Describe one thing you'd like to achieve by this time next year. Why is this important to you?
I would like to be married. I've wanted it for years.
Completion of professional engineering licensure. Why? To prove to myself that I can.
I am trying to become a better Hebrew reader and learn tropes also, so that I can read Torah for my 80th birthday.
Understand the bigger picture of retirement cash flow.
I have a lot of goals for next year. I'd like to be able to jog even a little bit out of the water. I'd like to still be in school which means having at least a 3.0. I'd like to have gotten over the heartbreak of losing Sam/Meg. I'd like to have new friends and feel more at home here in Baltimore. I'd like to feel slightly more prepared to actually become a social worker. I'd like to feel more like an adult. I think these are all important for my mental and physical health. But who knows....maybe everything will change and I will still be okay.
I want to lose 100 lbs... or get to 190lbs. I need to fit into all of my old clothes, and I would like the need to buy a new wardrobe.
I'd like to be enrolled in an MSW program. This will set me on the path to my next career as a therapist. I'd also like to have finished 5 of the 9 stories.
Be emotionally stable
I would like to have my blood glucose levels normal and have become more physically fit and mentally and spiritually fit
By this time next year I would like to have a start on a modest savings and have enough security for Adam to come live with us.
I would like to serve as lay leader for my Shabbat morning minyan. I have the skills, but so far I have not had the courage.
A deeper sense of acceptance of myself and others. This will help me to be more loving to myself and others.
Learn to live with Parkinsons Disease in my husband. It is just important because he is my husband and I love him dearly and want as good a life as possible for as long as possible.
Peace in my daily life, a sense of serenity and fulfillment.
Go on a trip. A real trip somewhere, outside of north america, where I explore a new context and way of life. It's sad that I haven't done that yet, really. I've only got so many years.
I would like to know where I will be living. I'd like to have a little more stability than I currently have.
I would like to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life, utilizing a skill I have and working with a product I like.
I want to integrate meditation into my daily practice. I want to take care of myself to continue to do better work ... and be happier and a more giving and kind person.
Begin the habit of studying in my field 1 hour per day 3x/week. I would really like to improve my skill base to be able to be more helpful to my patients.
I would like to fashion a life that is more consistently pleasant and peaceful with my husband.
I'd like to go back to school, I hope to be registered and know what my goal is regarding the education. Its important because it gives me confidence if I go for a job interview.
I'd like to be 50 lbs lighter. It's important because I am getting old and there are many things that I want to do in retirement. Being so over weight will shorten my life, thus shorten retirement and hinder my abilities to do the things I want to do when I have time to do them.
I want to talk about how I am a religious person, that my relationship with God is important to me. I want to be honest about that. Out of all of my friends here, almost none of them know that about me. I keep it hidden, and it withers and dies within me, and I forget that it is true and what it means. Yet when I can speak of it with others, it flourishes and grows. It is so insidious - I don't know how I have kept this all such a secret for so long. To such an extent that I am a deeply rifted person, and I have created such a facade that the spiritual parts of my self have become just memory. Let my heart seek friends after itself!
Happiness. Because it is everything.
Doing a meaningful job (somewhere). I feel like I graduated from UT and haven't really achieved much since. My current job feels like a dead end but at the same time it's safe and secure. I really want a "career" that will challenge me or find something that I'm passionate about. I know that I'm capable of more than the responsibilities that I currently have, and I hope that by this time next year I've pushed myself into doing more.
By this time next year I hope Escher is weaned from breast feeding, or rather partially weaned. I would love to keep breast feeding him in the morning and evening, but I would also like the freedom to have a drink when I want and look forward to the day when I no longer need to pump milk at work. Breastfeeding is a amazing way to connect with my baby and comfort him when he is distressed. It is the healthiest thing for him and me, but it is also very hard. It is hard to have someone need me so constantly. Sometimes I feel resentment towards my husband because he can not help me, which really isn't fair since it his biology. I have committed to breastfeeding for a year so Escher does not need to drink formula ever. Sometimes, when things are hard, I need to remind myself that this is a gift I am giving him.
To be at a job that I like and feel is important. Because right now I feel l ok ke I am wasting my gifts and talent. I feel the work I am doing benefits ery little.
I would really Like to have a Job as a lifeguard and some idea of where I'm going to college. I want to be able to support myself and have some direction in life
I want to be living a healthy lifestyle. I want exercise to be a regular part of my routine, whether I'm home or traveling. I want to be eating healthy food and not overeating. I want to be back to a body size where I feel comfortable with myself and don't always feel fat. I've been really good at exercising and eating decently over the last couple of months. I need to work really hard to make this a constant habit.
There are three things I would like by this time next year. First, I would like to get two classes finished. I need to finish my degree. I want to become a teacher either for special ed or kindergarten. This would be a great help to the family if I could bring in more income. Secondly, I would like to be engaged. (and possibly planning the wedding…) Thirdly, I would love to be pregnant by this time next year, or have another child but this time next year. I would love our family to grow and for Hurley to have a sibling and not be 6 years older than the sibling.
This is a big leap, but I would like to either have started my own business or have joined a financial planning firm whose values are closer to my own. I have learned a lot where I work now, but I don't want to work for them for the rest of my career. I would be happier in the fee-only world.
I have no idea. I don't really see big changes in the next year, but there will be. It's not that I don't have goals, I just don't have any expectations. I guess I would like to see Chris and I living together at both of our houses and I definitely expect our relationship to grow but I don't know how.
Earn minimum of $75,000. to show that I can earn 50% more than when I was working for my brother. I was underpaid and undervalued. If I can do this it will show that I am able to add value and get paid for it.
I would like to have good grades in school, that way I have a better chance of being successful in life.
I woild like to be living with a retired Sheila and for us to be married. I would like hannah to be in her last semester at Smith and that allison be happy and safe in the peace corps.
Find my best paid work. It's important to me to use my God-given talents, be part of a good group, and regain the dignity of a good living.
I'd like to get a job. I hope that I would do well and make a positive contribution to it. Primarily, I'd like to have one so that I wouldn't feel like a burden to my parents.
I want to get in better physical shape: better and healthier diet, exercise of some sort. I would like for this to be true for Miriam, also.
I'd like to have a more planful weekly schedule - time for daily Talmud Torah, open time in my schedule for hospital visits and other issues as they arise, and designated email time. I'd like to be really doing the most important things first each day. That's what a senior rabbi should be doing! This is important both because it will make me a better rabbi (and husband/father?) and because it will show that I am able to take control of my circumstances and not just be a victim of them.
Completion of all my CEU credits for my online subscription to Audio Digest Psychiatry - Important being it will move me that much closer to achieving advanced degree should I decide to pursue one or to a leser extent be a positive aspect in resumes should I seek other employment opportunities.
I think the biggest thing that I would like to achieve is to get a better understanding of where it is Jenna and I want to be. Maybe that's foolish and I should be living in the moment but our biggest question mark is where we want to live and what we want to do, where. I never imagined having families from two different states would be so difficult. Of course, I wouldn't trade it from the world! :)
This damn PhD! It's driving me insane. Maybe not finish it, but at least make monumental progress and see the finish line. I'd also like our garden to be done landscaped so that there are no more eye-sores.
I want to get back in shape. I started doing yoga again. I need to stay with it. I just need to be healthy.
By this time next year I would like to have discovered an excellent routine for optimum physical/emotional/and spiritual well being. I have quite a few health ambitions and hope to make good on my objectives. Concerning food, I would like to have a more balanced nutrition and less links between my feelings and my consumption, so that eating can be more for health and social pleasure than an emotional replacement strategy. I would like to see myself in a suitable job that gives me the opportunity to grow as big and as far as I desire and am capable of doing responsibly. A job where I am fairly paid for the efforts and results I make and I learn in ways that enhance my skills and capacities to do well in the world and to do good in the world. Oops, that is 2 things.....
I'd like to have done lots of translation work to help pay off our new house, and I'd like to have read a lot of books :)
I would love to have a regular job by next year. It could also be a freelance one, but I'd love to use my talents and my knowledge more and get paid for it.
By this time next year, I hope to have refined my professional identity as a result of my 2014 fall sabbatical. This is important to give me focus in my work and consequently some sanity.
The overriding goal I have for the next 12 months is to attain my goal weight of 185lbs. I believe that achieving this goal with enable me to resolve a number of chronic health issues that I have struggled with for some time. I also believe that a healthier physical condition with improve my mental state as well as my marketability for career advancement.
UGH So I re-read my past years, and every year I promise to myself that I'm going to do better about my weight. I'm feeling like a huge blimp, but have not done much to fix it--why is this so darned hard for me? I'm pledging it again, 'tho, because I MUST deal with it for my health and sanity! So...again....15 lbs: could do with losing more, but will try to be realistic. POSITIVE ENERGY out to the universe for me to make this happen!!
To actually be in a big budget film and do something with my life finally. Today's quote from me was "I don't live, I exist." And that's how I am feeling, probably going through a mid life crisis in my twenties but meh the world is always changing.
I'd like to own my own home. It's important to me because I want to have a place that is mine… A place where I can have a garden, a yard for Chuck, a place I can improve upon and make beautiful. A place I can learn to live with another person... With the kitchen where I can make delicious, beautiful food. And a dining room where I can have dinner parties. No more sharing a place with people that smoke, fight and have the cops called or do drugs in front of me. Finally, a place that I can call home.
A living plan for retirement: What I really want to do with my time- creative activity, travel, a more balanced life. Deepened friendships and family life. Very important to me. A longing of heart, and meaning in life. Pulling my life together.
I would hope that this process of divorce will be completed. I am not giving in, I have worked hard to achieve in my education an independence. I worked hard to allow and encourage my soon to be ex to get into NCAA Div I coaching. He wanted that, I pulled for him. I encouraged him to get an education so he could get a paid position in coaching if that is really what he wanted to do. So he went to school Full time, I had no worries, I made enough to support us without struggling. He then decided to stop after getting his associate degree in PTA. When he got his job, he told them he was semi retired. At the time I thought it was an amusing comment. Then he wanted to quit and go back to the machine shop all the while he was still coaching. None of it made sense at the time but all I did was support whatever he wanted to do. Then he wanted to get certified in crossfit. That was okay with me. I wanted him to find something he loved doing. Well I guess he did. He found a minister/part owner of a house cleaning business, married 3 times, 3 kids. He thought she had , as he put it , a lucrative business. He was just going to leave me at the time, he knew he broke my heart. After a month , he got ugly and decided he wanted a piece of everything I worked hard to achieve. He was not there at the beginning, he did not encourage me in things I was interested in. I was okay with that. We did not get married until later in life. He had been married before and has a daughter. When I asked if he wanted another child after we were married, his reply was,"I did not want the one I have." That set me back, but I rolled with it and got a dog. Hmm sounds like I was just desperate to have some sort of family, even is it meant putting everything into my husband. I want to be a little more wiser and possibly think more of myself than what I have in the past.
A balanced family budget. Because I want us to thrive...not just survive.
Better self-care - very broadly defined to include some improvement in most areas of my life - health (move more, eat better, lose weight); work (develop a development plan for myself and get to work on the kinds of activities/learning that I really want to work on); read more; sleep more; keep going to yoga - all of that looks like self-care to me in one way or another.
I would like to either beef up my current business and/or start doing something similar like leading meetings or moderating panels. I want to have paid work, meaningful work, and be engaged in my career. I have always worked, and I have always loved it. I need it back. What with two kids out of the house, and one on her way out, I need my business back. I did not spend those 25 years of being a working mom to now have neither. It is part of my identity.
I want to come out of work without going into self criticism and unkindness if I pick up a shred of judgement, or imagine one. there. To stand at the school gates without wondering if the other mums like me. To make a mistake without thinking it makes me not loveable. The achievement I want to have is to spend more of the time knowing that I am loveable, jut because I am. Because I am made of love, not because someone from the outside, some thing from the outside decrees it to be so. And it is important because it is about living in the truth. The truth of me, is not the small part of me that you see. The truth of me is that I am beautiful, that I am made of a love so much more real than anything else. And from this, I will start to be able to love others for themselves even more. And what is more important than that?
I would like to provide the best fatherly care for my new baby that is coming, with God's help, in December
I'd like to have run or a least have trained for a ten miler. I'd like to do this for my mental and physical well being but mostly I want to do it because it's something that I feel is totally for me and about me. It doesn't involve anyone's expectations or needs but my own.
I'd like to buy a house with Jemma. We are at the beginning of a life journey and to live somewhere I can call ours is of the utmost importance to me right now.
By this time next year, I would like to be more comfortable in my own skin, and act on my best interests instead of others'. I want to know who I am and what decisions I would make without taking into account other people's opinions. It's great to be diplomatic, but sometimes you need to go for what you want, and to do that, you have to know yourself.
i have been slowly moving forward with my art by setting up online sources and having business cards and booklets made to back up my presentations to local galleries who might show my work. this winter will be more time to produce and frame pieces so that there will be a decent-sized selection to choose from. an upstairs display area is also in the plan, but it requires more time and involvement than i can spare right now.
Once again I'd like to have my photos culled and distributed to my children, my mother's memoir completed, a memory of my father done and a good start made on my own.
Having just undergone major surgery, I am focused on my health and being the healthiest I can possibly be.
Have my own car. A job and still be in my relatinship. I had a job until the restuarant I was working at closed. I rolled my car. But I'm still in a happy relationship
I want to be living with less tension and animosity. I'm not yet sure if this will mean a recovering marriage or divorce. I am going to live by the idea, "That which does not enrich my life has no place in it."
Extreme weight loss. I want to be healthier. I want to look better. I want to move better.
I'd like to have established myself as a known, respected Videographer/Director. It's important to me because it means I will have made a career shift in a successful, meaningful way.
I want to travel further. It's important to me because I want to have new experiences and learn from them. I want to grow as a person and I think travel is enriching.
I'd like to retire successfully and find myself with enough money and plenty of things to do. I'd like to feel free to travel if I want to and stay put if I want to. I'd like to do some volunteer work, take classes, exercise, lose weight, paint, practice my banjo, spend time with people whose company I enjoy. I'd like to work in my garden, improve my house in various ways, spend time with my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. I'd like to go home for awhile and visit my uncle in Alabama. Perhaps I'll consider moving. I'd like to travel, especially to Southeastern Alaska, paddle my inflatable kayak in some lakes, perhaps in Canada. I'd like to see the fall colors in New England again. I'd like to hike at least a tiny portion of the Pacific Crest Trail and, perhaps, the Appalachian trail and explore other interesting treks.
I would like to be healthier and happier and wiser. At the moment I am coping with my personal transition into aging. At 75 years old the question on the table is"what is the new normal?" Can I be ok spiritually and physically and emotionally with all these uncomfortable changes and possibilities? How precarious is my health? Am I on the precipice of something that will take a great deal of coping and major life changes? Can I do that? Do I want to?
One thing I would like too achieve by this time of next year is get a good job and hopefully be graduated. I hope I would have enough money too maybe move out and get my own apartment.
I'd like to experience a more expressive Clara. Who am I, without the confines of perfectionism? I spoke earlier about how perfectionism stops the inner creative self. I would like to give myself a safe place for my Self to come forward. She is a sweet soul and wise. I want to see what would emerge, especially in my artworks, if I follow inner prompting from my soul, and move moment to moment. Why is this important? I am here and I believe that what I bring forward will touch the hearts of others, inspire others to be true to their own inner soul. That would be good for the world.
I like to have gotten out of my own way. I am capable of starting my own business, I can do the research necessary to buy property that will help me and my husband in our retirement. I'd like to say by next year that I didn't stand in the way of my success.
One thing? How about two? :) Professionally I'd like to have a better grasp of what organisational development is, and how that adds to my work. I may or may not end up working in the field, but I think the principles are important for building good relationships in the office. Personally I'd like to learn how to be more vulnerable--I find that this inability keeps me from asking for help, and keeps my friends from being friends. I'd like to also like some help in learning to own my strengths!
I would very much like to be well on my way to writing the novella I was hoping to complete. I think the writing has been so helpful for me. That is the surface level answer, but the most important part is: I would also like to explore what God meant for me to do. I feel a mandate but with no direction. I asked God to care for those who were fearful and scared this night. I pray that prayer every night. But one particular night without a doubt I heard, "well, that's your job". Um, ok, I get it. I totally agree. But how? Should I have been more specific with my prayer? Is it enough to concentrate my efforts at home? To apply comfort and nurture solely on my immediate family? Perhaps, but if doesn't feel like enough. I think God talks to all of us. But it's the Saints who answered unconditionally. I'm not aiming for Sainthood. I just want to do what is right.
By next year, I hope to have my home in order; right now I have so much clutter I just can't operate, and I'm finding it quite depressing. My husband is part of the problem. I just can't keep up.
Same plan as always-try and find my passion :) so jealous of the people who have ALWAYS known what they have wanted to do with their lives. Sometimes I seek for what "it" is and other times I am content knowing I am where I am suposto be. I can't help thinking I was born to do greater things, I just can't figure out what they are. I like my life now and am grateful that I get to do what I am doing but as my baby gets ready for college next year, it's time for me to make some change too.
To become better qualified as a coach. More experiences in coaching lends itself to better training for the participants. Billings, MT
I would like to be working full time in Pediatric Palliative Care. This is important to me because it represents working at what I value in life rather then just so I can make money. I feel I have a gift and calling in this area and it is important to me that I follow this path through to competition.
I would like to go to an HR seminar for work. As my HR duties grow, I believe it's important for me to be thoroughly educated on the matter since I don't have any formal background in the field. I want to be more knowledgeable so that I can better help my coworkers and serve my company.
By next year at this time, I want to have been settled into retirement or ready to retire shortly. The last time I attempted to retire, I had so much anxiety that I did not retire. This time, I want to have developed some hobbies or interests outside of tv, and a purpose to my retirement- perhaps volunteer work. I would also like to have it settled where I will be living even though I will still be in my apartment for a few months as my lease was signed for another year.
Support myself with my nutrition work. This is important for my confidence in myself as well as helping make my life even more enjoyable by being able to afford to travel and contribute to the flat I share with my boyfriend.
I need to be enrolled in some type of continuing education. It is getting to be ridiculous, I have a GI bill. I have to do this to show my kids the importance of continuing self improvement. I have to do this to prove to myself that I can.
We absolutely MUST finish the renovations on the house. Not only am I running out of the physical ability to get things done, but we're running low on time to actually enjoy the place.
I would like me and my partner to have our own house in Columbus or our own apartment/condo in Atlanta. This is important because it would mean that one or both of us had finally been able to have gotten better jobs and have more income.
I want to be healthy. I want to be healthy in a way that I feel good, I feel strong and I feel like I am treating my body in a way that would please God. I want to live a long and happy life and get to spend more time with my family (and hopefully grandbabies). I have lost and gained more weight that I would like to think about in my lifetime and I want to get to a place of peace with my body and weight.
I'd like to find a job. But a job that I will enjoy and that will allow me to not only work and earn a wage to take care of my family, but one that will allow me the flexibility to be there for my daughter.
Have some clarity on the next steps for my path in life. In what direction should I be looking, moving?
I would like to have either changed careers or gotten a promotion or significant change to my current job. It is important because I feel stagnant in my current position and I need to be making enough money to help put my daughters through college and/or be able to support our family if something happens to my husbands income.
I'd like the mathematical software I'm involved with to compute unitary representations. This is a (very!) nice mathematical problem, with which I've been pretty closely involved for thirty or forty years (depending on how you count). Having the software work is a version of "solving" the problem; not so complete that there's nothing left to do, but complete enough to feel satisfied about the work. Probably the main reason that this matters personally to me is that so many close friends have been involved in the work, contributing all kinds of ideas and insight and expertise and sweat that I could never have found: Birgit and Dan and Tony and Susana and George and Jeff and Peter and Fokko and Marc, to begin with, but almost all of my professional colleagues in one way or another. When I walk through the work (just a thought experiment, but still very real) I can see their hallmarks everywhere. Perhaps there is something similar in performance art that involves a lot of people: orchestral music, or plays, or movies. Anyway it's something beautiful that we've made, and I'd like to get it into general release!
I'd like to have traveled somewhere exciting - it's important for me to never let grass grow under my feet.
I would like to begin my journey and my life's experience with back packing. I want go on my first multi day back packing trip. I want to go to Europe for the first time for a few weeks. This is important to me because being in and a part of nature moves something inside me. It makes me calm and happy more than anything else. The thought of nonexistence (not so much death) and the belief that "we only live once," has always been very much part of my daily thoughts and perhaps fears. Traveling and always trying to see and experience new things gives me a sense (whether it's a false sense or not I don't know) that I'm living a more full and quality life.
Be happy with myself. Seems like an elementary goal but it's important to me. I'm not happy. I'm depressed, anxious and paranoid. Friends don't understand it. Family doesn't understand. I feel left out and misunderstood. This is why being happy with myself is #1.
i would like to have written and published at least one article. this is important to me because to the extent my occupation now is pursuing ideas, i should have the discipline to put them into publishable form, and they should be interesting enough that other people would want to read them.
I would like to be more present when I am with my son. I am conscious of this and I do OK, but I think I could do better. He's only a precious baby for a short time and my time with him is limited due to working and running a household. It's so important. I also would like to do what I can to improve my marraige. I would like to get in shape and be healthier so I can enjoy both my marraige and child for a long long time!
I guess I'd like to write another novel, but I don't expect that to happen. I'd like to see if I can do that more than once, especially since I have so many ideas. But life gets in the way...
More energy. I am unable to walk very far.
I WILL have my portfolio site up and running by this time next year. I would like to have myself branded and be working on side freelance projects. This is what I went to school for, why am I so afraid to put myself out there? The longer I procrastinate on this project the worse I feel about myself as a designer.
I don't think I can name just one. By next year I'd like to have found a job that pays better and gives me greater satisfaction. I'd like to have had one of my stories published. I'd like for my son Adam to have applied to college with some foresight and thought and not just as a reflex. And I'd like for my daughter Teja to be at peace with her sometimes crippling anxiety. I don't have to have all these things happen. But it would be nice.
Lose 20 pounds - not sure if I am serious or not but since that has been my goal since forever, I might as well formalize it. I would actually like to stop hating my ex. It just takes too much energy.
I try to keep my goals small & attainable. I'd like to paint the inside of my house by next year but my priorities don't facilitate domestic things. I've lost so many people, that I tend to pick what I want to do (run, skate, go to the beach, yard work: anything outside) over anything inside my house. After necessary responsibilities, I think about what I'd rather spend the day doing as if I didn't have many left. A spotless house is the sign of a wasted life
I would really like to work part time. Now that will mean paying off some debt and not spending as much, which is hard for me but I want to slow down and work less!
I would like to learn to read Hebrew and chant Torah. It is important because I feel like these are skills that will help me to fully integrate into the community I have become a part of.
I want to get down to under 160 lbs. I feel better when my weight is under control. I need to eat healthier and exercise regularly. As a permanently single person I need to do what I can to make sure I stay healthy and able to live independently.
I'd like to learn Hebrew in a way that will allow me more meaningful praying, and improve my conversation at least on a level a bit higher than basic
I would like to be closer to being debt free. I want my son to do better in school. I will be in better health. I stopped eating animal products and I'm working on getting closer to eating fat free. It seems to be working for me.
I have many things I want to achieve but the most prominent thing is finding and being able to stay in my place of bliss. I want to be able to radiate happiness from the inside out and to be able to hold onto my bliss regardless of the externalities that try to affect it. This means being balanced mind, body, spirit, emotionally, and sexually as well. This goal incorporates so many small steps into it, including taking care of my physical body (weight loss, internal health, loving myself), taking care of my mental well-being (meditating, doing yoga and breathing exercises, letting go of negative thoughts), finding my spiritual harmony (letting go of ego), healing my emotional scars, and accepting my sexuality (way beyond the labels and the Catholic shame). This is important to me because I know that every step I take towards this is a step towards being a more authentic and true me. I believe that we are born ourselves but that society entraps us in these categories and notions of what we should be. I want to free myself of that and stop being who I should be and embrace who I am.
Financial readiness for retirement. I would like the freedom of retirement without worrying.
I would like to either be in the same place as my sweetheart or to have a very good plan for how that's goin to happen in the following six months. Being apart is hard in and of itself, and also doesn't lend itself at all to the kind of family I want to have.
Hopefully healthier or better able to cope with disability.
God willing, but this time next year I will be a father. I hope to achieve 3 basic things in relation to this. 1. Do not accidentally kill or injure my child. 2. Learn to succesfully change a diaper. 3. Instill an early love of music in my child. Simple.
Deepening my life by living each day as my last. Turning 60 has been difficult; I see my aging parents and have experienced the loss of friends and family. We don't know how much time we have in this realm -- each day should be precious and valued. Going on automatic is comfortable and easy, but it is not what I am seeking at this point in my life. By focusing on each day as special and important, regardless of what I am doing is one way to recognize the value of the everyday and of each moment. Being present is all we have.
I'd like to be part of a two income family with a partner. I'm ready to stop being a caretaker of my husband. Unfortunately, I don't think that's something I can achieve: that's his department. For me, I'd like to learn to live more in the moment, enjoying life, and not just preparing for the next disaster.
Keep building my life in such a way so that I can write/teach larger audiences about mindfulness/yoga/meditation and how these contemplative exercises help us access our best selves/ and counter the effects of living in a high-tech world.
I want to be utterly able to support myself on my own-- pay my rent, my bills, etc. all by myself with no help from family, and with enough left over to go out now and then. It's been years of their helping me when I need it, and I've always felt like I'm still a child (even though they assure me that I'm not, and that it is okay). I want enough clients and classes to be making at least $600 a week, and I'd really like to be able to also save enough to visit Seattle maybe and definitely fly out to see my sister and her kids.
I want to either have my own place or be living in Israel doing a teaching fellowship. I feel like I've been just going through my life a lot lately and either one of these things would be actually living it.
I would like to feel more calm. Right now, with all the stressors in my life, I feel tense much of the time. I would like for that to change, because I think it can make me a better parent, spouse, friend, and colleague.
Qualify for the Boston Marathon. Knowing what i know now about myself, I want a chance to show myself that i can do it.
I really want to figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. By my rough reckoning, my life is 2/3rds gone and I haven't done much that is significant. I do not want to waste the remaining 1/3 of my life. I need to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
I'd like to get my masters degree. I failed my first attempt at a masters, so it is pretty important to me. I would also like to have to get pregnant! and go to China, and go to Hawaii!
I'd like to have successfully completed my first year of university and be on my way through my second year :)
Find a job and, maybe, find a boyfriend.
Fulfillment in my career. The current state of my career is impacting my ability to enjoy other aspects of my life. This doesn't have to mean a new role, just a perspective shift.
To find something new that I feel passionate about for a career. My son will be off to college and I can feel the empty nest syndrome start on me already!
I would really like to have passed my CFP by this time next year. I know that that is a long time but considering that I am taking the test in March I hope I pass this next time around. I would hate to have to take it again after being more than a year removed from classes. Passing this test is important to my career field. I have to pass this test in order to continue to grow in my field. If I dont pass this test it will make things harder for me in the future.
I'd like the "powers that be" at work to put me in the "high potential" box when they do our annual reviews, so that the company will invest in me, and take risks on me.
By this time next year, I would like to have a single semester (or two consecutive, dream big) of classes in which I earn all A grades. This is very important to me to prove it to myself that I can be successful in school and to make my parents and friends proud.
i want to be in love. because love.
I would like to be in shape ALL year. I feel like I start and stop getting in shape and it is exhausting always doing it in fits and starts.
I have an idea for a book that I believe would be fun to produce and might be fun for other people. It's based on some haiku that I wrote while on vacation a couple of years ago. I would like to restructure the ones I have written and write some more. The concept of the book is probably as important as the content and so I would then need to find someone to work with. I believe it would benefit from illustration and in a pipe-dreaming kind of way it would be really fun if I could work with my son on the graphics. It's important for me because it means getting past a lot of things that prevent me from going beyond my comfort zone. Foremost is putting something I created up for criticism. Even not worrying about people that might decide to work with me on this book, it is even hard to admit this to the people in my family. I have lots of ideas that I believe are good, but would take a lot of work to complete. And would require me to open myself to disappointment. If I could do this one thing maybe that could help me get beyond this more generally.
I have no idea what I would like to achieve by this time next year. My day changes moment to moment. I know I will be teaching, still in cantorial school one more year, my daughter will have graduated college, and I will still be living in NJ. Maybe I hope to be in a townhouse or condo with my house sold. Maybe I will have a companion because I am lonely without David.
I would like to achieve a better vocabulary so i dont curse all the time.
Complete a first draft of my first book. I want to tell a story that connects me to other people.
I would like to be in a solid relationship. I haven't been in 5 years. Its time...
Is like to feel stability in my grief. I'd like to feel like I know what's coming, like it won't overtake me. Like I will at least know I'm going to survive the grief I am dealing with. Right now it feels like I am at the bottom of a cavernous cave. With slippery walls that go straight up for miles. I miss my son so much and people say "it will get better". I'd like to be able to glimpse that truth. I have my doubts. Each day feels worse than the one before right now.
Get a radio job in Calgary. End of story.
I would like to be calm and loving to my husband, I would like him to feel loved by me.
I would like to try to modify my family's diet. It is important because I feel educated enough to know the benefits of going gluten-free and offering more protein, but it is daunting given all of the other challenges we face with our not-so-easy going personalities. I want to be a family of adventurers, but some of our anxieties are standing in the way.
We have been able to reduce our Equity Loan balance by roughly 10K + in the past year. I want to reduce it by an even greater amount over the next year. This will show we are continuing in a positive direction, seriously reducing our debt, and help me to not dwell on the past so much. Would love to get a big windfall of money so we can reduce the balance to close to zero in one big move. It will happen.
to be generous without expecting in return; to stop feeling like I am competing with others for attention.
I would like to have stepped out of my comfort zone more - physically, intellectually, emotionally. This means attending classes/lectures I wouldn't ordinarily be drawn to, participating in conversations where I might not feel as confident in my contributions or in the subject matter, and developing relationships in ways that I might not feel as natural in.
I want to get our home in order with whatever updates we want to make done by next year. This is important to me because we have had such trouble taking care of our home in the past. It lagged so long, it was months after we MOVED before our last house was remodeled. We claimed even there that we didn't want to fix the house up just to move, but that is exactly what we did. I want to show ourselves that we can do it, and get it done, and then we'll have other things to do with our lives, with our kids. This seems somewhat trivial, but I think we feel a little daunted by the task, and I think we can do it. I also want to try to be a little more calm, a little less upset about stuff. I get stressed about a lot of stuff, and it's not all my responsibility. I need to draw the line better, between things that I have to do and things that I don't have to do.
I'd like to feel better in my own skin. And by this, I mean that I want to weigh 145 pounds instead of 205 pounds. I want to have an exercise routine that makes me feel and be healthy. I want to have a cooking and grocery shopping routine that keeps me healthy and engaged with friends. I also want to have completed by superintendent certification and I want to be almost finished with my TVI certification. Mostly, I want to feel better - physically, mentally, spiritually, adventure-wise, everything.
as i might have mentioned, my faults all lay in my inability to forget the injuries of the past. that is what i want to achieve.
I think I'd like to quit smoking and find a partner. This is largely because I want to be healthy, to be happy with myself, and to live a long life.
I want to continue getting my apartment in shape. It feels like a neverending task, but I did take all my old computers, batteries, peripherals, and cordless phone to the e-recycle event in my neighborhood and want to continue in this vein. It's important because I want to be able to invite others over, which I haven't done in a long time.
I would like to be able to quit my job after developing my network marketing business. This is significant for me as we would like to start a family and I don't want to have a 9-5 job once I have a child.
I would like to have passed the clinical social work licensing exam, so that I can continue forward in establishing myself as a licensed social worker (LMSW).
By this time next year, I want to have spent a year working hard at my first "real job." It is important for me to feel proud of my work because I felt just the opposite about my fellowship this past year. I want to know that I am able to be a "real person" / adult by being self-sufficient.
I would like to find a partner. It's been a big struggle of mine, but I'm 25 and watching all of my friends in serious relationships, getting married and having kids makes me feel like I'm missing out on something big and important. I want that sense of fulfillment.
I want to increase my income by at least 50%. I have been working very hard to be the best at my field, and can always do better so I keep trying. I am earning less now than I did 8 years ago because of the recession but I am ready now to bounce back and find ways to increase my salary. I've been thinking about starting a side business that might help this situation along.
I would like to have a more clear idea of what retirement will look like for me, if I take an early retirement. Also, I would like to have a tangible list of items I need to address before I try living on my retirement income .
I want a job, a permanent real job. I need to stop moving my family around. I want to work somewhere with people whom I respect and doing something that I like. I hope I'm a college professor. I'll be really sad if I'm not a college professor, but the main thing I want is a job with which to feed my family. Moving across the country for a one year position might not have been a good move. :(
I would like to be living in north London, among my friends, and feel like I have a community around me, people I can drop in on, support that's as close to a family as you can get without being able to have one. I need to be less alone, to feel less alone. I need friends who are more immediately available and spontaneously available, I need to be able to ask for help, to have people to even ask for help. I need support. I need to feel that the gaps all around myself are filled in some way. There are a lot of empty spaces in my life right now, these days, for a long time. I want them to be gone and to feel surrounded. I need to feel love and comfort and kindness is nearby.
I wish to have completed writing a novel. I also wish to see my play produced. I will have graduated from my MFA program by then, and want to take the world by storm with my storytelling!
I would like to lose about 10kg for my health and to make me feel a little more comfortable in my skin. I'm doing things I've never tried before like cycling and intermediate yoga and feel a little large at times.
I would like to sleep well most nights.
I'd very much like to find a way to produce some income that doesn't disrupt our lives to the extent that it's not worth the money. It seems unlikely that this is utterly impossible, but the actual and self-imposed constraints make it a difficult challenge that, when under serious consideration, often triggers a nap. : ) It's important for reasons related to my own self-esteem. I don't know how many (mostly girls) I've told that self-esteem requires achievement--Eleanor Roosevelt: "You must do the thing you think you cannot do"--and nothing else can substitute. I think my self-esteem is in an okay place right now but it wouldn't hurt to have a boost, and I'm the only one who can do it.
Bring my weight down to 150lbs. It is important to me because I want to be healthier. And I want all the cuties to chase me ;)
By this time next year, I would like to be ending my coursework in my PhD program, and about to complete my comprehensive exams. This is important to me because it is a huge step towards my larger goal of completing the PhD. By getting my coursework done, I can focus more on my research and hopefully have space to feel comfortable starting a family.
I want to have a job. Any job but ideally one back in museums where I have spent my 25 year career to date. And why? Because if I don't earn some money soon I will have to kill myself.
To have the confidence to face the Beit Din and have the strength to dip into the Mikvah.
Becoming fluent in Hebrew and be on a career path that I thoroughly enjoy.
Quite a few things: have built a steady daily yoga practice by joining yoga teacher training with my long-time teacher. This is important because I've wanted to incorporate yoga into my life for a long time and next year I will finally start my teacher training (before I was busy finishing a University degree). I hope I will get healthier (physically and mentally) as a result. Being financially stable. Important because it gives me the freedom to shape my future the way I want to. Enjoying a new job or an interesting free-lance career; I'm currently looking for something else. Important because I need fulfillment.
I would like to get my work caught up. My company would be more efficient and my stress would be less.
By this time next year, I hope my boyfriend and I have already moved or are planning to move. It's important to me because I am ready to start a new life with him somewhere else! I think its time I finally left my hometown.
I want to curb my tendency to make a quick retort. I've worked on this for years and have made progress, but they still leak out. First I'd like to catch them (mindfulness) before they exit my mouth. Second I'd like to cultivate the inner quiet that lets the thought arise and float away without effort. It's important because these retorts don't add to communication or relationship, and often are hurtful to the other person, like little darts.
I want to finish my book of memoirs. To be a traveling writer is the career I want more than any other, and I know this is the first big step at making that dream a reality.
I would really like to have visited Israel and England. Those are the places that mean so much to me, but I have never been to either place.
I want to develop my time management skills. I have a hard time motivating myself to be productive and I want to develop a program for success in university and in life.
I would like some clarity on what my next steps are professionally. Do I stay in this job? Do I move to a different field? A different institution? Do I just stay and figure out a way to make it work?
I want to get into rabbinical school. This time next year I'll either be reading this back knowing that the thing I've worked towards for the past 7 years has become a reality, or that my dream is over. And honestly, if its over, I have no idea what my life will look like, what I'll be doing or want to do or what my relationship to my judaism will look like. So yea, that's mental and quite scary!
By this time next year I would like to be practicing healthier routines including regular exercise, eating well and drinking more water and less caffeine. This is important to me because I know I am not at my best health and I would like to feel fitter and have more energy.
I would like to re-qualify for the Boston Marathon.
I'd like to feel happy with our choice to live in Austin. I'd like to have a few friends, a group of peop,e I can count on. I'd like to feel a part of the community. This is important to me because it makes me feel valid and keeps me sane.
boy. it's really hard to pick just one thing. maybe by this time next year, once i'm no longer president of cje and we're back from the lake, the holy days will be over, i will finally feel settled. really settled. and i will begin to focus inward again. maybe i will be able to let my spirit find its wings. maybe begin to find its ability to express itself in the arts again—drawing? painting? maybe take some classes, exploring art and music? maybe even return to the piano on a really regular basis. this sounds like returning once again to myself more fully. that sounds about right.
This time next year I hope to have sorted things with Cynthia, if I'm moving to Portland or not. If we are going to get married. That kind of thing. On a secondary level I hope to have finished the second stage of boat stuff - i.e got the solar and wind generators up and working.
I'd like to start receiving compensation from others for some of the work I'm currently doing for free.
I'd like to write a short story. This is very important to me because writing has always been a lifelong dream of mine and something I am gifted at. I'd like to become more independent and able to go places and do things with Evan. I'd like to walk a 5k. I'd like to deepen my faith and attend services more often. All of these things show growth as a person and are things I can't do now.
Grad school has been in the back of my mind for some time. Many opportunities I want to pursue require it, but most importantly, there is so much more that I want to learn. The good news is that now I feel mentally and financially prepared to take this step!
I would like to have a different relationship with my son Evan. Need to learn how to listen and engage without anger and judgement. We are such opposites that no matter what we're talking about it turns into a tug-of-war. He's not a baby and is taking a long time to transition to adulthood.
I want to be living with a female partner who I care about. This is important because I am frustrated and fearful in living/being alone so much.
Paradoxically. To wit: 1. I would like to stop thinking about achieving things in general. I think my fibromyalgia, or whatever it is, is directly related to stress, which is directly related to how much i live in the future and am not okay with the present. 2. But, I would like to regain my health by next year. That means whatever I have to do to make the painful joints and muscles subside. Ideally I would lose the weight I gained and figure out how to get exercise without hurting myself.
I would really like to actually complete a novel. I've been trying to be a writer since I was 7 years old, and I feel like I'm closer than ever, and for now I actually have the time since I'm doing so very little at work. If I could just have the discipline to get done what needs to be done, I feel like I could actually feel like I've accomplished a life-long dream.
I would like to achieve a state of mostly pain free living, enough that it no longer affects my ability or desire to participate in my favorite activities. I suspect it's pretty easy to understand why this is important...because it's been frustrating and discouraging to have to cancel participation because of the pain and discomfort.
I want to have an above minimum wage fulltime job that I don't hate by this time next year. This is important because I will have been out of undergrad for two and a half years and I've never made enough money to even touch my federal loans.
I want to focus on our marriage. I want to have fun, laugh, be gently honest, honor my word, and remember why we got married. I want to have more meaningful conversations and to be honest about how we feel. I want to let past hurts go and just relax and be grateful for the good things we each bring to our marriage.
New job? New marital status? Realistically, I think having my oldest child well on his way to selecting his university and knowing how we'll pay for it.
I feel embarrassed writing this. I'd like to finish the book I'm working on. It seems to me that everyone and his wife is writing a book. The world doesn't need my thoughts on anything, and I doubt very much I'll get it published. But what I begin I like to finish, and when I started this, I believed in the topic. I suppose I still do, but the entire time I've been writing, there's been one mini-crisis after another and the whole writing process has been so fraught and difficult and without pleasure. I wonder whether the only way to redeem the thing might be to finish it and then feel free to move on.
By this time next year I would like to have all my credit cards paid off, as well as at least one of my student loans, and with a nice sum set aside for the wedding or a down-payment on an apartment.
Get a new job, preferably in a new city. It's time to move on. I'm too comfortable. It's time for a change.
I hope to begin a new career path. One that offers room for advancement, something I have never had at a job before. I hope to continue to role model healthy eating habits for Maddy to see & emulate.
Find better work-life balance. I feel like I am always working or at home doing tasks/chores and there is little time for fun. It's time to get some fun back!
I would like to finish the book I'm working on & feel good about it. I would like to feel it's contributing to art & thought, & not just another bit of frippery. It's important because I am the handmaiden of Art, & always hope I can live up to & be a champion for, Art's importance, value & beauty.
Practically: stabilize my finances. This will mean going back to the 2-career juggling routine for a while (and I'm waiting on a call from Blackberry with an offer as we speak), rebuilding the reserves and even building a bigger buffer for the next attempt to take the private practice into thriving sustainability. Impractically: have my husband back, warts and all. It won't happen, but there are parts of my heart that refuse to admit defeat. Failing that, finding a love like that with someone else would be okay too. I'm tired of being lonely.
I'd like to lose 50 or 60 lbs. It was so easy to lose the weight after Brooke left. I know that my eating habits over the last year have been very much dictated by my emotions and that has to stop. Exercise feels better than laziness... eating right feels better than eating junk... being fit feels better than being fat. I owe it to myself and I owe it to my kids. It's the one thing that will make everything else easier or unnecessary.
Overcome my fear of succeeding.
To find a hobby or purpose that is fufilling outside of work and friends.
I want my professional life to reflect my spiritual life.
I will have been full-time for over a year. I would hope that I have potential work opportunities lined up over seas. Real ones. I have to get my butt in gear. Too much daydreaming and not enough doing.
I am interested in writing and would like, by this time next year, to have at least a definite idea. I have too many ideas and cannot seem to settle on anything, therefore my focus is not strong. Let's see what happens!
Become a better photographer. I need a creative outlet.
Give up smoking. I need to get healthy.
Personally, I'd like to have a good relationship with my ex-wife and a plan for a future that is good for both of us and our children. Specifically, I hope she stops being angry at me for not providing as large a family income as I did before our divorce. As far as work in the world, I want people all over the world to examine the validity of the assumption that Jews should automatically be hated. Life for the Arabs will improve immensely when those who examine why so much of their powerful energy is spent on hating other humans are no longer killed just for questioning existing habits. Life will improve for Sunni and Shiite and Kurd, as well as for Christians, Jews, and all other humans.
I hope to have sold my business. It is important because I know I have taken it as far as I possibly can and while the business has achieved tremendous success, I want to see it flourish from the sidelines. A little less stress would be a nice benefit, as well.
I'm not sure. I have achieved a lot this past year with reaching professor, becoming temple president, coordinating Olivia's Bat Mitzvah, hosting an exchange student, etc. By the year's end, I will step down as co-chair of Delta's AtD. So, I hope that in the next year, I will find a new project at Delta to devote my energies toward.
I'd like to get completely out of debt, aside from my student loans and car payment, by this time next year.... and stay that way. I'd like to live well, but within my means. I earn enough money to be able to do this.
Be on my way to a bachelors. Why? Because I'm stuck.
I'd like to be physically healthier person. It's important not only for the obvious reasons but "As Above As Below".
I'd REALLY like to be halfway through nursing school and another year into both of my relationships. I'd also like to be moving forward on the House Chop Project. The relationships will mean stability and that I'm a decent human being. Nursing school will get me closer to financial power. The rental project will be part of my albatross to asset project.
I would love to have done something big in every area I love: Film Making: I'd really like to direct (possibly and write) my first shot film, and learn things while doing that. Music: I would like to learn more about music playing, and play more with my friends and other semi-accomplished musicians. It would be fun to write more music in new genres, and record some music for fun as well. Theater: I'm hoping to get some acknowledgement and new knowledge for/of lighting design and direction, while having fun and remaking friends in my new class.
I want my relationship with my daughter Chloe' to be smooth. I want to feel her love. I want us to be friends and not feel her struggle to be close to me. I want this more than anything. I love her to the moon and back.
I want to teach my 2nd son to drive and spend as much time with him doing it as I did with the first, or at least do it as well. He has a brother to help teach him, but I want to be as familiar with and sure of his driving skills as I am with his brother.
I want Girl Lab! to be starting its second year.
I'm starting yoga teacher training on Nov. 1. I hope that I find some strength in my practice and that I can teach it well too. I'd love to do some body positive stuff with yoga for yoginis with bellinis. Or something. I've got to wok on the naming. I want to spread love for yoga for all shapes.
I would like to be less depressed without taking additional meds, to enjoy life more then now.
TEACHER CERTIFICATION. or, alternatively, a satisfying job with potential to carry me into retirement. Something I can love, enjoy, and that can offer me earnings which represent true financial independence. Something that I can work at until 72 and not feel sad about it. maybe even 75. I plan to live to at least 95, so that's not unreasonable. ha
I would like to find an activity that allows me to give back to my community. I would like to be able to volunteer in Israel. I want to remain in close contact with my grandchildren and demonstrate a life worth living and the value of living a Jewish life.
1. I want to get in shape. 2. I wouldlike tohave improved lecturesfor my students.
I would like be better listener. Talk less, listen more. I feel this one of my week points. I think I would a better friend, a better dad, a better husband, and a better grad father if I was a better listener.o
i want to be in a graduate school pursuing my masters in a foreign country. i need to experience a challenging environment where i get to push myself towards excellence and experience a meaningful growth of me as a person. i want to be prove to myself that i am a go-getter. i want to live for myself and put myself first before any1 and every1 for once.
I'd like to know basic hebrew - This is important because I want to connect even deeper to Judaism and my jewish communities.
To be doing more with my writing, still doing the blog and fiction, but somewhere nearer something that can be published
I'd like to be able to keep in touch better and make sure my friends from high school know that they matter to me.
I would love to be pregnant. I feel like I have had so many obstacles with my fertility and I feel like I am running out of time that is available to me to have a biological child. If that is not an option for me, I would like to be able to fully accept that I will never give birth to a child and be able to accept that loss. Then I would like to start the process of figuring out how else my partner and I can start a family.
I want to get pregnant! We've started sort of trying, and we'll start really working at it after the wedding. We both want a family and we both want to start on that sooner than later.
It's not one thing. I'd like to continue to be fully conscious of how much my community means to me, I'd want to continue to be working on creative projects that stretch me and challenge me and I want to make enough money to support myself and help those I care about.
Riber peoples' names so I can pursue friendships.
I would like to be in a healthy, happy, sober and very good for me relationship by next year or none at all. This is important to me bc I am tried of putting myself through crap in my relationships. On a dream level, I would also love to be in the process of adopting again.
I would like to see come to fruition my Ragtag Artist Co-op idea. It is important to me because I think the expression of creativity is something that is not supported in our society. Creating art --- be that literal art or an expression of self through participating in a sport --- can provide a sense of self satisfaction and achievement that is unique; a way to shine like no other.
By next year I want to be fully tuned into my work - either the current job, or a new one - one that provides me with joy, inspiration, fulfillment and remuneration. well, here is the 2nd thing - my health, I want to be thru this heart issue, have my hernia surgery, and have my back all sorted out - I want to honor this year as my year of healing and I want to make sure I do all that is within my power, read diligence, to make sure that my health improves and stays at an amazing level! AND SO IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want my ex to know I'm more successful, not just without her, but because pleasing her was actively holding me back. Coupled with the knowledge that she *still* hasn't got that promotion (and can't blame me for failing to get it) would be satisfying for me. Childish, I know. I want her to regret what she did and how she did it. I want her to try and reverse what she did. Everything I see suggests she already does, but she should want it so much that she tries.
I WANT A JOB! I MUST have a job. I reaaaallyyyyy want a job.
Id like to have paid my irs debt without touching my investments and Id like to feel fantastic about my future net worth. Id like to be in love have terrific health and be settled in a living situation and be traveling and working on a career in some artistic endeavor that im happy about.
I will have figured out what work to do next and be actively engaged in it.
Gift of hospitality; open my home, open my heart. Would open many areas of my life, warm fuzziness, good memories to current experiences: share with others.
id like to get into better physical shape. build muscle. get out running again. fit into the clothes i dont fit into. wear a bikini. feel healthy. i think its important to my longer term health as i get older. i dont want a bad back and to be older than i am . i want to be a young 60 year old :)
Successful at my job. Create a culture here where I am not an ax man but a contributor to the cause of students.
Inner peace. I'm not sure what that means. I've thought about looking at what Buddhism has to offer. More yoga on a regular basis. Something that calms me down in the day and allows me to sleep well all through the night. Something that brings me perspective, rationale and inner joy and peace. Hopefully I'll have great things to say about this next year.
Weekly dates with my husband
I'm not sure this counts something I accomplished. I have submitted an application for the deaconate and have done everything asked of me to date. I believe this is something I have been called to, although for some time I have tried to deny it. I believe if it is His will it will it will move forward. While I do not feel worthy, what's it to me to argue with the King.
I have a lot of goals that are important to me, but aren't vital. I would like to have a job and be pregnant with our second baby. I hope we have sold our house and happy in a new one. I feel like if those things aren't true by September 2015, that will still be fine. What I really want is for Christopher and I to be in a better place with each other. I hope he has dealt with his depression issues and has become my partner again. I hope he is singing in the mornings and asking to put Xander down at night because he still has energy and joy to do so.
I'd like to be making money with Nutritional clients. This is the thing I'm most passionate about and I need to contribute.
I'd like to change my job. I'm no longer feeling like I'm valued, or using my talents to further something I believe in and feel good about. If I can't do work that's fulfilling and that I love, I don't have a reason to be stuck in a certain pay grade. So either I should change jobs and make more money, or negotiate my job duties to reconnect to doing what I love, knowing I can't earn more in that role
Get paid what I'm worth. It's important to me because living paycheck to paycheck is emotionally draining.
I'd like to feel really good with Swipes. I think that means having clear objectives, a thorough on boarding process. A clear daily, succinct, connect work day. another staff person. i'd like to be able to respect and stand up for myself with everyone in the same way. I'd like to be the same person in all of my circles.
By this time next year, I would like to have been at a job for almost a year (I start a new one in a few weeks). This is important to me, because 1. it will make me more confident that I can do a job and that I am not a horrible person and 2. hopefully, having that job stability, I will be able to focus on my artwork outside of the office and begin building a steady practice.
I would like to have decided whether to convert to Judaism by this time next year. I do not expect to have completed the process or anything like that, because I expect this decision to take quite a bit of time. However, I would like to think that in the next year I will have a good idea of what I am going to do, and to what extent it will affect my family
I would like to be in better physical health with respect to muscle strength, bone strength, stamina, and breathing. I have to change my lifestyle to incorporate exercise that builds strength in my whole body if I want to continue enjoying walking, kayaking, being in nature, etc. I want to continue eldering in the healthiest way possible.
I want to have stabilized my financial situation. I realize how critical this is to my mental health.
I'd like to be done with my damn book. I keep putting it aside for ... life. But it is my life, I'm a freaking writer. I don't really need for it to be sold and published, I don't need to be on some book tour, though those things would be nice. But I'd like to have the writing done. I'd like to prove to myself that I can create this kind of work. I think it's in me, and a lot of people believe in me. I'd like to prove them right.
Be in a long term relationship leading to marriage. I really do want to have a family. Things haven't worked out romantically, and part of that is due to things not working out professionally. So definitely I need to be in a new job ASAP, to help me be in a better mindset and position for dating someone.
I would like to get better at picking up after myself so I leave less stress and work for my girlfriend.
Be well established in a new job, earning good (enough) money and enjoying my work. Why? Because I'm listless and adrift right now.
1. I'd like to continue to stay off of coffee and alcohol. 2. I'd like to get a handle on my carbohydrate/sugar intake. These two goals are important to me because they support me to feel good about myself inside and out. If I feel good, everything else flows easier in my life. These have been two major stumbling blocks.
By this time next year I would like to secure funding from a strategic partner and/or a series A investor for the company I recently started in 2012. This is important to me because I see this as the last significant project in my business/academic career. Many people have already invested a significant amount of money and time in this venture and I very much want their investments to pay off. Funding of the company would mean that my colleagues and I have taken an idea and begun to turn it into a product that could change medical practice. This would be extremely rewarding to me. The financial consequences of ultimately succeeding would allow me to help members of my own family financially who could greatly benefit from assistance.
I'm going to say a few things 1. Be a calmer man who listens deeply to others and understands them first and foremost. 2. Continue to develop my spiritual daily practice and get a knowing that what I'm doing is right for me 3. Take my trading to a new level through waiting for what I'm good at. I'm hoping 1/2 help with that. This matters b/c I'm on a mission to be better each day.. specifically spiritually. I want to keep growing and I want experiences in my life that facilitate that growth.
be fiscally secure so that I am not relying on mother and am able to provide more for my children
I want to have flipped and sold at least three houses. I want to also have my own apartment or condo in Wappinger Falls NY. I also..... want to be phobia and anxiety free
Improve my relationship
I would like to be grounded in strong daily spiritual and health practices. Always operating from the core of my being rather than outside circumstances. Spending more time with spirit. Spending more time with my body. And loving both.
Have a job (in Colorado).
I would like to weigh much less- under 200- for my health and how it might improve my well being and my hope to continue to live.
I'd really, really like to be employed by this time next year. If I'm not, there's real trouble.
I'd like to obtain a permanent position within my office. I'm an attorney working in the public sector and having a permanent position would mark a tremendous amount of security for me and my family.
I cannot think of anything special. Just getting alon one day at a time.
I'd like to have really great self esteem again. It's important to me because I want to both enjoy my life and be able to execute projects that are meaningful to me with the zest is part of me it's just being stifled right now.
Financial stability. It's way past time for me to be able to live in the black.
I want want transition from a consultant/contractor to being a full time employee for a company in the SD area. I want to go to Israel to be a Sar El volunteer I want to find a commercial property or 10 acres of land to purchase. I want to complete a major bicycle trip with Brett
By this time next year, I'd like to have achieved balance in my life, and to have shaken off the demon of my own inner resistance to growth, challenge, and achievement. This is important to me because I feel like I've gone as far as I can go, the way that I am. In school, it was discovered one year that I am an amazing high jumper. The teachers would gather around in amazement as I scissor jumped over incredible heights. However, the kids who were willing to do the Fosbury Flip, going over head first and backward, always bested me in the end. I was too afraid to make the leap that way. I had to be facing front, feet first. It is this same resistance now that is keeping me from being healthy, spiritual, creative and fulfilled. I am so used to effortlessly being good at things (in my youth) that I have a horrible resistance to having to work to achieve anything. If I can't get around or through this powerful, instinctive, seemingly insurmountable resistance, then life is truly over for me.
Complete understanding of our financial situation and a firmer plan for the future. It's long past time that I stop letting my husband understand and control our financial situation. Time to share!
By this time next year, I'd like to be near my goal weight of 180 lbs. I know I can do it and all it takes is some discipline with my eating. I have the exercising down, its just the eating that is out of control.
Being completely healthy! This would be confirmation that I've learned the art of allowing as well as relaxation!
Get health concerns under control ( want to stop worrying about my health) Have a better producing garden (challenge) Have a housekeeper (hate cleaning but want a clean house) Have a plan for reducing monthly debt ( stop worrying about money) Take the next step in my Christian faith walk. (Because that's all that really matters)
I would like to be on my way to running a half-marathon. I began to run more this winter and throughout the year have finished 9-races. I would like to challenge myself to run a longer distance. I never thought I would enjoy a physical activity like I do now. Over the last year, I've had my fair share of running injuries, but I've seen my time improve and I feel better about myself! This is important because I have found a new motivation to get healthy and stay healthy. It challenges me and brings me some stress relief. I also never would have thought I would run farther than one mile, and by the end of 2014 I will have completed at least one 10k!
Id like to live with less. My goal is to purge all of my useless and needless things Ive collected and bought throughout the past years and clear them out.
I would like to have improved my relationship with students in my Crew so that we can accomplish more.
I'd like to have a permanent or long-term job in my field. Moving every year has become disruptive to my life, and it's also forced me to put off other life goals like being in a relationship and starting a family. Right now, I am attempting to be in a long-term relationship with someone for the first time and I'm finding it a struggle to balance it with job-seeking, research, and teaching. I want to be happy that I am with someone, but today it is making me stressed and sad--though that is not the case every day.
I would like to be a licensed architect. This is important because it is what I have been working for and have put so much time and energy into the investment of my career.
One year from right now, you better be applying to some kick-ass colleges. It doesn't matter where you get in or where you go, just make sure you're happy. I'm really excited about applying to colleges right now, hope I am in a year, too. I don't know what I'm planning on doing for senior year BBYO wise, but regardless of if you ran or you didn't or if you are on or if you're not, just stay involved. Inspire a new member. Give them something to look forward to for the next 4 years of high school. Because BBYO kinda kept me running freshman year, so let it do the same for someone else.
I want to develop whatever talents and abilities I have to the fullest, and to use them - as a force for good.
I want to lose 52 pounds. I have transformed my relationship with food and exercise enough to have a synergistic effect that can produce dramatic results. The reason I MUST lose more weight is I keep getting injured when I tango. I twisted my ankle again which means my tennis game isn't as good. This is my year!
Focus on mitzvah.
Become a vital part of both Good Shepherd and OLLI. Contributing to the betterment of both. Accessing the need and filling that need by listening and learning from others and not make it all about me!
I want to get my weight to below 160, so I can get knee surgery and successfully recover from it. I want to be able to walk with my son again.
Oh goodness, I go straight back to work stuff. Maybe that's what I need to shift. I always think that I need to get more in place at work so I can focus on non-work. But maybe that's the problem. Maybe I just need to get roe aligned and feel like I am still delivering and calm at work while making tons of space for the truly more important things in my life like family friends and health.
Una de mis metas para el proximo año es haber sido capaz de ayudar a gente. Por ejemplo, me gustaría participar en diversas actividades de servicio comunitario como ser voluntaria en el hospital. Esto es importante para mí porque tengo tantas cosas en la vida que agradecer, como mi salud, mi educación, y mi familia. Hay algunos que no son tan afortunados como yo y me gustaría devolver a la comunidad.
Health, as defined by 5x / week workouts, flexibility (stretching!) and consistent (early) sleep schedule. This is important because I'm the only one who can decide if I feel good on a daily basis
A 5 year Plan to Retirement in place > Final 1 or 2 Organizational Position Changes > Portfolio Asset Value Projections > Asset Mix Conversion to Income Producing > Major Home Repairs & Maintenance Schedule > Major Family Vacations w/ Parents & Grandkids > Updated Estate Letter of Instruction To establish measureable goals for progress evaluation
I would like for my son to be happily engaged in college life. And I hope my wife and I can survive his departure. He's a great kid, has a good mind and a good heart. I worry that the transition will be hard -- he's an only child and we've been a tight unit, he, his mother and I. Raising him to have the skills to succeed in life -- both work life and home life -- has been our job. I hope we did it well. I love him so much, it will be hard to leave him somewhere. And I worry if my wife will still love me, once he is not there every day. It's been a very long time since we were simply a couple.
I'd like to make some new friends. I still feel very lonely most of the time. Hopefully getting some new friends will open new doors to relationships as well as get me up and moving more.
The commitment to maintain balance, the desire to protect my life's purpose. The voice to express it, the courage of my convictions, the patience to wait for results. Being unafraid to show my heart.
I would like to edit my memory book for my grandchildren so that they know who my parents were and can be somewhat in touch with what the immigrant experience to this country is all about. My procrastination with this project is hard for me to understand.
I want to graduate college, because I once didn't think I could.
A trip to Barcelona. Because I love to travel and friends Robin & Michael are there.
I'd like to achieve continued employment--whether that's at my present job or a new job. I'm not retirement age yet, but sadly, my value in the workplace is not what it was in my 40s. Continued employment is important purely for economic and physical health conditions. Being employed translates to being able to pay my bills and to get the ongoing medical treatments I need to live a healthy life.
Second year running: I want to do a handstand. This helps to show that I've conquered my fears.
I have two goals: 1) Clear up my finances by paying down some credit card debt (maybe getting rid of one card altogether) and putting money aside into savings (something I'm not great at unless I have something big to purchase). 2) Put at least one more stamp onto my passport (more would be amazing, but I'd be happy with just one). Travel is very important to me and want to visit a new country and experience a new culture.
Clearer idea of my next job. Maybe even some interviews lined up.
I am starting my own business and would like to have begun to establish client relationships and be starting make a profit.
I am in close relationship with some very difficult people, including my mother, who can be highly critical of everyone and everything and a good friend who seems at times to be utterly unaware of how poorly she behaves or perhaps doesn't care. I care about both of them, but the relationships can be very exhausting, because I'm constantly hoping they will change. By this time next year I would like to have gotten to a place where if they act in an inappropriate or unseemly way, it has little or no effect on me because I realize that it's NOT a reflection on me. In essence I want to be able to love them in a non-attached way. My husband often says, "Accept people as they are because YOU can't change them. Only they can change themselves." He's right, of course. But I still work and work and fail to change them and then get frustrated and angry. I want to be able to accept these people as they are, because it will be better in the long run for ME. The sooner, the better.
I'd like to have drafts of 4 out of the 5 chapters of my dissertation complete - unless there is a job on the line for next fall in which case I'd like to have completed my dissertation by April so I can have a job by this time next year. It's important because this is something I've been working toward for a long time and it is a process that is both challenging and meaningful for me. Plus, it will help me get to the jobs I want.
I would like to be pain free (or shall I say done with surgeries and recoveries). For 2 years of constant pain and treatments, I have watched my life pass me by. I've done the best I can to stay positive but now I really just want the worst of this to be behind me. I have a lot of living I'd like to do and I want to start doing it!
I'd like to settle down somewhere with a job and a community. By which I mean "have a permanent place to live and a stable job," not settling down with a person.
I want a new job with possibilities that uses my engineering skills in the oil industry. I want opportunites to travel overseas. I want to be closer to the sea. I want to be warm.
So, there's my ideals, I dream about my living coming from making radio, or writing a comic, but by next year I would love for that to be close to tangible. By next year I would just like to be clearer to where I am heading. If not, I want to commit to grad school and feel resolute about it. If I'm still in New York by next year I hope it feels like home home without me questioning every other day why I'm here.
I want to have written an article on organization and leadership for publication somewhere. This is important because it would be something to do to GROW professionally.
I want to finish a new version of "Frame," and reinvigorate "Curves and Corners," L.L. Newton, my writing(s), my community involvement, my social studies leadership, Hip Hop Scotch, and OPEN AND finish my Magnus opus on openness. All of these are my one thing because they are all intertwined. My hallway's "Be Open", "See all," and "Create Value" art pieces bring this to life, but it is said best in "Good truly opens one's heart -n- mind 2 happiness."
Pay my bills and be out if debt. Spirually and emotionally responsible.
Wow! I'd like become a healthy mom of healthy new baby. After all our fertility treatments, this is my true prayer to encourage others.
I would like to be working as an RN in a job I like. It was my goal for last year too, and it kinda came true, but isn't true right now, so it needs to come true again.
I would like to find a meaningful relationship. I am very happy in my life; I feel like I am continually learning and growing, I am enjoying life and really taking advantage of different opportunities that life has to offer. I have wonderful friends, a great job where I am making a difference in the community, and the best family I could ever imagine. But one thing I feel like I am missing is the closeness and everything that comes with a strong relationship. I am a very independent person and have enjoyed being single, but this year I want to focus on finding and fostering a new, healthy relationship.
Reaching financial success in my business. I'd really like to support myself with my self-employed income. It will give me so much more freedom, along with fulfillment for contributing to my client's lives.
I would like to Finish my studies with CCSF and begin taking classes at SF State or UC Berkeley. I need to move forward with my studies and I would like to complete the BA process so I can start using my degree.
This time next year I'd like to increase my income. I'd like to be making enough to be able to send my kids to private school. This is important to me because this would me that I am progressing/advancing in my job and I want to take a little bit of the financial burden off my husband. This will also put me in position to be able to help my sister and parents.
New Job. Current one no longer tenable
I want to have finally finished my Masters in Social Work. I have been working on acheiving this goal for the past 15 years and now, I'm just 8 months away from completion. Earning an MSW has been my primary goal since I was 19 years old, and after overcoming so many obstacles in order to get to this point, it seems almost surreal to be so close to being done. This time next year, I want to see that degree, hanging on my office wall.
Finishing my dissertation! I'm in my sixth year now, and in an awkward holding pattern where everyone agrees my research is in a good state but I don't have a plan for what's feels so strange to be waiting on the postdoc funding and not graduating yet. But I'm lucky for the stable-ish funding for the moment, of course. Next year I'd love to be on to that new stage - feeling confident at applying to the job market but also a bit more officially taking on the new kinds of roles and mentoring that's been starting to creep in around the edges - I'd like to take on that feeling of independence and wider view for my team and my research.
By this time next year I would like to be more financially secure - have some sort of savings. Of all the things I have going on this is the one thing that makes me panic -and it shouldn't be my biggest concern but it becomes that too easily. Financial security is my goal.
I'd like to get my marriage back on track. We have been living separate lives for years because we have different ideas about communication and partnership. I truly don't think we can resolve the differences, but would prefere to work it out than dissolve the marriage. I am aware that may be the only option but I hate to give up.
Find an agent for one of my novels. This might help me get a decent sales record and establish me as a 'real' writer'.
I would like to be able to feel and tolerate being touched. Be whole.
Have commercial helicopter license. I want to fly for Tonya littlewolf and help my pack. Also to fly for Israel to serve nature and take care of wildlife. Help fire jumpers and transport domestic and wild animals to their safe loving furrever homes. B the pilot so film documentary ppl can film. Serve as Abba class me to
1. No more texting and driving. 2. Lose 10 lbs. These WILL happen by this time next year. Period.
I would like to have my current novel published, another ready to publish, and a wider reading audience. It's important because I love to entertain people with my stories.
I would like to obtain my Group fitness certification from NASM...I want to leave my current job...I would also like to take the current band im managing to Madison square garden
truthfully i am pretty content with my life. if there was one thing that i would like to see happen is to have a closer relationship with my children and grand children. The joy i get when i am with them is immeasurable.
Finish my Masters and be working! I need to help with finances.
New job. I'm wasting my life here. I'm not appreciated or treated with respect. That needs to change.
I want to be able to consistently pause before I jump in with an response, an answer, a suggestion.
I have a book held up in pre-publication details and I would very much like to see that book at least scheduled to be released by this time next year. It is important because it is a big project I have worked on for a couple of years now and has been stalled for some time. The irony is that this stall is itself evidence of the problem I am examining in the book. The book is about our failure to respond to climate change and part of that failure is not publicly discussing the difficult choices we must face -- and the book is trying to force that confrontation with reality. I feel like I need this project to finish for me to go on to the next project, the next book I now want to write. As long as it is out there as a possibility it demands attention that would be required for the new project to begin. I need to finish and not having the power to control this process is just frustrating. Time for that to end.
To be sharing my life with a partner. Life is meant to be shared. All aspects of it. Double the joy, half the sorrow. I want that. I've always wanted that but I've always been afraid to articulate it. Now I know. It's what I want most. It matters to me most.
A completed self study with integrity. Bar mitzvah plan with loving connectedness.
I'd like to figure out how to be a loving but not smothering mother, especially to my grown son who will graduate college spring 2015. And lose those last 6 pounds to end up at 138.
Sadly, the think I'd like to achieve by this time next year is the same thing I'd like to have achieved by yesterday, the same thing I'd like to have achieved by tomorrow, and the same thing I'd like to have achieved by _last year_ -- a job. A job in which I can create a career; use the skills, education, and experience I've accumulated and worked so hard to achieve over the past twenty years; and can contribute to an important project and work that matters. Here's something new today, though: it occurs to me that maybe, just maybe, if I talk openly about the nonreappointment at the University of South Alabama for advocating for diversity hires, maybe I can still find a university teaching position, even though I gave up that hunt three years ago. Maybe all I've done since then, in the community, in commerce, in media and film....maybe that will override the university's repulsion of "outsiders."
Financial serenity. This helps to plan for the future and to have this not be a constant concern
I would like to have my health issues ( eyecare, weight, knees etc.) in a better place. It's important as I always put my physical needs last and I must take better care of myself in order to take on the care I need to put into this world!
Total organization and de clutter of house, Matchstick cross, a year of journaling and my blog back in action.
-I want to be establishing myself within the professional world. I know that in one year I won't be "established," but I want to take tangible steps towards my goals. This includes working on my writing each day and taking advantage of networking activities. This is important to me because I believe my work here is to help others and communicate with the public about a wide range of public health topics. This means honing my public speaking skills, getting my writing out there to the public, and continuing to personally connect with people around me.
Savings enough to travel. Ideally I'd like to have a new job, something that ties in with my identity more than this work I've fallen into. This is important because I love travel and new things. I love expanding my world, learning and experiencing.
Be living in home that I love the neighborhood and love the house for myself and my kids to grow up in..Possible be the house my father buys and lives with us too!!! and maybe mother as well.
Well there are a couple ways to go with this. I would love to have a different job. Not so much with a different company, but different responsibilities. Also, even if I stay in my current position, I would like to get a raise. I have been here for almost 7 years and my salary has gone up about $1700 since then. Paltry. I am hesitant to ask for one as I know funds are tight but I think I still need to ask - if only for my self esteem. I would also like to continue to practice yoga throughout the year. I do have a tendency to do something that is good for me and then it just dies a slow death - although I do move on to another thing... But this is one thing I want to be able to stick with. Finally, my other 'one thing' is that I would like to get to a point where I feel that my reactions to things are more driven by clarity of thought and compassion and with an eye to the long term than by immediate need and emotion. So all that remains to do now is MAKE IT SO!
I know I know, but really. I want to lose 30 pounds. In fact, I'm going to lose 30 pounds. I have already instituted the changes in my life that will make this possible. My food is clean, I am working out, my lifestyle is vastly more active, and my body is changing. I've put the scale away for a month to focus on the changes I can feel, but I already know that when the scale comes back there will be a difference. But 30 pounds will take me out of the "overweight" BMI range, and will make a world of difference to my knees and hips and back. So I will spend 40 making myself healthy, and will turn 41 weighing less than 140 pounds. And I will never again weight more than 100 plus my age.
Be working in a job I enjoy and able to be economically self-sufficient. It is important because it will be a solid achievement to gauge my progress as a person, from homeless to wellness.
I really really want to get back into better shape. I am already working on it by working with a personal trainer and changing my eating habits, but I really want to push myself harder and get back down to a healthy weight. I would love to be 150 by this time next year.
I would love to be on the path to balance (whatever that means)... Professional, Personal, and spiritual. I feel like the professional has taken the front seat, and the Family and spiritual has become not quite ignored, but disjointed. It feels like community has become more of a loose, and virtual term, and I need it to become more physical.
Tener libertad y paz financiera. Porque hay que pagar las cuentas y comer y quiero viajar con mi esposa. Pero porque al final eso es lo que merezco por el trabajo que desempeño. Porque mi talento lo vale y quiero cubrir esa necesidad.
A grreater feeling of having contributed something good to the world
I hope the sale of my rental property is complete and Becky is happily ensconced in "her" house on the Skokomish river. She is the perfect person to take up residence there and belongs in the neighborhood. It is time for me to close the chapter on my once married life. It will help me continue to move forward into my future with Patrick and allow me to consolidate resources closer to our mutual home in Olympia. The house in question is my divorce settlement and is physically located where I once lived with my ex-husband. In many ways there seems to be a lack of closure and I am hoping that the physical release of this property will provide the closure I am seeking.
To be at peace with my mother's condition. Right now, all I feel toward her is anger, sadness, and guilt. She is a burden. I do my best to be cheerful, patient, and kind when I visit her. When I am not in her presence, I yell and wish for her to be dead. As the song goes, "Turn my heart, O God. Take my pain and brokenness. Make my life for you. Turn my heart, O God."
Would like to lose 60 pounds to regain energy!
I would like to present at a conference, submit a manuscript, and have a professional plan for the next 5 years. The importance of these things should be obvious.
have my house in better shape. Practically so sell or give to my daughter so my husband and on can downsize. *We are getting to old for so much space) On a more personal note to get a better held on my ADD which is common with people who have a rare medical I have. To this end I want to change/control as much as I can and let go of what I can not and really decide what is "good enough"
I would like to become a registered architect in the State of Arizona. It will be personally fulfilling and rewarding for my career. As of now, I have passed 4/7 of my exams and I am looking forward to completion.
A plan for post-retirement. Want to know that I can be useful in my older age.
To study for my tests more efficiently and be better prepared.
I would like to have sold my house and be well into the building process on our new home in Bozeman. It will signify success in selling the Belgrade home, and having a good down payment towards building our next "forever" home. I also hope it means that my girls will be in the Anderson School system
To be more compassionate and kind to others. I am sometimes quick to judge and I'd like to work on this seriously. I plan to do a 21 day kindness challenge beginning Oct. 5, next week.
I would like to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. I'm 5-10 years from retirement, my kids are out of college, and now I want to think about what I can do with the remaining years of my life. How can I make them meaningful and enjoyable?
I would like to complete my first year as synagogue president with the same love and enthusiasm for the institution and our community that I have now. It is important to me because, as president you see a lot more of the behind the scenes stuff. For instance, we have two contracts to renew this year, and I hope those are accomplished in away that everyone feels respected and valued.
I want to build a more intimate, loving relationship with my husband. We have been growing apart and I want our relationship to be a strong core in my life.
I absolutely need to have a different job and career plan by this time next year. It's important to me because, for whatever reason, I made career a priority when I was younger and I base my self-valuation on my job.
I am also turning 70 next year. Along with the ongoing 10 lbs. weight loss achievement, I would like to organize my files and my closet. Material clutter makes for a cluttered mind. Not a big goal for some, but both weight loss and a messy mind are primary for me.
There are 2 things that I really want to achieve. 1. Retire and be settled into my new home and routine. 2. Lost 30lbs or so in weight and, more importantly, body fat
Once again, it would be to get my weight under control. To eat properly, exercise more regularly and lose the 50 lbs. I took off 3 years ago. Every aspect of my life would be positively impacted from increased energy and self-esteem, to comfort and feeling good in clothes and other immeasurable tangible and intangible benefits.
I would like to be more aware of the ways in which I can be helpful and supportive to others in my life. Birthday cards, get well soon cards, phone calls, hugs and just being a better listener.
Oh goodness...I want to have tenure at my school. I would love some sense of permanence and security. I feel like I've been worrying about my "next gig" for almost 10 years now. Whether because of RIFs, auditions, or non-reelects, I haven't known frequently where my next paycheck was coming from, and I like knowing...not so much for me, but for my family.
I'd like to achieve good balance in my life. I actually feel like I have good balance already, so perhaps just some tweaking and maintenance. I want balance between work and leisure, between challenge and relaxation, between doing for others (family, friends, society at large) and doing for me.
By this time next year, I want to have fewer commitments. I completely did this to myself, but I'm really just spread too thin. I'm already feeling the stretch and the school year has barely started. I want to have more time to just play with the kids, read a book, go for a walk, down time. I think it's going to preserve my sanity and my health.
I would really like to move up with my horse. I have gotten ribbons at shows, I have a 'bond', and I understand him. By moving up a level it would show that all the time I spent at the barn riding, showing, and caring for my horse was worth it. I would also like to be a better person. I am rude and short-tempered. By controlling my emotions my family would like me more and not dread me spending time with them.
SMALL Debt free (non-house) - allows me to be free instead dictated by money.
Better relationship within my teenage kids (14 yr old daughter and 17year old son). To feel like I am more connected to them. I feel so disconnected from them. It was so much easier having a relationship with little kids. Teens are so much more complex:(
Find an awesome agent and move toward publication!!! It's a huge career step, and a great agent can really make a career! I know there's one out there for me...
I'm a little concerned that I can't readily think of something I want concretely. I want to be happy. I want to study abroad and not freak out about it. I want to feel good about my friends. All of these start to make me think of all the possible ways all of this could go wrong which makes me nervous. So concretely what I would like to achieve. I don't really know. I'm in the process of figuring that out right now. I hope I will achieve some clarity in this department and I have a feeling I will by the next time I read this.
I have several goals, but something SHOULD have some Jewish context. Do some more learning, whether it is class based or shiur based. Why is it important? (1) Torah learning is part of being a religious Jew (2) It is one of the major reasons I retired early
I want to be pregnant. Is that something one can "achieve"? Not on the face of it, but for me I need to lose weight so that I can comfortably start trying to have another child, and that would be an achievement, just not my end goal.
I have to start a master's degree. It is important because it's what have been dreaming since I was 5 years old. Otherwise i'll be stuck in this fucked up bureaucratic world. I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE AND MAKE MY DREAMS COME TRUE. I'm getting old....
I fully intend to be living in San Francisco with my girlfriend by this time next year. I cannot express how important this is to me. I hate being long distance, and she deserves to have someone who's close to her. For the health of my relationship, and for our happiness, this is number one priority.
ONE thing...... Hmmmmm... HEALTH!!! To be * off insulin * under 175 lbs * still abstinant from sugar * eating healthier than I've ever done * exercising daily & LOVING IT!!!! :-)
I have been struggling throughout the year with the idea of "health". I know that I need to lose weight. I believe I want to lose weight. However, this "issue" comes up again, and again and again. If this something I really want to achieve and it is important to me - then why I haven't I done anything about it until now? I guess I never answered as to why it is important to me. I think within that answer is the real truth. The honest response is - I don't know. I think it is important to me because I want to be healthy for my daughter. I want to be in her life (and be well) for as long as possible. I want to avoid pain. I guess those are the only two reasons and even to me they aren't that compelling. Maybe part of it is that up until now I have taken my health and my lack of pain for granted. I guess that is the final honest answer...fear. I want to lose weight and be healthy because I fear what will happen if I don't. wonder I've sucked at it thus far. What I do know is that nothing ever positive comes from trying to avoid fear. Therefore, I need to find either a new reason or a new "thing" to achieve. Well, back to the drawing board.
I would like to have written half the novel that I'm currently planning. This is important to me because I don't want to lose my identity as a writer and it's important to practices. I would also like to lose 20 lbs to get back to my wedding weight aka my pre-migraine weight. This will show I'm making progress against the migraines.
By this time next year, I'll have brewed at least two batches of beer. I say two because in all likelihood the first won't be very good. Oh well. I've had it in mind to start brewing since 2010. That was the first time I had the space to do so. Here I am four years later and I still haven't done it. I finally took a crucial step and started amassing the minimum equipment I need to begin and I can't wait to start. I've wanted to brew for what feels like ages now and there just isn't a good reason I haven't done it yet. beer is very important to me on a number of levels, and only one or two of those is hedonistic pleasure. being a home brewer has become a goal of mine on par with actually being a writer. I accomplished one in the past year and a half, it is time I reached for the other.
What would I like to achieve by this time next year? Maybe some joy around my job. That seems lacking right now. Some sense of cutting back commitments to a balanced level. Let's be frank: talking about one's weight is not spiritual or reflective or deep. So in my deepest of diaries, I'd write "Get within ten pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight", but this - this semi-public (although I'll check hide-my-name) forum - here I'll lob some bullshit about being happy at whatever weight I'm at, in one year. So sure: if I were truly delighted to be my new, bigger, weight, then that would suffice. The emotion-without-weight-loss would be fine. It just seems like a long shot that I'd actually find that delightful, compared to the joy of the more superficial accomplishment of knocking off the goddamn baby weight.
I want to pass my grade 10 and see myself doin IT as a subject
i want to run a 5k. I have fallen into a pattern of inactivity, and really need to get off my ass and start doing. it is important because I want to be more fit. It is not about losing weight, rather it is about getting fit again so i can last longer when i play with the the kids.
By this time next year I hope to have an income that supports me financially, emotionally, professionally and spiritually.
To have worked and studied very diligently on increasing my abilities in speaking, listening, writing and reading in Español. So many of the people I interact with on a daily basis are native speakers of Español. I've grown up in California and have been here nearly 60 years. Only recently have I begun my efforts to better understand the culture, language and people. What little I have learned to date has already changed my perspective. I want more. It makes me feel more complete.
My health needs to be improved and I need to lose more weight. I want to live a while longer and live my life in good health.
I'd like to complete another half marathon and a long bike ride. I ran my first half marathon this summer, which is something I never thought I'd do. I haven't been as physically active as I would have liked over the last few months and want to recapture my fitness over the next year.
It sounds materialistic on its face, but I need remunerative work. More than just a practical matter (although I like eating and being able to pay the mortgage as much as the next guy), having a spend forty years in the workplace, I am fighting tying my personal worth to my personal wealth, but still find that my self image is entangled in my ability to bring home the bacon. As my industry has been relegated to the shores of history, reinvention has been a fact of life. Another fact is that no one is rushing to hire 60 year olds, so I am trying a few new avenues, like paying headhunters to keep me on a list, reaching out to friends in government in the hope that my experience qualifies me to start some sort of national service, and of course, networking in associated industries to see if my expertise is valuable elsewhere. Money is short and times are trying. I hope to read this a year from now and experience some sense of relief.
I would like to achieve a healthier work-life balance. I want to be a good mother, that has her priorities straight and make my family, my home the center of my existence, not my job. It is important to me to be who I really am.... Not too influenced by my ego.
I would like to be totally independent of an employer. I am tired of taking instructions from people who do not know what they are doing.
A healthier ME. I cannot help others if I do not help myself. I don't want to be dependent on or a burden to anyone.
I'd like to learn how to meditate and make that and yoga integral parts of my life.
By this time next year I would like to have accomplished finding some semblance of inner peace. This is important to me because so much of my time is spent worrying and being lost in anxiety. I would like to get over this and just be able to roll with whatever life throws at me without being rendered incapacitated by fear and anxiety and without spending all my time worrying, dwelling and over analyzing every aspect of my life. I want to live, not think about living. I've come a long way since last year when I was awash in dealing with my anxiety with pills and booze. But I feel I have a long way to go to managing it.
I would like to have me and my dog certified to visit hospital patients. I believe in this program and would like to volunteer my time; my dog loves people and loves to be loved on.
I want to be in a happy place in my mind. I acheived it at some points in the past year but have come back to an unhappy place recently and overall don't know if I ever fully managed to be happy for a long period of time without having depressive feelings.
I'd like to finish and get published my four children's books. It's important because it's a naging project that I've worked at, on and off, for 20 years.
I would like to have my house remortgaged so that I have better control of my finances, and a plan in place for visiting Eastern Europe
I'd like to get my historical fiction novel published. This is important to me because I know I am a good writer and this is a good story - one that needs to be told about the experience of a young girl during a pivotal point in our nation's history. Writing is as important to me as reading, which is an incredibly important part of who I am, and this would be encouragement to do more of both and to encourage my students to do more of each.
I would like to be much more relaxed and be more deployed in a relationship.
If I felt like anything was actually within my control, I could maybe think of something. There are many things - eat better, weigh less, be more fit (all of which could be quantified with pounds or calories or number of trips to the gym), greater success in business (in terms of revenue), a cleaner house, a better disposition, more confidence, a calmer mind. I just don't know how I *can* do any of those things. It's not like I haven't tried and failed a million times with all of the above. I hate to wimp out - I think this is probably the most important 10Q question - one that I can clearly say next year whether I did or did not accomplish The Thing. But sadly, I don't think I can do it.
I'd like to be self supporting as a therapist. This will mean I'm good enough and I can do it.
I'd like to be able to wake up and spend the entire day and night pain free. It's important for my self-esteem and psychological well-being.
I'd like to have a clear plan of action concerning my academic career, e.g., where I'll be going to school, what classes I'll need to take to make myself a better candidate etc.. Additionally, I'd like to be able to articulate more clearly my research aspirations and vision. This will require me to do some additional ready which I've already started as well as some research. Also, I'd like to have worked through several issues from my past which have affected my self-esteem and ability to manage my weight. These two goals would help me to be healthier overall and have a plan of action/next steps for the coming year.
I'd like to have a released game of some sort that's generating me some (even $1 every couple of weeks) income. I've been fiddling around for quite a while, picking away at this and that and generally growing my skillset, but it's definitely time that I turn up the thrusters and get somewhere. If I'm going to do this for a living, I'd better start turning it into one.
Have my business fully established. So I can prove to myself that I did it on my own with a silly idea.
I'd like to be speaking to my daughter again. We used to be so close, and haven't spoken for a few months. It's been very difficult to feel so rejected by her, and yet I haven't figured out a way to approach her. I want to be an important part of her life again because I miss her.
A fit body. To be healthy for myself, my son and family.
I'd like to have my website established and comfortable, and be active in offering information on a monthly basis thru the site's blog. It's important because it will represent a new chapter in my status as an instructor. As a senior member of this community, I will be able to step back and mentor.
Better time spend time with the people that I love and that matter most. To spend less time doing the wasteful things that don't matter. I want to achieve more freedom in my be available for what God wants me to do each day! :)
I started out putting the skill that I wanted to achieve (see it below). Based on the question, I went to skill, because it seemed like something measurable and achievable. But I'm adding this ahead of that perfectly desirable skill (and giving myself two very different things to achieve): I would like to regain comfort with physical intimacy. Why? Losing it has been a source of great personal suffering and heartbreaking loneliness. Skill: I would like to be able to lead weekday morning services using an intentional combination of appropriate, improvised nusach and metrical tunes. Important: it's the basic skill I began this journey of cantorial school to develop. It connects the past, present & future. I think it helps create a prayer experience that is accesible and authentic.....and facilitates opening hearts.
Just one thing? Right now, even though there are bigger, more spiritual, more politically aware things I could say: right now I really want to lose 25 pounds. I really want to see what I look like, and I really want to prove to myself that I can commit to big, stretch goals like that and not let myself down. I like myself and the quality of my soul at any weight, but I'd be lying if I said that my physical size didn't affect my self-esteem or sense of attractiveness. So, yeah: I want to prove that I can do what I say I want to do.
I'd like to be able to a) call people on things I find offensive like racist or homophobic remarks, and b) disagree with people's political or religious stances, but to do it calmly, respectfully and in integrity.
I want to get red of my addiction to internet.
I want to be more present. I want to be settled in my new life. I want to be home with my babies. I want to have figured out how to be a successful freelance author. So essentially, I want to have acomplished a work at home job so I have freedom. I crave freedom and eliminating 9-5 would help me do this.
Why do all my answers sound the same? By next year I want to be able to hear & participate in conversations, phone calls, and go to lectures & live performances. That means I need to practice hearing & understanding with my cochlear implant and my brain needs to get better at interpreting the signals that it receives. I am a work in process and it is definitely more work than I anticipated.
Two things: I'd like to be teaching at a yoga studio and part of a "community" in Austin. No matter what that means. I would also like to maintain a terrific balance between work life and personal. Find that place where I'm able to run/bike in nature, do my yoga practice while main thing fully present during my work.
Lose some weight. Get in better shape. Want to be there for my loved ones
By this time next year, I hope my finances will be in better shape than they are right now. I have just recently taken out a bank loan to allow me to pay off both credit cards, with the hope of paying down the balance of debt over the next few years. I am also currently completely broke, as I have just paid the security deposit and first month's rent on my new apartment in Charlottesville, as well as rent and utilities on my current place in Staunton. Once I start earning more money with my job at UVA, I hope to not only pay off my debts but to start paying back my dad and helping out with the cell phone bill and other obligations. This is extremely important to me, because it was a great part of my decision to leave Bridgewater and seek employment at UVA in the first place. I also refused to consider moving in with my significant other until I was sure I'd be going into the situation with a better grasp on my finances, so that my debts would not become his problem. I sincerely hope this all turns out as well as it seems, that I am happy and healthy and able to start living a better life both financially and otherwise in the new year.
By this time next year I'd like to have at least a few projects under my belt that I and others consider "real art". I've been described by my friends as "an artist without a medium" for much of my life - I hope that in the next year I find a medium that suits me.
I'd like to be able to breathe without fear, first and foremost. Secondly and I think this is important as well I'd really like to run again.
Peace - a writing piece - more frequent sex - love - friends - joy - honesty - Since I do not really establish goals like this very often it is unfamiliar to me. I rarely make goals. I rarely actually have goals. I wanted to get married, have children, get a masters in Library Science. I wanted to have more relationships with friends. Now what do I want? Maybe a monthly guided meditation that Mick also attends. I will see how this answer feels. I have a desire for more shared leisure time activities for Mick and I.
I would like to be an established travel blogger. By established, I mean that I will have a following of over 500 people, and I will actually be making money (at least $100/month by this time next year would be ideal). This is important to me because I have been working really hard the last few months to vamp up my blog by being more active and working on advertisements/monetization, and outreach. It would mean so much to see my efforts pay off that I put into my blog over the next year.
To be truly independent - especially emotionally. I won't ever be able to move forward till then.
This might seem shallow, but I'd like to take my weight down to 140 and keep it there. I just feel like it has so much to do with my health, my health risks and my mindset. I know it's better for me to weigh less, and I want to explore my relationship with food and be in control of my binge eating. By this time next year I'd also like to be trying to get pregnant or already be pregnant. I want to start our family.
I'd love to have finished my study - my Masters degree in Information Studies (formerly Library School). I've been completing it since 2009, and I am ready for it to be over.
I would like to have completed writing a book and be in the midst of finding a publisher. This is important to me because it's been in the back of mind since I was a child. It will be a huge accomplishment of something I promised myself I would do. And I no longer want to break promises to myself
I would like to still be at my wedding weight of 155 pounds (or smaller). Being able to maintain this eight loss would mean that I have the grit and persistence to keep at it.
Hard to say. So much has been achieved the last few years. This year may be more of a breather (maybe this is a Sabbatical year?). I would like to have a pool re-built into the backyard of the home I just bought on August 1. There was a pool there previously. It was filled with dirt 5 years ago.
Develop a method for measuring the level of consumer harm risk for various regulations in the context of bank examinations. This is important b/c it has the potential to be a significant contribution to improving consumer confidence in, and the legal and regulatory integrity of, US banks.
Take a risk with career development - b/c if I stay working at the VA in the format I'm in now - I'm giving up on myself in creating something spectacular exciting & done with the integrity I'd enjoy - save myself dying slowly at a rote job
I would like to have made a meaningful start to writing my first book.
PEACE with my role as the mother of two. Acceptance of my life as it is. Acceptance that my family is complete, and my baby-making days are behind me. Peace with the fact that mothering two young children and maintaining a strong marriage and holding down 1.5 jobs is CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY all the freaking time, but it is GOOD. Life is good. I hope to achieve the ability to APPRECIATE my life more than I currently do. Because I am so, so, so unbelievably blessed.
I'd like to have both my current book 'Things Your Pharmacy Doesn't Want You to Know" successfully on the market and have the coaching program up and running. Both are important given what I want to bring into the world for others
Having my customs broker license. This will help me with my career.
I would like to have stopped smoking. I've been smoking for 14 years now and I really want to stop. I want to be able to play with kids and go on walks without feeling like I'd rather die than take one more step. I know my body will be healthier, too.
Keep good health, both physical and mental. It is important so can keep active and do things while getting older.
I'd like to be able to hold a copy of my first published childrens story in my hands and feel proud of the finished book. Having written the very first draft in November 2012, it will be an amazing moment to see my work finally in print.
I am turning 70 and have done short triathalons. I hope to be able to do a full Olympic distance triathalon. On a personal level I hope to be able to talk with my older son about his lack of communications with his parents. It is that or my wife and I have to learn that our expectations have to change.
I want to be able to look in the mirror and smile at my reflection, because I am happy with what I see.
By this time next year I want to own at least 1 piece of rental property. This is important to me because it will provide a long term source of passive income and will move me one step closer to making $1,000,000 per year in passive real estate income.
I want to involve myself in a volunteer program that I will look forward to doing every week. I think this will bring me a great amount of happiness to be giving my time to a good cause. Now I just need to find an organization that will be a good fit for me.
I'd like to get a job. I want financial independence from my parents and brother. I want to be able to contribute to my family instead of being a dead weight.
I would like to do something creative. I feel as if I'm filled with unfulfilled creative potential. I've never expressed this before in a 10Q question. Usually it is something work related or relationship related or having to do with physical fitness. No. This year, I want to be able to make something or write something of note.
I would like to be speaking a bit of Spanish and have most of our trip planned and booked for Spain. It is important as it's a huge mile stone in my life and the girls. Summer 2016 be my 50th, Riley graduating High School and Grace heading into high school.
I would like to have more contact with my family; with Barbara, Jamey, their families, the cousins, and their kids. It is important to me because there are no connections in the world like shared history and bloodlines.
I want to achieve happpiness. I am already happy, but I wish to get happier every day, every year. It's important- the most important thing, because without happiness, why do you live? What do you live for? Money? Love? These two bring you happiness as well. Everything you do, (at least most of the things) is for you to get happier, or another person to get happier. If you are not happy- You don't really live. At least not the way you should.
By this time next year I want to have a cohesive board of directors, and be making definitive plans towards opening the doors on Winston-Salem's first community makerspace. This community creative collaborative has been a life-long dream of mine, and my team and I are working very hard to get this project started on a sustainable course.
To lose at least 20lbs. FIT & 40! I've been carrying extra weight for too long. Also, I'd hope to be pregnant again.
1. By September of next year, my book will be outlined and appropriate photos and videos identified. I will be actively working with both my Self-publishing consultant and my web designers. This is important because it's my "legacy" and I feel I have something valuable to offer. It would be an injustice and not reflective of who I am not to complete this project and have it disseminated among those who could use it and carry it forward.
I would like to have a sole authored peer-reviewed article published. This is not only important for my career, but also for my own personal mindset of what I feel I ought to accomplish and what is meaningful work. I know I have a voice and can contribute to the field in which I have chosen to engage in, but I have not broken into it and believe it is now more than the time to do so.
In a perfect world, I'd be in a relationship, but I don't think that is something I can control. As far as controllables go, I would like to (continue to) be credit card debt free! And living on my own!
I would like to achieve some peace of mind about where we live: do we stay in the rental house, or do we take the plunge and buy a house in Seattle? Built into this question is whether or not I feel secure enough in my new job to take the real estate plunge, so I hope that I have an answer on that. If I stay at this job, I want to have a firm 2-year plan. This is all important to me, as I feel like I can't really put down roots and nest until I have some security about my job.
I haven't made much money in my adult life. I've had some successes in different areas, but nothing that is financially significant. I have been telling my wife each year that the next one is going to be better than this one and it has, but I'd like to be working on enough projects to make a living. By this time next year I plan on being financially comfortable. It's going to mean some school, a lot of hard work and a little luck.
I'd like to weigh 50 pounds less than I way right now. I realize what a ridiculous thing this is to say. I'm saying it anyway. The politically correct thing to say would be that I would've spent the year eating well and exercising more. That I would've spent the year taking care of my self, my physical body, my health. All the things that I let go over the past two years while taking care of mom.I realize now that taking care of mom was just an excuse. I just read in free will astrology in the weekly that if you don't focus on your conscious desires and your unconscious desires will dominate. I have always had an unconscious desire to eat myself to death. There really is no way to make this go away, or rather I don't want to spend the time on such a thing. I've already spent a great deal of my 60+ years trying to make this unconscious desire go away. I'd rather spend the time on my conscious desire which is to take care of myself. Is it realistic to want to be 50 pounds lighter in a year? Is it really about the number? No, it isn't. I guess I just figure if I'm 50 pounds lighter next year that means that I would have been spending the year eating better and exercising more! Is it realistic? Am I setting myself up to fail? I have no idea. I know how to do this. I just don't know when I'm actually going to start doing it! I am thinking about praying to God every day about this. I am reading The Garden of Emuna. It reminds me of the AA saying "act as if".
To get a new job. The company that I work with is insane and I need to get out!
I'd like to have a handle on my finances. I want to really know where my retirement funds are and how to grow them. It's important to me because I'm in my 50's and not getting any younger.
I would like to have found a great middle school placement for my older son and have the process underway for my younger son. I think that middle school is a huge transition for the kids and I want to make it the best fit possible.
I want to be able to say I tried EVERYTHING to save this marriage and have a clear path to either rebuilding or moving on. Direction.
This time next year I'd like to have created some of my own wood projects - from design to completion. There's something that I find very calming and meditative about woodwork and I believe it may be something that I want to pursue more completely in the future. But until I create my own designs and finish projects I won't know if this is the direction I want to continue.
I'd like to be in better shape physically and mentally. I need to be healthier. I have Type 2 Diabetes and it got a bit out of control. I need to get fit and healthy so I can be the best parent possible. I have some issues to work out. I don't want to be tired all the time. I want to be able to take my children places and run around with them. I need to be the best role model I can for my children. At this time next year, I'd like to be at my lowest healthy weight, with my Diabetes under control, I'd like to be more active and happy!
I would like to become as active as I used to be, return to regular workouts and lots of walking and maybe even lose that ten pounds!!!
Secure retirement for me and my spouse. I am way past retirement age and bad financial decisions (that seemed wise at the time) have required that nboth of us continue to work.
I want to be on a really solid financial footing, in such a way that I'm not afraid of not having enough money to pay the bills, and so I'm not afraid of sitting down and adding them all up. The scary thing is that I really have no idea how I'm going to get there, as our business has really slowed down this year and our living expenses just seem to go up and up... It feels like the only way out is to sell our house at a loss and find a different place to live, but I really don't want to; I love our house and its location, and don't ever want to leave.
A daily exercise regimen - it will help my mind and body
Have my business up and running - website, awesome list, fabulous clients, regular speaking gigs, interviews, classes, etc. Because this is about doing my *great work* in the world, being of service, and adding tremendous value to the world, while supporting my family beautifully.
I want to have full time work in the physical therApy field. I want to be back in school for physical therapy. It's important because I want to start a career and it think pt might be the one for me. I want to be making enough money that Aleeza and I are able to save for retirement, vacation and still have enough left to save a little for whatever comes up.
Hmmm great question. I want to achieve... a dog! I think that's kind of it. I'd like to be better at french. An improved work ethic. Maybe loose some soft bits and gain some hard bits. But I dunno, those all seem kind of important but having a dog friend seems like the most important. Having a dog is important to me because I love dogs more than almost anything else and it seems like it would make my life whole. It would also mean that I'm a grown ass woman and I can take care of a dog, a cat, an apartment, a relationship, a job, etc.
I want to get a first in my degree this year. It's important to me for a lot of reasons. The shallow one is that I would have the highest degree in my entire family if I managed it. Less superficially, I don't like to fail, and I know I can do this if I work hard. I should have got a first last year and got distracted by boys and drama and drugs, but this year the boy knows that I'm not going to let anything except myself get in the way of me getting that first. It would be easier to apply for jobs and masters programmes, it would be great to be the best in my family, it would show my bitchy ex-headmistress, but most importantly it would give me an amazing sense of achievement and success.
It's less an "achieve" then "have resolved". I don;t want so many unanswered questions about my job, my compensation, my benefits and other aspects to remain up in the air. I want them all ironed out and either I accept them and move on. or I can leave them and the job behind. There3 is a certain amount of gamesmenship that comes iwth that waiting, so there is an achievment of sorts I suppose.
I would like to, as is always my goal, figure out what I would like to do with my life in the long-term. I want to know what I want to do with the rest of my life and figure out what direction my career path will go.
I would like to truly be able to live in the moment, not trying to anticipate the future - I believe this would allow me to be at peace with my circumstances, rather than fretting about what might be -
I hope to be Bar Mitzvah by this time next year. Why this is important at this point in my life is still unclear, but it is. I expect that the reasons will be a part of my speech.
1. Have a relationship with Shannon that in a year we talk about where we want it to go 2. Be a good and involved grand father 3. Keep being slow and work hard but not too hard
I have a few focuses this year, they are not different than last year but I don't feel like I'm in a state of flux so much this year that I will be able to achieve them. 1 - be a better housekeeper. It's so hard! 2 - continue my Yoga and spiritual practice. It has completely enhanced and helped me in many aspects of life. 3 - keep working on my art and hopefully have even a small body of work by spring/summer. :)
I want to be working with an organization that I believe in, regardless of the money it does or doesn't bring in.
I just recently had an epiphany that I am a perfectionist/Type A. I am trying to work either with or around this. I don't know which is best, and I am seeing my perfectionism more and more in everything I do. I wonder if this time next year I can get to a point where A) I have this Type A thing all figured out and balanced or B) I have let it go completely, accepted it for what it is, and focused my worries on a new personal flaw :) I also want to not be so self-conscious. Focus on what I want or what I need instead of how I am "coming off" to others. This school year I have noticed already some positive changes-- I am busier, and therefore less worried about what people think of me/how they judge me and more about getting a task done. Also, I want to reach a point where I am not judging myself so much. Because then I will in turn not judge others as much, and probs be a happier human being overall. One more thing is: FIND OUT WHAT I WHERE I AM HEADED WITH MY LIFE. I know WHAT I want to do. The trouble is it's a list of like 3 or 4 things. I can't follow EVERY one of those paths. Or maybe I can. I need to have a plan next year. Right now I am studying to be an English teacher, and maybe that is not really what I want to do. I can also become a musician at this point, or an artist. I could pursue acting/performance. I am stuck at a fork in the road. It isn't a big deal right now, but it could be later on when I'm about to graduate and I go "Hm. Maybe teaching isn't really what I want to do. Oops. All that money and time is wasted I guess."
Loosing 10 lbs. It's important bc I feel like I hold on to chub. And I am not 100% sure why. I'm not really lazy, but I'm not really active all the time. I eat things that are harmful to me in that I either feel sick and/or they make me hold the chub. Not worth it. I'm almost 30. I want my 30s to be my health and thinner me years! I think I will be getting engaged, married, and who knows what else! So I would like to do all of that with a body I'm not just ok with, but that I am proud of.
have a greater and real connection with my wife, parents and children.
I would like to lose 50 lbs so that I can increase my level of exercise and physical activity. I am concerned about my health.
double my business while becoming a kinder more patient person
I'd like to be a healthy weight by this time next year. This is important to me because being obese looks repulsive and I'd like to be sexually desirable. It's as simple as that. I know I should think about health -- and I do, my knees would feel better and my heart would be theoretically healthier -- but I think we're programmed biologically (and many of us -- certainly culturally) to find fat repulsive. I don't want people to see me and think "ugly." I wish I could own it but I'm not superwoman. I don't want to be fat any more. I want to look healthy. And it does feel wonderful to not be huffing and puffing by the time I get up three flights of stairs. AND I surprised myself by hiking for three hours a day over one weekend. 30 pounds down so far!
I want to open my own business as a notary public/concierge service. I am tired of working the same old same old every day and not being even acknowledged for what I do. This is so important to me because of several reasons: first I have tried and failed at business previously mostly because I was not prepared via a proper education. Also I realize that my children are having a difficult time finding jobs even with a good education. To me this business model that I am proposing will meet both my expectations and give my daughter a chance to use her education as well. Finally, I want this to be a family business, something we all take pride in and work hard to support and make thrive.
I'd like to take the plunge into opening my own coffee shop. It's important to me because it's been my dream since I was 18. I've enjoyed stability and I'm hesitant to give that up, but I'll never forgive myself if I don't take the leap of faith.
One thing I would like to achieve. Hmm. I would like to have moved back to Atlanta and working in the field I want. That sounds like two, but it's really one. If I am able to secure a job located in Atlanta, I will have a secure way of moving back and landing softly with a job waiting for me. It's important for two reasons. The first is I'll be close to my family. I left home 10 years ago. I'm ready to reconnect and be a apart of the unit. Secondly, the city is so vibrant and alive. There is so much to do, see and experience. I know I will have some semblance of a healthy social life. It's something I lack here in Phoenix.
I would like to know what I want and where I want to be. This will allow me peace of mind and ability to start my life
I would like to achieve inner peace by this time next year. Hahaha. Seriously? I'd like to have found a place to be satisfied with myself and my accomplishments and enjoy the time I have with my family such as it is. If at all possible, by this time next year, I would like to be in school and getting my true professional creds.
Because of a knee injury, I can no longer sit down and get up off of the floor without a chair or something to assist me. I would like, by next year, to easily be able to sit on the floor and stand up again without any kind of support or assistance.
The AidsLifeCycle ride. It's important to me on so many levels. To honor my friends who died if Aids. To raise funds for the San Francisco Aids Foundation so people who are affected have resources available. To bring awareness that this horrible disease is still claiming many lives, including women and children. And on a personal level, to reconnect with a group of fun loving warm cyclists and to celebrate my 60th birthday!!
I'd like to be able to take things less personally. It's important to me because it will improve my life and relationships.
I would like to work on my comfort level of receiving love. Receiving love is difficult for me and in order to feel unlimited joy, i must learn to overcome this limitation.
I would like to gain a closer relationship with God and continue to grow and challenge my intelligence and faith.
I would like to be celebrating life joyfully in the same way I am today. I am so unvelievably happy at the moment, with a challenging professional life, a spectacular home, amazing colleagues, the love of my life by my side and a great relationship with my entire family. I wouldn't want more. I realise all will evolve and improve or change, but I love where I am right now.
I'd like to be able to pay my parents back the £3,000 (+3% interest) I borrowed from them to buy my car in June 2013. I'm nearly there. It's important to me because it will free me up to save for something else and I'll take a certain sense of pride in paying off the loan a year earlier than planned.
Have a steady full-time job. I haven't had one since moving to this state 10+ years ago, and I feel bad that I haven't been able to help my in-laws out with the expenses of their house which they so graciously let me live in with them, and I know it keeps getting harder and harder for them to make ends meet.
By this time next year I'd like to be a homeowner again. My husband and I made some poor financial decisions, and we ultimately had to give up the home we treasured. We are renting a loft unit in a condo now (fancy way of saying we live in an apartment) and what I miss most is have a room of my own. Not my bedroom, but a space that was filled with light where I had solitude and peace. It's important for me to claim that again.
Emotional Stability
I'd like to be at least in training to become a La Leche League leader. I want to become an IBCLC in the next four or five years, and becoming a leader through LLL is the first step for me unless I want to go back to school for several years (which doesn't really work for my family). I realized this year that I have quite a passion for supporting breastfeeding and being a lactation consultant would be a great way for me to feed that passion, help others, and actually make a living at the same time.
Loving myself for who I am. Not apologizing for my emotions. Not holding back who I am to play it safe. Being more honest. Being more honest. Practicing nourishing and loving activities. I also want to be teaching at two studios I love. One being indigo yoga at the moment, so maybe taking on another class there and then either having a class at jaipure or finding another beautiful studio to teach at, like starseed. Maybe even teaching yoga to elderly. Or crossfitters. Finding my niche! I also want to take my 500 hour YTT, take a 10 day mediation course, and go to soul camp. SO EXCITED. As I am sitting here taking a moment to get my toes and nails done, I am super excited about these things and feel in my heart that they are so good for me. Time to relax, slow down, and relax.
Shoulder replacement on 9/19/14- finally I won't be in pain and will be able to resume "normal" activities. Goal: sign up for tennis on 10/19/15 :)
Resume playing golf on a regular basis. I had to give up golf for a few years because of foot pain. I have not returned to golfing due to other events that intervened, such as an urgent surgery (mine) and my husband's cancer treatments. I realized recently that it has now been seven years since I last played a round of golf. Golfing would really give me a boost in my weight loss goal as well as improving my overall fitness. Living in the desert, summer golfing is not appealing to me. T he advent of cooler temperatures makes me yearn to dust off those clubs and hit the links!
There are a few things, I like to achive by next year. Not a single large thing but some few little things: 1. I want a new job, that brings back joy into my professional life. A job with accountability, leadership and fun. A job that provides financial stability for the whole family. And a job that allowa for my hobbies. 2. Another European city trip with my family (like we do every year). 3. Improve my sports abilities, my half-marathon time, my tennis, squash and badminton game. Get slowly prepared for the 2017 marathon, that I like to run with my daughter.
A job within a career that I love I don't think I'll enjoy life without it
By this time next year (before, actually), I would like to have finished writing my first novel. This is important to me because it has been brewing for so long, and has become such an important part of who I am over the past year. I want to reach an audience. I want to share my stories with the world. And I want to begin my successful career as a writer so that I can live the life I dream of and support my family.
I would like to get my financial "house" in order. I have always had enough for what I needed, but I have been bad about planning for the future. I'm wary of investments that could potentially leave me with less rather than more, and as a result, I have just put off having an investment strategy at all. Now, following my parents' deaths in the past 2 years, I have part of their savings as well as my own to take care of. I want to get past my procrastination, and find an investment adviser and plan I can feel comfortable about.
Finish working on the musical about Phyllis, the HR person who loses her job and then struggles to find a new career as a self-employed person. This is the first of ten musicals that I am writing.
I want to spend more time creatively -- making music, sewing, crafts. I feel truer to myself when I am able to do the things that are fun and important for my "soul survival." I have neglected many of these things lately. I have to learn to limit my computer time. (Also hope to lose back the 30 lbs. I gained as I recuperated from surgery this year.)
My main aim is that of being closer to financial freedom. For that I will have paid off my student account and have a NAV that 50% of my assets. It is important because being of that mindset (and not the average person) will force me to be more disciplined with my money, to delay instant gratification, to acknowledge that I am more than simply material gains and to have the foresight on the bigger picture. My other BIG goal is to have a car that is reliable, comfortable and cheap to maintain- again using minimal debt to acquire and run. This will give me that one elusive aspect of my life: freedom and independence
I'd like to achieve some knowledge of where I want to go or what I would like to do by this time of the year [September 2015] At this current time [September 2014] I have been unsure about whether I want to work or continue going to grad school. And if I go to grad school, do I do a Master's or a Ph.D? This is important to me because soon I have to begin my own independent adult life and make decisions about my future. Right now, I have conflict between my dreams and what I want and I feel like I can have both. I just want to figure out how. One little step at a time, I guess haha
I'd like to look back on a year in which we travelled to more interesting places, have spent quality time with the family and friends, have our Condo refreshed, have my hip and lungs fully fit. I'd like to have more interesting things to do as well. I'm kind of thinking about acquiring the 2016 Vette with the big engine which will hopefully be a collector and then give it to the kids. I'd also like to do more with the idea from Freakanomics on Queen and Marijuana in the area of personal growth. Hmm, how do do that?
Eliminate my credit card debt or at least bring it below $1,000. I need to ensure that my finances stay under control and I don't carry any debt that I can't address.
Build a home and start a family. It feels like the right time to do it.
I've been thinking about soft robotics a lot lately, I would like to buy a kit and build something.
I want to get a 12-step bronze chip and i want my wife to feel that she can trust me once again. I also want to find and become actively involved in some type service either to my local community or to other type of service that promotes and provides social, cul;tural, economic, environmental, and ecological health and wellbeing in the world.
I want to move away from fear and feel ok with myself. Ok with myself alone, around people, and especially around new people. Throughout this past year, I felt afraid to be in new spaces by myself. Right now it doesn't feel good to be alone with myself. Next year, I hope to find comfort in solitude and peace in myself out in the world.
By this time next year, I would like to be doing a different job. It's important because I believe my current job is harming my self-esteem and self-concept as most feedback I receive is negative. I work for a dysfunctional organization and I am married to one of the partners! So I need to separate myself from them and do more fulfilling work for a well-run organization. My husband isn't happy there, either. So maybe by this time next year, he'll find other work, too.
I would like to weigh less by this time next year, hopefully sooner. It is important to me because I just don't feel comfortable.
I'd like to move somewhere closer to work & closer to good public transportation to NYC.
I would like to significantly reduce my credit card debt. Its important to me to do this, because maintaining little or no credit card debt was important to me and one of my goals when i was younger but i let it get out of hand as I got older. I can't do much about the student loan debt, but the credit card debt can be tackled and that would make me feel better about myself and my money managing abilities. Plus it would be good for my financial health.
I want to own a house. A nice house. Honestly, who ever wants to fear not having a roof over their head? I think it's a lofty goal, though, as I'm single, don't make much, and am up-to-the-gills in law school loan repayment. Don't ever go to law school; worst decision you can make unless you get into a T-10.
I would like to spend time each week making effective change in the social work field. I would like to find a way to have an impact on the way mental health treatment is delivered in Buffalo. I quit working at the CMHC because the ECMC system was disrespectful to the workers and to the clients. I would like to be someone who helps create major change, so that people with mental health problems are treated with the respect they deserve. Also that mental health workers are treated in such a way that they do not get burned out.
I'd like to have a residence that's big enough, nice enough, and organized/clean enough to have people drop in on a whim. We've been in this apartment just over a year and it looks like we're still in the middle of unpacking. I hope well be in a house by next year - and I hope I can make it nice. I'd like to live in a grown-up home, for once, now that I'm over 40.
By this time next year, I'd like to have my own class. This is incredibly important to me because I should have been starting this year off in my own class, but that was messed up. I am bound and determined to start next year off in my very own classroom.
Well there are several things I would like to do: build one of those street libraries, get a Jewish organization off the ground in regards to the environment, publish something, visit the children etc. But you asked for one thing so I guess it would be getting a Jewish organization off the ground to work for the environment. I believe that that is our biggest challenge and we can't ignore it or deny it and the more people working for it, the better.
Clear the spare room to be both a good work space and a guest room. It involves clearing paperwork, of course, and what to do with all of Elizabeth's residue. That may involve working in the shed to create space for all her things. I don't know that she'll ever live in a place big enough to house it all. I've been challenge and humiliated by reading my past responses and seeing the same item occur a couple of times. Will I ever ever get a handle on clutter?
By this time next year, I want to be a leader in two non-Greek student groups on campus: ideally Project Wildcat and Sherman Ave (or something other campus publication). Of course, whether or not I get chosen for these groups is not entirely up to me; at the end of the day, it's beyond my control. But the point is that, even if I don't get Sherman Ave this quarter, I want to keep working toward it, or I want to find another group that is a better fit for me. Getting to be a leader in Project Wildcat would be an outstanding experience, but would also help me come full-circle in my initial goal of being bold this year. I was bold to try out the experience in the first place, and I was bold in really enjoying and appreciating it; now, it's time to be bold in continuing to grow with it, and above all, passing along the amazing experience to next year's freshmen.
I'd be delighted if my novel is typeset, proofed, and being published. Been saying this for years. It'd be my greatest achievement so far.
I would like to have submitted my book manuscript to an agent. Not even had it accepted: just submitted. I want to prove to myself that I have the follow-through to be an author.
I want to lose those 10 pounds again, and get into the best shape of my life!
A new job. Mine can make me sleepless at night. I am growing bored and restless, and I am longing to try some new skills.
To fully understand our financial situation. It's important so I can be 100% responsible to make appropriate choices for our future.
I want to live more in concert, on a daily and moment-to-moment basis with my values and beliefs. I don't believe it's as much in the big things as in the little, everyday things that we enact morality, ethics, and contribute to or detract from the type of society we want to see for everyone. Yet, I often find myself paralyzed. I don't engage. I procrastinate. I often do that when I have tasks I don't want to face. So, I'd like just get moving more and do things I want to do, need to do, enjoy doing.
This time next year I want to have achieved my most difficult goal in life; I want to have been accepted to a College in New York and I want to have been able to move for real. There is literally nothing I want more in life than that.
I would like to start a kindness, paying forward and so forth website to connect those who are interested in spreading positive energy through out the world. Also, to help spread knowledge about kindness to others. I feel the more positive and kindness we give to others that it will become like a ripple effect. I see things in the world that make me question humanity and more people being negative with each other. If I can combat that with kindness, then hopefully this world will be a better place.
Earn six figures by the end of 2014, and receive more than $200,ooo for the year 2015. I have been under-earning - due to fear and laziness - the past few years. I know I have the resources, talent and energy to make my career zing. I intend to claim my worth and help clients in profound and lasting ways. After years of self-doubt and sabotage, I will assume my rightful leadership position and share my wisdom in order to support others through similar struggles.
I want to have finished my novel and have it published. I have been working on my novel, "If then else" for over 2 years now. I hope to have it done and published by September 2015.
I want to have my basement decluttered and organized. I know it sounds silly to set that as my goal again but I got part-way there this year and now, I need to finish the job.
This easy. Increased mobility.i want to rock kitten heels again. So a change in eating and exercise
Be better organized. This is important because I am not getting things done that I need to and I feel like a rotten person, a failure and screw-off. Beating myself up leads to a depressed mood and that leads to getting even less done. More specifically--I'd like to have my business affairs in order and be regularly billing and marketing myself on a weekly basis.
I would like to be financially secure. This is the end of my working life and I need to pull in a substantial income to set me up for my declining years.
lose 40 pounds. To live long enough to know my grand children
I want to have close women friends that I can enjoy and talk to. I want more fun in my life.
I'd like to be close to finishing my dissertation. It's a big weight on my shoulders and yet I barely think about it. I want to complete it so that I can advance in my career when I feel like it is the right time to do so.
By this time next year, I hope to achieve two things. 1) I'd like to have either found a long-term job or be working on the credentials to find one. Since I have to leave my PhD program, I need to figure out what else to do with my life and either having a job or being on my way to the credentials for one should show some progress towards that. 2) I'd like to have finished converting to Judaism. I want to achieve this because I'd like to keep the ball rolling on my decision. Also, if I am finished in a year, it means that my husband and I have found a place with at least semi-regular access to a Conservative shul and proximity to a Jewish community that we're both comfortable in is important for us.
I would like to reconnect with you brother who I haven't spoken with for over seven years. My brother and I have suffered the loss of our parents and my son, Brian. I feel that we should talk and work to resolve our issues as we are brothers and are in this together. I also have a niece and nephew who I haven't spoken with for just as long. I would like to have the chance to be a good uncle for these fine young people.
A new role. Growths
I'd like to feel happy with my situation, whatever that is. I know it's not necessarily realistic to hope for specific things in my life to change - I just want to be able to be satisfied with what I have.
My biggest goal is to save 33% of my income. I hired a financial planner a few years ago and he costs about 1% of my salary. He is invaluable and I trust him implicitly. Our goal is to help me "have the choice" to retire at 55 years old, 20 years from now. The decisions/sacrifices I make now will strongly influence if I make that goal. In 2014, I saved 23% of my pre-tax income, but I think I can do better next year.
Better relationship with Joshua. He's my son and he needs me.
I need to have written something. Something of my own, not something under someone else's name. Something that helps me to heal. ...and I need to have my budget back in order.
I would like to be on my way to grad school. Hopefully in a program but if not then I would like to be well into the application process.
Change jobs to get off the streets! And also to find something more satisfying and stimulating.
I would like to be employed primarily in the ED. I love the pace of the department and feel I'm getting stale in my current role. The skills and experiences I'll gain there will be immeasurable. I have completed a couple of shifts there and found the teams I've worked with to be pleasant and supportive, not that that is entiret lacking on my current ward but a change is really needed.
I would like to drink less. I lose energy. I lose time with my daughter. I lose motivation. Maybe also get an online advanced certification in my field.
I'd like to get my first official teaching position. This is what I've been gearing up for the last 3 years and will be searching San Francisco like a crazy woman to find the best school or grade that I want. Hopefully it will be a great first year and lead to an even better second one, then I'll be done with my BITSA program and have my clear credential!
I said this last year. Finding a consistent creative endeavor that begins and ends with me—no clients, no students, maybe no collaborators. OR at least make piece with that maybe my creativity ends with client-based design and try to make that as good and rewarding as possible. OR realize that teaching in a classroom may be more enriching than anything I create in the dark recesses of a artist studio. And that's OK. OR embrace my music / film / comic nerdom and make it into something wholly my own. Enough of what "should" be done, and more what I WANT to be done.
I want to be settled in either my current job or in a new one. I cannot constantly feel in limbo over this and need this change to reduce stress and anxiety.
I'd like to say the one thing is to improve various areas of my home. I would like to get rid of enough clutter so that my daughter no longer tells me that I am a borderline hoarder. I want to do it for her and for me. If I can reclaim the downstairs family room, I'll be proud of myself. I need to prove to myself that I can follow through with a resolution, and I don't want to be embarrassed having people come over. That also goes for painting, fixing our bathroom, removing clutter from the kitchen, replacing worn carpets. We can afford it; I just need to summon the energy to get it done. I will be really disappointed with myself if in one year's time, none of the above were accomplished. Sounds banal and superficial, but it's all symbolic of my general laziness.
By this time next year I would like to have reconnected and nurtured the friendships I've seen slip away this past year. Being in a new and very serious relationship has led to the sometimes inevitable but definitely undesirable disconnect with others in my life who are important to me. I would like to spend more time with my local friends and make more of an effort to reach out to those who live far away. I know what it's like to wake up and find yourself somehow depending on just one individual you're very close to for everything - companionship, friendship, affection, romance, comfort, stimulation, support, entertainment, etc. It never ends well.
I want to find something to do that will challenge me more than I am currently being challenged, perhaps a job...
I would like for my husband I to have come to a decision on whether or not we want children.
I know this is a tired and overused one, but I'd really like to get down to a healthy weight and improve my fitness. I'm tired of this cycle of getting fit and then quitting. It's really frustrating. I don't feel good. I don't feel like myself. And I'm tired of not fitting into clothing that I like.
good health. It is the lens I look out of and effects my perception of everyone and thing around me.
I need to lose weight--a significant amount of weight. If I mention a number, it becomes too scary and intimidating. Why is this important? I want to live long enough to have an impact in the lives of my grandchildren. Given the physical distance and handful of opportunities to spend time together, I need as many years as possible.
I want to have my yoga teacher certification and have ran 2 beach body challenge groups. This is important because I want a different and more fulfilling life where I am constantly engaging with and helping people.
By this time next year I'd like to have enough savings to put myself through pastry school and have a little extra. This is important to me because I've finally realized my dream, my passion.
I have two. The first is to have written either a short book or a long manifesto about my vision for how to transform leaders and their organizations. Working title: "Wholly human: The half life of a life half lived." The idea is to set out a case for what it means to create a vision for organizations and for the people who work in them that is wider, deeper and longer than the one that we live by today -- meaning more wholly human, more effective and more sustainable. The second goal is to have created, with our great content team, a comprehensive organizational transformation solution that we are actively implementing at several large companies.
To have had weight loss surgery. I've lost a lot of weight this past year but I want to take the plunge and get the surgery to finally be rid of this weight and to help all my health problems. It may not cure some of them but it'll give me a damn good fighting chance. I'm scared like crazy of the surgery itself but the pros outweigh the cons and it's time to get things done and going.
I would like to hike the peaks around our neighborhood again. It would mean that I have regained strength and stability. It's important because it's something I miss sharing with my husband who hikes them nearly every day.
A year from now, I hope to be successfully adjusting to college life. That may be the most stereotypical response that high school seniors send, but it is true. This first quarter senior year has been the most stressful of my life. (I realize that the present time is always the most stressful and the past was always better to most people, but trust me, its stressful) I experienced inexplicably poor starts in several of my classes, despite focusing all my energy on not screwing up. College next year will probably feel similar, although there shouldn’t be nearly as much stress, considering I don’t have to get into college again. Why is college so important? I guess the answer is pretty obvious. I want to succeed in college so I can succeed in life, and unless everyone I’ve ever talked to is lying, (which is always a possibility, mind you) there is a strong correlation between the two. I’m not saying that I want a well-paying job, I’m saying that I want to be happy. If succeeding in school increases my chances of that, then I’ll try as hard as a can. Hopefully I’ll have as much confidence a year from now.
have a healthy baby
I would like to be in a committed relationship with a man I love who loves me back. It would be cool if it is the one who I have in mind, and I will totally be cool if it isn't.
To get rid of my debt. Hopefully have a child :)
I'd like to arrange a social gathering for the Neighborhood Watch group. It is valuable for us to meet for no purpose other than to get to know one another as neighbors. I'd like to solve the dog sitting situation for Winston so I can comfortably vacation. I worry about his oddities with someone else here at night, so we need to change his habit of having access all night to the backyard. It is important because I need to vacation without worrying about him
I would like to lose 60 lbs by this time next year through diet and exercise. It is important because I think I am becoming diabetic - headaches after I eat something sweet or particularly carb loaded, some dizziness, general feeling not good. I don't want my life to be cut short by silly choices that I make or because I refuse to take my own destiny in my hands.
Done decently in my degree; survived the year with mental health and friendships in tact!
To have a new job or start a business in the mountains. This is important because it would be much nicer to work close to home and I would love to be able to train and teach people.
Be able to surf. Because I have out it off for so many years.
I'd like to buy a house. I'd also like to be married to my long term boyfriend and maybe even expecting, but those things can wait a little while longer too. I feel like I've been in a holding pattern in my life, I'm ready to move on a little bit. I was recently promoted, and that feels like it should be a kickstart for other great things. I want to feel fully engaged in life, and I feel like I've been waiting on the sidelines for my "adult" life to begin. Although I know intellectually things don't do that for you, I feel like they're symbols of done of the ways I feel like I'm letting life pass me by.
Get a better job, with better pay. It is important because the job I'm in right now, I do so much above and beyond without any compensation. And I have quite a few people depending on my paycheck. So, yes, not to appear greedy, but I would like to get paid for what I do!
I want to have my primary sources of income be either passive or through work that is positive and does not create negative stress. This is very important to me because my health is really effected by negative work environments.
Making partner, and being set for making full equity partner shortly thereafter. It is important to me because it is why I have worked so hard for the past 10 years, or even 20 years. I have left my kids to do this, and relied on my husband and parents. In addition to economic success, it provides economic stability for my family. It will eventually allow my husband to work less, and for us to replace our 15 year old car and eventually get a second bathroom. Moreover, it will prove to my husband, my prior firm, and myself, that I am valuable. It shows other working mothers, and my children, that it can be done.
I want to be a better father. I want to be in charge of a more active counseling department.
Ground Control will become real in the eyes and minds and feet of amputees, world changers and technology lovers. I will take hold of myself, feel my capabilities to make this happen and see a business for the greater good manifest. I will also be a more truthful and honest person for myself and others.
I would like to have my house in order. It's been so long and it would make me feel better. Cleaner and less cluttered, my life, my house.
Make crocheted mandalas because it's part of my journey to finding myself or getting lost in my creativity
By this time next year I would like to have a better idea of what I want out of life. Right now, as it has been for some time, I don't want anything because I don't want anything enough.
I would like to be on the way to doing what I am SUPPOSED to be doing, now what I AM currently doing-this is important because I've been struggling with my lack of life direction for quite a while now, and I feel like I'm running out of time. But I have no idea what it is I'm SUPPOSED to be doing.
I'm picking 2. 1) Meditation practice - I'm not good at quieting my mind. I've never been able to not think during shavasana, and I know that with my mind going a million miles per hour, I cannot appreciate the now, nor stop to refocus for the future. 2) Learning more about herbalism/apothecary. I'd love to rely less and less on medication, and self-heal through herbs, etc. I plan to read a book, take a class, and start experimenting.
I'd like to have a boyfriend. I know that's hardly and achievement, unless it means that I was social, outgoing, and lucky. I should write something related to my career, but at this point next year I'm pretty sure I'll be in the same job, just a lot better at it. Living in the same place, but more comfortable and with closer friends. I would really like someone to share time with, snuggle with, love. And if it really is that important to me, I'd better go out of my way to make it happen.
By this time next year I want to be well on my way to being accepted as a phd student. Hopefully this time next year I will be a phd candidate. I used to think I just wanted to study more to avoid having to work for the rest of my life. Along the way I found jobs that I really want to do, which all start out 'with your relevant phd qualification'. I'm so glad that even just being scared of leaving uni kept me in. If I had left and needed to come back I would have given up ever hoping to get my dream job.
I would like to achieve a greater sense of being in control of my life. I largely feel like I am not- I am afraid a lot and I do a lot of reacting as opposed to acting. I need to have a greater sense that I can handle what needs to b dealt with, and i hope I will find that equanimity in 2015.
By next year, I would like to become more confident in my body (or just myself in general). I've allowed myself to become defined by the opinions of others, which isn't healthy. I've been working on it, but I want to stop pinning certain things on the way I look. I don't like using my body as a source of blame.
I'd like to be healthier. I work too hard in a sedentary job and stress is making me unwell. Need to reduce stress and weight to be healthy gain. You can't buy your health back once it is gone.
I would like to be a well appreciated social volunteer in my community. I have been given many blessings in my life and now I would like to help others be happy.
Start back to college, to finish my degree and get a full-time job.
I would like to help my son become as independent as possible. It is time that my husband and I get to enjoy the rest of our days without stress and to know that our son will be able to take care of himself at some level.
I'd like to have my new knee a successful surgery and regain total mobility. I feel I'm stagnating, and will deteriorate if I remain immobile.
I could think of several, but my main goal for this year is to improve our temple. We need more active people who get excited about being a part of our congregation and we need new ideas and goals. For many years we have plodded along and it's time for a change! I hope to make that happen - well, it won't happen overnight, but I'd like to get it started. I am excited about being President and hope that I will leave a positive lasting impression.
I would like to be able to lose a significant amount weight and feel healthier. It is important because I really feel so sick and tired all the time. Losing weight would really help a lot of what ails me, literally and figuratively.
I hope to have made enough money as an independent translator to keep us afloat and keep it going for the foreseeable future. It's important to me because I don't want to let the family down. I also want to make sure I turn this incredible opportunity into a success and that I am worthy of Adam's trust and faith in me. Plus, who doesn't like to be successful on their own terms?
I want to have my puzzle company up and running by this time next year. Being as this is my first attempt at owning and operating a business, I really want to succeed. Step by step, with careful consideration of what I am doing, I should be able to build a business to be proud of.
I would like to have a new edition of our kidding book done as well a printed book version of our kamaya blog. This is important because I've been wanting to accomplish these projects for many years and this is the year!
I would like to achieve a state of peace within my own heart and in my personal relationships. I know this will require me to temper some of my more extreme emotions, to be more open and honest about my feelings with myself and with others, and to slow down and be present with people and with my own emotional experience. This past year as been the most tumultuous year I can remember in the realm of romance and interpersonal relationships, so whether I am single or dating at this time next year, I want to have cultivated more friendships, to feel like I am being a responsible lover if I should be so fortunate as to have love in my life, and to be the kind of person I would like to relate to.
I'd really like to be lighter, 140lbs is the goal. So that I can feel like I am in control of my body and my food consumption. So that I look as good as I can, and stay as healthy as possible as I age.
I would like to own a home by this time next year. I want to start growing roots in a new community and having a house to shape and develop and host is is my goal. I hope it's in Pittsburgh or at least I hope it's in the right city.
I want internal peace about my relationahip with Dad. I want to be able to give him credit for trying his best with a bad hand dealt. I want to feel sure that I have done my best, recognizing that that is more complicated than doing everyhting I can for him (because that will unfairly keep me from Joe, the kids, and my own goals. I hope to get better at seeing why his requests matter to him, and addressing the underlying need where possible, and letting go where it is impossible.
I would like to not have any yelling fights with my wife where both of us feel horrible. I know it's not realistic to have no disagreements, but I hope we can remember never to talk to each other when we are angry.
More financial security. My husband and I are already fairly financially secure but we also have some big long-term and short-term goals.
I would hope that James and I would have picked a country to visit that might become a place where we would like to retire too. This is important to me because I want to start to move towards where I want to be for the next 1/3 if my life. I want to feel like I am brave enough to move towards a new adventure.
I want to have my weight below 200lbs and hemoglobin 1ac below 6. It is fairly obtainable. I am within 10lbs right now and to go below 200 will be wonderful . Eventually I would like to get to 180. That will take a long time. Right now I feel great. If I am up a pound it doesn't bother me. It is that I am thinner than I have been in 30 years. I feel great. Fit and trim. Mentally it also makes me feel younger.
I'd like to be in a relationship that's meant to last a lifetime. I've worked at discovering my own identity and feeling comfortable and happy with myself, and am in the right place to share that with someone who gets it.
I would like to feel a closer and more conscious contact with my G-D - morning prayers, shul attendance on shabbos, Mussar - these are tools that allow me the gift of conscious contact.
Get our kitchen and house remodel project started or finished. We have lived in old and somewhat dingy surroundings in our house and I'd like to have it cleaner and easier to live in and especially cook in for Jian. Jian has not had an easy house to keep and it's important to me to see her get something nicer to live in. I want to do that for her as a good husband.
C: Get my weight under control/lose weight. When Ethan first started walking, he kept me so busy chasing after him. Now that he's a little more independent, I see myself falling back into bad habits - lots more lounging around. I don't like the way I look or feel, but am strapped for time and discipline. These are just excuses. I need to do something about it because I feel like crap. J: I would like to accomplish 12 credits. That would leave me with 69 credits. I need 128 credits for my bachelor's, and that would put me half way there. E: I don't know - I'm too busy playing angry birds.
I will not postpone calling the people I love and think about all the time. I want people to know I care about them and that my un-ending work does not take precedence over showing them my love, that I'm thinking about them. I just have so much work to do I can't seem to stop and 'smell the roses' sometimes. I specifically wish I kept in better touch with Janice and Joe. I think of them all the time and miss Jill so much.
Unfortunately, I didn't make much progress in my love life last year even though that was one of my goals. So, I hope to set that goal again. I would like to at least date more and would be thrilled to find a partner or match that I can have fun with, travel with, and generally share life with. I don't know exactly what that needs to 'look' like, but I hope to know it when I feel it. It is important to me because I have not had a shared life in years. I am ok alone and don't 'need' a partner in the same way I see others might, but I need to feel like I am part of something beyond myself and like to share life's adventures.
By this time next year, I'd like my house to be livable and presentable. Right now it is a wreck, and I don't let anyone in. I used to love to entertain; I'd like to get back to feeling happy enough about my home to do that now and again.
Blossoming business. There's a lot of confusion about how to go about seeing people and getting some traction. I"ve done almost all the paperwork. Now I have to set up a business bank account and get insurance and then.. then... well then I need a place to do it. I have 2 options so far. Once I get those three things nailed down its a matter of getting people on my table and then perfecting my muscle testing and confidence to use the NH and ESM protocols. SO close!!!!
I'd like to have more control over my reactions to people. I often react impulsively and passionately, which often gets in the way of effective and positive communication.
To practice mindfulness for my chronic depression. While I cannot leave medication altogether, I would like to find something that helps without causing such debilitating sexual dysfunction. The "Why" seems self-explanatory.
Death, a fast, painless death? At this age, I'm past the point of having a future worth the energy expended in just hanging on day to day. There's precious little good to look forward to or to be able to expect.
I'd like to have some ideas about retirement. When I realized it was coming up, I rejoiced when I saw it as an escape from a job where I am super burned out. But then it hit me that I haven't thought what retirement is FOR. There are a gazillion things I would like to do, but if there no limits to my choices, I won't choose anything. In retirement I anticipate a space with time for a life (like when I was unemployed): art and photography and music (which there is never time/energy for in my draining social work life), family, volunteering, socializing, kayaking. I want to share my artistic gifts, which have been subsumed to the necesities of mere survival, with the world. I need to think about this seriously...
I would like to be more physically fit. I had a health scare this year, and even though the scare could have happened if I were the most physically fit person in the world, it was still a glimpse into how quickly my health could be lost. No sense in hurrying things along. I have never, never, ever, not ever (get the picture?) enjoyed exercising. I have enjoyed active pastimes, like dancing and walking with friends, but exercise for exercise sake --- gross. It's like taxes, however. Must do, or the consequences won't be to my liking.
By this time next year, I would like to have fifteen weddings on calendar for 2015-2016. This is important to me because weddings are what I do. I am not a volume person. Each wedding is as special to me as it is to the people who are trusting me with their special day, whether it is a two person intimate wedding or a full scale celebration involving as many friends and family as can come across the ocean to Hawaii. It is not only how I make my living, but how I in turn fulfill my own dreams and plans. There is a direct connection amongst all our dreams, and the more elaborate and far reaching your dreams, the more exciting are mine. We are all together in this adventure of life.
Be in good health, bring happiness to others and be able to be physically strong enough to go to Israel. \ To continue to bring laughter to to others and hope all good people are free of pain either physcially or emotionally. Be more patient and listen more carefully to what others are saying.
I don't have anything in particular I'd like to achieve in the next year. Five years in, I feel like I'm hitting my groove professionally and that I will just naturally have some cool stuff to celebrate in the next year.
I'd like to be living somewhere where I feel settled. I have lived in over 6 houses this year and I just want to feel I have a place in which I'm wanted and comfortable.
Graduated with an associates degree and working towards my bachelor's degree. This is important because I want to have a good career as a teacher one day to inspire children
I really want to level up my strategy and planning in my work and personal life.
I'd like to be completely free of consumer debt, for obvious reasons: I'm paying through the nose for it. But what I'd really like is to be a signed author, with ESCAPE FROM GOSHEN coming out from a respected publisher in 2016. The second part of this question is harder to answer. It's a bit glib to say that I've always wanted to earn a living through my artistic bent, even though that is completely true. For years I've wondered WHY I've always wanted this. There's definitely affirmation in it for me - that's a big part of why. And there's more freedom and more security (see the first, more prosaic hoped-for achievement). I suppose it will bolster my sense of specialness, which is terribly important to my identity. Maybe "support" is a better word than "bolster," because I don't feel as if I need to have my ego puffed up any more than it already is. But I'd like to be able to lean more comfortably back onto it!
I would like to weigh under 150. With menopause, I just seem to gain weight. Need to get these 8 lbs off me. I will be able to walk faster, less stress on joints, better stretching... I want to feel better about me.
By this time next year, I would like to look back and see that I have experimented with my life. I have tried new ways of organizing my days, new ways of being with Mae, new approaches to relating with friends. Nothing has to change, necessarily, from these experiments but I want to see what insights the experiments bring. Important because I feel like I live inside structures, mostly of my choosing and want to see how it goes outside those structures.
I would like to be in a loving relationship with a man who is not afraid of accomplishments nor my terrible past. With someone who shows me I am safe, and who feels safe with me as well.
I would like to be running my own business. At the very least, I would like to have more of an idea as to what I want to achieve with my life/life path/direction.
I'd like to get regular exercise back into my life. I don't mean going to the gym once a week - I mean re-connecting with the athlete in me so that running (and cycling, etc.) is as in my life as my 3 meals a day!
I'd like to see my husband's business become successful. I think that if he were happier, then our relationship would feel less strained. If we have to go another year with this stress, I'm not sure that we will survive being together any longer.
I would like to move back out on my own again. While it has been okay living with my parents for the last few years, I need to be on my own with my own space.
I want to be at a healthy weight with normal blood sugars, this is important so I can be healthy and live to see my grandchildren.
I would like to attain a college that will encourage all aspects of what and who I am at the moment. I want to be accepted at a college that can help me excel in track; put me somewhere among the top tier athletes that seem like a myth to me. I want to be accepted to a college that can help me get a job, so I can breathe easier and not have to feel like I am in a constant state of panic. This is important to me because the way college works goes along the lines of "Hey, pick some courses that you may enjoy. Take them for a couple years... by the way; be good at them 'cause this is what the rest of your life is going to be." Mind you this is at the subtle age of 18. There are not many college students out there that believe that the courses they are currently taking are what they want to do when they are finished. I always beg the question, since I am not good at long term planning, is this what I really want to do? I also never stick with my first choice, I always make a change.
Pull my weight in the family financially and build capacity to promote myself.
I would like to continue some of the things that I'm doing now. I have really been focused on getting 10,000 steps per day, and that is going well. I feel like I am helping Freddy and Piper grow and progress. I don't necessarily want to try something new, but the things that are going well, I want to nurture.
OMG. It would be so nice if I found a lawyer to fight and win against the hospital unfairly billing me $5,000. At 100$ month it will take me years and years to pay. It would also be nice to have my house foundation, siding, and interior painting done and I can sell this house. I hope I learn Hebrew. I hope the Messiah returns to Jerusalem. I hope to join him there. This is important to me, because I am so bored with working to pay my bills and meet my needs. Life is just so boring where I am.
I'd like to be more secure at work. I don't feel like I've ever felt totally comfortable at a job.
I hope to make more time with my family, to reduce my weight, to become healthier and to worry less. That wasn't one thing. I hope to be healthier.
I hope I've picked a major and am working towards my bachelors degree. It's important to me because I associate that with more financial independence and job flexibility.
I have always wanted to write children's books. I have many ideas for books that need to be written but I don't follow through. I need to be doing this. I am getting burned out on my job after 22 years and need the creative expression from writing. I am nearing a time when I need to make decisions about how I want to spend my remaining years.
I want to find my happy career and be started on the journey to achieve it by this time next year. This is important because for so long I have had to fly by the seat of my pants to keep food on the table and a roof over my head that I have forgotten who I am and what I am capable of. I am fucking amazing and I am going to show the world why!
A fit and healthy lifestyle. It's important so that I can live an active life for family and vocation.
Contentment. I feel so discontented right now. . .but I can't put my finger on it.
A more stable life that includes plenty of work, plenty of health, and plenty of sleep so that I can be a good citizen, a good community member, a good ambassador for our times.
I would like to be enrolled in a master's program before this time next year. I want to free myself from limittations of not having a piece of paper.
I would like to have achieved weight loss and regaining my health after chemotherapy by getting involved in an exercise program. This is important to me as I want to ensure that I am on this earth for many years to come, to see my grandchildren mature into adults. Another goal is to undertake more voluntary work by his is important to me as I believe that there are many people what are not as fortunate as me to have a Lovering, supportive family and friends.
I would like to feel well most of the time, and/or to understand the cause of my fatigue/weakness and have gone as far as I can to understand and minimize it.
Have a far more clear understanding of where my career is going. This specifically includes having faith and exercising that faith to prepare for opportunities including updating my resume on a regular basis.
I would like to conquer the GRE, or actually be in grad classes by this time next year.
i have always answered this question with, love. how i want to achieve a loving relationship ... i think i have that totally wrong. i have love. i am loved. it's just not cookie cutter perfect. so this year, i want to put it down that i will achieve a goal of running faster. i'm tired of being slow.
write a short story of magazine piece that is accepted for publication
By this time next year I would like to achieve a greater understanding and acceptance of my fears, and apply new learning in my efforts to manage them. This is important to me because better managing my fear of failure and abandonment will allow me to take important risks with my career and with my heart. I want to work on issues that are important to me, and I want to love and let myself be loved. I want to marry and start a family.
I would like to have a closer relationship with my older son, more like we used to have It's impor to me as I miss him and the relationship we had
I would like to be a better teacher by this time next year. It's a challenge and would help me feel less of a fake.
I'd like to learn how to read and chant the prayer book prayers. I want to pray with intention, which is hard to do when I am way behind the leaders in chanting the prayers.
I want a regular job on a TV show! Yes. This is important because I'd like to make a fucking living before I'm dead.
To know that my decision to stay in the Clinic & not return to inpatient is the right decision & not to keep considering returning to Psychiatry. I need to know that the new ENT Chief will accept me as the RN & not feel like I could lose my position & then regret not returning to Psychiatry. I want to learn more about ENT & Head & Neck Cancers, maybe go to an educational conference & do this travel alone. I also want to travel alone to see Anna in Minnesota & to join them at Myrtle Beach. Travel alone scares me.
Learn how to say no. I have poor work life balance and would like to be able to say no to requests so that I can have some time for myself to write and be able to reflect.
I'd really, really like to have let go of the commitments I've promised myself I'd let go. I want to spend more time enjoying my life with my husband and my family.
I would like to figure out my deal with relationships. I'd like to be with someone long term and feel totally comfortable in it, get rid of my commitment issues and panic attacks surrounding relationships (yes, women have those issues too!)
After looking at my answer to this question last year I was disappointed to see how few of the things I had wanted to achieve last year I accomplished. So, I am going to try and work on the same things this coming year and hope I get further along with the things that O want to tackle. It is easy to see how difficult the things I chose are for me to do. It also reminds me that they will be works in progress for a longer period of time.
I would like to have two healthy, happy, smart children who like each other! I know that I can raise a healthy happy child (at least until age 2.5, which is where Adrian is now), but I've read and heard so much about sibling rivalry that I'm a little scared of what will happen when Mila transitions from mostly an object to a real person who has words, desires, opinions, and who tries to take toys from her brother. I really want them to like each other -- understanding, of course, that it's inevitable that they will fight, but I want them to be close. I also want to figure out what it will be like to have a career as a mom of two. I know what I was doing a year ago, but this year I'm nervous because I've been out of work for 4 months. Going back to the exact same thing seems daunting, and also not necessarily exactly what I want -- I want Yahoo to offer me the job back because it's steady work, but at the same time, it's not the most interesting job in the world. I would like to be able to work on interesting projects as well (teaching? other UX research? will I be able to travel? That would be huge.)
I would like to have lost weight, be exercising regularly and eating and drinking healthily- this is important for the shallowest of reasons, I would like to feel attractive again
I'd like to feel healthier, and I know it is in my control. It's not just losing weight and exercising, which of course I could do more and better. It's changing the attitudes that keep me stuck, keep me slouching and not using my abs and not walking when I can just sit still... I ache almost all the time. Arthritis, general inflammation, I don't know. Most of my bad habits are to distract me from feeling the discomfort. So it's important to do the things that will make me feel healthier so I can be more IN my life, and not just letting the time pass.
I'd like to create a really warm and welcoming home for myself and my family - spaces for us to be a family together and to nurture and support us as individuals. As I look around me now as I write this, I see a mess. Lots of deferred decisions, stuff in boxes, old stuff, unfinished stuff. I want clean, simple, beautiful, welcoming, nurturing spaces. Spaces to do and to be.
I would like to have a small but steady stream of income coming in from my investment group. After several years of planning and struggling to start, I believe the investment group is ready to take off in a big way.
I think it is a bit petty, but I want to be in better shape and weigh less. I have lost 20lbs and hope to lose another 20 but also to be in better condition and working out regularly. That and to help acheive world peace. haha On a more serious note, I would like to have a volunteer position somewhere.
Less stress at home, from work. So that I can enjoy having my dream partner, child and job more.
I'd like to buy a home & be involved in a church I'm proud to stand w/. I feel like I'm ready to be a home owner & I want Aela to live somewhere I can work on & be proud of.
By this time next year, I'd like to be walking without a knee brace, cycling and/or swimming regularly, and (ideally) running again. I'd like to lose 50lbs. It's a number I'm afraid to share with my partner as he'd say it's too much. But, I'm 222lbs right now- weight gained over the past three years out of stress, drinking and sugar. I want to lose 50lbs by eating healthily, incorporating regular exercise, managing stress with other non-eating techniques, and praising myself. That is my goal.
I will be moving to a new country, so there are three things I really need to achieve: 1. Getting used to the new place and environment and being patient with myself and my possible culture shock in order to not annoy my boyfriend, who is from that country. 2. Find a job to become financially independent again. 3. Learn the language.
Still be living.
I'd like to be paying for my own car insurance and have money saved for a rainy day.
I really dont think this far ahead in my life so I really have no idea what I want to accomplish. I guess I want to have a good GPA, have a solid work ethic and land a good internship. I think this is important because I need to advance my future and make sure I have a solid income for my family.
I'm not sure I can come up with 1 thing, I have quite a few goals I would like to achieve. Lets start by saying that I hope my son is in a better place in his life by this time next year and everything that has gone on will become a blur. Second, I would like to hopefully be married and be living in a house instead of the townhouse I've been in since I got divorced.
Financial stability and some savings for the kids. I can manage most anything on my own but the family needs security and that means money. Living on the margin like this is risky for them and gives me ulcers. I'd also like to figure out a way to publish some of my writings. It's been a dream for so long, and maybe even could be a money-maker...
This is a really key question for me. By this time next year, a real searingly clear goal is that I would like to be well on the way to "un-cluttering" my life. My wife and I are in the process of boxing up our lives and moving in with our daughter for some months, as our current home is selling and we are waiting as our new home is under construction. However, in the transition time .... I have burned over three shopping bags full of old documents like ancient tax returns etc. I have begun looking at furniture, clothes, and other things and asking constantly, "Do we really want that around our next home? Will we miss it?" I want to purge some belongings and much paperwork to focus on a simpler way of living day to day. Less a prisoner to the clutter, more able as the Europeans - especially the Spanish - to "live for today" and enjoy this brief journey through mortality while I can.
Move to Colorado. I've been waiting to move for two years, and now that I have a job, the only point of which is to save enough money to move, I have to do it.
I would have liked to have become mathematically confident again, as I have let this aspect of my career slide somewhat as my work doesn't really involve much of it. I'm hoping to go back for a particle physics PhD in 2016, so I would hope that by this time next year I'm well on track to be ready to do that.
I would like to be teaching at a different school. After suffering a severe burnout at my last position, I was given the job I have now as a favor. I have been learning, studying and teaching for 3 years so I may move to a different building. I want to move because I feel there are attitudes and political connections that are keeping me from growing beyond my burnout. There are things I like about my school and colleges and I feel somewhat ambiguous about making a change but I need to make it to continue to grow.
I want my business to be making money. I want to be able to support myself and not have to lean on my partner. More importantly, I sincerely believe that what we are doing has wider implications for our world, and that it's important to get the work out there…. What we are doing is a desperately needed piece of the puzzle, and I want to be able to get it to a wider audience….
I'd like to have found and worked with a therapist / therapy group. I'd also like to take care of myself physically on a more regular basis. I've been feeling stuck in old $hit. Time to move forward and forge something new. I'll be forty for goodness sake!
I'd like to be beyond worry over estate taxes...I feel I've come Some way toward mAnaging my personal expenditures, bill paying, purchases, balancing my life between solitude, social encounterings, and energy output and resting...but at times When I begin to feel I've got some sort of,handle on all of the above, those are often when it all seems to collapse, and I realize I don"t have faith in Anything At All. Money matters are still scary...
Cut down my teaching hours, be pregnant and start getting paid by glow.
DEBT FREE MUTHAFUKAS. I want freeeeedddoooommmmm.
By this time next year I want to have passed the CAPM certification exam and have been trained on advanced excel and MS Project. I would also like to be in a new position learning my new career as an associate project manager. I want to be moving in a positive direction within a new career field. It is very important to me to be able to shift into a new career and begin learning something new. I know I can be great at anything that I put my energy into. The key is the energy that I must put toward it. I can do this!
By the fall of 2015, I'd like to have a pretty good handle on plans on what my counseling practice will look like following graduation in December 2015. It is important to me because I will turn 50 next March and that is the next big step in this mid-life transition that began in March 2011 when I entered recovery for multiple addictions. Turning 50 reminds me that I don't have an unlimited amount of time to make an impact as I seek to work with men dealing with the effects of sexual addiction in their lives and I want to make as much of a difference as I can.
Owning a home. Because reasons. Because I want to have a place where I can go if the world goes to hell around me and I haven't got anything else. Safety, sanctuary, my piece of ground to plant a flag. Growing weed. Growing food. Making food, making boats, making better house. Efficiency, reusable power, worms in soil. All good things. That's why I want a home.
Peace of mind... Happiness... Stability in my life and with my boys... That we all be in a good place .. That we be close and get along and truly enjoy our moments together... That Rene stiil be an important part of my life and that our love ve even stronger than it is today...
I would like to bring my cholesterol way down through diet and exercise. I got a surprising result from my doctor and I'm at high risk of heart disease which is scary. My uncle had severe dementia due to arteriosclerosis. I know I gotta go, but I don't want to go that way. So I'm walking, eating right, not drinking or smoking. I'm starting yoga too. My lifestyle changes are very hard because I have to so this all on my own with no support system, but I hope I can do this. Who knows? Maybe next year I'll have made some healthy friends to head into my senior years with.
By this time next year, I would like to stop my procrastination. For many years, I have been a bad procrastinator, and I feel ready to put this to an end.
I want to have a relationship/first kiss and Im not sure why but I have this strange desire to.
i just want to be happy. i just want to find a way to be happy, to not feel dead. i just want to feel like my life means something, not just to the world, but to me.
want to have lost at least 25 pounds could be more. why - my health and to feel better about myself. if i lose the weight it means i am eating better, and exercising more - better for my heart etc. Hopefully would indicate that I am getting out more and meeting some new people.
I would like to have more peace and harmony in my life, And accept my aging better. I would like to accept what life brings, and be able to surrender to the things that I cannot change, change the things I can change and the wisdom to know the difference.
I have made a commitment to explore sacred dance to a greater degree than earlier. I am also going to concentrate more on improving my technique...taking more classes at the college and attending more ballet classes. I have come to realize how important dance is to me. I don't have much time left to work on it and enjoy it. So I will have to increase my focus while I can.
By this time next year, I want to be living with freedom and with the discipline to choose (and feel deserving of) a life of health, energy and joy. I want to be living such that my choices are in alignment with my heart's deepest desires and are for my best and highest good!
Quiero haberme sacado un puedo puntaje en el SAT y haber entrado en una buena universidad. Esto es importante para mi porque pongo contentos a mis padres y a mi mismo
Unfortunately, this answer is the same as last year...I would like to have some income of my own. I would like to have a space of some kind to teach small group yoga classes, do massage and potentially rent to other teachers or therapists to help pay the rent. I would also like to have my yoga be my life in a way that is more secure than it is right now. I have maintained my practice for the most part since I graduated and know that fundamentally, my connection with yoga is deeper than ever, but it is still possible for me to fall off my practice for a while when things get busy. Putting myself out there as a legitimate yoga teacher will make me accountable and keep me in practice and in touch with myself.
I want to be able to be confident in myself, not based on just my looks. That I can fully believe that I'm more than just a pretty face; I'm smart, strong, kind and passionate in everything that I set my mind to accomplish. It's important to me, because I let other people's opinions take over my life. I want to not take things personally, but live my life the way that I want to.
I would like to be in a job I actually enjoy. I would like to be living on my own again, apart from my parents. It is important to me that I am moving forward with my life, that I am not staying in one stage of life for too long, that I continue to grow, to learn, to challenge myself to try new things. Everytime I say it out loud, I'm afraid, but my biggest goal between now and a year from now is to move to Seattle. Its scary, and I'm afraid I'm going to fuck up my life. But its what I have wanted for ages. I have to find a way to make myself do it. I have to go for it.
I want to have launched a sustainable business. It’s important to me because I need to prove to myself that I can do it.
I would like to be less addicted to my computer and phone. I'm so creative and imaginative, thank G-d, and I hate that I spend hours in front of a screen.
Lose 30 pounds...this is impt to improve my overall health...
I want to be in law school. It's been my dram since I was 13 years old and I'm finally at the make or break point.
I want to move and be able to find my own rhythm in life. I ffel so constricted by my current life, and I know this is not where I want to be. Whether my next step is school, core, or a full time job is unclear at this point, but I want to be able to be proud of what I am doing and to start with a clean slate. Ultimately, I want to take steps toward growth, because right now I can feel myself stagnating.
I want to get a regular writing and piano practice. Also to find the courage to date again! Too many years alone, healing; it's time to move into a new chapter. The writing and piano are life goals and passion thwarted as is the love life shelved after the double whammy of Bongane and Jennifer. I need to practice believing in myself and my good judgment.
I would like to have steady work in my field and be living with Ben. Both of us having jobs and working together to build a home would be the happiest thing for me.
I think I'd like to know what it's like to kiss and be kissed. I'll be 24 years old next year...I think that seems like a nice think to know, albeit fairly useless in terms of an actual achievement. But it's something concrete that I can offer up because all my other goals are largely idealistic. Besides I think it'd be nice to know all the same, even if it isn't one of my biggest priorities...
I'd like to be able to play some guitar pieces by next year on a passable performance level. It's important to me because I'd like to learn a new skill - especially one that will allow me to continue exploring and hopefully progressing and allow me a form of expression and hopefully something I can do that will be enjoyable to others too.
I'll have finished my thesis! That has to be number 1. Number 2 has to be: ongoing education in something likely to lead to job security doing something that's not boring or greedy. Number 3: finding part time work or volunteering doing something in industry or government, to get experience working IN an organization.
I would like to spend a month in French immersion school in Provence. It's important to me because I want to become fluent in French. It's something that I am doing for myself, because I love the French language and I love the challenge. I want to prove to myself that I can master the language!
This time next year I'd like to be in a place of happy survival. I'll have two young children to wrangle, all being well, and I hope I won't lose sight of the pleasures in amongst the challenges that next year will bring. I'd also like to achieve a sense of calm routine for my daughter who is almost one and a half. Currently she rules the roost and its hard to discipline her, I'm hoping that a year from now things will be a little more under control.
I would like to either have a new job or be at peace with my current job - which would include making more money and having more time off! It is important because I am getting burnt out on work and feel that the rest of my life is on hold.
I began answering this series of questions in the anticipation of benefitting from introspection. I have discovered something I did not expect, but which is exactly what I needed to know. I intend to recover my connection to my life by being more observant of what is happening, renewing my custom of keeping a journal, and by setting a series of goals I can achieve this coming year.
I would like to try and stop obsessively comparing myself to others constantly....this includes social media inspired envy and comparative obsession ....
Sailing more, smiling more, drinking less, and living within my means would all be good answers. But they don't go far enough. Fact is I would like to be a better person. I would like to show more love and more compassion. I want to be more genuine. I want to be less egocentric and more interested in other people. Just for starters.
Be on my way to graduation with my A.A's. This is something i've been working on for a long time, and i think i'd like to move on to even higher education now.
Conferences and joy in my marriage. It has to get better or I need to move on.
I'd like to be doing my job well to prove to myself that I deserve it. I'd also like to regain control of my physical and emotional health to improve my quality of life.
By next year, I would like to be somewhere other than Michigan, working at a full time job that somehow relates to libraries or record management. I am actually kind of enjoying the medical field, so that might be what I end up in. I want to be independent and have a dog and not be so reliant on others and jumping from person to person. I just want to be better.
Have at least $30,000 in our trading account. This would mean we have at least broken even in our trading over the first 12 months and stuck to our savings goal.
By next year, I need to have my CPA. My career will not advance without it.
One thing I'd like to achieve? Having a good budget in place. #grownup :(
I would like to get a sense of where I fit best into my career world this time next year. I have inklings of notions, I have a decent network but I want to grow my skills, my network, and my capacity much, much more by this time next year. I am ready to get moving on saving the world!
Vanity is king, and I'd like to get back to prebaby size and possibly better shape.
96% occupancy at work. This will mean I have succeeded in my goals of turning around a team and a product that nearly got away from us (me). The heavy heart I feel over not having found the magic solution drives me nuts. I do not want to feel depressed about my work and lack of success any longer. I almost said my exercise and diet reset, but my career won out.
By this time next year I would like to have spent significant time out of the country, or have concrete plans to do so. I almost bought a plane ticket for this August, but I chickened out thinking I needed more time to plan. A little over a month into a great job, I so wish that I had bought the ticket. To anywhere. So next year I want to have stepped up, been brave, and bought a ticket.
To move out. I feel like that's a normal thing to want by 24. It's time, it would help make me feel independent and would help with a lot of fresh starts for eating and organising.
I would like to exercise self-discipline in at least one of these areas: eating, exercise, meditation, writing (or, another art form). It is important to me to see that I have "what it takes" to accomplish something significant that will make a positive difference in my overall well-being & health.
By this time next year, I would like to either have a job or be enrolled in a Masters program. It's important to me to take the next step in my life after graduating from university. I want to follow the "normal" path for a post-grad and make logical decisions to plan for my future. Next year, I hope to become more independent and to be proud of who I am.
Humility. More compassion, knowledge, serenity, courage, sensitivity and chutzpah. It's the stuff from which life springs.
Financial indepence. I would like to be able to support myself. I would like a place of my own, this house, or somewhere else, but somewhere that is just mine. I want to be divorced and finding out what living on my own is like.
I would like to improve my time management skills to the point that I am arriving on time when others are counting on me, and I don't look back and feel that I wasted valuable time in my life. This is important because being late and inefficient with my time has resulted in me not reaching important goals and has interfered with my relationships with friends, family, and God.
By this time next year, I wish for thicker skin, more of a poker face. I wish to be viewed as more of a full human by my neighbors and colleagues. I want to be better able to set aside the feelings of the moment, and move toward tasks at hand. I want to support my children in all their gifts, and learn how to do this more concretely.
To be making some of my own clothes. Because it's my gift and after all the sadness over the last 5 years have totally lost my sewing mojo. It used to bring me so much joy, but I can't seem to bring myself to do it... It's like writers block but a sewing version.
I would like to have a clearer vision for my call. I have to have a servants heart as an associate, but i need to get a clear long term focus. Am i content to serve in that fashion? I am simply in the training phase? I do not want to waste by time kor the cinferences time either. I want this up and I want people to know about it. Photographing women with breast cancer before they start treatment is important work. I think the stories I am collecting could be helpful to women with cancer. I am struggling to get this done. I am a photographer and not a producer. I wish I had someone to help me on this. I need to get it out to the public.
I'd like to have friends who don't take advantage of my friendship. I want them to start a conversation and show interest in my life. I don't want to feel unimportant anymore. Having these positive people around me will help me to be myself more and to be comfortable in my own skin. Everyone should get to feel this way.
I have a minimalist and optimist goal. The minimal is to keep my family afloat financially in a way that I can enjoy my days and my connection with them. This means creating and keeping a work-family-life balance. Right now it is hard or me to imagine how I will achieve it, but I believe it is possible with the right kind of focus and priority setting and consistency. The optimist goal is a variation of this: work only 40 hours a week and make more than enough money in a way that includes lots of fun and learning. That would allow spending more time with aforementioned family and other interests. Security (or a sense of it) is important for me and so is family. Why? These are more core values and these make me happy.
A successful transition to a new job that pays well, where my skills are used well and I am supported in developing new skills.
Continue to work on what empty nest syndrome is all about. Try to improve our relationship to move into the next phase of our lives. It would be great if we could enjoy our Golden Years together in wisdom and harmony.
I would like to have helped to improve the climate at the COM where I graduated 20 years ago. I would like to hear students be able to tell me more consistently that they are thrilled that they came to UVM and that it lived up to it's promise to provide an affirming environment for all the members of our community. I hope that I hear fewer or no conversations about the disappointments they feel in coming to a place that talks a talk, but doesn't walk the walk of inclusiveness, affirmation, compassion, and celebration of all the differences that make being human such a wonderful experience and when learning to care for other humans fells like such a tremendous privilege.
Peace and harmony with A. So my life is less stressful.
50% Growth in AUM i.e. Rs 220 Crore
I want to be both stronger and gentler in expressing opinions, especially with my husband. To do this I need to give up my needs to agree, to be right and to be heard as right. I need to give up ego. And I also need to hold onto my commitment to speaking what seems true - putting it out there and then letting it go. Keeping this balance is so hard for me, and I think is essential to maintain intimacy, mutual respect, and self respect.
There are measurable goals I have, ones related to fitness. I'd like to deadlift 309, squat 325, and bench press 150. The most important goals I have revolve around my family. I want to be a better wife. I want my gain and to be proud of me and know how much I love him. I want to be a better mother. I want my kids to always know how much they mean to me and that I would do anything for them. If something were to happen to me, I never want them to question my love for them. I will fight tooth and nail to make sure I'm here. I will be present and in the moment. I will put my phone down and make sure they know family comes first.
it is my desire to be much less stuck in 'no' and more open to 'yes' i have been in this rut for so long that it has become extremely comfortable. i hope to find myself separate from kim as a caretaker and get some idea of what i want and what i desire. right now i don't know these things. it is important to my life joy
i want to have worked on 2 more major films. this is important for me to feel like my career is moving
Become a mother. Period. Many things i want to achieve, but must keep tis at the focal point, before anything, my sole primary intention. The rest is commentary.
I want to finish my book of poems. It is the most important thing to me.
Completing my tertiary study. It's important to me because i've never undertaken this before but im passionate about social work and making a difference in anothers life as well as my own.
I want to be married to a nice young eligible bachelor who wants to start a family. This is important to me because I think this is my calling in my life... to have a nice family and bring up my children with the good values that I have acquired and studied
I'd like to learn about something new or different and apply it to my life. Whether it is a spiritual practice, participating in a new sport, working with a different medium, gaining knowledge and experience to advance my career, or just becoming more awake. It's important for me to grow and evolve as a person as it keeps me connected with my creator and increases my ability to be a channel of love and peace.
I would like to be in a long-term relationship. I think it would be wonderful to have a best friend and lover in one. I want to have a family and I'm not getting any younger. I believe this is more important to me than anything else, including a job or living in the right city.
By this time next year, I want to be an indispensable asset to McGuire. I'd like to have mastered the new platforms, budgeting, and constant learning that's required for the role. I'm excited. It will be just about a year, and I'd like to have proven myself in stride. I also would like to have mastered dophin pose, and gotten far along with the chin stand. Most importantly, and gone to and/or practiced yoga at least 3 times per week and truly allowed it to resonate in me. If time and money permit, I would like to take an extra training. Last but not least, I would like to have all the major kinks of boundaries and insecurities in my relationship smoothed/reconciled, and to have found equilibrium. We're so new, and we're so perfect for each other, but we're also mismatched in a couple ways that make me frenetic. If that's still the case at this time next year, do some real thinking about long term potential. Before you're 28. Oh, and I want to have travelled to Argentina/South America. And have begun volunteering my time for a worthy organization or community/member.
Like to get my life better organized and have the startup venture at least in 3rd gear (from 1st) by this time next year.
more exercise and balance outside of work on a more regular basis. This is important because I'd like to gain control of my time rather than feel like I'm usually reacting to what is in front of me. Also, I'd like to take Spanish lessons because it's been on my "to do" list for more than 16 years.
I've been fantasizing about riding railroads and working odd jobs for food and shelter. i think that fantasy has fizzled. it seems to be just a yearning to escape. to run away. to get out of the restraints of daily monotony. of the endless rate race to a pay check. i would like to be self reliant and secure. ive figured out the profession I'm going to pursue. i guess, id like to be on the path to achieving that by this time next year
I would like to have a stronger meditation practice. This is important to me because: 1) it will help regulate my emotions - identify them, deal with them, and learn to focus when they are hard. 2) It will help me improve my patience so that I don't have such a temper. 3) I think it will be important when I go back to school to have the ability to focus and sit down. 4) It is really good for my brain and it is an important aspect of self-care that I don't do.
By this time next year, I would like to have a stable job that is heading toward a career. Right now, I feel like I have a job at a great company, but I can't make this my career. I would need to move to a different position.
Have both my books published, one is a promise to my mother, the other a promise to me
I would like to complete my Master's degree by next year. This is a big step toward the next piece of my career.
I want to be as happy as I can possibly be - happy with the full knowledge that it won't always be easy and neat and pretty and organized and planned; that it may even be hard and annoying and disappointing but always knowing that life is what I make of it and everyday has the potential for exponetially more happiness than yesterday and those are pretty damn good odds.
I want to publish something. I don't know if it will be fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, but I need to get my words beyond my walls. I need to do this to prove to myself that I can. It's a lifelong dream of mine to be published--and not just on the Internet. Also, it's important to me that I model the publishing process for my students.
By this time next year i would like to achieve lots of things. Firstly passing all my uni exams, i would love to not be so protective over my brothers and let them be who they want to be. I would love to have learnt how to manage my anxiety and not over think things. Its important for me to let my brothers go free because i feel as if im so over protective over them and i know that i will lose my special relationship with them if i dont. Uni is important cause i want to be that step closer to being a teacher. and lastly my anxiety is something thats going to be with me forever so its important to know how to manage it.
I would like to step into the call that the Lord Jesus has for my life. This is nearly as important as having a loving, living, relationship with Him, but not the same, not nearly.
I would like to get my body back in shape, my sore shoulder, back and neck are really detracting from my ability to enjoy my life.
I would like to achieve a level of personal fitness and weight that I am satisfied with. This is important as it will derive proper benefits from my healthy eating and gym routines.
I really want to finish or be near finishing my novel or novella. I want to invest in it, not like my creative writing dissertation which was last minute and rushed. It is my first long adult project and I have been putting it off since April. I need to take it seriously - I will be so happy with myself and proud of myself if I do.
I'd like to have a solid idea for a book that I'd like to write. It's important to me because I really feel it is something I could achieve, and something I think about often.
I'd want my book to Benin the process of publication, if not already published. Is also hope to be 70 lbs thinner. And finally, I will be with my kids & grand-kid.
My husband and I want to apply to adopt a child, and we need to begin the process, which is long, detailed and expensive, and I've been intimidated by it. But I want us to be a family.
Perhaps to buy this condo we currently live in. Am on the fence. I know if we will be here for the next 6 years it's a prudent decision, but I also am not keen on being tied down to Durango ... and I feel like my job satisfaction is very much connected to my desire to root here a little deeper (and at this point job satisfaction is low, as are other options).
My plans for the next year include to graduate and to obtain my BSBA, to move ahead in my carrier, to become personal assistant , to work in a Jewish temple, and to move to California - my dreaming place to live - Orange county. It's so important to me because I've been working so hard to obtain highest level regarding education and as a result a better position, also to move for a better life, an a better place.
I would like to be totally clear of my credit card debt. It is something I have been working at for two years now and have managed to get very close at this point. Actually learning how to budget my money and live within a budget is something I never knew how to do before and I have discovered that I DO have discipline. I think it was important to see that I am not just a flake. I simply had not been taught this skill.
I know this is a boring answer, but I would love to be back into my health and fitness... I went through a pretty rough drug patch a year ago and now I'm clean I would love to get back fit and healthy...
Get the Hatch fixed up, dock in place, and pontoon boat running reliably. I want to have folks up to fish, relax, and just have some hang time.
Become a mother. This is my greatest wish :)
I would like to know more and be more comfortable with the server side/backend of the Contact Ctr system at work. Strong scripting is good but being able to maintain everything is better!
Just like last year, I'd like to work for myself. I have found a job that is far more satisfying than any other job I've had, but I still have issues taking orders :) I want to be able to completely set my own hours and to be responsible only to myself. Hopefully this is the year.
I would like to accomplish four things: *See that my daughter has a good start at high school in the US or at gymnasiet here in Sweden. *Help my son maintain his positivity while at University. *Have further established myself in my career in traffic planning. *Keep working on my marriage. It's good, but there is Always room for improvement!
This time next year I want to hav the 1st draft of my book DONE: This idea of writing THAT BOOK has been in my head for years and now the timing feels just right to finally get it DONE. Just type. Reread. Edit. Cross out. Fullstop! It's important because it means reflecting on myself and also my familly's history, understanding family patterns & behaviours and making peace with the past.
I would like to continue to make strides in my career. I am in my early 40's, divorced, and still on my own. All the added expenses that go along with that make me consider how much I will need for retirement. I was a financial planner so that keeps me up at night. (It used to for my clients too!)
I'd like to find myself in the best physical shape I've ever been in. It's important because I let myself go for many reasons, psychological and time-wise. But now I'm looking at the mouth of senior-hood and wanting the last part of my life to allow me the freedom I've never had. Freedom to travel when and where I want, the freedom to do things and live in ways I've never been able to live because I was doing the responsible things in life. It can't be done or enjoyed if there are physical limitations.
By September of 2015 I would like to achieve financial stability and abundance via a lucrative and reliable source of income resulting from a low or no-stress activity that I enjoy wonderfully and for which I have a special calling and talent. I would like my financial life to flow effortlessly so that I may direct the flow of my wealth toward the establishment of practices and principles that I believe in and devote my attention to the people and activities that I believe make the world a happy, healthy, loving and tremendously beautiful place. I would like to be confidently aware that the healthy, loving and reliable communication between myself and my son continues to thrive and always will, that he knows I am here for him and he for me. I would like to share a sacred home space with him. I would like my heart and soul to be ready to embrace true friendship, affinity and companionship in my life, and to know consistent gratitude for that friendship's presence and arrival. I would like to be sure that my dog's needs are being met and that I am a reliable source of happiness, healing, and comfort in his life. I would like every loving and well intended exchange of words and or affection between beings, and every piece of news regarding their blessings or achievements to bring me peace and joy. I would like to know that these blessings and achievements listed here are already and always have been. Their continued expression is certain. I would like to know well how to BE and ENJOY.
I'd like to say "get a new job," but I'm not sure how serious I really am about that. I should be serious about it, I should be working on it, but when the moment arrives to apply for something else ... I let the moment pass me by. I suppose it's because I'm not confident that another position will be an improvement -- there are a lot of things about my current job that I do like. There are also a lot of things I hate. But that's going to be true anywhere. One thing I definitely want to achieve by this time next yea -- take a true vacation. Away from work, away from the house, experiencing a new location and spending uninterrupted time with my love. I suck at scheduling vacations, but if I start now, surely in the coming year I can pull one off.
I would like to have a steady income and be able to pay the rent without having a roommate. I want to be able to live with my fiancé on our own, even if it's occasionally with my mother, in the heart of New York City. I want to be able to contribute to a savings account, and to live healthily and be able to travel and enjoy life. I know it's a tall order at 23, but I think it's possible.
I would like to have a solid plan in place to apply to graduate school. This includes knowing whether I will go full- or part-time, and how and who from I will get my recommendations, since that is the most daunting part of the application process (for me). This is important to me because I am ready to move on in my career and this is the next step in making that happen.
I would like to have my house sold, my husband getting some therapy and be able to live comfortable.
I would love to have a healthy baby by this time next year! I cannot wait to be a mom. We have some many people telling us to take our time/enjoy being young but we've been together 7 years. You could wait your whole to for the right time and miss out. I often struggle with the thought of being a stay at home mom. I feel like I do have some untapped potential but I can always go back to work when the child is in school. I do believe God will provide.
I'd like to be emotionally closer to my partner at this time next year.
I want to have more vacation time with my family, while still managing to get all the other things in life done. My wife and I work hard, and we've accomplished a lot, but we need to set aside the time for our family to relax, so we can be present with one another, and have the closeness a family deserves.
Achieve the start of of a National Court Watcher Program by enlisting the aid of Judge Darrel Derbigny and Mr. Barry Schenk, Esq. co-director of the Innocence Project. The mission would be to incorporate where CW leaves off in the history of a criminal case at adjudication and sentencing and Project Innocence completes the umbrella effect of JUSTICE for the defendant. This is important to me because in my life, I've started a number of projects and they all have succeeded. This might be my last "start-up" in my life and I want to leave something behind that will benefit my culture and mankind in general.
Achieve cash flow independence in my business. Get back to the point where the monthly revenue pays for all the monthly expenses without requiring a new sale. This would provide the financial security necessary to be free in decision making for both business and personal life. It would let me know how much I can afford to fund my 3 college age kids education (beyond the basics). This would reduce monetary stress within the family and allow my wife to focus more on what she wants to do rather than thinking she needs to earn money by teaching another class...
Get out of debt.
I would like to clean up my desks, at work and at home. It seems silly and insubstantial, but I find the more ordered my desks are, the more ordered my mind is. The simplicity of what is before me during nearly all of my working hours seems to have an effect on my health, my spirit and my mind for all the time I am not working. I would like to have tidy, simple spaces where I can think. It's a challenge, the deluge of papers from the children's schools, the deluge of paper at work, the clutter that comes from not being present. Maybe that's what I feel will be the greatest reward for a tidy desk, the ability to be full present in my life.
I would like to have written my book proposal and much of my book. I know that this step is a loud statement of who I am in the world. It says I am allowed to make noise, say what I want to say, and that my thoughts matter. It is a risk that I hope has a reward that I can't even imagine yet. This time next year... book proposal done and writing well underway. That is the achievement.
Save a substantial portion of a down payment on a house. I want to put down roots in a city I love and prepare for my future. I want the sense of permanency and stability that home ownership brings.
I would like to be driving a new car. I've been needing a new car for too long now, putting way too much time and money into keeping what I have going, when it is barely limping along. It has served me well, but it's time for an upgrade. My safety is at risk.
I'd like to be promoting and leading the third version and installment of The Identity Mapping Program for coaches and have Shannon more deeply involved. I'd like to have found a marketing assistant to drive the program and the Circle via promotion and distribution ... especially, the digital deck. Why? Because this is part of how I will help others, how I can create a legacy that will matter to me.
I want my business to launch and to be flourishing, growing a lot by this time next year.
I would like to get pregnant with a baby girl
I want to straighten out my personal relationships with my family.
Entrance to my four year university! If not, I will hopefully have a job, but really do want to continue as planned to get my degree
I want to be off all 'comforting' substances .. caffeine, sugar, pain relief and carbs. I am hoping to do this more sooner than later but I said that last year about my goals and .. well, I suppose I HAVE reached a good many of them but not all the way. I'd be happy to cut these things out slowly, cleanly and clearly. Why do I want to do this? Ha, well I suppose that IS the deeper question .. I want to SOAR in my life .. I want to be vibrating at the purest Katheryn Grace Satten/Katia Sunshine Amour frequency I have available to me .. yum yum YUM! Can you imagine what AMAZING miracles will cascade in and around me all the time?!?! I can : )
I would like to be back in school working on my degree. I still dream of being a teacher!
I would like to be living a more relaxed, centered life where I am not scrambling so much and worrying about money. Seems kind of self-evident why it would be important: more loving time with friends, family,nature, sounds and sights. As life years grow shorter, this becomes increasingly important.
I would like to be able to do the Sunday NY Times crossword.
Simplify life further. Focus on stuff were I can contribute. Outsource stuff were I can't!
By this time next year I hope to still be working at Henricus Historical Park and milking it to go to conferences, workshops, and educational events. I would like to be full-time, but that isn't really up to me. As far as something I can work towards, I hope to be making the most of this job because it is my best chance at having a job in my passion that I've ever had. Another achievement would be moving forward in my relationship with Peter. I hope/expect to be engaged by the time these questions roll back around. The idea scares me, but not as much as it used to, and I am getting older and starting to think about having a family.
Visit friends in the US. This is important to me because I don't feel well enough to travel and would like to be able too, and also because it would be lovely to see the friends I made while out there. Mostly though just feel well enough to travel.
I want to be done with my graduate degree. If I have to work 3 jobs until I die, hopefully one of them will be in my new field.
By this time next year, I would like to achieve a greater sense of stability in my life. I would like to have a nest, have healthy living habits, and feel like my world is in order. I've spent the last year and a half in a state of relative chaos and uncertainty. While that has taught me many things, I'm ready to calm my life down and move at a slower pace.
Launch my blog and/or complete a draft of my book. Not just "want" to be a writer but BE a writer!
I would like to have started my freshman year of college. High school has been so terrible for me, and I can't wait to be doing something that I want to do.
My first thought was lose weight, but hopefully that will be secondary to what I really want to accomplish which is to stop using food as a source of comfort. I love to eat when stressed or sad or busy. It helps calm down and center me. But then I get into a really awful loop. I eat to feel better but then gain weight and feel worse. I want to focus on how I can better manage my emotions and stress without turning to food as a comfort mechanism.
one just thing? to heal my soul, or at least to start a path to healing...
I have decided to stop using lights on Shabbat. I think that this is the next step on my path of my Jewish Observance, and it is my Jewish New Year Resolution. I hope that by next year, I will be settled into this new habit, and will be more comfortable with it. I also hope that I will happily complete my second year of college and be more firm in my feelings about my future (career, grad/vet school, etc.)
Gosh. I always feel like I never "achieve" the goals I have to achieve--I never truly get organized, I haven't finished my dissertation, my yard is still in chaos. I guess I want to feel like progress toward my goals IS an achievement. I need to remember what Thích Nhất Hạnh wrote: "If I lose my direction, I have to look for the North Star, and I go to the north. That does not mean I expect to arrive at the North Star. I just want to go in that direction."
If I could get into a regular exercise groove that would make me so happy. I desperately do not want to get diabetes and I know that the key to that right now is constant movement. I can't be a binge class taker any more. I need regular movement. I feel better mentally and physically.
I would like to have a better paying job. I need to get back on my feet and be on my own.
I would like to work with a therapist to get my anxiety under to control. I know that I put to much of my sense of self in others opinions of me and in the success of my work. I also know that while that is not a super healthy way of conducting ones life, that my standards are too high to make it even viable. I want to make sure I am being gentle with my brain as I move forward with my life.
I want to understand my sexuality. I don't think I'm gay, or transsexual, or want to be transgender; I don't know what I'm "in to." This one gets odd. Warning. I'm a furry. for those who don't know what that is, it's a group of people who have an interest in anthropomorphic characters: people-like animals, animal-like people, dragons, species people make up, you name it. It is NOT that we want to ---- a dog, or a cat, or any other animal (beastiality is actually frowned upon). We like morphs between the two, and there is a huge community of artists who portray that in all different ways. some of it sexual, yes. one more thing: furries are typically some of the most open people (sexually) I've ever seen. basically every orientation is welcome, and somewhere there's a niche for everything. that's where I get concerned about myself. I'm in a niche, not as weird as others (I like to think) but a niche. I've been aroused by a lot of images related to that niche (okay, it's a fetish, just to clear that up), and I'm afraid that's all I can get aroused by now. I'm sure if I really tried, I could find someone near me in real life who shares that and meet, but they're not their character. they're a person. so what the hell do I do? right now I don't have a damn clue. I sincerely hope I get my head straightened out over this year, in whatever way that may be.
By this time next year, I'd love really consider myself a coach. I'd love to read all the best books on coaching; I'd love to shadow people and go to the right trainings. I'd also like to be a dynamic presenter. I want to be really good at what I do, and now that I have the time to do it, I should focus my energy on it. It's important to me because I think those are my areas of growth, especially within this company. I would also love to write my blog, for real though. I'd like to be able to capture my thoughts and share them. I don't know why I am afraid to do it now; there's something about the initial momentum that's dragging my feet.
Get back into a regular self-care and fitness routine. I miss the benefits of yoga and the gym and I worry about being fat for the rest of my life. I don't want fat, old people problems. I worry about stroke (my father and my mother's mother both had them). I want to have a kid and I want to be a good role model for my stepdaugter. I want to have the energy and body to keep up with them both. I need to find a way to change my use of time.
I would like to be settled in a house. At that point, Maya will likely be at a day care and there hopefully would not be a lot of changes for a while. That is the first step to working on my community and support, whether it is the synagogue we join, new friends I make, or just our routine that we will hopefully keep.
Finish my book. Maybe have an agent. Because I've always wanted to and felt called to.
I would like to be fully relocated and employed in Miami. I want to take advantage of the luxury I have to pursue a job based more on interest and fit than salary. Salary is important, but I have a little flexibility. I want to be juiced about going to work and not feel trapped because of salary and benefits.
As always, I'd like to wake up and magically twenty pounds lighter. I'd also like for my back to not hurt. What is the rest of my life going to be like if I am not in good physical condition! Other than that, my next year, I hope that my son will be well on his way to getting himself into the college of his choice - and that I have been a good parent to him for the process.
I'd like to make a chunk of income from both photography and from writing. This isn't just important for the money, which I most certainly need, but it's a measure of how much others value my work. What it really means is that I'd like to achieve professional success in these areas, in a way that touches people and with a metric of perceived value.
I'd like to come to a decision for the good of my children on the fate of my marriage and I'd like to be happy with it. I do not want my decision to make me resentful.
I would like to have a "real job", or some regular productive activity by this time next year. Sub-Goals, study Russian, master Illustrator & photoshop, get my book published.
Discern where physical home is for me and my husband. We are in transition and need to make a decision about where we will settle on a "temporarily-permanent" basis. Factors are economic, emotional, physical. This settling will allow me to relax and enjoy the life I've been blessed with even more than I do already.
I want to publish something. I want to pull together my experience and perspective in something in writing which will be of value to others. It is important to me to tie together the things I have done in the past 15 years. It will bring closure to these times.
I'd like to make progress in two artistic areas: learning to play piano (again) after a twenty-year hiatus in beginner lessons, and learning to express myself in an artistic medium such as watercolors, acrylics, or mixed media. It's important to me because I have the feeling that there is something inside I want to be able to express creatively, but that I haven't quite found the outlet that feels right yet. I imagine that finding its expression will be a wonderful, liberating feeling.
I would like to lose weight, preferably around 45 pounds. This would help with arthritis but also with my confidence which is at an all time low even time I look in the mirror. Superficial but true. I was shocked when I looked at last year's answers that id said almost exactly the same thing, and forgotten it. This time I hope to remind myself that it's in my 10q answers and encourages myself that way, it worked last year when I needed willpower about something else.
I would like to complete my second book and publish it, and bless my family with love, prayers, quality time, and financial blessings.
I would like to achieve a training, women's group or facilitation of an empowerment activity that is ongoing. It is important to me because it is a way for me to expand, grow and to discover more of the joy, love & light on this planet Earth so I may share more of all of this aforementioned in community so we can together expand consciousness without judgment on Earth and beyond.
Choose a concrete way to give back and incorporate it into daily or weekly life. I tend to think big, but not follow up in concrete sustained ways.
Re-enter the world of drawing. This was a favorite activity as a child, but I was self-taught and eventually did less and less drawing until I returned to school in my thirties while working full-time, taking night classes. To fill out my course schedule I took a few beginning drawing and design classes and rediscovered that love. Having formal drawing instruction was both technically helpful and motivating, but design was another thing entirely. Every week we used different media, none of which I had experience using, so it was "learn on the spot to complete this week's assignment" and that was before all of the great internet resources available today. I remember pulling one all-nighter a week in a design class one quarter, and loving it. Recently I discovered the website, Craftsy. It has everything I need to get started again.
I would like to be performing comedy at a higher level -- perhaps performing a longer set, or at a more "real" venue, or a more "real" context.
Independance. I came "home" to aid an ailing parent and it's overrun my life. I'd like to be living in my own place, pick up new, grateful and paying clients. Have taken a real vacation.
By this time next year I hope to have completed Shanah Bet at Hebrew College. This will put me one year closer to ordination. I feel like this year will continue to be one of growth into my future rabbinate and I am excited to see where that growth leads next year.
I'd like to get healthier and leaner. If I could continue to lose weight- that would be great. A happier healthier me is waiting to break free into the healthy and happy lifestyle I'm living! I want my body to match my mind and my mood and my environment. I'll keep working at it diligently... and even if my body doesn't get there- I'm happy my mind and spirit are there!
I want to have a stable job by next year. This is extremely important for me because it marks a huge milestone in life. As of now I am deeply stressed about it. I know that I will miss school for sure, but the pressure of becoming an adult is getting real. Future self, I hope all is well.
At this juncture I think I want to delve deeper into Jewish thought and practice. I want to have a depth AND breadth of understanding, knowledge, and practice. I think this will enable me to continue and deepen my spiritual practice thereby leading to a richer, fuller life. The more complete meaning of Shalom!
I would like to have a steady part-time job and income that I enjoy a lot and am proud of. Subbing-sort of makes it, but it is not a lot of pay and I am not sure I'm super proud of it. Maybe in the Jewish ed realm, but lately I have not enjoyed it as much- maybe in educational consulting. We'll see. It is important to have something that I feel is important and worthwhile and also gives me a sense of worth.
I want to be healthier. I want to be more self aware and self forgiving. I want a better and healthier physical life. I am really afraid of dying young..
I want to learn how to meditate, or at least put effort into learning how to meditate. I am too high strung, too controlling and hopefully this will help me with those.
Take a class, find a temple to affiliate with, play golf, find a new part time job and anything else i have passed up by working so much the last 20 years.
A trail race or tough mudder type race because I always want to push myself and grow and try new things despite fear.
I would like to be living with a romantic partner and be engaged by this time next year. As part of the living together and being engaged I'd like us to have a happy, joyful, playful, fun, and loving partnership where laughter and adventure as well as rest and contemplation are a daily and weekly part of our relationship. I want to be kind and deeply loving, and make that person a priority in my life. I also want to remain independent and continue to have friendships and activities we do apart from one another. This is important to me because I desire intimacy and human connection. I want to begin to build a family of my own and have a deep, compassionate, and faithful, trusting, loving relationship with another human being.
I'd like to improve my language skills to a "more than just the basics" level. I hate the idea of being limited to just English and a handful of phrases in other languages.
I would be happy of one of three things happened: lead climb Rigid Designator, lead climb the casual route on Longs Peak Diamond face, or complete a marathon. All three scare me. All three are beyond my current sense of my personal mental limitations.
Heal my body because it feels good.
I would like to achieve a few things. One would be to purchase my second rental property or be in the process of purchasing it. Having two rental properties gets me halfway to the point of my retirement goal. Although I would like more this is the bar. If I can do this and pay off at least two props I will have between 50k-60k in yearly retirement income with 500-600k in assets. I would also like to start another side business that is profitable and can scale. Whether it is IDPetClub or the start of tech consulting company this would be great to have in the works/created. Would also like to have explored/acted upon getting investor financing for real estate deals whether it is seller financing, notes or a crowd sourced form this could help me expand my real estate investing much quicker.
get some direction in my life. i thought it might be dad and visiting and learning more about his situation, but he's clearly going the other way, even tho' he told me some of his bills and his income. he doesn't want me to know / interfere. so i can be a landlord if i want, with my retirement money. or, i can work on that, and see what my advisors think. including the one i'm married to. school is always there, always in the back of my mind when not in front. get some sort of diagnosis and work on it. PT, therapy, practice, exercise, those kind of things.
I want to be living in New York. This is important because I have heard the message about New York inside me for quite sometime. I need to listen to it, respect it and finally execute it. There is something for me in New York - whether it's to do, learn or meet - it's there. It's important I do not have regrets in life.
By this time next year I would like to have my money situation under control.
One year from now I hope to achieve a system where my wife and I could keep to our financial promises. I hope that we stay on budget and able to save at least $15,000 for our next home. I hope that our money is investing in retirement and our home and living a life where money is flowing.
i would like to finish the clean-out of material belongings in my household, which we started so many years ago. i would like to have the desired level of minimalism achieved, so that we can move on to other things.
I want to write. I WANT TO WRITE! I want to write, and have the courage to submit it to a publisher. I love to write. I love to create. I believe I am good at it. I believe it is who I am meant to be and what I am meant to do................why haven't I? Because failure at this terrifies me. To my core. What if the one thing I believe I am meant to do is the one thing I am told I am not suited for. I need to find my brave.
lose weight - to avoid skin infections and also to buy better clothes Take to heart pema chodron's teachings on uncertainty
Getting better grades then last year
I'd like to make 3 new real friends in New York. I moved hear 20 months ago and haven't really made any new friends, and only have a couple. I'm in a great relationship, doing well professionally, love my family, but there's a gaping hole where friendships should be. I've been trying a lot of different things to meet people, and need to be doing more. It's seeming more and more like I'm going to be here for the long haul, or at least several more years, so I need to create more of a life for myself outside myself alone or with my partner.
Financially. It is my major source of stress.
Get my computer back.
Despite my answer to #7 which is to gain patience, a year from now I would LOVE to have a new job that is officially supervisory. I am finding myself increasingly dissatisfied with my current job and jealous of colleagues who seem to have more opportunities and challenges than I do. I am also increasingly annoyed with my boss over certain things which isn't a good trend. This has been a wonderful job for 12 years, but I know I'm getting to the end of it and I need to move on, I hope before I become too bitter and angry.
Im not sure
Some stability. And a little advancement in my work environment. Because I'm coming from a position of chaos, where I wasn't able to advance no matter what I've done.
This time next year I'd like to maintain a healthy physique through diet and exercise, maintain a healthy "work/life balance" and continue to write thoughts and work toward building a written tome of knowledge, life lessons and practical advice that can be handed down to my children. All of these things are important to me because of the brief shadow of time we have to be involved in doing what we want to do and being the best friend/father/husband to those around us. I want to work to build a legacy of wealthy experiences not to work to build just wealth.
less clutter in my house, I think it's sucking all my energy out and leaving a very negative feel
I'd like to have my finances under control so that I can live my daily life the way that I need to. I don't understand what has happened in my life to create the experience of lack on a repeated and everyday basis, when I have so much, and earn more than I need to live a very comfortable life. I don't know what I'm doing. If I could get this under control, I am sure that there are many other areas in my life that would also feel it.
I'd love to have a thriving practice that supports my physical and emotional aspects, in addition to being of service to my clients.
I want to find meaningful employment. I want the one third of my life that I spend at work to make a real difference in the world.
I want to find a way to be more involved in a Jewish life. I'm not getting what I want from my current synagogue (probably because I'm not sure what I want!). I want to learn more and find a community of people that feel like "my" people. It's a constant journey I've been on since moving to California. I want to approach it more systematically and hope to be inspired to do this by the end of this holiday season.
I know this sounds very broad, but I would like to be living a more balanced life. That means being healthier, and using my time better, along with being able to truly relax. Right now I keep waiting to enjoy myself until a list of things have been accomplished, which is a never-ending list. I end up chasing quick fixes instead of doing things I really enjoy.
I really don't know what I would like to achieve by this time next year. Maybe it could be something as simple as being kinder to the people around me or something more spiritual like becoming more connected to my Judaism.
I feel like this question is a repeat too. WE joined a synagogue, I would like to be more involved in my Jewish community. Yes, it's potentially good for business, but really, because after 10 years of daily immersion I kind of miss it. I would also like to hit $90,000 by next December
I would like to be physically, mentally, and emotionally healthier so I can be the best role model for my daughter that I can be.
I would like to have a job that makes me money. That's pretty much it. Sure there are lots of little things like improvements to the house or whatever but the most important achievement would be to be working and getting closer to licensure.
Almost the same as last year. Publish my fiction (maybe even earn some money at it) and lose weight. I have made progress on both fronts, minimal though it has been. But I'd like to have my work habits more under control -- and therefore more "product" to get out there and that's the truly important progress I'd love to see. As for the weight, it's a boring and repetitive subject and I'm the only one who can do anything about it so at this point I'm not sure it even bears discussion...
I would like to be a better student. Ok thank gosh I'm done with my Homwork because I finished all my questions
IIC Consulting back on track. Income up, work life balance in tune
I would like to go to a one direction concert because they are my life and they are perfection and there music is soo good and its important to me because I have never seen them.
I want to win first place in maccabi for my soccer team, and I want our schools soccer team to go undefeated, and I want to score a goal every game.
By this time next year I want to have a plan for going home, or a plan for staying in Switzerland. I'm torn between wanting to stick with this for a while longer and make it work, and wanting to give the kids the stability of living somewhere familiar and where they have a better chance of fitting in.
I would like for my wife and I to own our own home. I feel that this will bring stability to our lives and allow us to move forward to the next steps.
Dating. It's important for the connection to life. It's important to overcome the fear, get past my own sense of self and just let go and connect in a meaningful way. Sex would be great too.
I would like to have all three of my papers published in scientific journals. I did all the research and collected the data - theses papers are the final goal. They establish me as a legitimate scientist, no matter what else I may be doing with my life. I would also like to have several of my songs copyrighted and put online for people to hear. I have been writing and recording on my own for several years now, and it would be nice if people outside of my personal sphere could hear my music and hopefully like it.
By this time next year it's a toss up between love & a career. I want both honestly. I want to begin my career & figuring out what it is i'm passionate about doing. So far, it isn't working out for my. I want a job where I feel comfortable doing the tasks that are assigned to me, comfortable with the people I work with, and overall comfortable with the direction my life is heading. Also, love..It's as simple as it sounds. I want to at least date or be in a blossoming relationship. Gosh something. This single life what fun I guess except for the fact that I wasn't single & mingling. I was single, trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, college, internships, working, etc, and now neither is really where I want it to be even after all of that focus. My career is important to me for obvious reasons. I want to be successful. I know my talents and abilities and I want to use it in a capacity where I can inspire, create, and motivate those through my work. I am ready to take it on. Now only if I would get the opportunity from all of these companies i'm applying to that would be great. Now, onto my love life...Or lack thereof...I mainly want to know what it feels like to be in love. At 25 the closest I got was my 3rd-5th grade lover lol. I had opportunities to date a few times but my inexperience in those fields always pulled me back. The funny thing is, I give really great relationship advice..Yet never been in one..Isn't that how it goes? lol..But a part of me wants to get the process of a family started. I am ready to be a mom. Now I know what you moms out there are saying "Girl you have no idea how crazy it is to be a mom" lol but I feel like thats one of my callings in life. I'm so good with my kids and I hope I can provide them with a life as amazing as my parents have provided me with. I also want to give my parents their first set of grandkids. They're aging very well and I want my kids to be able to have fun and experience the amazingness that are my two crazy old folks. I also want to feel the affection of a man i'm madly in love with. That look across the room..That warm hug after a bad day..The person to vent to & share your laughs with..That's what I want..So yeah, that's why it's important to me. Because they'll make me happy & that's all we ever want to be right?
Financial betterment. I would like to significantly reduce my debt, improve my credit score, get my savings on track, and have an emergency fund established. This is important for entirely obvious reasons, but also so that I can think about buying a home, so that I move into a better position to prepare for my child's college years and my own retirement, and so that if things move forward well with my guy, we can experience the things we want to and enjoy a comfortable life.
I'd like to find G-d again. He and I have been lost from each other for a long time.
At this time next year, I would like to be making money from my blog, and have 10,000 subscribers. It will prove that I can do it, and contribute something positive and authentic. That my abilities and my aspirations are finally aligned.
The easy ones are professional: I have a manuscript to be submitted this year, and another that wants 5 chapters written. I have a son I want to see safely off to a college that is right for him. I'm helping our synagogue with our strategic plan, which is supposed to be finished by this time next year. Somehow these feel like 'busy work' - I'm occupied and fulfilled, but not much time for stepping back and thinking. Just always doing. Maybe that's something to aim to achieve: find time to reflect and assess, not always do. MIDDAY UPDATE: perhaps one way to do this professionally is to focus on a big picture connection. I'll set a goal of writing at least one such piece, perhaps an op-ed or the like.
I'd like to be in a new job, one that makes me happy and gives me confidence. It's important to me because my current job is making me miserable and bitter, I moan every single day and yet I don't know why. I'm 26, I should be happier than this and yet I sometimes bring it home with me and let it affect my relationship. I need to surround myself with more positive people. I work in a hospice where my mum died, I think after 6 years it's time for me to move on.
I would like to lose weight and get in shape. I can see that growing older will be very difficult for me, so I'm anxious to keep my health as long as I can.
Three truly good friends. Sincere, considerate, reliable, kind, humor, humanitarian some shared interest. Travel with and without friends. To lift me from this current ongoing rut. I will have more energy, motivation and hopefulness. Perhaps I won't have to be a lifelong misanthrope due to my life's family experience. Therefore I may be able to contribute more to/with others once again.
I want to fly on a plane. My fear has kept me from doing it since 2008 (Not to mention my financial insolvency!!)
I want to add at least 5k to my salary. This is not only important to my livelihood, but also to my self-worth.
Get my weight down to 151 and stay there.
I would really like to have a different job. I am sick of being a social worker; would like to help people but in a different way, such as working at an IT help desk or analyzing health care or something. Even if I don't have an actual new job, I would like to have made some progress toward getting one, e.g. doing some more informational interviewing, getting resume ready, etc. Also, I would like to go on some dates. I am not rash enough to hope for a true partner by this time next year, but, like the job situation, would like to have gotten flattering photos posted on a dating site and have gone on a few dates.
I would like to rejoin the land of the living, since I feel like I have been buried alive in my current existence. For me, that means developing or strengthening my connection with other people and finding and pursuing something that is satisfying (especially career-wise). This is important because without these changes, I can't continue the way I'm going much longer.
I'd really like to have tried a relationship. But I'm not sure how to go about that, otherwise I would have tried already. I'd also like to be less of a chronic interrupter, since that seems to really clash with some people's communication styles.
I would like to look back on this year and see that I finally figured out the "life/work" balance equation. It's most important, because A.) I haven't figured it out; and B.) I think it's a big step forward to living a more peaceful and healthy life. Another way of looking at it is: I want to learn how to live a fun, rewarding, meaningful work life AND have that dove-tail into a fun, rewarding, and meaningful home life.
I would like to be more financially stable. To have some money in the bank where I don't feel stressed all the time about how I'm going to pay for the car tune up or Christmas presents. I have my day to day needs met and then some. And I would like to do this by not working as much as I am now. Which means better budgeting...therefore this time next year I would like to have budgeted well enough to have at least an extra few thousand in the bank. This is important so I won't feel so stressed about money all the time and feel like I have constantly to work more.
this time next year I'd like to have a girlfriend or fiance and be on my way towards having a family of my own
attain a good job I like to do that makes a difference while I'm making good money
I would like to get to a healthy weight and stay there. I want to have career goals, but I feel pretty detached from my career at the moment so I can't get in touch with that part of things.
I hope that by this time next year we are actively looking to buy a home. I think that's a lot to ask, but I also think we deserve it. We have rented log enough here and I know it will take a while to find the house we buy. So, if we start in September of next year, we might stand a chance of getting something. I don't want to continuer renting because I don't think it's good for our family emotionally. We need the stability of home ownership.
i want to speak publicly. to a crowd. about something i am passionate about. it is important to me because it scares me, but i know i would love it and i think it may be an untapped resource for me.
A more stable devotional life. I purchased a Liturgy of the Hours during our trip to Rome in May this past year. Learning to find time to do this in my daily life is important as I'd like to become a Benedictine Oblate in the future
to have a good baking or pastry job, a steady and faithful relationship, and an amazing flat all in london! :P
This time next year I would like to have a new job close to home making equal to or more than what I'm making now. I've been unhappy with my job for quite some time, and it's time for a big change.
By this time next year, I'd like to have completely or almost entirely paid off all of my school loans. It takes devotion and planning, but I think I can manage.
I would like to start a consulting practice in organization development, training and facilitation. I have thought of this as a good path for myself so many times, and its time for me to take the leap. I have support from my partner and ideas, lots of connections and kudos from others. It feels terrifying, and when I leave the job I am in it feels like the best next step. Eek!
To be working at a Job I love. When you work doing what you love its not a job.
I think I would like to have come out to a select few people at work by this time next year. It's not a huge deal, but it's difficult being in the closet in the office. People don't belong in closets!
I'd like to have bought a new car. This is important because I need it AND because it will prove to me that I've worked enough to afford it. This goes part in parcel with my greater plan to move out of my apartment and to Vegas and then to Hawaii.
By this time next year I want to have my home in order and clutter cleared and excess sold or donated elsewhere. I want to simplify my life possessions and value what I keep near to me.
Only one? 😃 I have many but, the one that stands out the most is to be in a committed, loving relationship. Why? Life is so much more fun when you share it with someone you love!
By this time next year I want to find a new place to live. I find that I am always thinking of ways to improve our condo but everything I think of would mean moving walls, appliances and fixtures and that would cost more than we want to spend. I think it would be easier to find a new place to live that already has the look that I have in mind. This is important to me because I feel this would be calming to have a more comfortable place to live.
I would like to have lost a significant amount of weight. I know my obesity is effecting my health in a bad way. I don't want my life shortened because of it. I have lots of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I want to live a long time and enjoy them.
Independence. It's important to me. It's been a goal of mine since I turned 18 and the first person told me I'm an adult. That's when it really hit me, that I am and I have an adult mentality, but I'm still living as a prisoner. I also realized how important independence is to me, the first time I was called a traitor; for not agreeing with the one in control. For having my own mind. I need independence to be fully myself. And the grass may not be greener on the other side, but I'll never know until I'm there for a little while and I give it a try. Only thing? In my case, I'm afraid it's certain that once I go, I'll never be welcome to return. But from what I've seen; I have more to loose by staying, than I do by separating myself so I'll go out and give it a shot, and hope I can swim at least, or fly at best.
I would like to have found an agent for my writing. This is important to me because to do it, I have to have worked really hard at my writing, which I've been doing for a long time now. I will have to be methodical, organized, and neat, and that will be very good for me.
I need to learn more about functional medicine. Only that way I can transform what I do and be a little more in synch with what I believe. I need also to target the underserved somehow. Start this conversation with myself
I would like to have a regular yoga class to teach. I believe I will have a full time job, and its highly likely that I will continue to tutor part time, because I enjoy it and because I really do need and enjoy the extra money. But something that I'd like but do not need per se, is a class where I can chant, and make fun sequences, and play harmonium. That would be cool, I hope I've worked that out by then.
Move to new apartment because my kitchen is tool small (and dry)
I want to be in the job that I was created to do on this earth. This is important because it will get me to the place where I will finally feel successful and independent.
I want to be paid to do creativity trainings and art workshops for various groups and also have a started a body of new artworks I like and can present to others. This would mean that I am taking my abilities as an arts educator seriously and I'm going in the direction of His calling.
I would like to have had written something worthy of recognition.
Well if I choose him, I'll get married to my ex. It'll take a lot of crazy planning but I think I can pull it off by the end of the Summer. That is, if I don't have to move out of my apartment... In which case it will have to wait a year. Maybe we can get legally married in the meantime. What I want to acheive is to be taking myself as a Jewish singer much more seriously. I want this because I love to sing!! And I want Jews to celebrate who they are. This can help.
I'd like to look forward to speaking with my mother rather than dreading it.
Quit my job! I want to spend time working for myself and not an organization. Not sure if this is possible, but I do want to achieve this. I fell in love!
Incorporating more exercise into my routine and maybe, only maybe, changing some eating habits. Because I am aging and I want to fight that a bit, keep my strength and agility. Be strong enough to battle whatever may come my way.
Be married?
I would like to finish a whole piece of creative writing, either novella length or a piece of interactive fiction.
I want to have my true career activated, to return to meaningful and purposeful work. Or, I would like to have decided to commit myself willingly to my current job without rancor and find fulfillment in doing it well, being a fuller wife, and being satisfied with doing volunteer work on the side. Which will it be?
I just want to be legal in this country.
By this time next year I'd like to have finished all the courses needed to finish my degree. Also I would like to be in sonething a bit more serious with this guy I'm actually dating although I don't know how it will end up. Other thing I would like to achieve by this time next year is to have enough savings to travel, I still don't know where but for a while I've been thinking of going abroad and enjoying myself.
Two things: 1) plan a wedding that makes us happy and feel surrounded by a community of love and support 2) Develop new skills to make myself more readily hire-able for a new job in research.
Reaching people who do not have a close walk with the 'Trinity' and though love being able to move a step closer in their relationship with God. This is important because this is what we who call ourselves Christians are called to do.
I would like to have begun an intimate relationship/partnership with a woman with whom i am congruent sexually, emotionally, psychologically, socially and possibly intellectually. This is important for how we can teach each other and do and achieve things in terms of personal development that you can only learn together.
Pay down our debts. Have a full year + without borrowing from the places I used to have a running account with. Hopefully for sure, this is now in our past. More savings. I am very proud of our achieved income this year and hope it can continue for a year. We may actually have a real savings for the first time in a LONG while. I have started a small savings in a way that is rather embarassing to share, but I am incredibly proud of its achievement. That is to not short-term borrow at all; and put aside ONE BILL per payday and not touch it! By this I mean a literal 5.00, 10.00 or 20.00 bill. What amount of bill varies according to debts we have facing us. It doesn't matter because it's a matter of principle. Make a beginning, stick with it, and never give up! This is progress!
Less anger, more patience. because it's important. also, buy a house.
Finish my self-compassion ebook and officially launch my business with a new website and all the legal stuff and nothing. It's important because it's the next step.
Financial freedom/It is important for me to be able to work less hours ,and not be stressed about bills,thereby making it possible to have more time to devote to the work of God and my grandchaidren
I would like to have lost 50-70 pounds and have run a couple of races (5Ks and 10Ks).
I'd like to be in a place of happiness at this time next year but with my eyes wide open and a full level of awareness. I don't just want to think that I am happy like I have in the past. I've recently had an awakening. What I thought was solid and what I thought made me happy was a farce. It was not solid and my happiness was all in my imagination. So by this time next year, I hope to continue to have this new level of awareness but have also found happiness. I hope that that happiness is with my wife and our family intact but if it isn't then I hope that I can still find happiness on my own and that I am at least at peace.
I would like to actually lose weight next year. This year has been so stressful, and I've had intentions so many times throughout the year to actual get on board with weight loss, but I always fall off the bandwagon for one reason or another. I need to stop working myself to death and being over-committed so that I can actually start taking care of myself. I think that losing weight would be a reflection of my doing just that.
By October 1 of 2015, I would like to be working in a fulfilling job that also provides financially sufficiently for myself and my daughter. I would like sick days and vacation days. I would like to be working with people who inspire me, and lift me up. I would like to be paying off my student loans, and saving for a down payment on a house and a real vacation. I would like everyone to be healthy and happy... Oh, and I would like to quit smoking!
I'm so happy and grateful now that I am running my own IT business again, serving people I enjoy working with, and maintaining a pleasant business relationship with my former employer who is now basically a client. I'm so excited to be enjoying my free schedule and plenty of income, both of which allow me to help others in myriad ways, continue to care for my physical/emotional/spiritual fitness, and be active in the lives of my friends and family.
I need to have a clean house. My slovenly ways here are outward manifestations of my inward decline since my parents died. If I fix the outward in my life, that can help to repair the inward of my life.
I'd like to have had at least one significant romantic relationship by this time next year. Not that that's the only way I'll be happy, more as just like proof to myself that I'm compatible with at least one other human man. And it'd be nice to share my life with someone.
I would like to have a complete first draft of my dissertation ready, and I would like to have presented at a real conference. Both of these are very important for my career, but they are also important for making me feel like I belong in my career. I don't think my imposter syndrome will go away until I have tenure (and then it won't so much go away as be irrelevant), but I could really use some confidence right now, confidence based on actual achievements, not internal or external encouragements.
ore efficient work style by next year. Paperless, less cluttered, more use of smart technology, more efficients, more buttoned up. Learning new tools ongoing. to be better at my consulting. To be better. To lead my work, not let my work lead me.
I'd like to learn to be more tolerant of the underinformed, the stupid, the unthinking... When I react negatively, with impatience, I do no good for myself or the other ut rather spread discontent and bad feelings.
I would like to be cooking in my kitchen again. If I were to do that, it would be evidence that everything in my life were much, much better. My illness would be under control AND I would save money.
I would like to be lighter and healthier. I do not want to quantify this with a number, but I would like to be able to attempt a challenging hike without fear and wear a swimsuit without shame. This is important because it is disappointing when I am unable to do things I love and when I set a poor example to my girls.
I'd like to lead a team at work in the design of something (anything!). I did it last year with the design of a new college pub. I had initial ideas that I was able to communicate through hand sketches and discussions. These were accepted by my immediate superior and by my colleagues which - given my respect for them - was a big confidence-booster for me. This is important because design is big part of architecture and if I'm not designing (whether at work, at home, or elsewhere) then I don't feel like I'm using the best of my abilities. I can do this!
I'd like to find a synagogue where I feel at home.
Get into good shape. Important for me to be around for my family.
By this time next year I'd love to have a happy life, having adjusted to the new normal. I hope to know what my plan is with work and the baby. We'll be settling in for our second winter on the farm, and we'll be content and happy with the choices we've made.
I would very much like to start making art, without worrying what people say about it. It is such a passion and I am not feeding it at all because of my fear of making a food of myself.
This time next year, I hope I can say that I met my goal of exclusively breastfeeding for six months and that I continued nursing for one year of Audie's life. My struggle with pumping is real and it's intense and I feel bad every day. I hope this time next year I can look back on this time with some perspective and that I can feel positive and empowered. This is important to me because I want what is best for Audie. I know that nursing is not really a measure of my worth as a parent..... but it feels that way. I want to be enough for her and be able to meet her needs.
Get my budget under control. I would love to have extra money to travel with.
This is kind of silly, but I would like to have my home reorganized - I packed so much last year anticipating moving and never got to move, plus we have so much of Ed's stuff still unpacked. If we could get everything unpacked, sorted, discarded and organized within the next year, I would FEEL so much better!
I want to be at my goal weight by this time next year. I want to know that i have worked my hardest to begin to work through my issues with eating and surrounding food and that i have began an exercise routine that i enjoy and that i am able to participate in regularly. I want to know that i have taken time to value my health and my life.
As a family, I would like to have achieved a level of financial security that would allow me to stop worrying. I define that as a level of income that allows all the bills to be paid, groceries to be bought with cash instead of on juggling credit cards, and continue nibbling away at remaining debt. It also includes having a 6 month cash reserve. I know that's dreaming big, but I am so tired of living on the edge every month.
I would like to feel less beholden to what others think of me. To have more faith in my own intuitions and sense of things. To develop the confidence to put my written work out into the world. It is important because I will be more at peace.
There are many things I want to achieve in the next year. I'm going to write down the one that will take the most dedication and practice: I want to be able to do the splits and kick shoulder high. This is important to me because I want to be the best. I don't want to be held back by my age, by my body, or by my mind.
On my inspiration board, I have a check written out to myself for a large sum of money, noted as "for selling your first script". Achieving this goal, bringing this dream to life... It isn't only important to me in terms of launching my career as a screenwriter (though it certainly is that), but also as validation for all of my hard work. As S said, I've been walking the walk this past year, and as I continue to write write write and put myself out there, I'm focused on how gratifying and amazing it would be to see my work take root and come to life.
Travel to other countries and visit other people and get to know their culture.
I would like to have some kind of exercise regime in place by this time next year. In order to stem the progression of my MS and to help me with prolonging my continued mobility, it's important that I exercise. But I haven't had a regular exercise routine ever in my life and I basically have hated most forms of exercise I've tried. Also, I have trouble starting things and am highly skilled at giving myself excuses not to begin. I really hope to overcome that in the coming year.
I want to finish the year knowing that I was the best I could be.
I want to edit the novel I just wrote, finish and edit the novel I just started writing, and write a short story collection. I want to release the two novels a year from now. It's important to me because I think the best way to succeed as a novelist nowadays is to have several titles available. Right now I have two, and two plus two will be four! It's important to me that they are high-quality novels, though, so I have a lot of work to do.
I would like to be all set to move to Eretz Israel, have a direction in which to focus professionally and find living arrangements and proper schools for the boys
I want to be published. It's a personal goal that would fulfill that inexplicable human need to leave something in the world after you die.
I'd like to feel fulfilled in all I've accomplished so far at Tulane. I'll be starting my senior year and I want to feel proud of myself, like I've left my legacy. It's important for me to know I've done good things in order to motivate myself to do more and figure out what I want to do with my life. I hope I can also look back on my semester abroad with great memories!
I would like to have graduated with Masters with a first class pass. This is important to me because when I graduated with an undergraduate my marks were very average and I promised myself that those marks would not define me, I have gone back to University and completed my Honours with a 1st class pass and I plan to do the same with my Masters.
I'd like to have one degree complete. It's important because I have been working on it for the past two years are would like go right into the workforce.
I would like to be down another 30 pounds (today I am back up to 190.4 from a low of 179) and maintaining the weight loss. Run at least a 5k. Eating healthy 80% of the time. These all add up to having better health so I can be around for Pierce and Randy.
Focus on the needs of others more. "After all, it's You, my pride, and me." My own selfishness gets in the way of working for the kingdom. Lord, help me.
By this time next year I will be an RN, something I have been wanting for the last 15 years.
Answers to what my body is doing to me that is causing my brain and emotions to be cruel. I don't even need a "fix" - just a name would be ok. It occurred to me to say "lose weight" but that's not really it. Maybe it is also taking new skills and applying them in work I'll do that I don't even know I'll do. Or is it world peace by promoting it? (Can one person achieve world peace?) I rarely look ahead that far, having once been told that plans don't allow you to deviate. I don't know.
I would like to have a permanent job. I want to be in something more stable that I can count on rather than a contract I have to worry about year to year.
I'd like to be working regularly. Work that interests me, pays well and encompasses all of my storytelling interests. It's important because I need some kind of mission in this world now that Kevin is gone. It's important because I still believe that story matters and I have something to offer.
I want to plan more mindfully for the work/High Holidays crunch that inevitably happens each year. I have failed to plan for it, and overbook myself, such that preparing for the High Holidays becomes stressed and not thoughtful. As important as it is for me to not be stressed, it is just as important, perhaps more so, that I can be mindful as I prepare to lead the services for others.
This time next year I will be 100% financially free and have a new car! This is important to me because it shows that I am capable of standing on my own two feet. I do not need to use my family or debt as a crutch of meritocracy. I spent the past year waiting to be rescued and finally realized that the strength, love, and abundance I seek comes from only one place... myself. I am more than ready to sever those energetic ties to my finances, family, and vehicle. It is a new year and it is going to be better than ever!
I would like to be more purposeful in my writing, which I don't really know what that means. Its importance for me is about clarifying my thinking and finding my voice moving into this next part of my life.
I would like to finally get promoted because I would like to be empowered by my leadership to do what I am already doing.
I would like to be entering into a doctoral program by next fall. It's important to me to advance in my career. It will open up new opportunities for me and earn me more money. It will also bestow upon me a certain level of respect.
Have 30-50% of a book draft in the can. I have been procrastinating this for years, and now need to dive in with both feet. Face my fear and dig into those memories and doubts.
I would like to not be in Toronto and travelling somewhere (at the moment - the plan is - BC, SE Asia, SA, India, Australia, NZ) with or without someone. This is so important to me because I feel you grow so much when you have yourself to depend on, and learn more about different cultures and the world when traveling. I also think it may help me decide what I want to do with the rest of my life.
I want to get my doctorate - it's been too long baby!
I would like to at least start remodeling my kitchen. As petty as this sounds, my kitchen is the last un-remodeled room in my house, the last piece of the puzzle that needs to be completed before my husband and I can attempt to sell our home and move closer to his work. We desparately want to move!
I would like to clean my house thoroughly. I am drowning in stuff, stuff that I don't need and it's not comfortable to have people in my house because there is less room for people, because I have so much stuff. My plan is to donate half of my stuff to charity, throw away the useless stuff and keep what I need and love. A month at a time.
Laugh more. Have better sex.
I want to have travelled, and have a new job. One that's more challenging and requires more depth of thought and creativity. And one that's maybe a little more glamourous.
Better sleep habits,
I want to open the possibility of moving into a new living space where we can be truly happy and where people actually care about the place they live. I want to move closer to the ocean and enjoy life more though travel.
Be less stressed. I think that would have an impact on every facet of my life - my relationship with my husband, my kids, my family, my co-workers, my fitness level. I feel like I have been in a rut too long because I am somewhat paralysed by stress.
By this time next year, I would like to be in grad school for social work/counseling and I would really like to be in art courses that feed my creativity, that feed my spirit. This is so important to me because I have felt disillusioned and unhappy with teaching for so long now, that I want to spend the next year really focusing in on what fulfills me- one on one mental health work with people and creating art that heals and fuels me. I'm tired of living by a bell schedule and teaching kids how to read and write eloquently. I want to go further. I want to do emotional, spiritual, mental healing work with other people and I want to focus on my art for the first time in my life. I want to have art mentirs who push me further into my creativity and help me find parts of myself I didn't know were there. I just want MORE of what brings me bliss.
I want to have a substantial monthly income. I want to see that I made the right choice for my family and that I am contributing to them financially as well. Yes, the money is important right now. I would love to have a monthly income of at minimum $4000
83 cm waist. Currently 90 cm. I'm 167 cm tall and a healthy person's waist measurement should be half their height. Good health = quality of life. I've done some great work over the past few years, but have let it slip due to the emotional stress and disorganisation of dealing with Tony's cancer this year - I need to get my health back on track, starting with my weight / waist circumference.
I'd like to have joined some Jewish community, somehow. Either to have joined a synagogue or a Jewish organization of some sort. I definitely need more Jewish friends and contacts here in Austin.
I am going to attempt to because a Master Gardner through the university of Minnesota. I will learn to play at least 2 songs on my guitar and I hope to find a more enjoyable job!
I have a great idea for a historical novel. By this time next year, I want to have made a good sized dent in the required research! This is important to me because for my whole life so far, I have always (like many people) dreamed of writing novels, but have never been able to put the time together to get it done. Now I have some time - so no more excuses.
I would like to feel like a team again at work because that is what makes the stress bearable.
By this time next year i would like to have improved in my career aspirations either by passing the cset or getting a promotion at my current employer. This is improtant so i can contribute more to my family and do something more with my life.
-Pass level 2 of the CFA -Weigh 190 lbs -Climb 5.11s -Pay off student loan debt
By this time next year, I want to have had a great swim in Lake Michigan. There are so many years that I screw up and don't do it. 2015 I have to make it happen.
I'd like to feel GOOD at my job - comfortable, confident etc. I think that's partly about learning how to do it, partly about getting confidence. But I will know I have succeeded if going to work feels like 'yep it's a long day but ultimately I'm happy with what I'm doing and I am doing a good job of it'. It's important because leaving SR I felt that I wasn't doing a good job. They had no confidence in me and neither did I so it was just awful.
I have some lofty ambitions this upcoming year. I like to consider myself a pariah of sorts, but I am also human. I do hope to astray from the social norms and status quo but it is not a simple task. Our society is corrupt with superficiality. Chivalry is obsolete, lascivious behavior rampant and technology is our existence. I cannot help but desire what the majority wish to have. In other words, I am unique in terms of who I am, but I am the same in what I want. Unfortunately, some of the objects I desire are mundane, earthly treasures. I hope by next year I will have successfully achieved a healthy body, some type of success in college, an internship and possibly a healthy relationship. Several of these wishes seem narcissistic and artificial. It is not the act or thing itself I crave, but the base of each one of these yearnings that I so restlessly essay to unveil. That is love. Why have a better body? To find love and acceptance. Why succeed in college? To love myself and feel prideful of my accomplishments. At a glance, man seems so avaricious and gratuitous, but in reality we all hope to find something. It is a human inclination to want material objects because of the feelings they evoke within us. In reality, what I truly hope will nourish my soul is a sense of self-gratification and pride. Holding myself to the highest-regard and fully being able to admire and adore myself as a human with dignity and much more worth than a measly title or a simple physique. I want to be comfortable in my skin. I want to be settled. I want to be a happy person through the meaning I have found in life.
For some months I have been working on a vision for a chapbook. Small personal project, but I see it as part of my growth as both a writer and a person. What to do with these experiences and observations once I record them? Is there an audience for whom my work might hold meaning? Do I really have anything of value to say? How will I know if I do not share? I have no illusions about publishing, but sharing will feel satisfying. And I think writing to a theme, organizing, the printing process and having something tangible to share will feel like an accomplishment, and I will learn from such an experience, see if it is a path I want to continue on, if it is the path toward my purpose of bearing witness to the human experience, of reminding us, as the Irish proverb says, that we live in the shelter of each other.
I would like to have defended my thesis and graduate. I have been a student for a long time, and I feel I need to graduate, get a job, start making money, and start paying off my loans before I can start making other big decisions such as getting married and starting a family.
I would like to see my career advance and get above an entry level position. This is important to be because it is what I have been working towards my whole life. It will allow me to buy a house and a new car and get myself out of this pseudo-adult life that I have been stuck in since I turned 21.
I hope to find some way to improve my relationship with my oldest son. He has some problems we are trying to work through as a family, and perhaps I haven't been as supportive at all times as I could be. I'm not sure he notices, but sometimes I do.
I want to have ridden a horse. It's important because I've wanted to do it for a couple years now but I never do.
Exercising consistently. I want to be healthy and be a good example to my daughter.
I would really like to get in to grad school for drama. I am tired of feeling like a fraud and would like to really feel like I am qualified.
Better sleep without the power of pharmaceuticals. This will take real work. I think I don't sleep b/c of my internal state, which is revved and hard to turn off, so even when I don't feel anxious or keyed up, my engines are running.
At this time next year, I would like to honestly say I have enjoyed the last year of my family. I want to savor as many moments as I can. If we get the back yard done, if I get another contract, if... that will all be great. And if we don't, well, I'd like to just be able to look back on this excruciatingly exhausting time and say that I enjoyed as much as I can remember of it. :)
I'd like to whittle down my to do list for work.
I'd like to sell our big house in this little beach community of Honduras and move farther north into Mexico. My husband went through a health crisis this year. The doctors here were fantastic. My husband's heart is doing fine, however he developed osteoporosis in his hips from all the stress before going to the hospital and now walks using a walker. He wants to move closer to children without returning to the States.
Manage my health better, because I want to live longer!
Profits. Shortly, my Etsy business will be my main source of income. This is exciting, yet terrifying. I need some serious profits to survive.
Better self control, self respect, financial accountability.
I'd like to be a certified doula and to support the birth of a child. As I continue to heal from the pain death has brought to my life, I want welcoming new life to be a part of that.
I'm having trouble with this one. Unexpectedly, this is the first year where I have felt like I've really accomplished something and it turned out to be two accomplishments- climbing Mt. Whitney and successfully bringing a controversial plan before both our Regional Board and the State Board. I am grateful to finally feel some sort of accomplishment but very much struggle with a lack of any goals, hopes, or dreams. I hope this might change and that I might find something to strive towards and look forward to.
As banal as this sounds, I want to still be going to the YMCA every day by this time next year. I'm on my 13th day in a row, and it's huge to me to be healthy enough to do this, to feel like I'm contributing to my health by doing this. I'm not just sitting around avoiding doing anything to try to avoid pain and sickness I'm actually becoming what I want to be which is healthy and strong.
to have a better understanding of my finances which hopefully will result in more confidence about decision-making.. I feel quite conflicted about the process by which I cut back working by 25%; much of my conflict has to do with my limited understanding of my finances and how this impacts both current and future planning.
To give back for the incredible fortune I've received
By next year, I want to be able to say that I have truly experienced college, from the late night study sessions to the meeting of hundreds of new people. I want to learn about others and become involved in my university's community. I have already started this process, but in my opinion, there is so much of a possibility to learn.
I would like to expand my friend group, and not just stick to my close ones. However, I won't let my old friends drag me down. I want to be more social and get good grades
Id like to pass the NCLEX and be in actual midwifery school! It's important so I can move on to the next phase of my education.
Get involved / volunteer with an organization on an ongoing basis that I'm passionate about. If my full time job isn't fulfilling I want to put my energy into something that matters.
Get through the module of my open university degree. I have had to withdraw from the last two because of work pressure so would be pleasing to get to the end of this one.
I would like to achieve an acceptance into a nursing program. By this time next year I should be in my first semester or preparing for my first semester starting January 2015. It is important to me for the future of my career and family. I want to be able to work in a profession that it have a future in and I can work with and help people. The income will also help to pay for private school for my son.... & I selfishly look forward to a little extra disposable income for myself :)
There are SO many things! House things, garden things, project things... I guess the thing that I really, really want to do *for me* rather than for the family or the world in general, is to write. Properly. Carve out some time in the day for my own writing - not paid writing, not editing work - so I can develop that. I want to do the exercises in my writing books, I want to keep notes of the ideas they generate. I want to write for the pleasure and experience of writing, not for any agenda. And yes, by this time next year, I want to have finished a story. A proper novella-or-novel length story. Finished. I don't care if nobody else reads it, but I don't want another abandoned novel on my computer without there being a completed one. So yes. That's what I want to do. Write a story.
I want to be able to dunk.
Finding the appropriate time to dedicate to family and work is going to be challenging and hugely important to me. I don't mind hard work, but I also really enjoy my down time to rest, relax and need to find that balance. Having a home to take care of, wife, dog, and baby - this is going to be very challenging for me - likely the hardest thing from a time-management standpoint than I've ever had to do in my life - harder than residency and more responsibility as well!
I would like to have a successful company. It is very important to me to be able to support my family and have the freedom of spirit that only comes from not having to scrap and struggle for money every day. I want my daughter to see that she can be self sufficient. My husband has let the family down terribly and I had to step up to the plate. And I'm still standing on it.
There are many things I would like to achieve, so instead I'll say that I would like to achieve the habit of following through with the things I want, weather creating a club or building a machine.
I want to start and finish drivers draining.
I would like to have my job and have the stress level under control. I would like to be able to not fight the feelings that I have in my brain and in my chest and I hope this is even possible.
Spend a month at the beach.
Simply, motherhood. It's important because I feel incomplete without my children, and I'm getting on a bit now! I don't want to leave it too late. Also, I don't want to wait to enjoy being a family. Anything could happen in the future, I want to be living my real life now.
I would like to consolidate my new family. Have more independence at work and be able to have some side projects.
Maybe this is not really "my" achievement, but I would like to help my children all work towards reaching their potentials. They have each undergone big transitions this past year so the upcoming year holds lots of promise, but of course with great possibilities comes the possibility of disappointment as well as achievement. I hope to help them each navigate the good and the bad, and hopefully give them guidance without interference.
I would like to achieve freedom from addiction to alcohol.
I will be enrolled in school by this time next year. This is extremely important to me since i want to start my career before it becomes too late.
I'd like to embrace the opportunity to think about what I really want to do with my career. This is an opportunity I didn't have when I finished my MBA and a huge reason I agreed to move to DC. I want to enjoy my time at home with Jonah, but also do some soul-searching to figure out what my next career move might be.
Start my green card process. I have been living in the United States for 22 years, juggling various types of student and work visas, and I would really like to achieve the freedom Permanent Residency gives.
balance, between work, family, and studies...remember top stay focus on what is essential to living as a light unto the nations. it is important because I need to BE/
I would like to have run all three of the standard Spartan Race distances. The races I have done so far have been fun, some have been quite challenging, but I want to be able to know that I can overcome all three events in one year. Sure, there is that fancy medal to go with it, but I need something bigger to push against if I am going to maintain an interest in being physically fit. Without that goal it is too easy to sit on my ass on the couch and put it all off until tomorrow...and tomorrow...and tomorrow...
I would like to get used to being divorced. That means looking forwards, not back wards. Trust in my relationships with my children, that they will,be there -even without the structure of a family unit. I would like to find a new job, or find a way for my current job to be a better fit. Find a new way to make a living that feels liked a better fit. This is important because I want to be more authentic in my life, more myself, and the best part of myself. Align my work with who I am and what I want to be doing. Life is too short to be pretending to enjoy my work.
By this time next year, I'd like to lose at least 10 pounds. It seems trivial, but I've been unhappy with my weight, and with myself by extension, for over a year. I want to lose weight, because I want to like myself again, and I want to feel good about myself.
Become a major player in SW Florida Charity. Give back and forward.
I'd like to have a job that is meaningful to me and affords me the opportunity to make a difference in others' lives. Connecting with others is important and innate to our social species -- sitting in front of a computer all day is not. It's mind-numbing.
I would like to have financial plan in place for myself and for my family. A clear budget and money going into the appropriate buckets so that we can enjoy life now and in the future!
Completing the projects I have created from myself at home. Its important to me to find myself following through on what I actually said I would do. And I want to do them for myself, so I have that accomplishment, not just pay someone to do it. I would love to perfect my yard and garden as well. My garden was something I really put a lot of energy going into, but didn't stay the course in terms of nurturing it, and let weeds take over. I think I need to learn to stick to commitments and goals, and see them through the end.
By this time next year, I would like to have at least 10,000 in savings. It will take some serious effort on my part but I believe I will never be able to achieve those things I want if I don't begin to work towards them. I would like to not have any debt, I don't want to have credit cards. I want to pay up front for everything I do.
I'd like to have changed the flow of momentum for 'Resonance'. This is important to me because I want to bring it to it's conclusion in 2020.
I want to have opened my private practice by this time next year. Graduate school has been hard work, but if I can start living the life I want to live, it will have been well worth it.
I'd like to have a strong writing sample under my own name. And I'd like to have a sample I can use for staffing. I am not ready to throw in the towel on writing for TV.
I don't want to set any real goals for this next year. So many things can change that I no longer think its realistic. I want to just do the best I can with whats given to me. Thats really all I can do.
I would like to have my company already going and making money, at least one solid project behind me. I would like to have my own income, be financially independent and at least part of my debts paid off. Most importantly, I would like to be more happy, having more fun and worry less. I would like to have faith in life returned in me, joie de vivre inside of me again.
I would like our debts to be lower. It will mean my husband has to work less overtime, that we will be less stressed, maybe even be able to take a holiday. And hopefully will ensure we can look to expand our family which has not been an option so far.
By this time next year, I'd like to be living as a family with my boyfriend. We have a strong, healthy relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. And I am ready for us to be partners. Living as a family with a true partner in a healthy relationship is an extremely important life goal for me. I also want very much to be able to provide a good example of this for my children, even though two of them are adults now.
In the course of answering these questions- on day 8 of 10- i broke up with my girlfriend. We've gone back and forth so many times on this I cant even trust that it will stick but something feels different this time. Maybe because recently we tried, so hard, genuinely, both of us, to make this work, but still failed to lift ourselves out of our own waste: the guilt, resentment and insecurity. By this time next year i'll be 30. Unbelievable. I feel 24. And maybe that is because i have been in a relationship since i was 24. So a year from now, I hope i have spent the last year courting me, as Rebecca said. I hope I live alone, or with someone who makes me happy. I hope I enjoy my work and feel it respects and rewards me as much as i respect and honor it. I hope I respect myself. I hope i'm writing, regularly, creatively. I hope I feel strong in my friendships, independent in my adventures, honest with myself, and proud of my last 12 months and the choices i've made along the way. I hope I like the direction i'm going in, whether or not i've found someone to go there with me.
I'd like to find a way to get dancing into my life again, not as a teacher, but as a dancer. I recognize this will be very difficult, as there are not many outlets for people like me here in our new home. But this is important because while 9/10s of our life here is beyond spectacular, this one thing is missing, and it is not a little thing. It has been the foundation of my life since I was 10 years old. It is something that has driven me to give up relationships and behave well or badly. It is something that is the difference between feeling lost and feeling whole. I cannot leave it unanswered, not indefinitely. That is a disservice to myself.
I keep saying financial health on this thing, but it seems like circumstances never work out so that there is financial health. But I do have three hopes: A stable job where I can stay for a long period so I can gain financial stability, a relationship that is leading to marriage and family and a new home where I can host parties and keep my own house.
By this time next year I want to have a serious relationship, and maybe to engaged. Its important because I want to stop being alone. I want to be loved by my love, and I want to give him love as well. And its important because I want my parents to be relaxed.
I'd like to learn to play jazz piano. It's important to me because it will enhance and augment my singing. I won't have to find a track or a band or an accompanist anymore. I can go anywhere on my own and play. Plus, I can transpose songs I've been dying to sing into another key and sing songs that are not necessarily meant for a woman. I can play and create music that is an expression of me, rather than have to adapt my expression to fit another's idea of what the song should be.
I would like to move to a home that will be more comfortable for Stan, one with a balcony where he can grow a few things in pots. I'd be more comfortable someplace else too, and we both deserve to be more comfortable in our home.
This year I've been working to check off big, momentous things from my to-do list. Planning leading up to major events, tackling difficult book(s), running longer races, making big transitions (geographically and otherwise). And yet when I reflect on the past year, many of my moments of greatest joy and radiance were unrelated. (Pretty much all of them, except our wedding. And I would have liked to have gone about that planning a little differently.) Instead, this year, I want to focus on how I live in the everyday. It will be hard to make a checklist for mindfulness and say, in a year's time, yes I've done it, or no I haven't. But by this time next year, I'd like to achieve(?) a feeling of greater mindfulness in my daily life. I'd like to look back on the year and think, yes, I still have more work to do... but I ate more mindfully, I worked more presently, I shone the full light of my attention on the people I love, and I opened my eyes to more of the blessings that surround me every day. This is important to me because life is terribly brief, and I spend far too much of it worried about trivialities or wrapped up in my own self-regard. Quickly, immediately!, and with slow, patient progress, in fits and starts, over the course of the year, and in the warm immediacy of every moment, I want to grow towards being a more open, loving, grateful, patient, and conscious person. In one year, I'd like to feel more AWAKE.
I've been saying it for a while, but I want to run a half marathon. I use to tell people, "I just can't run", "I'm not designed to run". But at some point in college I just started doing it. It was the easiest way for me to get cardio into my life. At my best, I could run a 7-minute mile, rest, and do it again the next day. I'm not sure where I am now since I've taken so much time away from it, and have stopped clocking my runs. Making it to 13.1 would be an affirmation of mental and physical potential. Get your ass in gear. Do the run.
Loose weight. So I can breathe while wearing clothes. Won't happen though.
I want to be living with my partner. I want some damn stability already. I want to be experiencing life with him on a regular basis. That's all I want. To feel like we're actually moving forward. Some fucking normalcy.
I'd like to have a title and salary that reflect what I do in the workplace. For 16 years I've been carried along by my love of the work I do. But I've come more and more to realize that I'm being taken advantage of, and I want that to change. Yes, I perform a service, and one from which I derive much personal satisfaction. But I'm a professional, and want to be treated as such.
I'd like to have a more stable life. Commuting 2+ hours a day leaves so little time for me to spend with Matt and the baby. It hurts to have to work full time and not be there for every milestone and to keep him feeling safe. I can't even start looking for a new job closer to home until I know where home will be, and that will take Matt finding a new job or choosing to be home with the baby.
By this time next year, I want to see the future open in front of me. For the past so many years, I have been entirely focused on the present and near future, raising children, working, doing what I can to maintain the current level of fairness in the world. Next year I will be able to see the big picture and where I am in it, in order to move ahead and do my part to help our species and our beautiful little planet be healthy and just.
Lose ten pounds. Because I should. Ain't getting any younger. Aslo give a hart attack to grammer na'zis' through delibrate misuse of Engli'sh.
By this time next year, I want to be planning our clarify, not planning my wedding (I've been doing that since I was 5...), but planning our wedding. We will be celebrating 2 years together by then, so I would very much like to be engaged to my man and planning our lives as a married couple. "Sometimes when you meet someone you just click. I don't believe in love at first sight, but I sure do believe in the click" -Unknown
I'd loke us to have our own house. We've been planning it for yearts.
By this time next year, I'd like to be a healthy weight. This is important to me because it will mean that not only did I lose weight, which I've done before, but I kept it off. I tend to feel like I'm destined to be a fat person forever, but logically I know that can't be true.
I want to make more friends, not so easy for an old introvert like me. But I look at my 75-year-old husband and he looks kind of frail, and what will I do without him?
By this time next year I would like to be debt free including my home that I am losing to foreclosure. This is important because I can then begin the rest of my life. This had consumed me for over 2 years and I need closure and relief from the extreme stress it has and is causing me.
I would like to lose 40 LBs by this time next year, because this is important for my health.
I don't want to do that. I've written something for this question every year, and I don't want to let myself down. Girl, do what you want to do- have fun, travel, maybe party a little, spend time with mama, go on dates with Brock, just try to live and not think too much about the process.
I want to have made progress on health and fitness. I'm in a fitness groove right now, and I trust that I'll continue it. I'm feeling better in my body, I've kept this up for nearly 2 months, but I know it can go to hell if I'm not careful. So continuing on in this vein will be really important. I've finally found the reason that works for me now: I want to start aging well, and that means really being able to get to a weight that I can feel comfortable with and can maintain, and especially it means getting fit again and keeping with it.
By this time next year, I will have a 10 month old daughter I believe. I want to be a good parent, I want to be enjoying my life, I want my relationship with my husband to still be strong. I know having a child can put a kink in things, and I believe we can do this together. So I really hope that our relationship is stronger than ever at this point next year I also hope that I find a hobby that I can do and enjoy and maybe make some money with. I don't know what it is yet.
I'd like to either be working part time or moving towards that --either on my own or for a nonprofit. Or, have a volunteer job that i feel passionate about. I still have a lot to give to the world and want to be of service.
Being filled and Baptized with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking with other tongues. Because I feel I would have a closer relationship with God. Being led by His Spirit into all truth.
I'd like to be 100% healthy again. It's important because without my health, everything else is just second.
I want to start doing yoga. I feel it would help my arthritis pain and help me feel calmer. (What the heck. It might even help me lose weight!)
I would like to finally reach the place where I stand up to those who bully me, instead of cowering away or being passive aggressive. To do this will require gaining some self-confidence, which wouldn't hurt at all.
Completing an Ironman. I would like the opportunity to do this while I am young and healthy and have few obligations beyond work and church. I would like the chance to train very hard (especially during the winter) for a large goal and to see what kind of person I would become because of this. Just today (Oct. 2) I prayed it would create discipline in my life. I am hoping it will help keep me out of trouble and help me to get through the rough winter months.
I want to be living on my own. I have spent the last approximately 5 years living with my adult daughter. She is a recovering drug addict (3 years) with 3 children. I have basically put my personal life on hold because of the children - my grandchildren - and wanting them to have some stability in their home life. God willing and the creek don't rise, I will be FREE within the next year. Day at a time, but she is very committed to AA/NA. I feel the need to live MY life and not hrs.
Running again. I have grown quite an ass.
I'd like to revise/refine the roles and responsibilities of my team at work to optimize everyone's effort and provide them with metrics to evaluate their success.
I want to continue my spiritual growth and let my thirst for knowledge lead me closer to my deepest inner being. I also want to hold in my hands the key to the new car, the signed contract and the deposit slip from bank. Im ready to receive and I'm ready to give!!!!
My number one goal at this point is to become wholly financially independent from my parents. At this point, that means I just need to be able to take over my student loan payments from them, and I will be a burden no longer. Ideally, I would also like to be able to buy them -really- nice gifts to coincide with my gratitude for them being so supportive, and for just generally being the greatest parents possible. Another corollary to this is I would also like to, by October 2015, be in a financial position where I can start meaningful contributions towards a retirement savings, and a general savings so I won't ever be living paycheck to paycheck again. I believe I am currently making the steps to achieve this, but I want to make it a reality. I also wouldn't mind, at this point next year, to be living in Charlotte in a decent apartment, working as a project manager for a good employer, hanging out with my friends and seeing my family on a regular basis.
I would like to be happy with myself. With the way that I look and the way that I conduct myself and the way that I am leading my life. It seems to me that I cannot ask much more of myself then that. Only then can I continue to attract the kind of friends that I want to attract and only then can can I continue to try to find the partner to share experiences with. I hope at this time next year I reflect back and think- yes, she continued to stand up for what she believes, and take care of her body, and care less about other's opinions and more about what is right for her.
I want to be working in full-on development (level 3) at work. This is important to me as a matter of fulfilling my professional potential, becoming more capable and skilled, and having a stronger base of knowledge and experience that will help me get better jobs in the future and support my family better, while doing work that I enjoy and find challenging and enjoyable. Doing this is part of my self-care and growth in striving for personal freedom and independence.
By next year, I would like to have competed in an obstacle-style race (Spartan, Tough Mudder, etc). This represents, to me, a commitment to movement and fitness at a level sufficient to meet that type of challenge.
To finish my PhD so that I don't feel like my last few years have been a waste of an opportunity.
One thing I want to achieve is restoring my health with Gds help of course.
I would like to have my divorce settled. I want to stop feeling as though I am suspended in an unending nightmare, a playback loop of fear and insecurity. At my age, I want to get on with fully inhabiting whatever the most deliberate, conscious, and personally responsible future I am capable of ....
Me gustaría ser físicamente más fuerte
By this time next year I want to have started a new job. I need a new challenge and excitement and adventure. My current job is too easy and boring.
I'd like make a lot more progress in the novel I started writing last year. I want to re-commit. It's important because I really do believe I have a story to tell. And I feel so grateful to be collecting stories from others, every day of my life, but I want to tell my own story too. I want to remember how good it feels to write. I'd also like to be healthy again. Even though I'll still be healing from surgery through January, I would like to lose the disability weight. Health is important. I want to be volunteering. I don't want to ignore my gut-level motivation to help and heal the world. It's important because we are in this together.
I'd like to make a success start to a product that helps authors and publishers. And I'd like to experiment more with hyperlocal. I'd also like to sit quietly on a beach reading a good book for week.
It's not a personal achievement, but what I want most is for Talias health to become good, that we find a solution to her stomach problems so that she's free to be the smart, talented, beautiful person she is.
I would like to run a 50k or 50 miler by this time next year. Being on trails in the middle of notjing and everything is so important to my well being. It makes me feel connected when I feel the most lost.
I would like to fully open up to my friends, because I feel like there's a lot about my life that I haven't told them.
I'd like to have created a story, maybe even have finished a writing project. And I want to have recorded at least a few songs. It's sometimes hard to say exactly why creative and artistic output is important to me. Partly, it helps me to understand myself better. It helps me to understand others better. It's often so difficult to wrench things from myself, but it always feels so satisfying. - at least a start to the finish. Plus, making our house "ours".
I would like to lose some weight, be happier with the body I see in the mirror. It's important because I feel liked health is starting to suffer from the weight I've gained lately and will even more if I don't get my act together. I would like to be able smile more in general and I feel that eating better and exercising more will help that.
By this time next year, I'd like to be making my living as an actress, not a server. It's important to me because I no longer feel casually about my acting career. And now that my love life is totally rocking, my career feels like THE THING. Like now's the time, leap of faith, let's jump and go. So I'd like my life to reflect my dreams. Even if it's just money from being a reader, or commercials or day player roles, at this time next year, I'd like to be an actress who occasionally picks up serving shifts.
I want to organize and declutter my office. It isn't useful to me in the condition it is right now and hasn't been for over two years. It is the first step in me becoming better organized.
I would like to let myself be a mess for another year, and by this time next year, I'd like to feel ready to pick up the pieces and move forward with a new sense of what I'd like my life to look like. I want to keep "trying new ways of living," as my therapist put it, and see what fits - surfing, drumming, being super social, making lots of new different friends and welcoming people to my life, trying out different ideas of what a romantic relationship could be. I want this vision of my life to be authentic to me - not informed by anxiety, timelines, or anyone else's idea of what I should be doing.
I will have to say the same thing I wrote last year about achieving my dream body. I still don't quite understand why it is so hard for me to actually do it even though I have all the tools. Generally to improve my body image and be happy with what I've got.
I want to have traveled with my work as filmmaker around new places and countries. Ideally on a cultural issues. It is important that I am able to reinvent myself. And have a better sense of how I am spending my time and how I am feeling about it.
I cannot describe just "one" thing. I would like to have a closer relationship with God than I ever have with more bible study, worship, and praise. I would like to move on from the past and move forward, toward the mark of the high calling of God. I would like to be attending and involved in a home church. I would like to have a closer relationship with my son and brother and have new friends and have a new best friend. I would like to lose 100 pounds in a healthy manner and have an exercise routine. I would like to have a husband or fiancé who is just the right one for me. I would like my finances to be improved and have a good car. I would like to be paying my tithes regularly and to be able to give above and beyond that. I would like to learn the Spanish language and be fluent in it. I would like to be healthy and to be living in a healthy environment. I would like for my retirement needs to be on tract and intact. All these things are important to me because they affect my very being and the lives of those near and dear to me and those around me and those who I have not yet met. I just thought of something else; I want to stop being a procrastinator and stop always feeling self conscious and inferior around others, especially those in authority, and stop feeling guilty as if I have done something questionable or wrong, which is a feeling that has followed and controlled me since I was molested as a child.
I want to go to Mexico!!!! I have wanted to go for about 3 years now, to see everything with Misael & his parents, to eat ALL OF THE FOOD, and soak everything up. Maybe I don't get to go within the next year, but I certainly want to go within the next two. I think I'd love it.
There are many things I'd like to achieve by this time next year. All of them have to do with new forms of food cultivation and learning. I hope to have started my own nursery with fruit and nut trees for a future location. This should include: paw paws, pears, peaches, apples, apricots, walnut, chestnut, hazelnut, pecan. Additionally I hope to have a beehive constructed that will be the future pollinators of all these trees. This is important to me because it is an investment that will pay dividends in the future and help to diversify the farming system I hope to build.
I want to be continuing with my education
To clear some of my debt, because I don't feel like I can move forward with it hanging around my neck. Once that is gone, I can decide where to go from here - acting, travelling, property or whatever - most of it (except the travelling) I can only dream of being able to do at the moment, but I will get there this time. And write more in preparation for final OU year - finally get the Saviour story out of my head and on to paper perhaps, but that could be pushing it a bit far!
The perpetual thing that I have gotten little done on in the past several years. More accomplished on the ARC project that is so important to me.
By this time next year, I'd like to feel better about myself. I'd like to recoup the self esteem that I've lost. I'd like to rid myself of compulsive eating and of compulsive bad thoughts about myself.
I would like to do Clinical Pastoral Education over the summer. This will mean preparing an application and interviewing around February. Last year, I dropped the ball on it. This year, I really want to do it. Chaplaincy is one of the most fulfilling spiritual endeavors I've ever undertaken and I feel like I need that extra avenue to connect to my purpose.
By this time next year, I want to feel like the actions and decisions I'm making are the actions and decisions I should be making. I don't want to live my life with so much uncertainty and little confidence
I would like to be able to be happy with the things I am doing. I want to be able to pursue my desires to the fullest and accept the love I have in my life and be able to receive it more openly. I think if i do this, I will be happier and more at peace, and ultimately be able to be myself.
I have a number of long-term goals, but I'm not ready to identify one that I particularly intend to achieve in the next year. I realize that that is why I won't get there. Sigh. Among these goals: Have a plan to acquire a residence in Israel. Have a plan to perform the Bloch Sacred Service as soloist with a local chorus/orchestra. Have a retirement plan: what age? What's the income stream? Until I really set an intention on one or more of these (or other) goals, they're guaranteed not to happen. Sigh.
I'd like to have a new house by this time next year. That has a bit of a broad definition in that if things work out where there is no development and we stay in our current house, then I would like to make some major improvements on it. If development goes ahead, I would like to be set up in a different house, one that I like and has fewer compromises.
I would like to have a PhD defense date set... at the very least, know which semester I will graduate in for sure and have the month of my defense set. And I would like to be living in the Pacific Northwest with my husband, finishing up my dissertation remotely while visiting my university in person every month or two. And I would like to have an idea of what kind of employment I will have after said defense. Sorry, that was three things. These are incredibly important to me because I am pretty sure the next phase of my life will be actually LIVING in one place for a bit... a place that is within driving distance of family and in the region my husband and I know and love and miss. My time in NM has truly been good, but I am ready to move on to greater things.
I'd like to be happier. As for a more measurable version of that: I'd like to get my desire to socialise back. Disliking being around people is very tiring. It's even more tiring for the few people I do want to be around, because they become all I have.
I would like to get my house cleaned and decluttered. I have been focusing on my weight for most of my life and maybe shifting that focus would have some unexpected effects.
Oh I'd like to be in excellent health and much more physically fit.
I would like to have more control over my eating and drinking. It is so very important to me because I am getting older and this is affecting my mind -- my memory isn't as clear as it used to be, my body -- that's obvious, and soul -- I want to be aware of my closeness to God with clarity.
I will have all my debt (aside from mortgage) annihilated. I hate being under the thumb of someone else-I believe in freedom in all areas of my life. If half the money I'm making is going in to someone else's pocket, how can I afford to go all the places I want and do all the incredible things out in the world?
Just one thing? There are a few things. What is I suppose really important in an all-encompassing way is having a final counselling session, and walking away that last time knowing that I am finally free of my salt-crust. (That's what I call my know, like those fish they bake in a salt-crust?) I think that will be my biggest achievement because it's a very painful process and it's going to take (it is taking) a lot of commitment...time, money and emotions I've buried for so, so long.
I would like to work for myself...either in music or through writing... I can't comprehend having to wake up each morning...tired and unhappy working toward something that does not further my own goals.
Finish and publish The Bombay Book. For myself and for the memory of Annie. Two orange kittens to fill a huge hole in my heart by losses of dear cats over the last several years. I have the sense that while I will not be made whole I will be made happier.
I want to get something published (or at least on the road). I think that I have the material, and all I have to do is put in the effort. If I'm not willing to put in the work to get this done by next year, then I'm not sure that I have what I need to to succeed in this field.
I would like to have my house in a state where I'm not embarrassed to open the front door for visitors! I'd like to at least see my living room in a condition that I'm not afraid to have people over.
By this time next year, I want to be getting a 3.0 in school. I want to have super good grades! And by this point next year, I'll have been in school for a good year, so it won't be a novel thing any more, I'll be mostly used to the schedule. I'm also hoping I'll have figured out how to have the funding to be a full time student and how to quit at least working full time. I want to be able to focus on mostly school alone, and I want to be doing really well at that! I think I actually have the capability for that, I just need to reach it.
I want my bachelor and Organisational Analysis projects ahnded in, not just to average marks, but exceptional ones. This is where the training wheels come off, and the time where i get to prove my worth.
Weight issues under control. It will hep me get off of the high blood pressure medicine, and hopefully, add to the length and quality of my days on this earth.
I want the next rendition of my playwriting program -- this time as an interfaith connectivity initiative - to be coming to life.
Ahhh. I want to be in a job I love. I want to be in another country. I want to be kinder, slower, more gentle. I want to be grateful. I want to appreciate. I want to be closer to whatever goals I set for myself. I want to cultivate deeper relationships. Matins You want to know how I spend my time? I walk the front lawn, pretending to be weeding. You ought to know I’m never weeding, on my knees, pulling clumps of clover from the flower beds: in fact I’m looking for courage, for some evidence my life will change, though it takes forever, checking each clump for the symbolic leaf, and soon the summer is ending, already the leaves turning, always the sick trees going first, the dying turning brilliant yellow, while a few dark birds perform their curfew of music. You want to see my hands? As empty now as at the first note. Or was the point always to continue without a sign? -l. gluck
I'd like to be comfortable with daily liturgy. I'd like to speak Hebrew much better. I'd like to be more efficient at coming home and getting work done and relaxing. I need to be a more efficient person so that I can get everything done- there is much to be done!!
I would like to do daily meditation. 1) Improve recovery 2) Improve compassion 3) Find my inner self 4) Devote more time for spiritual connection 5) Be a better person and partner
I want to learn to unconditionally love myself. I want to start a female energy group. I want to learn/have energy massages. I want to learn an instrument.
I'd like to be working again in some capacity. I need to feel useful and productive again. I need to feel valuable. To get to that, whoever, there is serious work that I need to do, so I need to stop being afraid after getting these rejection letters and just move forward.
I would like to make a smooth transition to a retired life...get rid of all the teaching supplies, delete files from my computer..get ready for the next chapter. I want to be in good health so I live a long and wonderful rest of my life.
I want a job. A job that I am proud of that stimulates me. I haven't been full time employed in about 2 years - and I got let go from my last job after 2 years of being the wrong fit. I know I'm smart. I know I will work hard. I just need to remember that I have a lot to contribute and I will fit in to some workplace eventually. I can deal with the rest - weird apartments, serial dating in NYC, etc. I could use the confidence boost of knowing I'm not just in jobs anymore, but that I'm starting some sort of career.
Finish a book I am writing, implement Music and Memory, enjoy a wonderful vacation with my wife, relax more.
By this time next year I would like to have gotten my driver's license and gained more trust and independence from my mom.
I would like to start meditating. I would like to do it consistently, not half ass, when "life" permits. I hope that this will enable me to be even more empathetic, more patient, more humble and to be more at peace with my life. "This is just a moment in time. Step aside and let it happen." "It does not matter what you believe in, as long as you believe in it."
By this time next year I want to have my degree and a job. Financial security represents so much for me. My ability to start a family be independent. Get married even.
Oh my world! By this time next year I hope I made a great thesis and have figured out what I'm doing with my life! And also, it frightens me to write this but, I hope I have found my beshert. I suppose it will be the right time.
Enrolling and completing a year of order to get my college degree in education. I will never be able to get to a point where I am secure in my own future by working unsatisfying, dead end jobs. It's time to get out of my own way in order to be awesome.
I'd like to go on a honeymoooooon. And get a clearer sense of our financial situation.
I'd like to be financially stable again. Meaning I would like to know that I'm making enough money to pay my bills every month and meet my basic needs as well as paying off debt. The financial difficulties I've experienced this past year have really opened my eyes to how easy it is to slip into a pit of financial despair. I'll no longer judge others who I previously deemed to be irresponsible with their money. I most definitely view homeless people very differently now after having a few scares of my own.
I'd like to get back in to sketching but I'd also like to broaden my skills by attending a printmaking course. It is important to me to achieve this as I feel I've had a poor life/work balance in the past year and I'm also keen to learn something new and stick at it. The printmaking course will be ideal for me as the course includes continued use of the facilities to practice afterwards.
It is a Shmita year, so I would like to DO LESS.
By this time next year, I'd like to be on track towards school. I would like to have an idea of which nursing schools id like to go to and have finished some if not all of my prerequisites. This is important to me because I've lived the last 8 years of my life without structure. I've had a lot of fun, traveled the world and learned lots. I'd like to go back to school to experience structure, to see myself sit down for a while and really finish something I'm interested in. I'd like to give myself the opportunity to check out what life may be like having a different type of work and then afterwards I can make the decision of how id like to spend my time. It's important for me to learn. It's important to me to give myself the opportunity to learn possibly in a more formal setting.
I would like to be in a relationship with someone that I could potentially marry and start a family with and have a secure line of work to start planning towards those things. I do not want to be married, but rather I would like to have that stability and option to plan the next 10 years of my life and so achieving love that I can share and be open about is really important to me.
This is almost verbatim my response from last year: By this time next year, I will have lost at least 50lbs, well on my way, not only to weight loss, but better overall fitness, strength, endurance, and agility. I'll be saving my joints the strain and wear. I'll be back to physical activities, swimming, biking, tennis....back to fitness and athleticism, grounded in who I am and owning my curves.
By this time next year I want to have continued on my streak of academic success, made even closer friends and made many new friends, and I want to have explored Europe a bit. Viterbi abroad is what I'm trying to do this summer and afterwards I want to explore the rest of the EU for a month. I love traveling, I love seeing the way other people live and eat their food. I think it broadens one's lens to view life and brings out my best side. I love to explore, I always have, and the world is filled with so many unknowns.. it would be a crime to only vacation in these beautiful cities abroad and lay out tanning, I want to experience them more fully.
By this time next year one thing I'd like to achieve (though in many ways it's not exactly one thing) is to have competed Anja in the most serious way possible. I'd like to really make a bid to ride at the top of my potential. She's exceptional and we could really go places. This is important to me because riding is a passion, a gift, and in my truest and deepest heart of hearts. To apply myself in this way would be to face fears, allow myself to enjoy these passions and gifts, and to accept how much joy there is out there for me to have.
By this time next year, I would like to achieve allowing. What I mean by that is allowing me to feel and experience and express my truth and allowing others to feel and experience and express their truth. In order to achieve this goal, I am resigning the role of emotional surrogate. Instead, I am cultivating my capacity to not take responsibility for what others think, say, feel, or do and focus on staying present to the emotions I feel, the thoughts I think, and noticing if I am staying present to myself or in fight or flight mode. I am committed to achieving this because it feels like a way to live more honestly, lovingly, compassionately, wisely, and powerfully. It is important to me to live in integrity, compassionately, and from my heart.
Np - lose my belly fat because it is unhealthy. Jp- have Thompson on a growth curve because the alternative is shrinking and that,s no fun. Rs- survival, because the alternative lasts a very long time.
I want to have lost the last five kilos that are constantly making me unhappy with my appearance and are hindering me from having a lot of the fun that I ought to be having. It's a petty goal, but I've started to think that being 20 should be my peaking-age, not the age, where I'm spending time being unhappy or embarassed about my appearance.
HAHAHAHAHAHA And the winner of the longest-running answer to my 10Q questions award goes to: BE HEALTHIER. I am so freakin tired of living my life afraid that every twinge, every ache, every cough is the beginning of the end. I just wrecked my right ankle dancing at a wedding and I'm afraid I'll never wear normal shoes again. I just want to lose some weight and feel better.
I seem to say this every year (which is a bit disheartening), but by God I mean it: by this time next year I want to be done with my second novel. I'm still only about 2/3ds finished with the rough draft, and it's been stalled out for awhile. It's important to me because once I get that finished, I feel like I will be able to re-start my writing career with new books and a new publisher. But this story has to come to a close first. In addition to that ongoing project though, I also hope to have achieved finding a new and suitable high school for our eldest son. We're just starting the search now. It's important to me that he gets the opportunity to grow and flourish and find what he wants and who he is in the most supportive and engaging environment we can provide.
By this time next year I would like to be healthier, mainly thinner. I'm obese! I know I'm obese and I know how I got here and I know what to do to not be obese, it's just a matter of doing it. I won't set a goal because when I do, it's almost like I sabotage myself and not only do not meet the goal, I go in the opposite direction. So, by this time next year, let's just say I want to weigh less than I do now and I want to be healthier, maybe taking less (on no) blood pressure medicine.
New career where I can focus on being a better person outside of work. So that I can prove to myself (in addition to family and friends) that I can do things.mainly that simple. And to prove this to myself so I can feel confident about raising a family of my own one day.
There are a number of things that have to be done this year: selling the house, figuring out how to earn enough money to replace the salary I will lose during the year...I can't really say that I'd like to be able to achieve these things. I have no choice, but to achieve these things. Financially, I need to survive and I need a place for us to live. I'd like to achieve enough success that I can buy a house that I want to be our home. I want to have the ability to do what it takes to make it into our home and reflect who we are. I also want to get the business off the ground. All of these issues are much more than financial. They are important because they will show me that I have overcome the problems and stagnation from years past and that I can be who I am.
I would like to be in a better place financially. I would like to have a better hold on my creative life and know exactly where I'm headed with my future. I'm almost 35 and sometimes I still feel like a child. I'm a little lost. I don't want to be lost anymore. I believe that moving to California in the beginning of 2015 will set things in motion for me that I wasn't able to achieve in Chicago. I am excited.
I would like to have my eating more under control. I have an eating disorder. I don't know what else to call it. I would like to be more mindful of my food intake.
I want to be in graduate school for a counseling Masters! This is important to me because I need to have a career, and I do not know how I will afford living expenses on top of tuition and books. I just hope that there is a way I can pay for my Masters so I can get it and start my career as quickly as possible!
I want to be making at least half a living from coaching. Right now it's about 10% so this is ambitious. I have 2 ways to go and I hope to go down each path. One is to get more individual and couples financial coaching. The other is to work out a way to help children and/or parents to improve their financial literacy. I recently saw an article that said that our money ideas are pretty much set by the time we are seven. That seems right. We can certainly change those ideas but it takes either a financial disaster (or windfall) or deliberate work.
Better health. I want to feel better, but I am also just tired of everyone constantly harping on the idea that they know how to be healthy, that thin is healthy. I want to be healthy within the context of what is important to me.
Heal my inner child from wounds I have carried for too long. It is time to stop hurting my present over events of the past and move beyond the self pitying role of victim that keeps me form God and love of self.
There is nothing that I want to achieve by this time next year. I am ready to give up on "achieving" and am ready to just relax and live life every day, being in the moment. I don't want to characterize that as an "achievement". It's just how I want to live my life from now on. Striving for achievements is not what makes me happy anymore.
By next year, and like to be achieving a full-time salary. And like to be staying myself hostile achieving the goals that I have for alignment brings me joy with what I just myself with, hopefully having that combination also align with the purpose that I care about and that the world needs addressed. This is important to me because I've invested a lot of time is going hi experience, and I'm eager to see how that experience, Though I still need more of it, will start to be able to manifest itself in a confidence in the value I can contribute and in turn the compensation I can command as a result. I know that just like my preoccupation with technical process that, with making money, since you're doing it, realize even more so that it's really not about that. But because I haven't done it, that is currently where my energies why. Nonetheless, this is not my only goal, as a new year with such a goal would otherwise be empty.
I would like to finish my book. It is the one thing I get to do just for myself, not for my husband or for taking care of my mother, or for work or because I have to, but simply because I want to.
"Seaton Place" my published best seller. It's important because I, specifically I, me, myself had to bear witness to family history, dysfunction, mental illness. It had to be told through my eyes.
A job. Why? That is the key to my liberty in many aspects, unfortunately.
I would love to be in a relationship. It is time. Enough fooling around. I am too old to play this game. Gotta make an effort to make this happen!
To find balance between work and play. Because i have a lot of dead time.
I'd like to be pregnant again, because if I'm not, I'm probably going to have to give up on ever having another child. The risks are just too great at my age.
I hope to have found a hobby! Not necessarily even achieve much in that hobby, just to have found one and started it.
I'd like to travel somewhere with Andrew. Things like this are so important to make happen now because I don't have a ton of free time, and with all the amazing work I've been doing it's so easy to overlook old friends. But his is a friendship I of course want to keep up, and I feel like going somewhere fun with him will be a valuable experience.
Hm. That's a tough one. I am so ambitious, and yet Cyrun is needing so much of my attention. But here goes: By this time next year, I would like to have begun work on writing or music. Either organizing a book concept and starting to work on it, or putting my studio together and creating some instrumental music of some type. There, you have it. Good luck!
I want to fit into a pair of size 8 jeans and feel comfortable in my skin again. It has been so long since I have felt good about myself and it effects every aspect of my life, particularly my relationships with others.
Maintained at the very least, and strengthened my core relationships. When one finds a treasure, he does not easily let it go.
This sounds so lame - I'd like to get rid of the 5 pounds of fat I'm carrying around my middle. To do so I'd have be consistent with my workouts and stop such large portions. I think it's important because I've always been trim and athletic and now that I'm older it's not as easy to stay in shape. Perhaps it's about the control of my body and the impacts that time/aging have on that control.
I'm going to have to say registering for a 5k. It was my goal for last year but I wasn't ready to commit to training for it at the time. I've made a turnaround in my commitment to fitness and I really think it's achievable this year.
in september 2015 i want to look back at - the birth of the forth child - growing together as a familiy of 6 - nursing once again and at a year of regular time (once a week) of -blogging (about my word of the year "Zuverlässigkeit", photos of my self made stuff, the monthly theme of the ohp, parenting, photos of the children) - extra time with my children (in teams of two) these things are important to me, becausei really really LOVE to give birth and i really want to practise myself more in the art of letting children rise up, grow and trust them deeply. i want to be my "zuverlässigstes ich". As much as i can be from moment to moment. And i want to use the blogging stuff as a (private) documentation of this processes.
Financial and asset responsibility and POSSIBILITY. Because I don't want to leave my offspring in the mess that they'd have if I died in the next moments.
I would like to have a place where I belong. A place to live that is all mine, a school where I am part of the community, a community in general. I don't have that right now and I miss it. A lot. I also want to have a direction of what I want to do with the next phase of my life. I know it has to be working with kids, preferably high schoolers or little ones with severe disabilities.
I'd like to have at least three short stories completed and submitted for either publication or contests. It's important to me because it means that I am FINALLY following my life's path. I've waited too many decades to prioritize this -- to make use of my gifts -- and I'm out of excuses. I have just one life. If not now, then when?
I would like to have a solid plan for the "intentional community" that has been roaming around in my head for 20 years. Maybe the Presidential Scholars Leadership Program (if I get in) will bring this to fruition, I hope. This is important because I can see the benefits of creating this community. This could be a prototype for so many things and only in a positive manner. The details are too numerous to write out here.
I would like to learn how to retain more balance in my life. I took on a new project last year, and in the course of doing so, and needing to prove myself, I completely lost balance. Work became something that I thought about morning, noon and night, 7 days a week. I couldn't sleep. I'm better now, but I still am plagued by feelings that I need to do more, that I could be better and so on. I used to have a better balance. I took time for myself in the morning. My weekend were more often my own. I was more creative. And that meant I was probably more effective at work and more fun to be around. I would like that back by this time next year.
Building friendships. Challenge to be more accepting and an opportunity for outlets. Writing and having something published.
I want to Hike the Oregon Portion of The Pacific Crest Trail!!
I want to have joined some kind of choir or singing group. Part of me is like, I should say something about having my life and career figured out, being more "settled," but I don't know if I actually want that. I think clarity will come, things will continue to shift. I want to be singing and blending and harmonizing with other people. It's really centering and spiritual for me. Music and singing has always played such an important role in my life, and I believe that I would feel happier and more grounded if I were making more intentional time for it. I've been saying this for a while, and it's time to act on it! It may feel awkward or self-aggrandizing to say, but I'm talented! It feels good to exercise this muscle and I want to get back into it.
By this time next year, I'd like to have at least five talks on my calendar and a largely increasing number of clients as well. I'm looking forward to building my coaching business and helping women all over the Northwest to find the joy of increasing feminine energy in their lives. I'm in the process now of making Youtube videos designed to help men understand how they can bring more joy into their women's lives and more life into their own lives by helping them become more feminine. I want my videos to become a teaching tool for a wider and wider audience.
I want to get my husband into an assis ted living and care situation. He is very unstable and in a deteriorating state. This is important for him as well as me, so I know he is safe and I can continue working and not have the stress of not knowing how he is and being up with him all night if he wanders around or falls.
I would like to get my degree because I hate my job and with this degree other opportunities will open up for me. My job keeps me from achieving other goals in life and causes much unhealthy stress
I would like to break my addiction to games on the computer. I have less and less time to waste on these. I would like to begin writing a book.
hmm, one thing. well, this time next year I hope to find my son doing all his homework from school and become more attached to his goals to better his future. is that 2 things? and this is for him not me....but a mother's job is still facing me.... i have a lot of faith in him. so, anyway a date with him out of the house and doing something fun may change the intensity of the raps we have over dinner or lunch. so this may be the one change by next year!!!
By this time next year, I will have completed my undergrad work and started my MS in Psychology. I want to have found a job and moved to Utah in the midst of this. For one, I need money. Two, my fiancé needs to be somewhere new. Three, I want to leave near my birth children.
Sorting my bloody study- cos it's about time! (18 years)
I would like to play Tchaikovsky's 4 Seasons piano pieces very well. Because playing piano is fun, and I have been working towards this goal for 1 year already. Seeing it through to the end would feel good. I would like to improve my memory. Because it's terrible to not remember things and I like feeling sharp. I would like to overcome my fear of going canoeing again and manage the anxiety about not being able to do it. At this point, I can't tell if my hesitations are based on a true assessment of my present day physical limitation,s or not.
I'd like to get our financial house in order with the money from Joan's dad. The uncertainty and lack of ability to control what's going on is very hard on me and Joan. We have the uncertainty about the farm and what will happen with that, we have the uncertainty about money that was liquidated upon death that we haven't received, we have the uncertainty with what's happening with the IRAs. It's all poorly managed and planned and puts me into my discomfort zone.
I want to not fall into the monotony of working life. I want to make sure to stay active and adventurous outside of work and to continue to do the things I've always loved from school
I would like to learn to code. I mean properly or semi-so, I would like to brush up on coding skills I already have an use them in a new language (c++?? Python??) and create things. I miss creating things.
I would like to achieve financial security and independence because it is important to transitioning to "adulthood."
I want to be living in my own apartment. I want a space that is my own where I can be creative, have people stay with me, and make my healthy concoctions.
This question made me stop and take a coffee break. It's been difficult for me to be a goal setter. I've always felt like illness and the unknown stand in my way. I don't think of myself as a finisher, really. I look at my history and I see the failures. It's important to remember that it is okay to commit to goals; in fact, that committing to goals is a normal and important piece of wellness. One thing I would like to do is to engage in some form of mental health advocacy. As someone who is now living successfully with bipolar disorder, I want to pay it forward, either through writing and outreach, through starting a group, or through providing mentorship to others.
I'd like to put down some roots; to have a community, a place to live, a steady job that engages me and keeps me excited. It's time for me to stop moving so I can grow more as a person...
I'd like to have trained and be in better shape. I'd like to lift more wight this year, and practice more yoga. It's important to me as I get older, because I lose muscle easily and want to have better muscle mass in my legs.
I would like to successfully complete an online class of some sort. I've been looking at some things trying to decide what I'm interested in. I also want (need!) to continue working on our house. We've made some progress.
i would love to be in my second year of my bachelors degree! its important, because i have put school off for so many years, and its time to get my life in gear!
A steady increase in grace, flow and movement in the tai chi form I practice. I will do this by practicing more frequently and make more of an effort to focus better . Improvement will indicate a closer mind-body connection and a grace within.
I'd like to have bought a condo. I'm getting older, and I think it's time to commit to something. I want a space of my own, something I can be proud of.
I would like to improve myself, to produce enriching changes in my way of living, self explanatory
So many things, start savings. Plan and execute a vacation off shore with A. but i guess most important I'd like to finish and show another significant piece of public work. I think this is my purpose in life, its my higher calling, nothing is a s spiritually fullfilling, nor makes me prouder... and i've let the struggle for survival and my overdeveloped need for a social/party life get in the way too often for two many years. its time to take that back. the birdhouse was a good start, whats next?
This year, like every other year, I want to stop eating junk, especially sugary junk and to be eating a healthy diet.
By this time next year I hope to have two things accomplished: be out of debt and be in a position where we know God has sent us to do a good work in His name. Being out of debt will allow us to be free to go where ever and when ever God calls us or we feel the need. Up to this point in our lives, most of our decisions have been focused on us, but moving forward, we want them to focused on Kingdom expansion and the love of Christ. We'd like to plant some roots in a community and invest our time, energy, money, talents, and spirits in a group of people, intentionally.
By this time next year I would like to have had some sort of significant artistic output. This is important for me because artistic output is something that I use to define who I am as a person and I have lost sight of that in the last seven years of living and working in New York. I must make time to think and create for myself.
i would like to have some performances under my belt. either in groups or my solo act. this is important to me because i'm keeping it hidden for too long and i want to thrive by using all of my passions and skills and activities that bring me joy. and i do love performing very much, and i feel like i'm not pursuing it-- and if i'm not pursuing it, why am i in nyc?! i want to take advantage of my youth and energy and surroundings to enjoy life to the utmost!
I want to be really living within my means. Although that's such a, well really non-spiritual thing to want to do. Maybe not. Maybe it's part of the non-attachment thing. Why is it important? Just in practicality, so my saving will last as long as however long I'm going to live. Other than that........I would love to have a really secure Tai chi group going here. Would love to have found some great womyn to share rituals with. These are my spiritual foundations. I so crave the rituals and recognition of special days and times and a community to share that with. I think it keeps me happy and healthy. And that's a good reason.
I feel uneasy answering this question in terms of work, but that is the first topic that came to mind. I would like to have made a lasting impact at work in at least one way. I would like to be the expert in an area and contribute novel, creative ways of doing a certain workflow or process. I don't want to be fungible; rather, I want to fill like I made an impact on the company in at least some small way that nobody else could have done. I want to bring my unique background and knowledge to advance the company or the community member I am working with to advance patient care through electronic records.
Admission to any of the grad programs I really want to be in.
I would like to do chess before this year and learn how to do another steal mate.
Have my diploma and be in 2nd year university
I would like to have been out of the country or have plans to go by this time next year. I really want to expand my horizons by traveling and experiencing other cultures. There is more to explore. I can't wait to see it all, and experience what there is to experience.
I'd like to achieve organization in my home. This will require over 100 hours of work but will be worth it. I will thus fully reclaim my home and some of my happiness!
I want to have at least 1 book finished & published.
I want to rehab my ankle so I can enjoy my retirement and be as active as I want to be........... I also want to have a good year in 2015 to walk away with my head held high.... I also want to be prepared to retire with any paperwork , all my Hertz office stuff, no loose ends.
Clean house! It will make our lives happier and healthier.
By this time next year I would like to have been accepted to Smeal College of Business and pursuing my marketing degree at Penn State. I would also like to have held an internship over the summer in my field. And of course had my biggest dream fufilled, having been a dancer in THON.
Strengthen the relationship with my husband. Open up to him more. This is important because I am committed to being together for "the duration" and I think we can make it a true relationship, something it has never really been, if I try harder to be conscious of this.
Wow... I would love to have achieved my USANA financial goals by this time next year and have the option to stop teaching. I love it, but I'm certainly tired of it. it's been 25 years as of Sept 2014 and I am ready to lay that side of my life side and see what the next part of my life will be like.
This seems impossible, but I would like to have a timeline for publishing my first book. I've been working so hard for so long, and it just feels impossible. Like every single other person is publishing and making that life for themselves. I honestly don't know if I will ever get there. But I can't imagine another life for myself, another kind of role I want to fill in society. I don't feel like most people know the true me at all.
To have a career that I can grow in and take pride with and that makes the kind of money I feel that I am worth!
It's hard to think of one thing but I guess this would be to be accepted in gradschool abroad or if not, career with more deserving salary.
I'd like to achieve high self-confidence, and have adjusted and be doing greasy at highschool. I also want to achieve a jump in my Art and literature. Self confidence and self love are the most important things that I need to learn right now. and I want to be doing well and feel adjusted to my new high school.
I need to be able to get a grip on my sadness. If I can't do that, I can't see how I'll be able to continue living.
I guess the only thing I really want to achieve is literally going through everything I own and deciding to either: 1) give it away 2) sell it 3) throw it away 4) keep it I realize that I have way too much stuff. I never want to move it all again. It all takes up room, takes time to maintain, and I can't really enjoy it on an ongoing basis. There are many, many things I have bought and all I've done with them is put them on a shelf. I never read the books, or watched the movies, or played the video games. Why? I've started on this already, but I want to have it all done by October 1st of 2015.
I would like to lose some weight and begin to do something meaningful besides teach sunday school. I either want to go back to work or volunteer somewhere.
I'd like to fill my clinic with patients (and to fill my mind with patience). This is important both financially but mostly it will give me the feeling that I am fulfilling my destiny as a healer.
Not sure. I have a hard time projecting so far into the future. 😉 (This might be my way of deflecting responsibility.)
I want to have a social network in Boston. I want to have lost weight for vanity reasons, but I want it to be a conscious lifestyle change kind of thing. And I want to do that for me and not for a man or due to embarrassment. I want to be totally over my relationship with Rob and I want to be good at keeping in touch with people like Simon and Brad. I want to rule my life at 26, and I totally feel like I can do that.
I would like to be touring behind the release of my bands second record. Which I suppose is two things, one of which results from the other. At the same time, the record is something i'm very confident will be completed, where as if we and our company don't build proper hype/demand for a tour, performing all of the fruits of our labor might not actually be a dream that comes to fruition. So touring is important to me because it means after months of writing and planning and recording, that if people are coming to shows, we're connecting with an audience in the way we've always dreamed of doing.
By this time next year I would like to be dating someone who I think I might like to marry. And if that doesn't work out, then I hope this for the next year.
I want to have a lifestyle where exercise and healthy eating habits are so prominent that I have lost 20 lbs.....if not 30 lbs. It's important to me because it's something I've been struggling with for so long. And now that I have better tools, effective knowledge, and a more stable spirit and mind-set, that I believe I can do this. :D
Home ownership. We are in our thirties and it is time to stop living in apartments.
It's going to sound a little shallow, as though I'm not taking this question seriously, but...before this time next year I want to repair the hole in the trim at the front of the house and have a plumber replace the frightening pipe that takes sewage out of the house from the basement. Along with other as-yet-incomplete home maintenance tasks, these--particularly the trim--have come to feel like tangible examples of a failure to live as a responsible adult. We're just two people in a line of caretakers for a house built at the turn of the last century. I don't want to let down ourselves, our neighbors, or the people who have lived or will live here. Even though the trim and the pipe are just things, and things can be repaired or replaced, not having them taken care of feels we're allowing the house to deteriorate around us, which feels like a failure.
I would like to be more active, eat better, and feel healthy. How many pounds of weight change that may involve, I do not know. I would like to ride bikes with my friends and go to the beach and see nature. Maybe skinny dip in hot springs, who knows!
Hmmm.... Full-time employment? Not sure I really do want that. Would help the family financially, especially the benefits (insurance and leave). But it's more important to me to find the right full-time job than just to get something. I'd like to run a 5K and I'd like to strengthen at least one friendship.
I am changing my lifestyle from sedentary to active. I have only begun this process in the last 10 days but I feel driven this time because now I feel it is a matter of survival. I want to feel healthy. I want to be fit. I want to love to sweat and look forward to burning calories. I want to eat good food that is good for my body. It's not fun yet. It's not easy yet. It's not painless yet. But I feel that it will be if I keep on moving every single day. So I don't know how my body will change during this transformation of lifestyle. I just know that one year from now, I will not be sedentary. I will not be reckless with eating and sleeping. I will feel the best I have ever felt in 30 years. So if I need a specific measurement to affirm this goal, then the easiest one to track will be my weight. One year from now I will weigh less than 200 pounds. Not because I am going on a diet. Weighing less than 200 pounds is not the goal. It is a measurement that is a result of my change in lifestyle. As I told my doctor, "I am sick and tired of always being sick and tired". It's up to me to change that. And I will.
Freedom in the things that are truly important to me. Providing the one thing my children have asked me for:to be where they experience the most joy. To really listen to my children:they wants,needs,aspirations,desires,joys,sorrows,hope....
One thing I'd like to achieve in the next 12 months is to pay off my credit card debt and pay down my student loan by half of its original amount. These are fairly ambitious goals given the tightness of the budget I'm on, but doing all that I can to pay down the debt that I owe will bring me that much closer to financial freedom and the opportunity to save for my emergency funds, my future, for future investments, for gifts for others, etc. If I can just continue to keep my budget on track, then I should be able to achieve the first half of this goal and be very close to achieving the second half, if not there.
I've really been focusing on my finances lately. I'm working very hard to get my credit card paid off. Once that is paid off, I want to start putting money aside to save up for a down payment on a new car. I'd also like to be able to build my savings account to have more of a cushion. This is important to me because I always want to be able to support myself. I feel like I am doing that now, but if an unpredictable event were to happen and I lost my income, I'm not sure I'd be able to float myself for very long.
I would like to achieve financial security. I am in the process of paying off all of our debt and going to a cash process. This is important to me because I want to be able to take care of our family and have the financial means to do so. I want to have a prosperous life and to have a comfortable life when we retire. I hate the worry and stress that it can put on us and we can achieve this goal.
Daily practice that connects me to gratitude and joy in my life. Finding a practice connected to school that helps me to be the teacher that I value and want to be. It is important because I have always felt like I was a good teacher but I am also aware of how short I fall on sometimes a daily basis. I need to develop a practice in my daily routine to stay connected to who and what I value as a teacher.
As I take the next steps into my future I am keenly aware of apathetic attitude I have taken towards my life. The lack of hope, dreams and desires is sometimes overwhelming. This year I would like to find something intrinsic that motivates me that is not related to my parental, societal, or work responsibilities.
I would like to be working full time as an attorney doing work that engages me, that I feel proud of, that matters to my community, and pays me a living wage. This is important to me not only because of the amount of time I have invested in doing so, but also because so much time is spent at work it's important for me to spend that time in way that is supportive of who I am and what I value as a person.
I'd like to make a decision about at least one of the following big life events - marriage, children, and/or a career path. Maybe not a decision but some movement in a forward direction. This is important to me because I'm incredibly indecisive and sooner or later I have to face the reality that I can't keep skipping around in life like this.
I'd like to be finishing my coursework and preparing for comps. This would be a huge accomplishment. It's something I never thought I would be able to do. I'm grateful for the support of my family and friends.
I would like to have completely stopped smoking and have lost at least 20 pounds. Both for health and vanity reasons.
Would like to put the Social Action Council on a secure footing that it can thrive without me as chair.
There are obviously things I'd like to have as part of my life by this time next year. I'd like to not be single anymore, but that's not really something one can accomplish. It tends to make the other half of that relationship seem more like an object than a person. And honestly if I just wanted something to cuddle at night I could just get a body pillow. No by this time next year I would like to have acted in my first Shakespeare play (Hamlet) and maybe I will have travelled to Ireland. It was the one place I couldn't get to this year on my first big trip, but if I've learned anything, it's that I need to spend more time in a city than three days in a row to really see and experience it.
I would like to find a way to get back to taking better care of myself. Things in our lives have taken over ... work schedule, trying to open a business ... and as a result, my betterment has fallen to the wayside. I hope, sooner rather than later, that we will be able to get back on to some sort of schedule, and I will be able to get back to taking better care of myself.
Oh, gosh. Be in school and/or be employed. I know I'd like my husband to be in college too!
I would like to be at a point where I feel settled and not on the verge of financial ruin at each step. Or the constant "what's next?" I would like to have completed the transitions the Universe is wanting from me -- have downsized enough -- perhaps can start feeling like somewhere is home. I want to reach this point so I can enjoy my time at grad school, embrace it more than I feel I have been able to because I am never settled and it always seems to be one thing after another to eat away at what little finances I have had. Maybe when I can achieve this, I won't feel like I am still without footing. Like I can't quite find my place in the world. Maybe that is what I would like to achieve. The feeling that I belong.
I need to be able to drive myself anywhere I need to go and not wait after others. It would be such a great achievement to have that freedom.
Weight loss and healthy lifestyle. Because I am feeling old and feel the need to be healthy and be able to assist others physically if needed!
I have successfully reduced my body weight by a modest but significant and maintained the loss, and intend to have slimmed more by this time next year. Exercising, eating clean and maintaining a healthy body weight are the most effective actions that I can take for optimal living and controlling my health care costs in the long run. (Must hold fast through the temptations of the upcoming season!)
i love this question. just seeing it as a one-liner lends itself to so many possibilities. twelve months of change.. .i immediately think of the boys. time carries with it a different sense of weight once you have little creatures living in your house. our first born will be almost three and our baby will be rapidly approaching 18 months. i can't help it. they are my life so it is hard to imagine anything else without first considering them. in the next year the one thing that i would like to achieve is. . .well i am going to have to admit. . i am a little stumped. let's do it this way: family - i would like to take at least one trip with my husband over night, somewhere, without the boys i would to be working on potty training my first born and have him in some sort of "school" i want to take a trip down to california to see friends and family. house - i want to have the boys room decorated in something that they like and have a huge library of books for them. i want to have a summer garden. i want to start composting. i want to have a worm bin. i want to start work on our basement. just me i want to be running 3 to 4 times a week. i don't have to go far but i definitely want to get back into running. i miss it a lot. i want to read one new book a month. i want to get really good at my new job. i want to be working from home at least one day a week. i want to refinance the house and lower our monthly payment. what else? i want to start thinking again about how to get back in the wine/beer/distilled spirits industry. this one is going to be slower and harder but starting to think about it will help me to remember it as part of who i am. i so often think about my life time goals in such large chunks that it seems like i can never get it all done. yet, thinking of it this way makes me realize there are a lot of things that are possible over the course of one year. before i forget. ..the last part of this question is, why is this important to you? all of these things are important to me because they are ultimately things that help my family to continue to grow emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. something that i aspire to for myself as well. i can't ask these things of them if i am not doing them as well.
I'd like to get promoted to an Account Manager. Just means hard work has paid off and I believe that by the time next year rolls around I should be ready.
I would like to be in my first semester of graduate school, pursuing my higher degree in Mental Health Counseling so I can help people as a practicing therapist - something I feel called to do in life. It's vital for me to begin next fall because it's the biggest (and first) step in pursuing this dream and making it happen. There's been things (circumstances and situations) that have kept me from going forward and manifesting this idea into a reality- so it's really exciting to think that in just one year, I will be sitting in a classroom for my program, learning more, and feeding this passion!
be healthier by loosing weight and eating a healthier diet. fixup the house by remodeling the roof and painting and decorating inside. do something artsy with beach stones. write a little on a regular basis. become a better sailor next summer, go on more cruises and stay on the boat more. volunteer at the zoo. I want to be fruitful in my retirement, now that I don't need to make money for the first time in 35 years!!!!
I really really really want my consulting business to be "up and running." I need to be able to retire and stay in this house!!!
I want to get back to my goal weight. I felt better, I looked better and I had more confidence when I was there. I miss it. And I find that it takes much longer to lose weight, now that I'm 4o. It's time for me to be the healthiest person that I can be.
I would love to achieve a meaningful relationship with a man. I have never had one that lasted longer than a year- I have always felt an emptiness, a part of me that cannot feel complete until this has happened for me. I feel like there is a whole other part to me that I have never been able to get acquainted with- I have had to struggle and come to terms with the idea that my life will not have a partner to share it with and that I must go on and make the best of what I have. I would love to be surprised and meet someone who could be a "soulmate".
Independence. Resilience. Self reliance. Happiness. It needs to happen. I can't go on like this much longer.
I want to be comfortable in my skin at work. I want to be able to feel more accomplished at my job, and I hope to be pretty close to being proposed to.
I would like to have my home reflect the person that I am now instead of the person I have been. There have been a lot of changes in my life since the year 2000. Yet, my home remains almost the same. I have added a few minor changes, but I still feel like I exist at home in the past. I do not want to change to forget, but to go forward.
Same as always, improve our financial condition, and spend more time with family and friends. I need to give more thought to my own time, and value it more. I also want to spend more time with my father and siblings.
I'd like to do very well on the DAT and begin receiving interviews for dental schools. The possibility of the future and not getting into a dental school terrifies me. I want to be able to prove my ability and do something that I love.
Remedial conversational Spanish so I can teach my child something more about my culture.
I want to have finished writing my book about my experiences re Ameriprise. I would say "be done with my case", but that is something I can only participate in, not end myself as I am not willing to give up or give in. I can however write my book and move forward -- and I am ready for both of these. These are the things I want to achieve this year, more than anything. The case will end in parallel to me doing this. I'm confident of it! The other thing I want to achieve is to at last making BBB a six-figure business with Kim. It's our time to have it all!
I want a good paying job w/ a good pension and benefits that I don't feel is killing me or stressing me the way my current job does. I'd like to see that I've made some progress on my inner self. That I react less and act mindfully. I want to complain less, be more realistic. More importantly, I want to be either living somewhere else (nice) or fixed this house and yard where I can stand it. I want to live in a house that's quieter.
Happyness and love. I am sorry but these are two but since they are close to eachother for me I think they count as one. As I did the last few years, I want to become happier. I want to do things. I want to spread my wings and fly. Iwant to love more, I want to love life. I want to live love. I want to be happy in love. If I can be more happy I can love more. And if I can love more I will be more happy. To make my boyfriend happy. means I am happy.
I've been trying to teach myself to whistle. When I was given a voice at 14, my doctor asked me to sing "Mary had a little lamb". I never had voice...only a whisper. A whisper can't string together notes, the vocal chords don't vibrate strongly enough to do so. So I sang. It was awful, and after 14 years of not practicing singing, I didn't know a thing about tone. But I could sing. It is now eleven years later. All of the surgeries are behind me. I've been through 3 different voices, and finally recognize the one in my head. I've never been able to whistle before. I couldn't sustain the breath....but now I can. And I want to give up on the "I had a laryngeal web" excuse, and whistle. I don't want to be making the same excuse when my future kids ask me why I can't whistle. I want to say, "I couldn't whistle, but I tried, I learned, and listen to this badass tune"
Umm... nervous to say this, very nervous, but I would like to have a child! I think? Unsure and nervous about it but I am pretty sure I want that :)
I would like to have all of my credit card debt paid off and eliminated. I'd like to rebuild my credit score to prove to myself and my husband that I am capable of managing my money, managing my bills and still able to contribute to this family. My savings goal for 2015 is to have $25,000 of my own money saved. In an account I can't touch.
I'd like to continue to create/work on projects that are interesting, fun, and kind. I'm passionate about fun, interesting ideas, and kindness. Along with love and cooperation, these are the most important things in life.
I'd like to have tenure, but I feel confident I will have that. I want to know what my next book project will be. I want to find a way to make service learning a part of my classes. I want to be able to run again.
next year i'd like to be financially sound and working in my chosen profession. I want more than a few credits on my resume. Strong mind, strong body.
By this time next year, I would like to have successfully completed my first ballet class and be in a healthy, happy relationship. To my future self: you bought you're ballet shoes a few weeks ago and then your new job kept you from going to classes. You better have put them to good use!
I would like to be in a leadership role in an organization (either Junior League or be sitting on a board). This is important to me because I never want to become underachieving. I want to continue to have goals and accomplish them. I think becoming a community leader is the next logical step. It will also reinforce that I am on the correct path for myself as well as let me know that others look up to me. I don't ever want to stop striving and by becoming a leader, it will help me continue to strive for more as well as providing me a chance to give back to the community that I am falling in love with.
I would like to get my physical life in better shape (health and surroundings) so that I can spend more time on spiritual pursuits.
I would love to be in a committed, meaningful relationship at this time next year. As full and happy as my life is, I would love to share it with a partner, to have someone to reflect both my good and bad qualities, someone to help me grow and challenge myself, and be my partner in adventuring and exploring the wonders of the world. I would love to have a strong, mutual attraction, a full love life, and a balance in our relationship. Someone that really challenges me to push the limits on what I am capable of, who engages me in deep, intellectual conversations, and encourages me to be creative, open, and generous. I would love a partner who is loved and respected by my family, and fits into our wonderful little world. Someone caring and funny and sweet and unique, and someone who I want to make smile every day. I believe that I am truly ready for this challenge, thrill, and adventure, ready to grow and love and desire. I am ready to share my life!
I'd like to have been admitted to the NYS Bar. Both my parents wanted this so much. I have a pattern of almost finishing things, and then letting myself get sidetracked. In addition to all the benefits to me and my career, getting admitted is something my mother, who recently (August 2014) passed away, and my father, who is currently (as of October 2014) terminally ill, wanted for me.
To be working fully, joyously and wholeheartedly with what i am here to do and to have financial and other abundance on all levels through that, and to be able to work legally in my new choosen country of residence :)
Graduate. Because I need to be done with this phase of my life and move onto the next one.
I would like to be practicing yoga several times a week which will result in greater physical and mental health.
A happy marriage. This time next year we'll be looking at our first anniversary. I didn't think this would be a priority, especially for somebody as career-focused as me, but it really was my gut reaction. J.R. is my life now. And I just want to be happy with him. I want to be in a new job. The structure of my team and our workflow here at the bank is a struggle to deal with right now. I feel very low on the totem pole, especially with SH's recent promotion. My team is farther apart than we'eve ever been and it's a struggle. I'm not doing the things I want to do here, and my goals for my role here are getting further away instead of closer. I would love to work at an agency. I would love for the book to happen! To find a publisher and get my name on a real-life book.
LOSE WEIGHT. I have said it before, but I hate how I look, how I feel about myself, and how I feel physically. I want to feel and be more confident again, and my physical shape is a big part of that.
By this time next year, I would like to finally achieve and maintain order in my house. I am not a hoarder and I don't have clutter, I am somehow incapable of putting things away once I've used them, which leads to piles of stuff being shoved into large storage boxes to be dealt with later. I have ADHD and I am definitely easily overwhelmed, and find it hard to devote single-minded focus to things I don't like to do, and while I often use that as an excuse (can't focus, won't do things I don't like to do), I don't think that is the reason for this. I don't know if there are deep psychological reasons for this. Whatever. It doesn't matter. I want desperately to live in a serene environment because in household disorder my spirit and soul feel chaotic. I often escape to my backyard, which, while not necessarily surgically orderly, doesn't have a lot of stuff (tools and furniture) but it does have a beautiful garden and it is frequently filled with the sounds of birds and the sight of butterflies and hummingbirds. I am fortunate to live in a warm climate where spending a lot of time outdoors is possible except for the most miserable, hot and humid months of summer. I want the indoors to reflect who I am, and I strive to be calm. This is going to be a major challenge, as I have vowed to find everything homes in my house (I have plenty of space) for several years. I would also like to finally stop beating myself up and castigating myself for the way things are here.
Financial solvency, all debits paid off, and the continued move toward a simpler and prosperous life.
To have a stable financial future. We have children to take care of and I'm constantly worried about them.
I want to finish a novel. I know that I can write, but knowing it is pretty useless without doing it.
I would like to have a more clear idea of where I would like to go with my life. I want to know that I can make a difference by choosing to help others and to make that a goal of my life every day.
By this time next year, I hope I've met someone that I can be in a meaningful and intimate relationship with. This is important to me because I have finally realized that I am ready for this and that this is something that I want.
I'd like to learn the morning blessings. To do them with my morning walk. Important to me because it feels like an exercise in thankfulness I need to do.
I'd like to achieve a 3.0 in school by next fall. I'd like to be still in school, learning. This is important because I want to stick to my plans and goals. My gpa is currently 1.89 due to my first semester in college 9 years ago. I am trying to make this up and it is a challenge.
To lose the weight I need to and get a more healthy lifestyle.
There are some home repairs that need to be done that I’ve been putting off, in part due to finances in part due to laziness(?). Need to get off my backside to accomplish what I can with current finances, and perhaps to also do more to improve financial resources.
I want to move from part-time work to a full-time position within the nonprofit sector, hopefully doing work that is community-based and people-oriented. This is important to me because I sorely want to be able to finally afford to live in my own apartment and because I really feel that I need to be able to express my passion for people and community in my career in order to enjoy it and feel content with my life.
Restarting couples coaching and a having a thriving personal coaching career, and being a designated IL. I am committed to making a profound difference in the world
I would like to cut my debt by 10000.00. It is important because the worry causes me to be angry, because I want to be able to help our kids go to college, because Brian does not know the full situation.
At this point next year, I'd like to be sleeping through the night. I'm over two and I still wake up every few hours. It's important because DUDE I AM SO TIRED LIKE ALL THE TIME OH NO, WAIT, THAT'S MY MOM.
By this time next year I have to figure out how to let my daughter go (off to college, but really, in the deeper sense of 'go'). It's so hard, and so unfair, to have raised this truly remarkable person, and then to more or less lose her to the world. It's also wonderful. But the hard part is holding onto me more these days. I hope it will feel less hard as we get closer.
This is a really good question! My friend just asked me 'what's next?' And I had no idea. I feel like I am so in head-down, get-stuff-done mode that I'm not quite dreaming.
I would like to nest. I made the random decision to move at 25 and have spent 6 years never truly feeling settled anywhere. I realize that that is mostly on me, and my own insatiable wanderlust and fear of commitment, but it's time. Every year I give myself the goal of finding that chosen space, both physically and mentally, by years end. By the time the holidays roll around I always hope to be surrounded by my people, my things and love. So again, I hope that same thing for myself by this time next year. I have a whole bunch of ideas for furthering my search, but I hope to relinquish all of that in the face of finding a home. I want that for myself, a base from which to springboard into the next chapter.
Career development. Perhaps a publication?
I would like to achieve peace and a little structure/ritual within my family by this time next year. We are so busy- and we are taking our family unit for granted. I'd like to establish weekly/monthly rituals, plan our schedules a month in advance if we can, and reserve family time as sacred time that cannot be rescheduled or interrupted.
I'd like to get my teeth fixed, I'd like to get an arrears settlement. I'd like to create a concierge service with Carla that creates abundance for the household. I'd like to have a partner in crime, too. One that I could see myself with, not just another distraction. God, I still miss Fernanda, Jillene, Kathryn, Ellen. I do. I miss Heather just a little, too. All good women, all fools. I guess what I really need is a sugar mamma, or to hit the lottery. Something. I'd like to just wake up and not have to think about how to rob Peter to pay Paul. It's getting old. Way old.
I would like to be at peace with the balance between accepting my mortality and enjoying the moments and gifts I am given every day,
I'd like to be engaged! It's important to me because I want to be married, and have Eliana have a father.
I would like to be more consistent about my blogging, and I would like to write and share one musical arrangement.
I want to be at home on the Coast with my family. If nothing else happens in the next year and all I have to show for this year is that I am home on the Coast, then it will be a successful year. I don't even care if it's a crap job. I just want to be home. My marriage suffers when I am not at home. I suffer when I am not at home. I need to be at home.
I want to achieve better health through exercise and weight loss. I want to look and feel good and be able to maintain energy.
To have begun learning the clarinet. It's important because I really want to set the course for my post-work life as being full of creativity as well as all else.
I want to be firmly in recovery. I know "recovered" might not exist for me and I can accept that but I would like weight and numbers to no longer be a part of my life. I want them to be replaced by connections, self acceptance, letting go of control, love, light and firmly planted into a reason to live. I want to feel okay in this body and accept this body as mine and appreciate what it looks like because of all it does for me. I want to ACCEPT this body and even appreciate it for all it's amazing qualities and flaws included. I want to be comfortable in my skin.
By this time next year, I want to be more conscientious of others wants, needs, feelings, and motivations. I don't know how to quantify this, but I think it will strengthen my relationships. I also want to rekindle old friendships and keep in touch with long distance friends. I want to surround myself by positivity, optimism, hope, and clarity. I want to cut out all negativity, all that does not serve me, and all that is not beneficial to my growth, strength and outlook. Measurably, I want to become more aware of what goes on in the world. Thus, I will read three world-news articles per day.
1. Complete my home improvement list 2. Pay off all my credit card and loan debt 3. Pay off my car and/or buy a new(er) one 4. Have international travel booked 5. Be more active in my job with additional responsibilities to help achieve my career goals
I'd like to be in my candidacy, or at least preparing for it. I know that the career path I've chosen is a long shot, so I'd just like to at least have a Master's. That'll make it a bit easier to be out in the world.
I would like to learn how to program. It's become apparent to me that this is a necessary skill to have, especially for job hunting and career prospects--but also, if we're being honest, I might just be a little jealous of those people I know who do know how to program. And mayyyybe if we're being really honest, one of those people is my brother. He's a cool dude. Maybe I wanna be more like him.
Anxiety free, or IMMENSELY reduced! Because it robs me of so much joy and the ability to LIVE! I MUST keep working to be free from this affliction. It impacts almost everything I do. I just want to live and be free and be grateful and not filled with dread and compulsive, irrational fears which make me feel bad, physically and emotionally. Priority #1!
Time management skills. This includes reduction of procrastinating. Even after I finish school there will always be things that need to be done that I don't feel like doing. I want to get a system down that will help me keep everything from becoming a mountain of stuff I can't get over.
Use my vacation time wisely. I travel for work and it is easy to come back and dive right back into work. It is easy, but not healthy. I am tired, and unrefreshed. Even taking off days without going somewhere would be a help -and not looking at the cell phone or answering emails. Goal - take at least 3 weeks of time off.....
I would like to run more marathons at different cities, states, and countries. I would like to pass my lvn nclex state board exam. I would like to be enrolled in the RN program . I like helping people, and I would like to hopefully start an organization to help people in any way I can. I hope to travel more and explore new places and meet new people :)
All I want is a 160 on my LSAT. Please. This alone, would make my year 110% better. Please.
I would really like to get into UT's nursing school. Or figure out what I want to do with my life. Because honestly, not knowing has me so scared. I would also like to not be freaking out so much over everything.
A stable career pursuing something I am passionate about, something that makes a difference and is able to harness my creativity.
I would like to write a "This I believe" essay. I have a lot of beliefs but I don't show them. I am secretive about what I do and think. I would like to open myself up. Not just do what I believe but express it. Maybe I won't hold on in so much, even if someone else might call me on on not living up to what I say. Still, I would be taking more of a risk and learnin
I 'd like to invest in something with my parents. My loan debt weighs heavy on my thoughts constantly and if I cold have an invest that could help lessen that burden, I would be grateful. Also investing in income property is definitely something I plan to make a large part of my life in coming years. This would be my first stepping stone with that. I'm fortunate to see years of my parents success and occasional failures to even more understand that it is something I'd like to be involved in. I'm fortunate that my parents have awarded my brother and I an option to invest on an upcoming property with them.
I want to strengthen my relationship with my wife and my God. I want to know the desires of both. I want to spend time with both and become more and more intimate with both. My wife is the most precious part of my life here on earth and I want God to be the pillar of my spirit who is really my "me".
By this time next year, I'd like to find success in establishing my place on campus. Whether I'm still involved in a sorority, PSAC, Model UN, and House Council, or whether I find another activity and club to join, I want to become more involved in what I do and start to leave a mark in Hyde Park.
I would LOVE to be in my own apartment next year. Engaged- living in my own apartment. It is important to me to be independent and live alone for a period of time before I commit to marrying Tom. I also want to have some kind of start-up small business that incorporates FREE SPIRIT MOVEMENT and my TIDY LITTLE CHICKEN website. I want to promote more mindfulness in the service industry and in every day life with other people's stories. That is more than three achievements, but I like a challenge. Manifesting now...
Just one thing?! Ha. I would like to have set up my life and integrated beautifully in my new town, had a natural child birth (hopefully in my own home!), began teaching prenatal yoga and possibly working as a doula, and continuing to thrive as life coach. I hope to be a good partner to my husband. If I had to pick one thing, I suppose I hope to have beautifully accomplished the first 7 months of mama-hood. Surely it's evident why this is all so important. I can't begin to describe why. Being a lovely mama and a supportive partner and a thriving contributor to society... these are all critical to my happiness!
I'd like to clean out a storage unit I'm renting, because most of the stuff in there could be having a better life in someone else's house...
I want our company to begin to truly scale. I want to have demonstrated product market fit, be well-funded, be on our way to hitting our $4m-$5m revenue targets, and have a team that scales with us - perhaps at 15 people or so.
I would like to, no, NEED to be either in grad school or working a full time salaried job. Though I've loved traveling and doing a variety of things the past few years, I think its time to get a little more serious about my professional life.
I think I would like to achieve more financial freedom and work towards getting out of debt. This is something I have failed relentlessly at and now don't have a choice but to get better. Perhaps that means getting a new job that pays better. It certainly means managing my financial situation better and planning/ saving for the future for things like savings, unexpected expenses, or large purchases.
I'd like to have a senior year that I don't regret. I want to look back on this year and say, "Oh, I wish I'd done that." I want to make my last year at college count, because this is it. I don't get a redo on my college years, and I don't want to graduate with next to nothing to show for it.
This time next year I would love to have our finances in order, I would love to be able to live a simple life with my husband and to downsize the amount of earthly things we have. I want to be able to do all these things to help us prepare for a family, to be able to focus on our marriage instead of coming home to focus on the dishes or the dirty laundry.
Next year - I'd like a more balanced life. Work is going well - thank God! - Alex and I are great. Getting Bobo has been wonderful, and with him, and Alex's new job, second job, school, immigration - it felt like the summer flew by, a proper vacation never happened. Home ebbs and flows about getting cleaner - by this time next year I would love for the house, our home, to be rid of all my crap, to have time to relax, to just enjoy time alone, together, with friends and family.
I really need to find exercise that I enjoy and commit to it. I want to commit to better health. Lose a few pounds. Drink less. Eat less sweets.
Writing. I would like to be writing in a journal at least weekly. I want to be writing more letters. I used to be an avid letter writer, and it fell by the wayside after college. I want to reestablish more personal connections with my friends who don't live nearby.
Have a career plan. Everything is so up in the air with new baby on the way, I'd like to know what I'm doing when my child bearing days are done.
Self Independence financially and emotionally. I want to be self-efficient and be able to take care of my problems without any help. So that I know that I am truly on my own. I also want to be able to manage myself emotionally. Put my feelings in check. This is important because I need to be successful on my own to be able to make decisions I want to make and go where I want to go. I want to take a risk and join a company outside of Arkansas and be the person I want to be.
I am starting a blog this month, and hope to be comfortable in the process by this time next year. Oh, and on the laptop with fabulously speedy internet speed and off of this iphone!
Be Driving & Be Pregnant x :) Have my own Hypnotherapy Room & my Business fully set up. And complete sorting all our financial glitches x :)
I would like to have visited Israel and had a lengthy visit there to study Kabbalah.
I would like to break my record for length of a relationship. And get a promotion.
I would like to develop professionally. Grow more professional relationships and build community around it. I have 2 jobs now which I hope will lead to a larger full time job. Time will tell. I just hope I truly find my niche and know where I'm going professionally.
I'd like to have made and followed a monthly budget every month. I have not been a good steward of what I've been given, and I need to practice that. Also it means I'll be saving and should be able to purchase a new vehicle in the next couple of years.
Starting a gardening business. It's important to me financially, but even more important for my spirit and self confidence. If I can achieve this, there will be proof that nothing can keep me from being successful!
I'd like to see if I can get this job to work, while also getting to work on the climate movement. I'd like to save money from this job to buy land and write a book, but that's more long-term. First I have to keep this job. I'm kind of terrible at setting goals -- I mean, I guess I just don't do it much. Often it seems more important to see how things unfold than to have a set goal in mind. It seems l rarely if ever say "this year I'm going to..." So these feel important. Having and keeping a job that pays me good wages, communicating with my supervisor although it is hard, keeping the community I helped build together. But also writing a bad mystery romance novel.
The one thing is like to achieve by this time next year is to have a partner in my life who will support me as I grow into the person I'm becoming, who will help me remain creative and adventurous and able to see the humor and beauty in the Everyday.
Work life balance! I think I said the same thing last year... I think we'd also like to feel a bit more settled. We're starting to look for a home, so that would be a significant milestone for our family.
On a personal level, I would like to achieve more inner confidence & peace. I know i've come far in these areas, but I know that I still have a long way to go. I know that in order to find love in another person, I need to be confident in my love for myself. On a business level, I would like to see our numbers, both online & in the store, grow immensely. I would like to be financially stable, personally & at the store, by this time next year. I'm $10,000 behind in rent, not to mention student loans, etc., & I don't want to be carrying that baggage a year from now. I hope to be caught up (if not free of) personal & business debt.
I'd like to expand my business developing more clients, booking a tour for my show, and developing a writing practice for my next show. I would really love to have the makings of my next show by this time next year. It's important to me because with a little discipline, I can remain faithful to my values.
I'd like to have an established business with income to support me. Its important because it gives me more freedom to live a life I love. I'd also like to have a partner who can be as motivated to live a beautiful, adventurous, but also simple life as me. I'd like to find a great love.
I have several incompleted books on my computer. I keep debating which to work on, sometimes jumping back and forth among them, but mostly not working on them . By this time next year, I want to complete at least one, and better 2-3 of them, all the way to publication. Why this is important to me? Because if I don't do them soon, they will never be done, and they will die with me (whenever that might be - hopefully a long way off, but we never know ...). I bothered to start them because I believe they are worth being read, so it would be a huge waste and loss if I don't get them out there.
Finish my qualification. It's been a long time coming, through job changes, and redundancy, and natural disasters and a death in the family (please god it's only one). I want to have done with this and won.
Teach my children some rituals of Judaism, probably food based. I want to keep some aspects of the faith in the future generations of my family.