Describe one thing you'd like to achieve by this time next year. Why is this important to you?
One thing I would like to achieve next year is confidence in myself in expressing my opinion and feelings, without fear of what others will think of me.
I'm so excited for my campaign and by this time next year I want to be well on my way to election! ❤️
Within the next year, I'd like to create a preliminary retirement plan, which should include the following items: 1. A realistic time frame for retirement. 2. A budget for getting to the retirement date in a fiscally conservative manner. 3. A realistic number of how much money to expect to need in retirement. 4. A picture of what retirement will look like. 5. Discussions with Eileen about retirement.
I think I said this last year - but a new job. It's become very clear that I'm not valued where I am.
I'd like to grow my Art for Healing practice. I feel art is a wonderful modality for accessing Feeling and I enjoy being a facilitator for this.
I will have my own apartment. I've lived with my mom since moving back from California, and it's important for me to have my own space again.
I'd like to be supportive of my wife so that she can feel like she has a better life than she has now.
i would like to change home, live in the countryside, eating what i plant, getting some peace that in-exists in the city.
I would like to have SES program paperwork and send them to centers. After having a rough two years, I want to feel that I can achieve my dreams.
I want to be able to run a mile or two. Establishing a true connection between mind, body, and spirit is the goal. It's not about weight or size--it's about health, and accomplishment.
I want a new job and a new boyfriend. I want to be in a professional environment where I can learn and grow. I want to be supported by partner that I can share my life and their's with.
I want to be asked back as a C.A because I love camp and it has always been my dream. Also it would prove to me and everyone else that I am worthy.
I would like to have my novel in a second draft. I would like to be closer to publishing it.
I would love to figure out a way to exercise regularly. It is important for my overall sense of health and well-being as well as for modeling good habits for my children.
I would like to be in a routine of exercise and healthy eating. I had this earlier this year, and injury and apathy caused it to slip away. It's harder every time to come back, but I am determined to do it.
I want to have enough Hebrew to start a bat mitzvah process
I want to have a draft of a book. OR I want to have gotten a poem published. I want to create, to put more love in the world.
I'd like to drop at least 50 pounds. I want to be healthier for my grandbabies.
I would like to be feeling healthier and knowing that I'm taking care of myself. It means that I'm learning to love myself instead of waiting for someone else to do it for me
I would like to become financially independent. I would also like to be able to dance again after knee replacement surgery. Reason...self evident.
I was to be on the career role of my dreams preferably in a different city to the one I'm currently in. It will be two years in March since I started work in my graduate role and I'm ultimately drawn to a different role. I've been grinding a lot without much forward motion so it would be nice to have the conviction and strength of character to take on a little more risk and pursue a role I really want.
i would like to have 50000$ in savings and be able to speak chinese in order to have conversations. These are important to me as they are part of my goals did living here, and help create the freedom i am creating for when o leave
For the first time in my life, odd for age 45, I am prioritizing finding a relationship. In the past I have either stumbled across men, or been fine being alone, now I am desiring commitment. But even as I write this, I find myself questioning it. Is it what I want or what I have been told I am supposed to want?
I really really hope I'll have found a job and it will have stuck! Besides allowing me to live in my freaking home and being economically independent, it would mean a lot for my self-esteem. Also, a nice challenge keeps me stimulated.
I'm astonished and pleased to see that I actually achieved last year's goal - to establish better boundaries and maintain more emotional stability. I know I've been working toward that and seeing the results in my life. I needed that foundation in order to create a new comfort zone for myself. My goal this year is to start venturing out of that comfort zone, to push myself into the unfamiliar, to meet more people, and to put myself into new situations and experiences.
i hope the process of clean up, finishing off things and having more me time will finally bear fruit ... it has started to a degree but needs focus and commitment to get to a comfortable place with a new balance that suits where i am and who I am at this point in my life ... realized that this is a work in process !!!!
Get my life back on track
Clean my house, and keep it that way. My husband complains that I am a horrible housekeeper. It will take help from many, though.
More acceptance of where I am and how I got here. I tend to reflect on my, often very challenging, past and feel proud of surviving through it and I have few major regrets, however I struggle to do the same with my current situation. Whether it's my weight, career, finances etc. I tend to be very hard on myself and that I should be doing more.
Similar answer as last year - and I also want to write a book - let's see!
A new job so I can feel my innate worthiness and not be soul-crushed by my boss.
I'd like to meet a guy & have a heathy, serious relationship. It's important to me because it will mean that i've dealt with some issues that have haunted me for a longtime. It will also mean that i'm not so lonely.
I want to have a thriving private therapy practice by this time next year. I have wanted for so so long to find a career path that is meaningful to me and that energizes and inspires me and makes me want to engage and work hard. I truly feel that I've found it and it's going to take a lot of effort and risk to make this happen. So, it's really important to me that I work hard, stay focused and confident, and be successful.
Ah, next year. That comforting and all-promising place. I suppose by next year I'd like to be making MORE money, running this business even MORE successfully, and traveling more than I was able to this year. That said, perhaps not-so-secretly a baby may be on the way in 2018 (though I am NOT pregnant now!). Whether or not one considers that an "achievement" is her own prerogative, but I'd say it would be a DAMN proud thing to become a mother next year.
Is like tho have the mariners compass done because it's time! I'd like to translate the French paper. Maybe it's time to learn French!
I hope to be half way through my BSN. It is important to my job goals. With this addition to my RN, it opens doors for travel nursing. It is also a personal goal. I have always felt like I wanted to go to college. As a young person I was more interested in the social aspects of life and I went to cosmetology school because I had an artsy flair. It worked wonderfully because I have an easy way with people, and It was a great way to provide a second income and be there for my kids. Now my kids are grown and I have the opportunity to get a Bachelors degree and it gives me a sense of satisfaction in my self. This was my goal for last year. Unfortunately, my father became ill and travel back and forth prevented me from getting started on time. Now, the start time should be January.
Once again I would like to get down to a health weight. I would like to be off omeprazole and cholesterol medication. I would like to do this to improve my health and hopefully energy levels. If I'm really luck it may even help reduce some of my joint pain....... and lets face it, I would also love to look a little less disgusting in a bathing suite.
I would like to follow my practice of painting and writing poetry in a more experimental way – but with devotion. I want to really put in the time and create bravely, with my whole voice and body and soul. This is important to me because it is sharing most honestly.
Pay off Credit card
I’d want to be able to better manage my time when it comes to working from home. Have better communication with clients, and grow my business to a level where I have a decent income from it, so that I won’t be so stressed when it comes to money.
That illusive balance between life, love, family, work, and interests. I know it's out there, and I continue to strive toward it.
I would like to figure out what I want to do for a career and find a new job in the meantime. I'm hoping this will bring financial security and fulfillment. In short, I have a family to raise and support. What I'm doing now isn't working.
I wrote last year about the kind of person I'd like to be next year, and I'll do this again, because I'm deep in uncertainty about whether I want to move to New York or stay; teach or begin a PhD. I'm okay with that uncertainty for the moment. What I do know is that I want to be a person of resolve, confidence, humility, courage, and heart. Someone who can stop and slow down and just do nothing or drink coffee, but who knows how she feels and communicates it - kindly - to others. Someone who isn't selfish, but doesn't get taken advantage of. Someone who loves, and is loved. Someone who has fallen in love, and allowed herself to. Fall in love. It's time. I'd like to let go of the contexts that cause insecurity, uncertainty, stress, or resentment. Embrace friendships, relationships, work, and activities that allow me to be the person I want to be. I want to lead with heart, but care for others in the process. Engage politically whenever necessary (and it will continue to be), and refuse to be a bystander to the suffering of other people; practice self-care in order to sustain advocacy. Act with urgency and humility: the world needs you, but also, the world will go on without you, and you are but one tiny spec on this planet. Take care of the planet. Learn more about sustainability, and practice it. Walk more -- whenever possible. Drive far less, or not at all. Build a community of people to love. Cook. Eat well. Be content in order to give freely to others.
Stay alive. I am constantly worried about my health, so being alive at this time next year will seem like a major accomplishment. If I am alive, and healthy, my other goal would be to get my shit together. I am constantly behind and disorganized, so getting my stuff together would feel really good.
healthier eating
I would like to be Jewish, and know some Hebrew. I will never have had to work so hard for a faith path, but I have never wanted to work so hard for a faith path.
I want to be a better friends. If you ask most people who know me they will tell you that great person and I am very kind and caring. I want work on being better becuase i feel like there few thing i can work on like when txt someone they are to busy to txt back need to wait week before txt them to see if they have time in there busy life's for me. I also would like to be happy with what i am doing for job. Feeling like what I am doing is help the world ot community or people around me. I feel like you need to me happy as person.
By this time next year? Wow. Who knows where I'll be, where we will be. I hope that I'm doing work that I find meaningful, that I'm proud of, and that I've successfully relocated my family into a new community, that I've successfully brought a new life into this world and into our family, that we've found the right place for us and started building connections and planting roots. No big.
By this time next year, I would like to have my foot in the door with a corporation on some path of sustainability; working on sustainable goals in some form. I would also like to have a huge chunk of my credit card debt paid down.
Savings. We're closer than ever to achieving this goal. We've made so much progress on our financial goals that it's really silly that we haven't done this. We will have a nest egg by this time next year.
Have my product in a major grocery store - turn a vision into reality.
This is tough, because I am working really hard on not living my life in retrospect, as it were. I am trying to make the most of what I have now, rather than living in anticipation of expected or hoped-for outcomes. That said, goals matter and they direct the choices that you make in the present. So, given my practice of living well in the present, but also taking guidance from a goal, I hope that I am living exactly as I want. What I mean is, I hope that I have what makes me happy and am living that. It sounds like a non-answer, but it's rooted in the soul-searching I am doing about my marriage and myself in general.
Improved parenting - less (no?!) yelling, more quality 1:1 time with each girl, more living in the moment This is so important to me to raise healthy, resilient, unharmed (from my yelling), and smart girls <3
finaly make my first movie as director and screen writter is importan becose i would be a great step to achive my final goal
I would like to have a blog and be on a design team by this time next year.
I’d like to have a photo book designed and printed. It would validate the time and energy put into the craft I have loved. And it would feel like a huge accomplishment .
I would like to learn how to better balance the things I want to do and the things I can reasonable do. I keep myself far to busy. I volenteer to do things thinking that they will benefit others and my family but due to the workload being more than I have time for I usually just lose time for rest and time with my family which is far more important that any of the things I end up spending all of my time on.
I will achieve my goals 123 pounds Healthy relationships with wine and food Finishing the 90 days
I would like to be debt-free. I know that I say this every year. But it's still my goal. I want to have no major credit card debt. I want to have the credit cards available for emergencies, and then not have any emergencies. And I want to have a savings account. A front porch would be really nice as well.
Freedom from debt - to be able to put my money towards living the life I want rather than paying for the life I had/have.
I would like to venture forth into the publishing world and submit some of my poetry to various publications. It's important to me because my writing mentor, Merrill Farnsworth, has recently departed this life and she would encourage the risk taking. It's important to a creative artist to share their work in the world. It is meant not only for self-expression but for communication. Those who have heard what I have written have said it meant much to them. It's time to broaden the circle.
I know this should be a tangible goal, but most importantly, I really want to learn to prioritize and time manage better. This will be insanely hard to quantify and to keep myself accountable with, but I know it would absolutely change my life for the better if I could improve upon this. I believe that if I could find the discipline it takes to make the change and form the healthy habits of prioritization and time management in all aspects of my life, I could become more balanced, make sure I'm doing the things I love, take better care of myself, and ultimately, be both a happier and more productive person. I think if I were able to reduce the stress in my life, I would see my relationships with everyone flourish. One thing I need to improve on most is the way I treat my family. I tend to put this on the back burner, mostly accidentally, but sometimes just because it doesn't feel important. Nevertheless, I truly think this would be much more natural and an easier target if I was just less stressed (or at least dealing with my stress better).
NEW JOB. Please I just need to be in a new job. This is important because I'm feeling very stuck in my current role and I feel like I'm becoming less "marketable" and less skilled by the day. I have no leadership, no management, no mentorship. I'm trying to be happy even as I am not happy with my position.
Lose weight and be more physically fit!
I would love to have a full time stable job which I enjoy and thrive in by this time next year. This is important to me as it would help me lead a more fulfilled and independent life on my own as well as with Rahul. It would allow me to contribute on a more equal basis to our household spending, enable us to save more money to achieve our goals together, and make it a lot easier for me to pursue my interests like attending boxing classes, buying books, develop my business. I know a lot of people say to not let ourselves be defined by work - and I agree. But work is a part of my purpose, how I wish to contribute through what I can do and achieve for companies and industries. I feel a lot more engaged and involved with the world when I'm working and it's something I would like to continue doing for a reasonable amount of time of my life.
I'd like to get back into the shape I was in 18 months ago before starting the new company. I was going to the gym 3-4 days a week, now zero. I want to be around for my wife when we are older and feel this will keep me healthy.
I want to reach more home-improvement goals, & most of all help my husband with his paramedic ambitions. Supporting my man is my main purpose in life right now, followed by being a good friend (which also ties into having a good house).
Weight loss/fitness. Either losing 10 pounds of the amount of inches that represents that. I’d like to be able to run a 5k too. I want to feel better about myself and be healthier.
Peace! I hope the stress gets managed either through change of situations or change of mind. It's taking its toll.
That I will still be employed. That Mike will still be employed. That our gamble of a rental property will have paid off, in that we accomplish it, and get it rented.
Patience. I need to practice humility and patience -- making room for other people and not expecting them to operate at my pace. There is enough time.
This time next year I hope to be further on the path of the mussar student, and able to better restrain my yetzer ha'ra and amplify my yetzer ha'tov. I also hope that I will have better command of the various middot we are studying. Finally, I would like to be a more consistent participant in our synagogue services.
I'd like for my next book to be traditionally published. This is important to me because I've been having such a problem with staying consistent. I'd love for the book to be published, but more, I'd like to really get some consistency. Make a schedule to write and stick to it!
I'd like to decide to get pregnant and do so in a healthy and happy way.
Our second level wine sommelier certificates, because it is an educational and an oenological accomplishment!
I would like to be fully moved in and unpacked in the new house. Without those boxes I haven't unpacked since we last moved 5 and a half years ago.
Getting our house to a point where the kitchen floor is done and a new refrigerator would be enough. Icing on the cake would be putting 2 cars in the garage and for both of us to get rid of all the piles in our house; mine is next to my bed and under my desk; his are next to the bed and his side of the office. The older I get, the more order I need and doing the above would make me happier.
I would like to purchase a house. I'm ready to have my own place for me and my son to enjoy life. A place that I can customize to my liking
I'd like to finish the book I've owed a publisher since 2011. I love the mathematics that the book is about, and I want it to be accessible to lots of people. ("Lots" in the counting of pure mathematics: dozens, if all goes very well.) This is part of feeling that I'm doing my job well, which is a feeling I haven't always been able to muster for the past...long time. I work hard, and I do a lot of things that matter; but I don't think I'm very good at choosing what to do.
This year is going to be a challenge, being without my sister and Greg and the kids. I hope to work on my feelings of loneliness this year, which can be overwhelming and lead me to distract myself with lots of activity. I'm still working on "being enough". I want to break through the old, primal feeling I have of being unlovable and unworthy and trust myself to continue moving forward in my ability to recognize my needs, sit in discomfort and grow as a person, and separate other people's behaviours (which are almost always about them) from my feelings of being affected by their behaviours. I need to really understand that other people are just like me -- they carry around their own traumas just like I do and they have their go-to reflexes and reactions, and though they affect me, they aren't really ABOUT me; they're about the people who act them out. This is my challenge this year, and I want to trust my instincts about recognizing good people when I feel it, and to forge more meaningful relationships with those who are willing to take chances with me, whether that's with lifelong friends or dating partners or family.
Yep, same as last year... "There are so many things: 1. health weight 2. strong 3. marathon 4. plans for an Ironman 5. mostly out of debt" I have made no progress. That's disappointing. However, I am learning that those are big hairy audacious goals. I have to break those into smaller pieces and work on those smaller pieces everyday. I am doing better with 21-Day Fix and now Chisel. Then 21-Day Fix extreme and then 80-Day Obsession. I can do it!
I'd like to still be employed where I am this time next year. That's "job one," so to speak. Outside of that, I'd like to get more involved at the temple. It's becoming more important to me to feel a better connection there. Finally, I'd like to learn / start practicing some kind of yoga. I plan on continuing to run, lift weights, teach water classes, swim laps - all the stuff I normally do - but feel the need to add a slower, more strength and flexibility oriented format to my repertoire. OK, that was three things, not one. :-)
Over the last decade I've lost my power to keep at something, to accomplish...anything. I feel better now, having started testosterone therapy, but the whole planning that far ahead thing might not be in the cards yet. Achievement is a project. I have something in mind, I carry through. I'm done. I move on. I'm just trying to establish good habits, good practices. Goals might come, in time, but the boost in mood and energy I've gotten from t-therapy feels to new, too fragile, right now.
I'd like to have a clean and orderly household without excess stuff, a household where there's a cleaning schedule that I willingly adhere to. I'm tired of living with the mess and dirt created by so many cats and, for my own peace of mind, need to make home upkeep a priority. I function better in a tidy, spotless universe where clutter is minimized. Plus, I see organizing my home as a key to organizing my life, carving out time and space to do the things I want to do. At present, I feel overwhelmed by the mess and need to dispose of it so that I can move on.
I would really like to have more patience with my daughter's cat, Sadie, who has lived here, for some reason, for fourteen years. She is basically a sweet animal, but since we adopted Ziggy, she has been making poops outside of her litter box. I have tried everything and I know it a stress response. Ziggy was not cat tested before he came and he will go after her if allowed. They are segregated, which means that he cannot go beyond the first floor. She is also very needy at night and often I am too tired to pet her for the long amount of time she needs. I would like to find a home for her where she is the only animal but know this won't happen.
Now that I have my new hip, I need to get back to riding again. I want to start by commuting, and just doing fun rides on the weekends, and see where it goes from there. I need for it to be fun again, and not a chore, and not something I have to wake up early to do on weekends.
Weight less than 148- to be on the upper end of " normal for my height" and waist less than 28". Important because 20 years ago we decided we would be fitness competitors in our 60's and 70's instead of declining on a couch/wheel chair. After I had my 3rd child, I was on the beach in cut offs and a tank top and was *greatly offended* by a haughty look I got from a 65 year old + woman on the beach in a bikini with the perfect body. I decided the next morning I wanted to be just like her when I grew up. I was offended into action, she looked amazing and I had let my body go to crap having kids. Now that my kids are out of high school it's time to begin! We started at cenegenics in July and are on a 4 year plan to begin competing!
I would like to bring myself as far as I can in resolving the loss of my husband. After 55 years of marriage I lost him a little over a year ago and think I have come far. 'll always miss him... I know that. But I have farther to go and once I bring myself as far as I can, I think I can better move on with my life.
I would like to have a consistent time of Bible reading and meditation. I want to listen to what God is saying. This is important because if you profess to love someone you crave spending time with that person. If I say I love God then my first desire should be to spend time with Him, listen to Him, read His words that I may understand Him better. I want to love Him above all else. To please God is important to me.
less fears and doubts more self confidence have an opinion
I would like to achieve indispensability. I always think about my role in my first startup as a complete and utter failure, because I didn't extend myself into every crack and crevice, learn the ins-and-outs, and find my utility. That failure has created a mindset in me that strives to learn everything about this system and achieve indispensability. The difficult part is balancing that drive with constructive, non-charismatic leadership. When I leave, I don't want this place to fall apart. I want what I created to carry on in the hands of able leadership.
I haven't made much progress on the cookbook with my Mother's recipes. has to get done!!! soon while still needed and before we forget our favorites.
A career plan and some concrete steps to reach my career goals. To expand my horizons and make more money.
by this time next year, i'd like to have two healthy and happy babies, a deep, meaningful and positive marriage, even greater autonomy at work with a clearer sense of direction, greater financial independence and stability and an overwhelming sense of life satisfaction. is that all too much to ask?!
I would like to create a healthier routine for myself. I want to commit to active self care to help me manage the stress of my everyday life. There are lots of accomplishments or milestones I'd like to reach. By this time next year, I'd like to have been living with my boyfriend (happily) for 1 year, and hopefully I will also be progressing in my job. But I feel strongly that in order to do either of those things successfully (or make any of my other goals I didn't mention!) I'll need a solid self-care practice to keep me usually focused, mostly happy, and better off overall.
Serenity. at home and at work. I am taking up so much going into the next 12 months, and I hope i can take care of it all while maintaining a happy and peaceful compromise.
I would like to be better about consistently exercising, doing yoga, etc and taking care of my body. This is especially important as I get older and start feeling the random aches and pains. I want to be healthy so I can do the things I want to do in life and get out and see the world more. Losing weight will be a side benefit to it, but not the main purpose.
By this time next year I'd like to have made at least one trip to Vietnam to find my half-sibling and his/her mother. This is important to me bc i may have a half-sibling out there that not only doesn't know me, but also believes that no one in my family cares. I don't know how my brothers exactly feel about about him/her but I can't let my flesh and blood think that I'm obtuse to his/her suffering and pain. I can't stand that. I'd like to document my journey, and share my experience and this story.
I am working on my Finances. I am hoping within the next year I will be able to have a different car and have all my medical bills paid off. I have been working very hard at 3 jobs over the summer to get my finances in line; and I am still struggling. I am getting better and more responsible, but it is definitely an uphill battle.
Confidence in my ability as a doctor. I think that without even a tiny bit of it, I'm going to burn out and hate my F1 year. I need to learn how to do the job and feel confident enough to not be paralysed by inadequacy, imposter syndrome and inadequacy
I hope to be a published author! I don't know if I'd say it's important to me. I'll be fine if I don't achieve this goal. I have a lot of dreams and drive; I'll move on. But I've loved the process so far--writing a book, feeling proud of it, getting an agent and learning that it's out with publishers. It's felt wonderful to finish something and hand it off, and I'm so excited about what could come next.
A healthy relationship with myself and the other person. Due to my current situation.
i need a fulfilling job. i need to be in a place where i feel safe and where there is opportunity for me, however small. i know that if i get a position that i can relate to, with people that i can connect with, i'll be more fulfilled in general-- i'll be able to get more of my sh*t together.
I hope that I've learned a little conversational German! I enjoy language, and I want to improve all of my languages starting with German.
I really don't know where I will be this time next year. I may be closer to a city, probably either New York or Philly, but I might also be in Berks County. I probably don't want to be with my parents. I want to see where my life takes me over the next year, because child life is really cool but I also really like what I am doing right now.
active, lively, joyful, powerful, benevolent, effective, workable relationship with spirit helpers.
I would like to change my outlook on my life to be more positive. I seem to be caught in a web of negativity lately and it is really draining. I feel like all I do is whine and bitch about my work situation. It is not ideal, but I don't have it so bad and I need to get some perspective. It could be a lot worse. I should be grateful for my paycheck, ability to do what I love and help others, and my overall position. Losing 50 pounds would also be great -- I need to be healthy.
I would like to be in a better exercise routine and be down even more on the scale. I'd also like to have my house more in order. Declutter and fix things that need fixing and replace what needs replacing. This has been driving me crazy for a long time. I long to be more organized in my home. I think it would really help with my stress level.
a new job at another organization that values me and my contributions
Tuesday Luncheons are still going strong. I'm providing name buttons to all that want them. I want to contribute to the downfall of Trump, the change in redistricting, and the election of some forward looking folks!
A daily prayer practice. I believe it would help me grow spiritually, help to keep me "centered", and enrich my life overall.
This time next year, I'd like to be moved out of the Bay Area. I have loved it here but I think it's time for us to try something new. I'm not sure where that new is, or how I will be employed but I'd like to shake things up a bit. This is important to be because I feel a bit stale. Maybe it's because I never went away for college. Maybe it's a mid-life crisis. I don't know but I do know I want something new. I want more challenge.
Getting my apartment in good enough shape to have people over. It's important because I want to expand my social networks and welcome people to my home.
To improve my ability to understand relationships and become more direct in expressing my feelings.
A year has gone by and my answer is the same of last year... work in videomaking documentaries,not yet achieved...
I want to be debt free on all our credit cards. It stresses and worries me to owe money.
I think I've finally realized that artificial deadlines like this don't work for me. By this time next year, I hope I will do whatever was most important -- and the reality is, I know I will have done that AND that I couldn't have predicted what it was at this writing.
I would like to have moved out of an executive assistant role and into a research assistant position. This is important to the future of my career. I've been an executive assistant for 25 years and have accomplished all I can. For the second half of my career I'd like to develop subject matter expertise surrounding prediabetes and hypertension.
I'd like to remain as happy and content as I am now
Get my dissertation published! I worked too hard to let it sit, unnoticed, as a PDF on my desktop.
Every year, I put that I want to be more organized, or that I want to get my room clean. I just don't know what to say here. One thing I'd like to achieve by next year. Maybe have a clean library card? Then my daughters could check out books. That might be nice.
I would like to purchase or lease my first car. I would like to get EXACTLY what I want so that I can take care of it and not neglect it. I've found that I get in a hurry to find something, settle, then regret it. If I end up regretting it, the whole thing is trashed out in two years or less. This logic applies to many place of my life, as far as *settling* goes. It's important for me to have ownership of something and see that I can make a commitment, as I have been SPRINTING from commitment for years now.
I would like to have sorted out the travel situation with either a trailer, a van conversion, upgraded tow vehicle or some combination of the above. I want my wife and i to be able to pick up and go camping with the the dog with little to no prep and be comfortable and minimal setup when we are at the site.
By this time next year, I would like to have secured a favorable college financial plan. I hope to receive financial aid, scholarships, and grants, and minimal to no loans. I hope for all of this in addition to enrollment in a renowned, challenging, fulfilling, and enjoyable college or university. But what is most important to me in these concerns is that my family and I are not placed under undue financial stress or burden, and especially not as a sacrifice for my personal benefit. This goal is so important to me because I am grateful for the effort and sacrifice that my family has put and is putting into me for my sake. I take my family for granted, and I would be nowhere near where I am now if it was not for my family. Apart from the obvious sacrifices on my parents’ part when it comes to material provisions, the love itself I receive from my family is a form of sacrifice. It is very often more difficult to love than it is to not love, due in part to the fact that love requires commitment and empathy. Commitment represents time and energy that could have been spent elsewhere, and empathy, by nature, always hurts. My family has given me more than enough already, and I refuse to ask for much more. Additionally, I am the oldest of four siblings. I need to make sure that my family has enough resources left over from sending me to college to both provide for my three younger siblings and send them to the institutions that best fit each of them. I cannot squander the potentials of my siblings in good conscience, especially considering how great those potentials are. I love my siblings and want to see them realize their potentials and feel fulfilled in much the same way that I presume my parents feel towards me. That is why, if I have the opportunity to minimize the burden that I represent, I feel that I must seize that opportunity.
By this time next year I would like to have 100 people in my 3x3 program. This is important to me for cash flow and for continuing to stay engaged in my movement community.
I would like to be able to moderate and modulate my reactions to L's outrageous actions - largely by detaching. This is important to me because the anger and anxiety that her insanity stirs up in me are really unhealthy - I allowed her to wreck my summer, in some ways. As well, they have a really negative effect on my marriage - my rage and anxiety took its toll on our dynamic together, miring it in too much negativity.
i want to learn to control my stress about school. it's practically controlling my life.
I would like to have a solid draft of my memoir and/or my play/musical. One of these would be great as I've been talking about it and wanting this for so long. I deserve to write. I deserve to tell my story. I keep finding more and more inner peace through 12-step program, meditation, reading, and daily living. I hope to surprise myself even more with the level of mindfulness I have this time next year. I wouldn't mind dating someone sometime soon, even if for just a little while. Get my feet wet, you know?
I would like to achieve walking and possibly doing exercise Being able to keep up with Harry
By next year I'd like to lose 20 pounds. My body is GODDAMN GORGEOUS AND POWERFUL and I need to work on creating more sustainable and healthy routines so that I can keep it happy and capable. Because my body is so spectacular it deserves to be treated like the royalty it is and fed nutritious food, given lots of time connecting with nature, worked out and kept flexible, strong and motivated, and pampered and cared for from skin to muscles to organs to bones. I will commit to working out and spending more time in nature, drinking less, cooking and eating healthy food, going to the doctor and smoking less. I love my body and want to treat it right.
Reduce the amount of clutter/stuff at home and at work. I want to have people over without worrying about it and reducing the amount that I have can help better define what is important to me.
I would like to live an organized life. I would like to consistently have chores done, take care of creative pursuits and be financially responsible. I am not living my ideal life or using my potential; I let things just hang in the ether for later. I feel like organizing myself, having a schedule, being disciplined will help me to live the life I feel I'm supposed to be living.
I would like to be at peace with my daughter going away to school. I need to learn to let go. It has only ever been the two of us, and she needs to learn to be independent. I was on my own a lot as a kid, and so haven't been as forceful as I could have been with her. I just want her to be OK on her own, but it's hard for me to conceive of letting it happen. I love her so much, and worry about her. She's so sensitive.
I want to have my own classroom and a sense of job security. I've been working so hard for so long and I want a sense that I'll be somewhere for awhile. I hope it is somewhere near a beach or somewhere that's just more progressive but I'm not particular if I'm making a difference and doing what I love.
I hope that by this time next year I will have completed all the experiments needed for my PhD so that I can graduate. It's an important life milestone even if I'm not sure where I want to go next.
I'd like to be more proficient in my morning davening as well as my Jewish learning. I know the Shabbat morning service fairly well but I'm astonished at how little I know about the daily service. The more I go, the more I'll know.
By this time next year, I would love to establish an at least one night per week out of the house routine. That could be going to the gym, dancing, archery, or some other sort of class. It would be great for me physically, as I'm starting to feel less than happy with my level of fitness, but it would also be great for me to get back to having some regular personal time.
While continuing on my current path of meaningful professional & volunteer engagement in combination of increasing time for family and friends, there are a few projects I'd like to focus on: - editing a professional book on shared leadership in congregations & non-profit organizations; - making time for non-professional eduction on topics such as art/architecture, political science, and finance; - making time for regular physical activity such as swimming
I would like to be SHRM-SCP or at least SHRM-CP!
I'd love to be in a new job. There's a lot to love about where I am currently, but it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life, it doesn't pay supremely well, and I also know there aren't many growth opportunities at this company (in which I am the head of my department, a department which consists of me.) There's always been a future ahead of me, but it's now starting to take a more defined shape. I want to make sure I'm being smart about planning for that future.
Oh jeez. This part is tough. Okay, here's what I want to achieve. I want to open this answer next year without fear. Did I succeed?
I'd love to meet a guy. At least go out on a date or something. Feel like someone/anyone is interested in me romantically. I feel like that's the missing piece from my life right now: everything else is going so well, but it's lonely.
Such an obvious answer this year? To weigh 100# less than I do today. For the bariatric surgery to have been smooth and successful. To be in far less pain and happily more active once more. To have navigated all the difficulties and inevitable downsides without more than my expected share of struggles (physical, mental, financial). To be seeing the benefits in other areas of my life beginning to manifest (professionally, socially). To believe in myself as more than a skilled and able brain in a jar, and all that goes with that.
Read 34 books. It means I'm taking time for myself during the day to care of myself and do something I love.
The one thing I want to achieve is to be pregnant. It means more to me than anything, I honestly don't know if I'll be able to bear it if I'm not, and yet it's totally outside my control.
I would like to be bringing in more money than is going out of my household.
Have more interactions with our son. Have him make some friends 😊
i would like to reintroduce regular exercise and its accompanying benefits into my weekly plan. this would greatly improve my self esteem and keep me engaged and busy instead of lethargic and depressed.
I want to be comfortable accepting and welcoming rejection. The means of getting there is by taking risks, doing what I really want to do deep down inside. This is something I feel way more comfortable with when it comes to work, and in fact because of it, I have excelled in my career. However, romantically, I struggle with truly being vulnerable. Even when I do, the slightest sense of rejection, which can even be assumed, ends up inhibiting me from trying again or consumes me with this sense of sucking/not being good enough. So, to make sure this is action oriented, I want to achieve the freedom of being vulnerable with people who I find attractive, for whatever reason. I want to put myself out there, start conversation, and be ok with whatever the outcome. Most important, even if it doesn't automatically turn into life long romance and companionship, I want to keep trying. No risk, no reward.
Well, since what I wanted for last year hasn't happened, that's still on the list. I think that in addition to that, I would like to achieve some resolution of the grief that surrounds two imminent losses, one rather soon, as my best friend here moves away, and the other, whenever it happens, because my best friend of my entire life, starting in high school, will probably die within the next two years from terminal cancer. I would also, again and again and again, develop and stick to a writing practice. Where that would go, I don't know. And, ad nauseum, tidy my house and keep it that way, because that is the path to the serenity I lack but crave.
I would like be depression free. I would like to get my life back...get out of the house...enjoy my friends and take on new challenges...I would also like to not feel so tired all the time.
I hope to have adopted our two boys who are currently 3.5 years and 10 months. With foster care, nothing is ensured until the ink is dry. They have become my life in such a short amount of time.
I would like to take either an improv or stand up class, and perhaps a psychology class that focuses on the chemistry of the brain. I have my degree already and have been graduated from college for some time now, but I want to pursue subjects that ignite me, and see where they may lead. I feel stagnant in my life and I would like to spread my wings. I would also like to physically separate from my children's father.
Get a good job - We need the money and I need the self estem
Join a junior board. It's important to me to feel like I am giving back and invested in the NYC community.
I would love to learn Spanish. I've been wanting to do this for years, and now living in Florida, I feel like it's very important. I'd also love to finish unpacking all of the boxes in my house and clean out anything that I haven't missed over the last 2 years. I am a shopaholic and I need to clean out the clutter.
By this time next year I would like to feel secure in the major I have chosen. I think if I have an established path it will be easier for me to achieve goals that will get me to a specific destination. I also hope to have had a very successful Leadership, and it wouldn’t hurt to be physically intimate with someone.
I'd like to be a fully trained life coach with a cadre of clients. I want to be well on my way to leaving my job at Hd, since my client list and dollars being generated is growing larger. I want to be creating miracles and personal growth so others can live an awesome fucking life!
I would like to be able to drive on the freeway and to play the guitar. These are skills that I habe always wanted to acquire. Learning how to drive at 30 is not easy neither is learning how to play the guitar. Acquiring both skills will be such an achievement
I would like to feel more fit and more fabulous. This is a goal I set for myself. I want to not feel bad about myself because of my weight. This does not mean I need to be super skinny. I want to feel confident and good and that I am in control and making progress. My goal is fit and fabulous by 40.
I would like to work towards financial stability and have a successful, fruitful relationship with the man I am dating as well as myself. I am learning more and more about myself as far as interests, likes, dislikes and deal breakers are concerned. I am trying to tap into a side of myself that has been repressed for years and trying to bust down the walls of 20+ years of behaviors. I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and love the person who is looking back at me.
:I'd like to be still in love, and not in the same job. Preferably in a consulting role or on my way. Done with standing still.
I want to achieve serenity in my home and I believe I can do this by reducing clutter and the chaos that comes with it! My goal is to start sometime in October and reduce the amount of "stuff" I own! Let's see if I will be celebrating or continue on this awful path!
I am still on the quest for good health. It was a tough year with back and leg problems that led to weight gain and getting out of shape. I am back on the road to a healthier weight and more exercise. I hope to stay on this path and to add one new regular activity to my routine, such as yoga or pilates.
By this time next year, I'd like to have drawn something nearly every day, finished enough paintings to mount a small show, and have finished a draft of my novel. So I should get cracking! I have always had lofty goals, but those things most important to me personally never seem to quite get accomplished. I want to change that, and begin prioritizing those objectives.
run a 5k, to prove i can set a physical goal and achieve it
I would like to have gotten back in shape and to be able to run like I used to because I miss feeling good about myself.
I hope to have our retirement house rented to a nice tenant who wants to live there for five years for enough money to pay for all the expenses and a little more - it's important to keep the goal moving positively toward retirement.
I want to obtain my passport & travel to the a minimum of 3 countries by this time next year. It's important to me because I work for the number one airline in the world & live in a hub city! I should be worldwide. I also want to take my kids to another country by this time next year. It's very important for me to expand their horizons & expose them to a variety of cultures.
not successful last year - so it is a repeat: I really want to be more creative & I think photography could be my best vehicle. At times I read blogs, took daily pictures, enter pix on my blog & Facebook. I hope to start again this year
We are going to apply to be foster parents. It feels scary and exciting. At first we were thinking foster only, but we've met some foster parents and my heart is opening to the idea of foster care in addition to adoption. We will see. Training doesn't start till Feb, so we won't be licensed till probably next summer. I hope by this time next year we are loving some little human that needs our love.
I would like to move jobs this year. I'm currently in active review and apply mode. It feels like I could kick it up a notch or two but its difficult to put that much time and energy into it when I've got a bunch of other stuff going on. I have a robust skill set that I would like to expand, grow my professional responsibilities, and, frankly, make more more. Plus, my job is part of my identity and while I'm proud of the work I do, its no longer invigorating or rewarding for me. I'm goal oriented and appreciate challenges, a new job should help me reclaim some of that identity.
Personally, Run a PR in a half marathon - continuing to maintain health and be an example to my child. As temple president, have a stronger leadership team for long term succession.
To lose some more weight and to increase my level of fitness. Being lighter and fitter may mean that I can hold off diabetes.
when I say that I am going to do something, following through with it in a timely way. I have the most difficulty with things that are emotionally uncomfortable- so many of our friends and colleagues have died or lost loved ones in the past year, another just today in fact. It has left me feeling overwhelmed with responding in a timely manner. It feels important to close the loop on communication because it is about being relational and showing up with compassion. It is about staying present and recognizing that what really matters here is the human connection. Sometimes it is easy for me to get into despair and overwhelm and drop down into dorsal vagal shutdown when I feel that I'm being pulled in too many directions in life. That is when I need to stop putting quite so much on the "to do " list and take a break out in nature and ground myself...... Hey just now I thought about that as I looked out at the beautiful bay filled with water , the oak leaves waving in the wind and send my consciousness down Ito Mother Earth. Right away my vision cleared and I felt so much stronger and clearer and alive in my body. WOW.
I'd like to be on my way to graduating in the Spring. I'd like to have a better idea of what I want out of life career-wise. I'd like to leave my comfort zone of working at the bank and embark on a new journey career-wise that hopefully is something I'll want to do for the long-haul.
A sense of security. Since my husband's first heart attack in 1994, I have worked to establish a sustainable financial plan for my family and a home atmosphere that encourages self-reliance and exploration based on secure knowledge of the safety of home and our love. The years since 1999 have been full of unpredictable, explosive events that have rocked my family, and yet, our children are thriving and my husband has continued to do good work that makes him proud. Here on the cusp of retirement, I am striving for a stable platform so we can enjoy our leisurely retirement years and not be afraid of our elderly vulnerable years. Life happens. Things change. We adapt. We are never in control. By next year this time, I want to feel secure in my new phase of life; comfortable in my new skin.
I still want to go to Cuba...but the current administration may make that impossible. I want to go to Tokyo, too. I want to get my jewelry business started. This is important to me because I absolutely MUST transition out of service work, my physical limitations are becoming worse.
I would like to have my house neat and clean and much more company friendly. This has been my goal for a while. I'd like to see it happen this year. It's very important to me as I would very much like to feel more comfortable having friends over, and a more comfortable (less interesting :) place for my grandchildren to stay.
I would like to have stabilized my finances enough to buy a new car. R's beginning to need a better ride, and I need a bigger one. But I don't want to strain us any more than necessary, so I want to pay off most of my debt first.
I would like to continue on my spiritual journey, being present and taking care of myself. Worry less, feeling joy more. Also hoping to have a job that I am fulfilled by, and I would like to have found love again.
Just one thing is difficult to pick. I'm going to go with successfully caring for and raising a healthy nearly-one-year-old while not entirely neglecting other areas of my life.
I want to have a job that allows me to work remotely and which pays me commission or by the task instead of by the hour. I want to pay off my credit cards and loan obligations.
Completing preparation for my bat mitzvah. Even though a bat mitzvah isn't required, I look at it as a challenge to my ability to learn more about Judaism and how I can relate being a Jew to impact events in the US and around the world. Every aspect of Judaism calls for activism. I want to identify and implement ways I can be active within parameters pertinent to me - time, driving distance, availability of resources, community connectedness, etc.
I'd like to have a good, concrete schedule for the rest of my time at the university. I'm tired of feeling like I'm drifting through my life or coming in last place or always playing catch up. I'm tired of being so far behind, and even though I can't change that, I can at least have some direction.
I want to either have just taken or be about to take a trip to New Mexico to visit our daughter My wife and I have not taken a real vacation in many, many years. Whether my wife thinks it or not, we are very close to being able to once again afford a nice trip. By early next year, we should be in a place to plan a big trip. In addition my wife and I are closing in on 40 years of marriage. We also really should get out and visit our daughter. We have really wanted to do this. Would be a great accomplishment.
I need to quit my fucking job. I'm slowly dying in my current role and there is no hope for advancement or improvement and I'm shackled here with golden handcuffs. I need to find something new.
This time next year, I would like to have a healthy company that continues to grow and serve others.
One thing I'd like to achieve by next year is to do father/son trips and mom/son trips and Bro/Dan trips. Tovah/Dan trips. Quality time with one family member means a lot especially if it's outside our normal activity. It's important because these experiences will be memorable.
NEW JOB. Same answer as last year, which is not comforting. I have a new degree and my current job is nothing close to what I want to be doing. SO JUST DO IT ALREADY.
I just need a new job. And to ween myself off of all the sleeping drugs I'm on.
By this time next year, I want to be settled into my own classroom. I know that the first year of teaching will be difficult and not sunshine by any means, but I want to be there and making the best of the situation and loving on my students.
I will like to have a good paying job where i'm happy, a one bedroom apartment, a car, and maybe a puppy. I also want to be further along in my weight loss journey by competing in a transformation show. This is important to me because it will prove to me how far i've come and my journey.
Have at least 2 employees massaging 10-15 hours per week. It's important because I want my business to be more sustainable.
I want to begin a daily journal and keep it going all year. I feel this will give me insight into why I keep going around in circles with my desires and lack of accomplishment.
Right now I am focused on passing the hardest level of the test to prove my Japanese reading ability. The test happens in two or so months and then the results come a month or so after that, so its not really something that takes a whole year to achieve. What I want to achieve by next year is actually... to feel literate in Japanese. I've spent almost half of my life learning, living, and loving all aspects of my second home. But you know, it's really weird to be moderately illiterate in a place, after you spent so much of your life understanding everything around you. I can communicate verbally just fine, but feeling anxiety when confronted with a menu or pamphlet sucks. By next year, I hope to have my studies pay off, so I can proudly say "Yes, I can read Japanese".
Have had a successful recruiting business running on the side because I want to be financially comfortable and independent.
My goal is to relocate to the West Coast by this time next year. I've enjoyed and appreciated my experiences on the East Coast, but have decided that I need to be closer to family and upgrade my quality of life.
Have the final arrangements for my mom taken care of. My aunt passed away and even though Paul had everything taken care of it was still hard for him. It's important because I don't have the resources or the moral support family to put it together so I got to get it done.
I would like to achieve reading two books a month for the next year. This is important to me because it will help fulfill the image that others - and I, to an extent - see in me. This isn't about living up to the expectations of others - it's about being what I believe I can be, and doing what I say that I actually do.
Run a 5 k. I'm going to have surgery on my foot, and it's a long healing process, getting to a 5 k was a goal prior to this accident, getting to one after would mean that I'm all the way back and the long process of healing was worth the effort.
Complete a bevy of new songs. Important to take the pieces that float around and devote the time to creative process, often lost in the need to "get things done."
I'd like to be in graduate school, surrounded by amazing people.
I would like to achieve a 20 pound weight loss through the Weight Watchers program so that I can keep the weight off and keep my blood sugar in check.
Lose weight! I'd like to be healthy, have less health problems, and look better!
I'd like to continue on my journey of self-care and gratitude.
Weight loss and better health. I want to be around for a long time. I'll be 50 next year and like to think I have a lot of years left. I want to have much life in my years and years to my life. There is so much more I want to do and places to visit. I want to be a better me.
By this time next year, I want to have been out on my sailboat at least 8 times for the season. This is important, because it means I did a better job of managing my time and responsibilities. If I can be more productive and organized at work, that will free up evenings for other commitments, including sailing or chores, which then frees up time on the weekend. So the sailing count is just a metric by which to measure a larger objective.
One thing I would like to achieve this year is keep trying to be patient , a good attitude, good healthy habits continuing. Every year I try to set resolutions of been more kind and patient. So I just need to every year keep on tryingAnd it will be OK
I'd like to be working/living in NYC, or at least be super happy and feel really really respected and appreciated in my professional life. I want to be obviously making more money, but also feel comfortable voicing my opinions, and receive more credit for the things I do. Additionally, if my body cooperates with me, I'm toying with the idea of running a marathon sometime before 2018 is over... :) I think it's important to me because I never thought I could do it, so it would be cool to show myself just how powerful (mentally and physically) I can be. That I can be disciplined, strong, and committed to something that takes a lot from you, but is worth the temporary sacrifice.
Having a lean, strong, healthy relationship with my body due to vigorous instructions of my yoga practice. I want to understand my body on a whole new level.
I'd like to achieve a better understanding of myself first, I think. More mental health resources, a therapist, a psychiatrist, etc. It's important to take greater steps in moving past the trauma inflicted on my by ex-partners, and to another extent my parents. But! I'd also like to learn a little more about selling my art. I get a lot of enjoyment from people needing my creations in their life, but I'm still not confident enough to feel okay with people noticing me or my art. I feel like somehow that will only lead to trouble and harassment. I like creating, laying low, and enjoying my friend's company right now. I think if I can work through some past trauma I'll be able to more easily unlock my solo illustration/design career too.
I'd like to have achieved much greater levels of patience, productivity and sobriety. I feel like I'm the one who's getting in the way of who I want to be and what I want to achieve. Thankfully, I've also got the power to put a stop to that self-hindrance.
By this time next year, I want to understand Quebecois French when it's spoken to me. It's okay if it's simple communication. I just want to understand some of it.
I want to get better at guitar, because it's so new, but at the same time, so old to me. I want this to be my 'new thing' for the year.
I want confidence and progress in my new dressage efforts. Confidence, peace, deep joy, inner quiet. This accomplishment will transfer to the rest of life, no doubt.
I'd like to get my GPA up to at least a 3, so I can do the study abroad things I want to do.
Be with the woman whose name I don't know and I don't know why it's important to me or I know because I often think about her even if I don't know her.
I would really like to be more patient and realize they life isn't about the little things I get upset too easily about the small things. I need to remember that life is a journey. Not a race. That's been pretty hard for me
By this time next year I would like to be working 20-30 hours/week, exercising everyday, and feeling fit and fulfilled.
I’d like to be closer to learning how to be a beginner and trusting that I’m good enough to be in the world. I struggle so much with feeling unworthy, and compensating by trying to be perfect at things right off the bat. I put immense pressure on myself whether other people care or not. I’d like to drop that stress and love myself more.
I feel that it is something that I say every year, but a romantic relationship. However, this year is different because I want it to be healthy and see the crucial nature of knowing what it looks like and above all not being afraid of it. I would also like to grow creatively, but I think that the relationship part of my life is something that needs to be fulfilled now that so many other things are falling into place.
I have decided to attend a local weight-loss clinic and start working out/exercising (again). I am carving a time in my day to achieve this. in a few weeks I will see some changes.
I don't know about achieving anything. I would like to maintain a good relationship I have had with my sister for the past year. That was difficult to accomplish and it is sometimes difficult to maintain. I would like to be living in a secured building, a high-rise. I would like our vacation condo in Costa Rica to have been sold so we can move on from there. I would like to feel some satisfaction with my life. I would like to have a nieces some stability with my husband's illness and be more secure with his prognosis as his disease progresses.
I would like for us to have found and moved into a house in which we can live out the rest of our days. And then also, maybe more so, I want to have resolved my vocational indecision by this time next year.
I want to be on stable adult footing. I've gotten a couple rejections from consulting companies and honestly it's a bit disheartening but I knew it was coming. I told Lumi about my desktop image: MBB offer, 4.0 semester, fall in love, apartment offer, thesis award, rock solid adult start. I want to have those by next year. I can't not have those by next year. I can't go home -- I want to be in New York, starting my new job, knowing that the effort I put in was worth it. I want to know that I'm going to do ok, and begin my life in a place I want to.
Really develop PF as an add on. It would be important for two reasons. First it would be a nice source of additional income. And second it could attract a better class of bookkeeping client -- more revenue. And I can actually help more people.
Fucking lose the weight already. You will feel better. You will be more confident. You will be closer to the person you want your children to model. Just fucking do it already. DOLT: THIS IS AN EXACT COPY/PASTE FROM LAST YEAR. DO IT THE FUCK ALREADY!
I would like my HPN to have improved, even be gone. I would like to be on a regular exercise schedule. I would like to be eating more healthily. I would like to reduce my weight be 15 lbs. This past year was so difficult that I gave up on everything. Since I've improved and am on medications that should hel eventually, I feel hopeful! I've already made improvements, but not nearly enough. I feel that I'm only just now getting to the foundation upon which I can build.
I'd like to be credit card debt free. This would help me to feel like burdened, more adult like, and more able to spend money on the things I would like to more often such as traveling.
Be a better listener. This will lead me to being more compassionate and accepting and efficient and effective.
I would like to be able to end a relationship. I don't need to have actually ended one, but just to know that I can do it.
Same as last year, one year older, since I failed - "A better sense of acceptance, gratitude, and contentment with my life as it is. Turning 40 sucked."
I want to help at least one person reach for their goal and succeed as they move through life with more confidence. I want to make meaningful connections with those around me.
I would like to be taking an actual salary from my new business by this time next year. I have a plan and can be patient, but at some point I want to be making money off of this new adventure!
By next time next year I would like to feel settled and like I'm cruising. At the moment I feel very much "in betwen" stuff...quite unsure of everything. I'm not sure if I want to leave my job. I love my girlfriend but I want to FEEL that this is the one and everything is set in stone. I am anxious about where to live and what I can afford. Next year I would like to feel like I can breathe, live, be happy, not worry all the time.
I would like to start a new Hebrew course.
Right now I am focused on fixing my new home and moving, but in a few months I am sure this concern will be accomplished and seem a vague memory. I hope to visit Cornwall and London within the year as well. I miss my loved ones - friends and relations.
I need to finalize our family trust. It is in process and legal as such, but I haven't moved all the specific assets in the forms, and we don't have a signed formal final copy. It has been hanging fire far too long and keeps me awake some nights. I am the keeper and "doer" of all our finances, and if anything happens to me it will be a nightmare for anyone else to sort out. I need to get over my fear of not doing it "right" preventing me doing it all all. I am sure the people working with us would be happy to guide me.
I hope to have a serious deep friendship. All of my friendships have been shallow friendships, but lately I have been making advancements, so hopefully I can actually make a real friend.
I want to be back on a steady exercise routine. I keep making excuses and instead, I'd like to make it a priority and let other things in my life fit in around that schedule.
I think, maybe, this is the year to think more about private practice. Maybe not to have it completely set up by this time next year, but to get some of the groundwork in place while I have a good job that I like. I've been wanting to open a few hours per week for private clients, so maybe this is the year to do that. I also have this book idea that I'm sitting on. Maybe this is the year to finally write it.
I'd like to be steady at a healthy weight. I think it would help me get our more, and at the very least maybe feel a little bit better about myself and more confident. If I feel better about myself by this time next year, maybe I'll be able feel comfortable going on a date or even have a steady girlfriend or something more serious. A guy can dream.
By next year at this time - I want to be 50-100 lbs lighter and an overall healthier person. It means a struggle and will be hard, but I know that I can do it. My other year goal - is to have gotten my passport and have started the plans for a trip to Ireland.
I would love to achieve a clean and organised living space. It stresses me out that nothing seems to have a place and I am always organising and cleaning and it still isn't how i want it. I would like more minimalism and more pieces, (storage, furniture) that look the same and stylish.
I feel like a broken record, but I hope to have achieved better work-life balance. I love my work so much, and I really believe that it is my calling to teach and mentor and to organize this program that I believe in so much. But this past few months I have been SO tired so often and I feel like I have failed often in other parts of my life, as a mom, wife, daughter, and community member. I do feel proud of the friendships I have tended to, though. Part of the time crunch is out of my control (summer school) but part of it is not being willing to say no to things and being careful about my time. So I hope that in a year, I will have had the confidence to say "no" more and that I will have had fewer failures to look back on.
Looking at my answer from last year Ive made some headway now having been released from a toxic business relationship and taking a big leap by not only living in NYC but about to put down permanent roots by buying an apartment. Im excited and my strategy of leasing was not only very expensive but put me in the position of not having much leverage with a very noisy neighbor who played a musical instrument during the long year I was here. This definitely put a crimp in my attempts at writing but I did begin and I hope to continue though its not as far along as I wouldve hoped. I am getting more ideas as Ive been reading quite a bit and I do feel NY is a good place for me emotionally and as an artist. Its hard for me to have faith in a higher power, to trust HP is good and that when not so great things happen a lot of that is brought on by things I do or have done or have set in motion. And if good things happen I have to do things, positive things to set them in motion to start the ball rolling. I cant just sit back and then let HP do all the work and then blame him or her when things dont work out. This is important because I know I wont be here forever and when its over I want my know that the time I had wasnt wasted, that I contributed and that I was loved or that I had an effect on people. I know I havent pleased everyone but if I can start doing better Id like that.
Move closer to Cary, and also maybe get a condo in Bronx? Just starting to think about this. Sell boat and get a new one for Ron. Help Liam to be more independent. Eat healthier and cook more. I want Ron to have less of a yard to upkeep. I want Liam to be happy. I want to clean out all the clutter I have accumulated and of course see my grandson all the time!
I'd like to further my involvement with police reform, preferably in a practical hands-on way, like creating a crisis response team for a department like Richfield. I'd like to have a better idea of where my career is going, whether I am staying in this position, whether I am going back to school. I'd like to have completed another MS 150, Fight for Air climb, and Grandma's half-marathon. These are important to me for several reasons, all of which can be summed up in one sentence: I want to choose to live intentionally, not have life happen to me.
To have healthy and sustainable development/fundraising for my company. It's important to me for the obvious reasons, but also because I feel it doesn't very much because of my personal issues around money (compulsive brokeness because I feel bad about having more than others). And that upsets, scares, and makes me feel like a terrible person.
I hope to be alive. This is important because I don't want to die, yet.
seeing the elders go through their parting-of-the-ways with decades' worth of outdated stuff, i hope to be able to pare down more, rehab and update some rooms of the house so i can clear the path to more time for artwork and fun experiences instead of getting bogged down with clutter.
A life in which my outer circumstances reflect my self, having done much to examine what is truly meaningful to me and what is extraneous even though I may feel some attachment, and then adjusting my surroundings and possibly even my activities accordingly. This is much more than simply weeding through piles of papers and "clearing clutter." It's also tending to things I've put off - do them or get rid of them! - and making decisions about much. Let my outer expression of life become resonant with my inner life. This may also include making time for writing, going through my travel photos & telling the stories of my trips, journaling. Why is this important? It would eliminate any sense of dissonance or discomfort I may be presently feeling about myself. I expect it will also enhance my life energy.
get a fucking job gaahhhhhhhhh e+kfjhsdkjfhsdj+kfhsdkj+fh
I would really like to put my life in balance. I find myself feeling lonely and depressed. My job an an executive director of non profit is extremely rewarding, but very consuming and I knew it would be when I took it. But I am not entirely happy. I don't spend enough time with my family, friends, and hobbies. I don't exercise. I don't eat mindfully or well. Its a lot to take on - to try to change everything. If I had to pick a priority it would be to spend more time with my family and friends.
To be in a long term relationship. It’s selfish, yes. But I think it would do wonders for my health and be beneficial to those around me.
I'd like to be in a serious relationship with a woman I love. I've been single without many prospects for over four years now, and the honest truth is that even with women I've been interested in over the past few years things have just not worked out. I tend to want some emotional and physical intimacy in a relationship and for some reason can't seem to find it. I hope that by this time next year I will have what I'm looking for in this realm of my life.
I want to have formed new friendships and found activities I enjoy. If I am to make a permanent home for myself in Florida, connection and ssocial satisfaction is critical to success.
I would like to meditate daily. I need to prioritize self care even without a routine. I would also like to have run a half marathon to prove to myself I am strong and have discipline.
I'm always reluctant to take new year's resolutions. I feel like a failure when I don't feel I achieved my goal, which is always. I wish someone would know me well enough to make a suggestion. I think I would be more luckily to fill the my promise if it was given to somebody else, rather than myself.
I don't have a set goal for the next year, except for trying to have more free time to relax and enjoy life. Time is the one 'commodity' we can never recoup and I become more aware of this as it goes by. So often I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to get everything done and so dislike being in this stressed out state. To keep my sanity, continue to volunteer regularly, take care of my body, spend quality time with my daughter.
By this time next year, I NEED to have achieved a working side-hustle. This is important to me because extra income to my family will open up incredible opportunities for us.
By this time next year, I want to go back to school. It's important to be because I'm not happy in my current job, I want to do more with my life. I have put off school to be able to spend time with my son, now that he's going to be 5 and will be enrolled in school I think it's a good time for me to go back as well. I want more out of life than I am getting and giving.
Id like to achieve disclipline in all aspects of my life. Fitness, nutrition, punctuality, mindfulness, and speech.
I'm not sure if this sounds über ambitious or stupidly simple. Either way, by this time next year I would really, really, really like to have de-cluttered my house. In her post, "Simplicity is the Way Back to Love," ( Courtney Carver who blogs at "Be More With Less," shares six ways simplicity will show you the way back to love. "It may start with de-cluttering your kitchen. Once you clear the clutter, simplicity shines a light on your kitchen table and the meals you used to share there before you covered it with bills, school work, and the other things that had no place of their own. The clutter-free table is your way back to healthy meals, family laughter, and candle-lit romantic dinners. It’s your way back to love." In short, stuff takes up space where relationships can happen. I think some people, perhaps myself included, collect things to protect ourselves from the fact that love is missing from our lives. I am lucky that love is not absent from my life. But sometimes I wonder if I engage in "retail therapy," just to make myself feel good in the moment without truly wanting what I procure. Every time I go to get rid of things, I get anxious and think, "I need that. I can't possibly let it go." Once when I get rid of it, whatever it is, though, I find that I don't miss it and indeed am better off without it. Carver says at the end of her post, "Trying to figure out what matters to you every day by sifting through what doesn’t is exhausting. I always hear about how hard it is to let go, but holding on is harder. You have to hold on everyday, but you only have to let go once. Every time you let go, you’ll be once step closer to finding your way back to love." That is what I want and I hope to be a LOT closer to love at this time next year.
Well, a job would be nice. Staying in NYC or moving home to work in DC, I would like to have a real job. Adult life is starting to hit me and monetary support that I create myself would be very satisfactory.
One thing I would like to achieve in the next year is to take my relationship to a healthier boundary. We fight and nitpick a lot and i instigate a majority of it. I am actively trying to be a better listener, a better communicator, and a better partner.
By this time next year, I'd like to have completed my necessary coursework for my masters program. I'd like to be able to focus on writing my thesis and not jumping through classwork hoops. I love learning but hate classwork and homework. I have so little patience for it anymore especially with my chronic illnesses. It just doesn't suit or serve me, and I'm more than ready to leave it behind. So I hope I'm able to by this point next year. I want to focus on working, on doing things that make me feel good and satisfied and fulfilled.
I would like to pay off all of my credit card bills and save more for retirement. It is important for me to not worry about money any longer and with retirement in a few years, my focus should be on saving for the future instead of buying new clothes or shoes.
Last year I started a journey to get back into shape - loose weight and feel confident again - I have done that successfully and continue to strive towards what makes me happy physically - recently I have discovered that an old injury is back and may be a huge set back in all the work that I have done up to this point. I am waiting to hear back from doctors and am trying to stay positive and rest my body so as to not make it worse until official diagnosis can be learned. So my goal for next year will be to maintain what I have started on this journey and hope that the pain management won't be too intense and I can keep on keeping! the thought of not being able to exercise it terrifying!
I'm continuing with my run of America's Got Talent success planning more speeches on the subject including entering the international speech contest in Toastmasters to speak & win talking of the experience and the technique I used to help me further my goal I also want to display my home with the best drawings I have done & have them beautifully framed and hung on my walls. I was born to express myself, and visual art & color is one facet,
Graduation and getting a career! I'm due to graduate in May and will hopefully be able to jump right into the workforce. Getting a job would validate all the hard work I've been doing and give me a lot less stress.
I would like for my online synagogue to work effectively and to be able to serve my immediate community as well as the global community. It is important to me because I am 72 years old and I want what I do in however many years I have left to be for the sake of heaven.
I'd like to become pregnant. My husband and I are ready for a baby after both of us going to undergrad, and me finishing my nurse midwifery graduate education. It's just time, we are already after having a miscarriage.
I'd like to be able to give away my "fat" clothes. For nearly a year I've made changes in my habits, but the addition of exercise without fully committing to a change in eating habits isn't enough.
I would like to be fitter so that I can have more energy and flexibility and be healthier. I started in June by walking and now I either walk every day or go to the fitness center for strength training.
Not necessarily until September next year rather as an ongoing process: I would like to reduce the need for planning my days. Entring every day with the expectation that at the right time an idea will pop up that tells me what I am going to do. Giving inner wisdom solace and time. I believe oftentimes my inner voice knows better than my brain.
I'd like to be comfortable singing in my community chorus. Right now (after two meetings) it is a struggle. I can't read music...
Unfortunately, my goal is the same as it was last year. However I am closer to it.
I'd like to achieve a balance of school work and social life. This is important to me because I think it will set me up for success in both college and life, and I think it will help me live healthier and happier.
Steady income and reduced debt. After a horrible year, we need stability in our financial life so we can have an actual life!
I'd like to have a home-built solar hot water system installed. Before I can do that, I'll need to install a new instant water heater, and put up my solar panels and have them inspected and approved. While I'm at it, I want to run a cable to the antenna on 1927.5, and put in two tube skylights in the kitchen and one in the bathroom. These projects will make my home much more energy efficient and also more pleasant to be in. They are all projects that have been delayed for some time. Completing them may also imply I won the fight with city hall over their permit fees/process (although it might also mean I gave up!)
Become a better public speaker and to have better eye-contact
I would like to be employed full time in a job that I love again. I took a much-needed break from full time academia when the bureaucracy began to overwhelm me, and the relaxation has been wonderful. However, it is important to me to return meaningfully to the field of behavior analysis, and to offer more financial support to my family.
Watch less TV. I have more worthwhile things to do with my limited time in the planet.
By next year, I'd like to stop borrowing money from my parents. I want to improve my relationship with money and actually start accumulating savings. This is the main thing stopping me from moving to New York, because I do not want to move to a larger city without the financial stability to stay and build a life there.
I am working on a book with an artist friend. I have published 14 children's books, but that was years ago. This, an adult book, growing out of a mutual love of NYC, seems at 80 a different sort of reach. Would like to finish it within the year.
I would like to be a published writer, for a couple of reasons. Number one: it means that I took a risk and actually submitted my writing for either publication or development, either in a studio (tv or film), theatre company, or even on a blog. I'm really not picky. Risking is not something that I generally do. I'm a coward. I can admit that now. Big ole scaredy cat who holes up in his room or favorite coffee shop and simply writes about fantasies, things that scare him, and the reasons why everything has gone in his life. Publication would mean that, despite being scared, I've taken a plunge into the real world and persevered. It would mean that I've grown. "If you're not growing, you're dying..."
I want to have my book out and published! I am working on it right now. Literally right now. At this computer. It *is* my career. It would represent the pinnacle of nearly everything I've worked for up to now. I think it's important scholarship in its own right, and on a personal note I would be so proud to have this thing I've worked so hard on come to fruition.
I would like to further advance my career and establish myself as a professional in my field. I switched career tracks 18 months ago and while the change has been largely positive, I feel like waiting as long in my career as I did to recalibrate has put me behind my peers.
I'd like to accomplish this year, the same as past years: lose weight and eat healthy. If not for a lot of exercise I'd be obese instead of overweight. Need to stop the binge eating of bad foods especially sweets and especially at night. I'd also like to stop my circular thinking and anxiety which doesn't show outwardly but is deeply affecting me inwardly.
I recently said to Paul that my wish for the coming year is boring, ordinary life. We are so exhausted from my dad's cancer and death, the hurricane, being homeless after the hurricane, and a number of medical issues this year. I'd really like to accomplish slowing down, saving money, and enjoying being at home.
I want to be able to look at a piece of Talmud and pick out certain phrase from it to help me understand it. While I'm certainly not expecting myself to know fluent Aramaic, I want to get to the point where I can look at it and understand some of what is being said from the Aramaic alone.
By this time next year, I want to be well on my way to a first draft of my "coming of age" memoir. I hope to have the structure defined, a title chosen, and be rewriting for the following sixth months to have a completed draft by the time I turn 65.
Honestly, staying alive and keeping my husband alive are my two main priorities. We are living day-to-day with his DID diagnosis now in our lives and can't plan too far ahead. Lots of self-care, maintaining a sense of humor and staying married - all lofty goals.
I'd like the create a beautiful garden that promotes peace and goodwill to all who have the privilege of visiting it. As I age, I realize that we cannot create peace unless we can be peace. This will be my small way to be peace. Also, I would like to create and tell a story to help do the same thing as the garden - create peace and goodwill.
By this time next year, I'd like to have a job that I love. Something that not only pays the bills, but also resonates within my heart -- where most days it's a joy to get up and get to work. I also want to increase my self-worth; to really understand my boundaries and stick to them. I want to have a richer inner life, with deeper friendships and less time wasted with people who don't want or care to know the real me. I want to be a better, more engaged mom. Not dread playing time with J, but truly enjoy it. I want to mean that he is my priority, not just say it because it's the right thing to do. I want to understand what my true next step should be. Where I need to go with my life and how to do so with the least negative effect on the people I love. In short: I need to be increasingly true to who I am. I've spent too long denying important parts of myself, or making them second best. I can't do that any more and expect to survive.
By this time next year I would like to have physically and emotionally moved on from here...this place...this city...this albatross I carry about my neck. I want to be on to the next phase of my life, whatever that may be. I want to be moving toward finally getting my degree. I've decided I need to accomplish this not only for me, but for my mom.
This question is as hard for me this year as it was last year. Last year I wished for myself "peace and stability, days without spikes of anxiety, fear, and pain." Well . . . I guess my wish for next year if I could be so optimistic and bold is to hope that I have some contentment . . . okay let me just repeat "peace and stability," and that I am not lonely, that I don't have such a strong death wish, that I have found a way to take care of myself. That I'm not scrambling financially, and that the squirrels and mice have not returned.
Staying alive for my furbaby. Losing weight and becoming debt free have been clinical definitions of insanity at this point.
By this time next year I want to have gone on a solo camping trip. There is so much greatness near where I live and I haven't had the courage to explore some of it by myself. I love being outdoors and I love camping. I also love the opportunity to reconnect with myself when I'm out in the mtns...& yet I've never planned a trip by myself for myself. I need to do it. To prove to myself that I can and to grow just a little bit more.
I would like to be strong in my recovery from emotional eating, and strong in my spirituality. This is important to me, because it is a vital aspect of my life, and my well-being.
Ugh. Same as every year past. Still trying to outwit my tendencies. Get fitter. Rein in my finances. Keep the house in repair. EVERY.YEAR.
Be more comfortable in my Jewish faith. It's all very new to me now, and I think the services could be more meaningful if I knew more and understood better. There is so much to learn! Right now it's baby steps. I hope to at least be making children's steps by this time next year. Sometimes I have to remember that I am truly a young child when it comes to my religion and, like a child, I have to grow.
I would love to have opened my own event/studio space. A space where I can help share my love of movement and connection with others. And a place where I can bring community together and encourage progress on issues that are important to me e.g. inclusion, civil rights.
I'd like to stop having suicidal thoughts. This is important to me because it has taken me down such a dark path, and it isn't sustainable, and it isn't happy. I need to get better at managing my emotions and at dealing with struggles without catastrophizing everything.
I would like to get back to my target weight and fitness capabilities. At the high holidays in 2015 and 2016, I was at my fittest and my physical peak. That has changed this year and I don't want to make bad food and exercise habits a part of my life again. I need to take back control. I need to control the food instead of letting it control me. And, I need to find a way to not let injuries stop me, which means not getting injured. I am at my best when I'm running, hiking, and biking and I love that lifestyle. I know I can do it.
I want to feel like I know what I'm doing at least 75% of the time. Three quarters. I'm not going for always, because that feels impossible and I'm not going for half, because I feel like I'm past that point, but 75% feels like it would be a good place to be.
I would like Lobaki+ to be positively and measurably affecting students and communities, at minimum, around the Delta, preferably, around the country, and for everyone involved with Lobaki, making a comfortable living and helping others. It's important to me because, why else are we here? To help and serve others.
This might be the usual response but my rationale may be different than most. Reduce the debt. I paid off 3 things and have a little more to go. I want to reduce my husbands deep dept. Heis 13 years older. I am petrified I will be saddled with some of it We make good money but live as if we are receiving federal benefits. By the 15th we cash in pennies. I feel like a fraud, because my presentation and my social media make it seem like we are living like a retiree and almost retiree who have minimal financial worries. I have been steadily reducing financial clutter, emotional clutter, physical clutter. I want and need to live uncluttered. Getting this debt out of the way will enable that to happen.
By this time next year, I'd like to have been out of the country. Travel is so important to me. This year, I made it a point to set aside money for travel. In the next year, I need to make it a point to spend that money! I'd love to go somewhere new, but even if I just make it to Canada or Mexico, I'll be glad to use my passport one more time before it expires in August of 2018.
One thing is tough. I have three sets of goals at the moment: relationship, professional, personal. Relationship: better health and making it through our planned travel for A. Note, not a goal for me, but one that will make my life better too. In too many ways to describe. Professional: second draft of new novel, sell old novel and rework/sell short stories and write a few more. (!!) Personal: lose weight, get fitter. That's the whole thing in a nutshell. Nothing new from any years past, though will be working on second draft of new novel. Some things change, some things don't.
I would really like to have at least plans in the works to move back to Michigan. Hopefully be there by this time next year. It's important to me so that I can be with my family and especially to be able to spend time with my mom who is 84 years old.
Find a new job that is fulfilling, pays better and still meets my needs for an ethical business that does good in the world.
I would like to be out of debt. My husband is ready to retire. Also it will mean I don't have to struggle quite as much to continue working until I am ready to retire. I can continue working various projects and not look for "a real job". We were out of debt. Then I lost my job, had a bad tooth, no insurance, and the car died so we had to buy a new one. Our cushion is a little thin at the moment. Planning ahead has not been my strong suit but things tend to work out one way or the other. Fortunately or debt is relatively smaller now so I am hopeful.
I want to become more confident in myself. I have been working on loving myself more, but I wish to be able to express to others that I'm not afraid anymore and I can handle whatever life throws at me.
By this time next year, I hope to have started to find a balance as a new mom, not feeling guilty too much, and making sure I have enough time with my family and disconnected from work. It may be too much to ask, but in an ideal world I'd also be carving out some time for myself, be that seeing friends, going to shows, reading or staying active.
An ideal lower weight. Just so I could say I damned did it.
I would like to maintain or lose more weight.
SIGH Here I am again pledging to work on my weight-it needs to be done for my health, how I feel about myself. I'm afraid I pledge this every year and then don't honour it, that it will happen again. But it's an important goal, so I'll try again! Even if it's only 10 pounds, it'd be a start!
The art/writing project I have been working on all year is urging me forward. I want to complete it and see what I can do with it. there is urgent need for all voices to speak up for Nature - my voice too. That is my goal.
It's funny that this one popped up today, because a bunch of us at work were talking about time management, and I was deciding to myself that I need something about time to be my goal for the next year. I keep saying I should get to the gym, clean the house, meal plan, take the dogs to the park, it goes on and on. But none of those can happen if I don't have the time and energy in which to do them! This time next year, I want to be able to check this one off the list, because then the other pieces should fall into place. Step 1 - Don't sleep in as much, which means that step 0.5 is Don't go to bed so late!!! Step 2 - I was going to say "list items in order of importance", but there's nothing to say that all of this stuff has to happen on one day. Step 2 is figure out what to do each thing - gym 2 times per week (on which days?), same thing for dog walking, meal planning - set aside Sunday morning probably because in the summer we have dinner with my parents on Sunday nights, and my husband and I each work some Saturdays so those are spoken for. Grocery shopping will have to happen on Saturday afternoons if I work and earlier if I don't. Honestly, grocery shopping isn't that hard - make hubby do it. Check. Alright lady - if you haven't got your days a little more organized by next you - you're in for a talking to!
September 25, 2018---Be alive, weigh 180#. run 5 and 10 Ks. I want to be active. I was for a while, but gave it up to further my career at Aspira only to be dumped. Left me physically unfit! I know I should have spent some time in the gym, rather than going to 12 hour days. What did I get-SHIT. Should probably have worked out rather than going to mass----I am on the dark side now---but did that help? I didn't see God's hand helping me in anyway there. Of course people will say-It could have been worse--Yes. but is that what God is all about-pray so that you can live to your next paycheck? Learn to love your enemy, even as he kills you? Then why does the Pope have armed guards?
I really would like to have taken some risks in my personal/dating life in the next year. Ultimately my goal isn't to take risks but to experience growth and find opportunities for greater levels of fulfillment and happiness and I believe more risk taking is what will get me there. I believe I would've set the same goal if asked this last year. This is fact if frustrating, and a bit upsetting as it means I haven't made progress on something I've known is important for a while. I'm not 100% sure what it would mean for my life and happiness if I was in a good relationship.My current thought is that I'd like to have someone to share my challenges, desires, and successes with. Someone who would help me get to know my self even better, and feel even more secure, confident, and hopeful about the future. It's not that I believe someone else will magically imbue me with these new qualities and mental state. Rather that by feeling comfortable, loved, and supported will let me grow into better and better states. Having all my current freedom is great, but I've got time to spare and I'd give up a lot of my commitments to spend more time w/ someone I really valued. Beyond feeling lonely I wonder the impact of 1) not knowing my sexuality, and 2) not having experience in a serious relationship. I have been increasing my experience in #1 and think thats likely where I can exercise the most agency. #2 feels out of my control in that I can't control when I meet someone, and their current situation aka timing.
By this time next year, I would like to graduate from college with my BS in PH. Yes, there are some obstacles. I am having some health and mental health issues which we are dealing with. My anxiety gets the better of me at times. Perhaps I won't be able to work, even if I am able to get my degree. But I want the degree. I'll be 53 years old in 3 weeks, and I want to be able to say that I was able to see the educational process through. Despite the health issues. Despite the mental health issues. Despite the awful anxiety. Despite losing both John's mother and my grandma last summer. Even if I never use it, no one will ever be able to take it away from me.
Healthier lifestyle. I want to live to see grandchildren.
Something I'd like to achieve by this time next year is to have enough success in my music career to be able to tour across the country with my friends and family. I plan to accomplish this by continuing to produce high quality lyrics, melodies and instrumentals that can have a lasting impact on the listener. I'm currently already in the process of getting onto Spotify and Apple Music (music streaming services that will allow me to make money off my music). My plan is to get my music onto as many music platforms as possible so my fan base will continue to grow so I can start doing shows outside of Boston. Every since I was a kid my dream has been to do a show in New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago. Doing this would be important to me becaus I want to prove to myself that I am capable of influencing and impacting people not only in my community, but all around the country. Also, after seeing the success I've had in just over a year I truly believe I'm capable of meeting my goal. This feat will not be easy but if I stay consistant and continue to work hard I think I can start a small (or maybe big) tour across America by this time next year. That is one thing I'd like to achieve by this time next year and why it is important to me.
Have more fun, detach from financial concerns, and love Trudi the way she wants. All together this will make for a fulfilling and stress free life going forward.
I would like to establish some kind of routine, regular hobby. It can really be anything, from regularly reading books for pleasure to taking music/dance lessons, to really investing in a new side project or job. I have very briefly dabbled in any and all of these things, and do have the means to pursue them further, but have really struggled to make it a regular practice. Part of the issue is that I see this as something that should bring me joy and nourishment in a different way than the other things in my life - work, friends, partner, etc. In a way I want it to be a form of self care, but I struggle at the end of the day or the week to desire to do anything but sleep, watch tv, spend time with friends as a way to decompress. I want to do so many things, but when actually given the opportunity, it's hard to reverse the ways I normally check out. It is important to me that I can find rejuvenation in different things, and be creative in new ways. This felt much more accessible in high school and college and I want to get that back.
My husband is retiring this year. I hope I can learn to cut down on my spending since our income will decrease as a result of this change. I hope I will continue to place my family and their needs first by giving them my time and attention. But not in a smothering way- in a supportive way. Which ever way they grow and change.
Regain ease of movement. I want my body to feel more balanced and loose. I don't just want to get through space, I want to feel purposeful moving through it. I am sensitive to the tightness and posture of my body. If my body feels good, it will help me feel good
The most important thing (among those over which I have any control) is to decide whether the relationship with my partner is going to work out.
1. world peace (thanks mom) 2. get off the treadmill
To find a new home and stable job. I am getting out of the military and am not prepared to handle the transition.
I'd like to be able to reliably build larger pots and successfully soda glaze them. It's a skill set that I've been working on for years and I'd like to take it to the next level.
In one year I would like to be cancer free for a year! I just finished my radiation.
I would like to drastically reduce my level of self-doubt. I feel that it is often lack of confidence and hesitation that has held me back in most cases this past year. Being more confident in myself and my abilities would allow me to give more, produce more meaningful work and strengthen relationships. Even if I mess up it would at least not be because I was too scared to do something.
I want to help my daughter enter psychotherapy. She's seriously disabled and needs help. I've made a suggestion to her that she seems open toward--I hope so.
I want to keep up my tennis and be a solid 4.0 by this time next year. Maybe even a 4.5! I want to feel comfortable playing Queen of the Court on Fridays!!!! I love tennis more than anything else I do and want to be really good at it!!! It is a way for me to honor my dad's memory.
I am going to get that degree. IN SIX WEEKS.
Oh my God can I please just graduate already?! I don't think I can actually graduate by this time next year but I want to be within one semester or less. I am so tired of being in school. If I haven't graduated then I hope I have made a decision about whether to drop out and do something else. But I have to do something. I can't just screw around anymore. I'm tired of it all.
I think I'd like some more stability in my romantic relationship. If that means I'm single and happily not looking, then so be it. I'd prefer that it means I'm more stable with Mike, though his emotional outbursts are not helpful and I may leave if he doesn't come up with a written, go-to protocol for when they arise. I feel more confident saying that. I have only recently come to the conclusion that I will leave him if he doesn't improve. I am not scared of that anymore. I love him so SO much, and we are compatible in so many ways, but I also see that his behavior sometimes harms me and that is not ok. We have been together about two years now. It will be interesting to see what is happening in my romantic life this time next year. I have also been trying to decide whether I want kids or not. I'd like to come to a definite decision by this time next year. And if the decision is yes, then I'd like to have a plan for how I will do that. Mike has said he probably would not be on board (he has one son already and was a stay at home dad until this Sept), he says he would help out in a fatherly-figure kind of way, but would not want to outright father my child. So the decision will be mine alone and I would have to figure out how to be a single mom who is also dating someone. When I put it in writing, it sounds ridiculous. Is it ridiculous?
I want to let go of fear about money and security and dig deep into creating: basketry, quilts, crochet, write a book, or create a co-op for old people to age-at-home. That sentence captures a central problem - too many widely scattered ideas and no in-depth stick-to-it-iveness. So by next year, I want to outgrow or outwit my squirrel mind and get through the hard work necessary not to be creative, but to actually create a final Something.
I hope to have a job at this time next year because if I don't, I'm really unsure how I'll be paying the bills and bringing home the bacon to eat. But on a more serious note, I hope I know what my next step in life will be. Hopefully I will be applying to grad schools as well/taking the GRE if need be. Macy asked a similar question about grad school today, why I even need to do it. But it's a goal I want to achieve because I love learning and consider myself a lifelong learner, and I think it will help me secure better jobs.
Get in shape. I don’t want to be a flabby 40-year old. Also I want to help my daughter get into the school she wants to go to.
By this time next year, I'd like to be comfortably paying for 50% of my daughter's college education. This is important to me because I feel it's my duty to handle the finances while she does the hard work.
I'm hoping to be in better physical condition and to be a better quilter. I'm retiring at the end of the year, and 2 of my goals are to exercise on a more regular basis and to quilt, quilt, quilt. OK, so that's 2 things, so call me an over-achiever. I want to be in better shape so that I can hike longer trails, and live longer and healthier. And I just really want to make beautiful fabric art!!!!!
When I meet with my spiritual director, I usually share my ongoing struggle with my perennial question, "What is mine to do?" As I try to practice contemplation, I worry that I am not doing enough to protect the Earth and work for social justice. After all, "To whom much is given, much is expected." I assume I will continue with this dynamic tension in the coming year. I hope the word will change from "tension" or "struggle" into "balance."
The one thing I would like to achieve by this time next year is reclaim my body (diet and fitness). The year long challenge to my health has dashed that part of my life. I always thought my 10 years in the gym 5 days a week made me better prepared to handle the rigors of being a cancer patient. I want to return to that level of health and fitness. It’s important because it is, in my mind, a part of a complete victory over this arbitrary disease.
Achieve a better relationship with my stepdaughters. It would make my husband very happy to know that they and I cleared the misunderstandings and were on a good footing again. I had thought we had a good relationship so I was very upset to find that they did not feel the same.
I'd like to have completed a few essays. Turning to this different kind of writing is a challenge, but I have been distressed to see how easily I avoid really committing to it as work. In part, I am drawn to it because it doesn't feel like work, and yet I know that to do it well, I have to take it seriously. I have to treat it like all my other work, and I am having difficulty doing that. So much as I want to be able to say in year that I have gotten things done, I also just want to have established a writing practice for myself.
Get out of my shit storm of debt; to be more busy; get physically healthy.
Next year I would like to have two things accomplished. 1. By July 2018, the completion and opening of the hotel project I have been working on to the satisfaction of the client. 2. Leading a project team to the successful completion and submission/approval of the design of a new mixed use project here in my city's downtown. I know I can do this and I want to prove it to my office.
I am still working on last year's. :) With my Sister getting a divorce, we are going together to buy a house. I have finished my part of the mortgage paperwork, and we are still looking to find a place that we both don't hate. Getting a mortgage pre-approval will help us figure out how much we can spend. It is mostly going to be based on my credit, but my rating is very good and my income is decent.
One thing that I'd like to achieve by this time next year is the ability to stand up for myself in any and every situation. This is important to me because I need to learn how to defend myself in different situations. For instance, today I had an old teacher of mine, Mrs. McSpeden tell me that I will one day see that Jesus is the Messiah and that one day I will follow in his path. She told me that she will pray for my conversion and that I may one day see the light. While she bashed me with all of her ideals and beliefs, I just stood there smiling...on the outside. My legs grew weak and I felt pain. I am a proud Jew and having someone like that tell me to convert and tell me what I believe in is wrong hurt me. It felt like she had a gun to my heart and was shooting every word into my heart and soul. And what did I do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. All I did was walk away when the conversation began to disipate. I didn't know what to do or what to say. By this time next year, I want to know what to say. Since this will probably not be the last time something like this will happen, I want to achieve the ability to know what to say.
I'd like to have met a great girl, and be in a good relationship. I've enjoyed the freedom of being single for quite a while now, but I'm starting to think that it would be cool to share my life with someone.
This has to be my year 5778 to get my helicopter pilot license commercial and instrument. It's been a long road but so many things have changed in these last 2 months and all good.
While my current job is a two year appointment, I need to be proactively looking for jobs and improving my stock. This past year I finally got a first-author publication through the review and acceptance process, but I need more so that I don't struggle as much to get an interview. This year, I would like to increase my publication count (plan is 3 papers from my thesis, to be presented at AVIATION conference and simultaneously submitted to AIAA journals). I would also like to start working on a completely different and independent research project.
I want to be able to focus on my work without procrastinating so often. This is something I truly hope to improve about myself. I know I can do work, I just put it off. I want to be able to do what I set my mind to.
I will be working on downsizing my belongings so I can begin to plan the next step in my life.
Since we moved to a city in which it's more feasible to have one, I'd like to have a car (hopefully before the close of 2017). I'd also would like to have taken at least two vacations, one to a country I've never visited before. The car is important because it's been nearly six years since I've had one and I miss the freedom that comes with having one. And the vacations because downtime is important as is seeing as much of the world as I can.
I'd like to feel ready to leave San Francisco. By next HHD, it's totally possible I'll be flying home from college in order to get to HHD, or figuring out my situation then, but I'll be starting college! I want to feel that I've left successors, that I've had successes, that I've created things that benefit other people. I want to feel ready to leave but that everything is waiting for me to come back.
Being able to occasionally preach! I miss being in the pulpit. To also sing occasionally. I miss it.
I want to have gotten at least a B in my classes at CCV. By this time next year I hope that I've made significant headway towards my dream of becoming an OT, and that would be a huge part of that.
To have somehow got over the constant mental fatigue and brain fog. At the moment the have no idea how but it's killing me from the inside out. It is probably a reaction to my life-draining home situation.
I'd like to continue with the way I am feeling: -hopeful -open to new things - enjoying my job and feeling motivated - making friends - feeling love for B and wanting him - feeling comfortable in my skin - feeling happy (writing this scares me because it feels so fragile) I want to achieve: - something at work - doesn't have to be a promotion but progress and growth - I want to be more compassionate with my mum and work on our relationship - currently I'm impatient and getting stressed out by her - Get married or plan our wedding - Learn more about what makes me feel good physically and practice more of that (food and sports) I see now it was supposed to be one thing so if I have to pick then its get my self care game on point - do things that make me feel good.
I want to start writing again. It's how I express myself, and it's disturbing that I haven't been inspired to write in so long.
I would like to pay off my teacher loan, get my license, travel to France etc. I want to move forward in my life.
I think this was the same response as last year... i'd like to prioritize my dating life. I've felt ready for awhile to fall in love again, but now that I'm in a more stable place in life I need to put in more effort rather than waiting for someone to fall into my lap. It will be hard because right now work still feels so new and is taking up most of my energy, but starting a family is the goal with a timeline. Having said that, by this time next year I also hope to be a more confident early childhood educator, ready to lead a classroom in a more significant way.
to get good grades and achieve in all of my classes and i really thing that this website will really help me with a lot of school work thank you thanked by rosie
To be independent and financially secure enough to meet my needs in my own house. I want to bee at peace in my home and be able to help others in the way that G_D leads me.
I'm not even going to mention, again, the one issue which has filled this response for the past few years. As I am pretty content, there is no other achievement I am craving. I'd like to continue to live my life happily, to enjoy my family and my good friends, to maintain my health, and to find interesting and rewarding things to do.
i want to still be alive.
I want continued with my successful weight loss. I am going to focus on my finances and save some money. I want to purchase a house before the interest rates go up. Just be happy, healthy, enjoy my son and enjoy life!
Maybe buy a house. It will signify financial stability to me, and it's about time I had some of that.
I'd like to decide what I want to accomplish in my career in the next few years. I have recently started on the advanced analytics team, and I want to either start a graduate program or have a plan about what I want to do and how to get there. This is important to me because I want to have a satisfying career.
By this time next year I would like to be a really good runner. Right now I am just starting but I hope I can continuously improve so in a year I will be great. This is important for me because this is something that requires a lot of perseverance and dedication and I hope I can achieve my goals with these qualities.
I'd like to be able to state my feelings and opinions calmly and confidently, even with people who disagree with me. I tend to avoid disagreeing because I become angry.
I want to be finished with the accounting degree that I am working on. I want to find a place of happy normalcy, not high speed overworking....and being done with school will help with that.
Ditto for last year's sixth question. I would like to join a club or league and do team sports, especially with Jen as a couple. But for next year it would be nice to have slowed down To three-quarter speed of today's pace. Taking time for simple things like cooking and gardening. This is important to me because the quality of life more often then not lies in the details of human experience and small successes.
I would like to launch the "Quit or Recommit Masterclass" and re-launch until it hum-hum-hums and is a wonderful money maker for me and life-changer for others that need to get "out of their head" and on with their life.
I would like to have my den clear of clutter, all papers filed and accessible, and a system in place to keep it that way. I can work in the mess but it disturbs my wife very greatly and spills over into our bedroom from time to time. I also want to go through closets so I can clear out things I no longer wear and donate them to charities or toss them if too banged up to be used any longer.
Oy! This is my least favorite question... I want to be thin and rich!! Evey year, that's all I want ;) Ok, but seriously- I'd really like to still be in my job, would be nice to have a title change to Director of Operations or Assistant Director with a salary bump but I'd be ok staying where I'm at. I'd love for the podcast to be going strong in the 2018 series! Hopefully I will have added the Slingshot edition which would be baller. And hopefully it pays for its self and/or makes me a little extra money. I'd like to be involved with a temple, feel rooted a bit in a community. Children, would like to have a child in our lives. And lastly (although you only asked for one) I'd like Barak to have found a job he's really happy with. Doesn't have to be a dream job, just happy :) Why are these things so important to me?? I've never led a life of stability- I counted this weekend and have had 17 jobs since graduating college and lived in just as many places. Even with all of that I'm a generally positive happy person. Stability and security, community of people around me, animals and people to love and take care of at home- those are things that I think help put a fence around my happiness and general welfare. Success in my work is only an expression of feeling like I am able to use my skills to their highest potential and being recognized for doing a million things at once and doing them well- not necessarily an ego thing or need for praise- just happy to have the freedom to be me!
I want to develop a solid yoga practice of my own, and feel confident and competent incorporating yoga into our classroom. I think this is such a powerful tool to use with our students - and personally, I know it would be so beneficial for my body - improving my strength and flexibility. I am committed!!
I’d like to visit friends around the country with Peter, meet his cousins, and continue to include more people in my life, seeing folks on a more regular basis. I would like to learn more about the American-Israeli relationship and how policies in both countries affect each other, in part by going to the AIPAC conference. I’d very much like to at least meet my grandson and, if possible, to get to know him, his mom and his brother. I’d like to see my sister more often.
I want to achieve more balance in my life. Right now I see three aspects of my life - caring for Mom, being with the grandkids and that family, and time for me. The latter is currently largely segmented into community involvement time, personal time and limited partner time. Personal Time is broken into friends, exercise, basics of living and me time. I would like to have more partner time. I would also like to establish more friend time which meets some of my needs not currently available from the friends I now have. This balance is integral to more health, more peace of mind and less isolation.
I'm looking forward to our relocation to Asheville, NC. I'd like to see the following: - Work - Either find that it is no longer needed or to have local work lined up. - Racing - To be connected with a low level road track racing team. - Housing - To have down sized and living comfortably with Donna. I see these as being a transition to a new life.
One thing? Proud of my body and how it looks and works, 100%. Thriving in my work. Creating a life for myself here. Traveling to Thailand/HK/Hawaii/Italy... and who knows where else! Galapagos Islands? Increased confidence in myself and my abilities. Less judgement and grudges towards those who have wronged me, rekindle relationships with those you love.
I achieved my big goals for this year—finishing my book & promotion to 3rd-degree black belt in karate—& am not quite ready to think about a new goal. I would like to travel to Norway, Spain, Israel &/or Scotland, but that doesn't seem as much like a goal as a vacation plan. Hmmmmmmm.
I would like to have my weight back to a healthy weight. 160 lbs. I'm no getting any younger. I would like to be in the best physical shape I can be.
The entire garage is cleaned out and organized, stuff donated or sold, final disposal of things from my parents and grandparents homes. It is important to me because I think the things my husband and I have stuffed in on each of our sides of the garage represent stuff that weighs us down. I want to lighten up and enjoy the "afternoon" of our life together.
I want a publishing contract or a play accepted for production. Career goals, validation, reason not to go back to programming. Demonstrate that non-traditional can be worthwhile.
remain in good health and spirit
Without trying, many years a "theme" or topic for my personal development makes itself known to me. This year I got the message to work on humility. I want to practice saying "I don't know" more often (and genuinely understanding that I don't know). I'd like to practice letting others lead and "stepping back" more (letting others talk first, maybe not even talking at all). Maybe so some Al Anon readings on humility and find other ways to cultivate this trait. My husband is a particularly good model. So it's not so much that by 12 months from now I'll have achieved something very specific, but just hope that through efforts and focus on this I'll have evolved to be just a bit more humble.
After one frustrating year, I MUST lose weight. 10 lb minimum and 15 is better. Sometimes I believe my metabolism has declared me legally dead as I can have 3 grapes for breakfast and gain a pound. I work out strenuously at the gym, I make my Fitbit happy with my multitude of steps, and yet I still struggle to drop weight. I am healthy, but still too pudgy. Looking for solutions toward my very long term betterment and looking better in a snug shirt.
I would like to be able to lead a complete morning Minyan. I can do the first part until Yestabach, but haven't been comfortable completing the service and would like to continue on my Jewish Journey.
By this time next year, I would like to have become a better songleader, and to become more fit. I am not happy where I am right now, and I hope that by next year, I will have changed a bit. Also, I hope that by this time next year, I will be able to go on some more college tours as well as have some idea as to what I would like to do schoolwise and careerwise (Oh, and get a career!!). Also, I would like to have all A's and B's in my classes, preferably A's though.
I want a professional level job. I would be able to take pride in self-sufficiency, and using my knowledge and skills for a meaningful purpose.
Move into a space of my own. My current situation involves living with a toxic person who isn't good for me.
I'd like to have more in my savings account. I hear stories of my peers losing jobs, or being able to travel the world. I feel like I need more of a cushion in order to have that for myself also.
I would like to have my health struggles figured out. It affects my energy and social life.
Loose allllllllll the weight. It’s important because since gaining it I haven’t been myself. I’m starting to see some results and it’s fantastic. Just hate myself for even letting it get this far. God damn you college.
Better relationship with myself - more honest and more forgiving
I want to be settled into a job that I can stay at for longer than a year. I never make a lateral move. I never get demoted. But I never stay anywhere very long, and I'd like to build a career somewhere I can settle into. I thought Quicken would be that place. Now I'm not so sure.
I'd like to stay abroad for a while and explore a new world. This is for me to discover new things, see new sights, meet new people, be more independent, and to get to know myself a little more.
I want to be less controlling and more flexible. This will help my relationships.
I'd like Asher to be a happy baby. Happiness is fundamental to living your best life and he deserves all the best things in life!
more consistent exercise throughout my week, not only only my weekend and my day off
I want to have created an active community around discussing podcasts. It's focused for English learners, though I think other language learners and teachers would love to get in on it because it becomes a space to find a practice partner. It gives a different kind of speaking practice than your standard language exchanges. I think non-language learners will find it fun to get into as well, since responding to ideas is the currency of the internet.
The big thing I'd like to achieve by this time next year is the same thing as what I said last year - a new job (still suffering at the same old one). While I continue to work on that, though, I'd also like to figure out what gives me joy, so I can integrate it into my life on a daily basis. It needs to be self-contained joy, though, that isn't dependent on other people, since there seems to be a decided lack of other people in my life.
I would like to achieve the ability to truly relax and enjoy the moments in life.
I'd like to be half way though my Masters Degree and I hope to have another grandchild by then. The Masters part is important as I wish to get it out of the way but not fail anything. The grandchild part is important as I know my daughter wants it so much!!
I would like to achieve becoming an adult Bar Mitzvah. It would represent a deepening and further commitment to the Jewish faith and Israel, along with the honor of chanting from the holy and sacred books of the Torah.
I would like to be consistent in reading Torah, and praying. I also want to finish reading Moses, The Human Man. Perhaps I will be able to learn some Hebrew, too, this year
I would like to visit the Florida Everglades. They are a unique and fragile ecosystem, lovely and exotic, and may not exist much longer. I like the idea of taking a winter vacation to a warm place, and since no one I know wants to go, I need to learn how to take responsibility for this myself.
I would like to achieve deep and meaningful relationships with my students and the community around me. This is important to me because once I create these relationships, I can begin to empower others to enact change and can both support others while allowing others to support me.
I think I'd like to be a candidate for precinct leader by this time next year. I'd like to be officially involved in politics and getting out the vote, not just being a part-time activist. I'd like to HAVE responsibility, not just FEEL a responsibility.
Oh dear, looking at last year's answer I am no closer to a decision and I did not create a timeline for myself. I was just talking to Lucia about this last night, I have to set that as my intention again for this year. It is important for me to know where I'm going to be what I'm going to be doing for the long range I'm a single woman and I'm going forward knowing that I don't know where to go or what to do with my life. I've re-designed my retirement date after changing my money management team. I'm planning on working until I'm 70 before I retire and collect Social Security this gives me more time I'm 62 1/2 this gives me 7 1/2 more years to figure it out. I'm not in a relationship any longer I finally accepted that Sil & I are no more. I would like to have a relationship, I would like to think that I could have a relationship again in my life and that in a year from now I might be with someone. More friends I want to accomplish having more women friends in my life .
I'd like to work on being more present - something I rediscovered at the Chestertown Retreat in June and has been very rewarding. I'm entering another exciting year in my new family and at work. I feel afraid and anxious often. I also have many opportunities for joy and to feel feelings in real time each day. I think this is how best to make memories and learn lessons.
One thing I'd like to achieve by next year is a nice body. I've always been chubby and I hope to get rid of some of it, in healthy ways!
I wonder if I will be pregnant or have a baby by next year. I am scared about pregnancy and being a mom but I think at 37 and now that I have married the live of my life, I am finally ready to start trying. I know we would be good parents together. There is so much hate in the world, it would be nice to feel that we are doing our part to bring love, laughter and compassion into the world.
I will be working out without feeling like my legs are jello
More consistent practice of yoga and meditation. I believe that by developping and committing to a routine of self-care ( through dynamic movement; complimented by meaningful silence and relaxation) will be of great benefit to my overall wellbeing.
I'd like to get my depression under control. To be honest, I'm not sure if that's a realistic goal - I will always have depression, even if I can keep it under control. I have not ever accomplished it - periods of peace and happiness seem to be not my doing, just some good luck - so I don't really know the timeline on something like that, but I'm hoping I can at least learn to cope and get a handle on my ability to function as a human being.
The giving of myself in relationships, without hesitation or second questioning.
A job! In a place! Earning a living in joy and gratitude. The culmination of my life so far, especially of the past seven years.
Financial Independence. After being homeless twice, it's scary to think about it again.
By this time next year I hope to be RUNNING shit with Swipes. At least one more full-time staff person. I get over my hangups with grant writing. Mile straight, under 9 minutes. Accept and love people in my life.
I will like to have reached a healthy weight where my knees no longer hurt. Loosing this weight will help me stay helathier, I will be a little more comfortable outside, I will be able to play with my kids more, and most importantly it will take stress off my joints and allow me to strengthen my muscles around my spin adding extra support.
By this time next year I want to be living in Colorado Springs. The plan was to have been there by now and it didn't work out. I won't let that happen again!!!
Every year I want to achieve a relationship by this time next year. It is important to me because I am lonely and want companionship and romance.
Stuff for my apartment - get a pedestal sink installed in my bathroom; get a new floor for the kitchen; get a new, quieter fan for the bathroom; repair the porch board that's sticking out; get the windows washed. I'd also like the apartment to be free of clutter! On a personal level, I'd like to have a new, non-social work job, one that is enjoyable at least part of the time. I'd like to be in a relationship with a guy, but recognize that that's pretty unlikely.
I'd like to be promoted - i've worked really hard and tried to fix the giant hole i was left in by my previous supervisor. I would like to have healthier relationships with my family since its better to have a functional relationship. for once in my life,i would like to have a healthy romantic relationship.
have a creative side hustle. Although I like the security of a 9-5 I need to do something that's just mine.
By this time next year, I'd like to be able to do either a real push up with knees off the ground, or an actual pull up. It may not seem like much, but these are both things I've never been able to do and I know that I'm getting stronger every day and being able to actually do one of these things is not out of the realm of possibility.
I'd like to have lost 20+ pounds, so I can be healthier longer. I want to have healthy time for my husband, children, and grandchildren!
I want to learn to trust myself more and have more self-confidence. I doubt myself too much, and if I just let myself be who I am and not worry about what others think, I believe I will truly be happier.
My achievement for next year is the same as for this year. This depresses me.
I would like to eliminate more clutter in every room in our house. It seems like the more I clear & take away, the more that appears.
I would really like to either be in grad school or have one locked down. It’s time to stop dicking around and really work on furthering my career and education. Plus, I really just miss being in school.
Be running a good campaign for school board to fulfill my responsibility to make a public difference. Have Rosie and Rafi under some kind of contract to begin making a difference in the Jewish world. Have Helen and my research well under way to continue my research interests. That's three things--but I can live with them all.
I'd like to run a half marathon. I didn't think I'd be up for ever doing one, but now I think I'll be able to do it. I just have to stay focused and NOT be lazy about my training. This is important to me because having and achieving goals keeps me confident in all other areas of my life. And making realistic goals that I can achieve helps me continuously raise the bar. Not just in running, but in all the other places in my life. You learn a lot about yourself and human nature when you run.
Making as much or more money than I am making now doing something that has work/life balance and makes me happy. Feel healthy and happy in my body.
Marriage. Maybe a pregnancy. I want my mom to be around through all of it.
I'd like to have multiple income streams doing various things I love by this time next year. I want to save for my own future, and I want to give a nice financial gift to my daughter for graduating nursing school.
Right now we have a newborn baby so my hope is that by this time next year we will have survived the baby stage and be out of survival mode. So much is sacrificed right now (sleeping, spending time with my husband, eating well, exercising, personal hobbies/interests) because the baby's needs come first. This is the second baby so I know things get easier. I hope that in time we find a way to live more balanced lives. But for now I am just trying to be okay with survival mode and the reality that entails.
By this time next year I want to have slowed down. I want more time volunteering in my daughters class. My nights home cooking,for,and with my family. I want to read at least three books start to finish. I want to leave room for mystery.
A job I love.
During the coming year I would like to be more active in searching for a meaningful cause that I can devote my time and energies to. It feels like I've been "dabbling" in my search. In fact, "dabbling" may even be an overstatement. I'd really like to buckle down and more seriously focus on this search. Second, I'd like to also focus on regaining my energy, my endurance, and the sense of vitality that has been fading these last 2 years -- I'm becoming more aware of being the "frog in the beaker" : the decline in my health has been gradual, insidious, and slowly progressing -- I need and want to take action to stem this and regain as much as possible.
Learn new things. Get out more. Stop waiting.
I want to be considered great at my job. It's been a rough couple of years; and when I've delivered the most to the business, my work has been questioned the most. I would like to feel proud of what I've done, and have it objectively be true that the work was first rate.
I'd like to have saved enough money and bought a home/condo. I'd like to be financially organized.
I would like to have written some essays about my students and the feeling of having them in class. I feel like working with ELL students is one of the most interesting and satisfying things I do. I love to watch their progress and to see them do better and feel better. Just now Bank from Thailand is talking so much more- he has befriended Athraa and Abbood of all people- they with their unhappiness and broken English and him with his happiness and broken English. What will come of the mix?
Today I'm all about opening my heart to love, but that's hardly an achievement. But I am about opening my heart to loving myself, too. And today that means achieving the goal of running a 5K. Today I ran for 6 minutes - in 1 minute intervals. The first 3 were fairly easy, but the final 3 were HARD! I hope that by this time next year I have either made peace with not running or that I have grown my ability to run for 10 minutes in a row. I know it's possible, and I'm not entirely sure why it's important to me. I'm thinking of heart health; I'm thinking of weight loss if I'm really honest, and that's what concerns me most. I want to love myself as is, no upgrades needed. I guess I'm also thinking of just the sense of achievement of what my body can do. And it might not happen. My knees might resist. My brain surely will. I'm also thinking of Chama. She used to run, and I even ran with her for a time. I think I got up to 20-30 minutes, but I never ran a 5K. There were times I hated running, and times it was okay. I never did love it. I might never love, but I'd at least like to accomplish something along the way...and find a fun/silly/adventurous 5K race/run at the end of my efforts to celebrate!
This time next year, I hope to achieve is weight loss. I would love to be healthier with my late weight lose.
I would like to set the goal of going to the gym 2-3 a week. I am completing a course of PT and recognize the need to exercise. I wish to improve and maintain my health. Writing down a goal males it "more" real.
I'd like to be more disciplined -- about physical therapy, about housework, about getting thank-you notes and answers to emails out more promptly.
Quitting smoking (again) for all the obvious reasons. And doing morning workout.
By this time next year I would like to be in a Master's program. It's important because it is a benefit offered to Board of Regents employees and I should take advantage of it. It's never too late to fulfill a dream deferred. The program I am looking at is similar to one I looked at after undergraduate school. At this time, I don't need to worry about a career, just self improvement and increased knowledge.
I would like to finish my book. It's important to me because it will finally put to rest one of my great dreams - to write a great book that I am proud of.
Move out and get my own place. I am miserable, lack direction and feel as though I have no control over my life. I want my own place where I can have my own things, keep it in the state I want to. I need to make this happen.
By this time next year, I'd like to have had a spring and summer journalism internship and to be at least an assistant news editor, if not the news editor, at my university's student paper. I'd also like to be not in limbo with this guy I'm kind-of-but-not-really dating--I want us to either be boyfriend and girlfriend or just friends.
I'd like to meet a nice man that I can spend the rest of my life with. This is important because I feel like I am missing out on so many of life's adventures that are enjoyed more when you're in love and have a companion who respects you and loves you back. I feel quite lost in life. I would like to have a nice home again, to continue to develop as a human being, to be more productive, etc. Being in a great relationship would help me accomplish so much more than being alone.
Have and internship
be realized
I'd like to stay in the flow of who I am and be working at a job or in a possible career that I feel good waking up to. I'm also excited to be compensated for my talents, skills and abilities that ultimately help others feel good about themselves. I'm excited that by this time next year my girlfriend and I will know where to buy a house for our family.
Consistently have top line revenue about $7K per month. Without much difficulty, even. I want a new set point to decrease the suffering and faulty beliefs that got in somehow.
I'd like to have an approach to my facilitator clinics that I believe is effective. This would encourage facilitators to bring to the clinic their real issues with themselves and their partners. We would work those issues in depth. Facilitators would feel engaged by this approach and be in a learning rather than a performing place.
I want to be living a relaxed and happy, creative life in California with a good friend base and a manageable level of stress. I want to be making major headway on dealing with my mental and physical health and doing the same for Rob.
Graduate from Moore park with an English degree then apply for the MSN program. I will have accomplished one of my goal and will start toward the second.
I would like to have made a tangible, positive difference at least one other person's life. Ideally, I would like to make differences in many people's lives - I want to have a career that helps further these aspirations. But if I do not have my dream job, that is okay. There is plenty of time and room for growth. I hope to have made it through the big transition from college to the rest of my life without regressing to past problematic behaviors.
I would like to have a job. Like, a real adult job. At this time next year, I will have graduated months prior to this. I am hoping to actually be successful with my life, because I know so many people have high expectations for me, and I do not want to let them down.
it'd be nice to find my person. I am grateful for the time I've had to date the past few years - as hard as it's been, and for as many ups and downs as it presents, I've learned so much about myself and what I'm looking for in a future partner and husband. It's also given me a lot of confidence in myself. So yes, I'll continue to embrace the wisdom that comes with the whole roller coaster. It'd just be nice to start a family soon.
By this time next year, I have a professional and personal goal. Professionally, I want to have another certification that can allow me to practice more effectively with certain populations and to get a more sustaining job. Personally, I want to be able to value myself highly enough to remove the habits I do out of self-consciousness and lowered worth.
For this time next year I hope to have a new shoulder. It's important because I'm done with being in so much pain all the time. I also would like to have completed several collages and done some oil pastels. I would also like to have a really great garden in the summer with lettuce tomatoes and yummy cucumbers.
Today was a damn good day: busy at work and 30min overtime (trying to make the monies!), swimWOD and normal WOD, talked to some new people at crossfit today and hopefully keep seeing them so we can eventually be friends (need friends here in Petaluma), and I get to talk to Trisse before I go to sleep! Usually I read her to sleep, but now she gets to tuck me it :) It hit me today, part of a plan, or at least a definite option: Teach For America...2 years of teaching and professional development, big 'ol education award $ at the end of each year, loan forbearance/forgiveness, international exposure. I could make money and at least put off student loans and get some abroad time (Toyota International Teach program or Fulbright). After that, possibly go into the PeaceCorps who will then forgive my loans after 2 years of service. If Trisse and I are still doing this amazing thing, I could try and get myself to a location in the PeaceCorps where Trisse is also planning on doing some med stuff. She's got five years or so to go, my plan goes up to 4, we might be able to figure this out! Like I said, it is one of many options.I'm not trying to force it, just find things that excite me and follow a path of happiness. I've been keeping in mind that things don't happen TO us, they happen FOR us. So let's see! With that all that being said, in one year I would like to be even closer to Trisse and make her even more happy than she already is!...if possible ;) I'd also like to know more about data science and have a plan to work that into my teaching experience if the TFA path is chosen. This is such a damn tricky question because I don't even know what next month holds. And my "plan" so far is very open ended and there are many paths open waiting to be taken. So without thinking about all that jazz, In one year I want to be advanced in Danish and be very comfortable with Shibari knots and have some suspension down.
Lose 20 pounds. Because my weight is uncomfortable physically
It's still the weight. I have lost about 1/3 of the weight that needs to go. I did give in and join slimming world rather than try and mange things by myself. It's been very helpful both in terms of giving me a plan to follow plus the support. I am using the weight as an excuse not to do things, like dating and so I also need to be looking at things such as improving it so that I'm not going to sabotage the weight loss. Overall, I'm looking to improve my physical, sexual and mental health so that I can do the things that I want to do.
A permanent teaching position. It's important to me because I want to pursue my own career and professional development, I want to contribute financially to the family, and I want to be a good role model for my son.
This is what I wrote last year: "I'd like to judge myself in control of my eating and exercise. More into my body. Understanding my body talk instead of ignoring it. I will know when I start saying no to more things. It's important because I want to be in good relationship with myself." It's really exactly where it was last year, in terms of what I'd like to achieve for next year. I've only made the most incremental progress it seems. I do sense a little difference: I understand my body talk little better, I have improve my back and my strength. I am aware of my eating in a new way, I drink less wine, I am the tiniest bit more circumspect. But I wouldn't say I'm in control of my eating and exercise. This is something that I could either do on my own, or have done to me by some medical event in the future. I hope to say I have made significant progress on this a year in the future. Why? Because it is a matter of self care, which I believe in; and a matter of self control, which I know I have. And of course discipline, which I also know I have. I am almost beyond caring about losing weight except for fitting into my clothes. I do worry a lot about my health, which unfortunately is not the same thing as caring. And I'm pretty sure some of the foods I eat cause me to feel systematically less strong than I could. When will the pain point be strong enough to cause change? I really like what I heard Mary Lou Henner say once when she was asked was it hard to be a health nut as she famously is? And she said "being healthy is hard. Being unhealthy is hard. Pick your hard period.
Make more money than I am making now. (I also want to be in the best shape of my life!)
I want to get my book on post surgical pain and the exercise book both out in the world. The first is because the medical community is literally turning out drug dependent people with their prescribing practices. I know a way to impact that and I feel compelled to do so. The second is the exercise program. Our people are dying faster than they should. most people don't exercise as they should I can impact this too. Right now it is about making a difference in people's lives
One thing that I would like to achieve by this time next year is the ability to be less guarded/filled with fear/self-conscious when I am meeting other people. It is not enough to say that I would like to be able to be myself, because as Buddhism explains, there is no "self", there is just the moment. Thus I want to bring all of me to every moment, the good, the bad, the awkward, the uncomfy, the silly, the not super socially acceptable, but overall, just the me that is super real. The me that isn't trying to control what comes out of her mouth or who is constantly analyzing what others think with the goal of adjusting herself accordingly. I need to fully internalize that yes, I can be a bit awkward, but when I try to control how I act, I end up being 1000X more awkward. Just like sports, I need to get in the social flow and be immersed in the moment, without dissecting my every though and action, and instead I need to rely on my frontal lobe's social cues that I have learned over the years and just go with it. I want to just be free to express myself however I happen to manifest in the moment, with no judgement. I want to live in the rapture of non-self and JUST. BE. :)
I'd like to get a patent for ICE911 so they are more likely to get Google X $ to lower Arctic temperatures by 3 degrees. So chip away at saving the planet. And I'd like to help get May&Meadow VC funding so moms can know how much breast milk their child is getting, and how they are doing more generally. And even make some money to buy down my HELOC loan! So 2 things, but all pro bono work.
I want to be debt free except student loans and house and have 4K in a savings account to use as I want. I've worked hard to graduate, now I want to be able to use that education to help people and have a little fun in life.
In an ideal world I will be in a job I like and potentially have a baby on the way. Since being away I have been learning the art of savouring what we have rather than being overly ambitious, I hope I still feel this way but I imagine that will be harder (when not in paradise) I have also been looking further ahead career wise and hope this is something I am still focusing on and feel confident on the steps I am taking. Most of all I hope we're happy.
World peace would be at the top of the's important because I feel like the world may end tomorrow and I am terrified...truly. Our world has gotten so hateful and callous and uncaring...I don't want to live in a world without love like peter and gordon sang in the 60's
To have schedules/routines set up for the care of my house, inside and out, so that I have peace of mind and not the chaos that I feel around it. I currently feel the burden of it falls on my shoulders and it is overwhelming and I am not enjoying it. The two males in the home, one being my husband cares very little or not at all about how it looks or if anything is broke or needs attention. That can be so discouraging.
I have to continue to say deepening my relationships with my immediate family & close friends as well as deepening relationships with friends and more distant family. So many great moments this past year with Karen, Dad, the kids, grandkids and close friends. It would be great to enlarge that circle, and the process of doing so is always most fulfilling, so here's to closer relationships!
I'd like to have signed up to study abroad
I want to be alive. I want to have survived this round and cancer and not be fat from all the medication and treatment. I want to be a cancer survivor who doesn't look like a cancer survivor.
I would like to be closer to having a job in my field. But moreover, I think I would like to learn to be a bit happier in my life, or just do happier or fun things more often. I would like to have people I really care about in my vicinity, but also know that will likely not include any of the people I currently love and thus will require effort to make connections with new people. I would like to be more calm, understanding, and secure. I would like to be closer to a diagnosis.
I need to get my priorities in order. I am supposed to be saving for an expensive cruise, up, since retiring it's hard to save. I barely make enough to cover my expenses with a little spending money. My best friend of 60 years wants to go but I'm going to have to tell her I just can't swing it. She's a millionaire, I'm not. And that's okay but I feel bad. Should I stay or should I go. Lol
I want to reverse my type 2 diabetes. I think the reason is obvious, but I want to be healthy.
I'd like to finally find an organization scheme for my house that I can stick to. I feel like we live in physical chaos and, somehow, the more clean-up help we have the less organized our house is. For months I've been meaning to organize the kids' toys and books but haven't found the time. I hope it's not a whole year before I actually make some progress with this.
i would like to get rid of my day job. i would like to just be a musician and not have to split my awareness between a day job and my real passion. i'd like to be able to wake up when I want to, work out when i want to, be free!!! I want to create my own structure and flow outside the comfort and the safety net of the day job income. it's a really important step in my development as a musician and a human to really take the leap and i've come so far in making it a financially possible thing, i have to get there!!!
To be HAPPILY married to and serving God with Rodney on the outside. To have my son safe and happy at home, wherever home is for him, and be able to see him often and see him and his whole family serving God. To see my grandson, Kevin, healed, and serving God. To see my daughter-in-law delivered from drugs and serving God. To see my grandson, Cody, happy and serving God. To lose down to my goal weight. All these things are important to me because Jesus is returning soon and I want my family and I to be happily serving him and in a happy place in our lives.
Two things: 1) develop more patience with my Bonus Daughter and be less grumpy when I come home. 2) get out of my professional rut. ad 1) It matters because my expectations of family life may not be realistic and may not be shared by my two favourite roomies. Me being grumpy or annoyed ruins the mood more than the kitchen being messy or the rabbits running out of water. ad 2) I want to feel useful again, and take pride in what I do. Or at least more proud and useful than I feel now. Am working on that though, it will, nay: shall work out.
Be fit enough for a bike ride through Israel in the fall of 2018 (Honeymoon?). I want to return to the healthy life style that allowed me to put forth my greatest efforts during the five years of working out.
Higher pay. More research work in the lab. Better at coding and German. I hope not to stagnate after finishing school.
I would like to publish something (anything) by this time next year. I also want to reclaim my health and fitness and FINALLY be able to achieve my fitness goals. I know I'm on my own this time, but that's ok. In the end, everything comes down to willpower. I also want to remain independent and not rely on anyone else for survival.
Two Words Financial Ease, breaking away from the NYT at least one day a week. Having the monthly spreadsheet easier to balance.
I'd like to stop feeling responsible for all of my kids. Every single day I think about the issues they cause me to deal with. Having six makes it fairly overwhelming. I have a gradn total of 150 years of collective experience parenting. And I am done. I have next ot nothing to give. And yet.. Emotional manupulation from my oldets daughter. Lack of initiaive from my oldest son (who is happy working part-time, minimum wage and living in my basement) Continuous issues from the state and federal government about my son who has autism Another son who will have to move into a place of his own after my father-in-law can no longer support him A daughter who still lives at home and just broke up with her fiancee A son who works two minimum wage part time jobs and lives with his girlfriend and a few other roommates and seems to be headed for poverty level living Also, my father-in-law is dying, and my parents are facilng serious health issues. I feel like I am the only person dealing with all of this and I am overwhelmed. I dream about stressful situations every night.
I'm doing some research on a possible short story. I've made some notes, but it's a historical fiction topic. I need to do some interviews if possible and some local research. I'm looking forward to it. It's important to me, because people need to know about this. Women had many innovative ideas and processes back in the 1930's and 40's. Men weren't around during World War II and they had to take over many jobs and chores that they weren't used to doing. Along with that, women created some wonderful ways to look in on each other. Make sure others with no access to current news and events were supplied with that information. Can't wait to get started on this!
I would like to get the house resided with stucco. I realize that is not a goal for my personal self, but it really needs it and it's something we've wanted to do for years. We were going to do it this year, but it's tough to get contractors to take our money when they've already got so much work. The stucco is important to me because having a thing that needs to be done that isn't getting done weighs on me and does not help with my anxiety.
Declutter the house and update documents. This will give us a firm foundation to make long term future decisions with a firm understanding of our assets and without extraneous "stuff"
I'd like to grow my decorating business into something more viable and maybe cut back on teaching a little. I'd also like to spend less time on social media and more time journaling, reading, knitting etc. I'd like to get more involved in the Jewish community this year..perhaps through the Federation or National Council of Jewish Women. I'd like to continue my yoga education, perhaps through extended teacher training or workshops. Most importantly, is to continue finding ways to stay a little outside my comfort zone and keep active both mentally and physically.
Getting my financial literacy program into Loma. I want to have an impact in my local community.
Is it ambitious to answer this by saying I want to figure my life out? I mean, I know it won't be possible to have it ALL figured out, but I think it's reasonable to expect that I'll have a few more answers and feel less...stuck. I feel like I've been spending a lot of time in limbo and it's getting exhausting to go through these motions without knowing my destination and goals. I think it would be great to take a least one big step towards the future (and ideally, feel good about it). It can be figuring out school programs. Or moving out of my parents house. Or getting a job that feels fulfilling. ANYTHING. I just want to feel like I'm making progress towards the rest of my life and right now feels really constricting and uncertain.
I am writing a books of stories about the family, just little fun things and I want to have it done by Xmas - and then if I have time I want to scan family pics and all of this can go on USB key so everyone in family has it and they can add to it and pass it on
My relationship with my daughter. Because I love her.
Recently, I just completed my professional goals for the next year and I was tempted to list some of them here. Yet, that wasn't the first thing that popped into my mind. That first thing was "make progress on my debt reduction and savings plan". This likely reflects pressure points that come with being in your early 40s. The individuals I am teaching who are in their teens and 20s - they aren't worried about debt reduction and retirement (they should, I wish I had). This point may also be tied to my income level. Therefore, I think I may need to make a change soon about my job - especially if I see no growth opportunity.
The most important thing that I hope to achieve is complete trust in the Divine order of things. I know this in my head but feeling it in my heart doesn't always come as quickly as I would like. I tend to doubt myself in decisions that I know are spirit-led or I feel like there is more that I need to be doing, rather than just trusting the flow. By accomplishing complete trust, I know that life will unfold rapidly and with ease.
I would like to move out of my parents house and live on my own. This is important to me because it is a big step and it is important to me to build my life as an adult on my own. I would also like to start doing therapy again as I gave it up for a while to adjust to my new job.
By this time next year, I would like to have my mum become closer with her sister, my aunt. They have never really had a strong relationship but I am so close with my cousins and it would help improve our relationship as a family if they worked together and became closer, like I strive to be with my entire family.
Progress in reconciliation to things I cannot change. I cannot change the tenor of these times. I cannot change my daughter's struggle with mental illness. I cannot turn the clock back on aging. I can make a difference in the three feet around me. I can keep working to find the precious line between supporting and enabling my daughter. I can "follow my nose" to whatever interests me at any given time, give myself permission to retreat into that Hindu forest of reflection. Why is it important? Because this is about my life, the time I have left and choices I must make to live it as richly as I can.
I'd like to be more in-charge of my schedule. Either by managing the projects I take on or by managing how I do projects, there's no reason to allow the schedule to dominate how I spend my life. I want more free time and less stress.
By this time next year, I'd like to have paid off at least half of my credit card debt. It's followed me around for far too long and seems to only increase with time. I'd like to save enough to just pay it all off in one lump sum, but it's more likely that I'll be able to pay about half of it. Financial freedom is something that has always been so far out of reach that I haven't really even attempted to have it. But I'm stable enough now in my career that it's worth sacrificing for.
I'd welcome the chance to put a ring on it. First I have to get a good paying full time job. Stabalize myself there. Then I would want to lock down the relationship between Debbie and I for LIFE.
I'd like to be a parent by this time next year. It's something I've given a lot of thought and prayer too and it would be really meaningful to me.
I'd like a Resonance win. Anything will do. Something on top of my belief to give me confidence and momentum. It's important because I think it can change the world for the better.
This question is so hard for me. I find it difficult to name one concrete thing, as opposed to aspirations. I hope by next year that my partner and I will have found a way to blend our lives and families and move in together. There are a lot of moving parts, things that need to happen, but I think we can achieve those things together.
I want to improve the condition of my body to continue to do the things I want to do. Things keep breaking down, and I need to overcome them. I have to find more things to keep myself busy ,so I won't get bored . I'm good now, but you have to keep going.
Be better at my Spanish, doing more writing. And closer friendships
Learning to appreciate emotional difficulties. Sometimes it is not easy to handle emotional ups and downs.
I would like to memorize a piece by Bach. I want to continue to learn more music, to grow in my skills, and to become a better musician.
Stable and generous income, likely from my very meaningful work
I would like to see my fairy tale up on its feet as a real work in progress, existing outside my own head, off the paper and on a stage in some form.
The one thing I would like to achieve is to know my life's purpose. It is important to me because I am tired of spinning my wheels in places where I don't belong. I intend to be where I fit in and feel useful.
I want to be down 50 lbs and have a higher paying job.
I will be able to hit my daily marks of self-care: taking a shower, brushing my teeth and hair, eating a healthy meal, and wearing clean clothes. I will be able to move through the PTSD dread and self-degradation challenge, to see it it as vestigial brain glitches now to be able to rise up and honor my divine self. To be able to achieve this will bring my soul peace and allow me to offer my gifts as a mensch.
I'm not sure! I don't have any specific things I can think of at the moment. Well, I would like to achieve more rest :) But honestly, I think moving towards greater balance (my constant aspiration) is central for this year.
This is still the hardest question. I need to be more intentional in my efforts to be independent. Especially, since, as now both of my parents are 80. (I have Cerebral Palsy).
I would like to be OK. Just to be OK. That doesn't sound like much of an aspiration, but I know I have a mountain to climb between now and then. I feel like I'll be a different person by this time next year. Who will I be reading this? I can't imagine. I don't want to imagine. But I hope she is OK, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure she's OK. That's my commitment. That's my task. I want to be OK. I can be OK.
By this time next year I would like to continue my streak of A grades in my courses and be getting ready for the last semester at ASU. I would like to have completed an internship and hopefully will have a more clear idea of what jobs to apply for. So many times I have dropped out of school or quit on my self because I have been afraid of success. I want to work hard to accept it.
By this time next year I'd like to have found a way to be exercising with some regularity. This is important to me because it is a goal that is realistic and within my grasp and not based on self-loathing. I feel better when I exercise. I've done it before. I need to get back to it, and I know there is a way, and I will be healthier and happier if I do it.
Service. For the last three years I've said I wanted to be pregnant by this time next year. It's still true, but I must accept the fact that wanting it is not making it happen. Every other goal I've typed into the Day 6 answer box since 2011 has been met. This goal isn't working. So. Last year, after 10Q ended, I decided I wanted to get more involved with activism and social justice. And I started to, and then the election happened and I got a new job and everything blew up. It's time to take up that task again and make it my goal for the next year. I want to be heavily involved in service of some kind. Environmental work, social issues: I'm going to find an organization and become a valued member, and if I can't find an organization I like, I'll start one.
Able to handle stress better. My stress levels are eating me alive.
I want to be in better shape -- mentally and physically. This is important because I turn 40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (gasp)
My daughter at least contributing to her support. I worry so much about how she will survive this world if we run out of money... and I worry about running out of money.
By this time next year I would like to help my fiancee develop a list of 2-4 schools that she really wants to attend and then help her with applications. This is the next big step for us. Her acceptance into a school will likely be the driver for our next move. Then her completion of school will be the driver of a more significant move. While I realize life will always be full of 1 more thing, this one feels pretty pivotal to our goals and desires.
I'd like to have an established working budget. I've never had one or maintained one and I really need to. I want to be more fiscally responsible.
Same as last year, I would like to diversify my voice-over income/clients, branching out to do more work other than audiobook narration. This would help me move forward with making VO a full-time career and leaving my current position.
I hope to have a new job. Since being demoted, it has been a misery coming to work every day. Because we are so reliant on my health insurance I can't just walk away, as badly as I would like to. I hope by this time next year, I am happy in a new job and things are a little brighter for my husband and I.
I really need to become one. This is beyond just taking care of my body, I need to connect to it. I think this is important because until I develop a relationship with my body, I will never be able to have a close relationship with anyone else. Abuse sucks.
I would like to move to a new city and establish myself there as I make sure that mom will be okay here and I will be able to give the equivalent of the help I do now. So it requires a better income and a lot of courage.
By next year I want to have continued figuring out my future! This includes getting my independent concentration approved, having an internship with an organization doing the kind of work I think I want to do (environmental nonprofit work and/or governmental innovation work), continuing to talk to mentors/advisors/people who know more than me and learn from them, and continuing to carefully and thoughtfully evaluate the kind of life I want to lead and how to accomplish that. This sounds like multiple things, but to me they all feel like subsets of the one thing (getting closer to figuring out my future) that I want to achieve by this time next year.
i would like to achieve participation in The Relationship with paul that allows each of us to be fully and simply ourselves, with lots of joy and love
I'd like to be more content with my life as it is. I'm frequently searching for ways to improve it.
Passion for working out and doing everything I can to be my healthiest self. I want to be in the healthiest state possible because I know how that will influence so many areas of my life AND it will give me more opportunities for a longer, active life.
I want to have a kidney transplant by this time next year. I want to be out of recovery and on to a better, healthier life. I want to figure out where I'm going next: back to school, further training in my current career, or a different job altogether. I want to find the next leadership opportunity in my Jewish community. Wexner is finished, and my time on the board of trustees is almost over. What's next?
I'd like to be established in some way as a money-earner, again, in at least one and possibly more than one right livelihood situation, and to continue those appropriate and lucrative activities for several more years after that.
I would like to find a new job where I am happy. I wasn't made to take abuse.
GET ACCEPTED INTO MED SCHOOL :D I think we all know how important it is to me at this point.
By this time next year(this feels scary), i'd like to have funding for Give an F and Taco 'bout it Tuesday. I'd like to have a successful digital series and a small product line. I'd also like to have attended 2 festivals/events with GAF and have booked at least one speaking gig.
i would like to have a comfortable and sustainable living without living hand-to-mouth
I want to be in law school a year from now! I pray that I am not crazy to have only given myself three months to study for the LSAT and then immediately need to start working on applications. I hope I can get into a good school or else I will need to put my plans on hold for another year, but I really hope and believe that I can get into a good school that is worth my money and will challenge me.
Lose weight- really - again. I 'm conflicted as I don't feel good about how I look or how my clothes fit but evidently not enough to commit to doing the things I know I should to get in better shape. I need to focus on this this year.
Ok. One more time with feeling. I'd like to have a first draft of a completed book. It is important to me because 1) I know I have things of value to say that will be of benefit to others 2) When I get it written and can shop it around and share it, I know that step will leave me well placed to get a job in the field of mindfulness/kindness education which in turn will a) be of great benefit to teachers and students and families b) improve my job options so I can move home to help out my family, who truly need me c) fulfill me professionally in entirely new ways. It feels like my dharma and it feels time to walk within it fully. Ya es hora.
It's a tie between accepting my body as it is, and having some sort of job where I bring in some money to our household. The first is important because I can be mean to myself when I judge myself for being overweight. The latter is because I want to contribute to our household and would like to earn some money on my own. Also, I can only deal with so much unstructured time.
By this time next year, I would like to be settled in at an organization that I can see myself actually staying with for 2+ years. Job stability is hard to come by when the roles you're in don't fulfill you. I want to be in a job that is fulfilling/meaningful, financially stable, and challenging/a growing experience as well as fun and interesting.
I want to have submitted at least three pieces. They don't have to get published; they don't even have to get particularly nice rejections. Honestly, I don't even have to have verdicts on them at all, since some journals take six months to work through their submissions. But I want to put myself out there, and I want to have something of myself to put out there. This year has been so dry for writing - constant geopolitical anxiety will do that to you, I guess. But next year I will do the things I love, because they do matter.
I almost feel like I've given up on setting goals. I'm tired, I feel like I have very little control over where my life is leading me and anything I write down will just either make me laugh or cry when I read it next year. I guess my ultimate goal continues to be to build a life worth living and to continue to only stay in work/relationships/etc, in which I am valued and appreciated for what I bring to the table.
I hope I've found myself a home. Or rather that I've build one. That I'm on some path. That I've improved my writing and my German. That I still have my community and my chosen family. That I have my friends and my art and my city. I'm sure I'll have all that but I hope it feels more real in one year's time. More like home. More like mine and not like something I borrowed from some perfect universe version of me.
Get ahold of my debt! Either I move, change my shopping habits drastically, win the lottery and/or all of the above - I have got to get ahold of my debt.
To make aliyah and also to start my life in Israel, despite still an unknown, enigmatic and hard country, is the place that I consider as my home, since the first time I landed there I felt that is the right place where I belong to and where I have everything I want and need, perhaps I won’t have the same comfort that I have in my current country but is a sacrifice that I’m willing to make.
Finish at least a semester of school. I’m going back to college for the first time in 7 years and I finally know what I want to do with my life so actually working towards that is so important to me.
I would like to achieve professional confidence. I'm normally happy to help out as part of a team but time and time again I have found that my ideas, enthusiasm and work ethic are taken for granted. I wan to have the confidence to go with my gut and not be afraid to highlight when I've gone above and beyond to help the business.
I'd like to have worked on a full, feature-length documentary. I'd like to be on my way to being financially independent from parents. And I'd like to be in SOME kind of romantic relationship!
By this time next year I hope I am more comfortable finding balance in my life. Between work and play, self care and caring for the needs of others, perfectionism and recognizing and honoring my accomplishments, etc. This is so important, because I believe my happiness and inner peace are directly connected with how effectively I am achieving balance in the different areas of my life.
I would like to be less angry. It's important to me because I've realized that holding onto anger is unhealthy and is holding me back from moving forward.
I'd like to have done a lot in Zions baby book and also for Lyon. I'm not particularly sentimental but I feel like Zion might appreciate the memories and things I write since our world is becoming incredibly more digital and since we are much older these memories can continue after our death.
More meditation. Working up to 30 minutes a day. Continue to explore the local community (LARP/WLW socials/Buddhist and other classes). Volunteer. Give back. Life's too short to always be active and at home forever.
I would like to Kon-Mari all of my possessions (the ones that belong solely to me) and maybe tackle some of the family possessions. I feel we just have waaaay to much--I'm surrounded by things and drowning in them. They need to get organized and put away, of course, but I really want to start by paring down. I have dreams of offloading whole boxes and truckloads and bags of crap out of my house to others (if they're still good) or to the recycling or garbage (as appropriate). I feel calmer and saner and more in control when surfaces and rooms are cleaner and tamed.
I would like to be at my goal weight. I've lost 12 lbs in the last 8 weeks and would like to lose another 15 or so more. It's important to me because it's the weight I was before my stressful job and divorce. It's the weight I felt most comfortable at without being a gym rat everyday. It's a weight that will keep me living a long, happy life.
One thing is hard! I'd like some financial things to be under control: Maybe $5k more in savings, maybe we've found a way to cut down our grocery budget, maybe we've started meaningfully saving for a house/baby/travel. Our credit card debt should definitely be paid down by then! This is important to me because I feel like it will be a three-year reset after marriage. I had a good handle on my personal finances, but managing finances as a couple is much more challenging. The first three years swung to his side of things, and it's time (we're old enough, careers are more stable, we're looking to start a family) to swing to my style.
By this time next year I would like to have a more secure position in my career. I got involved with quite a few projects and participated in a few different meetings and workshops that would all benefit my career. I am a contractor, so even though I am paid quite well, I have to renew a contract every year. I am feeling the effects now, in the sense that I am nearly exhausted. It would be nice if all my hard work this year pays off. This is important to me, because I want to be more of an anchor for my wife. She makes more than me, but she hates her job. She wishes she could retire, but if she does, we would have to drastically alter our lifestyle. This would be hard on both of us, but more of a blow to her ego. I think if she felt we were more secure on my end, it wouldn't be so bad if in fact that day comes. It would also of course be nice to be more recognized for my own work by my peers. I have a good degree of recognition now, but there is always room to grow and gain more respect.
I'm hoping that I have a achieved two things by this time next year. 1. Found an AA group that is my new "hone". 2. Found a volunteer gig that I'm working at at least once a week. These two things are important to me because I feel like I have been drifting in my recovery since I retired. I need to have a solid home group where I am comfortable and making connections with other women in recovery. I also need to have a "purpose" other than just self indulgence. There are volunteer opportunities with Network of Community Ministries and that may be where I land.
I'd like to have finished the Old Testament and be in the new. Not just reading it either but reinforcing it and listening to the historical account of Josephus alongside it. This is important to me because well first I feel like Josephus is probably the closest to the oral Law I'm going to get...not that he says the Law (he's a historian) but like when Pharisees and teachers of the Law imparted biblical teaching they knew surrounding circumstances to the biblical history even some things that perhaps were not written down. I want to understand the spirit of the Law, what was God really pleased with, what made Him upset, why did He do what He did (not that His ways are able to be found out but sometimes He reveals things in scripture), I want to know more about Whom I serve. I know Him but I want to really know Him - as I said before like it's my job because I put my all into my work, details, and I'm thorough...I would love to put all of my effort into this. This is important to me because Jesus is my Heaven. What I want when I go Home is to be with Him all the time, I want to be with Him and my brethren who desire the same thing. I'm grateful for Heaven but my Paradise is in His constant presence and I want to hear Him, listen to Him and of course ask questions because I want to learn although I wonder (and I probably sound like a complete and utter fool) but I do wonder if when we do go Home if we will just know stuff and not have the need to ask questions. But then again, Paul says about the angels that even they long to look into certain things. The 2nd thing is I want the children in Sunday School to have a reverence for God's Word. I know they are just kids but it is hard for me to see them sit on their bibles, put them on the floor, play with them, or be lackadaisical. I know they are kids, but I would love to share the difference between the Holy and the common. The Bible isn't just any book, it's His hope is in His Word, specifically for this that if I "teach a child the way they should go, when they are old they will not depart from it."
Pay back my old roommate. That way she can be rid of me... she's a great person and helped me out when I had money problems with rent... but I'm not someone she feels comfortable being friends with.
I'm going to say two things. One thing is to start an Etsy account with my sister where we sell hand embossed personalized stationery and gifts (notebooks, mugs, phone cases, etc.) This is important to me because I want to try my hand at selling on Etsy and see if people will actually buy my items. The second thing is to start a small vegetable and herb garden on my balcony and to grow a climbing plant on the walls of my bedroom. This is important to me because I feel that it will put me in a better mood because I love plants. I want to be surrounded by them. Achieving both of these goals will give me a great sense of personal achievement and will make me proud of myself.
Self-confidence. To stand up for myself, to follow my instinct, to trust/love again, to know I’m doing the best I can, to take care of myself. This is important to me because my needs and wants matter too!
Return to a meditation practice. I handle life better when I meditate regularly.
Regular climbing ability; there are many mountains in my upcoming travels. After years of poor health and dancing with death, there's nothing more life-affirming than climbing to the top of a mountain.
Balance. Because it allows me to pay attention to both the earthly and heavenly at once.
I would like to be employed at a organization that I love! I really want to feel a sense of pride in my work. I really want to model a strong working woman for my two sons.
I always seem to pep talk myself in this answer because I'm afraid of letting myself down. But this time I can say I accomplished what I had set out to do this time last year and I am proud of that. I made one solid friend who is not my roommate. By this time next year, I'd like to aim for one more. By solid friend I mean my kind of person and someone who I feel like I can text or call up out of the blue. Someone I don't have to explain myself to. It's a work in progress.
Another 5K Keep up the exercise
I would like to achieve the ability to balance my life so that I have more free time . I want to not feel guilty that I'm not working or feel that I am obligated to work much of the day in order to feel accomplished.
I feel like I should be saying that I will lose 20 pounds. I do need to lose 20 pounds, but that really seems like a trite goal to me. I would like to achieve the goal of being an authentic person in all, or at least in most, of my dealings. I will be a grandmother, and I hope that I can be graceful with my daughters mother-in-law and not feel or act more entitled or superior in anyway. Sometimes it is hard for me to stay grounded. That is what I hope to achieve.
I would like to fully convert to Buddhism. I believe this is the answer for me, but I don't know that I can do it. Thinking of setting up a meeting with our abbot to try to figure out how to better commit to something I really believe in and get past the roadblocks I've placed in my path.
Two things, to have finally reached my goal weight, I'm very close. Secondly is to find some peace in my romantic relationship, I need to feel we are finally moving forward or it is time to move on.
I would like to be at peace in the workplace. I am pretty sure that will be my process because the characters otherwise are not prone to change. I really hope that I find a way to just let the crap that others do not bother me so much.
I hope to be a consistently healthy eater - that's important to maintaining good health. I also hope to deal with the Vertigo I have more completely and get rid of it. Finally, I hope to help the ECLC at Adath Israel, which is my primary responsibility as Vice President, prosper and be a good school for students, teachers, administration and families.
A clean, organized, smoothly functioning house. This is important because my messy house causes stress for me and my family, costs us money and time, and reduces our quality of life.
I would like to be a person who follows through more often. That seems to be a stand with integrity. Towards that end I am starting a practice of finishing up one incomplete/day. Let's see how long I can make the run last. Today is day two ;-)
I'd like to feel more comfortable with myself. I matter. I'd like to learn how to blow thru my fears. To face them at every turn because most of the time they r not real. Usually a different world arises when I go thru fear A more wonderful magical thing happens. I see higher more brighter colours too.
Occasionally be bored. This is a sign that life is under control. It'll also allow creativity to run free. New activities to be tried. New willingness to find exciting places to explore with the kids.
If I did really deep I would have to say I would love to achieve not being a procrastinator. It's become far to easy for me to sit back and think things through and never really act on it. There's the excuse stage. The lack of energy stage. The need to know the outcome first stage. I would love to abandon all that BS and just do it.
I would like to achieve the ability to conquer the clutter in the common spaces in our house. Paper clutter, stuff we bring home. no place for it to go, but "can't get rid of it" only to throw it away a month later. I want to obtain cleared of surfaces, counters, dressers, etc. I believe the reduction of clutter will create and exponential amount of happiness and restfulness in our house and we need that!
Cleanliness: A clean kitchen with empty sink; a clean bedroom; a clean studiolo; a clean bathroom; a well-maintained and thriving garden. Welcoming places to prepare food and eat; to rest sweetly; to read and reflect; to care for body and soul. Because tidy, uncluttered, clean surroundings are less distracting and more restful as well as energizing; and because caring for my dwelling place expresses thankfulness and honors the Earth and the people from which the materials, the ingenious modern and ancient technologies, and the beauty come from. And because I want a base from which, and in which, I can reach out toward the whole world, seeking the transformation of the world soul, in small ways or in large.
I want to buy a house. It's important because I want to be putting my money somewhere. Because I want to really have my own place. That I can do whatever I want to with. So that I have more room and don't resent when people visit again.
I would like to be on the way to a new job. I am burn out in the existing one and need to change the way I live my life.
I want to be under 200 pounds because it will be healthier. I want to live as long as I can.
By this time next year, I want to have quit my job at Honeywell. It's a bit discouraging seeing this same goal in my 2014 and 2016 10Qs, but now that I feel so settled and content in almost all other areas of my life, I think I can finally take the plunge. Right now, I'm starting to figure out what it is I want to do with the assistance of a career counselor, and hopefully by the end of these sessions I can take the steps I need to have a fulfilling career. I can't keep half-assing this aspect of myself, being embarrassed to tell people what I do and barely scraping by because I hate the work. This is the main aspect of my life that is holding me back, and I will change it.
I would like to go back to a place at work where I am growing technically. I am exploring new ideas that I am excited by them
Whoa, this is a big one and I have so many things on my list to prepare for retirement: * Give stuff away to Nat & Andrew (and Will) * Sell stuff from shop and home. * Finish organizing my LEGO (I started a year ago.) * Sell Business or move the business. * Have a traveling arrangement with Nancy that works. * House ready to sell (Front yard, ceiling, A/C?) * Have 2 or 3 garage sales. (Closing Business sale?) * By next year, I want to own and use what I have, not be owned by what I possess.
Total sobriety, for obvious reasons.
I need to find a hobby or a side business. I have spend over 90,000 hours in the restaurants over the last 23 years. I realize I am not needed in the restaurants all the time. But what do I do? I can’t sit at home and watch the news all day.
A promotion and/or raise of some sort - professional recognition. A great capstone project I can point to. Months of sustained yoga and visits with my best friends. Electing better people to office.
Well...I think I want to continue writing whether it be poetry prose, or the family stories I have begun. I think I would like to submit a poem or two for publication, and that would feel like a personal achievement. It becomes important because it would mark a completion of sorts--of something that I have spoken about for some time. I would also say completing the family stories, but that is something I included in last year's goals and as I did not complete that, I am reluctant to list it again. But, completing it would bring me great satisfaction and a sense of closure, allowing me to move on to other kinds of writing.
I'd like to have at least 2 chem units fleshed out for AST and NGSS, as well as one of the units based on ceramics and glaze science. I would also like to be in progress in starting to make an AP chem curriculum. These goals are important to me because they are the growth of my practice as a teacher, and will help my students succeed on the new NGSS test, as well as having tight, engaging curriculum when all students are required to take chem.
By next year I want to have me credit well on the way to being cleaned up. This is important because I want to be able to buy a house and start putting down roots. I am now living in an agricultural area and I just left a 5 year situation of being abused by my mother, so Michah 4:4 speaks to me: but they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid, for the mouth of the LORD of hosts has spoken.
Quit smoking. For all the obvious reasons.
By this time next year, I should be within eye-sight of paying off my student loans!!! This means I should start looking at Masters Programs... I'd also like to be financially in a place where I could maybe possibly buy a condo/house.
I'd like to be BACK in shape next year. Injuries, travel, and eventual apathy (self-pity, self-loathing, "oh now it's hard, I suck) took over and now I'm just getting back into it. It's hard. It's painful. It fills me with doubt and sadness. But it has to be done.
I would like to be enrolled and participating in a graduate program. I knew I wanted to go back to school to be a social work and have known it meant undergraduate and graduate degrees. I've struggled to stay focused or do what I need to do in the past two years. Losing Dad really undercut my initial drive. I want that degree. My dad never knew I was in school - I want to graduate and succeed for him, since he will never know or see me doing it. I'm the only kid to graduate college in our house. The only one besides him who will have a degree. I want that for myself. For my mind that deserves to be pushed. I want to know that I am interacting in the world in a positive way - that's why I want to shape my own course in this and pursue all avenues of childhood resiliency.
Only one thing. Based on where I am right now, there are a few goals I'd like to achieve by this time next year. Prioritize. Okay. I choose: Decisiveness in my education. I'd like to be settled between criminal justice at HLG and social work at UMSL. I'm so torn right now. I'm weighing at-home time commitment, in class time commitment, job compatibility, location, format, and cost as well. Beyond that, I'm also trying to figure out what gives me the best local options and how far I'm willing to travel for a job in whichever field I finally choose. It's important to me because I want to choose a field that I will enjoy, not only studying but also practicing, and that I can work close to home. I also don't want something that will completely wreck my home priorities, such as cleaning and cooking dinner. This will likely be something hard to accomplish, especially in such a rural area.
I want to be out of the dead-end hustle jobs I've been doing to support myself for the past couple of years. It's exhausting to continue to do work that I don't love and that doesn't make the world a better place. In addition, being able to transition to where I want to be will mean that I have done a better job of mastering my inner quest to be a better person, one who stands up to fear and goes forward with her dreams. It will signify that I'm tired of playing small and that I'm ready to allow myself to be visible.
I would like to know how to do laundry. It is an important skill, and probably not such a difficult one, and the fact that I still don't know how to do that (at my age - mid 20s) is not in my favor.
I would like to work towards a sense of self-confidence in the work that I do that does not depend on the affirmation of others, especially supervisors.
Ok, forreal this time, 40 by 40 - I want to lose 40 lbs by 40. I can do it. I just need to commit to cardio. I've got the food 80% there, just need to commit to the last 20%. The Whole30s have been helpful, but it's time to redefine my relationship to food, and worth-it calories and working out. I'm excited about, it's not something I have to do or someone told me to do. I want to do this FOR MYSELF. I want to be stronger and fitter and, yes, thinner! And I know I can do it. And I'm going to do it. And 40 is a reasonable, sustainable, realistic 1-year goal. I got this!
It was so brilliant to see this question from last year as I wrote my dissertation and found a job. Next year I want to still be in my job and to be teaching adults Jewish Studies as well. I still want to be learning and writing regularly about things I find interesting. I want to exercise more and read more. I want to be more in touch with my friends in London and around the world. I want to speak to my parents regularly on the phone. I want to hike more.
Create a family book of annual traditions and update it every week. I want our lives to be about more than just surviving and recovering from the stress of the workweek...but I'm not really sure what our lives ARE about beyond that. I mean I do, but sometimes I forget. So I'd like to create a weekly ritual of setting an intention for our family for the week and reminding myself what's important.
I would really like to be close to being debt free. Except for my bond... I should be almost debt free. Car will be finished in November. Can I do it.. Can I stay on the road.... Would really shift my life (& my head).. if I could do it. So it'll be interesting to see just how close I am when I receive these back next year.
In the coming year, sooner if possible, I would like to feel a true sense of "home" in the shul we are sharing space with. We are moving (some say too fast) towards a merger and feelings I've tamped down for the sake of long time congregants have fast made themselves known. This shul is not in my hometown so I feel disconnected. I still feel like a guest. No Plan B has been planned for. I would like to gain true clarity about continuing or finalizing feelings that maybe my "mission" is over and it's time to find a different community. It is important to me because several times I thought I wanted/needed to leave, but leaving community, even if it's not exactly how you'd like it, is not always the solution. However, if these feelings have surfaced more than once, maybe that needs to be listened to. So, true clarity is what I'd like to achieve.
I would love to be in a place next year where I am debt free. It will take a lot of work and dedication--but I have a strong desire to start new habits and find new rewards in being conservative. I know I can do this if I focus on what these habits will bring me--the chance to find and buy a dream home!
I would like to move forward with exhibiting my art, locating venues and achieving sales. This has importance now as I am working in association with two other artists and have become the 'de-facto' team leader. Both of these men will benefit from learning that their creative efforts have real value. Both, in some ways, have been hurt by life and doubt their validity.
Two first author papers. Because I need to bring my good ideas into completion and into the world.
Better stress Mangment which would improve my entire life!
Rainbow started in Orange County . It is important to me because I am seeing (With the lack of it) the importance of helping children have a good emotional foundation, it helps them for the rest of their lives.
Oh wow. I don't know. I think most importantly will be to get my debt more under control. I think when I get my yearly bonus come February, that will definitely help. I still have outstanding medical debt, regular old fashioned student loans, and then of course your ever-present credit card debt that I am working on. But I think I can get a lot of that handled over the next year. I would also like to apply for the master's program in I/O Psychology at UNCC, but I haven't decided to really do that yet.
I would love to stick with the gym and being active and still try to watch what I eat, so that I am smaller and where I want to be with my body. Also, I would love to have my own place so that I can experience that and be on my own. These are 2 important things I have been wanting for awhile now. I have been overweight for most of my life and I just want to be happier and like how I look. It's important for me to have my own place so I can continue to grow as a person and have my own personal experiences.
Declutter, declutter, declutter my condo!!! I feel like I can't progress to enjoying my retirement life with that hanging over my head.
I want to find a job! I've been unemployed for a couple of months now and it's so demoralizing. While we are currently comfortable, I need the income and ability to support my family going forward.
I would like to be closer to my old self again, and engaging in more relationships with people.
I'd like to be in a new job or a new role. I want to put my nose to the grindstone and jumpstart my life. I want to feel sure about the work that I am doing and the contributions I am making.
Finding a way to be happier with where I am in life. It feels like no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I can't find contentment. It's so stressful. I'd also like to have camped more than twice in our new camper.
I want to lose 15-20 lbs. I really really do. I don't know how I could want something so much and yet sabotage my chances at every turn so easily. Maybe this will be the year. Last year I wanted my course materials to much more solidified and needing less revision each semester, and I am very close to that now.
I would like to achieve a direction for my next few years after this upcoming year. I am uncertain where to go with my life next - to have a child, to purchase more property, to travel more, to change jobs, or what. I would like to have a better idea this time next year what it is exactly that I want to do. I feel so uncertain now, so I hope that I am build some more certainty and plans in my life soon.
I want to be able to fully read Hebrew. I can follow along in Shul but it's hard for me to actually read it along with everyone. I'm also looking forward to being through one year of college. I've wasted too much time and I'd like to move forward.
Get rid of clutter. Clean up my house. I should be planning my trip to France this time next year. It's important to me because it's always been something I've wanted to do. I hope to go for three months. It might be a first trip to plan the three month trip. We'll see!
Ugh, every time I answer this question - I fall short of the mark. It's a hard one to suss out. Although to my "credit," I will say that I did achieve the debt ratio and weight loss thing way early this year. By May I was doing really well. Then I had a setback with both...oh well. Haha! This tells me how fleeting extrinsic achievements are. So maybe this year; I will go for something intrinsic. I want to be meditating on a daily basis for at least 15 minutes each day by this time next year. There, I did it! Picked one, simple thing that will benefit me mostly on an internal level. :)
I would like to have a full-time job, preferably tenure-track, at this point next year! I'm on the brink of applying to two, with one in my back pocket. I'd see it as a major failure if none of them turn into full employment.
What I said last year still rings true: I want to find satisfaction in my work life. Whether it is with another job or within my current organization. I am not looking to be passionate, just satisfied It is really about financial security - how can I survive, thrive the years I still need to work until I retire...tick tock
To know what I really want and put all my energy for that. I've been leading my life aimlessly, always going with the flow. There are just certain events that I look forward to and other parts of my life is boring and mundane.
I'll write it down - I need to lose the weight. I feel miserable. I have no energy. My mental clarity is not what it was or needs to be. And it consumes so much of my thinking that it affects every other aspect of my life. I mean, I delayed renewing my driver's license because I was too fat to go take a picture! And now I accidentally waited too long and it's expired! So I *have* to go and I'm still just as fat. This is dumb. If I really believe that being thinner/more fit would open more doors for me career-wise and personally, then I need to believe it enough to do something about it. I need to fix it so I can focus on more important things.
I'd like to be abroad at this point next year (I realize that isn't an accomplishment). I feel like it will define me really being comfortable on my own and in new settings. It will allow me to have diversity in my life and to explore the world more. I'm not sure what that will mean for so many things in my life but I think it will be a worthwhile time.
pregnancy - g-d willing. we want to bring a baby into this world.
I want to have solidified a book deal for the manuscript I am currently working on (called DRIVING LESSONS for right now, but it's a super working title). I want to have seen all of my hard work pay off and to launch myself on the path of being a children's book author.
Yay....I've decluttered a fair bit which was my last year aim. I would like to be in better health next year....I've struggled with gall stones and a knee problem this year and I would like to have resolved these issues or a least managed them so they do not impact so much on me.
I'd love to have someone to be a dependable caregiver for David. To have prioritized my marriage again, and be better at encouraging my husband.
Finally get all my financial stuff in order for retirement
I would like to hone in on a program or organization to start volunteering as a Nurse and improving my foreign language skills.
One thing by the end of September 2018? I'd like to have run a marathon. It's the next step in a long journey I've been on with my health, a milestone I'd imagined to be truly beyond my wildest dreams. Something everyone had told me I couldn't do. The next summit just beyond my reach. It's also a way that I find discipline, energy and health in my life. Pillars on which I can build a good future. It's a way to be in nature. Also a way to be with my thoughts, working through them, subconsciously. Or exhausting rage. Or eliciting joy, celebrating life. It's all of these things. And I'm closer than I've ever been... So, yes, I'd like to have run a marathon. And then maybe, if I can, do an ultra, just the one, in 2019. I've kind of proved to myself I can do almost anything. Although this is the 'certifiable' mega-achievement, health wise. Frankly, for me, this will be more of a breakthrough in patience. And steady resolve. Step by step. Breath by breath. Building up towards something. And ticking another major goal off of the bucket list, that diverse array of the most extraordinary experiences and achievements I'd love to have explored in my lifetime.
I would like to have made a good faith attempt to establish my new office as a place that works for my patients, for me, and for our new Physician and PA. I still enjoy being a Family Dr. My patients love the services I provide, and I do not wish to let someone elses decision to move us be the end of a successful practice.
I want to be in cycling conditioning for the 2018 Hazon Ride, from Jerusalem to Eilat.
27 laps in 5 minutes. I'm very close - I'm sitting at 22.25 in five minutes. Achieving this would mean that I could pass WFTDA minimum skills and would allow me to move to a more competitive derby league if I wanted to.
I'd like to still be alive, with food, shelter and creature comforts at least as good, if hopefully significantly better, than where I find myself in this moment. I'd like some intimacy again. I'd like to know my daughter. Goals? Hah! Completely useless. Maybe I'll write a book. I tell others I am. Maybe I will. All I want is to have my struggles rewarded. I want justice, I want respect, I want purpose. I expect none of this. It would be nice if something was important to me again. Not holding my breath.
I want to chant Torah using Romaniote cantillation. This is my father's heritage, and i want to see it sustained. I want to invite my relatives to come to this experience.
I would like not to be in college. This is important to me because i would have graduated from college with a BA and i will begin a new chapter in my life.
I'd like to learn to listen - *really listen* - to myself. I'd like to learn how to check in with myself consistently and reliability. I'd like to learn how to tune in with what I want, easily and unapologetically. In short, I'd like to know myself. I believe this is the eternal task (or one of them at least). But if feels particularly imperative this year because I've talked a big talk for too long. I've always prided myself on my self-awareness, on my ability to reflect, on my ability to articulate my thoughts and feelings. But I had a jarring moment a couple weeks ago when I realized: I have neither the bravery nor the patience to actually sit with myself. There's a reason I watch so much TV. There's a reason I avoid sleep. When I'm not numbing, when I'm not distracting, it's too hard, too scary for me to be with myself, alone. I remember feeling scared of going to bed without watching TV - because that would mean sitting with me and my anxieties with no buffer. It would mean realizing that I don't actually know what I want. That was probably the most terrifying realization. I had been feeling weighted down, directionless. I felt like I was walking through life under water, buffeted from one place to another by my obligations, by others' plans and desires. And I realized, all that weight came from a place of *not knowing what I want.* I want that to change this year.
Have a baby. Mr. Right isn't coming, so this is the choice I have in front of me, and I'm making it.
By this time next year I would like to have started a new challenge or adventure, after graduating from UF. I'd like to be in the process of learning a new skill (e.g. build something, Montessori teacher training). This is important to me because I feel ready for something different and new. Not necessarily something life changing or permanent, just something else that I'm excited and nervous about, that makes me feel a little more alive.
I want to spend my time making art, living in a different a smaller town, in nature, and collaborating with other disciplines as an artist, design thinker and an interpreter when called for -serving humans with direct intention. I want to, by next year have the faith and love for myself that my natural voice can speak truth, be as silly as I am, serious as I am and settle in. People!! I want to be able to look a lover in the eye - naked, at dinner and with family , a friend in the eye & my family in the eyes and enjoy them without comparison, without fear. Love wins. We’re all strange(rs). I want to have a daily yoga practice, an art practice, a partner, more money, travel! cook more, talk more, entertain more be near my family and be connected to what’s really happening to others in the world without feelingly my SNS kick In and take over. By next year I’ll have become familiar and friendly with how my physical body and chemistry along with my emotions have been an engine to built parts of my defenses. On the other side of that I’ll see the roots and foundation of you I am as well. I enjoy the calm clear me. We’ll start there!
Have financial house in order! Less worry for me and for my adult children!
By next year, I hope that the poetry book has been published and I have written more. I hope to have a plan for retirement and what comes next. I hope to have a real interview with my 101 year old aunt and what she had seen in the world.
started getting house cleaned out - finish this. made good headway; far more to go. it's almost enough for a year only other thing is to find, merge with and develop amazing relationship with my bashert/soul's mate/neshama in crime. I know you're out there...may this be the year we find each other, work out our interactions and forge a spiritual, emotionally, phyisically and intellectually meaningful romantic relationship to last till the heavens put us in olam ha-bah. being less self-centered in conversations with others; left over from upbringing and constant interactions with narcissistic family members. I do care much about others how-ever rarely 'remember' to ask.
By this time next year I'd like to be in a better routine for physical health and mental health. It's important to me because I feel that I've gotten into a slump and haven't been motivated like I was last year to be a healthier me.
I need to pass my test. I need to stop waiting for something else to happen.
I would like to be free of a trauma that I've carried for 40 years. Maybe it's hubris to think that I could be free of it this year after trying so many times before, but I always have hope.
By this time next year I would like to achieve financial independence through work I feel good about.
I would like our company to be making six to seven figures, fully and sustainably supporting our business and the people working to fulfill our mission and vision-- to elevate the consciousness of this world and the people on the planet. It's important to me, because I want to believe that we are on the verge of an elevation of consciousness-- and that we can affect it intentionally by focusing on it and working hard for it. I'd also like to be in love. And to be loved. And let myself be loved.
As a bit of an over-achieving perfectionist, I’ve actually had to learn to stop setting myself so many goals and New Years resolutions! The last few years I have eased off, and my focus has just been on trying to have some balance in my life and to keep well physically and mentally. So I think what I’d like to achieve over the next year is to get a bit closer to that sense of balance. I don’t want my life to become overly focused on one thing (eg work, babies), nor do I want areas of my life to suffer (eg social life, relationship). My physical and mental health is important. Basically I want to be in the best place I can in order to be a good mum for my son, first and foremost, and also support my partner, and also so we can feel ready to start trying for another baby.
I would like to have worked on not holding on so tightly to my resentments; cultivate the ability to recognize them and let them go in a timely manner
I'd like not to feel resentful and hateful towards my spouse for the move we made across the country.
I'm completing my goals this weekend. So next year, by the third quarter when 10Q comes out, I want to be in alignment with the goals I've set for myself. I want to wealthy in joy, health and overall acuity.
I'd like to lose 20 pounds and increase my strength and endurance. It's important because I am not getting any younger, and I want to have a healthy, active old age--travel, exercise, fun--and never end up in a nursing home.
Retirement. But not likely.
By this time next year I'd like to feel satisfied with my decision to remain in this professional role or change. Every year I feel like I'm in flux and I want to be at a place where I am loving what I am doing in that moment- not thinking about the what ifs or should haves.
1. publish a written article. 2. become more proficient as a reasearcher. This will help validate me and help feel less of an imposter.
Get a boyfriend because I'm single and lookin for a man.
I would like for our family to make a decision as to whether we are going to move away from the San Francisco Bay area. I want to move solidly in the direction of putting down (more) roots here, or in the direction of finding a new place to call home. I would also like to continue physical therapy and make more progress on my tailbone and feet. I've made some progress, but the second pregnancy has stalled some of my healing. Once this second baby is born, I want to get back on the path of progress and really start getting *better*.
I would like to lose the remainder of the weight I have been carrying around for so many years. I believe it will free me of both the emotional and physical burden it causes
Find appropriate employment so I will not be so bored.
I'd like to get on a Ewing team and a Walker team and do standup again. I know that's 3, ssshhh. Those reflect ambitions I've always felt towards being a performer, and especially a performer who can make people laugh.
I would like to have completed a full draft of a novel, either alone or with my cowriter. I want to publish a novel length work to feel validated in the money and time I invested in my master's degree but also because it would make me feel accomplished as a writer.
By this time next year, I'd like to have more empathy for and understanding of my younger selves such that the words that come out of my mouth are always those of my adult self, or as much as possible. I'd like to learn better how to have difficult --- or even regular --- conversations with my spouse who often gets frustrated with how I word things. Doing this for me, not him. Though he is the one I brush up against most in this realm.
I'd like to land an articling position. It's the next step in becoming a lawyer and it's kind of terrifying that it hasn't happened yet. Sometimes I feel like such a failure, but I'm in too deep now. Just gotta keep applying for jobs and keeping my fingers crossed.
My goal for next year is to be more comfortable with myself. I want this year to help me grow and understand myself more. I want to understand my likes and dislikes and truly get down to understand, who is Hannah. I feel like much of my life has been spent with me being who others want me to be, and I am finally at a point in my life where I can literally be whoever I want, and I am trying to figure out who I want to be.
It's hard to make expectations at this point. I hope that I just have a better grasp on how to run the company, and I hope I can find a better life/work balance. I need to connect more with Julie and the boys.
By this time next year, I hope that I have figured out what I’d like to do with my life. I have been so lost the past year and it finally feels like things are starting to work out and get in order so I hope this is next on the list. This is important for me because I am internally so stressed that I have no idea what my next move will be but also so that I can begin to really plan for the future.
Write my story, tell my story. In hopes that it will help others just as someone's story and success help me through a very dark time.
I want to get more recovery groups going like the one I attend and work with: Celebrate Recovery. My job is great, I earn money at it and I enjoy working with the people I do, but my passion is to reach people who are hurting, who struggle with bad habits and hang ups that may even kill them...and help them work their way out of it. And I do it through Celebrate Recovery. I have worked through the program, it's worked for so many people I know too, and I have seen what has befallen those who were part of it...then walked away and stopped doing what they knew worked to get free. It covers everything. Every bad habit people have. Every hang-up from the past. Every hurt that has happened. And it keeps working, because it is based on the oldest wisdom in the world. Which is why some reject it, I know. But even that can be worked on and overcome, and I have seen that happen too. Really, it's about saving lives from self-destruction...if along the way they come to a spiritual understanding for themselves, that is all for them, not about me and what I want. :) There's something about wanting to be a hero that resonates with us all...even if the hero is imperfect! I guess, being a part of savings lives, even if it's just with a cup of coffee and a conversation, makes me feel like I make a difference in my little part of the world and hearing from someone that it does...just makes it perfect for me. :)
I want an actual result. I want the bill we've worked on writing to become a law. I want to change my ID to an X gender marker or get the gender marker removed from IDs entirely. I just want to know that I'm making a difference, making the world better at validating the identities of people in the LGBTQ+ community.
I expect to have lost many tens of pounds due to optimum habits installed over the year. Changes to food and activity will yield results. There will be strength and balance, healing to long term problems like the medial condolitis. There will Be reductions to the glucose in the blood, and the a1c levels will show it. The cholesterol levels will be lower, as well. The weight loss will have supported the above, but it will be steady, not drastic. There will be far less direct sugar intake, at all. Night eating will be over. Walks to River and trips to beach may be daily or twice daily. Mellow existence is the aim. Health by choice are the actions.
I want to get my house cleared out. The clutter has so many negative impacts. It is so hard for me to get any traction on this project. I want my son to have room to work on projects. I want my parents to be able to visit. I want to be able to fix the house or move to a different one. I want to get rid of that constant feeling of burden.
I would like to enroll in an MSW program.
I'd like to pay off a lot of my debt. This is important to me because I'll have more money to invest in my future.
I would like to have found a great partner with whom to offer workshops and retreats. In the meantime I plan on putting myself out as a Yoga and Meditation teacher, offering classes at the 2 studios I currently do, offering Yoga parties in people's homes and offices, offering Yoga For Healthy Aging series classes and offering seasonal yoga workshops.
A year from now, I hope that I can look back and say that it's been a quieter year but still full of fun, celebration, self-discovery and community involvement. I hope to feel more confident in my job, but I also want to have spent some real time on finding my creative outlet & making space for that part of me.
I would really like to finally learn to drive as I would have so much more freedom.
I would like to have my own place. I am sick and tired of shared homes. Next year at this time I will be 29, and I am plain too old for this shit. I want to have my own space that will not be invaded by people for whom I could not care less. I don't want to clean up anybody's mess in the kitchen. AND I want to be the one and only person allowed to cook in that kitchen.
I'd like to feel as though I've mastered my new role. This is the first time I've felt uncomfortable in a position and I'd like to prove to myself that I'm not an imposter.
One thing I'd like to achieve by this time next year --- my focus right now is on my new job, been here less than a month. I'd love to be promoted or given a raise, gained more certifications. I'd love to be able to enjoy myself - I think of relaxing, and also the previous question on spiritual experiences. I'd love to point to debt paid down. I'd love to accept myself fully, wherever I am in any of these goals.
I would like to be in, or be open to a committed and equal relationship. This is important as I want to share my life with someone.
I would like to established a new relationship that I feel will last the rest of my life. It's important to me because as I've gotten older it has become increasingly difficult to find women in my age range that possess compatible physical, sexual, and intellectual capabilities and desires.
I'd really like to make some small steps toward being organized. I can't make broad statements about organization because it's just not working for me to be all or nothing about anything. So, maybe just some chunks. My office. Mail. A cleaning schedule. Something.
I would like to have found at least one more sibling.
I'd like to speak to my outlaws: Fran's parents, Tom and Ros, and ask for their permission and blessing to ask Fran to marry me. By writing this now, I'm kind of setting the clock ticking, aren't I? I've been thinking about it quite a lot recently. At Vicky and Lee's wedding, during the speeches, Vicky's dad explained how he was touched that Lee would do such an old-fashioned thing as to ask her parents for their daughter's hand in marriage. I wouldn't put it quite in such a way, but I do like the idea of being respectful. I think I know what their answer would be - they may even laugh at the fact that I'm asking - but I think they would enjoy being asked. But I also want to ask my own parents, too, for their blessing and permission. The tricky thing is keeping it secret from Fran and managing to do it in the right order and soon enough. Fran's parents first, I think. And it has to be in person; not over the phone or by email! I also want it to be in person with my parents. The problem is getting that time alone together and allowing the outlaws enough time to recover from it so that they don't give the game away when Fran comes back. I can't just do it when she's out of the room. It's also weird to think that Fran would be the fifth person to hear of my intention to marry her. Maybe I need to think this through a bit more…
I want to write six songs, a rough draft of the book I have been given, and have a regular writing session in my daily schedule. It is important because it is overdue. I have not been a good steward of the gifts given to me and I would like to change that.
I would like to open my life to a relationship, take a risk, and not close down.
It's hard to say. I really do feel like I am living my dream life. I teach yoga and meditation full-time and even almost make ok money doing it. I co-lead a PoC meditation group. I work in schools and in my favorite yoga studio. I deeply love two amazing men. I have close friendships. I feel strong, healthy, and sexy. After saying that I do have some goals I realize. I would like to live more minimally. I want to take stock of all my possessions and own fewer things. I want to have started up my Spanish lessons again.
This time next year I want to really have my nutrition in a good place. I'll be 25 and my habits and body composition will be hard to change after that. I also want to feel my best. I got there this year, and I know I can get there again.
Have a place for just me and my sweetie. We've never lived on our own, without kids or elderly charges. I can't wait!
Pay off the credit cards (again). Make that last this time. Get the house sold. Move. That's three things. I want ALL of them.
I would like to spend the next year completely in my life. In Life. No hospitals, no treatment centers, no days spent in bed barely able to rise from the all-encompassing darkness of malnutrition, no mind of fog unable to perceive the world around me, no isolation so severe that I would rather cease to exist completely. No, I would like to achieve a year of being fully present. Alive. Present in it all; the beauty, the fear, the chaos, the connection. I want to be present in my creation of this life, I want to be able to hold my feelings of emptiness with care and grace as I begin to, for the first time, fill my life. I want to feel whole in places I've thought would always be empty, I want to find pieces of my self that I've never known. I want to fill my world with people filled with light, and with passions that bring me joy, and self-compassion that reminds me of every human's inherent deservingness to live, love, be loved, know, and be known. I want to continue grounding myself in this world that I no longer have to fear leaving, and I want to feel tethered into this Land Of The Living. I want to bring light in any ways that I can, be it through volunteering, writing poetry, or simply creating genuine connections through which light and love can be mutually created. I also want to finally, finally, maybe begin to enjoy the daily acts of fostering my own living body that I am determined to continue every day for as long as I live; I want to re-learn how one may enjoy eating. I want to be able to allow myself to eat more than the bare minimum, and to no longer think of my meal plan as "all that I am allowed". I want to eat for connection, and learn to trust this one body of mine. I want to integrate my self back into my body, because for far too long we have been two entities seemingly programmed to destroy one another. I want to feel whole, feel alive, feel purpose, and live a life of love.
I want to become cash flow positive. Because it's been too long. I need a sense of professional identity; of doing something valuable enough that others will pay for it.
Thats easy! Meet my weight goal and have kept it
I want to be debt free. I am well on track (except my mortgage - apparently that's 'good debt' lol) but life seems to just give you a little financial kick just when you feel you have a grasp on it. It's important to me because we're such a money obsessed society and the usurpation of things seems to be the norm and I want to reject it....donate so many clothes, get rid of things i don't need/use.
I hope to feel more grounded. This past year was quite floaty, which is also exhausting. I want things to not feel so tumultuous.
A little more peace and acceptance, harmony and joy :))
By this time next year I want to have--at the very least--an outline for my first book. It is okay for this book to not be geared towards success--I think pleasing myself on the first book should be the point. Then, with that under my belt, I can use it and other book proposals to try and do something more commercial to make some money.
I am being called for something in the church. I'm not sure yet what it is but I am to meet with a priest soon. By this time next year I'd like to be in the path to finalizing whatever that is. (Lay preacher? Clergy?)
I want to be able to run a mile nonstop. I am so deconditioned. I have let me health go while trying to meet the demands of my job and take care of everyone but me. But now, I get winded by the smallest level of exertion...and I have a 4 year old! There is no way I can keep up at this rate. So I am going to get active and I will work my way up to running a mile nonstop.
I'd like to be in the right situation with work, where my talents and purpose are fully aligned. I am driven by purpose, by this idea that I am put on this earth in this form to fulfill that purpose. This is of the utmost importance to me, and without it, I feel as though I am not living my best life.
Perhaps I could finish my novel by this time next year. Perhaps I could become more solvent financially. Perhaps I could find a balance in my love life so that I might actually be living with my lover (but honestly that is all on him at this point). I can do the work to keep my finances smart and sharp. I can do the work to write my novel (finishing is not as important as loving every element of the process though).
If I'm honest, more than anything I would like to fall in love - to love madly and deeply and to let someone love me madly and deeply. I would like to know deep down inside that I deserve love - and to recognize what love is and welcome it into my life. I still tend to throw myself at unavailable men (meaning emotionally unavailable), and then my self esteem suffers when I am rejected. I know there is awareness that goes with this, and I would like to achieve this radical self acceptance and self love and attract it into my world. I would also like to get in tremendous physical shape - finally get to that 140lb range, increase my flexibility. I know self pride comes w this, as well as physical health and improved mental health. I'd like to increase my efficiency at work and my confidence. I'd like to bring in $110K - $120K income at least. I'd like to bring in $200K within the next few years. This would bring me the ability to buy a home if . Iwant, financial freedom, ability to travel. I'd like to have a regular spiritual and creative practice as well. I may want to move. I'm feeling called to both LA and NYC. Most likely LA. I want a more well rounded life and I want to be closer to nature. I want to find love. And I want to increase my spiritual practice.
I would like to be enrolled in the PhD program I like. I think that would be the natural next step in my career and the one that can mark a more definite beginning of my researcher life. I want to work at the intersection between academia and policy, and a PhD gives you the time and authority to explore in detail a topic, become an expert in the field and contribute meaningfully to the public debate.
I would like to look back at this year and know that I've created something powerful, sustainable, and lasting. That's my purpose here this year, and I want to know that I've added value in a way that this community can benefit from beyond my physical time here.
Getting home and financials organized because it causes so much anxiety and then lashing out of insecurity / sadness. Silly but true. My feminist writing project.
I want to complete my yoga teacher training program! It is so, so important to me because it has taken a lot of mental energy to allow this for myself and I am so proud of myself for starting it, and even more if I finish :)
Of course I want to have passed the licensing exam. But what I want is to feel like I am making progress in shaping a life that I love, that I am learning to parent and to love and to inspire and be present. I feel like my life is missing purpose, and I would like to learn not to be afraid of finding it. I think that I am assuming that kumquat will be that purpose, or at least guide me there, but perhaps it is unwise to pin such dramatic hopes on an unborn baby barely the size of an avocado. How do I become the purpose as an individual while still embracing the changes of parenthood?
I need to have a new job that I actually enjoy. I find it so difficult to wake up each day and go do work that doesn't fill me. I am someone who needs to be inspired by the work they do to do more and create things that matter. My job now is fine, but it doesn't help to create the better world I envision. In light of Trump I need to use my life to be a light.
By this time next year, I hope to be fluent enough in Hebrew that I can function normally in Israel. The Jerusalem year of my program will be so much easier--not to mention more fun!--if I'm not constantly having to think so hard about how to say what I want to express.
I almost wrote "Find a husband." Ok, ok, I know I can't force that. In truth, I am already on track to achieving so many of my goals via this masters degree, for which I am proud and thankful. So my one-year goal may seem modest. By next year, I aim to have greater awareness of, insight into and ultimately control over my occasional anxiety. I want to be able to have a say against the anxious thoughts that sometimes distract me at the worst of times -- at a party, at work, during sex, while I try to fall asleep -- even if it is the power to dismiss the negative thoughts in order to entertain them on my own terms, at a better time
I want to apply to rabbinical school. I am having a hard year at work so far and am ready to take next steps.
I want to be able to feel comfortable at home with my family. I want to feel like we all understand each other, and I want to have abundant tolerance for the things I can't, and maybe shouldn't want to, change about them.
I would like to loose another 30lbs and have applied for an NIH grant.
I have let my body go to pieces physically and I am having a hard time getting back to healthy. I hope by next year my will power will be stronger and I will be happy with where I am
I would like to have our trust and will drawn up. The losses of so many dear family members has made it very clear that without a legally binding document in place, the process of passing on is just way too complicated for those left to unravel someone's estate.
I'd really like to be better at sign language.
By this time next year I would like to be working more regularly. I need more structure to my days and to feel more accomplished. I would also like to achieve more simplicity and organization in my home.
I would like to achieve financial stability. The stress of owing and not knowing how I'll pay is killing me. I just want that part done.
The perfect Work for Perfect pay, in a perfect way under grace. I have been waiting all of my life and I've got to take care of myself and achieve my independence permanently.
I want to run a half marathon. I've never been a good runner and I have ankle problems, but I hope that this will get me in a good fitness and training routine and perhaps lose some weight. Plus, I'm not getting any younger and I feel that if my ankles are bad now, they will only ever get worse. Deep down I'm afraid I'll never complete the marathon that's actually on my bucket list, and this is a start.
I want to move and go out of my usual habitat of NYC whether it is for graduate school, a new job, a whimsical decision, love, etc -- I want to explore a whole new side of myself in a different place. It is important for personal growth and for my ability to help others.
By this time next year, I want to be earning a monthly income of $10,000 or more from my 2 businesses. Which will also mean that I will be able to leave my day job, if I choose to. Achieving this will mean that I've put my teachings to work, that I've committed the time and effort needed to build these businesses. This will mean that I put myself and my needs higher on the priority list. This will mean that I pushed my fears and my negative self-talk away and got shit done anyway! This will also mean that I can travel more - which feeds my soul...
I want to achieve better health and have lost a significant amount of weight. I would like to weigh under 300 pounds. scary to even write that. It is doable. okay, it is written. It is important to me so that i can enjoy and participate in life!!! Especially with my family. Everything is so much harder now. Right now, my knees ache. I am trying to avoid knee replacement surgery. But i feel it is possible in a different way than before. It is not just talk. It is real. Also, if I am losing weight, it also means less focus on food which can stop me from doing my work - numbing the pain. It lets me live in a more conscious, authentic way.
I would like to regularly volunteer my time and I would like to be enrolled in a teaching program.
1- I want to find a wonderful partner. and great lover I do not think people are meant to be alone and I don't want to be lonely anymore and don't want to feel like I want o
I would like to study Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. I would like to become stronger in my Spanish.
I would like to have a cleaner, more organized living space. This is important to me because home is where the heart is and the way your home is therefore naturally affects the nature of your heart.
By this time next year I hope to have successfully completed walking a portion of the Camino de Santiago with Linda and perhaps Tobey in Portugal. Along the way we will focus on the Jewish Diaspora roots that run deep in Portugal and Spain. Seeing the country from ground level and traveling humbly will, I anticipate, open my eyes to many possibilities as I move forward to my 70h decade.
I would like to achieve working through the 12 steps of DA and having no debt and a prudent reserve of $20,000 that I earned from tutoring and acting and standup and writing. I would also like to have written 10 episodes of The Untitled Liz Glazer Project. This is important to me because I think it is what I have wanted for years and the stuff about solvency because dreams without solvency are insane, or whatever that line is
I hope to be engaged by this time next year and planning a wedding, and living somewhere more permanently.Fine, that's more than one!! I feel a bit untethered and am hoping that moving forward with those things will ground me a bit.
I would like to eat healthier again and loose more of my pregnancy weight. I know I'll never be the same size/shape again, but I also know I can do better for myself and for our daughter.
lose weight and pick up a sport.
Divorce by end of 2017! (moving things along rapidly here, yes) It would be nice to close this chapter, now that I can finally focus on it. I'd also like to clear the house again - do the filing, toss stuff that isn't needed, do at least 1 (probably 2) more whole-house purges, set up some systems for managing daily stuff (mostly paper). That would help me feel good.
I would like the live a life where I a meditating and practicing yoga every day. Too often I neglect self-compassion and self-care. In the year moving forward, I want to learn to truly love myself and know how to not only carry myself through time of tribulation, but know how to thrive and rise above times of tribulation.
To be the best that I can be and that I can do anything I wish without someone telling me what to be or what to do.
I would like to get better and more competitive at video games with some of my best friends so i can destroy them in the battlefield.
Improve my confidence, but I really think I need to see someone and improve my life. I'm holding myself back too much. Also - lose weight!
I would like to lose some weight. I get annoyed when people tease me and I would like to minimize my faults.
By this time next year I would like to be shooting in the low to mid seventies because if I don't I fear I will be kicked off the team and emancipated by Michele. Jk.
Selfishly I would like to improve my knitting. I would like to learn to do Fair Isle/Stranded knitting. I would like to be more proficient at making sweaters. I would like to increase my fluency in Spanish and German.
I'd like to be under 200 p0unds. I resent that this is weight related. Aaaaergh! It is important to me because I think I look mighty unattractive at 218 pounds. Also, at 50 I am scared of all the fat surrounding my vital organs. I think my weight also contributes to my throat reflux. I'd also like to have a boyfriend but I'm not going to make that my goal. I really wanted to have a clean home by this time last year but I completely forgot my goal! It's good to keep one's goal up front and visible! Father Jim once said that there are two kinds of people. One's home is often too messy to have company over and the other's is always ready to accept guests. I'm always the former and long to be the latter.
I want to find a group of people that believe the same way I do. I want to have a feeling of community. I'm excited to shae my excitment with others that feel the same way.
Support my wife through weening my daughter from breast feeding. Possibly change jobs after being at mine for 10 years. Keep my daughter safe and happy as she toddles around!
Get in the design program full time. I've worked hard over the past five years as a part time student. It's time I go full force and finish.
I'd like to have conceived another child by this time next year. This is important because I don't want the age gap between the eldest and youngest to be too great.
I want to sell a goddamn book. I want to be a real writer. I want to feel like the whole of my twenties weren't a terrible mistake. I want to tell stories. I want to be proud. And first I have to finish this next fucking book.
I would like to have my housing situation fixed. I would also like to be finished losing weight & happily maintaining my weight thru watching what I eat. Eating healthy & exercising.
By this time next year, I would like to continue the progress I have made this year, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I want to be more confident and protect my heart in relationships.
next stage of professional abundance (hopefully with OB) maybe another babe on the way love love love (and resilence)
I want to improve my Hebrew skills. This is important to me because it's another way that I can open myself up to a greater understanding of Jewish tradition and texts, and history, and more. It will also open up my future to the possibility of working in the Jewish world, maybe as a rabbi. I'd also like to continue working on which holidays I keep and how, and have a little bit more clarity (or perhaps more questions) about why I do what I do, and how it works logistically in my busy life.
I would like to begin the process of medically transitioning. It is a long process that will take many years, but it needs to start sometime and 5778 seems as good a time as any. I have put it off for so long for one reason or another, and it it important to me to finally do this for myself.
To create better fitness and health levels and to have created a better healthier lifestyle. To work at being the best person I can be. I want to not take health and fitness for granted but work with what I have to improve myself to be a better person
I want to achieve financial independence. I want to be able to have money to pay for my living expenses and bills, money to invest freely, and a source of passive income that can pay for my expenses while if I want to take 3-12 months off to focus on personal growth or travel.
Same as all the prior years and I never seem to accomplish it: Be a healthier! Exercise more, enjoy the life I have been given.
Of course I would like another year without cancer. But I would also like to do something worth living for: writing, riding, hiking/camping/canoeing, real worthwhile experiences for the body and soul... I've been spending so much effort on recovery and related financial things etc. that I feel like I've been wasting the time that the Universe has been kind enough to allot me.
Next year I will not be working at BMS as an educator.* Next year I will not be working at BMS as an educator.* Next year I will not be working at BMS as an educator.* It is important to me that I leave my comfort zone and that I push myself to do something new and something that I enjoy wholeheartedly, even if it means the first choice isn't the right one. It is important that I refocus my energies on creating a future for myself and my family that involves a happier me. *unless I am simultaneously doing something else to further my career.
Full-time employment! I hope to have a full-time job in some sort of sector that I actually enjoy, and have found a gym or way to exercise! Bonus points for a recreational sports league!
I'd like to have started nurse practitioner school. I don't know whether I will do acute care or primary practice, but either way, I know that I want to be an independent provider and develop my own relationships with patients. I've been told a few times this year that I'm really good at explaining things. Helping people to understand their bodies and how to be in charge of their own health is a calling for me. It just feels right to keep gaining experience and education so that I can do that more and more.
By this point next year, I hope to be engaged to be happily married, or actually happily married. This is important to me because having a happy family and is a huge aim of my life. And without it, I feel that I have not made the journey that I wish to take.
Of course I want to be more succesful, take on bigger projects and conquer them, keep making money. But I think a new want of mine is to give back in some way. I want to help people like me do the things that I want to do. I consume these artistic and intellectual resources provided by other people that have this goal to help others that are in situations where they were. I would be nowhere without those people. Those people are the ones that make the world run. It is an obligation. Even if it's small, I want to create something that gives back to people like me
I would like to have my student loans paid off next year. This is important to me, because I would like to be debt free overall. This would free up income to give more and enjoy life more. I would love to be able to help others in my community more.
Get my grandmother's apt up and running again and doing it the right way. So that it can be a safe home for someone. I want to save my asset, my family home. Where I have lived so happily and invested a lot of me into. I want to continue feeling my grandmother's spirit there. I want it to go back to the way it was. A home. My home and my patrimony.
By this time next year I want to feel confident in my abilities in my job. I want to know that I am doing my best, and have the self-confidence to reassure myself. It's important because right now I am not feeling so good about my job. I have a 2 year commitment and I don't want to feel like this for the whole 2 years.
Same as last year: Financial stability. Things are different than this time last year, and we are still moving in the right direction. However, we still have debt, and we still own a house (that should be going on the market in the next few days). Job stability is something that we have but without a steady income. The peace that comes from living within our means is priceless.
Increase my lung capacity so that I can participate in travel and general living. At the age of 75 I want to do more and do not want to become a physical burden that hinders my choices.
More calmness and acceptance of things. I try to have an impact on things I cannot control and at times I don't control my responses to things I cannot control.
going to my great uncle's funerale because he is dying it's important because...ok now I feel like i'm starting a.a or some shit like...ok no more I can't (p.s. I don't go to a.a and I think it's very good so don't trash talk me miss no no)
Re-retirement! While I will stand by my word help out my old company I want to once again work at my pace at my projects.
I want to finish and become proficient in American Sign Language, finish taking the Praxis tests, get my English teaching certificate and teach english on line to adults. This is my chosen career path.
I want to be married. I've lived most of my adult life, alone. We as humans are not meant to live alone.
Giguring out what is important to ne. Centering
By this time next year I'd like to have my finances under control. By that I mean, to have all of my credit card debt paid off and be on track to make at least double what I make in this year. It's important to me because my lack of income has kept me from getting out of debt, enjoying travel, cultural and fun activities and sharing more with people that I care about.
I would like to weigh 126 lbs by next September. It is a healthy weight for me and I will look and feel better at this weight. I’ll have the energy I need to clear out the clutter in my home and sell it so that I can move to a smaller home, preferably closer to my family. This will also make it easier for me to live within my means. I’ll be able to clean up my credit and increase my credit score so I can buy a new car.
Solid career and health insurance, with good health
OY!!! I need to travel more. I need to get my ass in gear and get going. I do have Antarctica planned and want to do the gorillas in Rwanda. Bhutan, absolutely, and Amsterdam and Brussels. Back to London too. Would love a spring hike through Switzerland. Crave a long trek that challenges my body and my mind. So much to do!
I wont my be whole for all that right as much as possible so i can be who i once was ,with people ,helping people.
I want to be teaching yoga. I earned my certification so I could teach Yin yoga and help others with TBI. I have made NO move on making that a reality. I have Avi's support. I will get this done!
Professionally, I need a change. I'll be finished with my second masters degree in December. I've spent 8 years in the classroom and while I know I have finally gotten good at my job, I AM TIRED. That's not to say I don't like what I do, but something has to change. It may be I need a make over in my personal life, or lack thereof. So I'd like to set myself two goals: 1) look into, and apply, for positions that I find interesting and worthwhile. 2) After December - celebrate the fuck out of life. Go more places on my own, go out more with different friends, create more friends, explore the world on my own terms. I don't need a travel buddy - I travel fine on my own.
It's so hard to pick just one - but perhaps I'll pick something about creative expression or ways I can look for ways to supplement my income. I want to write or have a podcast, etc. I want to take the classes I signed up for..I want to expand my knowledge, skills, be more careful about money, etc. I want to fulfill on the ideas I have and bring them to fruition.
September of 2018 - an achievement My mind goes immediately to some type of work accomplishment, which should be true and something I will be proud of but right now I want to me more shallow and vain about this answer I will achieve control over my weight. I would like to be able to live in a world where I enjoy my food, and alcohol - no I won't be quitting drinking okay sue me - while maintaining a weight of 145-150 - which looks great on me Yes, I am putting a number on it because I'm not far from that goal, it's doable, and i've even done it before. Grow up. You're beautiful. Edit: I forgot the why part - for health, for confidence, and for life
Deeper in ministry for sure... connected to my beloved husband that the Lord has for me... financially stable.
I want to move to a more affordable, urban living situation. This is important because more affordable housing will allow me to eat better and continue to improve my health and a more urban environment will make me so much happier! Once a city girl always a city girl!
LOL! Once hope of losing weight has resulted in not happening. Therefore, what I would like to achieve by this time next year is the following: 1) I want to be making more money b/c I do not want to be concerned about paying another bill again. 2) I want to be happier than I am today. In order to be that I want to be doing work that fulfills the deep core of my being...not just what I think I should be doing but doing my soul work. 3) What the hell - I hope to be thinner!! :)
I'd like to have gone back to writing. I'd like to have something published. It's important to me because I am a writer and I've sort of been sitting in my laurels, so to speak. I have good reasons, but I think I've reached a point where I need to go back to who I once was. At least in this area.
I want to have paid off BOTH my credit cards by this time next year! It's important because becoming financially stable is my top priority right now. I'm currently job searching, and I already know it's going to be hard to turn down the highest paying job even if it means bad/long hours. I actually need to talk to my boyfriend about this, because I don't want him to think that I'm prioritizing work over him. I'm 30 - I need to start planning for a family, which means I need to get a handle on my debt so I can afford a mortgage and kids. And if I make enough, maybe I can fly him up to see me if I can't get out of work on time. Or it will just be short weekend visits. But who knows - maybe I'll take a slightly lower salary with better hours. But, that's means that I could work remotely in LA, but we just can't go out as much and spend money. But, I think he will understand that. In any case, my biggest goal for next year is to pay down a good part of my debt.
To have another child because I love the hole process of making these little people, and I feel like I have so much love to give
To be free of PTSD and the chains that bind. I feel that once I can do this other things will be free to be as they should. This has been a very difficult "learning." I really hope I can resolve so many things that cause me and the ones I love pain.
I would like to be pregnant again, or even a mother again, by this time next year. I want WB to have at least one sibling, and since B and I aren't so young anymore, if we're going to have 1 or 2 more kids in this family, we need to get cracking!
I would like to settle the question of moving or staying. The reasons are obvious. Lloyd Frissell's death has also focused my mind on the possibility of not always being a hardy old person.
This has been really hard to answer. I've actually sat on this for about 5 days now as I couldn't come up with anything I want to accomplish or achieve. So it hit me tonight as I was staring at it for the fifth time that I lack passion, ambition, or drive at all. In fact, I'm very much just living day-to-day and that is not okay. So I've decided that my goal by the end of this year is that I'm going to find a new passion to invigorate my life. I will try new things, I will explore new hobbies, and I'll make some new friends. This is pretty vague I guess, but I'm going to work hard on it and it'll be great.
I wouled like to have lost 20 pounds be solvent monetarily and know what is going on with my money and be directing it to where it will gain more. And protect it from fucking hackers from any land.
I would have liked to engaged deeply in worldly activities- earning money, keeping busy, being with family, 'doing' a lot of work, supporting many individuals in different ways, engage in setting up multiple businesses and sources of earning. All of this to get past the spiritual stuckness that I feel in this time and diving in the worldy I hope to come of this. I picture engaging myself deeply. Burning constantly- with a yearning, with 'action', with life.. so all that's not true burns out.
Last year I wrote this answer: "'I'd like to have successfully proven out Workyard's business model. This is the most important aspect of my job and I feel if I get this right, all else will fall into place and I will feel I will look at myself as valuable " I feel so proud that we are making money, but I feel like I need to push more to prove this out. I feel at the moment whilst we are raising money that Nic and Alex are still very uncertain on this will work and how it will scale. I'd like to answer that same question by this time next year, I feel like if we don't it will be time to leave because we'll be treading water for too long, and it's not my company to tread water if we don't take a serious punt and make significant, viable, 'real business' progress.
I'm angry. All the time. I never used to be. I want to be less angry, but I also want to be more angry. I want to brush off the petty things, and fucking handle the ones that matter to me. When I see a nazi I want to punch a nazi, not go home and ruminate about it furiously. When someone says ignorant bullshit to me about mental illness, repeatedly, on multiple separate occasions and in my own home, I want to possess the words to scream them into an abyss from which they will never trifle again. Use anger productively, basically. Also I want to get organized for my degree while it's still early, and reach out to professors I'd like to work with, and write some shit. Spend lots of time at all the subject libraries. Learn how to say fuck the haters, and mean it, and move on to do badass shit that has nothing to do with any of that. Fuck success is the best revenge. Revenge is the best revenge and then wiping your hands of it and moving forward how you want to is the best wiping your hands of it and moving forward how you wanted to in the first place. Talk less nonsense like this.
One thing that I would like to achieve by this time next year is the comfort of balance. Work, life, school?, relationships with family and friends. I think I often walk through life with deadlines that builds anticipatory anxiety with an obsession over time. Time may be taken away from you at any moment. I think it is important to cherish the things that make you happy while you have them.
I would like me and chris to have figured out where we stand in our relationship and what we want. And, as always, I'd like to be living together.
Fitness! Have not been fit since before I broke my leg last summer. Was on the way back this spring when I got diagnosed with cancer. That put me back. I need to get fit - both for obvious health reasons, but also to feel I’ve put the physical challenges of the past couple of years behind me.
I'd like to be pregnant. Considering that we'll need help in that area, that's no small feat. But spiritually I'd like to find a community that fits us and meets our needs. I can't imagine raising a child outside of the community.
I'd like to start a graduate program, my Master of Social Work, by this time next year. Having a higher degree opens up new and advanced professional opportunities that I'm excited to have avilable to me! Especially when I think about how many years I have left in the working world, I currently feel limited in the scope of work I could do with my current credentials. Lastly, in this particular path I see for myself, I'll be able to pursue my passion of empowering people to meet their own goals. { opening doors to lift others up }
At the age of 73, I'm pretty damned content with myself and my life. Maybe that's a flaw? By this time next year, I'd like another helping of family love, good health, enough money, and energy to run after my grand kids in the playground. I know that it will all come to an end, so I'm trying to relish it.
I think at this time next year I'll be done with my masters. I hope I feel like I can start a career as an art therapist (or at least start shana gimmel!). I hope I know whether I'll be living in the States or Israel, and I'm content with that decision. I hope I'm still happily with Asaf.
I would like to be residentially happy. By this I mean I want to feel settled in Bloomington and connected to the greater community in multiple ways. I want to feel like I am a part of something bigger and that I love and enjoy my neighbors (in the broad sense). I have spent a lot of time this past year thinking about my internal happiness and really filling my soul back up after it was drained for so long. Now that I've done that, I want to put down some roots so I can feel more connected to where I am presently than where I am thinking about going.
A successful and profitable blog/podcast. That would mean that most importantly I am spreading light and love. And secondly it would mean that I could focus on being a spiritual being.
I would like to be in a teaching job that I love, and I hope to be spending more time nurturing my writer self. The part about my writer self is mostly important to me. I love teaching, but the writer self often goes neglected. I believe that if I give this self more space to exist in my life, I will see great success in my writing.
To do some things every day simply because I enjoy them and they are pleasant
Be the creation God intended me to be, the person Jesus told us to be. Spending intimate time with Father God, giving Him glory for all things, good and bad, walking in the strength of my Savior's joy, showing love to the unlovable, having God's heart and speaking to the unsaved, petitioning for those that cannot, healing the sick, setting the captives free, obeying perfectly everything I am told to do in humility, before the Throne of Grace.
I would like to write a book. Truly. Because I have always felt that I have them inside me.
It’s so cliché, but weight loss. I am a bit vain, but I also want to be healthy for my kids. Putting a number on it would look something like at least 50 pounds. It seems achievable in a year, I just have to work on it.
Nothing is important to me right now.
I'm looking for greater financial stability and establishing a way to retire (at least partially) within five years. I also want to have greater job satisfaction than I am currently experiencing. I want to be able to travel again, both for work and leisure and experience more special moments with my wife.
By this time next year I would like to have a year of abstinence from binge eating and completed 12 steps. It's important for me bc when I do that my whole life gets better, physically emotionally spiritually and finacially. I can start by abstaining and going to sat mtgs
I want to sort out my finances. I am not bad, but I am not good. I want to be able to not worry about this for a while. By having that sorted out, I will be able to get back to study, to read, to enjoy life, and maybe start my very own family. Let's see how it goes!
Exercise more and tone up. I'm past talking about losing the 15 pounds. It's just not going to happen. :)
This is almost the same answer from last year, I’d like to me in a greater leadership position. I unfortunately don’t know if it will happen, but I feel like I need to grow a bit more at work. This is somehow extremely important to me, I feel like I need to take a few next steps in professional growth. Also by this time next year I hope to be pregnant ☺
Still mulling over a book or perhaps several books. I am in the process of writing a book about imagination for very young readers. And as usual more art, a healthy honey bee season, good chickens and a lush bee garden. All of this is important to me because it helps be feel a part of the earth and the seasons.
I don't know if I want to call it something I'd like to "achieve...." But, I really would like to find an intimate partner with whom I can share more of my day to day life and experiences. This is important to me because I believe I am a relationship-oriented person, because I feel I still have love to give, and because I want to heal from loss of love.
a better work /life/ travel balance for my happieness.
Well, I guess a solid plan for Weber’s Bar Mitzvah is probably the most important thing that our family can achieve this year. He will be about 12 1/2 by this time so we should be well on our way.
I would like to lose 50 pounds. I lost 100 pounds in 6 months after my July 2014 sleeve surgery but since put 30 back on. I feel lethargic, my knees hurt, I think I'm sleeping badly and my clothes don't fit.
I would like to have a plan in place for our move and to have organized most of it. It's important for all of us. Pietro to improve his career and not do so many long hours and months without days off. He can't do this forever and here offers only this destructive seasonal work. I would like the chance to start a career too and think back home can better offer me it. We would like another child and can't do it here, we have no family around and can't afford a bigger house. Back home we have and we can. Most importantly life is going fast, time flies, and I don't want to be always on my own, waiting for my husband who is always at work
This question scares me the most. I don't really know what my goals are. To be happy has been so important to me and maybe I'm unsure of how to see that as a long term goal. It's like there are so many things I want to achieve but there's also nothing. I'd like to be making a reliable income that isn't through babysitting.
Have reached a sustainable level in my career, so I can start making concrete steps toward change.
I would like to be able to bring my style of yoga to more people. I think I have something to offer that people need. I just need to develop more as a teacher, that comes with time.
Oh my goodness. By this time next year I'd like to be able to wake up at 7:00 am, exercise, shower, eat my breakfast, get dressed, and go to a job for 3-4 hours a day. I'd like to come home for lunch and then blog for a few hours. After school I'd like to tutor 3-4 times a week and a few times on the weekend. I'd also like to still be teaching Sunday School.
Getting the masters in SBL and the ABA certification. I can be my own LLC and say goodbye to the NYCDOE with my pension at 55 y.o.
I'd like to find a new hobby by this time next year. I'm struggling to find something that I love to do (that is not my job) and want to master a new skill. I hole myself up in my apartment far too often and am becoming somewhat antisocial. I think a hobby would bring me a lot of joy and might help bring me out of my shell a little more.
Just like last year, I'm going to say that I really want to finish my novel by next year. Because I still really do. And I think I can (just like the little train, I remain optimistic). It is important for me to finish the novel I'm nearly done with so that I can go on to the next one--as I think I mentioned last year, I have a book about my Year of Living Cancerously that wants out. And God willing, more books after that. So I'd better get going.
Have at least one research project truly up and running and a successful grant under my belt. Also a manuscript submitted. This is important because this is what will move my career forward.
I'd like to have my and my step fathers homes both sold, and be living in a brand new place, hopefully a condo. I would like to have spent time in Florida, and be close to purchasing a vacation home, if not already there.
By this time next year, I want to have formed meaningful and lasting relationships with at least a few people at Northwestern who I either do not know right now, or don't know very well at all. Hopefully they'll be younger folks, too, but that's not a requirement. I remember all too well how meaningful it was to make real, lasting friendships with seniors when I was a sophomore (and freshman). Those are some of the people who I still keep in touch with, and who I know will remain a part of my life for years into the future. I hope they feel the same way (I think they do). If possible, I want to be able to do that for a few younger folks. And personally, I want to enrich my life with new people and perspectives that it may be lacking at the moment. I don't have a ton of time left in Evanston - while I'm here, I want to make it count with meaningful people and experiences.
Progress not perfection. In family, in expanding, in surviving and thriving, in creating and sharing.
I would like to have a book done at least to proposal submission stage. Why? Because it's a big undone.
I feel like I say this every year, but I'd really really like to have a partner. More than anything else. And I feel like I am finally doing some of the deep work that is going to make that possible. I think in the past I had been even sort of passive, like it is something that would happen to me, but doing this work has made me braver and I think more pro-active. I look forward to seeing where that leads me. I'd also love to have a bigger and more stable community of friends here, a fitness routine or trainer, a primary care doctor, and have made major inroads on my new web series.
Be a tree. Be grounded calm peaceful able to weather any storms that come my way. Shelter and take care of my loved ones. Being a money tree wouldn't hurt either
I'd like to be in an office space by this time next year, and for my studio to be a legitimate business. It's important to me because this is the long term work situation that I've been wanting.
Optimizing my health so I can take care of my family and plan for the future
Get a car and start taking classes to further my career. I just started a new job in a new field, and I want to show as much improvement as possible to excel at learning my new field of maintenanc so that I can better provide for my family.
By this time next year, I hope to have revamped my curriculum so that it's sustainable and meaningful. I'm working with my coach right now to simplify and integrate the social studies and language arts parts of the curriculum, and to embed reading and writing skills throughout. At the moment, I'm spending almost all of my free time and energy on thinking about it and working on it... I hope that, come next fall, I can reap the rewards of all this work! Coach keeps describing it as "making the baskets," and that later I'll just be able to put different things in the baskets instead of weaving new baskets each time. If it really works out that way, and I'm really able to do that, then my life will feel much more balanced, I'll have a life outside of work, and I'll actually be able to connect emotionally to the curriculum and kids because I'll have the energy!
I hoep to have finally healed my core issue. It is important because a failure to do so will cost me the people I cherish most.
I would like to transition to a new working space that enriches the rest of my life rather than sucks from it. From there, reconnecting on healthier levels with many who matter.
by this time next year, i would like to be a happy and healthy parent, with andrew, to a happy and healthy baby. this is important to me because it is everything.
I like to have paid off at least 1 credit card.
In 2013, I published a text book, and rumblings started happening that I’d get to develop it into a class at my former school. What followed was several years of outright rejection or more often being quietly ignored. It was that frustration, coupled with my unhappiness over my treatment as volleyball coach and being under appreciated by the my district. Now I’m at a new district in a new state. I’m respected, I’m valued, and I’m being given a chance to develop my class, as I’ve long dreamed. I have high hopes for the class and want it to be al the things I imagined when I was writing there book. I want it to succeed because, whether I’m correct in my assumption or not, I get I wasn’t given this chance at my old school because they didn’t see value in it. I want to make my class wrk and be worthwhile.
I would like to have a vision for life after work has ended and my work in retirement! I hope the energy is there to begin the quest, the adventure, the exploration, and to see tangible movement in this endeavor. And I will gladly be pleasantly surprised by how this coalesces.... I am hoping in this I will find that creative spark that has eluded me these last ten years. I can't deny that I am suffering from compassion fatigue, and that even my best compassion fatigue plan and working it is not keeping the overwhelming tiredness at bay. I am asking the universe now while the door is open, to send me inspiration in whatever forms to continue, to take up the pen, the brush, the idea, the concept, the thought in the moment and pursue it to whatever ends....
I want to start getting clarity around future career moves I might make in the coming years. Doing some networking in the North Bay would help me get a sense of some of the possibilities and think about the skills that I might develop to help me get a next job.
I would like to finish a book of poems which has been started, and my two remaining memoirs of the trilogy which are almost done and they have been almost done for the last year. It’s important to me to complete these projects before I die. I don’t really have plans to die, but I’m not young. I don’t want to say “I would’ve written” or I could’ve written I want to HAVE written.
I'd like to have a goal I want to set by this time next year. Long term planning and goal setting has really never been my strong suit or something I've made a priority but I am looking for more ways to grow and improve as a person so goal setting may be a good way to work towards some positive changes.
I would like to achieve by this time next year another trip to Africa working with the animals specifically. I would like to be in this trip with Alex and a ring on my finger from him. I would like to a achieve a deep dive with sharks, a dance with the mantas and belly to belly swims with whale sharks and whales and or dolphins. I would like to be living in Miami and fully financially stable doing work I am passionate about and sharing this magic with my girlfriends.
Write much more of my novel. I'm not going to say finish it because I think that's impossible with the day job but I do want to be moving forward as a writer. It's important because this is something I've denied myself for 30 years. Time doesn't hang around for women who put others first. It stomps on and lets the men mop up the adoration and accolades. I don't want either of those but I do want a feeling of achievement, that I've done something I'm good at that isn't for anyone else but me.
Calm, non reactive responses to both my sister and partner ... the important people in my life
I want to be making dinner consistently twice a week for my children. I think doing this will give my wife much-needed breaks, show my children that I'm actively there for them more, and better ground me to what is my most important job -- being a husband and father.
I really hope to be finished my accounting certificate by this point next year, and ideally even starting down the path of doing freelance bookkeeping. Its been a long journey done a strange path to get here, and it'll just feel good to finally have some finished an accomplished. Although with this recent news of a baby coming (!!!), I am going to give myself some grace and say that just getting the certificate done will be success enough.
Not much has changed since my last answer I'm afraid, and I have a sneaking suspicion it'll be the same next year. I really need to sort out my job situation... I'd like to do more music this year, and stretch myself and be better at it. I want to get more involved with musical direction or at least arrangements in Sol Samba, and be genuinely versatile about what instrument I play. I'm keen to work on my drumming generally. So let's go with that.
i would like to be racing again and see if that has as big an effect on me as when i was racing 10 years ago. motorcycle racing is the one thing i have found that i both love and am good at, but i am older now, and we'll see if that same feeling is still buried down in there.
really like to have found a way to support Freya through her A levels - in a way that means that she and I are still talking that she feels supported and I don't feel exhausted, trampled over, ignored.... and for me have kept little Jessica out of hospital and found a way not to be so scared about being ill and fear of being back in hospital and losing control
I want to be able to hold a conversation in German. We have friends in the country and I'd like to show them respect by being able to converse with them in their native language.
I would like to sign up for classes in the field of Aviation Interiors, if not now when?
I would like to have a job (career) that I am unabashedly proud of. To serve in a role where I can be fully myself and am empowered to make the world a better place. This I need for myself because it hurts me to shrink myself to fit into roles that were not designed for me but provide money I need to live. Money is a necessity, sure, but spiritual harm is not. Perhaps when I finally find the job that fits me I'll have a more personal/lived experience answer for the spirituality question. #progress!
Lose weight. Eat healthier. What's new??
Hmm... I suppose I'd like to find a new job. The situation at my current job is unacceptable. Even if there are good days, or even good weeks, there are underlying issues which will not change, and I do not have to put up with them. I need something better for myself. I need to deal with the anxiety and responsibility of applying for jobs in order to create a life that is to closer to the one I truly want.
Still trying to organize and de-clutter; don't have to worry about the house, as that is sold. Trying to lose weight is a good goal for this coming year. Not trying -- actually LOSING weight and feeling better physically and mentally
Some source of stability. Perhaps it’s a job or a home or a new relationship, or even just a clearer plan/roadmap to where I’m going.
I keep talking about how I want to finish my novel, or finish my solo show, and frankly, it's been discouraging to read year after year about the things I wanted to do but didn't accomplish! But I'll try to talk through an inner peace thing instead, I think it's a way to work differently toward what I want. I want to find peace with my place in life. I currently feel a pressure (maybe it's coming from outside of me to some degree, but I think it's coming from inside me too) to demonstrate that I'm doing "enough." I feel like I need to justify our choice to hire childcare with "enough" accomplishments. I work part time as a music teacher, but I feel like I need to do more beyond that work to justify the time to myself. By this time next year, I'd like to claim my time without justification. Some of the time is for work, some is for creative pursuits, and lending my voice through the art that I make, and some is for self care. I believe all of these are an important part of me. Next time this year, I'd like to answer the question, "so what do you do?" without apology or caveats. This is important to me because I believe it will improve my quality of life, and also because I want to model this kind of living to my kids. I don't think that life is all about work, and I don't believe it is only worth living if it is lucrative. I want my kids to define their success, not by how much money they make, or how prestigious their work, but how full and able they are to be everything they want to be.
By autumn of 2018, I aim to create some palpable evidence of my efforts to begin my progression towards the various goals I have for my future. The diverse passions, interests, and experiences in my life continue to mold these goals and develop them into concrete destination, accessible by a path I have not yet discerned. This discernment process will present difficulties, but I hope to dedicate myself to it as I begin college and gradually gain independence. I want to become productive as I am faced with the challenge of an unstructured schedule. The truly difficult aspect of college is not the advanced classes, but the freedom granted by the time between these classes. Perhaps the evidence of progress I seek will present itself as an internship with a local business. Maybe I'll have begun the opening chapter of a novel destined for the shelves of family members. The evidence of progress may simply be my newly acquired ability to complete an unremarkable, rim-grazing dunk in transition during a pickup basketball game. However this evidence presents itself, I hope that I will not be content. If I am to prosper, minor achievements will not bring me contentment; they will bring motivation to aspire to something greater that can be accomplished through sustained effort. In a year's time, I will be motivated by some form of progress towards future success.
Quite practically, I need to have a job by next year. At this point, there is no doubt in my mind that I will have graduated and be moving on to other things. I have to have a job but I would like to have a job in public health that feels like it's going to take me somewhere. I have no clue where I want to be, but I want to have my own place (without my parents) and that is filled with plants and maybe an animal.
By this time next year I would LOVE to be engaged or married to the love of my life, have our own place, my drivers license, a business plan, a promotion, and pregnant with my first child or set of twins. This is very important to me because I’m at a certain point in life where I’m ready to expand my family and start my journey with my wife and claim our piece of the economy.
I'd like to know if it's possible for me to work from home, so I can support my family. This is important to me because I've always dreamed of doing this, and the next six months - unpaid leave to focus on my startup - will help me learn if it's possible, or a pipe dream and I'll likely be a wage slave forever.
CERTIFICATION. Humanist. Rock and roll. Side business.
I would like to have a more optimistic outlook and stop second guessing myself! And stop being jealous of other people.
I hope I take some risks, step outside that whole comfort zone thing. If I do, I hope I'll have someone new in my life. Even if it's not in one perfect relationship, I hope I've put myself out there and met a few people, gone on some dates, and just restarted that part of my life.
I want to learn to love my body. Or at least to love it more. My body has felt broken for as long as I can remember. Society tells me that its failure to adhere to their standards makes it worthless. My health issues make it hard to appreciate it for the things it does - excruciating chronic pain, recurring illness, and chronic migraines (along with the other little maladies of life) drown out all the great things of which it's capable. Unintentional celibacy makes it feel like there's too little good to outweigh the bad. I don't know how to access love for my body, but I want to find out. I want to feel beautiful, capable, strong, and erotic. I want to feel like my body belongs here, and something is better because of it.
I'd like to engage the kids in making more veggie-based meals and get them moving more. The Chinese word for exercise is Life Movement. I want to learn to sing correctly with a mic and not let vocal fatigue detract from good singing technique.
I would like to have achieved at least one if not two ranks with Plexus so that I can have more time and money to help others.
A successful business and pregnancy. The business has been a goal of mine for a very long time and I'm finally doing it, so I hope it takes off soon! The pregnancy because it's the next step we really want to take. I feel like I need to hurry up.
I want to feel healthy - I want to feel strong. I want to wake in the mornings rested and ready to go. I want to feel energetic all day. I want “my brain back” - I want to be able to learn new things easily. I want normal memory. I want to be able to exercise and recover easily. I want stamina for mental and physical activity so I can get the most out of each day and that is within the range of what people around me do. I want to feel at be at peace with myself and my place in the world. I want to feel at peace with Barry and my marriage. I want to be at peace with family including the siblings on both sides.
Somehow, I just haven't made social connections I hoped to do this year. The fix-up that friends wanted to make didn't happen - but not because I said "no" or didn't pursue it. I said "yes" to the idea, but for family reasons he couldn't pursue it at that point. So this year I want to say "yes" more often, move out of my comfort zone, take some risks. It's important to me because I want to keep growing. It's important to me because I miss being part of a couple. It's important to me because it's time to do it.
Lee and I have made huge strides this year towards being co-pilots and co-equals in our current life. We've implemented a meal plan that allows us to each be in control of certain dishes and take turns shopping and creating the meal plan. We've also implemented a family MOCHA (responsibility chart) so we do equal household tasks and with weekly family meetings we both hold each other accountable rather than me having to hold the weigh of the planning. Next year, I hope we will be able to achieve or come close to co-parenting. Truly as equals.
This is where I tell you I'll finish the third novel I'm writing, maybe take another editing pass on the finished second novel, maybe chronologically pair the romantic correspondence between my partner and I from the '90s when we were wild-eyed kids slipping between dimensions like those busybodies in Gilbert & Sullivan plays, thus perfecting my first novel into a collaboration. My goals vary only slightly every year; I'm always only up to my ankles in writing when I've got hip-waders on and am capable of so much more. The work is never done and the best fish are further out. Someday I'll empty the river, or maybe I'll just keep napping in this fucking canoe.
I hope to have a solid internship for summer 2018, maybe with a city agency so I could get to know that work environment. I also hope to earn a scholarship. I need to get moving on applications.
I think by this time next year, I would like to have started the process of finding a permanent home here in Charlotte. I wish to live in Uptown, or REALLY, REALLY close to it. It's important to me because I want to continue creating stability in my life.
I want to have found a job which pays well enough, with a good team I have confidence in and trust, tackling a meaningful problem, where I can use my skills effectively, and where we stand a fair chance of succeeding. I'd like this to be a job where I'm working with complex technologies, using my skills and early training before they rust away entirely. Also, no car/train commute! I realise although I've had a few years of learning and interesting work, it is not what I find truly fulfilling, and I feel I should get back to what I enjoy before my CV makes me look like a different kind of person.
Tackle my anxiety/depression/stress - or at least figure out if that's what it is. Stop trying to just 'cope'
I was so glad to get on the LTO list. One step at I time! I hope next year that I get to have a FULL year LTO! To be able to teach from September to June without the hassle of interviews. That would be awesome. My career is so competitive, so to have one full year of not having to impress or feel over worked would be awesome. I also started Kung-Fu this year. I hope to be in the advances classes by this time next year. Finger's crossed! Kung fu has taught me a lot anout my body as well as my mind, and how to have them work together. I havent felt so oresent and powerful in my skin before! I am there at least 2-3 sometimes 4 nights a week and it feels like jome to me.
I would like to start writing more. It's important because books have always been a great deal in my life, have been with me through thick and thin and helped me get through a lot in life. I owe a great deal to them and maybe I could be a good writer or maybe just a writer but I would like to give it a shot.
Lose weight! HAHAHAHA!! I say that every year. I want Pierce to be in the charter school in town, and succeeding. I'd like to be a more patient mom. I'd like to have saved $2000. I'd like to have started a book of short interconnected stories.
I'd like to be able to only work on my business and not have another job or something else I have to be involved with.
I'd like to find a better work-life balance. I feel like all my time is devoted to working or being a mom, leaving absolutely no time to work on myself or my relationship with my husband. I would like to feel better at myself. This is important because I will be setting a better example for Penny and I will feel more confident in myself.
Peace of mind. A sense of purpose other than motherhood. Doing something to leave a real legacy.
I would like to be riding my bicycle more, having gained more confidence about riding it out there in the scary busy streets. I would also like to be creating more out of the materials I've collected; fabrics, magazines, paints, I would like to be freer with my expression. My singing lessons are helping with this but I don't feel like I've broken through yet. I'm still so reticent, still don't feel like the desire to make and create is coming from my own joy, my own appreciation of myself. i still see myself as a kind of commodity, trying to make things people will want to consume. Everything is geared toward creating ourselves as products, as brands. Do I dress myself in order to be gobbled up by eyes? It's very hard to not want to be pleasing, to be delicious to others. To write delicious words, to cast a delicious silhouette, to smell good, to sound good, to appear good. Do people who don't grow up in capitalist cultures still strive to be edible? Two images come to mind: the Eat Me lozenge in Alice in Wonderland and the Do Not Eat desiccated dampness protection packets you find in jars of vitamins. Everything is not for consuming. Yet we are monsters, eating everything in sight. Each in our own way, we see life as our buffet. We fall to our overfilled plates voraciously. I don't want to be food or treat others as food. Then again, maybe this is all we are. Eating our way toward being eaten, being swallowed up. I don't know. I would like to become less preoccupied with what the truth of this all is, and just feed the compost of my mind, dig in the middenheap of time, feed and be fed equally. And ride my yellow bicycle.
I want to move out of my parents' house. Again. Despite being gone for all but a few months since I left for college, I find myself back home with everyone else. I know living at home as a 24-year-old college grad is not unusual these days, but I'm ready to be independent. I had an apartment and roommates in Israel, and somehow I fed myself, and paid my bills. I should certainly be able to do that in a country where I speak the language and am familiar with the products. Along with this, I want to have an existing social life, not one where I go weeks without interacting with anyone I'm not related to or working for. The only way to feel like an adult is to jump in.
I want to have started to sell my paintings.
I would like to see the Hive's re birth... some important people in my life have asked me about it and I want to find ways in which I can make it come to life, and re think or re imagine it so that it is a viable thing, something that can grow but not as I had pictured it, necessarily. Let go of the expectations I had and see it develop as it has to instead
I'd like to have lost at least 10 pounds by this time next year. I'm just starting the process of cleaning up my diet and getting it under control, (mostly balanced.) This is important because I really don't want to end up diabetic, like most of my extended family is. I'd like to have one credit card paid off. It's important because I need to get my finances back under control, and stop living above my means, or save up enough so I can do so.
I'd like to feel like I've really mastered running a business. I can tell I'm doing well now, but I think in a year I'll be able to see some measurable accomplishments - profit, service, popularity, relationships built. I'd really like to feel like I made good choices, even if I made mistakes, and feel like I can teach others what I've learned. I'd like to feel really matured in my mindset, a deeper understanding of how to follow God's call.
Imma be married next year! For real, though, I'd like to have a real full time benefited job and figure out what's wrong with me. I just want to be alive and happy.
I am working on 2 books. I hope to have one done by this time next year.
I'm about to have a baby so it is difficult to make any plans. I know my life is about to change, but I honestly don't know how. I hope that by this time next year I've lost the baby weight and we've made some much needed repairs on the house. Really I just hope that we have our lives in balance and I'm happy. I worry that the baby is going to isolate my husband and I from our friends and each other so I think it is important that we maintain our own lives and our connection to each other while still meeting the needs of our new baby. In one word I hope to achieve balance.
I would like to be closer to publishing a book and this is important because it will help me achieve important goals and I think that what I have to share will help others grow and achieve their goals.
Every time I sit down to think about this question, it's difficult for me. Because I don't consider myself a "results-driven" sort of person. And many of the things I want for myself I don't feel are attainable. Losing more weight is attainable, and it's something that I can continue to accomplish if I stay on track and keep working at. And I can attain finishing a novel, but that doesn't mean it will be good. Or that it will be published. Or that I'll become a writer. Because that's just silly -- you don't just "become" something. You either are or you aren't. Am I writer? Why do I want to be one? What is it about it that holds so much power over my imagination? Do I think my life would be "better" if I were a writer? Am I just chasing after a dream of fame and fortune like every other schmoe out there, with absolutely no talent or drive to back it up? I don't know. And I don't know if this is something I actually want, or if it's just that people close to me have told me since I was young that I am good at this. Ok, it can't be the last thing only, because I have so many stories in my head, and I love to read and escape in a well-crafted story. And I'm envious of the people who can continue to entertain with their stories. I know on a logical level that writing is hard work, and it's not something that comes easily, even for the most talented writers. It takes time and discipline. So, at the end of the day, if this is something that I want for myself, I have to put the time and discipline into it. Or else it's not going to happen, just like it hasn't for the last twenty plus years of my life. So I guess I have my answer to this question -- I want to finish a story. I want to be able to push through the hard parts, and the blocks, and the boredom and drudgery of writing, and fucking finish something for once. I CAN DO THIS! Right?
Weight loss! I haven't mentioned yet I've been diagnosed with diabetes, in Jan. And further research shows the chemo I had gave me higher likelihood to obesity (check), high blood pressure (check), high cholesterol (borderline), diabetes (check now), heart disease (not yet). I have lost 13 pounds so far in the last 9 months. Not radically good, but more than times past, and I'm keeping it stable and trying to bring it down. I do have better flexibility than I did a year ago, I want to keep heading in that direction, and better health throughout.
Find a FUCKING JOB!! I need a FUCKING JOB - one that challenges me mentally, pays the bills, puts money away for the next rainy day and allows me to keep paying my boxing coach.
This is a harder question now that I'm employed and live in much longer time-frames, with fewer recognizable breaks, than I did in college. By next year, I'd like to have a paper or article of some kind published professionally. I'd like to have re-attempted the bike riding thing. I'd like to have visited Chicago and Vancouver and Boston, and any other small trips that I told myself I would make in my first year of salaried adulthood. Mostly I just want to keep plugging away at work, enjoy what I'm doing, maintain a work-life balance, make sure I'm learning and growing in the role and not being taken advantage of. These aren't necessarily singular accomplishments as they are a wish to transition smoothly to a routine-oriented adulthood.
I'd like to achieve financial freedom, truly, by this time next year. That means to have enough cash in the bank I don't -have- to plan out every small purchase, though I still hope I choose to. I am tired of being out of money every week before payday, and tired of it holding me back personally and socially. The great news is it's something I can change right now, and I hope this wave of inspiration in other facets carries over. If not, discipline will have to do. This is extra important to me as I can't achieve ANYTHING that I want to do, from Mongol Races to traveling to skydiving to being a good friend and son/brother without having the adequate funds to actually do so.
This time next year I want to have a job, have a nice apartment and still be together with my boyfriend. It will be my first job! And I wish that we can work it out so we can still be together.
I want to develop my yoga teaching style and be able to offer it in pop up situations or perhaps as a regularly scheduled thing. Yoga has given me a huge gift and I want to share it with others who can benefit from it.
Similar again to previous years: get a new job. This is important because I want to tap my own unmet potential, and if we want to think about starting a family in a year or so, then this something I need to work on before that.
Get a new hobby that gets me out of the house. I'm quitting my part time job, partially because I'm burnt out and partially so I can have a social life. So if I could have a bit more of a social life by next year that would be great.
By this time next year I would like to have made a positive impact regarding motorcycle safety and additional training for currently riding motorcyclists. This is a sport I love and I know that with additional training riders increase their chances of survival. I am going to start advertising and campaigning for awareness that will lead to additional rider training.
I would like to get my art career on track. At the end of this year I contacted a career coach to help me organize my thoughts and help me focus on the appropriate path for my art. I would like to turn my creativity into a business that creates revenue on a regular basis. To do so requires focus to create as well as business strategies. I would like to try to do an art fair, have a printer and an online store by next year. I have always been creative and I have used my hand skills to create income my whole life. Why not sell my work, it was what I went to school for, I was always good at it... what's been holding me back?
Purchasing a new car of my own choosing . I'm hugely afraid to do this on my own. Every car I've ever had someone else made the decision for me.
I hope to be more financially stable. Maybe renting my own place or paying for my own car. It's a big goal that will be reached by smaller goals like finding a more stable job, following a budget, and planning my future
I would like to have a place of my own. So I can feel more control over my life. Do the things that are more important to me. Have the animals I want. Decorate as I wish!! This way I can concentrate on doing whatever I want to improve my life!!!
Moving our nonprofit to sustainability - funding, staffing, systems, and curriculum. My legacy. Incorporate daily meditation, reflection, planning into my life.
Loving myself ...... Being enough for me so I can reflect it back to my children. I'm not sure there is a greater gift. And that surviving pain is as inevitable as experiencing it....
Last year I hoped not only would one studio be open but three! Oh man this year has sucked. I really hope to have the studio open and if it's really not feasible to know for certain, now, so I can find what other path I should be throwing myself off cliffs for. Something somehow still contributing to creative community, that helps people use their hands and both sides of their brains. I would like to get back to my own work afterward
I would like to have my life more financially stable. This is important to me because I would like to start a family soon, and get building that nest egg.
I'd like to be on my way to writing and publishing a book, be invited to at least one national or international school/conference etc to talk about my work, and to have the financial resources to buy a house if I wish--or be on that path. I would also like to pick a cause and put my energy behind it. I know you said one, sorry! These two things are important to me as I can see that I am working smart and hard in a way that is important and that will make a difference.
Honestly just lose my fucking virginity already. I'm pretty sick of having it and having a hang up about physical relationships that feels impossible to surmount after being sexually assaulted. It's hard enough to find a genuine connection with someone at college in this generation and now I have to deal with feeling like damaged goods. I mean, if you read this next year and it still hasn't happened, don't let that make you feel bad. But goddamn can't I just enjoy sex already.
I would like to pay off all of our credit card debt in 2018 with the money we make from our business. We both quit our jobs to run this business and it's been glorious, but I'd like to prove we are successful by getting rid of our climbing cc debt.
If anything I want to achieve more freedom than I have in this moment. I want to be able to be where I want to be, how I want to be. Always strive for more freedom.
I'd like to feel at east in myself. It's one of the most important things I can do.
Ah, achieve might not be the right word. And I'm not a super ambitious person. My predominant goal in life will always be internal and external peace. But I want to have a baby. Gosh this stuff is vulnerable. Maybe this is just the way life always is - wanting something that's out of your full control and having to wait and see how it all turns out. The longing feels similar to the longing for marriage. And that has turned out more than well. When I wanted to get married I didn't truly consider how much it would impact my hypothetical husband's life. Now that I can see how much the fulfillment of my longing impacted my husband, it makes me wonder about my future child. Whether he/she/they be biological and/or adopted, how will they be impacted to be MY child - in both positive and negative ways. I'm not giving simple answers this year. But yeah, by September 2018 I hope, pray, wish, and will work towards either a) having a foster to adopt child in my arms, b) being pregnant, c) having a biological child in my arms (this seems like the least likely scenario). But who knows what the next year will bring. If I'm honest, I'm scared.
I of course want my film done. Im more excited and more ready to direct it than ever. I hope this is the year I transition from ADing to directing even if its not completely. It's important because its been my dream since childhood and I believe it's what I'm meant to do.
be healthy
Keep on going And for all in my family the same Everybody stay healthy! Everybody stay safe! Everybody try to be cheerful and more. Maybe by next year Trump will Have self-destructed. Or maybe I'll have learned to be Not as nauseated by his constant finger-in-the-eye presence in my thoughts, my life; not as appalled by the moral embarrassment that is Trump.
I would like to move away from where I have grown up. At this rate it looks like I am heading to Tampa. It's important because I have always said I wanted to move and I need to do it. I have moved away from home several times since high school but all of those times were temporary. This time moving can be permanent. There will be no "end" or "time to move home for the summer." I want to achieve making another place my home. I have never felt like I fit in much around the area I grew up in anyway. I need to know if it's possible to feel like I actually belong.
I would like to either accept a position at a different organization and transition into a new professional role or I would like to shift my role at my current organization to reduce my burn-out level, and make the work sustainable for me in the longer-term. I would also like to have completed a basic language skills refresher (I am in the first part of a course for that now), and created groundwork for building conversational language skills (in Spanish). If I am still at my same organization I would like to take a sabbatical this summer to do a language immersion course. If I am at another organization I would like to spend at least a couple of weeks doing language immersion even if that is also how I spend my vacation time. I would also like to spend more time in Spanish speaking LGBTQI2S community.
Oddly, I don't have any grand goals right now. But there's a reason for that. With recent transitions, everything is so new. Many parts of my life are already an achievement, in the recent scheme of things. I don't need more right now. So I suppose what I want to achieve is continue growth into life as it is. Last year I needed to burst from the space I was in. This year I just want to fill it up as much as I can.
I would like to land a marketing or project management position in Lone Tree, CO on or before September 2018. This is important to me because I need to earn at least $80,000/year so I can buy a three bedroom, two bath house with a backyard and a garage. The cost of real estate is much lower in Colorado compared to Northern California. I really miss living in a house of my own!
Continue working in the yard. I would like to have the corners tidied up. And a few perennials and a shrub or two near the spruce tree. My fantasy is a perfect yard that only requires maintenance. Why? I love watching the plants go through the yearly cycles. I love watching the changes and take pleasure in the rhythms of the earth and seasons. Other than that? I'd like to do more with the cause(s) of immigrants. I need to do more. That would mean, though, subbing less. We'll see. And I hope to help Greg find his path.
Normally, this time next year I'll be a newlywed, and I'll be thinking of children (though probably doubting whether I'm ready for it - would I dare to say "what the hell, I won't ever be more ready than I am now"?). I also won't have job security. I hope to be ok with the fact that personal happiness will account for professional difficulty, and I hope to have the strength to choose for my personal life. I also hope I won't be mad that this doesn't really answer the question.
i would like to achieve a stronger commitment to life, to my health, to changing things that have been standing in my way -- like lateness, interrupting, self-centeredness. this is important because, well, it lines up with what the divine part of me "wants." it resonates with that part, with my body, with that something that seems to know what i need and want on a deep level. feels like "truth."
By this time next year, I want to be conversationally fluent in Spanish. I don't mean haltingly asking for the bathroom, I mean making small talk with the cashier. I have wanted to know a second language since I was in high school and now I am being handed a golden opportunity to learn one in person with full immersion. If I waste it by clinging to English I will be so frustrated with myself next year!!!
I would like to be involved in some kind of adult activity. Womens group? Dating? Volunteering? Something that I get out in the world instead of hiding at home....eating. Eating my grief. I am in pain mentally, but coping better than a year ago, I am still in pain physically ---knees, hips and legs ache non stop...but I need to move past it and get a life. it is hard to live with pain ALL the time.
I'd like to have finally made me peace with my size / weight. Keto / low carb is my last gasp and I'm committed to giving it extra time. After that, I am who I am who I am and this is my size.
I would like to have the outside of my house looking better. It has been neglected and I find seeing it in the shape it's in very depressing.
Have my business off the ground. That means have a full roster of clients, know how to talk about what I do, be comfortable telling the world what I do...actually put myself out there.
I want to work out more and get fit.
I'd like to break into the early childhood education industry. I would really like to work with young children in teaching them their worth and value in the world.
Figure out what to do professionally. I don't have the guts to pursue an artistic career although that is what I want the most. It's important because I am already 36 and I haven't done anything noticeable yet. I want to humbly leave my mark in the world.
I want to be happy in myself with my habits especially, as well as my body, academic and social standings. I want to have a positive outlook on all aspects of my life and happily be living my best life before I turn 21. I want to wake up every day with a smile and find enjoyment in every single thing I do.
I would like to achieve a good self-care routine so that I can manage all my family demands with joy and care. To be present with my kids and not so addicted to my phone. I would like either a promotion at work or to start my part time studies.
Get my first paying client - business and individual. This is important to me in that it validates my purpose and what/why I believe in what I'm doing and the impact I can make.
I would like to do two things. 1. I would like to say the divorce is over. It will be three years next month this process started. I would like to get this over with because of the cost and the emotional turmoil. Unfortunately its not all on me its takes two parties to get this done. Feels like one foot is free and the other is still in quicksand. 2. I would also like to take at least one if not two trips that I mentioned last year. The list is KC, New Zealand, Nova Scotia, Boise, Id, Walla walla, WA and to a national park(s). I feel I havent done any of this because of the fear I have. Accomplishing some of these would show I can overcome fear.
Write. Really, two things. Finish a novel, The Offering, and write the sequel to Ledger of Tears, Tears of Joy, by this time next year.
I'd like to find work that I am passionate about. This year I am working at a job that is fine but I feel little passion for, and that's been very difficult for me, and I'm depressed most of the time. "Good enough" isn't good enough.
I'd like to say I want to add to my rib tattoo, but that's probably not feasible, especially if I keep switching languages! Is it weird to say...I want to have a plan by this time next year, for what I'm doing over the next few years? I like the things I'm doing with my life, I'm happy, but I feel a little aimless - which I'm sure friends would side-eye since I'm ridiculously driven. But like...where do I want to live, what do I want to do career-wise, what mark do I want to make on the world? I'd like to get that figured out. I don't know. I'm scared of the future, of committing to one path, even though I know there's room to pivot, especially now, I'm not that old.
Be more involved and active in ways I can create direct impact in others, specially to those who may need it the most.
I'd like to have my house sorted out, get rid of stuff, & generally cleaned up so I'll have space to move my things from Santa Fe back home. I want to have my artwork around me again. Maybe be ready to sell my SF house. Maybe invite friends over for dinner.
I want to finish massage school, and have a long term plan with numbers for paying down student debt and accumulating credit toward the purchase of land. I want to practice wearing a fem accessory "wrench" for every butch outfit I wear. I want to have developed any easeful daily practice.
Really, the same answer as last year. By this time next year I would like to feel that I have achieved at least one thing that stands me in good stead for the future.
Figure out FODMAP stuff. I used to think dada and uncles at 40 went crazy, but now I think their bodies mutinied and they HAD to do something about it.
Just like last year I would like to be a better me. I think I accomplished that last year to some degree but there is room to keep going. The importance of this is to keep growing... To be positive more than not, to stop myself from getting sucked into the negativity and sarcasm. To find more inner peace and to let that light shine. If I can get that in myself I will be able to share and spread that light and love to others, and we will be better for it.
I will have started my second year of grad school. This is important because I will be doing the thing that I love.
Fix a flat bike tire on my own.
Defining more creative goals. Still want to do book, but not sure exactly the parameters. Must need some more thinking, living to do. Would like to get photo project out more. I think the answer lies somewhere in there. In the meantime, I'll continue to pursue creative projects. I want to do more arty-storytelling projects, speaking, TED Talk?
I'd like to find a job, hopefully a job that I'm happy with. This is important to me both for the obvious reason that I need to make money and also because I need to take my life in a new direction. I'm done with grad school and have realized that academia is not for me. Now, I need to see if I can find something else to give me a purpose (outside of my creative work and friends/family), and try to make it work with my hobbies and social life.
Same as last year - lose weight and clean/organize my scrapbook room. I need to lose the weight for health reasons. . .and the other just needs to be done!!
I would like to plan when and how I am going to move I to retirement. I had planned to work for another 8 years but changes in management in my department have made me rethink this and I would now like to only work for another 4 years.
By this time next year I will have achieved moving out of my parents house, paying for my car payment, insurance and phone bill. I also will have gone on an incredible adventure post giving up my title for 2 -4 weeks. I will have developed my pageant coaching program. I also will submit myself for different modeling agencies to become represented to do commercial and print work. I will have decided what I’m doing with my scholarship money. I will have grown my relationship with Kennedy and Wayne. And collectively and separately we will have a more clear plan for our future.
I know how pathetic this is, but no judgment here! By this time next year, I want Rob to be in the past or I want him to be my future. My heart wants him to be in the picture forever, but my head knows that he belongs in the past.. for good. There’s no way that I can move on with my beautiful life and the things that it could offer if I’m busy dwelling on this part of my past. With him moving away this year I was able to have small kinds of relationships (like with Hassan, Dougie and Sasha), but I need to get closure. Closure from Rob is what I want more than anything to achieve. Except for maybe also winning the lottery and snagging a dream job that pays big bucks.
Last year I have written that I would like to have Yuan's Polish nationality and that I would like to visit Poland with him. Not achieved, because I stopped the divorce proceedings, because I had a stupid hope that maybe we will repair our marriage with Yuya. As Michal told me before, I have highly developed wishful thinking... For next year, I would like to renew my Polish passport, renew the Japanese visa, and The Most Important - unpack, settle down and Furnish our Japanese apartment! I would like to make our apartment into a Home for us. A place of safety and retreat from the hustle and bustle of the world. I would like this to be our cherished nest where we, me and Yuan, can hide and refresh.
I would like to have a profitable company. I think it would validate a few of the choices I've made over the last couple of years. Some harsh choices that, at the time they were made, maybe didn't feel so much like choices. I also believe it might be a good metric by which to judge how much the lens through which I see the world is still facing towards the past rather than towards the future.
Life After That successfully launched and thriving. There are so many people living through different stages of life transitions that can benefit from LAT, so it's important to me to share my experiences if it can help at least one person.
By this time next year I will have completed the next 300 hours of training. It is intense, intimidating and wildly exciting. It is important because my 200 hr taught me just how much I don't know. I look to these next 300 hours to bring a greater confidence in my ability to serve those around me and myself in healing. I also hope to uncover what other modality(ies) I plan to study.
I'd like to get my A1C down again so that I feel healthier, more energized, and less anxious.
find my self and maybe my one, loose more weight, release my mental all time burdens!
I want to feel connected to and grounded in significantly more self love and acceptance. My relationship with myself is the most important relationship I will ever have, and it is only from a relationship rooted in self awareness, love, compassion, and acceptance that I can foster healthy, loving, generous, and fulfilling relationships with those around me. I am going through a divorce, and I know that I contributed to the toxicity and damage in the dynamic I had with my former partner. I want to be a part of a fulfilling and loving partnership and have a family. I have faith that will come with self love.
I'd like to be in a place of health--mental and physical. This is still my biggest goal, and I've made so much progress. But I still have a ways to go. Nothing else matters as much as this. Once I have this down, I can begin to think about other goals.
I would like to have a regular writing practice. I think this is important because I have a lot to say right now, and also because I would like to see, in this time of inspiration, if there is some format or piece that I need to work in.
I was about to say get funding for my work, but I think more important to me is that I start dating. I really want my own family, and I want that more than I want success at work. That is hard to come out and say, but being sick has really reminded me that work will come and go, but its the people that really matter.
living in my own home. living in my own home, living in my own home. being the me that i am today would like to enjoy the time and space to think and create on my own. i so very weary of taking care of others. i want time to be free, create, breath, pray, meditate, in the skin i'm in now. BUT I ALSO WANT MY MANUSCRIPT PUBLISHED!!! living in my own home. living in my own home, living in my own home. living in my own home. living in my own home, living in my own home. living in my own home. living in my own home, living in my own home.
I want to finish a short story so that I would be proud to publish it. This means fully written, edited, rewritten. Ready for public consumption, even if it doesn't actually get published. Over this past year, I have moved in many areas of my life from a "one day" mentality to a "day one" approach. I started running and successfully ran multiple races. I started budgeting and turned my finances around. I quit drinking soda. These are all healthy lifestyle changes I thought would never be possible for me. But I've yet to tackle some of my childhood dreams; chief among them is writing. I want to stop putting the creative act off and finally embrace it, warts and all. I want to begin my delayed dream before opportunity fades away forever.
Becoming a certified Imago facilitator to support my personal growth and my coaching practice's growth.
Next year at this time, i'd like to have 2-3 volunteering gigs that a. Actually Help folks in need (direct services, homeless wwomen, writing skills, hospice or PWA.) b. Continue to fuel and feed me as the Women's Drop-in Center is c. Have a solid financial plan up and working so i can continue to volunteer at places. (No idea if this part'll work out.) Maybe / probably won't feel as intensely wonderful as now - such a sharp contrast of years of depression, inaction, hopelessness/ no options feeling, then arthritis to boot; and the big big Life Prozac of doing something that satisfies AND is A Good Thing in the World. Hope i can remember this though, next time Depression/black dog shambles around...
I would like to have achieved a decision about marriage with Daniel and be happy with that choice. I am so tired of the constant questioning of when we will get engaged, and I know I have let that seep into our personal conversations about the decision. I no longer know if I truly want to get married or just want to do it so people stop asking me about it, and that's not a healthy or helpful place to be.
I’d like to retire and move to a home I am having built for my retirement. It’s important because I want to be closer to family and I want to find creative and inspiring ways to spend my time.
I would like to have made the effort to start a romantic relationship with someone, but only if they are the right person who gives me what I need as well as what they need. I feel like I have a lot to give but sometimes don't make myself vulnerable enough for it to happen and make excuses for why not when often it is me stopping myself
This year I really, really want to improve my health. I have started to reengage with my congregation. I want to heal from the pain of my childhood. Or at least to heal more than I have in the past.
It seems like my answer to this is always the same. However, the idea of having more structure and organization in my own life and for my family has become the most important goal for right now. I need to be able to give my kids the structure they will need moving forward on their own. And maybe organization and structure will look different than I have imagined it--hopefully I will find out by this time next year!
I'd like to have found stable, gainful employment that allows me to have a studio and pay my bills.
I'd like to feel like I have a schedule of some sort. A semblance of time structure. I'd like to do feel a stronger and more constant control of my consciousness in comparison to how fleeting it is right about lately. I'd like to be asleep on average, before 11 each night. Up at a proper good time.
I'd like to achieve my (fucking) PhD. This is important to me because it is completing something I started and that an earlier version of me believed in. Completing my PhD this year will honor the efforts, beliefs, and dreams of my younger selves while also giving love and gratitude to my advisor who believed in me when I no longer believed in myself.
Know what colleges I'm applying to and where I want to go most/what programs I want to get into there
By this time next year, I want to get the promotion to Lead Barista (or Supervisor!) at work, (with the included pay raise of course), pay off my bank loan and make a good dent in my credit card balance, and have everything ready and paid off for our wedding and honeymoon!!!
Honestly, I just want to have lost 90-100 pounds. I weight 250 pounds which is just so high for me. My knees hurt, my face breaks out, I feel bloated and slow and not sexy. I'm too young for this and I'm over it. I just want to feel healthy, sexy, young, alive, and brimming with energy and joy. It's important for me to feel alive and like I am living my life consciously and by my terms. I heard Russell Brand say "if you're not living your life consciously by your own program, you are living unconsciously by someone else's program." That really stuck with me. I want to live intentionally with an awareness of God and I think I can start to do that by being intentional with what I put into my body and moving my body to be strong and efficient.
Same as last year haha, but one step further. I want to be in a law school. Hopefully a good one. Hopefully in New York, or at least in a school that'll get me there. And, of course, I'd like to have completed my MA with flying colours.
LOSE 50+ POUNDS. I would say a new job but I did accomplish that last year and will still keep my eye out for a better thing, but my health is most important. I've been miserable and crap at hiding it and RARELY feel that I'm comfortable in my skin. I've come to accept that I feel badass when I am able to punch or kick or even lift the kids at work with little issue due to strength, but I still feel super insecure and unwilling to share all of myself with others, let alone someone I would want to be in a relationship with. I just need to buckle down, accept that it's okay to strive for PROGRESS not PERFECTION, and do it.
I would really like to get my home in order, get rid of things I don't need. If I could do this, I would have more time to write. I would also like to put new countertops in my kitchen. I have to pay off another repair first.
I would like to do a live stream on the internet. I hope it would be fun experience, displaying one of my passions (video gaming) and something to have recorded online forever.
A successful transition of 10% of our clients to our succession partner.
I’d like to have more stable employment. Reassurance that I don’t need to worry about keeping my job. That isn’t necessarily something that’s fully up to me, but still.
I really need to focus on becoming more assertive. This is a progressive step to follow letting my no mean no, and my yes mean yes. In becoming more assertive, I see myself focusing on self interest goals; taking on rock climbing skills( ?), finding more competition and challenge in my daily life, and exploring my masculine side.
I am able to make my local space comfortable and homey wherever I go. I should not limit my moving about for fear of leaving "home", because that is a (mostly) portable concept. I have had years of frequent travel and now I am in a period of rare travel and it bothers me. Somehow I will incorporate travel, to familiar and new destinations, with my life's work. By this time next year. It's important to me because I come alive when I'm in motion, moving from place to place and observing a changing landscape out the window from a plane or train. My thoughts are provoked when I am out of my "comfort zone" but actually in my comfort zone which is a zone and not a single place. I like to talk to strangers and learn about foreign cultures and the things that are common to us all.
By this time next year, I want to be happily engaged (or even married) to a lovable and loving Jewish man. I really want to build a warm Jewish home and family, and share life's joys and challenges with a companion. I also want to grow into the sort of person who can be vulnerable and open with a trusted partner.
I would very much like to finish my dissertation. I am very excited by the work in entails and I want to wrap it up. Additionally, I think that the contribution is worth putting out there into the world. However, strategically if I do not have a job lined up it may be best not to finish. I have two other things that I would like to achieve though I am very concerned that they do not align with each other. I am very worried that some elements of them are out of my control. First, I would like to actually get a job. I am currently applying, but everyone says that the academic job market is a bit of a crap shoot. Second, I would like to have another baby. My little girls would be at a good age for a sibling and I would very much like her to grow up with a friend.
Feeling less apologetic for my existence. This one is tricky because it's difficult to quantify/measure my progress, but after all, it's really to do with the subjective feeling of what I experience as being Me. I'd like to be less bashful about where I'm at in the world and in my life, and more confident in what I am able to offer.
I feel like I say this every year, but I would like to achieve inner peace. I want to fully in love and accept myself and be so strong that I will not allow anyone to change how I view who I am. It's important to me to be true to myself, I too often lose sight of who I am and start acting in ways that are detrimental to my being and my psyche and my ego.
I want to be happy...with myself. Happy with how I look. Happy how I'm spending my time. We have one life. I should choose the right things to do with it.
I want to have found my groove, my place to go above and beyond, my niche.
I have gotten into podcasts over the past year, and maintained a blog in the past (for a college assignment and for fun). I would love to turn my passion(s) into a publicly shared platform, either audio/visual, written word, or both. I have many ideas, stories and lists swirling in my notebook and inbox - men's health, effects of technology on youth, finding spirituality outside major institutions, "cool people" to interview. To consistently produce, even for a short time, would be important to prove that I am capable of doing so, and as a valuable outlet from a busy schedule, while hopefully adding meaning to others' lives as well.