weighing heavily on my mind. The plight of women in Iran is horrifying, as is the plight of women in the US. It’s horribly distressing to listen to the news. The political situation in the US is frightening.

The war between Russia and Ukraine is absolutely crazy, knowing that a war can happen so close to us is scary and absurd. Also it seems like we are heading into just another crisis with inflation, energy costs rising and who knows what else in winter…

Canada declared 30 September to be National Truth & Reconciliation Day. This year was the 2nd observance of the day. It's affecting me because I'm working hard to learn more, and to share what I learn, to be responsible and responsive. We still have a long (LONG) way to go to enact the 94 Calls to Action of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission, but I feel now more than ever that I have an individual role to play here, and I'm taking up the challenge.

I'm not sure if there is one specific event, due to there being so many. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February. The UK wanting to send refugees to Rwanda (refugees who are not Rwandan) Partygate Boris Johnson resigning. London was on fire this summer because of rising temperatures. The death of the Queen. The new prime minister of the UK being a mimic of Margret Thatcher. With the ocean being on fire last year, London on fire this year, the focus I gained last year after my climate-crisis crisis, has only sharpened. The resolve it gives me helps me to dismiss other, unimportant worries as it did last year, who cares about insignificant stuff like your weight when the climate is changing so rapidly and causing devastation to those who haven't caused it, such as the horrific floods in Pakistan recently. I feel surer then ever to be kind, take care of people who need it, a desire for community and activism, to fight for the planet and above all nourish and care, extend help and love. Wield rage as a weapon to create a better world.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has me very worried and sad. I never thought I'd witness such an act, reminiscent of Hitler's invasion of Poland, and I fear for the entire world under the very possible chance of nuclear conflict. Because of the nuclear threat, the other countries of the world seem quite powerless to stop the madness and the United Nations is worthless.

The war in Ukraine has caused me to reflect on the interconnectedness on the world, and how fragile it all is. Are we paying proper attention? I am concerned that the way we respond to Putin may not lead to the best results.

I wouldn't say that it's one event. The war in the Ukraine continues to rage on but it doesn't affect us much, just the poor Ukrainians. I would say the worsening climate change and weather extremes is directly affecting everyone and it will affect us even more as it causes food shortages, more destructions of homes and land, health..

I had to think about this a lot since so much has happened in the world, between the continuing pandemic, and Russia warring with Ukraine, and the Taliban taking back its land, and ... currently we have Iranian women rioting, and well, I think the major thing to take away from this is that everyone's scared because big change is happening and there's no going back to "normal." Does it excuse the acting out? No. But it explains it. That understanding needs to be a tool we use to give ourselves the space and time to grieve for that normal that once was, and welcome in the new normal that will be.

Roe v wade was overturned. I don’t think that most people would deny a woman who was raped or if their life was in danger to have an abortion and those are medically necessary in my opinion. Those are the exceptions, what i am against is abortion for convenience sake which seems to be the majority. There is a denial of the fact that this is a baby we are talking about and yet protesters wore white robes, put fake blood on and held baby dolls in front of themselves… so that kind of tells you right there. Also to know if someone is alive or not goes by the heartbeat but that doesn’t mean anything on this topic. On the flip side of the spectrum are some women who like the power to decide whether the child being carried should live or die; a very pregnant woman was on YouTube rubbing her belly saying just that. It should be up to the states, I think the federal government is getting way too involved. I can’t believe that we are talking about some of the things that have come up like what is a man or woman? Biology is being denied. Saying you identify is one thing; denying science is another and forcing your beliefs on everyone else is another. One could say that about my views on abortion, however when a woman becomes pregnant it is not one person but two. Where does that child have to go? Can they defend themselves or speak up? When they are wanted it’s a baby; when they are not it’s just a clump of cells. And an unwanted clump of cells is also what some would liken cancer to which is disturbing. It also seems as though the government is trying to get people dependent on them. To be a functioning society everyone should do what they can. I don’t think a majority mind helping someone completely in need, but I think that we enable behaviors that are not good for people and keep them down. The emergency rooms are overrun with addiction and overdoses, obesity and mental illness. Much is considered normal where people really need help and some should be institutionalized not only for their sake but others acting out in violence and unstable ways. The government is also full of corruption, bribes and it’s obvious that some in power are not taking into consideration the people they are supposed to be representing. It’s about lining their pockets. In the matter of abortion as well it is disturbing that there are fetal cells in some vaccine lines, and makes me wonder if the way the government insists on paying not only for abortions here but abroad too, if it’s not part of a sick twisted machine. What are they doing with the babies? The forcing of vaccines on people - people can’t choose to take a chance on prophylactic treatment that may have lasting side effects. Their jobs are threatened and it appears to be ok. Even if exemptions were continually granted in the past. People are being raised to have the idea that everyone owes them something. That they are entitled. Which is apparent in todays workforce going back a couple generations. And the elderly who worked all those years are heading back out because they can’t afford life. I seriously doubt the social security we are paying into now will even be around when my generation retires because the government uses it as their slush fund and gives the money away freely to many who have not even put into it and who honestly probably never will. The world seems to be going further and further down the drain back to being very base which is what seemed to happen before societies were overturned. I can’t believe we are teaching children sexual preferences and other things that are so inappropriate. And I can’t believe that we aren’t teaching teenagers anymore how to practice safe relations but we will teach them all about preference. Why can’t kids be kids? Why do we have to expose them to such things? And when they are old enough, why aren’t we teaching them responsibility not only in relations but like how to balance a checkbook, how to cook, how to manage a household? Video games and movies and cartoons even are being rewritten with agendas in them and some are very violent which is not good for kids. Not only that but there are many things being used in our food supplies like chemicals and additives that have actually been BANNED in other countries for causing health issues. We have high rates of all kinds of things that could very well be from chemicals in our everyday diet and environment. When people break the law we are not only allowing it but welcoming it. I have no problem with people doing these legally but if you can’t follow the laws when you’re not even a citizen yet, why should you be encouraged with benefits and being put up in fancy hotels etc. it’s one thing to seek asylum bc you are fleeing for safety but that is not what’s happening. What’s more is sex trafficking, drugs and even terrorists are coming over the border. Some were even previously deported for crime. It’s been a lot and it just keeps getting worse every year with society going right down the tubes. The hospitals don’t have enough staff or supplies. The staff was their own fault, not only that Covid should’ve never been political. They used it as an excuse to mandate injecting poison into peoples bodies. There are now codes that can be put on claims to tell insurances and the data mining from insurance claims of the areas that you refused the vaccines and why so in the future if they wish to penalize you or know whose who, it will be out there. For me, it makes me think about forcing other things in people such as a mark where you will be ostracized if you don’t. The media and the government will probably start a panic and so people in fear will turn against each other over it. One would think never in America…but a lot of the things even. in other counties that didn’t work or brought societies down is being done here. I’m not against all vaccines, but if someone is taking a risk to their health they shouldn’t be forced. Are they going to be compensated if they get disabled over it? Can the challenges they face be taken away with money when they have to suffer for the rest of their lives? They should however submit to isolating and protecting others in whatever non invasive means necessary. And since when are antibodies, natural antibodies not better than temporary ones? That is another thing… seeing doctors being silenced. Medicine should be medicine not politics it’s bad enough it’s medical practice… but let someone choose for crying out loud whether they want medical treatment for themselves. If they isolate at home, wear masks etc and follow airborne precautions just like they do in the hospital that should be fine. When doctors are being silenced and not even allowed to admit hey this is from the vaccine, that’s just not right. They should be able to treat their patients counseling them on the benefits and risk and doing things that are medically necessary.

The Queen’s death affected me much more that I ever thought it would, I was much more emotional than I expected.

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. What is going on? I am so fortunate, yet can be so critical of the country I live in. Yet, in comparison to other places, that could just as well be my place, it's so peaceful here. Peaceful enough for crazy people to build and grow their crazy ideas, sure, but still, I guess, is that what we are working for? A world wide enough?

All things Trump. He keeps getting worse than we ever imagined. As if J6 wasn't enough, now he has stolen classified documents. There is no bottom to him. And I am concerned because Democracy is on the chopping block.

I'm still living in the shadow of the neverending pandemic, and the weight of that is compounded by the climate catastrophe. It all feels like too much to bear, too much to deal with.

Russia's attack on the Ukraine because some of my descendants were from the Ukraine and I couldn't see why this was done. What did Russia gain by this?

Covid is still here and the world has opened up. It has truly impacted all of us and for me, it has made our life a bit back to normal though I'm still concerned about going to certain places. I participate in shul by zoom or YouTube because I still am concerned about being in crowds and nervous about those around me. I've been to very few social events and really limit my experiences to only a few people. Perhaps I'm using it as an excuse to hide and remain in the safety of my home. Covid has played with my ability to trust people. It makes me sad and in the coming year, I'm trying to be more open socially.

Besides the pandemic, which has affected the entire global village, I think the invasion of Ukraine by Russia has caused me great concern. Besides just being wrong to invade another nation, Putin is a man of dubious morals and unknown mental stability. I grieve for the people he has displaced. I worry for the possibility that Putin will use nuclear weapons in order to win. On the other side of the equation, Zalinsky is showing great courage and strength which is giving courage and strength to the Ukrainian people to fight the advances of the Russian army.

I guess I’m still thinking about COVID. Maybe more on the increased social anxiety level rather than the disease itself. I just had it for the first time a monthish ago. It was rough, but we’re young, and vaxxed, and otherwise healthy. It came it went. But I’m still uncomfortable in public, especially indoors.

This year I joined Rotary International. It is one of the most surprising and unexpected pleasures of the job. I never would have imagined I would be a person that would like to Rotary. The pledging, the praying, but I love so many aspects about it, especially the notion of service above self. I have always watched the news, but what I really like about the Rotary is that it puts the news at the level of people. Of course one of the biggest issues has been the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. In the past I would have thought about it politically, but the Rotary, through human connections has made the war much more personal. What would it be like to live through a war. To go from worrying about our everyday lives and concerns, enrollment, growth, to worrying about whether or not we will be alive or be under the rule of a dictator. It seems impossible to imagine that in 2022 such an event is occurring, yet it is. I want to continue to deepen my ties with the Rotary this year and see the world through people and not news stories.

Roe v. wade panic about reproductive choice + justice I feel worried about the most vulnerable and all the ways this country is tightening it's grip on freedom

Ukraine. I worry about it constantly . As if I knew someone there. But I don't. Or or had lived there. But I didn't. I don't know why. There are many places in the world suffering terrible problems. I know that's bad and am politely concerned. But the Ukraine strikes into my heart.

The War in Ukraine, and the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe, were two events that left me feeling pretty frightened of the collapse of very basic norms of peace and human rights, and how this might affect me personally in the near future.

The ongoing troubles caused by the divisiveness in the world, including DJT, the Jan. 6 hearings, Russia invading Ukraine ... and others. It impacts me because intolerance and "bad behavior" can eat away at my soul if I'm not aware and careful.

The Ukraine war has been very hard to watch from a distance. The shipping of people to NYC by governors in conservative states The overturn of Roe vs Wade --- The collapse of the market All of these things make me scared just plain scared

There is no end to this list, but I suppose Russia’s invasion of Ukraine stands out. It has upset the total world order all to sooth one little deluded man’s ego. I am incredulous, outraged, deeply saddened and astonished, though I shouldn’t be, at how easily homo sapiens lose their humanity for the most fragile egocentric reasons. Aren’t we something?

The Supreme Court decision to take away abortion rights was a real blow to the gut. I am so glad we had already set up our giving circle for reproductive justice. And I pray that the response from women will be to step up and vote for our rights —saving not only our right to bodily autonomy, but democracy itself.

Gas prices went way up. Inflation is way up. Not sure what the impact is yet.

The on-going pandemic has made it stressful to be with family. It feels like all of society is stressed out

The Queen dying hit me really hard, I guess because it was such a reckoning with all the ways the world has changed in my lifetime, and all the ties that have drifted away. All the reckonings with colonialism and entrenched hierarchies that need to happen but also represent breaks with a consensus reality that I used to be able to accept and can't anymore, and the relationships that are damaged by that. Also the war in Ukraine, especially since I was reading Red Cavalry when it broke out. It's another way that the false sense of security and post-history consensus that apparently existed when I was a kid (but didn't really) is shown to be fake.

The rise of nationalism and tribalism on a global basis. As a Western liberal Jew I feel more threatened by the ensuing growing influence of nativism, much of which reminds me of the forces that led up to the holocausts of Europe, Cambodia and Rwanda, among other places. I no longer believe in the ultimate ascendancy of liberal causes and thinking and have begun to believe that we can easily sink into a world where freedom is under constant threat.

The US Congress' January 6 investigation. It gave me hope that the government would assign accountable for what happened.

The decline of pollinators and wildlife habitat moved me to “no/low mow May”, plant native perennial flowers, and leave various parts of my lawn wild and unmowed throughout the summer. While it was a bit messy looking while it was growing out (like growing out a short haircut), I’ve seen more birds including owls, deer, and bunnies than prior years. It is also much more interesting to look at instead of mowed grass. I enjoy giving back to mother nature.

I suppose the major event that has demanded the most attention is the war in Ukraine. It’s very surprising to see a war like this on European soil, but at the same time it’s a sign of ethnocentrism that this war catches our interest compared to other places around the world that may be continuously in crisis. It’s a sign of how numb we have become to bad things happening in the world. I suppose these things haven’t technically impacted me directly (except maybe inflation), but it has served as a reminder of how far things can go off the rails. It’s important to stay vigilant and constantly question your own country’s leadership.

COVID + war in Ukraine + toxic capitalism = INFLATION. I can't afford to lose the 3% salary increase that came with my temporary contract. I'm starting to freak out about what will happen come February 2023 when my contract is up. My hydro bill is DOUBLE what it was last year. And the sad truth is: I'm in a privileged position!

The sudden pull out of American troops from Afghanistan - which btw I think was needed and I also know it was clumsy in some heartbreaking ways. I volunteered for a while with HIAS/JFS to take care of a young couple who had gotten out and were being resettled here. They were very young and very confused and demanding. I was happy to be in a position to help.

I think the war in the Ukraine is the world event that has impacted me this year. Hearing about yet another war makes me want to stick my head in the sand. I am tired of hearing about yet another senseless war that does not really benefit anyone.

Roe v Wade. We have lost. I am unimportant and I have less rights then I had before. I can't visit half the states in my country. I don't quite know how to raise my beautiful daughters in this world.

That's a difficult question, because I feel like my focus this year has been more inward, or more on my immediate community, than it ever has. This year has been an absolutely insane and terrifying year in geopolitics and human rights. But it would be egocentric of me to say that world events, in this particular year, have had a direct impact on my life. I read the news and I feel sad, angry, heartbroken, frightened, full of dread. That is normal. That is how functional human beings react to horrible news. That is simple empathy. And it's not about me. I'm not the protagonist of the struggle for a functional society.

This summer the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade, effectively making it difficult or impossible for many people to access abortion (and other necessary health care) safely. While this hasn't impacted me directly, it certainly feels like a HUGE step backward for human rights. As a woman, mother, occupational therapist, and advocate this decision is incredibly frustrating. This ruling isn't actually pro-life; it is a blatant attempt to control others. It is especially troubling to me because abortion bans will disproportionately impact already marginalized persons (black & indigenous, poor, trans, etc.). Forced birth is a precursor to abuse, neglect, poverty, trauma, addiction, housing & food insecurity, diminished mental health & more. Abortion bans constitute occupational injustice. I am ANGRY.

The war in Ukraine has made me realize that in some ways (lots of ways) we as a planet are not making the progress we should have by now. I'm an optimist, and yet I'm holding on for dear life with regards to climate change and the rise of hate speech.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It left me paralyzed this spring as we watched it happen, so scared of what it would mean for families just like ours, but living in Ukraine. Fast forward to the news unfolding now - so many civilians tortured and killed - is exactly what I was so afraid of happening. It feels like the world isn't doing enough and those people are paying the steep price for our failure.

The insurrection of January 6, 2021 was devastating. Especially when seeing what people are willing to do for a selfish, greedy excuse for a human being.

There are a couple...Russia invading Ukraine for basically no reason was unreal. It felt like something you read about in history books happening during WWII. Except now there is the threat/fear of nuclear weapons, and Putin might just be crazy enough to use them. The shooting in Uvalde was a big event too. It was preceded by the shooting at the Tops in Buffalo and and with Uvalde happening so soon after and taking the lives of children...I think for a lot of people, myself included, Uvalde was the final straw. We HAVE to do something about the mass shooting problem. We HAVE to change gun laws. I'm so sick of guns being more important than people's lives to some politicians. I wrote to my representatives even though they do support stricter gun laws already, and I know many others did too. Enough is enough.

All of the horrible climatic catastrophes that continue to happen at a record pace! It is very concerning and makes me worry about the world my grandchildren are inheriting.

The January 6 committee. As this has unfolded and the GOP responds, plus watching some geo-political things unfold, I am increasingly at peace woth the feeling that turbulent and violent times lay ahead.

Russian invasion of Ukraine. It’s contributed to my shaken worldview, between that and the huge divisions in our country. I went to a Ukrainian concert (Dhaka Braka) and agreed with most of their political commentary but have to question the notion of giving them arms. I wish we had a way to support them but not war. No easy solutions.

I thought it was crazy that the former prime minister of Japan died to gun violence. For me, Japan holds a special place as the peaceful, calmer alternative to living in the US. If gun violence becomes a regular thing there, that would be extremely sad. Peace of mind in the US has been completely ruined by guns. I am also sad at how much negative press his funeral has gotten. Regardless of agreement with his policies, I think you should still be respectful of the dead.

Terrible events have happened including Russia's invasion of Ukraine. And the politics of hatred and voter suppression in our country are very sad. As well as the political Supreme Court overturning Roe vs Wade. I am worried and sad and yet have hope for better days along with gratitude for many things.

The Republican campaign against Truth, and its embrace of Donald Trump and the threat Republicans are making to re-write the Constitution, to move towards authoritarianism and to obliterate human rights as well as Social Security and Medicare are deeply concern full and the projections that the Republicans will take back the House and Senate are to me incomprehensible, and astonishing. Where this country is going, indeed, where this world is heading is deeply unnerving and undermining of trust in humanity. We seem to be moving back into fascism. How this affects me personally is something that has not yet manifested, but may do so in the very near future and coming year.

Russia declared war on Ukrain. There was an insurrection at the capital. Hate is rampant. It is really hard to stay positive at times. It has been an eye opener to see who I can still believe in

The war in Ukraine.. Why is there war?? So hard to fathom the consciousness... My heart and soul cry. Consciousness of most people is also so low...How people treat each other... Me losing everything in the fire taught me so much about human nature and how depraved most people are.. gave me such a different slant.. and.. I doubt I will ever trust anybody in the future.. The war and abuse is a magnified reflection of our daily interactions when dealings with people..

Liz Cheney's Leadership on the insurrection committee. Shows that we can find common ground with a conservative. Someone I can relate to - her way of talking reminds me of my freshman English professor. She shows that you can be straightforward, without flair or being cool and still make an impact.

The amazing destruction happening in the middle of Europe, Ukraine, has impacted me tremendously. It is heartbreaking to see what those poor people are having to live through, do to the lust for empire of a crazy man in russia. The spirit of the Ukraine people,in defending their country, their people, and their new freedoms has been heartwarming.

There is a lot of tragedy and war happening in several parts of the world right now (Ukraine, Russia, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, more). It all affects my heart, but not so much me personally. The change in the world that has had a great impact on me directly is that the pandemic is slowing to an extent that just about everyone has returned to some days working in an office rather than from home. I think it came just at the right time for me. While some people found even one day of lockdown to be intolerable, I was quite happy being stuck at home with my favorite person and in a stable and comfortable house. I only started to tire of it right about when we got called back into the office. While the return to the office has been very bumpy because of logistics, it has also added a little more socializing into my life, which I think was more needed than I realized.

The war between Ukraine and Russia. People in America have been up in arms about, supporting America sending money to Ukraine. It's almost like they see it as a threat to Democracy. Why is this war a threat to democracy and not so many wars in the past 60 years? Why do people who have no connection to Russia or Ukraine care so much? It's almost like when white people are hurting somewhere, we need to do something about it. Where was the world when Sudan was split into two countries? Where were these Americans putting Ukrainian flags on their social media pictures when Syria was in ruins? Why are we celebrating sending weapons and money for warfare to other countries? It's alarming and frustrating.

The Russian war on Ukraine. Not only did it threaten the peace climate in the entire world, but it also caused huge waves of inflation worldwide that have contributed to our lifestyle becoming more expensive every day. My currency has plummeted against the US dollar and my country is facing severe economic challenges on the years to come. I also happen to be a pacifist, so I hate all forms of belligerence. As a citizen of the world, I condemn the war on Ukraine and ask for the forces involved to please make it stop immediately.

I really like that last year I chose to talk about the IPCC report. Get that insight, past Kate! I think I've tuned the world out more this year. I find out about things late, and also our attention span is so small, that we move off of news well before whatever was newsworthy has actually resolved. Like the war in Ukraine, still ongoing and people still have flags outside their homes, but it's no longer dominating the news as it was in the early days. I think the bigger question is - what did I let impact me? What did I let in past the shell of numbness and self-preservation that I'm still slowly soaking off, chipping away at, uncovering new layers of? One thing that comes to mind is the hideous supreme court decision on abortion. the one RBG saw coming ages ago but also helped usher in by staying on the court as long as she did. The one conservative christians have been preparing for. It narrowed the world of possibility for me and other women in this country. I now have an easy map of the 8 or so states that I can safely live in. What a strange decision tool. I took the time - still probably not enough, and will probably still be ongoing - to grieve that decision, to feel how upset other people were, to take in how many people will die because of it.

Life has somewhat returned to normal, although I think people are more separated than ever. The Qanon / MAGA people continue to scare me because they literally believe in nothing. The invasion of Ukraine continues, and weirdly the Qanon / MAGA people seem to be on the side of Russia?! People are so weird. (I think this is a Christian nationalist apocalyptic fever dream) In short, I do not trust my neighbors to not be total cuckoo-birds. I hope that Ukraine is able to push back the Russian forces because I would like to visit Uman, Ukraine at some point to visit Rebbe Nachman’s grave.

Stacey Abrams run for the Governor of Georgia against Brian Kemp. I have been donating steadily to her campaign. Her run for office has me filled with hope and the desire to see her win, for all of us here in Georgia and in the whole country. Her win would mean so much. So I keep pitching in what I can, praying, hoping, and plugging her in every conversation where I think it's worthwhile.

The Australian election. It restored much of my faith in Australia but I'm feeling angst around what it means for Australia's democracy if the 2 party system is now broken.

The event I’m thinking of just happened a couple of weeks ago. A young girl in Iran was beaten into a coma and then later died because she was wearing her head scarf incorrectly. It reminded me how lucky I am to live in a country where women are able to be free thinkers and reach their goals.

Ukrainian war. Genocide. Enough is enough. We are all Ukrainian(s).

The Ukraine War. THough I have no special affinity for the Ukranians, every day Pray for their safety three times. As well as the safety of President Zelinksy, and the safety of the Ukrainian soldiers (I debated whether to include Russian soliders and decided not to). And to the end to the war. Having lived through so many major earth shattering events and not be directly affected, it amazes me how much this touches me.

The war in Ukraine has made me supremely conscious of the delicacy of civilization. The stories and images seem like they must be from another, more savage era. There's a myth we've told ourselves, that this kind of thing ended for the west, at least, with the summation of World War II, that now the work is to stamp it out in the places that weren't as directly caught up in that war -- that we'd somehow grown beyond the more basic cruelties and inhumanities. It is sobering and important to see this very blatant proof of what a fallacy that is. It's also revealing of the incredible privilege and ego-centric-ness of such a mindset; that some of the world could progress beyond base humanity while other parts are left behind is itself a divisive and inhumane concept. It's easier for some parts of the world to be resilient against the most vicious aspects of humanity because of their great privilege in the system in which we all play a part. I think that war, coupled with all that COVID has revealed, and all that our social justice conversations and efforts have demonstrated, has made it plain both how tightly we are knit -- how much one person's comfort can come at the expense of another's -- and also how much we fight not to see that, in order to justify our comfort. In other words, it shows how truly terrifying it is, to ask ourselves to sacrifice our comfort and safety so that others might have a slightly bigger sliver of a chance at sharing in it. It shows the staggering depth of the trouble. It's not as simple as "some people are greedy while others are needy." It's frighteningly complex. I feel it puts my mind in a state of paralysis. I feel I owe it to everyone who suffers not to allow that paralysis to persist. Pushing through it is murky, it's vulnerable, it feels useless, an armchair exercise. I tell myself it's the first step, it not out the door and onto the path, then at least out of the armchair and toward the door. It's more than nothing, and also way too little.

The Russian war on Ukraine has been horrible, but it's also given me a glimmer of hope that we might actually wake up and fight to save democracy here. Fascism is literally rising up all over the globe, and it's hard to watch it happen here too. But Ukraine's resistence and strength clarified what we're doing here - and I think forced the issue within some non-MAGA Republicans.

The day Roe V Wade was overturned. It just made it so abundantly clear that women are second class citizens and can’t be “trusted” to make their own decisions. It makes me so sad for all young girls who’s lives are made worse because their choice is taken away.

Bien entendu Covid avec toutes ses restrictions qui m'ont empêchés d'aller à la piscine avec mon fils, par exemple. Ou la guerre en Ukraine qui bouleverse et qui change notre économie, la face de notre monde... Mais les restrictions sont tombées assez tôt pour me permettre de me rendre au mariage de ma meilleure amie, à l'autre bout du Canada. Ça a été un séjour mémorable, merveilleux, qui me rend encore très heureuse et reconnaissante aujourd'hui.

The war in Ukraine was really impactful on me... so much generational trauma about war and especially war in Europe and war with Russia. It has been hard to sympathize but not empathize, not to put myself too much into other people's shoes. At first it was all I was thinking about all the time and reading about, but now I am able to continue reading about it from a distance, which I guess is the nature of being constantly saturated with news all the time.

The COVID pandemic has continued to impact me in terms of my work and my personal life. For example, in my personal life, I made the very difficult decision to end a friendship with a woman who adamantly refused to wear a face mask inside a movie theater with me and had the nerve to attack my COVID safety protocol instead of respecting my desire to be safe and protect others’ safety. If she had not attacked my desire to be safe, we would still be friends. I have friends whose COVID safety protocol is even more strict than mine, but I would never attack them for trying to protect themselves and others against COVID!

Covid and the response to it continues to affect me in so many ways. I long for and need to be out in the world, I’m running back out and away from all the pain of the last few years, but the world isn’t fully ready and neither am I.

The rise of populism and totalitarian regimes world wide. E.g. Russia and its invasion of Ukraine, Sweden, Italy. How? The war in Uraine coupled with the Covid Pandemic, has cause spiraling inflation leading to, along with other conditions, the rise of totalitarianism. We are a tiny minotiry which has in all probability has suffered the greatest hatred, prejudice and biogtry of all peoples who have walked the face of the earth. Why? When totalitarian regimes arises antisemitism rises in the form of increased antisemitism propaganda, negative press, and antisemitic attacks. Totalitariasm rising in France, Italy, Sweden and elswhere. "the Anti-Defamation League . . . found 2,717 incidents in 2021 [in the U.S.]. That's a 34 percent increase from the year before. That averages to more than seven antisemitic incidents per day." The highest number of incidents since ADL began record keeping in 1979. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/antisemitic-incidents-hit-a-record-high-in-2021-whats-behind-the-rise-in-hate. E.g. Tree of Life, antisemitism in the January 6, 2021 Insurrection. This trend raises very raises very real concnerns for me a Jew. Where is it leading? A cause for great concern.

So much! I can't believe that the COVID pandemic still lurks, even if I don't pay it so much attention. I can't believe that Putin can disrupt an already disrupted world, and threaten my peace and the peace of so many millions of people. I can't believe that we still look at the havoc of climate change as if it's aberrant instead of inevitable. If I turn off the news and just try to live my life, if I make my world smaller, it's not so upsetting, but I'm not sure that's how I want to live.

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in February 2022 really troubled me. Though I am not directly affected by this conflict, the callous disregard for human life, liberty and democratic principles demonstrated by Putin call to mind similar disregard during World War II, and awaken some of the concerns from the Cold War. Thus far, world opinion falls favorably on the side of Ukraine, but diplomatic resolutions seem unlikely. It's frightening.

Covid seems to be receding. We’re taking small risks walking down the street without masks and SMILING. My family was lucky — no health crit, no risk to our livelihoods. Still, it’s been a journey.

My daughters ate ice cream in Ireland. That sounds like I didn’t understand the assignment. But for my daughters to be able to fulfill a long-held dream to travel to Ireland and have ice cream, after the horrible months we managed to crawl through, was a big deal, more even for me than for them. They are young and full of optimism. My optimism was at a lifetime low. That was a start at feeling alive again, a strand of hope to cling to, a success to build on. To the larger world, it was nothing. But to me, it was a world event, a sign to me personally that we might make it after all.

Putin's war. The idea that one man can disrupt the entire world is just so disheartening. The fact that he can get away with starting a needless war, causing untold suffering and death and economic ruin is just awful. I hope there is a special place in hell for that man. Seeing all the suffering and evidence of war crimes by Russian "soldiers" makes me sick.

I said last year that it was almost impossible to make a definitive line between world news and everyday life, and this year it only got worse. The Supreme Court's decision on Roe v. Wade, the war in Ukraine and it's effect on the supply chain, inflation, etc. It has become more and more expensive to live (not to mention heartbreaking sometimes). Although I see glimmers of hope, I don't see a lot of signs of immediate relief.

The pandemic. The Big Lie. The Dobbs decision. The protests in Iran. Everything seems pretty shit right now. It's really hard to see the silver lining. All of these things have caused my anxiety level to spike, and things only seem to get worse. I have no positivity right now about it all. I am mildly hopeful about the midterms, but mostly feeling dead inside when it comes to the world around us, and how it's absolutely deteriorating. Maybe the world will end before Trump can come back to power?

The war in Russia. That's so senseless and devastating. I'm so impacted by the lies that lives aren't being taken and touched. Also the shootings in the schools and the fact that we can't seem to legislate gun control! I'm so saddened by all this

Queen Elizabeth II passing away. It’s made me reflect on how much I valued my grandparents and my mum and how you have to cherish all the time you get with them because nothing lasts forever.

The war in Ukraine, I suppose, as I see it through the eyes of my German friend who watches with despair the endless stream of refugees into her city.

The death of Queen Elizabeth. She had been Queen my whole life. So even though I am not at all a monarchist she was always part of the background. And then she died. it ws also a super opportuntiy to watch the liturgies and ceremonies - and text with Colin in Real Time and discuss with Margaret of Lichfield

The horrific weather has me scared for our planet, and the deep ideological divisions, both in the US and in the larger world has me scared for our species.

The death of Queen Elizabeth II moved me deeply. I have so much respect for her and her work ethic--doing her duties up until 2 days before her death! I think she was one of the most universally respected world leader. The world (especially the UK) will not be the same without her!

UKRAINE being invaded by RUSSIA!!!!!!!!! Some days hard to function; how can humans behave this way towards one another? The destruction and outright massacre is unimaginable. And not just because it is Ukraine and Russia; we have not cared or learned in Africa, Asia and other places in the world. It is disheartening and depressing. Rabbi Roly spoke on Rosh Hashanah about making a small difference in whatever way we can, and to consider the next generations and the world they will inherit. Tikkun Olam....

I sometimes wish I would be more aware of how the events of the world impact me. I know that they do. I especially worry about climate change. I'm not that great at staying abreast of the news. I think that if I knew more, I should also do more. Today I heard about the ongoing violence in the West Bank in Israel and how Palestinians are getting their own guns to fight Israeli soldiers. It is so scary and sad to know that this situation is ongoing. I lived in Israel so I feel a personal tie there. I wish there could be movement in a peaceful direction.

Multiple examples (negative) of climate change and its impact on us. Especially vexed by environmental racism in which marginalized people bear the brunt of negative effects (think water in Flint, MI), or floods in Pakistan (sigh).

The Australian election. Having worked under the shitfuckery that was the Liberal government and seen the cronyism and idiocy up close, I am DELIGHTED that Labour has come in and is making change. Especially in the area of climate. It gives me so much hope.

I have paid little attention to global events this year (as with most years), because when I focus on all the hardship and trauma in the world, it can be overwhelming and cause me to get depressed. One thing that did impact me though is global inflation. As I saw the prices of rent, food, gas, and just about everything skyrocket everywhere, my first thought was “now my family can understand what it’s like living in Israel” where cost of living even pre-inflation was exorbitant. As I watched neighbors in my community get evicted from their apartments so their landlords could raise rent with new tenants, I was grateful that I have a wonderful landlord who is happy for me to stay in my apartment and renewed my lease at the same price. I am grateful for community organizations that I am a part of that provide free/subsidized events, holiday meals, and trips, funded by generous donors, so that my friends and I can continue to enjoy these experiences for the same (or no) price even as actual costs rise. I try to remain hopeful that inflation will level out, and that policy makers and employers will raise salaries and fight to reduce costs as a measure to help everyone live a life with dignity and meaning, and not just bare survival.

6 January. That day shattered my vision of what it means to be a USA citizen. My pride in that is changed forever, I fear.

The January 6th thing made me think a lot about if America is failing. Makes sense, sorta, as we rose to power really quickly, we might be kind of like a burnout nation... as opposed to the UK, which has had a lot of power for a long time and therefore knows how to deal with it. But I've come to the conclusion that... who knows lol. If it gets too bad I'll move.

With Covid on the decline, still most theaters require masking, a point driven home to me when I got the virus not long before our play was to open. We had to cancel the first weekend, but the show went on. The Supremes overruling Roe was a hugely significant political event, underscoring the right's diligent march toward rigid social control. I've been inspired by the reaction and backlash by women and the left, but am concerned that, like the waning passion for holding violent police officers accountable, there won't be sufficient continuing pressure at the ballot box for real change. I have railed against political divisiveness, but it's the right that seems to have no interest in compromise.

I think that the biggest world event that I can think of has been the overturning of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Although I live in a state where abortion is (so far) still protected, it has affected me deeply to think about all of the folks who have been impacted directly by this since June, in particular my friends and family in a state where the future of abortion is now unclear. Especially as a law student who just took Constitutional Law and learned about substantive due process, I am worried for the future of rights such as same sex marriage, interracial marriage, even birth control.

The only event I can think of is the fall of Roe v. Wade in June. It made me realize that our rights and principles are vulnerable and not set in stone. It also made me recognize how much or little I do for movements that I care about. There are always more movements, and it's not feasible to commit to all of them. However, Dobbs v. Jackson affects many people I know, and I could likely do more to fight for their rights.

The reversal of Roe v Wade. I'm terrified of what comes next for women. We've had to fight so hard for our basic human decencies. The decision doesn't impact my personal health but it does impact my family and community. The political scene in America is one of the most frightening things I've seen in my lifetime.

Inflation has been the biggest impact, as I work in a supermarket and I have seen people complain about the prices. I've also noticed things that previously cost .99 cents are now $1.29, not a lot of difference, but when I'm broke in the start of the month after paying my rent and rent on my storage unit, that is a big differnce.

Honestly, my world is so small right now, so local, that this is a challenging question for me to answer. But, it's hard not to say...covid. I didn't imagine wearing a mask every day of work when I first started this job. I didn't imagine having my house be my community when I got it. My life feels so small, there's a loss there for me in just seeing this question. I know smaller isn't worse, but in this moment as I write this, it kinda does...

So many of us sit on privileged perches where these world events—war, climate change, Supreme Court decisions–rarely climb high enough to affect us beyond the abstract. Soldiers aren’t invading my city, my home is not flooding or lacking a clean water supply, and I live in a state where abortion is still legal. So while all these world events affect me emotionally (at best), “impact” is too strong a word otherwise. Yes, I still give money to progressive causes, go to protests, and use as little fossil fuels and wasteful materials as possible. But I am incredibly fortunate that I can also put my head down and tune it all out if I so desire. The LACK of impact is paradoxically affecting me in the form of Jewish guilt—and the worst sort, methinks.

The overturning of Row vs. Wade. It came right as I was leaving my job, which may be the end of a career working with young children and families that started after graduate school. I had always intended to go back to working in reproductive health after grad school, but fell into a series of jobs in another area. I’m still unsure of where to go next with my professional life, but am so dismayed for this generation of women and men who have such basic control over when to have a child taken away.

The war in Ukraine. I can't really say how it affects me. It doesn't affect ME at all. I'm not Ukranian. I do, however, have friends who have a son-in-law who was born in Ukraine who came out with his parents as refuseniks, who still have family in Ukraine, a couple of famous rabbis, and others who are working in the rescue and relief efforts. (Funny, as I'm writing this, I am tearing up.) I have known my friends for 50 years, and they are like family, including their two daughters, and their families are also my family. So, I guess that is HOW this affects me. WHY this affects me is much easier to answer. Putin is a monster, a 21st Century Hitler(l'havdil), who thinks laws do not apply to him, a megalomaniac who is willing to destroy the entire world to satisfy his own greed for power. Ukraine is a sovereign nation. He planned this invasion the same way he planned his invasion of the Crimea-- waited until the Olympics were over in Sochi when the world would be distracted. He waited until these Olympics were over and the world was distracted, and invaded Ukraine.I have been emotionally involved since the first news report. I have bought T-shirts, pins, found reliable sources to donate directly to Ukrainians with food and medicines, and to donate to rescue efforts. It is never far from my mind. And from all of this, I have found new heros-- the Ukrainian people, and most especially Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He has become an unlikely hero, a nice Jewish boy whose family survived the Holocaust when Ukraine persecuted its Jews. He inspires me, encourages me to do the impossible, and believe me, I have some impossible odds to overcome in my own life! I believe in justice, have been passionate about it since I was a little girl, as only children can be. There needs to be justice for Ukraine, and peace. As for Putin, he needs to be brought to justice, in whatever form it comes. (Yes, I mean what you're thinking!) It is all part of Tikkun Olam, our job to repair the world, for everyone.

World wide politics have been such a shitshow this year that I would be hard pressed to pick just one even that has impacted me. The rising tide of authoritarianism in so many countries, including the US is terrifying and disheartening. For all the times I've wondered how the Holocaust could happen, how the people of the day could allow it, it is now frighteningly obvious. The sense of powerlessness is overwhelming. I struggle to understand how some people could believe in their hearts that being ruled by a single person would serve them better than to have a say in government. And I cannot stomach the fact that politics in this country has devolved to the point of no longer arguing about policy or solutions, but is now arguing over what is actually fact and what is lies. It feels like it will take decades to repair this if it is repairable at all.

Just now - the UK mini budget looking like it’s going to wreak total financial havoc. It worries me about whether my job is stable. It worries me in terms of people struggling financially already and how and what it would take to pull the country back. The war in Ukraine is just tragic. Seeing the kids and families for example at school or a colleague from there and thinking what their families are going through. The Queen dying affected me more than I’d have thought. It made me think a lot of my grandma and sad for her family, also intrigued by the reactions it prompted. Our son is very interested in things royal after the jubilee and was very interested in this, including going and seeing the flowers and taking a picture (along with his sister)

Oh boy, where to start. War in Ukraine and it’s impacts Wars in Africa COVID Tory Government Global economic problems Two impacts, depression when thinking about but also focusing on my life and my needs and wants.

An event in the world that is effecting me inflation, every thing costs of much more and my divorce and the STBX bankrupt me

There are several events that have saddened me. I try to keep away from the news so I won’t get depressed. Right now it feels as tho the world is falling apart. I want to remember this is not unusual.The Supreme Court reversed Roe vs Wade and , even tho this doesn’t directly affect my family, it feels like we are sliding backward.The war in Ukraine and the way Putin has attempted to just take over another country reminds me of Hitler in WWII. This time the west seems to respond and support Ukraine. I’d like to think we’ve learned something from our past. To learn to love the stranger among us and show some compassion for others not as fortunate as we are.And, of course, the current situation with inflation. Inflation was set off because of the supply issues started with the pandemic and because of the war with Ukraine. The inflation impacts us because we are retired and this really means less money to live on. Most of us are just trying to live day to day and be pleasant about it.

There's been many events that have impacted me. Roe Vs. Wade being overturned is one. I'm disappointed but not shocked. This country is full of men and the women they manipulate into submission who want to tell everyone what is and isn't acceptable. Superficially, Need Fulmer cheated on Ariel Fulmer and omg. The internet is having a field day.

Biden is president. Worst president of my lifetime and really shows how corrupt our government is

The invasion of Ukraine has been heart-breaking and inspiring: Russia being outed as a paper tiger, Putin having fallen into the dictator trap (of surrounding himself with yes men until his world view is irrevocably warped), the Ukranian people fighting and dying for their freedom. It's what we did 250 years ago.

The collective gaslighting that the pandemic is over, despite continued illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths. The clear and unquestionable lack of care for one another in the face of a global health crisis, the USA's crumbling democracy, and environmental devastation. I am not as hopeful, optimistic, or trusting as I was before. I miss the person I was when I thought people were collectively better than this.

So this summer, Roe v Wade was overturned, placing the woman's right to choose an abortion in the hands of each individual state. This has impacted me profoundly. I am grateful that I live in a state that has codified the woman's right to choose, especially being a parent of two individuals that were born female. But, Illinois has become an oasis among states. All of the states around us had trigger laws that went into place as soon as Roe v Wade was repealed. So many people are coming to Illinois seeking abortions. I have participated in rallies and will continue to speak out to continue to provide the woman's right to choose.

Money pox came! So excited! I got to send my teen to europe during a pandemic and the pox! So fun! Oh, don’t forget the war. Putin is nuts!!!

The Russian invasion of Ukraine ended the long peace in Europe that followed WWII, in large part due to the US-enforced system imposed on Europe after two devastating wars within 30 years of one another. Of course, this would not have been possible had trump's constant licking of Putin's boots not convinced the latter that such an invasion would be met with no western response, rather than the strong one led by the Biden administration. Nevertheless, this war still leaves open the possibility of a world-ending nuclear exchange, and that terrifies me- as it should terrify every sentient being on the planet.

The world was stunned by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I still use the Ukrainian flag as my Facebook picture, but it seems to have faded into the background, except on the pages of the NYT. The horrific school shooting in Uvalde Texas, where police stayed in the school hallway rather than protect 4th graders because they were afraid, stunned me and all of us. And yet nothing changed. Sigh. When will we ever learn?

The collective societal move away from strict Covid precautions and isolationism has been been most impactful. I never really thought we would go back to a world with no masks and being inside with a lot of people, but here we are! Now that Ezra has his Covid vaccine and the adults are all fully vaccinated, the fear and the constant anxiety that we experienced for so long has generally dissipated!

The extremism of the Tories. They have now pushed so far to the right that Thatcherism is the left wing of the party. There is no hope. They serve only the ideological agenda of an extremist fringe. They are fucking our country every way imaginable.

The Dobbs decision by SCOTUS didn't affect me directly as I have the means to go to a free state to get an abortion plus I'm on long term, very reliable birth control, but it really made me rethink my politics to become a single issue voter until this becomes safe for women everywhere. I also found myself having serious doubts about some friendships and realizing the utter lack of empathy on so many people's parts. It made me pickier about who I spend time with.

1. Russia's invasion of Ukraine -the world is on edge now not to mention the scores of needless death and suffering that has been unleashed in Eastern Europe. 2. The Queens death - the sealing of an bygone era 3. Iran's exploding demonstrations because of one innocent women's death - and ALL because of religion! Religion poisons the mind. It is the oldest human virus that needs to be eradicated.

The war in Ukraine. I am deeply sorry for seeing people fight for power, land and control once more, and to see people being displaced and leaving everything they knew behind. We are seeing many changes because of this: refugees, economical impacts, social changes...and with that too a good dose of hypocrisy as other conflicts don't get the same importance and help as this one because of the nation and their background. This is probably what affects me the most in all this

Different year. Same shit. Even more with inflation, crime, the open border letting record amounts of fentanyl. Last year pretty much sums up my continued frustration with world events: The utter failure of California government and Federal government on so many levels is unprecedented. I feel lost knowing the media circles the wagons to protect the status quo (Democrats). It seems lately I get more protection from racial/gender/sexual orientation/country of origin discrimination than I get for political viewpoint/speech. It is OK to shame me for not agreeing with all COVID lockdown/mask wearing/vaccination control regardless of contrary science, experience of other countries, and credible commentary from licensed experienced epidemiologists. No I'm not a nut-job and I believe in vaccines [less so than last year. They are “shots” not “vaccines” since they aren’t very effective.] (I'm vaccinated), but I find masks and lockdowns mostly ineffective. The powers that be are not admitting that Sweden did it right all along: school was kept open with no impact to children and teachers. Reasonable debate is squashed by labeling any skepticism of orthodoxy as being a "denier". And I can't begin to describe all the problems with the State of California: EDD fraud, wildfires caused by environmentalist orthodoxy eliminating all forest management by running all the loggers out of this state in the name of a spotted owl. Can you tell me how much spotted owl habitat is left now that thousands of square miles of forest have been burned up? Not to mention how much carbon has been released into the atmosphere by the state that is supposed to be at the forefront of fighting climate change? Private forests managed by forest product companies plant 4 trees for every one they cut down, and they don't have wildfires. We could have let the forests be thinned and actually harvested some useful lumber instead of doing nothing in the name of orthodox environmentalism (picture a tree hugger cowering at the sound of chainsaws). So I choke on forest fire smoke and keep my mouth shut while wearing my ineffective mask for COVID or smoke.

January 4, 2022 – China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States—all five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—issue a rare joint statement affirming that "a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought." But by the end of September, 2022, Putin was threatening to have a "limited" nuclear way in the Ukraine, which Russia (Putin) invaded on 2/26/22. As early as 2/27, Putin orderd Russia's nuclear deterrent forces to be on "special alert", their highest level, in response to what he called "aggressive statements" by NATO. The move was condemned by the US. The global death toll from COVID-19 surpassed 6 million on 3/7. On 5/6/22, an outbreak of monkeypox began when the first monkeypox virus case was reported in London, UK. No question the US is NOT ready for any infectious diseases, Covid experience or not. Monkeypos repeated lack of vaccine, lack of tests, lack of information. 6/24/22 US Supreme court overturned Roe v Wade with Dobbs v Jackson. 6/22 An earthquake measuring moment magnitude 6.2 struck the Durand Line between Afghanistan and Pakistan, killing at least 1,163 people. Another disaster occurred when Pakistan floods started 8/28/22: The death toll from this flooding exceeded 1,000, the world's deadliest flood since 2017. On July 11, the first operational image from the James Webb Space Telescope, showing the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, was revealed to the public. The FBI searched MaraLago for documents Trump did not return on August 8th, pumping new life into his support who called the search warrent a "raid." September 8 – Charles III became King of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. Sept 11: Sweden got a right wing government, followed by Italy on 9/25. September 16 – Protests erupted in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini in the custody of the country's "morality police". By 9/25 Russia was protesting a military conscription to fight their Ukranian War. Hurricane Ian hit Florida 9/28, where most of the places flooded had no flood insurance. Of the things I've listed, only the telescope seemed like GOOD news, though some other NASA projects, like NASA's DART crashing into the asteroid Dimorphos in a first test of potential planetary defense on 9/28. were also.I guess I could also add as good news the fact that the Bengals went to the Super Bowl on 2/13/22, even if they lost. Edward Snowden was granted Russian Citizenship 9/26. Was that good news or bad? Joe B wound up in VA Hospital unable to walk mid Sept 2022. Barb Z had an ovarian mass dx'd by 9/27. No question that was NOT good news.

The War in Ukraine. The idea that one's whole life and country can be ripped away by a madman on a vengeful quest. Writing that, I'm suddenly aware of the ways in which that reality feels closer than I want it to here. I don't want to overstate the case; being invaded by Putin is a different thing, categorically, than the crumbling of our democracy at the hands of Trump et al. But I think the advent of that war reminded me that peace is a fragile and wondrous thing.

The war in Ukraine: Too much like WWII. It hurts to watch the news. Reminds me of the stories I heard from family that lived through WWII.

February 24th, 2022 was the day that Russia invaded Ukraine. Tho Ukraine was never good to our people, they do have a Jewish President who over the past 7 months has acted like Churchill. It is inconceivable to me that a country (Russia) can just arbitrarily try to take over another country. I have been been proud of the way the US and Europe has responded. I hope that we continue to keep up the pressure.

The ongoing divisions in society have stressed me and stayed on my mind. Putin's war. Inflation. The continued stress on the environment. The ongoing Trump debacle and the development of more and more extremism within the GOP. I worry about it, I get angry about it. I find myself unfollowing friends on Facebook because I don't want to hear their views. I feel more comfortable around like-minded people. I have developed more comfort in being able to speak up for what I believe and I am trying to be diplomatic in how I do it. Why do I concern myself? This is a good question--why do any of us care? I think we all want to live in a better world and contribute to a better world, but I guess we all have different opinions about what that would be like and how to get there.

Snippets from my 2021 answer: "Product and labor shortages.....where the world economy is in terms of the workforce and the impact on product availability......restaurants struggle to stay open due to staffing issues.......warehouses lack labor to load trucks, thus leaving truck drivers with no loads to deliver......" These are still very large issues. Many fast-food restaurants no longer have indoor seating; it's drive thru only. Companies do not always have in stock things that you need to buy. There are large open, empty spaces on grocery store shelves. It's a very different world than we, as Americans, are used to. Flowing from 2021 into 2022, there is a great deal of economic uncertainty. There are large losses in 401k accounts, property values are out of line, prices are skyrocketing on everything. Gas actually exceeded $5/gallon in 2022 (I hope 10 years from now that is still a shocking thing! LOL) We are living our lives and going about our days like normal, but the world does feel very unstable from a financial & supply/demand standpoint.

The US is in a downward spiral. The Republicans are not interested in governing, just making a joke out of politics. Those who supported the insurrection should be removed and barred from office and the lawyers and attorney generals that brought lawsuits should be disbarred. Putin got into power by blowing up Russian apartment buildings and blaming it on Chechnya. He has gone to wars of attrition in Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, and now Ukraine. He is not a leader that has improved the lives of his people. These wars are distractions and have cost Russia and the world dearly. Yet this is not a way to bring the country or world together. I have read progressive literature widely but only. I talk to persuade people. That just tries to show how smart I am and divide me from my audience. Be curious, listen, and learn. Be grateful. At least, I am grateful.

So many events, but the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe vs Wade was heartbreaking and scary. However, seeing how my communities have pulled together and are determined to fight in every way possible gives me hope.

The war in the Ukraine is not only affecting me but the world! Prices for all goods are changing; which is causing governments to change. I have great anxiety that this will only add fuel to the fires of increasing antisemitism.

The war in Ukraine has been so devastating! To see an entire nation, a functioning thriving society, completely upended, has reminded me how fragile and uncertain all of our lives are. Nothing in this life is guaranteed. So many people have fled their homes, been taken hostage, been killed. I cannot imagine having to make the decision to leave my home, or my family, to stay and fight or abandon my homeland. Their fortitude is inspiring, though I hate the fact that we have flooded their country with weapons.

January 6th: the attack on our capital was shocking! I thought I was looking at a scene from another country! We need to punish these traitors and get prosecute Trump and put him in prison. Madeline Albright warned us of the fascism brewing in this country and she was absolutely right! We all need to fight fascism and pay attention to what is happening here! Look back in history and see what it's done!

Stupid, stupid, stupid Russians and their stupid, bloodthirsty moron of a president. And weather, the one we'd been warned for years it'd change, and now it has and everyone is surprised. 40° around Europe this summer, why, how did that happen? We're all imbeciles, and we're going to destroy ourselves, all while being completely clueless.

It's hard to focus on one event, because there are so many -- and that, more than any specific thing, has affected me. I often feel overwhelmed by the array of problems I see, from threats to democracy and social stability to very concrete and frightening climate changes to worries about inflation and COVID to more global concerns like the war in Ukraine. It's hard to digest much less respond to all of this, yet I don't like feeling at once worried and powerless -- but that is what I feel.

The Rusia-Ukraine war broke out whole I was living in Spain. I got to see people go crazy at supermarkets for supplies .... In the meantime, in my native Costa Rica, we just knew prices fir almost everything went up and we got to blame the Russians!!

The war in Ukraine reminded me how fragile our stability is. But the response of the world community, and the leadership of Zielinsky has also made me feel safe among a powerful and good community. I can’t imagine the pain of those affected. But from the distance I sit I have the luxury to be happy that this accelerates the adoption of clean energy and is uniting people in the west.

Still climate. It's terrifying. I change the station, close the article, essentially shut my eyes because I have literally no idea what to do to stop the world from falling apart.

Russia invaded Ukraine, which is scary. That man needs to be stopped. The Queen of England died at 96, the only Q of E that most of the world has known. That will be a big change. And global warming keeps getting worse and at a faster pace. Nothing good.

The war in Ukraine is troubling, for sure, especially since I am living part of the year in Europe and I may otherwise have gone to Belarus or Ukraine. I feel terrible for those people in Ukraine, but also for the Russian boys who are fighting and who are now being drafting and doing bad things to themselves to avoid that. I heard the other day the most searched thing in Russia was how to break your own arm. 😖 Covid, of course, continues to affect is all, and monkeypox too. it made me slightly less slutty this summer.

War. Powerless and depressed. War is the ultimate act of power and lack of compassion.

The war in Ukraine, in ways I couldn't imagine. Understanding history and family and connections; a sense of helplessness and doom. Family having to move from Russia to Israel to escape the unthinkable of being drafted to invade their own motherland from before WWII. And then there's petrol prices and food fears and everything. Just everything.

Two major events - the Jan 6 attack on the US capital, an insurrection against the rule of law and Russia’s Feb 24 invasion of Ukraine that continues to date - were deeply disturbing and motivated me to become even more committed to defend democracy wherever it is threatened. It also made me think about how other travesties -like starvation in Ethiopia, refugees from Syria not being accepted into most countries, crackdown on and murder of ethnic minorities in Myanmar, China and too many nations - that involve black, brown and other people of color don’t get the same level of attention. So, I’m determined to continue work for a more equitable world.

Last year I wrote about my fear for the rights of women around the world. It got worse. The Repulsive Republican Party-stacked Supreme Court overturned Wade vs Roe, and trigger laws across American spring into action. 10 year olds in Ohio are now being forced to give birth. Women are forced to carry dead foetus to term. Other women face the humiliation of having to promise they aren’t seeking abortion when getting their monthly prescription for arthritis medication. White ugly men flash with glee on Twitter. Meanwhile Italys Musilinni-aligned fascist party won the election. The LGBTIQ take the brace position in expectation of what’s to come. And of course Putin invaded Ukraine, taking back what he believe is his. Mass graves are uncovered, and dogs starve. It’s ricocheted across global markets, as he threatens supply of gas before Europe enters winter. Boris Johnson was kicked out of the top job, having hired one sexual assault perp too many, and the resulting mini-budget cut the top tax rate for the highest earners. The GBP is the lowest it’s ever been against the USD and the Reserve Bank is intervening. There’s so much to worry about and not enough one can do. God I hope this lurch to the right is short lived.

This year I continue to be affected by the blatant xenophobia uncovered through the war in Ukraine (where the world held out their arms to embrace Ukrainians - as they should have) while continuing to turn a blind eye or worse, place blame on places like Palestine where the occupation is ongoing

The overturning of Roe v. Wade was a watershed moment for me and so many. Pro-choice activism was one of the first things I engaged in as a young teen in the late 80s, and I personally had two abortions in the early aughts. I shared all of the rage and pain of so many others, and fear about what other constitutional rights were going to be stripped away in the coming years by this ultra-conservative court. And, in the limited activism I did after the decision, I was deeply discouraged by the ways it felt like the same messaging that was there 30 years ago, from the same groups - particularly ones that felt more committed to their internal message than to actually engaging with the people looking to get involved. There weren't clear asks for people to participate, so so much of that energy dissipated. And, it's easy to sit here and critique from home - I didn't get more involved to influence and participate in a deeper way - and I could have.

The ways in which we are divided as a country keeps us divided in coming up with solutions for the planet and for all the people who inhabit it. After reading bell hooks All About Love, I believe even more in our need to lead with love in order to come together, listen to one another, really hear each other, if we are to find solutions to global warming and equality among all the people on the planet.

The Jan 6 terror. As a child I learned about fascism as a past, if not quelled than pushed back. Now I feel sure--in a sense I know --that I will experience (am experiencing or have experienced in part) a fascist regime, a civil war, and my own ice age--the entire range of history I read about playing itself out in my lifetime. I went this week to Walter Benjamin's memorial in Portbou. It felt like no memorial; it felt like our now, and our future. No free passages to safety.

Roe v Wade was overturned. It was one of the few cool things that happened on my birthday, and it's gone. Conservative states are banning abortions left and right. I am so glad that I live in California. I continue to be concerned about the growing rifts between the right and the left in this country. Shortly after the decision, our Stanford girls chat blew up, so at least we were able to lean on each other for support. Lindsay made us scrub caps and masks from various pro-choice designs. A week or two after the decision, I had a patient with a second trimester bleed. She was about 18 weeks pregnant. G5, desired pregnancy, but found to have an incompetent cervix on US. So, I called OB/GYN for a cerclage. When I followed up on the patient, I found out that they had offered her 1) cerclage with still high likelihood of failure, 2) watchful waiting with high likelihood of failure, or 3) an elective termination. She elected for the abortion, and I felt SO GLAD that she had this option open to her here. How much more psychiatrically traumatic or potentially life-threatening if she had miscarried and hemorrhaged at home? The ignorance lawmakers have of medical conditions is terrifying. I got my IUD replaced at Planned Parenthood and thanked the NP for her 24 years of service there caring for and providing critical services to a wide variety of patients. She thanked me for mine working in a safety net for many of the same patients.

Russia invading Ukraine has made the world seem so much more scary and unsafe. One crazy dangerous move and Russia could use nuclear weapons.

The downfall of Roe v Wade and the immediate rush to put in the most restrictive laws that not only exclude and abortions but also birth control. I also feel the rise of blatent anti-zionism and how that feels so much worse continues to upset.

Russias invasion of Ukraine. I feel helpless to do anything about it. I guess I figured this kind of thing was of the past.

What hasn't? Everything is a mess. But, I'll choose the ongoing pandemic. I got COVID for the first time last week. I'm stressed about the way the U.S. continues to handle the pandemic, which, at this point, is pretending it doesn't exist. I've been so stressed about getting COVID these past two years, and it finally happened, and luckily I didn't give it to anybody. I was unwell, I missed work, missed other things I was supposed to go to. But all in all, I'm ok. It doesn't make me feel any better though. My grandma still died of COVID in 2020. My mom is still immunocompromised. I can get reinfected. I can make people sick. And barely anybody is wearing masks anymore. How do we create a world that's safe? I don't know. I'm doing my best, but I don't know how to mitigate harm anymore. I'm going to continue to mask and test and get boosters and all of that, but as a society, we just seem to be blundering through. And it's driving me up the wall.

I could talk about the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade. But I live in CA where abortion is still legal so it hasn't actually impacted me other than my feelings. So I will talk about the school board election coming up in Berkeley. It's opened my eyes to some underlying issues that were heretofore unknown to me. Our good friend is running so I offered to help him, but then another friend tried to recruit me to someone else's campaign, so I found myself obsessed with trying to understand the details of what each person was running for. It turns out that my friend's campaign, which is backed by the teacher's union, is actually fairly weak and he is not willing to discuss some of the startling realities of our school district; most importantly that the quality of the teaching has decreased since I was a child here. Expectations have gone down for students, and for teachers. It's a little overwhelming and frightening to me to see the deterioration of the district. There is a huge funding shortage; teachers are scared and fighting for their lives because they are not being paid enough to be part of the middle class. But the public school mandate to be equitable to everyone is disregarding the true fact that some humans are more capable and competent than others, both teachers and students. What do we do about that fact? It's such a huge question for society as a whole. In Berkeley, we try to bring up the ones that are lagging, but the truth is that in a reality of limited resources, that means that we are pulling down those that have the ability to rocket ahead, and that includes teachers that are exceptional, versus those that are failing. How do we deal with this as a society? The new families moving into Berkeley have enough money to opt out of the failing schools, so they do. That puts the schools into a downward spiral as a smaller percentage of voting families are committed to the schools and to voting to fund extra bond measures to support the schools. Anyway, I feel that somehow this small local issue is at the heart of everything that is falling apart in our world's various governments. This question about how do we deal with allocating resources and allowing those with great ability to add value to rocket ahead, or do we hold them back to create more equity throughout society.

It seems a little cliche at this point to say Covid. I guess I could say the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Not that it has really impacted me per se, but it is super weird to realize that we have a king now. I guess the money will change too. Or at least some of it. Honestly, it's just a weird thought.

The declaration that covid is over has been truly devastating. To go on an immunosuppressant at the same time that mask mandates were being taken away was traumatic. I felt (and feel) unimportant, invisible, wrong, confusion, burdened, overwhelmed… it really sucks on a regular basis to be so vulnerable and to have most other people not care and/or not be willing to take small actions to potentially save my life (and the lives of others even more vulnerable than I). The impact - besides the emotions, the isolation, the incredible emotional labor of constant boundary setting and explaining - has been a profound shift in the prioritization of community care. I now know that the world I want to live in means that we all work to keep the most vulnerable community members.

The war in Ukraine, of course. Not only is it reprehensible and terrifying, it makes me face some very difficult questions, such as why is it that when the war is between two countries I've been to and know people there, I seem to care more. Why am I donating money and reading the news and feeling so much now when I did or felt nothing much when it was Syria? Afghanistan? Somewhere in Africa I didn't even care enough to learn the name of? And then they announce mobilization in Russia and people start running away and do I support Europe barring them entry? And how can we keep on with our daily lives when there is a terrible war rending that part of the world apart (probably the way we kept on when other parts of the world were rent apart, I suppose)? Very complicated ethics here.

This fucking war in Ukraine and Russia. Before this I was scared to tell people I'm Jewish. Now I'm also scared to tell people I'm Russian. Every fucking part of me is wrong. "People freaking suck." - me, last year, and every year.

The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - I met Nasar's sister Shakofe while she was in Herat, helped her while she was in hiding in Pakistan, and fundraised for her to get to Turin, Italy, with her family.

Shooting on the 4th f July. While shootings are not unheard of this was very close to where I grew up and it made me realize how lucky and privileged I am/was to not have to deal with this every day. It also angered me because this was a big deal because it hit the well off, rich white people. There is too much injustice in the world and it makes me sad.

Overturning Roe was devastating to me and really for all women. So many fought hard for these rights for women, and in a few short sentences, we became 2nd class citizens again. It took me a few days to process, and then I realized that I couldn't stand back to just "let it happen," I needed to act, so I started donating to places I felt could make the most impact. More importantly, I will vote. Funny, I live in Mexico, and women can get an abortion where I live, but not in Arizona, where I was born. SMH

There is a hurricane on its way here at the moment that is hitting Florida hard (Ian) but as far as events that have already impacted me I can think of two significant ones: 1. The Uvalde shooting: as a teacher this was especially terrifying. I wondered if something so tragic and unexpected could happen in Decatur and whether I could protect my students. It really made me think about how messed up our country was and disappointed me in schools and their safety abilities. 2. The Russian invasion of Ukraine was the other big event that impacted me this year. Maya considers herself more Ukrainian now, hence our kids are too. But it also meant that Solomon and Roza could no longer support Putin as the better of bad choices or a person who was good. It was sad to see these events unfold and I could see some of our Russian speaking friends around us being more affected.

Obviously the pandemic, which has been declared over, but the consequences of it are still felt. Traumatized students, unexpected deaths, unknowns we are guessing at.

Hmm it's not like much has happened. Honestly this is dumb, but I don't feel like writing about the pandemic or the election of Eric Adams or the queen dying or whatever, so I'll say that the mets clinching the playoffs is my event in the world. Never before have I watched so much baseball, or had it be a unifying hobby in my family. I'm not sure that I fully like being a sports follower, since I had pretty consistently kept that out of my disposable time and now it takes up a small bit of it, and further my eyes glaze over when someone starts talking about football or basketball, but goddamn is it nice to be rooting for a winning Mets team, even if the times when they are slumping feels like the hope has been sucked out of the world. It'll be really fun to open this answer up a year from now, both because I'll know by then how the playoffs turn out and also whether they were able to maintain any of their playoff-level competitiveness across a second season. My guess is no, but I would LOVE to be wrong.

The Buffalo massacre -- one of a string of gun violence obscenities perpetrated against innocent people going about their business. There was one in a Boulder Colorado supermarket, the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and the synagogue in Poway, California and several -- far too many -- school shootings. But the Buffalo Tops was close to home -- an hour away by car -- and right there in Orchard Park, where the Buffalo Bills play football. I of course bought a "Choose Love" shirt, and mourned the senseless loss of those innocent lives, but that's not enough to really make a difference. I honestly don't know how to make a difference and keep other such nightmares from occurring in the future. It's so wrong...where does all that hatred come from???

How can I pick just one? In the last year I have been so downtrodden by one crisis after another in the U.S. and abroad: the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and how so many people continue to politicize mask wearing and vaccines; gun violence, especially impacting people of color and children in schools; increase in climate related disasters and their intensity; the increasing polarization not just between politicians but between ordinary people; how Donald Trump and his lies have so mesmerized conservative leaders and citizens; what felt like a rapid erasure of Afghanistan's democratic gains and return to the control of the Taliban; the insane and unjustified Russian invasion of Ukraine (still ongoing) and how it spiked gas prices and increased anxiety over a world war with nuclear weapons. Oh, and it's not quite a crisis but Queen Elizabeth, the longest reigning monarch (?). I'm not a fan of monarchies but the royal history and pageantry is still intriguing to me in this modern age. I'm missing several, I'm sure, but these are top of mind. I've had moments where I seriously doubted my safety and the safety and security of my family and I wondered what my son's lifespan will be and what kind of world will be left for him when he is an adult. My husband and I want to grow our family, but all these crises have given me pause and made me wonder from time to time, is this irresponsible to bring a child into a world like this? And then I hold my baby, my husband, and my dog a little bit tighter after those thoughts and feelings and try to shift my mind into what influence if any do I have in impacting my family, my neighborhood, my city, etc. for the better. I see two choices: do whatever I can that contributes to survival and thriving not just of myself but especially for others OR slink into depression, despair and hopelessness. I want to make the first choice each day.

Russia invading the Ukraine- and seeing the world come to support Ukrainians. How Ukraine is holding out again the superpower I don't know. But it does give me hope that good will win out over evil.

Well, for the third year running, Covid tops the list. It's the backdrop to everything in our lives even if it's not as prominent as it was. Still considering whether to do things, or whether to wear a mask, or testing because you have a sniffle or because you're getting together with others. Getting it over the summer. So many pretend it's all over, but I'm sure another surge is coming and no one really has the stomach to do anything to protect themselves or their families anymore and so few of us actually learned much from it. Other big world events besides weather catastrophes is the rise of authoritarian rule around the world and those who embrace that in this country. Those that have blindly followed Trump and all the awfulness that he represents honestly terrify me. I don't want to not like people because of their political beliefs, but if your beliefs align with someone who tried to overturn a fair, legal election or helped promote a riot and insurrection, then I'm not sure I want to be friends with them. Anti-semitism is at the root of a lot of what people like that believe, even if they would never admit it out loud.

The Queen died recently. To be honest, I didn't care. She was an old woman. I could see she was frail. I think parts of the UK went bonkers for 10 days. Companies thought they had to show their sorrow with black banners on websites and weird pictures of the Queen on digital billboards - as if we're living in a Communist country. Her image was everywhere. I tried to avoid the coverage as much as possible - especially the BBC. I didn't like how they covered Diana's death. There was just way too much. They were telling people how to feel, how to react. I don't think there was much perspective. Lots of other people were dying all over the world - in Pakistan after the floods, for example. But who was thinking of them? I respect people's right to freedom of expression. They can grieve how they want. But in this social media and internet age, it's all so self-conscious. It made me more angry and dislike the monarchy even more. It's so pompous and self-important. It wastes so much money and time. This whole experience has made me more republican. I didn't have a personal relationship with the Queen. So many people claimed that they did. It's kind of brain-washing. She simply had the best PR. We never saw anything about her that we weren't supposed to see. And all this talk of the Commonwealth. It's the British Empire. We shouldn't be celebrating it. We should be ashamed and apologize. Wow! I guess I feel quite angry about this. I was relieved to find similar dissenting voices on Twitter. It was quite comforting. I hate it when people think they can speak on behalf of everyone. You don't speak for me. And then all the coverage of people queuing up to see the Queen lying in state. People were doing it just so that they'd have stories to tell, social media posts to share. It was a bandwagon. It's the perfect formula for me to be contrarian and go the other way. I don't like how it's making me sound, either. So it wasn't the event itself that affected me; it was all the media coverage about it. You couldn't escape it. It felt like lots of things were put on hold; like people had lost their minds about what was really important. Another constant story this year has been the increase in the cost of living - particularly energy bills. We haven't been hit too badly so far because we have a fixed electricity tariff until November 2023; and our heating and hot water bill can only be increased once a year in May. Our heating comes from burning gas at the district heating plant, so I'm assuming the cost will go up next year. Again, the constant media coverage causes a lot of anxiety. I could see the effect it had on Fran. I wonder how much I would have noticed without the media. We've probably spent slightly less on food recently because I'm trying to eat better, fewer processed foods, crisps, snacks. I don't really pay attention to individual prices. Maybe I should. I don't think I'm usually this cross. Maybe it's just the time of year and you've caught me on a bad day. Am I irritable? I haven't eaten yet today. It's 12:52 on a fast day and I'm going to make myself some lunch after I finish this. The high gas prices are in part caused by the war in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia. I hope it encourages governments to seek alternative, greener sources of energy and to reform the energy markets so that the cost of electricity isn't determined by the price of gas. Why should you pay higher costs for green energy just because gas is more expensive?

The war in Ukraine has impacted everything. I felt very panicked for a few weeks, even though we were in China. I honestly keep anticipating worst-case scenarios, and expecting crazy, "unprecedented" shit. Thanks, 2020. But also, all the previous years. Chaos is around and making things hard. But it also means that random opportunities can come up.

Wow. There have been so many. Russia attacking and continuing to attack Ukraine has been mind boggling and eye opening as to the power that Russia and nuclear powers have and to what extent the world will basically LET a country take over another killing so many innocent citizens. It is a stark reminder that the Holocaust could happen again. Similarly, the continued shootings, including both school shootings and those racially motivated, continue to make my head spin. They create doubt in my hope, but also strengthen my resolve to push forward with any/all social justice work and be more forward with all of these messages. The school shootings also create fear of sending my kid to school one day.

COVID is still raging on. The Omicron variant vax is out. Mark got Covid this summer, so I had to quarantine myself in my room, and quarantined him in his room. The only time I got out was at night when I went swimming at Lynne and Phil‘s house who were in England. Mia also had Covid around that time. I still can’t believe I haven’t gotten it yet. I’ve had a total of two vaccinations and two boosters. I’m so tired of getting vaccinated, but Mia wants me to get the omicron vaccination. Worldwide, Russia has been trying to take over a lot of Ukraine, but the west sent the Ukrainians weapons to push the Russians back. Everybody’s afraid Putin will press the nuclear button. God is in control. I can’t be afraid about that.

What a great question. I guess Covid? I mean, yes, duh. But I just had to dance around it. It didn't really impact me in any real way. I wasn't stopped from doing anything. I still managed to do almost exactly as I wanted. Did the war in Ukraine affect me at all? I certainly didn't have to change anything as a result of it. I haven't been sent to sea. I haven't been drafted back up (we'll see what happens if Putin goes nuclear).

The Supreme court invalidated Roe v Wade this year, and even though it does not affect me directly, I feel it as a personal gut-punch. Fortunately, NM seems committed to keeping reproductive health services available to all, and I just hope the governor wins reelection to keep it that way. Post-pandemic inflation has gotten so bad that i am cutting way back on spending, especially at the grocery store. Only meat from the bargain bin. As usual, a lot of home-made food and little eating out. Many inexplicable shortages due to supply chain problems. I have had a ton of unexpected auto-related expenses that have drained the savings. The January 6th hearings have been riveting. I do worry about the political climate and have thought about volunteering as a poll worker/watcher again. I worry about Russia dropping nukes on Ukraine -- I had to live through "duck and cover" at school, I never dreamed I'd have to worry about nuclear armageddon again. I also fret a lot of the time about climate change, refugees, wars, domestic terrorism, politics, pollution, and the future i am leaving for my children.

Roe v Wade was overturned. I can’t even put into words the devastation I felt and continue to feel for all women/people with uteruses and for the future of society and equality and healthcare. Just the irony of republicans using “my body my choice” as rationale to not wear masks during Covid and now this bullshit. No autonomy. No choice. No freedom. No equality. I’ve donated so much money to planned parenthood and abortion funds but it doesn’t feel like enough. I’m sad and scared concerned about the world my future children will inhabit. I just have to try to continue to have hope that once day science and care for our fellow beings will prevail.

Two month Covid lockdown.

I have been greatly impacted by the pandemic. More than the inconveniences for everyone else, The requirement to wear a mask so much of the time has been a huge impediment to me in understanding and participating in conversations and in attending public events and lectures. I depend heavily on lipreading, because of my profound hearing loss. Because I cannot hear what people are saying, if I cannot read their lips, I cannot understand them. I frequently sat through meetings, lectures, and public events and had no idea what was being said. There are masks with a clear panel in front of your lips, but few people have or are aware they exist and why they are important.

Covid, Covid, Covid. What it's like to live with a severely ill person who could die from it, and the world around us acts as if it's nothing. Like a giant party to which we're not invited.

Covid still but not as bad

OMG. What really frightens me is the fascist right around the world, and my dawning understanding that these people are both evil and profoundly stupid (as in very low intelligence), not just evil. You can't fix stupid, but stupid will blithely destroy all of us.

The local Burning Man event was very powerful for me. Six days in the woods, no cell phone, no internet, no TV, and a ton of art, community, and spontaneous creativity. It was very freeing to just be in the moment with my wonderful partner Benjamin.

It's hard not to think of the war in Ukraine. The direct impact on me is not so great, but it's having a ripple effect on energy and food, and been an emotional roller coaster watching it unfold. I want Russia to be defeated because what they are doing is so wrong, but I worry about what they might do if backed into a corner.

The killing of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh comes to mind. In the past couple of years, I've become more aware of the apartheid state enacted by the Israeli government. The disproportionate military response to Palestinians fighting for their freedom is unbearable to watch. It continues to shock me that so many world powers (notably the US) continue to fund it. The killing of this journalist just days after Ramadan and only a few days before Nakba Day felt all the more notable. I'd like to commit to continuing on this path of learning and action toward Palestinian liberation, in the true spirit of tikun olam and b'tzelem elohim.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and (as of now) Putin’s threats to use nuclear weapons. It is chilling. I am in awe of the response of Ukraine. I’m not terrified really, because the use of nuclear weapons will mean the end of the world, something I do not have control over. Makes me want to be more kind.

SO MANY The war in Ukraine & the end of ROE V WADE devastating and heartbreaking

The Dobbs decision has supercharged my activism, as has the passage of the "Inflation Reduction" Act, which whetted my appetite for much, much more environmental legislation. And the war in Ukraine, thanks to our family's roots in L'viv and Odesa (aka L'vov and Odessa).

The overturning of Roe v. Wade by the US Supreme Court has rattled me like few national events in recent memory. I was 10 when Roe v. Wade passed, so I came of age without any concept of how hard the fight truly was that led up to that. And without ever thinking (seriously) that the right could be taken away. On the day of this year's court decision, I felt it viscerally. I felt the gut-punch of knowing, the next morning, that for the first time since I was 10 years old, I was waking up as an adult human with fewer rights than I'd had the day before, and fewer rights than other adult humans who happen to possess different body parts than I do. It was devastating, and I was (am) angry. I am doing what I can to channel that into activism, mobilizing my friends to help get out the vote among those who, like us, are determined that this will not stand. After that first reaction, I've also been humbled, and ashamed. The anger I feel about being treated like a second-class citizen, about not having the same rights as others, is just a fraction of what my BIPOC friends (and their ancestors) have felt for generations. How sad that it took this personal impact for me to feel a bit of their pain, to understand the frustration and fear of having lesser rights, or rights ripped away. To feel the fear (though not for myself, as I am past childbearing age) of being denied bodily autonomy. To have my rights - or the denying of them - turned into political weapons by people who have no clue and no care about women or the so-called "unborn." I am heartsick, and I hope in my deepest being that in response, people of good will and conscience will stand together to choose equality, and equity, and justice, and human rights. This tide must turn.

Roe vs. Wade was overturned. It made me realize that now matter how far we think the world has professed, we still have so far to go. And really made me question where I want to live in the future.

The invasion of Ukraine has brought back the overhanging cloud of the Cold War again. The never easing tensions of wondering if this world of humans can sustain itself in the lonely Big Blue Marble. I would so love to hear from an extraterrestrial body just to know that someone else in an advanced civilization did not destroy itself.

The death of Queen Elizabeth II. It reminded me of how everyone, even someone like the queen is human and how precious life is. And that no one lives forever.

another year of horrific shit, really. and some good stuff, kind of. the bad world things that are top of mind are the school shooting in uvalde texas and the overturning of Roe. there are so many mass shootings and school shootings and shootings in general that i don't often feel affected by them, but this one was so awful and treacherous and hard to comprehend. and the overturning of roe did and didn't impact me. on the day the supreme court case came out i was flying home from seattle and cried in the airport. i felt so angry at everyone older than me. i wanted to scream HOW DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN TO US YOU STUPID FUCKS but instead i just cried quietly in my mask and worried about giving the older men next to me covid even though they probably voted for republicans. the good world thing was elisabeth epps winning her primary, and helping a little bit to make that happen. another thing that is less "world" and more "my world" is that my coworker's boyfriend, miguel, drowned in a paddle boarding accident. it was so horrific and hard to fathom. we all went to the funeral together and it was so awful and painful and i didn't even know him. i still feel so sad for her. it seems like she's doing ok.

I feel like my answers to this year's 10Q questions all begin the same way, specifically: "This really major thing happened in 5781 and in 5782 I did nothing other than wallow in the fallout and aftermath of the earthshattering thing from the year prior." For example: -- "In 5781, I moved from Seattle, Washington to Omaha, Nebraska. In 5782, I stared at the ceiling in my rental home rather than getting out in my new home city." -- See also, "In 5871, I learned (through a comment obviously not meant for my ears) that my stepmother hates me. The comment shattered me. In 5872, I privately nursed a broken heart and continued to feel like I'd been torn in two but otherwise did nothing about it and outwardly pretended that nothing was wrong and that I hadn't overheard a thing." Thus, my answer to 10Q question 4 is a variation on theme. In 5781, there was a legitimate attempt by right-wing activists to overthrow the US government. In 5782, I continued panic buying and pondered the logistics of making Aliyah but otherwise taking no practical steps toward leaving the US for Israel. After the last three years, I am terrified to ask the universe for something new. We've gone from pandemic living, to the aftermath of January 6, to an electorate that is divided more between overarching perceptions of reality than by mere party affiliation. I am not sure I want to know what happens next. What I do know is that whatever comes my way in 5783 it is incumbent upon me to move forward -- to leave the house, to do something about my family, to stop panic buying and secure my future, and to investigate the possibility of living out my future in the Jewish state.

Hurricane Ian is happening right now and that’s hitting Florida right where Dad is. I feel like this question is an opportunity to write a few events and this year has certainly been eventful. Russia and Ukraine are at war which impacts just about everyone in some form. Roe v wade was overturned. The euro became less valuable than the dollar. Somehow at this point in time, in 2022 people can’t accept people for who they are, their race, gender or lack there of, sexual orientation, or people just being in their homes living on the land they call home. It’s really sad that we can’t advance as a society to a point of accepting people for who they are, treating others with kindness and respect or caring for this planet. The world needs more love.

The possibility of having my student loan debt cancelled has me anxious. I am hoping that this will happen because it would enable me to finish the degree I started.

The war in the Ukraine impacted my husband And I quite a bit because when it began we were on holiday in Greece. Watching it unfold the uncertainty of what might follow reminded me of our vulnerability as humans on this planet. I feel deeply for those people in the Ukraine. Having lived, for a short time, in Romania, I have some familiarity with that part of the world and I cannot comprehend what this must be doing all of them.

Two things: First and foremost for me: Covid has just about ended, or at least weakened so it is no longer killing many people. We actually got covid a couple of months ago, and got past it, thank goodness. Second is the war in Ukraine.

Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade. This is wrong. Women should have a choice what they do. Personally I doubt I'd ever have an abortion, but I wouldn't take that choice away from others. I hope that women and men will step up and vote blue in Nov.

The Russian invasionof the Ukraine impacted me by making it clear nuclear weaponry in the hands of a ruthless autocrat remains untenable. I am more resolved than ever to support creative ways to improve relations with Russia, roll back the nuclear threat, and strengthen the EU, NATO, and the UN.

The whole Russia invading Ukraine thing was really not what the world needed. It pains me because I studied Russian from 8th-12th grade and I got to spend a semester abroad in Moscow 15 years ago. A big reason I went that route is because I cared a lot about space and wanted to be an astronaut. Those things are still true, I'm just a little more realistic about my prospects these days! And I am quite concerned about international cooperation in space. We only get one chance to use low-Earth orbit right, we're really not doing a very good job, and Russian antagonism makes it all worse.

The drying of the Colorado river reservoirs. The American southwest is spectacular and it was formed partially by the Colorado River. Lake Powell - I've been there several times. It's almost gone 😢. This is just one manifestation of global climate change. And it's not even the most dramatic. But for me it's kind of personal.

Ugg, the imvasion of Ukraine, when you know in your bones that nothing good can come from this and that Putin will not stop until there is nothing left but rubble. If there was ever an illusion that the world is basically good and that right prevails, if that illusion could even be considered in the age of Trump, it has been totally destroyed by Putin.

While it occurred just before the High Holidays last year, the United States withdrawal from Afghanistan. Not that leaving was the wrong decision (unless the country was prepared to put in far more resources than it was willing to, there was little point), but that the consequences for the people of Afghanistan were traumatic. Similarly, the war in Ukraine has caused me to try to do what I can to help those there who are in need.

I was stripped of my right to control my body, along with every other woman in this country when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. It doesn't matter that I'm too old to reproduce. I'm violently enraged because this is an act of violence against us. I'm furious because I saw it coming to EXACTLY this in 2015 and 2016 when it became apparent that Trump would become the nominee, and so many people refused to see it, refused to believe it would come to this, and most importantly, refused to take action to protect our democracy and our rights. I would love to end on some kind of zen note here but there is no zen to be found with this. Women will die because of this. I'm furious and I know I am not alone in my fury. And I know that my rage is no good without action, which I will continue to take, along with many others. But that won't help the women whose lives are at risk RIGHT NOW because of this.

The overturn of Roe was pretty huge, even though it wasn't a surprise by the time it happened, and even though it is highly unlikely I will ever need an abortion. It took awhile to sink in, but realizing I actually do not have rights to my own body, and that birth control and other things may be next, gave me a kind of rye despair. I started drinking coffee regularly, which I'd been craving but had resisted, telling myself I needed to summon the strength to focus organically. But once Roe was overturned, it didn't seem fair to expect this of myself. Why should I bother searching for inner strength when the country values my autonomy so little? Everything is futile; I might as well let my energy be artificial, too. My joke to myself is, to parody Braveheart, "They can take my freedom, but they can never take my delusions of grandeur!" It took a few months, but coffee caught up with me as it always does, and I started getting run down and sick, and had to stop. But it was fun while it lasted, and got me through the initial shock and pain of living in a post-Roe world. These past couple of weeks, the protests in Iran and LA in response to the murder of Mahsa Amini has really been on my mind. I've been in touch with one of my students, who is from Iran, and reading the news. Today, my student asked me why I care so much. I care because it's the Middle East, and it's gender oppression, I said. I'm also so creeped out by the fact they have no internet...and, at the same time, so admiring of how organized the activists are that they're still able to coordinate across cities and share info about who has been killed. Apparently the death toll from police is at least 50.

Another banner year for the GOP, which has just made me angry and want to never date men again. Why throw my body to the possible wolves of forced pregnancy? I’m truly losing faith in the American system of government to provide for the people, guided by the people, in any capacity.

The repeal of Roe v. Wade has me terrified for the future of women in the this country, scared for the daughters of my friends, scared for my own son. Do I believe we're heading toward The Handmaid's Tale? Not really. But the amount of vitriol and hate that is being spouted by people in power is horrifying. Men control this government and they are stupid men. Outlawing abortion. Saying they want to outlaw birth control. We are going backward, not forward, and it frightens me. We are not a Christian nation, and yet there are many in power who would want to make that official.

Inflation is really impacting us. I'm a widow and raising a kid with a significant disability. Some months half of my income goes to medical bills. Now everything is SO much more money - food, housing - it's so hard to do all of this on one income.

The war in Ukraine... But also the Dobbs decision. The war in Ukraine felt so horrifying, especially with my assistant being from Ukraine. But I think eventually I got kind of numb to it. I am horrified about the Dobbs decision. It feels really hopeless. Which is also ridiculous since we know a majority of Americans support abortion access! I feel a lot more scared about being raped now. Or trying to get pregnant and having complications. I know I live close enough to a state with legal abortion and I have the means to get there, but that's just me. What about everyone else around me?

The stock market fall has reduced my retirement accounts by at least 1/3. My feeling of security is threatened as I approach 66. I enjoy working and I also want to travel the US to visit friends. Not going to happen until my retirement $ is looking better

Weak yen. Expecting a $10Kish order but keep getting put off. This causes hardships for me. Then it brings out my scrappy side.

I had to surgeries for hiatal hernias. The second surgery was because the first surgery failed. During the second surgery I nearly died and it took a long time to recover. When I woke up from the second surgery I had an NG tube and I was in the middle of a PTSD attack. Being in a space of trauma after the surgery prompted me to talk to my surgeon about trauma-informed practice in medicine. That conversation led to me presenting at a medical conference and furthering my study of trauma informed practice. I also went to Garden Island for the first time and became inspired to do water advocacy. This has been a very eventful year.

The law banning abortion has made me angry to the point of disengagement. It’s too much and I can’t seem to muster the energy to fight. All it makes me want to do is get out of this country. I’m just sickened.

Russia started a war with Ukraine. This was so shocking to me. It seems like something from a different age - hasn’t humanity evolved past this? It made me so incredibly sad for the Ukrainian people. I very well know the loss, suffering, destruction and displacement caused by a war, and how this impact doesn’t end when the war ends. Not that I expect it will end soon. I read somewhere that “wars are easy to start but difficult to end”. I remember when the war in Bosnia started, it was an April, and Dedo said “by May this will all end and we’ll be back home”. The war lasted 4 years. He never went back.

The housing market crunch. The Great Resignation. We changed jobs, moved states, and managed to find a house in the worst of the market, but I really feel like we overpaid like crazy, but there was nothing we could do about it. We also have put ourselves on firmer financial footing, so it hasn't been a totally negative thing.

Queen Elizabeth II died this year. Although we have a parliament in NZ, the Royal Family (now King Charles III) are still officially our head of state. In an immediate way, it meant an extra public holiday (which I learned cost the company I work for $72,000) but I don't actually know what the longer-term impacts of her death will be. It does mean there likely won't be another Queen in my lifetime, and probably not even in my child's lifetime given the current succession plan. I guess NZ might consider becoming independent but I don't know what that would mean in a day-to-day way either. I guess more than anything it has highlighted that I don't understand much about our relationship with the crown, I know a lot more about our actual National History and I completely understand why some people would not have wanted to have a day off in her memory at all, but I don't know what it would mean for us to leave.

Covid still affects daily life, not attending crowded events or places. Started dining out which is one of my favorite things to do. That Putin is starting trouble in his part of the world is disconcerting and I have terrible thoughts. I wouldn’t feel bad if he were assassinated.

the motherfucking Jan. 6 hearings. watching that first one with my parents and boyfriend . . . we were ALL crying as we watched that horrible, violent footage of traitors trying to destroy our democratic process. The hearings gave me hope (I say "gave" because it has waned in the face of the continued attempt and often success of the RNC to suppress voting rights and redistrict themselves into power. Oh, and, yeah. RvW overturned. My lifetime (51 years) of body autonomy and women's rights. There are days when I want to join the ex-patriots of the world and trade my comfort for real freedom. But, I'll stay and fight.

The end of Roe v. Wade feels like it hit a lot of people harder than it hit me, but it's funny to adjust to the realities of it - that it literally means danger for women in this country who were safe just last year. I was already fighting for abortion rights, but this just ups the stakes - and reminds me that there's no safe progress.

I think the colleyville synagogue hoastage situation, made me worried because I was going to start going to a synagogue soon.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine. It has not directly affected me in any physical way, but it has deeply shocked me in it's unjustness and brutality. It has been a stark reminder of the fragility of society and the safety of the common people being reliant on the sanity of the world's 'leaders'. The reaction and response by the Ukrainian people and president has conversely been a sharp reminder that solidarity in adversity can be a powerful positive force, and the response from nations around the world, and particularly Ukraine's neighbours has reminded me that, despite Putin's brutality, inhumanity, insanity, and propaganda, there is still a lot of good in the world.

2 cosas me han transmitido mas emociones, la primera fue la erupcion del volcan cumbrevieja el la isla de la palma. Es un escenario abrumador, igual de bonito que de destructor y con el que entras en conciencia de que estamos a la merced de la naturaleza y de la inmensidad del universo. La segunda la injusta guerra de ucrania, porque no entiendo la necesidad de un conflicto armado de esta magnitud en los tiempos que corren, no entiendo como se les permite desde otros paises. Mucha tristeza y mucho dolor

The loss of abortion rights. It's a huge blow to women's rights, to women's health and to freedom. To religious freedom. For my kids and grandkids. But the state of Kansas voted to protect the right to abortion which was a HUGE surprise and a reason to have hope.

So many folks would probably describe the Russian invasion of Ukraine as impactful. Certainly it has had indirect impacts on life (eg, gas prices). But I still think the global shifts toward authoritarianism and xenophobia are the things to watch out for. We see massive inequality of wealth, major environmental issues (as I write, Hurricane Ian is slamming Florida and Hurricane Fiona had just devastated Puerto Rico). We see fighting in regions like Tigray, Ethiopia. Fascists take power in Italy. Israel leans toward nationalism and erasure of Palestinians, uprising in Iran, the US Supreme Court upholds gun laws while taking away abortion rights. There is an existential dread to be found in the current arc of history.

One major world event that has happened this year was the Ukraine invasion, this had a bit of a negative impact on me because while I was not directly involved, I honestly could not imagine going through what all those people have been going through since February. The other most recent global event is Hurricane Ian which just made landfall in Florida. I also cannot imagine what those people are going through. While I am not impacted by these events directly, I cannot even begin to imagine what these people are going through

There are so many. In the past month alone the queen died, Liz Truss became PM, and then she reduced taxes and is screwing up the economy in an unbelievable way. I'm not sure, though, of many events I can think of that have really impacted me very personally. That's in a large part down to my privileged social and financial position. I think there's also something about focussing on myself and the things I can control, and not letting myself get too stressed about the things I can't. That's good for me; the ongoing thing to balance against it is to make sure that I don't become disengaged from or insensitive to the things going on in the world around.

The invasion of Ukraine held a huge impact for me personally although this is not my country. First it is my Vicky's country and when you love someone and they are hurting your heart breaks for them. Then Chesed sent 3 groups of men, 77 in all and all came back unhurt but 4 days after returning one man died, and I know if he'd been in France he'd have had a bit more time. I am so proud of all 77 and of all the 114 men and women who went to Poland to work. The in April and again in July I went to Kyiv to work as a substitute Rabbi and to work as a sagefemme at the Central Maternity Hospital. The adventure of getting there and back; delivering guns and kevlar going in and removing syrian and Afgan refugee girls who were taken from Refugee schools in Russia to "serve in the Russian army" and who are all now safe, but scared forever....this is work I am proud to have done and we did it as a well coordinated team, but it was not work seminary or any of my life prepared me for before 2022.

The continuing pandemic with its periodic isolation and continual underlying anxiety. Still waiting for the new normal to begin!

The Ukraine/Russia war has been big in the news, and I would love to see Ukraine reign supreme! So far, it's looking OK. Plus the queen died a few weeks ago, so hoping that Great Britain survives just fine.

The war in Ukraine. It underscores my lack of faith in humanity. The giant waste of human lives, money, infrastructure, cultural beauty, environmental ruin. It has made me have even less faith in humans than I had before, which is not much. Honestly, we deserve to be exterminated so the earth can replenish itself and start over again.

I would say the Jan 6th committee hearings that were televised and the comments of the general public. This impacted me again how sad US citizens are educated and what motivates their behavior. The US society is sick and is in trouble. I thought they new right from wrong. They dont. They just want their way. Whether its taking vaccine shots or supporting a criminal. How sad we must look to the whole world who it one time respected us for doing the right thing. I'm embarrassed and ashamed. And its not going to stop.

The pandemic--or at least our societal responses to it--has essentially evaporated. LJ and I have been travelling to our favorite places--a cruise, Cancun, even a wedding in Nashville--and have forgotten all about masks and the anxiety that attends them. A welcome change. I hope we don't end up getting COVID because of this relaxing of protocols...

The Russian invasion of Ukraine just emphasized to me that no one is safe. We have always been protected by our oceans, but this is less comforting in the days of intercontinental missiles. It feels very Biblical: disease and warfare. I feel a bit more hardened because of the invasion: a little more reckless and burned out. I feel silly for hoping things will get better for the world.

I don't remember many world events that affected me this year. Declaring the COVID pandemic over (as if merely saying it aloud made it so) maybe, because the wishes of the power do affect my life even when they're that disconnected from reality.

More Forbearance for the student loans. The loans are being transferred to another company. Hopefully it will help us all, especially me.

Um... how can I pick just one? This year I'll chose the climate crisis. From unbearable heat, to fires, flooding and other disasters, this is a state of affairs of our own making and one that we have little motivation to change. It may be too late.

My parents move. They finally left our childhood home and moved into an apartment. I think its been really freeing for them, they were able to pay back their debts and I feel this freedom lifted off of them and myself as well. It makes a world of difference when you know your folks are financially ok, and have more freedom to have fun and explore the world.

This is a hard one to answer as I feel insulated in my life, and don’t have the energy to engage on a global level. I’m just trying to get through the days, do good locally where I can (and that’s another, different 10Q question, probably), support Kevin in his life and so on. So, if I have to answer, I guess it would be two things. First, the easing of COVID restrictions has restored some sense of order and normality to my corner of the world. Fewer masks, more gatherings, fewer deaths, more medical advances mean things are moving on to a new normal that’s similar but interestingly different from 2019. Second, the war in Ukraine has me worried about the world, the US and my state. This free-floating anxiety creeps in when that feeling of normality I got from having M around so much thins. What is happening to the world? It’s easy to feel, in this state, that my vote doesn’t count, since it is so staunchly conservative and seems to be leaning toward reactionary and a fundamentalist version of right-wingedness (and I have to say some of the liberals are s0 far left they scare me, too). It worries me that some of our representatives don’t actually represent their constituencies, hearing only the most radical and crazy voices, since they themselves are also radical and sorta crazy.

COVID variants that seem more easily caught and folks reacting in different ways. Not seemingly as deadly as "initial COVID" but still sending some folks to the hospitals - adding to the exhaustion of caregivers. And, even with all that, it seemed okay to fly back East and celebrate my Mom's 90th with my family who I last saw in March 2020 when COVID was just becoming a pandemic.

The overturning of Roe v Wade has impacted me greatly this year. I (naively) never thought that the decision would actually be overturned, and when it was, I think that I went into shock for a few days. Since 2016, when Trump was elected, I have felt like, along with white supremacy, along with other discrimination of marginalized group becoming legitimatized, sexism has also become as blatant as it's been in decades. Yes, #metoo helped women feel more confident in talking about sexual assault and abuse, but strides made in creating gender equality began to deteriorate. Roe v Wade being overturned was a clear signal to me that females are still seen as second-class citizens by the people in charge. It also underscored that the three branches of the government are not listening to the majority of the citizens but to a vocal minority. I can't watch the news, I have zero trust in the government (when I have actually had trust in the past that ultimately, the will of the people would persevere), and I fear for democracy. I don't know that I want to live in this country anymore.

Climate change, supply chain issues, and the war in Ukraine have fueled inflation. This impacts everyone, not just me.

The war in Ukraine -- which brought to light the fact that although my grandparents identified Russian, they were actually from Ukraine. My grandfather from Dniepropotrovsk (now known as Dniepro) and my grandmother from Nemirov and Odessa. This shined an unusually poignant light on our Passover Seder, and our lives in general -- but for a twist of geographic fate, my mother could have been born in Ukraine and while it's unlikely she'd have met my father... well, it brought overseas events home in a way I did not expect.

The rantings and influence of Trump and his followers. How/why Puts me in a contend state of worry. Democracy is fragile.

Covid! I’ve never been so sick in my life. It took months to fully recover. I had to totally surrender to whatever the outcome might be! Brutal! I wonder which lab it came from? I was not amused!

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade. There aren’t enough words to express how gutted and distraught I was to hear the news. I see it as a huge set back in women’s rights, human rights. Putting my own abortion aside, I think removing healthcare options from a persons right to choose is absurd. No one religion should have the power to push their beliefs on anyone else. If Muslims were the dominant religion and President, I’d be against their law to force women to cover their hair and feet. If it were Hebrews, I’d be against forced Sabbath or kosher. This is not that hard. Don’t like abortion? Don’t get one. Don’t like gay marriage? Don’t get gay married. Don’t like something that has no impact on you at all? …. Mind ya own damn business.

The overturning of Roe v Wade is disheartening, to say the least. I feel quite uneasy about the direction this country is heading in regards to the civil rights of women, non-white people, and LGBTQ folks.

The invasion of the Ukraine by Russia. Watching those people walking with their belongings and pets as they tried to escape. Also their cities looked like regular European cities. They looked like people who could have been living in the US. Usually I see people in this situation that wear clothes different from me or their dogs don't look like mine.

War in Ukraine, continued pandemics, and too many events of conservative bigotry to name. Though this one stands out: Ted Sarandos speaking poorly about Dave Chappelle—repeatedly. "Shutting up is free."

This is a tough one but I guess what's happening right now in Iran following the murder of Mahsa Amini is hitting pretty hard. And whilst there is something hopeful about the movement that has come out of it, it is shattering to see more women be killed for protesting her murder and the laws against women. This year has been awful for women everywhere. The scrapping of the Roe v Wade legislation in the US has also had a ripple effect on Western countries with the Tories in the UK also beginning to consider abolishing some women's rights. It is absolutely terrifying. In many ways it feels we are going backwards and if the humans have peaked as a species already, then I don't think I want to see the rest.

The war in Ukraine reminds me how ridiculously fragile our existence is. Also underscores the insanity of nationalism, whether it’s practiced in Russia, Hungary, Italy or the United States.

The invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war has had an impact, although I am personally distant from it. Through economic uncertainty, through the horror of watching people's homes and lives destroyed, through nuclear threats from Russia, it brings a sense that the world is on the brink. I can't help but think of my dad, who fought the Nazis in Europe and North Africa during WWII, and wonder if we are seeing it happen all over again.

Mom died. I think that's how I began answers for 1, 2 and 3 so far. Yes, it was a personal event that affected every part of my world. A world event would be Russia's attack of Ukraine. I'm not Russian or Ukranian. I do have a Russian friend, and a Ukranian friend who still has family there. She makes it way more personal for me. It makes crystal clear how dangerous autocratic societies are for the local citizens as well as the rest of the world.

I have had the hardest time finding a good job. The economy and job market are very difficult! I don't know where I'd be without the support of my parents. They have supported me in times I haven't been working and continuing to support me as I live with them. Their support is so much more than financial. And their financial support has been as crucial to my well being as their emotional support.

War in Ukraine. How can this one man decide for all these people ....Russian and Ukranian men dying and for what? For this horrible, power hungry man? It just depresses me that this can happen...one person makes a decision and thousands die while thousands are forced out of their own home. It scares me that a similar situation could happen in my country...the USA has shown how this could happen through Cult behavior.

An obvious one is COVID. I got Covid, lived through it and had many mental challenges through it all. But so did everyone which in a messed up way is comforting

The war waged by Russia on Ukraine. I did not expect that I would experience a war so close to home in this life time. It is upsetting, shocking, unsettling, scary... It could turn into a world war. The safe and comfortable life I took for granted could change suddenly. It is already changing in so far as that the energy prices are going up and I will have to save a lot more money, because life is getting so much more expensive. It is feeling economically unsafe and unstable now. I hope it stays that way and won't physically feel more threatening as well. Of course I'm already feeling affected and scared by the violence and atrocities that are happening so close by.

The overturning of Roe v Wade. My health doesn't matter to Republicans. They would rather have me and a fetus both die than to save my life.

The U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade has devastated me. That plus their other four anti-democratic decisions. My political life has been defined by reproductive justice, and I felt ... canceled. Even now, I am not sure how to emotionally handle this, although the Kansas vote was a light in the dark.

He Supreme Court decision to overturn Rowe v Wade. This had made me question my citizenship, want to leave the state I have lived living and generally made me wonder about men in this world. It is devastating to me to become a second class citizen and only Re-enforced my belief that women are feared and need to be subjugated is an ingrained religious belief. I’m heartbroken, angry and have little face in my government or fellow man.

I felt extremely impacted by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. I was glued to news coverage, couldn't sleep, donated more money than I could actually afford to give, and felt extremely scared and powerless. In retrospect I think a lot of my reaction was due to how unprecedented it felt to have a random invasion and land war in this century. I mistakenly thought that all wars in my lifetime would be fought with code and economics, not bullets and tanks. I feel much less safe now than I did before this invasion, although I don't know a single person in either country.

Within the past year, I got a job that is full-time while also going to grad school full-time, in-person, and my daughter moved 400 miles away. These things have impacted me negatively as in they increased a lot of emotional and anxiety inducing feelings. The experience of loss and increased time away from home make me feel like I have no time for myself anymore. I have no time to spend with my family or to visit with them when they visit. I am very overwhelmed by the decisions that I have made to get a job and go to grad school at age 49. I am also overwhelmed by the decisions that my daughter made to move away even though I’m happy if she’s happy there. I don’t want to quit or fail at what I’m trying to accomplish here at work and school but I am so maxed out sometimes I just can’t think straight and I don’t take good care of myself when things are like that. I want to grow and learn and accomplish more but in the healthiest most effective way possible and without student loan debt looming over me for 10-15 years. I want a home close to my children and a job that pays 120k per year-plus great benefits, doing what I love, 20 min or less away from my craftsman home, in the forest near a body of water where my husband is happy too.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The January 6 committee. These things have not affected me personally, but have affected the way I feel about the world and the country: terrified that authoritarian trends will continue.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine. None of us is safe.

This world has turned angry and divided. It is unpleaseant to exist becasue people are not kind. Eveyone is reactive. This makes me sad for myself but more importantly my children and grandchildren.

russia invading ukraine. hands down. this was horrifying. and still is. i could hardly believe it was real. i thought trump was terrifying ... putin has replaced him as the lunatic i fear. i feel sick and outraged. i feel scared and shocked. and powerless. i donated some money, more than i ever have in one go. it felt like i had to do something. so many people have sacrificed so much, their homes, their freedom, their life. people flew over from canada and the states to fight along side the ukranians and it was inspiring and overwhelming. it feels strange to be here, safe and able to go wherever i want. and meanwhile others are living in fear, in danger daily. ugh.

My hometown experienced a mass shooting. I never thought I would write those words. I am so lucky that my family was safe and for the first time they didn't go to the Fourth of July Parade. But many friends were not as lucky. The Highland Park bubble burst. It doesn't matter that I haven't lived there in 10 years, it affected me greatly and really shook me. Directly after the fact, I expressed my grief in poetry and I donated to victims. About six weeks after it happened, I had the opportunity to visit the memorials and I was floored by my community's strength and resiliency. Highland Park will truly never be the same again.

The repeal of Roe v. Wade. For the first time in my life, I feel like a second class citizen in my own country. The government/Supreme Court has told me that I no longer have basic rights. As a woman, I am furious. As a healthcare provider, I’m appalled. I have no options except those that may endanger my life and/or threaten the welfare of the healthcare community that supports safe, ethical medical practice. I was 13 years old when the Supreme Court ruled 50 years ago. My entire reproductive life, I’ve had the freedom to choose. Healthcare professionals have had the freedom to provide safe and effective options, especially in dangerous scenarios for both mother and child. I’m all for freedom of religion but it has seeped far too deeply into the daily running of our country/government and worse, into the chambers of those whose decisions should be based on the rule of law and not on their own religious practices. I could go on. It makes me so angry and I am so ashamed of the Court and our government for allowing this.

Sorry to be a broken record, but climate change is, once again, at the top of my list of existential worries. I have been seriously considering giving up my membership of the Labour Party and joining the Greens, but Labour have just announced a whole load of new 'green economy' policies, so it feels like there might be hope after all. I have been very seriously considering moving to Scotland to get away from this heat! I do still think it's too late to reverse the damage that has been caused, but I pray that there might be some damage limitation. Beyond that, I was in the US when Roe v Wade was repealed and honestly, the rage and fury and sadness I feel is just unreal. That anyone can be so arrogant as to think they have the right to legislate over anyone else's life - it's astounding. And of course, at the time of writing, our government is fiddling (recklessly cutting taxes) while Rome (Britain) is burning (suffering through the worst cost of living crisis in recent memory), causing the pound to plummet and the Bank of England to make aggressive interventions. I dunno, man, the world seems pretty shitty right now - I'm excited to see what's next!

Getting more and improved COVID vaccines has been a miracle for us all. Very grateful.

The invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing battle. This is another example, like in WWII when the world stood by as a dictator is trying to take something that is not theirs. I have been impressed by the reaction of Ukrainian people despite the odds.

I thought 1/6 happened this year...that's how out of the loop I am on the dates. I would say that the most impactful experience I've had this year has been witnessing first hand how wealth buys freedom. Trump has been the center of my ire in this regard, overloading the justice systems with lawyers and appeals that very few can afford, and I realize that this is not isolated to this one asshole. Millions can't afford to fight small infractions while the wealthy can get away with literal murder if they throw enough money at it.

The pandemic is not over. But many people act as though it is. It's strange, here I am still as isolated as I can manage when working in person, still wearing masks except at very rare events, and no one else seems to think it's real. Travel is as busy as ever. I need some downtime to recover, but I do not see that happening.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade and the frightening power of the Right in the USA.

All the bad stuff from last year is still bad, some of it worse — especially climate change and the undermining of democracy in the US. The new bad this year is the war in Ukraine. I can’t seem to pull my attention away from the news and it puts me in a cranky mood. Also not good for my marriage.

Without a shadow of a doubt, the war in Ukraine. I had so many crazy emotions when it came to this. My family is from Ukraine, I was born there, and we fled in the early '90s as religious refugees because of antisemitism. So it was strange to suddenly feel such a connection and pride for a place that didn't want me there in the first place. It was kind of like loving an abusive parent. But look how far we've come - they've got a Jewish president, and they're fighting for their right to live freely. Since the war started around Purim, I ended up selling homemade hamantaschen to raise money for Ukraine and it helped me feel a little less helpless in such a helpless time.

This is a sadly easy one--the Dobbs vs. Jackson decision that undid abortion rights that we thought were established through Roe v. Wade in 1973. Although I am thankfully almost to menopause, there are so many I know, friends and family, who may be affected in ways that go even beyond the denial of abortion itself--it's simply become dangerous to be pregnant, because of the extremely high threshold that has developed for valuing women's lives over those of fetuses, even with wanted pregnancies that go wrong.

Russia's invasion in Ukraine has impacted many of my friends' lives directly. It also affected the political and emotional climate in the region where I live and contributed to the list of reasons why I'm on anti-anxiety and antidepressant meds right now.

The war in the Ukraine. My mother and her family immigrated to the US in the early 1900s from a shtetl located 60 km from Kyiv. I still feel a strong affinity to that area and the the people of Ukraine. The war has been a devastating experience.

The big worldwide event of course continues to be the pandemic. Honestly it didn't have a significant impact other than reducing our attendance at events. And that has passed now while still wearing mask most times still. Similar to last year, we still haven't traveled and whil Saori is firmly against travel, I expect to go to NYC some time in maybe the next 6 months.

Covid. Rippling impacts continue to affect businesses, non profits and our collective way of life. Not just health but staffing, supply chain, businesses closing, our volunteer pool shrank... it has been a fundamental societal shift in so many ways... even as we move out of "pandemic" and into "endemic". I think we still cannot fully see all the systemic change that is occurring from 2+ years of shutdown.

When I found out Roe v Wade was overturned it was like the air was sucked completely out of the room. I felt betrayed and violated as a woman. When I had my second miscarriage it was a missed miscarriage and an abortion was my healthcare-- having women stripped of their autonomy in 2022 was just shocking and reaffirmed my commitment to never live in a red state (which is so sad). I worry about the world my daughter is growing up in and I worry about her future.

Two events: War in the Ukraine: Because with ancestors from the Ukraine (Grandma Frieda), it felt more personal somehow. And because with Russia being the aggressor, it raised fears of global war, fascism, and other socio-political horrors. The overturn of Roe v. Wade: no personal impact in that I am past childbearing age, but in terms of regressing in human rights in general, and body autonomy for women in particular, this was a blow. This is not the direction I expected to see freedom v restriction trending in my lifetime. It has also made me very aware of my privilege; if my daughter should need an abortion for any reason, we live in a good place for it, and have means to access necessary resources. This is definitely a way of subjugating women already in or on the edge of poverty (typically BIPOC). Again, trending in the wrong direction. We need more diverse voices at the table of socioeconomic power, not fewer.

How Brazil has 30% of idiots that believe in Bolsonaro! How Brazil has so many monsters that love to kill people and the environment! Well, I am Brasilian and live in this country.

Still Covid.

How do I choose just one? I will speak to the banning of books that has escalated from 250 book titles in the US in 2020 to over 1600 titles this month in 2022. Banned books are highest in Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Idaho, Wisconsin and Michigan. The majority of these books are authored by or about members of the LGBTQ and Black communities or deal with the issues of racism and homophobia. Holocaust denial and anti-semitism has led to decisions to ban books such as Art Spielgelman's MAUS: A Survivor's Tale, Anne Frank's DIARY OR A YOUNG GIRL, and Elie Wiesel's THE NIGHT TRILOGY, And so many of the books that have had momentous impact on me personally, such as Toni Morrison's BELOVED and Margaret Atwood's THE HANDMAID'S TALE and Maya Angelou's I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS, Harper Lee's TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD and John Steinbeck's OF MICE AND MEN. I am enraged to know that there are people who are fighting hard to wipe out the stories of oppressed people who deserve to have their stories published and read. And I am frightened because the sharing of these stories has always represented the most powerful way to bring about attitude change and tolerance for other groups of people. Not to mention that burning and banning books is a marker of rising facsism.

World events have little impact on me. Things happen, we deal with them and move forward.

When focusing on positive events in the world that I feel have impacted me I think about the acts of kindness that I see on a daily basis. Every time I see someone doing something kind for another person or an animal, I am filled with joy and hope.

Lots going wrong - my biggest concern is that we risk ceasing to be a democracy - it scares me and I worry about how the future will be for my daughter & others who come after me - and other then sending letters to encourage voting - don't feel I can do much

The relaxing of pandemic-induced travel restrictions. I can no longer tell my family that I can't visit them because of the pandemic. Or stop them from visiting me for the same reason.

Surging inflation. See it everywhere in prices, the direct result of excessive policy stimulus from fed and federal govt. It's resulted in a rapid spike in interest rates and is crushing asset values everywhere. I've managed comparatively well but hard to be unscathed unless you're a dedicated short seller.

The invasion of Ukraine because in this day & age it should not have happened.

The war in Ukraine shook my faith that there will be lasting peace in Europe. It was hard to see people being torn from their homeland by a ruthless dictator. It keeps going on and I worry that there is no end in sight.

The war in Ukraine. It impacted me because I felt for the people. I am worried about the eventual outcome.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine was unthinkable and devastating. It has really fucked up the world - as if the world needed to be any more fucked up. Putin is a monster. But authoritarians are all the rage these days. The resilience of the Ukrainian people has been incredible to watch. How they have endured this I don't know. Their president has been quite masterful and heroic. So often the terrible is accompanied by great acts of courage and moral strength. Quite inspiring. But sad and very damaging to the world. I was sad to see the death of Queen Elizabeth. I have a connection with her b/c when Margaret and I went to England in 1977, it was her Silver Jubilee and we kept "running into her" as we biked through various town in Southern England that summer.

War in Ukraine. It’s sparked from internal hatred on Jews and really scary. Just thinking about all the racism that is amongst us still and thriving actually. I am glad I am older and not growing up and feeling hopeless about raising kids

This summer, there was a mass shooting in Highland Park that killed seven people and injured 48 people. This event brought gun violence and mass shootings close to home -- literally to my hometown, a place that has always felt safe. It not only made me more energized to do work around gun violence, it also made me keenly aware that gun violence can impact us anywhere, and this is a crucial issue to be addressed in our country.

It isn't necessarily an event, but the January 6 committee hearings definitely made me feel better about our government in general. It's been a long time since anything gave me even the smallest glimmer of hope.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been upsetting, the Ukrainian response inspiring, and Trump continues to be an asshole.

Oh definately, the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I can't believe this is still on the table. why is hate so easy. This should be done. I am so angry, I want to set things on fire. I am tired of the white boys. I am tired of the expendability of women and POC.

Nothing tops the overturn of Roe v. Wade. I feel like there are so many things that “should“ be more important to me such as the war in Ukraine, Florida and Texas shuffling migrants around like they were a deck of cards, the devastating floods in Pakistan, and all the trauma in our own country with gun violence, homelessness etc. But I remember marching 50 years ago. I have a picture of me without a gray hair in my head proudly holding my “keep abortion legal” sign. I think the overturn by our Trump-appointed Supreme Court is just the tip of the iceberg for the pendulum swinging way way way way backwards for a lot of people and a lot of civil rights. There are actually lawmakers that want to put women in jail if they have an abortion. I guess I don’t need to be telling ״you״ this. But when I look at the midterm elections coming up I feel like the absolute most important thing I want to know about any candidate is their truthful truthful and I emphasize truthful view on a woman’s right to control her own body.

The school shootings. I remember the day after the Uvalde tragedy when I set out to travel. As I got onto the freeway it felt like I merged into a stream of unconscious violence, rage and mindlessness. Where was everyone going in such a frantic hurry? A wave of anxiety and grief washed through me. It felt debilitating like I was going to pass out. A 2 1/2 hour drive up north ended up taking 5 hours as I had to pull over and somehow find the center in me that seemed to fall out. I’ve had similar experiences before, but none quit like this. I also wasn’t able to call my best friend for support as our “sabbatical” was already in place. Over the course of the next week I was able to uncover a root trauma of when I recall being held up at gunpoint in college. This opened up an old wound that needed attention and care to which I addressed. There is nothing that can be stated briefly about these recurring incidents around school shootings. I am drawn back to myself and into meditation to explore the three poisons of greed, hatred and delusion.

Mostly, world events -- however terrible -- have not really touched me. The rise in food prices,gas prices, interest rates, etc. has certainly effected all of us. And the pandemic still lurks, though we are more often acting as if it were over. But I've been lucky -- apart from paying more for stuff (esp. gas), I've been separate form world events, even the terrible on-going war in Ukraine.

We got Covid boosters and have returned to a more normal social life. Yahoo!

Finally getting sick with covid had a huge impact on my year. After two years of being exceptionally cautious and avoiding illness, my partner and I got sick in May and couldn't trace the source of infection. I ended up with long covid symptoms and am still dealing with the lingering traces of the symptoms. The symptoms made my body feel unfamiliar and unpredictable, which was as big of a mental challenge as it was a physical one. The experience really made me deal with internalized ableism as I had to rely on mobility aides and experience being visibly disabled to be able to enjoy some regular activities. Throughout this experience, I was spending a lot of effort trying to decouple my sense of worth from my productivity to allow myself the time and space needed to heal. It's still a work in progress, but I am getting better at practicing self-compassion each day.

The over turning of Roe v. Wade. I’m still in shock even months later. We are the generation of women that have less rights than their mothers. People who fought and won 40-50 years ago have to fight again. When will it ever stop? Everyday I live in fear of what’s next. Another school shooting? Clarence Thomas getting what he wants and ending gay marriage? I’m not sure but I hate that we even have to question it.

The overturning of Roe v Wade was gut wrenching. I had an unplanned pregnancy pre Roe v Wade and couldn't afford an illegal abortion. I gave up the baby for adoption, and though we eventually connected, it has impacted my life.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine had a profound impact on me. Europe at war again, atrocities against civilians and global unrest create another heightened level of anxiety in addition to the serious challenges we face in the US and personally.

The choices that governments have made about Covid-19. Their decisions not to protect people, especially children, despite knowledge about the potential for chronic and serious conditions, terrifies me. It scares me that we live in a world where the economy is more important than health. And it frustrates me that they have convinced the general public of this and they believe there is no problem. I'm worried about the health of my children.

Russa's invasion of Ukraine--and the heroic and amazing response of the Ukrainian government & people. When President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, "The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride," in response to the U.S. offering to evacuate him--that had to be one of the most kick-ass statements ever uttered. And this man, remember, used to be an actor & comic--that was his first career. He is extraordinary, as are the Ukrainian people. God keep them as safe as possible, and may they prevail.

January 6 of the capital riots. The very corner of our democracy was attacked. This could only be described as a coup attempt. I find myself disappointed, disgusted with the politicians who supported this plan, and I can only hope that they are held accountable. I have doubts about your accountability. I am equally dismayed at the people who continue to support the former president despite a mountain of evidence of his malfeasance in many different areas.

I would say the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Obviously I haven’t been directly affected, but it’s very scary to see that things like that really can happen. It’s one of those things that I thought was set in stone; I never expected the country to take such a huge step backwards.

All the events of the world impacted me this year -- war in Ukraine, famine in Somalia, increased gun sales, Trump returning and people actually liking him, heat waves on the coasts, flooding in Pakistan! You name it, I feel it. Yes, I have the ability to respond to everything (that is, response-ability). However, much like others, I feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the collapse of everything we felt was stable (i.e., personal safety, familial safety, critical thinking, etc.). And, as a psychotherapist, I am hearing much more of the struggles individuals are having in terms of confusion, anxiety, and despair.

The uprising of the women of Iran after the murder of a young woman in the custody of the morality police. It is time for muslim men and women to demand the end of the authoritarianism that has overtaken their countries. It is paralled in this country by the white male fascist attempt to deny women the right to autonomy for their bodies, their health care, their reproductive access.

The overturning of Roe v Wade was devastating. The loss of our right to bodily autonomy is a scary indicator of where our country is heading. Even though I am not at risk of needing an abortion given my age, the implications for the next generations of women are staggering. All three of my kids were in vitro babies. If I didn’t live in a state that still supports women’s rights, would I even be able to have them today?

I’m worried about the situation in Iran. There’s demonstrations all over the country. People are angry with the Gov. killing a young woman for not wearing a head covering. Will this lead to a good change - end of this gov. ? Or many people are getting killed for no reason and nothing will change ? I cannot contact my family there. Internet has been cutoff. I pray for a good outcome, and the safety of all Jews.

what the fuck? everything

COVID has continued to restrict my activities significantly. I don’t eat inside restaurants, and I am reluctant to go inside anywhere. It’s also limited my social interactions.

Covid impacted me more than anything else in the last year. I have always been an introvert and so, for me, Covid was not as tough as it was for my extrovert friends. It has meant however that my tolerance for large groups of people and a noisy atmosphere is even lower than it was before and I have no idea how I am going to deal with them in future. The idea of going to a party or a large event like a wedding or a noisy concert actually fills me with dread.

Uh… COVID and Ukrainian war and monkey pox and fascism and racism and gun violence

War in Ukraine. It started on Estonian independence day. The covid shock was just kind of over, I had covid around the new year and looked forward to not worrying about this again (and getting rid of my news reading habit). I actually donated money on two of these first days - to the Ukrainian army and the red cross. I obsessively read news about Ukraine and am concerned about how the winter will be.

Ukraine & subsequent UK cost of living crisis. On a personal, professional and societal level; compounded by the morally bankrupt response of the UK government to the plight of the citizens it is meant to serve.

England winning the womens euros. Enough Said.

Overturn of roe. the idea that the government can tell women (especially) what they can do/not do with their bodies outraged/s me at a very deep level. Ditto books being banned in schools. Governors telling kids that they can't use their chosen pronouns. I am appalled and frightened by the lengths to which the Republicans will go to twist and craft laws to create a country that suits their idealized image...denying/limiting voting rights. supporting candidates who are election deniers. I keep wondering if/how I can live here when so many people are willing to go to such extremes to get what they want -- and deny democracy to those who don't agree with their views.

One event in the world that has impacted me this year was the economic recession. This is the first recession that has directly impacted me in a big way, and for that I feel extremely fortunate. But, I also feel pretty unprepared. I am living alone for the first time and it is especially hard to budget with the current state of the economy.

Ukraine. How? The way I see the world through my eyes. Why? Because I care and because their are Jews who live their. It's horrendous.

(knock on wood) the aftershocks of covid in the world. Now that the virus seems more under control, the opening back up to traveling and socializing has been unsettling this year. Being seated so close to each other around a table for a meeting or during traveling is uncomfortable. Most say they are thankful to be socially close again but I feel surprised that we were ever allowed to be so close to others who coughed, sneezed, and burped without covering their faces with their hand, elbow, or better yet, a mask. It's so gross to be so close. Maybe I've developed a phobia, no doubt, but I'm not totally wrong either, am I?

Well. The war inUkraine for starters. I mean what the actual. And the resulting energy crisis and food shortage and petrol nonsense. The human race is in so much trouble. This planet is about to kick us to shit. Not to mention the hot summer which made me face it all head on. Holy apocalypse.

War in Ukraine, following energy crisis and impact om economy. Makes me reconsider the importance of financial security.

I am increasingly concerned about the tribal politics of close-minded people who are populating school boards and local political offices. We see more and more vitriol, pushes for book bans, threatening behavior towards teachers and librarians - in the name of protecting children. I wonder where this is taking our institutions, from education to health and safety to governance. I wonder what it will take, and if I have it in me, to become more active in trying to promote civil conversation and intelligent considerations.

The severe economic. downturn and the war in Ukraine have pretty much put the kibosh on my retirement plans for now. The war has me both scared and sad that these kinds of things are still going on in the world.

The Russian attack on Ukraine. My daughter and her family were there,

War in Ukraine, and how some people justify Russias invading the country. It also impacted me that my family all came from Ukraine in the 19th century, but no one ever said anything but Russia. Odessa, Nikolayev, Minkevetz, Komenetz Podolsk, it was all Russia for the old people. Hope peace comes soon.

The Ukraine war and the Ethiopian and Armenian crises. I am learning about geopolitics and I find that interesting.

Stupid fucking covid. I am tired of wearing a mask. I am tired of worrying about getting the virus. I traveled yesterday home from LA and while I couldn’t wear a mask during the meeting I worry I will get sick and have to cancel Italy. I also worry about woman’s rights. Voting. Abortions. How woman are treated in this world. We are like a 3rd class citizen.

Echos of the COVID pandemic have continued to affect my travel - with events being on-again/off-again. In particular, I travelled to Seattle in April to attend ASTM Committee Week meetings at which a dear colleague was to have been presented with a major society award. Two weeks before the scheduled meeting, the subcommittee that was to present the award, decided to opt for a virtual meeting. It was odd, participating in a virtual meeting while at the hotel where the live meeting was to have been held. Fortunately, other subcommittees met live that week. The experience caused me t ponder the degree to which peoples' lives are informed by their fears.

QEII died earlier this month. She was 96. There was a period of mourning for 2 weeks and it affected me more than I ever anticipated. I'm not a royalist - I'm not a republican either, I think the royal family have a vital role to play iro their charitable organisations like the Prince's trust etc. There was some vitriolic nonsense coming out at the time of the funeral, and some idiots shouting abuse on the royal Mile in Edinburgh. It made me really angry, and I never thought I'd care. I guess I'm sort of mourning the loss of the only monarch of my lifetime up til then - she was a hell of a woman and I respected her a lot without ever really appreciating that fact.

The death of Queen Elizabeth. Her longevity gave my world a sense of stability in an ever changing political arena. She was classy, strong, a role model human being, and dignified. Losing her made me feel as though I lost a part of my own family. Maybe realizing the chain of generations is now leaving me and my group as the matriarchs and patriarchs for the traditions. Both of my parents have passed as have many of my parents friends. The Holidays are a time of remembrance, and sadly the list is much longer.

The high gas prices combined with the schizo US drilling policy have pretty heavily impacted my career. Everything at work is in a constant state of sideways. All projects pop up at the last minute, because nobody's sure how the leases are going to work long run and want them drilled Right Now. Other projects are cancelled before they start, and people get insta laid off (and insta re-hired a week later). The physical and emotional tolls in this industry are record high right now. Its burning out me and everyone else in this industry, because we can tell what we'll be working on or where we'll be working next week. Everyone I talked to has done insane things this year like "work 16hrs a day for 50 days straight, no weekends" at least once. This can't possibly last as a permanent situation.

The Jan 6 hearings. The war in Ukraine. The world in chaos. More anxiety for me and everyone else.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Like COVID, this is another negative event impacting every country in the world. It is Stunning to see a government with no checks and balances and one lunatic in charge. Underscores for me to never have one person calling the shots in any institution. Reminds me to always check myself and continue to speak truth to power,

The War in Ukraine, not least because Melinda is our UK Ambassador, so it somehow makes it seem much more personal. Also it has resulted in FRS members taking in Ukrainian families (who managed to get visas) and setting up the Thursday drop-in. But it is horrifying to consider that towns, homes, families are being destroyed in Europe. And that so far, nothing seems to be able to stop Putin. It is frightening and another sign that the world is terribly unstable.

War in Ukraine. I felt the desperation and anger of the people, and their vulnerability. It made me think of what my ancestors felt when Germany invaded countries searching for Jews to destroy. I also thought of small children, helpless in the face of domestic abuse all over the world. It was also heartening to see folks helping out Ukrainians.

The global rise of antisemitism had an impact on me. It saddens me greatly and reinforces in me the importance of Israel to all Jewish people

1. We are all still being affected by the pandemic. Prices are soaring, and the collective trauma is compounding in ways I don’t think anyone understands quite yet. I’m now without a car, living in a foreign country, because America just doesn’t do a good job of taking care of its most vulnerable citizens. 2. We are staring down mid-term elections, an event which has me shaken to my core. I have to remember to breathe when I even think about it. Margaret Mead once said that when the old way is being quashed, it thrashes around like Godzilla dying in a movie, causing a lot of damage. So I hold a little hope that this is what’s happening now. We really are pushing back against the structures that don’t work, and those who are invested in the privileges they enjoy because of the structures aren’t appreciating it. But they are very much in the minority. So I just keep taking deep breaths and pushing onward.

Disastrous government control. Prices of gas and food out of control. price of gas is currently $3 per gal and 18 eggs is $6. Inflation is out of control. Also the truth about Covid vaccine is still not being reported and people are dying from the side effects!!!

The COVID virus truly is a world-wide event that continues to impact me and likely will through the end of the year. I am up-to-date with the latest vaccines. I avoid crowds, and wear a mask indoors while shopping (early) for groceries, one of the few times I'm around a place that has seen so many others. I hope my community will be spared a surge...we're headed in the right direction.

Roe v Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court, signaling a new era in which human rights are curtailed by the right wing politicians who are hungry for the power to control others. It makes me nervous for the legality of gay marriage, rights for trans folks, etc.

There are a couple answers, but honestly I had to look these up and think about them. First, covid death toll going above 6 million. As many people have died from covid as from the holocaust, and people still don't care. Granted, they don't care about the holocaust either, so maybe this isn't surprising as it should. That russia invaded ukraine--just cause? for funsies? because that's what we do? We look for ways to other others. I'm sorry, the obvious one is roe v wade being overturned. That I know longer have a right to abortion. That should I need it, my health doesn't matter, that my life is worth less than a mans, that my desires are not as important as his. That even when Dale tried things, that my wants and needs would matter less. I know that now and I knew it then, but it hurts to know it in writing. What surprises me more is how surprised people were. How many people were shocked that the supreme court would overturn roe v wade. They said they would. They came trying to do that. So why are we surprised? Each month, they have been limiting women's rights more--why was this surprising? More though, why can't I figure out how to fight back. More locally the passing of hb7 and the don't say gay bill here in Florida reminded me how many people hate those who aren't like them. How much work they will do to keep people shut way in closets, to keep knowledge out, to keep change from happening.

I am back to the war... I feel my life and wellbeing is not guaranteed. I always knew that, of course, but now I acutely feel that. Not only my person, but the whole humanity could be extinguished in the extreme scenario (if Russia makes it a nuclear war) The sense of fragility just overwhelming.

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has me worried. Last year, I recall reflecting on the realization that I have very little control over what happens in the world broadly and how much life is at the mercy of decision-makers who do not even know me. These events are more of that.

The pandemic is of course still impacting. Even though most act like its over we still take a lot of precautions. Also the war in ukraine has been awful and the school shooting in texas on the last day of school hit home. It was the first one that happened when my kids were both in public elementary school

The Russian aggression in Ukraine, the aggression against Muslims in India, the holocaust against wegers in China, and the myriad other climate disasters in the world have left me feeling numb & hopeless. Human greed and cruelty seems less & less unchecked. Probably this is always true, but now the internet allows it to be seen clearly. I believe in Tikun Olam. I have involved myself in volunteer opportunities to be amongst people who also feel that way. That is helping me survive.

Climate change. Temperatures in Gladewater exceeded 100 degrees almost every day starting in late May into early September, with very little rain. One time it rained over 6 inches within 24 hours, but weeks of 100+ weather with no rain was the norm. It is almost October and it is still dry and hot enough to kill people who can't get to adequate shelter. Plants, wild animals and bugs are dying off. Friends and family have also faced hurricanes and wildfires. This year it was uncomfortable and inconvenient. But how fast and how far will we go along this path?

The war of Russia attacking Ukraine is blamed for inflation. I don't know if that's true, but it seems like stores and supply chains were starting to get back on track before the war. Even though my pay rate is up, since my hours are down money is tighter than I like. Everything costs more than it did last year.

Covid impacted me indirectly, the doctors didn’t visit people anymore, they only gave telephone appointments and the waiting list for an exam at the hospital is many months away.

Roe v. Wade being overturned has made me very sad. I wish our country weren't so divisive on this issue, and that law makers were more concerned with encouraging people to keep babies with better gov't. policies like paid family leave, subsidized daycare, higher wages for daycare teachers, better incentives or tax breaks for families, etc. as opposed to spend all their time vilifying and criminalizing a life saving medical procedure. I live in a state where abortion is not legal, and it has given me pause about whether to get pregnant again. If I end up having to make a decision about whether to get an abortion because my life is in danger, what will I do? This a question no one should have to think about.

The overturning of Roe v Wade has been an upsetting development this year. While this ruling won’t directly impact me, the widespread implications could, and it could impact my daughters. I am worried about the decisions being made in my country, and the direction things are going.

The dismantling of Roe v Wade has caused me to question our whole government systems of checks and balances. Never in my life have I thought the right to choose would be taken away from us! I am beyond childbearing years, but I think of my fellow women and girls and I am very afraid for our future. For them, and for the direction of our country.

Civic. Lost my job.

The pandemic was responsible for my work going out of business. In the end I got a better job that pays well because of a shortage of workers in that field due to the pandemic.

Like most people, the war in Ukraine disturbs me because A) its completely unjustified and B) the knock on effects and overall destabilization is the last thing we need after the pandemic and the 2020 election in the USA. My ongoing fear is that we will be dealing with severe negative effects societally, economically and politically for years no matter what the outcome is.

It just feels like more of the same: Democrats try to take care of people and Republicans try to destroy the government.

So so many… Hurricane in PR - part of my daughter’s heritage. Russia’s war on Ukraine - more destruction and devastation in the towns that used to be my family’s home. The overturning of Roe, such that my daughter will grow up feeling like less, not having control over her bodily autonomy, in a world more hostile to women than mine.

It continues to be the man who shall not be named screwing up our democratic country with lies. Because of his (GOP) strategic placement of judges (often incompetent/biased), the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade. This sets women back years, and gets to the main issue if women are treated like they can't make choices for themselves (children), why are the white men who keep making these horrible decisions on their behalf not protecting them from rape, assault, and more?! If you want authority than take the responsibility that comes with it. There's a song that captures it all, Jonathan Edward's Anthem, "Sunshine (Go Away Today)". How can people who have messed things up so badly think they can tell 50% of the population how to take care of themselves?! May the sleeping masses be jarred awake from this and recognize that "Democracy is not a spectator sport". It requires active participation.

Roe v. Wade was overturned and that is hugely devastating. It makes me feel out of control and afraid, especially while facing the unknown of trying to get pregnant, knowing how things can go wrong, and now not having access to supportive healthcare. It makes me sick and worried, both personally and for so many people who have less access and ability to seek out healthcare.

Immigration, among others, confounds me and makes me reflect on my own pov. I want so much to say Let them all in! Which is impossible, of course, with such a range of consequences. Also is each human’s reaction to this indicative of their true self? How do I talk to them? Scary world.

The invasion of Ukraine is the first thing I think of. My people are from Lvov Poland, now Lviv in Ukraine. I've always wanted to visit! Now, I hope there will be a Lviv left to see.

I think that the biggest world event that's happened this year is Russia invading Ukraine and going to war. It hasn't impacted me directly, however it has shocked me seeing civilians get bombed and shot even in this modern times. Right now, there are a couple of huge hurricanes going through the Caribbean and today should hit Florida. I worry about all the displaced and perhaps stranded people as it looks like it will cause a major flooding disaster.

This year I am not sure anything other than the current drumbeat of people being overwhelmed and the bad news overwhelming the the good news. I think to a certain degree I need to stay off the world news. It is a balance between that and putting my head in the sand

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had an impact on me. I have worked to try to raise money for Ukraine relief by appearing in and editing a video with fellow audiobook narrators. The issue matters to me personally because my son comes from Russia (we're an adoptive family), and my ancestral roots come partially from Ukraine (near Odessa). Our family fled the Russian pogroms. Going back to Russia to bring home the next generation is supposed to be symbolic. Unfortunately now, that symbolism is very bittersweet since Russia has gone backward to its hardline days.

The terrible war in Ukraine has affected me deeply. I have donated to relief organizations for both people and animals. I am horrified by the atrocities of the Russian army in this totally unjustified invasion. I am angry and fearful of how far they might go.

January 6th: I watched as people rioted and stormed the capital in an attempt to overthrow our government. That was their express purpose and stated intent. I never felt more endangered as a Black Jewish lesbian. Then Roe v. Wade was overturned and I never felt more in danger as a Black Lesbian Jew. Election deniers are thriving in the polls and winning elections across America and I’ve never felt more in danger as a Black Jewish lesbian. Overt racism, hate, violence by “common man“, and the government, has been directed at people who look like me, pray like me, and love like me. And I have never felt more endangered as a Black Jewish lesbian.

Roe v Wade was overturned. I’m past childbearing age but I am still so scared for my daughter. We live ina world where women feel they have to take regular pregnancy tests just in case so they can get to state with abortion access before they are too far along. It’s horrible.

I initially felt like I've somehow been more insulated this year, but as I reflect, I think the events within my household were so extreme and consuming for the first 7-8 months of the year that even once they had nominally calmed down, it's taken me essentially the remainder of the year to begin to look outside of us again. Of course I noticed Putin's aggression in Ukraine, for example, but impact felt blunted for world events. I look forward to the ability to answer this differently next year.

It’s an ongoing event….climate catastrophe. Intense storms, tornadoes, unrelenting heat, fires, destruction, death. As a result, I am trying to learn as much as possible and trying to influence those around me. I am attempting as much as possible to be less of a consumer, repurposing as much as possible, and listening to the earth.

COVID continuing…. Economy: everything is expensive. Retirement: I might not have been so exhausted that I had to retire if COVID never was here this year. Family: caused stress and discord in the family because of strong views of some. Isolation: masks still needed many places, no faces to see at doctor appts. Health: my sepsis might have been caught before it got bad if they didn’t think I might have fever from COVID. Also let my teeth go a bit because of no masks during cleaning. Grandkids: fewer visits because several were cancelled because of exposure. Overall: weird feeling that so many people were getting sick and dying, especially elderly friends. Mrs. White missed being 100 years old by only weeks because she got it. Ugh….

Well there is a war now in Ukraine with Russia. A recession is coming. Roe fell. Everything feels like it is on fire. Oh and democracy. Sign.

The death of the Queen Elizabeth 2 It has impacted me because it makes me realize time is going by and I’ve always thought of her as a permanent fixture that never changed. Her death makes me realize time stops for no one and that we are all mortal.

The killings in Iran of women fighting for their rights. Together with the abortion bans in the US make me afraid for me and my daughter, even tho we don't live there or near there. Makes you think of how your rights are really for them to take at any momento and that's scary

It would have to be Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Such madness in the world... How do these despotic autocrats live with themselves? And why do people continue to support them?

The pandemic continues to create all sorts of issues. And the ongoing conversations about Jan 6, the undermining of our democracy, etc are central to my work, and weighing on me constantly. I'm sure its wearing me down in some ways. Its also stuff that I am energized by in terms of work.

The war Putin has waged on the people of Ukraine has affected our whole family in different ways. My son has become more attuned to the news. My nephew was adopted from Russia, Siberia, and realizes how very lucky he is. My retirement savings has taken a huge hit and I am worried about the future. I am angry about the rulings the US Supreme court has made to take rights away from women, and poc, and am determined to never vote for another republican as long as I shall live.

COVID, uncovering of graves at residential schools, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Roe v Wade... where to begin? How to react to Ukraine invasion, given the horrible anti-semitic history of Ukraine and Ukrainians? uncovering of graves, so heartbreaking, but finally some comfort to those families who couldn't honour their dead and opening up of some hard conversations. Roe and the systematic dismantling of our socialized medical system by our provincial government. What is happening to care for women, children and the vulnerable? No answer to the question why, just more questions.

It seems clear from a number of developments that the world is embracing fascism. Here the right wing has abandoned winning elections and now will only steal them. The other side is cowardly and weak, so offers no resistance to this. Things are going to get bad for a lot people around the country and the world. We all need to prepare to resist.

Russia's attack on the Ukraine. It made me appreciate even more the fact that my family left when they did. It also scares me in how this war could possibly escalate.

All of the shootings in the US. It impacted me by making me nervous when I go certain places & not knowing if some crazy asshole is going to shoot everyone. It reminds me that life is fragile. The world is full of hate & people who have no regard for others.

The incredible images captured by the James Webb telescope have helped me put everything into perspective a bit. Though life here on Earth is frantic and stressful, seeing galaxies and new images of the planets in our solar system mean that we're literally able to gaze through time.

Political extremism is getting worse, reminding us of what led to the holocaust 80 years ago. I think Americans are ultimately good after they’ve tried every other alternative. Arizona has some extremists running for state office, we’ll hope of a liberal outcome. The Ukrainian war can create a world war as the insane leader of Russia drives Europe into another war. Be interesting to read this next year to see what the works is like.

Rather than a single event, the disgusting state of politics in this country and in the world has left me horrified, frustrated and terribly sad. The Russian / Ukraine situation, the continued adoration of a lying deceitful ex-president, the flying of illegal immigrants and dumping them in Martha's vineyard by a governor - the list is endless and each one more head shaking than the next.

no one event but the continuous state of converging events, we are still in a pandemic, Ukraine is at war to defend itself, climate change is made every more evident and democracy in this country is under threat, multiple world leaders that represent a strong right leaning are I power, rents goo up, inflation - recession tug at each other and still I are the dog for a walk every morning, pause at the beauty of a line....

Not me directly, but the uncalled for war in Ukraine is appalling. One man's ego and lust for power has destroyed so many lives, it breaks my heart.

On a political level, I registered as a Republican this past year due to my heightening chagrin with the whole "woke" movement and everything about it. I am not happy with Biden's administration whatsoever. On a more specific level (channeling Jen w multiple responses here) LOL, although it had happened back in 2018, my awareness of the event about the Tham Luang cave rescue from 2018 was elucidated this past year, and I was affected strongly in my appreciation for mankind, for life, for true miracles.

the war in Ukraine--I'm not sure why exactly. Seems so unjust, now floods of new refugees, the threat of a nuclear war, and the US involved in giving tons of military aid to Ukraine instead of using that money for care of those in need and to mitigate climate change here at home.

The continued descent of the UK into an impoverished (apart from the mega rich) , deregulated, defunded, under resourced shithole, presided over by the scrapings of the bottom of the Tory "talent pool" , with a lacklustre "opposition", led by a man who thinks charisma is the 25th of December, is really quite something to behold.

The war in Ukraine. It is so harmful and ridiculous. It is distracting from all the goodness in the world. We are almost daily reminded of this atrocity. It's time to be beneficial instead. True wealth is gained by exchanging a true service to each other. We can make our communities warm and comfortable.

War in Europe and noticing my various reactions from disbelief to anxiety, looking away, despairing and noticing the immense opportunity at such a huge cost.

The January 6th riots on the Capitol were very hard for me. I consider myself a patriot: former Army, government employee, and believer in this grand experiment. What occurred that day, the events leading to it, and the denial since have been a great disappointment to me. People pushing for what is basically an autocratic leadership model under the guise of freedom is frightening.

The Uvalde school shooting made me even more FULLY realize how far gone this country is. IMO, it's a lost cause. When so many of us value guns over people, there is a HUGE problem. I feel very hopeless about the US. I would move somewhere else if I could (and if my family would as well). I love the US for so many reasons, but I do not like how extreme people have become. And how the rich are getting richer and the middle class are becoming poorer. What happened to being in the middle? I don't want extremism from either side. If individual people choose to live an "extreme lifestyle" (and they're not hurting anyone else), then good for them. But everyone in your state or country shouldn't have to the live the life YOU want to live. I don't know. I'm tired.

The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade was a huge disappointment - I am fearful of the direction the country, and the world is headed, restricting basic freedoms and breaking down democratic values.

It’s the war in Ukraine. It’s so shocking to see war in n Europe again . It’s impacting me as my mortgage has gone up as a result of 7% inflation and my energy bills are crazy .. it will continue to affect us this year and for years to come. Our mortgage interest is 2.5 %now so I am going to lock in for 10 years at 3.3% .. fingers crossed it’ll be okay

covid vaccines came out and we were able to travel again and resume some "normal" activities

The Ukraine situation. I was in Cold War 1962-65. When I see news on the war, it reminds me of the very tense times during Cold War with Russia. It does also makes me nervous about the situation

The repeal of Roe v. Wade and the increasing radicalization of the GOP and its hand-picked SCOTUS justices have alarmed and deeply saddened me. I mourn for the loss of women's rights, of progress towards self-determination, particularly for POC. And I fear the growing ultra-right wing faction of the country that would be glad to be rid of POC, Jews, and Moslems as well. I am equally disturbed by my fellow Jews who continue to support AIPAC, an organization that continues to spend vast amounts to defeat progressive candidates. It sometimes baffles me that we repeat history, even at the risk of our own peril.

Abortion fanaticism, Roe Vs. Wade getting overturned grratly disillusioned me about our political system. It makes me feel like all rights are for sale for political agendas.

The Russia invasion of Ukraine is top of mind for me today - partly because I'm working with Mark Johnson on a presentation to UWRA and partly because I'm cheering for the Ukrainians. Other than speaking with a Russian accent, Ukrainians look just like most of us, and one would think, grew up in a society that is pretty close to the one that I grew up in. And to think all of that was turned upside down when the Russians decided to simply ignore country boundaries and international law and "claim" rights to a sovereign country. Good for the Ukrainians for standing up to the bully and fighting for their right to make their own decisions and elect their own leaders and live under their own laws.

In 2021/22? Seeing how fragile democracy is, and how vulnerable I am. Women are vulnerable, all minorities are vulnerable, and those that don't fit into neat society boxes always suffer when tyranny takes charge. As a liberal Jewish woman who identifies as bisexual, neurodivergent [ADD] and oversized, I know I am a target of the far right just for existing. And I am scared. I try to be as neutral as I can in public Internet forums. Or I don't participate. But it's hard to keep silent. I vote in every election. Is it enough? Will it be enough? I don't know. I hope it is.

Political events are more and more alarming (reactionary supreme court, striking down of Roe vs Wade, candidates who support the Jan. 6 insurrection running and winning ). I follow the news but try not to perseverate on these things. For the most part my life has become very small and home-based in the years of Covid, and so outside things have not impacted me all that strongly this year.

The continuing far right backlash against trans rights in schools has impacted me emotionally and is in my mind when I interact with kids in my family and at school.

Mother nature has had her way with me this year, two natural disasters impacted my plans to visit with family. The historic floods in Yellowstone were right at the time we were meant to go on a camping trip and just now there’s a hurricane in Florida and I was supposed to fly to Florida tomorrow morning :-) additionally I am aware of severe drought in east Africa leading to famine and climate refugees. So on one hand I am affected logistically by having to cancel plans and on the other I’m affected soulfully because I feel deep sadness for people starving and living in drought.

Covid is still affecting all of us. I have Long Covid, though I'm much better than I was. The overturn of Roe v. Wade. How could they do that? I would never take the choice away from another woman.

The highland park shooting really got to me. Thats my community. I wasn't there, and honestly, that made it even harder to deal with. Im so scared for the people I love

Due to life going on, I've been quite disconnected from the wider world this year. Things have happened (from most to least important of what comes to mind- Ukraine was invaded, Boris Johnson was ousted, monkeypox, England got interested in women's football, that big boat got stuck in a canal and stopped the world for a bit, the queen just died) but I was too busy, tired or lazy and too overwhelmed with more bad news post covid to care much. 2 things come to mind that I had to care about because they actually affected me in tangiable ways though. 1- the Commonwealth Games came to my city and I engaged in community, sports and the concept of the commonwealth in ways I had not needed to before- it was quite special. 2- I've been very affected by strikes this year. Lecturers, post deliverers, train drivers, bin cleaners and more have striked in ways that have impacted my life and yet I still haven't seen things get better for them. I want to understand strikes better in this new year, to learn why they have worked before and how to make them impactful now. Otherwise, I fear people will just keep grinding the country to a halt without it achieving anything for anyone.

The Queen's death. We were having a loving dinner with former colleagues of our English department, when the head of the department arrived bearing the news. What I felt was not sadness for Her Majesty's passing (such a well spent life, and she can finally rest and leave the burden of her responsibility, and go back to her Philip), but a sense of family with my English teaching colleagues.

Roe v Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court in the US. I find myself reflecting much more on how little I appreciated that the struggle for women's rights in my youth. I had convinced myself that those battles had passed and that our obligation as a community was to support the next group of marginalized voices - that of trans folk. Unfortunately, woman's rights are still at risk. Its incredibly depressing. And I'm tired. I don't want to keep fighting.

We slowly emerged out of Covid and things got back to normal in a different way. Shul is almost the same now. Work has changed in that I almost never go in to the office. The economy has tanked thanks to a crazy budget by the new prime minister Liz Truss. The coming cost of living crisis is already slowly evident as groceries cost so much more.

The attack on women's reproductive rights has been very difficult to take. Recently having a daughter, I fear for her, and I can't believe she may grow up with less rights than I've had my entire life. It's hard to stomach and feels like the government is going completely backwards. Not only in the US, but women are being persecuted all over the world, just for being women. Rights taken away, left and right. The recent events in Iran, a women died from wounds inflicted on her, by the morality police, because she was wearing pants that were too tight. She was taken into custody and beaten to death. This has since spurred upheaval and protests. I can only hope that some positive change will come around.

The Russian assault on Ukraine. Even if I'd not traveled to Russia and Ukraine, even if my distant relatives hadn't come from Ukraine I'd be horrified by this war, but it feels extra close because I have some experience with the region.

The reproductive rights business has absolutely continued to be on my mind since last year, and now the Supreme Court has been involved, and life just seems so impossible with the way things are. Knowing that I would love to provide abortion care as a doctor and knowing that my own country is going to spit in my face at every turn is so discouraging. It's not going to stop me, of course. I have found multiple programs to apply to that have indicated to me that I will get that education and training, and that makes me love them all the more. I hope I will get into one, but either way I'm going to find a way to make advocating for baby-havers a part of my practice, whether that's in my clinic or out protesting in the streets (or, likely, both).

the pandemic. i lived inside for 2 years. i became more Jewish on the Zoom through classes at ikar and AJU and torah in motion.

I know there are many things that happened that have effected me in some way. However, none seem so noteworthy to my own personal experience that they’re worth mentioning.

The US government seems to have given up on trying to contain COVID-19. Masking is no longer required on airplanes, for instance. They say it's "too hard to enforce." I know people have been violent on airplanes in response to being asked to wear a mask. To me, it's just another sign of the increased normalization of and capitulation to violence that we're seeing in many areas. Don't ask someone to wear a mask; they may get violent. Don't arrest Trump; his supporters will get violent. Don't release the name of the the person who attested to what happened on January 6 2011, because they will get death threats and other forms of harassment. We need to stop normalizing violence. There need to be real consequences for people who commit violence, threaten people, and/or harass people online or in person. Empty the prisons of the the people who are in there for drug possession, and make more room for the people who are committing acts of violence and harassment. The rise of white Christian nationalism is bound up in all of this. I just checked my passport yesterday to make sure it's not expiring soon, although I don't know what country would be safe for the Jews if the US succumbs to it.

Assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on July 8, 2022. I am more aware of how divided the world is right now. January 6, 2021 Capital attack was more than a year ago, but I was deeply shaken by this event. Shinzo Abe murder made me realize the world is divided. I feel an urgency to help unite people, to find common ground. We must come together for our Humanity, societies, cities, countries to thrive and heal our wounds. Forgive ourselves and others.

Having a president in office who doesn't embarrass me is a big deal

The higher cost of food and gas have had a negative effect on our home finances.

The rise of crime and general lawlessness of the world has increased the visibility of my firearms training business. I've had more women come to me needing and wanting to learn how to protect themselves as they feel more and more vulnerable and attacked.

More visibility for Long Covid. Increases the possibility for a cure to MECFS. War in Ukraine.

There are so many, from the war in Ukraine, rising inflation, the falling stock market and the extreme heat. All together creating suffering and anxiety across the world. It gives me the opportunity to realize the concepts of 'clinging' and 'impermanence' as the cause of suffering and not the events themselves.

An event in the world that has impacted me this year is the continuing pandemic. I have not left the country because of my fear of catching it. I'm one of the few people I know who still wear a mask everywhere. I'm hopeful that because I am fully vaccinated and now fully boosted that if I do catch it, I won't be sick with it. I'm still concerned for my parents and try to be as careful as possible so I can continue to visit them. I know so many people suffering and hope it goes away soon.

Last year I said that: "all tech start-ups collectively deciding to go public by way of SPAC has created some small amount of wealth for me and taken some of the financial / professional pressure off my shoulders" What's funny is that the recent economic downturn (coupled with the fact that SPAC's have been hit especially hard) has reversed a the economic tailwinds that I experienced the year before. I'm certainly fortunate to be in a position where my overhead and personal burn is low so I'm pretty insulated from these effects but it's certainly scary to see my savings, Bitcoin, SPAC holdings, etc. get crushed overnight.

War. Women’s bodily autonomy. Climate crisis. It’s scary times all around. I’m fortunate to be working with youB.com to carve out some inspiration in the darkness.

Inflation. I no longer can afford to have someone reconstruct my home so I can sell it. I can't afford another home in a different city without redoing my own home.

Covid has continued to have a great impact in what I prioritize. I want to spend time at home with my people, eat my food slowly, take more walks,laugh and not have work related stress. I want to spend time sitting by the window looking outside and not always working. I want to live out the fact that rest is ordained by God. God my sustainer. Money, commerce and position must bow down to Him. Covid brought with it the opportunity to come to this place of understanding. My mind is very much blown.

Perhaps a bit larger than one event, the Russian/Ukraine war has put strains on various geo-political systems and relations. China is silently supporting Russia, which in turn, adds strain to SINO/US relations. Fuel and energy supply/price impacts. Grain and food impacts and therefore inflationary impacts. The political divisions in US domestic politics along with a seemingly, increasingly unstable Trump as leader of the GOP. Putin's increasing nuclear threats. All these seem to weigh on one's, everyone's spirit. Ugh! is the only layperson's response most of the time. But the HOW in that question revolves around Millwood Timber order files being harder to come by and price and exchange rates making business less stable. We lost a new lease on our office property in Shanghai and one office is without a tenant. Yes, COVID still impacts us as well. Relationships with folks who are anti WOKE are difficult to relate to. Etc.

Ukraine is the obvious answer. What Putin is doing is so much like what Trump did. He say the lie and people believe it and then you move forward from there. He’s also manipulating an election. It’s very scary to see more than one person in power doing the exact same thing. It’s an ego move and will have dire consequences for all of us

Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Apart from the loss of human life and suffering, has made me realize how fragile our world is and how little we can do. Also made me proud of Ukrainian people and made me wish I knew more about my own family's background from that part of the world.

Russian Ukraine war has downloaded misery on humans, animals, the environment created by one psychopath who is driving us all toward a possible nuclear horror. I am astonished that in 2022 this is possible and how precarious life is for all of us.

The Ukrainian situation has dug up many fears. Being a Baby Boomer, I grew up terrified by the Cold War threat of nuclear war. Russia’s current stance has those old fears churning.

In general, the big negative events in the world weigh heavy on me. They induce anxiety. I also experience feelings of guilt. I have a good life compared to a lot of people in the world. I sometimes feel like this is unfair, like I don’t deserve this. How should you enjoy things in life if other people suffer?

When I think about this question and read my answer from last year, I am struck by how protected and insulated I am from the world's problems. For the most part, I live in a bubble and I read about the atrocities and catastrophes that happen around the world, but I don't live them. Finger's crossed that continues.

The Supreme Court destroying Roe vs Wade. Russia invading Ukraine. The Queen of England's Death. (Boy the world have been very negative this year.

The death of the queen because I love royal watching as a hobby.

So. Many. I feel like every single thing that happens in my life impacts me in some way, now. Whether it's something political, something personal, something in my community, etc, I am affected greatly. This past year, something notable for me, was the USA Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade. As a woman in America (and as someone with generalized anxiety), sometimes I feel like I'm making up some of the fear I live with each day (or taking that fear for my own when in fact there are others who are more affected than I). The overturning of Roe though, has sat with me and my fear. We joke about the Handmaid's Tale, about deep rooted, fear-based fascism, but as a Jew and as a woman, this is the closest we have come as a country to the mass loss of actual rights to life. As a woman with PCOS as well, with a higher chance for miscarriage, I'm really scared for what my future could look like (and for what the future of America might look like).

Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade. Taking away women's bodily autonomy, making us 2nd class citizens. I will not stand for the national anthem again until I am equal.

Instability in the world, Russia v Ukraine, etc. This year perhaps the most impactful event for me relates to national events. All of the investigations into Trump, the future midterm elections where our democracy is truly at risk with local/state/congressional/senate elections ALL critical. If I had to choose ONLY 1 event it would be the overturning of Roe and what the supreme court makeup portends for the future

This seem petty on some level but, the world event that immediately came to mind was the death of Queen Elizabeth II, just a few weeks ago. Monarchy doesn't make much sense to me. I do find that I am curious about the younger royals in the sense that they are more celebrity than their elders.I watched the funeral for Her Majesty TV. It felt almost obligatory to sh0w the only Queen I have ever been aware if due respect and simply to honor her and what she does mean to the world and to witness history as it is played out in real time. I doubt the reign of Charles III will much impact of me directly but it will definitely impact the world.

The IPCC published its final report and the Biden administration passed the Inflation Reduction Act. These were alarming and inspiring, respectively.

Vaccination for all: For our family there's more freedom, less fear, more travel, less mask wearing in big events where I want to feel free.

climate change war in ukraine overturning of roe v wade this is what comes to mind right now. and truthfully, they have had an impact, but i have not been changed. we gave money to all 3 problems. i discussed the issues with someone. maybe i re-used a plastic bag for the 5th time. but i have not been very impacted. i am safe. i am distant from those problems and after my heart breaks open and i feel for these issues in the world, the truth is, i lose stamina with keeping my heart exposed.

Opening up of economies leading to live concerts her in the PH. A part of me was healed when I heard live music again. To be with other fans in a concert venue is truly a wonderful experience.

How do you pick just one? The war in Ukraine, the flooding in Pakistan, the killing of a young woman in Iran by the morality police followed by protests, the pandemic...sometimes it is hard to not get overwhelmed by what seems like a crumbling planet and society.

I'm pretty angry about Roe v. Wade being overturned. I don't need those services, but it doesn't mean others don't. Why do people who don't want the government to regulate them (masks, guns, etc) argue so hard for regulating women?

The overturning of Roe vs. Wade has impacted me. It happened while I was still in Europe and I had a very emotional response. Even though I have never had an abortion, I always believed that right would be available to me. I am thankful that I live in Illinois where it is still legal. But I feel badly for women in other states where it is illegal. This will have a severe effect on women's health in general.

The war in Ukraine. My husband's beloved grandparents were in the Ukraine as farmers, and fled the Bolsheviks in the early 20th century. My husband spent the first few years of his life on the farm with his grandparents in this country, after they migrated. He LOVED his grandfather! I have started to research information about his grandparents, as a gift to my husband, and have had some success. Simultaneously, I have been shopping Etsy and buying stained glass sun-catchers, and toy patterns from a couple of Etsy vendors in the Ukraine. Purchasing from them helps to support them through this horrific time, and allows me to interact with others (as they receive the items as gifts), and inform that this isn't just a headline in the news, it is real people! I have had a running conversation with these vendors via the internet, and have come to care for them as people. "The world got smaller," and I feel the tugs on my Spirit by the news of the happenings over there. Realizing that I can do no more than support their enterprises and internet chats, I find myself praying daily for them, and even for the perpetrators of this horror (that G-d will enter their hearts of darkness and have them change their ways). Wish I could do more.

Lol what HASN’T happened this year? I’m over it

January 6th. Enough said.

The war in Ukraine has destabilized my world view and made me nervous about nuclear disaster in a way that I have not been since I was a kid and living with the threat of the USSR.

The first thing that comes to mind is the overturning of Roe v Wade. It's not the first time I'm feeling this way, but my core beliefs in the freedom afforded by living in this country have been shaken up by this and many things that have happened in this country since the 2016 election. This has particularly been strange for me now that I'm married because being in a different stage of life changes things a lot for my outlook on this.

Oh, goodness! The anti-trans legislation has made a tremendous impact. I’m very worried for my son and his rights to medical care, to use the bathroom, to be respected as a human being. So I’m doing what I can by committing to raise funds to support the HRC and their educational initiatives. I can’t do this alone but with support and a community I can make sure my son and other trans individuals are respected and have access to care. https://ca-p2p.engagingnetworks.app/22668/athlete/139293/hollys-fight-for-families

This was the year I became a Covid statistic. Omicron. Boo. I definitely have experienced some long term symptoms, mostly lethargy. It’s upsetting. Putin’s attack on Ukraine has affected me in the pocketbook and has caused my Soul to feel uneasy. Why do we still have nation states? Greedy, power mongering guys who procure leadership through strong armed tactics are terrible, a throwback to days gone by. They do not serve this global human culture well. Why do the majority of us people put up with them? They need to go. We need to rise up together to claim new ways of being together on and with Earth. Peace. Care. Respect. Love. Compassion. We might be able to make that happen if we can muster the collective will and essential sensibilities needed to organize ourselves in innovative ways.

The passing of Queen Elizabeth. While not a citizen of the UK it was incredible to see the outpour of loyalty and pride in nationality the Brits/Scots have for their country. It made me realize how this patriotism is missing for many in our country. It also made me realize how constant of a presence this woman was for the world. While many thing have changed over the years, for most living citizens, she being the Queen of England was the only thing in their lives that stayed the same. Can anyone really say that about anything else? What else had been static from 1953-2022?

The trucker convoy in Canada. It used to be I was proud to be Canadian, now I am embarrassed of these morons who have had a huge temper tantrum and represented us as spoiled brats with rage issues. Freedom is a word they don’t understand and I think it’s disgusting that people in Ukraine are literally losing their homes, country and lives while these ´freedom fighters’ show no appreciation for the true liberty we have.

Roe v Wade was overturned this year. It was a long time in coming. In a way, it justified my feelings about the GOP political tactics, confirming what I now know with certainty I had a right to fear: that they are the party of traditionalism at any cost. It is disappointing to lose another small bit of faith in the government to protect me.

This has been a year where there are almost too many events to pick one. Russia’s brutal attack on Ukraine, the ongoing saga of the damage that Trump’s presidency has had on our country, not the least of which are the regressive decisions of the Supreme Court due to Trump’s appointees; and climate change. Each of these alone is cause for greater anxiety. Together they present an existential threat to our country and the world. At a time when it’s essential to come together and solve problems through greater cooperation and respect we are engulfed in culture wars based on untruths and fear mongering. Women’s very right to bodily autonomy is under attack with far reaching implications, from privacy, to economic security and the ability have equal access to education, to life saving medical care. Women’s lives are now legally viewed as lesser than those of a fetus, real or potential. Life saving procedures and medications can and are being denied to women while someone determines the possible impact on a real or imagined fetus. It is shocking that we have come so far only to have to face the fact that women can be so easily devalued and repressed.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine made me realize that my Ukranian heritage means something. My great grandfather came from Odessa and I was disturbed by the invasion that could directly effect my roots. It certainly reinforced my disdain for authoritarian leaders.

The passing of the new family law in Cuba, which massively increases progressive protections for the Cuban people, especially queer and disabled families, and which was written in close consultative with them, makes me hopeful that not everything in the world is awful and getting worse.

To be honest none. I try and stay focused on what’s in front of me and the problems and situations I can help. Not because I don’t care of the outside world but because I feel like if I can make a difference in my surroundings than maybe what’s happening there won’t happen here. I pray a lot and donate often to help in the best possible way I know how.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine. In some ways, it has caused me to reconsider the health of democracy and peace in our world. It has also been encouraging to watch people stand in solidarity with Ukraine. At the same time, not everyone's struggle for peace, independence, and justice is met with such solidarity from the world. Why are some excluded from such solidarity and care? It leaves me feeling both inspired and disinhearted.

Russian invasion of Ukraine Triggered cost-of-living difficulties for disadvantaged people in U.K. with whom I work

The Supreme Court dismissing Roe v Wade. Even though it doesn’t effect me directly, it made me realize how many other rights are at risk, and how much the white evangelical patriarchy wants to control women.

My answer the previous year was "the pandemic," and my answer for this past year is "the pandemic" too. Much of the world got to move on, but since we had a newborn at home too young to be vaccinated, we were still social distancing at home this year like it was spring of 2020. I think the social isolation of the the past 2 years really took its toll on our mental health. There were other huge events this year too...like the war in Ukraine, and the end of Roe v. Wade (I'm still so angry.) It's hard to believe that was all within this one year. Honestly, there have been so many traumatic events this past year, that I don't think any of us have fully emotionally processed them. We're all still living in a kind of shock. At least I feel that way sometimes.

Aryeh Wolf’s death. It makes me so sad about the loss and in such a tragic way. It was fairly recently. It makes me feel so distanced from goyim. Makes me want to run to our homeland where our security forces look out for Jewish lives.

The death of the Queen a few weeks ago. Made me really reflect on how she has been subtly in our lives forever. Made me think about traditions and what I think of them. Taught me about grief and how public grief is experienced.

The Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade was a huge step in the wrong direction and a slap in the face to Ruth Bader Ginsburg (and all women, frankly). So many implications from this. One, that means that the recently appointed justices lied when asked about touching Roe v Wade - so how can we trust them to make unbiased and just decisions? Two, this is hypocrisy at its finest - a party that is all about keeping the government out of our personal lives has decided that the government shall dictate how a women takes care of her and her family's health. Three, what's next? There have been hints that marriage equality is next. I am married to a woman in a country where health care and quality senior care is a privilege. Without the protections of marriage equality, and down the road when much of my family is not around, who will be there to stand for us when we are old and sick? Why is this happening? We all know the reason - "christian value", or more precisely "conservative christian values". This is not how separation of church and state is implemented, and it is a scary thing. My guess is that there is a subset of people in this country driven by fear and bigotry, including religious bigotry. Seriously, what's next? It is very worrisome, and I hope the midterms show that the people of this country don't agree.

Russia attacked Ukraine. Directly it effected gas prices and supply of goods, food to Africa etc But more so it awakened emotions in me and questions regarding the world. How could a man (Putin) be convinced that he is so correct about something that I at the same time am so opposed to? How should the global society be responding? We only send weapons as we watch most of Ukraine be destroyed and millions displaced, killed and tortured. I believe thousands have been captured at Mariopol and taken back to Russia. What has become of them? Why does the world allow it? Out of fear. That’s all. Why is fear so powerful? Why don’t we fear judgement for not helping those who are powerless and mistreated? And now thousands flee Russia as it clamps down on its citizens. I hear some Russians interviewed on the streets vowing their loyalty to Putin. Do they mean what they say or do they say it in fear of what their government might do to them if they oppose Putin? Has propaganda made it impossible for them to correctly judge events? What if WE are the citizens who have been lied to? Do I hear truth regarding world & national events or is it all filtered and warped? How can the leaders surrounding Putin oppose him and change world events? Are they trapped in fear or do they think as he does? Freedom is so important. The governing leaders of USA may never be allowed to slowly enact laws that make it too difficult to over power them and place new leaders if it comes to that. Corruption needs to be eradicated. Freedom defended. What will become of Ukraine? How much freedom will be taken away from Russian citizens? God help our world.

Nothing and everything. Reading last year’s answers I see that I was really emotionally impacted by a lot of worldwide stuff. This year I chose not to be. COVID vaccines, all the variants, war in Ukraine, Queen Elizabeth dying … all basically inconsequential for the most part. I have realized that no matter what happens, life goes on. Work to Be your best self, your most healthy and peaceful self. Love your family, do good, and do what you can to preserve and positively impact your own little microcosm. Hopefully by doing that, you’ll have a positive ripple effect. Nothing else really matters in the end.

Ukraine. Brought up questions about the pogroms that made my grandparents leave Russia. I have no living relatives that can answer those questions.

-I wanted to have a year/month/day that felt like the world did NOT affect me, and in general, it feels like I failed in that respect. If I had to pick one event, it was the invasion of Ukraine. That led to artistic confusion with orchestras scrambling with Russian-programmed music, specifically mine. There were other inarguable reasons for our change, but the way our BOD handled it was amateur and insulting. That led to one of many moments of me saying to someone , “this bullshit doesn’t make sense” and having to have a difficult conversation with someone. And a fat load of nothing came out of it. 5782 had a ton of those chats and I’m still exhausted by them.

Oh heavens, so many but the biggest is probably Russia invading Ukraine. This is scary, so scary. Russia is flexing its muscles and they are absolutely still a foe to the US, a threat to us, obviously they would like to continue to expand power over Europe, which blah blah blah, political and financial implications I do not grok. HOW has it impacted me? It has frightened me, it has made supply chain and costs and inflation even higher. And it frightens me because I worry so much about the world my children will live in. I want to give them safety and security, an inheritance of funds that seem shaky in light of a potential world war and our country's internal division and political instability. (Do I really think the money in my 401k is going to be stable and there for them in 25 years?). I want my children to have a world full of possibility and hope, and not one of insecurity and potential want and need and pain and fear and loss. That is why.

The war, of course. I think I lost a part of my lightheartedness, and I am at some level always thinking about the suffering that is happening right now. I've lost a bigger part of my emotional connection with Russia despite all of my efforts to avoid it. I feel like I constantly need to prove that I am a good person, which kind of sucks.

Wow, this is a huge 1: Ukraine. Putin. War, whatever he wants to call it, achieves nothing but devastation. Still raging, and who knows what he will do next. I have donated, prayed, checked in with my Ukraine friends...have also seen how we, as a race, seem to have backburnered this? It's made me angry, scared, sad, and embarrassed by my own race 😞

The Russian invasion of Ukraine was very impactful on me. I remember when I heard that Russian tanks had started entering Ukraine, it was about 9:30pm and I was getting ready for bed. I just looked one time at the news before putting it away and saw that they had entered. Then I stayed awake all night and for the next two days too - it was so scary. It felt like going back in time to WWII's beginning. The whole world shifted.

I feel like I should say the war in Ukraine, but honestly the working from home impacts me the most. I do not get to form friendships with the new colleagues, I stopped wearing nice clothes on daily basis and my work productivity is suffering to a degree because all the distractions.

Where to start? It's weird because last year's final question asked what I predicted for this year and I said there would be a major world event. I obviously couldn't have predicted Russia's invasion of Ukraine but now, it really doesn't feel like a huge surprise. Meanwhile, the rise and rise of fascism, with ever increasing echoes of the 1930s is absolutely terrifying me. The main impact all of this is having on me is making me want to go and live in a completely different part of the world.

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Horribly sad and scary. The world is an uncertain place at the moment.

the war in ukraine. I had to work with myself to keep the positivity and trust in humanity

War in Ukraine, only in as much as concern over fuel prices and other associated world concerns. Covid still continues to impact us all.

Ukraine - horrified and alarmed Also worried whether I should try to host a family - thought 'maybe later' but stories about difficulties confirm'not yet'