Is there something that you wish you had done differently this past year? Alternatively, is there something you're especially proud of from this past year?
There's nothing that I would have done differently from this past year. Having a relationship with a guy I knew will help me grow is one of my best decision in life. I learned from him, a lot. I learned how to be mature in a relationship, to be happy for him for what he is today, without me. There are nights before I sleep I'm still imagining, what could it be if we're still together. But knowing that he's happy with his current relationship is something that I'm proud too. We grew together, and I'm glad that I became part of his life. Now, I'm back in college. I'm focusing on stuff I believe will help me be successful on this journey.
I wish I had not had lasik Eye surgery. My vision is terrible post op and now my glasses don't work.
I wish that I had put more effort into my jobs at Temple. I feel like I always gave 70% because I knew that was good enough.
at this point, at age 63, I am just plodding to the finish line. I am proud that S&B made it to 25 years. That is a good thing that I have done.
I spent ten weeks stuck in bed because of my health. During that time, I feel like I completely missed out on my children's lives. They are completely different people than they were last year, and I don't feel like I know them as well as I did, and I have a lot of work ahead of me to repair the damage to our relationships. I wish I had found a way to stay close to them, even while I was stuck in bed. I wish I had figured out a way not to miss so much of this year.
I wish I had done something to cut my procrastination habit. I wish I gossiped less. I am also kinda proud that I've tried to be a good friend.
I wish I had not been so scared or impatient before accepting a job I didn't really want. It hasn't helped me progress or find what I want in life. I feel even more stuck.
Yelled at my kids too much. But I called my parents a lot, so that's good.
Wish I had stayed more on track with my eating habits and had not drunk so much alcohol (wasted money and energy). Most proud of my job move. I hung in an went through a few tries till I found the right one.
I'm proud of how I got the owner of the place I do massage into a care home spite resistance from her boyfriend who is so difficult.
I am very proud that I have continued to try to enjoy my life and become happier.
I wish I had been able to reach out successfully to my son, who has now not spoken to me in five years. Even his father’s death made no difference in this regard, and so we could not comfort and share our grief with each other. I don’t know what would make a difference; his absence in my life is a grenade through the heart.
I should have moved earlier.... Moving, getting the house ready while working on Wedding Season was challenging.. proud of myself to be able to do things alone.
pretty sure I'd have done most things differently, but there you have it...can't live in the past, can't regret or second-guess every decision, just gotta keep on keeping on.
I am proud of the decision I made to stay here in Peru a little longer. It was a hard decision to make, and sometimes it is tough, but I think I will be very thankful for having done it.
I am especially proud of the growth, independence, and focus of my children as they grow in their careers.
Sí, decírle a M. en marzo del 2017 que la quería, cuando sentí que tenía que hacerlo, que era necesario. El miedo me paralizó. Es la historia de mi vida: la timidez y el miedo, camufladas de elegancia, hacen que la vida pase delante de mí y no haga nada. Lo mismo con mis padres y mis hermanas. Dios me perdone. Me siento orgulloso del trabajo. Lo estoy haciendo razonablemente bien. Sacrifico eso sí tiempo y amor hacia mi familia.
I just received a summer internship at Peter Mac. There were 272 applicants and most likely 15 selected for the position. I am incredibly proud of myself and what this will opportunity will enable me to do in my future career. This achievement has further inspired me to keep working hard and following my goals!
I would be happy to be less judgemental I'm happy about my harmonica lessons and yoga and meditation
I wish I could have been more organized, and I wish I could have achieved more, despite the huge depression I was stuck in because of my terrible family events. I wish I would have tried harder in keeping my love nearby me, while now I am in a painfully long distance relationship. I hope I will be married to him when I read this answer again.
I am very proud to have finished my university and that I can call myself M.Sc. now. In that context I wish I had put more work into the thesis. That way my grades would have been better and I might have found a job in my field of study.
I wish I had been more honest with people about my feelings- especially in my last relationship. But I am proud that I put myself "out there" romantically. I am also really proud of the steps I have taken towards opening my own business
I am proud to have established a daily meditation practice and to have moved away from a dysfunctional household.
I'm proud to have completed my MA (in two weeks' time). It was tough.
I am proud I had the courage to leave my job, my house, sell and give away a lot of my stuff, packed my bags and boarded a plane to Asia where I would be living for the next 6 months.
Something I'd done differently - I made some HUGE mistakes this past year and am doing my best not to beat myself up about them. There's always a laundry list of things in my life I can improve on... be more patient, self-aware, kind, compassionate to self and others. Sadly, I don't have a "stand out" proud moment to record.
I'm proud of myself for standing my ground about what I wanted and taking the time to self-assess and learn my own toxic behaviors.
I'm really proud of my decision to seek therapy AND my decision making process for going to Israel. Part of me was worried that coming here is running away and/or cowardly, but I already feel rejuvenated and refreshed and am excited for the work I'll do this year. I feel like taking a step back will give me the perspective I need to truly figure out my next steps, and what I actually want to do next - what are my strengths, abilities, desires, and how will they all fit together. My strength is my vision, so I need to do something that I have a true vision for, not something where I'll just lumber along day to day. I'm very proud that I'm giving myself space to re-evaluate and re-examine and pushing myself to be vulnerable and thoughtful.
I have the same wish every year: Keep at least one new year resolution. So here is the one single regret. This year I lost my job of over 20 years. So far I'm handling it as well as anyone can.
Despite my best efforts to the contrary, I continue to procrastinate. I need to meditate daily, and I don’t. Why not? I need to organize myself around a purpose, and I don’t. Why not? Despite my emotional and intellectual growth, I still cannot fully engage in life. Is it fear? Fear of making a mistake. Fear of being ridiculed. Hell, I’m 63 years old, seems time to be done with that.
Different: Wish I had taken more time to research jobs in the summer, instead of waiting until last minute. I did a good job staying places until I was ready to move until the last Decision. Proud: sticking it out with mom, working during grief, traveling to croatia, sticking it out in that job until I left.
I wish I had tried harder to stay connected with important people from my past.
Like I wrote to 10Q last year, 2018 was the year of freelancing and being my own boss. Fortunately, ever since January I have had work come in. Slow, but steadily. The kind of projects have been interesting, from different industries, people I have worked with have been so different that it is teaching me more everyday. I managed to finally cut the umbilical cord from the one person I could not for the last 4 years and I finally have. I am a little more confident in my ability to stand up on my own feet, and say that I don't need to depend on him anymore and be in the toxic hold.
I learned to play the ukulele. I tried acupuncture successfully. I am going to be a grandma in November.
maybe ran more, proud i've kept it together. went to alot of concerts and take time to chill
I would say "save more", but the truth is, the things I purchased have put me in a normal range of what people have. Though I have Prada this and Saint Laurent that, I never owned a nice suit (for interviews), an Amazon echo (to easily keep my house running), and comfortable decor (I work from home and spending $1K on pillows for a couch seems ridiculous, but that's where I spend all of my hours). With that said, I am ready to start saving and I am most excited for that sense of security that comes with it. As for a proud moment, I have learned to manage my expectations of others. That isn't to say others are incapable and stupid; to the contrary, it means I am a fool to think we all have the same perspectives and resulting thought patterns & priorities. Learning this will not only make me a better leader, but make my team's lives much easier and productive.
I started working out and taking my physical exercise more seriously, along with changing my eating habits in a more positive way.
So much on both of these! There's so much pressure to be the best me. I'm proud that I have the bandwidth to make things happen but also at times want to do so much more. I'd like to give myself a break and be able to focus on the great things that I have in my life.
Last year I answered this question by examining my relationship with my parents. Unfortunately, I think I failed in that respect again this year. I wish I had spent more time orienting myself toward my parents and in-laws. It's been difficult juggling that important role and raising an active growing family. It remains vitally important with each year that passes as my parents and my husband's parents continue to age. Providing this example to my children is as equally if not more important than driving them to their respective sports games or making sure they are doing their chores.
I'm proud of our move to Chicago! If we were to do it again, it would have been smart to rent for the first year rather than buy from the start. I'm not *unhappy* with our place, but I also don't see us staying in this home beyond a few years.
This year is significantly more positive than last year. I'm working through my programming studies, and I'm in a new job, both things I really needed to do. If I have any regrets, it's probably with my daughters. They're rapidly moving into surly teenager, and there are dozens of inflection points every day in how we interact. I really can't tell yet whether I'm making good decisions or bad decisions. One of my daughters declared she was a lesbian last year. She's loud and proud, which I'm mostly good with, but I remind her that a) this is nobody's business but hers and b) not everyone is going to be as accepting as her friends and us. She was given a gay pride flag by one of her friends, and she wore it like a cape at school. If we were still in California, I'd have no problem with that, but we're deep inna heart o' Texas, and I'm not comfortable with the level of red in the neck here. I told her again that there's no problem with being gay, but it's really no one's business but hers. I feel like I've just implemented my own "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Still, I remember the beatings I got in high school because people thought I was gay, and I don't want her to run into that sort of problem. She tells me people are different. I don't know. Times change, but people are people. And someone is going to look for something different to use as a wedge.
I've been hands on changing attitudes which were damaging my marriage. Also I feel to have come across a huge temptation and now I'm willing to work things out with my husband
I wish I had spent more time identifying the small things and large things that make me happy and make my family happy and maximizing those and spent less time doing things I just feel compelled to do.
I wish I had taken better care of my body this past year. I'm taking steps to right the ship, but if I had been more attentive throughout the year, I wouldn't have so far to go.
I wish that I had been less of a jerk at work. I need to watch carefully how I come across when speaking with peers and superiors. My mouth can quickly write checks that I can't cash. Usually, because of my joking nature, I can get away with more than I probably should. I also wish that I would speak more tenderly and with compassion to my wife. So often what comes out of my mouth is harsh, snarky or sarcastic. She understands that is my tendency and she just moves on but I know that it's damaging and I want to do better. I am proud of my continued desire to grow spiritually. It's hard sometimes because I can quickly let bitterness and resentment boil over.
Both. Something I wish I had done differently was be a bit kinder and gentler with myself as I underwent some major life transitions: relationship, career, living situation. Rather than put myself first, I put myself last in many situations and sacrificed a lot of my happiness for the sake of making others happy. As a result of this, whenever I did find myself feeling burnt out, I would turn the blame inward. But one thing I am especially proud of is the firm establishment of my personal and professional boundaries. I am no longer afraid to tell others what is and isn't okay when it comes to my life. What I'm comfortable with versus what I'm not comfortable with. And if people continuously disrespect those boundaries, I am not afraid to scale back my communication with them and allow them to take up less space, if any, in my life.
I wish I finished my med school applications sooner. I keep procrastinating. Maybe I strive for perfection? Maybe I prioritize everyone elses time other than my own. I want to fix this. The bullet journal helps a little bit but it doesn't do much. Time tracking is a good next step. I am especially proud of How well I did in my last semester at school. I aced all my classes and it was extremely rewarding. It allowed me to showcase my true potential.
Yes, would have been less stressed.
I wish I had done more to keep living as if my days were numbered.
Done differently -- been more open, earlier, about my struggles with anxiety and commitment. I learnt about the power of fear, and more specifically, fear of not being 100% in control. But I am proud that I did seek out help, and discussed my struggles with select people and was ultimately able to enjoy my wedding day, which was a huge fear of mine. And now I have a foundational understanding of fear, difficulty of transition, and trust in myself. Although there is still room to grow, I hope I will have the courage to continue this self-reflective journey and handle transitions with grace.
Follow the 613 commencements of the Tora. I study the Tanakh every day and the lectures of every week.
I believe in forgiving ourselves for not knowing what we didn't know before we knew it. I also believe that everything we do at the time makes perfect sense. While I wish that my advocating for myself at my job had yielded more desirable results, I am very proud that I took a risk and asked for financial compensation for extra work that I was given, rather that just doing the work as I would have in the past. The overarching lesson for me was that I have nothing to lose in advocating for myself professionally but also that I may get a no which is disappointing but tolerable.
I wish I would have been more financially saavy, and made the most of the money I had when I was making a lot of it! Alternatively, I'm proud that I was able to give that high-paying job up to have a happier life :)
There are so many things that I wish I had done differently, but I am proud of myself for taking breaks when I needed to recharge, and for recognizing when I wasn't at my best so I could preemptively apologize to those around me.
I wish I would have done more work and diligence to master my sales craft. I worked much to hard and not smart enough. While on RY I spent too much time working hard and it cut into my ability to see and do more. If I'd invested more time on challenging my current, and asking key friends in my network for help to improve them I would have brought on more sales, gotten my partner off my back because we'd be making more, and I could have experienced RY more fully. I'm proud that I went on RY and took the chance. It was expensive, but I did something that most ppl dream about but never actually do.
I'm proud of having moved in with my dad, I think it's really helping his health (eating healthier, drinking less). Also love that it unplugs me and allowed me to get a very robust routine that allows for things like learning the piano and studying for GMAT, things that help get me closer to my long term goals.
I'm especially proud that I took control of doing what I wanted this year. I saved for, planned, and executed a family vacation to Costa Rica. I have always wanted to learn how to surf. I decided that I was fit enough to do so and that it would be a great time for the kids as well. It was an expensive trip- I didn't realize how much it would cost when we were there. But luckily I had budgeted enough and added a buffer to that and it covered all of it almost exactly. I had a good time- and I will always remember it. I think my kids also had a good time- maybe they didn't enjoy it quite as much as I did. But they did really well surfing and I think they will remember that we did something unusual together.
We beat Hans Zimmer AND Radiohead to win the best original composition in a promo at this years MASAwards! I was VERY PROUD. I know it's silly, but the recognition meant lots more than I thought it would
So many things. I wish I had been more forceful in dealing with our finances, but I haven't been and probably still won't. I think we are missing a lot of opportunities and I am sad about that. I did not get the house cleaned up though I did try and made some short-lived progress for a while. I am proud of the work I am doing, and of my relationship with my grandchildren.
This past year, I've done my best to focus on improving my mental health while learning mandarin and re-learning to enjoy life. I wish I had spent less money on silly dates, but generally speaking, I think I've done things right for once. I am happy with myself.
Like last year, "I wish I had gotten more of my dissertation done!" Still trudging through the first/methods chapter...making progress SLOWLY! Still looking forward to getting AT LEAST HALF done by next Rosh Hashanah...and that it is publishable!
I am exceedingly proud of being able to have a new house. I am worked hard for many years, saved well, lived reasonably - and it payed off so that we can have a wonderful new home with new friends and neighbors. And, we can walk to the beach.
I wish I had handled the stress at work better. Meaning I wish I had not taken work so seriously. In networking for a new role I wish I had been more confident in my skills and abilities. I fear there was some sense of desperation that came through when I initially was talking to people. Conversely I’m glad I finally did adopt a fuck you attitude. I’m glad that I took the risk of taking the role I eventually took, even though I didn’t really understand the division or the role. It has been a good stretch for my brain and good for me to try something new.
I wish I would have been more proactive with my side businesses. I've held back too much and let them sink in my priorities.
I always think that I could have done a better job at home, with my kids or with work. The truth is that I have limited time to get things done, and I do the best I can. We had a lot of commitments that led us to eating on the road, sometimes healthier $$$ options, and sometimes not so healthy, cheaper options. I wish I had found a way to manage the afterwork/afterschool schedule better. I wish I could have written more, too. I'm proud of regaining focus and productivity at work and improving my relationship with my boss. I'm proud of learning more about my emotional triggers and creating better boundaries for myself. I'm proud that I spent a lot of time outside.
I wish I had stressed less about my son’s developmental milestones & instead focused on enjoying all of the new things he was doing & experiencing.
I wish I would've been there for my family during the holidays. I really regret not being there for my mom. I also wish I would've done more to be there for my grandparents. Called more, visited more. I miss them all very much. I also wish I was more involved with our temple. I'm very proud of myself for taking the leap and applying for grad schools. I am nervous to apply and of course have a fear of rejection and working full time while becoming a student. However, I am taking this leap to better myself and become of service to people. I will see so much positive growth through this process and then of course through my schooling.
I hate that my answer to this is always the same (well, it is in my head): I wish I had paid more attention to my health and made some steps toward strength and wellness this year. I always want that for myself, and it is always the last thing I pay attention to. I tell myself that I've focused on home/hearth, and then heart, and now I can focus on my health . . . but will I? do I ever really do good for myself in that way? I AM proud of a lot, and I want to credit myself for working hard, making a beautiful and mostly functional home, taking on all of the responsibilities of supporting myself and my kids without a partner, adding to my income by moonlighting again (and having two relatively good teaching quarters), successfully navigating a separation from my husband, being a good mom and friend, and finding someone really lovely to spend my time with. Let myself off the hook for that ONE thing? Yeah, okay . . . but no. I never do.
I'm proud of myself for pushing forward aggressively to change my kid's school and get her diagnosed and treated for ADHD. I could say I wish I'd seen it earlier or something, but that would just be beating myself up for something that I wouldn't have done differently at the time with the same information. I'm proud of myself for advocating, for pushing, for taking the risks involved to do what we needed to do for our kid. We spent a lot of money and time, and I think we've lost some friendships over it, people who didn't want our kid around and didn't want to hear about it and have ghosted out of our lives. But we think she's at a better school for her, and she seems to be making friends. So I'm proud of myself for doing what was hard and uncomfortable but the right thing for her.
Less fights and more romantic time. I’m proud of raising a healthy and extremely happy and joker named Asher!
I wish I had just sold the store when I was going through everything. It has been a huge stress on my life - and it was last the thing that I needed. I would put more time and energy into the things I love, rather than fixing the things that I could have changed from the beginning. I am proud of the work that I continue to do to better myself and the people that i keep close. I am excited to see what the next chapter brings for me!
I am very proud of my hard work in earning my Master's degree and starting my internship in school psychology. I feel like I am getting closer to starting a career in a field I feel passionate about.
I wish I had handled my divorce differently. My relationship with my ex isn't where I'd like it to be. If we didn't have kids together it wouldn't matter, but I want to be friendly with her so we can do things with the kids together without her feeling uncomfortable. Alternately, I've lost 80 lbs in the past 6.5 months! Feeling pretty damn proud of that accomplishment!
I wish I had been more confident in myself to be me and not some version of me that I think others would like best. I think I’ve been doing that for a long time and just once I wish that this would be the year I would finally break out of the cycle. Sometimes I think I’m in too deep and breaking the cycle would mean revealing the lies to so many that I love but the past year I had that opportunity to start fresh and I just didn’t take it. I wish I could have just been confident in the normal (if not luxuriously supported) life that I’ve lived rather than trying to be someone else
i had a number of goals for this past year none of which i have completed. the first was finishing and selling my online course. i'm still in the phase of editing videos. i'm proud of the work i did so far and it's just the last steps to make it real. i wish i had stuck with the momentum and gotten this course out already. i wanted to erase 1 debt. i've gotten closer but really didn't take the necessary steps to accomplish this one either. i waited unitl July to cancel the personal training. i'm still missing it but after 2 months i am now feeling a lot more confident that i can continue training on my own. the first debt i want to get rid of is bos credit card. i'm nearly under 4k and wonder if i will be able to swing it or not. finally i wanted to be able to have a conversation in spanish during lunch. now it's not so important but it would still be nice to hold a conversation in spanish.
I am proud of how I have supported Asher in his move to a 4-year college and an apartment of his own. The way our relationship is evolving is very rewarding
Committed more to romantic relationships. I wish I could have "dove in" full heart, mind, space and time.
This past year I wish I had focused more on myself instead of spending so much of time and energy on others. I like helping people and being there for them but I also need to make sure that those people have my back as well and that I also take care of myself. I should have spent more time focusing on my happiness and finding true friends.
I melted klipot and distortions of annihilation anxiety to make the transition to empty nester and return to embody my identity as an artist. Using my gifts daily and participating with a havurah/sangha of soulful printmakers. I wish that I could clear all distortions to embrace G-dness clarity over confusion in my daily life and to honor my body and home as it is intended.
I didn’t take great care of my finances this year. While this was probably my most responsible year in terms of taking consistent responsibility for monthly bills, I have accumulated some debt theough medical and mental health care that I have avoided. I’d like to pay these off and move on.
I wish I had been less hard on myself. I am proud for how far I have pushed myself outside of my comfort zone.
I applied for a promotion and didn’t get it. I took it very hard. In retrospect I wish I had been less captivated by the status impact of the job and more focused on the actual day to day of the work. I’m lucky I didn’t get the promotion, but I didn’t see that at the time.
I'm not sure what I would have done differently. Some things are beyond my control. I am proud of the number of female mentees I've taken on this year. I really feel like women need to help younger women as they try to get established. For women my age, the experience is hard won and left many scars. Sexual harassment, sex discrimination and ageism are all potent reminders of our past and present still. But for those of us who have survived, we can offer tips on how to navigate the shark infested waters.
This year, I really drifted from the things that matter to me. When ACE ended, I stopped caring as much about climate change. When CFW ended, I thought less about human trafficking. I wish I would have continued caring about the things that matter to me even after my official ties to a cause end. Also, I’m very proud of my relisency in NFTY over the past year. I overcame a ton of hardships but still managed to have fun and leave on a good note. I learned a ton from th experience and I’m proud of that.
I wish I had spoken up, set limits, and gathered allies for a difficult situation at work. Alternatively, I'm proud of what I put together for the benefit of that place. I'm also pleased at the forward momentum I'm garnering to learn from what I experienced in order to move on!
I wish I had been more assertive during the process of my job transitions. With my old job, I don't know if there were opportunities for shorter term gains, because I didn't push hard enough to find out. Maybe if I had been clear that I was unhappy and considering leaving, then they would have offered better compensation to deal with the short term headaches. There were some opportunities there in the long term, as they were looking for an exit and I was moving up in how essential I was to them. But now I'm also with a larger organization that may have better mobility opportunities in the long term. The last person who held my current position is in a director role now, which is a great precedent.
I think I did my best this past year, so I can't think of something I wish I had done differently. I am proud of taking control of my anxiety. Not being afraid to ask for help when life becomes overwhelming.
Something that I would have done differently this past year is to find out what my mental block is so I could work just a few more hours per week. I need better benefits. Something that I'm proud of is going to the counselor. Getting back to my old normal of balance.
I don't think there's much I'd do differently, although it's been a difficult year. I'm proud of getting a new job, and succeeding at the start of it. I'm pleased with reconnecting with people and being more proactive about living my life again. I'm proud of improving my parenting and being a more enthusiastic dad, with closer relationships with my children.
I wish I had gone on more dates and put myself out there more. Nothing is going to change if I keep doing the same thing. But in the moment in it hard to do that. I am also dissatisfied with my weight loss and not losing weight. I know what I need to change and how my relationship with food has to shift but again- easier said than done. I am accepting that I am forever changing and just hope those changes lead me to my goals. I am proud of getting my job and working as a PA! Some real adult steps, not I just need to figure out how to feel like an adult.
I dated someone earlier in 2018 and I moved too fast in spite of my desire to go slow. I traveled with him too early, met his family, went to his childhood hometown, went to his favorite place in the world. In hindsight, I shouldn't have done all of this so fast. I should have said no to a couple of these. I should have exercised my boundaries and my need to move slow. Ultimately, I handled the ending of the relationship as best I could. I reconciled things with him, with myself, and I did it with my therapist and my friends. I wish, both, I would have done things a little differently, and I'm proud of the way I moved through all of this. I want the whole triangle of relationship: emotional, spiritual and physical. I'll be pursing this next. I am also proud that I have returned to my writing, working on my screenplay. I am proud that I worked on my friend's film, learning a lot about myself along the way.
I wish I'd spent less time wasting time—video games and porn, especially. I'm really proud, though, of how I've done my job over the last year. I've worked hard and really given a lot of time and energy and made things better.
I wish I had been less judgy and irritable and went at relationships with more tolerance and love I am proud of being recognized for my skill and talent at work even though I haven't changed my level of output.
While addressing my addiction, I was able to accept so many different areas of my life. My faults and scars do not define me. I am proud of the progress I am making on accepting myself for who I am, not who I think others expect me to be. The bricks are continuing to come down. One by one with the help of a great support group and friends that I can be truly open and honest with.
I wish I had learned more about the cataract surgery so I could have more input on the decision of what lens to insert. I'm especially proud of the way I handled the disruption from the Bathroom Project. I think my patience grew and my need to control lessened; I learned through this suffering time. The Shaia classes helped so much!
I am proud about my ability to be transparent with the people I have dated. I think I have been a good person and treated all the people I dated well. It did not work out (and that is clearly at least partly because of me) and I think I can look back and feel like I was a good person. I also think I have been a good friend to El and tried to be present for others in a more open way than I have been in the past. I think I need to be a better boss. I am reading radical candor and hopefully that will help
I'm proud of stepping up to be more of a leader within my church congregation. I wish I had managed my money better!
Done differently? Nothing. Keep it all. Proud of? Another year of sobriety. Over ten years with current employer. We were able to pay our equity loan off in full which allowedus to borrow on the loan to have much meeded cement work done. Fells good to be in this position.
i am proud of how i have handle myself during a separation/divorce after being an abused wife for many years. emotionally abused, and sometimes physically abused.
I wish I had prioritized relationships better and been more invested in my friends. I tried, but often I failed miserably - I was insulated, isolated, selfish, and often canceled plans that I wish I had kept. I am proud of all my growth and study this year during my conversion process. I have learned so much and have started to build a Jewish life with my fiancée that will be the cornerstone of our marriage.
I wish I had started studying earlier for board exams. I thought doing good in my clerkships would be enough, but when push came to shove I didn't give myself enough time and underperformed on level 2. Conversely I am proud that I was channeled enough courage to perform a Brit. If I could follow through with that I can follow through with anything.
I'm proud of myself for taking my mental health seriously and doing the things I need to do to stay healthy -- getting up early to exercise, taking meds, and visiting my psychologist when needed.
This year, I am proud that I took a big risk and lived and worked in Buenos Aires for three months. I went with no close friends, a first for me, and lived completely alone, also a first. While I encountered many challenges -- working in a country with completely different cultural norms, navigating a difficult boss, and spending more time alone than I ever had, I learned a ton about myself, my interests, and what I really love and appreciate in life.
my drug taking and lack of focus
I wish that I'd been more conscious of my spending. I keep getting into the same hole, financially, and I'm not sure how. I'm proud of my decision to begin therapy. For me and for my son.
Why have regrets? As for the alternative question, I'm especially proud of having baked a bomb-ass bread, even if I used a book, but more importantly that I finally made the time to start learning. I'm proud of the gains I've made at the gym and the way I've pushed myself more than I could have expected. I'm proud of my decision to quit my comfortable and secure job and lean into the risk and uncertainty that would follow.
I wish I had been more patient-with my kids, with myself, with the world around me. I am very proud that I have learned that I can only control my own behavior to the things that go on around me. It has been helpful to all of the chaos and my anxiety. I have learned that despite the changes and people’s reactions to me, my job is not to change them or extrinsic factors, but solely how I want to react to those factors. I am much happier because of this!!
I wish I had focused more on money and bills as they are completely out of control at the moment. I’m proud that I have taken some risks with my career and tried something new.
I wish I could actually stick to a budget. I make them and then blow them up like the German Luftwaffe. This year has been seemed like more down than up in terms of my mood and there's nothing I am particularly proud of in spite of purchasing the house. It feels like my boyfriend did more of the heavy-lifting in terms of money and I am just along for the ride.
I always wish I had more patience with my child. I am a bit proud that I've been making improvements in not yelling and spending more time with him.
Wish I lived more fearlessly. Proud of the time I took for self-care.
I wish I had been kinder and less prone to anger. I realize that my anger can be an issue. I'm easily annoyed and overwhelmed and it often manifests itself as a rough tone, argumentative attitude, or vague insults. This is something I must continue to work on. I'm proud of the fact that I've learned how to better manage money (for the first part) and I've become a more responsible and thoughtful adult since owning a home.
The answer to both lies in my politics and political participation. I am especially proud that I have stepped up in so many ways to work on issues that I believe are important and will make a big impact. At the same time, I fear that I have alienated some of the people in my family and I would like to go back and change my rhetoric a bit, although at the moment I am even unsure how I would do this.
I wish I had taken more personal responsibility and accountability for my emotions, job, relationship, body, etc. Not much progress has been made in the past year. That needs to change. Adjustment period is over.
Would have told her to leave sooner ! I don't need to hold your freakin purse!
I am incredibly proud of the work I did with my PL grant Shelter from the Storm. I am proud that I persevered through five application processes to finally win a grant, I am proud of the project itself and so grateful to everyone who participated and shared their lives with me and my crew of volunteers. I only hope that I am able to take this project and turn it into something that will help many other people understand their contribution to the social fabric.
I wish I was more bold, and not so scared of failing. I think my depression makes simple tasks impossible. And sometimes that’s hard to get over. I created an entire Civil Wat ensemble and I think it turned out amazing!!
I'm particularly proud of teaching myself sales and negotiating skills, and generally becoming a skillful business person. I never thought that would be a career interest for me, but found I have interest and enthusiasm to learn it. It's been great to develop and mature these skills. I feel even more committed to a life with no regrets, trusting that things as they are is what Gd and I create perfectly.
I wish I had started dancing sooner -- only this past week have I decided to dance every day, both as a form of exercise and as an emotional release. I put on music and move to it, and feel free. But this is a long-standing regret; I have spent many years not dancing due to insecurity and being self-conscious about my body. So, while I am proud of dancing every day now, I also regret waiting this long to start.
I wish I had managed my crankiness around the team better. I was too reactive and in general was harder to work with than I would like. On the home front, I allowed work stress to get in the way of my relationship with my partner. I am proud of how I supported my family before and after Dad passed away. I’m proud of our whole family for how we came together and supported each other.
I wish I had managed to manage my stress better, and be a better partner, brother, and son. I can see now how my stress affects everyone around me.
I wish I had written more academic papers in my third year.
I am now consistently working out, I wish I would have accepted that this needs to be a 3-4x weekly part of my life now!
Differently: I wish I would have remained more focused on my professional advancement plan. Technical self training. Proud of: After many years I began to take off the weight. I feel much healthier and I am more comfortable in my own skin.
I am actually proud of getting on track with my finances better. It has been a struggle, and I am not where I want to be...but I am closer than I was. I believe it will help if I can get my spouse on the same mindset of helping me with the budget instead of being the constant exceptions to it! (Sigh!) I would have handled my reactions differently to things this year, especially my anger issues. I have so much I get angry with, I don't even have the time or energy to put into being offence by anything in politics or the world! LOL! It is something linked very closely to my struggle with powerlessness and my codependency (control) issues. I know it...but I still tend to have the worst possible reaction to offenses. I want to be un-offendable. I want to be proactive about things instead of have a plan instead of flying off the handle. I work better that way, I live my day to day life better that way. I know I cannot plan for everything, but even if I just practice the "pause" when something hits me and I know it is triggering anger...I believe it would be a better outcome than it has been. So...pause, before sharing a heated post or responding to someone's offensive post or reply to a post or anything. Pause before I text or call or talk to someone....even if all I can do is..."I can't reply right now I need time to consider my reply before I do." And then to be aware that NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS A REPLY! :) So here's to another year of trying to be a better person. I hope others are having success with this...I know that what I have started to do now is making a difference and giving me more peace in my day to say interactions.
I wish I had stood up for myself when I knew what I needed in the beginnings of a romantic relationship. I wish I had not let the fear of losing someone get in the way of doing what was right for me. I am also especially proud of myself for making the decision to go to graduate school and let myself be ok with the unknown after being at a job for 4.25 years.
One thing I wish I had done differently, and that I really strive to do differently now, is reframe how I describe my daughter to the world. I wish I had done better in presenting her strengths rather than focusing on her challenges. It's unfair to her - and frankly to the world as well.
If anything I’d have been more financially responsible (not maxing out 2 credit accounts). I’m proud that I reached 200 pounds lost in April this year. But not that I’ve jumped back up 30 pounds.
I wish that I'd been more deliberate in our business formation process. We're coming along but we're really "stuck" behind David for the patent and the pro bono work by Margaret for our business formation and rules documentation. I don't think we're excessively vulnerable but I worry that we're missing some of the requirements that can further help on taxes, filings, etc. As far as what I'm especially proud of this last year is making the commitment to getting myself back into shape. I'd really let things go and realized that I had no excuses other than just not committing. I've changed to a keto diet, HIIT training almost every day, and continued to find active activities (SUP, obstacle courses, etc) to push myself.
I really wish I would have been honest with Tom about money issues, instead of trying to protect his feelings. My head/common sense tells me he was responsible for the missing money, but my heart doesn't want to believe it or accuse him. All the circumstantial evidence says otherwise. He is so evasive about money. Generous to a fault when he has it, but I wish he had more to contribute. Doing laundry, cooking and cleaning up is great, but that's something I could do myself. I need help financially. I'm very proud of all of my OPI events. I took on a lot of extra trainings, went a lot of places, educated a lot of people and worked hard to get a little more comfortable doing so. All while working full time at my salon.
I’ve done a lot this year. God has given me so many amazing opportunities, from climbing the third highest peak in the world to quitting a job that did not serve me and finding one that, while not perfect, doesn’t make me hate my life to growing closer to my incredible boyfriend to going on a five day African Safari to finding my faith again and coming back to Him through the power of His most Holy Spirit. I can honestly say probably for the first time ever that there is nothing I wish I had done differently this year because everything I’ve done has led me to the place I’m in and the person I am today.
I wish I'd responded differently to a person I mentor--even now I can't figure out how I would know in the future when to includes others in the conversation and when not. I thought I was doing right by keeping it 'in-house' and instead she didn't want anyone to know at all even though, in my opinion, there were 2 others just as in need of the information/correction. It makes me feel as if I'm missing something in terms of being a mentor or at least in terms of gauging how people will take criticism.
I am proud that I changed jobs, that I had the follow through to Make it happen. I am not a very good husband. I can be a better listener and be more empathetic. It’s hard to tell that she loves me and hard to be as patient and supportive as she needs
Yes - I wish I'd been a little more cautious with approaching what I wanted to be a romantic relationship. And I wish I'd been more up front with what I wanted from word go. It probably would have caused me a lot less heartache in the long run.
I wish I had gotten a handle on finances. The household paperwork is in such disarray, I haven't even been able to send information to our accountant so he can file our tax return for last year. There are so many repercussions for this, yet I am still dragging my heels when it comes to keeping track of money. I need to overcome this hurdle.
I wish I didn’t let other people’s words impact my emotions. I am especially proud that I have started to develop the ability to detect when people are disingenuous, when I need not to trust them, and not to feed their energy.
I'm proud that I didn't completely freak out when we went on holiday. I kept my anxiety under control. I reminded myself constantly that our last vacation went well and that worrying was needless. There was nothing I could do in advance to change whatever was going to happen so there was no point in ruminating over what if's. I ended up being calm enough that I didn't even use my air sickness bands or my earplugs on the flight home with no problems at all. :)
No. I have no regrets; they aren't worth the tears. I am not especially proud of anything, except perhaps that I manage to put in a good day's work most days, despite my lack of energy and increasing feelings of age and pain.
Not too long ago, my partner and I sold our condo. It was a long decision process but a necessary one. Due to issues beyond our control, we were very unhappy in our home. I had served on the board for over 2 years and this voluntary position was taking over my time and causing strain on our relationship. Looking back, I wish that I had acknowledged the toll it was taking on me sooner.
I wish I'd spent more time with Lauren and engaging with her better as a parent and mother. Despite this, I'm especially proud of her and who she is: a caring, smart, creative, energetic child! This year, I'll spend less time on the phone and more time enjoying her!
I wished I was more physically active, had healthier diet I'm happy that I found BTS, and won an international fellowship. Met new interesting people in my professional area from abroad
I wish I had dealt with a recent job offer better. I still don't feel like I can say no to things or people. It's frustrating. I now have an unwanted side hustle that fills me with nothing but dread. Saying that, I'm still here...
Done differently: I would have planned my hysterectomy leave better, brought Helen in for coverage, and read more during it. Proud of: how big my team has grown and how well they’re doing. Proud of my personal growth and following through with my goals.
I’m especially proud that I was asked to give a sermon in my synagogue on a Saturday morning when both the rabbi and Cantor were absent, for which I received an honorarium. It is both thrilling and humbling to know that my rabbi knows (he’s told me before) that I can research, write, and deliver a sermon, as he says, “of rabbinical quality.” While I’ve delivered sermons annually when I chant my bat mitzvah Torah portion, this was the first time he’d asked me to do this. It was challenging and exciting to do, and it was well received. I’m also pleased that even under the difficult circumstances in which I traveled to New York City this year (to be with my dying best friend), I used my iPhone camera to capture images and pieces of New York, intimate pieces I’d call them, that resonated with me for reasons I couldn’t always discern. This reminded me that I have a personal photographic eye that I need to continue to nurture with my DSLR. Spending time with Pamela in her last days, hours, and moments, enormously difficult that it was, was probably the most important and difficult experience I’ve had as an adult. I’m glad that I was able to be totally in the moment with her and did not, as I had feared, get trapped in the PTSD-like flashbacks of my father’s death 50 years ago. I’m not looking backwards at things I could have done differently, because what’s done is done, and obsessing over what I might have done differently changes nothing. Every day is a new day. If anything, I’ve learned to practice mindfulness more consistently and let “what might have been” drift away with the wind and vanish with the setting sun.
I'm proud of the fact I have started marketing my work more and thinking of more ways to monetize my creative efforts.
Honestly, I think this has been my best year yet! I started a new job at Think Together as the Director of data and Evaluation and am quite out of my comfort zone. TSJ Countered when I told them I was leaving and I hesitated leaving because they had some big promises for me ($80k, new director-level position...after June...) So I have not looked back and am so happy in my new role. I have made some mistakes and have been pushed so far out of my comfort level, it was scary. I feel like I have been striving for a position like this since the beginning and now that I'm finally here, it feels so much different than I thought it would. The work is harder, longer, more in-depth, and requires more vision (which I am still trying to focus). It's been a great ride and I am proud of myself and can't wait to see what I do with this org :)
I wish I had fought with Nana differently. Every time. I am proud and amazed that I was able to give up sugar and become totally WFPB. One of best things about getting older is knowing yourself better. Accepting that I am an abstainer and not a moderator in every aspect of my life has made a huge difference.
I wish I hadn't lived my life with so much projection of my own anxieties onto my child.
I have learned a lot about nutrition and herbalism this year, and have made a real effort to change the way I eat. I'm drinking healthy herbal teas, eating way less sugar and more fruit, and incorporating more herbs and supplements into my diet. Daily exercise has increased my fitness, and I enjoy the daily run and walk. I appreciate that these kind of changes need to be consistent in order to show results, and I'm proud that I've stuck with it and have managed to make these changes part of my daily routine.
I am proud that I have rekindled my relationship with my sister. Kelly Sue has had a really difficult few years. After our house was messed up after the honeymoon, I held a lot of resentment towards her. We went months without talking, and the whole thing made me sad--what she needed was love and acceptance and all I could give her for a long time was anger, harsh words, and judgment. Letting that go and realizing my relationship with her was bigger than my anger was a step in the right direction. While things are still not normal, I feel at peace knowing I have my sister back in my life.
I wish I had taken care of my body better. That I wouldn’t be here yet again wavering in my commitment to health. I wish I was more consistent in my attention to my father. I think I have tried very hard to bring more balance into my home/Work life. It’s not perfect, but it’s been a journey that has been hard won. And I’m proud of the movements, however small, that I have made. I’m proud of my mobilization around justice and the ways in which I have grown my faith and justice voice, knowing that of my many sins, and least in that department, I can truly celebrate that I have used my power and voice well.
I wish I reached out to my best friend when I fell into a state of depression. Feelings of shame made it difficult to reach out to anyone after having to move back in with my mother and younger siblings. I cut all contact with everyone outside of the household for almost six months. Things are much better now and I've since reconnected with that friend, but still haven't talked about what I was went through internally during those six months to anyone.
I am proud to have taken some difficult but needed steps in order to reclaim our relationship with my sister, who is dying. Do I wish I/we had done this years ago? Absolutely. Do I think that was possible? We'll never know. But at least, this, now, is truly good.
I'm especially proud of how I worked to "rescue" our funding from possible demise and rallied our area funders to get on board.
I am slowly learning to respond and not react. I hope to continue to do this so that all my interactions can have a more positive effect on others and myself.
I wish I had tried more things, been more open, tolerant receptive to other people and less judgmental. I needed to get out of my comfort zone and accept that things were different and not keep wishing I could turn back the clock!
Differently - actually cared about my weight and started back to the gym or anything harder than I have. Proud of - I have kicked the CocaCola habit at home. Next step is kicking the habit when we're out.
I wish I had played less computer games and spent more time studying my craft. I also wish that I had done better and getting rid of my box and limitations so then I felt confident in pursuing additions. I am proud that I joined the Unity Voices.
I wish that i had been more aggressive in getting the current game that I am working on out. I feel like the limbo that it has been in hasn't been really useful for me and is somewhat a stain. I am particularly proud of learning spanish to the degree that I did and the fact that i own all the current gen systems and getting more games played.
I am proud of my perseverance this past year in quietly, persistently commanding attention and acknowledgement at work. A year ago I applied for a promotion and was essentially laughed at by a boss new to the organization who told me I was "unqualified." While this stung and I felt it was unfair and short-sighted, I kept my calm. I continued to do exceptional work, and continued to find ways to put the good of our team ahead of my own hurt feelings. After about six months, that same boss (no longer quite so new, and having had the opportunity to observe me and others in the workplace) came back to me to say he'd searched the world over and determined I was the best person for the job after all. In the six months since then, I've strengthened the team and become a valued leader. "Nevertheless, she persisted."
I wish that I had been able to stay in balance with practices that support me last year as my spouse and I were buffeted by stressful events. I wish I'd been able to eat more healthfully, keep up my meditation and exercise practices, keep writing, and keep up with music. All those things fell away and I wish I had been in something other than survival mode for a lot of the year.
I wish I had dedicated more time to play and learn music, specifically piano. I am, however, proud of the fact that I qualified all my warfare stuff for my job and that is no longer a burden on my shoulders.
I’m really proud of how I’ve adapted to the role of mother. I’m really proud of myself moving to a new country away from everybody, alone, and still doing so well and keeping up with all of my responsibilities. I feel so much stronger.
I wish i validated better my intuition, it would spare me some problems. I am proud that made a trip abroad to africa without knowing what to expect (and survived) and knew some incredible people that i want to be in the future. Help them too so they could fullfil their dreams.
I wish I were more grateful for the love and opportunity already in my life. I have so much going for me and I get caught up in these negative spirals that I miss out on the amazing things around me already. I wish I knew I was exactly where I needed to be and that being present in the present moment and focusing deeply on the now would get me where I want to be.
My work experience has been pretty dreadful this year (again)-I'm proud that I am still able to have hope and humour!
I wish I started running sooner! It's both difficult and freeing.
I wish I had saved money more effectively over the last year. I am especially proud that I have lost 75 pounds.
I’m not going to wish anything differently. Proud of getting a new job, even if it’s a transitional one 😛
I've nearly finished a full draft of a novel, and will probably finish it in the next week or so. I'm really proud of that.
I wish I would have been more trusting of my instincts, what feels normal about being in Austin, and dwelled less upon making things any particular way, or expecting certain things from certain friendships. I am proud of myself for diving into so many things fearlessly. The courage to try things, especially new things, is something I embraced this year.
I need to make more of an effort to connect with my son, whose teenage development issues make connecting very difficult. Yet, though it usually appears as though he has completely cast mom and me astern, he revealed in a 2-min conversation with mom that he does want to connect but does not know how. I echo that sentiment. I will make a greater effort to connect in an appropriate way with him.
I wished I had asked for help earlier when I needed it. I wish I hadn't isolated myself when I got sad/scared. I wish I had celebrated shabbat more regularly. I wish I made more authentic connections with people. I wish I had made change in Shakes. I am proud of my work at Bard on the Beach, for moving to a brand new place and starting new work, and for living on my own!
As usually, I wish I had squandered less time with doubt and self-loathing and, instead, broke through more effortlessly into focus and joyous experience. I am, however, proud of my rare ability to call my energies together to get things that are important to me done. I completed a number of seemingly insurmountable projects this year, all step by step, day by day, word by word.
Like last year, I wish I was more diligent about saving money and sticking to a budget. I often do not do this and then feel frustrated when my credit card bills are too high or have not made a large enough dent in my student loans. I am proud of the fact that I have made some progress in my money management such as starting a retirement account, and lowering some of my credit card balances. However, I feel that I am not doing what I could realistically be doing in this area of my life to achieve the goals I want to.
For Christmas Nadia gave me The Book that Takes its Time. I could have just let it sit on the shelf, but instead I opened it, and I have been working through it -- discovering art journaling and unlocking my creativity in the process. I have missed this side of me tucked away under all of the productivity and planning. I am starting to feel that furor divinus returning. As a result I am starting to feel like myself again. So, I am proud of this part of my journey. It is hard. Sometimes it is really messy. But it is part of myself that brings joy. And I am a better person when I am being creative.
I started a new job, and I wish I hadn't fallen into old habits as fast. I'd like to be more on top of things and less reactive. I'm proud of taking a chance and moving onto the new job, because I'm much happier.
Hmm... this past year. Taken literally, I think that I would have sold the house instead of buying him out. It would have alleviated the stress of the whole remodel (it would have been on him as well) and allowed me a fresh start and also not put the responsibility of staying in the school district clearly on my shoulders (he would have had to be aware of this as well). I feel like I took on much more emotional burden of housing during the divorce.
I wish I had been more opened to new peoole, especially young men. I feel that my coldness pushes them away and I’ll end up utterly alone. I think I’ll catch a cold from the ice inside my soul.
I wish I stayed in closer contact with my dad and my son (different situations, different reasons). I am proud that we completed a kitchen remodel and stayed married. I am also proud that I've been working actively to reduce usage of disposable things like plastic forks, straws, cotton and paper products.
Oh. I sort of answered this yesterday. I wish I had dwelled in shame less, particularly while underemployed. I wish I had ended things better when I recognized they weren't going to work out. Job offer that I didn't accept. Quasi-friendship with significant ex. Friendship with OM. I am proud of myself that I waited for a job that paid me what I deserve, and that I negotiated up when I was given a low offer.
You know what? I’m proud I took my mental health seriously enough to go to the hospital. Actually I’m not sure I noticed as much as others did, but I’m proud of the work that experience has brought. I wish I would have handled some work stuff differently. I wish I could have pushed Mary more about recovery but overall, I think it all played out the only way it could.
I feel like my regrets every year have to do with things I could have done but didn't. Truth I sometimes regret acting too quickly, but those instances are few and far between. I wish I had spent more time adventuring and less time waiting for an invitation. I wish I had put myself out there instead of waiting for someone to come in here. I want to meet new people and form new bonds. I want to find new best friends, new memories, new favorite hobbies. I want New next year.
I wish I would have taken better care of my mental and physical health. I’m proud of broadening my horizons and moving abroad, immersing myself in a new culture, and learning a new language.
I wish I hadn’t let fear and insecurity get in my way as much- I’m pretty damn good at diving in even in the face of fear- but I wish I had been more open with the love I really felt for him, while still keeping hold of my own self-worth. Coming into this next year, I will keep choosing my heart and my truth, bigger and bolder- if my heart breaks, it will repair. But I choose to love WIDE OPEN!!!
Glad my patent filing helped get May&Meadow up to $1M in funding. Turns out my working an upset with the funder through with the CEO was important in keeping this. And I am very pleased that I showed some gumption, and invited my newly 20 year old cousin to live with me, even though David was actively suicidal a few months before. A wise young woman counseled me that was the right thing to do. I do kinda regret spending $2K for hotels to see my lover, but this has turned out to be important to progress the relationship.
I wish I had been more patient with my husband, he has a difficult time figuring things out and I sometimes get frustrated. He also asked that we reduce the amount of travel we do but I ignored that until later this year, I hope it is easier for him,
Honestly, I wish I let myself enjoy it more. It took months to find a job. For my manifesting prayer to come through. For me to then decide. But all the while, I was ridden with anxiety. Was I not looking enough places, applying to enough locations? Was I being too lazy? Was I being too picky? I had a lot of free time, but the worry that I "should" be doing something else, like applying to more jobs, networking more, etc. -- kept me from making the most of my freedom. I also wish that I borrowed money soon (to alleviate worries about finances and spend more time dedicated to my spiritual/meditative practice and reflection. And wrote more. Yes, like every year, I wish I wrote more.
I wish I had started earlier losing weight to relieve the pain in my knees. I'm proud that I have lost 8 kg between April and September 2018
My biggest regret is not getting the thyroid thing sorted earlier. The penny dropped when I felt so bad on birthday week in 2017, and I actually called the doctors. They didn’t have any appointments that week and told me to call back. It wasn’t until I went to New York that I realised that something was really wrong. I would have loved to have been able to enjoy that holiday to its fullest instead of feeling tired, sick, sweaty. I did it again in October when my eye was really bad, and I just went to work. The doc gave me a proper ticking off for that. I need to listen to my body. Food, drinking and health is something I have to prioritise this year
I wish I hadn't been depressed and spent so much time doing nothing. There's not much I'm proud fact, I can't think of anything at the moment.
Take a moment - then react - especially with parents re soccer Delivering business demand - world record hiring year
This year was rough, as usual I could have made an effort to eat better but I can’t blame myself for comfort eating. Proud that I have kept several succulents alive, I guess!
I wish I got sober sooner but I am blessed the way it all worked out. I am proud of branching out in changing careers, maintaining my sobriety and my faith for our IVF journey.
I wish I had made more time for taking care of my own mental and physical health. I am proud, though, of maintaining my meditation practice and of my professional growth.
No. I made choices with the information available at the time. I'm proud that I moved to Mexico by myself, never having been to this area....after losing 2/3 of my heart due to heart attacks. And, I have to relocate because the location is too high for my blood pressure. I'm proud of owning my life.
I'm proud to have been able to channel the right kind of energy to put myself back on the right track after going pretty far down a very wrong path.
I went to work this year at a law office. I think I picked up the "drill" very well for someone who is 75 years old. It was challenging and I enjoyed it. The work came to a halt when real estate closings slowed down, but I hope they'll call me back this winter.
I wish I had not been so 'hysterical' during my two weeks with P. I am very proud of the fact that I started a website for my jewelry, and I've sold some pieces.
Despite how lucky I am to have the life I do, and the people that I care about, I feel like I could have done so many things differently. But I don’t know if it would have changed any outcomes. I can’t decide if there are just foxed points in time you’ll inevitably end up at no matter what. I do wish I’d gotten more of my shit together so I can find a new job and maybe move out, but of the little steps I did make to finding things and ways to be happy, I am proud.
I wish I had gotten off the couch more, either exercising or travelling or anything!!
I wish I hadn't been so critical of some of my kids and wife. I am proud that even though I have undergone a job change I am relatively calm and not letting it cloud over my whole life
I'm proud that I took challenging jobs that pushed me way out of my comfort zone this year, which helped me learn about a whole different side of life and grow as a person. If I could do one thing differently, I suppose I wish I hadn't complained SO much. Definitely both jobs were incredibly difficult and had some issues that were worth venting about, but I do wish I had focused a bit more on the positives.
While I have many regrets, I'm not sure if I really could have done things much differently last year and still found the level of peace and spiritual success that I have. So as for something I'm proud of...I'm still clean. 18 months and 1 day ago, I made the decision to stop using drugs and went searching for a new way of life. I rediscovered NA, and I started working the program for real. In the last 12 months, I've completed 6 steps, cultivated a meditation practice, and been of uninterrupted service to my NA home group. While I am not now, nor will I ever be, recovered, I have made my recovery my first priority, and I am working toward a new way of life each day. I have also discovered that seeking happiness leads me to disappointment, but seeking peace leads more to more moments of happiness and serenity.
Proud of going to counseling and working through how to have a good relationship.
I’m glad (proud) that I have initiated communication with our sister congregation in town to see how we can combine resources as both congregations are going through a transition. It takes an attitude of openness and willingness as well as courage to go beyond oneself to make changes!!
I'm really happy where I am in life. I've made some mistakes over the past year but I think the good I've done far outweighs the bad. I look forward to improving in this game we call life moving forward to better the lives of those around me in hopes that it will bring forth an even more fulfilling life full of love and happiness.
Something I wish I'd done differently is that I wish I had let my friends know more how much I care about them. I've had some dear friends move away this year and more who I rarely see, and I wish I'd been more attentive of a friend. One thing I'm especially proud of that I've done this year is quitting smoking! As of the time of this writing, I'm about 9 months smoke free.
I wish I had made more of an effort to reach out to people and create opportunities for connection and deep conversations. Overall, I feel that I am too "busy" with too many irons in the fire. I need to choose where I spend my time better and spend more of it with family and friends.
I’m really proud of my work ethic at Loft and J. Crew. I feel like I’ve adapted really well to the retail environment and I legitimately have fun at work. I hope I can apply what I’ve learned at work to my future teaching profession. I love that my self esteem can be boosted through my work environment- I’ve never had that before.
I wish that I could express my opinions without blustering so much that I might offend the listener. People start to listen to my bluster instead of the essence of what I have to say . I eventually feel that I have to apologize because I feel guilty about being offensive. This aspect of my discourse overwhelms any pertinent factors that may be relevant to the discussion. I have to control myself more to be heard in a way that I deem appropriate.
Something that I wished I had better looked after this past year was stayed aligned with my budget to pay off consumer debt.
Yes, I wish that we had come to the decision to move to hawaii before moving to Oregon, we would already be out there and started at this time. It has been frustrating trying to wait to get everything settled and spending a ton of money to get out this way when we could have been closer to our destination. Is there something I am proud of from this year? No not really, this has been a very difficult year but I am proud that we are still committed to each other, and still together and learning how to be a good team together.
I wish I had pushed through with more making this year for my thesis - I’m proud of a lot of the things I made but needed to do way more to communicate my ideas! So kinda feeling in the middle on this one, still lots to work on in my architectural pedagogy!
Kind of proud of how far I've come in my current job in just a year. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. It's normal that I come into a situation, figure out how it's done, then figure out how to do it better. Up until this job, I've only applied that process to smaller tasks. This time around, I'm applying it to a department. I'm also learning the other different between this type of process improvement and my previous types--my previous types were all things that I change how I do and go from there. This time around will involve me having to convince others that the change is necessary and good. And I'll have to find a diplomatic way to say, "Yes, I know you've always done it that way. That's why the department is where it is now. That way sucked."
I wish I had been a better mom and wife. I lost my temper too often, and made my husband and kids feel less valuable that they are. I brought home the stress from my job and put it on them, and that was unfair.
Proud of graduating with 7 internships under my belt and a great 4 years at school. I do wish I spend more time applying for real world jobs, but I know those will come and I have my whole life to work.
I wish I would have traveled more. I worked way to much and didn’t care what I spent my money on. I wish I had been more adventurous.
I wish I spoke my opinion more freely and confidently.
I wish - I always wish - I wouldn't procrastinate my work. I wish I loved my work. This has been a year of kindness to myself. I've exercised, lost weight, meditated, focused on my happiness.
I wish I would have been more tenacious in my love life. But I’m happy with how I’ve caried myself at work and the progress I’ve made in my career
i wish i had backed up my iPhone sooner. :( RIP iPhone 6. i'm proud of moving! although, it hasn't been easy, i'm glad i did it because i was not feeling great in/about Austin.
Maybe spend a bit more time with my mom. She is finally settling her boyfriend into a home and will be single again. Maybe I can create a card group with her, one evening a week. I have surging feelings about Mary. I love her, but from afar. She is to be commended for her fight against her demons. She did a lot of damage and I have had a real hard time of not caring. Early this year, I stopped doing my spirituality group after 25 years. I graduated. I was sure I would create a retired group of girls for a looser group meeting 2 times a month instead of weekly. Maybe instead I will invite each of them to do one on one lunch or a reunion of sorts. Proud? Not proud of my daughter, but I adore her. I love her loving side and her creativity, not her manic side. I wish we could live together. I will teacher her to respect me. I will respect her. Proud of my expertise. I love that I can help my family in the business.
Communicated better with my children and others. Took care of Jim. Took care of all the responsibilities that came my way.
I wish I would have kept up my meditation routine. I started meditating about 9 months ago and I was doing it nearly every day for a month or so. I slowed down to about once a week, and now it's only a monthly occurrence, if that. While I was meditating more frequently I was noticing an overall calmness and easy feeling about life. I think I stopped doing it because of the time commitment, but upon this reflection and reminding myself what it was like to meditate frequently, I will re-assess meditation and make more of an effort to introduce it back into my routine.
I’m proud that I have started my fitness journey. I’m excited to see where I will be in a year! I wouldn’t change anything because that’s what got me here. I’ve learned a lot.
I wish that I hadn't crumpled and let my world shrink down, that I had pushed out the walls of my life more, been braver, done more hard things, asked for more help to do hard things.
I wouldn't have done anything differently. I feel things brewing and I would not want to worry about the timing of things. They will be rolled out when the time is right. I think there is shift that is happening about the way I believe money should be manifesting into my life and how I can exchange my services. I know 2019 will be the year to go all out with what I am working on.
I am proud of the money I made last year and I wish I didn’t let this work issue escalate as long as I did. I am proud I nipped it in the bud when I did but I am having a hard time getting over anxiety and panic attacks because of it. Today Jay is at the ER because he passed out at the door and hit his head hard on the floor. He is being evaluated.
In general, I really try to not to regret any decisions or actions from the past because I see no point in dwelling on what's already happened. I've been proud of the connections and relationships that I've been able to deepen with some close friends. I'm fortunate to have a few really great people in my life right now and am working to make sure they know how much I appreciate their presence. This wasn't the case even a couple years ago, so it's notable for me.
Usually when I think about this question, there's no quantifiable way to express how something I would have changed would have affected what came after it. This year, though, I can think of something immediately: I got a 510 on my MCAT, which is considered competitive, though barely. I know that in x-number of years, no one (including me) will care what my MCAT score was, or my Step 1, or Step 2, or any other tests that may come after. I also know that I should be grateful that my score was as good as it was. But a part of me, at least right now, can't help being convinced that if I had worked harder I would have done better. And if I had done better, I wouldn't be filled with so much self-doubt on my applications right now (or maybe I would be--who knows). When I was studying, it was my usual M.O.: the further from the test I was, the more I would put off my studying, justifying it with "I still have plenty of time." I did this even though I had a concrete schedule ahead of me, crafted by the course I spent upwards of $2000 on (in fact, the thing that justified the cost to me most of all WAS that schedule and accountability), and the schedule wasn't unmanageable by any means. But I let myself get further and further behind, until the weeks leading up to the MCAT were filled with cramming and not retaining nearly as much as I should have. And about a month and a half before the test, the worst happened: I took a practice test and DID WELL ON IT. That, of course, made me completely complacent and I procrastinated even more, and only took one or two more practice tests after that, rather than taking one weekly like my original plan had been. I wish that I had more of a drive in me to be better, not to assume I'm already great at things and that I don't need to put in the work. And I hope that the fact that I am this way doesn't hurt my chances at med school. AND, even if I get into med school, I hope I can train myself out of this complacency, because med school is going to eat me alive if I can't.
My reputation on discussions on Facebook continues to grow. It does not mean that I solve all problems, but it does mean that others tend to discuss those issues in a civil manner and when some do not, others point this out. I need to be more active when it is evident that others are not willing/available to champion a cause but, at the same time, understand that my resources are limited and not everything can be done. Is the house still not done? Yes, but I'm less worried about that. It will get done, some day.
I wish I had paused more before I talked. I wished I had remembered that I can learn more from others than my own voice.
I wish I had been more brave and gone on more dates in the past year. I’m proud of buying my new apartment. I’m proud that I’ve come out to a colleague. I’d like to come out to more colleagues in the future, when the moment feels right. To have that strength and belief in my own self worth, not to care so much about what others think.
Differently probably would be to stand up for myself at all costs but I ended up doing it anyway and I’m so proud of myself. My only regret is doing it later. There’s something liberating about stepping into your power. It’s awful the way it happened but I fear absolutely nothing.
Wow. I honestly wish I had done so much differently this past year. I let myself slip super deeply into a debilitating depression. I allowed myself to be abused, taken advantage of, treated with so much disrespect in the work place. I allowed my male investors to discriminate against me based on both my gender and race. I pushed away one of the people closest to me because I was hurt and confused and so so sad. Things that I'm proud of: I moved across the country (finally!) and said fuck it to all of the situations and people that were tearing me down. I followed my heart and gave it away to a human more generously and more vulnerably than I ever thought possible for me. I learned. I applied and got into grad school. I opened my own studio. I realistically started to build my nonprofit. I got sponsored by amazon. I did a ton of amazing stuff both personally and professionally. I got published in YJ. I did a ton of yoga commercials. I made a yoga video. I allowed myself to love someone.
I'm happy with my life. Clear schedule, finances in order, seeing friends and family. All good. I led the Sisterhood Shabbat service in May. I gave a drash on B'midbar, beginning of Numbers. It went very well. Lots of participation. Great music, Amy leading. Free to write the Book!
Oh dang. I dunno! This year has been a long slow slide toward separating from my wife. I guess, in retrospect, I wish I had gotten off cruise control earlier and recognized that the inevitable separation was coming, and positioned myself better to be ready for it. I wish I hadn't spent so much time just hoping that somehow it would all work out in the end.
No regrets, and no spectacular accomplishments. I would always like to have taken more trips/vacations. In the past year, we went to Los Angeles to visit our two sons who have been living out there for the past few years, and last month we spent a lovely, long weekend in Rhode Island, but otherwise we have stayed put. I am excited that we have a trip to Hawaii planned this month, and to Belize in December, joining my sister and her husband at both of those locations.
I really wish I had decided to go to therapy earlier. I started out dealing with the workload really well, but like always, it slips and slips until I feel like I'm living right on the edge, and that's where I stay. And that's not a nice way to live. I'm proud that I started it at least though - it's made me feel more stable for sure. Coming to grips with the fact that therapy isn't something just for people who are already falling apart was a journey, and I'm glad I was finally able to accept help.
Something I'm especially proud of this past year is that I finally made the leap into a higher job category and I'm learning so much! My career is really taking off. Although, I would love to find balance between heavy amounts of work with staying in shape. I hardly have time for exercise. This part, I need to figure out.
J'aurais voulu trouver le courage de changer ma vie personnelle plus vite. Je suis fier et heureux de ne pas avoir hésité à m'engager quand j'ai rencontré la femme de ma vie
I wish that I'd been gentler in several instances and less impatient. I'm proud of having shifted from ready anger when frustrated to using lovingkindness meditation to wish good things for someone, and in the process, soothe myself.
I am proud of myself for purging all my teaching materials from my file cabinet and letting go of textbooks. It's a way of telling myself there's no turning back from retirement to accepting a class or two in the future. OK, I left myself an out with digital files moved off my laptop but onto a hard drive. As a secondary "achievement," I did begin the sorting and decluttering I said I wanted to do once I retired. Both are small in the larger scheme of life but were important for me.
I wish I had been honest about my feelings sooner. Maybe I could have saved myself the hurt. Maybe I’d have been in a better place now. I’m proud I stood up for myself and put my foot down. Im glad I went for the job I didn’t think I’d get and I got it.
I’m very proud of the garden I created this year as a gift to the Mother. Nature responds so enthusiastically to Love!
I wish I hadn't come off my antidepressants when everything was going well, and had been more proactive in looking after my mental health. But I'm proud of all the hard work I've put into looking after myself in the difficult times that ensued.
I dont use my time wisely.
I wish I had gotten myself to the doctor sooner. Maybe I wouldn’t had needed surgery if I did. Or, at the very least, the surgery could have happened sooner I wouldn’t have had to cancel a vacation that I had been looking forward to very much.
I'm very proud of closing two major deals where the strategy and negotiation were entirely driven by me, and took a great deal of problem-solving and perseverance.
I feel like I really pulled it together professionally and personally so that I am thriving more at work AND at home! I feel like I really lost my ambition and ability to be a good employee as I was learning how to be a new parent. Now I think I'm back to doing awesome at work, and doing the best I can at home.
Je change de travail.. je pars chez Axa. Toujours pas un poste de manager.. est ce que je n’aurais pas du chercher un poste de manager directement ? Est ce qu’on me l’aurait donné ? Je me suis précipitée .. peut être. Dès qu’on me montre un peu d’attention, je fonce.. c’est comme ça et ça l’a tjs été. Et dans tous les domaines de ma vie. Pourquoi ? Est ce que c’était le moment pour un changement de vie ? Est ce que j’aurais du insister auprès de Slim pour qu’on tente l’aventure à l’étranger dont je rêve depuis si longtemps ? La fierté ce n’est pas nécessairement mon point fort .. encore une fois peut être juste l’organisation de mon mariage . Avoir prouvé à mes parents que c’était possible .. quand ils pensaient que ça ne l’était pas ou pas vraiment...
I'm glad I did a good job of taking care of myself this year. I really needed it.
Breastfeeding my daughter. She grew so much in her first 5-6 months, eating exclusively breastmilk. It's fun watching her explore new solid foods now, but I am especially proud that I was her only food source for those early months.
I am especially proud of my children for embracing change and opening up to new ideas, new friends, new experiences.
I am proud of being honest in my work, in not complaining about my customers. I wish I would take more action on dietary issues, it’s juts so hard...
I wish I had been open about my boundaries and anxieties, instead of lying and making excuses to get out of things and/or being angry during and after. I owe it to myself to set boundaries; I’m an adult (-in training), and I have every right to be honest about what activities or events are outside of my comfort zone, emotionally and financially. I deserve to push the envelope to pursue my own happiness.
I am proud of myself for coming out to my family as gay and not being afraid to be who I am.
I wish I would have been less stressed about unexpected changes and trusted things would work out.
I wish I had spent more time outside and being active. I wish I had "felt the fear and done it anyway." I wish I had loved my husband more in the way he wants to be loved. I wish I had focused more seriously on my own health. It gets more difficult every year. I'm also proud of having faced a lot of demons and having done things I didn't think I could do. I settled us into a new town in a small community in a foreign country without any help. And I did it well. I signed up for and have successfully completed a course that I didn't think I had the skills for. I have taken steps towards launching my business even though I have no idea what I'm doing and am scared as hell. But I have faith that I can do it and things will work out.
I wish that I had taken more time for self reflection. I'm the kind of person who is always in action mode, and I mistook that for effectiveness. I believe I could have been more effective had I spent more time honing my personal feelings and attitudes, and digging deep on my biases and problem areas. I'm proud that I've recognized this and have made changes in my own behavior to do more self-reflection.
Recently, I have been a bit quick to get frustrated with people at home and at work. I didn't realize how this was affecting people until it was pointed out to me. I would like to work on being more patient and calmer this year.
Something I wish I'd done differently - Interestingly, nothing comes to mind. Is that okay? Is that right? It doesn't seem like me. I wish I started taking SSRIs earlier in the year, I wish I took more charge of my mental health and knew how to move my intention to action. It may be telling that my regrets are more about what I didn't do than what I did do. Something I'm proud of this year - I made it through. I didn't give up. I didn't finish in exactly the way I wished I could have, but I finished. Sometimes that in itself is the battle.
I wish I had worked less, or quit while I was so miserable here. I wish I had visited my grandparents more often. I'm proud I kept the office running. I'm proud I went to so many local activities.
I'm proud of presenting at the CANP conference, starting RNFA training, chairing the APRN council. Also for throwing together a low-drama DIY wedding. I don't know if there's something specific I wish I'd done differently. In general I wish I hadn't been flaky. I wish I'd spent my weekends making friends, being in nature, making art. I feel like I haven't made anything this year. not even cooked dinner. I feel stagnant. I wish I'd started the marriage app with Alex sooner, I wish we'd had more conversations sooner. I'm hiding my feelings alot. I'm glad I learned I am an HSP/INFJ because it gives me some words. I wish I hadn't complained so much. I wish I'd been truer to myself as a creative, a lover, a catalyst.
Guilt level is lower- less angst. I always feel guilty, as if I had done something wrong. This is probably because I know I never should have been born, I was unwanted by my mother at least and this must communicate to the unborn baby. This year seems to have been a fog of not feeling well, but not knowing why or what to do about it. I guess I should be proud of having survived yet again. Glad I helped the refugees a little bit, sorry I couldn't do more.
I wish I didn't let myself stress over saying good bye to Tennessee, to friends, to my ex. To just give myself some credit for doing all this by myself.
I’m proud that my husband and I came back together after being separated for a year. I’m proud that we are working hard to rebuild our marriage and stabilize our family. I feel like we are getting a second chance, even though it’s hard. I wish I had the courage to call a time out and separate earlier, because it has forced us to grow and rebuild in a healthy way.
The year started with surgery and heal issues have been center stage much of the year. Have continued to take classes in ceramics and woodworking -- love my time in the studio/shop. Have not been successful in finding "me" time or learning to relax. Still stressed. But I am very pleased with one thing I have done in the last 12 months. First, I have been active in a political campaign in an effort to replace our congresswoman and to return this country to sanity. Win or lose, I have not sat on the sidelines. My new found activism has moved beyond giving money and voting (although both are important). I have been supporting the front line volunteers and the candidate.
Something I wished I had done differently was that whole nastiness with Todd, which he seems to have made into more than it’s worth (reflected in deleting me from his response to a group text). That said, it is something I am prone too – disbelief about what someone is saying/sharing followed by prolonged questioning. I’m not sure if that’s the best description of it but I should be more aware of it when I am doing it in conversation. Re being proud, I think I am quite proud of my role in producing the health and safety handbook – Here’s How. Probably won’t have much of an impact in the long run, but it did get some nice accolades and is a useful contribution (if used). Also pleased/proud to have played a significant role in getting Pete/TCWC to form the Living Wage Working Group, which he has done a great job of organizing, and still in my view holds the best chance of actually getting a Local LW Law, though I still question how likely that is to happen. Continue to be proud of the contributions of the Robin Fund to so many working families which I continue to put a lot of effort into. Also very proud that Carol and I went to Montgomery in the spring for the Equal Justice Initiative Peace & Justice Summit and the grand opening of the Legacy Memorial and Civil Rights museum. It was an honor to be part of that and a great experience; and I was also pleased with the blog post we sent around. Also pleased that Carol and I did the MBSR program (mindfulness based stress reduction) and have added a 15 minute meditation to our yoga routine.
I've wounds from very long ago and, as a result, to this day, I don't treat myself respectfully. I want that to change.
Oh jeez, this question. As usual, same answer to both. I took another health system job in Kenya and it was so incredibly wonderful and so thoroughly traumatizing. I wish I had said no but I am also so glad I got the opportunity to see myself in action. I needed more boundaries. But god damn, I did some fine work. I’m so proud of that. And so excited to do better next time.
I wish I had handled my finances better. I am very proud of a special project that I completed successfully even though I wasn't given adequate time to work on it.
Still working on getting healthier in all areas of my life. Still working on consistency and organization. Was re-elected to be my TOP’S chapter leader for a second term. I’m not giving up on myself.
There is nothing I would have done differently but there is something I am extremely proud of. I am proud of getting hired for my dream job and reaching the top level of my career which I never dreamed I could do at 28!
I wish I had continued working out. But I am proud that during a summer of fun I have maintained my 70+ lb weight loss.
Even more than last year, I took full ownership of my experience in college. To create an additional opportunity for community organizing, I made an independent study for myself focusing on Dynamics of Activism and Grassroots Movements. It was an incredible experience, and my favorite class so far. It also lead me to become a leading member of Dub C For Our Lives Coalition, and artfully execute and moderate a Town Hall. The experience was thrilling. Finally, I spent the entire year organizing my junior year in Prague, Czech Republic. Studying abroad is my dream, and it took such careful planning to make his happen, for which I'm extremely proud. It was an immense project in itself, and every day I'm here, I remember how I got myself here. It makes the experience that much sweeter.
I wish I had been more patient - with my students, my co-workers, my husband. I wish I had shown up more - when I said I would, and when I knew it was the right thing to do. Finally, I wish I had taken better care of myself mental health-wise. I have allowed myself to get more and more isolated despite having friends who like being with me. Why am I not reaching out? I need to figure this piece out.
I’m not sure what, if anything, I would have done differently this past year. I generally feel pretty confident that the decisions and choices I make are the right ones for the time. For example, I don’t like my job, but I didn’t have any better alternatives, so I’d still accept the offer again.
Over the past year it's been a bit rocky. So rocky that I didn't even take the time to reflect last year. It's funny, though, when I look at the events of last year I do not believe I would have done things differently. Everything I have done has led me here. Through some course or another I am happier now than I have been in a long time.
Yes -- I wish I hadn't overeaten so much so that I am very over-weight now. I am proud that I have $6000 saved and it's September. Usually by now I would be having to use my credit card to get by. I moved this year to a cheaper apartment to put the difference toward getting rid of my credit card debt. Unfortunately my weight is still a battle for me. It's the same story every year.
I wish I didn't lie to myself when I saw red flags. There were so many problems early on with my ex-boyfriend (J) -- communication issues, the "rape" joke -- and I decided to let things go because I liked him. I believed him when he said that the joke was just a one off, but it became clear a few months later that that's how he speaks and thinks, and he's ok with it. He also did not appreciate me, put me first, or overall treat me right, and I made a lot of excuses for him. I think you can learn something from every relationship, and here I'm learning that people truly do show their true colors early. If I ever cry or have a panic attack because of something a guy sent to me, then I should cut my losses and move on. I deserve better!
I don’t think there is anything I would have done differently except move through my emotions/emotional life faster and I don’t think that would have been possible. I am very proud of my kids and myself for making it through the past three years. With Ellie’s graduation, I feel like we are all moving into a new chapter of life. My fears were largely unfounded. My kids and I are connected. We are a family, not just a family with one person missing- like a family unit with its own history, way of being, traditions, jokes etc... While Bob’s death will always be there with us, I feel like its just one (big) data point among many not the only data point. I mostly feel like we can and have and will continue to go forward with our lives and those lives will be good. I guess I am proud that we all have made it this far and are in good places.
I wish to stay calm. I wish to not talk about negative things about others but to really look for even one small good thing in those same people, and to remember that what I resist/deny instead of responding to in a solution oriented way, or with acceptance, will persist and build annoyance, impatience and anger. This is what I wish I did differently more of this year.
I wish I had finally started some of my target healthy habits like going to the gym or stretching. But I did do a better job of tracking my goals weekly and monthly and -- until I broke my wrist -- I was making progress. Where I wasn't, I clearly understood why not.
I'm proud of committing to my work in a big way: money, time, presence. I'm all in. Experiencing great effort with a sense of ease for the first time in my life, at the age of 63.
I wish I had found a way to focus on me more than I did - still working on that.
I wish I had found a way to not let our diametrically opposed political opinions put distance between my sister and myself. I'm proud that I stepped away from my church for the last year, exploring my own faith outside of the trappings of "organized religion". It's made my faith much stronger!
I'm sure there are many things I wish I had done differently this past year (or I wouldn't need to do teshuva!) but what comes to mind is that I wish I had been more tolerant, less judgmental and kinder. I am working on this but need to do better. And rather than alternatively, why not in addition? I am especially proud of all the Elul work including many apologies that I did to prepare for the HHD this year. It helped a lot even though I am still "...Completely Unprepared". It is an ongoing journey.
I think I'm going to answer both! In terms of what I might do differently, I wish I had treated some of my students differently; that I had been more patient, more understanding, more loving with those who pushed my buttons. And okay, I wish I'd exercised more. I am proud, however, of participating and completing the 150 miles in 150 days of running, and for the runs that I participated in. And I'm pretty proud of scaling the glacier on vacation as well as hiking to the Mt. Rose summit with Beth.
I am proud of doing the acro yoga teacher training and continuing to invest time in my own yoga and movement practice. I am proud of the way Alex and I handled our 'conscious unfriending'. We are, for now at least, not in each other's life - but we both left the friendship with warmth and kindness. And I am proud that I continue to have the tough conversations with friends and with colleagues to move us all towards a more inclusive and kinder society - which includes holding a mirror to my own actions and biases. There is nothing I wish I had done differently. Even the occasional bad decisions are ones I learn from.
I wish I had made self care a priority sooner. Alternatively, I'm proud of how far I've come in terms of knowing what I need and what a sustainable balance point is - I think the progress I've made is manifesting in a more genuine, loving, and joyful version of myself.
Always: being proactive about building relationships. But also, being better at saying no. I took on too many things (especially last fall!!), and I struggled so hard to feel successful at any of them. It's okay to say no and to lose out on opportunities - because more opportunities will always come. So now I'm working on just the one thing (new job!), and focusing on doing that to the best of my ability, and not feeling scared of work to the point where I am too anxious to start. Just focus, do my best, work on being kinder to myself and taking care of myself, and then enjoy the downtime. Trust the process. Good things will come
I'm proud of having the perspective and courage to terminate a job that was not well aligned with my lifestyle and career priorities. I did this when I was burned out and facing final weeks of wedding planning, making me more scared of doing something that felt daring a more than a little foolhardy. I was frightened to walk away from security and felt guilty about letting my colleagues first. But I trusted the people in my life (myself included) to marry intuition with sense and values-aligned action to bring about positive transition in my life.
I wish I had been more understanding with my children instead of overbearing and controlling I can’t make any excuses for myself other than I’m glad that they forgive me I want them to have confidence in themselves and have good self-esteem and know that the problem has always been mine not theirs
I wish that I'd not tried to keep going back to that job. I wish that I'd found a way to quit while still making money so that I wouldn't have suffered so much horrible pointless bullshit as a result of being at that job. It's just not worth it, and teachers can always talk themselves into the "greater good" narrative where you're fighting the Man and making the world a better place, when really basically no one will remember me there and the kids, parents, and staff are almost universally arseholes. Having a panic attack every single day is NOT NORMAL. Maybe other teachers will read this. PLEASE know that it is not normal. Get out and do your good work elsewhere. I am proud that I've gotten so good at crochet.
There are so many things I wish I had done differently. I wish I hadn't stressed so much about the things I couldn't control and spent so much time comparing myself to others. I wish I had been more grateful for what I had and more present in each moment. I think I tried really hard to do all of these things in the moment, and did a decent job, but I definitely could have done better. I wish I had been easier on myself and taken more time to acknowledge what I was doing well, instead of dwelling only on where I fell short. I also wish that I had been nicer to my parents in many moments. I love them so much, and it's only because I know them so well and feel so comfortable around them that I sometimes get a little bit too unfiltered around them and don't go out of my way enough to be kind and grateful. One thing I'm especially proud of from this past year, though, is my passion and persistence to succeed and chase my dreams. I applied to 75 jobs across the country, and I managed to get the one I wanted most, which was also the one I was least likely to get. I'm also proud of how I treated me friends, even when they didn't always reciprocate. I've never been one to have a million best friends, but I have a few really great ones, and I'd do anything for them (and I think they know that).
I wish I would have been more organized this past year. Also wish I would have started my guitar lessons to prepare for my 50th B day celebration. I am proud that I was able to spend so much time with my son this past year. I also proud I was able to coach at FJA for my son senior year. It is very rewarding to work and volunteer with high school kids and help develop their character.
I wish I did a better job managing my finances. I’m extremely proud to have completed all of my first year requirements!
I am very happy with how much I have painted this last year. I have made a lot of good relationships through art, and through music. I have also solidified my role if the local UU church. I think relationship building is what I am most happy about this past year.
I am so proud of all the progress I've made professionally - defining goals, and making real strides towards accomplishing them. Even if I'm not in a PhD program at this time next year, I will have changed my life in ways that make me very proud.
I had a really stressful year last year, and I'm pretty proud of how well I handled it. If I hadn't been struggling with depression and some other ongoing medical stuff, I certainly could have been more productive, but given what I had to work with, I think I did a good job. I had great teaching evaluations in all of my classes, had several successful conference presentations, and managed to keep my dojo alive single-handedly. That's pretty damn good for being constantly exhausted and overwhelmed!
I am proud of myself for learning to do my own thing and be my own person. I stopped caring about what anyone else had to say about my career aspirations and major and learned that it is my life and I can do whatever makes me happy. By being confident in myself and my decisions, people began to accept that they had no influence over my decisions.
It's mostly the work stuff. I wish I could have made it work. And I'm still wondering if I should leave my marriage, so I wish I could have made a decision.
I wish that I had thought through what I said before I said it more. I can think back to so many things that I have said that I shouldn’t have and that I could have avoided saying if I had just taken a second to think about it. I also wish that I had been more responsible when trying to get places on time and when trying to make time for school work. I would really like to work on that this new year. Alternatively, I am very proud of one time when my friend was in public and something uncomfortable for her was going on and I did something to make her feel less awkward. That was a moment where I felt that I was a really good friend and I did something nice for someone. I am also very proud of my test and overall school grades.
I passed the hardest Japanese language proficiency test, culminating over a decade of study. I feel very grateful to all the people that helped me along the way to achieving this one, and also very inspired that I managed to achieve a goal that I have been working towards for half of my life. I started learning Japanese basically because all of my friends thought it would be an impossible challenge. It became my thing and I gained confidence in my skills, but there was always a new hurdle standing in the way of proving that I was good enough at it. I began studying Japanese because there were lots of people I wanted to talk to, and I am naturally more of a speaking/listening focused person. Because of this, the reading and writing parts of learning the language were an uphill battle, especially since this is what tests prioritize. Now when people ask, I can hold respond without any caveats, "Yes, I can speak Japanese."
Nothing comes to mind in particular. My entire life is a mistake, an endless series of errors.
I wish I had spent more time and concentration about learning the issues. Turned off the news and really focused in on the issues I care about. Digging deeper, instead of skimming.
I wish I had more consistently applied everything I learned in the NAMI Family to Family course I took this winter. I will work hard on that during the coming year. I am very proud that I have added two more continents to my Bucket List. I have now visited N America- Europe- Africa - Asia. This summer I climbed the Great Wall of China in 103 degree heat - and I feel very proud that I didn’t quit, I made it to the top!
a) I suppose I wish that I had gone through with my plan to get my temps again. Maybe if I had, I would have my license by now. b) I am proud of the fact that I have officially been working at the café for 1 1/2 years now. And I'm now working in the store too. :)
I wish I would have been kinder to myself and less judgmental of my course in life. I’ve been realizing how stifled I am emotionally and beginning to unravel that will take time. I need to grant myself the space to grieve for the person I could have been if the people, places, and situations in life had been other than they were. I am especially proud of how disciplined I am becoming in working through emotions. It has taken a while to get here but through daily meditations I am going with the flow a lot more. This year I got an impressive job through diligence, completed some of my masters, moved houses, and started a meaningful relationship with a woman. All of this is allowing me to experience life more fully. Experiencing life more fully is what I am most proud of.
Naturally, being a reasonably conscientious human, there are plenty of regrets I have for my colourful performance over the past year. Shy from committing life scarring wrongs, I do wish I hadn't smoked as many cigarettes as I have, lost patience with my kids and yelled, used Netflix as a delightful dummy, indulged in plastic straws, enjoyed extensive wallowing in negative feelings, guiltlessness at not working as hard or well as I know I could have, dusting and mopping too infrequently, extending relationships which reeked of staleness aware that I secretly enjoyed the drama of slow, painful operatic deaths... Happily, I didn't do anything morally reprehensible, or legally objectionable like burying bodies in shallow graves or swindling people out of their life savings. I do look forward to improving on the above, (well the above above- save the improvement of soil depth) especially now you can easily get those papery sort of straws and feel less guilty, as apparently I am meant to, about any trees being cut down to service my need to daintily sip rather than any nasty uncultured gulping. But I've plenty to be proud of. I've become better at supporting friends without investing in their choices, better at enjoying and raising my kids to be healthy, kind, self-aware, moral humans, quicker at recognising poor qualities in potential mates I historically gravitate to, better at accepting the bits of people I used to judge, and overall earned more money than the previous year to pay the bills. I didn't accomplish anything groundbreaking, nor did I destroy anything I or anyone else values. I managed to accomplish growing up just a little bit more and appreciate living freely and more indulgently..
I'm proud of returning to University to complete my second year, after taking temporary witgdrawal. I was nervous that people who judge me, and there was a few awkward situations. People definitely looked at me differently after they realised how ill I'd been. However I knew my dream of becoming a teacher was worth more then people judging me regarding a mental health crisis. I did loose friends because of it, some people were very unkind. However I'm proud of the fact that I invested in other friendships, grew closer to my family, and ultinatelly begun forging a path that I knew would make me happy. Sometimes awful situations happen, but it's how you pick yourself up that matters. And I'm proud that I did so with grace.
Exercise more and stuck to my healthy diet. I was doing pretty well for about a month or so. Kept up with my blogs. I just wish I could motivate myself to get back to blogging! Kept up with the podcast I launched in June for Audiomo. Unfortunately I didn't even though it was a lot of fun! Periscope is offering audio only streaming, so maybe I'll do some of that. Worked on my 2018 goals more. Next year I'm only going to focus on a few areas and make lists monthly. I'm also going to try and build habits that will keep me going.
Helped refugees
Isn't there some saying about never knowing when you'll say goodbye to someone for the last time? Yeah. That. I wish I had treated every goodbye like my last, and let people know how much I loved and cherished them. I'm better about it now.
I am especially proud of having started graduate school and having completed my first semester (Summer 2018) with flying colors. Going back to school at 43 is difficult, but I view it as a challenge that I know is necessary in order to compete in today's job market.
I wish i had surrounded myself with better people so i could expand on my goals to benefit me & my family.
I'm proud of the way I've grown as a teacher and as a musician this year. I've taken on a student teacher who is doing very well, and I've had positive feedback about my mentoring from other teachers. My quartet is putting on a concert this Sunday that we've worked hard for, and I'm so proud of the music we're making together. I'm absolutely loving being musically involved in the community as well, playing in the orchestra and in musicals!
This gave me chills. Two years ago we knew my mother was developing dementia, but I had know idea how rapidly it would progress. I had said that year that I wished I was more patient with her. This year, I’m especially proud of how my sister and I handled my Dad’s illness and death. And we were still there for my mom. What a journey.
I suppose there are always little things you wish you'd done differently - said this instead of that; did that not this - but when I reflect on the big things, the big moments, of the past year, I am actually pretty content. I may not always have been my most eloquent, my most effective, but for the most part, things turned out ok. For a recovering perfectionist, this is a HUGE leap for me. I've made peace with the thought that sometimes "just good enough" IS actually "good enough". I'm human, fallible, and I will stumble many times along my path, but its the getting up that I'm most proud of this year.
It took me so long to decide to move to colorado, and i was so unhappy and paralyzed while I did that. I wish i could have known faster, or trusted the process better? Just been less freaked and anxious maybe i could have also been a better/more honest partner. At the same time...idk. There were choices i could have leaned into, and I didnt. Also, we'll see how this whole denver thing works out!
I wish I had tried harder to meet new people and do new things in Gainesville. It took a lot of effort and will to do pretty basic human things like get dressed or go outside or eat lunch so I think I ended up having to set a routine to make sure I did do those basic human things and it didn’t leave me with much energy or capacity for getting to the other fun life things. I guess I just don’t really know how to make friends and need to really try if that’s something I want. Which I do. I also wish I had taken more advantage of everything that UF has to offer and not felt so rushed to get out of there. But that’s the decision I made. I’m simultaneously proud of myself and regretful for graduating early.
A little more than a year, but I’m proud of my transition back into clinic and how I’ve retained - even built - my knowledge in my absence. It’s all come back so naturally and so easily it’s made me realise how much better my life would’ve been if I’d never left. Still, you only learn that by doing it. Of course, with every patient, however successful and however much they heap praise on me, I can always be even better, and that endeavour has given new focus to me. All the wasted and damned effort I put in to the worthless and damaging distractions when I could’ve directed it here, where it’s valued and valuable. Such a waste.
I am proud to be on a personal journey. I've begun deeper conversations with those I trust. Both emotionally and spiritually, I'm looking to free myself of "What did I do wrong?" or "How has the universe betrayed me?" I'm not in a rush. I'm going to be patient and while I search, I will also be open to the universe sending answers to me. Also, this moment in time has been a huge growth for me both personally and professionally. I've learned a lot about myself through experiences that I found both rewarding and challenging. I'm in more control of my resentment, anger, jealousy and have found new ways to deal with what I had previously thought of as injustice. Sitting alone in shul today gave freedom, not frustration, meditation, not mumbling, inspiration, not imposter.
Completion of Kimmel Pavilion
I took a risk and dated. I found someone I could love. He didn't love me back but I'm proud of myself for taking a risk and dating. Even if it didn't turn out the way I wanted I'd been closed off for so long it felt good to let someone in.
Should have handled finances mo bettah
Jesus fucking christ, 10Q. Yes. There is A LOT I wish I had done differently this past year. I wish I wouldn't have repressed all of my emotions. I wish I wouldn't have let fear win. I wish I would have seen what was right in front of me instead of trying to change it to fit some ideal and romanticized mold. I wish I would have been brave enough to stare at myself and challenge her and GET BETTER before it cost me everything. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm finally HERE, but FUCK, Universe. Could you have been a little kinder?? Could Mercury have been in retrograde a LITTLE LESS FUCKING FREQUENTLY? I held so tightly to anything and everything that I knew I was going to lose and that just made the loss that much more dramatic AND traumatic. Because I can't hold that which isn't mine. Never could. Never will. The only thing I CAN do is accept and appreciate that which comes to me, for as long as it's able to stay. Everything goes. Everything changes. We can't take any of it with us.
Hmmm, this is a tough one. I have made many mistakes this year, but I am not sure if I would want to do it differently because I would miss out on opportunities to learn something new. That being said, I wish that I would not rush to respond and take time to think more before I respond. That seems to be a recurring theme. I am especially proud of myself for starting my own business. I am also happy that I am accepting myself warts and all.
I wish I had listened to my body more closely and not tried to push myself beyond my limitations. Problems with my health (mental and physical) are not something to be in denial of.
I should have taken exercise more seriously and followed through on last year's resolution. I keep thinking it's something I'll do when "this or that condition" is in place - typical procrastinator in matters not central to who I am. The matter is, however, important to the future exercising o who I am - and will thus contribute to whom I am becoming.
Something I wish I had done differently: I wish I had been less defensive when going to my inlaws for Pesach in 2018, but I still resent feeling like they hover over and are a negative influence on my kids.
Funny- I still think about my mother and what could have been and all those things I wish I had done better. But as Mae Green says- don't worry about yesterday. The important thing is to make today a better day. Wishes- but no regrets. I am proud of what my children have accomplished. I guess my efforts to get progressive democrats in office gives me a sense of pride. Back in the day it was yelling, mop behavior, and not much doing. Now, by working in campaign offices I am taking the quieter but more productive route. It will be interesting to see what happens and what I can report.
I wish that I had been more decisive earlier on with J about his responsibilities around the house. I'm happy for the things he does, but a lot of it is him doing what he feels like rather than working with me to contribute to what we all need. I'm disappointed in myself that I end up taking up the slack for others and feeling burdened rather than having the hard conversations and getting support. I wish I was doing that differently. I need to find the courage, the starting point, to make a change in that area.
I wish that I'd acted on my instinct at the start of last year. That, when I felt things were not right with Sami, that I had acted swiftly to move her on to her parent's house. That, rather than attempting to wrap her in cotton wool and support her through her supposed cancer that I actually stop up and contacted her parents, that I reached out to her friends, that I spoke to her supposed counsellors and doctors about her supposed illness. She faked cancer to me and everyone else for over 3 years, she was a drug addict who may have once been ill but really wasn't that sick. She was a rampant drug user. She was manipulative, she was equally caring and considerate or maybe this was simply a veneer for her deception. There is a tsunami of emotions and thoughts I feel and to be honest, I'm not sure my answer here will present the true gravity of the hurdles I have faced, not only this year but in the past 3 years. I wish I had trusted my initial judgement of her character. Se sounded too good to be true, full of promise ingratiating others, the question is why there was a need to do this and how this translated into a huge hidden Crystal Meth addiction. One that left my family broken, financially challenged and me with loads of unanswered questions. I a,m usually a great judge of character, this time my bullshit detector was off.
I’m really proud of how much I tuned into and did what my body needed during my pregnancy (stretching, physical therapy, myofascial release, swimming, etc.) and I hope to keep that focus on my physical health and mental health in this coming year.
Not spend money.
I am proud of the work I did with the Renegades film The Requiem. It is because of the little parts that every person contributed that Walter Koenig got to share his vision of how he wanted his Star Trek character's story arc to end. The final product is an enjoyable keepsake.
I wish I have done differently this past year is finding more confidence in myself. Truly forgiving yourself and loving for who you are is one thing but finding the confidence and who your voice is important to living life to its fullest. I'm proud from this past year that I had the courage to propose to my soul mate. That is a sense of confidence but there's also a side of truly feeling comfortable under your own skin is important.
I wish I had been more open and vulnerable and hadn't taken myself so seriously. I wish I had worked harder on being comfortable with myself and let myself reach my full potential instead of being afraid of success.
I wish I had had the courage to tell my then fiancé that I had a lot of doubt surrounding our future marriage. I wish I had been brave enough to bring up my concerns BEFORE he proposed and certainly sooner than I did after he proposed. Almost a year of engagement passed before I finally had the courage to stand up and tell him that I was concerned. Our relationship didn’t survive but in a way, I’m thankful because I’m in a much better place physically, emotionally, and spiritually now. I just wish I had done it sooner. Life is too short to be unhappy.
Part of me wants to say that I wish I had done more with my maternity leave, but that's not entirely fair. My fully-functioning and not-sleep-deprived self marvels a bit at how all I did was keep my baby (and myself) alive for three months... but it was damn hard, and folks who accomplish anything more than that must be superhuman. So, let me spin this differently. I wish I had found a way for my husband and me to each have a minimum of 12 weeks paid leave (and ideally more like 16+), and afterward, I wish I could somehow logistically and financially have had the ability to pause my workday to nurse and have a caregiver to do every other aspect of baby care so I could resume working gradually, at my own pace. If/when we have a second baby, I want a better plan in place for this, because there are few things more important.
I wish I had made more of an effort in dating. I think I've been so content in my personal life, that adding a relationship seemed like it could ruin that. Alternatively, I'm really proud of myself for being true to myself, and really making sure to focus this year on only surrounding myself with good people in my life, not people who bring me down.
This year I developed a more sophisticated relationship with physicality. I gave so much power to it that it dominated romance and sexuality. In reality, much of this is not linear. The beauty and special sauce of relationships are also found in the intimacy that words help create. This year I learned that lesson without too much of a cost. I'm grateful for that. It's amazing that I don't have too much else that I'm wishing I did differently. Sometimes I react more than I respond, but I've become painfully aware of it. Something I'm especially proud of this year is a shit ton of stuff. I'm proud of how I supported my body's best health. I fucking raised so much damn money this year and it all just kinda fell into my lap in incredible $100k+ increments. I'm proud of how I've been there for my siblings. They really enabled me to be.
I think my biggest regret is that I worked so hard at achieving my goals that I wasn't present in the moment, or didn't take time to really be intentional about enjoying myself. When I had time to relax, it wasn't always things that truly nourished myself and my spirit. I accomplished so much, work-wise! But this year, I want to be present and intentional in the moment so that I'm able to nourish my emotions and my spirit to truly enjoy life.
I wish I had kept Twitter off my phones. It has been an object of enablement around compulsively seeking instant gratification and distraction. Having that time for focus on breathing, listening to a song I enjoy, etc. would be a much better use of those 1-3 minutes spans of white space throughout my day.
I wish I had just worked harder at everything: vocational and avocational. I must admit I wish I’d watched less TV, but I think that that was partly a result of being depressed, which is also why I had some trouble working well. I wish I could have afforded all my depression meds.
I wish I hadn't offended so many people unwittingly. In other words, I wish I had monitored by speech better. I am proud of my continuing volunteer work, how I have started the practice of carrying an envelope of $1 bills in my car to give to panhandlers, how I give my food bank food to the homeless.
I wish i had found a better way to keep our son engaged with our family as he has become increasingly disconnected, not in touch. all seems fine when we are together but he rarely calls in between and seems to want his independence which we are respecting, but reluctantly and I regret the distance.
I am proud that I persevered through some difficult aspects in two different relationships, including being courageous and appropriately vulnerable in both. I'm also glad I was open to starting and continuing a new friendship. My main regret this year is not being able to keep the weight off that I had lost last winter, because I felt so much better being on the way DOWN from being hugely fat. I'm already trying again and hoping to lose all the weight I need to lose to be at my healthiest this year. .
Freshman year. If I had a re-do button, I would change a lot of things about how I spent my first year at university.
Like I've said before, I don't really think about things I could have done differently. Like I talked about in the first one, I was really proud of how I grew to love myself, got over my fear of not meeting someone in college and generally convinced myself that I could be a strong independent woman. It doesn't feel like a big accomplishment now but getting myself to fly across the world for three months and live on my own in a new (albeit English speaking) country is really cool. I risked leaving a lot of stuff behind but I made it and I couldn't be happier. I'm so proud of myself and I really hope when I look back at what I wrote next year, I'll feel the exact same way.
It's hard to wish to have done something differently since actions have such long tails. Changing one thing may alter life in ways I wouldn't predict. I'd rather reframe what I did do and look at the positives that have resulted. I am proud that I completed something that challenged me in many ways. The end result might not be amazing in any truly tangible way but staying the course is sometimes it's own reward.
Differently - I wish I had pursued getting my drivers license so that I would have it by now. I wish I hadn't lost hope and gotten discouraged. BUT GOD has turned it around and given me a testimony! Proud of - following God's prompting to move back to Memphis. It has been an incredibly intense journey and it all happened so fast. Physically and emotionally I am still trying to catch up. I am proud of myself for praying for forgiveness and releasing the debts against me from previous supervisors and jobs that did me wrong. But I know God is in it and He has me right where He wants me to be. He provided a job and I am currently staying with mom rent free. I don't fully know what comes next. I just know He is calling me here to the ministry of family and keeping my love on. I know He will show the next step. I am proud of myself for making steps towards financial health.
I wish I had taken control of the horrific pain in my back right away rather than think I'd get better doing little or nothing. My body is too old to not take better care of it. I'm all I have, I need to be in the best shape possible.
I wish I had stuck to a diet. So easy and so so hard. Proud of: I guess I'm proud I've gotten through this year at all. And that I'm doing so much better than I was last year.
I would have managed the S3 crisis differently. It took on a life of its own and I should have kept a tighter hold on it. I am also equally proud of the work the program did and. Ontoniea to do.
I wish I had been more patient with myself. Patience and honesty go hand in hand; I think I sent mixed messages and waffled in making decisions because I didn’t give myself space to explore what I wanted.
I lost another 30 pounds, bringing me to a grand total of 60 pounds at my peak weight loss. I’m currently a size six, something I’ve never been before. While I’m hovering between 50-60lbs weight loss, I’m really happy with where I’m currently at, and looking forward to getting stronger and shedding the last 10 pounds which will be my greatest challenge.
I wish I had been kinder and less demanding with a certain people and have more tolerance in the relationships. I started a music blog with the encouragement of my family and current employer. The blog is an outlet of pure enjoyment for me.
I'm proud of the growth I've made on not committing to too much that constantly cause me to panic and drag others into my chaos on an all too often occurance. I wish I had taken control of my health and physical strength .
I'm sure there are many things I could have or should have done differently - unmet and un-attempted goals abound. But I choose to cut myself some slack in answering this question. I'm especially proud of myself for taking on a new position at work. My personality doesn't lend itself to leadership roles, yet here I am, Administrator for Counseling and Student Services, 6-12. I am now "in charge" of a department of 7 counselors. My day to day is significantly different, and prior to agreeing to the interim position, I assumed I'd dislike many of the tasks. It's only been a short while, but I find myself feeling increasingly positive about my decision. I've stretched myself out of my comfort zone, which continues to be a goal I strive towards. I have that scared/excited feeling that I find myself craving. It feels like growth, which I prefer to feeling stagnant. Being that this role is interim, there are no guarantees that I'll be offered the job or that I'll want it past this year, but I'm grateful for the experience and proud that I accepted the opportunity.
Every year I always say I am going to learn how to valued my responsibilities. It is always very hard for me because I don’t always know how to say no to people. I wish I learned how to stand up to people to say no more. This year I am proud of myself for coming out of my comfort zone and moving to a new city with not many friends and I am finally settleing in and making friends and a community.
I wish that I'd been less anxious about Uni and had more time and patience for the people in my life. I wish I'd had a better perspective on what's "normal" and how I can see everything in my life in perspective. I'm glad that I've kept moving forward, keep having faith and working hard towards being a better person.
I wish I had been able to get out of my negativity and depression. I wish I had shown my partner more compassion and had more joyful moments with him, despite our struggles. I wish I had appreciated more of what I had, because now I have none of it. Everything is so clear in retrospect. But I am thankful for the love that I received and for learning to assert boundaries. And for knowing now that I can do and be better. For myself and for those around me. I wish my former partner all of the love in the world. We couldnt make it work together but we remain friends and have grown quite a bit. I also wish I had been less afraid. Made less excuses to put my life on hold, and just done what my heart called for. I won't make these mistakes again.
Lots of things, mostly financial and medical...too personal to disclose but hopefully I learned something. I am always so proud of my addition I vowed to not cash all of my paycheck a for one year and I did it!!! They were very small paychecks for the most part but I set a goal and met it!
I wish that I had used opportunities to get closer to others and overcome my awkwardness and that I had not quite activities when interpersonal relationships became frustrating. I'm proud that I am developing more insight about myself and others.
I wish I had been less stressed and had gotten less worked up over things, particularly school-related things, health-related things, and money-related things. It’s really really hard to work full time and do grad school part time and still feel as though I have a life and time for self-care and time to see friends and time to truly relax with Ben. It’s hard to feel the pressure of doing well and wanting to just be done with school already but just being so busy that you want to say “fuck it” but knowing you have to work hard to make it happen. In terms of money and health, it’s really the same thing. I overreact to little bumps in the road, to little changes that I think are bigger deals than they really are - like having to pay taxes on my tuition or getting a rash that needed to be treated with steroids. I wish I had handled these stressors better - with more grace, with more self-awareness. Instead I just ruminated and ranted and annoyed Ben and my parents. I also talked to my therapist about these things, and I’m truly working to improve, to take deep breaths, to take life one day at a time. But at the same time, sometimes it just all builds up and is so overwhelming that I just feel like I want to scream and cry and freak out. But yes, this is what I wish I had done differently this past year and what I hope to improve upon in the future - dealing with my stress in a productive way without allowing it to totally consume me.
I’m happy with what I’ve done this year, I’m especially proud of my new found presenting skills, and of the cultural changes I’m generating at work.
I wish I was able to be more "Zen". Be more loving. Be less reactive. Hold onto a broader, higher and better perspective. Not let things bother me as much as they did. Stand up for myself for. Be more selfish and therefore more direct. Be more sure of myself. Be less righteous.
It's difficult to tease out one thing in particular I'd wished I'd done differently. At the root of most of what brings me shame is my total reliance on my anxiety and eating disorder as rudders as to lead my life rather than being more active in listening to that small voice inside. Perhaps then I'd have been more social, more vulnerable, more self-compassionate. Perhaps then I'd be more solid in the knowledge of my own reality and have the wherewithal to foster relationship with myself and with others. That being said, though, the times I did allow my intuition to guide me gave rise to a greater sense of being. Coming out as genderqueer, complete with court proceedings to make it official, is the obvious answer I could give here, but that doesn't feel sufficient. No, I think the proudest moment came amidst the external and internal chaos of my last job. At the hospital I worked, my hours were being cut, my boss was a homophobic/sexist/racist ass, and I was absolutely miserable. Despite loving the work I was doing, I was adrift and upset beyond belief. During a tearful session with my therapist, she asked what I wanted to do. I didn't give myself a chance to think, declaring, "I want to leave." At that moment, I texted my supervisors asking to see them the next day. I gave my notice without any promise of another job on the horizon. Taking care of my emotional health in such a radical way was terrifying, but it gave me a glimpse of how much I can and need to continue along that path.
I had a year of the greatest highs and the greatest lows. I chose to accept a challenging job (first job change in 17 years) and I paid an enormous price, my husband started an affair that I discovered. I’m proud that I’ve been challenged and am emerging alive and knowing that I’m a survivor and am capable of change.
Obviously the break up could have been smoother, but I'm glad I did it. I was proud of my Europe trip, but also disappointed to see my inabilities in socializing and going out.
There have been times this past year where I feel a bit removed from the action at work. Although, I'm not quite sure what option I missed. I am a bit proud of being involved in the TMMI Motorsports team and the friends I've made and the improvement in my driving abilities.
Hmmmm.... I can't think of anything I wish I'd done differently. I've had a pretty great year. Nothing I'm especially proud of, either. Maybe just that I've gotten better at noe being so horrible to myself. Still got a ways to go, but I'm making progress.
I worked really hard throughout spring semester to finish all of my work and have good grades. I've been on the student council this year, and it's a lot of work. I wish that I had done a better job this spring of socializing with in my department instead of always rushing home. Part of the reason I always had to rush away was that I hadn't organized my review time for Chinese very well. So, I wish I had done better with that so that I could have spent more time socializing with my fellow students.
I wish I wasn't such a slave to social media :-( It's a real freakin drag and a total time suck.
I am especially proud of the work I have done in my community changing the nature of the conversation regarding growth in northern Nevada. When I started on the planning commission engineering reports were being accepted without question as were staff recommendations. Today neither are accepted without thoughtful queries coming from all members of the commission. I am also glad I did not run for County commissioner but instead recruited Steve, who is both better suited as a candidate and as someone who can serve if elected.
1 million little things...little choices that would’ve turned out differently....things I shouldn’t of said .... things I should’ve sai.... no major things... no giant regrets.... I think I wish I hadn’t spent another year not really knowing who I am when I want and actively going after it..... but if I’ve learned anything this year it’s that you end up where you’re supposed to be when you’re supposed to be there I got the promotion to Lead this year that’s not a little thing...going from walking in off the street with no high school diploma and being an unpaid intern to being a lead eligibility specialist in less than six years yeah pretty proud of that.
I wish I would have moved here earlier with my car. I’m proud of the way I have been able to start a life here. I hope to find compatible souls to share it with.
I wish I had quit sugar. I wish I had exercised regularly . I wish I had told my body I loved her more. I wish I’d had sex in more crazy places before my back went out. I wish I’d been able to have regular massages. I wish I’d eaten more veggies. I wish I’d appreciated my body’s capacity for movement and strength and flexibility before she broke. I fear I’ll not have movement and strength and flexibility in the same way again. I’m proud I rested after back surgery - both times. I’m proud that I have found accommodations - whether using a grabber to pick up items or paying Quincy to help mow. These actions will help me heal. I’m proud I opted in to post-surgical physical therapy, and I look forward to using PT to catalyze long-term strength and flexibility training. I’m proud I’ve shared my physical journey with Shae and my family. They know my struggles and have witnessed my successes. This injury has brought me closer to all of them - especially to Shae. I’m thankful our relationship is this full of honest love and fierce joy. I’m proud I loved myself enough to stay sober through months of pain- which still continues some days - even though drinking was always an option and sobriety always a choice. I proud I took time today to write - even just a little and thank myself for the good I fostered this year. On reflection, the good outweighs all the “I wish I hads”.
I wish I had stuck to more commitments this year - I want to work on only agreeing to do things that I will actually do, and holding myself more accountable. I am proud of learning this year to be truer and kinder to myself, and to forgive myself for being a normal, happy human being.
I wish that I committed to my own goals more fulsomely. I’ve been wavering on my health goals and it’s time to give them my all.
I wish I had done more to branch out and make friends. I wish I didn't rely as much on Jewish community infrastructure, and got outside of the house more. I wish I listened to myself more to figure out what makes me happy.
I wish I had tried more instead of giving up so often. Even just in small things, like Call of Duty or basketball, I realized I was so terrified of messing up in front of my friends that the moment I did I would quit. That would only be like one shot because...I'm pretty fucking bad at a lot of things. I'd go practice alone, but I never got the chance to prove myself again. I've tried to keep doing things even after I fail and allow myself to be taught just so I don't come off as a quitter. I never realized it until I continuously failed things that the boys were good at and I wasn't. Now I'm just trying new things and sharing it with people, even if it isn't good.
My husband and I went on our first vacation alone together in August 2018. We’ve been married for 14 years and this was the very first time we spent an entire week alone together in Amsterdam. We had such a great time together and it reinforced for me why we are good together. I’ve actually missed spending time with him since we returned home. Clearly we need to spend more quality one-on-one time together in the future. It gives me hope we will thrive in our retirement.
This year, I don’t feel like I regret anything or wish I had done something differently. I recognize the moments that could have been “different” more as learning experiences rather than wishing it to have never happened. I feel like this past year I have done so much growing that would not have been possible if I had stumbled or had downright fallen a few times. Pain can come with that but it’s necessary and part of the human process. I am incredibly proud of myself for doing things outside of my comfort zone like ice climbing, backpacking for the first time, getting much more into rock climbing (and rappelling/climbing outdoors on cliffs above the ocean in Acadia), working out fairly consistently and being much more kind to my body and eating foods that will help rather than hinder or harm. I cannot begin to express how in awe I am of what I have accomplished in a year. Looking forward to more to come this following year!!
I wish I had braver choices, made more first steps toward something I want to know more about. I wish I had spent more time & energy nurturing family relationships. I'm proud of taking more responsibility for my happiness, health, & relationships.
I think that both answers are my progress in my PhD. I got through qualifying exams and it was really hard but when I go back and read my work, I'm proud of what I've accomplished and how much my writing has improved. I sound like a real scholar with a mastery over my subject. But I also always wish I was doing more. So many days, I just didn't do work because it was hard or scary. And now I'm to the hardest part - the dissertation. It's not a task that can be easily or quickly accomplished but instead of balking at that, I need to remember to take it one day at a time, do a little every day, and remember that I love the work I'm doing.
One thing that I wish I had done differently this past year is going to New York to visit family / friends. I thought I was going to go more, but wish I had held myself more accountable for the trips. One thing I am especially proud of is how well many of my students did on the MCAS. It made everything from the past year worth it.
I wish I had learned more French, entertained my friends more, spent more time with family and took better care of myself. I am also proud that I have maintained my swim program, stayed in touch with those I care about.
I wish I would have made less assumptions and been a better listener.I am proud of the woman that I am and the realization that I am deserving.
I’m especially proud of losing 25 lbs
I wish that I had taken more time to breathe and be present. I hustled so much for work. I am proud of what I have created and accomplished, but I know that I will never get the time back. It was well spent, but what about the rest of my life that is not what I do for work? I wish I had spent more time with the people I love.
My kids are young, and they love their Mommy. I love them and they know it. I spend as much time snuggling them as I can. But I wish I’d been a better example for them of loving and helping and serving others.
I think that everything happened for a reason to teach me what I needed to learn. I continue to learn lessons, sometimes hard and painful ones, but they are shaping my path. I learned that I can't fully commit to my business while also working so much at a restaurant job. I learned that I can't exhaust my body and expect to be healthy in mind and body. I learned I need to practice what I preach. Being in Florida but also traveling this summer and spending time in Rhode Island has given me more balance and helped me tap back into my creativity, even though I also sometimes feel uprooted. I'm proud of the changes I've made and how I've turned my whole life upside down moving to a new state, making a new lovely tribe of people, starting new jobs, making fresh connections, and learning how to start over. I feel stronger and know that even though it's hard, I can tackle anything.
I am proud that I put so much effort into applications that have reaped benefits for me. In the first three months of 2018, I applied to eight programs/awards, three of which I received. The summer research award, travel grant to Wyoming, and fall internship program have each added to my college experience and shaped my future plans. The (exhaustive) process of applying to so much has given me confidence that I am worthy. I may not receive good news every time, but if I never apply, that's a guaranteed rejection. Here's to getting into the summer 2019 program to Colombia!
I'm proud of a lot of things, and I don't have any regrets. I'm proud of my commitment to my health, I'm proud that I'm dedicating my life to helping people with their health, and I'm proud of my life and the people that I've surrounded myself with. I'm building the best life I can imagine.
Juju - I wish I had more perspective when Aaron and I argued (and when we still argue) about how to care for Aviv. We went to therapy and fought a lot about how infants exists and how to treat them. I still disagree with some of the principles, but in reality Aaron and I are pretty aligned. I wish I had the perspective to not argue, let him think what he thinks, and know we would parent in a way I feel comfortable with. Aaron - I am proud of how Julia and I navigated the first weeks of parenthood. When Aviv was sick and we had to go to the emergency room we were really thrown into parenting and the unknowns of caring for and being responsible for a new life. It was scary. Julia was still healing from birth. We had each other. We made good decisions together and we really bonded deeply. I was glad that we could lean on each other for the support we needed to care for Aviv. When we got home I think we did a great job continuing to share the responsibilities of taking care of Aviv. Even when we did not know what to do or how to do it right and even when we argued about it, I still feel proud that we worked through it together.
I wish I had kept up my healthy lifestyle better. Once Amanda stopped personal training I fell off the bandwagon from eating healthy and exercising 2-3 times a week to eating just okay and barely exercising at all.
Something that I wish that I had done differently was to take better mental and emotional care of myself. I have a tendency to add too many things/events to my calendar and then I end up being tired and needing to unplug from everything for a while. If I stay consistent and pace myself, I would not over extend myself. I could keep a steady pace and not need to hibernate. I am especially proud of completing two mission trips and doing my absolute best while I was serving others for Jesus.
i wish i didn't cheat on my gf even tho it wasnt really my fault (long story and I'm to lazy to write it all out) i still feel really bad, as i should.
I wish I had been more direct with Michael telling him why I am no longer speaking to him and how much I disagree with his current path. I think he has the wrong idea about why I don't want him in my life and that bothers me, but we haven't spoken in a month now and it would be odd to bring it up now. I am proud of a lot this past year though, working to find myself again and realize that I am strong and independent and can do whatever I put my mind to.
I'm really proud of the fact that I started going to Harness Cycle this year - and so often! In the time that I'm writing this, I haven't been much for the last, well, two weeks or so, & I'm feeling guilty about that, sluggish. Then I think about the fact that I didn't exercise for about 34 whole years... & I know that if I'm sitting here dying to get back to my favorite form of exercise (& have a favorite form of exercise to begin with!), I know I'm doing OK. I was so, so proud of myself for completing the #HarnesstheSummer challenge, & in the coming year, I hope I can also focus on nutrition & better eating in a bid to actually look better/shape up/tighten/tone/etc. And, you know, be healthier. That, too.
I wish I had gotten better grades and tried harder in school, but I am also very proud of my water polo advancement from a bad player to a starter
There are so many things I wish I had done differently this past year. I wish I had been a better husband, better friend, better employee-- just a better human being in general. Sadly, I've become selfish. Nothing stands out that inspires pride. I've just coasted through another year. In a few short weeks, I'll be 65 and, although life has been materially good, I'm sometimes wonder if I've squandered my time.
Every year I say that I want to commit to my health. Every year. I wish that I had actually done that in 2016. Or 2017. At least I'm trying to start now in 2018 on the journey that is health, self-care, and self-love. This question makes me sad because there isn't anything that I necessarily feel proud of. I guess I'm proud of my leadership through the financial crisis -- I received positive feedback about that. I'm proud that I've been resilient. I am proud that I've been doing a better job asking for what I need and asking for help, even though it's incredibly hard. It's crazy, though, that my first thought when asked "What am I proud of?" that I think back to what I've received positive feedback on.
Like I said in my last answer, I'm pretty proud of my overall lack of regret this year. After a tough 2017, I went into this year with my heart and mind set on living as best as I can. Even before I left for Japan, I went on weekend trips by myself & with friends to Connecticut, SF, and SD, and already have gone to Zion, SD (again), and Vegas within 2 weeks of coming home. It feels good knowing I worked my ass off and was pretty miserable last summer/school year for good reason. Even though it was hard, I feel like it was worth it. You can't really know happiness without unhappiness, and I think I wouldn't have had my mind so set on saying 'yes' to every experience and going on cool trips had I not felt like I was constantly trying to make it up to myself. But going back to what I originally had intended to say, I'm proud of myself for not letting anything get in my way of doing what I wanted in Japan. I researched a ton, and often explored on my own. I wasn't afraid to do things for myself and didn't need anyone there with me. It could be frustrating sometimes not understanding something or being treated less than great, and I definitely felt lonely a lot of the time, but those were just minor struggles compared to how amazing it was to do so many things and make every day count. I feel a lot more confident to do things by myself at home now, whether its exploring a new place or taking myself on a date to dinner and a movie. In general, I think the past few months have increased my self-confidence in being alone, and feeling competent doing difficult tasks alone. I would have regretted not doing and seeing as much as I wanted to had I not had the confidence to do it alone, and for that I am extremely proud of myself.
There are plenty of things I wish I've done better this past year. Like I wish I eaten more healthy. Better about exercising. Reading more, studying Hebrew or Jewish stuff. Be a better son, brother, husband, and friend. Being kinder to myself or giving my self some credit. Be a better nurse. Hone my skills. Find a hobby. Even answering the alternative question is almost hard. I don't really keep note of my proud moments or even consider such moments even exist. Which is in lined with me being kind to myself. I don't give myself credit. I think its because I compare myself to others and tell myself wow they are very proud of themselves...I wish I felt that way. Or I think every accomplishment I make is meaningless or unimportant. One thing I'm most proud of is my conversion and getting into grad school but that's only the beginning I have to make those moments matter and keep working. I had a small stent of riding a total of 22 miles to and from work and home, which I've never done before. I put up number signs for my home and installed a faucet set in my bathroom for the first time and on my own. Painted the bathroom. All a first for me. I guess I do have some things to be proud of.
Still wish I had stayed committed to fitness and exercise. Not especially proud of anything in particular this year.
Honestly, this past year has been really, really good. Despite, or perhaps because of, the various challenges around money and time, I've tried to make a concerted effort to do the right thing for the right reasons, to spend time with the people I care about, and to not focus so much on a "cool" job and more on the work that will be sustainable and interesting. So I have a team I work well with and like, I am committed to my schoolwork, I've tried to grow my number of friends as well as deepen my friendship with those friends I have already, and I've tried to live as righteously as possible. I think I've succeeded? I suppose someone else would have to be the final arbiter of that. But I am proud that, finally in my mid-forties, I'm living a life that I'm both enjoying and am proud of.
I think I wish I had retired at the end of the school year. I am too tired to do a good job now. I feel as if I am playing roulette with the angel of death as I am now 71 and ill.
I think there a million little and big choices I could have made differently. Ways I am aware of how imperfect I am, how much growth I still have to do. It is easy to feel like I'm always failing, always alone, and not doing enough. I've been so much better about self-care. I'm such a work horse that I'll over do it and compromise myself over and over so that the team or the organization looks good. I still do that and am getting much better about letting go and letting some things fall rather feel like I have to be a martyr. I'm getting better and better about practicing what I preach. I feel really good about the advocacy, inclusion/diversity, and allyship work I've been doing and championing. I've stood up for things even when it means I'm not liked by some people or put into the 'angry ____ woman' category. I feel good about finding ways to use my age and power to be heard and amplify others. The work I've done with women and non gender conforming groups feels like I'm finding my path. The more I find ways to follow my joy the better I feel and the bigger impact I'm having.
I wish I hadn't gotten married. I wish I hadn't moved. I wish I hadn't quit my great job to move to this shithole.
Even though we were unsuccessful, I'm proud that I ran for a seat on my union board. I would still like to see what our slate can accomplish together in office. It was a leap into the unknown and I am fortunate that it enabled me to meet smart, dedicated scientists with whom I am proud to have associated myself on a ballot. As far as something I wish I had done differently, I feel in need of an emotional re-invigoration regarding my work and have allowed my day to day productivity to decrease. I think we are moving in a positive direction but I worry that my internal frustration has affected my relationship with my supervisor, who I respect and like very much. I'm in a work rut and hope to remember how this job has been a positive force for me in so many ways and to find a way to carry that more on the surface in the way I feel in the workplace.
I'm a bit disappointed in myself for the amount of TV I watched and lack of sleep I got this past year. This is something I can definitely improve on!
more hiking, go backpacking, more camping. be out with the people, maybe date (have put some effort out). (i might always yearn for more of these but i was undernourished a lil this summer socially/personally mentally) i did good making money and (what i meant to do coming back from travel) trying new jobs
I wish I was kinder to myself and my mother. I treated my own body horribly and without respect. I hope I can improve on this. I am also proud of the way I turned myself and my life around, focused on school, studies and extra-curriculars.
I wish for a lot of things to have happened differently, but they happened, so it seems foolish to wish for something that's done. Examples: 1. Finishing school earlier 2. Not letting my vices control me, but being in control of life's decisions. 3. Being a better person. But I’m here as I am and that’s definitely closer to where I wanna be someday.
These are hard questions, because on some level I try not to reflect like that. The first can lead to regret, the second to ego. To learn, I identify mistakes and fix them. That's continuous, so year-long regrets don't really happen with me. Same with being proud: I'm proud that I'm not dead and don't seem to be traumatizing the children in my life. So, the short answer is: no.
I am proud of having finally tackled my diet and that I am now eating less rubbish and am making healthy choices that, combined with joining the gym mean that I am prioritising my health and well-being and channeling my addictive tendencies into self-care instead of self obsession
I wish I had pressed myself to move more quickly on my major project.
While I'm sure I might have done things differently, there's very little I would have wanted to change. In the past year, I have completed my studies towards a bachelor's degree, taken roles of significantly increased responsibilities at work, and spent more time and energy on my family. That's a win in all three columns in my book.
Going back to work.
I am proud of myself for participating in the Free School of Architecture over the summer. I pushed myself to do something productive with my summer, even while I was working. I do regret that I did not commit to the program fully, and at times I allowed my job at Cuningham to take precedent over the interesting classes I wanted to take. However, the biggest outcome of that program that I am proud of is my newfound drive to travel more. There were so many people on the program from different countries that inspired me to go out and see more of the world. I have booked a trip to Japan in November for that reason!
Looking at my answer to last year it's interesting that the first thing that comes to mind is how I'm a father to Eri. She is stressed these days as well. I'm wondering now if it's due to the time of year, beginning of school, birthday, etc. She relaxed a lot more into October and November last year so maybe it's just her learning to deal with stress and transition. My job is to help her with this, partly by modeling behavior (which I'm not very good at since I'm so stressed myself). I wish I would not exhibit so much stress toward her, although I'm sure I do a much better job of this than my father did with me. Also, I think I need to not engage so much when she is having a tantrum. Some of it needs to be reigned in but mostly she just needs to vent. Interacting with her during these times can exacerbate the problem when she really just needs to vent and calm herself. We are a safe place for her to do this and we should appreciate that. I will continue to try harder to appreciate each and every moment I have with her. Every moment is precious and even though in an individual moment I may feel she is annoying, disrespectful or exhausting, in order to prevent regret I want to aim toward calming and quieting myself in these moments to really be present, mindful and appreciative of my relationship with her. She is and will always be the most precious "thing" in my life.
In my usual positive way.. I thought a particular thing would happen and banked on it.. and proceeded as if it had happened already.. a little more caution might have been appropriate.. but then again.. things do happen for a reason.. and the wonderful place I find myself now.. wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't leapt!.. So mmmm, I guess I wouldn't do any of it differently... Proud that I have courage to stand by my conviction to live life. I want to live a life that I "don't need a vacation" from. The Universe is sending me some 'hills' to climb to check my conviction... but we'll climb them... sure there'll be more on the horizon... but onward and upward to the view.... Yes, I'm proud of myself for taking the steps and not just being a big mouth.
Sooooo many things COULD have been done differently, but in the end, everything is a learning experience. I wish I'd trusted myself more, worked less and taken better care of my health. I'm really proud to have built a solid foundation for my business, for having stayed sober while traveling full time and for continuing to move through fear to follow my dreams.
I wish that I would have worked a lot harder on Divine Flow and finished my website and online course. It is getting dragged out so long and I am missing out on doing my life's passion and making more money. I am proud that I started the Lunar Temple though and that women actually show up and I have the wisdom to share this information with them. Also that I lead the Cyclical Wisdom workshop. That was really fun and I hope I get more opportunities to step out and be seen in this work.
I wish that I had focused more on improving my diet. I am capable of grabbing vegetables as a quick snack, but I always turn to crackers.
I'm proud of myself for keeping it together as well as I have. I wish I'd done better by my kids but given the circumstances I think I did the best I could. I wish I'd done better by my marriage but again, when you've reached your limit you have to accept that there is only so much effort left to put to anything. I guess I'm proud that I'm aware enough that I see my limits and attempt to work around them. I'm proud of myself for asking for help when I need it. I'm thankful that my husband, children and friends have stepped up (most of the time) when I needed them to.
Probably many things. Possibly not starting anti-anxiety medication when I did?
Although I didn't do everything perfectly, I am proud of some courageous decisions: to control the timing of my departure from a job that was harmful emotionally, to allow myself to deeply consider the next step. Since having left, I have given myself ample time and space to explore the long-hidden dream of enrolling in Rabbinical School. Whether I do it or not, whether I follow through and become a Rabbi or not, I am owning the responsibility for my Jewish learning and taking it to a much deeper level. This is a source of enormous pride.
I wish that I has used my vacation time more productively (either travelled more ambitiously or studied more for school).
There are many things I wish I had done differently last year. But with what I knew at the time I can't see me making different choices. Also those circumstances got me to where I am right now. It's not ideal, but I have a primary partner I love and hope works for the rest of my life. I have other partners who I all care for. I have had the chance to spend time with my grandmother. So why wish that away. I am not particularly proud of anything, however I am thankful I got my first presentation at a security conference completed. And it was not a total disaster. I am thankful to my mentor, and friends, for helping me to get ready for my talk. It was terrifying and I am not sure I will do it again. But at least I know I can.
I don't have regrets. I think it was a year of tremendous change and I give the best I can most of the time. If I didn't do something perfectly, then that's because I'm human. I'm very proud of my tough decisions: Quitting my job and not quitting psychoanalysis prematurely for a well-paid job in Germany. Both steps bring about extreme anxiety and uncertainty and yet I did them because I think that is what is the right thing for me. I'm also proud of my fitness achievements. Actually I'm proud of all the major changes I made, also trying to go plastic-free inbathroom and kitchen and speaking out towards my parents about my emotions.
Yes, I think that there are always things that I could have done differently, said or not said but the fact I can't remember any specific ones means that they can't have been that important. I'm be proud and a little scared that I've signed myself up to do a degree with the Open University. It's going to take a commitment of 4-6 years and, I'm commitment phobic.
If I were to rewind, I don't know that I would have done anything differently. I don't feel like I made any gross blunders. I've had simmering unhappiness with my job, continues to be unresolved. I'm tempted every day to go back to Frontier Health, and may still do it. I'm giving myself to the end of the month to decide. If I still feel this way, I'm going. I did have the chance to take a job with them back in April but chose to stay. I can't say I regret the decision, although I'm holding out the hope I can still make the change.
Healing my relationships with my family has been super challenging and humbling. I am deeply proud of this work. I do this for me, for my son, for our children's, children's children. Every time I am activated from a place of birth trauma, I do or say things from a place of fear or anger and this never feels good. Each time, I misstep, I get to choose a different way the next time. Old patterns of reactivity are a reflex and I am learning to be kind with myself. I am learning that I cannot do this work myself. I need something so much bigger than me. I need divine source. The process of surrendering to this source is almost inexplicable. It is not in the intellectual realm, but a paradoxical process of fits and starts until yesterday, I found a sweet groove with it. My ego self may take my power back unknowingly, but I now have the experience of what it feels like to turn this work over. I am beginning to trust that I am not in this alone and my ancestors and a power greater than me have my back.
I wish I had made more time for exercise! And sleep!
I’m proud of moving into my new apartment.
Everything we do allows us to learn. I wish I would have put myself first and stopped drinking soda relaxed more etc. I am proud of my writing and pursuing my dreams.
We were so unprepared for the whirlwind of events that hit us after the birth of our daughter. Because of all the demands placed on us, I missed out on the true purpose of my maternity leave. I lost time with my daughter I can never get back. There were even 2 months where very few pictures were taken of her. We couldn't afford milestone pictures, we missed out on so much of her first year. That is heartbreaking to me. I wish so bad I could have remembered to take time to preserve those moments in the chaos. But moving forward I learned a valuable lesson and I wont be missing out on her again. Our kids have our full focus now. That said, we came through a very difficult time as a family with very few missteps. We communicated with love and respect and I think came out stronger as a family.
Reduce how much money I’ve been spending on food and trips. I felt proud that I completed a tri and have been sticking to my routines with exercise. I do like that we are doing more things and experiencing life.
Yes. I got into a major fight with my brother. In retrospect, it was a long time coming. And we were able to resolve it reasonably well--and deepen other relationships along the way. So yes, I wish it hadn't blown up--or that we'd reached resolution in other ways. But I'm glad we worked through it and are continuing to do so.
I wish I had broken up with Sharon sooner. Probably when I realized what was going on around Thanksgiving. It only ended up being a frustrating relationship and I think I could have saved a lot of time by stepping away then.
This past year my lupus went into remission so I have become more active in each area of my life-I thought I was doomed to being practically housebound forever so am grateful everyday that I can do normal everyday stuff at home and out. I’m proud that I am taking advantage of my healthy state and not wasting any time!
I am incredibly proud of the way my husband and I have settled into better communication, and talking about difficult subjects like money. We are learning how to argue more effectively, instead of resorting to unhelpful ad hominem arguments or stonewalling.
I am proud that while we have not yet resolved all the trauma in our relationship, both myself and my partner have been working hard to able to be supportive in moments of need for one another.
This year I was asked to update what amounts to *the* text book for my field. That felt significant and meaningful. I have worked hard to get to this place and this felt like an acknowledgement of my efforts. I am now at a place in my career when former clients are coming back around to work with me again. It is heartwarming and feels like I may be in the right place after all.
Yes, there is definitely something I wish I had done differently this past year. I wish I had somehow avoided ruining all of my friendships from our Grove Park neighborhood. I destroyed my friendships with Jessica, Summer, Bobbi, and Jenny. I don't know what exactly I could have done differently to avoid this because I had very legitimate concerns and reasons for not wanting Jessica and her family to be a part of my life, and yet, I do wish I'd been able to come up with some way of distancing myself and my children without losing all of my friends in the process. Something I'm especially proud of from this past year is stepping up and taking care of my dad for the final 9 months of his life. It was so incredibly hard but I'm proud of myself for doing it and I am grateful for the good times I spent with my dad at the end of his life as well as the extra time and communication that this experience fostered in my relationships with my brother and sister.
I don’t wish I had done anything differently, I know there were important lessons I had to learn, especially the hard ones. I’m proud that I’m finally learning to respect myself, to see my own value, and show that value to others.
This year I am especially proud of myself for many reasons. I took the initiative on a few things that needed to occur. First, I have been very pro-active in my career and being involved with new projects and colleagues. Also, I sought out a therapist to help me deal with my depressed spouse. She refuses to get help on her own, and will also not do couples therapy. Luckily, my participation in therapy has helped her. She trusts that I am here for her, and it has affected her moods in a very positive way.
Something I wish I had done differently this last year is to face the situation with my relationship. I feel a bit down, and have done for a while, as I don't appreciate the climate of conversation I have with my husband. I perceive that he doesn't listen to my feedback, acts like a child and is negative, and throws everything back at me (what about you...). It's not too late, I WILL make an appointment to see someone together wit my husband and start to work on this.
I wish I had gotten some training for a different field. Library science has become a crappy field in terms of getting a full time job. It's become a world of part time jobs. My local library has 90% part timers. Had I known, I'd have stopped grad school and gotten a certificate from a community college in a field that's growing.
I'm still alive b*tches !!! >:D
I'm proud of the work I've put into my recovery. I'm noticing small changes in my perception and engagement with others. I've become more accepting of who I am, how I function. It's not always easy, or peaches and cream, sometimes it's depressing. Like it was only an hour ago, but there is less of a fight within me. I'm more able to utilize that energy, whether it feels good or not. This is last year, is where I wish I had "started" twenty years ago. So now, I don't wish it would have been different. I wish the 19 years prior had been different in how I engaged with life.
I wish I had done better at my job job and had stayed working part time for longer. Coaching, packing, and moving have been significantly easier with the extra time, but living without a paycheck is difficult and risky. On the flip side, I was able to focus on my coaching and be more effective with our Summer campers. I am really excited to see how these kids develop in the future and hope to see them compete on the international stage, sometime over the next couple of years.
I don't really think there's anything I wish I'd done differently, and really, I'm proud about that. I've taken time when I needed to (in terms of school), I've paid attention to how I feel and adjusted medication and/or diet to compensate. I feel like I'm really starting to take care of myself and pay attention to things that affect me.
I am really proud of taking charge of my life and my health (physical, emotional, mental). I tried acupuncture (which I want to get back into), I am participating in reiki (which I love), a personal trainer (expensive and a learning experience but important). I have started (and stopped and started again) a meditation practice. I have been putting in the effort into my side hustles and organizing my home to my needs and style. I am living for me and it is incredible. Definitely some hard parts to work through but it is so incredible and rewarding.
With the birth of our daughter, there were some real hardships that my husband and I had to face. I suspected him of doing things that come to find out he wasn't doing at all. I probably wasn't fair to him and he wasn't fair to me. Mostly communication issues and problems stemming from the fact that we were just trying to navigate a new reality with two children. I'm proud of us for actively remedying this issue. We have worked and worked incredibly hard to make sure that our relationship really stands the test of time. There will be more challenges but I'm proud we worked through this year.
I try not to live with regrets and therefore believe that the things I did last year were the things that I was meant to do - some people were hurt, some people made a shift that was best for them and that included moving away from me, some days these reminders hurt but then I have others that have come in to fill those spaces and am joyful for their love and support. My work isn't challenging me the way I want it to - and we are successful as much as we should be - so always seeking for the next is hard - I crave routine and quiet and each fall my nesting holds people at arm's length. I feel like I have closed myself off more this year than last - I am not as open, but feel stronger and more convicted in what is best for me, but still questioning this. People in my life are challenging me in ways that I am not very open or receptive to and it is creating anger and unsafe feelings. I don't like feeling out of control and really I don't feel out of control but know that when people are in my space the energy shifts and someone that wants to do everything for me because that is his way - really sets me on edge. he is challenging my thinking or perhaps sharpening it and helping me see what I do and don't want? I continue to seek, discover and find the parts of me that I love and those that I don't I am trying to decide how to control them or let them is a forever changing world and I am proud that I continue to move through it... at least that works for now...
In the past few months, I decided to take a completely different approach to managing my depression. I stopped taking antidepressants entirely after being dependent on them for six years, and stuck through the painful withdrawal symptoms to come out the other side. I started seeing a therapist and keeping a journal to allow myself to explore my emotions in a non-judgemental way. I am learning to forgive myself, to be more honest with myself and others, and to take better care of myself. I'm also learning to value these processes as much as (or more than) public achievements such as career success or financial gain, although this very difficult. Sometimes I wish I had started this transformation earlier, but I know that for whatever reason it wasn't possible for me, and I'm proud of myself for starting when I did and for all the progress I have made since.
I spent a lot of this year waiting for a few life transitions to happen before taking risks or thinking seriously about what I could be doing better -- I kept just saying "once this is over, THEN I'll _______." But there will always be something to use as an excuse in that way, and I both wish I hadn't done so much of it and am hoping to break that pattern in the new year.
I could have done the extra mile when I had my free days and instead of going to that weird-guys place in Vienna, surprising my friends in Croatia! That would have been cool but I would be exhausted and it would not be polite for the person waiting for me and having planned everything ahead of time. Yes, I am proud of me generally (classic one), but also for speaking up no matter what. I do believe that humans are powerful and one can truly impact someone/something.
I wish I had fought for my rights more vigorously with my temp agency. Being used as a commodity does not set well with me.
I wish I had been able to enjoy the transition of graduation, takingtheNCLeX and starting my new job more. I was so stressed and worried about everything that I was never able to enjoy a day during that time. Honestly, I was never able to enjoy a day during nursing school because I was so stressed. I wish I had the opportunity and the mental strength to let go and let God. Alternatively, I am so proud of myself for the grace and professionalism I showed while going through that tragic time and managing myself and all my responsibilities. I am proud that I did not lose my shit!
I wish I had been slower to anger, that I had meditated more, and exercised even a little.
I am especially proud of my dedication to the Virta program. I've lost over 40 lbs by my estimation. I've ended up using far less insulin and I'm off a few different meds. My strict adherence to the diet is the norm. And I don't know how it is that I don't cheat -- other than my certainty that to slip once is to give it all away.
I wish I'd taken it easier on people making different choices than my own in a few cases. Those encounters rippled out and impacted a lot more relationships negatively than I'd expected. I'm proud that I finally went to therapy and have committed to that process. I'm proud of my ability to empathize with my kids and make them feel safe and loved when they're overwhelmed by their own feelings.
I wish I had managed my stress, money and household better. I wish I had started family therapy. I'm proud of the steps I have taken forward.
I wish I had ... I dunno. I feel like the mistakes I've made (mostly in terms of my partnership) have brought important lessons, so I wouldn't undo them. I have been proud of how much I have grown from the difficulties M and I have had. I also have been proud of my progress in my PhD program. I don't really feel like I'm an imposter anymore (for the moment :) or that I don't belong here like I did when I started. Hunkering down for my oral exams gave me a lot of confidence and I am trying now to carry that confidence into a sustainable professional practice. I could not keep up the intensity with which I studied for that exam long term, but I want to be productive and feel accomplished. My challenge therefore is to focus and be careful with my time: both work and play.
I wish that I had given up working on the star construction project six months earlier. When my cousins would not fired the contractor I should have quit.
I wish I had chosen a different internship. Other than that, I feel pretty great about this past year. I've successfully maintained two concurrent romantic relationships and have developed relationships with others. I feel supported and important to people, and I feel like I am adequately supportive of others.
I would never have moved to this God-forsaken urban nightmare i now live in.
My wife and I went on our first mission trip. I'm happy to finally be putting my words into action and going forth to carry out God's mission and meet the needs of others.
i wish i had gotten more sleep! put your health first in general is always a huge one. lots of snacking, late night staying up watching TV, etc. gotta work on that still for sure.
I wish I'd be better at saying No and sticking to my decisions, especially with parenting. Every year I intend to deal with the difficult short term in order to invest in a better long term, but it doesn't always happen. It's too easy to say Yes or give in to my kids to make them happy even when it ultimately doesnt serve them.
I am proud of how I have gotten through the last year taking care of Jon without full time daycare and still managing to get in my 40 hours a week. Sticking with breastfeeding for 6.5 months through all the middle of the night and early morning pumping sessions when all I wanted was some precious sleep. It was really tough at the beginning, but both Joe and I struggled through it. Being a mom is both the hardest and the most rewarding thing I have ever done and I am proud of myself for getting through that rough start.
Something differently this past year? I can't think of anything, to be honest.. I'm under the impression that things happen for a reason - And all the things that I've done seem to be done during the right time frame finally. Like I said, life really changed for the better in January.
I wish I'd worked harder in school, especially at the end of the semester.
I wish that I'd been better at journaling in the past year. I hope that in the next year I can find a better routine for journaling.
I am especially proud of all the things I’ve done in the last year - from writing my first scientific paper, to working out consistently, to losing 5 lbs. I also spent a lot of time with my partner, whom I LOVE so much, and feel that we’ve only gotten closer over the last year. What I regret, however, is my lack of spending time with friends and being outside, which is a recurring regret of mine over the past few years. It is hard to balance everything, and those are the two aspects of a well-rounded life I often leave out.
I’m proud that I took better care of myself. I wish I had been more organized with my work.
I'm proud that I finally took action on doing something for myself!
I wish I had the presence of mind to take better care of myself and my body this year. I am especially proud of how well I took care of my partner and invited our community to circle around us.
I would not change the things I did this past year. It was an enjoyable year. For the first time I was able to really focus on myself this year. I have made huge lifestyle changes and I am feeling (and looking) better than I ever had.
I am such a broken record. I continue to try to change my diet and exercise, but fail to remain steadfast in those changes. I am still seeing progress, but I truly wish I could fully commit to a better me.
I wish I had not jumped at the first opportunity for a full time job. I was so afraid of being unemployed again, not being able to move out, being stuck at home, I jumped at the easy way out to accept a job where I had previously interned. I think this closed a lot of doors for me and while I am experiencing financial stability, money can't buy happiness
I wish I could detach from my family of origin without rancor and instead employ dignity but they push my buttons super badly!
We got a new weed dealer but I wish we looked for one sooner - too much time and money wasted on sub-par enjoyment. However, we've gotta stop partaking so much as it's hindering our motivation but with the political climate we're in it's just so hard to go through it sober. M and I have been writing post-cards (mostly M) but I am proud of our political engagement and I am SO, SO hopeful that November brings good news. I am also proud that I got to try out printmaking - the results were satisfying. The printing part is challenging, time-consuming, and messy but the carving is very relaxing. I hope I stick with it even though I gotta hit it hard for my MS degree. This fall is the last semester before the MS.
I've spent a lot of the last year firming up a friendship group which I'm very proud of. They're such a great group of guys and I feel like we're bonding more and more. I do wish I hadn't let myself drink so much and let my Slimming world journey slip. I'm back on track now and balancing it out.
I would have communicated a lot better with my exboyfriend last year when we were breaking up... Or rather, when I was trying to break up with him and he didn't get it. I didn't share what was going on in my head and so there were definitely unresolved feelings there. On the other hand, I am proud of myself for the continued emotional growth and maturity over the past year. I've become much more aware of myself. I've talked and shared more.
Been more outgoing, especially when people asked me questions about my sexuality. These were moments for growth that I squandered through inaction.
I take too many days from work from migraines, so I set a personal goal of missing no less than 4 days for illness. So far I've kept to that. I want to be a positive role model for my daughters, so I take time at the end of each day to breathe, I try not to worry, and I pay closer attention to my own body.
I wish I would have been more actively tuned into my marriage. Or should I say, my marriage falling apart. I took a very extreme stance of stepping way back (out of self-preservation) and waiting to see what would happen. Because of that, things fell apart. I'm not saying that the outcome would have been any different, but I might feel better about my role in things. Part of stepping back was intentional, to see how Channing would do. He showed me that he's incapable (or unwilling) to take a more active role, which was very disappointing, but also very good to know. I wish I would have focused more on my health - actually finished the Whole30 - and read more, even though I'm likely on the same pace for book reading this year as I was last year. I wish I would have stood up for myself more all around and been more thoughtful about my actions, my role in things and my place in the world.
It's funny to read last year's answer being about Level 1 and 2 classes. Last year I actually knocked those out of the park! So much so that I internalized them as "easy" for me to teach. And then I started this year in the new location with all new student and . . . yikes. I'm back at square one, or even behind, because I got my ass handed to me on the first day of those classes (which was only last week). The second days went better, and today I'm facing the third. It's a good reminder to myself that I need to consciously work at making these classes inspiring, enjoyable, and interesting for these students, teaching them how to approach challenge and how to be proud and confident in themselves even when they haven't yet perfected something. But as to this question, something that I wish I'd done differently. That's a hard one because hindsight is 20-20. I wish I'd known more what B5 would be like going in, so I could have planned for it better. But that was the whole point of the workshop, to learn about it! And I did! Similarly, I know I wasn't the most perfect teacher of Intermediate in Aspen last year. I did a lot of learning on my feet. Starting off this year with Int/Adv in Glenwood I am already making the "I wish I'd done it this way" thoughts into realities and even though it's only the second week I can see it paying off. There are plenty of improvements to make in my process but I don't wish I'd done it differently simply because there is no other way to do it. You go through the process and learn from it. I do wish that we'd found a bit more time to invest in our leisure time together, Jonathan and I. We are working on that now but I think we got to a place where we are in a deficit and it's going to take awhile to right it. We need to play, we need to explore, we need to refresh, rest, and re-inspire ourselves. That is something I want to focus on for this coming year, especially as Jonathan begins to realize his project. I wish I'd taken more interest in my own development and education earlier in the year. It's good to remember that I need to stay a student. I wish I'd danced more. That's something I've tried to move more toward over the summer but it gets steamrolled when we're in classes. I need to push beyond my habits and keep searching for ways to get that back into my life, even in this small place with less apparent opportunities.
I am proud of myself for a lot of reasons. I'm proud of myself for taking care of myself, my body and my mind. I'm proud of the workout routine I've continued in the past year and the physical strength I've developed (the past week with not withstanding!).
I wish I had been more patient. And I wish I had reached out to friends more to strengthen my relationships, even though I have made up that they are strong. Haven't had that experience this past week; have felt very alone by the lack of many getting in touch to check on me. Not even my sister. I am proud that I have maintained my commitment to my 12 step programs, in spite of life having been full of challenges.
It's funny to read my answer from last year about struggling with handling all of the guilt I feel (mom vs. work vs. self vs. partner vs. friend vs. family). I think this is something that may be part of a lifelong task - recognizing my feelings, advocating for myself and allowing myself grace for missteps. I am proud of the steps that I've taken to voice my feelings and identify my own wants/needs. I'm not perfect at this, but I'm grateful that I'm no longer shutting my own self out.
I wish that I started keeping better habits. I moved into a new place, started two new jobs, joined activity groups, and made lots of new friends - however I still somehow managed not to implement new rituals. I don't sleep enough. I don't wake up early so I can have a full morning practice. I don't eat regularly or as healthy as I could and should every day. I don't prioritize self-care. This coming year I want to be better.
I wish I hadn't let myself get caught up in negativity and meanness among my friends. I care about them so much, and I often reflect their opinions on other things, but I don't like myself when I'm joining in on their derision. This makes them sound like bad people, and they're really not, they just have some areas to work on. But I'm going to make an effort to be kind and compassionate instead of angry or negative, even when my friends are letting themselves be a little mean.
I wish I had been kinder more often, especially in the face of spite.
I’m proud that I’ve been able to do my job well, with compassion, I’m using on my skills. I wish I would’ve gotten my will done by now.
I wish I had if meditated daily, and walked dogs mire often. I am proud that I am setteling into center.
I can't think of anything other than work stuff, and maybe that's because I'm at work. I feel like I have finally become knowledgeable about my work, and am knowledgeable enough to speak about it in public. I am currently awaiting a publication to come out with an article I co-wrote, and a colleague from another institution asked me to speak on a joint panel next year. No one has ever done that before, or at least, not in a field that I am proud to have conquered. I feel like I am becoming empowered and am not shying away from expressing myself in this field, which is still so new and experimental. It's been a huge step in self-assuredness to reach this point of comfort, and I really feel like I'm there! Or at least closer to there than I was at any point in this past year, which was a major problem for me last year. This year, I feel like I really kind of know my stuff, and I'm proud that I've finally reached that level of confidence. I am also thankful for my previous supervisor, who saw this ability in me when I never saw it myself! So yeah, since it was such a source of fear and stress in the past, I'm really proud that I'm presently overcoming it.
I'm really proud of us for executing towards our new life. It's slow and there are a lot of questions at the moment, but it was a huge leap. It's also a little terrifying at times. But that's ok.
I wish I had progressed further in organizing the basement.
I wish I had been caught up in a writing fever that had me glued to my chair, eager to get to my chair, eager to produce words, tell stories, write poems. So, I'm proud that I put together a book of my poetry and submitted it and I'm proud of all the poems I've submitted individually this year -- despite only one having been accepted.
I can't think of anything I would have done differently, outside of the usual exercise more, paint more, write more, have more energy. I have noticed a natural ease and ability for being in the moment, catching the moment and having this ability recalibrate me on a fundamental level. I have been able to flow with my life, paying attention to my instincts and her voice to keep me in the flow. Things have tended to work out. I have had enough time. Something that I wanted to happen, that does not happen opens for what I needed to happen-allowing me to be true to myself and honor the deeper urgings of my being. I have a renewed sense of optimism and confidence in this energy shift. At the same time on a physical level, my body began reacting severely to food. This was a wake up call to really look at my health. I found out I have Hashimoto's disorder and when western medicine had no answers for me I turned to integrative medicine. I am investing in my physical health, finally, and feeling better, lighter, more energetic, sleeping well and resolving some long coming and long standing health issues like high blood pressure, weight gain and low level depression.
I feel like last year's question is still very relevant to me. I want to overcome my fear of failure/success and create more work. I want to be working towards something larger and feel as though I am positively contributing to society. I am proud of continuing to carve out my own path and life even if it feels scary and overwhelming. I am not complacent to the things not working in my life. I am proud of myself for actively changing them.
I wish that I had approached job growth differently. I'm not sure how to change that now and it's really frustrating.
I am especially proud that my business is 25 years old. I celebrated by presenting six client stories of accomplishment to my entire industry through a national trade presentation.
I wish I wasn’t so hard on myself for not healing in the way I expected and pressured myself to. It took time, and I’m still healing everyday. It’s on going. I wish I would not have been so hard on myself for not finding a relationship, for not starting to date on the past year. It will take time, but I will heal and I will move on.
Actually the year went on in a way I did not predict but it was OK. I am adjusting to the idea of living out my days in joy and appreciating the blessing of life with friends in the place I love to live, and accepting that I will not cure cancer and may not have the Great American Novel completed. Maybe that is OK. I am delighted my daughter has met the man I hope is her husband for life and ever after. I hope my younger son can be so lucky. Maybe I should have quit work last year but this yearend I will.
I am still not sure if I should have said yes to a very time consuming project. Time will tell...
I wish I had done more work this year to make more friends outside of my college network and the workplace. This has been my first year out in the wild since graduating college, and at some point I noticed that all my friends were either people from college, or people I worked with. More recently I've been making more of a conscious effort to move beyond these circles, but it's something I wish I had been more aware of and tried to change sooner.
I'm really proud of all the therapy and getting through. I keep wishing that I handled things better or differently or got over things quicker, but really all I can do is keep working on what I've got and where I am. Also I finished my first year as "the boss," and I think I did a pretty okay job. :)
I wish I had spent more energy to spend more time with my friends. I wish I had met more people for dinner on weeknights, maybe, or on weekends. Or just invited them over here.
I wish I had retired sooner. Or, maybe I wish that, but maybe I don't. Maybe I'm proud that I hung on as long as I did, or feel some weird sense of accomplishment that I did what I promised, and stayed until I was 65. I might also wish that I had asked for more psychological help. I might have put too much stress on my friends, and thus on myself. I might have been able to benefit from more professional guidance, but then, the focus was not on me, and what were they going to say? "take care of yourself, take time, take advantage of offers of help - all of which I tried to do, but after all, it still came down to me. I guess I'm also proud that I survived, that I didn't collapse (at least not permanently), that I was able to be strong where and when I needed to be.
I’m not sure about this one. There was things I think could’ve gone better, like choice of job, choice of housing, choice of relationship? I don’t know. Things are samey, samey. I don’t know what to do with myself currently.
I wish I had put my foot down and quit sooner as I think I wouldn’t be in this “in between” boat that I’m in...
I wish I had been able to get over being mad about the accommodations at the Jersey Shore so we could have stayed and enjoyed the ocean. Conversely, I’m also proud of the fact that when I realized I wasn’t going to get over it, we left and went on a new adventure.
There are several things I could have done differently. Most of them are to do with the men in my life. I shouldn't let people so close without knowing them. Or, when people show me who they are - believe them.
I wish I had been more explicitly honest about why I left my old job. I wish I had been better with money this year and in my life. I wish I had better spending control and general financial management.
I am proud of the work I have done in the past year on boundaries. At the beginning of the year, I was feeling overwhelmed with so many of my friends and family needing my attention and assistance. I went to NC to help L, helped D with her cancer care, A was very needy in regard to her relationship and breakup with L, JB was diagnosed with cancer, and more. I worked hard and kept some boundaries, especially with A and with D regarding plain old transportation. I decided on a "Value Added" philosophy that has served me well so far. Also I didn't bail out A when she called me for transportation and when R was trying to decide about where to stay in Seattle. I am proud of the work I've done this year, in this regard.
Started journaling--this was on my list from last year.
I am particularly proud of rebuilding two irrigation manifolds by myself and there is nothing I would have done differently except more hiking.
I’m proud of planning and going on a major solo trip out of the country in the midst of a deep depression. I recognized that I needed to have something to look forward to, and despite a bit of fear (it had been a very long time since I traveled abroad, and even longer since I had traveled alone), I forged ahead. The trip gave me a very much needed change of perspective and break from my routine. It also helped me remember how much I enjoy traveling and need to make it more of a priority in my life.
I wish that I had been nicer to my mom and that I didn’t get frustrated with her when I been she was more stressed. I wish in the next year I respect her and her wishes.
Though it often brought me some sadness, I am proud of my commitment to my word that I have exercised this past year. Even when I felt pulled with extreme strength in another way, I stood by what I had said I would do or be where I said I would be. There are times when it is alright to ask for a commitment to be nullified in one way or another, and times when you must trudge on through even when it is dark or uninviting, and I was able to keep walking this year. In terms of things I wish I had done differently, I wish I had acted faster in many situations and had been braver in the face of uncomfortable situations. I wish I had been less resentful, and had taken steps to solve what was bothering me far earlier than my angers manifestation as resent.
I wish I had worked harder in my Insurance class. I relied too much on someone else notes and I paid the price. I knew they were hard markers too, but I didn't expect to get hit so badly. I'm proud of passing the bar. It was a lot of work, but I did it on the first try and everything!
I don't think I would have done anything differently this past year. I'm proud of giving myself the opportunity to focus on making myself mentally healthier. By going to therapy and working through difficult feelings and experiences, I was able to harness skills to support my family. As my wife, pursued her masters degree while working part-time, I learned that I needed to step-up and be present for her and my son. Although I was anxious about the amount of support I thought I needed to provide, ultimately inserting myself into their lives and being present brought sanity into the chaos of the home with a newborn. I incorporated the internal mindfulness meditation techniques into all of my external relationships - i.e. being aware in conversations, using breath to calm all of us down, allowing space for everyone to express all feelings, and continually channeling meditative practices within daily life. Although I experienced difficulties along the way, I would not have changed the path that I was on. It ultimately got me to this moment, and I am grateful for that.
I wish somehow I had dealt with being bullied at work better. I also wish I had the support I needed there and at home to figure out to move forward. Being harassed and belittled at work was horrifying. Being let down by HR was terrifying. Yet the experience was also humbling as I set about to try and be a better coworker to the rest of my team.
I wish I saved my money more. I think about this all the time. I'm paying for graduate school myself. I have some money saved but with the income I was receiving, I definitely should've saved more. I feel like money has been stressing me the heck out. I'm trying to be an adult and do the right thing, but there's a lot of temptations... I am extremely proud of the slow but steady progress I am making to "adulting". I've been trying really hard to develop healthy habits and sticking to them. One of those habits is honestly flossing. Now I floss twice a day without even thinking twice about it!! I keep achieving these small goals, staying on top of my deadlines, and hustling!! I'm really proud of myself for that. I know a lot of people that are my age and are not at the same place mentally. I'm grateful for the situation that I'm in and where I'm at in life.
Eu teria sido mais sincero comigo mesmo. Não me enganaria em relação às minhas pretensões e anseios. Bancaria mais o que acredito, não teria medo de ser eu. Ainda é algo que preciso trabalhar, mas que ando melhorando muito. Vou melhorando junto com quem amo. Mas se pudesse, teria coragem para desde o início do ano ser mais sincero comigo, e sendo sincero, defender e lutar pelo que quero. De outro lado, tenho orgulho de ter ficado por perto das pessoas que fiquei, tenho um imenso orgulho por ter consolidado minhas amizades criadas no final do ano passado. Em relação a eles, não escolheria diferente.
I'm proud that I knew when I needed help and found a psychologist. She's been a huge help and has certainly helped me reframe things differently in my head. I am very grateful.
I wish I had gotten started earlier on certain "fixed deadline" projects, for which some of I am now begging/negotiating extensions, so that unexpected circumstances, like foodborne illness that was way more debilitating than I imagined could be would not have set things quite so far back.
I wish I had saved more money. I really have no regrets. We visited AL's parents and lost them both this past year...... We visited as much as we could. We miss them dearly now, of course AL more than me. He has become an orphan this year. I became an orphan in 2007, 11 yrs. ago. I was not at his father's bedside during his passing but went to his funeral. I was AT his mom's bedside all through the process of her passing, and then left to return to work and did not attend the funeral. Through it all, we did a lot, no regrets. I am proud of our daughter Jasmine who supported and visited her grandparents throughout the past YEARS and was there for them, whether everyone wants to recognize it or not. She was a strong, loving and thoughtful granddaughter.
I wish I would have made more of an effort to find a therapist who can help me change my thought patterns and help me live the life I deserve. I look pretty damn good to an outsider but I am in extreme, unrelenting pain. This is a tremendous regret.
Of course there are things I wish I could have done differently, but I can’t change the past. I am very proud of the progress I’ve made in my career this year. I feel very secure, knowledgeable and I think I’m becoming a good leader. Every day is a learning experience, but I’m taking it all in to help shape my mission and myself.
This past year I wish I had taken my weight loss goals (eating right and exercising) more seriously. I know that I can do it, but I let myself find any excuse not to for fear of failure. Alternatively, I'm really proud of the way I stood up for what I want in a partner when my relationship was ending. I didn't cave and try to become someone else, and that showed me that I'm stronger than I used to be.
I am really proud of myself for standing up and taking literal control of my business. I think it’s going to have such a positive impact on my life and income. It made me really nervous to be confrontational but it taught me that certain situations require it.
I am trying to have a more nuanced, balanced approach to those things in my life that are "carved in stone." It is not always easy to hear a differing perspective and also give it respect - especially on things that I am dogmatic about. However, in this world of polarization and divisiveness I am trying hard to focus on common ground, not on the chasms between us.
No — I'm proud of all the decisions I've made this year and the growth I've had, especially just this summer. I'm glad I gave it a shot with Jordan, and learned that I can love someone but I can't make them love themselves. I traveled, and I kept being brave. I was very thoughtful and intentional about my work and separating my value from my work. Most of all, I'm proud I went through the entire application/audition process and was accepted to my dream MFA program.
I wish I had stopped living in my head this part year. When things are not going my way, not necessarily bad, but in general, I can create an alternate path or ending in my head and mentally live that out. Then I am satisfied with the result. However this hasn't gotten me anywhere. I find that I dream more frequently of things that were different and not actually fighting the hard things in life to make that happen. The reason why this is on my mind right now is b/c I saw an advert that said "I want to see what happens when I don't give up." It's profane and powerful. This one simple statement resonated with me. I hope this power remains moving forward.
I'm always so stumped by these reflective do I know what I've done the last year? Everything is viewed through a lens with a 6 week radius.
I know I didn't waste the year, exactly, but I feel angry and disappointed by the lost time. I feel let down by myself, lazy. I essentially took the year off. Sure, I spent a lot of time job hunting, but I ultimately had five uninterrupted months of non-demanding part-time work, a chance to supposedly concentrate on my writing--to produce something. I didn't take advantage of it. I slept late, I ran too often, I sat around, I dawdled. I allowed myself to let the anxiety that accompanied having too much time get in the way of forcing myself to account for it. I should have at least one short story to show for myself, a piece that, even if I'm not proud of the whole, I'm proud of some kernel. I wish I had beaten the inertia, the inertia I know I'm afflicted with. And then, for once I could lighten my foot on the brake of self-loathing. It's easier in the moment to be disappointed and disparaging and deprecating, but I hope I have some fire in me and for God's sake, some courage.
I’m proud of having become more committed to a Jewish way of life.
I am proud of my resilience because there were times this last year I felt the only hope was knowing that I will die one day. I have been more scared this year than I knew was possible. So I am proud to be jyst answering the question. And proud that I have a better understanding of my potential and will continue to expand and contract into who I am
I wish I had worried less about money... pretty much in every situation I can remember from the last year! It was tight sometimes, but was ordering the cheaper by $1 thing on the menu worth it when it wasn't what I actually wanted? I also missed out on some of the joy of traveling because I was calculating and worrying, when I should have had my eyes and mind wide open to the new things around me.
I wish I had handled money better. I'm really proud of the blog.
I wish Nick and I hadn't of let so much resentment build up between us. I wish we could have remained friends. I'm proud of several advances I've made at school and at work. I graduated with my B.A. degree; I achieved a 4.0 in all my upper division psychology coursework and was inducted into Psi Chi. I secured a raise at work and started working full-time. I've become considerably more independent and self-sufficient. I also enjoy my job and I feel like I make a positive difference in the world.
I’ve reflected a lot on freshman year and I think I wish I would have followed my impulses more. I have bad FOMO and even when I had the impulse to stay home, I would go out and lose sleep by going to parties that weren’t even fun for me. I wish I hadn’t let that get to me or my “lack of experience” compared to others get to me. Yet, I don’t think I would change these experiences because I am so much more aware of my impulses now, even those that are to make a distinct choice or speak out when I’m a tad afraid to do so. Other than being super proud of Yale and NSLC, I’m especially proud of my cast for James and the Giant Peach. After we opened that show, I remember remarking to Stephanie that I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder of a group of people in my life. Being in a cast is great and yields incredible pride, but to watch these students grow and put together a show under your guidance, I don’t know. It was different. I felt such immense love for them. It was awesome.
Yes. I wish I was calmer. That I didn't fly off the handle. That I could follow my declarations with actions. That I could find a way to stop, when I am about to lose it.
I wish I had used my downtime on something other than endlessly checking my phone. I know that's something I can still change, and I hope I can do that for the next year. I think if I added up the time I spend checking my phone on twitter, facebook, instagram, emails and everything else, I could have read multiple extra novels by now. On the other side, I have started reading more and manage three or four books a month. I'm doing that through a Readers Digest book challenge for this year, which I am proud to be keeping up with. 25 books this year - doesn't sound like a huge amount but time leaks away, especially when you're looking at a small screen for 2-3 hours a day.
I would have deal with my relationship in a different way. I would have approached the problems before it was too late. Ask for the things I wanted in the right moment and give the things that were expected from me without waiting for her to ask. Yet, I am really proud I had "that talk" with her. While things ended, they were for the greater good. For both of us. A mature decision that hurts, but that was needed to be done.
It’s hard for me to think about things I could have done differently. Maybe that says something about the level of control I feel I exert over my own life, but generally speaking I feel pretty good about myself minus my back issues (though I really do feel like that was out of my control). Alternatively I think there are several things I’m proud of. I’m proud I decided to freeze my eggs, which I did in July. I’m proud that I won/earned a work expensed retreat to Mayakoba Mexico for doing an excellent job at work and receiving a prestigious award. I’m even more proud of myself for speaking publicly at the retreat in front of 100+ colleagues and executives even though public speaking has long been one of my biggest fears. Fears can be overcome, they might take some time, but if you want to challenge yourself or open up to trying you might just surprise and better yet impress yourself.
So the past year was a wild rollercoaster ride for me, from giving up my addiction to being on a journey of self-development(Which is an on-going progress). There were instances where I felt I could've achieved things but I have no regrets about them. I'm really proud that I took the time out for myself in this hectic world. I started reading books to gain wisdom, I'm socializing with people, I even found my passion to fulfill my purpose of existence(That's what I'm proud of most).
No, for the most part I feel fine. There have definitely been ups and downs - i.e. I look back on my trip to Europe and think about the times I felt awkward or uncomfortable and just wish I could have helped myself to let go and just be present and enjoy myself. But I know it's all part of a period of growth and that I'll get there one day. I don't wish I'd done anything differently in the last year because I feel like the whole of last year is what is letting me get to this point of growth.
I'm proud that i had the wits and grit to do things my way, but i wish i'd had more money saved when i chose this approach. In the end, I'm low on funds and have fewer choices about where to live and how to live, but the next step i make will be all me, and i know it will work because i will be 100% invested. Sticking to my guns has made me stronger; suffering for it financially has made me more savings-savvy!
Spend less time on my phone and more early bedtimes! Happy that I've kept happy and sane at home, at work, with family. Maybe time to see some more friends or make some more!
I'm trying not to live in a space of regret.
I’m proud of how well I was able to meet and connect with new people. It’s something that’s finally starting to come easier after years of hard work at the skill.
It’s always having those deep vulnerable conversations with people... it’s being more of my true self. I still hold back. I’m still the quiet observer. I’m getting the courage to not only speak up in the moment, but do it in a way that comes across as loving and compassionate. I’ve been doing this more with Mike - and he’s asking for more. Which I find very interesting. I feel a huge sense of responsibility in this.
הייתי דוחף יותר טוב לעסקים. פחות משקיע בלקוחות שלא מעריכים כמו יצורי הנפש מנסה לעשות יותר עבור עצמי והעסק פחות עבור לקוחות והכל מובהר ומוסכם מראש
I wish I hadn't applied for the promotion at work. I thought that I'd be good at the new job, but I'm not. So there are many days that I wish I had another job, but it's not that easy. Plus, I don't want to keep doing this job for another company. I want to do something else. But I've been working in digital marketing for years now, so it's going to be hard to find something else. Plus I'm pregnant, so I can't job hunt now, and this company has great benefits. So I'm not leaving. But I wish I didn't have to deal with this. I hate not being good at something.
My relationship with Ezra (aged 5.5) has shifted this year and I feel like I've lost a sense of visceral touch with who he is and what he needs. As a result, I've become less patient and more annoyed with him more easily. I'm working overtime to try to really see him again, to respond immediately when he speaks so he knows I'm listening, and to try to reconnect and to figure out what he needs from me, while also keeping him on track and doing the things that he needs to do over the course of a day.
As always I wish that I had lost the weight that I had planned on losing. I fell back into bad patterns again and didn't try as hard as I wish that I would have. However, this year I did consistently do my workouts! And I have gotten so much stronger! I can even do 10 pushups, which I never thought that I would be able to do a year ago. So while my weight is the same, my body is very different now than it was a year ago. I can now appreciate it for how strong it has become and for how much more growth I am still able to make.
I'm proud of my best friend. She has worked hard to enhance her spiritual life and the way she sees herself. She has remained positive no matter what happens, and she continues to see the best in everyone. I'm proud to be her friend.
I wish I had done better in my job interview phone screen for a job I desperately wanted. I didn't get a call back although I was 100% qualified. I should have prepared more. I completed my 4 years of volunteering on a national project. I wrote a book chapter and received an award for it. I saw some past employees and students that thanked me for what I had done for them. I started an antidepressant. I got my child off to college.
plenty comes to mind that could have been done differently. Bidding higher on the Ellis job. Royal Gorge instead of the west shore Better accounting and follow up with money. Responding more meaningfully to Rama's requests. The back deck with the Ipe surround makes me proud.
I wish I had been more in touch with my family. With so much chaos going on with the current administration and the world as a whole, you can't ever spend enough time with family and friends.
My answer from last year still stands - it’s rare for me to think or wish I’d done something differently, because there’s no way of knowing whether that different action would’ve had any better an outcome. I do wonder if I went back to work too much, too soon - starting daycare was a huge adjustment for my son, and at first I was so foggy and sleep-deprived. And as he’s got older I’ve felt more confident as a parent and enjoyed my time with him more - to the point that now I feel like I’m working too much and wish I had more time with him. I am proud of myself for going back to work and, I think, doing a reasonable job. I’ve taken on new responsibilities and am working across different clinical areas which keeps me busy and interested in what I’m doing. I’m proud too that my son seems pretty happy, healthy and well adjusted, and seems to be growing and developing well. We’re getting in a pretty good routine as a family. We don’t have it all sorted but who does?
I wish I had not gotten into it with Tracey's friends. just kept my mouth shut. I am proud of being at my job for almost 21 years, which will lead to my contribution to our retirement life.
I wish that I could ever made some better decisions and chosen different people to surround myself with but I didn’t and I don’t know how I look back on that. I am proud of my growth in being a better friend to others and always making myself available to those who need me more than I may need myself
There is a lot that I wish I had done differently, too many things to count. As for proud of, I am proud of the chances on different programs that I have done at work, and I am looking forward to redoing them this year.
In my personal relationship with my significant other, I wish I would have had firmer boundaries with our relationship. I felt that I 'enabled' 'got lost' 'lost myself' for periods of time, and would have held firmer had a second chance. It was unhealthy for me. I am extremely proud of two things: 1) My maturing role as friend + co-parent to my ex-wife; 2) My faith in pursuing what is important to me to grow as a human, to take purposeful risk, and to be 'ok' with that edge between growth and fear.
I am not one to regret, and cannot pinpoint something. I may, in the moment, feel this way, but generally believe in lessons learned and positives. I am not so much proud as content with life, the decisions I've made, and what I've done. It makes me happy to be alive and to look to the future.
As I contemplated I couldn't think of anything I would change, so I read last year's answer. I still holds true: "No. I have done a lot of remarkable things this past year but I am glad to say I am past living second-guessing myself. I make the choices that are the best ones at the time. Sub-optimal results are to be expected, and thus not to be feared or wished-away."
I wish I'd done more of the day to day self care that I crave, like resting, reading books, exercise, and spending time with my loved ones.
I wish that I had ended my marriage sooner. I was very unhappy and staying out of fear of starting over.
I've spent too much time apologizing for my body. It is too broken, too infertile, to big. So many of the messages we receive are 'if you just [insert thing here] you will be healthy/happy/thin/fertile'. I need to stop that. My body is awe inspiring just as it is.
I'm really proud of the relationships I've built over the last year, with clients and peers at Compass, with folks in Jewish communities and those at grassroots organizations across Boston. I wish I had prioritized my own healing and pain/support this year.
I wish I spoke up more in the past year, particularly in advocating for myself. For fear of failure in school I let myself get stepped on way too often and ultimately I don't think it helped. I am proud of all the new experiences I am making it through this year. My new job is something I'm really proud of. The organization I work for is amazing and does such innovative exciting stuff and many days I can't believe I am part of it.
I wish I would have spent more time putting my business together. I've spent so long putting it off, worrying about perfection and failure. Had I spent more time building my business instead of daydreaming or procrastinating, I would have been making money or at least learning from my mistakes by now. I am especially proud of applying for a job I do not qualify for. I'm still struggling with imposter syndrome, but it felt great to meet new people in the interview process and tell them what I have to offer. If I am accepted it will be my biggest career move yet.
I'm usually not one to have regrets. I'm generally a happy person and I tell myself that whatever mistakes or choices I made previously, those are the ones I had to make in order to get to where I am today. If I'm unhappy it seems counterintuitive or unproductive of me to say it's because a choice I made in the past. However, this year is probably my first and only regret. On October 31st, I was supposed to pick up something from my mom's house before work for a coworker's costume. I had texted her the night before and told her that I'd drop by on the way. The next morning, I left my house pretty late and was in a rush. When I got to my mom's house, she wasn't answering the door nor her phone. I usually carried a key to her house with me, but I had recently taken my key off it's ring to lend to Ryan so he could feed the dogs while we went on a family trip. Therefore, it was still on key table at home. I was thus locked out of my parents house and no matter how much I knocked, no one would answer. I even went around to her bedroom and knocked on her screen door (which was also locked), but still no one answered. Of course I know where the loose window is that I could jimmy open and climb through and I weighed the idea of this for a moment. It's stupid. My thought at the time was that it would be hard to do in my Halloween costume, which was a bit cumbersome. I was already late for work and wanted to leave early that night for Halloween festivities, and how far was I really willing to go to help my coworker with his own costume... Thus I decided against trying to climb through the window and was annoyed with my mom for forgetting that I told her that I was going to pass by and at least not having her cellphone with her to apologize that she left without leaving the helmet on the porch or something.. As I was driving away from the house this needle of paranoia entered my head as I realized that all of her cars were parked in front of the house. But that would mean everyone was home.. but no one answered the door. I couldn't figure out what would cause that scenario to happen. Unless! There was a carbon monoxide leak. My mom once told me a story of how her brother's family all fell asleep in their house and were saved in the last moment by her brother droggily getting everyone to go outside and collapse on the lawn. Ever since, the idea was incredibly terrifying to me. So now it was in my head that the entire household was put to sleep by carbon monoxide and if I didn't turn around in that moment, then the next time I would see my parents and everyone else in that house would be on the news as they report an entire family dies of cm poisoning and I would have to live with the fact that I could've saved them for the rest of my life. At that moment, I was changing lanes, prepared to U-turn right there. I couldn't live with that worst case scenario. However, right before I turned around I remembered my brother's dog coming to the window while I was knocking. Smiling and wagging her tail at me. Ah, it couldn't be CO poisining, or else the dog would've been asleep too. And with that thought I continued on to work expecting a call or text from my mom any minute as she gets a hold of her cellphone again and sees all my missed texts and calls. Then I got to work and still nothing from my mom. Then it turned 10am. nothing. By 11am, I was fidgety. It's unlike my mom to not respond to 12 missed calls or whatever absurd number I left on her phone. I contacted her friends that pick her up from time to time to go out. If she's with them, then I can at least have peace of mind that I'll be able to bicker with her later. Her besties told her that they haven't seen her and they had no plans. That's weird.. I can't imagine my mom going out in any one else's car but theirs. Everyone else, she would've driven herself to them.. She would never sleep in until 11am. She doesn't typically forget her cellphone either.. So what's the deal? I couldn't explain it. By the time my 11am meeting ended at 1145am (which I wasn't paying attention to at all anyways) I told my boss that I needed to detour home to check on something but that I should be back later. As I was driving back, I thought of how silly I was being. Thinking back to the time that I got a missed call from my brother at 1am, and when he didn't respond by 12pm the next day I was about to call the police and file a missing person's report only to find that he was working and didn't realize how late it was when he called. I acknowledge my own overactive imagination. As I was approaching my mom's house, I was thinking of how I would find her on her computer with her phone under her pillow totally unaware of how it's been going off this entire time. Then, since it was lunch time, I would be annoyed but ask if she wants to get a quick bite to eat with me. Maybe we'd go to the thai restaurant down the street. I went to my house first. Grabbed the key. Went to my mom's house. Opened the door and looked around. Seemed like a quiet empty house. No one seemed to be home. I thought.. great.. I can't even do the lunch plan with my mom now. She's just not home and she forgot her phone for some reason. I checked the kitchen. Went into her bedroom. Nothing. I was about to exit the bedroom when I thought I should check the bathroom just so when I got back to work I would know that I checked every possible place. That's when I found my mom. Clothesless, collapsed in the shower. I yelled at her and asked what's going on. To my relief, her eyes opened, she looked confused, she couldn't speak, I couldn't get her up. I didn't know at that moment, but she had a stroke. She had been in that shower alone, unable to call or help herself up.. maybe since 9:30am, which is when I first got to the house. I regret not making that U-turn. I knew there was something wrong and I convinced myself out of it. I will regret that for the rest of my fucking life.
I wish I had gone about my first relationship a little differently. I was so eager to be in one that I neither maintained myself nor the relationship. There is so much give and take in a healthy relationship. In the aftermath, I realized everything I had given but couldn’t find many concrete examples where I had taken. I am especially proud of how I got out of the situation and picked everything back up in my life. I did so with little hesitation. I finished my honor’s fhesis wonderfully and on time and that is what I am most proud of. No one will ever be able to take that away from me.
I have been talking about starting to write one of several stories that I have had on my mind to write as either a screenplay or book. I finally started, and while the first story is not the one I thought I would start with, it is proving to be the right one to start with, as it is helping bring some closure to some family history. It's a story about being the eldest son, raised in a family with a disabled sibling, and the mishagas that goes on....So appropriate given my mom's passing this year.
I have few regrets from this year. The truth is that my circumstances allowed me to create a schedule and accomplish almost anything that I desired, and I think I did a satisfactory job achieving my goals. I learned Torah on a consistent basis, exercised often, davened with a minyan. I only regret not pausing to breathe and appreciate the wonderful things that I got to do everyday. Gratitude to Hashem, and to other humans, is the most valuable thing in the world.
There's a lot I'm proud of, actually. I now have a body that is not cooperative, so there are days where showering and cooking and waking up take effort. So much effort. There are days I want to call it quits. But this year I have finished my VISTA year, received a job offer at APL, done solid work with APL, received acceptance to and began a great grad program, moved apartments with Jess and the cats, celebrated my 24th birthday, danced to music in my apartment, cooked in my underwear, had sex, went swimming more than once, smiled through the pain. To put it simply, I lived, both in small and large ways, and for me, right that, that's something to be proud of.
This is an exceedingly difficult question for me. This last year has been about pure survival. Having two babies at the same time has been the challenge of my life. I am proud of how I have tried to mother my babies - although I don't know what I'm doing, I just try to love them and show them as much love as I can every day and time I am with them. I am proud of that.
I wish that I had set better boundaries for myself when starting this new job, boundaries which would have allowed me to not get so swept up in past drama at the museum. I think my emotional health might be better off if 80% of my conversations with work friends didn't revolve around what's wrong with our workplace. Alternatively, I'm proud that I even got this job (a history curator!!) and that I am on a team that values and respects my voice and my whole identity.
Proud that we successfully transitioned a portion of our business to Nick.
It's hard to pick just one thing! I climbed an awesome multi-pitch route in the Blue Mountains in Australia, and it wasn't easy but I only fell once and that was great. Overall I'm really proud of the progress I've made in climbing, it makes me feel good and I saw a journal entry from a year ago where I'd just hit 10a, and now I'm regularly climbing 11s, so that feels pretty good.
Spent more time with my parents, my father has Alzheimer's and my mother takes care of him. She would love for us to be together more often.
I wish I hadn't lost my temper as much as I did. I don't like yelling and crying, but sometimes it just bursts out of me. I am proud of the fact that I finally started taking drawing classes online. I had forgotten how much I love to draw and create. It's like magic sometimes when an image starts in my head and I can put it down on a piece of paper.
I wish I had prioritised calling Dad more. I wish I had read between the lines and understood the situation with his partner's health and met them halfway more and helped more (though I know they would have resisted any help). I wish I had handled some things in the immediate aftermath of his death better, though I know exactly why I didn't and think that's ok. I wish I was more efficient with the paperwork and sorting. I wish I was better at self care and more proactive. I wish I could prioritise better and see the wood for the trees more. I wish I was more focussed and more assertive at work, and that I made more time to prioritise what I want to do in the medium to long term. I wish I was better at saving! I'm proud of giving Dad two small but lovely funerals. I'm proud of arranging one in a country where I don't understand the systems or speak the language (and I'm thankful for all the amazing people who made that possible by speaking English!). I'm proud of my family.
I am proud that I sought therapy and made progress in finding myself amid the demands of my wife, children and father.
I wish I had been able to find work that satisfied me. I wish I made more money, I wish I had bought a different house. I wish I had beaten my depression. I wish I hadn't gained the weight. I wish I was happier
I wish I had better prepared myself for the end of my last regular job. I knew the end was coming (or at least very likely), but I didn't tighten up as much as I could have in preparation for leaner times. Now I'm making most of my decisions based on money and it's a stressful way to start a business.
I need to continue to "not let the small stuff get me down" as my dad would say. It's not worth the stress.
Wish I had done a better job of planning/discussing activities with and without kids at the beginning of the school year. I really wanted to do community theater with my daughter, but ended up in a bind where my husband felt she was doing too many extracurriculars, and she didn't want me to participate in the production without her. So I didn't participate and then felt resentful.
I wish I had saved more money and been more confident at work. Also - I wish I hadn't snacked so much! I'm proud of the way I conducted myself in a team setting. And I'm also proud of the way I let go of some of my imposter syndrome.
This answer relates to the response in question number one. I'm happy that I have enabled two young people to restart their lives in a safe place to grow. Providing a home/sanctuary for my transgender granddaughter and her fiance has been a growth experience for all three of us. I'm not sure I can use the word "proud" because it has been kind of a joint effort. I never would have undertaken it without the clear knowledge that I was truly being directed by God.
I wish I had purchased my house in January 2018 when the 30-year mortgage interest rate was 3.95%. I ended up paying a 4.25% interest rate by waiting until May to buy my house.
I wish I had used my work time more wisely. Though I’m proud of my income, raises and production. I wish spent more time pursing my author/sing-writing dreams and making art. I’m proud of the projects and home improvements made before William arrived. I started Bullet Journaling! That’s been an organizational game changer.
I am especially proud of my diligence studying Spanish. I have not missed a single day of my language practice, and remain committed to shoring up the barrier I've created by not making space in my life to adapt.
Always wish I'd been able to focus more on being creative, I thought a lot about painting, but did not do much. But I'm proud that we made that trip to England together as a family, found out we traveled pretty well together and hoping to do much more in the future. And that I've managed not to get another "real job" so far and we're doing OK.
I am so grateful to have returned once again to "The Artist's Way". I led a group this summer and I benefited from it as much as anyone. I have continued with my Beloved Immortals (since 2005!) but I yearned for a book club that reads books and discussed ideas. Two weeks after I made my yearning known, I was invited into just such a group (DB's Book Sisters), and some of the ladies in that group and another book club came together for six "Artist's Way" meetings this summer. I am grateful that our Creative Sanctuary has held together in spite of Merrill's passing, and I am grateful that some of her community have pulled together. We have named ourselves "River Angels" after one of her last paintings, and a website is nearly ready to go live. We will meet in the new home of Art & Soul (on Sidco Drive instead of 12 South) on October 5th for an inaugural Poetry Night. So...creative energy is coming back after the setback of losing Merrill, who was such a spark and mainstay of a whole community's creative process.
I am proud of how well I've stayed fit this past year. I have really worked to increase my fitness compared to years past and in many ways I have succeeded. I'm averaging almost an hour of working out per day since Jan. 1! On the flip side I am less productive than I should have been at work. In many ways the willpower I expend exercising is not there for me to push through work. I want to better myself in that regard next year.
I'm not sure right now what I wish I had done differently... I think my mind is bogged down in a lot of "what if"s that probably aren't the most helpful. I think I do wish I had worked harder at my job... I feel pretty good about it, and I like it a lot, but I think there are probably a lot of ways I could take more initiative and not get stuck on things I don't want to do. I think I'm proud of doing a little better with my family relationships. I still find it pretty hard sometimes, and I definitely struggle with patience, but I think I am doing a little better at letting them in and trying to just be happier and more open and honest with them.
Different: While I grew a lot this year, I still had moments of fault. I lingered on relationships longer than necessary and hope next year I can make more speedy and healthy decisions. Proud: for the most part, I was able to be patient with all those around me-- both at work and in my personal life. I worked on focusing on 'I statements' and seeing the world from another's perspective, rather than just my own. I also learned from some past mistakes in personal relationships, which is always a win! I'm also proud of my travels-- I was able to travel to 3 international places with ease.
I wish I had asked Jimmy to move out. I am proud the I lost 26 pounds.
Proud of the fact we bought Laura's house, I asked her to marry me, and all the work I did in the warrior movement.
I wish I had focussed a little bit more this past year on my health, watching my weight, eating a more balanced diet, working out more, etc. It's so easy in new or difficult circumstances to forget about that and do whatever, but it's so important and really affects so many areas of your life. This year I really hope to take care of myself better.
i wish i'd spent more time writing.
I'm really proud of the work that I have done in therapy this year. It's been such hard, gut wrenching work, and there have been many many tears through the process, but I'm proud of the progress that I've made. Specifically, I habe acquiesced that I am, indeed, brave. That's been a hard thing to admit, but I've come to see myself that way, at least occasionally.
I"m proud of myself for seeking out the hysterectomy. It's hard. So fucking hard. But it's also the right thing to do and I'm proud I asked for one. Next month I'm doing something huge and life changing and it's only because I was brave enough to take charge of my care and ask for it.
Often my regrets are around money. I really wish I had saved some of the bonus and tax return I got at the beginning of the year. I wish I were in a different place, financially. But at the same time, I am not sure I really would have done that much differently. There are stupid things I spent money on that I probably wouldn't if I had it to do over but I'm really glad I took advantage of my flexibility at work to get down to Florida as much as I did. I'm glad I got a car. I'm proud of how I've been handling myself at this new job. I think. So... I guess maybe there's not something I wish I had done differently as much as there's opportunity to do things differently going forward. We'll see, next year, whether or not I seized those opportunities.
It would have been nice to have been able to pay off some additional debt. With Barak leaving his job and planning for a baby and moving, I was more concerned with ensuring we were secure for those things than paying off additional debt. We'll get there eventually once we can bring in a bit more income and lower our expenses - we were just doing so well for a little while. I wish we had been able to find a Jewish community, it became very apparent to me at high holiday services how much I need regular reminders of what kind of person I want to be in this world. It's so easy to just fall into bad habits or treat others poorly. I need the weekly or monthly examination of the choices I am making to ensure they remain in line with the type of person I want to be in this world. I'm really proud of Barak! I know that's not exactly the question but I'm so proud of how much he's taken to learning about my pregnancy and the birthing process. I just know this will continue into the type of father he will be to our children - exactly as I thought he would be which is why I married him :) I'm proud of my podcast - I didn't really have expectations for it when I started but the fact that it has now had almost 13,000 downloaded episodes is crazy! I'm looking forward to feeling more settled with the kid and going back to work to pick it back up and see where it goes from here!
Finding an apartment that I love is something I'm proud of. Working at marriage is also something I'm proud of. The fact that we're doing pretty well there. I still didn't make time to apply to new jobs, and I'm still a little disappointed in myself about that.
I wish I had applied in a timely manner to two different opportunities at EA. And I guess this speaks to my larger desire to reclaim myself from this abyss I feel balanced on, not looking after my physical health and well-being which in turn affects my mental health. In a year I would be proud if I could commit to a regular exercise routine as I know this helps with all aspects of my health. But Ive had this goal for as long as I remember and I always seem to come up short.
I am super proud of how my class went. I loved them so much and they were SUCH good kids. I could not have asked for a better class. They were so kind and respectful and I think I really grew and took giant leaps as a teacher. I learned new tactics, methods, and was way way more confident than I had been in the previous year.
I am getting professed into the Franciscan order in a couple of weeks. It has taken almost 4 years to complete this process and I feel humbled by my journey!
I wish I had spent more time writing. Last year I didn't want to say the same thing again this year, but here we are. I am, however, okay with the amount of writing I do, I just wish I had a little more stick-to-it-ness to get through the tough parts. Resolve, therefore, to set some reachable goals involving writing!
I'm proud of the decision making I've done. Of the confidence I've faked, and of my determination. That said I wish at times I'd worked a little harder and been more prepared. I think my motivation still lacks some days and I don't always feel visionary. I wish I had made more of my summer - made more of Detroit, but ultimately I'm pretty proud of myself and how far I've come.
I wish I was nicer to people at work, especially Amanda. It’s important to build an alliance there and it seems that she’s intimidated by me when I stand my ground. I am proud I got my body back into shape and managed my anxiety through a particularly stressful year.
I wish that I'd figured out a way to be more encouraging of my spouse in terms of the WHY he needs to lose weight and be in better shape. Sometimes I hear myself saying things to him that I know sound demeaning or parental, but I haven't figured out the right balance in tone and approach, to let him know how much I care. I am proud of my own health commitments this past year; and strive to do more in the exercise part - again.
I should have begun spending my money more carefully. I had to borrow from Mom and Dad too frequently, and feel that I am not yet fully self-sufficient. Emma also sometimes has to pay for me. I need to be better about managing my finances.
Oh, man. Why didn't I do a better job collecting evidence about Scott's use of alcohol when he was caring for the kids over this past year (and all the years before)? I've been tiptoeing around it and still trying to placate him and just wait for the situation to resolve itself. But it hasn't resolved itself; it's gotten worse; I feel like I'm up against a wall with the degree of my resentment and disgust. I'm tired of people on one hand advocating for me to stay for the sake of the kids' safety and people on the other hand advocating for me to leave him and just accept that I may have to leave the kids with him 50% of the time. Is there anyone who can help me out of this with the kids safely in my care? I feel like I'm being held hostage. I made a terrible mistake - marrying and having kids with an alcoholic - I believed him when he said he would stop drinking. Do my kids really have to be the ones to pay the price for my over-optimism?
I wish I had understood that Bob as really dying so soon, and spent every minute of that last week with him. And I wish I had not yelled at him that one night when he kept waking me because he needed to pee and didn't understand how to use the urinal anymore. But I'm so glad that we still ended with how much we loved each other. He was my special person, to the end.
I am proud of asking for help when I needed it, and I wish that I had done so earlier.
I wish I'd lived the first few months of the school year like I lived in the last few. Looking back on spring quarter, I feel proud of how much I did to soak it all in. I said yes, but didn't forget to work hard; I traveled to another continent, but got home quickly and made it count. Above all, I got my shit together for the time after graduation without letting it take away from experiencing the graduating itself. So reflecting on last year's answer, I feel proud of the way I leaned into a year that I spent plenty of time worrying about. My only wish is that I'd known how to best soak it for the whole time, instead of only at the end. And, relatedly, I wish I'd known how to make a good 1-second video before, say, February, and used less shots of jogging, food, and computer screens. But I guess I'm still doing that now, as I enter 5779. I'll keep working on it.
Na verdade não há nada que eu gostaria de ter feito diferente, mas estou orgulhosa de mim mesma por ter continuado. Aliás, preciso queimar minha carta de suicídio.
I'm proud of myself for being responsible, and taking care of business. I'm adulting like a boss, keeping my house clean, my bills paid, my supplies purchased, my friendships cultivated. Sometimes I'm not sure how I'm doing it all, but I'll just keep my head down and keep hustling. It's nice to be in a groove.
I wish I had worked out more, and I am going to get on Track, by starting out slowly working out. I am proud of how I have down well in my job this year. I am proud I am able to and hope to continue.
I am proud of where I am physically. I have been working VERY hard and am seeing incredible results. I can run faster. I am stronger than ever. I can run longer without getting winded. I have my November Project family to thank for this.
I should spend less time around the people who make me feel irrelevant and more time around people who make me feel worthwhile. This year I was proud of making it to Florida; proving to my family and myself that I could live independently support myself and now two dogs.
I wish I had not strived to solve my problems in my own strength. I wish I had searched the Scriptures more until I found an answer, then sent it back to God in the form of a prayer and asked for eyes and ears to see and hear Him working it out in, through and around me to His glory.
I wish I had been more kind to the people around me. Especially the people I don't get along with. There have been too many instances where I've been insensitive and done some emotional damage. I did it in the name of Honesty and Bluntness, but in retrospect it seems self serving and made it easier for me because I didn't have to be empathetic. There's a difference between being true to yourself and not caring about being an asshole. Something I'm proud of is my complete turn around of independence and mental health. Being this functional is a lot of work and I didn't just wake up fixed.
This year I was able to do many things for others that were the right thing to do, although I was not recognized or appreciated for it. I am proud that I was able to do the right thing anyway, and I hope in the future I will feel more appreciated for my contributions and efforts.
In regards to having done something differently, I can think of many of these items. The job search, for one. In some ways, I think I was too nervous to just sit and wait for something that seemed like it would be a good fit for me, instead, jumping at the first job that someone offered...although I am very proud that I negotiated. In other parts of my life, I feel that I could have relaxed a bit about Corporate Finance! Jeez, I let that have too much mind space! Hmmm...and my fieldwork supervisor...definitely should not have given that person as much mind space as I did. Too much negativity!
I don't think I could change anything I've done. I am trying to put myself first and realize who I am, and learning to love myself.
I am especially proud of the patience and faith and open communication that I've had with B this year. I feel like I've been able to state my needs and concerns without assigning any blame and she hasn't become defensive. I wish that I hadn't brought fear and anxiety to our vacation together. It was a perfect storm of stressors leading to the trip, but it took time out of our vacationing to heal from it.
One of my proudest accomplishments this year was chapel. On March 28, I gave chapel at STAB. I spent a long time thinking about the day, intentionally placing it in late March to deflect from college stress, not knowing that March 28 would be Ivy day… I wanted to make it Jewish, as that was a large part of my external identity at STAB. Then again, I could’ve gone up there and said something completely different and thrown people for a loop. I spoke about the Passover story and how the treatment of the wicked child bothered me. In all honesty, that wasn’t something I had though about before his year, but it was a metaphor on a silver platter, and definitely changed my perspective on the Passover story. It was a great chance to wrap up my experience at STAB before missing half of my last month and a half for Doug’s Trip, spring kallah, and college tours. I received a lot of praise for it, which was definitely a nice boost on a day which I was being judged by a panel of people I would never meet. I think anyone with a story to tell or a good narrative voice should give chapel. It’s ok to make people listen to you as long as you have something to say. Some boarders skipped my chapel and had to write apology letters to me. isn’t them my chapel, and a few of them responded with their thoughts. Alan reached out to Jerry before I gave it to him so he could oread it. It was a nice example of the close-knit high school community where even if you don’t know a person well or at all, you still have a stake in their life and care about what they have to say. It’s interesting to struggle with my first English 120 essay having come off a year of personal writing in the chapel and college essays. I hope that skill develops this semester.
I am proud of joining Remote Year with no doubt at all. It's an experience that changed my life to the best. I grew a lot and changed a lot in my mindset and spirituality. It will definitely be a great start kicking off my extraordinary life. I also learnt how to love well and experience what a great love relationship should feel like. What I could've done better is to be more aware of surrounding myself more with people that I could learn and challenge myself. I lost track of it after half of remote year. Even I ditched the blind social style, I didn't make enough effort to pay enough energy and time to look for better quality people and initiate connecting with them. This is something I will have more intention in the next year.
Proud: Johan. Inviting him to meet me was such a good idea from Yasmin, and i really do think i made a positive impact on him. i'm not blind as to the fact that i probably influence a lot of people's identity comfort, but johan is the person that i'm most touched by. the sheer fact that he was scared to try skinny jeans because he was uncomfortable with his own perceptions, and then got those AND a jean jacket because he liked mine, that means more to me than any stranger who tells me they i helped them come to terms with themselves, because i feel johan's personal struggle and i know how difficult that can be. Something different: as always, i didn't communicate well enough with my friends. i need to get better at reaching out and not accidentally creating the impression of dismissal. it's absolutely not that i don't care, it's that i lack the energy in that moment to respond, and then i just don't because it took too long and now it'll look stupid to answer. i can eliminate that discomfort if i just set ground rules for myself and clear the fact with my friends that i may not answer but it isn't intentional. (most of the time)
This past year I am proud of my involvement in the school and building a sense of school community. This year I would like to extend that to the community around the school to involve more of the cultures from within our community into our school.
Both! I am so so proud of the wedding I planned! It was beautiful and fun, and everything I planned was just as I had envisioned. But, I also wish I had chilled out just a little bit on the details. Mike really came through with most of the big stuff. I also am proud of the strides I’ve made toward work-life balance.
Mostly this past year has been unexciting—there don’t seem to be any significant regrets or moments of pride to be found. And, for me, the fact that I’ve kept plugging at the things I’ve been working on is a place I can be proud of myself. I have a tendency to get bored easily, and to seek new and exciting experiences. Follow-through is not my forte. So to have kept on my various paths through a year of nothing too special happening is growth.
This past year I competed in 3 body competitions, which I am extremely proud of. It's actually almost been a year ago--in about two weeks. I kind of wish I had left Madison in the past year, but I don't really know if my reasons are solid. All of my college friends have left Madison so I feel like I should leave. And I'm afraid that adventure is out there and I'm missing it by staying in Madison. But the grand daddy of all motives for wanting to leaving Madison is because I'm not happy. However, I am fairly certain that moving doesn't solve all of life's issues. Which is why, in the mean time, I am shifting my focus and creating my own happiness in my current life. This is life, and there is no reason I can't be happy right here, right now. I know that I do want to leave Madison someday, but I don't want to be running away. I want to be running full steam ahead to something and somewhere really exciting.
I will always wish, in hindsight, that I had taken better care of this body, especially being more active. I think often of poet Donald Hall who reflected at 83 how he dreaded the therapy required at that stage in his life because he did not move more at age with my next hirthday. I say I will do better, then don’t. I tend to “live in my head,” not on my feet. It’s not going to get any easier next year. I am well aware of what this may mean for the quality of my life in my last years. And yet.... I hesitate to use “proud” in relation to being kind, speaking out, contributing to a local foodbank, helping get our writers’ group on its feet again...things any decent, caring person would do. Such actions are, however, consistent with the kind of person I want to be in this world. I would call it “grateful” I have the inclination, the means and the commitment to make a difference in my three feet of influence.
I wish that I could hve been able to better maintain my boundries with my husband. I feel I am walking a tight-rope, trying to keep the peace, not let the tension grow to much and not getting too affectionate. Living with a man who has convinced himself he isn't your ex (because I have let him think that by not rocking the boat) is very hard.
I wish I would not get so angry so quickly. I think I've been like that since I was a child and don't know why or how to change it. One thing I am somewhat proud of is trying to do something about this and other related aspects and starting to do twice daily meditation. I think it is helping me but not with the anger (at least for now). I will continue and see how it goes.
I regret how I've spent money. If I could go back, I would start the wedding fund immediately and stop eating out.
I'm very proud that I got my tattoo. Every time I look down at my wrist and see that bridge I'm reminded of who I am and how strong I am for overcoming everything with my dad and the divorce.
I wish I had taken advantage of a different career path that was before me. I wish I hadn't rushed into something that so clearly had red flags. I was presented with two polar opposites, and I went with what turned out to be the wrong decision.
Maybe I should have said yes to the chance to have a no strings attached tryst, but it wouldn't have made me happy. I just want someone to think I am worth getting to know.
I wish I had done a better job disciplining my daughter while at the same time being more attentive to her needs. It's hard!
I'm exceptionally proud that I had the courage to audition for my favorite show and that I got to be in Big River with my daughter. I haven't auditioned for a show since high school and I never thought I would, but I couldn't pass up the chance. After losing so many loved ones last year, I realized that life is short and we have to take chances and enjoy what we can, while we can. It was an amazing experience that I wouldn't trade for much.
I am especially proud of the work I did at Ironhack (a web development bootcamp)—not just the programming, but also my attempts to immerse myself in Spanish and Mexican culture. I learned to take myself less seriously because sometimes it takes making a fool of yourself to grow.
I wish I had been more confident in my writing abilities and really owned the fact that writing is what I want to do. I am a good writer. I try to remind myself of that every day, because even now I often don't feel that it's true. But I'm being paid to write, I've had a play published, and I know when I'm writing that it's good. I can feel it. It isn't always as good as I'd like it to be, but it's good. In this regard, I guess the thing I'm proud of is also what I wish I'd done differently. I'm proud of myself for finally feeling more confident (or at least making an effort to do so) in my abilities, but I also wish I'd made the effort a lot sooner.
I feel an immense amount of guilt that my answer this year is the same as last. I knew without even reading! I wish for myself to widen my capacity to experience joy. What is the point of all my productivity and labor if I cannot enjoy moments that I lead myself to? I wish for my relationships with others to grow in so many ways- and I think the best way to get there is by SLOWing my roll, and finding what there even is to enjoy in each moment. This year, may I practice joy and not just dream of it and speak of it and social media it.
I'll start with the good. I am proud that I have prioritized my health this year. I ran two half marathons, have made exercise and healthy eating a consistent part of my daily routine, and have lost 10lbs. I feel much healthier and confident in my skin. Done differently? I wish that I was better at resisting the urge to look at my phone when I am spending time with J and M. As a family, I feel that we are allowing our addictions to screen time to come between us, to make our time together less intimate and meaningful. I will continue to work on this.
I wish I had cut back on drinking earlier than I finally did. I know I would have felt better overall. As for something I'm proud of? I guess managing to get rid of everything at my father-in-law's estate. It took more time and effort than I expected.
I stay behind the scenes so there are no things that make me profoundly proud. I do wish that I could release the anger and disappointment that continue to influence me as a person in different situations. I can not change how I have been treated and how I will continue to be treated and I am not willing to walk away from those that do it either. I just want to be able to make less emotional decisions.
I wish I had reached out to people around me both when they needed it and when I needed help or companionship.
I wish I would have slowed down when I was buying my house. I was in such a hurry to make a purchase and to move that I likely paid more than I should have for the house. I love my location and love the house. I don't love the problems I've had since the purchase. Maybe nothing would have been different. I am trying to be grateful for owning a home and for having the resources to address the problems.
I helped to inspire and create an event which in turn inspired many others to work for Social Justice.
I wish I had taken more time to just be. To be present when chatting with others on the phone or texting etc. To stop and think before I act or speak. I am pleased that I have finally unearthed my past down to the bottom and see that although it continues to affect my behavior [i'm changing that], it doesn't have the power to hurt me anymore...yay!!!!!
I'm proud to have re-committed myself to activism, after a surge of activity in 2016 followed by a bitter numbness that set in mid-2017. In the last seven or eight months, I've forced myself to dive in again. I've been showing up at marches, hosting a monthly community justice gathering, becoming a monthly donor to a few of the organizations doing meaningful work in these difficult times. I wish I'd done even more.
I don’t think I would have done anything differently. I think things have come and will continue to come with time and experiences. I’ll run into things and hopefully adapt and learn sooner than later each time. When things are pressing, answer the call. Keep moving through the difficult things, and for me it’s about thinking less and just doing what I know must be done. I’m proud of my progress, though it’s something I rarely say. I’m proud of the progress in my mind, along my healing journey. I’m proud of my growth amidst the challenges and chaos of life. I think there’s something to say about showing up, taking care of yourself, and continuously moving forward. Proud of the learning, understanding, connecting, and living over the last year and beyond. Getting to a place where I really can appreciate things and people, where I can slow time and experience what is here.
As always I wish I had invested more in myself. I am proud that I helped out as much as I did with my grandson.
I wish that my decisions on my eye surgeries were not such a radical change. I changed from nearsightedness to more farsightedness. This has affected my long standing routines and my perception of the world around me.
I wish that two years ago I had held on to my possessions that were ruined in a flood and tried to rescue what I could rather than throwing my hands up and saying "just take it all away". That messy pile included pieces of jewelry that could have been cleaned and saved. I am especially proud that I sought treatment for my sleep apnea this past year. My work situation has improved, since I no longer fall asleep at my desk, and I also got a raise.
Differently? I actually feel quite good about this year. I avoided interpersonal conflicts, acted with integrity, and made choices in line with my goals and values. I would have preferred some things had gone differently, of course, but overall I think I played a good game of life this year. I'm far from my goals and dreams, but I'm starting to feel the glimmers of hope and excitement again.
I printed my new book! It came out on digital format the previous year, but needed more time till it could be printed. Surely proud of it. On the other hand, I wish I had put more focused effort into promoting it more.
I wish I hadn't had a relationship with my ex boyfriend. I wish I hadn't given him the chance to mess up my head. I've never been hurt like that in my life. It's gonna take years to recover.
I battled cancer. And I won!
I wish I had been more patient- maybe that's not the right way to phrase it, more that I wish I hadn't lost my temper to the point I have with Daniel in the past year. I'm not proud, and this is one of the things that if I could change it, I would. I've been working on my temper and how far I lose it, and my work for the coming year is to continue to make improvements in this. As far as something I'm proud of, it's my role at work. I contribute, and my contributions are recognized; and I'm proud of that. I'm respected. I'm proud of that.
I really wish I hadn't spent/wasted as much time just 'dating' even though it was part of the process of putting myself out there and also part of coming to the conclusion that I REALLY do want a lifetime partner and that I need to prioritize that as a Top 3 life priority rather than burrowing into my hole when something doesn't go well. I think I have a good instinct about people and as I continue to put up with less bullshit, I still hold out too much hope sometimes. I know myself, and although I've tried to take a different approach by trying to go on a few dates to get to know someone, I know right away and I should listen to that and be okay saying "no thank you" after just one date. I am especially proud of my diligence in my workouts and in my self-growth and exploration and acceptance of where I'm at in life. This has been a hard year to realize that I'm not where I thought I'd be at 36, but alternatively, I have really taken a lot of risks in business and life choices and I feel they are starting to pay dividends even if sometimes I can't see them as they are right away. I hear the quiet voice in my head that encourages me to keep going rather than the fear voice. That's such a huge step towards self-employment and I'm so happy to see it becoming a default rather than always feeling like I'm failing or not good enough.
This year has kind of been almost just a fog, to be honest. It has seemed so long and also so short. I can't say that I wish I hadn't stressed out about the wedding so much, because it turned out perfect. I can't really say I wish I could have kept my mouth shut at work, because it really made me think about my life in general. I do wish that Justin and I had had an honest conversation about how we were each feeling about the wedding planning process. I felt like he didn't care, and he felt like his opinion wasn't being heard. I didn't even know he was really expressing an opinion, so I know I need to watch out for that in the future. As far as what I'm proud about, I'm proud of how the wedding came out. I love that I brought all these people together and that it went so well. And the wedding itself was perfect. I'm proud of the way that people acted towards others at the wedding also.
SO MANY THINGS I WANT TO ERASE. What I’m proud of is standing tall when I didn’t feel like it. Getting out of a bad situation and finding a better one. Pushing myself to learn discipline and work harder. Knowing success looks like failure in the middle of the process and getting up after I fall.
I wish I had gotten more sleep. Seriously, that sounds vain and silly but I can tell that mentally and physically, I am more on my game - for myself, for my family and for my community, when I sleep. This year, I will try to watch less late night TV and read that book (or five) that have sat on my nightstand.
this has been the best year of my life, despite being the hardest. divorcing my partner of two decades was such a huge feat, and i feel like i not only thrived without him but have begun to build a truly beautiful life on my own. i'm deeply proud of myself. i'm not in any way surprised by my strength. i always knew i had it in me. but seeing it in action, sitting in my own power, is truly magical.
I got a new job this summer! I was very, very unhappy at my old job for a long time - I cried so much, got physically ill, and was filled with dread on a regular basis. I really should have left earlier. Yes, the money and benefits were very very very good, but that I was so unhappy, was not worth it. Now, I make quite a bit less, but I am loving my work, my team, and really feel like I'm doing my best work and what I'm great at. I stuck with a bad situation too long, and while I learned a lot, it's a good lesson to remember that some things are not worth it.
I wish that I could have figured out how to work on something I'm passionate about this year. I love being a mother, but I don't feel intellectually stimulated or fulfilled. I'd like to look back at 5779 and think "yes! you crushed that". I want to create something I'm proud of that helps support our family. I want to feel like I'm "earning my keep", but more so that I'm using my gifts.
I wish I could control my anger better to not get into fights with people to have better relationships. I am proud of working hard in school.
I'm very proud of finding this community. It has been a blessing for us. I might have thought a little bit more about our most recent life change--but I would definitely have made the same choice. I wish that I had kept my mouth shut sometimes. I have a little diarrhea of the mouth.
This past year, I am very proud of how hard I tried in school, and out of it. I wish that I was more respectful to everyone around me.
I wish I'd not quit the gym during a stressful time. It messed with my sleep schedule and health a lot and it was so easy to retreat into binge-watching when that wasn't helpful.
I was once again faced with being forced out of my school due to low enrollment/cutting FTE, once again through no fault of my own except by being the youngest member of my department. Being frustrated by what I was offered for a new position, at a middle school, and then at a high school, but one whose deep-rooted issues I was VERY familiar with, I chose to accept a job in another district, and was hopeful about the move until very recently. All districts in the state have been bargaining for raises this year with special money provided by the legislature, and I happened to end up in 1 of 3 that is going into day 7 of striking for what we deserve. The district is low-balling us, lying, and trying to cover up their overspending by stealing our money. Now I'm stuck walking a picket line rather than teaching my students. And it appears the district is in financial trouble, with no view to a way out. So once again, I have to evaluate if this is somewhere I can settle, or if I have to get ready to move again.
Taken my health more seriously. I have gained more weight in the last year then ever before. This was due to an injury, but that is a piss poor excuse. I am proud of being honest with my family and stating that I need a vacation and they they need to come visit me more. It is not fair for me to have to go to them all the time. It was nice to do something for myself. This also resulted in my aunt and nephew visiting me where I live over the summer.
Listened to the actions and not the words. People always show us who they are and I think I’ve just been too hopeful, stubborn and blindly optimistic to allow myself to let go of something I should no longer hold on to.
I have different regrets about how I handled my former relationship, but either way, a part of me wishes I had been more selfish while I was with my ex girlfriend. Whether it could have been by thinking of myself more and her less, thereby making our relationship not so one-sided, or by leaving the relationship sooner than I did because I knew for months that it was making me feel bad. Alternatively, I am glad that I didn't waste too much time after leaving the relationship, meaning I did not wallow in sadness for too long/make bad decisions because of the breakup. I'm proud of the fact that I made pretty awesome decisions (going to therapy, exercising, taking driving and Mandarin classes) instead. I am also proud of the fact that I have always had and continue to have a full life, outside of my relationship. I am proud of how I am actively exploring my career in different ways (mentorship at the studio, freelance work, teaching) and how I am passionately involved in an advocacy (GGG). I am proud of the great circle of friends I have, of how much I take care of myself physically and emotionally. I am proud of who I am as an individual. I am proud that I am too solid a person to be broken by a breakup no matter how heavy.
I wish I had not been so anxious so much of the time. Not just this year, but all years. Things get done, or they don't get done. But my anxiety causes a great deal of pain to myself, my children and my husband.
I wish that I was nicer to people that I might not be friends with. Also, that I would cherish my experiences with friends more.
I wish I'd moved out of the apartment I share with my boyfriend. I know I need to get away, at least for a while, but fear has kept me back. Fear of loneliness, fear of the cost, fear of standing on my own two feet, fear of ending our relationship. And yet, things have gotten worse between us, and I'm frustrated, and I feel like this dynamic & this place has ossified me. I feel so unable to move forward in my life, in my career, in my spiritual path. It's not that I haven't made progress this year, but staying here feels like it's been one giant waste of time, and like I'm just prolonging the inevitable.
I wish I had asked my professors more questions and used office ours more. My grades slipped a little bit (2 B+'s *gasp*), and I wonder if I could have prevented it if I had asked more questions. I'm proud of myself this year for slugging through a few really tough situations. Some really toxic family dynamics became clear to me this year, I had a volatile working relationship with a supervisor, and I missed my family a lot as I traveled most of the year for school and work.
Been a little nicer to my ex-girlfriend. I'm proud of the team I'm building at work both in scope and quality.
I wish I had kept better in touch with family and friends in America and in Israel. I feel so overwhelmed by trying to maintain everything while also still growing and developing. I tend to neglect one side or the other and I want to have more balance.
I wish I was a more productive person and spent less time on social media. This is very difficult for me--even with all the self-control-imposing that's out there. I feel like if I was able to be off social media, I'd be more focused and more productive in my work and my social relationships. In terms of things I'm proud of, I'm proud of the fact that I was able to publish a couple of manuscripts for work. I suppose relative to my answer to Q1, I'm also proud that I've continued my therapy in order to better myself as a person.
I am sorry for the pigeon. It is not enough to be sorry. It is not enough to logic out why something is most likely alright, if there is a part of you that is unsure. I did not attempt to be involved with the pigeon or the man who had the pigeon. I should have turned around and parked and approached them and then attempted to assess what needed to be done. I think there was a part of me that was particularly worried that if I had gotten that far, I would still not known what to do when attempting to choose between how to handle the man and any good I might do the pigeon. I felt as David sometimes does -- all things considered, there's nothing I can do. But I must fight to move further in the process because sometimes there is something to be done and I will never do it if I give up before getting there.
i wish i had gone to the doctor earlier about my digestive issues - maybe the cancer would have been very easy to get rid of
I wish I would have not spent so frivolously this year. Proud of: This past year, I sent my daughter away to college and she was on the honor roll both semesters. I kept my commitment to a friend even though they hurt me deeply. I have taken the time to deepen my spiritual awareness and practice. I started a forgiveness practice.
I cannot go back and do anything differently. I learned from many experiences this year on how to act and respond and how not to act and respond. I am proud of my academic achievement this year. I made Deans list during the semester when Traci passed away and Barry was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I am proud of the relationship I have with my parents. Even if I do not get to see them often enough.
Yes, I let my health go. I've gained weight and haven't worked out, I really need to get back on track but the self motivation hasn't been there as much. I sit behind a computer more than ever before and really need to step up my game. I am really proud of my perseverance, even when things get tough I keep going.
I wish I would have kept up my cycling up routine. I'm proud of the work I've done in my career and where I'm at with it today.
I wish I hadn't got as tense and focused on my partner and me moving in together because it has created a lot of friction between us and it has been tough for our relationship. On the other hand, I am quite proud of how much improvements I am doing in my mental health. Learning to relax, to focus on myself, to say no, to be more mindful, more aware, and now rediscovering the love for my job.
I had a few very desperate meetings before Kipka was born. I felt like I had to have things better figured out. So I was pushy and out of touch. I hope I didn't damage too many relationships. This has certainly been a challenging transition. Both married life and family life have caused enormous upheavals in my pace and my idea of myself.
I wish I hadn't moved. I am proud of my state champ title.
I am deeply disappointed in how I ended my last grad class. I also resented people in my life more than I'd like to admit. In general though, I am so proud of how tough I proved myself to be in the midst of some real, life-altering shit. I never had a grasp on the grit that has been passed down/embedded in me. It makes everything else seem like small potatoes if I can get through this past year. I am sure there are plenty of things that will come to mind that I could do better, but I think I really did the best I could with the shittiest cards I've ever been dealt.
I wish I could have traveled the world more. I am very proud of my grades in school.
No. No.
How long have you got? Oh, a gazillion things. Wish I'd been 'good' about doing my knee exercises. Wish I'd been writing. Wish I just had more self-discipline...
Felt less isolated and solely responsible for grad development and the patients experience. New work motto “be kind, be mobile”. Especially proud of paying off enough of my mortgage to release mum and dad from it so quickly.
I wish I had done more writing/research this year, but I'm proud of who my son is becoming, so I think those two things balance each other out.
I struggle with balancing work and its stresses with pursuing health through mindful daily exercise and good eating. In the past year I have had a lot of work related stress which led to little exercise and poor eating habits. During a break from work, I was able to dive back into taking care of my body and felt so much better with consistent exercise and a good, clean diet. And now the cycle begins again and I find myself standing at the place of choosing to be healthy through a consistent, daily practice or choosing to be stressed out, lethargic, and overweight. Making lasting changes to daily habits takes so much conscious effort.
I wish I had found the compassion, and made the time, to say goodbye to my grandmother. I knew she was sick. I knew she was fading. And I knew she didn't have people. She only had my dad. And she barely had him. She had been so horrible to him throughout his life and their relationship was so fraught. He was there. He called. He took care of her as much as he could. But that's having a person. Not people. My grandma was not loved. She lived a very lonely life and she died a very lonely death. I wish I had done my part to lessen that loneliness. I was her only grandchild, she my only living grandmother. Sure, she had hurt me. And I didn't "owe" her my time or my compassion. But I could have given it freely. Instead, I kept putting it off. "Call grandma" stayed on my vaguest, most back-burner to-do list (not even written down), for months. And before I could call, I got the call from my dad: "Grandma died yesterday." I was with my mom's side of the family because it was the day after Thanksgiving. When I got the call, they didn't know what to say. Honestly, they didn't seem to care. They had never forgiven my grandma for the way she hurt me when I was 13. They didn't understand that I still needed to grieve. I tried to grieve. I tried to support my dad, to grieve with him. But he didn't want to share his hurt. So I did a sore imitation of grieving on my own. I wish I had grieved her better, more fully, more meaningfully. I don't often have regrets. But I guess that makes two: I regret not calling my grandma. And I regret not grieving her properly.
I wish I had realized sooner how terribly going back on birth control postpartum was affecting me, but lesson learned! I went through several big life changes at once (having a baby, leaving my career to stay home), and between that and sleep deprivation it was easy to think those were what was affecting me, not the chemicals. Conversely, I'm proud I was able to recognize the effects after all (because I've never been so affected emotionally by any kind of BC), and that my husband was so supportive throughout.
I have no regrets of the year - I am especially proud, however, of my time out of work. It was a time of reflection, what did I want to do with my life? It was a time of resumes and cover letters, rejections and silence, but it was not a time on inactivity. During the time off, I also increased my volunteer activity with my dog rescue, moving dogs from shelters to kennels. I also took a volunteer gig helping another nonprofit with a business plan. In addition, I started pilates. All this was to keep my mind and body active and not sink into depression. I was not my job, and being out of work gave me the strength to believe that.
I am proud of myself for having taken the decision to change jobs. The risk is part of the excitement in this new one. It has restored my faith in myself as a master builder. I approach everything I do with care and a personal touch knowing that I am powerful.
I can always look back and see things that could have been done better, or sooner, or not at all, but on balance this year does feel like one of consolidation. I have made some mistakes in relationships but I think they were all things I learned from and came out stronger from. There have been ups and downs in all areas but I'm still swimming and I can be proud of that.
I'm proud of having been able to say to my family, friends and clients, that I need to make caring for my mother a priority this year. That there is only one opportunity to be presence with someone in the dying process and I wanted to be able to balance that desire with my desire to also stay in integrity with my life work and my relationships. My clients really appreciated my openness and felt they benefited from my frank expressions of my own process of facing my mothers' death. It enriched our sessions together and my vulnerability opened their hearts to greater healing. If I regret anything it is that I was hard on myself about it and I wish I could have let go a little bit more with my hyper responsible part and rested more, taken longer walks, naps and breaks from both parallel tracks of my work lives in Minneapolis with my mother and Maine with my family and work. I am still learning how big a deal it is to have devoted so much time and energy to two parallel lives simultaneously, not I am being more gentle with myself in the grieving and recovery process.
The thing that I wish I had done differently this year is trust more. I was so anxious with my oldest daughter graduating from high school and with us getting ready to go on our Scotland trip. Everything seemed up in the air all year long and I just got more and more and more anxious as the year progressed. By the time her graduation party rolled around, I was a ball of nerves. Everything went well - better than well, it was a huge success. But I was worn out with the stress and anxiety that I'd lived through. Additionally, I wish I had made my exercise and nutrition plans a higher priority. I think that would have helped with the stress and anxiety and I would have felt better physically as well. What I am proud of should not be left out, however. My daughter has ADHD and learning challenges, and she graduated from high school, picked out a good program at the local community college that she wanted to enroll in and was accepted into the college, and she auditioned for a role in her theater travel program and was a part of a great team that took that show to Scotland and represented her school, our community, and the U.S. exceptiaonally well. I am proud of all the many hours of work that it took on my part (and of course on her part) to get my daughter through her high school education. I am especially proud that she is seeking to have a career where she will be able to support herself and that she seems to enjoy. I am proud of how brave she was in doing the theater on stage work. AndI'm proud of myself for being the single mom for the past 10 years and putting in the dedicated time and effort that it has been to get my daughter to this point. She is showing already that she is dedicated to her college studies and she is persevering when it is difficult, reaching out to ask for help when she needs it (this is HUGE! she would never do that before), and she's problem solving on her own. All of this far outweighs the things I wish I had done differently. I just look at the things that I wish I had done differently as a learning step, and I am hoping that thinking about it now will guide me in my fitness and nutrition routines in the coming year, and also remind me to trust that all will be well - because it truly is! - and worrying, stress and anxiety don't make an outcome.
I think maybe I could have put more time into focusing on my spiritual practice and mental health. Funny enough, at this time last year I was simultaneously under a lot of mental strain, and very involved in meditation practice to try to balance that. In a way it was a necesary coping skill. However I've become more and more spiritually active as of late so I think I'm on the right track at the moment. I'm proud of the game work I've done this year! It's the first time I'm really putting work into something that isn't music and that's new and exciting for me. I don't know what the future holds but I think I've found another facet of art that is engaging to me and that's what counts
I wish that I had tried PF or LD at a competition, because I am now finding myself stuck doing Congress for the next year but I feel that I could do better at something else. I also wish that I had joined International club last year bc then I might have become friends w Julia sooner.
Wish I had been a bit smarter and more disciplined with looking out towards the future (and some rainy days and some slow seasons). I could have partook in more opportunities and squirrelled away money better. Part of the that is a being on a journey (and learning along the way) and despite some setbacks, by the grace of God and some faith, all is still moving forward
Something I wish I would’ve done different this past year was take more Sat prep classes and learn more about my future career. However I’m proud of myself for what I accomplished this past year compared to last year, I knocked off a bunch of things on my bucket list, reached many goals, and started living life a little bit happier a little bit more comfortable
I am proud for reaching out.
Yes, I wish I had stood up for myself with my post-doc and been extremely detailed and clear about the work I wanted him to do. And then held him accountable every week so that he actually did the work. I wasn't strong enough then, but I think I am now. I'm proud of sticking to my guns about firing him, ultimately. And in the past month or so, I'm newly proud of myself for taking (excessive) work off my plate, consciously and without guilt, so that I don't feel like I have an impossible amount of work to do. I've really taken on too much in the past, not asked enough from others, and perhaps most importantly--not been clear about my own needs and limits (with myself or others). Heading toward greater freedom now! And more honesty! And more joy! I have felt a big weight of worry, inadequacy and overwhelm (carried for most of my 50 years of life, I think) melting away. It's awesome to experience this shift.
I wish I had done more to work on my procrastination habit.
Personally, I’m really proud that I was able to persevere and finally give birth to a beautiful, healthy child. We had a lot of help and the universe or God or who never helped but if it wasn’t for my determination, it would not have happened and I’m proud that I didn’t give up. The birth itself was also really difficult and traumatic but I got through it. I feel really strong and proud for having been through that experience. Professionally, I really like to gossip at work and then afterwards I feel bad. It’s a bonding thing but it’s not positive and I want to stop doing it. It can also get me in trouble since I’m a supervisor. I want to work on that this year. Besides that, I am proud of how I’ve led my team at work this year. It’s been really hard with all the new, anti-human immigration policies but our team’s morale is still high and we’re doibg great work. It’s mostly because the individuals on the team are wonderful people but I think I’ve also helped to create a positive work environment for them.
When I broke down, opening up about my mental health. Approaching it maturely, speaking with friends and family to lean on, without using it as a crutch. And for once again, aged 28, to be brave enough to start again (like redefining my values to those that resonate in me, taking a calculated leap of faith pursuing my business, learning greater intimacy) in parts and move forwards... imperfectly as ever
I'm proud of the work I've done on this contract job. It's been a pain, and not without tough pieces, but I do think I'm growing as a person, as a designer, as a manager. And becoming more resilient in the face of adversary. Sometimes I focus too much on having "fucked up" and really give myself a hard time, but I don't think that really is part of my story. I'm great. Getting laid off from my last job was really the best possible thing that coulda happened.
Proud that my husband and I started cooking more together. I've enjoyed eating healthier and also getting to spend that time together. I also finally became a morning exerciser!!! 6am class 3 days a week!!!
Hired a good lawyer. Settled with Pinnacle Peak and finally got a sink in my bathroom
I wish i studied more hebrew.
Again, I didn't do everything (anything) perfectly this past year, but nothing stands out that leaves me living with regret. I'm proud of a lot. I'm about to hit my one year anniversary working in the Men's Education Program. I'm really just starting to get proficient at it and I'm so grateful for the people and opportunities it has brought into my life. Anna, Michael, Chucho, and Chris have given me so much and I'm working every day at being better than the day before. Which is good bc Hannah deserves the best me I can be and then some. I'm also 4 weeks into my first semester at ASU! So far, so good. I'm a little apprehensive about managing the workload along with my full-time job and still trying to build a social life, but trying to take it one day at a time. Michael said once that he had to push himself to accept that being a B student and having time for the rest of his life is probably way better than insisting on being an A student every day - I'm really trying to emulate that. I hope you are still honoring that, future Adam.
I'm really proud that I've taken the time off to spend with Mom. I know it's going to mean a lot, and I won't regret it. I'm glad I finally gave up the Team Lead role. I do wish I had treated my depression sooner with medication (Welbutrin), it's been a serious game changer.
I honestly cant think of anything. I believe that everything happened for a reason. I dont live with regrets. But I am proud of the big move to Asheville and deciding with Kevin that we will make everything work. I'm proud to feel as though I'm growing up to be decent adult.
I wish I had more fun. I think I am so focused on getting through the work week and not trying to find quick things to bring joy to my life. I'm proud that I was able to buy a house because I had to work on getting my credit decent enough to qualify. And it was way easier than I expected it to be.
I wish I would have been more open and communicative with Steve so that I didn’t end up in a resentful state for as long as I was. I am proud that I was able to reach out and turn the situation around and make things work for our family.
The data science startup I was working for got dissolved and most of us were part of an aqua-hire by a corporate giant. I regret that the startup no longer exists. I worked hard to help it through the tough times. I am very proud of my accomplishments there. While I did get to stay working with the CEO and my boss in the new place, it is not the same. I am clinging to the past that I need to let go of. I wish I had let go and also not been so complacent in riding out this change. I feel a need to stir things up now. Not sure where this will take me.
Yes, I wish I had taken the day off and gone to my Uncle Guy's memorial. I could have given Support to my Aunt Barbara and my family. I cannot go back and change the past. I can only go forward and try to make amend for any wrong I have done. I continue to try and be that good example for my 2nd graders every day m-f.
I wish I'd got the motivation and energy to kill myself. I have absolutely nothing to be proud of.
I am proud of the success of the fundraiser for the Namutumba Abayudaya community, helping the community develop a project for financing, and helping them secure significant funds for the first year of implementation.
I'm proud of getting myself together on paper and psychologically, finding freelance work, and teaching in art museums and at CCNY for the first time! All while juggling being Isabella's primary caregiver. It's a lot but I'm proud of the ways I stretch myself and contribute to my family and my world.
I wish I hadn't eaten emotionally. I know it was where I was at the time and I've learned a lot about my relationship to food this past year. (Or maybe I knew it, and just never let it surface.) It's helped me to realize that as a peri-menopausal woman that I have to let my body be ok. I am worried I am carrying too much weight, but at the same time, I need to not let it eat at my psychological health. I will be working on this balance more. Alternatively, I am proud of myself as a mother. I know I've not had the best role models for motherhood (not in my bio mom, step mom or mother in law). I am not letting those things/people keep me from raising two caring, thoughtful and kind young people. While I say it surprises me, the things they say or do, it really shouldn't, as they exhibit the behavior I'm trying so hard to exhibit myself.
I wish I would have pined over Dan less, and seen him for what he was. I also wish I didn't get that enchanted with Oliver that soon. I am very proud of finding a new job. I don't know yet if I will like it, but it took me a lot of courage and energy and willingness to persevere despite rejection to find it. Also, I am super proud of the solo trip to Colombia. Again, it took lots of courage, but the outcome was soooo worth it. TPT was my biggest job success so far in my events career. Definitely super proud of that.
I am proud of my resilience in figuring out my summer plans and setting up my summer "internship" or lack thereof. Six months of searching and coming up dry definitely took a mental toll on me. But I kept chugging along, kept networking, kept searching, kept applying. And in the end, even though I didn't have an internship, I had the best summer I could have asked for. Israel. Brooklyn. NJ. LBI. Australia. New Zealand. O.M.G. Amazing. And with professional experiences to boot.
I guess there is still a sense of procrastination from this year. I was particularly afraid of these changes and processes that I went into this year. And because of that I allowed myself to drag my feet on what I knew I needed to do. On the flip side, I allowed myself to be gentle and take it one step at a time rather than tackling it all at once. That was something I've never consciously allowed myself before. And that was a very interesting and different experience. Allowing myself to rest in the work I'd done and say take your time, it doesn't all need to get done today. I both wish I'd gone more fully into it and know it was the only way I could have done it. And also am proud that I allowed myself to do it that way and accepted the process.
I wish I hadn't quit on being healthy after the D&C. I had to sit out two weeks and then I went on vacation and I really struggled to get back into focusing on eating right and working out. And those are things I enjoy! I really enjoy how I feel after a good work out or fueling my body. And I just think I gave up and said fuck it when everything happened because I was doing things right and the exact thing I didn't want to happen happened. I'm so proud of myself for getting a new job in a new department. I was getting so frustrated with not being promoted after everything. Watching mediocre men get promoted was so upsetting. I just wanted to work for them and they didn't want me. So I started looking for jobs outside of the department. It was a risk to leave but it ended up being the best choice. I'm really proud that I put myself out there and worked hard to leave as opposed to staying where I was because it was comfortable. It upset my original department -- that I would leave. But I made it pretty clear if not promoted I planned on leaving They called my bluff and I was ready to go. I worked hard and I completed 3 events since April when I was hired. And I was placed on the biggest sport.
Something I wish I had done differently this year was to do a better job managing my finances. That’s an important life skill, and it’s one that’s difficult to master, since it’s very trial and error. I hope to be more mindful this year. Alternatively, this past year, when my supervisor presented me with less than ideal feedback, I took it gracefully, without any crying. It shows that I’ve learned how to be diplomatic in all situations in the workplace. Additionally, something else that I’m proud of is that I presented a poster at a conference I have dreamed about attending for years. It was so much fun attending, and it really reinvigorated my love of environmental health.
I wish that I had been slower to anger. I get upset about the small stuff. I wish that I could look at the big picture and realize when things are just not that important. I want to stop yelling and stop using curse words. I also have a hard time when there is no structure to the day and want to learn how to be ok with that.
I wish I had stayed more active during my pregnancy, and eaten better. It's tough to know if it would've been possible, given how much goes on in your body while growing a human, but my post-pregnant self now wishes that I wasn't so weak, out of shape, and overweight. On the other hand, I am quite proud that I was able to grow a human this past year. A very very cute and healthy human!
I wish I figured out an exercise routine that fits into my life. On the positive side, I am proud of learning to keep our home much cleaner than in the past and getting a cleaning lady to share the burden.
Something that I am specifically proud of from this past year was mt graduation speecha and winning 6 awards ar senior convocation. I felt like I showed people I can be serious and I am good at what I want to do. I also think my speech inspired some of the audience members to be better people in their futre endevors.
I wish that I hadn't let myself go. I made a promise to become fit again, but on the other hand, I just didn't want it anymore. I love myself and my body, but I realized that I have filled it with so much poison this past year. I also wished that I would've handled things differently with my supervisor/boss in my previous job. Perhaps I shouldn't have snapped at her the way I did. But it's something that I will have to deal with the rest of my life. I've realized that I need to be aware of my reactions whenever something unfortunate and unexpected happens. I also wished that I hadn't wasted so much time during the summer goofing off. Ever since I moved back to San Francisco, I've been having an extremely difficult time finding a job. I just pray that something right will appear for me. Time is a precious resource that should never be wasted. On the bright side, I'm more that proud that I have finally self-published my first book! I was proud of myself for the care and discipline I put into creating my book, "Senses All Around". It's definitely my passion to write books and I look forward to seeing what else I am capable of doing.
I'm especially proud of my singledom for the last 5 months. It was very hard at first--I have spend the last 10 years in a relationship--but I got past the hard part and now I'm in the blissful stage. I need to know who I am individually. Someday, I'll be open to finding a significant other; but first, like Fiona Apple says in her song, "here comes a better version of me."
I wish I had taken better care of myself. I have not been eating well or getting exercise.
Things happen for several reasons. To wish that things were different is like to wish "I don't want to learn". I am particularly proud of the way I approached the update of the “recueil d’extraits”. I have, among other things, practiced my perseverance. Les choses arrivent pour plusieurs raisons. Souhaiter que les choses aient été différentes c'est un peu souhaiter "ne pas vouloir apprendre". Je suis particulièrement fière de la façon dont j'ai abordé la mise à jour du recueil d'extraits. J'ai, entre autres, pratiqué ma persévérance.
I gave far more love and myself than I received and learned the man I loved was not the man I thought he was. I thought he was strong, I have been so deceived. He gave me a reason to convert to Judaism and in that process I am back with God. He showed me I wanted a family. A husband. Children. Maybe this was his bashert. I am a different person. I pray to know my purpose. I find myself lost and flailing.
I wish I had been able to feel less bored at synagogue, more inspired & immersed. I've been struggling with this for a while now--who are these people? what's in it for me? why can't I enjoy/learn/grow? I feel stuck but I don't know how to get unstuck. Nothing resonates.
I can’t decide if I would have pushed for an earlier start date on my new job, or if I’m glad it took so long to get a start date arranged (I’m talking 6 months after being offered the job...) – either way, I’m glad I’ve moved jobs!
I wish I had eaten better. :) Exercised more.. ;) I started marriage counselling. It is very scary. I worry he will give up or that things are beyond repair.. we just started and I know it takes time to undo or repair the last 8 years.. but I refuse to give up.
Last year I wrote that I joined Toastmasters. This past year I became VP Education. I'm proud of that. Also, I earned my Competent Communicator award. I'm proud of both those accomplishments.
I wish I could have had more candid conversations with my dad before he was gone. There were so many things I wanted to be able to talk with him openly about, and I mustered up the courage when it was already too late. We didn't have enough time, and I regret that.
I wish that after having mono in October/November I was able to get right back to where I was physically. Instead I let the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months and now it is a year later and I am 20 pounds heavier and have never felt so out of shape before. As far as what I am especially proud of from this past year, gosh I don't really know. This year was all about surviving.
As has been true for many years, I really wish I had found another type of work, with a high enough salary to support myself and pay off my student loans and my mortgage. After getting fired, I did actively seek other jobs, but did not succeed in getting a different type of job. I'm proud of the fact that I have paid my credit card bills off in full every month so far this year. That is a first for me, and makes me feel very mature.
I do wish I went out and took advantage of the city more. I am proud of pushing and allowing myself to be pushed to feel, explore, mourn, and change.
I wish I had been more vocal and pursuant of my needs and wants. I have the pervasive tendency to de-prioritize or rationalize away my own wants or needs when they do not mesh with the wants or needs of others, especially those who are close and important to me. This is an ongoing wish, and a place in which I feel like I have been stagnant for a while. I can recognize it, but it seems very difficult, verging on impossible, to make progress, because I am hindered by my self-imposed fear of doing the wrong thing or making other people upset.
It has been so hard to know the right course of action, because I have so many questions. Does he love me? Is he using me? Is this a setup? Can I trust him? Do we belong together? Am I a convenience, or a safety net/blanket? What do I want? What will the next year bring?
I wish I had saved more money, especially for my move. But I am also extremely proud of myself for making the decision to leave, and following through on it.
I wish I had stuck with my running and working out better. I have slacked off and need to get back into a healthier state. My health in general would be better if I was more active/fit and I also need to eat better again. We have been making more high-calorie meals. We need to sit down and make a plan and some goals and stick to them. I want to live a long and healthy life.
I am really proud of all the progress I've made in recovery and the time sober and growing as a person that I've spent.
I wish that I had responded better to stress in the last year. My life is so scattered with living in separate places and also working on so many different things, that I wish I had been more appreciative of people and responded better to stressful situations. Alternatively, I am proud of the papers I have written and the family I have gotten to see and love in the past year.
Very proud of creative collaborations with friends and colleagues. Wish I could do better at reigning in my temper during stressful times.
No, I don't live life with regrets. What I'm especially proud of this year is getting a raise at work! 8.25%! And my new Assistant Director is so supportive of me and helping me get to the next level at work. And not just the money but the title and experience that will help me move on in my career, either within 1199 or outside of it.
I am proud of finding my own place and moving house on my own. Of making some smart financial decisions to be better prepared for my future
I want to be much more in tune with my body. When I feel a twinge, or a bad back, I need to take care of it. That's a signal...!!!!! Because if I don't, it will come to bite me in the back. I've had lots of shoulder problems this year, requiring lots of physical therapy, and painful recovery. An ounce of prevention...!
Besides the work accomplishments, I'm proud of how I have handled some things with Jacob. I'm not proud of how the getting Cash situation went down and my reaction but I am proud of how we pulled through it together. I can't think of anything I wish I had done differently. I sort of wish I hadn't reacted to strongly to Cash but I do feel like that made us so much stronger as a couple.
I wish I had not held on so deeply to my anger at my place of employment
There were two instances when I felt so incredibly frustrated and angry — but instead of handling it gracefully and analytically, I had a meltdown and ended up crying. I hated the way that made me feel so vulnerable, so incompetent, so “out of control” — and in the end, not at all helpful. I must try harder to keep my emotions in check during stressful times and try to find a more productive way to handle things outside of my control.
I'm proud I went back to school, I'm proud of how hard I've been working but I wish I was a smarter worker. I wish I didn't procrastinate so much, I'm kind of doing that right no, shit, well I'm behind on answering these questions so in some ways I'm actually just getting caught up.
I am not good with regrets. It usually leads me to think about how far back I would travel if I had Mr. Peabody's 'way back' machine. I end up going back to about the third month of my conception😉. I suppose if I had to do a mulligan, it would involve how much time I spent worrying about situations I had no control over. I could have been smarter about how I used my money. However, the extreme financial insecurity I faced made me resilient, and stands as a visible illustration as to my capacitieswhen I yield to God's sovereign might, and utilized God's infinite strength in all aspects of my life.
I wish that I had done my entire job differently. Instead of taking the group for what they said they were/wanted, I wish I had administered some sort of stress test to truly understand what they had in them. I would have presented them with a plan for action or a route out, for them or me, early and spared myself and them the turmoil and toll the last year has been for everyone. I am not sure whether I would have left quickly or I would have been able to succeed in setting the company on a new course, but either way, the road would have felt more productive than it has. That said, I have been extremely productive there. I have uncovered and addressed every issue that was on and under the surface and done so with decent cheer, professionalism and a positive attitude. I have played to my strength of being able to fix problems and see paths to success.
I wish I didn't care so much what people think of me. After discussing, this may stem from not working on self-compassion day to day. May this next year be more full of chesed.
It took me a while to get back to working full time and improving my mental health, but I am pleased to be in a better position than this time last year. I also have a better relationship with my family, although I would have liked to spend more time with them.
There's always things I wish I had done differently. Nothing major. Would have been nice had we made sure our youngest stayed on top of his college stuff - having a dorm room would have saved us a lot of angst (but so far so good with his living arrangements)
I wish I completed projects with more time to spare, from uni assignments through to the botanical illustration I am working on. I am proud of my bachelor of science majoring in botany.
I have gone out of my comfort zone on a number of personal matters this past year and grown as a person. While I am proud to have made that step, there is definitely the potential to have done it sooner. However, I also strongly believe that this type of thinking is not conductive to anything positive and I try to not think that way.
I'm just happy that we got through my radiation, Anne's second knee surgery and all of the aggravation that came along with it. I think I'm happiest/proudest of the fact that we negotiated the adoption of the cats and got through the five weeks of ringworm treatment. Who knew that I could bath and dip three kittens, three times?
I'm very proud of developing an exercise routine that persists past illness and schedule mishaps. I've been able to get back on track after changes throw my routine off, where in the past, I might have let it drift into memory.
I am pretty satisfied with the past year
I've been thinking a lot about whether I belong in my bookclub anymore. I often feel on the fringes when we are together and when I do make contributions find myself talked over or cut off. We started out as a YA book club and it has hardly stuck there. I don't mind the changing contents all the time but I miss it being about the niche of YA. We've been going for 4 years? 5? and so much has changed. Everyone has had at least one major milestone (kids, buying homes, divorce) and we've even recently brought in a new member. I don't feel important to the group. When I share my feelings I feel disregarded. I wrote a letter to the group about how much I value our time together, that I need this group of women in my life, that we are a resource and a source of strength and how much I appreciate them... and received not a single response. No one even acknowledged it. Writing this makes it look clear on paper, I should drop out. The idea of giving it up is heartbreaking, too. I don't know what to do.
I’m proud I left my job. I have no regrets.
I wish that I had been more honest with myself. About everything. I am proud that I haven't given up.
I wish I had gone harder into acting. I have dipped my tow into taking weekly classes, but I really need to start auditioning and getting a feel for what it is like to act in front of people or in front of a camera. I feel like classes are fine, but I'm only going to be mediocre if I don't start actually working as an actor. I took a memoir/personal essay writing class this year that I am very proud of doing. I put my very personal stories on display for others to review and critique, and once I got over the cringe, it felt good. I needed to hear from people how to improve my writing. I hope to use the momentum from that class to start sending essays out for publication.
I wish I had taken care of myself better and I wish I had picked up more hobbies / more ways to succeed beyond this company. My life became too singularly focused and I went too hard and knocked myself out, I got tired. Recognize the exhaustion and take days off. Do things for yourself and you'll be more motivated.
I'm proud of teaching my Gospel of Mark class online. The course prep was hard and took a lot of time. Teaching the course was even harder. I've discovered I don't really like teaching online, I find there is too little of "Me" in the course so I don't really like it.
Wishing I had started some 'downsizing' in personal life. Wish I had done better at keeping in touch outside of the social media sites. Proud that I proposed and loosely organized our family reunion, but wish I had further connected with my cousin (Lois) when we were in the region.
I wish I didn't shirk from work as much this past year.
No. I am proud of a lot of things but I am especially proud of dating Arianna long distance and supporting her in her endeavors such that she chose to take the leap to come to NYC. When we started talking she was very much in her own world of possibility but not so much in the world of action. She has sine started her book and business and both are thriving. She has helped me a great amount as well and so through helping here I have helped myself. I have concurred, through faith and diligence, every insecurity which has stood in my way over the last year. I had no idea how many there had been and the clearing of them has been sufficient to change nearly everything about my life incredibly fast.
I wish I had taken better care of my yard.
I wish I had opened myself up more during school and in general. I still find myself struggling to meet new people and talk to strangers in public. That is something I continually tell myself to work on but never seem to do because I hold myself back. On the flip side, I am very proud that I have been able to significantly improve my overall confidence and people have seen that. That's something I always struggled with so it's nice to feel good about myself.
Yes, I so wish I had done so many things differently. I wish I did not need to work this past year so that I could spend my husband's last months in sharing our memories and more time for reflection. I am so proud of our family's closeness and always caring and sharing. I could not ask for more in life.
As I write this, I default into making fun of myself, I deleted the comments. Something that I wished I had done differently this year? Not have spent as much money. At the moment, I have absolutely no savings. I wish I would have stuck to my food and exercise regiment. It is still a problem I don't want to have but I do. What I am proud of this year is trying atleast trying to believe that things can work out for the good - that whatever I decide will be good and that things don't always have to be so extreme or doom and gloom. I am also grateful to G-d for inervening when I do sometimes push too hard and i see G-d in my life even if I have a hard time trusting that I believe that things can be good for me.
Especially proud: Holding my own in the face of my many and serious fears from last year.
I wish that this year I had been able to control my emotions and anger in the workplace. Though I realize that the job was a bad fit from the get go, and that I had no where for my frustration to go, I really need to be able to have a better outlet. I need to take time to formulate statements and responses, and think things through before I say them. In certain areas of my life, I have definitely gotten better at this, but in others I still have a lot of work to do. I am, however, proud of the life that I have built in this new city and living situation. I am also proud that I have finally put myself out there dating-wise.
All things lead me on the extraordinary path I am on. I am proud to have worked on my relationship with myself and how miraculously that translated to a better relationship with my husband. I am grateful for the opportunity to experience this and proud of myself for having the strength to do it!
I live with near constant brain fog and yet somehow still manage to get up and function every day. I guess that's something to be proud of. I feel far away from the world and yet I'm not sure anyone has noticed. I feel disaster lurks around every corner and yet I still leave the house most days. Yay me?
I constantly look back on the first months of my relationship and wish I had found a better balance between caring and courageous, that I had better known when to be flexible, and when to stand up for myself. I don't know if I'll ever get better at that, but I'm trying. I'm proud of the ways I grappled with my fears, and the ways I've connected with people I love, including my lady. I'm proud of getting my new job, of being proactive and tenacious in advocating for my health, and frankly, for surviving everything that came to pass. I enter this new year so much stronger, so much more open, and so much more willing to risk than ever before.
Trust myself even more. Listen to my inner voice. Listen to god. Play more.
Hmm. I am glad that I made the difficult choice to stay unemployed until I found a good fit. I wanted to start a new job sooner, but was going to take a job I didn't want just to be employed.
I wish I would have let go sooner. Squeezing tighter to something that is slipping away has only made everything worse. I know what I have to do I've known what I had to do and I can't bring myself to do it.
I wish I had planned my summer differently. I ended up signing up for and completing fellowship, which I enjoyed and definitely learned from and gained a ton of valuable experience. However, I really got no relaxation time. I wish I would have prioritized myself and my relationships and taken that time to see friends and family.
I am really, really proud of my projects from last year. I did a graduation speech (which I think actually was pretty great). I also had a project where I wrote goodbye letters (real ones, that said things you can't say to people normally) to my classmates. On the flip side, I wish I had focused more on what I want/wanted to do, instead of being on my phone, etc. It really is very depressing to think how much I could've gotten done while I was surfing through Instagram.
I wish I had focussed more on my health and fitness. I'm proud of the work I have done progressing my career and building a home.
I'm proud that I have finally made a little headway in understanding Jewish prayer and a sense of the divine. I wish I had developed some sort of contemplative/meditative practice of my own, and I hope to do this in the year to come.
I wish I had kept answering these questions for my daughter who asked me to so long ago. I did run for office until it became aparant that I needed to work for my own living my own way for my own life.
I wish that I had taken more time to really get to know myself. I needed some relaxation time. Some time to re charge. Some time to realllllly focus on bettering myself. Really. Really. I am so proud to have taken this position at 32 Social. It's a huge leap. And I feel like I'm not prepared, but I will do fine as the manager. I don't want to beleive the lie that I won't be good enough, or I'll start perpetuating that. And it's time to stop!
I wish I had been able to separate myself from my Family and move out sooner than I did. While I don’t nessecarily regret it, I just wish I had become more independent sooner than I did.
I wish that I had lived up my senior year a bit more instead of getting bogged down by friend drama and petty things. I didn't realize how much I would miss Smith once I was out and now I wish I had done everything I could have when I was a student. It always seemed like there was so much to do, I feel like I never stopped to smell the roses. But! I am proud of the friends I made and the people I reached out to along the way. It was still a good year, even though I could have made it better.
This year was really hard. I don't know if there is anything I could have done differently. I am proud of myself for trying my best despite all of the challenges. I am proud of accessing therapy services, of reaching out for community support, of not starting smoking again (it's been more than 2 years), of continuing my meditation commitment and commitment to positive coping mechanisms.
As always, I´m proud about my company, I think that we go for a good way... I´m proud for think in myself, for do things for me, like study or travel. Now I think that done differently... maybe give me a real chance with a nice girl. With SHE!!
I wish I had done a better job of prioritizing my marriage this year. I feel like my partner and I are on a roller coaster of ups and downs and not enough time together with presence and space to just be. Without that opportunity to (re)connect, we have spent so much energy on poor communication and struggling through tiredness and disconnection. I wish I had done better. I wish we both had done better.
I'm proud that I had the courage to separate from my husband when staying would have been the far easier thing to do. But I wish I had allowed myself more time to to heal from this tearing apart of my life's fabric. Instead, I felt frantic about money.
Proud: Finishing that damned thesis
I may look back and wish I had done some things differently, but I am learning every day. I'm proud of bringing my daughter into the world, and of the mum I'm becoming. I'm proud of my little girl, her every change and achievement, every growth in confidence. I'm proud of my husband for battling through so much and for being such a lovely dad. I wish I'd been able to believe that everything would turn out ok enough to have got better prepared before her birth, but I think that could only have happened if the events of the previous year hadn't taken place (if only), or if we hadn't cared so much. We were utterly broken but we still stand, a family. For that I am proud and grateful.
At the beginning of the summer I set a goal for myself to be done with my retail job by August and to be working at a school in some capacity. I accomplished this and feel really proud of myself for following through. I'm not proud of being dismissed from grad school. I work six days a week and failed a class because I couldn't stay on top of my work. I hate how the school did not warn me ahead of time and that I had no idea anything was going on, but at the end of the day I should have kept up with my work better.
I am proud to be engaged in my community and I try to make the world a better place. There are always things I would have liked to do differently. Small and not so small things. My intention is always to do good things. To come from a place of caring.
Bought my first car.
My first thought is that I wish I'd spent less time on the dull and unimportant parts of my work, and more on the things I care about. My second thought is...maybe some of the dull and unimportant parts have to do with supporting _people_ who aren't dull and unimportant. So maybe I wish I had paid more attention to that distinction: to notice when I'm actually helping people, and think about what I'm doing in that way, and also to notice when I'm doing something that matters to nobody, and stop doing it.
I am proud of the work I have done in therapy this past year. I know that it started a little more than a year ago, but the bulk of the work has been done in the last year. To remember my mental state a year ago and then contrast it with how much healthier I feel now makes me proud that I took the necessary steps to get better.
I wish I had gotten the help and support of counseling before now; but now I know better, I will do better. I am proud that I have taken charge of my life and happiness.
I am proud that I finally received real help from a therapist. For the first time, I found someone I could be 100% honest and candid with, and I learned so many useful techniques and confronted difficult truths about myself. I will always be grateful for my work with him and what it taught me, and I use what I learned every day now.
I think every year I think that I could have been more loving and giving to both family and friends in my life. I am sorta cranky and negative a lot of the time and I know that I need to work on connection with my empathy so that I can grow deeper and more meaningful relationships, as well as be an overall more contented person.
I wish I had taken a more cohesive view of making the decisions we did on the house and our lives. I might have worked harder on my career with everything that went on. I’m proud of how I’ve set my home up as well. It’s been hard work.
I wish Husband and I could have stopped with the fighting over mostly insignificant things. I wish I didn't have to waste so much time on healing my wounds and I could have lived and loved with more of my heart.
I'd like to commit much more to my five spheres of living this year than I did during this past year, with a recognition that any time not spend in those spheres is essentially wasted time.
I worked really hard over several years to get our local Green Party member of provincial parliament (MPP) elected. He was the first Green Party candidate to be elected to our Ontario provincial parliament.
I have been given more responsibility at work, and I'm proud that my efforts have been noticed.
I am currently pursuing a new career path, and am proud of the bravery a shift like this requires. I finally feel as though I have a real sense of direction, even if the road to get there is long.
Yes, I wish I didn’t lose my temper on my parents and act disrespectfully towards them. Yes, I’m proud of the hard-ass work I’ve put into PT.
The list of things I wish I'd done differently is long, but I don't dwell on it - just hope I've learned a lesson that means progress. Proud? Not really how I'd describe it - I try not to be proud - content is good enough.
I wish I had better managed my mental health. Friends and my counselor would say I made a lot of progress this year, but I have continually allowed myself to be consumed by work and use it as an excuse to avoid challenge and growth in other areas. On the other hand, I am proud that I have nurtured relationships I already have a little better than in the past. I answer friends' calls, I even reach out to them, and I have prioritized human connection more, both for the benefit of myself and others in my life.
I don't believe in regrets. I am proud of the fact that I finished my dissertation, even though it might take a year to have it finalized, it's nice to know I'm no longer in academia.
I'm quite proud that I've held my ground at work. Things haven't always been happy, particularly with my line manager. I've persevered through the difficult times rather than quitting and finding another job, which has been tempting. In the past week I've received some really nice feedback from four different clients. It's always nice to know that my work is appreciated.
I kvetched too much, cursed too much, and spread too many negative vibes. I’ve been reflecting a lot on how careful Rabbi Heschel was with every word he spoke. Being more intentional with my expression is a big goal for 5779.
I wish I had grown up faster this year. I realize that I wrote something similar last year, about growing up, maturing, and becoming more comfortable with who I am and who I'm going to be in my life, and I do feel that I did conquer some of those issues in my life, but certainly not all of them. But maybe that's just what life does: the moment you pass through one threshold, another one shows up in the distance?
I am....pretty happy with the progress I’ve made in my life this past year. Sure, there are things I could have done better, or done more of, but I have made a /ton/ of progress from where I was this same time last year. I have my driver’s license, I have a (soon to be) full time job, I’m involved in the Jewish community, I’m happy and looking forward to life. There isn’t really one specific thing that I did this year that I can say brought me to this point, it’s the culmination of all my hard work and stress.
I'm especially proud of my voice in discussing race. I'm proud of the role I can play in making it better/safer for me and other white women to support black women. I can do more to get closer to my friends of diverse backgrounds.
My pregnancy really took a toll on my emotions this year and I did not treat people the best especially my son and my dad. I wish I would have controlled my emotions better. I also did not give as much as I usually do or attend services, pray, or read torah like I normally do. I am proud of myself for getting through my pregnancy and bouncing back from recovery so quickly. I am proud of getting back up from such a rough time and setting goals and slowly making sure they get accomplished.
Like in the previous year, I've handled things alright. However I think I should've had the balls to part ways from the company where I'm working should've come... Right now I'm still here, writing these answers, numb and dull, trying to get inspired in a grey workplace where for the last 2 months I'm being ignored, intimidated by bullies, whose sidekicks are feeding up their bullshit and not holding up to their word or responsibilities. The challenge stopped being the work; now the resisting these assholes has become the survival procedure. I wish I'd quit sooner and started my thing...
I added reading to my list of personal goals and have been pretty good of reaching the goal of 1000 pages - of books - a month. I realize how much I've missed reading. I'm working to get up when the alarm goes off; no hitting snooze. Always working on establishing more and better routines. The only thing I wish I had done/could do differently is prioritize the activities I really want to do - writing, more speaking, work that matters to me. Still working through how I elevate that in how I go about my day to day life. Proud that we got the family into family counseling; it's only been a short while but it's been very helpful so far.
I'm proud of myself for exercising discipline to my benefit. Quit drinking started eating right and good things happened.
I have waited too long for my wife over and over allowing her to abuse me Thinking it would get better trying to make it better Trying to fix her As I’m being abused
Be nicer to my parents and spend more time with my dogs. They are here and this is something you can’t take for granted.
This past year was very hard but for all the right reasons. I moved, built a bigger new home, expanded my dream career and ate healthy. I'm exhausted but the end goal is in sight. I don't think I could have done it differently but I'm glad I'm getting to a place where things can ease up. I'm especially proud of how I hung in there and took everything one day at a time. There were plenty of days I was exhausted, overwhelmed or afraid and I still kept going. Hope I remember that's key. I think the best is yet to come. Last year of my 50's and really looking forward to my 60's. Party time!
I am proud of myself for moving this year. I knew it was time, and although it's been bumpy, it has been so worth it. I do regret not being more politically active, working to make change. It feels impossible to know where to start, more often than not, but I didn't push myself to get out to some events I knew were happening.
In the early winter I began a class in Surface pattern design. I am passionate about art, design and learning this new and exciting industry. In the beginning I was faithful to the practice but in the Spring I began to wane as priorities shifted. When my children need something, anything, I put my goals on hold and respond. They deserve that. But it leaves me feeling as though I can't complete anything I set my mind to. On the other hand, I don't want a life where they don't need me anymore. That seems sad and lonely.
I'm proud of how I jumped in and got the ball rolling for myself when I moved- I usually don't adjust well but I'm making a life for myself. I wish that I had gotten to Be with people more before I left - most folks I saw at the end were people who I could have been hanging out with for years, and just never had the time. I want to be better at that.
I wish I was better at being real with myself about my mental state, so that I could be a better partner to Blake in his moment of transition. I told myself to be strong and not address it, but that didn't do anything, definitely didn't make me a good partner. I am proud of myself for trying things - trying watercolor, looking into pottery classes and choirs, now I just need to follow through and sign up.
I wish I was kinder to my husband. I wasn't particularly unkind, but I feel I could have invested more time in him. It's hard with two small children constantly pulling my attention away, and I wish I had more time to devote to him.
Yes, I wish that I was more careful about giving my friend $ and letting him use my car a couple of times as it enabled him to continue using drugs. I’m very sad that I played any role, however, inadvertently in his downward spiral. While I know that his drug issue isn’t my fault it still pains me because I feel that I should know better. I am proud of the way that I handled things with him both while he lived in my home and after he left. I wasn’t judgmental even after his many relapses and I did what I could to support him while still trying to hold him accountable for his own life. I’m also proud of the work that I’ve done in my new job over the past year. Helping international students get jobs and creating our first Fellowship has been extremely gratifying and I feel very proud of myself.
I wish, in this moment, that I had interrupted the USH team dynamic last spring more. I am not sure I could have found the bandwidth, but my work now to steer the ship feels like I've waited a long time to now interrupt habits.
UGH I wish I had not stopped exercising UGH I have to start again.
Yes, I wish I had been more proactive about checking on my father's finances. At the same time, I'm proud that I was able to handle his assets well enough to get him into an excellent assisted living community.
I think I shouldn't have taken that Glenforest job, and just kept that interview for Contact. My gut was screaming: "No! Don't take the job!" but the offer was too much of an opportunity not to. I think I shouldn't let my desire for security overrule my need to help others or feel significant.
Well I for fucking sure wish I'd studied for the GRE during the summer.
I am excited that my colleagues admire what I do at WLC and want to adopt my techniques. I did not expect that. I am proud that I am gradually working on solving my financial and health problems. It is slow, but I'm going in the right direction.
I wish I had had more faith about the move. I wish I had had more faith about everything. That I had more faith right now. That I acknowledged that my experience is okay enough, that I worried less about others experiences being better. That I honored how difficult things actually were for me as they were happening and made space for something else. I'm proud of the fact that I made the move and I'm proud of my openness.
My partner and I are four months into our lease in San Francisco, and I have mixed feelings about it. I enjoy being in a new city and being closer to friends, but the sting of paying the highest rent in the world has not dulled. I also haven’t grown numb to the nastiness of our neighborhood. I don’t regret the move, but I can’t say for sure that I made the best choices in the execution of it. Alternatively, I’m proud that I moved on into a stable job with a stable salary and benefits. I have less to worry about professionally, but this comes at the cost of worrying about walking down the street or parking my car in the city.
I wish I would have seen my friend, Kim, before she died. I had plans to see her, but she passed two weeks before I could get there. Part of me thinks she wanted it that way so I wouldn't be so sad. Another part of me thinks that I wouldn't have been able to see my wonderful friend so ill-- she would not have wanted to see sorrow on my face. She was an amazingly selfless person. I have been needed by my daughter this year. Being needed has helped draw me out. My depression has been manageable. Having a purpose has made all the difference.
I'm really fucking proud of getting a fucking 25% raise and then getting a title and money promotion at a better performing company. Remember when I worked at Intrax and made $45K a year? Now I product market the fuck out of investment tools and make 4x that.
I don’t think there’s anything big I’d change. I’m really proud of Andrew and I having saved so much and paid off the cards, flights, and car in under a year. As well as having enough to go to Europe for 6 weeks and still a decent amount in savings and stocks.
I guess that the thing I am most proud of this year is making progress towards applying to grad school. I'm getting my ducks in a row, so to speak. I took a Biochemistry course and am about to start Statistics, but the biggest thing this year is that I left the Labor and Delivery unit, where I had worked for two years and was comfortable and confident, and started working in the pediatric ICU, where I am definitely not comfortable and confident. It's been a hard transition, especially since I put a lot of my pride and self-confidence in being an intelligent and capable person. Suddenly I'm the biggest dummy on the floor, constantly needing help and not doing things the right way. Certainly my co-workers see me as being a real know-nothing. They don't expect me to even know what a trash bag is, let alone be a real nurse who can safely take care of a patient. It's been a real struggle to imagine myself as being a good nurse, a real ICU nurse, which is what I'm trying to make myself into. I'm proud of myself that I moved out of my comfort zone (I've got to remind myself that pushing myself, regardless of my success, is in itself a good thing). I wish that I knew more about the process and had some good advice and mentor-ship. I often feel like I'm stumbling around make the best choices that I know to make, and every once in a while someone points out that I've been making exactly the wrong choices and ruining things for myself, and it's disheartening.
I wish I had been less short tempered, and therefore less short with those I love. To improve that is a goal for the coming year
I lost my German-learning mojo and didn’t make progress in my studies. I did seem to find more of my voice at work and am more likely to speak up.
İşle ilgili kendimi, işi, ortakları çok kötü yönettim. Ben hasta oldum, kendimi toparlayamadım vs. Bir daha bu kadar manasız bir şekilde üstüme iş almayacağım. Gereksiz süpermenliğe yer yok
I wish i would have watched my dog more closely. Then maybe she wouldn't have died.
I wish I had stuck up for myself at work earlier. I'm proud that I improved setting boundaries and keeping myself from feeling too stressed out, but I want to make sure I continue to set effective limits. I want to be the best I can be at my job, but not at the expense of my personal life.
I wish I'd gotten more done this year. I wish I'd gotten more done every year, to be honest. I'm proud of myself for getting the Miami condos. And I'm really proud of the progress I've been making in therapy.
I'm really proud of standing up to Dad as he tried to elicit my help with him moving. Again. I'm glad I was able to advocate for Doug when he was in the hospital.
It's two sides of the same thing, here. I'm proud that I submitted my book proposal. I wish I'd done it sooner. I still don't know what the outcome will be, whether or not anyone will want it, whether or not I will be able to write the book I want to write (or want others to read, or want others to see of me?). But I submitted the thing. I made myself vulnerable but also made something new possible.
I wish I had been unafraid to stop using Tramadol earlier. It was adding to my impaired thinking and maybe I could have tried new options. Proud? I survived. I survived.
Proud of myself? I'm living my life truly. I accept things as they are--my father's dementia, my mother's anger at her situation yet strong faith keeping her there, my sister's frustrations, my children's growth--and try to be a steadying presence in everyone's lives. Oh, I am proud of the baby shower I helped throw for my brother-in-law and his wife; I feel like I rocked that. And the tutoring program I run has been going well, too. That makes me happy. And still, I'm writing, submitting, and just got a story accepted for publication. All good.
This past year feels like I didn’t do anything? But I guess I’m proud of myself for letting myself be sick. I’m sick. Fighting that doesn’t change it. I wish it were moving through faster. And I wish I felt like I was using my time in a better way. But I’m not altogether sure I could have. Just because you have time (bc you’re doing nothing but sitting) doesn’t mean you could have used it “well”
I'm very proud of the fact that I got one of my students into the SPED program. He is desperately behind, and the SPED teachers wanted to wait another year to see if it was his language gap (he wasn't really learning English, though!) Now that he is receiving services, he's doing much better, and I'm so happy about that.
I wish I texted the guy earlier, cause now he's ghosting me :) I'm very proud tho, that I did text him and maybe next time around I won't wait that long :) He's isn't that big of a deal anyway but now I know how to do these things.
I should have been able to figure out how to ace a sales job interview when the interviewer asks open ended questions about my career. I'm proud that I hung in there and functioned during extremely difficult circumstances and did what I had to do to get by and pay the bills, although it was extremely unpleasant at times. I didn't fold under pressure from finances and from my constantly complaining wife.
I'm happy with my choices this year. I'm especially proud of the way I've noticed when I'm feeling uncomfortable and used that as a guidepost to learn something and change something. I think that's how I've been able to outpace my last year's growth this year.
I'm really proud of all of my accomplishments this year. I traveled a lot. Finally visited Hawaii and Spain. I finally learned the basics of coding, after years of curiosity. I launched a business, in the most unorthodox manner. I finished my Spanish language certificate. I read a lot. I self-healed after a series of traumatic prompts. I met my financial goal (and next year's too). I met my soulmate. I had a girls' trip! I found peace again, even if it was momentarily.
This year I am proud of the many different passions I discovered and dabbled in. I have explored my interests in pole and aerial dance, and writing, both blogging and poetry.
I think actually no. I have taken my life and happiness back, I am spending more time with the people that matter to me, I continue to love my work despite the challenging nature of it. I have room to create and explore old hobbies and travel more. There are always little things to adjust, like being more mindful of budgeting, saving more, planning for the future better. But at this point, looking back at this year, there isn't a thing I would have done differently. Except maybe leave my marriage sooner.
Tonight during Kol Nidre, Rabbi Tova's words, yet again, gave me an ah hah moment about work. Truth and simple, so wise. All this time, I've felt guilty about what I might have done, or didn't do, or that I was too cowardly at times to spell out the racist or white supremacist behavior of the board...and I (and others) have reminded me that in the moment it's hard to see the bigger picture. And that when I thought through the option of being more forceful, I was fairly certain that it would not improve things or end well for me. And that I tried so many things to shift the board to better behavior and more sound practices and outcomes and have them support our new fantastic leaders of color. But tonight I just acknowledged that I missed the mark. Period. No excuses. I should have spelled out the racism exhibited by the board's actions to them and I didn't. That's it. I didn't step up when I should have. And it was a relief to face that truth. Making excuses for it I think was actually preventing me from letting go of the regret and guilt.
I'm especially proud of how I moved to new york and followed desire and didn't let the logistics or fear stop me.
I wish I'd worked more diligently on the book. I feel like I'm squandering time and money. I wish I had recognized the need for deadlines much sooner. I wish I hadn't gotten high so much. Stuff I'm proud of: I handled some tiny, baby conflicts by asserting my needs, and knowing where I could and couldn't compromise. I completed some large projects. I resolved my feet issues! I participated in democratic protests I volunteered I meditated a lot I invested in my writing
I'm happy and proud of all the travel I've done. Since this time last year we went on our honeymoon in Tanzania and Zanzibar, and also traveled to Ethiopia, Rome, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, Texas, London, Niagra Falls, Rochester, New Jersey, Switzerland, Cannes, Greece, and Bali. I've also unexpectedly had 4 unexpected visitors here in Tel Aviv so I'm proud that people that I haven't been in close contact with felt comfortable enough to reach out to me when they were here.
I am proud of how I helped Mom, especially at the end. She said to me, “I love your father. But you are my rock. I don’t know what I would do without you.” She did not want to be alone and I did not leave her. Overnight she had the Shomer. So she was not alone. I regret yelling at Dad and not gaving much more patience with him. I have done well for the most part, but I need to be more patient.
The only thing I would have done differently would have been probably try harder to learn Spanish. But overall I think I nailed last year. SO much better than 2016.
I am proud of how my relationship with dad has strengthened this year. I appreciate him more than ever right now, having referred to him as someone who takes care of me without any hesitation, and other thought provoking opportunities. I wish that I had called grandma and grandpa more to check in.
I think if I had asked for help earlier in the year at work things would have been a bit better internally in the team. From December – May it was a crazy work period and I should have noticed that I needed more help and taken more initiative to get the help I needed. Something the Rabbi said last night resonated with me, every year we strive to have a better perception of the mistakes we make. So working on the theme that I am always trying to work on is improving my reactivity. I think I’ve made a lot of progress, but it’s a continuous process. I think this will be tested even further now as a mother.
I wish that I had read more, and been more curious in my daily life. It feels farcical, at times, to want and try to be this informed intellectual person, but to always feel behind, to not know anything, to know of, but not actually know important theories and books and thinkers. I wish I had taken more classes, and read deeply, instead of skimming gripping but rather superficial articles for hours on end. I am, however, somewhat proud that I stayed my unorthodox course amidst the pressures of post-grad job hunting. I am happy to be where I am, somewhat adrift and open to adventures, rather than starting an unappealing job because it's what you're supposed to do. I know some of my friends think I'm crazy, but I'd rather commit to something I'm sure of, and be a late bloomer, than half-ass something immediate because I want to have an answer when people ask what I'm doing "next year."
I wish I had creating firmer boundaries around what I want and will do professionally. And better boundaries with my mom.
This year, I had a little gap of a couple of weeks where I had more childcare help and fewer responsibilities. I meant to use that time to exercise and maybe see friends and do some tasks that had been neglected. As usual when I have any free time, I used it to watch tv, listen to podcasts and play Candy Crush. Even though at the time it felt like what I really needed was "me time", in hindsight it feels empty and like a missed opportunity.
I don't feel like I've accomplished much this past year. During slower times during clinic I wish I would have taken better advantage of that and worked on "the business" I also fell out of the workout routine and let that slide too long. There's nothing specific I'm proud of this past year, which suggests I probably should have been doing some things differently.
I am proud to have learned to stay and walk balanced on my slackline.
I'm proud of the way I supported dad. I was present, positive and optimistic, which he wasn't. Even he noted that he was surprised by my support and how helpful it was. I'm not sure I knew I had that in me. re differently: I can be better about how I interact with people I can't stand at work. Usually not helpful
I am not sure how I could have handled anything differently, but I don't feel "proud".
I wish the meanness of others would not be so personal, that I could let it roll off me. I wish I did not wear my feelings on my face. I am proud that so many of our clients think I am nicer than anyone else we've had working there. I admit I like being thought as nice and kind.
I don't know. I could have worked harder, but I don't regret not working harder, and I feel guilty about that. I want to spend more of my energy doing things I like and value and care about, not on my job. I don't feel like my job gives me a lot back for the energy I put into it, and the entire premise of this career is that it does. (OTOH people with newly rejected papers are perhaps not the best people to ask about this.) I wish I'd read more books. I'm proud of getting through our time apart. Mostly I'm just tired.
You should've stayed in security. The job sucks buy the pay was upfront. Other than that, you got a promotion!
I am proud I was able to create a small team at work that people on that team find it meaningful to be on it. I'm also proud that I was able to influence an individual in the right direction by boosting her confidence to return to college.
I wish I had drawn a firmer boundary around the time I needed for myself. And the drinking. I have turned a blind eye toward my tendencies for a couple of years and am now starting to think that a bigger shift might be necessary. I have no willpower whatsoever when it comes to drink (or food or sex, for that matter); I make promises to myself and then, either deliberately or mistakenly, break them at the first opportunity that arises. This needs to change, and I feel like it deserves a good deal of my attention over the coming year. If I can trust myself to follow through, it might heal some deeper, more painful issues, as well (like inability to trust, avoidance, fear, depression/loneliness). I am proud that I have begun to assert myself more at work. Trusting that when I open my mouth, I have something valuable to contribute. Asking for the things that I want. Letting my work become more a part of me, not just a dreaded task I complete to get to the weekend.
I am grateful that I've figured out how to live with an unfulfilling job and that I have become more confident and assertive. I am looking forward to the next phase of my life post-grad school.
I wish I made healthier choices about the men I brought into my life, emotionally and/or sexually. I am VERY proud that I have cut that off. I am openly talking about it. I am working through self shame at a fast clip. I am learning and growing in this area. I can and will find loved ones that are strong, healthy, patient, kind and empathetic.
What I wish I would have done differently: I wish I had taken care of myself better. I've had a lot of anxiety this year, and I have not eaten as well or exercised as much as I would have liked. I'm not beating myself up, but I don't love the way I look and feel right now - and I feel like I haven't taken much pride in my appearance - and that I've gotten a bit lazy in the way I present myself. I think I've put work above all else, and I need to put myself first. I'm proud of the way I've dealt with conflict - even though there is room for improvement. During SXSW, a coworker treated me very unfairly - she made a huge stink, cause a lot of drama, caused my assistant to leave a venue in tears - and I still helped her when she needed it. I showed professionalism, fairness and although it was a huge challenge - a cool head. I don't know that my response was valued. As much as it saddens me to think this, although my boss/friend says I'm the most valued person at the company - I feel that perhaps the biggest revenue earner is considered the most valuable. Regardless, I like who I am and how I act most of the time.
What I wish we had done differently was not let my husband's family stay with us for 9 months. On the plus side this year we finally made it to the Oregon Country Fair and to another In This Moment/New Year's Day concert.
Yes, I wish that I had pushed for us to go ahead and move to Colorado. To have just sold the house and figured it out when we got there.
I am proud of how I’ve done transitions. I wish I would have spoken my needs and minds at treatment more so I would know how to.
I wish I had negotiated my salary better. I am proud I left consulting. I am proud I found the love of my life!
Worked less Stressed less Spent more good quality time with Marco Declutter my house and my chronic to do list Taken up more exercise I am proud I decreased my workload although I need to do it more & restarted yoga & some time for me although I need to do more of this as well. It is true that looking better after me I look better after my kids and husband. All the aspects of my life improve. I need to insist on this.
I wish I had treated my eldest son more carefully,more understanding and supporting.And I am being proud to have overcome the divorce without being too bitter.
I'm proud of . . . - Completing my diploma, despite difficult circumstances. - Staying true to myself, and the kind of person I am, instead of changing in response to being hurt. - Stepping out of my comfort zone and into a new job, with a steep learning curve.
Something in me wonders what it would be like if I could have remained friends or stayed in contact with my ex and her son. Maybe this time next year, something will be different or better. I am contented to know that I am following my heart and trusting divine guidance to continue to lead me where I’m needed. I love myself and care for myself in a way that allows me to learn and have compassion for others. I am grateful for all of my relationships and the gifts that come from knowing God and myself.
I've given this year my all. I am proud that since my father had died, I've started to care for myself again and have lost 20kg's of weight. I am proud that I try my hardest at work, at family
Oh, I think this year more than most I wish I had done things differently, that other things had gone differently. And while I feel as though there is something I am proud of nothing in particular comes to mind at the moment
I wish I for once took charge of my finances, my diet and my relationships In a year from now I want to have those under control
In retrospect I wish that I checked up on my colleagues and staff to make sure that they did what they said they did and were supposed to do. I am especially proud to have helped to facilitate chesed and kindness daily and to play a small role in actively making the world a better place.
As always, I wish I had had more faith. Things - all the deepest and pettiest fears - worked out all right. Even with challenges and disappointments - overall, the worlds bends toward the light. I need to chill.
There were a number of fallow years in my creativity due to a lack of inspiration, and a sort of brain fog that overtook me and left me continuously hungry and listless. I would beat myself up for having no evidence of natural talent, abilities that I could translate into prolific works, public acclaim, and cold hard cash. Yet, during those times I still managed to write some funny tweets, some calculated responses to right-wing troglodytes, and some organized notes for projects I'm working on now. The muses are fickle and transitory. I accept that sometimes I'm stupid, sometimes I'm pretentious, sometimes I'm arrogant, sometimes I'm useless, sometimes I'm profound. Sometimes I'm a baby, sometimes I'm a man. Last year I finished writing a 500-page novel and this year I'm streamlining it and cutting out the fat. I also cleaned up and rewrote an old screenplay, which is now a finalist in Shriekfest. I'm retooling another screenplay that's still relevant, and I'm slowly and methodically working on two other novels. I may be only a few years from a senior citizen discount, but I'm putting newborn babies into the world. And we all hope our children will one day get famous and support our tired asses. The only time I've ever made a decent living on my talent is when I was confident enough and willing enough to broadcast it. There are so many hacks in this world living in financial autonomy thanks to the strength of their ambition, a carpe diem I've always lacked. Great artists have starved in caves for centuries because they refused to plaster the rocks outside with their work and bang a drum until everyone looked. When I was five, I crowed about my drawings until I forced my mother to tack them up onto the fridge for all to see. I've rehearsed for this. I can do it again with the same exuberance.
I am immensely proud of the way that Lee and I co-parented in the past year. I have never met a straight couple that has co-parented as thoroughly as we have so far. While in the first three months of my parental leave, I was more expert on Oz, as soon as Lee's three months of parental leave ended, he was the expert on Oz. I did the breast feeding of course, but Lee bounced Oz to sleep on the exercise ball, comforted him as much as I did, changed as many diapers, prepared almost all the meals, did most of the cleaning, and much more. We made a decision this year to move to Maine after a multi-year exploration process. I was able to take a new job in my son's first year of life -- a challenging electoral campaign strategy job no less -- because Lee was excited to step up and be Oz's primary caregiver. I am so proud of both Lee and myself and the choices we made this year to be living fully on purpose and in line with our vision of both men and women being nurturing and both women and men being strong.
I am proud of all the work that I have done on the house. I do wish I had put more money towards paying down my student loans. I was able to add more than I was expecting. But I wish would have added on just a bit more. I lost a bit of weight but wish I would have worked a little harder and lost more. It's not the things we do, it's the things we don't do that are the mos frustrating.
I wish I had handled my volunteer commitments differently this past year, particularly in terms of the Lecture Series and Hospice. In both cases, I found that I was not getting out of it what I was putting in. For the Lectures Series, I wish I had understood the gestalt of my role before kicking off the year. There was so much more to the role than I understood and it felt like it kept coming back to haunt me. I also wish I had not convened the Ladies Committee to "Remember Abby". In retrospect, I think there were many non-supporters or non-interested ones. For Hospice, I wish I had held onto one of my front desk positions, and that I had clarified with Fran what my backroom responsibilities would be. In both cases, I did not feel any pleasure from the time I put into these activities.
I wish that I had been more forthright with my dad, and helped him face some of the demons he was harboring. I spent a lot of time just being there, but I didn't push him to open up. I feel like maybe he missed an opportunity and I could have helped him realize it.
I think the only thing that I'm learning to do recently is to be more open. Open with myself about what I really want and who I really am. I realised early on this year with my work as a photographer that I was exhausted at trying to please to many outside variables. And by that I mean potential clients. I haven't been shooting for myself for a while. I was drained creatively all year and I'm only now just getting my mojo back together.
I would have liked to stand by my boundaries with the ever-encroaching client.
I'm so proud of pulling off the perfect wedding (and honeymoon). No matter how many bridezilla days I had on the run up to the wedding, I was a happy, glowing, relaxed bride. I literally channeled divine wisdom as I blessed the guest during the bridal blessing. I stayed amazingly present to enjoy the beauty and depth of our ceremony. When we circled each other 7 times I was really there helping to consciously open the 7 gates of heaven. It was a spectacular day. And from the feedback we got it was an educational day about Jewish mystical wedding traditions. More importantly, it was an inspiration for many to have us demonstrate how much love can be emanated and for finding such love in the third act of our lives.
I let me frustration with my spouse show too much. I thought I was being subtle. But I wasn't. I regret that because it undermined him and our relationship.
Something I wish I had done differently last year: Gotten more serious about figuring out what I believe in and getting into a church. I wish I had started losing weight sooner. Something I am especially pro- moreud of from the past year: My 48 pound weight loss and learning to keep quiet.
There was a job that would have been PERFECT for me. I watched the posting for several months and did nothing about it. Never even applied. I totally regret that, and it made me question a lot about why I'm so tied to my current job. It's much more difficult to find the Proud moment. I'm not sure if there's any one thing I'm specifically proud of. Sad days.
I wish I had thought differently about recovery from my surgery. Maybe a plan, so that I didn't sprain my ankles because I tried to work out too soon, and so that I didn't gain so much weight. I am proud of Josh, and the activist and artist that he is becoming. That he understands finances, and has been able to find jobs. I am proud that I lead the effort at my organization to run three programs - most ever.
I wished I’d driven more but I’m pleased I’ve done some driving xx I’m proud I’ve come this far xx
Lot of second guessing. Not sure if I could do any better, or if the next year will be any different. But then again, I purchased a used car, after donating my trusty Hyundai after 14 years of chugging along. A sense of relief overcame me, as traveling long distance was in itself an act of faith. I'm uncharacteristically proud and eratically happy to be an owner of a reliable (ie boring) 2015 Toyota Camry.
I wish I'd been more trusting of Maya and allowed her to live her life without having me constantly spying and trying to keep her out of trouble. Truthfully, I haven't had a level of trust in her decisions and how she handles herself on social media. So, because of that, I've almost relished catching her in a lie or finding things on her phone that aren't appropriate. I'm not proud of that, and it felt like my ego was in the way, and that I derived joy somehow in catching her doing something I disapproved of. That's shitty. This caused a lot of anger and frustration for both of us. Additionally, it caused me a lot of worry/concern. Yes, the world is a very different place now, than when I was a teenager. However, just as I did, Maya has a stable home life, and I need to trust that she will be okay and that she is getting the foundation she needs to make good decisions and live a fulfilling life. It would strengthen our relationship if I would allow her a bit more freedom and trust. I realize that when it comes to boys, I freaked out a lot this past year, each time a boy gave her attention or she paid attention to a boy. I did make an important change this school year. I no longer take their phones at 9:00 p.m. and look through them. I hated that; it felt icky and I'm tired at night, and don't enjoy having to do it. I gotta say, I worry a lot less now since I don't look through their phones. Interesting. Conversely, something I'm proud of that took place this past year is the start of my coaching business. I'm thrilled that so many people want to work with me and that they trust I have something to offer them. Thank you G-d.
I wish that I had not agreed to stay at my job for the whole 2018 year. It is the wrong fit and I spend a lot of energy dreading it or wasting time staring at my computer. I love the people, of course, and I want the firm to succeed, but my heart has moved on and I'm not able to keep my head in the game. I don't like to think about what I could be doing with all the hours I'm giving to this. It's a rather big regret, but thankfully one of only a couple in my life and one I know will not even register in my memory in a year or two. (But for my archived 10Q answers! :-)
I wish I had lost that 5 lbs that has now grown to 8. Seriously, in spite of that, I'm proud that at 67 I was able to bounce back and pick up running again. I may be slow, but I don't give up. Now after recent foot surgery, I'll have the memory of my strength and resilience to inspire me to hit the pavement once again!
I do wish I had taken better care of myself. I was convinced I had a horrible autoimmune disease or thyroid disorder, when in the end it was because I wasn't prioritizing sleep, food, or lowering my stress levels. I also could have been less scared stepping it up as a teacher in the beginning, but everything turned out the way it should have, so I have no regrets. I also could have had better conversations with B around consent, but I didn't know the extent of his complicated feelings around sex at the time. I am proud of my confidence and how I handled expressing feelings and communication in the end. I didn't hold back and that feels good. I think I might be a little bit now, but that's probably for the best in order to move forward. I am proud of how much i've accomplished this year and who I am becoming.
I am proud to have listened acutely to the still small voice.
Done differently or especially proud? The short answer is no. The longer answer is that, just like my response to Q#1, it seems like the past year has not had significant ups or downs. I believe that is a very good thing. If I had to dig for an answer I would say I may have chosen my musical projects differently, and I am especially proud of the friends, and general way of life, Kate and I are cultivating. Especially the use of our yard, and our access to the creek, to make our home a popular gathering place for outdoor movies, float trips, etc. I'm not sure how much differently I could have chosen the musical projects, as each one, on its own, is a perfectly reasonable choice, and I am happy with each. However, the combined effect is pretty brutal right now. I am in four separate projects. Road Case is currently the busiest, and that is the basic bar band playing covers, but the musicians in that line up are fantastic. Monkey Foo is a Foo Fighter tribute, so I love it because I love the Foo Fighters. Nimrod is a Green Day tribute, and that one has been surprisingly enjoyable as well, especially the gigs. The crowds have been really responsive to the tunes, and the crowds have generally been younger, which is a plus. Honeypump is another basic bar band playing covers. Really, I only include Honeypump here because occasionally that project takes up some of my time, but really I am just a mercenary fill-in player for their regular bass player, so those gigs are few and far between. Still, that is a lot of music, and band practices, in my life right now. For the moment Kate is dealing with it, but there is no question it puts a strain on things. The perfect balance would include some music, just not as much as it has been recently. The hard part is how to get to that balance.
I honestly wish I would’ve gotten divorced sooner and started the healing process sooner. I kinda dragged it out. Other than that I wouldn’t change anything. I am very proud that I finished a marathon. It was my third attempt and I did not have any injuries this time!
I am proud I finally started losing some weight.
I wish I had read more books and frittered away less time online.
Hmm, done differently. I try not to live in that headspace. But I guess I wish I had kept a more constant journal of my experiences. That's really applicable for the past several years of my life, not just last year. I think as I round out my late 20s and enter into my 30s, though, I'm growing and grappling with so much that I want to make sure I'm fully processing my experiences. Looking back, I think I'm proud of a lot of things. I'm proud of this running journey I'm on and hope to be on for awhile – like running across Haiti! I'm proud that I've been able to lead my team at Unreasonable through a ton of ups and downs. This one doesn't quite sink in yet, but I've just recently ended a 6-year relationship. I've been told by many that it's a courageous thing to do, which has been odd feedback. However, I think I get it; it's hard to shake up the status quo, and for so many reasons, I think I was hanging out in the comfortable and holding myself back from certain kinds of growth. So, while I'm still in a space of sadness and transition, I am proud that I came around to this decision. I don't see it now, but in some ways, I think it will become a gift to myself.
I got my finances more under control but I need to do even more there. I also need to do even more for eating healthier and I want to exercise more. I am proud that I am still logging all food, cooking most things, and continuing to lose weight. I spent more time with friends than in the past but I still spent too much of my energy at work. I need to work on that.
I wish I'd been more goal-focused and less focused on my relationship and "him." I wish I would have come home to my beautiful house and instruments and woodshedded the way I knew I needed to musically, and I wish I'd have holed up last winter (in 2017) and worked on my house and self, instead of putting my relationship first, before even myself. Waste of time. Waste of energy. I wish I had gotten out of the relationship that wasn't working for me, rather than fight for it and try to convince my supposed partner we were right for each other. It was a huge waste of time and energy. I stayed for the good things, hoping the bad things would get better. They did get better, but not enough to warrant staying at all. No more desperation for love. If I'm to be alone, I'm to be alone, and I'm to be happy alone, and eventually a door will open to a new partnership.
I am so happy to finally made my first trip to Israel. It was everything I expected and not. I need to go back!
I wish I had parented my 2/3 year old better. I have let so much of her behavior get under my skin, and I'm not sure what to do. I have read and researched, and even practiced dealing with this age group, but never with my own sensitive, complicated little child. It is really the thing at which I am failing the most, and I'm not sure how to come back from here, but I know it is critical to her well being and mine.
I am glad that I created a 40th birthday party that honored what I treasure most: quality time with dear friends. What a blessing it was to spend a long weekend with my dearest 10 friends, who ranged in age from 26 to 65, traveled from five states and two countries, and spanned 20 years of my life! Most of them only knew of the others, which made it all the more beautiful that we enjoyed each other’s company so much. We talked and talked and talked, played games, danced, did yoga, went snowshoeing, snacked and snacked and snacked some more, enjoyed a heartening devotional, soaked in the hot tub, shared stories, cried, and laughed until we cried. My heart was so full the first day when all my friends arrived, I thought it would burst!
I wish I'd given out fewer second chances. This is something I've done throughout my entire life, but I feel like it came to a head this year. Because I wear my heart on my sleeve and try to believe in the best in others, I frequently and consistently let others play by their rules and lead me on and not assert my emotions or expectations. In the upcoming year, I am aiming to draw the line at one second chance.
I didn’t succeed at making dinner for my family enough. I wish I had focused more on that part of my schedule to make it happen.
No, I don't wish I had done anything differently. I'm especially proud of myself and my recovery this past year. It brought a lot of changes and got me entering the final stage of my recovery from addiction.
I'm still procrastinating and making poor financial decisions, although I've made some small strides in the latter area, I think. As for what I'm proud of--I got more involved politically in a way that felt (mostly) comfortable and I helped someone win a small, but important race. It's given me the itch to do more in this area, too, which I may talk about more in other answers.
Leaving health and weight aside, which always seems to factor into my 10Q answers, there is one thing that zoomed to mind when I read this question - I wish I had my behaviors relative to guys well under control. I'm past the age of wondering if you like me, why didn't you call, should I call or message you, etc. I hope this year (hell I'm 40, I can/should FINALLY master this), that I can just cut through the crap. Stop playing games, stop the text exchanges, just the BS nonsense. I offer so much to others, it's time to offer myself the same. Alternatively, I so so proud of teaching more. I really enjoyed offering my mantra and meditation workshop and just sharing and exchanging with people on that level and bringing it into all aspects of my life (work, home, family, friends, etc).
I wish I could let go and not let certain people push buttons that cause stress. My reactions are too quick and upsetting with regard to the way I communicate with these individuals. What I try to be proud of is that I am giving service without accepting anything in return with regard to my community where I live
I wish I had been better with my budget, exercise, and diet. I did lose 15 pounds, only to gain 10 back. That stunk, but there's always next year.
I guess I wasn't even pregnant this time last year, which is crazy to think! I'm proud of myself for getting back on the horse of having another kid. It would have been easy to say it was too difficult, but I didn't. It certainly wasn't easy, but I'm so glad I pushed through and got my dream!
i had given myself a year to clear my head of all of the responsibility from my mother's last year of life, since i was so consumed with the stages of her condition, obligations, last wishes and what she left behind. we embarked on many months of updating household furnishings and materials, and i have been getting rid of a lot of clutter (in the manner of "swedish death cleaning") to avoid having to do it when we are older and slower. i regret not having done more, since there are a lot of possessions left.
I wish I had spent more time focusing on achieving my goal as far as moving, cleaning, organizing, fixing, etc. I absolutely detest Haus Frau work. It’s the last demon from my past I feel the need to shed to be able to move on. Nothing can overshadow the day my son rang the bell and finished his treatment. It signified being on the other side of this nightmare of a disease. I’m glad I had all the nurses sign a poster. It may prove to be of great significance to my son one day. I feel astonished that I’m actually in a healthy relationship and really like this guy. It also frightens me in a way.
Much felt out of my control as the year prior. Not much, if anything, to do differently. Proud that I maintained my grace and integrity in the face of so much evil. Proud that I showed my little girl peace and joy and calm in the storm.
I wish I had been less stressed about work and tried to enjoy life more. I wish I had socialized more and kept in touch with people instead of being obsessed with work. I wish I had exercised more and done team sport. In summary: I wish I had been less of a workaholic.
I'm proud of being alive right now. It's been a really hard year on top of several really hard years, but I'm still fighting to take care of my family and myself. I'm a strong, informed advocate for my children with their many health problems. I am a faithful, loving spouse. I started going to the gym regularly and eating more healthily. I'm learning not to define health by a number on the scale. I'm reading for the first time since I left college. I'm taking my mental health seriously and getting help for the cPTSD and PPD/A. And I'm learning, slowly, to make peace with myself and my past.
I wish that I reached out and made more friends. I wish I didn’t let stress take over my life and that I would’ve just lived each day to its fullest knowing that I tried my best at everything in life. I’m very proud of how far I’ve come since the beginning of the year. I think I’ve learned how to go with the flow and adapt. I’m also proud of how much confidence I’ve gained in myself and also how much self-awareness I’ve gained. I’m most proud of how I’ve become much more of a leader in many aspects of my life.
I wish I had had done more to establish healthy routines and focus on the many interests I have. I should stop spending time with news that only feels like Groundhog Day and set aside my computing wages of time. I wish I would have gotten together with more friends I love that we got to Greece, a Road Scholars trip to Louisiana, helped Rachel resettle and Raphael buy and sell a condo and finally purchased our trailer. I did get lots of smaller home projects done, but did not really start a declutter program
Last summer, after nearly eight years of radio silence, my brother added me on LinkedIn. I figured it was a crack in the door he had slammed shut years ago. It took me longer than I wanted to work up the courage to reach out to him, but in the fall I sent him an email asking how he was doing. He replied the next day, sounding cordial and reasonable and pleasant--all the things he had not been, even before he fell out with my dad and essentially disappeared on the rest of us. He even invited me to come to Thanksgiving at his house, with his (wife? girlfriend? unclear). I am ashamed that I never responded. I didn't know what to say, or how to say it, and I wasn't ready to visit yet, and I felt bad about taking so long, and then once too much time had passed I developed a real block about it. Just recently, during our class stay at Kibbutz Hannaton, I broke down in the middle of a shiur about teshuva. Are there some things one can never make right? I went outside and cried and cried. I don't even know if my brother knows my dad is sick, and I don't know how to reach out and tell him. I don't know how to have a relationship with him anymore. I realized I was still angry at him for the way he treated his son, and his ex-wife, and my parents, and me. It didn't seem fair that he got himself clean, and his life back on track, but he hasn't fixed what he broke. I'm still working on making amends for my part of our failed sibling relationship. I hope that this year I'll be able to talk to him, and forgive him, and love him despite the harm he caused our family.
I think my answer is same as last year. Haha just mostly living in the moment. But I think a big thing that changed this year is that I actually feel like I've accepted myself for who I am in relationships and not trying to change my overthinking excessively. I don't really regret a lot honestly which is pretty awesome.
I wish I had redone my resume and tried for that job I was thinking about.
Well, without sounding like a victim, I guess I'd rather my husband didn't get cancer. But given that he did and that I did do pretty much everything I'd wanted to do, I can't think of anything different I'd do. I am proud of my husband as I stated in Q1. I am proud of myself for the good volunteer work I did with babies and toddlers all year; for facing the issues that came up for me around conflict. I also did the RIE Foundations Class in Tel Aviv for two weeks which was great and something I'd been thinking about for a few years! I am so glad I left Boaz's Israeli dance chug and moved to Mimi. I have learned SO much better from her and have so many more dances under my belt now. I therefore enjoy it even more! Finally, I'm very proud of the beautiful mosaic pieces I made in the past year: frame, hotplate, master bath stool, office stool, guest bath stool, two living room table tops, and beginning of master bath mirror frame!!! I just love doing something creative-specifically mosaics with Liora, and bringing beauty into the world.
I am proud of myself for moving this year. I knew it was time, and although it's been bumpy, it has been so worth it. I do regret not being more politically active, working to make change. It feels impossible to know where to start, more often than not, but I didn't push myself to get out to some events I knew were happening.
This is related to my answer from the previous year, but I am particularly proud of conquering my depression this year. Honestly, I probably should've gone to a doctor, but I learned valuable positive thinking and self help skills that eventually pulled me out of it. I went from being near-suicidal last fall to getting an awesome job and moving across the country. Compared to this time last year, I am doing quite well, although there is still room for improvement, and I continue to work on it.
Yes... I wish I had been going more regularly to my twelve step meetings prior to actually buckling down and going this past winter. I think that if I had, I would have been in a better headspace to handle the more difficult moments of the year. I wish I had managed to find a way to go to the funeral for my step-grandfather. I am proud of myself for starting to go to meetings. It seems like a small thing but managing to go somewhere weekly has been a big accomplishment for me in this stage of life. It also was not how I wanted to spend my few hours out of the house each week but I know it has been so beneficial. God is using the time to give me freedom: freedom to express myself with grace and love, freedom to be myself, freedom to share the songs He has given me to sing... I am so grateful.
I am very proud of finally claiming my rightful spot as a welcome child of the universe. I am proud of seeing my way toward forgiveness. I am proud that I never.ever.ever.give up.
I'm proud of myself for standing up against someone who tried to intimidate me. Five or ten years ago I would not have known how to respond to this person's act of intimidation, but - despite the awkwardness of the particular phone call - it was the right thing for both my organization and for me, personally.
I'm proud of making it this far with my business. Of figuring out answers, of connecting with the right people, of finding a workspace and going there every day, even when I'm not making money.
I think I had a really good year. There is nothing that I would change. I am proud of myself for the final marks I received in my summer class, particularly college algebra and I'm proud that I am back in school in a professional program.
I regret wasting too much time online. It's OK to be online and sometimes even beneficial (I've met some great people and made great connections). But too often it crosses over into compulsive time-wasting. It's like all appetizers and no main course. I think that would be a helpful way to approach it actually. "You've had enough snacks, now go to the main course of learning or writing." (Actually I got this metaphor from someone great whom I, Marva Lee Weigelt) I started the "Morning Sidekick" journal to try to be more intentional and organized in my mornings so that I can do my spiritual and physical practices, and my writing, almost daily.
I wish I'd found the energy, drive or motivation to clean up house, yard and office. I'm a saver, I'm disorganized, I live amidst clutter and it slows me down. And I feel embarassed. Argh! I'm proud of the way we worked with Sam and Hannah, Denham and Deb, family and friends to plan their wedding. It was a delight -- and so many had a good time. It helped us knit two families into one!
There's always the underlining strife with brothers. I don't know what I could do differently. It's hard to work with men who are not very introspective and push the blame outwards. I'm very proud to have lost more weight! I look good, my BMI is hovering on normal. Phil is more attentive and everyone has noticed! It hasn't been that hard to keep it off!!
Wish I would have broken up with Joe sooner, I knew it wasn't going anywhere. Something I'm especially proud of - paying off my debt and managing to sell my house to a cash buyer I found and didn't have to pay Realtor fees!
I really can't think of anything significant that I wish I had done differently. It's been a really great year. I am proud of myself for stepping out and stepping up to be more of me out in the world.
Yes, and sadly it is the same as the previous answer in a way. I wish I had taken all the steps necessary to make the changes that will make me happy. I do feel though that as I write this, this will be the last year I just dream about what I want to do and actually do it. So what do I wish I had done differently? I wish I had the courage to live differently.
A. I wish I could've been less resistant to getting sidetracked with last year's intentions - #dating, #adulting. Given the importance of taking care of Mom and stepping up at work, I wish I could've reoriented my intentions or let go of achieving my original objectives that I set after Rosh Hashanah. B. I dated an incredibly generous and kind man named Mordy this year. He was sweet, stable, and totally available to connection. However, I never connected with him on a physical/sexual level. I continued to pursue our romantic connection in hopes that our sexual connection could build. I was torn between following my gut (a previous intention that I set on my 3oth birthday) and staying open to my physical attraction developing. If I could do it again, I could've trusted my physical body/instincts with Mordy sooner. Although I dont feel like giving the relationship 3 months was too long, I do feel like I knew right away and gave it time to see if I could change my position. C. Given the increased responsibility I took on at work and my mom's health issues, I wish I had prioritized more vacation time for me. The year has gone by and all the time I took off of work was for weddings (Brandon's, Dustin's, Elinor's, and Shymaa's). The closest thing I got to a vacation was the 10 day trip I took with Alex Khazzam from France to Dubai to celebrate Shymaa & Marc. It was full of beautiful cultural integrations (of French and Emirati cultures), and a real moment of deep celebration of acceptance of this cross cultural union. -------- A. I cared and nursed my mom during her recoveries from surgery while maintaining a psychological distance from her trauma B. I started a new team at lyft with a solid vision, two key hires, and a strong initial roadmap C. Within a few hours of appointments with the bone specialists and understanding the implication of having fibrous dysplasia, I sat for an 18 min meditation and saw a light around self nourishment within my apartment instead of sulking in disappointment and frustration. The frustration has followed the initial diagnosis but I'm proud that I was able to see 'a light' with a few hours of absorbing the intensity of my medical condition.
I wish I had spent less time on social media (and I have cut back) and more time on things at home. I've now begun to clean out closets, donate things I don't want or use or wear, and begun some more home improvements. I want to continue with all of these. I'm proud of the work I do and the impact my presence has had on patients and families. When I become impatient about the need for greater change in our organization, I remind myself of what we are accomplishing, even as I hope we will be able to do more.
I am proud of the way I stepped up to push the launch of my new company through under the wire. I thought of giving up and could have actually given up but had the foresight to make the trip to Toronto to force me to create my website and company name. I did what I needed to do and launched! I wish I had put a better effort into thinking about what makes my company unique in creating language for that on the website, but there is still time for that. I wish I'd kept up with my morning routine and productivity system I'd implemented.
I wish I would've dated John differently. Done things different with him. I am proud of myself for going to college and meeting the new people I have met.
It's hard for me to tell whether my instinctual answer (I wish I hadn't led N on, or ended it as I did, or ... whatever the regret really is) is even accurate. I don't actually regret it, I just have a gnawing discomfort and bad feeling when I think about it. What else do I wish I had done differently? I wish I had spent less on my sublet this summer. I wish I had written more! These regrets feel small -- on the whole, I feel so very good about the person I am growing into being. I am glad to be lighting candles nightly, to have cultivated so many plants, to finding times for the friendships that matter. I am proud, again, of making the choice to start medication. I am proud that I took the time to find a doctor that I actually trust. I am proud that I keep paying for therapy, even when it feels wildly expensive. I started trying to figure out a skin routine. I still set intentions, and I tried to be as thoughtful as I could be about who it is that I want to be! I'm making the time for things like this-- for the things I want to do but don't always make the time for. I wish I'd tried harder at work, maybe. I wish I'd been at a level where I should have been promoted this past cycle. I wish I tried! I wish I dicked around on the internet less. I wish I channeled Virgo season year round.
I wish I kept better touch with my friends. My friends are amazing people but I suck at keeping touch. Also I need to do better at networking so I could have left Mama Gaia quicker and found something that was more special events related. I'm glad I found my current job at St. Jude. Even though it pays it feels like a volunteer job where I truly make a difference even if I'm only delivering food to the patients. But I do need to take advantage of using the St Jude gym and eat better. Over the past few years I've gained extra weight. I'm currently 185 pounds with a big belly and rolls on my back. I need to get my body back so I can stay healthy and sexy
I definitely wish I had not put my trust in the wrong people and evidently ended up in a harder position because of it. I am immensely proud of my fiancé for completing his training to become a bus driver and we now have a more secure future with his stable job.
I am quite proud of the changes I begun at work... It has been a long way from where I started off, and from being "the son of the boss" to "the boss". Not in a bad way, but creating bonds, building trust and generating change. I would have liked to be more open towards many poeple, and I would have liked to finish some old pending problems, which are still ongoing.
There are many conversations with my kids and my husband that I wish had gone better! I am evolving, right? I'm proud of the fact that my kids are learning to bounce back from problems. I'm also proud of my husband and I for staying in therapy and continuing to work on our relationship. And I'm proud of the work I do at my job. I'm good at what I do and I'm happy I strive to be better than what is expected.
I don't know. Some of the obstacles, in writing and finances are somewhat unchanged. I am spending less and I am earning more and am less $ stressed. But, I have not totally healed that relationship. The music has come a long way. There is a bit of stuckness there. But, I wrote my 1st full set of lyrics and made a couple of great mashup songs. There is anxiety and shyness around these and, I am proud of these things.
I wish I'd worked harder - at everything. Work, degree, diet, living... But I'm also proud of some of the same things. This year I lost 1 3/4 stone, gained a 2.1 in my degree, helped train colleagues...but otherwise feeling a little flat about my achievements.
I am very proud of the success the team had in 2017-18. I/we learned a lot about attitude and presence of mind. Something that has surprised me is how I have turned into the perceived expert in leadership. Maybe not the expert but definitely the go to guy about the direction our working group is going. Something of a surprise is when I spoke to a parent about reading “Turn The Ship Around” and they did read it. And then they complemented me on what a great book it is... made me feel very good. And having a few extra books of "Outliers" available, I gave him one and told him to give it away when he was done with it... their look of thanks was deeply felt. This year I gave away 30+ books and when we talk about them, the conversations are of hope and a better world. How can we live and work and enjoy what we do (from Simon Sinek) and support each other. I love being part of this vison!
I wish I had taken better care of myself, or body and mind. Graduate school is exhausting, and I only made it harder for myself by depriving myself time to exercise, eat well, sleep and recharge.
I'm super proud of all of the jobs I've been hired on. I joined the union, worked on my first feature film, was asked to 2nd AC on SNL after 3 years of PAing, and was hired full time as a loader on Madam Secretary season 5. Feeling super grateful.
I definitely wish I hadn’t cheated, but it’s complicated because at the time I did feel really triumphant, which still seems so strange to me. I’m not sure that my husband would have taken the issues in our marriage seriously if it hadn’t happened, and I definitely feel a lot more confident in his dedication to our marriage than I did before. Mostly, I feel like a terrible person, and I feel like I didn’t handle things well. And unfortunately this event has colored the things I was really proud of: I passed qualifying exams for my PhD degree, I’ve (mostly) signed with a literary agent, I’ve gotten some good publications, and done a lot of other big stressful things in school. It’s hard to feel proud of anything though, and I mostly feel like a screwed up asshole.
I feel like all my answers are going to about my baby, but, honestly, I'm really proud of how natural I feel being her mumma. I was terrified that I wouldn't be a good parent, that my anxieties would make it difficult for me to feel comfortable with a tiny human who was completely reliant upon me. We had a trial by fire, she and I, as my husband was traveling a lot soon after she was placed with us, and it created such a strong bond. She is my little shadow now, following me wherever I go, rarely more than a few feet away. She loves me so much, and I am so proud to be worthy of that love.
I've taken advantage of my husband's patience in the past year while he has supported me through grad school. I wish I was more motivated, more diligent, organized, and better at managing my time. It has been unfair to him, and now that he is starting at school, I need to be more mindful of how I can support him in return.
I am especially proud of the way I am surrendering to the the unknown, stepping into my greatness despite the fear and doubt. Slowly, gradually, I am becoming more actualized, more authentic.
This is taking me a while to think about. There are several things I wish I could have done differently mostly surrounding work and my overall attitude and outlook because of it. I wish I had put things in perspective and done a better job balancing my stress and how my feelings about going to work impacted the rest of my life. I wish I would’ve made more time for things for myself, such as going to yoga or writing more. I want to change these things this year. I’m especially proud of the courage I had to take a leap and make a change in my job. It wasn’t easy for me and I wasn’t sure I would really go through with it, so I’m really proud of myself for trying something new and putting myself out there.
I just wish that I can make more time for things I like doing. Sometimes I feel that I'm doing things because it's easier to do them than because it's the best thing for me to do.
Oh I am sure there are many things I would have liked to do different, but none are earth shattering. I am particularly proud of myself for again completing the Great Cycle Challenge. Last year I did it shortly after having both knees replaced. This year I rode 250 miles and finished just 5 days before bilateral foot surgeries. Yes, I am pretty badass!
Be kinder to my family. Take more deep breaths. Pause before responding harshly. I'm proud of the times I was able to do so, I know I have so much more "work" to do.
Something that I wish I did differently... I wish I was more physically active. I take my body for granted, too often, and I am not living up to my potential physically. One thing I was proud of was getting money from my boss to buy a car. I have massive fears around money, so asking, alone, was a big deal.
I wish I didn't procrastinate as much as I did, with work obligations, with cleaning my closet, organizing my life, taking time to create a vision board etc. I am especially proud of taking more time for myself and not working as many late nights as I used to. I want to continue practicing meditation, kundalini yoga, and activities that nurture a positive state of wellbeing.
It is hard to excel at work which is not engaging enough while I struggle to keep my mental health at check. I wish I could've enough time to tackle them one at a time, at my own pace. But as life usually is, it tends to come barrelling down at you all at once so I find, most times, I'm just keeping afloat. Speaking of float, one thing I'm especially proud this year is learning and having the confidence to be able to swim. I always think that I'm just not built for it, and I was wrong. It feels so good to crush that self-debelitating belief!
Wish I had prepared better for Curriculum Coordinator role at TFS. There's no time like the present, however!
I wish I had just relaxed after burning out. I quit my job and expected to jump straight back into another role when I really needed to relax my nonstop working muscle. I looked at the period as a transition and thought I could get over years of working hard while taking stabs at new opportunities but it didn't work out well for me. I wish I had not forced my own project to happen and at the same time I'm proud of creating/doing something a lot of other people wouldn't have the courage to do.
I'm proud that instead of spending my summer recovering, I spent it brainstorming and planning and working on things that I was excited about. With a little bit of travel and shopping and a lot of napping and Netflix.
I wish I had taken better care of my health. I am glad that I have started doing that, again.