
Is there something that you wish you had done differently this past year? Alternatively, is there something you're especially proud of from this past year?

Found more time to take care of me. I'm proud of how well my son did during a difficult year.

I stood up for myself this year and was surprised to learn that I had support.

I wish I wasted less time and spend more time studying the ways of God I am proud of having the courage to resign and start a business

I am proud that I have achieved sufficient skills in jazz guitar to be able to play in public. My hobby may lead to a second career after I retire in a few years. Or part of one.

I wish that I would have been smarter about college and went back to school sooner. I also wish I had been smarter with money. Learn to be thankful fOr what you have when you have it, because somethings don't last forever.

I have a hard time letting things go and moving on. I always stay in situations: work, relationship, past their natural expiration date. I wish I had been better at recognizing signs and taking the initiative to end unproductive alliances sooner, doing less damage to myself.

I wish I'd found out what my goal is. My purpose in life. I'm still searching and despite all the stuff I read and all the thinking I do I haven't found it yet.

I am proud of the fact that I finally let go of waiting for my prince to ride up and whisk me away and married my business - Sacred Crossings instead.

It would have been great to be accepted for that teacher's assistant positiion at the french school... Otherwise, I'm pleased to have participated in the funding of a soon-to-be-reality after school art program in the region.

I wish I had put more effort into my past job. It was a ten month gig, and after the first few months when I was full of enthusiasm and ideas, I came to realize that many of my original ideas were untenable. I kind of lost steam after that- I didn't know what exactly was feasible and felt kind of exhausted and uninspired from working my first 9-5 type job. By the end of those ten months I came away wishing I had done more. It was by no means an unproductive year, nor had I done a bad job, but I didn't push my limits or the limits of the organization I was working for.

I made a conscious decision recently to act with more patience toward my mother. She loves me and always means well. Sometimes I forget that.

I wish i'd tried harder in college, i put all my faith in to the fact i was going back this year, but after getting my results, going to magaluff and enjoying the freedom of being an 18 year old legal adult, i decided going back would be a waste of time, both mine and theirs, so instead of finishing with a couple of good a-levels and a few as-levels, i finished with a few as-levels and some not very useful a-levels. There is nothing i can now really do with them, so attending college at all was a waste of time! I am proud of the fact that i saved up for, paid for, and went on a £700 holiday to Magaluff, i'm very excited for next year when i am planning on going on an even bigger one with Amii to Florida :) xxxxx

Wish I'd told my mate up front that I needed more than a break from our friendship, that she was sucking the life outta me!

I wish I'd prepared more for my move to Australia, however, I am especially proud of embracing change and taking a leap of faith and making the move - following my heart and not my head for the first time!

Done differently, spending less time on my writing, which now isn't going anywhere, and started volunterring somehwere Proud of. I have become more independent

I am proud I managed to survive a year as a single mother of baby twins (aged 7 months - 19 months during the past year), living abroad and far from my family and friends and even farther from everything that is familiar and makes sense to me.

No. Yes. Nothing. Everything. Where would I when? What would I how? Who would I why? IF. You ask me if I am proud and I ask you if I could be anything else for the fact that I am, I do, I am, I do, I am. Like a mantra, like a song, like a season. I am never always different, I am forever never the same. I'm proud that I am still there for my loved ones thousands of miles away. I'm proud that doing for myself provides for others. I'm proud that the destination of my journey is becoming the now.

Broken some new ground, stepped outside the comfort zone and found new horizons, in some areas really flew. Now, how to do more of this in all areas of your life..

I would like to believe that I live by a maxim that directs me to: live life without regrets. I must confess that I do, on occasion, wish I could have changed something in my past. I wish I could have had the foresight to see when a relationship with a person was a dead end or unhealthy. I would have changed how I listened to the advice of true friends, rather than following the misdirection of those who didn't have my best interests in mind. Both romantically and platonically, I would have changed with whom I chose to involve myself. As a counter point, I am distinctly proud of finding my life's work at such a young age, 21. I now know where my future will be, and I can put forth all my effort into achieving my goals and dreams. Now that I have secure in my future aspirations, life seems all the more for the taking. I am also proud that I have finished out the year in a promising relationship with a woman who seems better for my well-being everyday I am with her. I find that as I am willing to compromise less with my wants in life, she is more and more perfect for me.

Not really, surprisingly. I am proud of the way I handled the difficult balance between working full time and raising a happy kid, while still nurturing my relationship with my husband and staying connected to friends and family. Of course, I could have done a better job at all of it, but it was a big year for us (we moved to the suburbs, I went back to work and we introduced our son to daycare, we got pregnant again and then lost the pregnancy early on, we travelled to France, Adam got a promotion at work, we both work a job and a half to afford some renos in the house, etc.) So, all in all, I am proud of us, and fairly proud of myself. There have been moments of weakness, short fuses, and over dramatization, but I have been a better me this year.

I am proud that our wedding fulfilled our vision of a community event, filled with love. I wish I had done a better job of helping my parents to feel included and invested in the process with me.

I am especially proud of what I have learned in the realm of using my intuition and access to the spiritual world to help my clients as well as myself. It has been an incredible journey into faith and recognition of the beyond-ness of life. I don't think I would have done anything differently because then I would not have learned what I needed to know.

I wish I had finally lost the weight I need--also, I wish I had been kinder to my husband. I also started a blog and I have a website but I haven't kept it up. Time to get on that!

I wish I had put more effort into my relationship with Lucy. I feel like I've drifted away from home this year and lost touch with the kids too. I've let work dominate too much, but at the same time become less focused and effective. All really weird. In terms of stuff I'm really proud of I think it would be some of the new business wins I've converted, but this pride is tempered by my concern that my boss doesn't really recognise the all the effort.

I am proud of confronting my husband's alcoholism. I wish that I had not denied his addictive behavior for as a long as I did, and that I had sought help earlier.

I've search divine sparks in new way.

I wish that I had been a little more understanding of the stress in my husband's life, focusing less on the stress on my own. I am particularly proud of what I have been able to accomplish, physically and mentally, as the mother of a newborn/infant son. I am proud that I have been able to foreground other aspects of my identity and not immerse myself in pity at not being able to do so.

This year is not filled with regrets ... I am happy with my choices as I rolled with what life has presented and at the same time worked to create more. I guess my only change would have to move forward with my business sooner but really no time like the present! I am most proud of finally letting go of old patterns and finding out who I want to be as an adult, setting goals and working towards them...and of course my children, most of all my children!

Handled the transition to my new position better. The improvement in my marriage.

i wish i could stop feeling stuck. i have been stuck for years now. but it is more noticeable now since i am an empty nester. my kids are either finished w/ college and married or still in college, away from home. i am divorced and i work from home, running a dog hotel, so i do not have many friends. i am proud that i built my business and made it more successful. but the money is not enough and i am in severe financial distress and cannot seem to breathe.

In the past year, I have been excited for myself about leaving for school and moving on with life however I am not extremely proud of my absence from my younger siblings.

I wish I got help for my depression sooner. I am especially proud that I finally did ask for help, found a great therapist, a helpful psychiatrist, and now I'm well on my way to being myself again :)

Really, no there is nothing that I would change about last year. It had been my most rewarding and profound growth period to date. I am most proud of being able to cultivate the awareness that I was moving through the year picking up the tools and emotional skill-sets to be able to step into fulfilled purpose and connection. I realize that I was really only planting seeds for awareness and that it will require daily practice of to integrate. What a wonderful time to be awake, aware and alive!

I wish that we'd taken some college courses this year. It seems like we only do things when we are under the gun as we are now with a baby on the way. I am proud however of the way that we have devoted ourselves to getting healthy which is how we were able to conceive a child in the first place. 32 pounds, 300 point off of my cholesterol, and 54 minutes faster in The Eppie's Grest Race are nothing if not amazing. We did a job well done on the fitness front. I look forward to reporting how we did in school in the year to come.

Finish my thesis to book manuscript project. Project managing two websites with little in the way of controls and organisational support

Should I have checked out Toronto first I wonder? If I'd gone on a discovery trip first I would have realized the big, vast parking lot of a construction site pretending to be a city wasn't for me. If I had gone and not moved then I wouldn't have met the people I had and been given the chance to move to the UK again. I think I'll say that I'll keep that decision, one that has indirectly made me proud of my biliary to take risks and roll with th punches.

I'm glad that was able to feel proud of my accomplishments this year. I won an award that made me feel I had achieved something very special in a volunteer role; I began to understand one of my children better, with less impatience, and I continue to try to be better at being the best me I can be.

I am especially proud of learning to approach my family with grace and humor.

I can't think of much I would have done differently. Maybe I should have been a little bit more aggressive when looking for a job but I think subconsciously I wanted to go to Israel and that's why I didn't seem to care as much. And now I'm in Israel which is where I said I wanted to be last year. So I'm living out my dream even though it's starting to seem more crazy and difficult every day. But I should be proud of myself for going after what I want and giving it my best even if it is difficult. I am living out my Personal Legend. Or at least I hope I am.

I wish I had taken action to volunteer and really live out my interests. I wish I had not waited until that perfect time, that ideal siutation to come because at the time, I didn't feel ready, or I didn't feel smart or capable enough, didn't feel like I had enough time or didn't feel that I could do anything different in an otherwise normal, structured schedule. I settled for what was very early on. I told myself that I just had to deal and whatever it was that I wanted to do or explore I would just do later. After two years of waiting, I wish I had taken the situation in my own hands instead of succombing to the system or environment I was in. Waiting builds anxiety. It builds a wall between what you think you need and what you really need. Pushing yourself to overcome your fears, self-doubt, self-blame and vulnerability is something I now really believe in and will invest in for this new year. I am proud of the fact that I was able to live on my own for two years and figure out my independence on my own. I am proud that I was able to complete the Resource Guide for the shop, and feel proud that I even had the opportunity to work in such an important institution, and that I finally came through.

i am proud that i graduated and i made it to college

Now that my mother has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, I wish that I would have spent more time with my family, specifically my mother and father. It has been hard living in White Marsh, about a half hour away from them, and having a larger commute than that to work. I've been so tired that I have focused on family, so I hope to do that more this year. Not to make up for it, but to keep my promise to myself. I'm especially proud this past year of graduate school. While my manuscript is long from complete, I feel that I've made some very large strides in focusing on my writing life and fitting more reading and writing in, alongside the graduate school. I'm proud that while it hasn't always been successful the way I planned, I am juggling school and work and still enjoying life!

I wish I had spoken differently this year. Words can bring life or death, blessing or curse. If I had known the power of words earlier I would've been more careful about what came out of my mouth. In addition, I didn't realize that certain relationships (family, friends, etc) were not beneficial - what do I mean by that? I am growing in my faith and those that I am speaking about either have an opposing view, no view, or simply don't care about spiritual things. I thought it would be good to not let them go; to keep hanging around them to bring them up; to help and maybe rub off on them - but even as one said, she has no regrets. When I am around these people I either go along with them in conversation and end up being where I knew beforehand was not where I wanted to be. Or...I keep quiet all the while feeling that this isn't right; it isn't what I wanted. I love these people as they've had history with me; some as long as my child has been alive, if not longer. We've shared experiences in the past; but I am not the same person anymore and I know even they feel like something is different. It's hard when its family; you love your family - grew up with them even but they are going back to Egypt and love being there while you are being called to a new life. You know you can't look back because well, anyone who puts their hand to the plow and looks back isn't fit for the Kingdom...and just look at what happened to Lot's wife when she looked back...no thank you. It's not good to be unequally yoked. For the same reasons He didn't want us intermarrying - we get curious to learn their ways and tempted to do things we know we shouldn't. To be set apart, in what I watch on television, what I listen to, and in this world because its obvious I am in the world but not of it just like Yeshua wasn't of this world. I fell in love with Adonai reading His book, and actually in the Old Testament first then seeing Him in Yeshua. God wants us to do things right not so He can impose His will on us or punish if we don't...that's not the Adonai I know at all. His commandments are life. He only wants for our good. He lets us choose life or death...this year I am making the conscious decision to choose life. What am I proud of? He who boasts should boast in the Lord...to say that the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob is my God and that I belong to His Son Yeshua - I am His and He is mine. ~

I'm proud that I found my freedom and my voice. I'm proud that I'm me again. This has definitely been the year of discovering myself and remembering how amazing I am. No need for the approval of others.

I am proud of the fact that I ran two 5ks this year. I wish that I had trained for the second and not made excuses as to why I couldn't.

I know the things that I need to do to keep myself feeling good...sleep, yoga, exercise. The thing that I'm most proud of is finishing the marathon in my goal time. How could I then fall out of the good habits of exercising and eating right.

There are several things that I wish that I have done differently. I wish that I concentrated on finishing my graduate school work on time and efficiently. Right now I have several incompletes and I feel that I am always playing catch up. I wish that I visited my family more during the summer during my thesis work. I believe that if I had visited them more, I would be in a much happier place than I am right now. I wish that I worked out more or did yoga. There was a period of time that I would do yoga every day before I moved to Boston, and I regret not continuing my practice. I must do so soon. Lastly, I wish that I attended more Buddhist meetings. Right now, I have become a very jaded Christian and I want something that is faithful in my life. This may be it. I am especially proud of my relationship that I have with this wonderful man. Right now we have been having some difficulties due to stress and I am worried a little bit about the distance that has grown between us in just the midst of a couple of days. I am hoping that after taking a few steps back and breathers, we will be able to learn and adjust to each other, and continue to love. I am also proud of how far and how much I have changed since I moved to Boston and started graduate school. I have not realized until recently of how much I have changed in the midst of a year.

I wish I could have been better at getting over her. She's such a big part of my life and I feel like she might be holding me back. I wish I could trust others. I wish I could commit.

I don't know how I could have done this differently, but I wish my year hadn't been so unhappy. I spent most of it caring for others -- whether in my job or home or friends' lives. And while this is usually a good thing to do in the world, the balance was so far off that I became resentful and unhappy and essentially unable to figure out what I might want or like or how I might be happy. It turned me into a much less pleasant person to be around (for myself and others.) In terms of being proud of anything from this past year? I mean, I did an amazing job caring for people through death and illness and first year of a new job.

I am very proud for having completed my first half marathon. Running and kayaking in Mississippi, let me know what I am capable of physically. But, I realize I can procrastinate less and must force myself to embrace the uncomfortable.

I wis h we would have been able to pay down our home equity loan more than what we did. I wish I could have held my tongue more than I did (though I did do pretty good). I am very proud I made the time to have carpal tunnel release surgery. I do feel great. I am also very proud I continue to get better and bett er at thinking things through. I am very proud and happy that I am still gainfully employed.

I wish I would have gone back home as soon as I found out my Dad was back in the hospital so that I could have been at his bedside with my family when he passed away.

I am pretty pleased with the last year, I think I would only like to have done one thing differently... I wish I had not fallen for him all over again. That I had closed that door for good but instead I found myself in the same situation, believing he was leaving her for me.. I am proud that I continued to break through and continue to try new things, like going to races far outside my comfort zone, with people I'm not necessarily comfortable hanging out with.

A great new job offer means I'll be returning to work two months early from maternity leave, and I find myself wishing I had savoured every moment with my son. He, incidentally, is my proudest achievement.

I am really proud of my dedication to both my work, and my yoga over the past year. Together those two things have gotten me to a really great place. I wish that I had been more connected to my friends which I was doing that, but I do regret not making as much time. All in all however, I feel very proud of myself.

im proud of trusting my intuition and following myself in every possible direction. i've hiked mountains, met amazing people, camped beneath the stars.

I wish I had been more upfront with people about what I wanted or what I planned on doing. I have a history of being evasive and equivocating, and this year I may have hurt some feelings using this tactic, which is admittedly childish. I am very proud of the changes that have taken place in my life; I am working towards a new career and I love it. I am in a real, steady relationship for the first time.

I wish I had read more books this year. I also wish I had been bored less and took pro-active steps to ensure this was not the case.

I wish I had had more confidence in myself from the beginning and that the confidence that I did feel at the beginning of the year wasn't a form of bravado or an act I put on to make myself feel a certain way because I have every reason to be confident and I think this past year has shown me that. I am my own person and I should be confident in the person that I have become.

Listened more intently and multitasked less. Laughed more. Am glad that I set aside more time for reflection.

I wish I had focused more on my health. I need to lose 30 pounds. I take blood pressure medication and cholesterol medication. :(

A little of both. I am especially proud of my period of time as interim CEO of my organization, and the accomplishments during that period, but I have mixed feelings on my decision not to seek that position on a permanent basis. On the one hand, the political and environmental pressures of the position are enormous, and I tremendously enjoy the work that I do on an ongoing basis. On the other hand, it is difficult to be in a position where I often think that I could do a better job than the person evenutally hired as CEO, and that the position would have been handed to me had I wanted it.

I wish I had dealt with the aftermath of Amanda better, or been able to deal with better. Insofar as proud goes... I should be prouder of my son than I am, but I am proud of him.

I wish I would have not taken so long to take care of my own health. Even though it is contrary to what I have grown up believing, you cannot keep putting your health problems off until they get so bad that it becomes an emergency. It's definitely a hard frame of mind to change, but I know I should do better this coming year. I am proud that I came of out my shell a bit more and became a lot more self aware than I have ever been.

So far, I wish I'd been more aggressive in finding and pursuing my passions whatever they might be. Also I would like to procrastinate and nap less and follow through to completion on tasks that have been begun.

I helped organize a reunion of my elementary school classmates to jointly celebrate our 60th birthdays. It was a blast reconnecting with folks I've known since I was six years old, some whom I've kept in touch with and others not. We relived some great memories of growing up in a tightly knit Jewish "shtetl" in West Denver and shared adventures in our lives that took us on different paths.

Different: exercised. Different, Have more patience for my son's ants in his pants stage where he yells a lot just to speak. Proud of: my children, as individuals as well as how they interact lovingly with one another. That is the most important thing to me. That they will love, enjoy, and respect each other as they grow. Proud of: as a parent, I think I have learned better how to handle situations where something is happening that is not right for my children. When my eldest child was a baby, I did not always handle situations right in public. I think as a parent, I have grown and learned better how to address these difficult situations. Sometimes this has been through the guidance of my husband and parents, and other times, this has been with the experience of try, try, again.

start a diet making my granddaughters wish come true

I wish that I had created better balance between the different aspects of my life. I want to be more "present" when with my family, to be more intimate with my wife, and to be more open and vulnerable with my emotions. While I have been better over the past year, I still protect myself and, as such, are not fully forthcoming. Alternatively, I am proud that I have been able to better provide for my family financially and that while not perfect, I am learning to better manage my time. My balance between work and non-work is improving.

Not really, unless it was to be a little more judicious when it came to spending for my new place. I knew there would be lots of up front costs, and had saved for much of those, but went a little into credit card debt making it perfectly comfortable for my daughters and me this summer, so I'm not beating myself up too much over it. Should have it all paid off by end of year.

I wish I would have been better about taking time for myself instead of looking for companionship and love in what should have stayed a friendship. At first it felt nice to have someone but then I realized he wasn't what I really wanted. I am only now realizing that it is ok to be alone. At the same time I think this year I have done a great job at learning to understand my emotions and feelings. I stepped way outside my comfort zone by facing my fear and saying I love you. I am slowly but surely learning to be vulnerable and it feels great

I wish I had tried harder to stick to my diet. But I'm especially proud that I've been able to explore so many different recipes that I can cook well. I never realized how happy and content I am with caring for my home and family.

I wish I was as actively involved in synagogue life this past year as I was the year before. However, working limited my time during weekdays, and back pain and depression on days in which I did not work. I am proud that I managed to do as much as I did: marching in a candlelight procession for safer neighborhoods, going to a Jewish conference in LA, taking the steps necessary to begin applying to rabbinical school.

Yes, i wish i never got suspended from high school. Yes, not letting it affect the way i am or the way i played lacrosse

Done differently- my goodbyes. I wish I'd made the most of the time I had before I left to really say goodbye and let the people I care about know that I do. But I was too scared to let them see that. Oh yeah, and the silly meltdown after finishing. That was embarrassing. Very embarrassing. Oh and I WISH I had worked harder on my thesis. I believe I could have written something really good, but just dropped the ball because of my laziness. I'm proud of coming clean and being honest with Ma about what I want. And I'm proud of that piece of paper with says I got a 2.i. I didn't think it was possible, but it was.

For the third year in a row I'd have to say: be a bit nicer to myself and the people around me when I'm under pressure. Worrying and stress are counterproductive and taking it out on others is really bad form. Overall though I think I'm better than I've ever been in that respect (partly thanks to 10Q, partly thanks to a more regular yoga practice). I'm very proud of managing work, studies and a relationship. I'm very busy but I make a point of planning time off for fun stuff with my boyfriend, just the two of us, and I'm proud of the way I'm managing my priorities.

I wish I had finished college. I wish I'd spent more time improving myself.

Something I wish I had done differently: I wish I had gone to therapy sooner! I knew I was struggling through practicum and it was bringing up a lot of unanswered questions for me. But instead of listening to that instinct and going to therapy to take care of myself, I just pushed through and I carried a lot of responsibility and guilt from those first clients. Also, all the baggage I've been unpacking in therapy has been HEAVY on me for years and years. When I read my 10Q answers from the past two years, they both mentioned my relationship with my mother. And this is the year I finally looked inside myself to find answers to questions in my relationship with her. WHY did I carry that for so long without asking for help. WHY did I let that bleed into my other relationships and work. WHY can't I let it go. Here's the deal: my mother's dysfunction doesn't have to be mine. Her guilt and sadness don't have to be mine. Her insecurity doesn't have to be mine. Her sense of humor and her good qualities can be mine. Something I'm proud of: I went to therapy! Haha. It's been great because I've learned so much about myself, about self care, and about boundaries. I'm learning how to be less serious. I always thought of myself as a person who was not serious, but I think that was a front for how serious I really thought I needed to be and how afraid I was to really engage with people. I don't have to be the person who is everything to everyone. I just have to be me. That's an awesome feeling.

I wish that I had broken a 30 in my 50 free in swimming. I know that I could have done it, and it's almost shameful that I haven't so far. I also wish I would have passed my driver's test on the first try, but I let my nerves get to me. This year, I was very proud of my performance as Linus in You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown. I will never forget the feeling I had as the lights went down after my blanket dance. It was complete ecstacy.

I do wish that I had been more apt to follow my gut's instinct rather than the inclination to procrastinate on the basic things I know I should be doing. The procrastination never gave good results. In short, I'm dusting off my new motto: do it now.

I am extremely proud of the new relationships I have made with friends and how I have grown as a King. I am also proud of the relationships I have maintained and how they have enriched my life.

I'd like to be better at staying in touch and maintaining connections. I'm still better at starting projects than finishing them, but I think I'm learning to manipulate myself into being more consistent about things. But I'm very proud of the tomatoes I grew!

I wish I had stuck to my resolution about going to church with or without David (my husband). I know he's not a church-going kinda guy, but I have missed it. Plus, having moved into this rural area over a year ago, I still feel like I don't know any of my neighbors.

I wish I had handled my relationship with Michaela better. I wish I had ended it when she cheated on me instead of prolonging this pain for both of us. I wish I had done something to make her happier, to feel better about herself. I wish I had done something to make me feel better about myself. I'm proud of myself for going back to school and trying my best to do well.

I wish I would have gotten out of horse breeding sooner. I feel so much better with a small number of horses. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I often wonder if Angel would still be alive if I had gotten out of it all a year ago. I am especially proud of my daughter. Even at one year old she is already exhibiting that she is an extremely confident, intelligent and FUNNY child. I love her so much. She casts a spell on everyone she meets.

This year I wish I would have been more diligent about my working out. I really need to get with it. I want to be better about running. Maybe once heather and I move in together we can be better. Oh and eat better. I gotta get back to doing that too.

I'm proud that I held a job for a whole year even though I have been depressed and suicidal.

I feel like regrets are silly and a waste of time, so I try not to dwell on them. So I cannot say that I particularly regret this, however I perhaps would have liked the scenario to have played out a little differently. At the end of my freshman year of college, I chose to casually sleep with a (boy?) (man?) (I never know how to phrase it since in college we are in the limbo of adolescence still). He was second person I had slept with ever, and I have quite a bit of pride in my low number. We communicated over the summer and it seemed as though we would be together (at least physically regularly) in the fall, and we had a passionate reunion, and then he basically lost all interest. I don't regret this, because quite frankly it was a good time, but it has taught me that emotions get tied up very quickly in being physical, and since the only other person I have been with in that way is someone I love, I plan on maintaining that standard and only considering sharing that part of me when there is mutual love and respect involved.

I wish I had followed through with my plan to spend more time visiting with Dad. I know we don't have too many years left together.

I'm really proud that I was able to do more public speaking than in the last 18 years of my life. This was something that I really had to do by myself and while I had support it was truly up to me to do what I had to. I felt much more comfortable in front of a class than ever before and that is something I am so proud of. Also, speaking in front of the ENTIRE school was a huge huge step for me.

I wish I had taken my relationship slower-- that I had reveled in every random act of kindness and love, wallowed in the nights full of conversation and snuggling, and rejoiced in the man I loved for who he was, who he wanted to be, and who he was becoming, and not for what he did for me.

I wish I had been more trusting, more grateful, and more joyful in the past year. It's been difficult, but I don't think there are many things I could have done to make it go better; that said, I also have been blessed in fairly concrete ways.

I'm proud that I came home. It was so tempting to stay behind in another country and to bypass reality for another year, but while difficult adjusting to being home as been, I feel like I'm finally getting back on track. I do wish I would have shared my journey and struggles a bit more with my family. I know they were curious and concerned, it was just very diffcult finding words to express how I was feeling.

I wish I had used all my vacation time. I wish I could have been a more understanding friend sometimes. I wish I spent more time taking care of my body, and remembering that there is life outside of work.

I wish I had made my husband leave that horrible nursing home he went to after his first transplant. I think he would still be alive if he hadn't been there for a week. I also wish that I had been more understanding with him during his last week of life. I was so frustrated because he was supposed to be getting better, but he wasn't acting like it. I blamed him for not trying harder, when in fact he was slowly dying from sepsis. I also wish I hadn't listened to the ICU doc when he told me not to come back to the hospital right away when he started to go downhill. I should have been there when they intubated him for the last time. He was so scared and I wasn't there for him. When he really needed me I wasn't there.

Im proud of my increase in charitable giving. I wish o could get my gluttony under control.

I am so proud of myself for applying to the REU and for doing it. I'm making my own dreams come true one at a time--hopefully by this time next year I'll have a published paper!!! I wish I hadn't convinced myself so deeply that he was the one. I thought I was over doing what other people wanted and that I was in tune with myself, but I wasn't. I feel like I could have avoided a lot of pain for many people, including myself, if I had stayed true and honest to myself.

I spent a good amount of time getting over my ex. And while I don't think that could have been helped, I worry that it wasted my time in finding someone new. I also realized just how much in debt I am this year - so not just in this past year but in the past 10 years, I wish I hadn't used my credit cards so much. I'm proud of a few things this year. I'm proud of moving into a new place and really making a (so far successful) attempt in keeping the place clean. I'm proud that I joined a book club, bought a Kindle, and now spend more time reading than I do watching TV. And I'm proud of the fact that I've started cooking - I'm making meals for myself and saving some for the future, and I have to think my mom would be proud of me for that!

I wish I were gentler with my wife and kids. I'm proud of my accomplishments at work, and of how I occupied myself during my sabbatical.

I potty trained twins this summer. It took 2 weeks until they were completely trained. It really pushed my patience to the limit. Too bad I can't put this endeavor on my resume!

I think the things I wished I had done differently were just living more in the moment and enjoying things more. The thing I am most proud of (actually there are more than one, but one of the most) is running the marathon. It was a symbol for all the times I talked myself out of something because it was hard - and how this time, I didn't.

I wish that I had spent more effort on saving money, planning out my thesis work, and working toward my specific goals. I wish I hadn't wasted my time on so many extra things that didn't matter and didn't count toward my goals. I wish I had been a better student and a better friend. I am, however, proud that I was able to keep my plate balanced, and to be able to switch hats so frequently. I am surprised that I didn't make more mistakes.

I wish I had spent more time thinking and not reacting. I am going to work harder on that, along with letting go. I'm not ready to be a forgiving person, but perhaps if I were a person who could let go, I could learn to forgive. I am proud of my baby steps toward not talking about people. I'm proud of my growing positive relationship with my daughter. I would like to grow my relationship with my son, though it is a good relationship. Blessings.

I wish I would've stayed away from dating and just concentrated on my own goals.

I wish I had spoken to Cedric in a better fashion. He worries me. I wonder what I will have to say same time next year about this situation. I hope and pray that he settles down and become the young man his grandma can be proud of. I am proud and happy to have kept over 20 pounds lost. This is a plus for me. That has never happened before. I am now starting for the nex 20 or more pounds. have to take baby steps.

Nothing I wish I had done differently.. oh yes, actually. I had a chance to kiss a monkey in Uganda and wimped out... kinda wish I'd done it now. Proud that I had the guts to go to Uganda and do some humanitarian work... almost chickened out a couple times!

This year I wish I had spent more time looking for work. I wish I had found a way to leave United earlier and started my career. I'm sick of it and want to move on. I'm delighted I started focusing on learning the ukulele. It's fun and full of cheer. A delightful instrument.

Could I have controlled the journey? It was subtle, but I wouldn't have worried or gotten on myself so much about the way I am and the way I'm not. Looking back, it was all about how I measured up to other people's standards. In the face of that, what I'm proud of this year was taking some bold steps, dove in to deep waters, shrunk back, moved forward, back and forth but kept in the game regardless of the discomfort of people's responses. Took risks in my business (some paid off/others not), mom and I came to some terms with our relationship, started to remember what inspires me.

I wish I'd handled a reconnection with a friend with more diplomacy. My enthusiasm can, at times, overwhelm others who may not be caught up with the same energy I am already perceiving to be present. Breathe first and stay present is the key to remember in the future when reestablishing relationships from the past. I'm especially proud of finally doing a 4 week cleanse and having a clean, raw foods, diet over the coming 6 months. This has been important so I can be focused and try to have more discipline in kicking my addiction to sugar- an ongoing process. That stuff is legal heroine. Meh.

This year I self-published a book. I just took the plunge and forged ahead. And now I'm learning how to self-promote and put myself out there. It's not easy, and I still find myself finding excuses to avoid it, but I have put myself out there further than ever before, and I am proud of myself for it.

I wish I had spent more time writing. A lot more time.

I wish I had worked harder on weight loss, healthy diet, and exercise. I'm proud that I completed the certificate course and survived the founding of the local Sisters in Crime chapter.

I wish I had paid off my debt when I could of, and not wasted the money on stuff I didn't need. I am now in a worse situation. I need to grow up and pay it off and pay the price for my mistake.

I'm proud of myself for committing to taking control if my life and becoming a christian. God has blessed me in so many ways and this move well be the best thing I've ever done. Colorado here I come!!

I wish I didn't argue with everyone I love so much this past year. Apparently, I was walking around like I hated everyone, like I was angry at the world. But that's not how I felt, I was happy. I just wish I wouldn't have bottled up so much, expect so much from people, and my job. On the other hand, I'm proud of myself for not giving up when going back to school seemed impossible.

Been more focused on what I wanted from my personal life, and been vocal about that, especially to my partner.

I'm not sure if, this year, I did anything that I wish I would have done differently. I think I've answered previously in the past, but I think the paths I chose this year have led to a very specific point in time for me in which I'm starting to make decisions towards the future that will make me a more complete person. I guess in that sense, I'm proud of the same moves I made this year that I may have regretted in years past.

I wish I had been more loving and less tired. I want to say I worried less than I did, and had fewer fits of anxiety. I am proud of all I do, but I am sad that I was not doing as much with my children as my husband. I am proud of teaching my first course as a haired instructor in college, not as a TA. I am proud of my husband, I am proud of how he has helped my sons.

I wish i had handled my divorce better. My kids were shocked into understanding my divorce in a very short time even though the divorce was a long slow process for me. I've accepted my situation and have begun to make a life for me and my kids.

As with every year, I wish I had made more of an effort to take care of my body--eat right, exercise, etc. I feel like there has been some major turmoil in my life this year, but I finally feel more "at peace" emotionally/mentally than I have ever before. I feel like I've done a better job of not apologizing for who I am and standing by and being proud of my decisions, something I hope to not only continue, but strengthen.

I think at this point in my life, I am doing exactly what I want to do. I am proud of my children and the parents they have turned out to be, so I feel that I did the best job I could at the time that I raised them.

I wish I had been more positive in my thoughts and not spent so much time worrying. I'm proud of the spiritual progress I've made and that I've given up drinking.

I wish I had handled the stresses of working-motherhood more gracefully. I came to learn that I really struggle with sleep deprivation and with the divided attention you have to master when you work full-time and have a young child. I got worked up easily, upset easily, angry easily, strung out easily....and sadly, I took most of these feelings out on my husband. I was usually able to recognize this, and apologize after the fact....but I wish I had managed my intense emotions in the moment much better. As for what I am proud of....I developed a wonderful bond with my son. This past year we've raised a fun, happy, secure little boy who loves his parents fiercely but is also pretty confident and comfortable with other people. Daniel and I always joke that we must be doing SOMETHING right....but we're also blessed with a great kid.

Until the day my diploma arrived in the mail, I wasn't sure I was going to graduate with my master's degree. When my husband and I separated and my life fell apart, my schoolwork went with it. I couldn't focus enough to read a novel; heck, I couldn't even read the newspaper. How was I supposed to concentrate on my research, a much more demanding task? For a while I was paralyzed. I missed deadlines and canceled meetings. I showed up to see my advisor just to tell him I hadn't done a thing, not one thing, related to my thesis since I had last seen him. He was disappointed, and still I couldn't commit to anything. It was so unlike me that I hardy recognized myself. Then, in a moment of clarity, I arranged to take a semester off. I was worried that semester would turn into two would turn into forever--but it didn't. I crawled out of the hole. I worked when I could, the best I could, and I finished my research. It wasn't perfect. It wasn't as good as it would have been if the rest of my life had been in order. But it was good enough. When my diploma arrived, I knew that I had earned it.

I wish I would have stressed less in this past year. It seems to be carrying over into this school year, although less so. However, I am proud of the thing that caused me the most stress - teaching my first AP course.

Yes! Last year my resolution was to pick my battles and only fight those which are mine. I've done pretty well at that, but have definitely been dragged into senseless battles way too many times. I've had conflicts with people that could have been avoided if I'd just let things be. And some of the conflicts were nasty and ate at me inside for months. No good comes from that. I have a tendency to wants things "how they should be" read my way and often seek to improve them. I also have a problem when other people lie to me, it drives me crazy. When they do, I react poorly. I'm working on accepting the situation and moving on unless it's something that's really important. My way of reminding myself to do this is to look at my hand and say "Let me check my list of problems. Nope, that one's not on it." Because when it comes down to it, I have no real problems.

I see my last year as very much part of a process of adjustment to retirement, so there are no regrets, no particular pride, just a sense of movement and learning. I am pleased that I have pretty much got meditation back into my life, and that we are well settled into two new living places. I'm still working on getting enough exercise and time for the activities that most feed me - sewing and drawing. I am enjoying watching myself and trying to learn. For instance, I've learnt that with exercise I tend to dive in too fast and overdo. Several times in the last year I've done that - forgetting that I am now dealing with a 66 year old body that doesn't recover and repair as it used to - and so putting myself back to square one with injury or illness. So will I do better in the future? Well, I'll try to, that's the most I can promise. Time for sewing and drawing is more difficult as it more easily gets shelved for other things... as it always has. But, in the spirit of not overdoing, I am going to let that one take second place to the imperative to exercise. I want to feel that I've built mediation and exercise into my daily schedule, and then concentrate on time for my personally renewing sewing and drawing... Hmm - and is this just more of the same life pattern of putting my interests behind all the other necessaries? Maybe, but it also seems realistic, and part of the process of gradual adjustment to retirement. Will be interesting to see in another year where I am with this.

I wish i/we submitted our thesis paper on time or better, earlier. I'm proud of myself for finishing my first big cross-stitch project! :)

I'm proud that I lost 16 pounds. I've wanted to lose weight for a long time and never did, I mean I never even lost a pound. I just didn't really try. I don't feel that different...and I don't think I look that different either, which seems crazy to me. I would like to lose more, but now I am pregnant.

Part of me wishes I would have left my job sooner. I have been miserable for awhile but resolved to "stick it out" for about six more months. I was able to get something done but it was far less than I expected. Something I'm especially proud of is my book club. We've read great books and have had great speakers this year. I finally found a permanent spot to meet which makes everything easier for me and attendees. I've done a really good job of slowly improving the club every few months until we've gotten a really solid system.

No, there's nothing I wish I had done differently this past year. Maybe be more conscientious about good habits (that is, things I know I should do better). . . . And there's nothing I'm especially proud of from this past year. The only thing I can think of is that I spent some effort - from a distance - ensuring a friend did not stall his life, ensuring he moved on in a good direction, and he did. All I did was make sure he did. He really did it himself.

I am really proud of letting myself be depressed. It seems counter-intuitive but with the help of medication, therapy, yoga and meditation, I gave myself the gift of just being okay with being depressed. So whenever I was feeling ultra low, I could remind myself that I'm allowed to be like this and instead of going deeper down into the abyss, I was able to gently lift myself up. When you are honest with where you are in your life, life becomes a lot more easy to handle.

I would like to just be completely up front with the people in my life. I spend too much time worrying about reactions. I am proud of my work. Busy unpredictable year, handled well.

I wish I had traveled more this past year. Now that I live in New York, money is tight and things like vacations are probably going to be few and far between. I did travel to Aspen, CO, with my then-girlfriend and two friends this past summer. It was an amazing trip, but I'm especially proud that we hiked to the top of a mountain. Standing at the summit and looking back at what you did is one of the most euphoric feelings I've ever experienced. If you've never done this, get on it.

Differently: No. There's no way I could have reacted any better to the situations I was put in. Proud: Yes. I'm proud of my husband. He's really maturing into a wonderful man that I can trust. Our relationship is doing better than it ever has. I'm almost thankful for the horrible rough patch this summer...it taught us a lot. I'm proud of him.

I feel that I did not give much time to anyone. I spent most of my time in bed, not just because lack of energy and pain but mainly because I didn't want to talk to anybody. Tired of small talk, tired of lectures, of people's bad humor and temper. I started a work though that needed a big commitment of time and energy. I am happy for that. I am happy also that I ménage my house to be ready after years of renovations. I am happy that I took good care of my marriage and both our sons. I did everything that was in my power to help my oldest son to finish high school and start college. It was a lot of work on his side too. I wish I had taken better care of my friendships. Visited and laughter more and often. I feel a bit ashame of have built such a big house. More like a castle to seclude myself from the world.

So pleased to have finished novel Doing the final polishing at the moment and even if it doesn't get published I have still written it. Had a competition win 50 quid and a showcase and interview on the net.

I wish I had changed jobs in a different way. This has been a very expensive change for me, and I still haven't recovered from it. On the other hand, I'm quite happy with the way I'm starting to get along with my wife, and how we start making plans for the long term.

There are constantly little things I wish I'd done differently, and I try to rectify those things sooner rather than later. I guess I'm guardedly proud of my progress in doing that -- either swallowing my tongue and my pride when neither needs to be exhibited, or, when I fail at that, owning up to my errors rather than losing myself in a spiral of shame, self-justification and hubris. Progress is being made.

Yes, in a way. I wish I had allowed someone else to adopt Dakota (although I've fallen in love with him). He is a handful, and we cannot have visitors easily with him being as aggressive as he is. Plus Adam would have never been bitten by him, saving him (and us) the trauma. Alternatively, I am especially proud that we took the big chance of getting our jobs relocated to Sisters area so the we could sell the house in Roy, and live here in Sisters full time!

I wish I had given myself more time to write my thesis and that I had time to have more people look over it and help me edit. I am proud that I was able to finish my thesis and obtain my Master's though.

I wish I'd been more aggressive about finding a job before I got laid off. I'm proud that I actively pursued finding the love of my life, and that I didn't waste time moping over what didn't happen.

I wish that I hadn't ruined my friendship with Rachel Gilfarb by hooking up with her. And my proudest moment of this year is being able to inspire my campers at camp as a cit

I lost my temper a number of times this year. I have to keep working on that. And I also had moments of jealousy, something I REALLY want to purge myself of!

I was quite clear that I should not come to work at the job I chose for the summer but, seeing no other opportunity, I moved anyway. I knew if I just said no and waited, something else would appear but I was scared of staying in Portland and scared of having no income for awhile. The negative aspects of the job are exactly as I predicted. It is poorly managed and ineffectively operated. I am frequently frustrated by many elements of the work. However, it seems I had to come here for some reasons. I have learned that I can love freely and that it's ok and good and can be life affirming. I met some people who have positively influenced my life and who I hope to work with in the future.

Proud of continued singing in our choir of senior citizens , The Joyful Notes, which goes and performs at retirement communities, nursing homes etc and bring joy to many, and satisfaction to ourselves.

I wish I would have taken better care of myself health-wise. Simple, daily steps can make a huge difference. Is it right to say I am proud that I have been humbled, and glad to be there? It is a much better place than being so driven by ego.

I can't really think of much for either category. I feel like until I'm done with the tenure process, I'm kind of coasting. My husband's unemployment wore us out and I guess the 2 things would be: -- Wish we had saved a little money, but on the other hand, we survived and kept our house. -- Proud of supporting each other through that ordeal, proud of keeping our house, proud of my husband's efforts with his poetry/music venue, proud of his upcoming publication of his poetry, proud of my work with students ongoing, AND proud of my 2 publications supposedly coming out this Fall which I'm tired of waiting on, to see them! (chapter in a 3-vol. series; and entry in an encyclopedia on criminal justice)

I wish that I'd quit my job, because that fucking sucked. But, on the plus side, I'm glad I finally got laid.

I wish I could have been more successful in my weight loss/exercise plan. I have all of the knowledge. All of the tools. I just can't seem to get it together enough to see significant change. I am 36 and have diabetes. I want to have a baby in the next year or so and wanted to lose at least 25-40 pounds over the last year. I keep gaining and losing the same 5-7 pounds. I am proud of the commitment I have made to my step son. The time I put in with him on his homework and his sports. Just putting the phone/ipad down to listen to him talk about the silly things that happened during his day. It is important to me to listen. TO make eye contact. TO let him know that what he had for lunch is important to me, if it is important to him.

No answer

I wish I would have focused a little more on my weight gain. I am especially proud to have quit smoking cigarettes last year after an 11 year addiction. Unfortunately that came with a 15-pound gain that I am now trying to work on... No regret on quitting though; best feeling in the world is being smoke-free and unchained from the control of nasty cigarettes!

I am not a big believer of regret or changing what "has been", however I do wish that when I had decided to make a career transition, that I would have felt more grounded to have a solid discussion around what was not working for me and what I was looking for. I think that by having that, I could have landed in a new place with much more clarity and insight into what felt right for me.

I wish I had done more to deal with my own anxiety, like start a meditation practice. I wish I had learned to manage my rage better, and my emotional wounds (see above). I wish I had worked harder at my writing. I've become a more patient and tolerant dog mom. I have worked hard at my writing.

I wish I had broken up with Nathan sooner. I dragged that on for too long. I wish I had stayed in Sacramento for the summer, or moved to San Francisco even sooner. But I do not regret moving to San Francisco, even though it took me away from grad school. I'm proud of where I am right now, despite the fact I'm dirt poor. I bus from the gym to SoMa every morning, walk along skyscrapers with the throngs of three-piece suits. I am interning with a website, I come in and mingle with tech startups every morning, I get to do what I love. Hopefully it leads to even more great things.

I wish I had worried less this past year. My worrying is causing me to have high amounts of stress which is not healthy for me. It is hard to change your habits but even if I have one day where I worry less it is progress. I am proud of my new relationship, proud that I am able to let someone new in even though I have been hurt in the past.

I wish I had been a better student. I wish I had been more confident. I wish I hadn't let lies and stupid people convince me to let my guard down. I wish I had told people that I care about just how much they matter while I had the chance, instead of letting my insecurities win. I wish I hadn't used people's weaknesses to my advantage.

I wish I had been bolder. At work I let the attitude of my supervisor keep me down, when I should have been more assertive with my ideas and the value of my potential contributions. Instead the status quo persisted on some projects which does little for their long-term sustainabilty. I'm proud that I was bold. I tried new experiences this year and let myself explore my interests further. I tried dating, gardening, urban living, bicycling for miles at a time and on a highway, community building, late night dancing, creative endeavors, party hosting, new friend making, and more.

I wish I had immediately said "yes" more often rather than arguing/fighting different irrelevant issues just to maintain a false sense of control. I am getting better and continue to work on this, but still need a lot of work on "letting go".

I can't say that I wish I had done differently as that would put me in a different place than I am now. Maybe I would have been a bit more confident and proactive about applying for a new job. What I'm proud of is that I've really settled myself into this new country, learned a new language and now have a lovely network of friends and business contacts.

I wish I had paid better attention to my business, taken better care of my partners and ask for professional help. I am very happy the whole experience has magnified my faith in God and helped me appreciate my life even when it feels like the world is caving in. Its having break throughs instead of breakdowns!!

This past year I wish I had studied harder because I could have done better on my tests, and I would be doing better in some of my classes now, if I had been more studious last year.

I guess at the moment the thing that is most pressing on my mind is my job situation. Is there something I could have done differently to put me in a better position to currently be employed and not doing this activity from the assistant's desk in the Barbara Bella LA office? The answer really is "no". I have done my best with the information I had and that's all I can really ask of myself. Right now, I am in a loving, intimate, fulfilling relationship, I have food in my fridge, and although my bank account is quickly dwindling, I am doing all I can to make that part of me more attractive. I'm trying my best. And that's what I'm most proud of. I had that conversation with Sebastian Grubaugh a few weeks ago at the Starbucks near USC about how this recession hit in our early/mid 20's when generations and cohorts past have just been establishing themselves in their careers. This shit's slow going and I feel like I've really spent the past two years doing what I can to counteract that. I'm working with what I've got. We see others highlight reels and compare it to our behind-the-scenes.

I don't know if there is anything that I wished I had done differently other then listening to and trusting my gut feelings. However, I feel that by going through what I went through I came out the other end with a better understanding of who I am as a person, what my needs are, and when someone shows you their true colors believe them. I am proud that I took a risk by quitting my job to pursue my artistic dreams. While I have lost people from my life, I have been blessed with amazing opportunities and have connected with other artists in a way that would never have been possible last year.

I wish that I had been more honest with everyone about my financial issues. I woud have saved a lot of time being honest I am proud of the fact that I finally came clean and stopped spending money. I think that this is the most significant thing I have ever done as I can shake the shopping habit. I will stop spending over 300,000 per year on nothing! I will save the money and have a nest egg

I wish I had been more motivated to get things done. Spent way too much time on the internet.

I did a very good job as Lodge Secretary. I have given in 100%. Alternatively, I would not have taken the office if I had had that choice.

I wish I had been less selfish. I wish I had been less scared. I should have said "I love you" more often.

I handled the difficult situation of my work transition well. I'm glad I gave my partner the chance to get sober and be honest and I'm sorry that my partner chose to betray the trust of my children and myself.

I am proud of the way I've been steering my family in troubling times, to show strength in spirit especially for my children (young adults). I believe that it will help them as they mature.

There is nothing I regret but I did things that I now know not to repeat in the future. One of them being that my will power is to weak, and I fall into submission with peer-pressure very easily. In addition, I spent way too much time pretending and playing different roles, I need to learn to develop ME into one well rounded person, rather than having eight alter egos. I also had a hard time with feeling emotion-- especially joy and love- but music and poetry have sufficiently helped so I want to continue to enrich my creative side-- understanding that it is the outlet to my inner soul. There are countless deeds I committed that have made me ultimately proud of myself. I feel accomplished to have made such a big turn around academically in such a short period of time. Who would have ever even considered a kid like me, almost last place in class rankings would make it at Morehouse College as one of the future prodigies. Its all in the work of god and like i said, everything happens for a reason. I just really really really want to learn what it means to be humble and patient, I dont want to become arrogant as I begin to gain new knowledge and evolve on the ladder of life. I dont want to think that because I am making money and receiving all these honors, that I am, at all any better then anyone else.

I wish I had stayed more active while I was pregnant. Starting from scratch while trying to lose baby weight sucks!!

i wish i had not spent 10$ on donuts and smoothies on saturday when i got stoned with H and C and S. i am especially proud of remaining a virgin so i can be a nun to the ghost of satan and jesus' sperm xoxo

I wish I'd kept my rather lofty New Year's resolution. I'm proud of the way I've handled myself in one particularly challenging situation, and I'm proud of the way our family continues to bond, share, and love.

I wish I had been more patient - with my students, my family and with strangers. This is my goal for this year - patience and trying to be compassionate as my gut response, rather than the one I have to work towards.

There really isn't anything I would have done differently this year, other than find a better paying job. That's seems like it's never going to happen. I'm proud of my wife. She has managed to find a job that keeps us afloat. I know it's not her dream job, but she rarely complains about it.

My grandson Stephen Joseph was born this past year. I was present at his birth, I have never felt a prouder moment than to be with my daughter as my grandson entered this world. To "present" Stephen at his Bris was amazing.

I am pretty happy with what I have done this year. I wish I had made more progress with my welding skills.

I am learning how to cook, and it makes me proud because it provides me with more independence.

I wish that I wouldn't have taken for granted the job opportunities that had been available to me in October. I wish that I never would have gotten involved with Cody. I am proud that I have been doing well at my job and hopefully by this time next year, I will have a promotion. After reading my answers from last year, I am proud that I was able to lose ten pounds. Hopefully this time next year I will not be just talking about getting a new job or moving into a new place, but actually on the road to doing so.

It's tough to say if I wish I had done something differently, because looking back on who I was 12, 6, or even 3 months ago I know all the things I did reflected who I was, and in some sense, who I am. There might be some negative things said and done, but those led to what God taught me over the course of the year. I guess I would have to say, no, I wouldn't, because I couldn't. Life is, not was. I guess I can't say that either. I just know that I serve an all powerful, all loving God, and He desires me.

Not spent so much time on playing games on the Internet. At age 91 kept up with music,literature,news of day,politics and the wonderful world around me.

yes. i wish i had the fortitude to figure out what i'm doing with you know who. sometimes i desperately want her in my life and others...i don't want to be anywhere near her. i think i know it's best to not be with her but, i can't seem to shake loose of her.

I wish I had handled a difficult situation with one of my best friends. Instead of pointing to her failings in the same area that she criticized me, I should have searched for an alternate response. I'm proud that I was able to turn my negative energy into the positive and land a job.

I have determined to return to school this year and begin the process of recareering. I have let the year slide by without acting on this desire. I do wish that I had moved forward with this goal - but I have not given up on this goal. I have remained tuned to my wished and I have worked independently on the item. So I am proud that I have kept the dream alive - now I need to work on the reality.

I wish I had been more careful in comments made and especially in negotiating the sale of the store. I was impetuous and wound up selling it for considerably less than it should have sold for. My husband is forgiving, but it may be something on which I dwell for many years. In the long run, it probably won't make much a difference in our lifestyle, but it is still painful that I was so careless. Also, my relationship with my sister has continued to deteriorate. We have each made mistakes and on a recent trip to NY, my reasons for lack of contact with her were reaffirmed. I am sure she feels the same way, too. Very sad.

I wish I could be more focused on my job. As sleep deprivation builds up after having a baby last December, I can feel my focus and drive slipping. My career is such an important part of my identity, not doing my best at work is really impacting my sense of who I am. Of course my daughter is my #1 priority in life, but I wish I could be a better employee while still being a good mother.

Life is too uncertain for regrets. I don't wish anything differently. I am proud of how much I accomplished this past year in my novel, however. I was able to finish the first draft, revise and edit it, then finish the second draft all within the year. Considering it took my forever to officially write the first draft, I'm very pleased with the progress of my writing.

There is one thing I wish I had done differently. During our move I wish I had not said things that made my daughters feel unhappy. Making not so silent coments about their father did not make any of us feel better about the inconvience of this move. On the other hand I am proud that for the most part I have not made too many negative comments about their father during this divorce proceeding.

As usual, I wish I had treated my body better and not abused it into gaining weight. I'm not sure when I will stop having that wish. However, I'm equally proud of supporting myself over the whole year until I found work. I may have just barely made it each month, but I found work every month to pay the bills. Its a good feeling.

There are many things I wish I had done differently this past year. I often say things I regret afterwards. I am pretty aware of most of these. Something I did right this year was to ask for help in cleaning my house -- I was a mid-level hoarder and almost never cleaned. I did not let most people into my house because I was very embarrassed about the shape of my home. With a great deal of help my home is now clean. I feel better just walking through it. One of my nieces and nephews visited for a few days and I was grateful to welcome them with joy rather than embarrassment. Tonight I am fixing a birthday dinner for one of my closest friends. What a change to be excited about having company.

I guess I just wish I would have let the people that cared about me get closer to me. I pushed a lot of people away so that I could continue a lonely and dangerous lifestyle. I let the depression take over. I should have let people in and listened when people told me I needed to get help and get healthy. I lost a lot of friends and a lot of time.

The first thing I want to say in response to this question is that I'm not one to live a life of regrets, so I rarely think in terms of "How could I have done that differently?" However, one thing I wish I had done more is to better manage my time and my expectations. As a high achieving young adult I have a tendency to fill my day with what feels like a thousand commitments, running from one dinner to a volunteer event then a coffee date with an old acquaintance. I also am like Obama (just read the NYT DNC profile on him) in that I tend to have idealistic expectations and expect that once people just "talk to each other more" they are likely to change or think harder about their own prejudices. Unfortunately, this really is not the case in life; but I don't know if I am learning that so much from experience so much as from hearing about others' experiences. Oh, and I wish I were more self-loving (but that's just a lifelong struggle, not specific to this year).

Some people (family, coworkers, students...) pay attention to things that I say, and I don't always keep what I say at a level that deserves that. That's actually too mild a formulation. I have criticized sometimes with a hatchet instead of a scouring pad, and for people that care about my criticism that's horribly damaging. Now and then there is a good side to this: I can do something tiny and easy, and the fact that people are paying too much attention makes it into something better than it is. I brought my sister-in-law a sandwich at lunch before her husband's funeral (a sandwich made with ingredients assembled by other people: this was REALLY small potatoes). Because her kids were paying attention to me, they saw it as their mother being cared for, and it meant something to them. So maybe next year I should make more sandwiches and pontificate less. We'll see.

Done Differently: I wish I had stood up for myself more. I am more forthright than I used to be, but I let certain people in my life run me over. I need to work on standing my ground and defending myself. Proud: going to NYC for two weeks completely alone, getting off all medications, beginning my last year in my masters program, surviving my divorce and coming out a better, stronger person.

What I wish I had done differently is return to the work force and pay back some debt. It is a great source of concern. In contrast, I have addressed ALL the other areas of my life and have laid a strong foundation of progress.

Held my tongue and my monkey mind and listened more. I am especially proud of bearing witness with patients in times of great emotional need.

I don't know if there's anything I would have done differently. I don't have any major regrets, and I guess that's a good thing! Something I'm proud of is that I am becoming more and more sure of myself & also learning how strong I am. I am proud of who I am.

I am very proud of all my hard work. I did my best, and gave it all i had to offer. Logistically, I might have done a few things to make my life easier and not try to do too much, but I have focused on living my life as my best self. I think i might have behaved a bit better in my relationship with my girlfriend and we are working on that stuff together. But I am proud of my hard work, especially because it has paid off in so many respects. In the biggest respect, i am able to be proud of myself and doing my work coming from a place of honesty and good intention. No one can take that away from me. It is easier when the rewards are tangible, but even when they are not, i will always have this clear sense of self guiding me, and drawing to me the people that I need in my life.

I am proud of taking a leadership role in two charitable Organizations - one dealing with kids and the Other with adults.

Something I wish I had done different were to be more commited to organizing my time and space. In college, its evermore crucial to be organized so that yo dont lose anything and become stressed if you can not find something. I am proud of the fact that my younger brother has a small job through his school and is working. Anytime I see a form of independence from him I feel much happier about the future.

In this past year I wish I didn't bring my long board to a party I went to cause it got stolen and that was 280$ out of my pocket .

There is something I wish I had done differently everyday but I would like to try to approach that from the perspective of a learning opportunity rather than understanding it as a regret. This year I think I spent too much time thinking I was doing without actually doing much. I need to be more active in securing my own future. I need to identify things that I enjoy doing and then do them on my own initiative if I so desire. I am particularly proud of my decision and follow through on my trip to India. I did the whole thing on my own and did almost exactly what I wanted. I want to be more decisive and active more frequently.

I wish I had balanced everything I love more successfully. I was always very good at this, but my enormous commitments caught up with me this year and I lost track of some things. I completed everything and nothing was a huge disaster, but nothing was quite as successful as I wanted it to be. I don't ever want to have to choose between my various passions, but I have to be able to switch my focus on each of them easily so I can participate without overwhelming myself. That being said, I am extremely proud of all I have accomplished this year. I have made a lot of headway in each of my activities, growing them in the directions they ought to be grown in. I have laid a foundation and vision for each of them, so others can follow in my footsteps or so that I know where I am going from now on.

I wish I'd been a bit more proactive about certain things, but on the whole I'm proud of how I've managed to grow this year. It's been an insanely busy year, and I've handled it better than I ever thought I could.

My life's pretty awesome right now. There might be small things I'd change, but really, I'd be afraid that doing anything differently wouldn't lead me to right here. I'm still pretty proud of the play I wrote as my final project for Political Theater last semester. Hopefully Future Julia still likes that one in a year.

I don't really think there is anything that I've done this year that I wish I did differently. I'm actually okay with the choices I've made this year - both bad and good. Conversely, I think the thing I'm most proud of is how I've handled transitioning into a new city and also dealing with a break-up. I feel like I could have easily fell apart and given up, but I didn't at all and I really made efforts to build a social life and to also put myself out there dating-wise. I'm pretty happy how things have turned out. Sure I could improve some things, making new friends for instance, but I'm happy with how things are going thus far - after all - these things take time.

I wish i would have stopped being angry, petty and been more reflective to what was going on. My inaction and procrastination costs me dearly.

I don't really wish I had done anything differently. While there was a lot of things that were upsets, such as not working as the LD of any of the shows at my high school, overall I've had a really great year. I am really proud of my accomplishments with the Science Olympiad team, and winning the Dedication Award. I will always look at that and smile, because it just makes me know that I've done something really impressive and that I know that I put a lot of work to whatever I do.

I wish I had focussed on my health, last year and before ... I am proud that I have now started to address warning signs before they lead to full-bblown infirmities. I want to be around for my children, and their children, for as long as God will let me ... and ignoring how I'm mistreating the gifts that God gave me is not a smart way to be.

There is so much I'm proud of! How I engaged in the process of my surgery and healing w/ openess and willingness; that I taught what is hopefully my first graduate school course; that I bought a home and that I brought my sister and her son closer to our family.

Proud- the working out, even bought myself a bicycle for my birthday. Despite having hurt my shoulder last year, I feel a lot stronger and physically I feel better. I even went out every day and walked/ran 4+ miles at the farm. :-) I am starting to put up food for the winter- canning and freezing. Wish I'd done differently? lots of things. I wish I'd become more efficient at work since I am still spending too much time working on things and stressing about them. That is very upsetting. Wish I'd had more progress in establishing a network of friends. Will put more effort into this.

My first thought was that I wished I had lied on the witness stand! But really I'm proud that I lived my principles - even if it really sucks! I'm not big on regrets but I do know I could work harder on the business. While I'm quite pleased with what we have accomplished in just a short period of time, I've missed opportunities because I haven't been focused or aggressive or organized or disciplined or collaborative with my partner. I've got to be less controlling and just ACT. Do what you can, where you are, with what you have! (So sayeth the sage Teddy Roosevelt.)

I wish I had spent less money on frivolous things. I wish I had applied for business funding as soon as we opened our business, and not waited. I wish I had gotten into more dance classes so I was in better shape when the show closed. But really it was such a great year. I'm really proud that we eliminated our debt, even if we immediately went back into debt for the business. I think we did it right with how we got married and the trip we took with the kids afterward. I think we've done a lot of things right. I wish I could stop getting so frustrated when things are hard, I wish I could relax and really trust that if we just do our part everything will work out. But I find that very difficult. I wish I could make it to being my best self more often.

I wish I had done a number of things differently. I wish I had recognized by loss of self and my own instincts and needs sooner and not judged myself so harshly after. I wish I said no. I wish I trusted myself and my feelings more. I wish I had detached from my husband during our trip to Europe, and not allowed the hurt feelings to intrude into my trip. But I am proud that I was able to detach some of the time, and that I enjoyed and loved being with my boys. I wish I took more time to see the moments, and less time worrying about the future and ruminating over the past. I wish I spoke my true mind more openly with friends. I am proud of the Isle of Skye hike I did with my family, clinging to the heather, and reaching the stormy summit. I am proud of my decision to go forward with a surgery that caused a lot of anguish in my family. I am healthier for it. I am proud of my work with clients, and with my artwork.

I'm proud of the way I taught myself to be disciplined and focused. When I was younger, I didn't have the ability to push myself to succeed. Now I do- which has led to a lot of good things this past year.

I'm very proud that I earned induction into Phi Theta Kappa! I'm working hard at getting my Web Design degree and that hard work has paid off! Too, I'm quite proud of how well I've done managing my son's high school PTO website this year. It's invaluable experience that I'll be able to use to get the AWESOME job I know I'll get soon in Web Design/Development!!

I wish I had spent more time with my family. I wish I had spent more time at the beach.

It was a great year for me. In October, I was blessed to start a great job, with a great company (Hess Corporation), working alongside great people. It's been hard work to get acclimated, integrated and up to speed, but I think I've been able to contribute and make a difference. I am proud of that. But what I am most proud of is all the hard work I did over the past three years bringing together my classmates from the High School of Music & Art. All the hard work paid off in a reunion weekend in June of love, joy and mutual support. I know I made my classmates very happy and that means the world to me.

I am especially proud of throwing Josh and Sarah a lovely engagement party in which everyone seemed to have a nice time. Sarah and Josh definitely got the message that their commitment is a real thing in our community. I am especially proud of telling Josh's mom that I wasn't worried about Sarah because I knew that she was with Josh. Things that I wish I had done differently: not scraped up the side of my car by misjudging an angle, figured out a way to diffuse some of Clare's anger towards me. Taking her to Israel was a nice reprieve but did not prevent the condition from recurring. Have never really addressed Sarah's resentments, either.

i wish i had not backed into my husband's car sitting in the driveway. no damage to his car, but when i heard the crunch noises, i slowly pulled away without getting out of my car to check first, and ended up breaking the bumper cover off of my car's rear end, which had interlocked with the edge of his bumper. almost entirely preventable. i could have used that $600 for better things. i am proud of the way i researched a home improvement project before presenting it to my husband for next year's budget, so that i had most of the facts straight when the questions began.

I'm really proud of the fact that I finished going to school and got my certificate. I went to school, worked my f/t job and I also took on a p/t job in the industry that I was studying. I balanced all three for several months. It was tough, challenging and exhausting, but I'm glad I did it and have no regrets!

I find it really hard to wish that I had done something differently, since it's over and done with, and the only thing I can do is try to be a better person in the year to come. So, I will go with the alternative question. I am proud that I was able to inspire a future generation of young Jewish leaders.

I wish my dental practice had thrived, and I'm not sure what I did wrong. I also wish for more patience. I'm proud that I acted quickly enough to stave off disaster practice-wise, but is it enough?

Finally lost the extra weight and get out of credit card debt. I just wish I could be more strong willed to make a change...these have been my wishes for too long. It is time to make them happen!

no, cometí los mismos errores, me dejé llevar por la situación y no puse freno a la realidad.

I don't know what I would have done differently this past year as it was a year of growth and learning after my husband passed away. I am especially proud of picking myself up, dusting myself off and getting on with the rest of my life.

I wish I had worked more quickly and more consistently in cleaning out my house and preparing to move. If I had I would have been able to spend some quality time with friends before moving. I am very proud of the purging of my home that I did get done. I am also very proud of how the tip to NY panned out. Traveling with Lauren was terrific and I feel like I had a part in what she called "an epic adventure" which culminated with both Lauren and Brian meeting their father for the first time ever! I guess that is EPIC.

This summer I went to Europe for 6 weeks with my best friend and I am very proud to say that after spending that whole time with her and only her, day in and day out, I am still best friends with her. :) We had our struggles, disagreements, and arguments, but we still absolutely love each other to this day. I am proud that we overcame our issues and survived this trip and stayed friends, even though the odds were against us! :)

I wish I had seen trouble coming earlier, and headed it off at the pass, in several situations. On the other hand, I am proud that I stuck it out to the end, and, I hope, learned from what I did. There were a few very dark patches, but I scraped through and even reached out to other people, something I didn't used to do.

I'm proud of my weight loss. I've worked hard and it has not been easy at any point, but my results are evident. I've been able to replace most of my clothes with smaller sizes I wasn't sure I'd ever see. And I did it with my own willpower and own success. No program, no drugs, no nothing except my own counting of calories and learning about what my body needs to sustain and nourish itself. 40 lbs. in 8 months. Next up is a year of maintenance and then perhaps an additional 10-15 lb loss if possible.

There is a lot I wish I had done differently. But most of it has to do with one person- Hunter, my most recent ex-boyfriend. Hell, I'm still doing things I wish I was doing differently when it comes to him. I don't know why he has such a hold over me but I have a weakness and I don't know that I like the girl I am being when it comes to him. I let him get away with so much and yet, I'm still there waiting around for him to decide he really does want to be with me. I can deny that I'm waiting for him and I'm getting pretty good at pretending I don't still love him but the truth is that all I want is for him to tell me he loves me too... I can't believe my answers all 3 years I've been doing 10q have somehow or another related to a guy. This guy is different though and I hope that by next year I'll be able to say we're happy. Or I'll be happy alone or with someone else, I just don't want these lingering feeling of longing of him. Alternatively, despite my answer to question 1, I am proud of the way I've been handling the mess with my sister. I am proud of the fact that I have remained the bigger person, I have not hit her, I have not been vengeful, I have not hurt her the same way she did me. I know I haven't handled it perfectly but I know I could have done things much worse.

This year I forgave the people in my life who broke my heart. It took a measure of strength I didn't know I was capable of, but brought with it a freedom I have never before experienced. I'm proud that I was able to rise up and be the person I've always wanted to be.

I wish I could have done more to make new friends. I am in college now but sometimes I feel like a little fish in a huge ocean. The world around me some times seems secluded where only the insiders know the jokes. I wish I could have taken more initiative to know more people. Although I fear the rejection, that is why I don't partake as often as I should. Rather, I should be confronting this fear and be able to make friends. I wish I could have made new friends. I know its never too late to start, but I should have done that when I had a chance.

we started a company this year that i am very proud of

I'm proud that I've been making conscious decisions to be be more aware of and challenge many of the self-limiting fears that I feel could be inhibiting my ability to allow greater affluence into my life, not just on the material plane but also in the relational and spiritual realms as well

I am not proud of anything in the past year. I regret going to shibaricon, summer event, defcon - i didn't have fun and wasted vacation time. Being in Chicago though was a mixed blessing, I got to meet I <3 teas and see ORD datacenter. I wish I had seen Dea and more of Rachel while in the area. I wish I had gone to the TX ten faire while I was there.

I can't really think what I could have done differently this year, lack of money has slowed me down in many ways. Perhaps I could have spent more time on my photography and more time learning to play the piano and be getting somewhere by now. I'm proud of finally getting fit though. Getting stronger.

I wish I had done more. I still wish I would do more now, & probably will continue to wish for that until something finally motivates me to change it. I feel like I haven't experienced nearly enough for my age. I shouldn't compare myself to others but that is very difficult to do these days, especially for a 20-something. But I am trying. It's just hard. I'm proud of the fact that I have a job, at least.

I wish I had know how to not only to accept an apology but could get to "forgive".

I would of liked to have been more proactive for my summer job search. I would of liked to have accessed my needs in a more realistic way. Those needs being relaxation and financial support. I ended up having to resign from my summer job because my health was directing me to. But because of what happened I got to be challenged with the experience of dealing with my spiritual world integrating with my reality . My back was communicating how I needed to get myself out of the current relationship with my job. I ended up feeling my own sense of responsibility with myself and owning my own feelings . I am also proud how I handled myself and others in a diplomatic way, where I felt true to myself and respected others reality. I learned that I need to show others my vulnerabilities so they can respect me when I am meeting my own needs. I find myself being more cool headed in looking at situations and catching myself to maintain a rational approach to dealing with others and myself. I now find myself listening to my body and responding faster and taking proactive steps to change the circumstances towards a positive direction. These proactive steps are small but I can see how they are contributing to my future endeavors and desires. Even looking back to my fast experiences, they have accumulated to mean something. I am proud of this higher level of acceptance from myself. My full acceptance is here.

I wish I'd completed college. Life is very hard without the degree even though I know I'm as smart as a college grad. I was such a mess at 18, but I wish my parents had lived long enough to shame me into completing college. While my life isn't bad, I do think it would have been less of a struggle if I had just laid off the partying a little and finished. However, I do blame part of my inability to finish college on my shyness which lead me down the path of heavy drinking in order to be social. I should have just excepted my inner introverted nerd like I do now. Oops wrong answer from the past year. Wish I had the guts to quit my job and find one that is less miserable.

I exerted great patience in the home search and purchase process, it has been a long time with many sudden stops, false starts and wretched disappointments. At last we are coming close to having a new home where can work together to customize it and make it truly our own.

I am especially proud of having used a serious injury to make beautiful changes in my life.

I wish I was more open in a real sense - I still close off my deeper self and the people I love don't get what they need. Especially Reggie. I wish I had made progress this last year in showing her how much i love her. I wish I was better at letting people know how much I value them.

I wish I had taken my yoga practice more seriously, but in the end it was good to cancel the membership since I'm now in a new pay schedule that doesn't accommodate extra bills. I hope to start practicing at home soon. I'm proud of the evolution of my thinking and learning new ways to keep growing and get past minor issues that may have been interpreted as big issues in the past.

I'm proud that I have made it through the past year, that I have battled on when at times I have not wanted to keep on. I don't think I could have done anything differently. I have done what was necessary both in sorting finances/the house/estate/kids and coping with the grief, the sadness of losing Pat.

i wish i had prrioritized me time more and work less. while i was really enjoying work and didn't mind putting in the extra hours, I could have done more on the socializing with friends front or the dating front.

There are always things that hindsight makes me wish I done differently. But I have to remember that I can't spend my time living in the past. Learn from the past, for sure, but don't spend your life worrying about it. Think about the future.

I'm proud of the writing I've done this year. I wish I'd spent more time reading.

I wish I hadn't wasted so much time beating myself up. Sometimes that seems like the only thing I am adept at, but, in the end, it is a complete waste of time as it does not bring about improvement or a sense of peace.

I wish I had spent less time in a the realm of can'ts and shouldn'ts and more in the realm of possibility. I spent a lot of time in this past year in my dark spaces, feeling resentful, judgmental and left out. What a horrible waste of my time!

Very proud I've been to Mexico on my own and learnt that fear is something to be overcome, not dictate what you can't do, that I can change my reality by travel (no ned to be trapped or bored in my life) and that I love my family, friends and home. Proud that I've mae progress at work and coe to terms with my job. Working hard but not resenting it. Wish I had stopped comunicating with ex sooner.

No, there's nothing I would've done differently this year. I'm happy to say that I've lived and acted completely according to my values for everything I can recall. I am proud however, that in an exceptionally "down" time I was able to stand up and turn it around for the better.

Within this past year, I had done something that I never thought that I would, or could, do. Back in the end of May 2012, I read a poem that I had written to my next door neighbor, whom I've lived next to for the last 10 years. I've always liked her, but I never had the. Confidence or self esteem to even hold a legitimate conversation with her. When I finally read her that poem, which expresssed my feelings about her and how I perceived our friendship and such to be, I felt like I had climbed and conquered a mountain of a goal. I was shaking physically and mentally as I read her my poem. I would look up at her from reading the poem every now and then to make eye contact. When I would, I could see that she was surprised and somewhat emotional that I decided to read this to her out of nowhere. After I read it, she had trouble finding the words to say, she was shaking as much as I was. When I went back home, I felt amazing, but then she knocked on the door (something she's only done 2-3 times in the past ten years) asking me if I could send her the poem. That surprised me. She actually wanted to have a copy of the poem herself! I felt like I was on could nine. In the end was was proud of myself and my confidence to have done such a thing. I had created a memory for me to keep for the rest of my life. It was a moment that I'll never forget. And judging by my neighbor's response, I don't think it's a moment she will ever forget either. If we ever forget everything about each other down the road in our lives, I know we will never forget that one moment in time at the end of May 2012

I wish this past year that I could have been responsible and self-aware enough to have prevented my self-destructive habits from negatively impacting the lives of those around me.

I wish I had been more pro-active. Although not young, and against a background of children now flown the nest, I've decided that "semi retired" is a misnomer not a badge of honour. So, having spent this morning in Synagogue thinking, and listening to a fairly "in your face" sermon, I've decided to make a lsit. The list will be 5 achievable goals. Proud? You bet. I'm proud of the way both my children have developed in their chosen profession, even against a difficult economy.

Haber hecho mi tesis del Máster. No haber dejado mi curso de Japonés.

I am proud of the fact that I got help this year... It is something I should have done years ago, but could never work up the nerve to do. I'm not happy with the way things ended with Sarah, but I think I'm probably better off without her. And now I'm with someone different... I'm not sure if it's the best relationship... it definitely has it's flaws. I guess I just don't want to make the same mistakes in this relationship...

It's the same thing every year since my injury: I wish I'd spent more time outside with my youngest daughter. I wish I was healthier and able to. In fact, I wish that either I was finally truly healthy and feeling good enough to LIVE or that I were dead. I don't want to continue in this way. I long for the sweet release of death. The only question is what would be worse for my family: my death or my continuing semi-existence? I know that most of them would shake it off quickly, and maybe be grateful. Not as grateful as I will be when death comes for me, but they'll be pretty relieved. My youngest may be crushed, though. A few more years of growing up, though, and I assume she'll despise me as much as my eldest. Then I could definitely die in peace without really hurting anyone very much. Probably should make it look like an accident, just to be safe. I'm proud of nothing I've done. I've accomplished almost nothing in my life--certainly nothing of any consequence to the world. I regret nearly every decision I can remember making in my life. I've also nearly lost my eldest daughter. Her resentment against me grows every day. I don't even care at this point. She has attained the rank of nearly everyone else from my life: FUCK 'EM. Or is that me trying to protect myself from more pain?

Yes, my in person interactions with some of my co-workers could have been better. There have been times when I've discounted what it is that they've had to say and haven't listened to them as I could have.

I've accomplished a lot this year. I finally moved into my own place. I remember last year saying that I hope by the time I read my answers I'd be more stable. I even got a new job with the government this year with a nice salary to go with it. I can honestly say that I am in a MUCH better place emotionally. I remember this time last year I was so depressed and just didn't know where life was going. But when I stepped out on my faith, everything just fell right into place. The only thing I wish I did differently and still struggle to do is to stop acting before I evaluate a situation. I've seen a lot of my relationships and friendships end because of my vulgar and/or belligerent mouth. I hope when I'm reading this next year that I've grown to curtail my emotions. I feel like my attitude has definitely hindered me in a lot of ways. It's time for me to grow up in all areas of my life. I've overcome so much. I just wanted to be a better person, and not a taboo like I've been before. Wow, can't believe I'm admitting all of this :-)

If I could have done something differently, it would have been to take only one summer class. If I had taken one instead of two, I might not have had to medically withdraw. Either way, it's not that big of a deal. I am proud of myself for handling all of the challenges that came my way. I had so much happen to me this year, it's hard to believe I survived it! I had my gallbladder removed, got the shingles, got bronchitis and a sinus infection, and had to work on top of completing 100 hours at my practicum site. Also, I had to teach sexual education to high school students. It was a pretty crazy year. However, I think I learned a lot about what I am capable of and how strong I truly am.

I am proud of the fact that I was very diligent about getting a job in my chosen field. I'm glad I didn't compromise and take a position outside of librarianship.

I wish I had been more patient with spiritual growth. I pushed myself too hard and forgot how to relax and enjoy the growth process until health problems forced me to slow down. I am proud that I learnt from my mistake and now trust the process. I still work towards growth but try to relax and enjoy the ride.

I'd like to think that everything that happened in the past was meant to happen, and doing something differently would change where I am right now. But, of course there are things I regret. Keeping a toxic friendship. Drinking too much. Not letting people in. At the same time, however, I'm proud of myself for overcoming these things. Not drinking. Letting go of unhealthy friendships. Overcoming depression and anxiety. I'm proud of myself for becoming an all-around much happier and optimistic person.

I wish I could go back to any time I raised my voice in anger when speaking to my kids. I would take a breath, turn away, collect myself, remember their ages, remember my age, and simply keep myself from yelling.

I am sitting here trying to think of something I wish I had done differently this year. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I know that doesn't mean I haven't done things I regret. But, maybe whatever they are I don't wish I had done differently? Maybe however I handled them pushed me on the path to where I am today. Proud? Well, I said yes to being invited to being on a board, even though the thought of it scares me. I have no professional background, no business skills. But, as someone said, "they wouldn't have asked you if they didn't think you had nothing to contribute". I feel it's a challenge for my 40th year. Ready to be and do grown up things.

I'm proud of increasing my maturity level this year. I feel I really grew from being a naive teenager to taking the next step to becoming an adult. I realized that I was getting older, and soon, I'd be out on my own. I'd always been aware that my future was approaching, but this year I took that realization seriously and decided to step up to be my best self. I think I've represented myself in the best way this year, better than I ever have before.

I think I am especially proud of some of the work I have produced this year. Be they video projects I've produced or giving a presentation to a crowd having never done that before, to writing an article about that same presentation to have it published soon. Those are things I'm proud of. Things I wish I'd done differently would be that I wish I hadn't wasted as much time online as I have.

I wish I'd done less drinking, more working out and a little more work. Also I wish I had done a better job of doing things outdoors.

I wish I would have lived more this past year. As a matter of fact I wish I have lived more PERIOD. I am proud that I decided to give love a chance.

I wish that I had made more of an effort to be social. I like down time, but when I get too much down time I start to feel lonely and depressed. I also wish that I had looked more into finding a job that has more potential for me to learn. I'm proud of myself for telling my boyfriend how I feel and working on communicating. I want to be able to communicate well with everyone in my life both socially and professionally. Things can get lost and confused when you don't communicate and I let that happen too often.

While there are things I wish I had been able to do differently, I am coming to accept the fact that I can't always do things in the way I want...but have to do the things my body allows for. Acceptance is powerful, but darned hard to do...

I wish that I had budgeted for school a little better, saved more money, and pushed my kids a bit more to be responsible for themselves. I am proud that I have completed 18 hours of grad school in a year and have just 12 more to go.

If I could do things over again I might have tried to be much quicker about things with my father's estate. Grieving my Father's passing has been very tough. I took my time with some things pertaining to his estate. The big I took time was going through his belongings. I had the help of my mother. At times though I felt like we were the only ones doing things. We got through a lot with the help of family. Ultimately we were able to come together to finish a lot of the job. I could have asked for more help but I didn't. I feel like I was reluctant because of the response I received on more than a few occasions in the last year. Family didn't seem willing to commit to anything. There was a reluctance on my part. Fear and sadness took over at times and it made it hard to get things done. Had I been quicker I might have been able to save some time and money. Even though I'm regretful about how I handled things. I still feel proud to have accomplished all those things that I did. Adminstrating an estate has probably been one of the biggest tasks I've done in a long long time. It makes me proud to know that I could do the things my dad asked me to do. It affirms that he trusted me and saw something in me that told him I was the right person for the job.

Yes, I wish I had followed through with separation from my husband. I feel very stuck.

I wish i hadn't failed my driving test for the second time and that i had stopped at the place where i failed it ¬¬ However i am especially proud of myself for achieving a distinction* at the end of my 1st year of college :D

I wish I had taken more risks and filled my time with more exciting things. I already regret the inactivity more than any possible negative consequence. I wish I had devoted a lot more time and effort to find financial aid at the three grad schools that accepted me, rather than take the first full offer that came my way. Perhaps I could have gotten the same assistantship at RPI, and my career would be on a different course. I wish I had spent more time visiting friends and family, and less looking for work. I wasted a lot of precious time hunting for a job that wasn't there, and flaked out on a few get-togethers that I'll really wish I hadn't, later on. I wish I had kissed her, that last night in San Francisco. When we stood on the rooftop under the stars, or when we rode the elevator 17 stories in a hotel we sneaked into, or sitting on a bench in the middle of the city next to the fountain. That ship's sailed now, and I should probably stop fooling myself. I'm never too proud of myself, but I have to admit I'm very glad that I've learned to be self-sufficient and that I'm coming to terms with the concept of happiness as a choice.

Last year I think I could have deffinately slept more, and I am very proud of how good im doing in the vet program and class (at least at the moment).

I wish I had been able to spend more time on a day to day basis with my husband and son. Basically I wish I had a better work-life balance. I am very proud of how I have built my business into something very successful with plenty of momentum this year.

I am TOTALLY proud that I auditioned for a band. Even when it looked like I would not get the gig, I was proud of myself for trying, knowing that I might fail. This is a huge departure for me. And now that I got the gig, I feel like I will grow even more through performing. Being willing to go out of my comfort zone--a.k.a. being willing to try and to fail--that is a big deal for me.

I started a blog called The Beet-Eating Heeb which has grown in readership. It's mainly about the Jewish theology of veganism.

Last year I was able to donate bone marrow in an attempt to save a 14 your old boy's life as he is fighting cancer. I think the ability for me to do this has been one of the proudest events in my life and only exceeded by having three wonderful kids of my own.

Nothing immediately, or even after some reflection, leaps to mind in either category and I must pose my own question Why Is This? I do not want to believe that it is self-satisfaction in the first instance any more than I want to believe that it is humility in the second. It may be that my life, after more than a few years, has achieved something akin to a level trajectory and that, in the past year at least, it has not been remarked by anything particularly significant in either of the categories. I believe that, if so, this is not particularly either good or bad, but merely is. Perhaps acceptance is the answer this year.

Yes, I wish I had acted more dispassionately, dropped the victim mode, been more straightforward and simply present. I wish I had been more open

There are a few things I am proud of. For example, the way I stood up to Sharon and the way I've coped with everything with Giles. However, I also regret the way in which things have gone with Sharon, although I don't know how I could have done anything differently.

Would not have put so much pressure on myself to return to "normal". Would have taken it easier and been more forgiving of myself Was especially proud of my being an actual teacher not just a teacher aide when Lynn was in England for her father's funeral Walking since Jan 1st every day...at least 20 min and counting steps on pedometer.

Career-wise thinks have kind of stood still. Wish I'd have actually been more pushy about re-training and more disciplined about maybe trying to teach myself new digital skills.

I am really proud that I've lost 20 lbs, now the journey continues. I need to rededicate myself to waking early, working out, cooking and eating right, finding time for yoga and meditation and kirtan. Here's to at least 60 more lbs in a year!

I don't regret being with Matt, but I also don't regret our breaking up. I don't know what I'll be thinking or who I'll be in a year's time but whoever you are remember: you deserve someone who makes you feel extraordinary. Really really special. I stayed with Matt because I loved him, but I was missing the crucial aspect of feeling special. I know he loved me but I think I need to be sure going forward that I pick men who are going to take those extra steps to make me feel as special as I am. In the same vein I'm proud of myself that I've come to that realization. So many women settle. I don't want to be.

I wish I had wasted less time checking email and scouring Facebook. I am proud that I helped a friend get back up on his feet.

I wish i applied to more colleges. Having a good basketball season.

I am proud of my trip to Israel.and the history I brought back with me ..

I wish I would have been more aggressive in going after a teaching job in a Catholic school...I feel like i am being called there but the money and benefits are so much better in a public school. I feel like I wasted time and opportunity.

Continued to make my way in the world as a consultant. Exercised a lot more and got 'fit'. Can now run over 3 miles and bike over 30.

I'm proud that I completed last year's hare-brained scheme of becoming a yoga instructor. It was more empowering than I ever thought it would be. The system of a yearly hare-brained scheme must continue!

I wish I had chosen different words.

I choose to retire and it was the right decision/

In the past year; I wish I would have at least tried to improve my relationship with my mother. I wish I would have told her about how I felt/feel about her boyfriend moving in and the effects that it has had on me. Told her things that she does that bother me, and not flip out at her instead when she does these things.

I am proud of the promotion I received this year.

I wish I had been more faithful keeping my journal. In past years, the daily or almost daily practice of reflecting in a journal helped me deal more effectively with stress.

I'm very proud of taking control of my life again. I've been a victim of circumstance and drifting for a long time, and it's good to put myself in the driver's seat. I'm proud of the wayI've handled the move -- by donig it first, before the job so that I could do the move and start the job a month apart. I'm proud of the wya I've been in control of my finances, and working toward paying down my debt in a serious way.

I wish I had not quit yet another job. I wish that I had asked for outside help, instead of quitting out of frustration and anger. I now have a small Social Security check each month and little saved for retirement and will have to work for the rest of my life. I have a life-long pattern of building up resentments toward employers and then quitting abruptly. I really did like the job and could have worked something out if I hadn't let myself be overwhelmed with resentment. I am proud that I made a good decision to spend some of my dwindling savings in hiring a contractor to do repairs and carpentry work and paint the inside of my condominium after having done little to it since I moved here in 1984. I am proud that I made the arrangements to have new carpet and new window shades. I am proud that I am now learning to live simply with a limited amount of money.

I am proud of the fact that I have decided to value my life and honor it despite the tragic loss of my dear son Daniel.

I wish I had lost weight and gotten in shape and taken specific action to find a partner.

I wish I had gotten back on track for losing the weight I gained. I'd get "into it" for 2 - 3 weeks and then get sidetracked. I realize this is not healthy and rely on eating for every possible emotion. I am very happy I followed though on the goal to move to Mount Horeb. I've been here three days shy of a month and have owned my new home two days more than a month. Retained a realtor to find tenants for my two Lake County homes which is far easier and worth the one month rent fee for someone else to deal with prospects, etc. Hired a lawyer to deal with Sam who owes me $7000+ on past due rent. Glad I've tackled that too.

i wish i had taken better care of myself physically... exercised more I helped a family in an extremist country to learn more about judaism... sent them books, websights, encouragement.

I wish I had more actively sought out alternate employment when I first heard my company was about to reorganize. Instead, I find myself truly unhappy with how things turned out, and spending too much time dreaming of change. I am proud of how I've grown as a parent. I have learned to trust my daughter, and believe in my own self better as well.

Fought less

In 2012, I moved away from an old well-worn pattern of co-dependence, clinginess and trying to control my loved ones. I am learning to stop viewing relationships as transactional and to step into authentic generosity. To be perfectly honest, most of this work was kicked off by attending an outstanding workshop hosted by HAI (www.hai.org) where I figured out how to decouple and understand the distinctions between love, intimacy, family, friends and sexuality. Phew!

I wish I'd been more kind and considerate to my ex boyfriend at the end of our relationship. I broke it off because he was still super involved with his ex-wife and lied to me about various issues related to her. He wasn't really available for a relationship with me because he was still taking care of her. But, in the end, I didn't need to make him feel bad about that. What purpose did that serve? I wish I'd have been more understanding. I should have told him I was sad instead of making him feel bad and letting him believe he was a bad boyfriend. He was a good boyfriend outside of those issues. I should have told him that. The breakup went so badly that we don't even talk anymore. I'm still in love with him and he'll never know it.

I wish I had been more careful with our family's finances. We're stuck in a small financial hole, and I'm afraid we won't be able to dig ourselves out of it. We spent so much time getting by on a single minimum wage salary for our family that when I started working and started bringing home nearly double that amount, we got overly excited and overextended ourselves. Now, we're living from paycheck to paycheck wondering how we're going to make ends meet due to our responsibilities.

I wish I had taken time off to be with my mother before she died. I think I could have helped her enough that she might still be here today. As it was, I ended up so grief stricken that my body rebelled and i became disabled for many months.

Hmmm. Aside from wishing I'd stopped the meds sooner (and therefore would have had a better time in Greece), I can't think of anything I would have changed. I guess I'm proud of trying to keep up friendships, although sorry that I fear Kathleen and I don't have much of a relationship left and I'm no longer willing to drive it. Mostly proud of my persistence in tracking down the Obama office and getting involved, and now that I'm doing a lot of work and recruiting others to help. Glad (proud?) I made the decision to ask for a lighter teaching load this semester.

I wish that I could have completed my university. but there is nothing I could have done about that. I'm proud of finding a program that has given me hope for a good future.

In this past year there are a few things I wish I had done differently with some of my relationships, at the same time I like where I am in life and this if I had done something different I might not be here. I am especially proud that I have responded to work and personal issues with a very upfront and honest mentality. When co-workers had issues with some of my bosses and I was the one asked to represent the workers I think I responded very well and spoke in a fair and even-minded manner.

I'm really glad to have been able to photograph two beautiful weddings this year. It is a privilege to be able to do this for people and something I feel is a real achievement :)

Looking back on the past year, i wish that i tried harder on everything instead of just giving up. I also wish i had more motivation to do things.

If I had a do-over, I definitely would have tried to be a better friend, and to not lose my old friends. School was hard, but I wish that I had kept my cool when around my friends, and had not "lost my sense of wonder", and parts of my personality along with it. I have matured a lot over the past year, and thus, my friend group has also matured. I just wish that I had not lost my past.... However, I am happy of the friends that I have gotten closer with, and also realized who really cares for me.

I wish I had kept in better communication with a man who promised me a large amount of money for a big project. As it turns out he was insincere; had I kept in better touch with him, at a minimum I could have planned for this deficit in backing for the project.

What I wish I would have done differently: -I wish I had been more present for friends and family. I wish I had called my family more, been ahead of birthdays, etc. I wish I had been in touch w my friend Casey more after the birth of her second child. -I wish I had not procrastinated losing weight and put myself on a better plan to be in great shape at this time. -I wish I had not spent any time feeling overly sensitive or needy. -I wish I had not wasted any time doubting myself. -I wish I had put more money aside to pay taxes. -I wish I had kept up some sort of journal to keep me in the present. What am I proud of this year: -I lived my life pretty honestly. -I started a new job, took a risk and handled myself with dignity in challenging situations. -I produced an amazing event and a video. I've learned to stand up for myself more and stay calm. -I traveled to Paris alone and had a wonderful time. I made new friends, spent time with old ones, and did it without fear. I did meet up w some people I knew, but this is the second trip I've taken solo - and I'm proud that I can do this and feel like a citizen of the world.

I wish I had quit my job sooner. I can't believe I let myself get sucked into suck a poisonous life and wasted so much of my time trying to fix an impossible situation. On the flip side I am so glad I got out when I did and I am proud to have learned the lessons I have learned -- to trust my intuition and to seek out what makes me truly happy. To not waste my life in a cycle of frustration and apathetic distraction. To live passionately, even if that means meagerly, and to live with love for all that I do.

I wish I had been more patient. I am proud of the ways in which I've been present.

ik zou heel graag nog wat eerlijker zijn tegen de wereld rondom me heen. had me voor dit jaar voorgenomen mezelf veel meer te accepteren en me niet zo druk te maken over wat anderen van me vinden. ik ben wie ik ben en hoef me niet voor te doen als iemand anders om mezelf geaccepteerd te voelen. wanneer mensen hier anders over denken is dat niet mijn probleem. maar natuurlijk wel altijd een beetje aanpassen aan de omgeving om gewoon menselijk te blijven en gewoon mens onder de mens te zijn en blijven. het hele verhaal rondom Carmen had ik misschien ook wel anders aan kunnen pakken. ik zou alleen niet weten wat beter voor mij uitgepakt zou hebben en of ik dan wel gehad zou hebben wat ik nu heb en of ik gehad zou hebben wat ik op dat moment wilde. voor nu rest de vraag of ik nog steeds wil wat ik al die tijd heb gewilt. juist nu dat ik het idee heb dat de kans dat ik krijg wat ik wilde groter dan ooit is.

I would have distanced myself from STI/Dominion sooner. I am really proud that I survived BK.

I'm proud that I made it on my own, that I accepted the process as a process, that nothing was definite, that we are ever-evolving, that we become what we thought we never would in a rapid amount of time. I came to see love as the only way to get through life--that anger and hate serve no purpose.

I wish I had been more ambitious and less worried. I want to enjoy more while daring to put myself out there in the ways I would like. I am proud of writing my thesis and getting the highest mark in the class. I'm also proud of signing up for calculus, because it's doing something I am not sure I will be able to do well.

I am proud of publishing my first collection of prose poems and finishing my MFA in creative writing, which included completing a publishable draft of a novel.

I wish I had worked harder to promote the growth of a sisterhood at our temple. I'm proud of the support I was able to give my family.

I wish that I had taken more time to do the things I really want to do rather than do things I thought I had to do. I wish I had spent more time working out and relaxing and not working so hard. I wish I had not over-scheduled my summer and wish that I had taken the time to enjoy more outdoor activites which is what I really wanted to do. Conversely, I am proud that I did make time to enjoy some weekend trips away that I wanted to do and I'm glad I spent more time with my family this summer. I just need to do more of that.

I wish I had spent less time on one specific project, but I am proud of my tenacity in sticking ot it to make it succeed.

I wish I would have tried more in school. College has been such a struggle for me academically. I haven't given it 100% and I know I should try harder. The prospect of going to graduate school has pushed me to work harder in my classes because there is usually a minimum GPA requirement. I am proud of myself for taking summer classes so I don't have to go an extra semester for school. I also did extremely well in these classes. The effort put in was worth it. It was a crazy two months though.

I want to let go more. I have a need for control that I am working on. I want to reduce my anxiety level by letting go of my need for control.

I wish I hadn't tolerated my job or boyfriend as long as I did. I am still tolerating my job but not so much my boyfriend. I'm proud of finally ending it with him and trying to move on. No one can tell me I can't tolerate uncomfortable situations! ...not that that's a good quality. But I need to work on recognizing when I'm just tolerating and stopping it before it goes on too long.

! am just glad to have has the year.

I am a retired lawyer. i have been doing a lot of non legal volunteer work, some envelope stuffing, some public speaking on worker justice and interfaith cooperation. I am especially proud of the work I have done in Chicago with a jewish justice group that formed the Jewish Muslim Community Building Iniative. The group spnonsored an event where ove 900 peple equally divided between Jews and Muslims held Ramadon celbrations in 3 syangagues the same night, Each venue had one Muslim and one Jewish emcee. I was proud to be one. I am also proud to be doing pro bono legal work for the first time since retirement. On the other side I regret not running more like I did the last few yeasr.

I would like to stop fussing, whining about, resenting and resisting certain necessary tasks and duties in my life that I know I'll end up stepping up to the plate for anyway. This happened big-time this year in relation to responsibilities I have for a mentally ill brother when I really hit a wall, and to membership on a town government committee that oversees a discrimination/harassment policy. Paradoxically I'm also especially proud of the work I did over the year to establish the functioning of this policy and making sure all kind of details were in place to assure its functioning once my work with the town committee is done.

I wish that I had been more proactive in finding a better job, instead of just waiting for one to come to me. However, I'm very proud of the fact that I've held down the same job for almost two years, and that my relationship with my signifigant other is going so well.

Differently - I would have been more supportive of my sister and her struggle with her narcolypsy diagnosis. I feel like I was there more than my other sisters were but it was mostly out of convenience. I was unemployed and pregnant so I was able to take her to appointments and drive her to whatever she needed. I felt like I was also a helpful advocate for her in some of the appointments because she was so done with all them and wasn't asking the right questions. Yet, I feel like I wasn't there emotionally for her. I would ask how she felt, what was happening, but didn't delve deeper into it. I did this mostly because she didn't seem to want to talk about it, which is fine, but I think I could have handled it better. Proud of - I passed the English CSET. This test has tormented me since the moment I learned I had to pass it, and while it has taken over a year to do so I am proud of passing it. The English CSET is one of the hardest CSET's to pass, but something that has to be done to be a teacher. It constantly tested me and my choice to become an English teacher - I often thought missing the test by a few points indicated I wasn't worthy. Yet, waddling into the test when I was 8 months pregnant to attempt to take it one more time before my brain was complete swiss cheese, I felt victorious. I knew I would pass it, because I finally felt comfortable with myself and my knowledge. I am so glad it's over!! But I'm also glad it was this hard, it's just another indication that I was making the right choice in becoming a teacher. Nothing worth having is easily attained.

I haven't regretted turning 40 one bit. Everything I've done/achieved has been the right choice/thing to do/accomplish etc x :) I feel like my life has just begun. My new life HAS just begun x :)

I'm grateful for the progress I'm making, inviting people over for dinner, getting closer to my husband, swimming more. I wish I had done more, made progress on the home, figured out more about how to spend my time here on earth.

Done differently? If hindsight is 20-20, this would have been my only year of decent vision. Head down, working hard, loving and being loved. I am especially proud of the fact that I renewed my relationship with my son.

I am proud of how I handled myself when my Dad died. I was able to be present for my step-mother and my daughter. Although it was a hard time, I was able to hold it together.

Moved to Dallas. Moving to Dallas.

I've been reading some books on yoga/Buddhism/meditation and so I think my main wish would be that I had lived in the moment more, remembered to treat everyone as a person (faults and all) that deserves love, and kept my sense of humor in the face of adversity. I am working on all these things.

I wish I would have been able to find ways to be more patient with my daughter and find more fun things to do with her on a regular basis I am however very proud that I ran my fastest half marathon this year - (twice) AND the my daughter can ride a bike (no training wheels) at just 3-years old.

Writng the book has made me less angry and more understanding of my mother. I wish I enter entered 2012 less angry. I am very pleased that I have finished the book- also that I am now friends with some of the people my mother once knew. I like the continuity.

I wish I had handled Pigksin 2011/Sing 2012 so much differently. Leadership was falling apart and turning on each other, and it really affected our show, so much that we didn't make Pigskin 2012. I should have spoken up more when I had the chance, taken charge when necessary instead of letting things I didn't approve of go by. On the other hand, I've become a lot more mature this year. I'm beginning to realize the immature things that I do, especially where friendships/other relationships are concerned. I'm 21 now, and need to start acting like the adult that I should be... though I still watch plenty of Nickelodeon & Disney Channel :)

I am proud of my diploma. I got 45, somehow. 119,000 people took the IB worldwide and, of them, I am one of just 109 who got 45. I do feel so so lucky - for the teaching I got; for the support that I felt (I revised chiefly at Grandma's, where she showed me trashy period dramas if I was getting too stressed and reminded me that the world will still go around); and even, dare I say it, for my offer from Cambridge. It was so high (43), but the fact that it was so high made me absolutely terrified of throwing away this incredible opportunity to go to the best medical school in the world, and I was so very terrified that I worked harder than I otherwise would or could have. And in the end, I exceeded it! I am proud of my purely academic achievements, and I am proud of getting in to Cambridge. It's funny to say that I'm proud, but I really am. And so excited to see where it all leads...

I wish there had been another way to tell my daughter I didn't want to watch her sons while she and her husband went on vacation. I'm not sure that there was, but I sincerely wish there had been a different outcome. As it stands now, I think it will be many years before that relationship is repaired.

I am so proud of my LSAT achievement. It was so bloody hard to go up 18 points, but I did it in the end. It was so bloody hard to have so much faith and put so much out there and risk so much money and time and emotional energy to do it for the fourth time, but I am so glad I did. I am glad that I did everything I could, and I am grateful that the universe took me those last few steps forward so I could touch the finish line. Well, a new beginning line.

There are several things I wish I had done differently. I wish I had worked harder at my job - tackling the bigger issues and projects instead of leaving them to the last minute, or worse, overdue on deadline. I wish I had trusted my heart to follow the relationship path it's supposed to be on. I wish I had started to lose weight by exercising and eating healthy long before I actually did. I wish I learned how to prioritize the people and activities in my life to include those which will enhance me as a person. I am proud that toward the end of the year (September) I started to take seriously the things that were bothering me in life. I recognized that it's one thing to talk and talk and talk about what you're going to change - it's a whole other thing to take action.

I wish I had handled the darkness better. Instead of constantly making a list of the negative when verbally digesting my life- I wish I had been able to focus on the positive even when it was a small Percentage of my life. I'm very proud of the commitment I've made to changing my business for the better and the initiative I maintained.

I wish I had fought with him less and been a better partner. I wish I had realised that not everything is about me and I need to learn that. This past year I have been selfish and cold to my family because they don't understand who I am anymore and I wish I had been a better daughter. I would have cried less, swore less, smoked less and been happier. I wish I had made more friends and actually nurtured my friendships and I wish I had of gone to more lessons. I'm proud though that I'm still here, after all the questions and doubts I'm still here. Its the beginning of the new year and now I finally know this is who I really am and who I was supposed to be.

I wish I had insisted on being paid properly for the massive amounts of work I have done.

I've never believed in regret. I fucked up a lot...as usual. But, I wouldn't change anything. All I can say is...try harder.

This past year I wish I had not put time and effort into a stupid boy. I invested myself to a point that was unbalanced. It hurt to realize that my feelings weren't reciprocated but I'm glad that I can understand now.

The biggest thing that I wish I could have done differently is to have more time with my Mother-in-Law. Sadly, we lost her unexpectedly only 3 weeks after the wedding. We had spent good quality time together, but it wasn't enough. If only it were possible to change this. To answer the second part, I'm pleased that we were able to involve and include family in the wedding to such a significant extent - even the people with whom there are difficult relationships.

I'll answer both of these questions, because I know I tend to go with the more negative explorations! Things I wish I had done differently...the funny thing is that I feel like, from the outside, my work life has looked super chaotic and challenging. But I think going through the process of quitting my job is actually the thing I am most proud of doing this year. I recognized I was unhappy, and I left. By doing something I didn't like, I realized what I did like. I realized that I didn't want to work at a labor union, I want to do Jewish education. I want to work in spiritual community. A part of me knew that going into labor research was a temporary job, but actually being there (and hating it) sped up a process of deciding what I really want to do. I wish I had treated the people closest to me in a more consistently kind and loving manner. I have grown closer to blood family and realized many things about myself in doing that, but I want to be able to treat the people in my life well. For one thing, when my friends want something from me or rely on me, I often feel irritated, but I think that really comes from a place of hating my own dependency and vulnerability. While that hatred doesn't always come out in the relationship, it sometimes does, and I feel terrible about that. I've been thinking a lot about accountability lately because I have not been treating my partner in the nicest way all the time. In fact, I have been outright disrespectful. The thing is, I know what it is like to be on the other side of an abusive relationship, but I feel like, as a person who is or could become a perpetrator of emotional abuse, there aren't a lot of resources for me to draw on. Oh, I certainly know how to complain about other people treating me badly, but what do I do when I start treating the people in my life badly? I know that I have recognized the limitations of an abuser/victim framework from the perspective of a survivor, but I have also seen its limitations as a person who would like to be held accountable. I feel like one of the problems with a traditional abuser/victim framework of abusive relationships is that it isolates abuse to something that can only come from certain people in certain relationships, but I know so many people who would call what has happened to them in past relationships "abuse." I think that speaks to how common emotional, verbal and physical abuse are in all relationships. Then, we are all past and potential survivors and perpetrators. We should not isolate people as "bad" but rather address behaviors as they come up. While pointing out people's "red flags" can help us to feel more safe, it is also a way of putting people in an abuser box. And in communities working toward social change, what worse way is there to create an expectation that people can change and take control of their actions than putting them in an "abuser" box? Being in synagogue today, I appreciated the way Rosh Hashanah and the concepts of T'shuvah (ok, I admit, I don't entirely understand all the ideas around Rosh hashanah and Yom Kippur) allow for us to take control of the circumstances of our lives and to become better people. We all are born with the ability to do good, so let us choose to do it. Let me set myself to studying my own ways, to making time for me to reflect on my own actions, to not giving up on changing myself, to trusting that I can treat the people in my life well. I am not a helpless victim of my own upbringing and I can hold myself accountable. During these Days of Awe, I am looking forward to using these concepts to frame my reflection. I hope that I can count today as a day of the past, today when I was disrespectful to my partner, and turn from my old ways. Another thing I've been wanting to reflect on pretty much all summer is my time in San Francisco in June. I had been sick on and off for several weeks before my tripe, but when I was there, I realized that the sickness I had was pneumonia. However, it took a lot for me to realize that I was sick and get help. In fact, it took a panic attack and calling an ambulance. I guess it feels like it was a complicated event/series of events, but maybe this week would be a good time to talk to Gray about it because Yom Kippur is coming up and all. I guess this is the best time to have this conversation.

No, everything I done is the way that have to. I'm proud that finally I have runnin my own bussines. I work hard to earn money and pay my bills doing what I love, painting, skating, dreaming. I'm grateful to have the chance to live my dream.

This past year I wish I had realized earlier how many of my hobbies I was perusing out of negative feelings. I hate running, so I did it because it's a challenge. I don't really like playing the piano or learning another language, but I did them because I felt like I should know another language and play an instrument really well. Because I really hated doing these things I would find it really hard to keep up on it and if I slacked off which is inevitable when you're doing something you hate, it lead me to feeling guilty and bad about myself. Also I wish I wasn't so critical of others. Even though Im very open to having my mind changed about someone. I do pass judgement that is often very critical and I need to stop seeing the world and other people like that. On the other side of that, I'm really proud I figured this out and I'm happy that I love trying new things so I don't think I'll ever be bored to find some interesting hobbies to peruse. I'm also really happy that I went back to work...that was something I was worried I wasn't going to be able to do andretti being home for so long. I think I'm most proud of what we have done for rian. Between OT and her crazy dietary changes she is an almost completely normal child. Steve and I have changed the course of her future and I am so proud of that!

Done something differently?.. I dont think so. Im actually quite proud of how far ive come this year. its been a year full of change and hardships and i've made it through them all (much to my suprise) Wendy left, taylor left, my dad left, wonacott left, high school started, band ended, i joined worship... its been a wonderful adventure. :)

I wish I had been better and being in the present. Since this was a year I knew would bring a lot of transition, I spent a lot of time thinking about the future. Now that I'm in the future (is that possible?!?) I have some regrets about how I spent some of my time - alone rather than with friends; planning rather than living; postulating rather than reflecting.

I wish I had more actively pursued a new career. I am proud of my son and all the time I was able to spend with him.

I wish I had made better choices about exercise, food and drinking. I am 10 pounds heavier, during a year when I had more time than ever to exercise and do what I know works to keep the weight off. I am proud that I kept my home and children happy, safe, learning, and growing during a year when my husband who has his own challenges, was more physically and mentally remote from us.

I wish that I could have found a job that has more balance to it. I've worked too hard over the past 2 years. I am proud of all the giving back I've done. I continue to give to charities every month in an effort to always give back.

I wish I had not allowed my stress at work affect me so deeply that my surgical incision became infected. My summer was spent at home in bed attached to a wound vac and IV antibiotics going directly into my heart. I was visited by home nurses every other day for two months as I slowly healed. My stress and anxiety over losing my job and displeasing my boss literally ate me up from the inside!

I wish I would have worked harder at life in general to be quite honest. This has been a really wierd year for me I must say. I think if I wasn't so in the I don't care mode things would be a tad bit different. Like my mood, grades, job, volunteer position. But, I'm also happy that I've gotten through it. In general I haven't been very happy with my life recently & I don't know how to get through that entirely. I think bc I have no direction in my life. Yeah I don't have a different job but I still have one. I'm going to finish my Peace Corps application this month. I'm studying hard now & training hard with intent to continue on. I am proud for not giving up with life

I wish I had insisted that my youngest son moved into the new apartment sooner. And that I had spent a little more time with him, though I believe it all worked out okay. I wish I had had more energy. Everything got done, and I was terrific getting the house cleaned out, but it was a struggle and once it was done I fell back into lethargy (where I find myself today). I don't know how to motivate myself to do these deeply boring physical tasks. I don't know how to motivate myself to get off the couch. I don't know how to motivate myself to get back to regular exercise and work. I do blame my wonderful lazy bf for some of this change in standards for me, but I know I have embraced my new sedentary lifestyle to the point where given a chance and no witnesses, I stay on the couch all day doing nothing. Though I am proud of these accomplishments from last year: cleaning out the house, finishing and sending out my novel and starting a new story.

I wish I hadn't worried so much this year. It's been rough being off my depression and anxiety medication for the first time in 12 years, and I've definitely been trying to keep calm, but it has been a struggle. From worrying about how we were going to pay off our credit card bills, to worrying about taxes, grad school, retirement plans, and death, it has been overwhelming at times. Alternatively, I'm very proud of how I have been able to do well in grad school while holding down a full-time job. I've also been pretty good about being a caring wife, a great daughter, and a good big sister.

I am proud that I went back to work and can still sPend time with my children without outside childcare. I still am not exercising regulary. I am proud that I am an effective time manager and have found a new spark in taking care of myself in terms of makeup and clothes.

I wish I had gone to Alaska to visit my sister. She's probably going to move and I won't be able to go there with her now.

Still wishing I had done a better job at getting my classes/homework done. I FINALLY sold my house and moved back into town (I believe that was on my 10Q from 2 years ago)!

Something different...maybe worked a bit harder at my writing, definitely. I am most proud, funnily enough, of getting my writing off the ground. Could have done it faster and better, but it got done, that's what matters. I am also incredibly proud of the fact I managed to not only keep a girl interested, but have her fall in love with me. This year I met my girlfriend, Daniela, over the Internet and I've never been so happy. I never thought well of myself until she came along, and I'm proud of myself, that I'm able to be good enough for her. I'm proud I'm becoming more of a person.

I wish when I was at home I was not that short-tempered with my parents. And I wish I didn't eat so unreasonably. I wish I was more peaceful, thoughtful, and mindful toward myself and my beloved ones.

I am proud of the fact that I have put myself out there in the search for a significant other. I've been to speed-dating, I've asked girls out on my own, and recently gotten into a situation that haphazardly developed but might turn into something beautiful long term. I hope more people "take their hearts out of the bottle" as the book says.

I think the thing that I most regret about last year is 11th grade. Most of my grades were okay at best. I almost failed a class and didn't do so well in any others. I wish I could have focused more on my studies and done a better job in school. So far, I'm happy with how senior year is going, but I really feel that junior year could have been better. I took super easy classes, but still managed not to do well. I'm glad it's over . I also wish that at CLTC I had been able to open up more One thing I'm really proud of myself for is the fact that I got my license and started driving on my own! Another thing I'm proud of is my SAT scores. Although a 1600 isn't the best score, I think it's okay and so do the colleges that I want to go too!

I'm really proud of the friendships i have made at CLTC. I know they will last a lifetime and I learned a lot that I can use at home. I feel like this year I have grown and I am more mature and I am very proud of myself. I am proud that I was elected chapter n'siah and inducting NINE MITs. I am proud of getting straight A's for the first semester in 10th grade. I am proud of everything I have done.

As always I wish I had saved more and spent less. But otherwise I am pretty darn happy with how things have gone. I wish I had stood up to the horrible former roommate and told her how I really feel, but in the end I know that wouldn't have done any good. I handled a change in my job without freaking out completely and I have proven my worth I think.

I am proud of my relationship with my husband. He and I have come a long way. We have really been practicing listening and communicating with one another. I am not always as patient or understanding as I could be - I will try to do better. I am also proud of the way I handled a very difficult situation with another person. I was very clear in my feelings without getting angry and was able to let go of the anger I felt. I wish to treat everyone with more kindness in the coming year and continue my personal growth. I want that kindness to extend to those who make me crazy and to keep in mind that we all have our "stuff".

I should've waited. I did something that I definitely knew I wasn't ready for with some that I definitely knew I wasn't right for. I would give anything to have that back. But I finally did meet the person who I am right for and who is definitely right for me. I could've let the opportunity pass me by but I knew from the first moment I met her that I needed to have her. We've been together too months and I could not be happier

I wish I'd gossiped about people less. I'm proud of the steps I've taken to get my life back on track financially.

Proud: I followed my intuition. Recently (due to moving to part time work in a less pressured work environment) I have noticed I have become more in-tune with how others are 'feeling'. All sounds a bit freaky, but I know my mother has an ability to 'just know' how others are going and in recent years I have felt this 'knowing' grow within myself to the point that I can't ignore what I feel and must act on it. This past year there have been 4 occasions I have acted on that feeling and have been able to help others. The one that confirmed to me that I have inherited this gift from my mother was this.... I was working in my shed fixing some household items. The Billy Joel song "Pressure" started playing on my MP3 Player (hadn't heard that song for decades). During the song, the name of a former work collegue I worked with nearly 8 years ago kept coming into my head. The name was so strong I couldn't ignore it. After the song finished I couldn't do anything else but kept thinking of this person and knew that not all was ok with them. I checked their Facebook profile and there was nothing that stood out on their newsfeed as being out of the ordinary. So I sent them a Facebook message to say I was thinking of them and that whatever issue they were going thru that it would all work out ok and they would come out stronger and just had to remember to breathe. A couple of hours later - that person responded and opened up on how they had seperated from their partner and not everything was going ok (in fact everything was going terrible). They wrote that they had tears from that message that came out of the blue, especially as it had been over 8 years since we last physically spoke with each other. I also was blessed in being able to confirm that I really had inherited this 'knowing' gift from my mother. 3 others instances have also occured since - in each instance. Each instance has been completely out of the blue and the name of that person stays inside my head until I act on it and speak/message that person. I have no idea where this gift will lead me, but at the moment I am taking it very slowly and reassuring myself to not self-doubt at times (there has been a few instances where I was unsure and missed an opportunity to help someone who I later found out really need re-assurance at that time in their life - I really kicked myself for missing that and being able to help them)

There is so much I wish I would have done differently this year and most of it involves the way I look at and think about things. I could have saved myself so much worry if I was able to stop the ferris wheel of anxiety that sometimes comes up from different events in my life. After each time, it always turned out better than I expected and I need to remember that.

I wish I had gotten a job at some point this past year. I think it would have diffused some of the issues I had with my parents right before I left for grad school. Alternatively, I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR MAKING IT TO GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR THE DEGREE I WANTED!!!!!!!!!! I worked so hard and had to know myself so well. I could not be more thankful that I have made it to my next step and I am so impressed with my strength. I am turning even more into who I want to be and that means so much.

i wish i studied harder and didn't procrastinate as much.

Q1. Regrets? 1) Not taking Nancy to Montana. 2) Managing the work on the bathrooms better. 3) Hiring administrative support. Q1a. Accomplishments? 1) Reducing inventory: (selling ski boat and canoe form), 2) Working with Nat this Summer.

I wish I had fully acknowledged the reason that I was getting so sick. I speculated, but I didn't do anything for so long. My first semester grades could have drastically increased if only I had done something sooner. Alternatively, I'm proud that I am now in control of my health, and have been healthy now for five months!

There are lots of things I could always have done better at. Could have been a more assiduous student. Could have been a kinder mother. Could have been more giving to 'my fellow man'. I think this is the one actually. I think in this last year I have been very caught up in my own head. Dissatisfied and resentful when I should have been being grateful. I have been 'trying' though. Trying hard to live properly and not waste my time here. And it has been hard. I don;t have any particular regrets. I don't have anything to feel particular to feel proud about either. I am gathering energies for that.

Nothing at all comes to mind that I would have done differently... I'm VERY proud of all my accomplishments and extremely proud of all those of my 3 daughters...all in all, it was a Really GREAT YEAR!

I wish I had had snappier comebacks in certain situations. I wish I had been kinder in other situations. I wish I was better able to explain to the people in my Sunday School class why I had to quit the church. I am proud of lots of things. I had another book chapter published this year and one last year. I have been active in all of my social and charitable organizations. I have worked to get Mariposa going. I have helped out friends who did not expect me to be the one to step up.

This year has been perfect. I'm working daily on my mindfulness and spiritual fulfillment and now I have gotten my dream job. I'm thanking god each day for all that I have and I am so so blessed.

Anything I wish I had done differently is trivial, and I can't really imagine myself having done anything differently anyway. I wouldn't be me if I had. I think my proud moments this year were all from a creative standpoint. I finished hand-sewing individually cut petals on a skirt in time for Halloween, I finished a number of other projects that include a pair of earrings I've been wanting to see for years, a reworking of my work logo as a birthday gift for the big boss, and a canvas that was blanketed in kiss prints that I thought looked really amazing and was one of the few projects where I haven't compromised the appearance for the sake of saving a little time.

I wish I had worried less about the things I have no control over (which is most things, when you get right down to it!) I am proud of the support I've given my daughter, in a way that has not smothered but has provided her with a chance to feel safer as she finds her own way. It's been very rewarding to see her becoming more confident and having a clearer path!

I wish I had made more effort to improve the level of intimacy in my marriage.

I started running. It's hard, but really worth it. It's all part of my personal "Fab at 50" initiative!

I am proud of reaching out to make new friendships this year, as well as renewing old ones, at my college reunion (as well as to attending it in the first place). I am also proud of feeling more confident about myself and who I am, which is what enabled me to have the outward intention towards these friendships. In other words, I didn't come from a place of neediness, but rather from a genuine interest and curiosity about people.

I wish I had spent more time pursuing a single research topic for my PhD, rather than dabbling in a few projects that didn't really lead anywhere. I feel like I am currently where I should have been about a year ago, in terms of progress on research. On the other hand, I don't know where I could've gotten more time to do this - I am not always very efficient when I work, but I have a strong desire to balance "school stuff" with actually having a life. Now that I'm done taking classes, I have fewer constraints on the "school stuff" portion of my day. I also think I am done jumping between advisers, and I hope to identify a thesis topic soon. Honestly, though? Every hour I didn't spend on research, I spent doing something I'd rather be doing. I am pretty sure at this point that I don't want to pursue a "traditional" research-based career, but I am determined to get my PhD. Something tells me it will open doors down the road, be it my dream of visiting outer space or simply getting any kind of job in my field.

I'm happy with the way I've conducted myself during the divorce. Happy to have coped and added loads of value to the kids lives. Happy to have survived with no medical support. Thankful of some friends and of course my mum. Proud of the aformentioned . Also proud that I have maintained a good home. Survived financially, which was in doubt early on. Learn't to play a song on the guitar :) So, to recap. The last year has been a question of battening down the hatches and a bit of crisis management. Content with the way I've managed in tough times. Proud! Yes, very proud. I've fucking coped! Coped well actually!!!!!!!!!!!! Good man!!!!

I would have done it all differently. The past 9 months would have been different though I wouldn't want to relive them. I am proud that I quit smoking. That's one good thing.

Something am especially proud of this year is participating in a senior group and creating a series of programs that are engaging a great many people. Something I wish I did differently is learn to hold my temper with family members. Civility is the order of the day. Getting angry usually doesn't solve anything. It will allow you to vent but to what purpose. Respect, compromise, and hearing each other should be the goal.

I regret not acting speedier in approaching a girl whom a truly believe could have been my tailor made match. Now, finally realising this after three years, she's moving to England for at least two.

I am especially proud of how well my daughter is doing as a young adult in college. She has matured and has continued to be a beautiful and smart young lady. There really isn't anything I wish I had done differently because I believe G-d has a plan for us and it is up to us to listen and try to follow the journey. Everything in my life has happened for a reason. It is up to me to figure it out.

I wish I had prepared more for the impending layoff-- gathered more information, saved more money, made a few more purchases before the regular paycheck went away. Alternately, I am proud of how well I did on the 10K. The course was more challenging than my half marathon in 2010-- it went from Chinatown to Dodger Stadium and back! I had a great time.

I wish I had asked more people how I could be of service.

I do my best to follow my Guru's instructions, to do my service as well as I can, and to treat people with kindness and respect. Where I fail, I try to do better. Where I succeed, I still try to do better.

I lost 40lbs. It was hard work and I still struggle with my body image. The mental picture that my mother placed in my head 40 years ago. I keep trying. Up and down. A daily and weekly battle.

I am especially proud of writing 2 novels and getting them published. This is a life-long dream. I am sorry for all my petty whining, bad temper, feeling sorry for myself.

I wish I had wasted less time being angry.

I am really proud that I completed yoga teacher training - a 5 -year ambition that fills me with joy...I wish I had persisted more with actually teaching this year. I have done a little but I hope that this year the universe and I can collude more positively on this outcome... I wish I had grown a year younger - it sucks getting older and being single and childless. I hope that what I learned this year will make dealing with that easier and will make finding it next year easier too...

Proud of the Hebrew School, but wished the money was different.f

Wish I could speak more boldly my feelings and thoughts without being afraid of rejection. hoped i was more confident n started some kind of ADD natural medicine cuz im having real challenges with it. I am proud that i went back 2school

I am especially proud at how much I have accomplished at work this past year. It has been absolutely crazy, and I have hung in there like a champ. I have grown a lot through all of the ups and downs, and I haven't crumbled under the pressure. I hope things improve over the next year. This level of stress will eventually take its toll on my health and happiness.

-I wish I would have picked 2 acute care rotations, started learning Spanish earlier.. -I am proud of myself for committing time and effort to honing my latin dancing skills by dancing weekly and improving immensely. I'm pretty damn good now, if I do say so myself ;) lots to learn still, but I got so much practice just being on the dance floor -Overall, I am proud of my time management skills juggling school work/studying, dance, and ASP. Sometimes I may have skimped on the studying but only when I was sick of studying.

Wish I had not been so self-indulgent this summer at the island. Very proud of assuming the responsibilities of treasurer mid-stream and getting a standing ovation for getting a balanced budget approved!

I wish I had gone to the gym more consistently. I'm like a light switch... on or off the gym.

I'm really proud of how I took care of myself this year. I went to the dentist for the first time in 6 years (I know, gross) and went through surgery to remove a polyp on my vocal chord. I took care of myself, even when it was difficult, expensive, and scary.

wish i had managed my financial situation better

It makes me proud to see how my daughter adapted to her new pre school and what she is learning there. It also make me proud to see how she has welcomed her new baby brother into our family.

In the past year, I have been strong enough to remain faithful to what I want and continue to pursue who I want to be. I have managed to stand out among my peers in the eyes of professors and graduate students and, as a result, I have had unique opportunities because of my dedication. I am proud of the progress I have made in my classes with my 3.69 GPA just last semester in 400 level hard science classes, as well as my improved confidence in myself. I am just proud of my new-found acceptance of myself-- quirks and all.

There is always something, usually minor that I wished I had done differently. Nothing stands out this year. YEA! I am proud of my work with high school students. They keep me young and on my toes. Every day I learn something about people. We must all work to educate young people on what is truly important and that communication is better done face-to-face. Love to all, Sharon

I wish I could have been more focused . I tend to waste a lot of time that could have been more productive . I am proud of my social outreach this past year. I have been involved with both children and adults trying to help them , success here being unmeasurable but some have been helped in a macroscopic way which is apparent .

If I promise someone (especially a good friend) that I will do something I should follow through with it. Or at least be honest with them about the reason why I can't. I think I have let down a few people in the last year.

I wish I had done more prepping prior to the school semester starting. It's an ongoing resolution I never manage to keep. I am proud of getting more sleep so far this semester despite my running to keep up with deadlines.

This is a hard one. This year I've done my best to react authentically and honestly to both the good and the bad. I don't know how I could have done anything differently when I had to go get my daughter at school because of her eating disorder. Thought that was a very trying time with no clear or correct path. As for work, I'm glad that I let the board know I was interested in the prez/ceo position. I'm not sure again if there was anything I could do to make myself a better candidate. However, I'm proud that I went for it. Then handled the disappointment well. Ultimately just continuing to be as good a mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend is all I can be. To strive to take in life with little judgement and to be honest with myself and others.

I wish I'd been a better partner & a better friend, but more than that I wish I had kicked the procrastination habit.

I'm proud of having the balls to go to Europe solo, to take that risk even though I was very nervous before leaving. I'm proud of following my gut and quitting a job I highly disliked. I'm proud of being the bigger person, even when most times I just wanted to raise my middle finger and reciprocate what was being done to me. I wish I had been more independent, more prepared during my trip to Europe. I had moments of weakness and loneliness which is natural but the ones I regret where relying on Elie & Youbi. Because no matter how much they liked me, they did expect something in return but I am proud for sticking to my guns and refusing to give up my morals or alter my choices. I stayed true to myself regardless of the people who tried to convert me.

I would not have sent that terrible email. I am especially proud that the family is all working on healing from terrible losses.

I wish I had paid more attention to the feelings of my students and made sure that I always left them feeling good about themselves!

I wish I did not waste so much time. I shop a lot, decorate too much, etc etc, buy Tim Horton's and MacDonald's too much. I spend too much time thinking about negative events and people in my life. I'm especially proud of helping to fix my daughter's marriage and keeping our family intact.

I wish I had gotten to talk with Sarah more. I am proud of taking the risk to leave the sheltered world of paid employment for the less secure world of private practice.

I found myself angry when my baby would not turn, and I faced the prospect of a c-section. At one point, I realized that I must change my attitude. I didn't want to greet my baby with anger.

This has been a relatively easy year. For the first time in over 3 years, I was able to secure a permanent position providing stable income. I have been successful as the Programs Chair of my Temple Brotherhood - initiating a number of new programs that appear to have some interest and following.

I wish I had enjoyed my downtown more. I wish I had delayed a move to see a friend;s newborn. I wish I had had tried harder to stay in touch with her. I am proud that I handled the emmense amount of stress and change from this summer with grace- it was the first time I felt grown up, and the first time I could understand why people believe in miracles.

I'm proud of myself for taking my life in my own hands by getting g pregnant on my own, so I'm not a victim who let's life pass me be while I miss out on my dreams.

If I could do it all again, I would spend more quality time with my family. Less time feeling guilty about the ever-growing to-to list.

I wish I had allowed myself to feel more comfortable in my own skin. I wish I helped myself make better choices in regards to my health. I wish I had looked like the person I wanted to be, so I could start acting like her too. I wish I had given myself more confidence and attempted to branch out to new people. I wish I would start now so I'm not writing the same thing next year

I wish I would have shouted how much I love E. Every day, to everyone. I let his fear around his family get in the way of that. What a shame. One of the biggest learning experiences I've ever had: never, ever, hide how much you love someone. Never mask, conceal or downplay it. Ever. I'm proud for writing that letter to E. (And proud of myself for steering when I didn't know I was.)

My wish I "had done differently" answer is two part. 1. I wish that I had taken charge of my own medical case sooner 2. because I also wish I had been able to travel sooner to visit my daughters and grandchildren. My something I'm "especially proud of " is the Blog I've been producing called "Don't Just Stand There. Do Something," designed to inspire action and activism and sane solutions to the issues we face in our country.

I'm especially proud of how our bolex footage turned out. We were told it was black but found it alive and well and perfectly exposed and in focus. I'm so happy. It was a meticulous assignment that my partner and I put a lot of work into and it's nice to know it didn't go to waste.

I created many little databases (and one enormous one) for my workplace, and these databases simultaneously decreased the repetitious, paper-based tasks of my co-workers while significantly increasing our productivity. Just after I implemented these databases, our workload expanded from about 100 "pieces" a day to nearly 800, and we were able to keep up, AND to improve our accuracy and data coverage! I got a LOT of positive feedback about this from my co-workers, my manager, and even the managerial layer above him.

I wish I had done more with my life. I am especially proud of both of my sons. My oldest one is turning into quite the man, and my younger one is really coming into himself.

In retrospect, I am now more patient in my relationship with Ansley. I realized this is something that I have to let move at his pace, which maybe could help me to be more certain before making decisions with him. I wish I had tried harder at school last year when I lived in Charlotte. I wish I had stood up to Eva and forced her to cooperate to let me finish sooner. I'm especially proud of how I am doing this now, one year later. I wish I had done more yoga. Man, do I ever miss me some Bikram yoga.

I wish I had taken more advantage of Omega Insitute being so close by. I had intended on going there weekely to read and/or take a class. In April, they will open again and it will be my time to do this. I also hope to take Journey Dance with my daughter. I still have at least a month to go and begin this.

I don't know how I'd do it differently, but I wish I had managed my relationship with my daughter-in-law differently. She's so very different from me--doesn't read, only listens to one kind of music, doesn't like to shop or go to movies, etc. I don't know how to approach her, so I've taken the "interviewer" approach--ask questions, get answers, use that to build the relationship. But I feel as though she finds that off-putting too. I just don't know where to start. However, I'm proud of how I've managed my office life. Last year I was worried about not being given projects and not having steady work. Over the past year, I feel like I've mended some fences with my bosses. I've been given tasks as a stand-in during a period where one of our positions was empty; now my boss has asked me if I want to keep the work. He seems quite pleased with what I'm doing. That's a real point of pride--I consciously tried to make it better, and it got better.

Well, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. So I think I'll just say that I have worked really hard this year, and I'm proud of that.

I wish I had gone to visit Mom before she died, whether my sister wanted me to or not.

I wish I had not spent so much time dwelling on the pain in my life...I have been given so many blessings and it is a shame that I spent so much time feeling sorry for myself and being depressed and mad. I am proud that I have 'snapped out of it'...I am happy about the path I am on now. It is leading me to the greatness that is me.

I'm really proud of the fact that finally learned how to let someone take care of me. My entire life I've been the caretaker and caregiver - sacrificing my own wants and needs for those I care about. And it's not that I didn't want to be taken care of, it's just that I didn't know how. In May when my fiancé said to me, "I want to take care of you and I want you to take care of me," for the first time I felt in my gut - in my very soul - that I was home. Everything that came after that shifted. My focus turned to the life I want to create with this amazing man who gave me the gift of true partnership.

I wish I hadn't isolated myself so much from my friends. I think I made my life harder by not reaching out more often for help and support. So often, I don't want to be a burden on anyone. But part of being friends with someone is sharing your life with them. You can still have privacy and have friends. I think I went too far in one direction and need to find the balance again.

I am very proud of working with some of the children at school one-on -one: Yadu, Keerthana, Satyea, & Vasu. I love seeing the light in their eyes, and I'm really beginning to enjoy one-on-one work. For doing better: I wish I had made a better heart-connection with Varun at the beginning of the year and felt more in powered in working individually with him. I I am proud that I am coming up with a consistent way to alter material for him. I wish I had developed better heart connections with people outside of school so I can develop Karuna faster. I especially feel bad for the workshop at the Spastic Society of Karnataka falling through. All in all, it's been a time for great learning: reflection with tension & joy!

I wish I hadn't given somebody so many second chances. I really need to move away from trying to see the best in people and just realize that giving so many chances only enables their poor behavior. The chances give these people absolutely nothing to learn from. I'm proud that I'll be graduating high school and moving on to college. I'm also proud of being able to accept myself for being the person that I am. No one should have any say in the way I view myself. I'm a beautiful individual and deserve to be accepted as such.

I wish I had exercised more and lost a few pounds... However, I'm proud that I've been able to work full time and keep my life as stable as possible.

I wish I had spent more time and energy on my work. Both my personal creative work as well as commercial work. It's been difficult for me to focus on my photography since we have decided to move (at least temporarily) out of our apartment and into our house on Long Island. It's a time of transition, but I hope to find more creative outlets and more paying work here on Long Island.

Wish I could tell when I should cut and say enough, with Erin and with Mark G., I'm too nice and I don't know when to just say enough. Erin did it for me, and Mark, well I unfriended him on Facebook, he was basically stalking me and making inappropriate comments, he's not my friend, he has a crush on me. Wish I could have seen how unhealthy Rob was sooner, and he was so unavailable and not into me, but I was into him...it's hard to see when you are in the middle of things. It's so nice to be in a healthy relationship now, know what it's like to be able to be yourself, to share when something doesn't feel right and not feel defensive or scared. I am proud to finally be able to say I am in a healthy relationship that we are learning and growing as we go.

I wish I had taken the time to slow down and enjoy my son, instead of becoming easily annoyed, due to other, unrelated factors.

i don't have any real regrets about the past year, but i do think that if I could have changed one way i went about something this year it would be the way i went about coming into my relationship with E. we came into it fast and fell into it hard. and while i think there is a lot of validity to that - to just being open with yourself to someone else - when you let yourself be so vulnerable, it can be tough. i don't know that i would have changed any of it if i could, but i do think that i would have been better about accepting it all and being more adult-like with it when the big questions popped up. but they were - and they are questions that i'm not always truly fully confident answering about myself. about my sexuality, mostly. and not because i'm not 'ok' with who i am. i know that i am attracted to both men and women, but i have a hard time being alright with others who aren't sure how to react by that. and i am not good with them not knowing. so, i wish i had communicated better about that. all that said, i'm proud that i've come to accept who i am. i'm happy that even when i get caught up in someone new - when i lose myself in someone who mostly allows me to be who i am that i somehow find myself coming back to myself. honing back into who i am. ultimately i know who i am and what i stand for and what i won't stand for and i'm so proud that at 26 i can find my way back to that.

I wish I took care of my relationship more this year. I take B for granted for a lot of things, and just figure he will always be there. We have had many of the problems that I'm sure a lot of couples have after they've been together for a few years. We are currently in a time of transition. At this point, I think we both need to make the decision of whether we want to continue our relationship for the REAL long term. I think I should have appreciated him more, taken better care of him and us better, and shown him how much I really do love him throughout the last year. I'm proud of myself for being pro-active in my life. It's really not easy to change jobs 3-4 times in a year, but I'm confident that that has been the right decision for me. I can't sit around and watch my life go by, and I have been pretty good at living in the moment and making decisions that are good for me.

There's nothing that I wish I had done differently this past year. I do wish for the patience and will to continue making changes to my behavior and additions to my life. I could have exercised more, been a more consistent and better friend, spent more time with family, created and learned more, procrastinated less. But those things require changes in thoughts and habits as well as the establishment of new routines. And that's going to happen slowly over time. One epiphany from the last year was my realization that we spend the first 20 or so years dealing with self esteem issues and the rest of the time trying to undo bad habits acquired when we were young and insecure. I like all the new things in my life from this last year, epiphanies included. I buckled down and took a look at my eating habits, concluding that that should be another area of life that I think about. We take the time to form opinions in a lot of other areas, so why not food? I decided to eat more naturally, with less preservatives and chemicals. In addition to liking the idea, I also wanted to low my acidity and increase my chances of getting pregnant (the absence of chemicals and preservatives is supposed to help), have more energy, be forced to cook (a truly necessary requirement for this very lazy cook), and tame my cancer paranoia. I've thought about what I want and don't want, and then tried to do something about it. I've been there for my parents, taken on new roles (joining JLLB and RWC), and curtailed others (stepping down as PR person for LBH). I've saved new portions of my family history (thanks to my genealogical investigations and NYC trip), and discovered new family members (Dad's half siblings Mitch, Alex, David and Cindy, as well as Alex's gf Liana and their daughter Aaliah, and cousin Edward Theodore). I want to get more into yoga, start community personal history projects, and create a Random Acts of Kindness/Kindness Mob group that focuses on surprises and filling in the gaps. I want to finish my website and possibly create an interactive website page and/or an app related to personal history. I want to establish a better exercise routine and possibly include gymnastics, or some kind of jumping (dance?). I want to determine and contemplate my fears and figure out ways to conquer them. Coming up with these ideas and recognizing my passion for them are accomplishments in their own right. I know I need time to think about these things and will take on projects when the time is right. So I don't wish, I want, and when I want, I think and come up with a plan for the projects that I'm meant to do. Not that I have it all figured out--I just have it more figured out than before. And I'm feeling more at peace with myself than I ever have.

I wish I would've spoken up more often and asked for what I needed from others. I've spent so much time being a people pleaser and I've lost my own voice along the way. I feel proud of myself for standing up for what my children need. They are 3 unique individuals with different needs and I have stepped up as their voice when they are unable to speak for themselves - and they're already flourishing as a result. I'm also proud of myself for finally losing some of my "baby" weight, especially since my youngest is 4 years old now!

I wish I had been able to balance work, home, art, and friendships. I am so very proud of surviving the hardest year of my career, falling deeper in love with Eric, embracing painting and photography with an open heart, and helping Theo grown into being an even more amazing kid. But I had to let most of my friendships go to do all that. And I miss having deep friendships outside of my home.

I wish I had worked on my Morgan Freeman impression a lot more than I had. I feel that if I did, even the most mundane things in life would seem somewhat bright and uplifting. Like carpet, and Coronation Street.

I wish I would have confronted my employer when he cursed at me for leaving the shit job I was working. I should have stood up for myself. I deserved better. I wish I would have been honest with "friends" about what I wanted/expected from our relationships. I wish I wouldn't have avoided confrontation when I needed it for closure. I might have avoided a lot of anger and anxiety.

I wish I had taken more time to get to know people that I found interesting. Sometimes, it's hard to make the leap to ask somebody out for coffee or to try and pick their brain, but it truly can be worth the time.

I wish I had been more compassionate and patient with Mom. I'm really proud of the courage and vulnerability I showed in opening my heart, and in learning about how to move energy in my life.

I wish I would have been more patient with those I love. I find that I can show patience to casual friends, co-workers, strangers. But sometimes when I'm at home, with those who matter most to me, I'm not as patient as my loved ones deserve. What I'm proud of is that, despite going from part-time work to full-time, I find myself trying to slow down and saver every moment. I'm breathing more calmly.

I wish I had spent more time focusing on my relationship with my husband. More and more, I find myself reflecting on how fortunate I am to be in a partnership with this man, and I wish I had found ways to honor that more often.

I wish I had interacted with my son Jake differently. I think this year I have been too hurried. Being so busy with my job and family, I have been swept up in the busyness and have not stopped to focus on giving him my time and attention. I feel like I haven't really known what he is interested in and taken enough time to listen to him. He has grown up into a little boy and in many ways I feel like he has grown away from me. I wish I could practice mindfulness and live in each moment. I want to experience magical moments and cherish the small but special things, instead of missing them because I am in a hurry or a million miles away.

I'm especially proud of dating, even though I can't seem to find the right guy. At least I am trying.

I have answers to both of these. First, there's always going to be things I'd wished I'd done differently. I wish that I would handle others differently. I've always been too grown up for my own good - so people just being immature and selfish drives me bonkers. On the other hand, I'm proud of the fact that I've let go of some of my death grip on the controlling my life reins. I'm still in control of me, but that doesn't constitute my needing to control everyone else...which is something I've always had issues with on a subconscious level. It's all I saw from my mom my whole life, so switching it around is hard sometimes.

I wish I didn't spend so much time staring at this damn computer screen, sitting on my duff! And in general, just not using my time well. On the other hand, I'm proud of myself for staying with my diet and losing about 26 lbs. so far (since mid-April, so over 5 months). Slow and steady wins the race...

I feel this year has been truly profound. Without my flow of decisions, some drastic, I would not have arrived at my life changing school/ career move. Leaving my city of origin. Saying goodbye to my son, and having the courage to persue my dreams whilst, letting the boy become a man in his own way, his own time. Raising and slaughtering chickens on a farm, working In the meat department, working on a farm learning and trying all aspects of farming. NOT being afraid to learn and do things I want. Coming to a place of peace within and knowing who I am, with a smidge of triumph.

i wish i had spent less time worrying or stressing about my career. i am done with that. such a fricking waste. my life is so so so good. i wish i had let myself enjoy it more. just SAVOR. i am so proud of the mother i am. i am so proud of my courage. i am so proud of how i keep getting back up, exploring, searching, growing. i am so proud of my willingness to say the things others are afraid to say - especially when it comes to LOVING THINGS - like making a rosh hashanah toast tonite expressing gratitude for everyone.

I wish I had spent more time looking for a place to live, but at the same time, I do not mind living with my mom since it saves money. I wish I was better at saving money, too. I know that the things I buy are all useful and the money is not just wasted on frivolous things, but I feel like I should shop around some more before settling on some things. I am especially proud that I did not rush into a relationship. I took my time to really get to know him and now I feel like I really love him and this is something real and a relationship I can trust will last a long time.

Ha, yes. Everything. I think that it was a horrible mistake to move back to Davis/Woodland/Sacramento. I had no friends, no job, and no real prospects for a job. Instead I sat around, getting resentful and depressed. I really should have just moved to New York and made a go of it - it couldn't have turned out any worse than living at home did. This past year didn't really have anything particularly proud happen. I graduated - but it's not like that was a huge deal, there was no way that I could fuck it up.

Things I'm really proud of: going on a mission trip to nicaragua, being water baptised, the way i've grown in my job. Things I'm not sure how I feel about: I bought a super freakin cool sports car this year. I love it, it's collectible, and I will probably always have it, but at the same time, in the back of my mind, I'm always thinking of the multitude of other things I could have done with that money. Things I'm not so proud of: a relationship in which I didn't stick to my ideals. Not surprisingly, it ended poorly. And it took a while to get past it.

I wish I had had more honest conversations with my brother about him getting his own place and moving out. I'm especially proud that I've mostly maintained my serenity even when I didn't really know what I was doing or what was going to happen.

I wish I would have been able to talk to my friend Joan before she died, especially when I heard she was ill and told another mutual friend that she had taken offense at my tone and abruptness as a coworker. I am proud that I got my office/library cleaned up enough I could see the floor before company arrived. Now... just have to get to those boxes!

I wish I'd taken more risks. I wish I'd made more eye contact with strangers. I wish I'd let more things happen. I wish I'd gotten laid more.

I have decided to get rid of all my possessions that don't fit in my RV and become a "Full timer" Snowbird. I'm working toward my goal of seeing the continental US by this time next year!

Hmmm. I wish I'd had more fun. I was sort of sad a lot, I think. Was I? Or exhausted? Regrouping? Recharging? Anyway, what I'd love to do is go out dancing several nights a week. Hahahaha. Not gonna happen, but more fun is in order. Actually, I think I'm pretty happy about how I kept my head down and plowed through. No regrets. The hiking was especially good.

i wish that i could finally save some money for real, and not loose it to my past problems. i am very proud though that i started to lose weight, and i really know that this time ill be successfull

I wish I had regulated my money better this past summer. At the same time, I'm proud of myself for stepping up and volunteering to be the co-president of Circle K.

Proud of getting back into the work force, proud of being willing to enter into a new relationship.

Nope! So far, I'm proud of everything I have done!

I wish I had gotten all my teachers to sign my yearbook, and said goodbye to all of them. I am proud of how I have tried to support Anais. I think I've helped her in some ways. At least, she says so. It would mean a lot to me to know I had made a difference in her life.

I'm especially proud of being a good mother. My own mother was inconsistant - at times, phenomenal, had a great, great heart, but at other times, not so reliable. And I'm frankly surprised that I'm such a good mom. But I am! And it's something I didn't set out to be or do, something that has grown as my son grows. Wish I'd done differently? Well, yes of course. I'm hard on myself. But I'm proud of this past year. I really stood up for myself in business -- even if I wasn't always successful -- and I learned to value my relationship with both husband and son.

I am proud that I lost 30 pounds. And still ate the things I like--butter, chocolate. Just in moderation. I feel good about losing the weight, and I certainly think I look better. Overall, though, it has given me a sense of control over my life that I feel like I had been missing.

I wish I had handled things differently with Julia moving away and just told her from the get go that I didn't want to stay in touch. How ironic that in yesterday's mail came a cd for her. I wish I had been able to be more honest with my sisters about things with my dad. That I didn't have to pretend that everything was ok and that I love him the same way they do. I wish I had been able to say no and not spend so much time at the hospital when I needed my energy for myself. I wish I had not gotten rid of the bed frame and not purchased the full size frame as if changing the bed frame would ease my grief about Merlin. I wish I had spent more time with Campbell's. I feel guilty about this. I feel good about my work with Johanna. I can talk with her more about the hurt and anger and cry there. She is a witness to my suffering. I feel good about being able to be more self compassionate and treat myself more kindly some of the time.

I wish I had focused. My efforts were very sporadic this year. I'd be great about eating healthy for a few weeks, and then jump off the bandwagon. I started learning the violin, but I quit playing in March. I wish I had stuck with what I started and kept going. If I had, I'd probably be at my goal weight and a violin virtuoso by now! I'm proud that I stuck with reading classic books. I finished Les Miserables and The Count of Monte Cristo and enjoyed both of them immensely. I even understood them without having to resort to Sparknotes! That's a pretty big deal for me.

I am proud that I have opened myself to learning...I am starting to understand that perfection doesn't mean you are good as you, but rather, I are working to be as good as you can be

I wish I took more advantage of the places and people around me. I wish I realized how wonderful the city was before I only had a couple weeks left. I wish I didn't put my parents through as much hell the beginning of the year because it truly isn't worth it. It wasn't worth it. I'm proud that I made the most fantastic decision of a school and was able to find so many friends so soon and so wonderfully. I'm glad I took the farther more hands on internship because I truly learned so much doing them. I'm glad I met mt and cal and Tyler Haley Eryan d Joseph, Ben, Nicole and all of my other friends and I open I can say I still am as clOse with them this time next year

I'm proud that I got straight A's at the end of middle school.

I am really proud of my thesis. I worked really hard on it throughout the year and my dedication and persistence taught me that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

no, i dont

I am proud that I got through the last 6 months relatively intact, proud that I made Martin be honest with the kids, proud of how I have mothered them through this and stayed mindful of boundaries and emotions.

I wish I lived in the moment more often - less worrying and focusing on what's to come and more on the here and now and the people who I'm with and the days that I've been given.

I wish I had learned to embrace the friends who were truly there for me and let go of the ones who weren't. I wish I had realized that my sarcasm was hurting people and done something to change it. At the same time though, I'm proud of myself for trying new things, going on crazy adventures: SDLC, Subiendo, Jake...., ILSI. I'm proud of myself for opening up and truly embracing the crazy things I had thrown at me. Lots of ups and downs this year, but as always, it all pays off.

I wish I had thought about my actions more carefully. I wish I was a better sister and I wish I understood myself better in regards to my feelings. I'm proud that I'm able to recognize all of this and learn from it so that I may better myself in the future. :)

I am proud of the skills I have gained and courage I have shown in taking on a challenging project. I regret the ways in which my lack of timely, thoughtful communication hurt or offended others.

I wish I knew for sure that I am doing what I am supposed to do. I don't know if I would change some of the major things that I have done but it might be for the best. I have been in survival mode for the past year I think. I don't know if I could have changed anything I have done.

This is the first year that I truly feel like I'm becoming the person that I want to be. I finally feel like I have DREAMS! Goals and desires that extend beyond anything I've ever thought of before. I'm proud of how much stronger I've become. I wish I would have let more people in, made more time for people I love.

I wish I had taken charge at work more.

I think, the answer I wrote about last evening, on the night of Rosh Hashana, to yesterday's question would be appropriate to choose as a an item which I would handle differently. Being through the entire situation now, and having the ability to overlook the past, I definitely would have changed the way I had held myself in the open discussions. I can alternatively mention something that I did accomplish in 2011 that I should be amazed and very proud at doing. It is very different in terms from the above element of serious discussions, but nonetheless, important. It was my testing for and receiving my third degree black belt in the art of Tae Kwon Do. It's not an easy nor a common event.

im glad i am vegetarian. that's really all i've done to be very proud of. i suppose there ARE other things but there's nothing else that has really required me think about things, and going veg shouldnt have, but it was a pretty significant change that wasn't necessary. i guess that's it. it was a change that wasn't necessary. so it's special, in some way. i felt guilt for a decade over eating meat and now i don't, and that anxiety is gone. there's still some others though. anxieties, i mean.

I guess I wish I would have networked more. I'm really proud that I had a nice nest egg saved up for the first time ever in my life. I was also able to loan money to some members of my family and that was nice to be able to do, if never been in that position before. And I think I'm proud of just turning more into the person I want be.

This past year, I am exceptionally proud of my experience with Toastmasters. I am very bummed that my schedule prevents me from attending right now.

I rarely have regrets so it's hard to come up with something I would have done differently. I'm really proud of the networking group I co-founded this year and all the social media work I've done.

I wish I kept up working out... Proud to have gotten better at organizing and delegating.

I am incredibly proud of pretty much everything that I did this past year. I went to South Africa by myself, learned another language, made connections, rescued a dog, and now am capable of living in a house (with the dog) and am finally out of therapy. I think I am doing incredibly well, and I am so proud of myself.

While there are many things I wish I did differently or improved upon, I am proud that in my heart and mind I strived to focus on my relationship with with wife and children. This may be a little thing, but by structuring my time, energy and focus on my family, I feel I'm living true to my values.

I wish I did more sports. I´m proud to be myself more and more each time.

I wish had not taken my dog to the woods that day when whatever it was triggered his paw problems. Poor poorly paws. I am proud of setting up my own little business.

I guess there are several things I'd try to do differently knowing what I know now. How I handled work problems, maybe I'd put out more resumes for a new job. Maybe I could rethink how things have gone south with some friendships and see if I could have done something differently. But, I was a different person... I don't regret things. When I know better, I do better. I'm trying to learn and know better.

I have no regrets this year. I kept promises to myself and accomplished so much. I am especially proud of my writing. In the past year, I took on the new challenge of starting a blog and it has been so rewarding. The blog has given me a wonderful burst of confidence and has been a terrific outlet. My family and friends have been extremely supportive and the feedback has been very positive.

My mother would be saying "I told you so" if she were to read this but I really do wish I would have tried harder in my last year of high school. I could have left the school with a bigger imprint had I done so. However, university is starting and I can't wait to prove everyone wrong and do amazingly.

I'm proud of the way I handled the breakup with a guy I had been dating for a really long time. I wanted a clean break, protect myself as best as I can, but also not hurt him unnecessarily. I think I've accomplished that thus far.

Hmmm. I wish I had recognized and asserted my need to take care of myself earlier. It's only in the last few weeks, and as a result of a few months of therapy, that I've realized just how badly I am faring after years of so much self neglect. The underlying reasons/ghosts are really hard to exorcise, so I'm not going to be hard on myself for not getting to this realization sooner. 42 is better late than never! But all the same, I only recently began to grok that I've spent years putting my kids first without realizing that this is not motivated solely by a value I hold dear -- to have a child-centered family life, but by a compulsion to sweep unresolved personal struggles from long ago under the rug of my (current) happier family life.

I don't think there was anything I would have done differently. Yes, I would ahve liked to make more money; made time to write my book, develop a game idea... but at the end of the day I'm happy not accomplishing them because I've done waht I wanted to do.

I wish I would have spent more time focusing on myself and not putting everyone else ahead of my needs. I miss dance class, visiting museums, traveling, and exploring new places, cuisines, and cultures. I am proud that I have worked hard to be a more authentic self and am trying to be less judgmental, although I still have a long, long way to go . . .

I wish I had been patient with Eliza tho' I realize that part of that is buying to to the idea that I am responsible for her happiness.

I'm proud of losing over 25 pounds this year. It wasn't a goal of mine to lose X pounds. I just wanted to get back into the gym because I enjoyed it. Before I knew it the pounds were coming off and I had to get my clothes sized down! I'm in the best shape of my life and feel fantastic. I need to find a way to make this weight loss sustainable. I never want to weigh over 200 pounds again.

In this past year I had my first serious relationship. It was a head over heels, ready to get married and have babies, kind of love. If there is one thing that I wish I had done differently, I wish I hadn't taken those 9 months for granted and I wish I hadn't let my insecurities prevent me from experiencing happiness. I have this recurring tendency to self sabotage myself the moment things start to go right in my life. Perhaps I'm afraid of getting hurt, so I do the hurting first. Or maybe I'm afraid of losing something that I run away before there's too much to lose. Possibly, I'm just afraid of what it is to be happy...whatever the reason, I wish I had done that differently. I wish I had appreciated Jason and every waking moment that I had with him. I wish I had been more empathetic and free of cruelty. I wish I could have seen and understood that he loved me while I had him in my life to love. As for what I'm proud of, I'm proud that I understand my faults. I'm proud that I am now aware of something inside of me that I intensely dislike and want desperately to change. I'm proud that I have the capability to self introspect and evolve, regardless of how heart-wrenching the lesson...

I wish I had filled out all the paperwork on my foreclosure earlier and stayed on it. But after FOUR YEARS now, i needed a break. But after the paperwork would have been a better time to relax. Now it's hard to get back into it. Also, I wish I had SUED the bastard who sold me a car - at premium price - and only after I applied at the DMV for a pink slip did i discover it was SALVAGED. I guess I wish i had done a CARFAX on him, but he was a supposedly reputable body shop (SUMMIT AUTO BODY in Burlingame) so i thought he'd be on the up and up, surely? That regret was for 2 years ago when i bought the car, though. Well, wish me luck for the rest of this year!

There are many small things that I wish I had done differently, but none is worth words as to justify the essence of the question. I am rectifying myself, and I am proud of it..:)

I am proud of how I pulled myself together and how I overcame so many difficulties. When 2012 started it looked like it was going to be the worst year of my life. Now I feel like it's the best year ever.

I'm proud of my improved self esteem and confidence. I'd have liked to go out more, to the beach for example, but that didn't turn out due to lack of more than one friend. I'm glad I read the books I read, but I actually would have liked to play less video games and read even more books or watch more interesting films. And I'm very proud and super happy with the dog we adopted. He's super adorable and fun to play (and go to sleep!) with.

I wish I had been a more patient and active mother, and that I had paid more attention to the long term benefits of disciplining my daughter appropriately and less on the short term interest in keeping us all happy. I wish I had gone to see a counselor and had done more yoga. In the long term, that would have been better for me than some of the projects I chose instead.

I wish I had used my maternity leave more to enjoy my daughter. I feel like life caught up on me far too quickly and we just settled into a routine of shopping, cleaning and errands with fun baby things scattered in between. I'm still proud of how my daughter has developed, and I think she just loved being close to me - but I wanted to read to her every day, and take her for a walk everyday, and teach her to swim and I did bits of all those things but without making that my priority. I guess life can't all be fun and games, and the hoovering has to be done - so maybe I wish I hadn't set my expectations so high!

There are many things I am proud of - reducing my 10k time by 2 minutes, throwing the party of the year at my wedding and bagging myself a gorgeous husband. However, what I am most proud of is the fact that I can think of no major regrets whatsoever. Yes, there are little things I would have done differently, but they're as small as getting somebody else to make my wedding invitations.

I am pretty selfish in that way. I dont do much that I dont want to. Which means many choices I make tend to satisfy me, leaving little room for regret. I guess, in saying that, my selfishness has caused problems for my family, removed a lot of time I could have spent with them, and that is something I regret. I also have a real conflict about being independent and living on my own terms, but I know I rely on my family for so much, mainly stabilising and supporting, so I hope I can find what I am looking for soon, and become calmer and at peace, so that I can be comfortable to be still with those I love.

I wish I would have gone to the dentist sooner and I wish I would have not freaked out on my birthday. I am proud that I made my house look nicer.

I wish I had made the effort to communicate more my feelings to those affected by them. I am proud of the resilience and adaptability I have shown.

I think about my relationships with my parents, first but also about relationships in general. I have a hard time keeping my mom especially truly connected to my world. I don't communicate often enough but more importantly I don't communicate with enough depth. This is something I can improve on this year. My father is someone I'm not as close to but for his benefit and mine more communication would be good this year. In work, in life, in living and in the experiences I've had this year I see nothing but accomplishments. What a year this has been!

I wish I had been able to take more time off for my maternity leave. Although we have managed it well with our new nanny joining us, it was too short. Babies grow up so fast! I am proud of the way my boys are with one another - they are pleased to see each other and have already started to sort of play together. Henry is firmly in charge as Jasper can't move yet! So it will be interesting to see how that changes over time.

i wish i had done better at uni - better time management.

I would have gone way past my comfort zone however I am proud of taking the steps to go past it.

I wish I had followed up on my resolution from last year's 10Q and looked for and gotten a new job that was fulfilling and did more to repair the world. I didn't and I'm sorry about that. I am especially proud of the way I managed crisis when my husband was injured and we were marooned for a month away from home. I made certain my husband was cared for as well as possible and dealt, minute by minute with the many details that were involved in his care, transportation home, home care and getting him back to work. When I look back, I'm amazed we went through this and survived. Not bad for a woman my parents thought couldn't take care of herself or a pet.

I wish I had gone on vacation this year.

I dont know what I could have done differently this past year - maybe exercised more or ate better. My Mom's cancer and her choice to die at home with us pretty much determined everything. I am proud that the hospice people find our care of our Mom exemplary. Apparently taking care of dying seniors is not done well or with care in many families. I think we are returning what we were given....all 6 kids were adopted or step or step adopted - Mom didnt give birth to any of us.

I wish that I had the balance that I was looking for. I feel like i'm on the right track but not there yet. I wish that I had gone to the gym after getting a membership. I wish that i had taken more time for myself this year. I feel the toll of not paying attention to myself. I'm exhausted.

I am extremely proud of the fact that I made it through Ulpan, the intensive Hebrew training given to all new immigrants to Israel. There were several points along the way that I wanted to quit, and I was very humbled by my own slowness and the level of difficulty I had with Hebrew. But I didn't quit...I pressed on, took the final exam, and passed it with flying colors.

When Mindy called to tell me that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, I wish I had been a better, more diligent friend. I'm not sure if it was a fear of losing her or simply being too caught up in my daily life, but whatever it was, I wasn't the friend that she needed during this time. As a result, she hasn't spoken to me in nearly a month, and I don't know what's going on or how she's doing. Alternatively, the thing that I'm especially proud of from this past year is finally taking the leap & leaving Detroit.

I wish I could be a better husband. I do try, but I guess I can always do better. Our marriage is sometimes fraught and it could be prevented by being more affectionate, which I am improving. Our recent holiday helped massively.

I often go through in my mind on what I could have done differently and if it would change anything, but I don't think it would. I am proud that I haven't fallen apart with all the pressure.

I really don't like looking back and thinking about what I would change. To have regrets is a form of self-judgment. And I don't deserve to be judged. We are all just doing the best we can in every moment. Better to praise myself for the positive things. I think that I'm most proud of the fact that I am still in Costa Rica after so many tragic events from this last year. I also think that most other people are surprised I'm still here. I learned long ago that no matter where I go - I'm still there! Trying to blame others or our surroundings for our issues or problems doesn't work! I'm staying still for now and working on myself and whatever issues have to be resolved. And let me tell ya - it hasn't been easy!

I wish I had been financially smarter this year. The ups and downs of the past 12 months have brought home to me how immature I've been with saving and planning for my life. I have been in a state of stasis, pretending I was in my early twenties/still at college, living paycheck to paycheck, and struggling at the end of the month to pay bills. I wish I had begun to put some money aside each month, for a rainy day, for a flight across the Pond to see my parents, but on reflection I am able to do that from now on.

I really wish I had kept the house cleaner this year. I am sick of living in a pig sty.

I am proud of how much I have improved the novel I am writing. But also unhappy that I am still not done, and sharply aware of how many other things I had to let slide in order to accomplish even as this much as I have, which was itself not nearly as much as I hoped. It makes me aware of how many trade-offs there are in life. Nothing is free. Also, that is hard to live both inside your imagination and in the world at the same time. While sometimes interesting, it is impractical on a long-term basis, and I have the dusty apartment, neglected friendships and general shambles to prove it.

I wish I had taken better care of myself.

I'm proud that I helped to organize a Kabbalah class in South Austin. We were reaching people outside the Jewish community in an alternative space and I felt I got to access my connection to Judaism in a new way.

I'm proud of the fact that I broke my own rule and clicked on a link in an email to participate in this 10Q thought process. I'm not as proud of the fact that I didn't make some necessary changes that would have yielded positive health benefits.

I wish I was more patient this past year. Due to a disease, my husband is not able to help much. My stress level is high and many times I feel like a single parent. I wish that I was more patient with my daughter and my husband. I also wish I didn't turn on preschool episodes so often for our daughter when I felt I had to get some work done.

I wish I'd spent more time training on my bicycle, and more time fundraising for the Tour de Cure. That said, I'm really happy I've been able to take Wilton cake decorating classes to both fill in holes from earlier self-instruction and to learn new techniques.

I managed to get a rather substantial raise at my new job while I was still under my probation period.

I'm especially proud of how I handled having to step out and away from dance after an injury. It took a lot of patience and care and it is now healed. It was a blessing in disguise to have to re-learn how to dance, and even walk.

I'm proud that since my trip to Israel this spring I've made hummus every week and it is sure starting to get good.

I kind of wish I had done things differently in my 2 jobs ago job. My current position has me thinking a lot about that. On an unrelated note, something I am extremely proud of is I taught my kids (6 and 7) to ride their bikes without training wheels. Small thing to some, but super exciting to me.

Every year I say I am going to work on "overcommitting" myself to projects and work. Didn't overcommit myself or get too strung out with projects this year. It felt really good because life was much more manageable and I was able to read and relax more.

I've been stumbling towards self-fulfillment this year, and while I wish I would have moved at a faster pace, I'm proud of the courage and the motivation I've shown to move myself closer to my dreams.

My relationship with my boss over the past year was extremely challenging for me, and while I'm proud of the tenacity and resilience and capacity for reflection that I showed, I also wish I had been more willing to let go of a sense of victimization and give my boss the benefit of the doubt more often.

yes, I wish I had not taking money for granted and spent unwisely. but what I am proud of is making the most of my skills, and getting a distinction in art college two years running. Not letting negative people or situations sway me from my dreams. I wanted it enough to taste it, and never gave in.

Yes, I wish I'd been nicer to my elderly Dad who was living with us until he passed away. Sometimes I would take out my anger, stress, or resentment by being snippy or argumentative with him. At those times, nothing he could say was right or OK. I know that my actions hurt and upset him. I am ashamed of my actions. I did apologize to him before he passed away, and he forgave me. The thing I'm especially proud of is being there for my young teen daughter several times when she was going through very rough changes in her life. It has brought us closer together and I am happy with how our relationship has grown.

I'm proud of our company and of my girlfriend, who have a real chance to become my wife.

I really wish I hadn't stopped dieting and training. Last year I was running marathons and triathlons. This year, I gave up. I skipped many of my races and didn't keep training. As a result I have gained (back) 30 lbs and am feeling fatugly. I have lots of excuses for why I stopped (mostly related around being so busy with a commute, my wife being back, starting a company, starting a PhD, etc.)-- but they are just excuses. I could stay healthy even in that situation if I had will power.

I always wish I used more discipline....but being undisciplined makes me happy.

I wish I could have given my physical body more attention, more movement, more strength. I am proud of how much growth my brand and I have accomplished this year, but it's caused me to sacrifice balance in my physical being.

I entered this New Year in a long-distance relationship. We broke up, and after everyone said they saw it coming – it was destined to end. “You’re too alike” “You both are too stubborn” “You were too good a friends before” , etc. I don’t look back and wish we were still together. I actually look back and wish we would have ended things sooner – then maybe we would still be friends. Maybe we could still talk and laugh and things wouldn’t be so awkward. I wish I wouldn’t have just let things slide and stayed silent. I wish I wouldn’t have feared confronting reality so much. I wish I would have just been honest.

During the past year, there were still things that I allowed myself to get too worked up over. Both personally, and over global events, too often, I lose my cool and get fearful or angry. On the personal front, I am realizing more and more that what I think should happen, or what I think I want are limiting both myself and those people I love, and I wish I had realized this earlier. Letting go of my preconceived ideas has been very freeing and I wish I had done it sooner. Having said that, it is so much to come to something "better late than never", and I am thrilled and proud every time I catch and correct myself.

I wish I had finished my novel by now. I wish I had spent more time on it. I wish I had trusted myself more and been afraid less. But I am also really proud of how far I have come in getting to know myself, in loving myself for who I am and in asking for help. I am proud of the work I have done on my many projects, including my novel. I'm proud of all that I have learned. And all that I have shared with my family and friends - the knowledge, ideas, feelings, goals, wishes, love, friendship etc that has been shared both ways is very precious to me.

I wish that I had been more productive and gone out and got a new job sooner. I feel that I let my motivation run low which is never good. I am though really pleased I started my blog, and got at least some people reading it. The purpose was to hone my basic online marketing skills which I think I have done. Also to keep my brain ticking over, I feel like my brain needs to get in a higher gear. Also I lost a stone this year which was brill, but preceeded to put on half a stone. boooo.

I wish that I could have compared myself to others a bit less. It would be nice to be able to look in the mirror and be able to love myself completely. However, I'm proud of how I have lost a bit of weight, and how I've handled my long distance relationship this past year. It's been hard, but I've become stronger for it.

I am very proud that I sought help to deal with my physical and emotional issues and made significant progress in identifying their cause.

I did everything as was kind of mapped out for me. Waiting for the ankle to heal, desperate for my cast off and licensing for new job, although both happened at pretty much the same time. I've learned to trust the Universe. 2012 was about getting financially back on track. 2013 is for enjoying life, having fun and making plans. i've spent many years focussed on career and would really like to develop relationships, both friendships and a specific relationship sometime next year.

I wish that I had fostered and nurtured my relationship with my husband more. I feel as though I put so much effort and energy into being a good mother and a decent attorney, but my marriage is one ball that I can't quite keep in the air. Alternatively, I am (somewhat) impressed that I have been able to breastfeed my 8-month-old daughter continuously while going back to work "full time." Seeing her healthy and happy is exceptionally special to me.

I wish I could understand my mother and her expectations. I wish we could have had a year of peace and less arguments. I also wish I would learn to get along. I also wish I learned not to be so vocal at work, sometimes it bites you.

I ended a five year relationship, with a man I thought I would marry. In hindsight I handled things poorly, but I didn't know how to handle it. I've tried to put into words exactly how I felt, but I've been unsuccessful. I was very callous and cold, but it was like my feelings had fled from me; I was unable to show emotion. I'm still not sure why I felt that way at the time, but I shouldn't have taken it out on him; he deserved better after five years. I feel like I'll spend the rest of my life trying to show him the emotion he deserved to see when I ended things...At the same time I am proud that I made the hardest decision I have ever made, to end the relationship. I knew that neither of us were happy and that we did not belong together. So many people go through the motions in relationships, just for the sake of the relationship- it's not healthy or fulfilling for either party. I refuse to live that way. We all deserve to be truly happy. I can say that I am now truly happy and I hope that he is too.

I wish that I had branched out and made more friends while at Gainesville, but on the other hand I am really proud of the fact that my grades skyrocketed because of it.

I am proud that I have finally had the courage to start confronting and walking through fears that used to paralyze me. I am starting my own business finally and learning to be compassionate yet firm with the students I teach instead of worrying about people-pleasing

Answered my damn emails and turned down the fellowship. Getting and staying on target with my writing. I'm doing some of the work of my life thus far.

I am proud of having gone trekking in Ecuador. It was so hard, mentally and physically, but to have been able to push myself to complete it was thrilling and empowering. I felt like a super-hero and I stopped thinking of myself as " too old". Alternatively - I wish I had trained harder in preparation !

I wish I was more aware of all the supports I have in my life and felt less put upon. I think I am too negative about too much. I have a great life- I am super lucky - but I tend to dwell on the negative - especially in other people.

I am proud of being asked to be on our temple's board of trustees. I've come a long way!

I wish I'd taken better care of my health. On an intellectual level I know what I should eat and that I should exercise regularly and what the consequences are of not being sensible. However, I still can't motivate myself to act like a grown up at 53 and do what I'm supposed to be doing so I'm not scared of having a heart attack or stroke every night. On the other hand, I've made some improvements. I just hope I can keep moving in the right direction before it's too late.

I wish that I had tried harder to let Troy go in peace. I just can't seem to let go of him. I will try my hardest over the next year to just let him go. He needs to be able to move - as do I. I am pretty proud of the fact that I earned an award as a faculty mentor for Darius White's homelessness project.

I regret staying in the job position that I stayed in so long. I am proud that I have endured some the most major changes in the last twenty years.

I wish I had discerned more carefully when to speak and when to be quite. I have too much to say too often. I wish I could find balance.

I am really proud of all of the service I have been doing this past year. I volunteered at my local science museum, at a nature center for a month, and at a YMCA family camp that I love. I was able to teach kids and adults alike about the wonders of science and nature.

I'm proud of having campaigned door-to-door against Scott Walker this Spring. Even though we lost, the story is not over. I felt good about at least being able to do something to correct a horrible situation.

I am proud of the devotional I completed this summer. I worked hard for nothing; yet work is never for nothing, and this work was a spiritual task that resulted in a job for one person and a business source for another person. Very valuable assets to each. I feel I completed the cycle of giving back as I had requested.

I wish I had been honest with myself health wise before now. I have been relatively healthy, but I should have listened to my body when it said that it was too tired or hurt to continue what I was doing. I am proud of myself, however, of the hard work I did towards my goals. I continued on my educational and professional paths and I am proud of that work.

I am proud of my husband this year. I am proud to have been able to give him the support and encouragement he needed to get where he is today. Our family is in a much better position now because of tough decisions we made as a couple, and I am extremely proud of the way we have worked together to make it happen. There have been a few minor bumps, but overall this has been probably our best year ever. It has been a few years since I've thought that.

I am proud of my acchivements from the last year. A new job, promotion, visa, my own first appartment and my studying and working on an additional diploma, tora studies..

Done differently? Probably, but can't think of anything right now. Proud of? Sure, the Yearly Meeting and how successful it was with the major role I played in putting it together.

Yes I really messed up a good friendship. In fact I think he was the only true friend that wanted to be my best friend. It was just awkward for him, and he didn't know how to make it official. But he really needed me during that time. I don't know what was wrong with me, but I did not realize that at the time. I didn't realize that I don't have friends, I had all acquaintances and not best friends. He was my only true friend at that time. I played a prank on him and lost a great friend. I have only one best friend who comes around every so often but there is nobody else. I truly regret what I did, If I could take back time I would go back and cherish his friendship. Now I'm just by myself sitting in my room alone, with no one to talk to. I never thought it would end like this.

I wish I had listened to the Lord in the past few months, rather than rely primarily on the counsel of friends who, as much as they love me, are not objective and are in some ways just as lost if not more so. I am proud of the community that I have been a part of that has been building over the last year, a place of safety, acceptance, love, laughter and really yummy food. And to have started trying to bring that into every interaction in the year.

I guess as always i wish i had made more friends, and put myself out there more. But then again i am proud that i have become a lot more confident and i feel myself getting so more everyday.

Done different - nothing I can think of. Proud - of being myself.

I wish I had spent more office time truly focused. If there was no work to be done, I wish I coul have spent more time on marketing or drumming up business.

I wish I had made more effort to keep,in touch with my friends and call them more regularly.

I wish that I had started off this past year focusing on repairing my credit. Since my divorce, my credit was obliterated. I now have the opportunity to change that but wasn't as diligent as I should be. I really need to change that this year. This past year I have also brought my store to new levels of prosperity. I have brought in a sense of vitality and energy that has propelled us to the growing point of opening a second store!

I wish I had really relished and appreciated my last days child-free. Most proud of making this baby!

I wish I had been nicer to my mother. It took us both a while to get used to the idea that I was leaving (for an undetermined amount of time) and as part of that process I did try to push her away in a way that wasn't fair to her or commensurate with anything that she'd done. I am glad though that at one point we both realised what I was doing and managed to come together and share some really magical and special times together.

I think this past year I wish I had made more time to be present with my friend Peter, I truely wish I had come home to be with him for a few of the shows he had. I know he was understanding about me being in Australia and how difficult it is to come home but had I know he would get sick and we would loose him everything would have been different. I know I was there for him, we talked everyday, but somehow looking back, I guess its hard not to say you would have done more. I am so proud to have come home to hold his hand until his last breath, If my life comes to an end tomorrow I know I will always be so proud I stood by his side along with his family. I miss you so much Peter.

I'm sorry I gave up studying Trope with Mark... it's so hard for me and then it turned out to be a different system than what we use at BI and I felt I wouldn't be supported by the environment... I'd like to try again sometime.

Something that I'm particularly proud of is that I was the only Colorado educator to attend the Belfer National Holocaust conference in Washington, D.C. in July 2012. I applied and was accepted within two months of my application! I found out I received a scholarship to attend which covered travel and other expenses. Flying to a new city on my own, learning about how to best teach the Holocaust, and meeting a TON of new educator friends was the highlight of my year.

I try to take an personal inventory each day. At the end of each day I try to reflect on what I did that day, and whether I could have done things differently to bring about a better outcome. One area that I need to improve in is not being judgmental of other people. One aspect of my life that I am proud of is that I try and succeed in being honest with family, friends, and strangers.

There are many things I wish I'd done differently this year--as there usually are every year--and they usually result from my not thinking through responses to situations before responding. On the other hand, I can see many improvements in my reading of others and my ability to let go of bean counting in relationships with others, which has benefited me greatly.

I wish I had not sat in the house so much. There's nothing I'm proud of.

I wish that I had realized sooner that I was suffering from post-partum depression. It was late-onset, so I didn't realize I had it until 5 months, but once I spoke to my doctor and got on medication, I began to think of motherhood not as an interminable chore but as a joy and a delight (yes, with some chores thrown in :). I'm also very proud of myself for having breastfed my son this long! This was the point around which my depression centered, and it seemed so important and so impossible for so long. Now it is merely a fact of life and I am proud that odds are good he will be completely breastfed for a year or longer, with no supplemental formula. I am in awe of his growth and also in the strength of my body to provide him with the optimal food.

I wish I had been better to my mother - I tend to take her for granted, and I know I do, and I know I shouldn't, but that doesn't seem to help.

I am proud that most of my family relationships -- with parents, siblings, nieces and nephews -- have grown tremendously this year. I wish I had been more mature in my personal relationships, including with close friends and boyfriends. I'm 47 now and the prospect of living through my 50s and 60s as a single gay man scares me.

I wish I had dedicated more time to volunteering and/or interning, while I had more savings, to find out what it is that I like to do.

I was proud that I organized a number of members of our synagogue to visit and to support by intervention with the social work community on behalf of a 100 year-old member who died this Spring. When her family essentially told the synagogue that she was buried privately and that it didn't want anything to do with the synagogue i wrote a lengthy history detailed the synagogue's involvement and support.

For the first time in a number of years, I feel really good about my relationships with my family, especially with dad. Nothing was ever that bad, but sometimes I got frustrated with him for relatively minor things, and I'd end phone calls on bad notes. So last year at RH, I decided to try and end every phone call by telling my parents and siblings that I love them. And -- I feel really good about that change. I'm gonna keep that one.

Hmmm...I can answer both questions with the same answer...doing the Pachamsms symposium for my 50th bday. I feel it was a meaningful way to mark turning 50; however, it caused me much anxiety and I wish I hadn't done it at all. I really enjoyed being the mikva attendant at the meditation retreat and was very proud of that.

I wish I wasn't so quick to anger. Especially with the people that matter most in my life. I have alot of resentment for not being where I want to be financially and it is hard. I need to work on being more patient and putting myself in others shoes. I don't think my mom and B try to hurt me, sometimes they just say something that I disagree with and instead of thinking about it, I pounce. I really need to work on letting anger go and being more patient and present in the moment. I wish I hadn't overreacted as much as I did.

I am proud of pulling the finances together, with the help of my life partner, we are on a much better financial footing than in the past. I am delighted with how well we work together and look forward to spending the rest of my life working and relaxing in his love.

I wish I had let my pride go. It's not worth it, and it may have prevented me from finding my true happiness. The only person you can count on is yourself, and sometimes you have to trust your gut. On the bright side, I did express courage and bravery beyond what I could have possibly comprehended. There are very few people who went through what I went through and not have completely lost their minds. I maintained composure, which is what matters to me above all.

I am proud that I was able to move past my family's conception of me and strike out to be my own person.

I'm proud that I have held it together...no regrets

Yes, I wish I was cooler with guys. I drove them away , I took their actions personally and felt like a victim. I wish I saw their actions as being about them, not me. I wish I gave more unconditional love. Without calculating, I wish I loved my self enough to see that. I am so beautiful but was blind to my beauty.no more I am so proud of my career successes . I am proud that I opened my heart and made new , 100% honest , friendships. I am proud that I was me. I'm also proud that I finally made true peace with my mom. I love her so...

This past year I have been struggling a lot, due to...many things. I feel like a lot of the negativity that has affected me all my life has really caused me to melt down over the past few months. So my regret is not asking people for help and really trying to make healthy changes in my life sooner. Something of which I'm really proud is...after so much suffering and anguish, finally reaching out to friends and seeking the help of a counselor.

I always wish I had taken better care of myself--I have made some improvement. I'm proud that I've taken some steps toward teaching as an adjunct at the college where I work.

At 35yrs I'm very proud of myself for getting back into competitive sport. I've worked hard to improve my fitness, ball skills, to be a good teammate, and to support the efforts of my club. There were times when I let my ego get the better of me and I wish I'd had the discipline to avoid that but in general Im really proud of my sporting accomplishments this year.

Something I wish I had done differently...Trusted my partner to stay at our rental home rather than downsizing. My paranoia about being stretched to thin financially overrode her logic that we would be unhappy in a smaller place. We're not unhappy but we do miss our old place. Something I'm especially proud of from the past year...Standing up for myself to an employer who was not taking my interests in to account. Walking away from a job where I was not being utilized properly. Having the integrity throughout the experience to be honest about my time, work and perspective.

I wish I had come to realize earlier that I can mediate litgated cases. I can mediate with lawyers and I don't need to be afraid of them, as I was at first. I focused all of my business energies on getting people to mediate instead of file lawsuits. Now, I'm realizing that I CAN make a living as a "regular" mediator. I also wish I had taken better care of myself physically ... and perhaps emotionally and spiritually. I am proud of myself because I don't give up.

I wish that I hadn't let my exercising flag the way that it has in the past year, but I am especially proud to have completed my first triathlon, even it if wasn't a great showing (I still finished!).

I wish I had done a better job at my scholarship application. I though I was going to get it because of my resume, so I didn't take enough time to prepare the report and all the other requirements.

I am most proud of how well I split my time up between studying, staying active, and staying social. It took a while to find a good balance, and I am not thrilled of how little I studied during the actual study time (such as right now I am technically in 'study mode') but that is something I have to work on.

I wish I didn't let people's perceptions of me get in the way of my actions. I created limitations for myself that did not actually exist, and in doing so, barred my social life. I am proud that more recently I have been able to break out of this illusion and reach out to new people.

I'm proud of myself for working through the summer of 2012 and raising enough money to pay for my share of college expenses. For next year, I need one steady job instead of a patchwork schedule of two jobs!

I wish I could figure a better way to deal with my husband's son & daughter in law - It feels all one way - they never reach out, invite, offer a cup of tea, let us take the grand kids. I wish I could be at peace with how they are & just be in their lives as a model of a different way of approaching life

(Note to self: You just wrote your answer to this and didn't hit save and now it is gone.) I can't think of anything at this moment that I would have done differently this past year. Well, I wish I'd talked to Tyler the night before he died instead of texting him. I also wish I'd stayed more on track with my healthy eating habits and exercising than I have done. I am proud that I was able to allow people to help me and care for me and love me through my health issues and Tyler's death, proud that I was able to allow others to see my pain rather than trying to hide it from everyone and pretend to be strong.

I wish i had been more patient, less jealous and petty. I have made big strides and recognize better what matters and what doesn't but i wish I learned this more, appreciated it more. I'm SO proud of us for this fertility journey. I am proud of myself again for picking the absolutely right partner, for braving needles and shots and hospitals and anesthetia and questions and changes in all ways. I'm beginning a new scary journey but I am buttressed by getting through this one, building and being lucky enough to have a wonderful support team and knowing we have so much love to give.

Yes. I wish I'd kept on with school, and made it to Scotland. Proud of? My son. He came through two very major surgeries through life-threatening things, good-naturedly. He's on his way to recovery.

I wish I let jealousy of material things affect me less ... I want to focus more on the riches I have (and my relative wealth to many others) rather than comparing my own material wealth to others who have more.

I kind of left my good dieting slip. I went back to eating large amounts of sugar and other harmful foods. I've eased myself off but have left some sugars in my diet. I'm proud of my kids, my sons are growing into such intelligent smart young men. And i'm having a little girl! A dream of mine.

I wish I hadn't let negativity and bitterness creep into my life so much in the past few months. Although i'm sure it has to do with getting close to 30, I wish I had recognised it early on and not let it be so pervasive.

I'm proud of the support I provided to the team I lead at work. They worked hard and met an important challenge. My contribution was to provide the resources they needed to get the job done, and to recognize their performance when they finished. People do amazing things when given the space to do so.

This past year, I wish I had spent more time with my friends; more quality time with the few people who really matter. I tried to be everyone's friend and spread myself too thin. On the other side, spreading myself so thin meant that when I was suddenly at the head of of one of the largest social movements in the world, I was able to bring in a lot of young people.

I wish that I had spent more time figuring out what I want to do with my life and taking my future seriously. I graduate in May with no idea yet what is ahead of me.

I wish I gotten more exercise. I really do need it - but I'm so tired when I get home from work.

I wish I had chosen to keep looking for a job, rather than take this one. While the people are great, it's not very interesting to me, I don't feel like its a progression in my career, plus I took a cut in pay. I am reliant on myself, so I felt I needed to take a job, rather than take the time to find something I could also like. In addition, I wish I had negotiated better with PJ because I think I would have really loved that job, but it fell through in the talking stage...

I wish I had spent more time out of doors. In all weather. I need to get over my innate homebodiness and use small bits of free time for being out in nature.

I'm proud of being able to support my son during his health crises without losing my cool at least visibly.

I wish I hadn't let doubt affect me to the degree that it did. Ultimately I overcame it, but only after putting a lot of energy into it. I also wish I'd worked a little harder, and been more focused about the direction of my career. Not to be ungrateful, because the transition to part-time has definitely let me begin to head down the creative avenues that I've wanted to. But I don't feel like I've taken full advantage of it yet, or approached that newfound freedom strategically enough. I'm proud that I had enough self-knowledge to lead the charge to get married and plan our wedding in the way that I did. I'm proud that I was able to listen to myself and no one else in the key decisions I made to get us where we needed to be, even when they were difficult to make and stand by. I'm proud that I took a leap of faith in my career and that I'm starting to hit a stride in being able to balance both types of work life.

I wish I had worked harder. As I look back at my year I see that when it comes down to it nothing stood in my way of success more than my own self. My excuses, my complacency, my lack of disciple - if I was working as hard as I was last week all year the differnce in my life, my finances, my relationships, etc would be vastly different than it is right now. I am ashamed that I just coasted a long being uncomfortably comfortable and not working to make a better life for my self and others. I wish I had spoken to more people and put for discipline and effort into growing my business instead of getting wrapped up in trivial things and loosing momentum.

Looking back on my past year I find it remarkable to say that I feel extremely content and at peace with the decisions I've made and the way that everything has turned out, thus far. I'm proud of the way I'm handling my transition from college to graduate school, and I'm proud of my ability to meet new people and connect with them easily. Even through this time of tumultuous transition, things have remained steady and relatively tame. Doing yoga I've found has helped me stay grounded, and feeling in control of my life and decisions. I intend to keep up with my practice as I think the physical and mental health benefits are tremendous.

I'm proud of my continued growth to becoming the woman I was created to be. It's been a hard journey the past few months, a trip into the wilderness to be sure, but I've quite enjoyed it. I'm not afraid of where life will take me next.

I'm dealing with my 17 year old daughter who wants to be 25. We've always been close, but now for the first time we seem to be at odds - she doesn't confide in me anymore. I wish I could learn not to judge her. I'm proud of the work I do as an HR Manager. I find that my age and experience help me keep my ego out of my dealings with other people. I guess I don't feel like I have anything to prove any more. Hmmm....

I wish I hadn't gossiped and talked badly about people - this is something I constantly work on.

I really should be getting more exercise, should be riding my horse more so that HE gets more exercise. Proud? Meh. I'm writing an awful lot...

I wish I had been more patient, and a better listener, with some older relatives. There loss --of hearing, of vision, of memory--is not their "fault," and my time with them is more limited as they age.

I feel terribly that I was such a horrible teacher last year. I was feeling over-worked and under-appreciated, and there were simply too many To-Dos to finish to give myself 100% to anything. On the other hand, I'm really excited about starting this new year with enthusiasm. My schedule is, of course better, and there is less outside of school to deal with, but my own mindset has completely changed the way I've approached this year. Though I'm still busy and stressed, I'm ready to push myself to be better with every lesson and student.

I wish I had been a better big sister. I miss being able to talk to him. However, I'm proud of making the baby steps back to our old relationship.

Many years ago I created my personal affirmation. I realize that it is very self-centered and though it is for my personal use, I find that I need to alter it to being more inclusive of the people that surround me - family, friends, business people and the world in general. It is time to really work at Healing The World starting with my own Kehilah. Yes I am very proud of my family, My wife, children and their spouses and especially my grandchildren.

I wish I'd taken better care of myself and my diabetes while at the same time I wish I'd have kept up with my eating disorder so I'd keep losing weight.

I wish that I had kept negative comments to myself more, and recognized them for what they were. In many situations I decide I have a problem with someone, and they become the location of a lot of self-righteous indignation. It's bad enough when I let this chew me up inside, but when I express those thoughts to someone else, looking for agreement, it feels really bad. One situation in particular sticks with me where I harmed two important relationships by expressing my negativity, thinking nothing of it. In that moment I was feeling my own hurts, and instead of expressing those and acknowledging the places where I felt alienated, I took it out on someone else. Hurting myself even more in the process.

Nothing in particular- I would have liked to be a bit more humble, beat myself up a bit less over trivialities, but nothing earthshaking.

I feel like for all the shit that has happened in the past year, I'm proud of myself for having kept moving forward through thick and thin. I'm also proud of myself for having been there for my friend when she was sick, and I hope even though she is no longer here, she will feel I made a difference in the last few months of her life.

I wish I studied more in school.

I wish I had maintained more regular contact - especially letters, but also phone calls and visits, with my daughter and her children who live about 100 miles away. I feel like I have neglected those relationships and know they can't thrive if i continue to neglect them.

I wish that when I thought I saw my him leaving my front door, that I went out to check if it were true instead of thinking that it would happen again. It didn't. I wish I had the courage then to talk to him face-to-face, regardless of who else was there. I didn't take my chance, and I didn't get another one. I'm proud, though, of always trying to be honest and to hurt as little as I could, even while doing the hard work of spiritual growth that I needed to do. I'm proud of finally finding my voice. It took me all year to get here.

I wished I had chosen my words a little differently when talking to my daughter about shabbat observance. Wished I hadn't had that slip of tongue with my son-in-law...there is already enough for them to laugh at about me. I am proud of the fact that I have had the energy to have a shower for my niece, help my daughter out with her new baby, plan a wedding with a new family and contribute both to my work and to my community.

I wish I would have been a little more diligent in saving.

I wish I had had better time management and balanced schoolwork, activities (clubs, bbyo, etc.), and stress free/fun (yoga/gym, with friends). Even though I got everything done I was often stressed and unhappy. I am proud of myself for being in the school musical and performing well. It was hard to get comfortable in front of so many new faces, and I had my moments of shyness and weakness, but in the end it made me so much more confident, on and off the stage.

I wish that I had just admitted that I did not want to continue my marriage instead of going to counseling with my husband. It just prolonged the misery.

Wish I had more patience with my kids. Proud I've been running regularly for almost 6 months.

Primarily, I should've gotten more sleep. That would've made so many things easier. I'm still not sure why I haven't decided to do that with finality and made it happen.

No, looking back, I think I was remarkably courageous at developing a new relationship that crosses the continent, pursuing awakening, serving my mother and brother in their various needs, singing in Gatsby, and learning to be a better member of Cyrun. I no regrets, though lots of lessons were learned along the way.

This past year I wish I would have spent less time on things like Akiva, and more time doing fun things or school-related extracurriculars. It would have been really great to have been a part of Les Mis, or in one-acts. It would have been cool to be in Speech or Model UN. While I only have a year left to cram in everything I want to do in my high school career, I'm doing my best to make the most of it. I wish I would have let loose a bit more, let myself have some fun, taken a few more risks. A romance would have been nice, but not necessary. This year I'm proud of my grades. I'm not too proud of much else because there's always something keeping me from my full potential, whether it be time management or bad attitude. I can't be too proud though, because I always have to make sure I'm not arrogant. That's a constant battle.

I often wish that I visited my elderly neighbor more often. I hate excuses but also have plenty of good ones: a new intense job with a long commute; a large family and elderly parents, little time to shop, cook or spend with husband or for myself. She has a large family of her own who watches over her. But she is aging and ill, and I feel badly everytime I walk in and our of my house, knowing she is just down the street.

I wish I had a been a better friend to a number of different people this past year. I am proud of the way I parented my children this year - especially our middle child. And I am extremely proud of him.

I wish I had made more of an effort to be social this year. Sometimes I wish I kept in better contact with my friends. I am proud of having more time with my daughter. It is the main reason I switched my job this year. I feel spending more time / energy with her has made us closer.

I'm both disappointed and proud that I am finally doing something about my 'throat-clearing' problem that has plagued me for years. I hope whatever damage I've done to my voice box by ignoring the problem can repair itself over time. We'll see if the silent reflux diagnosis is correct and if the Prilosec that I start taking tomorrow works for me.

I wish I had done more quilting and less reading about it.I'm very happy with my progress on letting go of things that don't contribute to my life. Glad I still put connecting with Grands and husband as priority in my life even tho it isn't getting easier.

I wish I had done more to implement the many plans I have for leaving a bigger footprint in the sands of time . . . transcribing/organizing my journals and diaries and starting to outline and write a life story that I'll ultimately self-publish for the family . . . and anyone else who'd like a copy. Maybe someday a great-great-great grandchild will run across a copy in a dusty attic and to her/him I'll be more than just a name in genealogy. But if I don't start the project, it'll never get finished.

I am proud of the way our family and friends worked together to make a beautiful wedding that matched our values and involved our creativity. I wish I handled my interactions with my sister better. I wish I was a happier person, not so often depressed.

In general, I wish I didn't have to get so stressed out about everything. It's almost like my mind needs something to keep it occupied, but it looks specifically for negative things to ruminate about, rather than positive things to focus on. I'm not sure if "proud" is the right word, but I'm glad that my husband and I are going to therapy. I think it's helpful, and it certainly feels good to be actively working on our relationship.

I am especially proud that i decided to work this summer, make money and finally start turning my life in the right direction, instead of going to camp with all my friends. It was the hardest decision of my life, but i'm glad i did so

I always wish the same thing - every year - and maybe that's ok. I wish I'd read more. I wish I'd studied more - more of anything - torah, current events, ancient history. There never seems to be enough time. Maybe there never will be...

I wish I had made it out to a settler's house while we were living in Israel. I wish I had spoken more Hebrew. I wish I had eaten out more in Jerusalem. I wish I had gone to Shabbat at more shuls. I wish I had gotten out of Jerusalem more. At the same time, I'm proud of the work we did to immerse ourselves in Israeli society. Encounter, Shabbat dinner with a Haredi family, my focus in Israel Seminar and History of the Conflict

I wish I had been more proactive at work from the beginning. I could have learned a lot more and gained more concrete management strategies. I also could have nipped a few buds before they became problems I have to deal with this year. I also would have spent more time planning and teaching my students important skills I feel I didn't teach them.

Wish I had done differently: -I wish I had networked more so that I would have made some progress or had some options on the career front. -I wish I had kept in touch with certain people more regularly, especially Uncle Darrin -I wish I had been more patient and a better listener Something I am proud of: Being independent and going out of my comfort zone to pursue my interests. I went to a talk by Mark Bittman (even by myself), wrote blog and newsletter content for La Cocina, and enrolled myself in an online literature course with coursera.org. That said, I think I can push myself further out of my comfort zone.

I wish I had seriously tried to quit my job. I wish I had found a job that didn't make me feel like I was stuck in a Kafkaesque nightmare. I wish I had figured out my calling.

I've gotten somewhat better at managing my time, both at work and at home. For a while I was adrift, and often I still am. But I can see the baby steps taking hold.

I wish I made more of an effort to be in touch and present with the people I care about most. I wish I made less time for the people in my life that bring in negativity, annoy me, or make me feel bad! I always wish I was better/more successful/more competent/etc. But I am realizing that none of the 'worst case scenarios' and horror scenes I play out in my head would be quite as world-ending as I think. I want to do more things that scare the shit out of me, since I am the type of person who need empirical proof.

i would never have said no. i need to stop making excuses, for study, for socializing..... for life. carpe diem and make the next year eve better......

The last year has been challenging - I moved to a new city and began graduate school. Those transitions took a lot of effort - I'm proud that I did it! I'm so happy with how things are going.

Differently? Yes. I would have pursued a job more assiduously. It would have relieved me of economic pressure. I would also have taken better care of my health. Proud? Yes. Of the work I've done as an actor... I have improved greatly. I am castable in a larger variety of parts, and feel a great pleasure at being part of the theatrical community.

Perhaps I should have been more honest with mum about being with my non-Jewish girlfriend. It makes me think I have an opportunity now to live with more integrity as I move forward in a new relationship, about which I'm serious. I'm proud of a few things: learning trapeze, getting to where I am in my work life, consolidating my progress in almost all areas, transitioning out of the Moishe House, and giving a lot in love.

Last August 2011, I met someone who changed my life completely. It is something I am especially proud of because I never let myself fall into a deep relationship with anyone before. I am proud that we are going to have such a nurturing and loving relationship for the rest of my life. Because it is so perfect, I could only wish I had met him sooner. But in retrospect, it was exactly the right time.

I wish I could have enjoyed what I had, when I had it. To accept what was, and to live in the moment. I had love, it may not have been perfect, but I could have enjoyed it for what it was rather than picking holes in it, and allowing myself to constantly feel anxiety over things that I could not change.

I think its one in the same, and there is a distinct lack of clairity as to whether I am proud of it or with I had done it differently. Really its the same thing in three iterations - Moving! Should I have stayed abroad, stayed downtown, come to the farm? I suppose I could be proud of each decision and feel as though I should have done it differently.

This year I reconnected with the part of myself, cultivated in my Jewish youth work days, that says, "Anything is possible." I've soared to new heights and travelled across the world with my work. They're keen to keep me, and have made me a counter-offer to other job opportunities so I'll stay longer. I've organized a successful pop-up restaurant with a friend. I've got involved in Jewish leadership on a grassroots level again. I've moved into a Jewish communal house with strong women whose values I share, and whose company, wisdom and sense of fun inspire me daily. I've put renewed efforts into my relationship, and found sides to my partner I didn't even know existed. Being intentional about spending time together and discussing issues early on has really grown our love and respect for each other. I've injected creativity into my life, making wall decorations, costumes and jewellery. I'm now learning the ukulele, and planning a wall-hanging to go above my bed. I was a good friend to many, and an excellent friend to a few. I think I was a good daughter and sister. I wish I had been a better grand-daughter, must work on that one. I've learned to listen to my body, and when what I need is to stay in, take a bath, do some exercise or just read a book! And most importantly, I know how to harness my skills and abilities to generate that "anything is possible" feeling. And it feels incredible!

I am proud of how brave I have been. I am proud of how, no matter what, I have honestly followed my heart and my feelings. Without fear of failing. Failing is learning. I am very proud of not having allowed myself to remain stuck.

I have always wanted to write something and be published. My first article appears in a professional journal this week.

I wish I hadn't politicked for S'ganit. I would be making my goal if where I wanted to be on board now if I hadn't done that. I'm especially proud of the fact that I kept a 4.0 GPA all of Freshman year and did lots of activities.

I am both proud and regretful that I am leaving my current job for a new one in a new state. I wish that I had been able to make things work here, as I will miss my friends and colleagues, and feel badly about leaving work as I feel I have made things difficult for several people I care about. I am a bit proud that I have been able to land a great job, and have the courage to go for it despite my general anxiety-fueled complacency.

I wish I had spent more time with my son this past year. He will go away to college soon and I will miss him a lot.

I wish I had took more risk and didn't abide by guidelines so much. Yes, I was proud to have put smiles on my little siblings' face.

I wish that I had been more engaged in my social life at school last year, instead of always trying to squeeze in my friends from home. There is a slight disconnect I feel that came as a result from spending so much time with my then on/off boyfriend and friends instead of engaging with people here. I also wish I had put more effort into my classes so that I could have gotten more out of them. College is slipping away and the quality of education I am getting here at Barnard is something I need to better take advantage of. In the past year I am proud of myself for winning Hillel student E-board and getting good grades in school, as well as the closeness I maintained with my friends. I am also so happy that I have refined my socializing skills and am able to talk to and meet new people with ease.

I'd like to have done more of the building myself up things I had wanted to do while unemployed. I'll try again this year!

I wish I had focused more on healthy eating and lifestyle during my pregnancy over the past year (and in the months when we were trying to get pregnant). I feel like I really just let myself go and will have a hard time regaining a healthy lifestyle but I will certainly make that a priority in the year ahead - both for myself and to set an example for my growing family.

I became a member of the HOA board in our neighborhood. I am happy to be able to contribute to the community.

I don't think I would have done anything differently. I'm proud of the decisions that I made. Losing 40 lbs was a great accomplishment, and really moderating my drinking (except from my Birthday last night LOL).

I wish I could live more deliberately, instead of just cleaning up one mess after then next, hoping to get some leisure between my admittedly minor disasters. I want to be at home and I want to make something - a dress, a polished agate, a doll house, something tangible.

I wish I had spent less time worrying and more time enjoying. I wish I had listened carefully and deeply when people gave me their love. I wish I had been better to my dear friend who got cancer. I wish I had been outside even more than I was. I am so proud of how much I grew this year, incorporating all of life's lessons into a more evolved person.

It's funny. This year I feel like I'm settling into myself and my life. Things are not new. So answering these questions is a totally different experience. Is there something I wish I'd done differently? Nothing comes to mind. I just really tried to do my best everyday. However, that doesn't let me off the hook--I'm certainly far from perfect. But I've tried to create more balance in my life (easy to say now) and make time for things I enjoy.

Something I'm generally trying to work on within myself is how quick I am to anger - there have been many instances in the past year (and past two decades) where my first reaction has been negative, and I really wish I could change that. In terms of proud moments, I think I've been a source of strength for my family at difficult times, and I'm so glad I was able to be there for them.

As usual, I wish I had made my health more of a priority. I'm not sure when I will learn. :-( Alternately, I'm so proud of how I've invested in my business this year -- took some great steps to shine more brightly!

I would have been happier to be more decided when following certain aims and better organizing my time. But overall, I am proud of what I achieved by far, because the mistakes are a good incentive for change.

I am proud of...I am proud to have started and finished a writing project. That makes me very proud to the point that I'm rethinking of doing nanowrimo this year. I never had the confidence to actually conceive and finish a writing project within the span of a month and I did it and apparently, I did well. ;)

I wish I had worked hard on my weight loss journey this summer. I kinda got burned out and stopped working so hard. If I had worked harder I would have met my goals. That being said, I still lost over 50 pounds, and am inspired to meet a goal this Christmas!

I wish that I took more care of myself -- my health and my body more this passed year. I wish I cared and showed myself as much love as I show others; but I am especially proud of my self-awareness and my never ending drive to keep going and keep improving.

No, everything I chose to do was the best for me at the time. I am proud of the fact that I was able to step out of my comfort zone, put confidence in myself and take a big leap of faith. In the end, that leap was the right one to take!

I am especially proud of the way my family came together for the journey of my father's death. When he Declined through home, hospital and hospice; when he died; when we celebrated his life with friends, and much later spread his ashes as a family; in between these marker points. We connected in love, supported one another -- especially trying to ease the burden on my mother. We Made our individual and family journeys. It was a difficult time handled with grace and love.

I wish I handled my finances better when I had all that windfall in my hands. It's so hard to be an adult and be responsible. I can't even make my minimum payments for my insurance policy lately. I will try harder in the coming days and see if I can discipline myself more to save for the rainy days.

I had a great time this year, especially at work--getting to know people and making a new set of friends. A very content year.

Were I able to change anything about my life from this year, I would decline. At least, nothing major. I might choose to take a plane to Fargo for a wedding, but other than that, I'll take the life I lived.

I'm proud of taking the reins in a difficult work situation and having my efforts be successful. I'm proud of presenting one of my projects to a senior member of the federal government and have him listen to me. I'm proud of listening to my son and trying to meet his emotional needs as best I can - and involving a professional when I was in over my head (although this one is ongoing & not especially specific to this past year). Not many regrets - I made it through, and I'm please about that, too.

I am really proud of all of work I put into being on the Civil Grand Jury. It really is true the more you put into something, the more you get out of it. I learned so much from the experience and am really proud of the reports we wrote. I really do believe that things will change for the better in my city/county (San Francisco). But we shall see. I have faith and hope.

I'm proud of the way I've gotten through this awful, awful year of being immersed, trapped, caught inside seemingly unending chronic illness. Still, I wish I could have returned to the rest of my life sooner.

I wish I had contributed more to society, whether it's joining in wikileaks efforts helping to open up the world and effect a change via distribution of information, or getting involved in the coaching organization is was in. I wish I was closer to God. wished I had taken better care of my health. wished I had made more friends. I have been proud of my abilities to learn from my mistake fast nt repeat them but instead grow from it. proud of myself being able to detach myself emotionally and not take things personally at work. accept myself as not being as good as I wanna be and proactively working on it.

I'm proud that I continue to be able to step out into the world in a professional manner and still be charming and relevant, despite being semi-"retired" for the past 5 1/2 years.

I wish i would have been in more contact with the people i love..talk to more friends..i wish i wouldnt put always others needs before mine,and i would know when to be angry and demanding and when to let go..im proud of myself for working in 3 jobs..and sticking to my studies..kol hakavod!!!

I think I could have been more even-handed with assessing the year. For example, some very wonderful things happened this year (my brother's wedding and receiving a wonderful job appointment) but I had a lot of difficulty feeling gratitude due to other things that felt very hard.

I wish I had handled work differently, but I'm not exactly sure how. It was a struggle all year to keep myself motivated and work towards the manuscript I finally submitted just before the wedding (or was submitted on my behalf). I wish I had made quicker progress but that is probably an empty wish. Really, I think the problem lay in how the situation was managed. I felt somewhat oppressed by my 2 advisors and their inability to see the whole picture. I also felt tormented by the regular meetings they imposed but a large part of that was self-inflicted. I am ready to move into a new advising relationship where I take a stronger stand from the start,

I am particularly proud of the way our family came together during the stressful time of dad's firing. We quickly trimmed finances, worked out logistics to avoid fines and fees, and pooled our skills to find him a new job. And we did it without falling apart emotionally. As they often are, I think the thing I wish I could change, however, is tied to this. I wish I had trusted S*** with this knowledge earlier. I wish I had trusted our relationship more.

I wish I hadn't left Disney. I wish I had put up with my bosses and stuck it out and stayed in Orlando. I also wish that me and Kristen had worked out before I left Disney so that we wouldn't be where we are now. I am proud of the advancements I made in my career. No, I didn't stay with Disney, but I have great opportunities not only there, but in Orlando, and with Best Buy I have HUGE opportunities to grow with the company.

I'm disappointed that I haven't followed through with the things I said I was going to do when I answered these questions last year! How I wish I were more disciplined. The most frustrating part is that they aren't DIFFICULT things - just things I don't like to do. Here's hoping I do better next year. On the other hand, I'm proud of what Don and I have accomplished on our house this past year. We planted 17 trees and bushes, painted the outside of the shed, and (with help) painted the outside of the Music Room. (So named by our grandson.)

I wish I had eaten differently this year and cared about the way I look. I just didn't seem to care... Proud? I'm always proud of the work I do. I'm also proud about being a good daughter to my parents, visiting when I could and being patient with them.

I am proud of the progress I've made on my weight loss journey. Hasn't been easy but it really, in no way, has been the hardest thing I've ever done. I wish I didn't spend so much time on FB. I find myself getting worried I'm missing something, like I'm not in the loop. I feel like I'm drowning in information. Which is ironic considering my graduate program.

I wish I had gone ahead and quit my job when I realized how unhappy I was. Good news is that I plan to leave by next April.

I wish I hadn't had to leave school. I'm very proud of myself for going back.

Something I wish I had done differently. I wish I had thoroughly researched graduate programs in psychology, so I would either a) feel confident in my decision to apply now, or b) feel confident in my decision not to apply. I am proud of the times that I have supported my mother through difficult family issues.

I think the thing I'm proudest of this past year is recognizing I wasn't ready to return to Bridgewater. I think taking the time I have available to me through NYU has been a blessing, and I feel ready to do the work needed to make good use of this time. I think I wish I'd found some kind of sustaining work that is going to put me in a better position to pay for food etc and not bankrupt me (like the Miner & Co requiring me becoming an LLC seems to be about). But other than that I'm proud that I've been doing creative work fairly consistently.

I wish I had wasted less time trying to get my writing partner to work with me while she was resisting so much. I wish I had taken on the task of writing by myself, in my own voice, from my heart, more forcefully. But I am proud that once I tucked into completing my first feature, I found the emotional core of it and wrote it to the best of my ability.

I wish that I had followed through on my resolutions from my past 10Q experience and had actually improved on my work ethic. I procrastinated a lot more than I should have done last year, and it had a largely negative impact on my overall college experience. My grades slipped in my classes (especially the history class that I took last semester), and because I kept making excuses not to go to club meetings and always went to bed late, I was almost always exhausted and a little depressed. It wasn't a happy year, and I'm determined to learn from my mistakes and do better this year.

This past year I wish I had been more appreciative of all the wonderful things I am blessed with. It is so easy to take things for granted. I am wishing I spent more time with the seniors before they left and also wish I had made more of an effort to get to know younger members so that when the seniors left, I would still have them. But it's ok, everything is working out fine. HURRAY. I am so proud of the effort and dedication I put into my term as s'ganit. I spent so many hours devoted to Nava. Now looking back, I can appreciate how hard I worked. I am soo glad I did it last year and not this year as a Junior because I do not think I would have been able to give it the time I did. I am also very proud of the fact that I went to Israel this summer without knowing much about the program or anyone on it. I took so much out of it and came home with a truly different prospective on the world. I am also proud of the fact that I came home wanting to do a gap year program and make aliyah even though that is not the "mainstream" thing to do. I learned that it is important to "do me" and not concern myself with what others are doing or the "norm". It's so important to remember that "what others are doing doesn't matter."

I am really proud of how I've prioritized myself this past year. Anything I wish had done differently was minor and proved to be a great learning experience. No regrets!

I wish I had been able to be more dedicated to my school work and my design work. It was a rough year academically for me. I almost feel like it was a waste of time, money, and I could have developed in more valuable ways if I had really been present for my education. Alternatively, I think this past year I discovered new opportunities and really pushed myself to get involved in them.

I wish I had been more careful in how I posted things on social media. A former student of mine recently complained to me that I sound like just another pundit. I took that to heart. Social media is such a potentially good tool, but it requires as much thought and crafting as anything else. I wish I spent more time thinking about when, where, why, and how I put things up.

Externally, I am very proud of my relationship with my daughter and the sort of child I have raised her (thus far) to be. Internally, I wish I made more time for her and I wish that I was able to be more present in the time I do have with her.

I wish I hadn't skipped doing yoga in Anna's first months of life. I think I would have been a better and less violent mother to Mikey. I am proud that I have taught Mikey the importance of sleep and that I am diligent with getting Mikey the care he needs for his sensory processing challenges and his speech therapy.

I'm proud of the fact that I rocked my daughter's birth. Something differently- i would have sat back and enjoyed my pregnancy with her more. We didn't decide until after she was born that she probably would be the last baby we'd have.

Ive lost 18lb, which has been bothering me for a long time. I feel so good that I've addressed the issue and started to lose some weight (there's another 18lb to go). but now that I've realized that I can do it, I wish I hadn't spent my 30's being 30lbs overweight.

I wish I had done so many things differently. Not punished my body by continuing to be bulimic. Been kinder to my husband. Not wasted so much time on the computer. Been more active in the community I am proud of my grandchildren and our relationship. I love being involved in raising kind, loving, honorable citizens of the world

I wish that I had controlled my reaction to what happened to me at my first job better, and believe I will take this experience with me in my new job. I feel that I need to better control myself over what happens to me in the workplace, and not take that into my social like. Alternatively, I have tried to be more active outside of work and add new experiences and opportunities to my life, including exercise, the theatre, and volunteer work.

I'm proud of all of the volunteer work I've done but would like to spend more time with my husband and children and not be so busy during the evenings.

I wish I had stuck to my guns and moved, instead of letting the mother of my children emotionally blackmail me into staying.

I really wish I had worked harder in school this year. My mom keeps reminding me that college is just around the corner and in order to get into the school of my dreams i need to get high end grades. I know I have more potential than what I have been putting in and I am trying to work on that more this year.

It's hard to wish I had done something differently when I feel I've been as intentional as possible with my every move. The one thing that's interesting is my committment to fast, so to speak, from relationships. I'm proud that I did actually accomplish this (with some well earned cozy friendships in between), though I feel in myself that this concept didn't get a chance to fully play itself out- and now I AM in a romantic relationship. Overall though, the point is to be VERY AWARE of my needs and goals and passions and NEVER to lose sight of them! In this sense; all is well and a supportive partner certainly couldn't hurt! What else? I'm proud I went and did Vipassana - 9/10 days of silent buddhist meditation at a retreat center. I also finished all of my yoga teacher training in person hours which I'm proud of; though I learned the long way that it wasn't really possible to just "bang out" a certificate as fast as I thought. I'm still working on this. I'm proud that I haven't let this hold me back; and that I'm working daily on overcoming my personal doubts or insecurities and really pushing myself to SHARE MYSELF with others because I AM ENOUGH already! (I will ALWAYS be growing and perfecting myself, no matter what!) What else? As odd as it sounds; I'm proud I'm facing the fear of being BROKE! I did it intentionally sorta; and now I'm in it. I'm proud I'm just GOING FOR THE EXPERIENCE and letting it EMPOWER me to be even more creative and gutsy, and focused - instead of take power from me!

I wish I had spent more time at my synagogue, and less time worrying about me. I'm proud of my work rescuing dogs, giving them life and happiness.

I wish I hadn't told a colleague to "shut the fuck up" during a presentation I was making to my department. He and others at the meeting were being disrespectful and I lost my cool.

I wish I had written more thank you notes, especially for the last few wedding presents. It is a cloud that hangs over me still.

I wish I'd had more clarity about my career direction and life goals. Feeling split motivations, I've only been lightly invested in the various things I do. I wish I'd had a clear and coherent plan about what I wanted to achieve vocationally and how to do it, rather than just going with inertia and feeling unspecifically malcontent about it. (Failing that, I wish the malcontent had been more well defined and that I'd actively researched solutions.)

I wish I had studied more for Step 1 and talked more with my parents, my brothers and my grandparents...I wish I had had less starbucks coffees and worked more on heroic minutes when the alarm clock rang. This past year, I slowly started getting better in punctuality and I understand my job's objective better, so I can work more efficiently. I got my first job too and I am proud of things I presented. I can still do better though.

This past year, I've lost friends and gained friends dramatically. The only regret I have of doing this is the people that I left behind and hurt. I let one of my closest friends go because I couldn't accept her changes when all this time, she's accepted mine. If I could go back to that time, maybe I could have been there for her so she wouldn't have ended up drinking all the time, smoking, dating older guys and getting kicked out of her house. Maybe if I accepted the minor changes and helped her get past the larger changes, I'd still have her around. I don't want her to be someone that I use to be friends with, I want her as my friend again. Things have changed though and we both found new people. Although I still love my new friends to the fullest, I still wish I could have her as a reminder of who I was. I will never have a friendship like that again.

I wish I had had the sense to take a course in making a DVD. I have now figured out a way to do the job but it would have saved me a lot of time if I had taken a class from the apple store.

I am proud of the way that I handled the end of my marriage, the way I was clear on what I wanted and forged ahead. I am proud of the way I managed this terrible situation with my kids. I wish I head not persisted so long in a marriage where I knew I was being decieved.

I made a decision to sign up for a retreat that requires a lot of preparation. I did this to motivate myself to achieve a goal I have had for a few years now. I got time off from work to attend. I made the decision to not work this summer so that I could focus on my goal. I'm coming up on the deadline and I still have a lot to accomplish, but the journey has been a huge growing and learning experience. I'm doing something that I'm scared to do and that I yearn to do. Mostly, I'm continuing to learn about timing, not rushing things, but not hesitating to take action when the time is right. This next month will really test my sense of timing and I'm very interested in seeing how it goes and what I learn from it.

I am especially proud of how I challenged myself to "believe". I was raised in a family where spirit was invisible and what was known and seen was exactly that - what was seen and known. Even though in my soul I knew that this was not my "family" or my "way". I was asked to make a big decision and follow my vision of seeing this world as my heart speaks it to me. And to really listen. This meant that the universes expanded.....and my journey became one of believing in what I may not know or see.

I wish I had been kinder to my husband.

I wish I had been more honest and sought out help from my girlfriend and family sooner. Fear is the most powerful enemy of love and happiness. Alternatively, I'm super proud of my Sister for basically ace-ing life and making it to college way more prepared than I ever was! And that I'm a genius.

In spite of not making my forecast last year, I am proud of my accomplishments at work during the current year.

Probably some things I would have done differently but not sure what, you know it's that old saying you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Yeah I've had a few or more of those days, but I won't let it keep me down.

I wish I had been kinder, more patient w/my wife & business partner. When things are not going well, I get mad at myself 1st, but then get mad at them for whatever their part was; jumping to quickly, not giving them an opportunity to own up That is the genesis of my mussar practice for this next year: to stop being so bloody reactionary.

I'm very grateful for the way in which I divorced from my husband of 29 years. Using a collaborative divorce process allowed us to be cooperative and civil with one another. I am happy that I was genuinely able to toast my ex in abstensia at my "divorce party" and wish him well, including my wish for him to meet someone with whom he will be happier. Our grown children have seen that we were able to go through our separation and divorce without acrimony and we will be able to be together at their weddings and other simchas in a truly joyful spirit.

I wish I had addressed the problems in my relationship sooner. I am proud of the way I walked away from the relationship.

I wish we had established a better, more balanced morning routine. It's hard to do now that we're into this routine for a year. Too much of the work falls on me, which results in more mornings than I'd like with yelling at the boys or feeling stressed. I am very proud of how well we've integrated into our new community. While some of that is because they community has been so welcoming, some of it was due to a concentrated effort on my part to become involved and find new friends (for me and the kids.)

I wish I treated my children, 12 and 9 better. Although I consider myself a caring, loving father I sometimes lose patience with them too easily. My own father was verbally abusive and it ripps me apart if I raise my voice in anger at them. It is important to apologize--I do. However, the stain on my soul and theirs cannot be erased. It is an error of my character that is forever recorded in our life story together.

I'm really proud of finishing my first year in university passing all and some with even very good grades. I feel accomplished

I try not to approach life with wishes of what I'd have done differently, but rather to acknowledge that what has happened is part of my path, from which I hopefully learn new lessons. Nonetheless, one of the behaviors that I have learned from was regarding a hairdresser. I wish I had listened to my instincts and not trusted him. I have learned to never ignore instincts, and to realize that people hold all types of suffering, which can lead to unimaginably bad behavior just as people's strength can lead to remarkably noble behavior. This isn't cynicism-- it's reality, I believe.

I wish I had paid more attention to my health. My diet and exercise have been close to nonexistent. I have been successful in the past but I can't seem to be consistent and during the past year I have lost any improvements I had made in the prior year. This is the one area in my life that I really struggle with. I worry about my health all the time but act in such a way that doesn't help.

I wish I had done more to help the people around me and wish I had more time to do so.

I am proud that I have taking big leaps into the unknown - like getting married and pregnant. It's scary - but it also continues to feel right and is the path to growth.

I wish I had reached my goals from last year's answers... by being able to take time to do the time consuming and tedious stuff like expense reports and calling family. Paige: make a plan and get it done!! I'm proud of being able to figure out how to spend time with Leo and David, do well at work and also soldier through the master's program. Hopefully I can keep the momentum going. I'm also happy that I was able to help Bette, but am so glad the side projects are over.

My relationship with my brother is constantly evolving, as we grow older and become "adults," we have both made an effort to move past the challenges of our childhoods. However, sometimes when in Ottawa, I slip back into old habits, into feeling trapped and resentful and afraid. In those moments, with bitterness bubbling at the surface, I react in ways that are not fair to him or me. I regret what happened at Pesach. He deserves to be able to move on, everyone deserves that chance. I know this. But it is so hard to let go and just act as if we do not have a difficult, dark history. I am especially proud to have finished my Masters degree and to have written a thesis that is a may be worthy of publication!

Not really, I have learned to try my best and accept the things that I cannot control. Living my life as it comes is probably the greatest gift I have given myself. That is not to say that there are not still unfinished projects, but hey, it is all good..

I wish I stayed more focused on some important things - like planning my son's bar mitzvah, maintaining my personal finances, keeping my house clean, organizing my work life, and getting my son some help that he needs. I am proud of everything i accomplished at work and proud that i spent quality time with my kids, but after those two priorities, i didn't put much energy into the next layer of things.

I wish I had taken more vacation days last summer. I wish I had either committed myself to my volunteer opportunities or else shed a few of them rather than spread myself too thin. I am very proud of the way I handled a dispute between two individuals I serve on a board with. It was a challenging but rewarding experience.

i dont like to regret anything i have done, especially anything that made me happy or smile at the time. although, i am especially proud of establishing a better relationship with my mum - someone i have never been close to.

This past year I purchased a second home; it was a huge step forward in my plans for my future. I bought it on my own and am renting the other home out. While I thought I would be married and doing things like this with a partner I am proud that I am able to accomplish it on my own.

Focused more.....

I always wish I had done things differently, so that list is too long. I am pleased that I have adapted to a new work environment and in that process mentored a younger staff member in a positive way. Her job could have been construed as an impingment of my work, but I decided to welcome the change and help her grow to be a great colleague.

I wish I had taken more steps toward starting the business I envisioned for myself.

I spend a lot of time in my head and a lot of time plagued with regret. I don't think it's a healthy way to lead a life. I just often shoot myself in the foot and don't take advantage of the gifts G-d has given me or the lessons I've learned a million times over. However, this year does not have a single moment or event I wish I could do over. It's more of a feeling of habit and being stuck in a rut. If anything, I've had progress, positive momentum. However, it has not yet been accompanied by a feeling of calm. The regret still haunts me.

This has been an incredibly difficult year for me with many illnesses and losses but I am still here and trying to face this next year with a courage.

I wish that I had waited to find my birth family. I had only turned 18 and within a month I was in contact with my Birth-Sister and Birth-Mother. And while the experience hasn't been bad I just feel like I would have been more prepared and at a higher maturity level to deal with all the facets of these relationships had I waited. Yet I am extremely proud with how I have handled it and how the relationships developed.

i wish i had never started cutting. i'm proud for asking for help and making it for 3 1/2 months without cutting as of today.

I had so much loss this year. I wish I hadn't made it so much worse by turning it over and over and over in my head all the time. I wish I had been able to accept what and who was gone, and live each day for how wonderful it was.

I'm proud that I have been able to stay in my borrowed body. I oftentimes react to situations differently than I'd like, to, but I'm a work in progress and I think I'm where I'm supposed to be.

I'm proud of my support of my sister throughout her decision to get divorced. It has made me feel more connected to her.

I wish I had been more pro-active in addressing my health issues and not let so much time slide by. I am proud that I have held myself together during the loss of a relationship that was very dear to me. The relationship continues but circumstances have redefined it and though it is painful, I believe I have faced this truth maturely... maybe even heroically.

Things I wish I had done differently...I wish I had handled my relationships differently this past year: how I broke up with Michael, how I moved on from Michael, how I got back together with Michael and the time spent with Nick. I need to accept when people aren't right for me and just tell them how I feel instead of wasting my time with them. I just met a new guy and I like him a lot but only time will tell. I hope that if/when I start feeling like he isn't the right person, I act on it then rather than waiting to see if things get better or giving him (or anyone else) a million chances to show me different. I'm only hurting myself and keeping myself from real happiness -- I need to worry more about how I feel. I bought a bed for myself and while I needed a final push to actually purchase it (more like a second opinion), I did it all on my own. It was a big purchase and kind of scary but I did it. The first time I went mattress shopping, I left crying. I had never felt more lonely than I had during that first session. (who cries buying a mattress?) But I forced myself to go again and ended up buying one on round three. This experience was eye opening because it made me realize that I might be spending a lifetime making big decisions on my own. I can't stop living because I don't have a significant other -- it sucks to do things alone but I need to accept that it might be that way for me. It's a silly thing to be proud of but I am. I just hope I can translate that into doing more things on my own. It's a sad life when you don't do anything because you don't want to do it alone. My new years resolution was to work out 212 times. I have 152 workouts done (including a 2 5k's and lot's of yoga classes) and 60 more to go in the next 91 days. That's 20 workout's a month -- I gotta get a move on to accomplish this goal but I'll do it. I owe it to myself.

I wish I had been able to stick out being unemployed long enough to finish my internship at the middle school I was working at. I really need the hours to get licensed as an MFT but I freaked out about not having an income, decide to give up my dream of becoming a therapist and found a job at a law firm. About a year later I'm going to have to leave my job at the law firm due to being bullied by co-workers and I'm no closer to becoming licensed as a therapist. I let fear get in my way. My fear of not having much created much bigger problems for me in the long run. I wish I had not let fear get in the way of my dreams.

I wish I had done my physical therapy exercises more regularly. If I had, perhaps I would not have suffered the relapse in my neck that caused me to cancel my trip and undergo surgery. I could probably point to a bunch of little things that did not help. On the flip side of that question, I am proud that I stayed symptom free as long as possible, and that I did so much in the past year. We took a fantastic drive through the national parks of Utah. We also drove to Disneyland. I took several trips to the East Coast, including to the White House with Reboot, to New York for Betty's award, and to Erica's wedding in Delaware. I went skiing in Oregon. I really can't complain.

I wish I had exercised more. I proud that I'm finally gaining the upper hand on my weight and my depression.

I wish I had achieved a 4.0 GPA. I also wanted to lose 30 pounds. Although, I am proud of getting my new job lifeguarding at the wave pool for much more money than I was getting paid.

I'm so proud f myself for self-publishing a children's book. It meant "putting myself out there"- having faith in myself, and trusting that what I and the illustrator had created was valuable, worthwhile, and deserved to be bought. I would have been pleased to have kept off the weight I had worked so hard to lose.

I wish I would have talked to my mother more and been a better listener for her. I am proud of the fact that I have lost some weight and have been working out on a fairly regular basis!!!

I'm proud of all the hard work I did at my job this year. It was a difficult year personally, but I truly felt successful at work.

Yes, once again I wish I had set aside more time to do art! It truly makes me happy and fulfilled. On top of that, every year I make a resolution that I'll get better about recognizing my friends and family's birthdays and important dates, and every year I fail to send out cards. Facebook wishes are insufficient in my book. I'm proud that I've become a better parent. I've really been working hard at developing better listening skills (reading books and articles on the topic) and at being there for my children when they need me.

I wish I had thought of my relationship with Adam as something that I did, rather than something that happened to me. (And I wish I had the courage/foresight to know that that was what wasn't working.) I don't know if I would "try harder" or if it would have changed the outcome (I don't even think I would want a different end result, maybe just a different kind of regret), but it would have changed how I thought about communication. I still learned valuable lessons about acknowledging/asking for what I want/need--but it might have been a less frustrating process.

Yes. I was be able to take my own decissions without painful feelings. I sincerly talked to all around me... If I wasn't enough strong, then I was quiet...

I wish that I had kept in better touch with friends and family who are no longer close by. Every once in a while, I'll call them or we'll get together and it's wonderful - but I wish that we all made a better effort and it happened more often. The world moves so fast and it's really easy to just let someone drift out of my life, and that is something that I know I don't want. I am especially proud of finding a direction for this coming year. Last year, I had just graduated college and was overwhelmed by this feeling of not knowing what to do with my life, not knowing how to get started. Having just started the Public Allies program, I am thrilled to be working on something that I love, going in a direction that is valuable to me. I am proud of the fact that I was able to push myself to complete the application and get through the interview process when I was so emotionally broken.

I wish I had spent less time sitting in front of the computer and more time in pursuits of spiritual and artistic growth

I wish I had been more involved in the Occupy movement. It broke out all of a sudden and seemed like the most important thing in the world (or definitely the US) to me. For the first few months, when I wasn't at Dewey Square I was glued to twitter and the livestreams. Meanwhile, I was working, participating in the fellowship, and A's illness was deteorating. I wasn't taking time for self-care and it all became too much. After I went to Israel, it seemed like so much had happened just in those two weeks and I was too busy and too disconnected to really find my place in Occupy again. I am proud of graduating from the fellowship and the work that I did: being reponsible for my own learning, helping create the space and the amazing community we built, the workshops and spiritual pieces I led. I grew a lot as a person, an organizer, and a Jew, and I have a lot more direction in terms of where I want my life to. I am also proud of quitting a job that I had been unhappy in for a long time. Also, I'm proud of my ability to create travel experiences for myself (Israel/Palestine, New York, SF Bay Area) and to travel cheaply!

I wish I had been able to approach learning Hebrew and Hebrew conversation with more positive curiosity and less fear. The fear of appearing "less" ( less proficient, less clever, less able) was a huge block to real learning. I regret the times fear (of embarrassment, of others' opinions) prevented me from learning and living more fully.

Proud of progress on gathering my "tribe" and also work progress

I wish I could have found a little more of a balance between my work and home lives. Sometimes I felt like I was swinging in extremes between them, and so often in limbo; I am trying to find ways to feel settled and grounded amidst some professional uncertainty. I am proud of my growth as an educator and of the work I have produced. I am also proud of my emotional growth and communication with my loved ones that have created stronger trusting and supportive relationships.

My life is made up of choices based on the available alternatives at the time, with every choice creating a new path. But that doesn't mean the overall outcome will change or that it would have been better. So no. This does not mean that I have loved the outcome of every thing I have done this past year.

I wish that I had been more forthright in some of my relationships. I think that I got really angry and was overly secretive at times and this led to a build up of tension that eventually bubbled up in a really bad way. I learned a lot from it, I think - and I hope to avoid such situations in the future. I am proud of all the theatrical work I've done this year. I got to work on some amazing projects including one in August that became a hit show. I wrote a lot of theater pieces and was able to flex my muscles as a producer and continue to learn and learn and grow. I'm proud of my job. Not only do I love my job, but it has allowed me to significantly contribute to my household income and maintain my own health insurance - two things I had not been able to accomplish before. And my health insurance is something that happens to be very important right now because I am pregnant! My husband and I decided to try for a child this year and I am now 12 weeks pregnant. This was so scary for me because I had a miscarriage a year and a half ago. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't experience anxiety about the possibly of losing this child. Every joyful thought about the new pregnancy also brings up painful thoughts about the previous one. But I am so happy and proud that we decided to try to conceive again and I am hopeful and excited about bringing a child into the world and about our future together as a family.

I am especially proud of having invited my brother's first visit to see our mother in over three years, on the occasion of her 85th birthday -- and of the letter I wrote to him afterwords, with a message of affirmation.

I try very hard not to live in regret-- there are things I wish I'd done, but I don't really worry about that too much and try to think of what I can do now. I got into a PhD program and I suppose I ought to be proud of that, but mostly, I'm proud of staying sober.

I wish that I'd taken better care of myself--gotten more downtime, taken better care of my health, remembered to eat more often. On the other hand, I'm tremendously proud of how I've handled living on my own, facing grad school with courage, and returned to my values and community at difficult times.

No I am satisfied wtih the things I have done so far. Yes I am proud that I have been able to fight my insecurity in certain areas of my life. Feel proud of things i have achied so far in my life. :-)

I wish I had saved more money, but I am proud of the money I was able to save.

I wish I had continued with my breathing practice leading up to my 50th birthday. I am pleased that my colleagues and I have successfully secured meaningful, collaborative work.

I am a hind-sighted person so there are many things I wish I had done differently. I have been particularly angry for some reason. I believe it's because I have nothing purposeful to do. Housework in retirement just isn't doing it for me. I am especially proud of the fact that I decided to stop reminding my husband that his drinking is driving me crazy. For the most part, I have left it alone. That's been difficult for me and I'm proud of myself for being able to focus on his finer points.

I wish I'd worked harder for my exams sooner. But I'm proud that in the end, I found the motivation to really put the effort in, and even if I was unhappy with my results to begin with, I think I know that it was the best that I could do. There's nothing wrong with a 2.i; I just need to accept that I can't always be the best.

Absolutely. I wish I had reacted better to the breakup, and I wish I hadn't destroyed my life with medication.

I am very proud to say that this year I've finally said good-bye to those toxic people on my life. It was hard to quit loving their lies, and the way they made me feel sometimes, but at least I've understood that, just like C.S. Lewis once said: "There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind". :)

I wish we had seen more of our families, and spent less time on the internet, and more time on a vacation.

I wish, once again that if tried harde at uni the past year, I'm starting final year in three days and I would be so much happier and calmer about it if I had studies harder and never missed a class last year.

There is nothing I would have done differently. Life is a journey and it is only through the mistakes that we learn what works and doesn't work.

I wish I had been more forgiving and understanding, using logic to guide me there, instead of letting my emotions reign. Yet, I am proud that my reasoning ability has improved over time. When I get upset, or into a fight with someone, I try to look at the situation from their perspective instead of being defensive.

I wish I had had a chance to say good-bye to our cat.

I always think that people find me annoying. I wish I could have been able to control myself so people wont get so annoyed. Having my friends think good things of me is important because I never want to loose friends for any reason. I just wish i got on peoples nerves less.

Wish I had broken up sooner, Wish I had quit and had surgery sooner , dealt with pain issue . Proud of my confidence to go it alone, disability , home and not having boyfriend there to help me , and still being productive while sick .

I wish I had gotten drunk less and not used that as license to make poor decisions. Too many times I've said or done things I wasn't proud of when I was under the influence. Alternatively, I am proud that I made the decision to go back to the classroom full time rather than stay in a job that was easier but not as meaningful.

I wish I managed my time better and focused more on school. I mean, I did well, but I know if I had tried harder could have done better. I am proud of how strongly I have stood by my values and how I have worked hard to advocate for human trafficking. I may not have worked my hardest in school, but I can look back and say that I fought for a cause that I really care about and am extremely passionate about, which makes me feel great.

I honestly don't have too many regrets - all things considered, I think I've done pretty well. I do wish I had been able to go to my family reunion, but I don't know if it would've been a good idea. I guess I wish I had gotten healthy enough to be able to go. I'm proud that I've been able to hold down my job, form relationships and spend time alone with my sister.

I wouldn't call it a regret, but I think I could have kept up on current events more. Especially being involved in Occupy, I should have a better understanding of some of the major political, social, and economic events of this year. In thinking more about this question, I thought of something else: I wish I had visited bubbie more. In the coming year I'd like to make time to do that- preferably every week, maybe on my day off, but at least every two weeks.

I wish I had honored my instinct not to get into my relationship with David before I was ready. I also wish I had not fired my agent or given up on any part of my career to take a break. I'm especially proud of the way I've grown in my ability to express myself and increase my tolerance for my emotional life. I'm also super proud of my audition for Touch, and being brave enough to step out of my comfort zone to work at IKAR, even if I don't think I'll last very long- I was brave to step into that momentum. Also super proud of all my writing, and the ways my relationships are growing with my family.

I wish I had been able to hold my temper more often this year. It impacts my children and my husband and is not productive. I am proud of how I have worked on my communication skills this year and given several presentations.

I wish I had listened to my daughter sooner and switched her educational gears sooner, but I did finally give it a go this year to see how she would do. We home schooled to middle school, and initially planned to through high school, but she wanted to spread her wings so bad and it was causing too much tension between us. It's only been a few weeks, but so far it seems to be a good choice for her and we are more at peace at home and each other. I am impressed with the way we are handling the transition and remain hopeful that she will make the best of what they can offer, as our public schools can be pretty rough. So far, she is doing well. She told me today that she had either the second or first highest score in her school on the MAPS test she took of all the students in her grade. I hope she can get into AP classes and gets a decent education.

I wish I had been a better volunteer. I lost some weight.

I wish I'd taken care of myself better. I was really proud of the progress I made running last year, the weight I'd lost, and the healthy eating habits I was adopting. After the race, things kind of fell apart and it's taken me most of the year to get back on track. But I think I finally am, and that makes me happy.

I am so proud that I had the nerve to leave my job, and I am proud of the way I handled myself during the conversations I had with the CEO/COO about the reasons for my leaving. I believe I left good "footprints" and gave people a way to view my departure somewhat positively. However, I have been wishing at times that I had been able to plan and process the news of my retirement over a longer period of times (6 months instead of 2).

This year I wish I would have spent more time with my daughter and my father. I am especially proud of myself for creating a name for myself at work that people recognize which caused me to be chosen for a promotion.

Avrei affrontato diversamente il mio modo di rapportarmi con Will. Non so esattamente come, ma penso avrei dovuto gestirla diversametne. Sono invece molto orgogliosa del mio impegno verso il lavoro, nel quale ho davvero messo tutta me stessa

I wish I'd not stopped running. I was doing so well and was on track for a really good 10k time, then I got ill, I got out of the habit and I've struggled to get back to it. Naughty me! Saying that, I'm proud to have started biking to work, I know it's only 5 or 6 miles a day but, doing that is keeping fit-ish. Managing to fit in the odd exercise DVD in with that is pretty hard, so well done me!

Having successfully sold a couple of articles this year, I wish I'd gone a little stronger on the freelance journalism kick; dedicated more time to writing; stretched a little further in terms of scope and ambition.

I actually do not regret this past year at all. I faced my biggest fears and handled them with great courage. My husband moved out and because of the way we handled ourselves - our kids were fine. They never even had a single issue. I am so proud of both of us that they could continue on and feel loved and safe. That is a true testament to how strong both myself and husband are.

Still, studied more... But I'm proud that I finally got to learn how to dance Salsa! :)

I wish I had spent more time studying, and less time on frivolous pursuits that, looking back, did not even bring bring much enjoyment at the time.

I wish that I hadn't been so subjective to other peoples' opinions and pressures. However, I am happy that I found out a lot more about myself and am a lot more comfortable being a leader.

Answer from last question.

I wish I'd made more change in my life -- my own life as an individual. I allowed myself to focus on raising my baby, in part as an escape from the sense of failure I felt upon leaving the non-profit I'd founded five years earlier. I wish I'd started volunteering, working, taking a class -- something! (Feeling newly motivated to start now!) Meanwhile, I feel very proud of how we're raising our boy. Joshua is a happy, secure baby.

I would have done many things differently. I would have stopped enabling. I would have found ways to take better care of myself. I would have seen my precious grandson more. At the same time, considering the enormous challenges of the past year(s) - at least I've kept it together - mostly.

I wish I had taken piano lessons. I really struggled with the keyboard studies and had a major panic when I failed the exam. I will work much harder this year!! I am proud of the friends I have made at university. While I have somewhat drifted from people I went to school with, I have made amazing friends and can't believe how close I've become to people in one year.

The only thing I wish I would've done differently is not take for granted certain situations. I became okay with not doing anything, and just fading into the background. I became okay with not caring. And I should've cared because my senior year was horrible because I made it that way. I should've went to dances, and football games, and to parties and friends' houses. But I didn't. And maybe it wasn't my fault, but I could've tried a little harder.

I can't recall a situation that I could have done differently this past year, but there are always things I could have done better. I'm constantly seeking ways to improve socially, romantically and personally. Conversely, I'm proud of the relationships I've built with people, particularly a few friends that I've been out of touch with. I've gotten close with two people who care about me (Annette and Chuck,) and I've done rather well with my relationships at work.

I am sooooo proud of my relationships with all my children and daughter-in-law. I cannot express how overwhelmingly blessed I feel by their love, communication, openness, and inclusion in their lives. I wish I had more time to be with them and that I had more energy at the end of the day to talk to them, but I think that my situation is not unusual. I am filled with love for them, and it is the most satisfying part of my whole life.

I don't like thinking about the could-haves. There are too many, and there's no way to change them. But this year, I think I have been proud of my growing ability to work on my relationships, with family and friends and significant others and colleagues. I'm learning to communicate better, to state what I want and need, to try to understand what others want and need, and to reiterate - above all - that the most important thing is that I care for other people.

I wish I had stayed more on top of my writing this year. I wanted to have another paper published, and now I am running out of time. I am proud of the fact that I taught at community college and had a positive influence on my students.

I wish I had gotten myself together enough to declutter my home so I would live in a more serene ennvironment and would have more time to do the things I want to do.

This year I have accomplished many things that I am proud of. I have expanded my horizons in the volunteer work that I do and find it very satisfying to continue with the research that I have been doing for several years. I have much pride in the newsletters that I write that are both informative and instructive to the population that I write for, and they give me much satisfaction.

I wish I had made more of an effort with my friendship with people. If I only made more time to talk to them or made an effort that I wouldn't have lost a lot of friends. At the same time from this I learned who my true friends were.

I wish I had switched majors before it was too late. Now I'm stuck in a major I don't particularly like without any ability to move from it without staying in college for another year. I'm starting to wish I had majored in education. I hope that after I get all of my student loans payed off, I will be able to go back to school and try something else. To the future you: I hope you made the best of your major and that you are trying to get internships. Right now you are in Marketing and want to do something with a non-profit organization. Is that what you want to do now?

I'm proud of finally opening up and letting someone in. It feels like he's my other half. It feels right. I suppose only time will tell if it truly is. I don't ever want to stop feeling this way.

I wish I would have handled the whole corah situation better. I don't even know what that would be but just better. I am proud that I haven't completely lost it. I have continued to be a great mom to mar and a wonderful wife.

I wish I had filed my past-due taxes.

In some ways I wished I could have made amends with former friends at a time when it was easier to do so. Angie and I had our falling out; we're still Facebook friends and its a sour reminder of the broken relationship. Part of me would like to have a reconciliation. Another part of me just wants to leave it behind. With Hayley I feel similarly; I like to keep up to date with what she's doing through what my mom tells me, but I also don't know if I'd want to pursue a friendship. I'd like to think that I could have been more confident in my last year of high school, but the social environment was crippling rather than Emerson's supportive atmosphere. Maybe I'd have liked to been able to stand my ground against Zanini better, but at the time, I think I did the best I could. I like to see that I have very few regrets. A couple things, but nothing that makes me cringe.

Honestly, I'm where I want to be right now. I did well on my IB exams, got into a great college, and living the dream in NYC. There's nothing I would have wanted to change that was in my reach.

I wish I had been more social in non-drinking ways. I need to meet more people (and actually ask a girl out for once instead of being upset that I'm alone), I know that it's not likely to change in the next year but I can hope. If there's something I am proud of, it's that I got published over the summer/made a lot of good friends at work while there, and I've settled in well already at my new place. Also I nearly forgot but I lost 60 pounds between January-August, that's absurdly cool, and I've definitely been more confident/talkative since then.

I wish I had been more patient and loving with my son during his difficult toddler moments. I spent too much time yelling and getting frustrated over things that I should have understood were just a product of him being 2.

I'm very proud of this year. I have no major regrets. I'm proud of what I did on capitol hill and the work towards holocaust awareness I did for my gold award.

I am very proud for having stuck things out and seen things through. I feel this was a year when we got out of the mire, out of a dark tunnel. It has been a truly transformative year with pregnancy and birth and also a kind of renewal of the soul and hope and a better outlook. I have seen so much positive emerging out of a lot of darkness.

Wish I had understood Dynamics better and not gone brain dead in the final exam.

I wish I had worked harder for school and my fitness. I wish I had more teenage-experiences. I wish I had a better relationship to my father. I am proud of getting more selfconfident. I wish I was already more selfconfident.

I'm proud this year that I started my own business. Nissen Media, and I get to do social media all the time. It's fun, I'm passionate about it, and I hope this all works out!

I wish I had stopped living in crisis mode, fixing crisis after crisis and not really planning for the future. I also wish I had allotted more time to deal with my immigration status instead of putting it off. I wish I spent more time with my best friend and his family.

I am proud of my entire move to Toronto. Such a hard thing to do considering how easy its been to keep on moving, but deep down I knew I needed to do it. Its been two hard years already and I anticipated that this year wouldn't be much easier. I stuck it out and despite all the ups and downs I still believe its where I need to be. I'm proud of staying true to myself when it came to work and social life. Leaving Fresh City Farms was one of the hardest things I've ever done but it was incredibly important. Finding other random ways to make money even though Karma wasn't full time was important for me and something that I'm not used to- continually having jobs end and then seeking new ones. Ended things with Wayne surprised me and even though its still early I know its been the right decision. I would also say I'm still seeking a community that works for me here and I'm staying true to myself by continually seeking it but also waiting for it to feel right.

I'm proud of myself for taking steps to make astrology into my career. I'm also proud of myself for giving that lecture tying Judaism to astrology. In general, this past year I've been a lot more serious about trying to be both Jewish and an astrologer without ignoring either side of myself. Also I'm proud of myself for writing that blog post clarifying my relationship to Orthodox Judaism. Now at least I know where I stand: I attend services 90% of the time at Orthodox shuls but I don't buy into the ideology and maybe never will. And I'm proud of myself for making room in my life for Hadar, because that's what it takes for me to take my relationship to Judaism seriously.

I wish I'd been less open, and understood the importance of privacy and restraint. I think that could've saved me a lot of heartache in the past year. I've always been an open book....this year, that openness almost destroyed everything.

I fear answering this question because it allows my insecurities to run wild. They are always present in my head, and I have been trying to listen to them less and less. I wish I had not gained any weight. I wish I had not dwelled so long on failed relationships-both friendships and romantic. I wish I had put myself out there more often instead of hiding in my room. I wish I was less hard on myself. I need to express that I am proud of myself for embracing my first year out of college. I made new friends, became closer with existing friends, and made a new life for myself. I am also proud of myself for fighting to get the job I have now and getting praise for my work.

This has been an especially good year for me in regards to figuring out goals and making future plans with my husband. He says that he initiates most of our conversations about our future (I tend to live more in the moment). I wish I had been more proactive and bringing up topics on moving forward in our lives together. I am learning to move toward the places where I'm outside of my comfort zone, and I keep 'forgetting' to.

I wish I was more aware of world news and local politics. I have always struggled with overstimulation when it came to news and because of this I have been uninformed and it makes me feel nieve.

I am content with the growth that I have had this past year. I am especially proud of my sobriety. Another year has passed and I am clean and sober.

Wish I'd done better at not frittering time....

I wish I had done differently the things that I habitually wish I would do differently: - Work diligently on the goals I've set for myself (or, I suppose, discard those goals if I'm not prepared to work diligently on them.) - Make life tolerable (dare I hope for worthwhile?) in the moment, instead of suffering through the moment hoping for things to be made better, later, when I get my shit together. - Create things now, instead of preparing to create them, or looking to see how they made be optimally created, or what my options are for creating them. This same Endless Preparation habit seems to be true of everything, certainly of things like programming/engineering projects, and writing projects. - Pointedly build and maintain my relationships with family and friends. This one I guess I should get a little credit for, too, because I did make an attempt, did at least start seeing the problem (see my answer to question 1 for more details.) But there is so much more to do!

I wish I had competed in that 5k I trained for instead of wimping out. But I'm proud I got off my ass and started running and lost the weight.

I wish I had tried harder to get a better part-time or full-time job. I am pround of finishing my Paralegal Certificate because I had gotten sick in 2009.

I graduated this year. I completed my first proper research. I found a job. I went out of my comfort zone comfortably. I became more open, caring and responsible. I wish I did not had some impulsive reactions with friends but then we all learned from it. They could have been avoided but that would not have been relatively less-worthy.

I wish I could be a better activist against my predecessor. He harmed the community in innumerable ways but we can't get rid of him completely. I wish there was something that could be done to remove him completely from the community.

I wish I'd been more aware of how much work finishing my dissertation would entail ... but given that I was slowly (but surely) falling in love during much of the year I can see how I might have been a little blinded to that. I'm proud that I've been conscientious about being true to who I am and what I want in life (what's left of it) :) I've learned it's better to be as honest as possible with myself and others ... and letting the chips fall where they may, rather than trying to make myself (or convince others) to conform to my own or their preconceptions. That is what ultimately dooms a relationship anyway.

I've started to be recognized as an expert in my work. There have been other people in this role, and I've been kind of an outsider, but this year, people have approached me to teach what I do.

This year I'm proud of how I've bettered my relationship with my dad by changing my own behavior. I have worked and continue working really hard to make our interactions more peaceful and to have less anger against him. I'm proud of how far I've come and I also know how much I have thank my husband for getting me to this place. I am so in love with him, seeing how my relationship with my dad negatively affects him and us has been eye opening. I want to keep on working on things so that my kids are raised in a peaceful, quite family.


I would like to have spent less time on the computer with e-mail & FB ... and more on putting my book together. I'm proud of myself for opening up to having more of a social life.

I wish I had been more organised, I feel like I have wasted too much time just getting through (the day) and not enough time on doing things that are meaningful to me. Alternatively, I am proud of myself for remaining true to myself on a personal level. It's been a year of facing all sorts of dragons and I feel like I've held my ground - which is something I couldn't have done several years ago.

I'm not sure that I would really change anything from the past year. Don't all of our experiences shape us into who we are today? But since you asked, I would say that I would have been more true to my yoga teaching training. I wouldn't have blown off so many of the Thursday night training sessions, and I would have practiced more yoga. I would have taken more time to practice teaching and maybe taught more of the community classes. I claimed that I didn't teach because my heart wasn't in it, but maybe I didn't teach because I didn't feel confident in my teaching ability. At least I still have the certification. If I get the calling in my heart, I know that I can still teach if I'd like to. I also am not sure if I would have stayed in Step 4 for sooooo long. I spent 11 months in that step, and while it's possible that I could be further along in my growth, I'd also like to think that everything does happen in it's own time in the way that it was supposed to, but that could be my own way of taking hindsight and making whatever happened be okay. I guess that's how life works. We get to be present in the moment and then solve the puzzle pieces when looking back. As far as something that I'm proud of. Well, I did complete my 6-month yoga training, I paid off a loan that was weighing on my shoulders for quite awhile totalling $2000, and I stayed sober. I recently started the 90-Day Workout Challenge, which has been a HUGE success with minimal effort. I look forward to seeing what this develops into, and where this leads. We shall see. :) It's planted a seed though. I can't wait to see what 2012/2013 has in store.

I wish I showed better appreciation towards my parents. Every August, I write down my goals for the school year and every year, it continues to include "treat parents better." Fortunately though, just tonight my dad mentioned that he has noticed a significant improvement in my attitude and level of respect towards him. I am proud to be able to share that accomplishment and only hope for it to get even better.

Not really. I wish I could have handled my changing decades and forced sabbatical better but it really was an emotional upheaval that required both therapy and changes in medication. I am proud that I worked through those issues, got on an exercise program, lost weight and now have exercise as a focus of every week. But now that I think about it, I wish I had handled my brother's breakdown better. I wish I had been more discreet, but I was angry, and that is part of it. I wish I could have accepted that Patrica and the girls are going to be his primary caretakers and close as I am there is nothing I can do to break that cone of silence and exclusion. So maybe I will be able to learn to accept it the next time, though I certainly don't want there to be one.

I wish I had told my sister sooner. I wish she could have been here with me.

Nothing different that I can think of but I am proud of graduating and continuing my education. I'm hoping having these will really open doors for my career so my husband and I can live comfortably.

I'm especially proud of the way my HTB and I have integrated me with his children. Over a year before I met them, then little bits of activities (dinner here, an outing there), a sleepover two months later, and moving in 4.5 months in.

I wish I had kept in contact with my sister better. We talked only occasionally.

I wish I'd spent more time enjoying the summer. I let myself be scared inside by the heat - then made miserable by air conditioning - and really didn't have a summer. I wish I'd just sat outside and refused to come in.

I am especially proud of paying off my credit card and just overall doing better with my money. I am using the Dave Ramsey plan to throw big chunks of money at my debt and I am on my way to being debt free by the age of 30! I wish I would have used my summer more wisely and spent time getting my units and lessons better organized and better developed. I have had a rocky start to this school year and feel like I am constantly scrambling to keep up.

If I could change something, I would like to be able to blame myself less for things that were not successful. I graduated first part of training in psychotherapy this year. I did it 100% for myselves - for my development, to satisfy curiosity and the hunger of knowledge. I have new skills. This is something!

I wish I had not wasted so much time "tuning out" on my computer.

Too many things: I wish I had been more in touch with friends and family - responsive to emails at work and home. I wish I had made a more solid transition between people I supervise. I wish I had dedicated myself more to establishing healthy routines and sticking to my own deadlines. I am very proud of being as present as I have been for my wife and children with a new child coming into this world. It has not been enough, yet it has been more than I expected I'd have time/energy to give. I hope to continue erring on this side of the balance.

I'm very proud of being able to make Boston a regular part of my life to see family. I love being there with my daughter, her husband and the beautiful babies. I'm also very proud of the growth in our company and to opening a second office in the UK. I get to go to great places all over the world but I really don't stop to appreciate what is available in the countries I go to. It passes in a blur and I know I will regret it.

I drank too much, and I wish I hadn't. I had my excuses, but they were excuses. The management at my job was taking advantage of and effectively humiliating me. So I spent as much of my off hours as I could during the first half of the year in a haze. The drinking made me forget, or not care about, my own desires, and I became a pushover. Almost every accomplishment I can point to was done in service to someone else, and when I "came to" I realized I'd hit the "pause" button on my life about nine months ago and lost all of this time. The only thing I'm proud of is that I finally shaped up and resumed work on becoming the person I want to be and creating the life I want.

I wish I had saved more and spent less. However, I am proud that we are so close to paying off our credit card debt. It is my fervent wish that we not accumulate it again.

My health is much improved after a lot of homeopathic remedies and carefully chosen supplements. Now I'm glad I stuck to natural remedies. Need to keep on and not forget to take the supplements all the time now that I'm better.

I wish I hadn't told my girlfriend she could date other people. I didn't think she would take to the idea so easily and it's kinda hurt me.

I wish I had been more in touch with friends. I wish I had said how I was feeling more often and without hesitation. I am proud of standing up for myself and quitting my job. It was a big step for me that I did not allow myself to be belittled and disrespected.

I wish I'd forward planned and not tried to work full time at the same time as studying every night and all day Saturday, but I needed to pay for the course. Also wish I had recognised the signs of depression kicking back in towards the end of the course instead of ignoring it and expecting it to go away, but on the road to recovery now. Our showcase show was one of the proudest days of my life, feeling like I really belonged on stage possibly for the first time ever.

I'm proud of some of the work I've done. Not so much the work itself though the work was very well done but the way in which I worked and worked with integrity with people I care about.

I really wish that I didn't spend so much time in "the swamp" as it relates to dealing with my ex. If she were anyone else, I would probably take compassion on her and show her sympathy that her life hasn't turned out as she would have liked.

I wish I'd have tried harder to make friends and reach out earlier. I also wish that I'd made peace with myself earlier, accepting myself for who I am and whatnot. I wish I had kept in better touch with my friends that I already have. But I am proud of making an effort to keep touch with my best friend from second grade. And it's still going on.

My intentions to lose weight and exercise are easily sidetracked by enjoying life and socializing with friends and family. I wish I had persevered in an intense effort to change life habits. I am very proud of my emotional growth and forgiveness of myself and others, and my unabashed boldness in proclaiming my God.

I wish I had been more aggressive in pursuing employment during the second half of this residency -- figuring out what my professional life is going to look like beyond the end of this week. I am proud of the progress I have made in my recovery -- I developed and shared a presentation on my family of origin and the subjects of sexual abuse and addiction and recovery.

The half-marathon in April crossing the golden gate bridge is something I'm particularly proud of. Fitting since It's almost like my life has gone full circle having changed my life considerably after leaving California. It's kinda shocking when I look back at it.

I am especially proud of my settling into LA and creating an incredible life with my new puppy. I walk to work, have started a morning workout regime and am loving the quality of my life. I wish I had someone to share it with and wish I had not reacted in situations with men... which I fear my have costed me those relationships.

I'm very happy that I did some major decluttering of our house this summer. I had wanted to do it for several years but never actually followed through. However, i wish I had done even more.

I wish I'd ended my year long relationship when I knew it wasn't working. I was in a horrible place, and I should have let it go, but I wanted to hold on because I was afraid of being alone. Now I'm a lot worse off because of it, but I'm healing.

I wish I'd been more open to taking risks, getting into the moment, and looking silly at times. I've gone through a pretty big transformation since high school, going from someone who needed to be the center of attention to someone who's been very comfortable stepping back. But I think I may have swung too far--I now feel a bit uncomfortable being goofy and demanding attention, and that has prevented me from having fun in different settings. I was presented a few times with opportunities--wacky songs, superficial romantic opportunities, that I turned down because they didn't make sense in the long run, but they still would've been fun while they lasted. And I regret that.

Break-up I broke up with my long-term girlfriend this year. However, for her benefit, I should have done this much sooner. Things weren't really bad, but they had become too passive and effortless, which, as a result led to resentment. My heart wasn't in it 100% and that showed. I feel ashamed, she deserved better and I deserved the opportunity to meet someone who I was 100% committed to. Still, I'm proud I went through with it in the end. We often get caught in a routine of familiarity and comfort which we struggle to break out of, even when we are not content. This can extend to many scenarios and in the end it is always better to make changes, as hard as it may be your always better off in the long-term.

I wish I had accomplished more toward getting this place ready to sell when the time comes. Finding the ambition and drive to get things done is So hard when we can't agree on a target date. I am proud that I got the master bedroom and bath painted and that we refinished those floors and retiled the bathroom.

I lost some weight, about 18 pounds.I am proud of this.

I wish I would have kept a journal of the many experiences I had with my patients and experiences I had living communally with 13 other people. Now I find myself racking my brain about certain events that happened this past year and even the important ones are starting to slip away. I'm proud of the things I accomplished with my patients this year, I had little guidance and just had to motivate myself. Although sometimes it's hard to compliment yourself...I do think I touched at least a few lives.

I wish that I had tried harder in school. I blame my rejection from nursing school on the competitive nature of it, but I know I could have done more. I could just kick myself for this, sometimes.

I wish I could have gone to nursing school. I'm glad that I am finding myself!

Tal vez pude haberle echado más ganas a mi documento recepcional; sin embargo estoy orgullosa de lo que alcancé, de mi carrera, de mi trabajo, por lo tanto, no cambiaría nada de lo que he hecho hasta hoy.

I wish I hadn't let rage so overcome me that I broke that sinkful of dishes (including my wife's favorite mug).

im proud that i was able to go to israel and just figure things out. as always, in general, i wish i was more assertive and really went after what i wanted. i am very happy how this past year went. proud of myself for putting myself in unfamiliar places, like EIE or Kalsman and then thriving in those places.

I wish I'd not had to move to Van Nuys it really held me down. It was like the last nail you need to seal a coffin, but not the last one you use. I was poor and driving a miserable car and had no friends. The few I had all lived too far for that car to get to. And I was spending 4-5 hours a day on public transportation to get to a miserable job that required me to take any other things that came my way no matter how little the pay or how little I got to sleep. But for some reason not having a safe haven to come home to was the worst of it. The good news is my ass just got kicked out, so I have no choice but to move it on up. A new place ought to go well with my new car and new job.

I wish I had listened to my instincts and myself more and had at least thought out some things before I acted on them. I'm really proud that I have the strength and courage to fight for justice and what is rightfully mine and not giving up even when I felt I had no more fight in me.

I wish I would have dedicate a little more time to meditation practices, more singing and dancing. I am proud I dedicated myself to the well being of my aging parents.

I think it's been an okay year with no regrets. I do think I can be proud of leaving EBUS and reporting their bad behavior even though nothing seemed to have come of that. I'm proud of overcoming my nervousness about returning to school and of starting with a new class this term.

i'm really proud of how my work has deepened and expanded. and how i seem to be a more grounded, solid person. happier and healthier.

If it counts, I'm very proud of how Sarah has been finding herself over the past year. I think that she has done an amazing job finding how to be her true authentic self. As always, I'm so inspired by her!

I wish I wouldn't have spent so much time worrying about my dad. This past year I contemplated if cutting off ties with him was the correct thing to do. However, I realized he will also be who he is. He will also be negative and judge my decisions. He will always be there for the good times and never around for the bad stuff. I have an amazing mom that has always played the mother and father role. Having her as my mother is the greatest gift I could ever have. I have taken the time to stop wondering if he will ever call or if I will ever see him again. Mainly because I realize he is not worth my worry. I am proud that I was accepted into graduate school this year. Not only am I proud I was accepted, but I am proud that I am taking a risk financially as well as academically. I am usually so safe with my money and plans, but I have faith that good things will come from this.

I ALWAYS wish I'd done things differently. I have a bad case of "coulda, woulda, shoulda". I worry about everything all the time and, while I'm far from perfect, I've tried to be grateful for what I DO have. I've made a conscious effort to try and stop (or at least reduce) my addiction to worry. Worrying doesn't change anything. It wastes time and keeps me from doing things that could make a difference. I don't want to be a catastrophizer for the rest of my life. I don't want to be anxiety ridden. Life is too short. I'm currently taking an algebra class and I feel really proud that I stopped talking about doing it and just signed up for it. I really have to WORK at algebra and am rather dyscalculic, but I really want to succeed. So far I haven't been a shining success, but I feel proud that I'm trying.

I wish that I didn't get so frustrated with Sydney. When she doesn't listen right away, particularly in the morning as I'm trying to get everything together, I get visibly frustrated. When she told me that she thought I hated her, it was like a punch to the gut. I have started working on keeping my composure and doing what I can to help her, without getting frustrated with her slowness. I need to work with her, not against her, and always, always make her feel loved and cherished, because I do love and cherish her, more than anything in this world.

I wish I'd spent more time on the book; less on housework.

I wish I had made better use of my time. I'm proud that I can maintain composure in high stress situations.

There really isn't anything that I wish I haddone differently, perhaps a level of procastionation? I am happy that I have -- for the most part become calmer with things around the house.

cared more for body / so as to create the proper vessel / for holy spirit and loving heart

I'm especially proud of maintaining balance in my life. I work part-time and am able to exercise, take care of my mental health, garden, take care of my home, be available to friends and family, and spend lots of quality time with my husband and children.

I wish I had stuck more to my goals moving towards a more healthy body. I also wish I had made more time to hang out with friends and do fun things. I love my family, but right now they are my only social life. I am especially proud of my accomplishments at school. I was never a good student until I came back to college. I know that some of that is maturity and an ADHD diagnosis, but some of it is me sticking to my convictions.

I need to rely on my intuition more, I have gotten in trouble when I ignore it and just do what appears to be safe. Safe and art are not compatible. Proud of one project that seemed to be firing on all cylinders, that has now become the benchmark for future work.

I wish I had learned some lessons earlier, like to take everything one step at a time and appreciate everyone and everything in your life. I realized that many experiences in life can be affected by your perspective towards them. For instance, in studying for a test, if you think about it as gaining more knowledge instead of some stressful task you have to finish, it is much more enjoyable. I learned lessons like this throughout my first year of college, and although I wish I had figured this stuff out earlier, I feel that I am the better for it now. I am especially proud of making the transition to college and learning to love where I am and the people I am with, and to not take anything for granted.

While I often dream of rearranging my past life, I have come to the point where I just accept what has happened and then move forward from there. The dreams are just for my own amusement and entertainment. I like what I said at my mother's funeral service as my part of the eulogy. I think she would have liked it.

I wish I had taken time to respond, rather than react, in a few important circumstances. If I had valued myself, my needs, I may have spoken with directness, rather than my hurt controlling me. I'm proud that I'm trying to learn from this, have taken complete responsibility and am addressing old patterns head-on.

I'm very glad that I was able to buy my beach house--this is a very positive space for me and extremely healthy! My only regret is that my Mom never got to visit it in person.

I'm proud I went to England and Scotland on my own. But I wished I'd been strong enough to start working out and losing weight to finally get a body to be proud of, or at least okay with. I'm fucking sick of always feeling so self-conscious.

I can't think of anything I would have done differently, but I am proud that I said "no" to Ray going back to Dean even though it breaks my heart.

I hate that I allow myself to be petty. Several examples, but they all just come down to feeling taken advantage of and getting snippy as revenge. It doesn't work for me, it doesn't keep the cause from recurring, and it isn't attractive.

I wish I had found a new job. I wish I hadn't complained so much and just made a change happen. But I am proud of myself for learning more of what I do and don't want in my life.

I can't think of anything that I'm particularly proud of, but I am ashamed of how I have repeatedly dealt with an old college acquaintance who has stopped by work to borrow money from me several times. I'm ashamed to say that I acted like it was a big deal and even told him once that it would be the last time. I'm supposedly a Christian and this is far from the right thing to do. I hope to do much better next time.

I am proud of finding my new home. I am not sure that leaving my last lover could have gone any better. It started off with him wanting me to leave his home and after I bought my home, it ended with him saying he should have married me! Live and learn, I try not to look backwards all that much, only forwards...

My mothers death overshadowed most of what I remember this last year. I am proud of how hard my siblings worked to handle Mom's estate and make sure everyone in the family was included. I am very different from my parents and siblings. It is wonderful to know I have a supportive family. For something different - I would have like spent more time outdoors - I got caught up in my education - which is good - but I think there could be a better balance.

I wish I'd managed my time better. I'm about to graduate college and I feel like I don't have all of my ducks in a row.

There is nothing specific that I had wished I did differently. I wish I could have upset my wife Mindy less on occasion, but I know that will always be the case because I am prone to screw up on occasion. I am proud of my children and their accomplishments and success in school and in sports activities.

I wouldn't change a thing this year really. This is going to sound really stupid but I wish I would have overdosed on my medication and hadn't answered my phone which led to my inevitable hospital stay. I'm not suicidal, I swear. But there's just something so appealing to me about abusing the hell out of my body. I want to feel real despair. People somehow look up to someone like me. And I want to ruin myself just to spite them.

Figured out how to maximize my time so I could use it the way I want(ed) to.

I really wish that I had kept up with my diet plans. I was so proud of myself to start dropping pounds - I had lost about 30lbs before I threw it all away. It is a huge difference to be in shape and to be out of shape. And I am dissapointed in myself that I could not hold on to the positive side of getting there.

I wish I had been able to establish and stick to more disciplined exercise program. But, I'm proud that I've been really committed this past year to 'paying it forward'. I make a real point of doing at least one daily 'random act of kindness'. Sometimes it's as small as holding a door open for someone, or saying good morning to a stranger's furrowed brow. The surprise bonus - it makes me feel good.

Differently? No. I've probably messed some things up here and there, but I'm learning as I go. Proud of? Absolutely. In my 27th year, I've really started to know myself, like really know myself. I am getting better about not only knowing my strengths and weaknesses, but embracing them, and using them to brand myself. Professionally, I grown immensely, and I'm starting to learn that not being "typical" for my field is a strength and opportunity to set myself apart, not evidence of a mistake.

I wouldn't have done anything differently ~ as even the "mistakes" were an opportunity for growth , learning and disovery ~ evolving into an even better person. Learning to say NO, to protect my time as the valuable gift it is.

I wish I was more honest with myself and others about my emotions in relationships. I'm not sure what I would have done differently, but I regret that this year witnessed some burnt bridges with regard to friendships. I'm proud of how I challenged myself with new experiences this year. I'm proud of my independence and curiosity with regard to travel and language acquisition.

I just wish I would have gotten my act together. I did a lot of fun things that I am very proud of, but I also squandered a lot of time that could have been spent exploring more options of what I want to do career wise, and of finding a significant relationship.

I regret that I am not always 100% honest with my husband + I want to work on that this upcoming year. I want to be able to discuss difficult issues + be able to express exactly how I am feeling. Sometimes I just don't have the courage. I am very proud that my photography was exhibited in 3 separate exhibitions this year + published in 2 magazines, one in the US and another in Australia. I have been photographing for many years, without showing my work to anyone. It took courage for me to put myself out there and feel that it was important enough to stand behind the work + have others see it as well.

I'm proud of letting go of my daughter more. Not all at once, of course, but learning to really love and accept her AS SHE IS, which is just about the opposite of me. I wish I had earned more money last year. I would have a sense of greater freedom.

I am focusing more on my happiness right now. I am enjoying cooking, taking care of the house, organizing things at home and in business, and keeping Z and myself happy. It worries me that I am ignoring my career. I am not working as hard as I used to. I have not yet decided if it is good or bad. May be this is my happiness sabbatical. And I am enjoying every moment of it. I am very proud of myself for having a closure on my past relationship and moving on towards happiness.

I wish I'd done quite a few things differently: - been more confident - been more proactive to change - gone for more chances - believed in myself Having said that I do have moments to be proud of. I continue to be proud of my job and the difference my work makes to my clients. A heartfelt thank you for the smallest of tasks makes all the difference. A smile or hand squeeze from a client who can't talk but wants to show that you mean something to them. Best. Feeling. Ever. I am also proud of a course that I have run with my colleague Viv which was well received. It was hard work but we managed, and crazily we're going to do it all over again! Thank goodness we get on so well! Lastly I am proud of my dancing. I have completed two more exams, my fifth gold stars, in which I got highly commended each time. I am always so relieved when my hard work pays off.

i tried hard. i'm not perfect. it's ok.

I'm proud of our house right now. It looks so pretty and bit by bit it's becoming more like our own place instead of feeling like a vacation house. I'm also proud of closing my internship with good grades. That's one of the goals i set for myself, so that's a good thing. On the other hand i wish i would have treated my boyfriend and my relationship different last year. I've been adding too much stress to it.. And that made it hard sometimes to just love and be loved..

I can't really think of anything I would have done differently. My heart has been open. I have taken care of myself and others. I have had ups and downs and all of them were necessary. I am proud to be open and grateful through everything.

I chose to isolate myself and become lost in my own thoughts and emotions. This was detrimental to me experiencing all the opportunities that surrounded me and to my most precious relationships. I did not express my gratitude nearly enough to those who stood by me in these trying and devastating times.

I wish I had worked harder to save money and secure myself more finically. On the other hand, I am proud that I am still living at home and haven't started fighting with my family, and am now looking more seriously into getting and saving more money.

I wish I'd saved more money perhaps. I wish I'd been proactive when looking for jobs in the early months of my sustained unemployment. I'm not sure. I don't think I'd do a lot differently because, on a personal level, it's been very very good. Maybe I could have channelled some of my anger into the next great British novel. Who knows what could have been? I'm proud of my relationship with Sara. I'm proud that I can maintain a relationship. I'm proud that I could get a job and actually achieve something within it. In many ways it's turned out to my best year professionally.

I'm proud of the progress I've made in both my professional life and my personal life. There isn't much that I wish I could change but I am confused on where I will go next.

I wish I'd quit my relationship when I quit my job instead of thinking it'd be too much to do both at once. I wish I'd really been as adventurous as I wanted to be and just done it, and taken action sooner.

I wish I could have said that I was always kind and generous and patient with my boyfriend. I also wish I could have said that I was always kind and generous and patient with myself. Perhaps those two things come as a package.

I am very proud of the work I did this summer at Camp Ramah and how I was able to adapt to what was needed out of me and went beyond the call of duty.

Although I did not know it then, I could have saved the life of Mickey my cat. Out of all the loss I suffered this past year, losing my cat was one thing I could have prevented. But I left him alone and vulnerable to a predator. I should have recognized the threat. And I think I did on some level. I just did not want to believe it. I could not believe that my close friend would kill my cat. But she did. And its done. I still hurt over this. I still miss Mickey. But oddly, I forgive my friend. I don't understand her, but I do forgive her. There is just too much loss in my life for me to harbor hatred in my heart. I should not have trusted my cat with my friend especially since she once had told me what she did with other cats she'd previously owned. I wasn't thinking. I was thinking of my own life. I was thinking of my mom. I did not recognize the threat so I hold myself accountable for the loss of my beloved Mickey. I failed to put two and two together. I wish I had done that. The thing I am most pleased about this past year is how I changed my thinking. It was extremely difficult to dig myself out of depression and all the negative thoughts and feelings I had about losing my job, losing my house, having to sell off all of our possessions, having to be the beneficiary of charity after having working diligently for thirty years of my life and always doing the right things. I thought myself a failure. A loser. I held shame and wanted to hide. After losing my sister, my aunt and uncle and brother and my cat, I knew God was punishing me by taking away everything and everyone I cared about. I was in a funk and a downward spiral. I could not envision a future for myself in this world. Not without pain. I heard someone once say "Change your thoughts and you will change your life". So I went and got some help. And I am so glad I did that. I told Michelle, my pro bono therapist that I needed help changing my thinking. And we did just that. I kicked those negative thoughts to the curb. I began thinking gratefully and blessedly. I began to have hope and then I started focusing on those who needed help outside my situation. I started volunteering with CASA to help abused and neglected children in my community. I may have had struggles and loss this past year but I have also been blessed more than I have ever been before. I changed my thinking and it has changed my life. Thank God.

I wish I had continued to utilize the knowledge I worked so hard to learn in proper exercise for my body. I worked very hard every week and yet slowly allowed myself to fall back into all patterns. I know I need to exercise and was so proud to have learned good ways to move and improve my health. Goal for next year!

I wish I had gone to see a friend who was dying. I let all those "what ifs" stand in the way. Ironically, she was the kind of person who didn't care what people thought. We spoke, but I should have visited her when I had the chance. Lesson learned. However, I am happy that I met with my ex-husband this year. We had lunch and I took the opportunity to say two very important things: I'm truly sorry. I did love you.

I wish I had focused more on my career. I still need to figure out what direction it is going. I currently feel stagnate in my current position. looking for direction, but have not found it. I have pushed off my search due to a move and wedding planning. Truthfully, I am also scared for the unknown as well.

I wish that I had been more careful with my money. I find myself in a difficult financial situation now, and I know that that could have been avoided. It's part of a larger pattern I'd like to shift, to being a better shepherd of my resources: time, energy, money, and my body.

I need to be better at self care. I am wearing myself out. And I'm proud that I'm still standing. Proud I made a decision and am acting on it.

I've worked tremendously hard on my mental health, and it paid off in the first summer in at least four or five years that I didn't become deeply depressed and overwhelmed by life. That said, I wish I'd been a better wife and mother. Realistically, I know that we all feel that way at least some of the time. However I also know that there are small steps I can take to be the person I really want to be.

I wish I hadn't let my unhappiness at work prevent me from being fully happy at home. Not that home has been terrible, by any means, but too often the negativity carries over.

I wish I had reached out to people more actively. I'm proud to have realized that and changed it. I wish I had read more, or finished more books that I started reading.

I wish I never rushed into moving to another company that caused me to burned the bridges with few people from my previous company (esp. people from HR Dept). I think karma slapped me by ruining my relationship with my boyfriend and my current supervisor. I wish I chose to put my relationship with my boyfriend (eventhough he encouraged me to move to my current company) and my previous company on my first priority rather than pursuing my career. It's true what they say: "Gain some, lose some".

I still haven't left my job. I'm working on it but I should've been gone by now.

I wish I had actually taken the exercise advice I had been given and actually done shit about it. Last November or so, I went to the ob/gyn for the first time and had my parts and such checked out. I don't have cancer or anything like that, but they were concerned that I might have diabetes or thyroid issues, so I had to have some intense blood tests done. Luckily I don't have any thyroid issues, nor am I pre-diabetic, but I vowed to myself that I would actually take the time each day to exercise and to start eating in a healthier manner. I totally didn't do that successfully, and I fail more days than I succeed. It really hit me this year around this time, because I've been weighing myself, and since moving out and back in, I've gained about 20 pounds. I've been hovering at the SAME weight for almost 9 months. I'm truthfully about 290 pounds on a good day, and I'm upset at myself. I need to learn to push myself to be who I want to be. I need to hold myself accountable for the choices I make, both good and bad. I need to stop making excuses and get my butt in gear. On the plus side, I'm super proud that I actually did start schooling! I put that as a goal from last year, and to know I successfully did it is the greatest feeling ever! I'm excited to continue and hopefully I'll finally figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life.

I am not sure how to answer this question since my response to one of the biggest decisions I made this year alternates almost daily. I hired an employee and it has been WAY more expensive and stressful and time consuming than I ever imagined. And yet, I still think perhaps it will come out as a good thing, whether she stays or goes.

I wish I had saved more money. Money is always a stressor and I think I had stuck to my budget more and saved I would feel less fear when it comes to money. I am however proud of taking on new leadership roles at home and in my personal life. I have a new sense of confidence and achievement.

I wish I had gone home with Michael to see his family and not been so afraid to see them again. I wish that I was more of a gambler and pushed harder for the things I want to happen in my life, and not allowed any critics any time to question me and my dreams. I can't think of anything that I am proud of, I stopped having those inflated chest moments years ago.

I wish I had taken better care of myself. I tend to feel like I don't deserve things (to take the day off and rest when I'm ill, to go to the doctor/dentist/optometrist, to take the time to exercise, to spend extra money on healthier food). I'm proud of myself for making strong efforts to be gentler with myself when I have reminders of my imperfection.

Well I always feel like I should've lived life a little bit more to the fullest every year just because I always feel like I could've done more but in reality I just wish I could've realized what I wanted to do with my life a lot earlier. Granted, I'm still not too sure about what I want to do with my life but I certainly do know what I don't want to do with my life so I still consider that a pretty good starting point. And I dunno part of me always wishes that I had dropped out of school a lot earlier instead of getting too deep into it and getting into so much debt for a major and career path that I don't even feel that strongly about in the first place so that always gets me angry and bitter and it's always in the back of my head. And ironically as counterintuitive as it sounds what I'm proud of for this past year is that I've finally made it to the end of my college career and I am on the verge of graduating next semester. Still, that's not to say that I'm happy about it but just the fact that I'm gonna be done with it is something that I'm really looking forward to. What I honestly truely wish I could've done differently this past year is drop out of school and just do whatever the hell it is that I want to do. I wish I would've followed my heart more often and not listened to other people's opinions or beliefs

I am plagued by continuing incomplete projects and financial obligations. I wish I had focused on the most important things earlier. I am very proud that I saw a need to help my mother with her care, and took a major step to start a business. And I am proud that I am on track with my business goals.

I wish I had not gotten so pissed at my mom. I am proud of my son.

I wish I had been in better touch with my friends and family. I am still uncomfortable spontaneously expressing myself through social media, and I have used that as an excuse for not being in touch -- which is exactly that -- an excuse. I could still go "old school" if I choose, but the point is: I have not reached out enough.

I'm proud of the different civic activities I've been involved with but feel that has come at a cost of still not balancing my life and not creating a warm home environment. Still working on that.

Both of the above! I wish I hadn't spent the better part of 5 months moping about Jake, but I'm so proud of the motivation it gave me and how hard I worked in my degree and my job. I've never felt more at the top of my game than I did last year. Joining the gym and making some great friends also helped. I'm just proud of myself for being braver.

I'm not sure what I would have done differently. I try to live by the no regrets thing (not that its always easy). I'm really proud of how I left my job to embark on this journey into grad school overseas. Despite a lot that was going on and not even getting the same treatment others got with less notice (no going away party at all) I feel I left the office imparting as much of the knowledge I collected as I could. Would they have been fine if I had done nothing? Probably. Was I tempted to stick my middle fingers up and say f-you to everyone...you have no idea! But I wanted to leave with grace and dignity and I think I did just that.

There's something I feel very guilty about: I got a speeding ticket in December, driving a car that was rented by my friends brother. I told him that of course I would pay it back, and I fully intended to do so. But, I'm not from the States and I wasn't sure how to do this. I was going through a tumultuous time and I kept putting it off. I've been berating myself emotionally for it. Finally I did email him to ask him if the money was ever taken off his card and if there was any way to pay it back to him now. I wish I would have acted more quickly to right the situation. I hate letting down my friends.

I wish we had known enough to buy the house, and get settled in before the baby came. I wish I had not allowed myself to get so visibly angry with my partner, whether it came from hormones or not.

Ofcourse there are things I wish I had done differently. Studying better, listening to my dad and my heart-head, eating healthy, being healthy and get out more. I´m proud of the way I am now!

I wish I could be more detached in general. Less obsessive with other people, less cynical, less angry. I want to love more.

I am especially proud of my weight loss and that my daughter has been inspired to lose weight also. I feel I have been a good role model for her. I wish we had found a therapist for her and that she accepted the need for it.

I don't think there's anything I would have done differently. Everything has been a good learning process. I'm really proud of my Uni achievements and what good grades I'm getting.

I'm actually proud of my job at this point. I was salaried soon after graduation and my bosses continue to be happy with my performance. If the iOS app can be implemented, I think things will only get better.

I wish I gave less of me to people who are not worthy. I'm kinda glad I recognized that pattern and stopped.

I'm very proud that I took this year to get to know my daughter. There are so many small moments and big milestones that I would have missed if I was still working 60 hours a week.

I wish I had the courage to speak my thoughts & feelings. I'm proud of the accomplishments i've made in living a healthier lifestyle and working on getting stronger.

This past year...I suppose in some ways I wish I had taken more responsibility for the happenings in my life, the little things, and not wait for others to be done before doing my bit. Being more proactive I guess. And maybe think more carefully about how I word things, not rush into saying something without considering the consequences, even if at that very moment I just want to let it all come out. This year I'm proud of myself for finishing my degree. It was a nightmare. I don't know how many nights of sleep I lost or how many times I yelled and cried out of sheer frustration. Somehow I got there in the end and it's over and done with. After being dicked around by so many different people and organisations I'm proud of myself for sticking it out and not giving up no matter how many times I wanted to.

I'm not sure there is something i wish I had done differently. I think thank god i am getting closer to how i ideally want to live and how i am living. I was proud of how I kept my yoga practice in NY last year. That was pretty cool. Im not an early riser, but i prioritized my practice and got up almost every day and did it. Alternatively i wish i had done more yoga while in india, but with all honesty that was such a rough trip that i did my very best to stay afloat.

Hindsight is 20/20.. I wouldn't do anything differently because it would change the whole outcome and lessons learned.

Especially proud of, yes! I finally had the courage to tell a man I had feelings for that I liked him. It was incredible. Ive had, for too long, this idea of love in my head. It looked a certain way, or only certain types of people deserved it. And for the rest of us, well we would constantly search, and be disappointed. But, now more than ever before, I am more hopeful than less hopeful about love and relationship and connections, which i know is small, but the scales are tipping, im changing, the world is changing. and thats what i am especially proud of. ** also message to me in the future: the not knowing hurts more than the knowing **

I wish i would have been more conscious about how close my future is, it would have been nice to feel more prepared as i go into such an important time in my life. However, i am proud of my accomplishments in learning and feeling more connected to Judaism and god. Kallah and ILTC changed my outlook on life and I now feel a strong and important connection with being a Jew.

I guess, I wish that I'd not let my sex life with my wife virtually disappear. After being married for 27 years, having six kids, and having a lot of sex (at least once a month for the past several years), we now are at a place where neither of us asks or expects it from each other. I'm not even sure how it gradually disappeared. It's been a total of 3-4 times so far this year, and only once in our new house, even though we've owned it for almost 11 months. I guess I wish I'd been more proactive in making things happen. But, now I honestly don't even know how to begin being romantic or sexy. The thought of being physically close almost makes me panic. Emotionally and mentally, I just freeze up.

I wish I had not spent money in such a cavalier and disrespectful manner. I am ashamed of how and why I spent the money and how much I spent without regard to those whom I love. I betrayed the trust of those whom are most important to me. I wish I hadn't done those things.

I feel very proud of how my relationship with my boyfriend of nearly-two-years has progressed. We're out of the "everything is awesome" phase and in to the "everything is awesome because we know how to work together". I feel as though he has been an integral part of my maturity as I grow older and I wouldn't want to have done it any other way.

Admittedly, there are a lot of things I would like to have changed. I made a lot of stupid mistakes and did a lot of things I later regretted. However, a lot of good things have happened since, and many of them would not have happened if I hadn't made those mistakes. And the amount I've learned this year? Undeniably huge. And I wouldn't trade that for the world.

I'm not sure if I would change anything over the past year, I took many risks and put myself out there. I am incredibly proud of the way I took a huge risk in my career. I again moved to a community not knowing many people and I've done my best in the past two months to make friends and find a place here.

I wish I could stop judging people. This is not a specific event, but I've realized recently that I judge others and myself a great deal, possibly even more than others do. I'm really trying hard to quiet my mind and stop judging others before I actually know them. However, I'm proud of my increasing ability to own up to my actions. It's still a work in progress, but it's coming along.

One of the things I am really proud is about what I achieved professionally: my furniture brand had some pieces in a fair in London, what was a great opportunity.

I didn't address any of the big scary issues (my dad's death and my following break up). I've made an active decision not to address them, but as the anniversary of his death followed quickly by his birthday come up, I wonder how much longer I can go without going back into therapy and truly dealing with them. I've been kicking ass around my fitness. Working out regularly, eating really well, taking good care of me. I'm also learning to spend time alone, something I never thought I could do. I really enjoy me.

I am particularly proud of how well I started my own tutoring practice. In spite of every challenge, I had a thriving business. For the first time in years, I created something that I felt good about that made money and that made me happy. And I was really good at it too. this year I'm even busier than I was last year. And in spite of the surgeries and the uncertainties I still managed to have a solid practice and I really did help a lot of families. And, even though my business partner from classroom matters was worried about whether or not I was going to take business away from them, I actually sent them a lot of business and that made me feel good too. It felt as if I was able to prove to her and myself that I was a true professional, someone who she could respect and also someone who she could be grateful to, not worried about. I wasn't a threat, I was someone who was more like a collaborator.This, I think really changed the way that she saw me. It certainly made me feel like the stronger person in the relationship for a change. being more busy made me more capable. I was able to spend much more time with David and felt so good about it. The key, was that I didn't take on too much. I didn't take too many clients even though I was tempted to do it.

I'm really proud of the continued balance I've created in life so that I've been able to be focused and work and present at home.

I lost a friendship this past year. I wish I had handled the end differently. I got angry and did not handle the situation with the dignity that I try to always employ.

I wish I'd made a better effort to connect with my family and friends, whether by calling or texting or emailing or writing a letter or just checking up on them to see if they were ok. Alternatively, I am especially proud that I've become so incredibly close with my best friend and that I have her as a second sister, my rock, and someone who's always here for me.

I wish I had been able to make better real estate investments. Although I worked hard at it, I couldn't catch a break in a very tough market and ended up losing $ and two buy and flip deals. This put me in a bad situation with my father in law, who had put up some $ to get us started and now wanted his dough back. Fortunately, we were able to work out a payment arrangment, but no doubt I've lost face with my wife and her family. I'm proud of the work I did for two small biotech companies, to help advance a new predictive software service and for my continued success in selling to a large distributor.

There are times when I lose my patience with my son and I immediately regret them. They are small, a raised voice, a certain tone, but they are not insignificant to me and they probably are not insignificant to him! I also have been short with Wife. Again small things, but not insignificant!

I wish I had not screwed up my summer job. I let my own mind and prejudices get in the way of what could have been a really good experience. I learned a lot about myself through it though. But I learned that I need to be more organized and learn self restraint in displaying my emotions.

I wish I had done all things with Chris differently. So that I did not had lost him as my (best) friend. I am proud that I got an A at my A-levels and that I will study medicine. And I am very very proud how I changed myself: I am so self-confident right now and this is rly wonderful!

I wish I had written more letters to people serving in political offices. I have drafts of letters that I started to write but never finished. Although I did sign many online petitions, I did not speak person to person. I am longing for more truths to be spoken and yet I didn’t follow through on the personal communications I started. I did write emails to Senator Mark Kirk before he suffered a stroke, but I never received a reply or an acknowledgement that my communication was read by anyone—not even a staffer. I am proud of becoming a one-car family. We traded in two cars for one and it’s been something

I wish I'd noticed my health disintegrating sooner & pursued treatment earlier.

I wish I could have come closer to being the person I want to be. Even though I've changed in small ways, I still feel like a sarcastic, ingenuine, womanizing punk who always knows exactly what to say and do, but doesn't yet understand what it is to really mean it. I wish I could learn how to be genuine.

I fell into a relationship without really wanting to. I convinced myself I was attracted when I really wasn't. I hope to choose me and how I really feel from now on.

I wish I hadn't pushed them away so much and I wish I'd made more of an effort. If in a year, I still know exactly who I'm talking about and still feel exactly the same way, I need to move on. I wish I wasn't so cynical and self concious about myself, as I think this is partly the reason why.

Maybe not wasted as much time on Facebook, though I do do a lot of networking and learn a lot for work on there. I'm proud that I lost weight, but sad that I gained half of it back. I am also extremely proud of myself for going scuba diving, even though I can't swim and was scared out of my mind.

I wish I didn't break down so immensely after February and the incident. I just shut myself completely off from everyone, from good friends, and I just didn't talk to anyone because I was so afraid of letting more people in and getting stabbed in the back again. Also, I wish I would have gotten a job before the summer started. Money is the cause of most all of my problems and had I not gotten screwed over, I'd be in a good financial place right now. I am proud of myself for seeing a therapist and getting help, but I wish I would have stuck with it more.

Nothing major, but lots of little things. I wish I wouldn’t internally freak out whenever my boyfriend hangs out with people from work, or with our friends without me. Deep inside, I think I’m just not confident in his feelings for me, and that feeling is rooted in my lack of confidence in myself. If I thought I was prettier or if I was thinner or if I believed my boyfriend was as attracted to me as he says he is, I might not think about him leaving me for another woman, or building up an attraction for another woman. But we’ve talked about that recently (he even cried over me for the first time), so I’m hoping that in a year I’ll have come to terms with some of my lingering thoughts of his imaginary infidelity.

I'm proud of myself for making leap and trying something new. It was stressful and challenging, but I had great people to lean on. I need to learn to manage my expectations better and not go crazy!

I've been helping my daughter with her baby 3 days a week (good timing - I recently retired). I'm proud that I can provide real assistance, and the she and I have worked together as a successful team. This means I've managed to keep my duck tape in place and not offer unasked advice while validating her mothering. On the other hand, I've been impatient with my husband, despite his generously letting me spend so much time away from home. Maybe he likes it, too?

YES - I wish that I had been less judgmental and more considerate about others beliefs, especially with regards to politics. Sometimes I can be too partisan!

I hate to look back with any regret because I believe we do what we believe to be the right thing for us at that very moment with the information available at the moment . I would have gotten bad people out of my life sooner. That may be the only change. Alternatively, I am proud with how I have bounced back from several down years, I am proud of my ability to move on emotionally and physically relocate to make life better and happier

I wish I took better care of myself this year. I did not take the time to focus on my physical well being. Nor did I take the time to focus on my spiritual, religious side. I put other obligations ahead of mine because I thought I needed to. However, I need to remember that I am also important. I am proud that my pregnancy, my child, is helping me work on those aspects which are often pushed to the side. I have said it before but she makes me live the saying, " I can do it all. Just not all at once."

I wish I had given myself time to mourn for my father's passing last September. I was fighting so many battles, and just trying to function to keep my business going and help my children get through their grief, that I never had time to allow myself to just crash, even for a few days. On the other hand, I am proud that I handled my father's passing, an ugly divorce, keeping a business afloat and being a single mom of children with special needs. It was a lot to handle, but I did it without too many casualties, other than stress on myself and losing 15 pounds.

I wish I would have taken more time to see friends and let my hair down more often. Lose control. I also wish I would have done more to give back. Not just sitting on committees and working at a charity, but actually been involved in a project where my physical time matters to the people that need it first hand. I am really proud I booked my trip to Australia for new year 2012/2013. It has been a dream for years. And I am somewhat scared about it not being as good as I think it will be, being alone for parts of it, that it is a waste of a significant amount of money I am paying for it, or that it will mess up my prospects professionally going away for a month. Ultimately, I decided that even if it 'fails' in terms of expectations and return on experiences, I will have gained so much just for the fact that I am doing it for myself. Allowing myself to explore a dream, see the sunshine, be in completely new territory and carve my own way around without being bound. I took the step, when honestly no one, not even myself, thought I would. I am proud of that.

In the last year, I can say that I have no regrets. It's been truly a magnificent year.

Focused on giving and on myself. I am proud that I proved myself at work, but need more.

I wish I had taken a trip. I don't get to explore enough.

This has been such a big year. I wish that I had planned my wedding a little differently, but hindsight is 20-20. I'm proud of my decision to move to Portland and to honor the desire to leave my field and to start anew.

I am proud of the ways I have learned to love my partner and my family while staying true to myself and standing up for my needs. I am proud of the ways I have gotten to know and understand my partner and what she needs and how I can care for and provide for her. I am proud that I am learning how to ask for help instead of living a one-person life inside of a many-peopled life! I am proud of the discernment I am learning to show when making choices about what to keep from my old life and what to make more room for in my new life. I am proud that I do what I can to take care of myself. I need, in the coming year, to continue to seek balance between work and family. I need to worry less about letting my family down. I need to continue to prioritize myself when it is appropriate so I do not feel weary and ineffective as a partner and parent. I need to always been grateful for what I have and never take it for granted :)

This is a tough one because I'm both proud of the courage I had and somewhat regret the effect that my actions have had on a relationship. A new girl started at work, Rachel, who sits beside me. I'd admired her intelligence in the interview and it was great to have someone who understood and was an expert in my side of the business: SEO - search engine optimization. It was my job to supervise her induction process. I tried to be helpful without being too cloying or overbearing. I wasn't all that attracted to her immediately, but I liked it when she smiled at me as I sat down at my desk each morning and I couldn't help but notice her attractive cleavage with some of the tops she wore. I think that's what caused my feelings towards her to change. I started to develop a crush on her. She invited me to a summer barbecue at her house. I felt we were starting to make a connection, that we had stuff in common. But I wasn't sure of the etiquette of relationships at work. I did a lot of reading around on Ask Me-Fi, trying to figure out if it would be OK for me to ask her out. I was aware that it might be unprofessional; that if things didn't go well it could make things awkward for us at work. I spent a whole weekend pondering it during Euro 2012. And then one evening I dared myself that if Germany scored, I'd ask her out by text message. I was pleased when Germany did score, so I asked her if she'd like to go out on a date with me. She said it was sweet of me to ask but that her affections were otherwise engaged - I think with an ex-boyfriend I'd met at the barbecue (I'm not sure, to be honest, and it's not really any of my business anymore). I never mentioned it at work. I'd chickened out of asking her at work, although there was a narrow opportunity when we were leaving one day. I didn't do it. Maybe it would have been different in person. But still to this day we haven't spoken about it or acknowledged it in person. A few weeks later I asked her out on an undate to see a Woody Allen documentary, but again she said no - I think because she had other plans, but that may have been an excuse. Things have been a bit weird. We don't talk as much. She's started teaming up with another guy in my office who talks a lot - and who I find quite distracting and annoying. (I'm probably not going to be able to publish these answers next year, am I...)

I did Marva(basic IDF military training) and I have never been prouder of myself. In those two months I did things I never thought I could do and I finally understood why I can't keep mentally and sometimes physically harming myself and that was when I made the first steps towards that. I found how incredible my ability to self motivate is and since then I will never physically harm myself again. I gained a lot of respect for myself and for what I am capable of.

I wish I would have been more financially responsible and hit the ground running with photography. I'm proud I finally moved out of my parents place and to (of which i'd never been to) NY of all places.

I wish I had taken my 'time to rest and chill and recover from a very long trip' more seriously. I'm so tired now, I can barely cope with stuff.

No. Changing anything in the past would not get me to where I am today. Even if it sucks at the moment.

I wish I'd tried even harder to make the most of my time. But I'm proud that I've tried to have an efficient, organised life. I'm proud of myself for always trying to struggle through. I may not have been happy - I may never be happy - but at least I've tried to better myself, and to make the most of my life and my time. If I die tomorrow, I can't fault myself for trying. I could always be a better person - but I've done the best I can, all my life. And I haven't had the easiest start.

I am proud of finishing up my freshman year of college well and how well I did with my job over the summer. I also have just gotten a job at school and am proud of everything that I am doing with IV CCR's. I do not think I would change anything even though there were some hard times, everything that has happened made me who I am.

I am proud that as my best friend goes through a major health crisis - cancer - I have been able to be a support to her. I have trouble with this because usually I am overwhelmed just trying to keep up with my own life. So I am really working to make a priority of being there for her. I really hope I can continue to be there for her throughout her chemo, which should end in December.

I wish that I had been able to stand in my authentic 'No' more often and be OK with saying 'no' to requests that I didn't want to do. I wish I had taken better care of myself: body, mind, and spirit. I am proud of my relationship. Making it this long has been a testament to its strength: it sure hasn't been easy. But it is the most rewarding thing I have ever experienced. I am proud and grateful to have traveled to so many places and seen & experienced so many things.

I'm am so overjoyed with my experience as CRW's 60th Regional Aleph Shaliach. I am so so proud of my States and the passion I had for the Jewish teen movement I can only hope that my passion for Judaism never dwindles but rather grows into an intense passion like I have for nothing else. I'll always love cooking, but I will always be a Jew, not necessarily always a Chef.

I wish I had learned more about myself and about the nature of my existence and reality. I wish I would have been less trapped in the things that worry me, that do not exist. I wish that I practiced more being mindful and acting from mindfulness.

I wish I'd have done literally everything differently. I wish I would've done more. Exercised more, read more, tested my creative limits as far as they could go. This past year tested my ability to cope with the everyday realities of depression, which is one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with. This summer especially--I did nothing worth any merit. I was, and still am to some extent, in a rut, and I hated myself for somehow getting into a hole that I cannot seem to get out of. I wish I would've been a better friend, learned more about life, I wish I would've taken advantage of my age and willingness to learn. I know the year is not up and there is still time so I am trying to make progress. This year has just seemed significantly low in growth--mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And I feel lost.

I don't really wish I could have done anything differently, because I trust that everything really does happen for a reason, but I am very proud of Jordan and i for deciding to finally take initiative and move out of this wasteland called Hazleton. Our families are not as supportive as we would have hoped, but we are still going to do it, and we're gonna be truly on our own. It's scary, but it's so exciting. I can't wait.

I let my meditation practice just dissolve into nothing. I had been steadily working at it and seeing positive results from it and then, just... stopped. Felt overwhelmed by what I was trying to learn. Felt scared of the possibility of really exploring a very different religion from the one I was raised in. Felt apprehensive about how much I seemed to be connecting with it in theory. I'm trying to rebuild the practice, but it is not going as smoothly this time. I know it's because I'm holding myself back.

I wish I hadn't been so diffident and quiet. I wish I just lived life more, and reflected more. I am proud of the way I got though junior year, the death of my grandfather, and diagnosis of celiac disease. Believe that everything really does happen for a reason.

I wish I had stopped eating so much, and kept cardio work-outs up. I am proud of my acrobatic training, but I want to stop being afraid of it too.

I wish I had acted from a place of love with my husband more.

I would have cared for my body better and will this coming year. I am pleased with having had the courage to start new reinvention of self professionally. It's great for brain plasticity and for self esteem. Never too late!

I wish I had managed my finances a little better... I'm proud that I managed to pick myself up from my epic fail and found a way to believe in my quest again.

Wish I hadn't taken the points in the game against Alabama. Coming into my own again, this time in my 70's. I am on a roll. Happy as a clam. Pleased with myself.

I wish I had not given myself permission to make excuses so often, particularly in the arena of getting to the gym. As a result, I am no closer to my weight loss goal and have squandered the opportunity to feel better about myself. What am I proud of? I'm proud of every time I thought before speaking, specially in the workplace.

Knowing what I know now, I wish I could go back in time and not worry so much. I worried a lot about my health last year and earlier this year - in particular, my jaw problem. There was a point at which it looked pretty bad (a degenerative bone disease), but God answered my prayers (and those of my loved ones petitioning on my behalf), and the initial diagnosis was proved wrong. I am, however, proud of my fortitude throughout that period of pain and worry. I kept persisting to get the right medical care and ultimately found that trigger-point acupuncture brought me relief from the pain. I still face braces (again!) to solve my jaw/teeth problem, but I know I can handle that.

I wish I had worked more on my personal relationships...with my wife, kids and friends. While most are in good shape, I think they could be better. I am proud of how I perceived in the community. I think people see me as a giver of my time and energy toward good causes and good people.

I wish I had written more academically, gotten into a writing routine so I could get in touch with what really matters to me intellectually. (I mentioned this last year and didn't really pursue it.) Specifically, I wish I had finished the paper with Paula (which I still hope to finish this week). I feel lately that my new life task is to embrace my own intellectual perspective, and write about it more fearlessly. (Fear of rejection & criticism have dominated my writing life FOR-EV-ER. Big insight--my procrastination on writing has always been about anxiety.) Something I'm proud of? Getting much, much calmer in my daily life, especially on the home front. This allows me to be a much kinder, less emotionally reactive person who can productively address more things, and is a better model of behavior for my kids. What has made the difference? More sleep (every day!), yoga, mini-exercise routine, Seriphos, therapy, and Flylady housecleaning magic! (She's right--almost any household task can get done in 15 minutes.) Oh, and overcoming my struggle with my in-laws has allowed me to stop fretting about how to please them, and to reclaim some of my vital essential energy.

No, i don't wish i had done anything differently. i feel incredibly proud of how i have handled this year. been open to love. been open to showing the world who i truly am. been open to a new perspective. if there was one thing i wish i had done differently, it would be that i wish i lived more from heart and less from my head. it is my life struggle to change the ratio of this balance within and i know that my life would be better and better if i could get down to the heart more and the head less.

Paused more before responding. Been aware that when I get blamed, it is often the other person protecting themself. Proud - standing up for myself more, not getting lost in other people

It's been a good year. I am proud of my resolution to not run for the train. I have been pretty good with keeping that. Sometimes I do run for the train and I hate it.

I am proud that my husband and I have the commitment to work out the problems in our marriage. I wish I had told his girlfriend to fuck off .

I wish I had earned more money. I'm proud that I faced some stuff that really scared me -- spending a week and a half in the country alone, for example, seemed impossible for a long time. I did it!

I wish I would have been less pressured in my relationship with my husband. I wish I would have devoted more time to understanding my religion intellectually. I wish I would have given more money to charity. I wish I would have been nicer to my husband. I wish I could have made my friend's conversations more nice regarding people. I am proud of doing well in school, taking care of the kids, overcoming my tension and being nice to my husband, calling my parents, giving time to my daughter.

I wish I had started on my weightloss journey sooner. (Although I'm proud of what I have accomplished since starting!) I wish I had focused more time on my husband and kids.

I wish I was more organized... But on the flip side, I'm glad that I've learned to be more forgiving of myself that I'm not perfect and I don't have to be...

I wish I hadn't left school this year. There are a lot of ways that it's been for the best, but I'm concerned that I'll never make it back. I'm proud that I didn't let myself completely bogged down in depression over this, though. It's what I would have done until very recently. I feel more control over my emotions than I have in a very long time - maybe ever.

I wish I'd taken better advantage of the summer to prepare academically for the year. I spent a lot of it getting ready for the wedding, which was important, but I also wasted a lot of time. I feel behind and like I've let my adviser down by not having used my time more effectively. In particular I wish I had had my act together enough to apply for PAA this year. I hope I learn from this for the following year. I also needed some more balance in my summer, and actively focusing on academic work might have provided it. I am proud of my academic success in my first year of graduate school. I have worked very hard, studied hard, and loved the process. I hope I learn to work as well in less structured circumstances and as my challenges evolve.

I wish I had written more. I love writing, so why don't I do it more? If you do nothing, you will get nothing. If you don't write, you'll never finish. This next year is about doing.

Well, the obvious answer is writing that goddamn dissertation proposal. But it's funny how little that's starting to mean--more like a lost opportunity when something bigger and better shows up around the corner, and you're glad you weren't already stuck across the street. And I am so, so, so proud of my little family--my husband who is still such a big part of how things work around here, even when he's working so many hours. My son, who has become the sunshineiest, funniest, most independent little spirit. Myself, who has kept this tiny Nugget cooking for so long. And for this tiny little girl who is still inside of me, still growing strong. I never thought that family could mean everything in the world until I had one. Nothing else matters like they do.

I'm not sure. Graduate school has been more of a strain, and I think I make it harder my challenging myself. I think these experiences were necessary, both to know what I want to do and to know what I don't want to do with my career.

Still need to get better organized and get rid of a lot of old things. I'm very glad I managed to get that learning center going for underprivileged kids. Especially since it's in memory of my father. www.aidindia.org

I am especially proud of winning a major project competition. It is gratifying to see something I worked so hard on being realized.

I wish I had been more intentional about my coaching work... I feel like Ive flip/flopped all year long....and keep starting and stopping. I kept thinking I knew where I stood...and then just couldn't make myself move along with it. Now I seem to be almost 100% clear that I'm not going to be doing anything....but then I get excited about something, or sort of regretful that I haven't created the shame conference etc etc. Proud....very proud of the way I collaborated with Barb on the party planning. Very proud of the way I set up our trip.

hard year. very hard. black holes in my head. deep losses in family. i've been fighting for over a year, these demons. both within and without. been very hard. wearying. that's not important. what's important is continuing to fight. A friend called me a warrior yesterday. I blushed, but I am. A warrior. Always been. Very proud of that.

I wish that I had been less stressed and angry throughout the year. I feel like I easily fell into a place of hate and anger. I said I "hate" a lot of things. I wish that I had been less angry throughout the entire year.

I wish I had been a little more productive with some of my down time. I should have finished learning the SD lecture. I should have developed a better cleaning ritual or habit with regard for my home. I am especially proud of getting into the gym regularly. I'm not sure I could have done it without James, but because of the consistency that has developed, I believe this should be a life long habit.

I wish I had worked on my resume and actually applied for the job in North Carolina

I wish I'd been more accepting, calm, spontaneous, happy, open, loving.

Wished I had focussed on marketing more for my business. However, proud that I am facing my fears and insecurities and moving ahead. Also proud that I quit drinking 7 months ago!

Wish I could have kept the weight off. I went down to 143.lbs. (proud of that) went up to 160. lbs. not happy about that.

Differently - stayed up on correspondence; cleared my clutter once and for all. Proud of - making a difference at work.

Less worrying and more enjoying and relaxing. Trusting in others and my own gut.

There is NOTHING I wish I'd done differently because I have had such an incredible year, the best of my life. While I have sometimes found myself in situations (mostly social ones) where I think I could have been a bit better, or a bit braver, I guess I just wouldn't be me if I had acted any differently. I am proud of my "Under the Skin" art piece, and I'm determined to continue to prove my talent to myself and to people who think they're better than me. I am so proud of myself for starting to longboard, and I am determined to get good at it. I am proud of myself for being adventurous over the past year - actually, less proud and more lucky that I've found someone to share these adventures with. I was right when I predicted that I would still be in love with Joe, I think I always will be.

I'm particularly proud of how I've taken the time to, in an organized manner, collect my thoughts on what I hold dear, continue to consider, am proud of, or want to improve on. I think this has been the basis of how I become more of who I'd like to become. At the same time, I would have liked to have acted more based on my gut feeling and less based on external influences; I'm hopeful I can change this going into the new year.

I wish I had taken the GRE or moved away in an effort to move on with my life. I wish I had been kinder to my family... I wish I had stayed in shape. I'm proud of myself for staying at my job and doing my best, I'm glad that I've tried to make more of an effort with my family, even if it wasn't as much as I wanted to.

I wish I had been more honest with everyone around me. Sometimes we think we'll make everyone happier by hiding our true selves, and that can be true, but doing it will just slowly drown us.

I am proud that I put in all my effort and it showed when I went for the interview and got through to stage managing. I wish I knew that it could get better so I don't look down on myself so much.

I'm proud of my first car. I'm proud of my accomplishment as a good boyfriend and lover.

Of course I wish I had tried a bit harder in school. Put in the extra effort so I could have graduated with chords, or made dean's list again. Ironically, I also wish I would have gone out more and enjoyed my weekends with friends. But I'd rather focus on something I'm particular proud of as of recently - my positive energy and light that I continuously try to spread onto others. I have been thinking along the mindset of this : If negativity and positivity are both equally contagious, which would you rather spread the world with? The answer is so clear. This is the approach I've been taking towards life. I'm proud that I've been more genuine in my relationships with friends and family. I am taking the time to invest myself more into the most important aspect of my life: PEOPLE. I'm proud of the way I've tried to stay connected with my sister and dad, regardless of challenges. I'm proud that I've taken the time to reach out to old friends and revive antique relationships (Kristen Jacobson and Megan Humphrey). I'm proud that I am able to be the bigger person - knowing when to speak and when to keep silent. I am proud of myself for discovering my passions and following them. I am especially proud of my commitment to healthy living, and sharing it with others I care about (Kristen, Dad,, Jessica).

I'm really proud of graduating. I wish I had been more open and honest in getting to know my clients. I wish I had opened myself up to the experience more. I wish I would have told Joe I loved him straight up, face to face, when I felt like it was maybe the right time and not when it was too late and I was leaving. I wish Neal had never happened for as long as he did. I wish it had never gotten to that point.

Differently: I would have tried harder to keep my professional life from collapsing in on itself. It will be hard to build back up. Happy about: Finding peace. Maybe I needed my life to fall apart to get it to come together better.

I wish I would have looked harder for another/a second job. Then I'd be able to move out when I graduate in December.

I wish I had worked on my fitness more in order to be a better Rugby player and enjoy it more. I proud of being a valuable team player for my Rugby team this year.

I'm really proud at how I handled M's cancer. It was the ideal situation for my robot-nature. I was supportive, open, honest, and simply there for him. I feel like that was an amazing experience that I got to share with him, because he now knows how much he means to me. I wish that I had been more open and communicative with R. We didn't leave things on a bad note, but I never really made it to that point where I felt comfortable telling him how I felt or what I wanted from him.

I wish I'd done more writing. I am proud that I started riding a bike even though I cannot really steer yet so I am just in a parking lot. That is not so shabby for a 41-year-old!

I'm proud that I'm finally finding a mojo to doing my job well. Feel like I'm hitting on all cylinders right now.

i guess i wish i'd made more of an effort to find work. i don't believe anymore that i'll ever figure out 'what i'm doing with my life.' i just need to put away enough money to ride out the years comfortably and fill them with adventures.

I feel like I've been a jerk to often at work this year and I feel bad about that. I need to stay aggressive but be nicer and softer. Not come out of the gates roaring so much.

I wish I had spent time with Patrick during the summer when I had the chance. I miss him so much, and it would have been awesome to take a trip with him over the summer. I also wish that I was better with my money so that I could be more financially secure now.