
Have you had any particularly spiritual experiences this past year? How has this experience affected you? "Spiritual" can be broadly defined to include secular spiritual experiences: artistic, cultural, and so forth.

My therapist told me that my belief in the zodiac is a spiritual belief. This was the first time in my life that I really felt like I had some kind of spirituality. At least it was the first time that I could name it that way. I have realized since then that I do sometimes believe in a greater force. Sometimes I don't believe in any kind of god or force out there. There is no proof, and things can be explained by coincidence. But other times, particularly in instances of romance, I see everything as a symbol, a message from the universe, as a part of some lesson I have to learn. Sometimes I believe there is a plan for me. But I often try to reason with myself that there is no proof of any of this, and that these are all inventions of my own mind. It's often difficult for me to understand myself, how I feel, and what I believe. I am most definitely agnostic.

Yes. I often feel fleeting moments of spiritual wholeness and connectedness when walking in the woods. At these moments I truly feel that I am part of something greater than myself.

Does a panic attack at work count? I was sitting alone at the register in the store I've worked at for four years, no one in the store, when I was seized with panic. I heard a loud voice in my head, not my own, saying "YOU HAVE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE." There was no trigger for this, except that I have known for a while that while it pays the bills, my work in the store does not help further my creative efforts or my savings. A change needs to come in the new year, til then I am holding tight and working on how to describe my skills to potential contractors / employers.

It would take too long to fully explain my spiritual journey this year. My trip to Israel changed me forever. People that I haven't seen since the trip have told me that I look different...not so much physically, but just the way I am. Can't get more spiritual than that.

I continue to deepen my work with buddhist insight and the renewing energy of samadhi. Otherwise, my spiritual life has been dormant.

I began studying with my deeply insightful yoga teacher who implements the teachings of Krishnamurti. With his guidance I've been living in a more connected life to myself, others and the world.

The retreat for Temple Sinai and resulting dinner made me remember the love I had for singing, ruach and Jewish music. I'd tucked so far deep inside me it was a surprise when it came out. I remembered all at once that I'd actually been in a Jewish acapella group in college. Imagine forgetting that...

YES!!!! I have been so so blessed this year. I have left my body in meditation... I have heard God and the Holy Spirit. I have felt God inside of me. It is almost too hard to even try and explain... It is an experience and not something that is meant to be put into words... ineffable... So much grace... God is always there for us... we need only to look...

Love. I found someone I love. This realisation was a pretty big deal. Saying "I love you" to him and him saying it back is just so overwhelmingly intense and calming at the same time. Connecting with someone on this level, who was once a stranger is wonderfully possible.

I have had the experience of feeling completely emotionally present with another person. The spiritual experience has been in the continuous recreation of this connection and attention to maintaining it for longer and longer periods of time.

Not really. Maybe a very few moments when I was happy, looking at art or nature, and staying in the moment letting worries fade away. Just managing to be present for a weekend, and balancing being focused on home when home and work at work is an achievement, and a struggle.

Most of my life, my relationship with the Divine has been clouded by the idea of the Divine as an androcentric, judgemental, far-away king. But, in this second year of studying Biblical Hebrew, I have learned the roots of words used to describe the Divine in the Tanakh, and I was especially struck by one interpretation of 'Shaddai', which could mean, hill, breast, and/or Nurturing One. I now use this idea of the Divine in prayer, especially when feeling frightened or needy, and find it more comforting. The idea of the 'Cosmic Breast' is more comforting, this giant, squishy, comforting place of no judgement. Also, as a woman, I feel like I can relate more to a 'G*d with breasts'! This is starting to transform my relationship with the Divine. Learning Hebrew has empowered me, because now I know I don't have to just accept the translations handed down by our 'mancestors' (G*d bless 'em)!

Not enough. The spiritual side of my life is the most overlooked. The most significant spiritual experiences I have are the (rare) occasions when I share a quiet moment with one of my kids and I suddenly see them beyond the moment we are in. Another spiritual moment was watching the leaves falling from a beautiful nearby tree during my mother-in-laws funeral.

I have had spiritual thoughts surrounding the ongoing care of my elderly mother -- how am I stacking up against the commandment "honor thy father and mother" -- is this what g-d wants? When I fail to do something, or get annoyed with her, does g-d know????

I went to see Sally Morgan the psychic recently and, as with every visit to a psychic, I was determined to take everything she said with a pinch of salt. Some of the show was very general but some of the things she said was so accurate there was no way it could be anything but true. It's made me want to go and get another reading done for myself.

I'm not exactly sure but this Rosh HaShanah, only days ago, made me really reconnect with my Judaism and start thinking about reclaiming my observance.

Every experience.

Anton Armstrong always seems to bring out my spiritual side. He's not afraid to tell it like it is for him and his religion, but he's so well rounded that he respects and loves anyone regardless of their religious beliefs. He relies on the music and its beauty to bring out the emotions he knows his singers can create. Every moment of my last year at OBF was special. I cried a lot in good and bad ways, but regardless it changed my life.

My bridal mikvah was a very spiritual experience for me, more so even maybe than the chuppah, because I had spent so much time preparing for it, and it was so meaningful not only to me but to my mother and mother-in-law who came. The rebbetzin who helped me study and the mikvah lady were both the BEST—especially the mikvah lady. She's a preschool teacher, and it shows—I have never seen anyone SO EXCITED ABOUT ANYTHING. If you are getting married this year GO TO THE MIKVAH, even if you never intend to do it again (but do it again, why not?) Chabad has them everywhere and the women — at least the ones I've encountered — are actually really nice. Especially if you're a bride...and why would you miss out on that?

Experiencing an all-enveloping all-encompassing love. Occasionally acting as if this experience is what others call G-d.

This year, we began attending services at the local Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. While the services have been thought-provoking, enlightening, and educational, I've been most affected by the community that we've found within the congregation. Church members brought us meals and gifts when our daughter was born, and we held a Child Dedication ceremony for her. We are planning on officially joining the congregation next month.

Attending mass at the Cathedral with both of my parents - the first time attending mass in at least a year, possibly up two or three years - was surprisingly refreshing. I need to do this more.

Not really spiritual. I've renewed my health and well-being. It feels amazing. I'm suddenly happy and excited about life, not to mention a lot lighter and I need to buy new clothes that aren't too big. All possible because I finally fixed my ankle. Not sure that's spiritual, but it feels that way.

I marvel at nature all the time but I don't think of myself as particularly "spiritual." I believe in enjoying and appreciating each moment. I think appreciation is spirituality.

Not really. It makes me feel shallow to say that, but I haven't. I don't meditate as much as I used to or would like to, but I have found it to be tremendously helpful in terms of my own spiritual growth. Just knowing that things pass, and that your thoughts don't define you has been a really earth-shattering realization for me.

The experience that rises to the top like cream is the spiritual experience I had traveling to Bali. The sense of the sacred was everpresent; nature and its beauty was so revered and held close to the heart. I will never ever forget my "flower bath" or the trinity of goddesses that held the founts that filled the sacred pools at the Elephant Temple. The enormous roots of the trees, the way they held to the earth. The smell of water everywhere and the fresh cool rain. Having access to the IChing as a touchstone also affected me deeply this year. One day in August it read,"63Completion. Congratulations. You have just completed a great cycle of your soul's development. A temporary state of perfect equilibrium and well-being now exists. Let yourself rest in this place for awhile before you begin a new cycle of experience and growth. You have earned it."

last december my great-grandmother passed away. i wouldn't necessarily call it god - but when i think of her i feel a sense of love and affection. its a feeling that is warm and enlightening. it saddens me now that shes gone but i am so thankful i still feel her around me.

This year has been unusually unspiritual.

I opened my heart to Scott, the man I'm meant to be with, and he is a Wiccan. If I'd dismissed him on religious basis alone, I'd have missed out on the great love in my life.

Not particularly, which surprises me. I haven't had a moment of complete and pure joy that I can remember this year, which saddens me. I have come close just staring at the ocean or watching my child sleep. But I am letting the distractions in my day prevent me from being grounded enough to enjoy the simple things that are, to me, spiritual.

earlier in the year i went on march of the living and it was the most incredible experience i have ever gone through. when i was in poland and Israel I felt a very strong connection with my Judism and with myself. it has changed my life for the better

Perhaps this is only spiritual for me, but I am amazed at how immersed the young children are in my son's daycare on Shabbat, and to then watch them prepare for Rosh Hashanah was another grand experience. They are three, what changes could we bring to our religion if the adults would bring such care to High Holy days?

Yes, the loss of my childhood friend, and a week later, of my dear Aunt, brought on all the processes that loss and death bring. By way of a call on my birthday,while bemoaning that I was never going to hear his bass playing ever again, I was reminded that Rick's playing with me all the time, now.

Avodah. I mean looking back, that was like the summer to remember. We had a beautiful thing going on there.

Lighting Shabbat candles for the first time by myself. There's something so peaceful and grounding about it.

I had an amazing weekend experience with my youth group that has made me more inclined to search for my spirituality, more so than past youth group events.

I appreciated my personal time more. I began enjoying the time I spent, laying on my bed just staring at the ceiling and thinking-especially after the marriage. I have also suddenly become more aware of my natural surrounding and the beauty everywhere.

When I was in Europe, I saw Dachau and the Jewish quarters in Prague and Rome. They reminded me how much humanity means, and how much I value human life. I don't want to forget what it felt like to read every name in the Prague synagogue, or look up into the blue stars in Rome's synagogue...I felt like I was part of something, and even more so, that I wanted to be part of it.

There was this moment during my school's music festival this last May when I felt like I was having a spiritual experience. I was standing in the middle of hundreds of other students and was dancing like a maniac to the band that was playing on stage, and suddenly, it began to rain. At first, people put their hoods up and tried to ignore it, but then the skies opened up and this torrential downpour started soaking us all. And it was at this moment that the lights from the stage were reflecting off of the water, and the band was in their groove, and people just stopped caring about the rain and those stupid little things in life....for just one second; and kept dancing. And it was perfect and lovely, and I so totally hope that it rains again next year. To my future self: Enjoy the rain. Beautiful things happen when it rains.

Just today I had a chat with my beloved about the soul. How, as a conscious entity I am defined by my experiences and my memory of those experiences. We agreed that although the conscious entity that remembers these experiences will die and then every memory of it will fade, the soul most likely transcends this. The chat felt quite spiritual

Seeing my father and demented cachectic stepmother in the last weeks before her death from metastatic breast cancer was interesting. My stepmother was not an easy person even before her last illnesses. But she and my father had a bond, albeit strange to many of us. Watching a nearly lifeless, almost ghostly face become luminous upon hearing my father's voice, and to hear a strong voice speaking her love for him out of this wasting body was rather miraculous. It opened me up to think about love, and to respect how relationships may fulfill others in ways which may not always be visible to outsiders.

Havdallah at cltc. together in a circle with 92 of my best friends. deffinetly the most spiritual experience ive ever had

I was able to do the mitzvah of shmirah three times over the past year, staying up all night, singing psalms to comfort the spirit of persons who had just passed on. It is a deeply meditative experience that has changed me. I grew to be less afraid, and it gave me the strength to also do taharah. These are things I never thought that I would have the courage to do. Also I have chanted from Torah twice now, the first time at my Bat Mitzvah and the second on Rosh Hashana. There is something very powerful about chanting Torah. It is a very mindful experience. Everything dissapears except for you and these ancient Hebrew letters that you become a vessel for. Beautiful. I never thought that I would have the courage to give a drash in front of the congregation, let a lone chant in front of 500 some people for Rosh ha Shana. These two experiences combined allowed me to be ready to lead a memorial at my high school reunion, which was personally very moving, as one of the students who had died in 2009 at the young age of 26 was my best friend. I've experienced musical spiritual heights when Dan Nichols holds Shabbat Unplugged at a home of a congregant, and experiencing Kirtan Rabbi Andrew Hahn's beautiful meditative music. There is nothing better than voices uniting in harmony and love.

A deep feeling of gratitude for having held on to my house through financial hardship when around me dozens of houses are in foreclosure. And my daughter R coming through the very scary patch she had psychologically. Praise G-d He's always been my Source of Strength

When in Israel in June of this year on the Nachum Goldmann Fellowship, a special naming service was created for our Indian delegate, Florence, to bestow upon her a Hebrew name. This was perhaps the most spiritual moment for me this year; in that heartbeat of a moment, with Florence all dressed in her cultural garb, with delegates from all over the Jewish world, on the shores of the beautiful Kinneret, there was a sense of commonality and connectedness that I have never experienced before. It was sheer beauty! It was Klal Yisrael!It was the living breath of our longstanding tradition!

I've gone back and forth between believing in God and not believing. This always happens depending on the mood I'm in. And I still don't believe people who commit suicide go to hell. I don't even really believe in hell. And if there is a hell, I highly doubt God would send some of the people who need him most there. It doesn't make sense.

Nope. The past year has been nothing but shit for me. No great insights, no moving experiences.

I have not had any "Spiritual" experiences in the past year that I can think of and if I cannot think of any then I do not believe that I have had any this year.

I have. Going on adventures and seeing the beauty of the world and the amazement of true friends is spiritual for me

I fell in love..........which is perhaps one of the most spiritual experiences known to humanity.

Does have good vibes and times with friends count as spiritual?

I have really tried to delve into Spanish. I decided a little while ago that I needed to stop ignoring my "roots" and not only improve my Spanish but try to understand Hispanic culture better.

No. No I haven't. Spirits don't exist.

My whole year has been a journey of discovery. The nearest to spiritual is doing my genogram and looking at photos of my grandmother and her father. I feel part of something valuable and real. I wish I had photos going back further.

No. not really

I found my birthmother long enough to say hello and goodbye, and for her to tell me how much she loved me before she died.

I scattered my grandparents ashes. Although I was in middle school when they died, my family had finally gotten together to do the deed. I cried so hard as we said our last goodbyes and let them flow into the river where they first met. It was good to have a spiritual closure and come to peace with their absence.

Probably the most spiritual experience was while on my tour of Poland .when all the tour members repeated the shema prayer over & over again whilst in the gas chambers at Auschwitz . I felt very connected to my jewishness & especially to all the victims that had passed through there . May they all rest in peace

Everyday has been a gift from God this past year. Thanks to FA and the spiritual freedom I've had from food addiction. Now I understand why God wanted me to deal with the food in this life. Not one part of me wanted to, but I did and it's been the best thing I've ever done in my life. It has taken me closer to God than I've ever hoped to be and I am able to deal with the massive doses of fear I get hit with every day with a whole new feeling of hope. Amen.

Been in Israel again!

The day my uncle died, I felt it happen. I didn't quite believe it at first, but my whole heart went cold. Ten minutes later I got a phone call from my mum telling me the news. In that moment I just felt really connected to my family. I felt this again at his funeral when I saw the poem left to each of us, and took it to heart more than any one else in my family.

I don't do spiritual things. I haven't been included in any artistic, cultural or whatsoever experience.

Being in Bangkok and seeing another side of Buddhism. I wanted to feel that magic in the air and I became jaded in Japan. I have not felt that quiet magic as much as I did when I first came to Aisa but to see another side of Aisa, the South East side really opened my eyes. Too see cultures keep their traditions alive is amazing. I want to be immersed in that more. Malaysia and Thailand are new points of desired exploration.

I have had numerous spiritual experiences this year that were meaningful. But none were as surprising as when my dog died. I had heard of "channeling" but never witnessed it. When my beloved dog was passing away, I asked him to watch over me and be my angel in spirit as he did on the earth plane. About a minute after he passed on, he communicated from the other side. If there were not 3 witnesses I would not have been able to believe what I was hearing. His voice through another was not only comforting, but it showed me that the curtain between life and death is only veiled by the willingness to know or not spirit.

I've had many spiritual experiences this year, mostly through my Kundalini yoga practice. Last August I moved to a new town for a fresh start in life. Instead of fresh, I got a rotten dose of problems and disappointments. Nothing worked out as I had planned. I began to doubt myself. Having made such a bad decision to move, I believed that I couldn't trust myself to make even the smallest decisions. I couldn't decide what to eat for dinner or when to sleep. Picking out an outfit for the day took an hour. I spent a lot of time crying. My eyes were always red, my mouth always dry, and I withdrew from my friends and family. My one savior during this time was a small Kundalini studio where I would go three times a week. Kundalini is a strange practice, even for me who'd been practicing yoga for a decade. Chanting, rapid breathing, squatting down on my mat like a frog, and sweating my ass off were new to me. Maybe it was because I was at the very bottom of a deep well, but I didn't question the instructors or the practice. I didn't decide that this was a worthwhile spiritual activity. I didn't decide anything. I just did it and hoped for the best. I didn't achieve the best, but I didn't succumb to the worst either. Three times a week I found myself feeling solid, calm, hopeful, and full of love. They were brief moments. Sometimes I only got five seconds of peace, but it was a hell of a lot more than I got outside of class. I had withdrawn from those I'd known my entire life, but I found myself bonding with my classmates and instructors on a very deep level. I vacillated between feeling suicidal to feeling like life may be worth living if I stuck it out. Through Kundalini I recognized that as much as I wanted to end my life, I couldn't contribute to the landscape of the world's pain. I can say that I had moments of ecstasy and transcendence in class, but those weren't the moments that got me through the toughest times. It was the practice, three times a week without fail, that got me through it. I would often tell myself that yoga was a waste of time, that my pain was real and everything else was illusion. I went to class anyway. I didn't expect fireworks. I just wanted to survive. I got my fireworks.

I became very connected with my guitar I brought a practice one to israel and loved it it kind of became my best friend as when I had some down time I practiced riffs My most spiritual experience was not a flash of lightening it was a gradual awakening to my self understanding and life circumstances which contributed to who I am. I am learning the special role of being humble, getting beyond things, aside from a nice acoustic. I love developing skill and doing by job at work. I love working with mentally ill adults who can communicate and with whom you can make an effort and see or feel a result

I geocache and some of the places that caching has taken me to have been phenomenal! One in particular was out near Hoquiam, WA. It caused us to climb up some 280 feet up a nearly vertical hillside to get to the cache. I'm terrified of heights and actually finding this cache was an enormous accomplishment. I spent some time at the cache site looking out across Gray's Harbor and taking in the gorgeous view.

As silly as it sounds, the final Harry Potter movie premiere was a spiritual experience for me. I realized that it was the "last first" that would come of the Harry Potter series. Then again, the Harry Potter legacy will live on forever. Harry Potter turned multiple generations of people into readers, and kids who normally would refuse to read became eager to read 800 page books. It taught me not only how to imagine, but how to be courageous and never give up. There is so much more to Harry Potter then just wizardry and fantasy, and I will carry it in my heart forever. The acceptance, love, and comradey of Harry Ron and Hermione, and wise words of Dombledore, are things I will not find anywhere else. Because of that series, I know that wheveever life leads me, I have the strength to make the best of it. So thank you, J.K. Rowling. -Gryffindor for eternity-

I know I was praying alot when Jeff had his surgery. I try every night to say thank you for what I have. I try to never lose sight of having Maddie & Monty in my life. Grateful for having Jeff in my life too & for my friend Christie. I am glad I live close to my family now. I don't go to church much but I think that very soon I should be doing more with Maddie in regards to being involved with some group that helps others . I have been reaing more books that are based in Buddhism lately & am fascinated by meditation. I need to work more on this area of my life in practicing my gratitude by helping others.

Mum told me I was her soul-mate. I'm scared of the day when she will no longer with us.

I was alone with a friend for several hours on the last day of his life. I was there to relieve his wife and other friends who had been there all night, anticipating his death. I left when she returned and he died shortly thereafter. The hours I spent with him were powerful, as I spoke aloud to him (he was unresponsive at this time) about meeting him and the impressions I'd had of him, why I chose him to be my daughter's godfather, and much more. Though I wish I could have spoken those words to him at a time when he could speak, I believe he heard me. And I don't know if I could have said all that I said in another circumstance. It remains an incredible memory of the deep connection we have to others and to G-d.

Yes - and it resulting in me taking a new name! It deeply affected me in every aspect of my life, from my observance to my spiritual connectedness. This is no reflection on my commitment level; rather, it is more about being truer in a modern way to that commitment. My inner self and my outer self "match" now, and I feel that I live more authentically. The emotion I was filled with during the naming ritual that my rabbi orchestrated for this was overflowing. I feel so much more comfortable in my skin, in my life, in my Judaism.

Reading the daily enneagram, teaching and practicing mindfulness and repeatedly accepting where I am career-wise.

When I am in Temple during the High Holy Days, I love the few moments of silent reflection. It is especially at that time that I realize how blessed my life is. Although I have certainly had my share of challenges and difficult times, I have arrived at a very good place and I can feel the presence of God within me.

i realize that i have, in this new way of life, moved away from my spiritual self. I have had a hard time in the past year connecting with that part of me, and struggled to do so on a number of occasions. I am surrounded by artistic and creative energy all the time...i am continually inspired by the people i know and work with, but seem stuck and unable to act on that inspiration.......

I'd pretty much stopped praying when I was in college, but this year, I started praying again every morning and saying psalms every evening before I go to sleep. I finally came to the realization that, just because I'm not as observant as I used to be, I can still pray. And it helps me keep the faith through my job search.

yes. prior to this year i never really thought of god much. or, i did, but only when i was in the mountains. i met someone who thinks about god a lot, and i think having that connection made it much easier for me to do so. my dad died this year, and i felt the pull of god, or spirituality, much more strongly. or maybe i was just looking for it out of the emptiness and neediness that this year brought. i've always felt alone, but i felt alone in new ways this year. so i've thought a lot about why god would want anyone to feel this way. and i've reasoned that god probably wants me to not feel the thirst, but appreciate the water.

Chanting part of Lamentations on Tish A'Bav. It was a small quiet service in the chapel.

Yes, I have spiritual experiences when I dance. The live drumbeats and the experiences of the other drummers and dancers bring about a great energy and sense of community, yet I am still having my own unique, personalized, and private experience. There have been many times when I have felt this surge of bliss and almost euphoria when I dance.

No, in fact, I have been feeling very disconnected spiritually this past year. Things I used to do in order to be to feel spiritually connected have lost their power. (I read daily meditations, I chant torah in my synagogue, I make a daily gratitude list.) I am questioning my religion, my marriage, my work, my life choices. I feel my life lacks fulfillment and I am just going through the motions, waiting for a spark to light again.

the most spiritual experience i have had this year was after learning about the history of jerusalem, which i had learned a number of times, but something was different this time. learning about the existence of the jewish temple and what society was like at that time, and then going to the wall and imagining the scene, i understand the enormous power and significance of the place for the first time.

Leaving my extremely conservative, almost cultish religion. I was depressed and almost suicidal for eight months. The hardest moments I've ever experienced. I didn't think I was going to make it through.

A memorial concert for Kate McGarrigle, who died recently. Amazing outflowing of love and respect for Kate. A remarkably large extended family, Wainwrights and McGarrigles and many many more singing and tellign stories of this lovely woman.

This is a rather small experience, but it still sticks out in my mind. I went to UC San Diego for a three-week neuroscience program for high schoolers. One day during lunch, two girls came up to me and asked me a bunch of questions and showed me some pictures. Then, they started talking about G-d. At home, most of my friends are Atheists and talking about G-d with them is impossible because they just throw my beliefs to the wayside and don't care what they are. Having these two religious Christians talk to me about their belief in G-d, especially because they were teenagers, was really refreshing, and we spent a good 20 minutes talking.

When my godfather's mother was dying, in her last moments sometimes, all she would talk in was German since she was originally from Germany. I wasn't really a granddaughter to her, but from what my godfather had told me several times, I was the closest thing to a granddaughter to her since her own grandchildren never spent time with her.

Oh wow my life is a spiritual experience. I have never seen so many blessimgs before. Just my existence as a whole is an amazing experience. God continues to amaze me again and again and I am grateful to see it all unfolding!

Finishing up the 3Day walk for a Cure was the most spiritually fulfilling experience of this past year. Having lost a good friend to breast cancer, I embarked on the 3Day to find some kind of solace and also to know I could somehow do something beyond just grieving. But the feeling as I walked into Soldier Field in Chicago after completing 60 miles, filled me with a sense of awe, deep gratitude and connectedness that I had not expected. It was visceral, permeating all aspects of my being.

Yes, I have had a couple spititual experiences this year. My first experience was in a very Catholic town in Italy. Assisi,Italy is the home of the famous monk,Francis of Assisi. As I sat with my wife at an outdoor cafe ,I noticed in a religious store nearby a Menora in the window.Why would a menora be in a very Catholic store? I asked the clerk and she told me about a monk from Assisi who saved many Italian Jews from the Holocaust . One family gave the monk a monera as a gift for helping them. The second spirtual event took place at my B'ani Mitzvah in May. As I read the passage from the Torah I was overcome with a feeling of awe.

My initial response to this question is - every moment is a "Spiritual Experience". That said, I have struggled with my own spirituality this year, more than I ever have in my life. A friend gave the most amazing analogy - using the film "Point of No Return" as her basis. The main character is grateful to/for her teacher for literally beating her into shape so she could do the work ahead. Even so, she's not interested in sitting down to share dinner and light conversation with him. I feel much the same way about what I call "the Divine Collective" and/or "the Everything" ...the lessons of the last couple of years have grown and changed me tremendously, and generally, I'm grateful. However, the scope of those lessons is such that I feel quite done chatting it up with the Everything for the moment ...

joining bbyo- in that it made me feel good to be jewish, and made me realize what judaism is all about, community.

Attending Rosh Hashanah services this year was validating and made me think about relatives that are no longer alive and aren't with us for the holidays. But their presences and memories will always be part of my "holiday memory quilt".

I don't think I've had anything spiritual in the sense of one big event occurring, but I've definitely thought about my spirituality a lot more this year than ever before in the past. I've really just realized that my thoughts and how I think of god, is exactly what makes Judaism so special.

I went to my friend's temple to celebrate her youngest child's bar mitzvah. The family is large and musically inclined. The whole service was done by the family. It was moving and a precious moment in time that I will carry with me always.

I am not sure. I have been trying to get more in touch with the spiritual side of life. I have half heartedly started meditation. I think it is a good thing but it requires a leap of faith. I studied a little Kaballah but that requires a leap of faith. I've been approached by a healer telling me about my aura and that it needs some housekeeping but that requires a leap of faith. I am not sure what it would take to make me cross the bridge...to have that desire.

Being with my brother in law as he is dying...seeing what a liver of life he is and how much he doesn't want to leave this earth..watching the joy he gets from books, movies, grandkids, wife, extended family, nature and even starting charities on his deathbed...love never dies...it only changes form...

Not really. I have continued to explore my own ideas about religion and spiritualism though. Nothing I can form into words quite yet, although sometimes I get nervous about it. Many of my ideas seem to be diverging a great deal from what my family believes and from what I'm "supposed to" believe in. I feel I could never actually share this with them and fully realize my own truths.

When I was in Budapest for the first time I attended a Kabbalat Shabbat service with people I had never met before but had a connection with through a mutual young adult Jewish project called Moishe House. The services were very similar to ones I am used to in my hometown of Philadelphia except for the switching of two tunes. It was incredible how I could travel thousands of miles away and still have a connection with people I had never met before. It makes me feel like a part of something much larger than myself. It was amazing.

This past year I was ordained as an Elder in the United Methodist Church. The "order" of that ordination has been very spiritual and interesting to live into. The act itself was not so much "spiritual" but living into that calling has.

Since I'm not a religious or spiritual person, I'm not sure I can respond. But maybe this qualifies. The first time I held my granddaughter I felt that somehow my late mother and father were with me. I had the same feeling when I held my grandson the first time. And now grandchild number three is on the way. I hope there is a thread that connects us all somehow.

In Spain, I went to a Sephardic, orthodox synagogue. What an interesting experience! The only other orthodox synagogue I had ever been was in Argentina, and this was completely different. I was background checked on the way in, and then I was directed to go upstairs with the other women. After spending about 20 minutes to find the page number, I was finally able to follow along. Afterwards, one man from Venezuela introduced himself to me and had the rabbi invite me to dinner. Interestingly, everyone at this synagogue was from another country--Brazil, Greece, Israel, Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina, the U.S., Bulgaria, Chile, etc. It was insane!! Needless to say, I was at synagogue until almost 2 in the morning!! It was an incredible experience to see Jews from all over the world truly celebrating Shabbat.

I've been anti-spiritual for a number of years now. My previous practice was shamanic in nature, and I did a lot of work with stones as conduits of energy. (Sounds goofier than it is, though the idea that I have to say so might have something to do with why it's my "previous" practice.) The most spiritual thing that happened to me this year that I can think of is seeing a little black pebble at a park and thinking, "Oh, you're for me, aren't you?" I picked it up and keep it with me as I used to do with my mesa stones. I don't know where this is going, but I think I'm finally open to seeing if there is a spiritual future out there for me.

I make a little prayer to God when I get nervous about something and everytime I do everything turns out ok. I know He's looking out for me.

I ran my first triathlon this year at 39. For 101 minutes, I was in the company of women of every age and size. They were all beautiful--and they were all triathletes. Throughout the race, I was continually reminded that my pre-conceived notions about body image, about ability, and about an athletic body were wildly askew. I thought about the strength of women in my family and about the power of women to support each other. I saw friends run into friends along the course--as I did with my friends--and we all cheered each other on. It was thrilling, astonishing, and no matter the end time--triumphant. I crossed the finish lines with tears of gratitude in my eyes.

Returning to my first love - teaching - has been beautifully spiritual. It is profoundly holy work to witness and be a part of the growing a learning process of others, and in turn, myself...

I completed my conversion and my congregation celebrated at Shabbat Services. I talked about my journey, received blessings from the Cantor and Rabbi that oversaw the process - my friends and family came to celebrate. It was the most beautiful ceremony and I loved it and think of that day often.

I would say pseudo, quasi, semi-spiritual, in that I thought I'd found my one true love, and at points in the year thought she felt the same, only to find later that it was a one-sided affair. But when I thought she might be the one, and especially when I thought she might agree, that felt truly spiritual- like the Universe was making things right in my world once again.

I went back to something I hadn't done in years--creating art. I had been a little worried that I would no longer be able to translate the images in my head to paper/screen, but I could--and I knew there was another force behind the process. It felt like I had help, and that the spirit of God was wound into the process.

No I haven't really but I have had a great year mostly :)

My sunagague is the only synagague in an interfaith coaltion of faith communities that helped to build and now provides volunteers for a Single Room Occupancy complex. Twice a year all 9 faith commuities have parties for the residnets and once a year our community hosts a pizza lunch. Thogh we are the smallest community we have the most volunteers at teh interfaith evnets. We have come to know some of the reidents and have been inspired by their stories. When we ad the lunch with just our members for many of us it was like seeing old freinds. That was a real spiritual high.

Met several positive people who are helping me find my way back to a happy and productive life.

Going on a retreat at the jewish spiritual institute greatly affected me. This was the first time I went away some where i could focus on myself. From the moment I entered the retreat we all left behind all our connections as mother, what we did for a living etc. it was just about us. I learned so much about myself and how to deal with things. I never thought I would enjoy observing the rule of silence. Something we did during meals and moving in between classes. Removing the need to chit chat at meals was so freeing. And yet seated near these people one still felt one got to know each other.

This year for the most part I have found myself struggling with how - and indeed if - I am capable of experiences that would be called 'spiritual'. There is so much that leaves me cold. At one point I found myself in a place that is meant to be so hallowed and important and iconic and beautiful, but felt nothing but anguish. I wasn't moved, except towards feeling wrong and broken and hollow and off-kilter. I couldn't experience what others claim to in such a place. I know that spirituality is not geographically limited or determined. And that simply because I could not force it in that instance, I am not inherently broken - far from it. Perhaps it's actually more spiritual to turn away from such things. But it was an unpleasant and upsetting experience. I can't self-consciously articulate what it means to me to feel spiritual. I mistrust those who claim great and literal mystical experiences in obvious places. I don't think of myself as acting spiritually as much as I quietly and spontaneously find myself wanting to do things that feel right. Recently I've found myself wanting to give more to charity, which I think might be spiritual. I don't like calling it spiritual really, though. I just do it. I think for me it's more about a sense of connection and possibility. I felt it travelling through Israel, or absorbed in my studies, making lightning connections between ideas so that something great and intangible felt closer and almost within reach. I feel it when the weather is right and there's a hint of something in the air, or deep in conversation with a kindred person. I even felt it listening to a friend muttering birkat hamazon... something imperceptible and profound. In December, on the first night of hanukkah, I felt a little bit of it too. It was snowing outside my window, with soft white flakes tumbling down in the orangey streetlight glow, and I set up my little makeshift tealight menorah. Then I just sat there on the bed amid that strange hush that seems to fall when it snows, thinking how small and how beautiful a gesture it felt.

I would talk about my trip to israel, but that was last year. This year, I think it would be chapel at camp this summer. While I was sitting there in the trees singing about camp and its glories/ I was reminising about the past years as a camper and tried to think of how I have made it to this point. Every friday, Saturday and shacharit service I would pray for everyone I cared about to keep them safe and that everything will be okay. Now that I think about it, these experiences have made me a stronger person

I went to Autreat again.

International Kallah 2011, easy. I don't think there was one specific moment when I was "closer to God" or anything, but the entire experience helped me find my own identity as a Jew. I no longer really identify as a Reform Jew; I'm unaffiliated, and proud of it. Maybe when I wrapped tefillin for the first time... yeah. That was about as close as I got. I had this real sense of a connection to my ancestors, just by doing a ritual Jews have been doing for thousands of years. As far as secular experiences go, I went to a Fleet Foxes concert a week ago, and it was about the most perfect concert I can imagine. The Manhattan skyline was behind us with the sunset behind that, and the band's three-part harmonies were dead-on. My friend waltzed with a random girl at one point. The whole thing was almost painfully beautiful.

Probably the most spiritually intense experience of my year was my ordination. That whole day was a cup running over with blessings: blessings from my friends, from my teachers, and then the stunning experience of closing my eyes and leaning back into my teachers' hands and feeling the transmission of their blessing as they recited the words which pronounced us as the latest link the chain of their lineage. The only thing I can compare it to is the experience of giving birth to my son: closing my eyes, going deep inside, and feeling something incredibly transformative happening in and through me.

There has not been one specific incident, but many small ones on the road to peace. Trying to forge ahead in life through all the craziness of my marriage and economic chaos of healthcare has left me hungering for a simplistic belief that is uncomplicated but true to my core beliefs. I have returned to my book of daily meditations for women in recovery. All I can do is address what is in front of me at the moment and help is a prayer away. The past is over, the future may not happen and I have the skills to deal with whatever comes my way. I don't have the emotional energy to deal with anything more complicated than this. It is the essence of God's love for us and is available every minute of every day. After all these years, I am slowly coming to realize that I will be taken care of, even when the future seems bleak and uncertain. All I have to do is believe and do what is in front of me in love.

When I was asked to be a one-on-one, someone who works with a child that has a disability, I didn't know what to do. I asked around, and various people all had the same answer: try it. I went to services, and only after talking with the rabbi and the cantor did I feel like I could do it. It was an amazing summer because of that.

I have particularly close to my guru Neem Karoli Baba this year. Feel he is looking after me and answers my requests. My grandson Adam who is 10 and said to be gifted in the school he went until the family moved when he was 7. He became bored, rude, a frustrated child who became somewhat of a problem. A series of things have happened to help him especially going to a Martial Arts group run by an amazing charismatic instructor who has become the most wonderful role model. He also has an understanding teacher this year. For myself I had a series of spiritual experiences which swept me away in bliss.

CLTC. It really showed me how much I love Judaism and it really deepened my connection with G-D.

Yes, god has abandoned me.

My mom had been ill but doctors told me she would make it to my September wedding, which we had pretty much planned for her. And she was trying so hard to make it--to be there. On the evening of June 14 I got a call from my brother saying she wasn't going to live much longer, that I should come. My fiance and I got on a red eye and made it there in time to see her. On the drive to the airport I texted my brother wondering if there was a chaplain in the hospital who could marry us. We arrived at 9am. By 10:30 an episcopalian priest was there to do the ceremony! Nurses found flowers and brought me a bouquet, my brother ran out and bought a wedding cake. I put a flower in my mom's hair as she was my matron of honor, my dad gave me away, my little nieces served as bridesmaids and my brother was best man. The doorway was packed with hospital staff trying to get a glimpse. This marriage was not legal--though my mom didn't know (it would take a few days to get a license)--but it served as a blessing for our future marriage. So, we were married in the eyes of my mom and God that day. My mom had a huge smile on her face and thanked everyone for making it happen. She died peacefully the next morning. Three months later, on September 18, we were married legally in front of about 100 family and friends. It was an outdoor wedding, it had been raining on and off all week and a storm had been predicted for the next day. But that day was gorgeous. I was talking to my cousin and said, "I have to thank my mom for this perfect weather." He said, "Look up." Right above us was this tiny rainbow--hovering above us. She did make it.

I have felt much more relaxed and open, and am trying to be mindful and meditating every day, but while these things may make me more opent to a spiritual experience of some sort in the future, I can't say I've had any this past year.

Not really, but I plan to have some next year.

I've been free-soloing a lot over this summer, and for me that's as close to "spiritual" as I'll get. I'm doing the flatirons frequently and trying to do all three as fast as I can, which means really pushing myself in a way I normally don't. I'm not a runner, and really only go on hikes to climb usually, but this gives me a lot of motivation to where I might even considering taking up trail running (if you know me, you're shocked right now). The entire experience is such an exercise in focus. I jog in my flip flops up the trail until I can't stand to anymore, and then march as fast as possible up the rest of the trail, usually with only one 20 second break at a specific tree to stretch out my legs for a bit. Once I'm at the base of the climb (a little over 30 minutes, if I'm fast) I quickly change shoes, catch my breath, take a few sips of water, and then start practically running up the climb. The first part is easy so I use momentum and just run up the slab using my palms for balance, and then right when I'm running out of gas I'll reach the nice little saddle about 350 feet up to rest for a minute. I catch my breath, and then it's into the tougher, steeper finish with small crimps and tiny features for footholds. Finally I'll reach the top with my head buzzing from the intense exertion, and then I start downclimbing the slab for about 100 feet back to the big notch, where I can find the downclimb off the back. Now I'm in a weird head-space as my buzzing brain stares down to the left at 300 feet of air off the back of the flatiron, and I stem down a corner to the trail. Now it's back to hiking up for a brief bit, then I change back to my flip flops and start jogging down the talus field trail. Back at the trail branch for the flatirons loop I cut left and am at the base of the 2nd in no time, and as I quickly change back to my climbing shoes the usual group of tourists walks up to the base. "Are you climbing that?" "Yes." "Is it hard?" "Technically, yes. Comparatively, no." I turn and get on the slab and start wiping my shoes with my hands and chalking up. "Be careful!" Thanks. The day would probably feel weird if I didn't hear that at least once, whether it's as I start up the climb, or as I jog past the tourists in my flip flops down the trail. This never fails to amaze me, I think I would be more concerned about it and I don't need the reminder, although I appreciate the sentiment. Now I'm running up the face of the 2nd as fast as I can stand with my burning quads, and this climb definitely involves more frequent rests than the first one--not to catch my breath, but just to let some energy seep back into my burning legs. I finally step off onto the trail right before the summit (I STILL need to find the direct route...) and then march up the short section of trail to the back; I can't stand to jog this like I did last time, having pushed my legs hard enough already on the face of the two flatirons I've completed so far. I quickly jump up the back of the 2nd to tag the summit, fortunately in a brief absence of tourists (the attention is ego-boosting of course, but I also don't like always explaining myself, and I'm not trying to be rude and ignore them). I climb down, switch to flip flops, and start slowly jogging down the trail to the base of the first, at least until I can stand to run faster. I slip and slide down the rocks past the slower hikers; is it weird that I still always feel totally in control, even when I'm catching myself from a stumble? Now I'm at the base of the first, looking at my watch, knowing if I want to make it back within my goal of 3 hours, I need to keep marching, and fast. A very quick change of shoes and a sip of water, and I start half-running up the Red Slab that I used to find so tenuous and nerve-wracking; it really is the momentum, and there's probably no stopping through certain moves if I want to stay safe. Now my legs are screaming but I just keep looking at my watch and pushing as hard as I can stand to, as hard as I feel is safe to where my legs won't do something unexpected to me... I have to want it now, and the mental fortitude it's taking to push myself comes only from the vanity of wanting to declare a sub-3 hour ascent of the flatirons, but that's enough for me. I hit the top and don't even stop to rest like I usually do, I just take a moment to collect my breath and my head, and clamber down the exposed moves to get to the easier rampy downclimb off the back of the 1st. My head is somewhere else now, just like when I play music.. I'm thinking of everything in my life, all in a weird detached perspective that I can't even totally recall once I'm out of that state. My body just moves while I think about my relationships, my plans--it almost reminds me of dreaming, like my mind is processing the things that have gone on throughout the day from some subconscious level, while in the background, with my conscious removed from the equation, my brain is more focused in its calculations. It thinks only in terms of space, exactly how I need to grab the hold to let myself down to the foothold below, and knowing exactly when my foot will touch it. Everything moves in harmony and, after the fact, I almost remember watching myself move and possibly reflecting on that fact at the time. This is all a combination of things--oxygen deprivation from the intense exertion, whatever substances might be in my blood, the repetitive movement of climbing, and my brain's reaction to the danger of the situation, with the constant background knowledge that any slip could very easily be fatal. All of this runs through my head as I jog down the whole trail to the base of Chataqua. Just like the climbing, jogging (especially on an uneven trail in flip flops, where you have to really watch where your feet are going) turns into an unconscious activity, and the only thing that stops me on the way down are intense abdominal cramps from the constant body tension required for both climbing and downhill semi-barefoot running. I walk until it feels reasonable, and then run the final part of the trail to the base, gritting my teeth as my screaming body yells at me to rest. All I want is to lay down, relax all of the overly punished muscles in my body, and actually feel like there's oxygen in my lungs... Finally I hit the base of the trail, the end. 2 hours, 47 minutes -- 23 minutes faster than last week, and 13 minutes faster than my goal. Again, I'm not a runner. But that is spiritual, or as close as I'll ever get.

Approximately a year ago, after Gina's death, I found my way back to God and a church home after being absent over a decade. I still struggle, some days more than others, but I know God is in my life to pull me back to where I need to be. "Artistic"- I went to an event a month ago called Wine and Canvas. It was my first real experience with painting and though my painting didn't come out well, a new interest has formed. Once I finish a few current projects I believe I'll begin delving much deeper into the world of painting.

In Vienna I visited the Jewish museum, which is built over the foundation of a medieval synagogue. All these made me feel something: just being among those hundreds-of-years-old, rough, worn stones; thinking about everything the members of the Jewish community had gone through coupled with the fact that there I was, a 21st century Jew, revisiting the remains of a destroyed community...

Not really because things are so busy with kids, work. I think maybe putting my horse down was transformational.

KA11AH!!!!!! Over the summer I went on the most amazing summer program of my life! I met so many people and learned so much about myself emotionally and spiritually. I am a new person and it's thanks to going to Kallah this past summer. Even my friends and family back at home have noticed that I am different. My mom made the remark that I looked older, more mature, after returning. One of my best friends mentioned, over the phone while I was still at Kallah, that I did not sound the same- I sounded happier.

Two books I read, "Freedom" by Jonathan Franzen and "A Visit From the Goon Squad" by Jennifer Egan evoked a reaction that can best be described as spiritual. Both of these stories moved me deeply by exploring life , love and the human condition from the perspective of ordinary people.

I have had many, many spiritual experiences this year. Most involve the natural world...the sun and its warmth, the rain and its coolness, animals, birds, trees. But, what comes to mind is my growth as a human being and the slow but rewarding movement from human doing to human being. The natural world has shaped this transition.

I've had several opportunities to walk alone through wide expanses of nature, and each of these moments felt spiritual in a way as they seemed to form a stronger bond between myself and my natural surroundings, free of any industrial takeover and ambient city noises. Moments like these grow my appreciation for nature, and the simple quiet causes me to look more inward, just as I try to do so often in more concentrated environments such as a yoga class. I can't wait for my next opportunity to experience nature's beauty, even as the Michigan weather starts to turn down in temperature.

The tenth anniversary of the WTC bombing was this past September. I relived the experience and actually watched some documentaries which I had never been able to do during the events 10 years earlier. I was overcome and in many ways relived the day, and especially the contrast between what it was like downtown when the bombing occurred and then a few hours later, being home on the Upper West Side and wondering at the fact that everything seemed so "normal." The anniversary was if not spiritual, visceral. It reminded me that the world can change in a second.

My fiance (soon to be husband) converted to Judaism. In services in my home town, he and I did an aliyah to celebrate his conversion. Maybe it wasn't spiritual as much as very emotional, though it was really nice. Very heart warming and very connecting.

Holding my mum's hand while she gave birth to my sister. I felt so proud of her.

I have many spiritual experiences each year. This past year I'd say there were two in particular: 1) my trip to Florence Italy and 2) Writing the April Flowers script. Florence Italy was like going back in time and so I really thought a lot about the history of the world, and life, and the importance of art. I never could really justify art completely but going to Florence really helped with that. The April Flowers script was the first good script I've written and I saw double meanings in many of the sentences and a real subconscious flow to the writing process. To me, it's a spiritual process. And one I hope I can continue to employ.

Just today I had a flood of creative ideas to write about flow, no gush, into me during my yoga practice. It felt as if the lack of distraction, the absence of my favorite distraction, as well as letting go of the place i was holding for it, allowed some profound thoughts to just flow into me. It is the first time I have notice this happening consciously. I think it is the first time my mind has had space for it in a while.

Humm. Not really. I have found moments of real community, and moments of great beauty. I'm not sure what it would take for me to think of any of them as "spiritual."

My most spiritual experience this year has been Rosh Hashanah. Both times. I'd never before done the throwing-bread-in-the-water thing and it felt AMAZING, like a baptism but one I could do all by myself, just me and God and the water. I felt clean afterwards, like I had a fresh blank page. It felt crazy good. Also, this is going to sound silly, but kissing Joe in the middle of his pool in the middle of the hurricane? I'd like to say that was a little more than spiritual I felt like we were connecting with things that were much much bigger than ourselves. Herica giving birth to her beautiful baby girl, perhaps not a world event, and it kind of technically happened more than a year ago, but certainly an important and spiritual one for me. It brought me to tears and laughter at the same time. And of course, the drive to Pennsylvania. The Killers, I've decided, are the most spiritual band ever. I was literally brought to tears driving along this great expanse, by myself, going to meet my past turned into the present and thinking on Joe forever, and hearing Are We Human made me feel like there was something much bigger. Also Fireflies. I knew, for certain, that I had a purpose, that I was taken care of, that I was meant to be. Which is pretty much the same feeling I had reciting the Psalms over the Hudson river. God will not let me go. Wherever I go, I am sitting in the palm of his hand.

We took our kids on a family trek to Nepal in April 2011. I felt the awesomeness of god and of the world itself just by being in the Himalayan mountains that are so grand, so much larger than any mountains I had ever seen. Trekking quietly at times heightened the closeness to the greater being in the Universe.

After years of difficulty, struggling with his PTSD, struggling with my frustration and depression - I have felt spiritual love for my husband that had been shelved out of fear and anger. Like a light at the end of a tunnel, it is slowly emerging for me, that I can be happy in this marriage again.

Flying over Iceland / Scandianvia on the way from Israel to America at night, watching an amazing sunrise that lasted a couple of hours and then turned dark again, while reading my friend Rabbi Dalia Marx's book, When I Sleep And When I Wake - on Prayers Between Dusk and Dawn. Didn't get that much sleep that night...

I've never thought of myself as an outdoorsy person. In fact, I began working as a guide at the zoo just to get myself outside more than just when i was commuting from one place to another! So, when I signed up to go to the rain forest, I was fully expecting to hate it! Instead, I fell in love. Those tall trees, while not even that old, all covered with vines and plants and animals, somehow were primordial. I was so awed - by its beauty, by the teeming sense of life, by the sounds and smells, and colors. I don't believe in the traditional sense of god, but I do believe in the existence of that spark. And the rainforest definitely fanned the ember of that spark and made it move.

After years of trying to publish my children's stories in the traditional manner, I decided to self-publish. It's a story about nature and a child's appreciation of what she experiences. It's been an emotional roller-coaster at times, the most positive and spiritual aspect being when I released my words to the artist, who then created her own beauty. On the negative side, I've experienced doubts: How could I ever think this would work? What if I say something to the people at the company helping me do this (what if by standing up for myself, I offend them? What if they don't like me?). I've had to re-evaluate my image of myself as a project leader who will make her vision be realized. So, I've begun to see myself very differently.

I like going out in the yard to pray on summer mornings. I chant Modeh ani and Elohai neshama and finish with the Shema, which I say with my eyes closed. When I open my eyes, the world around me seems changed -- more vivid, more alive. I feel related and connected to all creation and a part of God.

Although this experience isn't spiritual in the usual sense of the meaning, I did feel really special visiting Mayo clinic with Amy for our initial visit for her to meet a cardiologist. I'm sad Amy has heart problems, very sad. It is always in the back of my mind that every time I'm with her, it is special and could be the last. Although her problems aren't considered life threatening, I feel to have these problems by her young age of 40 is not good for longevity. She is a very spiritual person; very content with her life; in complete love with her husband and children and is a real positive influence on me.

I have had a number of "reminders" of the fragile state of life in the form of news reports, facebook posts, friends' calls. When I am told of an unexpected loss or a sudden accident, it always takes me to a place of meditation...how fleeting life can be and how suddenly our lives can change. I believe I have tried a little harder to appreciate what I have, and have definitely tried to be less judgmental...we never know what burdens others are bearing that affects their behavior, who am I to decide what drives others to action, be it good or bad?

It has to be the questioning I went through with Child Protective services. My daughter converted to Mormonism, and was wanting her sons who were sent to live with me, raised that way. When I pointed out that maybe they would not get some of the teachings of her chosen religion, they would get a good "Old Testament" education coming to shul, and at least they would not be told bad things about her religion. CPS agreed, but realizing this under pressure with not time to come up with a good answer on my own the thought had to have come to me from HaShem. I felt total peace where I had felt total stress moments before.

Becoming a steward of my step-daughter's life has been an amazing fulfillment of divine promise for me. As the Psalms tell us, He is "a father to the fatherless... God setteth the solitary in families." I have, once solitary, been set into a family. This is a fulfillment of promise in my life of the most spiritual kind.

The only thing I would consider as spiritual experience was a dream I had recently. Before I went to sleep I asked God for advice because I wasn't sure if I should give up on a thing or carry on. That night I dreamed that I shall carry on because I wouldn't even got this far if it was completely hopeless. The next day annother thing happend which convinced me not to give up and until now it was defently the right decision to make. Maybe it was really a hint from God, who knows?

I went to Kallah and every time we would sing the Me Sheverach I felt so much closer to god and to healing my grandfather.

I went to the beach to relax. Work gets really stressful at times. the poetry and connection with G-d this time seemed more powerful. The poetry I write comes from the heart, not just the mind or emotion. Each has a message for someone.

I'm not a very spiritual person but i think the experience that affected me the most emotionally was the last day of camp this summer and realizing that that chapter of my life could be over forever. After being there summer after summer for ten years, it was/is hard to believe i might never work there again or spend a summer there.

I get spiritual uplifted from the tiny things in life- a beautiful sunrise, a random seen interaction of people on the street, a great cup of coffee with a friend that I share the experience. The small things mean much more.

Creating something from nothing can genuinely make you feel like one of the gods. I published a novel this year, wrote two screenplays, and created websites for them. It feels amazing.

I had a break through to forgive my abusive father. It was a revelation. When I acknowleged that his abuse came from the trauma of war, though that is not an excuse for him to abuse others, it took me to forgiveness. I know that he was damaged and he suffered. I can have compassion for that, and that lead to forgiving him. It changed my heart. I softened.

I have had several. Some happened while in India which I think is to be expected. I just was overwhelmed by the dedication and spirituality of the people. I also think I had while running in central park many times- just being in my own mind and body. In the middle of NYC but also very much alone.

yes....i fell in love for the first time in my life, with a man i met 30 years ago when i lived a thousand miles from where i live now. he still lives in that far-away place. we each traveled and met last fall at the half-way points between our homes and spent four days camping and laughing and reconnecting. i have never expected that anyone could love me like this. it feels comfortable and ancient... i was able to spend two months with him this summer. leaving each other was hard, very hard, but my train ride home ended up being a dream-like experience, filled with a cast of characters that made the trip more of a 'midsummer's night dream' than a tragedy. it was an affirmation to me that this is the right direction for my life to take.


No, I believe spiritual is what the root word says, "of my God-given spirit, to commune with the spirit of God." Spiritually, I am clinging to my God. In the midst of the weather turmoil and judgement on America, in midst of my husband's accident and slow recovery, in the midst of the vague-ness of our mortgage situation, in the midst of Mark's Asperger's diagnosis, in the midst of our finances, of our coolness towards our church God is closer than a brother. I am reaching out to my messianic roots. I am learning Messianic Judaism...after Israel last summer, the shabbat service at Kobe and Shani's, after Yom Kippur at Rochelle's church, after signing up with 10Q and the 10 Days of Awe (albeit at the last minute)--I have reached out and intentioned to celebrate the feasts of the Lord. It takes time. I am not emotionally attached to them like I am Christmas and Easter because of my childhood. But intellectually I am choosing to embrace them and discover all the depth of the prophetic that they offer. IT ALL POINTS TO THE MESSIAH YESHUA HAMASHIAH.*

At the organization which sponsors informal continuing education for more mature adults, I took a course in the divisions of modern Judaism. It was taught be a rabbi who described himself as "modern orthodox." I was surprised and pleased at how fair he was in his presentation. Despite his own personal convictions, he pointed out both the positive and negative aspects of the different cultural interpretations of the faith and their practice of Tikkun Olam. It made me do some reading to identify what I might be other than "just a Jew". I'm still not sure, but I know how I lean.

Frankly, I'm a little startled at the direction my spiritual exploration seems to headed. While I continue to believe that spirituality is primarily active when a person is joyous, loving and involved somehow in aiding, supporting or understanding other people, the recent tsunami in Japan shook part of my belief about "God." How could God create a material world, with so much good in it, and at the same time create an "earth" with cataclysmic flaws that in turn could kill thousands of his "children" and destroy dozens of towns and property in a single, brutal slam? I feel my sense of God hanging by a single thread . . . .

I've been re-reading the book on the Mussar, the soul traits which we were and will continue to study this year with Rabbi Geller, and I've noticed an increased ability to remain more calm and centered in many personal experiences, both at home and at work. I go to an automatic state of meditation many times that I would not have done this before. At my last doctor visit, my blood pressure was lower after I had purposefully centered my thoughts.

I have spiritual experiences almost every day as a volunteer photographer for findagrave.com in my community. People researching their family roots, request a photo of the headstone of an ancestor so they can create a memorial on the website and to further their research since the stones contain birth & death dates and the person is often buried in a plot with other family members. I say at each grave, after taking the photo, " May your soul(s) be bound with the Eternal and your memory be for a blessing. You are not forgotten. Someone remembers you." Finally I place a stone on the marker. When I do this, I feel connected in a way that is difficult to explain. I feel wrapped in the those bonds of the Eternal.

Playing moving pieces with an ensemble is the closest spiritual experience I've ever had. It leaves me with such a good feeling for the next day or so.

I've been trying to get more in tune with God. Sometimes I think that if I act a certain way or move a certain way or do something a certain way, then something good will happen. It's sort of like a "good" superstition. Sometimes I talk to God, and tell him what I want the most and ask if he can make something happen for me, if in return I start to be more religious.

My great grandmother passed away in November. My mother was extremely close to her and she has had a very difficult time without her. I went to the hospital to see her in last weeks, and she was already much of a shell of who she was when she was healthy. It was a very spiritual experience watching her slip away into another world and being left here without her.

I found myself getting emotional at Temple a few times. That surprised me. I've been reading quite a bit about Jewish history and have enjoyed it.

Sitting in the hallway of the hospital emergency department after the doctor told me my husband would probably not live through the night I immediately starting mentally repeating a message to him that he would not die. I did not try to make any "deals" with a supreme being-I focused all my energy on sending strength to my husband. I have always felt a personal connection to G-d, that I did not have to be in a temple or organized service to talk to Him. I knew G-d had a part in keeping my husband alive that night, I felt His strength added to my mental messages to my husband.

I think the most spiritual experience I had this year was graduating college in May. The release felt from the ceremony, the since of a greater power looking over me, and the belief I had in myself and in my faith, all combined to make feel closer to God than I ever had before. I was able to read a prayer at commencement as well.

Those times when a simple Skype chat changes into something more. Where I and the person i am talking start divulging the things about ourselves we wouldn't let anyone in our real lives know. They make you realise what you really are, and makes you and them so much more human, i take great pleasure in it.

I really love when I momentarily bond with someone over religious beliefs. This is another one of those things that is great about being religious after being an atheist. It's one of those things you probably only notice then. It's really great. Like when I first met my friend Audrey, we were sitting in the library and she was like "I was just reading some Heschel and ALL OF A SUDDEN IT ALL JUST MADE SENSE MAN" and I was like "Wow me too I was laying in bed one morning and it just hit me THIS IS REAL MAN!" Then I wrote to my philosophy teacher thanking him for making religion make sense to me and about how I was an atheist and it was so easy, and he wrote back, "Yes being an atheist is easy until you realize the flaws etc." and we shared a moment. Or when my friend Nathaniel started talking to me and I mentioned I was into Judaism now and he was like wow now you believe and it was weird, like I finally entered into Nathaniel's "God is so amazing" world. (Which he's said.) I don't know if this is profound. Probably not.

No, not this year.

I'm not a terribly "spiritual" person, but running the half marathon this spring was a really inspiring experience for me. I smiled through the first third of it and ran so much faster than I'd run during training. I felt great-- positive and strong. I finish about 10 minutes faster than my best-case estimate and felt really good about the whole experience.

My Grandmother died. She was deeply religious and had no fear of death. When her father died, she saw angels carrying him out of the room and she was certain that she could soon be joining him, as well as her long passed away husband, my grandfather. She fought a long hard battle with cancer, which inevitably won, but she was ready for it. She lived 93 full years and was ready to see the people she'd been missing for so long. Although I am not religious in the least, I found her beliefs very moving and her courage inspiring. Even though I'm so sad that she won't be at my wedding, I hope that she will be watching from above.

In reading both questions 4 and 5, I was initially blocked, which made me feel like I'm not a very political or spiritual person--which is not the case. I frequently read and am passionate about many political causes (e.g., poverty, environment, GLBT, class, race), but what was MOST important? Similarly, I frequently feel a spiritual connection--especially when I am walking outside and when I'm biking are two big times. I did feel a much greater feeling of connectedness than normal when prepping my Happiness course this summer. I'm looking forward to teaching it for the first time next year.

I had a moment when I was telling the story of Passover to a non-Jew who I had asked to attend seder with me. As I was explaining the blood of the lamb/doorway part, I suddenly felt so far-removed that I blurted out, "If I hadn't been brought up with this story, I'd think it was crazy. And hideous that some children would live while others died by some God's need to show power. I am swayed by goodness and beauty, not destruction and fear. Certainly there are are things that have turned me away from organized religion-- the underlying hubris of even the most tolerant clergy and congregants their way is better than some other iteration. Yes, the internecine squabbling amongst different brands of Judaism is a shanda--if it weren't so petty and destructive it would be laughable. Yet I can create beautiful objects used for prayer. They are my recognition of the bountiful gifts that came with my being, that there is a source much bigger than humans, who are who are generally much smaller than they think they are. So my spiritual experience, other than gazing in wonder and delight at the natural world each day, is that I am part of no religious flock, but of this earth and heavens. I have always appreciated being what I call an ethnic Jew, and am pleased now to be that being that makes rabbis wince-- an unaffiliated one.


Going to Uruguay alone for the first time and staying with my family. I got to see what it really means to be being Jewish in a place where they are not always welcomed.

No, if you define spiritual in the typical sense.But, there has never been anything "typical" about me or my life. This year has been one long confusing spiritual awakening. Music became my muse and my solace as I lost interest in every single thing I loved. I finally had the real concrete urge to make music just for me.If only I didn't lack motivation.But,I understand now.What i have always wanted from life; spiritual adventure.the type of experiences that you don't find sitting on a couch or at a desk.The kind that scare me in such a good way.But,can I overcome?

I don't think I've had a real one. I do daydream a lot when running and it helps put me in 'the zone' and I can focus on my running pace and sort through my thoughts.

I think I am doing this exercise because I feel a big lack of spirituality in my life. One particular event that was very bonding and in a strange way spiritual was taking my 12 year old son to Disney World for three days. It helped him get out of his rigid box, try new things, and really have fun. It helped us learn to communicate better and plan together.

No. Gosh, I must be really boring this year. I know I used to not be affected by road kill and I thought charity work didn't help in the long run. Now I see that charity may or may not help in the long run, that bad things always happened - it's the way of the world, and charity's won't stop them from happeneing. But I think this year I've come to the understanding that just because bad things keep happening doesn't mean we shouldn't fight to make it better afterwords. Also, I am more affected by road kill.

Standing up as a pagan. I took my husband to the Samhain ritual and while he was disturbed by it (he wondered if women's mysteries was a Lesbian practice), I was proud to show him my community and to include him in my spiritual practice. Last night I called in a direction when we cast a circle at an event that many of my neighbors attended. Most of them had no idea that I serve the Goddess. It was scary and it was time. I have been outed.

I am not a spiritual person.

I have just this year begun to realize the amount of knowledge and experience I have amassed in my life- it is really quite amazing. I am thankful that I have/had parents who were deeply involved in the world and the professions in which they chose. This has been quite an influence on the broadness of my knowledge and interests and has made it so that I have almost never met a person who isn't interesting. My experiences have enabled me to understand better what others are or might be going through, which in turn has made it so that I am a whole lot less likely to get upset with the actions of others.

I went to the services that were for the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. These were inter-faith services, where the black community come to our synagogue, and we are then invited to go to their church the next day. This was an interesting experience because it was the first time hearing a preacher from another place give a sermon that made sense for everyone.

I can only really think of the other day when i heard my Rabbi's speech about the parasha of rosh hashanah.. It was about "waking up" and not being in "sleep mode" as you live your life because there are many things you might miss. It truly inspired me - and it spoke to me in a way that made me truly think if ive been "awake" or not. I concluded that i truly do try to always be awake, and aware of my surroundings. Sometimes you cant help going on "auto" mode though - like in the morning when you just woke up, or at school sometimes. In the past few days, ive been trying to stay awake in my classes - and have learned that staying awake during them is helpful - it helps you concentrate and then understand things for tests and quizzes, etc. All in all, i have learned about "staying awake" and not falling into an "automatic routine" for the new year. Live your life ! be spontaneous ! dont give a crap about what others think - honestly.

I am converting to Judaism. 'looks like a two year affair. I seem to vacillate between being very sentimental about this and very detached. Having had no religious leanings, it is strange that I gravitated to this and even stranger when I am so dispassionate.

I feel spiritual when I attend yoga classes because it allows me time to notice the state of my body and mind, to experiment with movements and feel the excitement of novel sensations, and to experience the joy and calm of deep breathing, relaxation, and celebration of the present moment.

Well I finally accepted the "pain of death" a little more gracefully. I tried to save a fallen raven and 2 baby mourning doves born in September and realized death is part of life and to move on. No amount of mourning could save them. I realized too how lucky I am to send in comments on the internet and get positive feedback. It makes me feel like I do matter. My parents didn't think I mattered much.

Spiritual is broadly defined for me, but is included in all those moments where one is 'fully present' - hineini. Teaching my fourth graders about Africa, using Google maps, they were able to show me a function that I didn't know existed. By getting to that place (both literally and figuratively) with their help served as an extraordinary 'kick in the head' about teaching. I try to look at my teaching as a truly spiritual activity as often as possible. What greater responsibility could I be given than to be trusted with 18 families most precious gift?

When my mom was very sick and the night of her passing I was reading on the internet about jewish prayers for the sick. I recited the prayer for the sick and then I was reading the Shema. It stated that when people are sick and waiting to die that when the Shema opened the way for them to pass and gave them permission. Minutes later she passed. Was this for real or a pure coincodence that it was her time?

I chant Torah in my congregation, and sometimes have experienced the sense of "being sung" by some spiritual force, which greatly encourages me.

the ruach filled dancing at the kotel on shabbat, seeing my campers truly understand and ask awesome questions, all while having a good time! moments of soft nigguns at the shabbat meal table or at camp services.

I have been going thru the dark night of the soul for about 1 1/2yrs one year intensely. It feels like God has withdrawn His presence n life has come to a halt. I see where God is working n I know He is always involved but I feel so empty n lost. I am under great stress with this court issue A's father. The right side of my face feels strange. I cannot sleep. I have read how this dark night is a great thing but the emptiness does not feel great. I am remembering the things God has promised me and doing my best to focus on positive and things that make me feel positive. I have to stand on my faith in Him and stand firm stand up and defend and advocate for A. I must speak my truth and let my voice be heard. Hold what I say as valuable and worthy to be heard.

All year has been a Spiritual Learning process. I have realized that I can overcome everything with faith. Reading and studying, Mike Dooley, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Joel Osteeen, and the "Book of Jewish Values" has taught and helped me so much.

Serendipitously running into my former best friend in a bank when I departed from my planned activity. She now lives in Turkey and was just in NYC briefly--it was like our falling out and the years since we've been in touch had never happened. Incredible experience for me--and perhaps for her as well.

I had been keeping a regularly scheduled session with Rabbi Khan until this past year when I let this special time lapse. I'm not sure why I let this time lapse as it proved to be very comforting and was serving as a successful way to help me incorporate spirituality into my daily practice. The Rabbi was diligent in gently reminding me that much time had passed since our last meeting. But I kept putting him off without giving much thought to the reasons behind this shift in my behavior. I was given the honor of giving a short reading at the beginning of Erev Rosh Hashana services this year. Rabbi Kahn put out a hand to help steady me as I lost my footing as I climbed the few short steps up to the bimah. As our eyes met and we smiled to each other a rush of warmth covered me and the images and colors in the synagogue shimmied with clarity. This feeling lasted through the entire evening service and continued through the services the following day. It was a feeling of belonging, as if G-d had wrapped His arms around me, warmly guiding me back to my faith.

Again I have to go back to "The Rock." Am defining Spiritual as an opening, awakening. The Rock has opened me to a limited view of the life of the homeless in our society. There is pride there, knowledgeability, manners where you least expect them, humour and a twinkle in the eye of the downtrodden. Man's spirit can be crushed and stunted, but I am amazed at its resiliency in reawakening again and again.

The most spiritual, alive, and present moments occurred for me this summer in catching sight of the several eagles living near my cottage. I cannot accurately describe that feeling, but it is one of feeling utterly minute--like a blade of dunegrass or a grain of sand--yet totally alive and cells buzzing and completely part of and whole with the natural world. The eagle was by far the most powerful, but in a smaller sense here at home when I am lucky enough to fall asleep to the sound of the owl hooting from across the street in the bell tower, I am again reminded of nature's power even in the cement and brick world of the working-class suburbs.

Yes, in that I connected with a part of myself I had long buried and ignored. It was as if I took the first steps towards following my true purpose. In this case, it was to take the steps to help animals in need.

I had my first (non romantic) relationship with a girl. It was the best part of this year for me, but definitely not for her, since she decided to not keep in touch with me anymore. Wish I knew why...

In the summer I took some incredible hikes along a beautifully forested coastline. The terrain was moderately rough, with lots of hills and dales. At the top of each hill there were glimpses of the beaches and sparkling ocean, in the dales were groves of trees filled with songbirds. At the end of the trail is an amazing secluded beach where I threw off my pack, boots, & clothes and threw myself into the flat, calm water. I felt so connected to creation during these hikes. The isolation and solitude were so invigorating - being able to escape the constraints of the city to this gan eden was just incredible.

Artistically, the photoshoot with Reesee Zigga Zagga was the first yet most crucial step I needed to take to get back in touch with my creative side. From there, I was determined to follow that performer's streak within me and see what could come out of it. Two acting classes later, I'm starting to see that the future looks very bright. Spiritually and religiously, I've completely fallen head over heels in love with God. Just all of his support and blessing, showing me the right path, assisting me in making decisions, watching over me, giving me this superhuman strength has just transformed me. Meditation has helped me a lot too.

Somehow I've gotten on better terms with God and with myself in the last year. Reading my 10Q answers from last year, I was incredibly angry about all sorts of things that don't make sense in the world. I don't know that I will ever have the type of free flowing open faith I had in high school, but I can at least sit with the dissonance of misery and catastrophe that I see and a belief in a God who is good. In the last year I also got through my first year of law school and had personal priorities challenged. I'm not sure I always cared for myself or those around me as I should have, but getting through the year and reflecting on it has made me more conscious of my role in relationships.

Yes -- while meeting with Scott

I'm not sure that I've had spiritual experiences, but I've definately had experiences that lifted my spirits. Daughter's end of year straight A report card. Granddaughter's first steps. Son-in-law's graduation. Oldest child's business successes have all lifted my soul. Thank you Adonai!

Every spring break, my Jewish a cappella group travels for 10 days to Jewish communities in regions that might not otherwise have access to the particular Jewish cultural enrichment we bring to our audiences. This past year, we took a tour of the American south: Atlanta, Birmingham, Montgomery, Pensacola, Mobile, and New Orleans. We had the opportunity to visit the Southern Poverty Law Center, the King Center, and small southern synagogues where the Jews are even more gracious, passionate, kind, and generous than anywhere else I've ever been. Southern hospitality is no myth, and having the opportunity to share our music and love of Judaism with some of the friendliest people I have ever been in contact with is something I will never forget. One memory in particular that stands out to me is the night of our concert in Montgomery. Sitting in the front row of the social hall was a man wearing a large cross. After one of our numbers, he stood and cheered and had tears in his eyes. After the concert, we sat down with him and learned that he, a white minister, was heavily involved in the Civil Rights Movement alongside Dr. Martin Luther King himself. How amazing was it to share a conversation with a man who has seen so much in his lifetime, who shared the same religious passion with each of us, and who, coincidentally, went to college just a few blocks from my house. The entire trip was a spiritual experience; we brought so much joy and spirit to an already spirited community I knew little about. I look forward to our international trip this year and the spiritual opportunities it will bring our group.

We went snorkeling in Belize and Roatan and Cozumel and I realized how in touch with the water I need to be to relax. I find the ocean to be relaxing, calming and it takes me to a different level. When I get stressed, I look at the ocean in pictures or in person, and I really feel alot better.

Perhaps the most "spiritual" experience I had this year was finally letting go of any notions of who or what God is. In other words, I have accepted that it is ok to NOT have a religion nor even to have any deliberate, dogmatic, or orchestrated contact with God. I found it be a freeing experience. I no longer wrestle with trying to understand Her or decipher how She works in my life. The shackles of religion are now gone. Surely, this does not mean that there are no moral boundaries - quite the opposite. I seek the connection with things and people right here on planet Earth.... and that made all the difference because the tangible is what moves me.

Twice this year, at times when I needed money to be someplace, I was contacted and asked to travel to that place and teach Reiki workshops. It was totally under the care of others and some greater power. I just showed up. It was beautiful. I would love for the whole rest of my life to be that way.

It's almost October, so I'm really racking my brain to think back to the days that past quite a while ago. The moment that sticks though would be sitting in the audience at a held over show at the Fringe Festival here in Edmonton. There was a one man show, rehashing the messy details of his parents divorce, the disolution of his marriage, and the painful moments of recognition where we realize just how much we are like our parents. He was captivating. One man, a stool, and a story, and an entire landscape was created in front of our eyes. He traveled with his fiance to some temples in Thailand, and I feel like I was there. He created a direct pathway from the very most depth of his guts, right out to us in the audience. Plus, he stopped by after the show to thank us so much for coming, even though he was part of the "solo show man" tribe that had been quite conceded during most of our other interactions. Second to that, sitting on a patio in TO with my best friends, having a cold beer, going to take photos in an alley. It wasn't spiritual, it was just awesome. Similar moments of clarity, standing on the deck, looking out over the lake, watching the moons fragile yet spectacular reflection on the water. The stillness was tangible, the air was clean. I forget what quiet actually sounds like.

I talk to God and listen to God every day. Sometimes, when I am meditating to hear my guidance, when I start to doubt and get desperate about finances, I feel lost and alone. However, when I relax and let go, I stay in the flow and all is well. Being spiritual, rather than religious works better for me.

My youngest nephew decided to make something that he learned from his father and myself: we are doing meditation in his house once a week. I had this practice some years ago, and stopped. He decided to continue and it is wonderful to have the opportunity to see him and his family every week.

I turned 60 this year with a determination to discover that which is within me and connects me to everything else in the Universe. The path is now open to me.

My baptism/coming out. This is not the first time I answered with that. The experience of light and water, having a good friend there who is very different than me doesn't share my religious tradition, but came to support me. My godfather, who has been an amazing support, with wise words, spoken and in verse. I don't think he knows my gratitude, and the fault is clearly mine. This experience has made more fully consider my identity in Christ and has made me feel much more a part of the Church.

I went to a Shiva house and there were not very many people there. When we got to Kaddish, no one but me and the person leading the service knew it. Both he and I recited it very loudly. How sad, I felt very important that night. Every person should have Kaddish recited for them when they have died. It made me feel very connected to the deceased but also to God.

Some new reading I've done has pointed me to a different way of prayer, a way of praise and thanksgiving before my ritual list of petitions. This has been enormously helpful for me.

Attending International Kallah was a very spiritual experience for me. A specific time was during Havdallah. We all spread out and laid down in the quad in the grass and were told to reflect on the past week. As we were laying down and thinking we saw a shooting star.

Went to Israel and spent Shabbat at the Western Wall and Jerusalem. Watching and participating in the communal joy of Shabbat in this spectacular setting was incredible.

Good one. I have been thinking of this question to find an answer for a while and coming up with a spiritual desert here. Usually I am always open for that higher spiritual moment and still do find it in music, peaceful times and complete happiness, but cannot think of one moment that had that deeper spirituality for this last year that sticks out from the rest. I need to ask why, what and where of myself to get answers to this question for next year.

I found my home. That may not be considered as "spiritual" by some, but as someone who has never felt like they had a "home", it's huge. I know where I want to be - where I'm accepted and loved for being me.

Yes on a couple of levels.... I've not visited my fathers grave too many times. When I have, it's usually in times of need. I've just pondered that response and I'm happy that Dads resting place is a place for me to go to be comforted and fathered. I'm crying now. Sorry Dad! It is such a powerful place to visit and his image on the gravestone is beautiful. I gues my pondering before means I'm feeling guilty for not going that often. Maybe I should up my game. No excuse as I only live 200yds from there!!!!! Will do! Love you Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is a deep connection of pure love a spiritual experience? Fucking right it is! You've asked the question and I'm crying again! How many times have I looked deep into Michelle's eyes this year and felt an unbelievably deep affection. Never before touched and maybe never to be surpassed. No-ones come within a mile of the feelings I have fro her and just thinking back to those connected moments has brought me to tears again! Damnn you! But, to be honest, it's probably good that I can get all this out! Therepy? Still no word from my only love! I'm missing her deeply and I'm wondering if it has all gone now. I'm sad, very, very sad! And drinking too much! Need to stop that one!

Got tattooed, now I feel great.

I started practicing a lot of yoga this summer, with the intention of not only improving my strength and flexibility, but also my focus, concentration and ability to be present.

When I am involved with the synagogue, I get a lot of meaning from it (Shirat Ha Lev, the retreat at Isabella Freedman). But I am not getting there nearly often enough, given how much peace I feel when I do get involved.

Yes. I am of Jewish heritage but raised a Presbyterian. For many years did not attend any church , and have been getting back to my Jewish heritage. I was in conflict with my religious beliefs. I was invited to sing in a church choir that needed a tenor, thru a senior choir I sing in, and am getting back to a spiritual experience again. I have found a church that am comfortable in with my beliefs.

not sure about that one...nothing I can think about.

Standing at the top of Mauna Kea and watching the sun set was pretty moving and spiritual. It reminded me of the great beauty there is that puts my petty concerns in perspective.

I can't recall any particularly spiritual experiences in this past year, primarily because my synagogue and rabbi are so clearly lacking in spiritual inspiration for a fairly educated person. My rabbi is great with non Jews, new Jews and little Jews. If one is a Jew for some time, fairly educated, there is nothing there. It causes me to feel spiritually starved. My synagogue used to have a rabbi whose services could send me into raptures of a sort. Not where I'd speak in tongues or anything, but where I'd feel transported and able to commune with a force outside of me. Perhaps, my "spiritual" starvation comes from a rejection of "magic" and "new age" thinking that permeates some of Judaism. I'm not able to feel G-d but am not sure I want to. "Spirituality" is coming, for me, to mean voodoo. I'm able to appreciate the beauty of nature and the joy of friendship. Perhaps, I'm rejecting the ability to feel "spiritual" towards G-d.

yes. i went to the "centro espirita" and it changed my beliefs. because it worked better than all the knowledge and soul searching I had done. in other words, there are much more not to understand than that is to understand...

Attending a leadership conference with 200 teens, and the only underlying common factor that we all shared was our religion was an incredible experience. The services we shared on Friday nights, Saturday mornings, and Saturday nights were breath taking. The fact that teens from all over the world can come together and program based off of their religion is mind blowing to me and truly brought me to appreciate my life and my religion more.

Seeing David Thomas near by the sea, so loud, the last time I go to primmavera sound but the most worth gig that day. It was spiritual being in Barcelona with my friend Fernanda and realize that we where both much more calm than our past life in London.

Going to Shabbat at Hillel for the first time was very spiritual. Hearing the shofar blown and hearing a real cantor sing a prayer for the first time at the 9.11 memorial was extremely moving. I found myself smiling listening to him. And I got goosebumps when I heard the shofar. Also, hearing the shofar on Rosh Hashanah was totally awesome. I also got goosebumps then, and I felt truly awakened - just as the shofar is supposed to do. And experiencing my first Torah service on Rosh Hashanah was something to be remembered. I'd never seen a Torah in person before and getting to see the reverence that everyone paid to the Torah was awe-inspiring. After/during Rosh Hashanah was when it sort of became solidified that Judaism is the religion for me. No other experiences, traditions, or symbols of Christianity ever affected me the way the shofar and Torah service did.

Every day is a new gift from God. At church, I am moved by those who sing God's praises. When I hiked up two-hill, I was excited by the beauty of God's creation from that vista. Time and time again, I see how I have been blessed by God and I recognize how I am unworthy.

This is always the most difficult question for me to answer. I think this year I have an answer that I am comfortable with. With the pregnancy I have begun a regular yoga practice. This practice helps me physically, but also mentally. It helps calm my mind if even just for an hour. I also think I am less stressed and I believe the yoga has helped.

I think the most spiritual experience has been taking a yoga workshop with Peggy Cappy at Kripalu and starting an intentional morning yoga practice-10 sun salutations each morning, modified using a chair.

Braised ox cheek at Cibreino in Florence. Trust me to pick food as a spiritual experience!

I was filled with gratitude this year for the wildflower bed my partner planted in my yard. It bloomed with swaths of pink and blue, redefining my outdoor space and connecting me to a sense of continual amazed joy in the bounty of beauty that nature can offer. It felt like more than I could possibly deserve, but I enjoyed it, photographed it, and reveled inits generosity.

I cannot point to any specific spiritual experience in the past year but I feel that in the last 3 years I have made small, but significant, progress in understanding the "spiritual" within me. This is all new to me because I was raised in a home where "science" was the closest we came to faith. I feel my spiritual journey is unique to me and I'm grateful to my "cosmos" for setting my feet to this road.

I've had no spiritual experiences this year. More and more, I think that that part of me is dead...or that the "spiritual" is just an illusion. My wife thinks that I don't feel spiritual because I don't cultivate it, and this may be partly true. But even when I spend hours in shul -- and a great, spiritual shul, I might add -- I still am not feeling it.

I talked to God for the first time in a year or more. It was on Rosh Hashanah and I had opted for a Jewish yoga service instead of the normal one. I haven't felt so connected to God in a very long time. Talking to Himfelt likes release and I went home and cried.

I had to see my father crying his own death and I had to try hard to comfort him, putting aside my own feelings. After he passed away, I´ve experienced how it feels whenever death falls close to you and the psichologycal process you have to go through to get over such fact.

This year has included a lot of large losses so far. While not particularly religious anymore, coping with these losses has been a spiritual experience. I cannot fathom that there is simply nothing beyond for my grandmother, for Chris. We are not completely left alone on this planet yet I have no idea what is out there. Also, sometimes I still fell their presence.

My Dad's last two months were all consuming. I remember vaguely how things happened he collapsed one Friday morning in April and declined in health from there. He died two months later. The one thing he said to me about the dying was that the fall was a dirty rotten shame. He knew. And I believe he managed his death as well. I am still processing so many parts of our relationship that I don't know how his dying and death have affected me. I still see him vibrant in my minds eye. I still hear his voice and advice.

Eight years after the transplant there's still not a day that goes by without my thinking of "it". Sometimes, though, some incident or occurrence causes me to stop and think of how miraculous it all is. Also, I try to make a ritual of taking my meds each morning, being thank for all the life I've experienced as a result; all the graduations, softball and basaball games, concerts, proms, anniversaries, family-around-the-table-dinners, flights, friendships and other moments that I likely wouldn't have seen in any previous generation before transplants became possible. And I try also to remember all the intellect and perseverance that made the transplant, and my continued well-being, possible at all. Wonder at all this is a very spiritual experience for me.

Yes. Experiencing Yom Tov, Rosh Hashana, and Shabbos with Paula and Rabbi Edelkopf and Devorah Leah and family has been invaluable. I am affected by feeling better, more complete, happy and whole, connected and more peaceful. I also feel neighborly, with Louise and Adam and Isaac, and Morris, and Linda James and Carol, my neighbors near where I live.

Continuing subtle yet profound deepening in my relationship to life. Slowly but surely waking up to what is nothing short of a miracle - life and existence itself.

Going to CLTC (Chapter Leadership Training Conference) with BBYO this summer was an amazing spiritual experience for me. We had optional services every morning and I decided to go every morning. "Why not?" I thought. It really helped me connect with my religion and faith, especially because of the Jewish Experiences class/service leader. She was amazing and I wouldn't have had the same experience if she wasn't teaching us. It really changed me and my views of Judaism.

I think the reason I'm doing these questions is because I have lost touch with my spirituality and am working towards getting it back.

When I watched my fiance convert to Judaism this summer, I felt that my own faith was renewed through him. The ocean was his mikveh, and it was a beautiful, sunny morning. I felt more deeply connected to him and to our people as I watched someone enter into an ancient covenant that we have kept alive for millenia.

For the past two years, I have been studying Judaism and attending classes at a synagogue. This May, I finally went before the Beit Din and had my conversion mikvah! I've really been enjoying my new Jewish life and feel a warmth and security in knowing I'll be a part of the Jewish community from here out. I feel it has been a great positive force in my life when other things are a struggle (ie. divorce and moving back home). I hope to become more entrenched in the activities of my synagogue over time and become a real force in promoting Jewish education.

i finally fully embraced my poetry and the power of my words. Finally figuring out that my poems could move people to tears or make people laugh was a big deal to me.

None that I can think of and that is something I get to focus on for the next year. Creating those experiences is important and I definitely get to put my energy in to that.

Yes, I have. I began practicing hot yoga a few months ago, and it has helped me tune into my spirituality. When I am practicing yoga, I become more centered and it makes me realize that before my husband, before my kids...there was me. I am the constant, and everything else is a variable. Having that focus is very important to my mental well-being.

Not this year. But a few years ago my parents died within a year of each other which was very difficult for me. My dad had been in and out of the hospital during his last year and there was a point in time when the doctor told me there was probably not much more they could do for him, I called him. He was unable to speak to me, but listened intently (with the nurse standing close by). Knowing everything he had gone through and how difficult it had already been for him, I told him that whatever he wanted to do --- if he wanted to do I would support him. And I told him I loved him. The nurse got on the phone and said he understood everything I had said and she told me I was very courageous to have done that. The next morning the nurse called to let me know that he has passed on. He died peacefully in his sleep. It was of course very sad for me but it also gave me great strength.

One spiritual journey I've been on has been in the arts world - I have learned how to make different types of jewelry (enamel jewelry, necklaces, earrings and bracelets). I enjoy the experience of creating something beautiful out of small shapes, beads and wires. I've also continued to sing in a group that performs at nursing homes, which helps keep me centered. Finally, I've been part of a group that has performed at my synagogue's Friday night services. I enjoy the feeling of community and of adding a new dimension to the service.

One of the most amazing spiritual experiences I have had this year was while in meditation I saw myself floating high above my body! It was during a tibetan drumming meditation!

The past year has been full of spiritual awakening and awareness for me. I am conscious of cultivating a relationship with God that felt out of reach for a very long time. It is feeling like a transformational time in my life, a crossing over into the mystic. I crave silence and solitude, and I feel connected to a transcendence that is deep within me and far beyond me. Everything is shifting. I feel on the verge of something creative, something more meaningful than what mattered before. It feels huge.

My spiritual experience is that I have learned to put my trust in G-d to know what is to be, that is that I cannot change what is to be, but to trust G-d's judgement, and be at peace with myself.

spending 2 months away from home in a very spiritual and open place really helped me broaden my perspective on many things and discover my own ideas.

I've had several experiences this year which have had profound effects on my life. Having the spirit of sorrow and sadness removed through prayer at the Draw Near conference in Albuquerque Having the spirit of unforgiveness removed through prayer with Nehemiah Gordon and Kieth Johnston at Mayim Hayim in September, just prior to Yom Teruah. Being given the understanding that I am here to stand in the gap for my prescious daughter with her daughter and granddaughter.

I don't really believe in anything anymore, but I went to a Jewish New Year celebration this year. For this group, it wasn't just about religion; it was about the power of coming together to look at the year. As we talked, sang, and ate, I remembered that feeling I had when i was in Catholic school, where holiest times weren't at mass, but at the spaghetti dinners. I missed that sense of belonging, I think.

Seeing Aida performed at Masada was definitely an experience that took my breath away. Despite the expense I already plan to book for next season. I always wanted to be the kind of person who liked opera but feared that I wasn't. It turns out I am, and don't need to pretend - even to myself. Traditional religious spiritual experiences largely eluded me this year, though I continue to crave them. I even took pains to spend time alone on deserted beaches, but somehow still remained too self-conscious to achieve the spiritual state I sought.


Coming to a new town meant finding a new church. I had no idea what to expect from the community or the priest but I was pleasantly surprised to find it welcoming and uplifting. I feel as though I've gone through a spiritual renewal and I feel closer than ever to God.

I found my creative outlet this year. I've actually had this creative outlet for 5 years, but this year I've discovered joy, relief, excitement, exhilaration, and contentment in it. I think that this year I realized how much creativity is a core piece of who I am. It helps sustain me and for that I am grateful.

I've gotten much more interested in if I believe in god in the last year and how I feel about being Jewish because of BBYO. I'm still not sure if I believe in god, but I'm trying to figure it out. Hopefully by next Rosh Hashanah I'll know much more about myself and who I am.

I have tried to live by faith even more in the past year. I know that God is faithful, but sometimes I question how some people can be so evil and do such horrible things.

I go back to my trip to Rome and walking through the ghetto and learning the history of the Jews in Rome. I was touched by not only the stories of the Jewish people, but also by the Romans that helped them during WWII. I will never forget that the church at the edge of the Ghetto had a sign in Hebrew telling Jewish people they could leave if they converted. It is wonderful that Jewish people didn't lose their faith just because they were being treated in an inhumane way.

my daughter brings me such spirituality. every night we say thank gods, we say the shema, the way she says them, makes up her own, talks about my grandmother who passed, or my dad, and how she sees them in her 'heart-eye" brings me to my knees. she reminds me to truly thank god, I love it so much. the stories she tells...she is so naturally spiritual. i also love the gratitude lists I have been doing daily. being in nature, especially in Scotland. returning to being with my husband after 3 months on & off apart for work, I feel a deep spiritual peace

Even though I believe in God, I suddenly realized out of nowhere that I would be the same person I am if there were no God, that I would do and feel very little that was different from what I do and feel anyway. It was a very liberating feeling.

I'm finding an uplifting feeling exploring my creativity with a pottery class. I also took a glass fusing class. I need to keep exploring this creative side in some way.

Not that I can think of. Feel a pull towards getting more involved with Or Ami, but feel like I'm stepping on my daughter's toes since it's really "her" temple. Also I still feel that everything is geared towards families with kids and us "empty nesters" who are not yet "seniors" are totally left out, especially those whose spouse isn't Jewish. The Rabbi's sermon was a letter to his son who was starting college. Had totally nothing whatsoever to do with me (3 grown daughters) and although I enjoyed the service for the "entertainment" value, and got very emotional at the Kaddish, I still feel very disconnected to the entire overall experience. Maybe that's due to the fact that when I needed the "Jewish" community, they were no where to be found, and in fact it was a Jewish organization that tore our family totally apart, so there is a great deal of anger still to be dealt with. And then there is the "tossing away of sins into the ocean" and I've been so totally SINLESS, I just passed this year. Then there's the fact that my daughters are all going to a wedding next weekend, so I'll be totally alone if I do go to Yom Kippur, no one to break the fast with...so it's a pretty depressing time all the way around. Not to mention that I have a very serious infection in my tooth, or jaw that had been giving me a great deal of pain since the start of 5772, even the MishaBarach didn't help, so is all honestly, I'm probably feeling the LEAST spiritual than I have in a very long time.

Just listening to the semi-annual conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint todays. Such a good feeling in my heart as I realize my desires to show the "pure of love of Christ" to all and to exemplify my belief in Christ will bring joy and peace to my life and to the lives of those with whom I associate.

At a BBYO convention I went to, Kallah, we learned about anti-semitism and people's views towards Jews and Judaism as a whole. We all shared times we felt personally victimized for being Jewish, and then went into a very meaningful service. I felt so connected spiritually to God and my fellow Jews, and it was probably the greatest feeling I've ever experienced!

This summer has been one of the most spiritually and emotionally taxing of my life. Three loved ones were taken from me in a span of 10 days. I spent the summer rushing from Boston to Ohio to Vermont and all over. I also learned this summer that a man who I once thought would be my husband has become a father. I also met a new man who I'm learning, all be it slowly, to trust. So many highs and lows the last few months and I'm stronger because of it, I hope.

I'm not altogether certain what my personal definition of spiritual is these days.... if ever I did in the first place. I think I've always, to some degree or another, believed that what is supposed to be, will be. Not in the sense of religious predestination, where no matter what you do, you are destined to the fate God set for you a long time ago. Well, maybe my definition is similar actually, but more on the optimistic side. I don't think there is some sort of hierarchy that individuals are destined to be stationed in based on levels of power or specialness, or that if you are destined to a low station than there is no way to move above that station. Nor do I believe that material wealth is an indicator of how godly or spiritual you are. But I guess I do believe that there is some sort of universal plan for you, whether it changes as you go through life or if it has always been your path, I don't know. But it feels as though if you pay enough attention you can feel a certain energy leading down a particular path, with each step perhaps building on the one before it. And yet if you try to imagine the steps that are still to come, once you reach those steps often times they are so far from what you imagined them to be. For instance, a few years ago I would have never believed that I would get my PhD and be a university instructor. I suffered from severe public speaking anxiety all the way through until my early 30s. However, now I stand in front of a class full of people 3 days a week with little to no problem at all (and I’ve been doing it now for about than 3-4 years…. those first few semesters were tough though). I also would have never believed that I would live and go to school in New Orleans. Not in my wildest imagination. And yet, even though I never imagined such things, they feel like they aren't accidents or random occurrences in nature. I guess if I am talking about this year specifically (Oct 2010 - Oct 2011), I have been able to overcome a writer’s block or something holding up my flow of creativity. I don't think it has been completely unblocked and now creativity is gushing out of me, but the flow is starting to trickle past the block, which is just in time for writing my dissertation proposal which I am supposed to defend this semester. Once it is approved, I can just go full speed ahead and get my dissertation done, but I'm definitely feeling the need for more of the stopped up creativity to be loosened for me. My goal is to write a book quality dissertation, and perhaps get it published. That would be a dream come true for me. In my own mind at least, writing is my strongest skill, and yet it’s been harder these last few years than at any other time in my life. If anything will, my writing will distinguish me in the professional arena…. but then again, I’m imagining steps that I haven’t reached yet and which will likely be altogether different from what I could have ever imagined.

Spending the night alone on Mt. Toby. I was cold and uncomfortable, but connected and fearless.

During the last year, I went through a bout of possible atheism. I really questioned the whole idea of God, however there was this one day that I was in the car with a friend and she almost got in a very bad accident. It was during that frightening moment that I immediately prayed to God, it was a split second moment but it helped me to see that life is so fragile and without faith there is nothing to keep us moving

There were a few times this year, while working on my latest novel, that a piece of Talmud I was studying turned out to be just perfect for the scene I was writing. I hadn't planned to put it there, or even know about it earlier, but it fit beautifully.

Getting stuck in the South Luangwa National Park. Where i had to treked 28km over 3 days with only 4litres of water until he could get help. The rangers were ever so glad I turned up - as they had been debating how to deal with the international backlash of telling the Oz government that one of their nationals was dead in their park.

Man, cut it out. Why are we so freakin' afraid to have spiritual experiences? Why do we have to mince around and say "oh, they can be secular?" I love being a person of faith, and that's not popular in my left-wing cohort. Well, guess what. I feel G-d, actual G-d, not ironically-detached G-d, in my baby's flossy hair as I rock her to sleep at night. And I'm tired of apologizing for believing in something greater than myself. Okay!

I'm having trouble answering this one. I guess the first things that come to mind are scuba diving with dave in Roatan and our beautiful kayak ride that we took in Roatan. It's such a huge world. And it makes me really happy to explore it and really dive into it, and to bring my partner along with me. It reminds me that there are so many options.

Rosh Hashanah: musaf. Towards the end when I was saying my private prayers I just didn't want to leave the divine presence. It was an uncanny feeling.

Ive really gotten in touch with art these past few months.i usually just doddle for fun, but my art teacher is showing me the importance and effect art has on people. I feel like if i try harder, i could really draw something nice.It makes me feel good to be talented at something

Rainbows after my friend's sOn's wedding

My life is filled with many occurrences, and truthfully I sometimes take them for granted. Making it to my senior year of college is probably a pretty important event that happened, and it couldn't have without the help of The Lord. I also know that He was helped with family problems over the last year, and for that I am very grateful.

Although I am not particularly religious, I have visited some amazing churches and cathedrals in the last year. In Paris, I visited Notre Dame and Sacre Couer and in London, St Pauls. In each case, I felt a supreme sense of calm and serenity. Not necessarily a religious feeling but a feeling of everyone was welcome. It was a lovely, quiet experience. Each of these churches are hundreds of years old and I imagined the many millions of people over the years who came to these beautiful places and sought the same solace. I also just returned from Bermuda, one of my favorite places in the world. It literally is like your own private island vacation. Amazing and beautiful beaches with not a soul on them at all. I could feel the spirits and the history in those amazing tradewinds.

The closest experience that I could liken to 'spiritual' in the traditional sense, would be during our 'church' meetings -- the feeling of the Kingdom of God on Earth which flows forth from a wonderful, wonderful bunch of people. But on a more daily basis, I frequently feel the Divine in my surroundings; the birds singing, wam eggs in my hands, the sunlight on the grass in the late afternoon, the beautiful presence of my horses.

My great grandmother and my grandpa both passed away in the span of this year. I remember going to my great grandmothers funeral and feeling something inside (I realize sadness is usually entangled in these times) but for me I wasn't sad. I was in awe of what she was and finding out thing i didn't know before. Maybe not spiritual in the sense where someone might feel like they can feel a weight coming off of their shoulders because the stress of someone passing on was such a heavy burden. But it was spiritual in the sense that in the days of her passing i learned more about her. I don't know. With my grandpa passing away, it was the opposite. I remember the last talk we had and he just opened up to all of us for the first time. He told me he loved me and (it's not like he hadn't before) but this time it felt like the worst thing in the world. I knew after the telephone was put back on the receiver would be the last time I got to talk to him. And it was. I miss my grandpa completely. He didn't live very close but all my childhood memories come rushing back every time i think of him. I cherish the time we had together. On a related topic, my son was born this year and we gave him my Grandpa's name as his middle name so I can hold on to him a little longer, without being greedy.

Just having God by my side this year has meant a lot. It has brought me great comfort knowing that I'm never alone, and that there is always someone looking out for me. I have so much to be thankful for and I'm very lucky to have God to thank for it.

I'd say my most spiritual experiences come during "Shabbat Unplugged," when a bunch of us gather in someone's home on Saturday night and we sing with Dan Nichols. We mostly sing Jewish songs, but sometimes we sing other meaningful songs as well. The sound of the music is so sweet, and the sense of community is strong. It is always easy for me to feel God, but I feel God even more strongly during Shabbat Unplugged.

Again, my experience at the Algalita "Kids Talking Trash" summit and the Algalita Marine Research Foundation's International Youth Summit were really spiritual for me in that it was transcendent to realize the potential for change. The problem of marine trash in our oceans is huge, but it's impossible not to feel hopeful when there is so much positive energy in the room.

Watching surfers on the eastern most point of Oahu this summer during our trip to Hawaii was spiritual-ish. The giant, roiling ocean, these people floating on tiny boards, taking in all that awesomeness at sunset was all pretty magical.

Too many to mention - but include dancing, Empty Space, grieving the Mother's Milk, Running, Escaping from Zombies, surrendering to over- sized sofas and not deep enough doorways and of course music, music, music.

Perhaps I had such an experience, but I cannot remember. This year has been crammed with activities one piled on top of another creating a blur of memories. When I drawing leads me to a place where I feel spiritually connected to my environment, but I haven't drawn much this year.

Although people might assume I'm crazy, I believe I had a conversation with God this year. The beauty of spirituality is that it does not have to be justified to anybody other than the person who experiences it. :) There was a point in my life where I felt bitter towards the world and felt that there was no such thing as good people anymore. Looking back, it's pretty sad to believe that I could look the World and only see varying hues of black and grey. I believe that one person can change your outlook on life and the inspiration that I needed came from an unlikely source. I had a class with a muslim girl who practiced hijab. The more I got to know her, the more I respected her to sticking to her beliefs and striving to live a humble life. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and to me her inner beauty permeated past nearly everything I considered beautiful in life. Although she practiced a different religion from me (I'm Christian), I had a real spiritual awakening of sorts and was reminded that good people from all walks of life do exist. The only problem I had at that time was aligning myself with all the wrong types of people....

I traveled to Peru in December. I think it was very spiritual and very challenging. It was four days of hiking along the Inca Trail, a path many others took before me. It was hard to breath and strenuous but the mountains were amazing and it felt very magical and mysterious. In the end I was so proud to be accomplished something like that and really felt I can do anything.

I stumbled upon a website this year that has truly provided the artistic outlet that my life was needing. It's called smithmag.net and enables the average Joe to go on and post. I have particularly enjoyed posting on the section of smithmag called six-word memoirs. My life is busy, has been and shows no sign of slowing down. Six-words fits into my life. I can mold many of my life occurrences, but positive and negative into six words. In doing this my problems have become smaller and far more manageable. They must fit into six-words, afterall. And my blessings have become documented and more solid. I am so computer illeterate and never in a million years would I have thought that a website would be able to accomplish such a powerful thing in my life.

When i went to kotel with schechter this year at our israel trip. as soon as i saw it, i started crying to think that i was at the place at which i pray everyday, and where jews worldwide pray and visit everyday. it was amazing beyond all my expectations.

There were two major deaths in my life my dad and Dave's dad. My dad looked so at peace. Dave's grandad did too. The services were lovely. I'm less afraid of death now.

I don't think I had any particularly spiritual experience last year but, right now, I think I am living spirituality differently... away from the church!

Several people who I was not close to, but nonetheless were important to me, died and all of them unexpectedly. In each case it was comforting to see that, despite the differences in their religious beliefs, they were all confident of a better life hereafter.

Going to actual church. Return to the sacraments. Wonderful to have someone else (Colin) do all the work of finding stimulating bits and pieces...and to compliment and give +ve feed-back,dissect and discuss liturgies and thingsies. And to suggest things that are then adopted or incorporated. Gossipping the Gospel.

After my father's stroke this year, he opened up emotionally like I have never seen before. My dad has always been pretty unemotional and flat, but after his stroke he was emoting all over the place. He laughs and cries at everything and has become very sentimental. It's nice and it did feel like something spiritual, especially after he reunited with my mom after a 30 year long divorce.

Actually, this year has been such a spiritual journey...started learning about Judaism because of my sweetheart/life partner...to know more about him. Found that I was learning much more about me...about who I am, who I want to be, what I want from life, what I want to give to life, etc.

I don't know that I would call it spiritual in the traditional sense, but my final concert in Windsor with University Choir was the singular most amazing experience of my life. I spent the whole concert just blissfully happy. I sang with and felt more joy in that hour than I have in my entire life. I went into it so sad that this was my last concert with U choir, but after a couple of pep talks, I just put all that away. I didn't really think about anything except for how honored I was to be sharing that music and singing with that choir.

When my oldest cat, Suki, died in July, I felt truly blessed that I was able to be home, know early and be able to spend the last 5 days with her, making her feel loved and cared for. She was a companion to me for 19 years. Being there for her gave me a strong sense of peace when it was time to let her go.

Musically. I realized that music is the only path I can follow, professionally and personally. I want to be a musicologist, I want to sing, I want to go to concerts and listen to music always. It is magical, tearing, beautiful, inspiring, ripping. Nothing can make me fall into tears like my favorite song, or a powerful movement in a piece from Beethoven. And nothing feels greater than making music, singing and playing piano and guitar. This year I discovered that I had synesthesia, making music all the more important to me, because it triggers something in my brain to experience something unique and colorful. I can't live without music.

Being present at Gandalf's death was profoundly spiritual. To watch his life fade away was deeply disturbing, yet I had a sense of relief- even gladness- that his spirit was moving on to a place where he could take great, deep breaths. I had rarely felt so strongly that I felt a spirit transition to another place.

My greatest spiritual experience this year was converting to Judaism on December 21st, 2010. Another beautiful experience was my bat mitzvah, and then my Jewish wedding this year. Chanting my Torah portion was daunting, sacred, moving and thrilling! I can't really say how it affected me except to say that my conversion experience was one of the most profound and moving experiences of my life. I feel so blessed and deeply grateful for having been able to convert to Judaism. It is the greatest honor of my life, and also the greatest responsibilty. I believe it has helped me mature and look at life and responsibility differently, and it has affected me in a very positive way. I can't think of one down side to it. I am so blessed, and my only hope is that I can make a contribution to Judaism and to the world at large. We will be making Aliyah to Israel at the end of this year and I can't wait!

Spending time with my best friend's 18 month old daughter has been moving for me. A child's love for you is so trusting, unconditional and pure that it makes me cry sometimes that she has chosen to have an emotional bond with me. When she grabs a book and sits on my knee so I can read it to her, it's possibly the greatest feeling I've ever had.

I had my freshman retreat last week, and well, it really brought me closer to God.

I went out to walk my dog on my birthday, and saw both a shooting star and deer walking in front of me. It was at that point that I knew my mom was watching over me, and that all would be well.

Unfortunately I can't say that I have....

Christmas, 10, I felt a separation from my siblings, father, that it would be the last Christmas eve celebration I'd be with them. Not necessarily that I would die, but that it would not be possible that I would be in that place, space, again.

Nothing, which is a bit of a downer. I like having spiritual experiences, and I usually do.

My son was suspended from school and in the midst of the turmoil, I feel like the whole thing was orchestrated from G-d. The administration handled the questioning in a manner that was completely wrong, they treated me as if I was stupid, and I went to talk to another school. Now at his new school, his conversation has changed. Instead of him discussing who got into what fights, in less than three weeks, he tells our family about the news-- a local mine is getting a lot of flack and he explains why, refusing to take sides, but explaining both sides of what he is learning and discussing the products of mining and issues that have to be considered. The silver lining in this cloud was quickly found and I have a child who is SMART who I think will find a higher purpose because he got out of a bad school and into one where his teachers are encouraging him to think.

I have them all the time. Ideas and thoughts before I go to sleep and sometimes when I am reading.

No. It's not been a good year.

I used to believe that I could not bear to not have excessive wealth, to be unable to see a painting, or a piece of lewelry, or an article of very expensive clothing, and say, Oh, I want that. And then to have it, just like that. Going from very wealthy, throwing lavish catered parties for 200, making generous charitable gifts, to struggling to hang onto our home and selling things to survive, eating out only when we have a coupon, has been incredibly humbling. I don't know if it's a spiritual experience, but learning that I really don't have to "have my things about me," that it all really is just stuff, and that I am no less happy with much less of it, in half the house, with our animals and each other, feels like a true blessing to me.

Learning how powerful simply closing my eyes can be when reciting the Sh'ma during services. For a moment, it is just me and God, alone.

None of note, other than a change in attitude from extreme pessimism to a more positive outlook towards others.

Have had an amazing rekindling and renewal of my relationship with God.Over and over agagin He has shown me His immenese love for me.The wisdom and understanding that I gain and continue to receive from listening to him is astounding. My faith in the power of prayer grows with each prayer I say,each song,each plea answered from above.

Does ballet count? It should.

Being pregnant. I feel a direction connection to the universe and to all the moms and babies that have come before me and mine.

Getting married was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. Firstly, seeing the clouds part and the sun shine down on my bride as soon as she turned to walk down the aisle (on what had been a grey day up until that point) and then saying my vows to my wife in front of God, my family and my friends was something I will never forget.

I'm not sure that I had a spiritual experience. I wish to think that I have my family that's passed behind me in everything I do and pushing me on to do the things I want for myself.

I have rediscovered a spiritual outlet in yoga. As a time for reflection, relaxation, exercise and meditation all rolled into one it is a pretty amazing experience, one of those "a-ha!" moments. I have been wondering why I wasn't doing it for years but am a firm believer that things come into your life at the right time for the right reasons. Perhaps the combination of lifestyle, age, venue, teacher were right just now?

I'm not one to believe much in "spiritual" experiences. Though if I had to define an experience this year as spiritual, it has to be our week-long backpacking trip. I pushed the limits of my body further than I thought possible. We were in places where few people go. I drank water directly from streams. If there is anything in this world that comes close to "spiritual" for me, it is being in nature. That trek showed me that I am capable of things I never thought possible. It is something that I have taken with me since and hope to keep with me in the future. If I ever think "No, I can't do that" then I must remember, "But before I thought I couldn't hike for 7 days straight with a backpack, and I did that. So I can do this."

What has affected me most is the lack of spiritual experience.

I became vegetarian and found it to be a centering experience and still continue it to this day.

this year has been one where i have really connected with mother nature. when i was in poland visiting auschwitz, i struggling finding a connection to the jewish people. but when we were in one very foresty area i had a very powerful connection with the trees. i laid my forehead on the trunk of one very old looking fern tree. i realized that this beautiful creation witnessed the atrocities committed to not only the jews but human beings in general. it was very intense and i did cry, for the first time being there. later that week we went to a spot in the middle of another forest where the nazis killed thousands of innocent children. i had the same spiritual connection with nature. it was amazing. this past summer i was hiking and had another spiritual awakening, this one was just about how mother nature in the end has ultimate power over us all. i actually got a tattoo of a green lotus flower on the back of my neck because of these experiences. green representing nature as well as a new beginning to life (going to college) and a lotus flower because of how light and pure i felt.

On recommendation of my wife, I read two of Andy Andrews' books this year -- The Traveler's Gift and The Final Summit. Not usual fare for me, but I took The Traveler's Gift with me on a business trip, and it didn't even last me both legs of my flight, because I read it straight through, including my layover. It's couched in a Christian context, but it's really a self-help book on success, based on historical biographies. It did speak strongly to me, and I remember the feeling I had after I finished it. I can't say I've made much practical use of the lessons, sadly, but perhaps the planted seed is not yet dead, we'll have to wait and see.

Prayer session with Rabbi Scott Perlo at LimmudLA Conference. I closed my eyes. I chanted. I felt G-d inside me. I opened my eyes. I still felt G-d inside me. I walked out of the room, I still felt G-d inside me. G-d was never NOT inside me, but sometimes it takes spiritual experiences to realize the ever-present nature of G-d.

I was journaling one day and noticed that I have carried an attitude around for a long time that the life I'm living right now isn't quite right. That I'm waiting to find my purpose, filling my time with things that are ok, but not "it" and that I act somewhat apologetic when people ask me what I'm doing. I realized that my attitude about what I'm doing is more reflective of the quality of my life (and even contributes to that quality) way more than the "stuff" of what I'm doing and that I need to stop apologizing. And that by being excited about my life, I'm really portraying the truth, which is that I'm really happy regardless if it is my "purpose" or "passion" or "calling". I may never know what any of that is and while I'm waiting, I'm treating my current life as if it is inferior. I've been assuming that others judge me based on what I'm doing rather than how I'm "being" about it. When in truth how I'm being is a much better reflection of the quality of my life. And the place to start is with me getting that "this is it!" ... one more time!

Holding my abuelita's hand while she took her final breaths on September 26, 2011 (11:26am) was an incredibly emotional experience for me. Being there truly put my deep pains of loss at ease because I truly realized she was already resting peacefully.

Not "spiritual," per se, but I met, then lost, my soulmate. I experienced the "true" meaning of love. I loved more than I ever did before, and I got hurt. Badly. But now that I've had the taste of "real" love, I know I won't give up on it. I've felt a lot, seen a lot, experienced a lot. I would say that collectively, it was all "spiritual."

Davening at home the Saturday morning Hurricane Irene came through Richmond just days after the earthquake was very spiritual. To be so aware of the awesome power of creation right outside my windows and yet realize God is so much more powerful. To be aware of how little control we have over nature and yet realize that, though I/we have even less control over God, God desires to hear our prayers. To grasp in such a real way that, though I can't make God do what I want through prayer, I can ask, believe He hears and cares and will answer even if it's not the answer I want to hear.

I haven't had one big amazing experience. I have regular practices in my spiritual life. I have had numerous small insights and moment of clarity in the course of my ongoing reading, reflection, and prayer. I am often refreshed by music and by mindfully focusing on things such as melodies and harmonies or orchestration. The effect of all of these is reassuring. I don't feel any need to keep searching for cosmic events but can rest in a calm confidence. Because I have some chaotic components in my life, serenity is a welcome gift.

Yes every time I experience a moment that feels like a past experience or hear someone say something that is mirroring exactly what I am thinking I smile to myself and think about the connections that exist in the world. I stop and become very peaceful. I find these coincidences miraculous.

There was a period in my life this summer where I had been questioning, justifying, my claim as a Deist. I started remembering why I pulled away from the Christian God, and suddenly my answers couldn't make any sense. I was stuck on Anslem's postulate: God is that than which nothing greater could be conceived. The clock-maker God which I believe in does not fit that criterion, as that God only Creates and does not intervene. I have sense come to terms with Deism once again, but I've decided to keep this position a secret from Christians, should they throw me into that argument once again.

I have been greatly inspired by a relationship. It has caused me to believe again in love, God and the universe working in harmony of some sort.

Had two complete strangers approach me in another city and state, with unsolicited prophecies regarding my professional future. These words confirmed each other, too, and neither individual had any clue the other had spoken to us. How often in your life do you get a glimpse of the future? What a miraculous gift from the Creator! This has emboldened me to know God is active on my behalf, and is standing with me and behind me in what I am doing. Now, it's my job to finish the task and fulfill the future God has promised.

I undertook the Artist Way course and it opened me up to my own creativity in an amazingly spiritual sense. It has opened up a yearning for a deeper search towards the fulfillment of my purpose.

A few, actually. They come to me when I least expect them, but when I need them the most. They quiet me, send chills down my arms, make me feel big and small at the same time. The most memorable was standing in an art installation - a small box of a room with a tree hanging upside-down surrounded by a purplish glow. I can't explain what was in there that made me feel so finite and infinite, but it carried me through the 3-hour solo drive home to celebrate my best friend's graduation from the MFA program and made me truly aware of my connection to people and the sense of infinite joy and love.

Just this past week at Taschilch at the Pacific Ocean, for a few moments ,there was a sense of peace, joy and the potential of the universe and God's hand in it.

Services in St. Louis. It has renewed my love of Judaism and my eagerness to keep on struggling.

Yes, participated in a native sweat lodge. It opened my eyes to the beauty around me, i felt for a period of time connected to the earth.

I've already mentioned my wedding for nearly all of these answers... but it was very spiritually moving! I loved creating a meaningful, music-filled service that all my friends and family got to participate in. Even the sermon was awesome. As usual, Camp Cross is a beautiful infusion of spirituality in my life. It was a joy to counsel for a week with my husband this summer, as he really "got" camp. In addition, I was reunited with one of my childhood mentors who hadn't been to camp in 11 years. She also counseled that week, and we got to share a cabin. It was nothing short of magical. She seemed just as excited to be back and to see folks like me as I was to be there and see her!

While sitting on a big green lawn at a retreat center, looking at a beautiful Beech tree and watching the butterflies and dragonflies float through the air, I felt more at home in my own skin than I have in a long time. And to top it off as I looked down at the grass I found a stick with burs on it - memories of a wonderful childhood filled my heart and all I could so was laugh. I know I am surrounded by love.

I was in Pune, India in January and I felt like my heart was leaping out of my chest I was so ecstatic. Hours later, a spiritual teacher at the meditation-dance 'ashram' where I was staying, stopped me and gave me a name: Ecstasy. I was one of those moments where all dots connected and I felt aligned with the magick of the Universe.


After recovering from a serious accident with a drunk driver, I developed a meditation practice which has supported me through all kinds of hard times. The things that I would never wish anyone to have to go t hrough ended up being important opportunties for growth.

Spiritual. Wow. I wake up nearly every morning in prayer now. That's something, no? So thankful for all the good fortune and opportunities that have fallen into my lap. Been hiking frequently on a trail that leads to a waterfall--that's a religious experience of sorts. Feeling more connected to people and places than I have in a long time. Don't miss that sense of disconnect I had. Maybe celebrating the connections is religion? I'm am teaching at a religious school and take great comfort in the public prayer and rituals. Community. The spirit is strong.

i finished a marathon in 3hours 40 minutes. they say the journey to the race is what is important the race is the icing. true, your mind can become your enemy as you log 16 weeks of training. that enemy becomes your best friend at mile 25 of the 26.2, reminding you of all the highs and lows that got you to this point. that first marathon led to a little boston road race, a second marathon, one more than i said i would ever do. spiritual, my first boston marathon was more than one word can define. it catapulted me into two half-ironman races this summer. through pushing myself to extremes i have found there is no limit to what i can do, if i focus and let my mind believe in my heart.

I'm not sure this qualifies a spiritual, but the first night that my family and I were in Rome (April 2011), as we walked back from dinner, across the Piazza Navonna, I felt immense peace and gratitude for my life, my family, my blessings and that moment. I had many moments over the year where I felt moved and spiritually connected during Shabbat services at our temple. There were also many moments of being outdoors -- particularly on walks with Caroline in the nearby woods and on long bike rides -- where I felt so peaceful and connected to the world and happy.

My spiritual experience would be through meditation. I started it properly this group, and even a couple of times with a nun. It made me feel more in touch with the world, and feel more open, free, and peaceful.

I have experienced a gradual spiritual awakening for several years and it seems as if I have more spiritual moments as I continue to work for conscious contact with God.

I loved being at the National Portrait Gallery in London with the family. We were in a gallery to ourselves, sitting on a bench admiring the art and listening to the rain on the skylight. It was magical.

I finally started meditating this year, which has a spiritual feel for me. I'm also working on remembering that universe will bring me to what I need when I need it. Oh, and I saw Pearl Jam in concert again last weekend: hearing Eddie Vedder sing is as close to God as I can get!

My sister had a brain hemorrhage in February and, miraculously, is almost 100% healed today. I listen for instructions from God and I get messages either directly or through others. Synchronicity. I feel truly blessed even in the midst of challenges!

Everything that has happened to me this past year has, in a sense, been spiritual. My life has been more positive than I could have ever imagined. Having a job that I genuinely love to go to every day is an incredible feeling. I am also challenged every day -- I am challenged by the content, by creating lessons, by working with others, and my patience. I am very reflective about my reactions to the kids I work with and try to remember how I reacted/if it was an effective way to handle things. I drove across country by myself this summer. I guess I knew all along that I could go on my own but I didn't believe it until I made it to NM. I would do it again. I am independent and I am capable of so many things. Driving across the country is only one thing.

Our mikveh immersion was an incredible spiritual experience for our family. We could never even say why it was so electric: We had expected little, and it lasted just five minutes, and yet *something* happened during those minutes which we all felt and marveled at. Astonishing for a person who isn't even sure she believes in God.

I led my first Passover this year. I spent the whole day cooking and cleaning and then I shared my beliefs and traditions with my family, who isn't Jewish. I spent weeks preparing for it and obsessing over every detail. What I found was that the message and the spirituality of it was easier to get across than I had thought. We shared a good and important meal and I can't wait to do it again. Preparing for it reminded me what is important in my life and what messages and traditions are important to me. It has helped me lead a more spiritual life as well.

Getting to attend the U2 concert with my husband this year was so amazing. I loved sharing the experience with him--it was meaningful for both of us. So thankful for the friend that gave us the tickets.

I watched one of my daughters (who has special needs) receive the librarian's award for most avid reader, secretly knowing that she had been ostracized by the mean girls in her middle school and sought solace in books. It was beautiful because she took the high road and is the better for it.

I have not felt particularly spiritual this year. I have a history of having powerful experiences, but this past year hasn't had much. I have a broad understanding of spirituality, and I think the feelings of awe and openness and boundarilessness that we call "spiritual" is part of our human evolutionary heritage, those moments when everything "clicks" and feels fulfilled and whole. But for me, this past year or more, I've been so focused on numbing myself and running away from pain, I haven't been open to the experiences. But at the same time, I have spent the past year continuing my study of Judaism, which has given new structure to my day-to-day life and time, and some vision for a spiritual path. But Judaism can only be the structure for asking the questions, not the answers. For that, I can only keep asking and seeking.

Honestly, I have fallen a bit away from my religion and spirituality. And the thing is, I don't feel all that bad for it. The questions is should I?

Going to Israel after being in Poland for a week was extremely powerful. Being able to go from a place full of death and destruction to a land of rebirth and renewal was amazing. Simply praying at the Kotel with hundreds of other Jews was spiritual enough.

this one makes me giggle a little because I'm in a Shamanic apprenticeship. Every day there is magic unfolding . I think it's the ever-humbling surprises I get from spirit to remind me that they are always present and always listening.

The only experiences I could call spiritual this last year are that I've gotten better at letting go. Not much, just a little. Just being with my bf, who is immensely good at that. I've never been. Gotta do at least two things at a time, more if possible. So just a baby step. But a good one. Being in the moment and appreciating it for what it is.

Not that I can think of at this time. Awe at my son Edward. Gratitude to God for my son and my husband and my family. Awe and gratitude.

A spiritual experience that happened this year was when I realized I wanted to become a rabbi. I was at services for the 10th graders confirmation and I don't even know why my parents made me go because there was no one in my family being confirmed and it was on a Tuesday night. During these services, the confirmants made speeches of what it is like to them to be Jewish. Listening to these speeches along with the prayers and just everything, something clicked. I don't know what it was, but I finally came to the realization that I absolutely am in love with this religion and I want everyone to love Judaism as much as I do and the number one way for me to even attempt to do that is to become a rabbi. As I was thinking about it, it just became so obvious that that was what I wanted to do, and it wouldn't have happened if I wasn't in services that Tuesday night listening to these speeches made by 10th graders.

I spent 4 days on a personal retreat in Ojai, Ca in August. No cell, no internet, no media of any kind. I was fortunate to be able to have the opportunity to shut down and tune into me. Coming back, I've tried to hold the lessons learned, but it's hard. Our lives are so full of distractions. Remember to get quiet and ask questions. What's the energy like? Is what I'm feeling real or is my perception off?

During a PANIM trip to D.C. I was able to participate in services at a gay and lesbian synagogue. The enthusiasm, inclusivity, and love of Judaism was different than I'd ever felt before. It gave me the chills, and renewed my faith. One line that stuck with me ever since that day read "What happens once upon a time happens all the time."

Carrying our first child was a very spiritual experience. Growing a human inside of me felt like the most powerful, amazing, miraculous thing that I will ever do. Oddly, his birth and life ever since have not felt spiritual per se -- I'm too overwhelmed! But carrying him within me inspired such awe and wonder at the beauty of creation.

Sadly...no. At this point in time, I'm feeling very far away, spiritually. It is something I really need to work on; I've treasured my relationship with God; I love worshiping. We no longer attend any kind of corporate church services (long story). I miss that. I realize I can worship alone -- it is just kind of "foreign" to me to do so. This is something I really need to work on in the coming year.

The death of my friend Rebecca Dale. Her funeral was a moving experience. A huge turkey vultureopened iys wings enfolding us during a particular poem during the service. It seemed perfectly planned, perfectly natural and very powell. Rebecca had 6 or so shovels at het grave site. Rather than tossing a handfyl of dirty, it was a powerful experience to buey her ourselves. She exemplified grace and true living.

Nothing that instantly comes to mind...

I guess the closest thing to a spiritual experience would have to be graduation. It felt so surreal the entire time, I couldn't possibly believe it was happening. The entire weekend was filled with celebrations and parties, couldn't have been any better.

I have narrowed, or perhaps broadened my spiritual veiws (depends on how you see it). I am not a flat-out atheist. Whereas I do not necessarily believe in one supreme sentient force, there may be a supreme force, non-living or non-sentient, a progenitor force perhaps. Simply put, I believe I do not have the answers; I am open to believing anything supernatural but do not outright accept it; mankind is inconsequential in the cosmos; there are things out there beyond human comprehension; I believe in not so much an afterlife, but existence after bodily death. I do not worship anything as such, but do hold the Irish Faeries in high regard - I have had certain experiences with them!

When traveling in Patagonia last fall I arrived in a town called Bariloche. Bariloche is a mountain town, surrounded by a lower altitude range of the Andes and by a great many lakes. The trip leading into the city by bus was quite spectacular, but not nearly as spectacular as standing on the shoreline staring out at the snow-capped wonders across the lake. I am from Chicago and live in NYC and have been out west in the United States, but somehow, nothing has ever compared to the beauty and majesty of this sight. I am a fairly pragmatic person, a scientific person, but spending time amongst that landscape really makes you think of G-d. If He didn't have a hand in shaping that, what did?

A very close friend of mine that I have known for more than half of my life got saved and became a Christian. Out of all my friends he always seemed the least likely for this to happen to, but I was wrong. It made me really consider how powerful God really is and that He can change the heart of anyone who is willing to accept that.

I'm not much of a spiritual person, but I would say that the experience of overcoming my social phobia, negative perspective and inferiority complex hit me in a very profound way this year. It happened abruptly, as I was forced into situations that required me to lead and communicate with others. The change was so sudden and alarming—finally believing in myself and seeing that I could do what I previously thought impossible—that it was enough to give me a euphoric wave of emotion that has continued to last to this day. It was as if I saw the truth illuminated before me for the very first time. I could see and understand the errors of my past ways: how my insecurities caused me and others unhappiness, the negative beliefs I repeated to myself, the skewed way I perceived myself and others. It was as if I stumbled upon the rosetta stone. The key to happiness: I now understand that my mind's perception directly affects the outcome of the rest of my body, emotions, life. All I need to achieve something is to fully believe it. The rest simply falls into place. The feeling of shedding my old skin was much like a rebirth. A rite of passage. A sign of maturity. I feel free of a huge weight, and now fear nothing. Not even my failures or imperfections. Not anything that life can throw my way. I am simply living in the present. And it is good.

As I have certainly noted in previous years, spiritual life is very near the center of my life. I am a Jewish clergyman, and I write, speak, teach and talk about spirituality a lot. Having become President of the Cantors Assembly this past May has made it possible for me to pursue these ideas in widening circles. I'm hoping that I will be equal to the task of putting this spiritual conversation into many places. I have a 2 year "window of opportunity" as President to make this something that affects more and more people. For me, spirituality grown out of reciting the daily prayers of the Jewish tradition -- and being open to feeling the connection between the words of our tradition and the experiences that we have day to day -- recognizing the amazing number of blessings that have come our way.

When I went to CLTC I attended some sort of service every single day. I have never been through this before, and I really liked it. I didnt see it as a pain like I had other services, but as a real opportunity to connect with God and my people

Not as far as I can remember.

My first few weeks at college made me realize how present God is in my life. Elon University is the perfect place for me. I can't imagine the possibility of just stumbling into this perfect life. I am convinced that God had a hand in bringing me to North Carolina.

Ruach at this year's CRUSY Fall Boards was pretty spiritual for me in that it was extremely relaxing, and I am rarely truly relaxed. I was only thinking about the task at hand, and it was great.

I have prayed to God when I was very afraid, and I actually felt his presence at the time I needed him. I remember this at anytime I doubt him.

I attended a Buddhist meditation class. While it still seemed hokey and disingenuous (think white people with dreads BS), I took away a lot from the text about compassion and letting go of anger. This came at the heels of having my therapist friend tell me that "Catholic Exhiles" is a legitimate clinical and psychological trauma for many, many people. This was huge for me, and a major breakthrough. Every neurosis I had and all my insecurities that made my life difficult could firmly be rooted in being raised catholic. Fear of intimacy, guilty-conscience, deference, lack of self-confidence, thinking I was no-good, you name it - all had been a result of my catholic upbringing. At first, I was angry, but I realized I had to get over it to move on with my life and be a healthy, product person, with a good spiritual life. I am still searching and healing, and I know it will take a long time before I arrive at any spiritual peace, but I am grateful for having this breakthrough in the first place.

This has been a huge year spiritually speaking. This is the growth that has saved my sanity. I went from being uncontrolled still with my emotions regarding Sal to a place where I understand everyone, especially him is who he is and I must understand that embrace it and move on with my life. I have come to a place of peace and I am out of the dark place I was in that I have been digging myself out of for the past few years. I have come to understand life is grand and I am loved and lovable. I am happy with myself. This was not a single thing that got me here but a culmination of many things that I have been working for for many years. I will always grow in this area as I am God's child who continues to grow and learn until the day I die and go to be with God.

Most of my spiritual experiences are typically confined to synagogue. I can't say that I've had any particularly moving spiritual experiences, but I know that sitting with Carl in temple - especially once I knew I was pregnant - has always been immensely spiritually satisfying. When I first became aware of my pregnant, I honestly couldn't get too excited. It was more of a slow, introspective, overly analytical process of coming to terms with the fact that I was going to be responsible for raising a soul, a life. Honestly, one of the only things that triggered my intense maternal responses was the fact that I would raise a uniquely Jewish baby, connected with a past and heritage, could make me smile and be optimistic about the future. As time went on, of course, other things made me excited too. But I think that was about as spiritual as a connection gets - a new Mom's realization that her child will be Jewish like her.

My partner and I had been trying to have a child for about a year without any luck. One morning whilst going through a hypnogogic state between sleep and awake I had a vision of a girl come and visit me at my bedside and wave hello. A week later we discovered my partner was pregnant. Needless to say this experience has affected me deeply. I wonder if we will have a girl. Guess we'll find out next February.

I was working at summer camp when my aunt died one night. The next day, during services, I felt a spiritual moment that I had not felt since my grandfather had died my senior year of high school. Being surrounded by close friends in a safe community during a time of mourning was a real eye-opener for me. It showed how important my spirituality was.

I had a moment while spending time with my boyfriend where I realized I was no longer a sense of comfort and refuge to him or myself. Although it wasn't a spiritual moment, it was a moment where I realized that my spiritual life was lacking. Once I realized that I vowed to work on that aspect of my life.

Dropping my oldest child off at summer camp for the first time. I cried, realizing he is becoming independent and starting a new journey, Jewish summer camp, in his life. I hope it will be as meaningful to him as it was to me.

Nothing springs to mind. I guess playing maracatu at Notting Hill Carnival again, although I didn't hear angels this year. I really enjoyed the rehearsal on the Saturday before. We sounded great right from the beginning. I just couldn't stop smiling. Probably the purest form of joy I felt this year has been when playing music like that. There were also some pretty special moments when playing and singing with my uke group: a beautiful harmony, inspiration to improvise some new lyrics. A lot of musical inspiration ("inspiration" in the sense of being filled with breath: the breath of creation). Of course: it's come to me now, after I first submitted my answer. It was at the Touch World Cup on the last day when we were having a referees' presentation in our referees' room. Tammy Clark announced she was retiring from the game. Then all the Kiwi refs did a haka, some of them bare-chested. It was really moving. Very powerful. Tammy had tears in her eyes and so did I. I was also moved every time I saw big Tony (a white guy) do the Kiwi greeting of touching noses and foreheads with another person, often with his hand on the back of the other person's head, looking into their eyes. So dignified.

Not really. It was a pretty bland year. I take time to appreciate the beauty of nature and my connection to it, but there were no special memories.

Feeling the need to reconnect - sincerely - with my home church again. feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for having so much more love in my life now. Or least being able to receive more love.

This past year, I started doing morning prayer whenever I could. I found that I felt more calm and collected when I was able to thank Adonai for a beautiful new day, and when the Shema left my lips I could feel the warmth of a radiant sunrise, no matter how cloudy it was outside. (And in Michigan, it gets REALLY cloudy.) I wish that, with school going on, I could still find the time to daven for a half hour each morning- maybe from now on I'll wake up earlier and make that happen. I hope that one year from now, when I read this, I'll remember the strength of heart and hope that morning davening gave me.

none unfortunately

Jewish music reaches me at a level I am otherwise not in touch with. When I heard about Debbie Friedman's death (z"l) I was moved and saddened and instantly reconnected with my adolescent years.

Spiritual experiences became completely private and, apparently nonexistent, in our family this past year. If anyone had any, they didn't let them be known.

I still hate the word spiritual. It hasn't been a great year for my spirit. Or maybe just not a great past few months, but that's the part sticking in my mind. I'm trying to just be me, filter myself less. But I'm pretty sure that's a dangerous path.

Well it certainly wasn't spiritual and it certainly wasn't positive but I went threw a deep deep crippling depression this year. It was a terrible yet humbling experience at the same time, it really made me appreciate the good times and what it feels like to be truly happy. It's really true you can't fully appreciate the great times without the bad times.

we were in Israel on Tisha b'av, where the whole day of lectures were spiritual and very upliftng for such a sad day and period in history!

I think New York City is my spiritual home. I need to find my way there for a few years, I have no idea how that will happen at this stage but it will.

This year, I've had the opposite. I feel like this year, I have really come to terms with the fact that I am not religious in any way, shape or form. I've solidified what I do (or do not) believe in, and realized that while I do believe in some higher being or energy, I don't have to be involved in a once-a-week religious organization.

I was involved in an interfaith 9/11 service. With all the strife in the world, it was truly wonderful to see multiple faiths, all respecting each other, and working together toward a common goal. It gave me true hope for humanity.

This year has been chock full of spiritual experiences - more than any other year of my life I think. Part of that has been that I've been putting myself in so many places that support my spirituality, that call it to the forefront, like Esalen, Kripalu, most anywhere with Patrick. Falling in love has provided all kinds of spiritual experiences...simply waking up in the arms of my lover has been profoundly spiritual again and again. Another profound spiritual experience which comes to mind is doing an exercise with a man about my father's age in my holistic sexuality workshop at Esalen. He lay back in my arms as I supported him and gave him the unconditional love of my presence. Being with jim, holding him, being allowed to give him all the love I had inside of me, with no embarrassment or shame or fear of bing pushed away, felt like a need I didn't even know I had...the need to love a father. I wept from the bottom of my toes in gratitude and a longing fulfilled.

Being surrounded by all four kids, with giggles, cuddles and more

I want more. I want to be more of who I am. I have been interested in different faiths, but haven't had the time to look into them. Zen Buddhism interests me. I went to the crystal healer today for the first time, and despite my skepticism, I actually enjoyed it and plan on going back. I want to live with intention.

I think the most spiritual experience I had was walking through Dachau. I expected the place to feel evil, the ground drenched in pain and anger, but instead it felt peaceful. Not happy, certainly, but more watchful and calm. Like the ground had been reclaimed.

My connections with animals often feel spiritual. Wordlessly communicating. Especially working in my beehives, where I am both awed and a bit frightened, but very much at home.

The most profound experience I've had spiritually this year was the prepping for my Sufi study group for masonry. I decided that I wanted to sing a Sufi song for the group which required me to face a major fear of singing in front of others. But I did it. And the feeling that was left in that room once I was finished singing was simply awe inspiring.

My best friend got pregnant. At first I was shocked that she would do something like that (she was not married) but soon I realized that she, in her mistake, had received a huge gift from God. It also made me make more effort to see her more often (we go to different schools and I don't go home often) and talk to her about more than just surface level things. She has since gotten married and had a BEAUTIFUL baby boy, Caemon Seth. Helping her through her pregnancy helped me to consider my faith more deeply as well, and I grew a lot.

This past year, I needed something more. I needed a sign from something greater then me so I begged, and prayed and searched. As hard as I tried I couldn't find anything. Then one day, I learned it's not necessarily a higher power but it's the power of those that are close to you; friends and family.

I reconnected with yoga this year. It helped me to get more centered and calm.

I realized that evil really does exist in that people with no conscious do exist. On the positive end of the spectrum, I realized for most people, love truly does heal all wounds.

Sheer beauty of Colorado.

Many things about doing the Komen 3-Day Walk for the Cure affected my spirit in quiet and deep ways. Just treating myself with the respect that comes from keeping to a tough training schedule and results in acting like my body is the physical temple that it is was a big contribution to an uplifted and grateful spirit. Beyond that, being out in the world so much of the time, walking and then walking and then walking some more, gave a kind of discipline that widens the spirit. I also saw others taking in the created world and its beauties and pleasures, which would remind me to be more present. I felt the wind in my face again and again, heard the water of Sound and streams almost everywhere I walked, felt the goodness of a body doing hard work, knew all was subject to daily and recurrent gratitude. I know others who couldn't and won't be able to do something like this again in their lifetimes, so I experience the gratitude of someone who has been given the chance, and the quiet pleasure of being a person who knew to use that chance. On the 3-Day experience itself, I felt myself being one in a host of spirits, all with stories about why we were there, stories that have depth and texture and grief and joy, and as my teammate and I walked into the gauntlet of welcoming high-fiving and cheering throng, my spirit just soared over the achy and tired body. I have never done anything in my life that was triumphant before and my spirit loved it.

This past year has been draped in the heaviness of grief and the specter of death. From this, a curious spirituality has emerged, a recognition that we're all on boats that will sink, so many powerful insights. It has been frightening, painful, joyless experience that has also been transformative.

Spiritual is not a word that describes any facet of my life, and "secular spiritual" is most definitely not anything that describes any facet of my life. I'm very OK with that.

I had a Mussar class that was very helpful. I had a phone interview with Alan Morinis during the class and after that I stopped getting depressed each time I visited my Alzheimer's-addled mother.

I got an echocardiogram and realized how hard my heart in particular, and my body in general, works every moment of my life. It made me care about myself even more, and think, I am totally healthy, and if my body is working so hard to keep me alive, I need to stop suffering with worry and I need to fulfill myself more, because it's really incredible to be alive.


I went to friday night services this summer in an outdoor setting where it was run by a lay congregant. It was simple, elegant and god was certainly present in the wind, and the birds singing. I have come to realize that to reconnect with my faith, when my surroundings are simple and soft, with singing, traditional davening, I can more easily hear and listen. Just speaking voices w/o electronic amplification. No noise, just calm and relaxed ...... acknowledging my fellow congregants with Good Shabbos greetings. No long sermon, no long songs. This service took 30 to 45 minutes and then we hung out to smooze post service for about 15 minutes. All b/c someone forgot to leave us a key to get in to have the service inside! It was b'sherit :)

I just started college about a month ago and since I have been here I have celebrated Shabbas friday nights. This is not necessarily due to a sudden need to be closer to G-d, but really it was a great way to connect and be closer to people I had met at school and a way to test what I want in the rest of my life in regards to my religion.

My initial answer is 'none', but then also "everyday". It is my goal to cultivate the sense of daily wonder and appreciation of life. To me, these small moments of appreciation (which tend to occur in connection to nature, but sometimes also with my fellow human beings) are spiritual experiences, rather than the bowl you over type of "events" one thinks of when this kind of question is asked. My goal is to appreciation these moments more often in the upcoming year - may it be God's will!

I have had a renewed interest in dream work, using Jung's principals and Dr. Bob Hadden's techniques with my circle of friends in Natural Spirituality. I finished mt 4th year of study in EFM and feel empowered to be a light to those I meet along life's journey. We are all the teacher: we are all the student.

When the US gov't killed Bin Laden, I was relieved, but also really afraid that something terrible would happen to my friends and family in North Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. I remember distinctly opening an email from my mother which detailed what would happen if there were retaliation attempts, and really praying for G-d to protect everyone that I know and love there.

I have had a co-worker, a co-worker's spouse, and a friend of my wife all die in the past year. 2 of the 3 quite unexpectedly, but all three my age or less. Gives you reason to step back and think. Not sure I've done anything different, but reason to stop for a moment anyway.

This year my husband survived a burst aneurysm. During the three weeks of hospitalization following the aneurysm closure he had some horrible low points--times when it seemed as if he was getting worse. A dear friend who knows my husband and me as separate individuals, in two completely different contexts, came to the hospital regularly to be with us together. When my husband was losing hope and losing faith in his body, our friend massaged his feet and spoke to him with an endless stream of jokes and positive comments. She relieved me from being by my husband's side for several hours at a time so that I could get some sleep. To be so loved by a friend is a deeply spiritual experience. She was present with us in our hour of need.

Costa Rica, meeting women who were totally cut off from the nonsense of US politics and BS, was so powerful. Getting to now them, spending time with them, making meaningful connections...that was intensely spiritual and important for me.

I have done a lot of work this year to spiritually connect with my body. One intense spiritual experience I had this year was when I felt my first Earth quake. That night I had been thinking quite a lot about life and the decisons I was making, going back and fourth. I decided to do some yoga, and push out everything that wasn't serving me into the ground. As I was doing my downward dog flows, I was pushing with all of my energy into the ground, and continued to do this with as much vigor as I could. That night I went to bed and felt the quake. A shelf fell off my wall, and glass shattered. I screamed, and thought I had affected the Earth in such a way that it was waking up with me. I felt a very strong connection to the Earth in that way. For a second I thought my house was going to fall over. But after some time passed, I realized it was just an Earth quake. I couldnt' help but believe there was some syncroncity between myself and the Earth.

I feel that I have "spiritual experiences" everyday! Just today I was on the beach with my dogs, looking at the complex, layered tiers and textures of clouds over the ocean -- watching dolphins hunting for brunch and leaping out of the surf -- and thinking how breathtakingly beautiful it all is -- and to be present in that moment, totally present -- knowing that those moments of beauty are rare gifts and that each one is special in that it will never come again. Other moments, to be sure, but that one is gone -- so be conscious, aware, grateful and present in each moment. Everyday is a cashmere sweater day! :)

Learning to read Hebrew at the age of 25 has let me feel more connected to prayer. This, along with my recent exploration of self-compassion meditation, has allowed me to feel more spiritually satisfied.

I think coming to terms with the fact that I am agnostic, more open than I thought I was. There is so much I believe - and not sure about.

This year, I am basically lucky enough to have a boss who supports what I do at work, is behind me nearly 100% of the time and with whom I am on the same page. While not a true "spiritual" experience, this is the first time this has happened so thoroughly in my career. It makes my work life so much more pleasant and productive as I do not need to spend time second guessing and watching my back constantly. I am very thankful for this experience.

Although, I have not had any spiritual experiences, I am feeling a little empty and know that I am searching for something. I want my family to be grateful for what they have and count their blessings. Spirituality is a little trick in my family because of different belief systems. I will keep striving to find a balance.

This year has been "spiritually " quiet for me, except for some interesting "ghostly" experiences that happened while I was in Prague. The most interesting was when I was inside the Old-New Synagogue - the oldest operating synagogue in Europe, where the rabbi who supposedly created a golem served. I was standing by his chair. Even though I had already been feeling normal inside the building for over 15 minutes, while by his chair I suddenly felt very strange - like my stomach was all in knots and my head was all fuzzy. If I was the scared type, I would have immediately run from the building. I remained for a few minutes, and the feeling did not subside until I left the room. It was strange, but amazing.

I went to a convention filled with people of my own faith and I felt peace with myself because I knew that no matter what no one would judge me because of my religious points of view.

I've had a number of epiphanies this past year that I would define as spiritual in nature. One being that that the world will never give you permission to define yourself and pursue what you care and are passionate about. Waiting for the world to do this will only keep you sitting and twiddling your fingers. YOU have to give yourself permission to give yourself whatever it is you want. And doing so means ultimately getting out of your own way.

On my morning dog walks, I sometimes have the tune "Mah tow voo" well up inside me (How beautiful are thy tents, Jacob....) and I feel God's presence. Both my parents have now passed, and often after that song comes forth from me, I also feel as though they are with me on the walk.

I was still in depression, trying to recover from the trauma & pain of being suddenly deserted by my partner of 8 yrs, who went on to marry a woman shortly after he left me, (who I found he'd been in a relationship with for 4 yrs), & to live "our" dream life in Mexico. I was hurt. Angry. I didn't know what I was going to do with my life. At a complete loss. On 2/23 I suddenly volunteered to go on a mission trip to Haiti, & I felt positive for the first time in 9 mos. The stress & trauma had dissipated overnite, seemingly. I found out in late March that my ex-partner had hung himself on 2/22. When I heard the news, it was if a door was slowly closing in the distance. I knew then that I'd felt his death when it happened....that he was gone....& that I was able to be free from the anger & pain I'd felt....that somehow he had let me know that his life didn't go as he'd wanted, & that he was sorry for what he did to me.

KD Lang album Hymns of the 49th Parallel at Dodd's house (at 5 The Drive.)

I think the major spirtual experience I had this year was acknowledging to myself and my family that I am an atheist. When I was growing up, that was a dirty word. It was like being a felon or a pervert. But I've also seen what courage it takes in this country to acknowledge that out loud. I haven't taken any public stance for that. I think it's dangerous to say out loud where I live and work that I do not believe that there is any God and that all religions are superstition. I am so aware of the negative things done in the name of religion. The only valuable thing that I think it provides is community. People (and I)are hungry for community, and I would like to see some other way to have that experience, without it being attached to some established religion.

Music always takes me into a spiritual place unlike any other...a place where here and now cease to matter but you are the music while the music lasts(T.S. Eliot) Opera takes me there; a classical piece of music takes me there and the voice of my cantor at Temple Emanuel takes me there :Cantor Yonah Kliger.

My life seems to be a series of spiritual experiences, though the past two or three years have been much more positive in that sense. I am much more out about my sexual orientation. In fact as I write this, seated in a Starbucks in Hollywood (Sunset and La Brea) I am wearing a shirt which I made finally in July. It simply says "If SEX is a Pain in the A**, You're Doing it the Wrong Way!" This shirt and message serves many purposes. One of which is to clarify that though I am gay I do not engage in anal sex and that I seek the same. Whether this should be considered spiritual or not , it is artistic and maybe cultural. In any case this year and life in general is more and more a series of spiritual experiences since I did turn my life over to God 31 years ago.

In this new year, sitting in synagogue reading about Hannah's struggle to have children felt different this year than it has the other 24 times. Knowing that I might face that same struggle, I was comforted by her story and the fact that that specific story is read at the beginning of a new year, a fresh start.

I don't think I've had any overly spiritual experiences per say but I've definitely become more interested in religion and spirituality. I recently became more interested in discovering more about being Jewish. A few Christian friends asked me to lead a Seder for them this past spring and I agreed with no idea of what I had gotten myself into. The Seder was a success and I learned SO much about the traditions. I've been attending Seders my entire life, but this was definitely the best and the most informative one I have ever been involved in.

I was on a senior class trip in Yosemite, CA. For one of our evening activities, we had to crawl through a dark (so dark you couldn't see your own hand if you tried), claustrophobic cavern known as "the spider caves." We had to navigate through the caves in a straight line. Whoever was right in front of you in the line was giving you directions, and you, in turn, had to give directions to the person who was behind you. There's something beautiful and scary about having to have complete faith in a person, and hope that they won't lead you astray. It's also equally scary to know that the person behind you is equally dependent on your words to get through the darkness. In a literal case of the blind leading the blind, this activity was the ultimate trust test, and my grade got through the caves in a single piece.

Getting pregnant has totally made me realize the my body is so much more than just a size or an aesthetic. I am awed by the fact that I have a baby - my baby - growing inside of me, and working out isn't just about vanity, but about giving her the best head-start to life that I possibly can. I am so much more attuned to the fact that I am responsible for her, now more than ever, and I have a huge hand in the way she develops. It's so important to me that I always remember this, because I never want my little girl hating the way she looks because she compares herself to other people and I certainly don't want her learning to hate herself, because she sees me staring at myself in the mirror or counting calories. I've always been aware of this, but never has it been so true and real.

This year I started training with a shamanic practitioner, and it has been very interesting and illuminating. I like a spiritual practice that is light on dogma and story. It is what it is.

Yeah yeah....many spiritual experiences... Serendipities, synchronicities, insights.... It's very much part of my life....

"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe." - St. Augustine I read that in a yoga book and I think maybe my efforts to get more into a yoga practice have been great, not necessarily for the eastern philosophy spiritual stuff that people who get in to yoga normally go on about, but just in the way that I totally believe in "strong mind, strong body" and how amazingly grateful I am to be able to move my body in ways that only circus people and yogis do. Is that spiritual? I think the fact that it makes me feel better mentally and makes me thankful to God and just examine the relationship between all of it, well it totally counts.

Praying really hard at the Western Wall and asking for guidance in a personal matter, which then came unravelling in a matter of clearly observable occurences that played out like clockwork, or Gd's supreme power to change and play with fate. I don't think I've ever experienced such a powerful powerplay by the hand of Gd before personally. I felt like I challenged or tempted his ability and with a push of a button a series of calculated events went on to affect my life.

I would say my spiritual experience has been God being there for me. Hearing him in the quiet and knowing that he is with me always.

This summer, i attended Kallah with BBYO and it was so meaningful in the simplest of ways. just the breeze and the ruffling of the leaves of the big tree in the small quad bring me back to the happy times and days that i spent at Perlman. How has Kallah changed me? I think if it's indescribable, that tells how much.

God always amaze me. God made me free of my chains! Maybe I'm fighting alright but I know my identity... I'm free man, I'm a man of God!

My time writing (and re-writing) my story about me and my daughter.... I feel like it is something I have to say. and.... My first actual time sitting for services in Temple. I didn't understand any of it... but the music and singing ... it was all quite moving for me.

I started dating a girl 7 and a half months ago, and our relationship continues to get stronger everyday. I love her, and this is made clear to me every time I look at her. We can be walking down the street, sitting on the couch, out with friends...and all it takes is just a glance, a smile from her and I just know she and I are what I never thought I'd be lucky enough to be part of. It's an almost daily spiritual experience, just being with this girl. I love her.

When I was in the hospital for my knee surgery, I got a chance to speak with the chaplain. I wasn't quite sure why I asked for a chaplain referral, but talking with her was both troubling and disturbing. I remember her holding my hand, and saying something about how she could tell how lonely I was and how much I was carrying on me. She held my hand and prayed with me/for me, and all I could do was just cry at her sincerity and faith. I'm not sure if it's changed me, but I will remember it and reflect on it for a long time.

Loosing my great grandmother was a huge loss for me. She was my everythig. But ik she looks after me fro heaven. Rip

I had a very spiritual Shavuot. Then I stopped davvening all summer. It's been hard getting back into the practice.

Reading Mendelssohn's "Heilig" with a really great choir. I want more of that.

I took up the mitzvah of tefillin this summer. It was hard to remember to lay tefillin at first. After I started adding prayer to the structure of my day, it was as easy as remembering to brush my teeth. My work schedule has been unpredictable. When I had work at 7 in the morning, I would almost always lay tefillin during my first break. I discovered there was a narrow, bright gap between the wall and the freight elevator shaft in my store's basement. I was secluded but there was still the possibility of being discovered. I probably wasn't supposed to be there. It was somewhat dusty and pipes were labeled as though they were important. These and other factors combined to create times where I've felt as alive as I can remember.

My Spiritual experiences this past year have focused around Kabbalat Shabbat. Although I have been aware of the effect of different music genres, I always remembered the music of services from my youth and the fact that I always enjoyed it in the services. Not being conversant in Hebrew, I always found a comfort in the music. After attending a Kabbalat Shabbat service at BJ, realized that it was the music that lifted me into Shabbat and allowed me to temporarily put aside the surrounding clutter and clatter. To me these are spiritual moments.

Absolutely. Mussar practice has been earth moving, if geological in pace. But then it pays off with moments like Day 2 Rosh Hashana when I led the Torah parade and totally felt like I was bringing the Torah to people as I looked them each in the eyes as they touched the scrolls.

This year has been one of spiritual reawakening- not so much for me personally but for the family as a whole. The kids all spent time this summer at Jewish camps getting back in touch with their community and identity. This was really special for me as it is the one area I feel that has been sorely lakcing in our life here.

I have become interested in learning self-calming techniques. I don't want or need another prescription and as I've learned about meditation, I've also learned about Buddhism. I've considered myself an atheist for years, so this has been a surprising development. While I don't think I'll become a devout Buddhist, I find that many aspects give me comfort-- a way for me to make sense of situations that confound my soul. For the first time in a long time, I find I'm willing to open myself up-- to stick my toe in spiritual waters.

Mennonites singing in 4 part harmony at miller-beckler wedding!

Being with my Jewish Youth Group has inspired me to look deep into myself and find what I am passionate about. I learned that once I find that passion that I can explore the world and really help a lot of people. It is a time where G-d will help me through and he will guide me through this important process of my lifetime.

Being in Glacier National Park, wow! If that doesn't make you appreciate God, what will? I kept saying "dayenu!" It would have been enough if there were just incredible waterfalls, or just awesome mountains, or just beautiful wildflowers. I could go on and on.

We have had so many funerals this year, and the loss of dear ones, Ruth, Mike, Betty, that I have had somewhat a "retreat" on faith and spiritual experience this year. In fact, I have tuned into more atheistic commentary, especially comics, and find I agree with them about the bankruptcy of organized religion, even my own. I see the religious nuts everywhere now, controlling our politics, and determining our history... Tea Party, Israeli and Palestinians nuts, Islamic nuts, Jewish nuts, ALL NUTS.

This year I have overflowed with pride for my son's achievements at his school. He is a tutor and he is the Cadet Second Mate for the Blue Company. He is applying his learning in ways that will help him in his career. I am proud of my Bat Mitzvah and that I am continuing my studies of Hebrew and Torah. When ideas come to me from many sources, I am happy for the learning. I enjoy the music in shule and attending more regularly and feel a deep connection with my shule sisters, my fellow Bat Mitvah women. That is spiritual to me.

I don't know. I feel like I'm kind of losing my religion. And it scares me more than anything else in the world.

I'm not entirely sure. Last year I said I had become a Christian, although I'm not entirely sure that I believe in religion anymore. It just isn't me. I feel like being religious is closing me off from all of the views and opinions I could have.

I stayed in a monastery in Geelong to recover from an episode with my crazed ex-housemate who claimed he was in love with me. It was really beautiful getting out into the open air away from the hustle of the city.

I've had a few moments since my friend died. I've felt her presence and seen her in my dreams. I talk to her out loud sometimes, but I don't know if it's because I think she can hear me or because it makes me feel better...

i would say im a religious person, but i very much so felt closer to God this year than ever before .

I began to read the Bible. I got through Genesis and I intended to read more. I think I will continue it :D I hope so

In the past year I ministered to junior high students at church. I was their youth coach and I got to teach them about God and get to know them. It was such a great experience pouring into them because my middle school years were probably the darkest of my life and I don't want anybody to go through what I did.

While visiting Lava Lands and standing by the fire lookout tower, all I could see was the forest. Knowing that I lived somewhere down in those trees really moved me. After 11 years of ugliness in San Bernardino, the beauty here takes my breath away. Every time we drive home from Bend and get to that same area of the forest, it STILL moves me. I feel so blessed to live in the heart of such beauty.

I try to pray every day... I give thanks for waking up, and wish my yesterday was done properly... And hope that my day to come keeps me, and others safe... And that I keep my temper... I also pray for the health and well-being of my family, friends, and for the millions who need help who's names I don't know... I don't know how much good it does, but I do try to start the day in a good way...

Traveling across state and international lines to arrive minutes before my son was born. From a place of spirit and song I left...only to arrive at a moment of great inspiration and joy.

We held a prayer circle for my mom when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was really powerful to see so many people come together in her honor and to support her, many of whom had to leave their skepticism at the door. But they all did and their affirmative prayers for my mom really moved me and made me realize the power of bringing people together to meditate upon and create the space for healing.

I went to the mikvah for the first time - I was apprehensive at first, and then nervous. But when I stepped into the water I had such a beautiful experience that I wanted to cry. I truly felt that I was cleansing myself and felt closer to God. It was very meaningful.

Attending Rosh Hashannah services with my 12 year old daughter. She is now at an age that for the first time we were able to share and reflect ont eh experience with laughter and insight- more like being with a younger friend than with a little girl. That closeness at a time when she is trying so hard to push me away and become more independent was very special!

I wouldn't say that I've had a spiritual experience, but I've noticed my attitude toward spirituality change, become more curious and inclusive. I'm approaching what in an earlier decade would have been called a "Seeker." I remains skeptical of religion, but am trying to find some system of belief that will bring me comfort as I age. (For the record, belief in atheism is still on the table . . . I'm just trying to sort my shit out.) We'll see how it goes and where it leads.

Today, I went to church for the first time out of my own initiative and it was a very spiritual experience for me. I was very touched from the service today and I think this is the beginning of a new life chapter. I am very excited to start this new chapter with God.

I saw David Rovics play anti-war, anti-sexist, and anti-globalization music at an event organized by St. Pete for Peace, and after having listened to his music for a couple years online, having first heard it at an antiwar rally in 2003, I was very excited about this. It was not "spiritual" in most senses of that word, but it was meaningful to me in a way that was profound because his music is so different from anything you hear on the radio, so different from popular music, and much like Ani Difranco he sings songs about issues that really matter to me. It is connecting to people who care about the issues that deeply matter to me that fulfills me in life, and this is as close as I get to feeling "spiritual", since I do not believe in a god. I also had some strange experience one night with feeling that my grandfather who died in 2009 was sending me a message, and although I don't entirely believe in any afterlife either, at times I am curious enough to think perhaps one exists. One night I was watching a TV show about people exploring their ancestry, and the person who was featured was talking about her ancestors which made me think of Pop, because he was very interested in our ancestry. I had a feeling like he was there and for some reason I felt like I was being directed to call my grandmother, who was married to him for about 60 years before he died. When I called her, it just happened that she had some stranger knocking on her door, and was scared, an I wa really gla dI happened to call her at that omoemnt, even if it had nothing ot do with my grandfather sending a message.

Dealing with the passing of my grandmother - my last living grandparent. I was so privileged to get to spend some wonderful hours with her prior to her passing and have never seen such courage, conviction and confidence in someone. As someone that is absolutely terrified of dying, to witness her calm and surety about the experience was such a gift to me.

The Lord is really laying on my heart how important it is to love and encourage not just my friends but also acquaintances and even people I just happen to meet in regular activities. The Lord is also being so sweet and gentle but purposeful in his pursuit of my heart -- He really wants a intimate relationship with ME, personally.

This year I have had the blessing of meeting some true friends . This in itself is a spiritual experience . I have been an intellectual and consequentially a loner for much of my life , always there but never really part of the group . This is partly because I am deeply religious in a society where most people of education scoff at faith as a myth , superstition , a "crutch,"or a mental affliction.While by no means perfect , I do hold moral values as important to the structure of civilization and as such have always been an outsider, neither a person of education nor of regular people . These people accept me for who I am , without trying to change me nor pander to my ways . This is a great comfort and blessing which cannot really be expressed.

No, not yet. I'm having a very difficult time right now with religion, life, death, higher power belief in general. I'm struggling with what's right/wrong, ok/not ok, acceptable/unacceptable for me as an individual and for everyone collectively. What feels right is often considered "wrong" and what feels wrong may turn out to be just "right" if we let ourselves try something new.

I started speaking to G-d in my own words and language. I have been a bit angry and needed to 'talk straight'. I asked for specific things that I desparately needed like health insurance, a healthy back and others. Me and my family now have health insurance and my back has improved. So I keep on talking and have emunah that G-d is listening.

I am an atheist so spiritual isn't really a word in my vocabulary. Artistic, yes. My answer to this question ties into my answer to question 4. Writing is my artform so earlier this year I read many articles about the mess the publishing industry is in. I had already discovered the amount of effort it takes to be published and the fact that you have to market yourself when you are published. So I decided forget being published. I declared myself an amateur. Writing is my hobby. Along with that came the knowledge that one doesn't have to make a living at a hobby. Amateurs don't make a living in amateur status. That FREED me to write and post my writing wherever I wanted without thinking about earning money from it.

Being alone for long stretches of time has been somewhat spiritual for me - I've discovered that I often prefer my own company and am comfortable with the thought of being without a life partner. I'm very happy with what I've got.

Every moment I'm with my nieces, it's a spiritual experience. They are little miracles in my life. Building a relationship with brightens my spirit.

I went to a summer program called Kallah and there I found myself and came to terms with a lot of my beliefs and just ways on which I perceive myself. I am more in touch with my Judaism spiritually and with my inner beliefs as a person.

Not particularly. I would not consider myself to be "spiritual" at all.

No, nothing of that sort, am wondering if Europe will do that for me. Unless you count that deep seated unease when J had day surgery, and realising that I had perhaps fallen for him

Yes, I have recognised that I have many strengths after having spent years focusing on my weaknesses. I have found peace with imperfection and have come to realise that that is universal perfection. I am learning to live in the moment, and not some unforseen future. This has allowed me to find love and be at peace with the love that I find. I am learning to be content, it has gotten easier for me to feel content, but there is much life work left to be done. I try to remind myself that I am doing the best that I can, and not be too hard on myself for having yet to accomplish that which I wish to.

Seeing a large raptor at the Berkeley Marina, just hovering there. At first, I (and others) thought it was a kite. Then because of its size and shape I thought it was a red tailed hawk. It hovered about 15 feet above the ground. I was able to get within about 15 feet of it. To be so near such a beautiful, big, fierce bird was amazing. It was entirely nonplussed at my presence. The next day, I returned and asked the old guy if he knew the bird. "Not personally," he said. But it's probably a marsh hawk. Marsh hawk? I looked that up, and it turns out to be a northern harrier.

I fell in love with Israel again. The second last time I went to Israel I was disheartened. The last time I went to Israel I fell in love with the country all over again and decided to go and work in Israel next year. It really was a life changing vacation.

I was baking and cooking by myself for Rosh Hashanah, during the late night and early morning hours. The window in the kitchen was open and I approached it. To the backdrop of the awesome silence of the night, the sounds of the crickets were loud and crisp and the rain pitter pattered gently on the leaves of the trees and bushes. I stood quietly, in awe of the beauty of our universe. I urged myself not to forget to take a few moments each day to take in the magnificent moments that nature holds. if we only remember that she is waiting for us, in her awesome silence.

Earlier this year the growing feeling that I was not living the life that I was meant to grew to a point where I couldn’t ignore it. Since that time I have had many what I would consider spiritual moments where I feel right, centered, accepted and loved. I think this is more about how I am feeling but I’d like to think that having this harmony within myself is extending to the rest of the universe.

My dog got into a fight with another dog and was severely injured. After going to the animal hospital and vet, she healed rather rapidly. The scars are gone and I'm so happy she is better now. She is a strong little trooper.

No. I've had my issues with God lately. Especially since grandpa got sick. The most spiritual thing I've found is in my writing...and not even then.

I've had many times, I opened my bible after prayer and got a relevant answer. I think the most comforting recently was that God is behind everything and will redeem things. I was upset over my failed marriage and how unfair I was treated with being misrepresented. It was in Jeremiah. I try to write the answered prayers or good things I hear, but don't always.

Getting to know my daughter has been the closest thing I've experienced to spirituality since I was a child myself.

There were so many moments - hiking among the Methuselah trees with my parents, St. Brigid's Night, Fred's 40th in Palm Springs -- but the evening with jónsi at the Fox Theatre stands out. Musician, artist, prophet... the jónsi concert is among my top 5 religious experiences.

I experienced a spiritual high during and after Erev Rosh Hashanah services this year. I prepared myself before I went. I listened to music, read Jewels of Elul and other things. I realized a few years ago that waiting for the clergy and services to "do it to me" did not work, and that it was up to me to prepare myself and to be in a receptive state. I actually said before I went this week that I may have a spiritual experience at services and I may not, and that either would be okay.

I think I am finally beginning to accept and invite the law of attraction into my life--understanding that if I expect good outcomes and focus on the good outcomes I will usually see the good in the outcome. I hope to keep embracing this in my life in the coming years and to share this with those that I love who feel like darkness and misfortune are an inevitability.

I haven't really had any spiritual experiences in the last year. I don't think of myself as a very spiritual person usually. There have been two things that have really made me think hard about who I am and how things work in the world but I don't know that I could classify them as spiritual. I guess they should go here anyway... The first has to do with the idea of soul mates. I'm not really sure of what my view is about soul mates and whether or not they exist, but when I reconnected with Blake at Jenny and Ryan's wedding, I felt like I may have found the one. Things have since then gotten complicated but it was nice having that feeling of the possibility of being connected so deeply to someone who I already cared so much about as a friend. The second has to do with the huge amount of uncertainty in my life. After December, I will graduate and I don't know where I'll be living, if I'll have a job, if I want to even stay in the state. All of this scares me and has forced to me really look deep within myself to try and figure out the answer. Were I spiritual, I would ask for help here. That's the best I can come up with for now.

No, nothing particularly spiritual. Being with my best friend when she had her first seizure and shortly after was diagnosed with epilepsy, then several months later being admitted to hospital for anorexia certainly affected me in many ways; I've basically re-evaluated my life, and my outlook on life. I have seriously attempted to stop with my eating disorder for the first time in my life, and I'm concentrating on doing well in university rather than killing myself with/without food or alcohol or blood loss. They weren't particularly spiritual experiences, but they changed me as a person.

I think just growing closer to my religion, especially in terms of deciding to say sorry, thank and ask for something from Hashem every night before I go to bed. I also take the time to think things through a lot more now religiously, and have a particular focus on implementing religion into my daily actions and life.

Laughing with my daughter. Laughing with my son. Getting arrested in a climate change protest. Canoeing. Praying with my feet.

I had the privilege of baptizing four beautiful young ladies at my church camp this last summer! Out of the seven girls I was in charge of, four of them made decisions for Christ... that's more than half!!! It was such a blessing to watch them grow throughout the week.

I saw La Boheme and Tosca at the MET and consider that spiritual. I gave the eulogy at my sister's funeral.

Having my husband convert to Catholicism was profoundly moving to me. I was his sponsor in the conversion and it was enriching to my faith attending the classes and witnessing his spiritual deepening.

Ive been inspired from a few different people this past year to have more faith as it makes me a happier person and gives me a sense of belonging. Its also motivating for me to learn more about history and also the current events of the world around me and I now have more compassion for people in general. I am starting to believe that I am not just mind and body, I also have a soul that has a purpose and has the ability to help others and contribute to building a better world.

I had an amazing night at a dance party in the Singapore Art Museum. There must have been something more spiritual in my life but this was special - I remembered how much fun I have with funky, off-beat people and by myself. It also made me wonder why things always seem more meaningful when you are with people. My card-reading has been something somewhat other worldly too, it has helped me stay patient and directed when times are difficult or confusing. It blows my mind how well the cards fit my life.

Every day a spiritual experience, the beauty of each pearl of time.

For a variety of reasons, I finally accepted that I'm here because there is a Divine Plan for me and my life. When I just relaxed into this knowledge, doors opened up. I've never felt so comfortable with who I am. I listen to my inner voice and know I'm being guided to step into my power -- to become my destiny. Do I know exactly what that destiny is? Nope. I'm not worried. I'll just follow my Spirit and know that things happen for a reason, people come into my life so I can learn from them and if I'm still enough to listen -- everything I need is already within me.

Una persona que en su momento fue muy especial para mí me recordó que a mí me gusta escribir. Poco a poco volví a tomar la pluma y con eso saqué todo lo que en ese momento me agobiaba, y fue lo que me ayudó a superar una pequeña prueba que Dios me puso, en la cual él precisamente fue el meollo del asunto. Algún día le daré las gracias en persona, de cualquier manera.

I don't think anything especially spiritual happened this year. I have been uplifted by music, some of Rabbi Wolpe's facebook posts, once in a while, a sunset.

I believe some spiritual experience I have had was the inspiration to cosplay as Stocking and make Honekoneko. It was truly a wonderful crafting experience and going alongside with that feeling, I went and delved into copic markers, which is another hobby that I greatly enjoy, besides crafting.

Art moves me. Visual, auditory, natural... All of it leads me to wonder about a higher power. I read a story that takes me away and question where the idea came from. I hear music and think " wow". I hear a voice lifted in song and marvel at the gift. I see a painting and can be mesmerized and oh my - a waterfall! A mountain! A cliff! The ocean hitting the shore! All of this makes me feel a power mightier then I.

I have not had anything spiritual happen, but everything that happens always reminds me of my father or mother. My father passed away 7 years ago and my mother passed away 3 years ago. I guess it could be considered spiritual the kind of effect they had on my life. I love them very much and miss them enormously.

I met Katie. She is quite spiritual and in-tune with her self. She has shown me a lot so far. She is teaching me how to manifest what I desire in my life. I am grateful for her.

My first Rosh Hashanah was a huge event for me. Made me feel so close to God, so thankful for life.

I'd say I felt that art is so underappreciated in the Philippines. Mideo Cruz' 'Poleteismo' installation was recently criticized as blasphemous by the Catholic Church itself. The sad thing about it was many people took the Church's lead without really understanding why or knowing what the installation was about.

One night I was feeling particularly depressed and like nothing would come of my life, and so I started to read passages from the Bible and came upon a specific passage about Peter and the first few disciples fighting for their faith, and even though they were greatly oppressed, they felt empowered by spreading the truth. I felt like this was the same struggle that the LGBTQ community is going through and I was able to connect my faith with one of the causes I care deeply about.

I sold a piece of art that I created in memory of my father. It was a bittersweet experience, parting with it. I was quite attached to it, but i was glad to find the perfect home for it, where I know it will be honored and loved. I cried a bit, and wrote about it on my blog. I got a lot of response to that post... it struck a chord with many people. My father lives on in a LOT of people's memories, and now in the home of a family he never knew.

Being a Christian I find everyday living to be a spiritual experience. I am in awe of all that God has created and how the world turns. I find it fascinating that there's always someone to do every kind of job or work that there's a need for... there's someone to collect our waste, someone to work in sewerage process plant, a doctor, a scientist, a salesperson, a farmer... the list is endless! Also when I look at the complexity of each life form, be it animal or plant, from the smallest cell or molecule to the vastness of the Universe, it is hard for me to dismiss the idea that there's a wonderful and intelligent creator responsible for it. It's also hard to dismiss the fact that there's a destructive power who tries to destroy all that God has created hence why there's wars and conflict that destroy lives, nature, environment... the power that created beauty could not be the same power that destroys it...

Ok, I'm not a religious man, but i believe there is a higher power...be that from within or otherwise. Recently I have been open and receptive to the stimulation the world offers in regard to the beauty and Colour it manifests. I take pictures and share them via instagram, I'm constantly dumbfounded by the awe inspiring beauty everyday life presents every minute. It make me smile from my skin to my bones, the heart a flutter by the colours I see. Instagram and the community this presents has brought me into an almost spiritual community of people that love to capture and shre their lives, through doing this I feel I'm not only present and aware of life's everyday moments but get to share in those of others. I'm not sure if this awareness has opened me up to amazing gaze of my daughter, however on Saturday morning while trying to put my daughter down for a sleep we gazed deeply into each others eyes, it al Ot St felt as if we were both imprinting our unconditional love on to each other, it lasted for what seemed like ages, however may have only been minutes...it was truly one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had.

Yes, there was a time last Fall when I felt like I truly prayed for the first time in my life. I was feeling very lost and helpless, and, standing alone in the women's locker room at the gym, I cried and prayed to God, basically just asking that things would turn out alright. It was the first time I felt like I simply gave up and relinquished my problems to God. However, it didn't feel like giving up. It felt like I was releasing a burden, and creating a spark of hope in my heart. It was just what I needed in that moment.

I worked on Footloose in the spring at UNC and it really impacted my life. I really felt connected with the musical and it made me want to get back into performing. It reawakened my drive to perform and sing.

I made a pilgrimage. I was an atheist before I left and I still am but I very much appreciate the time spent in churches, moments to sit still and reflect on life. Being in a cool and quiet church at the end of an exhausting day was cathartic at times, I've cried with sheer exhaustion and relief and have felt close to a state of enlightenment. I admire the calm and beautiful faith I saw in others and how it inspires them to lead a good life but for me it is impossible to believe in a god.

Not so sure about spiritual, but I have been thoroughly enjoying becoming a part of the tea community, there is so much to learn about tea, and everyone in the industry is nice and helpful. I have also done more traveling than ever in search of new teas, there are many places I would not have visited or seen, friends I would not have made, had I not been seeking out a wonderful cup of tea.

Losing a second creation a second time. Handling feelings and negotiating their reality. Getting the constipation out of my arms and finger tips in order to allow creation to live in another way. Meditating to uncover the deeper meaning of "deeper meaning." Holding on while letting go. Letting go in order to hold on. Remembering to breathe through it all.

I've started writing in earnest again, enjoying what I write, without stressing out over it.

Not to keep harping on it - but being unemployed and coming to the point where I needed to get food stamps has truly made me understand the plight of poor people the world over in a way I sympathized with - but never really empathized with - before. It's been frightening, maddening, depressing - but above all else, it has made me feel connected to humanity.

I was about to go back and change a previous entry but thanks to this question I don't have to. Yes I had a deeply spiritual experience of attending LCD Soundsystem at the Hollywood Bowl. I was so moved by it I blogged about how much it meant to me (http://bit.ly/ejVeZp). It was one of the top three concerts of my life but more importantly and or deeply, it was a moving experience that suggested that commitment, dedication and talent but not necessarily in that could yield tremendous fruit. And the experience of that show led me to run more, write more, bike more and eventually create my own company. So James Murphy for President. As it were.

Singing 'om mani pame hung' to my very small grandchild and feeling he recognized it because every time I sang it to him he smiled. Being at the window and singing it to the birds outside and he turning to me and smiling again. He picked up a prayer wheel I had bought from a Tibetan at the Dalai Lama's birthday and began trying to turn it in the correct way. It was too heavy for him but he kept trying. Gave me shivers as I felt somewhere he knew what it was.

Whenever I'm having a hard time, I seem to look more towards the more spiritual things in my life. Not being religious means these things are usually the following; nature - peace, calm and beauty; friends; family - especially young members!


Going to camp has always made me feel spiritual. I remember sitting at services one day, feeling so empowered by sitting in a room with 300 other kids praying to the same god about the same thing. It changed me way to see things. Also, doing the mourners kaddish when the shooting in Norway happened were so powerful to me, because I felt such a strong connection to that and it made me feel lucky and loved by everyone around me and by god. It renews my faith to the say mourners kaddish and it is my way of remember the dead, but also a way of celebrating my life and the life of others.

Not lately, but I wish I did. There is a marked absence of spiritual experiences in my life as of late. I'm trying to get back on track, because spirituality used to play such a significant role in my life. I may be agnostic, but I have a mystical bent for sure.

Yes, oh gosh yes! But I think it can be described as more of an "anti-spiritual" experience than a spiritual experience. This is the year that I've finally come to terms with the fact that I don't believe in Christianity. I first admitted it to Neill in December at dinner. Since then, I've gotten the opportunity to talk about it with more people, particularly on tumblr. It's a process. I'm not "out" to my mom, or to all the people I knew in high school, to all the people I know through Pinelake (can you imagine what that reaction would be?!). But I am comfortable without religion, happier. I like the non-religious me better than I ever liked the religious me. And I definitely find it to be a healthier worldview.

A little more than a year ago I started to explore self energetic healing and soul connection. I was clutching at straws and look for answers which I hoped I'd be able to find within myself. So I embraced the teachings with an open heart and without judgement as best I could. Then one day it just didn't feel right any more. It was an odd sensation to go from feeling almost addicted to the process to overnight not wanting to continue in the process for no logical reason. So I've taken the bits that felt right and moved forward. Maybe that was the reason for seeking it out in the first place, to heal and move forward?

My spiritual experiences have just been the ongoing struggle to hold on to and define what I believe. Dating an atheist hasn't been easy, but so far, I still believe in something, and if nothing else, believe that I'm connected to good in the universe, and that I'm responsible for helping to generate it.

Doing hagbaha at the children's Rosh Hashanah service - I felt a part a larger group, which I'd never felt before (given my conversion 3 weeks prior).

I prayed for my financial state to be blessed and a about a month ago I won a competition and R10 000 witch was great. God ceartainly answered my prayers!

I think this question relates back to my work situation again. Over the last few years, I've been a strong believer in the power of positive thinking and I've lead a very happy life since. Despite my frustrations in my old job, I was convinced that I would get a new job that allowed me to write. What did I want? I once described my dream role - doing internal and external communications, with the opportunity to get involved in events and PR. I also hoped to work in the not for profit industry. When I said it out aloud, I realised how specific it all sounded. So imagine how I felt when I was offered a job that allowed me to do all of that and more? I truly felt that my prayers had been answered and that I had found the perfect job!

I have had no particular spiritual experiences, however I feel more at ease this year and less stressed with myself and my situation, as a whole. I now feel more in control and have a more defined plan of what I want to do and when, which is best for my husband and I. I know where I want to be, and how I want to live and feel much happier :)

My youngest daughter has gone through some tough changes this year and has been much on my mind. She's not out of the woods yet, but she's getting there!

I think seeing Muse at Reading was pretty spiritual. It's encouraged me to be more musical this year instead of just leaving it all behind in school. It was a beautiful experience.

The only spiritual event that I've observed in the course of this year has been the loss of my spirituality. I used to revere a supreme being, then I realized the smallness of my scope of understanding so I grew obsessed with seeking definition to my spirituality. Then, cultivating a cultural reservoir of music, philosophy, fiction, and other assorted media, I realized that the question of how to define spiritual meaning in my life had no bearing nor importance within my reality. Why care about God when you need to pay rent here and now? Is the validity of Eastern religion going to feed you three times a day, seven days a week? So on and so forth, the temporal has devoured the spiritual in terms of importance. The only thing I can devote myself to are the fellow human beings around me. At least I can see my kindness affect them, rather than continue my efforts on praying to a being who, regardless of whether he exists or not, will not be as readily available to assist my mother's ailing hands as I am here and now.

Not very "spiritual" in my opinion, though being w/ animals, particularly my pets, or in nature makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Learning to do more holistic living so I guess that helps.

I have felt spiritual during services a few times this year. It used to be easier for me to reach that internal space - but there is still something about the musical sounds of prayer that makes me feel so connected. When I sing, and my voice adds into the communal voice - that is powerful.

No, I dont believe much in the spiritual world, unless you count watching scary movies.

I prayed for the first time in a very, very long time. Well, when I say that I prayed, I laid down on my bedroom floor and played The Smiths' "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want" and told God to listen. I've had a rough year and those words summed up everything I wanted to say in a prayer. It opened my eyes a bit and connected me to the inner me a bit more.

When my mom passed away I was in the room, right by her side. It was very sacred because I knew Jesus was there. The energy in the room felt very hallow and spiritual...I felt the presence of Jesus. It was an extremely sad yet beautiful time of my life.

I still find peace reading, thinking, and meditating about God. I'm still a sinner but I strive to live my life more like Jesus.

The most spiritual experience of the year was coming to terms with my sexuality through a prostitute. She taught me about my physical self and the flourishing that it can bring.

Being in an auto accident where my husband, daughter, mother and myself escaped death and injury was monumental. Also our daughter's wedding. Both made me appreciative of my family.

Spiritual experiences. Hmmmm... I think for me trying to light shabbat candles as often as we can has been really important. While we get to it about once a month, each time is so amazing and wonderful. I love the connection with my children and to have my son standing next to me to say the prayer. I'm anxious to teach my daughter. My sweet Catholic husband understands the importance for me as well. I need to learn the blessings for the children though. But for spiritual experiences I think on the rare occasions I have remembered to or gotten to light the candles that would have to be it. And to think I have the OPTION to create mindful blessed spiritual feeling every week? What a peaceful idea.

I continue to grow with my Higher Power each and every day. One big thing I was shown this year is that as long as I stick to the truth and not try to fudge my way through things I will be all right. I am becoming more and more grounded in my life and have grown a lot in thinking things through.

I have learned that if I pause long enough, the answers will come. I have to practice what I preach. But of this I am now certain.

I haven't really had an experience in this sense - the closest I think I can say is when I fell in love. It really is something to love someone else and to feel that your hurt, anxiety, love, fear is all tied up together.

Not really. It's been a challenge. A fire left us living out of our home for 6 months. Coming home and needing to 'move in' all over again has been a bit of a challenge. I've tried to start dating again, and that has been a colossal failure so far. There are a lot of head cases out there. I could use some spiritual experiences, but I don't seem to be encountering them.

I have begun a much deeper and regular meditation practice. One Sufi master I've read described meditation as creating a space for the lover and beloved to meet. I feel very happy to be meeting with god this way.

Sure! I was in Israel this past year and I always have spiritual moments there. These experiences always inspire me as a Jew. To be in a place where being Jewish is part of your identity every moment of every day is something that I aspire to. Not in an observant sense, but in a...well...spiritual one.

Yes. Yet many times it has been a pendulum effect. Praying that my spiritual life could be more stable and firm.

I have recently undertaken the task of clearing some of the clutter in my life - not just physical; but also environmental. The spiritual experience I have had in the past year is the pleasure of my company. Time on my own to use as I please. I find I like me and enjoy spending time with me.

Spiritual experiences - that's an interesting question. I've continued my ongoing discussions about religion and spirituality - and found something of a spiritual guide in Walt Whitman, actually. I was moved to tears several times in the past few months by his "Song of Myself" - if anything, this comes the closest to a spiritual experience than anything I've ever had. I love his treatment of death, life, sense of self.

I have spiritual experiences every day. I find God everywhere: the expected places like church and stuff, and also the unexpected places - like in conversations, nature, thunderstorms, tornadoes...everywhere. Joplin (where I live) got hit by a tornado in May of this year and once I realized how close we were to getting hit - it humbled me. Going through that and seeing how much people lost - it's humbling - and makes me thankful that I serve a mighty God. I don't claim to be religious - because that's not what God is about. But I do believe - and I go to a church full of believers like me - and I love it. Spiritual experiences are the best part of my life.

I have a dear friend who is studying to be a Rabbi, and gave her first sermon as part of Rosh Hashonah. She was really nervous about delivering it, and I offered to read it a few days before the holiday. It was about crying as a form of prayer, about allowing your heart to truly break so that it can be healed again. I cried just reading it, and felt like it was a remarkable way to break through the typical ways that we close off to our emotions. Having that as a back drop when I went to services myself meant that when tears came, which they always do when I am in a room singing with other people, I had a different framework for what they meant.

Experiencing the Buddhist holidays in Sri Lanka made me consider Buddhism for a brief second. It seemed so different from the US versions of religion - pomp, arrogance, self-serving, and financial in gain. A few days later, however, I sat through a 5 hr awards ceremony for children at a local temple. Most of the time was eaten up by political figures advancing their own agendas. Religion and people, it seems, are the same everywhere.

I had an awakening regarding my mental health. I'd always struggled with anxiety and depression but I didn't know what to call it and to me, those things felt like character flaws. I finally realized this was affecting my marriage and parenting abilities and I sought help from a psychiatrist. I didn't want to take the medication but it has helped tremendously and I think I am on a path to be the person I was meant to be.

going to israel in January before my surgery was amazing and magical at the same time.

Going to Poland this past summer was a really meaningful and spiritual experience. Its not often that we take a week to focus on Judaism, Jewish history, our tradition and culture. It was amazing to bring Shabbos back to Krakow, in a country that was once overflowing with 3.5 million vibrant Jews. Seeing the old shuls, looking at old jewish ritual items, visiting the cemeteries etc reminded me of the rich legacy of the Jewish people. This was strongly contrasted with the devastation of the Shoah. Not only were 6 million Jews murdered, but culture, tradition and customs from generation before were almost wiped out as well. There is no one to remember the generations before the Holocaust victims, since all of their descendants were killed. Standing in Majdanek next to a giant pile of Jewish ashes made me connect to God in a way I never had before. If I dont believe in God, then I am not a Jew...and I am letting Hitler win. My faith in God and my commitment to the Jewish people is the biggest F-you Hitler I can give (bigger than getting married in Auschwitz).

It's funny--that's all I hunger for, really, without creating the practices that mark out a space for that experience. I am hungry for grace, I guess, without being hungry for work! I've made gestures this year--Joshua and I planned a beautiful, experimental seder, and filled his sunroom with candles and forsythia. April is that season. That very short time of blossoming. But we were not able to bring people into the playful questing place we came from. The seder is an old thing. It's hard. Just now light came streaming streaming through the window. My heart cannot help but open, but I hold it cautiously, knowing that it's an accidental ray through shifting greyness. It's a fall day, and I am wearing corduroys and a cashmere sweater with no shirt underneath. Soon I will go to therapy, which I started just a year ago, and then work... therapy has been a deliberate thing. And going to Spain. In Cadaques we saw the few remaining villagers who loved their gods follow the golden virgin mary statue in the little yellow and blue boat of Dali's wife, Gala, and the waves were choppy and she was growing up from wreaths of flowers facing the sea, leading us out into the foreign kingdom of the sea, freedom, and death. Then they took her back into the church where she lives inertly for the year. She is notched back into the baroque gold altar piece, invisible in the bright assault, and gilded, and crass. Come down from the mountain! Come to the sea! And all around me regular people straining hard for spiritual experience. Maybe like me, imagining it vividly, feeling also or instead the soreness of their lower backs from standing. What was consistently sublime, if consistent sublimity exists, was the snow this winter. I woke up to myself as darkness descended. It wasn't actually very dark. There was so much snow--9 feet almost all winter long--that the night was always softly glowing. I felt held silently. Spring was difficult, actually, the end of a dream, and it wasn't until summer that I really loved the world again. But as I feel summer slipping away, I try to remember that winter can be profoundly peaceful, an affirmation of our lunar nature. The changes in the seasons are the hard part.

I feel I am definitely on a more spiritual path than I have been. The whole experience of grieving for Henry and learning how to live with it has been a spiritual experience. I am also doing daily yoga and beginning to do daily meditation.

I read Edward Stewart White's The Unobstructed Universe and became inspired by his findings with the interaction of his deceased wife, Betty. If any of it actually happened, I look forward to the afterlife.

Yes, I have. Oh -- you want me to explain them? Oh, well, let's see.... One experience is losing half our income, which I seem to be talking about in every question. True hardship teaches us some things that words can never grasp. Reliance on God and only God, going forward on faith, takes on a whole new meaning. It is FOR REAL! Absolute reliance on God. Secondly, it teaches you all that you have. You appreciate each blessing, each child and grandchild in our family, my husband's friendship, the roof over our house (and it is still our house so far). Friends praying for you. It puts meaning into life. And it is very difficult, and I want it to end, now. Teaching children's classes at Unit Convention was a spiritual experience, which always teaches me the bounty of working with children and how it comes just natural for me. I love it. Third, direct teaching up in Asheville with Jill and Rio, and meeting Jim, the Indian artist in a wheelchair with one arm unable to move from a recent stroke, and his buddy who came to live with him on a moment's notice, to help him survive this time. I remember them, they are in my heart. And I need to find his card with his website on it, which is currently misplaced. My favorite painting of his was: Ancestors 8. I would like to have it on my wall.

Not really... Working at East Meets West I've learned a lot about spirituality. I learned about the chakras and how to play a medicine bowl and how to use a pendulum, and I believe that anything and everything spiritual can tie into Judaism if I want it to.

In working on my clothing line, I've gotten to know Cuban Americans very well. They're really nice people. I'd like to know more about them and their culture though.

For the first time on Rosh Hashana, I felt moved to a spiritual place by the music and the heightened spirit of the people in the room. I felt I was singing from a place I hadn't been to before. It has affected me by my wanting to visit that "place" again. I know that may not happen again, and certainly not regularly but I'm hoping I can live off the memory and use the memory to bring me to a heightened place based on knowing what's possible.

The one spiritual experience I have had this year is the day I met my boyfriend. As soon as I saw him I instantly knew he was THE ONE...

On my last leg of my Interrail adventure with Dan, we went to Nice. One night we stumbled upon a fairly majestic sight. Something I thought I would never take an interest to. On the way back to the Hotel, we heard beautiful music and as we drew nearer, we could see hundreds of people dancing with one another. It transpired it was the Argentinian Tango Festival. I sat and sat and felt completely compelled to watch and listen to what I was seeing. It was one of the most solemn, intimate and romantic things I had ever seen and the sacred feeling it left me with, seeing two people coming together in such a beautiful way will stay with me forever.

I attended a writer's conference, where I really felt supported by the large community of writers. It was a nice feeling of belonging. That feeling, extended to one another, provides all spirituality I need - why seek the supernatural when innate kindness is natural.

A recent vacation has made me realize the value of relaxation and removing oneself from the daily grind. I have begun to meditate and do feel more relaxed.

Ha - many!!! They have effected me by reminding me that we are all a part of the universal flow, and that I can tap into real 'answers' by going inside myself to find them. If we are all a part of the greater One Love then those true answers inside are universal truths. We all have the capacity to heal ourselves, our earth, and our nations. We do so in part by starting within.

My most spiritual moments generally have very little to do with things that are often seen as spiritual. I would say my most spiritual moment was during the Gay Pride Parade in NY. I saw all these people, old people, children, people in wheel chairs, straight people, drag queens, all these different people joining together for the same thing. It was incredibly spiritual to feel so connected to so many people

I have started to listen to the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast. I as a person who is comically and intellectually gifted, can relate to what he is saying and it has made me a better person.

When we visited the arctic tundra in the Yukon Territory last spring and viewed the vast space surrounding me, I felt connected to nature. It was as if my body did not exist and yet it filled up the space around me.

I have reached a spiritual level of trust and acceptance of all that transpires, knowing I am not in control. Artistically I feel empowered. Culturally I feel aware.

I find yoga and mindfulness practices ground me in a spiritual kind of way. I'm also in a new, incredible relationship, and together working to open up to each other, working to not react from past hurts, has felt to me deeply profound.

When I was in Israel this past year for the first time, i visited the kotel- the western wall. I'm not a religious man, i go to synagogue every so often but i don't concentrate that much. When i was at the kotel i immediately started and i felt this connection to god as if he was right there, i felt this spiritual wind and it was just a moment that i'll never forget, the first time being at the kotel.

Not really but there is an interesting sense of calm I get when I go running. I don't know if it's spiritual but I've often talked about just /knowing/ when you find the perfect house. I was pretty sure this would happen when I found the one but part of me was worried I wouldn't and I'd find it difficult to make a decision. When we walked into The House, I had a good feeling. We were on our second trek round it on our first viewing when I looked at Ben and said 'What do you think?" He smiled and said 'I love it'. I just thought /I Know/ 'Do you /know/?' I asked. He looked at me sheepishly for a moment before nodding. He'd been a bit cynical about that aspect of house hunting, despite the fact that the parents in our lives have agreed with me. But he knew and I knew and nothing hurt. That one perfect moment of standing in the pink 3rd bedroom of this house and both of us feeling sure that we could see ourselves there. We bought that house and should move in in November.

My continued experiences within the Jewish community has resulted in a lessening/almost non-existent spiritualness that was not the case a few years ago. Between the encountered, "egocentric" views of Jewishness as looking or encompassing a certain way, and behaviors/actions on the part of Jewish, including by so-called religious leaders (i.e. lashon hara, to name one example), has made me feel less and less a part of the community, outside my own social circle of friends. I've pulled away from wanting to go to services on Shabbat, whereas before I looked forward to going when possible, and the holidays just leave me feeling anxious and frustrated until they come and go. I hope this will change, and certainly the "players" haven't changed my view in God, though it does make me question a lot more things and wonder where I fit in on a wider scale and whether I should continue to care anymore.

Going to the mikvah once a month is deeply moving and spiritual experience. It helps me focus and reconnect on a monthly basis. It makes me feel connected to entire world of Jewish woman.

To be honest, the only time I experience something even remotely spiritual is when I dream. I was once a practicing Christian. I consider myself to be agnostic now. I would say "atheist" but because there is no way for me to explain the beginning of life I have to leave that door open. I don't see God as an active participant in life now, guiding, helping or harming. But when I dream, I have the sense that I glimpse into that unknown. I have a sense of possibilities beyond this life. I don't tell people that, however. Sounds crazy, right? I wish I understood it better so I could communicate the experience.

God is with me daily

Absolutely! My spiritual experience has been my personal awakening to the fact that I create meaning in the world around me, by the very fact of my search for meaning. That search manifests itself in how I write, how I love those dear to me, and how I relate to perfect strangers.

I think that perhaps I've opened up a little bit more to having a more spiritual life. I was raised catholic, but for so many reasons, have rejected that faith - and Christianity in general. However, the comfort of being in the church, when it's quiet and lighting candles for those I love is still something that is meaningful to me. I have wanted to start practicing meditation - but have not done it yet. I think if I can do that over the next year, that would have a big impact on my spiritual life. Also, I am now partnered with someone who was also raised catholic and who finds comfort and importance in it. I think that's helped me look at it as a way to honor the tradition you were raised in, while finding a new way to be spiritual in my own life that makes more sense.

Yes. I recently began listening to Alpha and Delta music to help me gain spirituality and get closer to a meditative state. I also got more invled with my Jewish Heritage in BBYO.

Not really, moving house and the change in my environment has given me a different perspective. I'm still a spiritual person, but that hasn't increased in the last year. Feeling close to God is something I want to work on in the new year.

Yes: it has been a year of spiritual growth, and I've felt very connected to God and God's path for me at different times, although it has ebbed and flowed. Even that ebb and flow has taught me a lot about God's presence in the world and my life: though sometimes the path seems clear and sometimes it doesn't, the times when it doesn't seem clear can be just as much on the path as when I am sure I see it. God is present through it all.

I guess the closest 'spiritual' experience was our joining a Unitarian Universalist church in Olympia, although I confess we rarely attend now since we workout in Oly on Saturday mornings (early) and making the trip both days of the weekend is tough.

teaching relief society!

It's when I allow myself to see and feel moments of beauty that I feel most connected to spirit. It's usually just a small gesture, or a bird in flight, that grabs my attention and awareness. No huge fireworks -- this year has been about re-finding and nurturing an everyday relationship with spirit.

Day 5 Spiritual event? While it seems strange, I do believe I had psychic or spiritual connections with the team of men working on the house. I was feeling and understanding their frustrations and possibly  getting info from the house itself. When sections were uncovered, I'd know what was wrong and I'd know (as in the case of Innovation) what wasn't being done properly. As for the men, I knew that something was going on with Hilberto and Javier when they were deciding toe quit working for Innovation. I could also tell which if the remaining workers felt trapped by the need to be working and the desire to get away from Andrew. That said, while it seems more intuitive that spiritual, I wonder if there is really a difference. Isn't intuition a gift from God? Isn't tapping into that gift a spiritual activity? I'll have to think about that more, because I intend to use my intuition more in the future. As for a truly spiritual experience, I must say that last Friday at the Freight, Stephen Saxon's gospel shabbat was deeply moving. I was once again being intuitive and understanding just how connected Stephen was with the message he was delivering. It seemed that his whole life had been moving toward making such a connection between God and the people an dI was one of the people. I thought that it might be interesting to delve into the form of Judaism that sees God in such a way. I have had thoughts about Jesus and my belief in him. Son of God? I don't know. And actually I don't care. What I do care about in terms of any religion is people who become rabid about their beliefs and have to force them on others. That is what has taken me away from all churches, and it is definitely what makes me dislike the Tea Baggers. When I am here in Fish Camp, I feel so much more connected to God through nature. When I am in Berkeley, I can get connected up on the roof or in the park. But it feels like I can't connect in the house. Now that's my own take on it. Sounds like a good excuse. This is definitely the thing that has been missing from my life. At one time, I was often breathing in God and goodness and breathing out blessings and joy. When I get stressed, I forget to do that. It isn't that i've lost touch with my belief, it's just that I lost touch. Ha Ha -- I haven't lost it, I've lost touch with it.

No. I am not a spiritual person. I have however been trying to connect more with family, although I do feel a disconnect with my father.

I don't tend to use the word spiritual in my own life. It is too big and has too many dark associations for me to feel comfortable with. But a piece of music and a wonderful book...and the real connection that every so often comes about...I'll accept that there are some of those. There's not one to pick out, but I'm not complaining.

I have had a spiritual experience this last year. I abandoned the theory of church. I cannot worship in a place that does not believe in me, a lesbian. My belief in God is still there, but I have a lack of faith in society. Leaving "The Church" has helped me re-connect to God, friends, and family around me. I am my own church now.

Our Lenten group this year was such a cohesive, open, sharing group, and I grew through this experience.

I've learned that being in a job or any situation that makes me miserable is not worth all the money in the world.

Spending a lot of time in nature, singing praises to God everyday (Hodo L'Adonoai) makes me be aware of each moment, and how fleeting life is.

Each and every day has some kind of spiritual experience...I just don't always notice them which is something I would like to work on.

i think the biggest "spiritual" experience i have had has just been finishing high school and everything that comes with it. I've felt like it was a "season finale" during this whole time and lots of loose ends got tied up. I'm not happy with how everything turned/is turning out, but I'm not going to fight for everything to be how i want it, I'm passive after all. I've learned to make the best of whatever and to just do me on some real shit.

Well, of course, I've had many spiritual experiences. One that stands out is the peace I felt sitting on the porch at Captain Jack's wharf and reading quietly there. After all the stress of my surfing accident and all of the feelings it let loose in my family, it was great to be able to just sit, feel the presence of god in that peace and know, deep down, that everything is already all right.

The lack of any spiritual experiences is what has been missing in my life this past year. I haven't taken the time to sit in the woods, draw or paint or even listen to my favorite music. That needs to change!

an amazing Limmud preceded by an amazing shabbat program and two independent minyan shabbats in August in another city. all that energizes me and leaves me deeply content.

I went to a performance of the dance company Pilobolus, and much of their work is about weight sharing between many members of the company. The whole show seemed to be about human connection, and it was really profound watching it. The last piece had an incredible piece of music; it was filled with so much emotion, and I felt as though I knew exactly what the dancers were trying to say through their movements. I had the sensation of being really present in the theatre while also getting lost in my own thoughts. I would say it was a spiritual experience because I was simultaneously overwhelmed with joy and sadness throughout the show (especially the last piece), and it reminded me how much I value my connections with other people.

Studying Derech Eretz in the Talmud has probably been the most "spiritual" experience. Other than that, no great revelations.

I have had several great prayer experiences since moving to israel. At nava tehilla, shira chadasha, and that Friday afternoon at the kotel. I'm really enjoying the experience of regular prayer and feel like I'm growing in this area of my jewish identity.

my creativity has returend finally. i am getting new ideas for writing, quilting, etc.... i think being with lionel left me wrung out emotionally and mentally. the dynamic between us stifled anything of that nature. now that i have my own hime and space and relaxed relationships i can let me subconcious loose in more playful ways rather than trying to survive a relationship that hurt like ill fitting shoes.

For a period of several months I developed severe thanatophobia - a morbid fear of dying. I became intensely aware of my own mortality, and would be gripped by a grasping fear around my chest at every realisation that one day, I will cease to exist. I could not comprehend a world beyond my own existence, and could not comprehend what it will feel like to die. Conversely, while the fear itself was extremely unpleasant, the side effects were a new-found appreciation for the beauty of life - my partner's smile; sushine through the leaves of the tree in my garden; butterflies; my mother's strength; my sister's laugh; a deep breath of fresh air; a simple country walk; a breathtaking view. Life is beautiful.

Learning and reading more about Buddhism and sharing this with my partner has been satisfying and helped me grow spiritually and as a principle centered person. Fear has subsided and I'm even more grateful for my life today.

I think the most spiritual experience I've had this year has been listening to Marc Maron's WTF Podcast. I know that sounds odd, but hearing dozens of comics talk about their fears, challenges, and demons, and talking about where they find the strength to deal with them and where they find happiness in life – it's something I've been able to connect to. I feel less alone, less like a freak or broken person, because of the similarities I can hear. I feel a part of the spiritual brotherhood of people who deal with pain and fear through being funny and it gives me strength and guidance.

I'd definitely peg my reactions to the September 1tth anniversary as my spiritual moment. Especially when viewing details of the ground zero memorial online. I was face-to-digital-face with entire branches of family trees that had ceased to exist. I suddenly realized that life would go on once I, and everyone in my family and friends, had passed. It made me want more than ever to leave a mark on the world. To do something that puts my name on the lips of strangers in the future.

I was in a beautiful play in December. One that moved me and had me connecting to the character more strongly than almost any other play I had been in. I was not really as proud of my work as much as I felt nurtured by the work. Recently, I was given an award for the performance which solidified my feelings.

Unfortunately, I realized as I reviewed my answers from last year, I didn't take the time for spirituality I had hoped to and I wrote about last year. I wish I could say that I had made more every day time for my spirit and spiritual health. I know that God is there, and I strive to be grateful and penitent. And it's not even that I feel that my spirit is hungry, mistreated or deficient. It's just that God isn't shaking my walls, you know? Maybe He is, and I'm ignoring him, that's the truth. Or maybe that's even a good thing; that everything is going smoothly and I am happy, safe and loved. That is the miracle of my every day, and I need to remember to be consistently grateful.

I continue to find peace, gratefulnesses for my life, and 'centeredness' through my yoga practice, and by striving to recognize the wonderful, beautiful moments that occur even in the midst of a mundane or challenging day. Stopping to appreciate the beautiful blue sky after a rainy day, or the sound of the wind whipping the leaves around, or even appreciating that moment of silence when I turn the bedroom light off are all reminders of how LUCKY I am to be alive.

In December, I went to Israel. While I was there, my group went to Har Herzl, which is the Israeli military cemetery. It was intense. I have never felt anything like what I felt while I was there, and I don't even have words to describe it. Many of the people buried there were my age or younger when they died. I was with eight soldiers, any of whom might end up there at any moment.

I feel like this year was somewhat un-spiritual. I feel burnt out at work, which also affects my ability to worship. It feels more like going through the motions.

That's the problem. I can't think of any. I feel I have been searching but have been unable to have one. The closest I have come is watching the film Tree of Life. That had a huge impact on me. Beyond that, I have felt dead inside.

My trip to Italy was a spiritual experience in every sense of the word. To see such history, to stand in the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museum and feel the energies of the millions of people who have passed through before, and the faith and power in the frescoes and beautiful artwork was magical. Coming together with locals and sharing meals and leaning about their lives is something I'll carry with me forever. My spirit has expanded as a result of this trip.

I do not go to temple although I keep thinking I should but I am very involved in the community through communiyt theater. I was in our local production of Annie this summer and it was simply amazing. The women I have met and the fact that I was able ot be in the production with my daughter was a huge plus. I wa sable to really spend time with her through a mutual love of theater. We could discuss all aspects of performing and through that we were really able to stay connected even though she has started high school this year. So many parents have some sort of disconnect when their children start this new phase in their life. I feel truly blessed that we were able to increase our connection through theater and community service.

Several months ago, when I was at my lowest in an abusive marriage and not able to find a steady job, a friend who is like a brother to me but living in another city said to me: "You've been unhappy for a long time and I want you to know that I will do whatever it takes to support you in making a change in your life. I want you to be happy. You are worthy of being excited about your life everyday and I will stand for you." He didn't give up and psycho-dialed me every day until I agreed to come to NY and sign up for much-needed therapy. That my friend wasn't willing to give up on my happiness gave me the strength to get back onboard, too. Since then, all sorts of doors and incidental blessings have come and my life is profoundly happier.

This could be a long one, but I'll save you the time. If you're really interested, read over your first semester final reflection from AP Lit. I describe how much that class has affected my views on religion. I'm still a bit confused and conflicted on things, but I can better understand some things about myself. I guess another spiritual experience for me was the theme concert. I was just so emotional throughout that. I remember not even being able to make it through the first half and then not even being able to finish the last song because of crying. I literally put my heart and soul into some of those songs, just I bet others did and that's probably why it was so amazing and moving.

I think that ongoing therapy, and reading books including Harville Hendrix' Receiving Love and the How of happiness and the Stay or Go book have been deeply spiritual for me. My outlook on life and myself feels like it's shifting in real ways. I think I can say I am genuinely happier at baseline than ever before.

Meeting Arturo this year has made a big impact in my life because he gave me the Alchemist, and reaffirmed my belief in being able to create whatever life I want to have. He and Alan are two of the only people i know who share this philosophy and strength of heart as well as the ability to follow your dreams. Going up to the top of the empire state building with my parents was also a spiritual experience, and was relating so many things Arturo and Alan encouraged--basically opening up to the universe what it was I really wanted (my own apartment, my art, and love) and recieving it. It was like walking around in heaven at the top of the empire state building with my parents. And that day they were my angels, saving me.

I tried therapy with my wife. It didn't work out so well.

I began practicing Buddhism a few months ago, and I believe that that has definitely improved my life. I've gotten better at meditating and clearing my mind, and I feel more connected to the world.

Continuing to visit a friend (on behalf of someone else) as her mental status declined was tough, but attending her funeral (as well as that of another person) was exceptionally meaningful because I was needed, to say kaddish, shovel, say a few words to the family. Every voice truly counted.

too much of a stretch to answer this one today.

Through John, my mind has been opened up a bit. My thoughts have sometimes been questioned, but I pretty much hold firm to my beliefs. I've been praying more than usual this year, due to my health, financial and Hanna issues. It helps. On the other side of things, when I was diagnosed with Cancer, it felt so good to know others were praying for me too. Going to services, I'm hearing my name on the Mishaberach list. Don't really like it, but am grateful that my community is behind me and holding me up.

I haven't, and in fact this is something I want to work on. I've heard that in order to be balanced, you must have an equally strong emphasis in 4 major areas: personal relationships, business/academic, physical and spiritual. I have felt relatively strong in the first 3, and lacking in the last. I'm not sure how much of a "spiritual" person I am, but I'd like to find out. The most spiritual experience I've ever had was my trip to Israel, sitting on the rooftops and just feeling the weight of so many different cultures intersecting in one place. It wasn't a religious or out-of-body feeling, but more a deep sense of human interconnection. Another source of "spiritual"/deeper meaning for me is looking deeper at my last relationship, and really thinking about how and why it ended the way it did. I've spent the past year trying to move on and let sleeping dogs lie, but sometimes the only way to learn from your past is to delve into the most painful parts.

Almost a year ago, I broke my ankle. While in my recovery process, I had a lot of moments of quiet reflection and would start talking to God on most mornings. I began to really understand that sometimes when what we see as a major setback and hardship can really be a blessing and I also started to change my outlook on life in general for the better and created some big goals to someday achieve.

I read a book called Walden by Henry David Thoreau this year. It's a book about his time spent at Walden Pond in solitude. He talks a lot about Nature and it's spiritual impacts on a person. It made me appreciate Nature a lot more and realize that nature is good. I don't identify with just one religion. My spirituality is always changing and growing. I've really gotten into taking in the outdoors though. I feel enlightened after I spend good time outside. I live in a very beautiful city in northern Minnesota, so I have lots of opportunities to hike in beautiful landscapes.

I went back to Alanon after a six month hiatus that ended in personal and relationship drama. I have realized that my spiritual growth through this program is what helps keep my "head on straight" and that it is not optional if I want to maintain serenity. I can't explain why sitting in a room listening to the stories of other people who have character defects similar to mine helps me so much, but it does. I suppose that is the definition of faith... being absolutely sure of something without having an empirical basis for your belief.

Yes...my daily pool jogging has helped me tremendously. It is my form of meditation...a time for me to work out my daily problems, schedules and goals. And a time to close my eyes at the end, breathe and say thank you. Many times there are tears through my smiles. But always the satisfaction that I am trying to take care of me. And concentrating on my "me-time!" to be fully present during the pool meditations. And I find that I have to do it first thing in the morning before anything else. Really gives me a shot of adrenaline and confidence.

I love spirituality -- it's my business! My whole life is a spiritual experience. Sometimes it's blissful, and sometimes it's a call to action.

This past year, I created many different styles and types of artwork. Instead of just painting because I saw a picture I liked, I decided to go with my feelings and my intuition and paint from the heart. It affected me because I was able to show my true feelings through the artwork, whereas people now understand what I paint and why I paint it.

No, not really.

I realized my relationship with HaShem need work. I need to rediscover my Passion and faith.

I'm not really sure. I'm not particularly spiritual, and I'm something of an atheist. However, this past week at Rosh Hashanah dinner w/ my girlfriend's family, I heard a pretty amazing story about the holocaust; a large portion of her family was crying by the end. I've never celebrated Rosh w/ anyone else's family. That's spiritual in the human-spirit sort of way.

Going back to OB/Gyn after spending the last half the year on rotations that did not keep my interest. My all nighter of deliveries, 2 vaginal, 1 c-section and my first lac repair completely energized me to the end (and a bit beyond) the 26 hr shift. It was nice, and very reassuring since applications were coming due to finally be "at home"

Thinking of the moment Adam and I put up the mezuzah on our new house brings tears to my eyes. I had been living there for a while, but he was just moving in. We each hammered in one of the nails as we said the blessings and held each other. Afterwards we just stared at it, with his arms wrapped around me, taking in the momentousness of having a place together and making it ours. It is such a symbol for me of the life and values we're sharing and the dreams we have for this place and our future together. Every time people come over they comment on how beautiful it is and I feel so proud to welcome them into our home. It is a religious item for us, but the symbolism is so much more and the fact that it's shared makes it so much greater.

The birth of my grandson was definitely a spiritual experience, witnessing the circle of life, so to speak. Seeing my daughter become a mother was very sobering and satisfying but the actual existence of another human being on this planet who in some part, came from part of me was quite a joyride!

I'm embarking on a journey to learn more about the Catholic faith, and the early Christian church fathers. I'm a Methodist, so this could be considered heresy :) I'll have more details to share next year.

Perhaps the most spiritual experience I had this year was watching Dr. George Kordis, one of the greatest modern day Byzantine painters, paint the walls of the church in Vouliagmeni, Greece, Agia Fanouromeni. Watching him work, up on the scaffoldings, painting upside down, the huge domed ceiling, gave me the feeling that I could have been watching Michael Angelo painting the Sistine Chapel.

Repeating myself here - but my daughter's birth was a spiritual experience of the highest degree. I'm also an educator (schoolteacher) and there are those moments when you really connect with a student (usually one on one), when they open up to you or when you realize that something you've said has in some way really hit home - that's a pretty spiritual place to be.

This year, I chaired our annual Relay for Life. As part of that role, I was to make a speech during the Luminary Ceremony. I'd prewritten it, saying all the necessary stuff. But walking around the track, lit with luminaries telling stories of ones loved and lost deeply affected me. As I stood up in front of my school, I began speaking honestly, not from my script. It just reminded me to take the time to enjoy the small happinesses in life.

Yes. I have felt a serene since of peace the last few months. My emotions are no longer caged up and I feel real now. On 9/28/11, I felt like the world had opened up to me and healed, I felt really blessed.

yes, i have had a lot! i have opened up to all kinds of things spiritually as well as creatively. i feel so much more at home with myself, recognizing who i am and what i do, what i am good at, where my talents lie, and what i can do and what i am not interested in doing. past life experiences, guides, intuition, and many other things have come together for me in interesting ways. it's been very mind-opening.

I believe this year I have become more involved in the gay rights community then ever before. And being involved has lead me to meeting and learning about many different people, and how we all effect each other so much. Even with only the simplest of things. Each and every one of us can change a life with one action, good or bad. Also, I have learned to adapt and share the quote "If you truly own who you are, no one can use you against you."

I have not had any distinct spiritual experiences this year. My closeness to That Which Is grows slowly, like lichen on a boulder. I am disappointed in my spiritual study groups as they want to move in different directions than I do. I feel that I am not gaining anything from my time and study with them. This may or may not turn out to be true, but I am frustrated with my lack or perceptible progress.

This past year I really connected with Judaism in a way that made me feel uplifted, inspired and empowered and in a way that I hadn't for a really long time. This ongoing experience has made me more aware of the people I interact with, the community that I am a part of and the world that we all live in. In has been wonderful to reconnect and reengage my soul again.

I think Imbolc was important to me. I dedicated to transformation and it has been a powerful dedication.

Nope, not spiritual. The closest I get to spiritual is trying to approach the sublime in art. Have I done that recently? It doesn't seem like it...

I was introduced to yoga this year, and instantly fell in love. I had no idea that I could simultaneously work out my mind, body, and soul. It has really allowed me to mellow out and be in amazing shape at the same time. I know that I will continue this love affair with yoga for many years to come.

Coming to grips with the idea that I have met my soul mate has been humbling and startling. I never imagined it would be him. Missing him all these years really did have a purpose. What a comfort that is.

I have spent most of my adult Jewish life in a Conservative Congregation where many of the members are ambivolent or lukewarm about their committment to Judaism. Many want some connection to Judaism but not too much. People drop off their almost bar mitzvah age kids for Shabbat services but don't attend themselves, giving a very mixed message. Most of the congregation doesn't keep kosher or keep Shabbat. I have longed for a more committed community but been completely unable to accept the sexism, exclusion of women in the Orthodox community. This year I began to find Orthodox, egalitarian Jewish community and feel like I finally am coming home.

I know that I wrote about spirituality in sense of what makes you feel whole last year. I wrote about trying to find those things that make me feel happy and full of life. I'm still struggling to find those things. I know I talked about art and music and friends as a few of those things that made me feel good inside. I've neglected those things right now. The reason those things aren't what I'm pursuing right now is that I'm more focused on my mental status. I've dealt with a lot of internal strife this year. My health and having my father pass away really turned my brain on its side this year. I don't consider myself a religous man. But the idea of faith and spirituality in a secular sense was brought to the forefront with me this year as I was my father in his last days. He was raised catholic. He prayed and believed in God. He didn't go to church but he was always very aware and considered himself a man of faith and God. As he sat dealing with terminal lung cancer I saw him pray and saw how much it comforted him. I saw how my brother praying with him and sending him passages from the bible centered my father and gave him something to take comfort in. I knew that it was something that calmed him. I don't agree or follow with a lot of doctrines of organized religions. I also can't deny that there are teachings and words that hold some truth and offer great advice to live by. I think to completely disregard or deny Christianity would be a disservice to a lot of people. It would have been a disservice to my father a man that I love. His life was shaped in some way by the words and teaching from the bible. In turn my upbringing was impacted by that also. It made me wonder what I can do to comfort myself in times of trouble. I guess that means right now. I also wonder what will comfort me in my end days? The love and comfort of my family and friends I hope. My family, for all the troubles we have been experiencing, was able to close around my father and comfort him the best that we could in his final days. I can only hope for that much later down the road.

I have not really felt spiritual this year, I am still waiting to experience spirituality.

I have spiritual experiences all the time. Serendipities, inner guidance. Ways reveal themselves to me. I come up with creative solutions to problems which I can only call channeling. On October 1st, I attended my first Abraham-Hicks workshop. And I was in the presence of Truth, How It Really Is. And 'it" is easy, organic and achieveable. When i align with Source, my life is ecstatic and funny and simple.

I joined a women's growth group, and that has been an amazing experience for me. To learn, and share and grow with these women. To become something better/beyond my expectations. To have connection. Also, Toby became a christian. While this sort of turned my world upside down, I really feel fortunate that I'm able to focus so much on what my religion really means to me.

Soooo many spiritual experiences this year, it's kinda nuts. Just to name a few: Maimonides @ Penn/Rabbi Lynn Maimonides @ Israel Late nights with Rabbi Levi Royal Way Class Royal Way service/day of remembrance/letters/letter day Baba Joon convos! Gateway to Happiness Machon Yaakov Yeshiva Meditating 20 minutes and putting on tefillin almost every single day since around July or August Consciousness Club/Justin Experiences with Arielle Jon Grayson Josh Lipman/Bez Reyhan/Dave Cohen/Dan Khalili Dad (wonder how his beliefs will develop) Psychology and Religion/Bermant Aria Campbell Danesh/Christian Pastor guy/Easter/Miracle Temple of Christ Skype and emails with Rabbi Cohen

My students began calling me "Mom". I give a lot of myself to being a good role model for students that I work with and it is was an incredibly emotional expereince for me to realize that I was sometimes even more than that. My behaviors toward all students has shifted slightly because of it. I realize now, more than ever, how important just being there for students is and that every thing I do can help shape them into positive adults.

Maybe. I attempted meditation but have been unable to fully commit. I felt great when doing it but also felt like I was missing out on my heathen side. The healthy side of things makes me feel like I am amissing out on something; I know this is partially brainwashing in behalf of culture, gayness, self-doubt, etc. Regardless, I'm at least exploring what spirituality could mean for my life outside of the Southern Baptist bullshit I was raised in.

Yes. I had a breakthrough into my mind through therapy and reading Daniel siegel's "mindsight"

Spending the day at the Change the Dreamer, Change the Dream seminar was probably the most uplifting thing I did this year. When someone said that it would take over 3 days to scroll the names of all the groups in the world that are working on justice, freedom, peace, environmental, etc. issues, it gave me some hope that maybe we could save the world. I don't generally feel that hopeful.

I haven't really had any spiritual experiences from the past year. I still don't know what I believe in, maybe I just believe that there are things I don't know.

At my grandmother's funeral, during the graveside burial, a butterfly flew over head. My friend Jill, who died last year, loves butterflies. It is a symbol of Jill. It made me feel like Jill was telling us that she was taking care of Ma. That she was there to guide her through the process in heaven. It was beautiful

Simple. Every time i walk Bondi to Bronte, i feel an intense spiritual connection to Sydney. I fell like i am the luckiest person in the world to get to live in paradise!

The 5Rhythms retreat I danced in Belgium was a week of increasingly deepening connection and love. I felt tranquil, softened, alive and full of tenderness.

At Shira Chadasha in Israel, I had an amazing spiritual experience. I haven't felt so connected to Judaism, it was indescribable. An amazing Rosh Hashana.

Welcoming our first grandchild exactly 20 years to the day that my mother died provided the full spectrum of emotions from a new dimension of joy to a very deep feeling of emptiness. I feel that this child came into this world on that day almost as a sign of my own mother's love and continued connectedness to my life.

Going on Birthright was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. I can remember lying in the sand in the middle of the night at the Bedouin tents. Looking up at the stars, I had a moment of clarity with G-d that I will never forget.

My Christian walk has grown this year because God has shown me how the time I spend with Him will allow me to see and act in the Kingdom more. Because of this my marriage has also grown.

The most memorable spiritual experience I had this year is my visit to the beach. I was let go from my job the week before we left on vacation. As I sat on the St. Petersburg sand, I contemplated what my next career move would be. In the midst of it all, I remember thinking how large the stretch of sea was, how many individual gains of sand there was, and the power of God. I remember feeling so small on such a large stretch of scenery. At the time, my problems seemed like mountains. I began thinking that if God can create environments as beautiful and grand as the beach then he would lead me along the right path. I prayed for guidance instead of what I believed I needed. Come to find out, I am now standing on top of my 'problem' mountain praising God for the work he has done in my life.

Well, preparing for our wedding with the rabbi certainly got me thinking about the spiritual aspect of our wedding and the Jewish traditions associated with it...

I think the most profound spiritual experience this year was the amazing connectivity I felt as my husband and I were supported during his cancer treatments. I found my faith weakened, and have considered giving up being religious. But then, the kindness of others reminded me of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov - when we reach in one direction, we are actually reaching in all three. I keep thinking of a man in my husband's cancer support group who has no one near him - no family, just beginning to make friends. He's a recent immigrant, has his green card but not citizenship, so he can't leave while it is in process, and his family can't come here. He doesn't know many people yet, so he struggles through this alone - and yet with a positive attitude. I learn so much from him.

Refer to answer #1. I spent the year in Israel. I walked in the steps of the patriarchs and matriarchs. I prayed weekly at the Western Wall. I traveled the footpaths of my ancestors. I learned Torah and Chassidus 14 hours a day for a year straight. I realized that we are all truly a part of G-d above, and that we are here to make this earth into a place fitting to be His home.

Just knowing that my novel will be published. I can feel the energy building and I just know I'm pushing on towards what it is that I was meant to do. This is it. This is my moment.

no particular spiritual experiences ... family becoming more important ...

After my 33 year old son's sudden death, I have been trying to find something to help me understand and accept what has happened. I have been in contact with individuals who are very tuned in to communication with those who have passed on, or better put, passed over. I have achieved a sense that he is happy, whole and still with us constantly. We have been asking for signs and have been rewarded for our openness and willingness to believe and experience his continual presence.

Tuesday morning Torah class is consistently enlightening and helpful for me in my ongoing Jewish journey.

So many spiritual experiences. Visiting my parents at the cemetary. I talk to them and I feel connected to them. This gives me strengh to carry on with some very stressful situations that are happening in my life right now.

A new boy friend wrote a beautiful illustrated poem for me. I loved it...it was so sweet and I kept thinking "Wow! He really likes me!". I hung it up in my room and looked at it often. It was about him really liking me...I broke up with him, and stopped looking at it. After a while, I took it out again and realized that it was really about me being likable. I love it and will always cherish it for how it changed my view of me. So sweet...we are now friends and probably always will be...

After I thought I would surely lose her, I watched my dog regain health and strength to the point where we could run and walk and hike together again. I also "watched" my mom (from afar) recover from major heart surgery. All I wanted during these hard times was for my mom to meet my new baby and to see my dog again, whom she loves. And all I wanted was to be able to take my dog to the beach and for a hike again. So when I was fortunate enough to be able to take my baby, mom, and dog to the beach (my baby's first trip to the ocean, no less!), and watch my mom and my dog walk together in the sand, I was nearly bowled over by a sense of gratitude and amazement that I got to experience something so wonderful.

I completed my first two half marathons. I felt exhilarated and strong.

I think that I am becoming increasingly aware of the circular nature of all our actions and reactions.

My morning prayers, which I recite alone, include the phrase, “May noble thoughts come to us from all corners of the universe.” There have been times when saying this has suddenly inspired a new or better understanding of myself or of something in my life. In other words, my prayer is answered. When that happens my heart fills with wonder, and my determination to go on praying and expressing my gratitude for all the gifts that Life has given me is buttressed and confirmed.

I am slowly becoming closer to my religion - closer to what I feel about G-d. I have a friend who is experiencing Judaism for the first time. Someone who was not raised Jewish, but Christian, and has chosen to explore Judaism. Watching her go through this, watching her experience Judaism and all of these aspects that so many of us have known our entire lives for the first time is inspiring to me, and makes me want to learn much more about who I am and what I want to give my religion and what I want to try and get out of it.

I had two spiritual experiences while in Israel for the first time this past year. The first was at Masada. We hiked up Masada very early in the morning to watch the sun rise. After being with 40ish other people for a shpeal about Masada.. I found a place to sit down and I continued to watch the sunrise on my own. It was beautiful. There were some birds that came over to where I was and it felt like it was a higher power acknowledging that I was there... I just sat and watched the birds prance around in front of me, in front of this beautiful place, it was wonderful. The second spiritual experience was when I went to the Western Wall. I approached it slowly. I looked at all of the people around me, at the guards standing on top of the wall with binoculars and guns, I looked at all of the notes that people placed in the wall. I stood near the wall and looked at it. When I felt ready, I placed my right hand on the wall and almost immediately, my right leg started to tremble. I thought: This can’t be? Maybe it’s because I have been walking more than normal the past few days? But it hasn’t done this yet... (and it stopped after I left the wall). Was it G-d? I would like to think so.

May 22,2011 is a day I will never forget. An f-5 tornado ripped through Joplin, Mo, taking many restaurants and homes with it. We were in Joplin as it started to come toward us. Something led us around that tornado that day, keeping us all out of harms way.

I had a birth of a granddaughter and then two months later lost a person that was really close to me. Both experiences were very spiritual, seeing a new life come into the world and watching an old life leave, and you could do is be their for both.

I took a massive leap of faith. I trusted in God, and He did not let me down.

This year, working with students exploring their spirituality, and through that exploring my own has been the most rewarding experience I have had in years. I continue to struggle with major questions: God Should I only date a Jew? How strongly do I feel about religion in my daily life? But I love that, for me its a daily spiritual experience. I love that I can share that with colleagues and with family. I led a seder and a Rosh hashana dinner this year. I continue to grow and learn

Going to Israel with my family was spiritually connecting. Seeing the remains of a building that might have been King David's Palace was literally awesome. Sharing it with those close to me, although with different spiritual connections, made it an even deeper experience.

No, I don't think so. I find I've been having stronger emotional reactions than usual to books/movies/etc. since the end of the summer but I'm not sure that counts. And I think it's mostly me losing my mind.

Fostering and adopting a group of feral cats. When I first brought them into my house, they were very wild. It was a months-long process to gain their trust. Sitting with them late at night (they were very nocturnal) and feeding them cat treats, learning to communicate with each other, was its own little peaceful interspecies experience . . .

it was the first day of high holiday services this year in the much more crowded shul full of new faces and high holiday faces that i don't know, as well as feeling like old home week, after a year of dropping out of weekly religious commitments. i saw a woman i didn't know holding a tiny, tiny baby and a flash of knowing surged through me. "i want that," i thought with great surety that i'd never known before in the years after becoming a separated and then divorced mother of a terrific 11 year old. I'd always thought in terms of "if" everything should fall into place, then i would be open to mothering again knowing that i have experience to be an even better, more available mother. It was the sureness of knowing my heart's true desire that was so stunning and truly spititual, like i'd plugged into the great truths.

I've used spirituality in the past to avoid suffering - I've believed that if I only meditate enough, pray enough, heal enough, I will finally escape suffering. And I think this year I realized that no, I'm going to suffer. And I'm going to wince about it. That realization breaks my heart open at a level it hasn't been open before. It's like, yeah, we're going to suffer, and that's okay, because I'm still gonna be here waiting patiently. I'm here for us all, not just me. We really do suffer, and suffering really does hurt, and the truth is we really don't want it to at all. The miraculous thing about suffering is that we all share it, and we all share the innocent longing for deliverance that might not come. This is news I want to share with all of you. When we're naked about our own suffering, our own hearts turn in love to tend the wound, and somehow this love doesn't discriminate between me and other people. It just loves blindly. So I'm having this very strange experience of totally having no escape from suffering, and yet I am willing to suffer, and it's carving me out like water in a canyon, and love is seeping in at the same time. Welcome home, pain.

Working with the nuns and men at Gift of Love has been an incredible spiritual experience for me. Whenever I feel my faith drifting away or when I start to question my values, a few hours there in enough to fully reanchor me in the reality of our world. New York is a place that allows you to pull the soft, comfortable wool of luxury and affluence down over your eyes and to be blind to the real sufferings of so many people - and to the real harm you suffer your self in cutting yourself off from them. Without the constant contact with Gift of Love, I would have had a much worse year.

Yes. Religiously and not. I went to chapter convention and I found the chapter that was finally right for me. I didn't know anyone yet they accepted me immediately. I instantly felt a part of the chapter. The whole thing was very moving. I have never undertood my Jewish identity more than I do now. I fully appreciate judiasm and nothing can ever take y pride in being Jewish and an Israeli.

I have become more calm and secure in who I am, perhaps it is the nature of growing older.

Of course. God is becoming more and more real. Lately, I woke up and felt the need to pray. My prayer time was so great and fulfilling - I really connected with God. This is what I've been missing for so long! I'm a very academic, thinking kind of guy; so religion has a lot to do with knowledge for me. However, my spiritual life has felt flat over the last year or so. And now, I've discovered prayer in a new way (silly me, why didn't it occur to me that praying to God is a good way to connect with Him?)! It's still a tough discipline to pray, but so worth it.

I've started writing for my future self, reminding me how I am at this age. My crazy stuff, my ideas, my life, in order to tell my future me, how I was young, with ideas and ideals.

My Artistic muse has been very inspirational this past year. Even to the point where I was selling some of my art works. My acting muse has also taken on a life of it's own I have been in crownies, packed to the rafters, napisan commercial, Not suitable For Children (2012), and latest Home And Away. I am thankful for all the opportunities I'm having or had.

I have spiritual experiences on the regular. It's just my nature. Although this year I have been especially enlightened by the wisdom and knowledge of Bishop Veron Ashe, a good friend that I am lucky enough to be able to have these intense discourses with about true spirituality almost every week. His is a light that I am so grateful to have close by.

In the last year, I finally connected with the American South. I have lived 4 years of my life in a small town in southern Arkansas - with its quaint feel and its claustrophobic issues. I originally come from New Delhi which is very, very different. Leaving my friends, my second family, my life in Arkansas, was a hard move when it came down to it. It had to be done and in doing so, in gearing up to leave, I have really come to appreciate the 4 years and the people that made those years special. I now have a better grasp of my identity and about people in general.

I wouldn't say I've had any spiritual experiences. I have, however, been somewhat enlightened to the fact that there are young religious people around me. Before, I had always thought that religious people were just gullible, but my ex had been a Evangelical Christian for years without such an upbringing, and I know a few people now who say that they feel close to God. I still find it strange, and I'm certain I'll never understand it, but I think I have somewhat opened my mind.

Dreams. "nudges" to connect with A., to do chi gong, to move more, to see more, to slow down...

The power of anger in the work of love! The transformative experience at the church in Portland where I waited, my blood boiling, until that moment of grace when I could speak in love. How powerful that was; how grateful I am for practice. And where will it take me? How can I access that experience to create change in myself - write that RC piece? - and make me a more effective and kinder person?

I'm not a very spiritual person I don't think and am always rubbish at answering this question. I suppose if you count getting on with life and enjoying every moment of it (the good and the bad) then I'm spiritual. There are no specific spiritual moments I can think of, off hand. Perhaps I should make a point to have one in the next 12 months so I can answer this question!!!

All the burns I go to are spiritual for me... Transformus especially so. I reconnected with D in a way we hadn't before. She made connections she's never made before. I was a part of something much bigger than myself. Its humbling and awesome.

My most spiritual experience was over the summer, gliding silently on the Meramec River in a canoe. Nature's glory, sweetened by the sounds of bubbling water, croaking frogs and singing birds.

My spiritual experience has been knowing that "everything will be alright." It sounds cliche, but it's completely true. I've shared with my younger friends that it's important to pay attention to the signs we receive... walk through the doors which are opened, and don't push when they seem to be closed...

Standing on top of the hill in the sleet and gusting wind, on the spot where three years previously my dads ashes were scattered feeling a complete sense of peace and happiness

Before I met my boyfriend (December 2, 2010), my spiritual experiences were limited to aquariums and snorkeling. In the beauty and diversity of sea creatures, I believed in G-d. Then I met my Bashert and the way our lives have intersected has made me believe that external forces are at work.

Nope, I also didn't put flowers in my hair back in the sixties.

I was in a dance class, and the movement brought me to tears. It was a visceral reaction, and reminded me why I dance and how important it is to me that I keep it a constant in my life.

No. The most spiritual thing I can think of is that I have not yet totally lost my faith.

As an Atheist, my "spirtual" experience in the sense of a divine being are limited. I can say that the novel, "We need to talk about Kevin" really blew my mind away. As a new parent, the way the mother acted, the relationships between Kevin and his father, etc etc I all found to be really heavy. I couldn't stop talking about it for weeks and I still look forward to seeing the film. In general, I think I am far too cynical at this point in my life to have spirtuality, and those Martin Buber-esque type thoughts/feelings... Between MS, 9/11 and what I was promised in life and what I actually got... well, I'm bitter.

Standing in a river early in the morning, fog rising as the sun comes up, fly rod in hand. Very peaceful, decided that this was as close as I ever would get to nirvana.

Music. Preparing my class on rock and Torah, I have gone back to listening more and finding meaning and inspiration in music.

definitely cultural sprituality. I was in Guatemala for a month with family, and their culture and way of life made me feel super happy. Also, I did more travelling in South America and I felt like everyone was beautiful and accepting. Feeling love from complete strangers makes you believe in humanity. It was spiritual...spiritual in being a human being.

Not a specific 'this happened on Thursday' moment. But I believe this year I have made better peace with being an elderly person. My husband's illnesses have increased our appreciation of where we are in life and respect for those of our age who despite their infirmities stand up for Life and make others smile and/or respect their wisdom.


Going to temple again and having a meaningful connection with my rabbi. When I was struggling with my job search and attempt to restore balance in my life, he talked one Friday night about Moses and burnout and it was an incredibly resonating and spiritual experience.

I was asked to say the basic funeral prayers for my husband's aunt at her funeral. She and my father-in-law and their siblings were raised by a Jewish mother who never really taught them about Judaism. Nonetheless, they wanted to hear Hebrew at the funeral, and to feel like it was a Jew-ish ceremony. At first this seemed so awkward to me- I'm not a Rabbi, and I've only been to one funeral in the past. But I did as much research as I could, and spoke the basic prayers that I could, and was really glad that even though I am not a perfect Jew, or even a very learned one, I was able to give a family - my family - comfort just by being there and trying my best. I've never spoken so directly with God as I did that day.

I have had several spiritual experiences in the past year that have help to solidify my understanding of my being and of the world I live in. Traveling, being in nature, was probably the most important, with returning to the US being the second. I've resolved to raise my family outside of the materialism and capitalist fog of the American dream culture, to expose them and myself to culture, not just vacations, and to instill in them (and more in myself) a sense of appreciation and gratitude for life and the wonders of nature. I've also read more about Buddhism, Hinduism, and Yoga and feel even more connected to the ideals associated with these religions. I want to practice everyday, to be healthy and whole.

Well I got into a car accident last month. It was the scariest thing. Thank God that no one was hurt. I was mostly shaken up by the fact that the kids I babysit were in the car- they were my #1 concern. My mom and I pray everyday before I leave the house and I can only credit God's grace with the fact that the accident was not worse and that no one was injured.


I worked with a teacher that I've been wanting to work with for a very long time...he's a teacher of the Meisner technique of acting. Working with him reminded me of the transcendence and beauty that is always possible.

My visit to New Orleans was almost spiritual. I felt the way some people seem to feel when they go to Israel - just an overwhelming sense of "This is where I should be." Everything just felt right.

I had the chance to solo at a performance with Billie Oatts the great sax player as guest artist. I finally was out of my own way and resourceful enough to really do it in front of the public. Mr Oatts was very complimentary and helped me integrate the learning with his support. Growth is spirituality.

Deciding to commemorate my mom's birthday every year by hiking to her favorite spots and planting small plants in her memory was a very spiritual experience for me. It gave me a path to follow to know I was honoring her life and not dwelling on the fact that she's gone.

I continue to keep my distance with things spiritual. We gave up our membership in our church this last year. We continue to be frighteded away from organized religion because of the actions of the religious right.

My friend from college came to visit me this Summer and we finally bonded again. She is so amazing - WE are so amazing together... We were each others lovers for the week - holding ourselves to the kind of expectations we hold to our boyfriends, and not disappointing each other. We took yoga classes, fooled around on garage band with a song of mine, she took SO many interesting pictures, went to museums and saw art work... we got lost in our imaginations and just stayed so present the whole time. It was such a relief, and such a standard to hold to when I lose perspective about the possibility of mutual love. It was one week of two people mutually deciding not let fear get in the way of being close to each other. On some level we were just pretended that love works, but it was so healing, and I'm still tingling from it.

Oh yes. After my knee replacement surgery I entered a deep, dark valley of pain which led to depression. All along the rocky road, there were constant signs of encouragement: people showing up with words of cheer and hope; emails and calls reminding me that I was being prayed for regularly; meals delivered, rides to rehab given, people who visited, people who stayed; grace everywhere. I knew it was God reminding all these people of my situation and inspiring them to reach out for my sake in prayer. It was uncanny how many people carried me in their hearts. At first I lost awareness of God's presence, but later my awareness quietly returned. I cried more tears this year than ever before in my life all put together. God helped me to grieve the passing of some very dear people during this sojourn in the valley of pain. When it was time, I was given an antidepressant which stopped the runaway train of emotion and turned it around. I am now stable enough to look back over these eight months and thank God for the outpouring of love and kindness from so many people. I felt that His heart was moving through each of them...and through me. I am deeply grateful that through the pain and near despair, He made sure that I had constant reminders of His tender mercies.

I realized people are animals. We share so much in common with our furry friends and any perceived superiority from one species to the next is wrong. The next generations will either evolve mankind as a species or devolve mankind back into the Dark Ages. We've got to learn to work with the Earth instead of against her, because, let's face it, we're destroying her at an unsustainable rate.

my home birth repeating yoga music lit by dim lights/fireplace I finally went deep inside at that moment my son was born

I like to think of every day life as a spiritual experience... well, I challenge myself to do so, at any rate. I try to see my own personal mental health struggles through a spiritual lens. I think my current romantic partner relationship is definitely a space of spiritual growth and learning. I think "Radical Acceptance" by Tara Brach is one of the best resources I have for bringing spiritual energy and awareness to my struggle to care for self while caring for the world. Really, to me, the way to engage with spiritual growth is to let in all of life's experiences, and let out love.

It's been pretty stressful recently, and after Limmud this summer I've been enjoying, more than ever before, playing my violin. A couple of weeks ago, after a very long day at school after which I got back after 8 and then had to do hours of work, I wandered down to the living room and just picked up my Violin. It wasn't practicing, as such, but I just played and played and played and I could feel the emotion flowing out through it. I'm performing a solo on it in December, which I'm petrified about because I'm a terrible performer, but I just hope that I can convey half the feeling that I felt that night. More and more, I use my fiddle as a de-stress mechanism, and I really do love playing it, and that's what I want to go when I perform it to other people too.

I don't know if I've necessarily had a spiritual experience, in the sense that I see spirituality, but I have been slowly learning to make peace with things in my life. And to me, that has been a beautiful awakening, and a long awaited cleansing.

I stayed at the Omega Institute for a week to learn about mindfulness in education. I woke early and practiced tai chi every morning, I went to sessions on mindfulness practices all day, twice I retreated in silence for 24 hours, I learned a new form of meditation every evening before dinner, I attended evening programs of storytelling, Qi Gong, and world music. I swam in the lake, I ran in the meadows, I observed in the sanctuary. I learned so much about my inner self.

Artistically I have seen so much beauty this year. I have even seen the beauty in sadness. I met a wonderful person who reminded me to see the beauty. I have a new found appreciation and respect for my photography and the impact it can have on others. Now I see the beauty everywhere I go and that makes me a happier person.

Being on the Ottawa River was spiritual. It was the first time I truly understood how strong and dangerous nature is and that I need to respect and learn more about it if I want to continue being so adventerous.

I have been actively grieving my grandparents in the past year. My grandfather died while I was studying in Paris for my master's degree in May 2009. I wasn't able to visit his funeral and his headstone still wasn't purchased by the time I returned, so I have not been able to visit his grave site to pay my respects. My grandmother is still alive, but will probably not last much longer. She is incredibly brave. It has made me think a lot about life (and death) and how best to celebrate those we love. Is it more important to celebrate my grandmother while she is alive or to visit my grandfather's grave site? In the past year, I have failed at both, but my goal for the next year has been to embrace spirituality and the celebration of life for my grandmother in ways I haven't before.

I spent 6 months after a shattering break up, being asked by God to heal, while not shutting the door on the man that I had loved. It was the hardest, most heart wrenching time of my life. It wasn't until I found out a week ago that he had been in a relationship with another woman for the past four months, that I realized that my healing wasn't about him. But rather about God being the one to heal and refine me, making more the person that He created me to be. The news barely affected me, which was one of the most amazing things I have experienced.

If anything, this has been an intensely reflective year, but a completely barren one when it comes to spirituality. Giving birth to a healthy child, of course, was almost a mystical experience. I was in absolute and complete awe of the process, most of which happens completely outside of my control: my body just knew what to do, obeying some code I never wrote. If I was not convinced before that there is something much bigger than us at work, I was then. But I have let Judaism slip almost completely out of my life. There are so many priorities, private study time has become such a luxury (it is usually spent scratching items off the to-do list), I cannot seem to find a way to work it in. Everything we do feels rushed and unsatisfying, empty almost. I miss the spiritual world, I really do.

No, I don't think I've had any I would describe as particularly 'spiritual'. Although, learning to love again might be described in this manner.

I think Kol Nidre is always the most spritual for me. I believe that there is a higher power and I feel it during Kol Nidre.

This year I danced with more freedom and greater joy than I ever have before in my life. It was freeing, holy and joyful. I am glad I am becoming more comfortable with myself so I can let my body enjoy music and move peacefully and happily.

I can't say that I ever feel all that spiritual. Maybe this is something I need to work on.

Nothing specific comes to mind, although I have been a bit more introspective this year, especially when I am walking or experiencing nature.

The High Holy Days are almost always uplifting for me. The is occasionally achieved again during the course of the year on a Shabbat or other holy day. I sing in the shul choir and another Jewish choir and sometimes when we have all learned our parts well and come together as one in a beautiful sound it can be very special indeed.

Meditation is a part of my daily routine. As a result, my awareness of the many opportunities around me is so much clearer. The world/universe/spirit/god provides me what I need when I least expect it, for instance, money showed up in a form of an inheritance and an insurance settlement, which of course helped out in many ways. Now I just wish we all would spend ten minutes a day in some form of meditation...what a wonder that would be!

No spiritual experiences. Just trying to search for a more fulfilled life, consolidating what I have found and improving it, but no major changes. I do have a feeling of wanting to have a transformation in my life. Maybe in the future. I am getting ready to make a change.

No, and that saddens me. I have had positive religious experiences, but nothing I would call truly spiritual.

I have participated in the Millstone Institute here in St Louis and it has brought me in touch with a lot of people within the Jewish community. It has broadened my exposure to the broader area as well and its needs.

The coming of fall always inspires me in a way I can't pinpoint, so I suppose one could consider its beginning spiritual. There's a forest in my head somewhere that pops up so much--brought on by certain imagery, books, & especially music--& every time I "see" it, I want to create. I want to go someplace that resembles it, even though I know no place exists. & so I try to find it through art. Sometimes that means becoming a different character through writing but usually it means drawing. I haven't drawn in a long time & it's been making me a bit crazy. I also had the opportunity to see the LA Philharmonic this summer, & it made me realize how much I missed playing the harp. I still haven't made the time to find one (& a teacher) as I've just moved, but I keep being reminded that I need to return to it. Playing the harp would help with the foresty feeling above, too.

This was the year that I found my spirituality, honestly. I had no idea what I believed in prior to 2011. I think I gained a lot of knowledge through finding out some of what the universe is capable of. And yet, I haven't even scratched the surface...

This whole year has been a spiritual experience. With so much thrown at us in such quick succession, relying on the grace, love, providence and presence of God was the constant that has sustained us. Listening to friends as they deal with their own challenges has also been spiritually formative. I just finished reading Stan Beard's blog from CarePages where he talked about Mustard Seed faith. He and Heidi have been through the mill dealing with her heart problems, especially dealing with treatment so far from home at the Mayo Clinic. But it is grace that brought them there and grace that will bring them home. "'Tis grace has brought us save thus far, and grace will lead us home."

Yes! The Little Bat Buddy experience has drawn me towards native american spirituality and the investigation of my own religious thoughts, feelings, beliefs, etc.

No, actually, I haven't. I have felt very disconnected from my Judaism this year and it's starting to bother me a lot. I don't like Hillel, the Jewish group on campus, which means I need to put more effort into finding a place where I can immerse myself in the music and words and meanings of Judaism. I miss it a lot - it used to keep me grounded, I think. In the coming year I hope to find places to start exploring this part of myself again. I will hopefully be traveling to Israel for the first time this coming winter break with Birthright, and I have a feeling that will help me rediscover some parts of my spirituality that I have not experienced in quite some time.

For the last several years I have had regular Spiritual experiences. Looking back over my life, I believe I've always had them but did not recognize them. I have daily miracles. Big ones and small ones. As part of my morning meditation and prayer time I always ask for God's guidance. I ask to be a good listener, that I may be a better receiver. The guidance is always there. I don't want to miss it. And I ask. About every little thing. The answers are amazing and sometimes even amusing. I love my relationship with God and cannot, now, imagine getting through the day alone, without listening and watching for the answers which guide me on my path.

my most spiritual day this year had to have been this past summer during my trip to israel. Just being in that country is spiritual, but it was not until Friday night when we were in Jerusalem at the wailing wall with thousands of people singing, dancing, and praying all together. There were people from all over the world with different languages that came all the way to this place of tremendous history to be united and look into the past of their people.

doing havdallah with my youth group just gives me the greatest feeling, and i feel so connected

no. but i came to be a more spiritual person this year. i believe that people are put in the world for a reason. and that if there is a god, then he/she is an asshole. because if there was an actual loving, omnipotent god, he/she wouldn't have caused so much suffering. especially since it's unjust to see that those who add to the world are often those who bear unnecessary burdens. what kind of lesson is that? i believe that life gives you exactly as much as you can handle and it's often that you have no idea just how hard handling all of it is. see my earlier comment of god's assholish nature.

This year...or really gradually over the past 4 years I have watched my faith be tested and feel like it is slipping away. I want it back. I want to mature in my faith, and be able to use it as a tool when life gets crazy. In my job we see life at it's worst and it is easy for me to lose sight of God or faith or any kind of higher power. It is hard to make sense of for me, even if I feel that there has to be more.

My studies at JTS, although leading to a Masters in Jewish Education, have given me so much insight into Jewish texts and how to read them. I love my content classes far more than my pedagogy classes. Although I am not more observant (although I could be), I am far more aware and I feel so much more connected to my Judaism. I feel more Jewish.

read the book a new earth and power of now. I know now how wasteful watching TV is and how important it is to be conscious and awake and not let our mind control and think, instead be aware and observe our ego driven selves until our true being emanates.

Breastfeeding, when it's working well, is deeply moving. After having so much difficulty with nursing, the times I've been able to nourish my child are so special.

I have actually had an absence of spirituality this year. I normally connect spiritually to music at shul. With Yael in hand, I am always running after her rather than sitting in shul. It will only be for a few years, but I look forward to her running around with friends and letting me be connected as I need.

None that I can recall, which means if I did, they weren't that affecting.

Sitting on a deck of a ship, going past the Napali Coast, and dolphins were leaping along with the boat. Incredible beauty always makes me feel I've touched a piece of Heaven.

I have turned away from churches...each one I visit is so large and such a circus now. I grew up in a small church where everyone knew everyone. Yet I am a spiritual person, I want to pass this to my children and grandchildren but it seems like you have to go without for the spiritual to mean anything - and they have not. It really is easier for a poor man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

i have lost a lot of the ability to connect with the spiritual side of things, or of me. i'm too tired and too sad. but sometimes i look into my childrens' faces and know that i built them, and i am overcome by what that means, and what they mean.

I have an ongoing spiritual experience of returning, very slowly, to the religion I was born into. This year I've mainly come to the conclusion that being part of a religious community is not about your relationship with God, but about your relationship to that community and I don't think that's right. It's not the way things should be, because surely God is more important than whether I take my kids to Cheder when my husband wants to take them to Church? Does it mean I am not a Jew because I can't just have my own way and do whatever I like and ride roughshod all over the wishes of my husband? Why does that mean that I can't be fully part of a community? Rabbi's get stuff wrong, but not half as wrong as Church of England Vicars do. I wish so much, especially at this time of year, that I was part of a Jewish community. But I need someone to help me, to teach me what it means to have been born Jewish but raised Christian, and what I do now that I can no longer be part of a Christian community (not believing in Christ makes it kind of tricky to go to church), yet not fully part of a Jewish one. Shit, this is a nightmare. But I have an ongoing experience that God is there, God is with me, and I just hold onto that.

I tried out a new church this year. I really enjoyed it. I haven't stuck with it although I know I probably should. Sometimes I feel bad bc im perfectly fine with how I live my life and I live it by my convictions. Sometimes though my life doesn't live up to what some people would think it should, which is one of my reasons for not attending. This church doesn't seem so much like it would be judgmental, which is nice.

I was not particularly close to my great-uncle, but when he died I stopped to think about the cycle of life. I realized how blithely I've dismissed G-d from my life despite how deeply I believe. I found myself reconnecting in prayer, by reading more books on Jewish practice, and by attempting to being more thankful every day.

This was my first year singing in a local choir. There are always large choirs around to join, but I have always favored being a member of a smaller chamber group. The choir I joined is quite expert even though it is a volunteer choir of amateurs. At first, I was hurt that I was asked to sing in the alto section (always having been a soprano). It's more difficult to sing alto because it's an "inner voice" and I've always liked "being on top". But, I wrestled with my own ego issues and decided that it would be an interesting challenge. And, it was. The music we sang was extraordinary - multiple genres, styles and from various eras. I learned that I have something to give, even if my contribution isn't the "standout" one. I'm not the best or the worst and I've had to learn to accept rejection. I auditioned for 2 solos and was awarded neither one. At the time, I thought that everyone was thinking about how I had been rejected, but I've realized that people are really not that concerned with me nor do they especially expect perfection from me or anyone else. I want to be realistic about what I can and can not expect to accomplish. My dream of being an opera star or a professional soloist may be unrealistic, but I no longer want to set myself up to fail by continuing to believe that this is a goal. It's about the singing and enjoying it for its own sake. If I'm not loving doing it, then I won't do it.

During a great vacation this year, I felt a shift in my acknowledgement of Strength and Tenacity. I am strong and tough. I never described myself like that before. I sure as hell do now.

Listening to "waving' flag" at InspirED flicked something in me. I suddenly bought in to that dream, and I knew that I had a Taj-like vision for my nation and that I could work to make it happen. I felt so alive. And so empowered. The Hanuman Chalisa chanted by Mausinani left me hollow inside. So protected and calmed, so sorrowful and pensive and just totally involved. I felt like a kid again and I want that feeling back. I wish I hadn't been to scared to ask her to chant it again.

Being matched with Mario. When he was matched with Gerria, I was disappointed. I was very happy for them both, yet I had the sense thgat Mario and I were meant for each other. Then Mario and Gerria did not work out. I was saddened for Gerria and happy for me. Having Gerria be happy for me made the matching m,uch easier. I do belive that there are things that we cannot know. Things that transcend science. I put a great deal of trust in my gut feelings.

My wedding. It was a an eye opening experience for me on how relationships can affect the world around us. It has made me realize more my own power to take ownership over things that are important to me. It also helped me realized that spirituality can mean just having a good relationship with your partner. That is profound Nava Tehila, Renewal services that I have found. They open me up to G-d and humanity it ways I can not describe. I just feel a great opening and a great connection.

My personal yoga practice has expanded. I now rise at 3:30 -4:00 am to do a 2 hour practice before dawn. It is the best time to meditate before the worries and events of the day. I was resistant at first and now I feel strange if I don't do it. The practice really helps me cope with the days events. Thank god my husband is so supportive!

I haven't been as spiritual this year as I should have. I have been so caught up in life that I have not made space in it for God. I haven't been to church, I think, except for my nephew's baptism. But I'm going to see my friend's dad sing in a Baptist gospel choir next week, which is always amazing. It has been such a serious year, with lots of deaths and hardships, and I think I haven't let the joy of God through enough, it's been all about my leaning on him. I want that to be different next year.

Sadly, the most spiritual thing that happened this year was the Eagles concert Colin and I went to in December. It was transporting to watch such mastery, particularly the simple and straightforward first half of the show.

I started meditating this year - slowly and not frequently enough - but I discovered the feeling that can come from quieting my mind and my heart. I love the feeling of being at the top of the rocks near my home, facing the sun & opening my heart.

I have come to know that "I'm done" working in the way that I did for 40+ years. I still need to support myself, but feel a strong internal resistance to any of the usual steps in pursuing employment. It seems crazy, and there are times when I do worry. However, I make a point to set that worry aside; no matter what, worry never helps. All I know is that every single time in my life when I have felt this resistance it was right, and when I pushed through it and did what I thought I "should" instead I misstepped. Listening to a speaker at the Mexican museum last night I came to believe that my inner self is trying to direct me in the way I should go now, hokey as that sounds, and that this sense of resistance that has grown over the past two years is steering me away from making a mistake while I wait for clarity to emerge. Speaking and writing feel right, and I'm to begin giving a series of traveling seminars in January; this may be a beginning. The writer in me lacks inspiration, and is concerned about making a living via that particular talent. I lack a meaningful name or image for the god of my understanding, but continually renew my commitment to trusting in that god's guidance as very best I can.

The three weeks that my kids were at camp were somewhat spiritual for me. I got to be partners with my husband -- not just busy co-parents. I got to spend my time outside of work how I wanted to, which put me in touch with my personal priorities, and brought my relationship to my husband to a different level.

During the summer, both my parents in law died. This was the first time that we had a shiva in our own home. I was astounded and moved by the numbers of people who came, brought food, and helped bring comfort. The feeling of connection and caring was a spiritual experience.

Sometimes in synagogue, there and also in daily life, briefly forgetting the here and now.

Everything comes back to my accident... It was a very spiritual experience for me because I am really thankful to Hashem to be alive.

I took a sociology class, and during the unit of class structure we watched a video called "People Like Us" all about social class and what exactly defines it. It's made me look at the world in a new perspective. I now try to look beyond the stereotypes I used to base my judgements on and figure out what really makes a person tick. I'm also far more aware of the trivial things high school cliques are defined by, and it seems all that much more silly and irrelevant. I also started a job in food service, and encounter so many different types of people, and it really just shows so much of what that video taught me. I have to fight biases that I had no clue existed until they were right in front of me, and I like to think that I've smooshed a lot of them. But still, there's the occasional person that walks in that I'm like, oh no, I hope we don't get a complaint about this, and that customer ends up being the nicest one all day.

Sunrises on the 10 acre off-grid farm were an incredibly moving experience. The animals all begin to stir around the same time, the flowers open up to the emerging sunlight and all living things are connected, myself included. I've felt this spiritual inclusion before, but it was omnipresent on the farm and your place in the natural world was evident. I miss the farm dearly.

Yes, in yoga, in pigeon pose, I was finally able to let go of some significant and negative relationships in my life. I literally felt them leave my body and float away like balloons, which is how I envisioned them. Whenever I begin to feel bogged down by reminders of them, I remember how good it felt to let go of them.

After losing my baby, I searched for answers and nothing was presenting itself. I read a book called "I'll Hold You in Heaven" and found some peace. It was religious and explained how God views death of children and babies. I decided that I needed to go back to church and submerge myself back in the Lord. I have found tremendous peace with the loss of my baby, as much as one can actually have. I have realized that God has a plan for me and He knows what is truly best for me. I have devoted myself to the Lord and continue to grow spiritually.

I am yet to find it. Yet a conversation did open the possibility for it. I have over past years 'locked' the spiritual part of my experience. In a way ashamed of any religious or spiritual sentiments. A conversation has allowed me to explore and to start to come to terms with my own faith and belief... and untangle what it all means.

No... and... this is a lack I feel deeply. I so want to be more connected to spirit, I want to be around people who live authentically, who are more advanced on the path than I am so that I can grow. I want to do art, and channel spirit through creativity, I want to grow vegetables and flowers, and be close to the land and to animals. I want to see the beauty of the world and experience spirt there I want to see spirit in the face of the man I love.

I experienced my very first live sunset this year (and several following). Not long after I moved to the West Coast, I was having a very hectic day and decided I needed a break, so I drove to Malibu, left my cell phone in the car and sat in the sand, alone, for two hours and watched the sun set into the ocean. It was amazingly beautiful and peaceful and I began that Saturday ritual on a weekly basis. A second chapter to that experience came when my sister, brother-in-law and their kids flew out to visit me. None had seen the ocean before and we spent their last night in town playing in the waves, searching for sea shells and watching the sun set. The calming and cleansing effect that water and nature in general can have absolutely awes me. Taking time away from electronics and work and taking a break once a week has been invaluable. To just sit and breathe and experience a natural beauty makes me feel very lucky to have this life.

The sense of belonging I get when I look up at the steeple on Duke Chapel. The impossible joy I feel when I see something beautiful and interesting and unique in the natural world. Looking at the man I'm marrying and falling in love all over again.

When I was visiting friends in another state, I went for a jog, as usual. This is typically very hard for me in their neighborhood, as it's a somewhat rural suburb and I am most fueled during a jog by the bustle of the more urban area in which I live. When I visit them, I generally end up jogging for much shorter distances than normal because I just get so bored. This time, for some reason, though, I was able to savor the quiet, and the long stretch of somewhat vacant road. I felt at peace with it and didn't need the bustle of people and shops and kids and other joggers to keep me going. I think this is because I have found a greater peace within myself this past year. It was beautiful to feel so calm during that jog.

I feel like I am always having spiritual experiences. The more you are aware of being in the moment, the more those moments become spiritual.

Sounds ridiculous but watching Shalom Sesame episodes with my two-year-old. Particularly the one where "Mikey" becomes a bar mitzvah at the Kotel. It almost embodies the best and worst of Judaism. Mikey wraps tefillin with help from his father, reads from the Torah, lots of singing and dancing--then his mother and aunt throw candy from the segregated women's area. But when Grover (b/c apparently monsters are also not allowed on the plaza of the Kotel) questions and congratulates Mikey it made me all teary-eyed thinking about the history of Jews in the world and where my daughter fits in with these traditions.

I have been re-acquainted with the powerful laws of attraction and accepted that there is something very powerful in the way of healing with my hands. I'm uncertain if it's feeling for where health is lacking or actually generating healing, but something is present.

Helping with Baby Ruby's home birth was a deeply spiritual experience (as was Milo's birth in 2009). I am so very blessed to have had the opportunity to serve my friends -- and my god kids! -- in such a unique and personal way. What struck the deepest was the strong sense that I somehow knew how to help... I'm not talking about the tasks assigned by the midwife, but something higher and more primitive. Even though I have no idea what labor feels like (and never will), I intuitively knew where and how to focus my energy when it was really time to get down to business. I felt like a woman of the ages.

I found myself surrounded by blue whales while sailing with a friend. I was overwhelmed with excitement, joy, and trembling fear, all at the same time. To feel EVERYTHING all at the same time, was so profound, I can't even begin to describe it.

not really. i just try to revel in the everyday sacred.

I spent this past summer in Israel, my homeland. It was an incredibly unreal and out of body experience. I don't know how to put into words the feeling of freedom and disorientation of swimming in the dead sea, and I can only show you pictures of the breathtaking city of Tzfat that don't even begin to do it justice. The ruins, the history, the faith, the story, the present. Walking on the same stones as my ancestors, hiking up a mountain where the Jewish people fought to preserve themselves and watching the sunrise, praying atop a mountain with twinkling lights, sounds of prayer and my best friends and the experiences don't shy away there. I have never felt so in touch with my surroundings and entirely free to be myself as I did when I was in Israel. I left my heart there and sometime soon I'll have to retrieve it.

I think I have been able to let go of a lot of fear and insecurity this year, which has made me a stronger person. If that's not a spiritual experience, I don't know what is.

I believe that through the events of the last year, I have become much closer to God. I am up to date on my Bible reading and I feel much closer to God than I have in awhile.

The birth of a baby is a very spiritual thing and I almost lost sight of that during the pain and sickness in the week that led up to having to have a Cesarian delivery. When the drugs wore off and I held him and fed him at my breast, I felt again what a miracle life is. These five months since then remind me every day. No matter how sad, difficult or stressful my day is, I look at him and say "Malcolm! I love you." His smile melts everything else away.

The most spiritual experiences I have are when I am singing. I love the joyousness that comes forth when I am lifting my voice in song with others.

My second time out scuba diving, gazing at the ribbonlike corals off Dar-es-Salaam. I was able to put my own personal belief into words: that at the time of Creation, Gd said to Mother Nature, "I will give you carbon and hydrogen and red and purple; oxygen and nitrogen and blue and orange; I will show you the materials and you will prove My glory to this world." Gd was the engineer and Mother Nature the imaginator. The world is amazing and, of all things, scuba diving really cemented it in there more than ever.

I wish my year had been filled with a lot more spiritual moments - but it's hard to fit those in as a full-time working mom with two young boys. Occasionally I'd be at a Shabbat service or leading kabbalat shabbat at our minyan and I'd have a glimpse of that moment of connecting to something larger than myself. It is one of my goals to pursue a richer spiritual life this year and I really hope I can do that. It's too easy to go through the motions every day without taking the time to "feel" I really hope I can take that time this coming year

I saw Savion Glover this year with a friend who loves his work as much as I do. I saw my spouse's ex at this performance and I remembered how much more we had in common about so many things. Life is complicated made worse by sometimes poor decision making. I signed up for tap lessons and was sidelined by tendonitis. Is there a spiritual message there?

I cannot say I am religious at all, but I find my spirituality in songs. There is truth and understanding in the lyrics, and all shades of emotion which are heightened by the music around it. There are songs which have altered my perceptions, clarified my thoughts and taught me to question and to better understand myself. Standing in the front row at La Scala watching my favourite musicians, with my friend that I met at another show of theirs, smiling and dancing and singing along, and feeling the bass echoing in my ribcage, and the sentiments of my favourite song echoing around my heart chambers, that was pretty spiritual. I am never happier than when I am spending an evening with a roomful of strangers, united in experiencing the joy of live music. The rest of the world fades away and you are in the midst of a unique moment - that's my kind of religion.


Reading "Gilead". Most powerful book I've read since "Till We Have Faces" - stole the wind right outta me. Otherwise: My first snowstorm in Colorado. Every sunrise and sunset that has hit the mountains just right. Meeting our neighbors. Finding our church. Connecting with our small group. Our Vail pass bike ride in Breckenridge. The insane lightning storms in July. Commuting home on snowy days. Mom and Dad's visit in June. Watching Luke become a serious seeker.

The biggest spiritual experience I've recenlty had was going away for twelve days to live in silent meditation. It calmed me in a way that I've never been. I've learned that there are positive sensations and gross sensations, but whatever they are, they always go away, it's just an ebb and flow. I've connected much more to nature and the world around me. I've kinda become the crazy nature chick, only eating Organic food and being super careful with cleaning products and what we put on and in our bodies. I'm happy, for the first time in my life, I'm truly happy.

The death of my Uncle was spiritual for my whole family. It really hits home and makes an impact that these things can happen at anytime and has prompted me to really go for the things I want in life even though I'm currently stuck.

Seeing Patti Smith perform live. Seeing how kick-ass she is, how she embodies a different way of being a woman, how she embraces life AND death and is just so bad-ass in doing what she does. Truly an inspiration!

This is a tough one. I think if anything, I have continued to become less and less spiritual, and possibly just more angry - which doesn't feel very spiritual. Feeling that God sure has a lot to answer for. Especially what brought this home were 1) the 9/11 anniversary and all the coverage, which brought up all those feelings and 2) the coverage of the awful home invasion story from Connecticut. Its becoming harder and harder to rationalize the existence of God as I conceived him/her/it to be with the evidence of cruelty and suffering. Really horrible unthinkable suffering. The events of our time are forcing this question to the breaking point, in my mind. What kind of God allows this?? The answer is painfully obvious. I think if anything, my spiritual experience has been the growing awareness that the whole God fantasy is just that,and it's more the Power of Love, in people, that really drives the universe... or maybe it doesn't. I don't know. And that's definitely not God. But I'm not ready to quit trying to figure it out just yet.

Being in a relationship with Dave, I have had to learn the lesson almost daily about unconditional love. It has been challenging to accept that I am worthy of this kind of love, which comes without conditions. It has been challenging to accept all of the kindness and consideration that he gives and not be suspicious of it. It has caused me to be grateful to God for bringing the gift of who is to me.

I realized how much I need g-d in my life. How much I need faith in my life. At the beginning of the last year I had found faith again, and when I lost it...I lost a lot. You do not realize how much something is worth to you, until you have lost it. I wish I had kept it, but having lost it, after gaining it, I have realized the true value of having faith. I really feel fuller with faith.

Not any one big thing, but a constant and growing awareness of peace (for the most part) and that everything happens in its own time, in its own way--I need only be aware and ready to act.


I've been practicing yoga. Taking a full minute out of my day to just be... indescribable.

I've shed much of my musical ego, making me able to *work* with my bandmates, rather than *compete* with my bandmates. But I've also gained a great open-mindedness to people's spirituality in general. I do not laugh at spiritual people as much as I did. See what I did there? "as much as I did..."

No, not really. I've had moments where I've been completely lost, but I guess my "spiritual" moments deal with my friends getting me through those times. I don't believe in a God, I believe in people.

My Dad died in late September last year. I realized that I had become totally disconnected from many of my family members. My Half Brother & I reconnected; along with some of my cousins. I have tried to stay more involved with family passings & births - even birthdays. We also lost a close friend to suicide. She had been in extreme back pain for the past year & a half. I have really tried to understand what made her so desperate that she took her life in face of a pending operation that offered relief, & a husband who was devoted to her. Her daughter, I think is trying to understand also. Even though this woman was in her late 60s, early 70s - it is hard to understand WHY.

This year's one that I have got a brand new perspective about my God. It's one that I've decided to fully rededicate my life...and I'm so excited about my water baptism that is taking place tomorrow. I can't wait to know what He has installed for me. And I want this to be a reminder to myself that I will walk with God despite the circumstances..cos God is absolute. Church is relative. Church is imperfect. Like me.

I have had the positive experience of working on connecting my mind and my body, so that I am aware of my body in a new way and also aware of my mind in a new way. I don't know if it's really a spiritual experience, but it's certainly a new way of being aware. I also practiced yoga in an art museum, which was just incredible.

Sadly, this has been a year of disconnect rather than spiritual connection. Deep in my own depression, I have felt empty and alone, both in the human and in the Divine sense. As the year has been coming to an end, I have started to feel a bit better. I hope that I return to that connection soon.

Not really, other than really believing the energy you put out essentially affects your life. We all have bad days, but it's easy to turn that around, too. Spinning things into positivity has sent things I've wanted my way, like nice people. Also, donuts!

This is one to worry about. The church I'm part of is a large part of my life; so I should think about why there aren't any spiritual experiences that leap to mind.

The biggest thing for me this year was going to Israel for the first time. It was a lot of fun because I was with a bunch of my friends, but I also had all these Jewish experiences, and really connected with the home land and everything it had to offer. It was an amazing experience, and I feel a deeper sense of Jewish family.

Performing with the Accidentals at St marks Church and also at Judson Church...maybe because they were in churches? But the thrashing trance opening and entering the space was surely something on another level of existence as well as the improvisational spontaneous connections and mayhem and JOY that ensued!!!

I went to camp this summer. It was the most amazing summer ever. I learned so much about myself. my strenghts, weakness, perfections, and flaws. It was a moving summer.

When I am living clean & being honest with myself, the flow of life feels spiritually aligned with the right people and coincidences showing up.

Yes, I had a real paradigm shift around relationships and as a result I am much more accountable for my own behavior. Also much more present. Enjoying life.

Not really.

Being with my friend in ICU following her double lung transplant surgery and and in the days following when she was non-responsive and to be able to lay hands on her, talk to her -- give voice to a path back to us. Then to rejoice in the gift of her life, to thank the generosity of the donor and to celebrate the idea of a future is a blessing in my life.

This past year I have changed so much! I always thought of the year starting at the beginning of the school year. But I guess it really started right around Rosh Hashanah when I went to my first BBYO event. It was the beginning of my journey to finding my jewish identity. Something that is priceless. I dont think I am anywhere near, done learning who I am as a Jew. But I do know that I have a love for being jewish, for the state of Israel, and most of all the community that being Jewish has given me!

I feel as if I have become a new person entirely!

Being with my friend through her experience with cancer which eventually took her life brought me closer to my own mortality and assured me that peoples' spirits do remain after our bodies die. This was a comfort.

Sleeping in the Negev was especially wonderful- the quiet and dark of the place where my ancestors walked.

Oh my. Everything is beautiful and I want to cry so frequently. Perhaps I'm just getting older. I feel so thankful and loved and loving. From Erev Yom Kipur last year and on, nearly everyday has a moment.

Caused by the financial crisis and the loss of most of my paying clients, I had not enough money to pay for my daily life and my daily bread. And out of no reason - apart from a possible spiritual reason, of course - I was provided by food and goods from all sides - I found things - I got to buy delicate food for a fractional amount of it's usual prize etc. - and one day I got new customers (even though I raise funds for advertisements or something like that). It was as if someone from above sends all those people and goods to me. I felt saved and guarded.

Tee-shirt yarnmaking has spurred my creativity again. Most day s I try to experiment with different avenues -- feel like I've barely scratched the surface, and so excited to wake each day and start something new.

Honestly, not really. I admit I haven't necessarily gave myself the opportunities for such an occurrence to happen, though. I feel like I have been more involved with emotional topics such as poverty and overall human welfare across the globe. 2012 deserves the dedication for a spiritual experience to occur...self awareness should be high on the list. GOAL: self backpacking camping trip with 2 nights minimum stay.

I went to the western wall with Israelis. I only stood there for a minute or two, but they stayed there for 20 minutes. I was amazed at their dedication and love of their people and country.

I've discovered Steampunk. I've never met people like this, a subculture that can also be described as a community. The music, the art, the people, they've all inspired me to create.

oh my goodness, did I breath in the past year. Every day is a spiritual experience in my book. But I guess the most significant is I heard the Gods of my ancestors calling me back. So I now am making an effort to recognize them in my day to day life, and to listen to the gentle tugging of the universe as it pulls me forward.

This is the year that I started teaching writing. I don't know if this counts as a spiritual experience, but for the first time, I was being 100% honest about who I am and what I want to do in this life, and it was a shocking experience. I never realized how much of my time is spent lying, as in "I'd love to work for you." I also had some pretty special experiences in Mexico, Seder in Ixtapa and Tamascal in Zihuatanejo and teaching English in Juluchuca and releasing baby turtles. Are those spiritual experiences? Probably.

I've been making an effort to start each day with 45 minutes of kundalini yoga, including meditation. I have a demanding job managing construction. It's in the nature of the business that things will sometimes go awry. This week, it finally sunk in that every day that I take time to start with meditation, my day goes smoothly and everything necessary gets accomplished with a minimum of fuss. But when I wake up stressed and tell myself I don't have time for the meditation, all hell breaks loose. Clients have misunderstandings about the work, employees make mistakes, accidents happen, materials don't arrive on schedule, and the entire day gets eaten up in phone calls to patch things back together. But it's really all my reaction to events that either feeds the confusion or calms things down. It's a profound epiphany: I need to maintain internal equilibrium to keep my external world running on course. Whatever my attitude is, so goes my day. We are powerful beyond measure. What we put out into the world comes back to us amplified.

The most spiritual experiences for me this year have been when I have been able to calm down and truly be with my daughter in the moment, whether playing with her, conversing, or just watching her sleep.

Yes, I've traveled a lot on my own this year. A long drive to Southern Illinois--6 hours in the car listening to a great majority of the songs on my iphone---many of which i had never listened to before. Jeff Buckley's 'Hallelujah' stands out against the 5 o'clock sun shining down on the flat farm lands and barns. train trips and plane trips and quiet moments in British and French churches--- A wonderful production of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD that I got to play in. A powerful connection to a new audience and a feeling of crossing a threshold.

No. I believe in the power that emanates from within the universe.

Having the privilege of supporting my sister-in-law as she took care of my brother while he was dying. Meeting my niece and nephews for the first time, and seeing myself and my brother and our father in them. Recognizing the smell of the Mississippi river and the shape of my aunt's faces, and seeing myself in them. Returning to my father's home, where I'd not been for 38 years, and finding it a place of warmth and welcome, rather than full of pain and fear as my mother has tried to convince me since I was little.

One of the most spiritual experiences I had this year was accompanying Laura to her mikvah. I hoped she would convert, considered the possibility for four years before it happened. We got engaged before she decided whether or not she would convert. I was committed to marrying her, Jewish or not, but I really hoped she would decide to convert. After her bet din, she cried, and I held her. Then we went down to the water with the Rabbi, the Rabbi who later officiated at our wedding. We walked into the water, and it was cold on that April morning, but we were so filled with purpose. I triumphantly waded through, deeper, deeper, until the water was mid-chest. Laura submerged to her neck and removed her swimsuit then handed them to me. I took them and moved away to give her distance. She submerged and arose, down and up, three times. I tracked her body in the water while tracking the Rabbi on the beach. After, I returned her swimsuit and we walked back ashore. The Rabbi said a few prayers with Laura, and then I gave Laura a Shema Mobius necklace. The feeling, standing there, facing my partner, with the Rabbi consecrating the whole event, bringing the holiness to the moment -- it was a bit of a preview for our wedding day.

Lo que em dijo Juanes en època de exàmenes de segundo año... aunque eso fue màs bien extraño. Personalmente no he sentido nada en concreto este año, pero he estado màs presente cada vez.

I'm kind of actually going through that right now. I've been working a lot on dealing with childhood sexual abuse and have experienced many moments of connection with The Eternal as a result. Even just on 'normal' days, I am starting to be connected to my life, other people, and to God.

The most spiritual experience I can think of from this last year was Tashlich at the beach on last Rosh Hashanah. It was only a few weeks after my husband moved out, and the tashlich was my way of really trying to push myself into the new life that I was struggling against.

A few truly sublime experiences come to mind, but none more vividly than my wife's graduation from rabbinical school and the deep and beautiful preparation that she went through and brought us along the journey for.

Tashlich with my son was beautiful. We went to the pier, just the two of us, with some challah. We took turns saying things that we were sorry for, and if we were both impacted by the instance, we broke the bread crumb in half. We threw them into the water and watched the seagulls come and take them away and we thanked them for taking away our sins. It felt so good.

Israel. Getting in touch with my artistic talents. Understanding myself in a philosophical way. Analyzing quotes. Looking at different perspectives. Learning.

On several occasions I dreamt of Grandad when I was stressed, or scared, or feeling alone and low. It really felt like he was there. I can't even remember the details now, and I had been treasuring them. My memory's so bad recently. My brain feels like a gaping empty hole, soaking things in and losing them immediately. Bright, empty space.

I live a spiritual life so much of what happens to me, or what I think about or focus on, could be described as spiritual.

David's dad, Jeff Archuleta, shared to us about faith and the importance of family, and about their Mormon beliefs one night during their recent visit here in the Philippines. We shared experiences and read scripture. It was really touching, everything that he shared, and the fact that he was reaching out to us fans of his son. The way he talked to us, we were like a big family, and sharing about spirituality and faith really made something deep inside of me stir. It is amazing how simple words can have such a profound effect on a person.

No, I seem to be more pragmatic and less inclined to believe in invisible things and superstitions.

Hearing other women tell me that knowing the progress I've made helps them believe they can do it too. This reminds me of the importance of knowing and being oneself, and of being connected to others.

The experience of my sons's Bar Mitzvah from the mikveh the day before to the party clean up was an experience that elevated me to a place that, looking back, was as close to spiritual as I've been in a long time.

i think grieving has made me more spiritual. I think God is the only one who can help me through this hard time. listening to religious hymns gives me peace. makes me want to be a better person and i try to shape myself and be better than i was yesterday :)

Discovering the subtleties of Buddhism, and my yearning to become a Jew. I'd like to study both when I get home.

I had a particularly spiritual moment this past summer at the Kallah summer program. After our Havdallah service on the second Saturday we were asked to go out to the large quad and just lie on the grass. We were told to be completely silent. In that quad 200 Jewish teens from across the country laid down in the grass in the darkness, looking up at the stars. For me, it was one of the most peaceful and spiritual experiences that I've had. Just sitting down with some of my closest friends staring at the clear night sky. It was absolutely beautiful. I'll never forget it.

This summer, I worked as an RA at Kutz, a summer camp I went to for two years in high school. It was my eighth summer at a Jewish sleepway camp, and my second on staff, but this summer felt different. It was my first time back to this particular camp in two years, and I just seemed to mesh with everything around me. I remember the first night of services there--we have them on a theatre-like structure that juts out over a lake--I was rocking back and forth with contentment and love for my the community and place around me. It felt like love was emanating into and out of me.

Spiritually, I have grown tremendously this year. Because of my relationship with my boyfriend, I have been opened up to a world of thought in my spirituality. Also, my friend converted to Judaism. This has affected my spiritual life because I have wanted to become a better Christian and know more about my own faith to better talk to her about her's. I pray that I will be continuing to search and explore other religions while cultivating my own faith.

Honestly, no. I think I've grown away from Christ. I know people are like oh blah blah blah you can't. But I think i have. I know He is always there for me. And I know I need to do better, and I try. It's just I dunno been weird for me. I hope in the next year to be better spiritually.

The most spiritual experiences this year was when my ex-partner's father was made a deacon in the catholic church. It was a lovely day filled with family and close friends. However, the most beautiful moment was when he had officially been ordained. His face was filled with such a glowing light that you couldn't help but be moved by his faith.

I actually have spiritual experiences just about every day. I try to get to our daily minyan at least 4 or 5 times a week. In our small synagogue chapel, I have my usual seat. For about 15 minutes I block everything else out and focus on the prayers. Or not. Sometimes I focus on a few lines of a prayer or psalm and think about what the words mean, going back and forth between the Hebrew and English to see if I would have worded the translation differently, and whether there are double meanings to any of the words. After the service I chat with some of the regulars, mostly older folks whom I've gotten to know and grown to love. I take their hand or give them a hug. They supported me while I saying kaddish for my parents and now I support them. Once a week or so I lead the prayers, and for those moments when I'm at the bima I forget everything else but trying to make the prayers accessible to everyone and have them feel that same sense of found, protected time and a connection with Judaism. So yes, I've had lots of spiritual experiences this year and value each and every one of them.

The two most spiritual things that happened to me this year were; 1. the confirmation of my Judaism & 2. My 28 day trip to my Home Land. Confirmation was an incredibly spiritual experience because it was a process that helped me discover my Judaism and what it means to me, personally, to be Jewish. Israel was a breath taking life changing experience. I about learned, lived through & experienced things I never thought possible, some things I didn't even know existed. It changed my view of the world to be more positive and less skeptical. It showed me that you can find beauty in all things, all places, but especially ALL people.

I went to the happiness and its causes conference and was in the presence of the Dalai Lama. That was uplifting in itself. Then came the "mission from God" moment when he concluded his message that we need above all to find a way to teach young children about altruism. As an early childhood educator, this struck me like joyous lightening in a clear blue sky. Inspiring! I have also been touched by two contemporary books: The Secret Life of Bees and Eat Pray Love. Both chicks' books, but I really dig them.

losing my family was an awakening, to be sure. i will not take things for granted. i will not squander this life or the people in it. i will cherish every moment i get.

I try to be quiet and observe the beauty around me, especially from the sunroom and while I am outside. The recent Playmakers performance, “In the Next Room” was well-suited to push back on our wondrous approach to technology and the new, often overlooking the core consistency – strength and weakness – of what we are as humans. How little we do know, how we blind ourselves. I have also enjoyed our rabbis’ sermons for RH and YK.

Shiva, and understanding what community and so many of the Jewish traditions are for. Taking a week without distractions to mourn with family and friends by my side supporting me. Having to say the kaddish with at least 9 others there for support. When I have a hard time getting through the prayer without choking up I now understand the reason for the line said in unison in the middle of the prayer to give me strength to continue and remind me I'm not alone.

I fear I have lost my drive to be spritiual this past year. I have felt judged by my rabbi and others and I no longer go to Synagogue. It has made me feel less connected to my soul. I am hoping to return to a meaningful spiritual path this next year

Falling in love. I'm healthier, happier, more productive at work, maybe even smarter.

I went on a yoga retreat with year with mom to Kripalu, and though while it was happening I wasnt really experiencing/seeing the change, when I came back I committed to myself to doing at least 7 minutes a day of yoga of my own practice. I have been learning to enjoy my own practice, and that has been amazing. It doesnt have to be an hour, it can be as little as 7 minutes a day. I am still not doing it every day because sometimes the morning spins out of control, but i think i am doing it 4/7 days, which is great!

Every moment is a spiritual experience. Now I need to deepen that awareness and become willing to get out there and manifest more often.

I'm not a spiritual person, per se, thought my mother's serious car accident—which involved spending a lot of time in a hospital critical care unit—certainly stirred many existential lines of thought and reflection. The same when my friend Tim was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. You begin to wonder, however secular you might be, how the universe picks its winners and losers, so to speak. If anything, it's a reminder to enjoy life to the fullest and do your best to look past your loved ones' shortcomings, however they might get to you at times. Human connection in its fullest is what makes life so memorable and meaningful.

Can't say that I have. Guess I'm kind of sorry about that.

The wedding may have been spiritual-- I have never before felt the power of so much community support. It was truly magic.

No, I have not had any spiritual experiences this year that I am aware of.

I guess the most significant spiritual events this year were the tremendous tragedy of the natural disasters in Japan and the near death experience of my father in law. The terrible loss in Japan hit close to home, since I could visually see the path of destruction in a city where relatives of my wife were actually living and in some cases dying. When my father in-law was in the ICU for a couple of weeks with a life-threatening systemic infection, I prayed along with my wife for his recovery. Overall, I am more keenly aware of the fragile nature of life and the need to make the best of one's days on earth, since they could end suddenly without any warning. I am also more aware of my connections to the Japanese people and to their terrible suffering.

Not really: due to the earthquakes, this year has primarily been about survival. We are just beginning to stop and look around again. After so much destruction, I look forward to the long-delayed rebuilding - the first signs of that will be like the first signs of spring, and a spiritual experience in themselves.

This year a ton of amazing things have happened to me, i got a tattoo with my mom and sister, I spent a week in Florida with my best friends, and I went to Colorado with my father. I dont know if any of those things are really spiritual. okay, new start. The tattoo is of the symbol for "om" and or "karma" this tattoo getting was obviously a spiritual experience for us because it really brought us together. My tattoo defines me and the type of person i want to be and the people i look up too. I love that when i look at it I become a different, and better person. It reminds me to think before I speak and act, and it reminds me to take a deep breath when times get a little tough. While some might say that tattoos are trashy and they are ugly and whatever, this tattoo does the opposite. This wonderful piece on my foot reminds me to be myself and be kind. Not only has it shown me who I am, but it also lets me strive to be someone different. When i do realize a bad thing is happening to me, instead of just telling myself "oh my life sucks" i tend to look down and think "do for others what you want for yourself" I have learned responsibility in this way. Finally, this tattoo is spiritual to me because of my sister and my mother. Both beautiful, wonderful caring individuals. When i look at it i feel connected to them, and I feel as if i can achieve what they have. It connects me to my sister when i need her guidance, and it connects me to my mother, reminding me that mothers always know. Getting this tattoo was a spiritual revelation in my life. <3

The year group that I am a form tutor of had a a day off timetable. We worked together as a year and in forms all with a central moral focus. I saw the students in a completely different light. They were happy, reflective, polite and fun to be around. This was very different to usual - noisy, rude, abrupt. It wasn't so much a spirital experience, but the one experience that I think really made me see something in a different light.

One word: salsa. Even though I was developing a sense of confidence and mastery in ballroom dance, the salsa dance scene has rejuvenated me. It's a way for me to express myself, meet people (especially guys), and be very happy. I get a thrill out of salsa dancing!

Walking along Cuckmere Haven in Sussex on a clear night. I was able to look up and see the stars, and found myself considering how small I was next to the vastness of the universe and time.

Labor and delivery were certainly profound and intense experiences but I'm not sure if I would categorize them as spiritual. I've never felt so corporeal, so embodied and in my body. Holding my daughter after her birth was overwhelming and spiritual but I think most of a day when I locked eyes with her when she was on the changing table and we just magnetically connected taking in each others' existence. I felt so present and at peace in that moment.

The most moving experience I had this year was at the graduation ceremony for the new school I'm working at. I've been to many graduation ceremonies and have seen many friends and families cry in pride for their graduates. This time, however, I saw the graduates themselves crying, and that installed in me such pride for the work that we do and a greater understanding of how hard some of my students work to graduate and change their lives.

I taught myself to knit. Spiritual? Well, yes. Since I have to be alone while knitting to maintain concentration, I find knitting a soothing, almost meditational experience. It calms me. I've even learned to fix mistakes and to consider unknitting an intrinsic part of the experience.

I continue to think that some of the ideas of my book are from divine inspiration. Other times I think it is a delusion.

Spirit is everywhere and I am Spirit. I cannot have a non-spiritual experience, except there are moments when wisdom pierces through the habitual thought planes... a greater perspective opens up or expands in me, my mind settles, a sense of well-being pervades my body and mind, and I see and feel from a deeper place. So have I had any particular experiences this year? I was visiting a place on the Ionian sea, a certain stretch of land that comes to a point and just before the point there is this tower. I had been jogging along the rocky coastline, down a path of craggy white rocks and red earth, past these vibrant shrubs - patches of green vegetation, wild herbs, everything suddenly reminded me of Maine where I grew up. When I got to the tower I slowed down and walked around the beautiful, smooth white structure built in the 1500's. I climbed the curling steps - there was a butterfly on the bottom step. I climbed the steps and sat on the little stoop in front of the tower's weathered green doors. I do not know why this place of all places had the effect it did, but everything settled in me. I felt calm and held there, like there was a loving presence. I went back there three more times after that and every time felt as though I belonged there. I started to call it "my tower". Now whenever I need to feel that deep sense of calm, like receiving a cosmic hug, I think of the tower! (It's a she).

Kallah, made me question, doubt and reaffirm my belief in G-D

Completely blank about that

Spiritual - I know longer attend church but I think of myself as a spiritual person. I don't normally pray in the traditional sense but I do talk to God. Hopefully He thinks well of me. I do want to be more attuned to the environment, earth, etc. I think that will make me feel more connected with the world and at peace with myself.

Yes! I was confirmed in the Anglican church and found a spiritual home, after I joined to accompany a dear friend on her spiritual journey. I am moving to a nicer area of town to be closer to my spiritual home. I also grew up somewhat, in that I want to be an example and want to mentor others rather than seeking for mentors, as I never found any.

Probably the most spiritual thing for me is to bring people to Israel for the first time. I love it. Otherwise, though, my life has been pretty bereft of spirituality this year. Maybe I need more of it for myself...

Life changes. Perception changes. I see the "cycle of life" as I watch my family. Somehow through the difficulties and challenges of this year, I've turned to faith. Many small marvels of the threads of life we all share -- the divine among us. A glimmer of beauty here, a shade of the sublime there, in and around so many people, so much exists in nature; is this not the divine among us.

The spiritual experience year I've had was being connected to 40 girls from all over the country. We had International Separates for BBYO, which involved the forty of us standing in a dark, candle-lit room crying tears of happiness of being together and sadness at having to leave soon. Natasha Bedingfield's "Unwritten" blared out over the speakers, and the forty of us were huddled together, screaming out the lyrics at the top of our lungs. I've never felt like I've belonged more.

There are times when I'm chanting that the universe and I become one and I can see / feel / taste Buddhahood. Then my conscious mind kicks in and I lose it but it's the most wonderful feeling that I wish more people could have. I need to chant to attract people to the practice. I did introduce a woman at the language school while in Florence. A good start but doin more would be great.

I am helping to start up a new synagogue. The first time we held services, it was in someone's apartment. The place was totally packed. There weren't even close to enough seats, and the men allowed all their seats to be moved over to the women's side, which is the way it should be. I had put in a lot of work, and that was the first tangible payoff. I thought of that scene in "The Shawshank Redemption" where Red says that Andy Dufresne "just sat in the corner with a smile on his face, watching us drink his beer." And I thought of, later in the movie, the part where he blasts music over the loudspeakers and Red says, "every last one of us felt free." It was a good thing.

Performing Mozart's Requiem and Vespers at the Melbourne Recital Centre was the most uplifting experience of the past year for me. I was the most prepared for a concert that I have ever been, so was able to just let go and immerse myself in some of the most magnificent music ever written. It was pure bliss from beginning to end.

I had a series of dreams after my grandmother passed away. First we were talking and shopping like old times, then we were at her house and she seemed more distant, and finally I saw her walk out in her backyard into this lighted tunnel away from me. I felt like she was saying goodby.

Performing in Sendai twice this year after the earthquake...I've never seen a ghost or spiritual being as an adult, but stepping on stage both times this year knocked me out emotionally. The air was so heavy, I could really feel the sorrow of the the audience and the spirits of the people who were taken away from this Earth before they were prepared to leave.

Attending services this year on the high holy days was fascinating. It resonated with me and was haunting and for the first time, although still an atheist, I could relate to the higher calling of whatever one would call how we all came to be. I felt connected to the group in the room instead of being embarrassed by the spectacle before me I loved being a part of it.

50,000 fans and me singing "Hey Jude" with Paul McCartney at Wrigley Field. That's about as spiritual as it gets. Looking over at my girl as I am singing along and she has the biggest smile on her face. That made the whole day worth it. "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." -John Lennon

Have been doing yoga twice a week (most weeks) for the past year and felt moved by the instructor reciting a prayer for peace, for all the world's beings. Have continued to attend the Celtic services at All Saints (as have done for the past thirteen years) regularly and enjoy the chance to be quiet and to sing in public w/o embarrassing myself.

No, I haven´t

I'm (still) at a place in my life where I'm in limbo spiritually - not quite here nor there.

I felt most connected to God while in nature this past year. Swimming in lakes, walking through the woods, sleeping under the stars on a beach.

Every day with my small children and loving them is a wonderful spiritual experience.

I realized I had the habit of trying to balance out tomas/ laziness w/raja/unneccessary actions. I do not need to try to over compensate. I need to relax my involvement in things that have nothing to do w/ me. Thought ususally produces an action. Beware. Actions cause Karma. Uneccessary karma.


There have been many such experiences, but then over the last several years I've been developing my intuitive skills and am no longer surprised when I get an answer. But a long the lines of listening to my guides or inner self, or the Creator, I've become more attune to the guidance I've been receiving. A recent case in point - I've been looking at different ways to make extra money. There were three different things that I started doing. One was to join an MLM called Ambit (they sell electricity and gas - which is now deregulated in my state). There there is the website I started May 1st, paleodietnews.com. It's an educational site about the Paleolithic diet, one of the healthiest ways to eat. And lastly there is the Global Information Network affiliate program, a way to make money fairly quickly by introducing people to this fantastic private club. There was no doubt in my mind that the best way for me to make money would be to be a GIN program, but I thought that being a part of Ambit was good too and I could sell both, but not at the same time. My website, I would continue to work on as well. After working on these three projects for several weeks I could feel that I wasn't focusing on any of them very well. I didn't understand what I now know, that you can only focus on ONE thing at a time, if you want to do something well. I could feel that I was being drawn in a certain direction, but I didn't want to go that way since I thought it meant less money. So I resisted. Then I listened to a training audio by KT which was about focus - about how the most successful people in the world, how, when they first started out, they focused on one thing only. That this is the way to success. So I decided to focus on the GIN affiliate program. I stopped Ambit completely. I hired two writers for my website and started to focus only on GIN. Well, I did that for about 1 month, but could not really focus on it and did not recruit anyone. Even though I had two very good writers, I still kept going back to the website and working on stuff. Then my mentor, Harlan Kilstein taught me how to monetize the site aggressively. Other little hints and nudges kept showing up all pointing toward my focusing on the website, not GIN, until I finally stopped struggling and decided to focus solely on the website. I do no believe in coincidence and there seemed to be an awful lot of activity to make me turn my focus onto the website. I know my guides only want me to do what will make me happy and will allow me to help others along the way. I am satisfied that I am on the right path now. Certain other little thing have been falling into place that confirm that to me.

Meditating in Notre Dame was a deep, clearing, powerful experience for me. Connecting the centuries to the moment, experiencing the acoustics swirl and amplify the voices and music, holding the incredible beauty of the cathedral and the sense of sanctuary from the bustle outside, resisting the impulse to conform to meaningless rituals and finding my own path to the center, were all powerful reminders of the beauty all around us and the ability to experience peace even in the most chaotic environments.

Every experience has a spiritual component, if I am only cognizant of it. There were moments, like going to the Krishna Das [concert] and chanting with Gina, where the joy I've known from the practice of chanting comes up, and spills out. Another moment (many strung together for months), was working at the Tibetan store and helping at the benefit for Tibetan refugee children and elders. The act of giving, the experience of how when giving is from the heart, it comes back to the giver 10 fold. There was the endless period of unemployment through which, although I did lose some grounding and did begin to feel a bit hopeless about finding a direction and new work, I didn't get depressed and just accepted it. Until it ended. There was H's cancer, seeing her for the first time as the emaciated woman she'd become, going through the process of her deciding against chemo, watching M suffer helplessly and leave, and coming out the other end, both of us, accepting and holding to supporting H. And now, just before Rosh Hashanah, starting work at JFS. I thought going into it, that I'd be able to do another piece of work around my internalized anti-Semitism. What became clear in the first week was that the only negative triggers I was feeling was when I was hearing that strong NY Jewish accent I grew up with. Like my family. It stimulated a flight response, although not so overwhelmingly that I actually needed to run/leave. But this week, the end of about one month there, what I experienced was a pride. This is totally unexpected. A pride in what the agency is doing. A pride in how inclusive the administration is to those at JFS who aren't Jewish. A pride in the rituals and holidays that I mostly have ignored my whole life. And the one experience that has struck me the most delightfully is learning the word Tzedakah. My supervisor was talking about the Chanukah equivilent to the Giving Tree so many non-profits offer during the holidays, mostly for Christmas. She told me the story of a woman who didn't want to participate in it, because she didn't want 'charity.' The closest word for Charity in Hebrew is Tzedakah. But it actually means Justice, she told me. "The word 'tzedakah' is derived from the Hebrew root Tzadei-Dalet-Qof, meaning righteousness, justice or fairness. In Judaism, giving to the poor is not viewed as a generous, magnanimous act; it is simply an act of justice and righteousness, the performance of a duty, giving the poor their due." So, I have to say that for the first time, probably the first time in my life, my 'spiritual' experience comes from my root religion. Blessings to all.

I have moments with my children, with my students, with my parents, with my parents and simply with strangers when, for an instant, I grasp, feel, comprehend the depth and fleeting nature of life. At the same time I deeply understand the connectedness of our souls and life, the Oneness of life, the Oneness of God. It makes me cry to think about it and to put it into words. The longer I live, the more I study, and the more I meet people who think/sense like me, the more I feel it and and am delighted/comfortable with it. I can't think of "particular" times this year. But writing this makes me cry.

I´m passing throw one spiritual experience rigth now, my mother died 6 days ago. That experience touch my soul and my mind. Giving me a lot of rest and peace She was very spiritual and the concection still go on...

Leading Neilah, the final prayer ceremony of Yom Kippur Finally, being able to daven from the ammud with kavana. I never want to forget that feeling of being surrounded by everybody, with no barrier between my voice singing prayers and my prayer to God.

Love and its spiritual manifestations with alot of [wi-fi] :)

I had a very spiritual experience when I visited Israel. Being at the Western Wall with Jews from all around the world, all praying and feeling the same connection I did, was an unbelievable experience. It has brought me closer together with my own Jewish identity as well as the Jewish people of the world as a whole.

Despite the fact that I was preparing for my official conversion to Judaism for most of the past year, the period was marked by a noticeable DECLINE in my spiritual awareness/sensitivity. In the coming year, I will strive for a happy balance of the mystical/spiritual and the rational. One simple practice (that I abandoned in the course of the last year) is the recitation of the Shehecheyanu blessing whenever I experience heightened spiritual connection. More emphasis on Jewish ritual and practice, too, would help cultivate a spiritual wholeness.

I spent a lot of time this year in cultural pursuits - lots of art museums, historical sites, written history, economics and cultural delving. The world is such a diverse place and it becomes more and more a part of our lives in this technoage. The vast array of "foreign" restaurant fare in even small towns, the spreading awareness of complicated historical threads that sew us all together, the complicated theoretical views of economics, quantum science, astrophysics that are made clearer by the ability of media to explain it in simple but awe inspiring terminology to all of us is a spiritual and mind altering experience that will in time break down more and more barriers between us as shared knowledge makes us more and more aware of our shared humanness (is that a word? I guess it is now - humanness is a good thing!) I know that it convinces even more that there is a oneness in the known and unknown that we all will share and our purpose is to acknowledge it and learn it's import to our eternal selves.

Sure I've had plenty. Flashes of inspiration or beauty. Moments of utter peace, very zen like. I'd say the most powerful I've had this year was when I was laying on my bed listening to gnostic hymns. I was feeling very depressed and the music moved me to tears. I just called out to Sophia (wisdom, loving universal mother, etc.) and saw myself baptized and whatnot. It wasn't a christian experience per se, but I very much needed the symbolic effects of renewal. I felt much better later, but the crying was probably the 'truest' aspect of it all.

I have developed a deeper spiritual connection during yoga meditation. I feel a new, never before felt sense of universal peace that is difficult to describe. I continue to explore my spirituality at yoga while doing more work at church. I care for the people at Grace, and I am so grateful for what that church has been to me, but I feel less and less a spiritual connection to it. I am and always will believe in Jesus as divine Savior to humanity (no, not just Christians), but I am less and less interested in religion as an institution. I am more and more disgusted by zealots who demean those who do not share their 'particular' beliefs, no matter the source of those beliefs.

I think our honeymoon was a spiritual experience. I felt like Kevin and I really re-discovered each other and our love in a new way. We had some incredible experiences, involving great food, wine and beer, beautiful vistas, and interesting places. I really felt like he was "my other half," as much of a cliche as that is. I feel so lucky to have found him!

My Bat Mitzvah restored for a little while spiritual joy that I had lost this year due to family and personal events/issues. Unfortunately it did not last long enough. However, it encouraged me to make efforts to re-capture it.

Helping Mama die ... that was very spiritual and heartfelt, on so many levels. Still getting use to the reality that she is no longer here. I know that witnessing death again, has made me a stronger person. I realize that You Do What Needs To Be Done .... and pray it's the right thing.

Spiritual experiences. Yes - I spent a week at Kripalu after the layoffs at my work. I knew I needed to do something greater than a simple vacation to rid myself of all the toxic events. The Kripalu (yoga retreat) was just what I needed. In addition to eating super healthy for 1 week, doing yoga daily, making a new friend, and daily soul searching - i found myself seeing messages in every little thing around me.

Having my family together for Shabbat and the naming of Liba's daughter was a very strong and wonderful experience for me. We literally passed Liav from one pair of hands to the next...the generations united and greeting her. I love having my family together, it is the height of joy and satisfaction for me.

Yes, on my trip with my friend. It has helped me show me that everything is a cycle, even this moment. Every moment circles back to right now. Thus, in the end, all we have is right now. In this vain, when it comes down to the basics fundamentals of reality, all we have is ourselves, each other, and the world around us. This has made me a happier person. I often find myself walking down the street and looking at the trees, smiling because of how beautiful they are and how awesome it is to see them. Everything is connected in some way, and that makes me happy.

Deeply connected to G-d. I feel blessed to feel G-d's presence most of the time. My job as chaplain gives me many spiritual moments - being with the dying and their loved ones. I am truly blessed.

Not to be corny or cliche, but seeing a rainbow with my infant for the first time, and a week+ of rain. It felt ver reassuring and biblical.

On a kayak on a lake in northern Minnesota, watching the sunrise, listening to birds. At peace. Also: meeting a new friend, someone I connected with quickly, then discovering his dad is one of my heroes. Uplifting feeling like everything was in order and I was right where I needed to be

My spiritual experiences this past year have been mostly in the forest. The pine barrens were magical this past spring with the trees and the sunlight taking on a surreal quality that gave me a great sense of peace and connection. Maintaining and extending this spiritual connection has been the best plan I've made yet, by continuing to seek out time in the forest, and each time I'm there, I find the peace I seek. I also had an amazing Yom Kippur -- went to Neila for the first time ever and was uplifted and relieved of many burdens.

Yes, huge, my trip to Israel through AMHSI. I learned all about my religion and my ties to Israel. Basically I learned that Israel will always be my home. I actually just came back from the natural living expo which really made me open up to the spiritual world. I learned about all these different things to align your spirits and it really is a whole different world with all these different terms and instruments and ideas.

I think I have come to conclusion about what Faith means to me. I used to say that I don't believe in God and the Bible and all the things that come along with that. But really, I DO believe in a higher being, and I believe there IS a God. It's not God that I should be blaming for all the evil in the world, but it should be his fan club. People that misconstrue what it means to believe in God and forcing these beliefs down everyone else's throats. I feel like I should be able to practice my own Faith in the way I feel like it - not the way someone else tells me to. Meaning I don't have to go to church, I don't have to read the Bible, I don't have to say the 'Hail Mary' 50 times in a row for someone to hear my prayers. All I really have to do is open my eyes wider to all my surroundings and take them in. Look for God in the things around me, in nature, in those few standout people. Those things are what confirm the existence of God.

This is weird for me to say, but I think my two weeks spent at Woods Hole was my most "spiritual" experience of the year. I wish that all academia were like that. It was an amazing experience that taught me how science can be: collaborative, debative... etc. Everyones ideas build off others ideas and everyone was equal, from emeritus to faculty down to me, the lowly precomps grad student. I learned that I have what it takes to be good at this, and I really do know enough to be successful in science. I just need to stand up and be present.

I find myself saying namo amida butsu more often without thinking about it when different things occur. I am enjoying bonding more with YABA and the BCA community

This year I learned how to pray. Not just to stand in shul with a prayerbook open looking around for friends to chat with, but really dive deep into the music and words with an open heart. And not into the "praying for something" but I guess I was praying for something. I went to pray because I was/am broken, as we all are broken and I was looking for prayer as a space to find some peace, strength and healing. I dove into the meditation of it. I cried during musaf in the spring and I lost myself in song during Nelah. I was so happy that my boys were with me to share in the vibrant joyful and engaging end of Nelah. I hope it was an experience of joy and community they'll be able to remember throughout they're lives as a core of what it is to be jewish. With everyone in white, it did have a bit of the fervency, energy and openness of a revival meeting or a cult gathering, but perhaps that is what total by in looks like... it's just a question of if you can come out of it to be reflective as well.

I wrote to Gd in my time of need and he granted me the clarity, and the crazy over the top situation in case my vision was still clouded, to make the decision I had feared in order to save my life. I was able to be rescued. Gd is great. And so are moleskines ;)

Life is an imitation of art; art is an imitation of life. I learned this, and it is probably the best lesson I've learned spiritually in the past year. I realized that my art is incredibly important to me, and without it, I am incomplete. There are no words to describe how helpful art has been - not just in terms of the products, but the thinking process, having a creative outlet, and being surrounded by like-minded people who encouraged me to do what I love.

Sitting on the beach in the morning in Maui, drinking my coffee. Got an inkling that life could actually be structured in a way that wasn't poisonous or debilitating, if you have a certain skill set.

yes, i am a bit less materialistic and am even more attracted by spiritual values. i discovered "autresdimensions.com" and it changed the way i see life.

I had a large number of life changing events all come together, both positive and negative. I am now at peace and appreciate little things, like the squirrles stealing corn out of the garage. I have met at wonderful 7-year-old who makes things very simple and complex all at the same time but it's a wonderful life lesson.

There have been moments where I have been sitting alone with my daughter and I know I will remember them for the rest of my life. She touches me in such a profound way. I also know I will someday wish I could go back to those moments, so I try to take it all in. I will never forget the way she smells, the weight of her head on my shoulder, and the softness of her skin against my cheek. There is nothing like it.

I spent four night at Janisse Ray's farm as part of a writing workshop. The atmosphere and the companionship unleashed a torrent of words and feelings about my life, my relationships and my hopes.

Going to Iceland was very spiritual, but that was more than a year ago now. This year has really been very earthly, school of hard knocks. That's a lesson in itself... I need to leave room for magic in my life, this is no way to live.

I have continued to have a small number of thought provoking dreams, including warnings from ancestors, and advice, and a couple dreams that are vaguer and I'm not sure what they mean. These dreams have left me more confused about what dreams represent.

My herniated disc (March 8th) impinged on my sciatic nerve on my right leg. The same leg that was wrenched by an angel in Jacob's dream fight before meeting his brother. It was also right before Jacob's name was changed from Jacob to Israel - wrestles with G~d. I read a lot of Torah and commentary and talked a lot with Matt about this and feel this was a hugely spiritual experience for me. Even my healing was tied up with spirituality - during the counting of the Omer was when I really started to feel better the first time and right around Rosh Chodesh Elul was when my back/leg got bad again. Surgery was right before Rosh and now I am in recovery as the year starts anew.

I can't recall any specific experiences that really made my spirits soar this year, but I certainly felt "sprits" in the air and a lot of mixed emotions upon my two visits to the former World Trade Center site. The first one was on the night Osama Bin Laden was killed and the second was the night before the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Each night felt really different. On the night Bin Laden was killed, the news only showed boisterous groups doing victory chants, but the majority of the crowd was just respectful, or awed, or sharing in a moment of what we hoped was a sign that the tide may be turning after the city had been through such a rough 10 years. The anniversary of 9/11 was more about people paying respects to the dead, but on each night, the “ghosts” of the 9/11 victims, along with the sorrows of the many people affected by the attacks and the ensuing wars, were palpable.

When I decided to go back into early education, I got the all-clear from my Dr. (a miracle of health) and decided to apply to a center that I thought highly of. the day I decided to go in, an ad appeared in the paper advertising for a teacher position. I got it!

I have been more serious in exploring and defining my spirituality. I am an Octarine Indigo. My third eye is slowly reopening and decalcifying with hard work and nurturing. I have had some rather satisfying experiences and I'm looking forward to more with gratitude.

unfortunately... not really any that I can think of. I have noticed that I feel most "spiritual" in nature. I need to seek out those experiences more.

I call on God when times are troubled. Hardly a spiritual purist. My friend's fight against 4th stage cancer has been both spiritual as well as basely, angrily human.

To be honest, not really. Perhaps I should work on my spirituality. I think a lot. About my place in the universe and it's possible workings. I question things, and therefore that includes my faith. I doubt things, I believe things, I dabble. Maybe in 2012 I should strive to place myself. To find my faith, what ever it is. To pray more. To seek to accept the fact that I will never understand everything. That we probably aren't meant too. Then again, I feel I lead a rather moral life, and try to do the right thing, even if it's hard. I'm good at that. Perhaps I should thank God for the ease at which it comes to me to do what is right rather than what is wrong or easy.

I discovered that there are, surprisingly, some very spiritual moments for me in synagogue. In fact, I sort of find that I enjoy some of the regular services more than I would have once said.

Spending quality time with my nieces and nephew-- it has opened my eyes to the future. I never really saw myself as a mother, always gagged at the notion of having a child and dealing with temper trantrums. Now...not so much. I have learned from them; I have grown. These kids have awoken the child inside me AND the adult. I learned about patience, responsibility, selflessness, proper communication, empathy, trust, authority. I feel more comfortable and have more confidence in being an authority, in taking this responsiblity, in educating them. There's nothing like having children around you that will change your spirits. Thank G-d for them and may they continue to grow (and listen to their auntie!), and put a smile on my face.

Sadly, I have ignored my spiritual side in favor of work. We were so happy our business recovered from where it had been. I promised my husband and myself that I would withdraw from the travel after this year. Very hard but I must nurture other sides of my Judy-ism.

While in Morocco I felt again that Hand of God which prompts my thoughts and causes me to wish for, and move forward, in accordance with His Will. Coming back to England in August, my whole world feels like it is rushing towards a new beginning, as if an entire new book is being written, detailing my life as a male adult. My family unit feels purposeful and united.

Probably the most spiritual experience for me over the last year has been writing a song every week. I feel that it really connects me with who I am supposed to be and who God created me to be.

I am having an ongoing crisis of faith. It is extremely upsetting for me, and I keep it secret.

I suppose you could say that the aftermath of the February quake was in some way spiritual. Spiritual in how it made me think about life and its value and what it would mean if it was suddenly ended. Jonathan Larson was right when he wrote the RENT lyrics for "Life Support" "Another Day" "Will I?" and "Without You" which were put together to form the amazing "Finale B". "There's only us/There's only this/Forget regret or life is yours to miss..." "There's only now/There's only here/Give in to love/Or live in fear..." "Will I wake tomorrow/From this nightmare?" "Life goes on/But I'm gone/Cause I die/Without you..." "No day but today..." Death has been such a huge thing this year. The quake. Grandma. Marcus. Tjeerd's son. It's just been awful. Music has been a huge help for me. Helping me grieve, come to terms with and move on without forgetting. Certain songs now have particular significance, reminding me of my past and the people who were once here. And certain other songs have reminded me that life is short and to embrace it and live life to the fullest extent possible. I'm trying to do that everyday, but it's hard. It doesn't stop me trying.

Christmas was wonderful, as we celebrated it with AJ and SB here at our new home. I cooked. It was very successful and happy, even though it was our first one without JW. Also, I had an awakening moment when circumstances forced me to look at allowing my stepmother to visit our home at Christmas, when I had already told my Dad no way was she coming in the house after the way she'd treated my mother for 50 years! Well, I figured my Mom set it up that I had to rethink that decision (by making the car battery die). Once I changed my mind and C&RL visited, it turned out to be a good thing. I felt better letting the anger & resentment go.

I have been spiritually uninspired this year. I've prayed only self-consciously and perfunctorily, practiced yoga mechanically, and rarely spent time drawing or painting. I haven't often felt that special kind of transcendent oneness in the natural world either.

On Friday, Ocotber 7, 2011, I watched my 2 1/2 year old nephew Hudson recite the bracha (in Hebrew) over the wine for Yom Kippur. It was a captivating and spiritual moment to see my beautiful little nephew already grasping the details of his faith.

I guess going back to the birth of Maya, doing it without the aid of medication, au naturel, was a spiritual experience that connected me to a long line of women whose bodies have done the most amazing feat imaginable...give birth!

I feel I am on a constant path of self-discovery, trying to learn about my role in the world, what it means to be a man, and life in general. Although I cannot recall and specific "spiritual" episodes I am somewhat spiritual and I am always looking for inspiration in the teachings of other faiths.

I wouldn't say I've really had any spiritual experiences over the past year, but I have seemed to ground myself in nature and my surroundings and try to be present in the moment and to experience all that it is -- even the mundane that goes with it.

Being involved in roller derby has been an experience that has changed me completely. I love the sisterhood of the women on my team and the camaraderie we have built in creating an organization from the bottom up and seeing it flourish every day!

In a formal sense this has been among the least spiritual times in my life. When I realized the high holidays were near I felt, "No. Not now. I don't want to take up my time repeating this thing that doesn't ever change." I told my wife: " I don't want to go to synagogue and hope that I finally have time this year to" do the creative work I've longed to do for years. But what's interesting is that I actually do have more time and I've started doing the creative work again. So this feeling of not wanting the holidays isn't resentment and despair, its more like "I heard you twice the first time." What I thought last year, what I wrote in my journal and even in these 10Q questions last year is still carrying me forward. So let me out of the required courses -- I'm ready for the independent study. Which is a kind of spiritual movement, even if it's a movement away, for now, from shul.

Aaaaaa, yes! I've played in a performance! "Le bourgeois gentilhomme". It was very joyful. I explored how difficult is the actor's life: when you are on the stage, everything is perfect, but when you go down, the rutine problems start to torture you again and again...

I think that we can have spiritual experiences at any time. Sometimes the most spiritual experiences are the ones that take you by surprise. I have mini-experiences all the time.

I guess you could say the two nightmares I had about Y---, especially the disfigured guinea dream, was a spiritual experience. I also found cigarettes on the way home from breaking up with I---. They reminded me that there is weirdness out there...


Nope. Each passing year bolsters my atheism. While I believe people have a right to believe in whatever they'd like, I'm sickened by the lengths some would go to force their beliefs on others.

the jewish holidays. and the birth of my son. the mourning of my father too. I'm closer to Judaism and more proud of being a Jew too. I wear a kipa and tzitizt everyday now!

Sex has definitely always been a spiritual thing for me. It's a way for me to let go of my reservations and worries, and I let myself become intimately connected to my fiancé. Having that kind of closeness with him has been incredible, not to mention a last-ditch effort at understanding each other when we reach a conflict where we can't see eye to eye.

I started dating a wonderful man who places his faith as high as I do. For the first time I am in a relationship that has a spiritual side and it has been amazing. Together we have both helped each other grow closer to God by leaps and bounds.

Every time I get to perform, it is a spiritual experience. There is a part of me that seems only accessible when the music is playing and an audience is watching. It's probably the only time in my life that I feel completely focused--all I hear is the music, all I feel is the energy of the people all around me. No fear, no pain, only beauty. For those 3 minutes, life is perfect.

Throughout the year I've felt the need to connect to something spiritually. I've felt the need to really pray more and am even considering going back to church although I don't like to say I'm religious I am spiritual. There is a high power.

I don't think I've had any particularly spiritual experiences this year. For me, though, life itself is a spiritual experience. My working life, my relationships with my friends and my family, and particularly the experience of spending time with my son, imbue my life with a feeling that is akin to spirituality.

I guess being in Egypt was an eye opening experience--to be some place so old, to be in a place where you absolutely dont speak the language or understand it, to be in a place where you are ao clearly the minority--it made me think a lot about our world and how we make others feel.

Yes and yes. I had some depression through the summer of 2011, and then it started to go away. What probably happened was that I got through the worst of menopause, but the happiest phenomenon was writing amateur theatrical skitticisms with Gus over the course of 4 summer vacations. I got to cast and perform these things with Gus and her cousins, Gus and Ramona and eventually just myself. I somehow realized my chances were over, meaning I could do whatever I wanted. And I wanted to perform for the hell of it. I have since received rave reviews, including a standing ovation, in the situations least likely to catapult me to stardom. This is profound, whatever it is.

There was one moment at a concert I went to this summer when I was in the front by the pit, and I looked back and around at the people around me. They had no inhibitions and were just enjoying it so much, and there was that connection fans of these kind of bands have. Normally I'm not able to appreciate how amazing the night is until after, but for a moment there I felt it, and I'm excited to live in the city and go to shows more often (Audio Blood).

Round 2 with Tito. He continues to recognize me publicly in a way that is almost embarrassing. And, this time, it feels as if the onus has been placed squarely on me...

I've lost 3 people who were the closest to me in the world over the last 3 years. I can't make sense of it and I've lost my faith in whatever it was that made me believe that so much personal loss doesn't happen to a good person. I am trying to believe that there is a greater life lesson for me somewhere in this and I am patiently waiting to see that light and hoping the anti-depressants kick in soon.

I read Alastair Reynolds' space operas, and they made me think of how small I am in this world. How small we all are as individuals, but as a whole, we might have a purpose.

This time last year, I could not recognize a single word of Hebrew, nor did I have interest in attending Jewish services, going to Israel, or having a bat mitzvah. This past year has been one of the most religious of my life, mainly in terms of exploring Jewish culture. My father has recently started on a religious journey of his own and I am excited to see how our paths evolve together.

I think finding someone you love, and who fits perfectly in your life can somehow be described as spiritual. Ever since I met him thing with him have been easy, I never felt as if I had to make to much of an effort. We don't have to say to much to understand what we mean, and we both want the same out of our relationship. I really feel like he was my missing half :)

I am finding my meditation practice spiritual these days. I find some moments of laughter or smiling shared with Mira to be spiritual. I found a chanting service I went to at CBH earlier this fall to be spiritual. I would almost say my visit to my brother for his birthday this summer was spiritual in that it felt so connecting, so true and so right. I would say that I have had some spiritual experiences with Robyn, sharing a hug, a meal, making love, having a break through conversation. I think the pattern I am seeing her is spiritual for me is connectedness, either to myself or other people ...

I really related to the Kol Nidre sermon this year. We aren't asking forgiveness for the sins we've already committed, but for the sins that we will inevitably commit in the next year. Moses goes back up the mountain and what does g-d say to him? probably something like, why should I forgive you for praying to a golden calf? What's Moses's response? probably something like, because we are human and you made us this way. Why would g-d make us imperfect if he didn't want us to make mistakes? I don't know if this will affect me or not this year, but it's something to think about. It's ok to be human, it's ok to make mistakes, it's ok to be imperfect, we know we will be.

I started meditating this year, not out of a desire to expand my "spiritual" side but because I was having trouble sleeping and someone recommended that meditation might help. It has! It's also had the unexpected benefit of teaching me to live in and savor each moment more fully.

One extremely spiritual experience that I have had in the past year was traveling to Jerusalem. Being half Catholic and half Jewish, I had never found a balance between the two religions that was accepted by myself as well as by my peers. While in Jerusalem, standing at the wall, celebrating Shabbat, and walking the stations of the cross, I felt for the first time in my life that my combination of religions truly made sense and could be accepted. I found these moments extremely spiritual. I felt close to God but also to my family and my past.

My spiritual experiences have really run the gamut this year. From re-trying Catholicism, to leading worship again after "retiring" for two years, to losing the last of my bible studies at nursing homes, to reading several different religious books. Spiritually, I think I am more balanced than I've ever been. Not so much seeking God, as being "in" a relationship with Him. I feel that there is very little conflict between my everyday life and my spiritual life. Perhaps the best way to put it, is that I experience God through virtually everything. Food, drink, people, nature, art, music, He is in it all. And that is comforting.

Last year's Yom Kippur I was sitting in a traveling shul in New York singing "Next year in Jerusalem" and feeling really emotional. This year's Yom Kippur I was singing the same tune in Israel and felt like I had come full circle.

hearing my mother speak to me, answering my questions, reassuring me, sharing inside jokes.. i feel her, i know it's her speaking to me at times i call and more often at times i don't call. it is such a comfort, a reassurance... that i am not alone. that all this doesn't really matter on some level. ie: most recently: she came to me during day 1 of rosh hashana services while i was sitting at temple... 'don't people look in the mirror before they leave the house?!' [this is an inside joke.] joyful relieving side effect of being more open to spiritual connections: i feel the ick, the angst in my body first and foremost, and i know it's my inner truth speaking up... my first voice... ahh, the one i have been trying to hear for decades when decision making. now, she's right there... i feel it, i get it... hesitation is a 'no' alright!

Allowing myself to think more creatively and venture in the direction of being artistic. Being asked to give up my radio show and begin working with eLearning programs was never on my radar. Now, a year later that I am doing just that, i realize that this is where I am suppose to be at this time. I say that because before entering college, I've always enjoyed English and creative writing. Telling stories and using words. Not being real certain that i would study journalism in college, English was my next choice. Thru all of my years now, i've found ways to stay attach with using words and writing. Now, i am able to unleash the creative side of myself with the eLearning programs that I am able to create and produce for others to use. That....has been my spiritual experience this past year!

So I'll answer this with my first instinct. Hurricane Irene hit my area on the same day as the day I was supposed to get married. I'd canceled my wedding back in May because I was unhappy. I don't quite know if that's "spiritual" but it felt like a huge stamp of approval from fate/God and once again made me realize I'd done the right thing and was now on the right path with my life.

The Rally To Restore Sanity was spiritual in a collective, group effort kind of way. (Hey, I had to mention it!) Then the election results came in and that ruined the mood pretty quickly. I had a lot of experiences with Divine Providence this year, like bumping into Esty in Tzfat the one we day we both happened to be there. And Tisha B'Av was unexpectedly spiritual this year, even if it was for all the wrong reasons. Either way, my experiences this year were enough to assure me there is something bigger than me at work in this world, I just happen to be a part of it.

Experienced some wonderful performances of Kathak dance. How it gives you sudden happiness and makes you forget all the problems of life! This form of dance is new to me, and I feel blessed to be born in India to be treated with some of the wonderful form of art ever created in the world!

This past spring, I studied abroad in Florence, Italy. Inside the Duomo, (Florence's claim-to-fame), words were graffitied and written all over the walls. One phrase in particular stood out to me: "Give more than you get and be blessed". I'm not sure why exactly it caused such a beautiful revelation inside of me, but it was then that I realized I needed to "give more". Ever since that day, I have been consistently looking for ways to give more to those in need. Over the summer, I volunteered my time every week at a local soup kitchen. I purchased another pair of TOMS and had those very inspiring words sketched on my shoes: "Give more than you get and be blessed". I will continue to live my life by this phrase - and spread it's meaning onto others.

Yes, at CLTC 2 2011 we had a march of the living tribute meeting. It affected me personally, and emotionally. I know want to go on this trip and have the experience to walk the same roads and tracks the many of millions did during the holocaust. And have the chance to see my "homeland".

This last trip to Israel (in May). I always find that being in Israel I can find a place to rediscover why I do what I do and how important Judaism is in my life. The specific place in Israel is not the same every time for this "spiritual" experience.

In October I had my bat mitzvah. It was a great way to connect with my religion. I really embraced it and was able to connect with myself and how I felt about my religion. I feel safer knowing I have this place to go to if I need help or guidance.

Going on my first real vacations this year opened my mind and left me with a love of traveling. I flew for the first time and did a roadtrip across Canada with my good friend Gayle. We got to see life across Canada and stopped at little shops, put our feet in Lake Superior, etc. I also went on a vacation to Ottawa with my friend Ben. We went to so many museums where I came out feeling prouder to be Canadian. My favourite experiences were the light show/movie on parliament hill and the civilization museum with all the totem polls. I'm now collecting magnets of my journeys and taking photos with roadside attractions to mark my travels.

Being in a bad relationship, but knowing that God is still on my side was a very spiritual experience. He gave me signs that it was not a good relationship and soon things unfolded to reveal just that. I was lucky to get out of the relationship before things were solidified and it made me all the more grateful that I had a close connection and relationship with God.

i'd have to say that NIA has brought me closest to Spirit this year (see nianow.com). Through NIA I have experienced my inner light, freedom, love, compassion, strength, beauty, creativity. NIA brings me closer to all the God qualities, and it enables me to see, feel and know them in myself and in others.

A few weeks ago I drove to Utica to help my grandmother move from her home that she shared with my grandpa for 52 years to an independent living facility. I had five hours in the car, by myself, with little traffic, so that I could really just think. Since I'm by myself all day every day during the week, I wouldn't have thought that time to think was something I lacked... but during that drive I realized how rarely I'm really by myself for any length of time with no distractions. And again, being one who lives so much in my own mind, I was surprised to discover that while I am constantly ruminating, I rarely reflect. I feel like I discovered what it meant to reflect during that drive. It was almost frightening. I was able to truly step outside myself and look at my life, and how I got to this point... and truly grasped how life is just a series of choices - some big, mostly small - and consequences. We go along making choices every day that shape the direction our life goes in - physical directions, like how I ended up in NYC, emotional directions, etc - and life shifts imperceptibly every day, until that day in the car when you sort of snap out of that hypnotic rhythm and look at who you are, where you've come from, how you never could have anticipated this moment when you were a kid - the moment your grandpa was 91 years old and died, their house packed up and sold, your grandma, small and frail, moving into this new place by herself for the last chapter of her life, and you, 32, married, driving a rental car from New York, totally unsure of what to do next but feeling like it better be really fucking good.

This year we took our non-profit ( Seeds of A New Earth) to Aspen for a Meditation retreat. I was an elder and felt a sense of non pressure and acceptance of who I am as a being connected with all living things. I also reminded myself that there is no ONE decision that will be a doom and gloom for your life. Sometimes we must set things free for them to grow and return if love is really there. This is with friends, lovers, jobs and all matters of life. I also learned to live for ME and not to feel guilty for makign myself happy.

It's funny because I've had a more than a few of them in my life, but this past year nothing sticks out for me. Though reading the stories on 6-words has made me realize (and not for the first time) how interconnected we all are and how our experiences have some profound similarities. I think particularly about the woman who wrote that she gave her mother permission to cry and the cathartic experience they shared. I'd wished that for my mother and me. And the 6-word, "She talks to me in sand dollars"--feeling lost and that her (dead) mother had deserted her and then finding a number of sand dollars, which had special meaning to her. And I also think of the woman who said she was going to contact her estranged mother after reading my 6-words. That's powerful.

Running. It became meditative for me this summer. I've fallen out of the groove as of late, but it's good to know that it will always be there. The sound of sneakers on pavement, listening to and counting my breaths, aligning my form - opposite elbows to opposite knees - enjoying the ache in my lungs, opening myself to Lake Michigan and the Chicago skyline and the time and space to be alone and to reflect.

Growing through the process of my son's Bar Mitzvah really honed my sense of Spirituality. Being Jewish is my identity and the fiber of my being resonates when I join my congregation for prayer.

I've more felt a lack of the spiritual in my life this year. I want 2012 to be different.

I really have not had a spiritual experience. I think I have been way too busy with life to have one. :(